fuyuu-chan · 10 months
Always There For You
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Imagine (Modern AU)
When you are sad and tired, but he's always there for you, he would give you a hug and let you cry if you feel like crying, he would cheer you, making or ordering your favorite food, cuddling you and doing stuff you both enjoy like watching movies, shows and making desserts, he would also ask you if you want to walk in a park and get some fresh air. But if you want to be alone, he will leave you for a moment and come back to you again, he will give you space but he wanted to make sure that you know he's always there for you and wanted to make you happy again :')
The next day whether you feel better or still sad you both go outside as he insists and he will bring you to the mall to go shopping and spoils you <3 and you both will eat at your favorite restaurant or try a new restaurant :)
- Vyn Richter, Marius Von Hagen, Artem Wing, Luke Pearce, Ayato Kamisato, Kaveh, Jing Yuan, Luocha, Shoto Todoroki, Rengoku, Obanai, Megumi (And other CHARACTERS you like)
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Please do not copy, translate, repost to any other social media platforms
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azaleassence · 1 month
𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝'𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 ✓
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❁ ― ship: shoto t. x reader
❁ ― warnings: death
❁ ― mha masterlist. main masterlist
❁ ― inspired by this tiktok video
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There's a Roman god of love, desire and attraction, it's name is Cupid.
For some, they tend to believe that Cupid is the reason why someone falls in love.
Cupid shoots two people with their arrows, making them fall in love, it's like playing a game of matchmaker.
But sometimes, Cupid runs out of arrows so they shoot one person instead of two;
That person just so happens to be you.
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Ever since you were introduced to him, you fell in love almost instantly, like Cupid was following you around; waiting for you to find your match.
It surely was just a small crush you developed as a kid, it would most certainly be gone by the time you're older, right?
No. No it wasn't.
When you both finished middle school, you asked his sister on what highschool he'll go to.
When you learned that he was going to one of the most prestigious highschool in Japan, you almost lost your hope in attending, but for him; you were willing to do anything.
Day after day after day, you trained and trained continuously, always coming home tired.
But it all paid off when you received the welcoming letter by UA, you were happy that you got in, but you were so joyous when you learned that you both will be in the same class.
The first half of your first year was chaotic, a student got kidnapped, you encountered almost over 50 villains, and you faced at least 2 almost-death experiences.
During that half of the school year, you tried so deparately hard to become closer to Shoto, but after time, you didn't make much progress.
But your new classmates did.
They became incredibly close to Shoto in a span of 5 months while busted your ass to become close to him for the 10 whole years.
But you continued to persevere, you didn't want to give up so easily.
But time has a funny way of being moody.
You laid on the ground, bloody and wounded. If you were to see yourself-- you wouldn't be able to recognize your own self.
You were crushed in debris, how did you get there?
At the fight with Tomura Shigaraki, everybody gave their all to become support and help to the pro heroes, you did your best as well, but it wasn't enough.
You couldn't scream for help, you couldn't use your quirk, all you could do was lay there, hoping and waiting for someone to find you.
And eventually someone did.
When he found you, you were already struggling to keep your eyes open, the sight in front of him almost terrified him; why?
With the help of your other classmates, you were brought out of the debris and to the open. Shoto was carrying you so delicately, afraid that if there would be any pressure applied to your body; you'd break.
All your other classmates had run off, looking for the nearest medic while Shoto was left with you.
"Hey, keep your eyes open-- don't close them."
You nodded, feeling happy that his face might be the last one you'll see, but at least it was his'.
"You should go, Shoto." Your voice was raspy and it almost hurts whenever you speak, but you didn't mind as long as you talked to him, right?
Shoto looked at you as if you were crazy, he was certain that he won't leave you there alone.
"No, I'll stay here until the medics arrive." He assures you.
Your heart warms as you smiled up at him.
"I'm so proud of you, you know that?"
He stared at you, confused to what was your point.
"Before, you used to push everyone away when they got too close to you; now, you have so many friends." You continued. "So it wouldn't matter if I go now, wouldn't it?"
His eyes almost widened in disbelief, are you actually--
"I don't have enough time, Shoto. No matter how many times the medics try to heal me; it won't be enough." You told him, Shoto felt this stinging pain in his eyes, was he... crying?
Your eyes softened as you saw his eyes watering.
"Don't cry, I don't want to go with you crying as my last memory." You smiled, trying to keep yourself from crying as well. "I'm glad you got to find friends to comfort and be with you during your happiest times, and I'm grateful to be your friend as well."
He wiped his teary eyes with his shoulder to keep holding to you.
"But for me, you weren't just a friend." You statement caught him off-- no, this couldn't be happening now. "You're someone I look up to, someone I admire, and someone I wish I confessed to sooner."
His arms trembled, it was happening, and it was happening now.
"I love you Shoto and I'm thankful that you came into my life, because with you: I experienced the most happiest moments in life--"
"No, no, stop it. Don't say those words, the medics are coming and they'll save you, I know they will!" He shook his head, tears rolling down his cheeks.
You reached up your hand to his cheeks and wiped his tears, smiling as you felt yourself getting teary-eyed as well.
"I love you, Shoto." You say with your last breath as your hand falls to the side of your body, Shoto sucked in a quick breath, his arms were trembling as he brought your body closer to him, giving you the sweetest hug, wishing that he would've done that a long time ago.
When your classmates came back with the medics, they halted their footsteps, seeing Shoto hugging your lifeless body, they knew that they were too late.
"I love you too..." Shoto mumbled so that only the two of you could hear it.
All left to wonder was, why did it took so long for Cupid to find you again and finally shoot their other arrow to your match when your arrow had already broke.
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aelxusx · 3 years
ft: Todoroki
Warnings: slight cursing, minor disagreement(nothing serious), fluff
a/n: I talked about a 'Chanel bag' in this story. I'm talking about the bag that they give you when you buy something so.....it can be anything. that's it. proceed-
Everybody knows this man his dad is LOADED. It doesn't matter whose money it is to him, especially if it's his dad because he will find a way to spend it on you.
Okie. Let's set the scene:
You and todoroni are walking around the mall, people watching, eating froyo, normal things couples do ig.
"I'll be right back"
Before he can get a response out of you he slips his hand out of yours and gets lost in the crowd of people flocking in and out of various stores.
'D-did he just leave me? I think the fuck not'
After pacing around the spot for about 15 minutes, a couple people genuinely concerned for the person who was going to receive your wrath and another medium froyo later- he's back
"Um, sho? Why'd you leave?"
"I went into one of the stores we passed a while back"
-"Yeah, I get that bu-"
-Before you could finish your sentence you noticed the black bag with 'CHANEL' plastered on the front.
-'da fuq'
-"IS THAT A CHANEL BAG?" you whisper-shouted, slightly startling your boyfriend.
-Shoto then began doubting his choice, should he of waited until a special occasion; your birthday, a big achievement?
-you remembering to eat was an achievement in his book tho...
-"Do you not like it?"
-"Do I NoT likE iT!?" you asked in a mocking tone
-"First of all thank you in advance but how many times do I have to tell you to stop buying me such expensive things, love?"
-"Secondly, I haven't seen it yet but, I'm sure I'll love it no matter what"
-Feeling relief flood his mind, he relaxed his shoulders and returned to his usual nonchalant expression. Though he was happy that you didn't make him return it.
-"My father's credit has to be put to use somehow," he defended his actions.
-Knowing that trying to explain to him why he doesn't have to but you all these things was pointless. Sho had his way of showing love and you had yours and that's okay but spending-
-Usually, he'd buy you random gifts and after a while, it became tedious to calculate how much he spent on the bulk of accessories, clothes and more.
-Questions of price usually came with the reply:
-'It's worth it if it's for you'
-'Sho, I get that but it's not your money'
-' Let me do this for you, please'
-'Trust me I want to spoil you'
-'My father flaming muppet has more money than he knows what to do with hun'
-At the end of the day no matter what you say he'll still spoil you. However, if you insist he'll reduce the number of presents he gives you. What you don't know is that through the year he buys something that he thinks you'll like and give it to you on Christmas.
-He even has the audacity to place random designer pieces into your closet as if you're not going to notice.
-'Sho hun, what's this'
-'A pair of shoes dear'
-"Pair of shoes? Pair of shoes my ass. He knows what he's doing,' you grumble under your breathe.
-"What was that dear?"
-That motherf-
-n e wayz. You love him and he loves you.
-Remind him that cause the boi needs extra love<3
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bakubabes-tatakae · 4 years
Do you think you have rims to do a todoroki x reader baby on the way thing cause I’ve got real bad baby fever rn! Thank you either way!!
More than happy to do that for you. I’ve never written for our boy Icy-Hot so bear with me. I hope you like it. 🥰
The Newest Todoroki || Todoroki x Pregnant!Reader
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AO3 Link
Word Count: 817
You sat on the couch in your small apartment, the fire and ice hero hadn’t made his way home yet. Being a Pro-Hero sometimes kept him out into the wee hours of the night. Curled up with a cup of tea and your favorite book you looked down at your belly; you were about ready to pop.
You thought about what your life would be like in just a month or so when you would have your little boy/girl in your arms. Todoroki was more excited about this than you had ever seen him about anything. You couldn’t wait to see him become a father, you knew he would be amazing, he vowed to be everything his father wasn’t to him.
Like he/she knew that you were thinking about him/her, he/she moved a foot across your belly, causing you to put your hand to him/her, longing to be able to touch those tiny feet on the outside. “I know you’re there baby boy/girl. Mommy and daddy can’t wait to meet you.” It made you smile, you could already picture his/her soft skin and the tiny fingers that would soon reach out to hold you.
The sound of the entryway door opening filled the silent apartment and you looked up at the clock on the wall above your television. 11:45 P.M. “Shoto? Is that you?”
The face of Shoto Todoroki turned the corner and stared at you, a smile spreading across his tired face when he saw your hand on your belly. “Is he/she moving?” You could hear the excitement in his voice. He liked to feel him/her as much as you did.
“Yeah. I was thinking about how amazing it is going to be when he/she’s here. It’s like he/she knew I was thinking about it.” You smiled up at him.
Shoto moved to you, setting the plastic bag he was carrying down on the coffee table in front of you. He knelt down and put his hands on your belly, talking to him/her. “Hey baby boy/girl, I can’t wait to meet you. I hope you can hear me in there. You’re going to be the most spoiled baby on the face of this earth. Your Uncle Midoryia couldn’t stop talking about you today when we patrolled together.”
“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” Sometimes you guys felt Izuku was more excited than the two of you combined.
Shoto reached for the bag behind him. “I stopped at the store while I was on my lunch break today and I couldn’t help myself.” He pulled out multiple onesies and held each one up for you to see. Every time he went out by himself he ended up with new things for the baby.
You smiled at him. “Don’t you think he/she has enough clothes Shoto.” You chuckled a little. “I don’t think we can fit anymore in the closet, or the bureau for that matter, between our families and our old classmates.”
“I’ll find room, don’t worry.” He climbed up onto the couch next to you, pulling you toward him, wrapping you into his arms. “Just think Y/N, in a month, maybe less we’ll have him/her here with us. We can finally start our family.” He kissed the side of your head. “Next step is to make you a Todoroki, I still want to wait until he/she is able to walk. Fuyumi even offered to help him/her down the aisle so he/she can be apart of it.”
You looked behind you and up at him. “Soon enough... soon enough we’ll have both of those things.”
Shoto put his hands on your belly again and hugged you. “I hope that you’ll get everything in life that you’ll ever dream of, baby boy/girl. I’ll be there to support you every step of the way, no matter what.”
Your pregnancy was bringing the sappiness out of Shoto and you absolutely loved every minute of it.
“You’re going to be an amazing mother Y/N. I can already tell. You’re a natural.” He ran his hand through your hair as he spoke.
“Not as good of a father you’re going to be Shoto. The way you are right now shows just how great you’ll be when he/she’s finally here.”
Before he could ever answer you he could hear the small snores coming from you’re mouth. Shoto looked down to see your eyes shut, peacefully asleep. He smiled. “Sleep my angel, you need all the rest that you can get. Soon we’ll have our hands full.”
A couple of minutes later Shoto, too, was fast asleep on the couch. Thoughts of the small human that would soon grace your presence and make your lives whole and his exhaustion from his hero work today had finally gotten the best of him.
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shozto · 5 years
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NOT ALL MEN ARE EQUAL ⏤ my hero academia 
𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐥. 
in which the best hero school of japan opens its doors to females, finding love, friendship, and a new understanding of what it means to be a hero. 
[katsuki bakugo x reader] historical au! set in the 1960s.
i hope you will read this!
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