#sigyn theories
sigyn-foxyposts · 14 days
Question for an upcoming drawing and headcannon of mine! 🍎💛
In the eddic poem Hrafnagaldur Óðins, stanza 6, Idunn is identified as the "youngest of the elder children of Ivaldi" implying that Ivaldi had AT LEAST two sets of children that we are aware of.
Most likely by different mothers or himself? Since asexual reproduction isn't anything uncommon in norse mythology.
Also considering there aren't any female dwarfs mentioned, unless we take out the list of ALL the dwarfs names.
Now, here is my question!
If we follow the very popular theory that a few goddesses without any known origin story, like for example Sigyn. Are the results of Freyja sleeping with the dwarfs to achieve her necklace brisingamen.
And we go through their names to connect the dots or fill in the missing holes of a story.
Sigyn being "Friend of victory" "victorious girlfriend"
Sjofn being "woman" or things related to love or feelings.
And Lofn as "The comforter"
Who would Idunn's mother or other parent be? Personally I do want to see Freyja as her mother, since her name means "ever young" or "the rejuvenating one" ..
But it feels like it's own thing kinda.
Since we only know about Ivaldi's sons, I'll also assume Idunn is the youngest out of them and say the second pair of children are by Freyja.
What do you guys think? I would love suggestions or to simply discuss this! :3
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annachum · 1 year
I've been seeing A LOT of Sigyn fan works, and the #JusticeforSigyn trend on social media. I'm a Sigyn fan and I stand by Justice for Sigyn too.
However.....I actually have a feeling that Sigyn exists in the MCU THE WHOLE TIME, except she is CURRENTLY offscreen ( still manifesting for her official debut in MCU, possibly in Loki S2 )
Like, imagine her and Loki being childhood friends to lovers ( with a crazy love story ). They attend Yggadrsil Hall of Learning together ( alongside with Thor, the Warriors 3, Sif, Brunnhilde and Heimdall. Amora, Lorelei and Theoric go to school there too and they are part of a gang of mean kids, and Amora and Lorelei fled to Nornheim to learn dark magic from Queen Karnilla of Nornheim in their high school years ).
And as Loki and Sigyn grew, they got together sometime before Thor 1
Imagine her, an Aesir Light Elf hybrid from Alfheim with Aurora Manipulation powers, and a Valkyrie veteran who is one of the very few that survived the Massacre of Valkyrie. And she at first is unwilling to go back to Alfheim and Asgard because HER MOTHER DIED THERE TOO.
Yet she exhaustedly agreed, cuz those who survived inspired her to realize that there is still hope around the horizon. And she soon became a bodyguard/lady in waiting to Frigga and a diplomat in Alfheim Embassy in Nine Realms Intercosmic Embassy.
Imagine her being Loki's consort lover in Thor 1 during Loki's 1st rule of Asgard, yet she began to feel torn between her love for Loki and her understandable concern of Loki slowly turning to dark side. And then she mourns for Loki's 1st fake death.
Imagine her, after coming back from multiple intercosmic diplomatic business trips, and hearing all about Loki causing havoc in Earth all to try to offer her a throne ' worthy of Sigyn ', she found herself joining the Asgardian fleets to defend Asgard from the Dark Elves. And on top of that, even as she rightfully calls out Loki's crap, she defends him through thick and thin and CANNOT bear him to be possibly executed. AND THEN Theoric ( an abhorrent admirer WHO TURNS OUT TO BE A SPY WORKING FOR THE DARK ELVES ) TRIES to woo her ( actually tryna glean some spy info from her ) yet Sigyn spurred his advances and still remained loyal to Loki.
And then she also mourns for Frigga's death, gave Thor and Loki magical first aid kits for their big escape...and manages to tell her Nine Realms cohorts that Theoric is a double crossing spy. Well that ( and upon hearing Theoric is bothering Sigyn ) is more than enough to have Loki pull strings to have Theoric killed in battlefield.
Imagine her, thinking that Loki died ( again ), reunited with Loki in secret and became a bodyguard of Loki/Odin and a Chief diplomat in the Alfheimr embassy in the Nine Realms Intercosmic Embassy, and eventually Loki and Sigyn married in secret
Imagine Sigyn, during Ragnarok, joining the Light Elfs to battle against Hela's forces while also help run a refuge behind the waterfalls in Hummingbird Bay ( where the Sea Elves dwell in Alfhem in coral abodes ). And she broke down witnessing her healer dad died trying to save her life.....
And all the while, EVERYONE else found out her and Loki's initially secret marriage, and also Sigyn and Loki kept in touch via crystal ball communications and magical notes while they had their crazy adventures.
Imagine Sigyn managing to escape the Massacre of the Airship caused by Thanos to an alternate timeline where Alfheim is ruled by a council of Valkyrie veterans and military leaders ( via Sylvie unleashing the Multiverse via Stabbing Kang )
And imagine Sigyn, who soon heard an Alt Loki was out there somewhere, began a time hopping journey to find Loki when she was abducted by the TVA yet manages to escape and eventually reunite with Loki, and the 2 commence a coupe against the TVA together ( this is what I would LOVE to see happen in Loki S2 )
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siggytumbles · 7 months
I've been avoiding this hell site since last Thursday, bc I hadn't seen Loki S2E3 yet, and boy do I have some theories 🤔.
A constant thing mentioned in the episode is Chaos vs. Order.... and Loki, God of Mischief, is sometimes referred to as the God of Chaos... And Sigyn, she's the Goddess of Fidelity (order, loyalty, commitment). Now I know it's wishful thinking... but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Sigyn makes a show 🤞.
Also, Sylvie saying she NEEDS to kill all of He Who Remains variants 🤔.
EDIT: Also Also... say what you will about Jonathan Majors... but his acting in this was fantastic.
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annachumsblog · 2 years
Some Loki S2 Theories and Speculations :
. Loki was time hopping through different timelines to find Thor and meets variants of Thor and his friends
. Sylvie was on the run through multiple timelines as she was being chased by multiple cosmic military forces ( including the Imperial Dark Dimension Military ) cuz they are PISSED AF that Sylvie's stabbing caused the Multiverse Madness
. Mobius was knocked unconscious by Ravonna and ends up waking up in an alternate timeline, alone and confused.
. Loki eventually ends up with an alternate timeline where Asgard is ruled by a council of Valkyries. Sigyn was one of them.
. It turns out Sigyn was also one of the survivors during the Massacre of the Valkyrie and she managed to escape to another timeline.
. When Loki explains his predicament to the Valkyries, Sigyn reveals to Loki that they managed to keep Sylvie prisoner for ' trying to challenge some of our fellow Valkyrie sisters and also mess up with the timelines ' and await for trial in a few days
. Just as Loki was going to negotiate a some sort of freedom for Sylvie.......all alarms blared in the Valkyrior Council - it turns out Sylvie managed to escape her prison cell.
. Loki and Sigyn end up chasing after Sylvie as Sylvie manages to escape....yet again.
. Loki was happy to meet a childhood friend of his, and Sigyn, despite having foggy memories of her timeline, remembers Thor, his friends and Loki and is happy to see Loki again.
. So yeah meanwhile it is revealed Ravonna and Kang are married (like in the comics )and are plotting something sinister to Mobius, Loki, Sylvie and ALL of the other variants.
. Eventually, Sigyn realizes what all the variants truly wanted - to go back to their timelines and be free of the TVA.
. Hell Sigyn is just as pissed as everyone at Sylvie for stabbing Kang.....but she shows Sylvie some unexpected compassion ( as Sigyn experienced similar traumas ) and Sylvie just broke down and bonds closer with Sigyn, who became an unlikely ally to her.
. Whilst Sylvie is cold, brash and cynical, Sigyn is warm, friendly and sweet..not to mention a fucking badass
. Upon finding out that Loki tried to take over Midgard, Sigyn confronts Loki, saying that Loki DOES have people who love him (like Thor and Frigga ) and was tragically so blind by his insecurity about his Frost Giant heritage and many other things to see it.
. Loki was about to defend himself....yet realizes that Sigyn is right.
. Eventually, all of the variants under Kang's thumb all began to organize a coup d'etait against the TVA. Mobius, who initially sided with the TVA, also soon change sides and sides with the variants.
. Mobius and Sylvie having flashbacks and having to confront about their timelines and their backstories.
. Loki admits that he never felt anything romantic with Sylvie - he only sees her as a friend and sister, nothing more.
. Sylvie FINALLY realizing her grand mistake - but with so many people being so pissed at her for stabbing Kang, it's so hard for her to rectify her wrongs.
. Casey gets more character development - we may see who he is before the TVA and how does he come to loose his memories of his timeline.
. The S2 ends with the TVA being overthrown and Mobius and Sylvie finally going back to their timelines - Mobius having a blast on his jet ski, and Sylvie reuniting with her postman lover ( during or after the Season )
. As for Loki and Sigyn, it is implied that there is still hope that Thor, some of their old childhood friends and some Valkyrie compatriots are still surviving
. Loki and Sigyn embarking on a journey to find them.....in the Prime Timeline.
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thorraborinn · 7 months
I know you have done posts about the etymology of the name Sigyn, but what I was wondering was if you might know where the idea that she's a Valkyrie comes from? I see a lot of posts on here saying that her name means friend of victory and that means she was a badass Valkyrie serving Odin, which doesn't make any sense or seem likely to me. I honestly feel this way because of stanza 22 of Lokasenna, wherein Loki calls out Odin's treatment of humans in battle, which makes me question why he would marry a Valkyrie. I don't know, maybe someone else can answer this, if not. I'm going to write a post about my continued quest to find more fun books about Norse mythology and Loki especially, so I will most likely mention it in that.
I agree with you that the theory that Sigyn is a valkyrie is not correct. I'm not sure where it originated, but there are a few reasons that I am not surprised that people believe it.
Sigyn has been studied and debated for well over a hundred years, but nobody really proposed a good etymology for her name until 2017, and he did it in a very dense linguistics paper that's difficult for most people to understand. Especially in his second, more verbose paper on the subject, he also included a lot of comparative Indo-European mythology that most people rightly regard as speculative and outdated, and while it doesn't ruin his etymological argument, some non-linguists might object to it and find the author less credible because of it.
The element sig- or sigr- means 'victory' and is very common in Old Norse names in general, and occurs twice in Valkyrie names (Sigrdrífa and Sigrún). It's much more common in human names, but Sigrdrífa is an important enough figure to stand out and probably adds to the perception that sig- names are typical of valkyries.
We are now fairly certain that Sigyn's name is actually Sígyn with a long i, so it isn't 'victory' at all, and most likely originally meant something to do with pouring liquid, but again, this was only formally demonstrated in 2017 in a paper that few people have read. So the 'victory' interpretation prevails for now. It had a 100+ year head start, and it will take a long time for Ginevra's new etymology to reach people.
Since deity names usually have some connection to the deity's role, domain, or actions they perform in myth, it seemed for a long time like there was an unanswered question about what exactly Sigyn did that was victorious enough to be named that. Deciding that she must be a valkyrie is a neat solution to that question, because it would mean she doesn't have to acquire victory herself, but because valkyries pertain to granting or withholding victory in general it would make sense for a valkyrie to have that name.
The last thing that I can think of is that it could be an extension to a theory about why Loki is hanging around with the æsir to begin with. It's a common theory that Loki's mother Laufey was an áss and that's why he took her name as a matronymic rather than his jötunn father's. But it also makes some sense to propose that he married into the æsir. It's enough to suggest that Sigyn is an áss, but to say that she is a valkyrie ties up the previous two points and connects it to this one, because valkyries pertain to the æsir through Óðinn, even without really being æsir themselves.
So basically, it's a nice, neat theory that cleanly ties up a lot of loose ends, it's just that whenever you find one of those in the field of Norse mythology it's almost always wrong.
[Edit] I should also add that I understand that for some people this is really more of a gut feeling interpretation and that many people have found meaning in the 'victory-friend(fem.)' interpretation even while understanding that it isn't etymological, I'm really not trying to dismantle any of that, but just to clarify what's represented directly in medieval texts.
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dreamcatcheresss · 4 months
Record of Ragnarok - Reincarnation Theory
It's actually more a thought, not a theory. Anyway, I don't think that it could be true, but let me share it anyway.
What if Loki knows or believes that Brunhilde is the reincarnation of Sigyn, who had died for some reason before? That's why he is so obsessed. He accepts her new looks, new name and lifestyle, but he can't accept that she moved on with her new life and is a different person now. Even if the essence of her soul hasn't changed, she isn't the same person anymore.
People change and these things happen in life in any kind of relationship. It's about moving on and letting go. Maybe that's something Loki can't do since he stayed behind.
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josephinekhawaja · 6 months
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My immediate thought now that Loki is chained to a tree in a different sense. I have never put much into the "WandaVision" theory -- I have spent 12 years just invested in Darcy Lewis being MCU Sigyn -- but now have a burning need for Darcy to have emerged from the hex with any kind of cosmic powers and Come Get Your Man. Especially now that we have seen what our girl Monica can do, the MVP of Captain Marvel 2. And now that the MCU has its own Verity Willis, we know that Darcy is not Verity so bound to have a different power set *rubs hands in anticipation*. Please, I have been waiting 12 years for OTP, I beg.
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littlesistersti · 5 months
What are each Norse deity the “God/dess of,” you ask?
Thor - knocking Jotnar on the head with a hammer
Loki - “It’s just a prank, bro.” Famous last words
Freyja - Warriors 🐈 🐱 🐈‍⬛
Freyr - spent his life savings on a wife (originally wrote traded his sword for a wife)
Sif - hair extensions
Odin - Conspiracy theories -like did you start Ragnorok or
Hel - “I do not control the die.”
Njord - “I do not control the lobsters.” (unless he has a fishing rod)
Aegir - “I do control the lobsters.”
alternatively: Party down in Mostro Lounge
Ran - I do control the speed at which lobsters die.
alternatively: “I’ve only had this lost soul for a day and a half, but if anything happens to them, I’ll kill everybody in this room and then myself.”
Gerdr - thaw, I think
Skade - Artemis but snowy
Njordr + Skade - Norse equivalent of Lạc Long Quân + Âu Cơ
Ullr - more than > a Viking hobby
Baldr - Jesus??? Not confirmed
Tyr - lefty for (rest of my) life
Idunn - Minecraft golden apples
Bragi - poetry slams
Frigg - Almother
Heimdall - club bouncer
Gefjun - Danish island Sjælland
Sigyn - “I gotchu fam”
Eir - Why are there Cheetos in the first aid kit?
Mengloth - Apologize or else!
Fenrir - Clifford the Big Red Dog
Hugi - we must be swift
Logi - as a raging fire
Surtr - you ever noticed movies with a big black volcano 🌋 are filmed in Iceland?
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I’ve seen other ppl make Atreus’ kiddos I figured I'd get in on the fun.
In order: 
The Evils that Plague mankind, Sleipnir
Fenrir, Hel, and Jörmungander
Narfi and Vali
[-] Story below, kinda long[-]
Atreus began having visions of their children, specifically how they’ll meet their demise, either imprisoned or straight up killed. It horrified him, even more so upon realizing Angrboda and Sigyn would also pay a tragic price for it as well. They began putting great distance between themselves and the women they cared for. There was no romance, but it was still strange considering Atreus usually spent a great deal of his time with the giant and goddess. He thinks if he keeps them at arm's length, they’ll be sparred their tragic fates, and by extension, these children doomed by prophecy. It ends up back firing.
More visions haunted Atreus sleep, ironically these visions are happier, children laughing, he swears he can see their faces almost. Him, Angrboda, and Sigyn are together, happy and at peace. One of the children run up to him, wanting to show him something. He sees a smile, innocent and joyful. It feels awful, like poison mixed with honey. Was this the punishment for defying fate so drastically? 
He doesn't sleep as much and it shows, his eyelids already blackened from his short imprisonment by Odin, the snakes venom causing severe damage. But now the bags under his eyes are more obvious. For every question asked regarding his wellbeing, he’d deflect it with some excuse, his divine duties getting to him. Nobody really fell for it but they knew pushing him would only send him away. 
Angrboda and Sigyn were equally worried and frustrated, Atreus looked like he was falling apart and the few seams he had. Dodging question after question and conveniently always having somewhere to be. One day they were together, talking about whatever, their duties, practicing magic. Healing from whatever ached them, and then suddenly Atreus is distancing himself from them. 
Then it hit her, it wasn’t completely impossible, Norns knows she’s had her own over the years. It’s only a theory, but it’s better than nothing. Angrboda ponders, what if Atreus is having visions and they’re avoiding everybody because of it? She’s heard stories of people were willing to do to avoid fate. She knows Atreus and his family share a strong distain for fate. 
But what could he be seeing that was so bad that he’d just start cutting himself off from everyone? She spoke of her theory to Sigyn, she agreed that it was very possible. 
All they had to do was find Atreus and ask....
[-] stay tuned for part 2 [-]
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sigyn-foxyposts · 8 months
Headcanon/Theory: If Loki is Askeladen then..was Sigyn the princess?
So I felt like researching was very fun and not talked about enough folklore surrounding Loki. Like we all know how he has his own little traditions: being the tooth fairy and the vættir living under or in the fireplace. 
Some like to think that this very well know tale of a boy named Askeladen "The ashland" is actually Loki, or based on him anyways! 
After all the ashland does start out as being regarded as an incapable underachiever, but eventually proves himself by overcoming some prodigious deed, succeeding where all others have failed.
Too add further comparison, in the stories Askeladden is characterised as the runt of the family, being:
"the youngest, smallest, and weakest", yet "clever, bold, patient"
He had two brothers, who he often proved wrong whenever they teased him and when they failed in a task, their father would be surprised, since he thought his brothers would succeed. No, in fact it was askeladen.
He is also said to love the fireplace, poking around the ash all day watching over the fires while his mother nags him in doing something with his life, hence the nickname his family gave him! 
In the story: "The Giant Who Had No Heart in His Body" or "The Boy Who Had an Eating Match with a Troll". He ends up tricking a giant/troll into.. taking his own life in an eating contest. How Loki is that? 
Now onto the princess part! The whole reason i am writing this. In the story titled: "The Princess who always had to have the Last Word" (Which I love so much!! Sounds like a girlboss) 
First published in 1843, this fairytale tells of a princess who is "so headstrong and obstinate", that her father the king promises her hand in marriage and half of the kingdom to the whoever who can silence her tongue. 
By the way, they're indicating that she has a silver tongue and a loud-mouth to anyone that she meets. 
By and by, the royal estate becomes so run down by people, that the king decides that if they fail, they will have their ears swayed with an iron.
(I dont really know what this could mean, but im guessing they became a slave or its a way of burning a mark into them?? feel free to share what we know about that one.)
Nonetheless, three brothers set off to try their luck with the princess. 
The youngest, called the Ashlad, picks up several items along the way, consequently being ridiculed by his two older brothers.
As the story unfolds however, it appears that it is not necessarily the things in question which prove to be helpful in the end. 
Mind you the whole time, when his brothers ask "what could you possibly need that for?"
He responds "Oh, I have things to do, and this will do,"
The Ashlads' approach to the road ahead of him reminds us to be attentive and mindful of events and coincidence on our way. Although he is initially mocked in the beginning, it turns out that doing things differently is perhaps not such a bad idea after all.
After his older brothers go in first they're ridiculed by the princess. 
"Good day," he said.
"Good day to you too," she answered and turned in her seat.
"It sure is warm in here," he said.
"It's warmer in the coals," answered the princess; the branding iron was lying there, ready to be used. 
When he saw that, he couldn't say a word, and he failed. It didn't go better with the second brother.
"Good day," he said.
"Good day to you too," she said and turned in her seat.
"It's very warm in here," he said.
"It's warmer in the coals," she answered. 
Then the cat got his tongue as well, and the iron was pulled out again.
Then it was the Ashlad's turn.
"Good day," he said.
"Good day to you too," she said and turned in her seat.
"It's nice and warm in here," he said.
"It's warmer in the coals," she answered; she did not care to be nicer to him than she was with the others.
"Then maybe I can fry my magpie there?" he asked, pulling out his first find. 
"I'm afraid she'll burst," said the king's daughter.
"Not to worry, I'll put this birch ring around it," said the boy.
"It's too wide," she said.
"I'll use this wedge," said the boy.
"The fat will drip out of her," said the princess.
"I'll hold this underneath," answered the boy, showing his broken pottery.
"Your words are all crooked," said the princess.
"No, I'm not crooked, but this is crooked," answered the boy, pulling out one of the ram's horns.
"Now, I've never seen anything like it!" yelled the princess.
"Here's one like it," said the boy, and pulled out the other horn.
"You're trying to wear me out, aren't you?" she said.
"No, but this is worn out," answered the boy, pulling out the sole.
The princess didn't know what to say.
"Now you're mine," said the Ashlad, and he got her and half the country into the bargain.
Now don't we all also theorise that Sigyn might be related to Freya or at least have been raised by Njord, one you'd consider wealthy and a "king" of the vanir? 
Just a thought! Might make a fan fiction of this in the future. 🤭
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annachum · 1 year
Sylvie and Sigyn : * intense argument about their opposing objectives in overthrowing the TVA, Sylvie doesn't give a damn about other TV variants ( WTF ), while Sigyn cares for the well being of others around her especially in times of distress *
Sigyn : * shields herself with an auroral force field *
Sigyn : * looks up from her auroral force field and smiles *
Loki : ( at Sylvie ) I have been TRYING to form a friendship or alliance between us, and all you have done is to tire me - and us - with your incessant whining and insults. And you DO NOT disrespect my bride Sigyn in SUCH A MANNER. She's also trying her best to help others while only YOU care for yourself.
Sylvie : * indignant * ARENT LOKIS SUPPOSED TO CARE ONLY FOR THEMSELVES?! * trying to make ANOTHER move on Sigyn, yet Loki stops Sylvie with a glacial force field *
Loki : Not THIS Loki. THIS Loki cares for his mother, Thor ( actually ), his father Odin ( actually ) AND especially Sigyn. You have crossed the line by insulting and berating Sigyn like this. Whatever alliance between us - whom I thought would have SOMETHING in common - IS A SHAM. SO ITS OVER. IM DONE. WE' RE DONE. GO ROT IN HELL AND CRY IN YOUR WHINE CORNER OR SOMETHING.
Sylvie : * is too shocked to say anything *
Sigyn : * gives Sylvie a ' You heard him ' look *
Sylvie : FINE. And one day, you BOTH are going to regret it. ( storms away )
Loki turns to Sigyn and becomes tender
Loki : Are you alright, my love?
Sigyn : * smiles * I'm fine - I'm a Valkyrie veteran. There is nothing I cannot handle.
Loki : * kisses Sigyn * I love you so much, my starlight.
Sigyn : * smiles and blushes *
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lokiinmediasideblog · 8 months
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Imagine tagging Neil Gaiman, whom you constantly complain about because he doesn't depict Loki the way you wish, to confirm some half-assed theory (by that salty Tumblr user I know suibaited me at least once on anon).
I know you're referring to this frame:
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Sandman spoilers!!!
It's implied/stated Dream wanted to die, so he MIGHT HAVE orchestrated his own death (and that's what Loki realized, that Dream allowed Loki to escape his punishment because he knew it'd lead to his death). Only to reincarnate in Daniel.
First, Sigyn wouldn't know shit. People don't need reasons or justifications to take abuse. There's no "greater reason." They just do. Maybe she doesn't like the idea of someone suffering like that. People can care about people that fucking hate them.
The way y'all talk about abuse is fucking harmful. With the constant praising of perfect victim narratives, hating women for not being doormats ("Sylvie is abusive"), acting like being loyal to an abusive husband is a sign of sainthood, using cherrypicked comic panels where Marvel!Loki says he loves Marvel!Sigyn to prove that there was actually no abuse, ignoring a lot of other stuff. Acting like there's a greater reason or justification for the abuse.
I feel like having Sigyn calling out Daniel!Dream would be incredibly out of place. And this sounds like beating a dead horse with OP's insistence on holding Marvel's Ikol accountable for what their previous reincarnation did (Geez, leave Ikol alone).
Also, if I had venom constantly dripped for millennia in my eyes I would also be evil and cuss out whoever was near to me for failing to get it all cus that's fucking torture. That's your answer to why Loki's so fucking evil.
Also, OP lacks basic media literacy and has a tendency to fail to cite sources and just make shit up on various occassions (SiGyN iS aSsOcIaTeD wItH fOxEs. Nope. YOU just made that up.).
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foxcakq · 1 year
Wooo Boy a theory/au head cannon?????
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These are Var and Syn Iwaldidottir! Syn is right and Var is left, Var is melodramatic while Syn is more rational but still loves drama, with Sigyn being their younger sister. 616 Loki isolated Sigyn from her friends and family, so much so that Hoder, her once best friend, thought he was going insane when he heard his old best friend speaking to him.
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feathered-serpents · 1 year
I was thinking about how if my "Atreus and Angrboda will take the places of Set and Nephthys in Egypt and Anubis will be their son" crack theory is miraculously true then my "Angrboda and Sigyn will be combined into one character possibly making Vali and Narfi her and Atreus' sons" is probably not true because the one kid I'm sure will exist is Hel and if all of these theories are true together that gives them a grand total of four kids and that's just a lot of kids
And then I remember in the mythos Loki has, at minimum, six children. Debatably seven (or more) if you wanna count whatever the fuck is going on in the burnt heart myth. So. Four kids is actually pretty reasonable
"Kratos' legacy and title as All-Father will be cemented by his grandkids/descendants becoming gods in many different pantheons" is a genuine theory I enjoy and well. Loki has a lot of kids
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heathenkweer · 10 months
Hello! :)
So, about that Sigyn as a Teutonic goddess theory! I'm really interested by it! Where did you read about it? What are your sources?
Thanks in advance! :)
Rudolf Simek's "Dictionary of Northern Mythology", pubbed in 1993, translated by Angela Hall, due to Sigyn appearing in a 9th century poem.
It's just one source, but it's what I've got.
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stupidrant · 3 months
do you think Santa monica will combine angrboda and sigyn into one character? Because I've seen theories about it on reddit and how the name sigyn can be used as a pet name for angrboda by atreus like how odin used to call freya by frigg, idk i'd like to know your opinion about this theory.
refer to this post anon 😩
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