#since no chapter this week have this lol
niinnyu · 8 months
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Bearing stripes and claws and fury.
The Tiger of West High is back beybey! Drew this with my non dominant hand?!? Ngl it's p good lol
Some other versions I liked too heh
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syrupyyyart · 1 month
Biggest folley of Motley and why it got so difficult for me to write was because I kept getting so caught up on trying to represent every aspect of their stories all at once anytime there were on screen, when really I need to remember that they are in fact Just Little Guys
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charrchan · 1 month
I just finished reading Keep The Light Shining by @c-l-y-d-e and ohmygosh what an amazing story! I wanted to create something for the fic and while I was playing my RAV the other day after reading the scene where Slipher comes after Yugi I played this! (or well, something similar. It's hard to replicate improvisation for a recording haha!)
Now to ramble about what I was thinking when playing! SPOILERS for the fic tho so watch out!! - Recently, I've been trying to express more with my RAV Vast playing, I have the scale B Onoleo which offers both minor and major scales with it's 9 notes. I often play light/calm music, but for this I wanted to explore something more dramatic. At the start, I'm running my hands over the drum to replicate the sound of the ocean, I try to keep this up throughout the song along with the beat (which I sometimes mess up since I get nervous when recording but I think that adds to the way Yugi was feeling). The start is when Pegasus sends Yugi off into the water, it's scarily calm for too short a time. The beat starts to pick up when Slipher starts to show itself, reaching it's loudest when he finally appears from the water and Yugi is fighting to keep alive. Everything starts to calm near the end when Atem arrives to help him. Or something like that :p Some audio processing to make it sound better! Tongue drums are hard to record (>.<;) Hope people enjoy this! And I highly recommend reading Keep The Light Shining!!!
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tennessoui · 6 months
chapter 2 up now!! a whole 8k of various characters being various levels of guarded, wounded, suspicious, and betrayed thanks to just one (1) character --- so...basically it's canon lol
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good-beanswrites · 4 months
By the way, about LCSyS, how are you dealing with the whole 'Es plurality' situation? Because it is a central part of their character that gets brought up on multiple voice dramas and seems really difficult to remove. Also, it is implied that some of our judgements may be our if character for Es because they seem pretty uncertain about it. For example, some people including myself suspect that if Es wasn't controlled by the audience they would have voted Mahiru innocent because they appear somewhat fond of her and would probably have not jumped to stalker based on no evidence (kinda bullshit people thought that anyway but whatever). This was asked by someone who is insane about Es and thinks about them constantly, BTW.
Ah, well I appreciate an Es expert (Espert?) weighing in on it!! :D
Because that element is very central to both them and the plot, even if it hasn’t been fully explored yet. Like you said, there are a lot of events that rely on these “other” voices, some actions and decisions that they themself seem unsure of! Not to mention their own dialogue using a plural first person pronoun! I’m already trying to distance the au from the audience interaction element, so I’ve definitely kept my eye on the plural Es theory >:3 
Since we have little to work with, I’ve tried to keep them pretty vague in the fic so far. They don’t appear in a lot of it because of plot reasons (everything is the same as canon to them, most of the time). And even in their pov chapter I try to steer thoughts and emotions directly to the prison. I only mention their identity near the end to make everyone say “Hmmmm we don't know who you are and neither do you!” Now, I'm prepared for three main options for endings: 1. There is a non-system, in-universe explanation for the voices. 2. The voices are directly confirmed as the audience. 3. Yamanka states that he hates me, personally, and doesn’t explain anything about Es. If it’s the first one, I’ll see how well it works into my fic and go from there! (If it’s overly supernatural/involves Es disappearing/dying, I might make some tweaks lmao. I’m committed to accuracy but this is a fix-it, at the end of the day.) For the second two, I plan on leaning into plural Es, with research and input from others to make the writing accurate 👍I’m hoping to go back revise earlier sections to drop more hints and make things consistent. I also want to write an epilogue once we get more context on the ending as a whole! Though, I guess they've already confirmed some feeling of plurality... maybe I add some lines in that last chapter now...
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deus-ex-mona · 19 days
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goodxnight guys~~~
#completely forgot that there was another lxl interview back from when the [redacted] anime had just finished airing lmao#it’s from the same feature in which the [redacted] anime director outright said that thing about mona lol#(as in: ​the ‘mona’s a popular character with a fleshed out backstory but she’s just hiyori’s therapist friend in this loloops’ thing)#i was in such an upset disbelief about it at the time that i completely forgot about the lxl interview man… 2k22 sure was *a* year huh#maybe i’ll get to this interview on either wednesday or this weekend… i need to prepare my lxl tling mindset for the album interview lol#(im still unsure if the magazine will ship lmfao it’s been processing for a g e s [read: 3 days] since i bought it lmao)#(​either way i think itll only come in earliest by this weekend bc im still waiting for my nghy impulse purchase standees too)#(and even if it does come i wanna tl the kawaikute gomen vol 1 bonus manga first [if it actually arrives])#(women’s wrongs are always top priority yk~~~~?)#(though. haha… i think i’ll have the entire hw manga collection when my next batch of purchases come in… s o b s my storage space—)#(the dolce manga exist as just ebooks in my collection thoughhhh. the dolce manga is p much the perfect mix of crack and tragedy tbh)#(like. there are scenes with girisha and his *girisha-ness* b u t there are also scenes with fuuma and his heartbreaking backstory)#(re-reading my (frankly) bad tl of ‘happy’ (shiina chapter) doesn’t make me happy at all.)#(i should really get round to reworking it these days… like the fonts and such are *atrocious*)#b u t i digress anyway lxl old interview tl (maybe) coming soon this week depending on exhaustion levels sorry for clogging the dash gn guys
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essenceofarda · 5 months
To Be Loved: Ch12
Chapter 12 | Read from the Beginning
Before she was born, it was foretold that Princess Lothiriel would suffer greatly from the love of men. Her mother's dying words were words of power, to keep her daughter safe from suffering, to never trust the love of men. Now the Princess Lothiriel has become the Queen of the Riddermark. And though her heart is filled with love, will she learn to accept the love others have for her? An Eothiriel + Post-War-of-the-Ring Fic
New chapter up :) We're (finally???) getting to the more meaty part of the actual plot now haha. Only taken me like 4.5 years 😳😅😬
Anyway, would love to hear y'all's thoughts!!
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ann-chovi · 1 year
Shoutout to the person who sent me an ask A YEAR AGO asking how Mari and Ingo meet.
You're literally the reason the idea to do @pkmn-redirect got in my head.
And I'm so sorry, but it won't happen until chapter 6- but please please know I am getting there and I really truly want to thank you for being the catalyst to this absurdly long project that I chose to throw myself into. It's very fun and I'm having a lovely time making it and I hope you're enjoying the ride as well!
Anyway here's a small preview of the next page♡
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lavenderjewels · 7 months
thinking about how there’s going to be the jogo vs sukuna fight and mahoraga vs sukuna fight back to back in the anime
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brutal-nemesis · 6 months
i AM working on next Castys pirate thing rn and after that I will do the next chapter of E&T but after THAT i have something very fucked up for Castys im already goin a lil crazy over it mmmmmmm
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darken-hollow · 1 month
Should have the first chapter of this Adam and the batfam crossover shit done either today or tommorow yippie!
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crybaby-bkg · 8 months
the terrible terrible thing about writing slow burn while also trying to keep it under 15 chapters is the constant WORRYING of pacing????? are things going too slow and will it be hard to engage with???? are things going too fast and it feels like rushing??? is a kiss too much 19 chapters in???? I thought it was supposed to be under 15????? who am I here?????????
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superfluouskeys · 6 months
i always think oh i shall queue up some writing to post later so that i can update at more normal intervals and perhaps even get ahead by a chapter or two but then i remember that i am insane and need to yeet my writing into the world at the earliest opportunity
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daydadahlias · 2 months
hey jessssssssss can you pretty please say anything about a wip ure writing (ure my most favourite ever i love you mwah ^_^)
hi pookieeeee <3 I CAN say anything about a wip I'm writing (u r my most favorite ever ily2 mwah >3<)
ok so I have a few wips in the works rn (including this shortie one that hopefully I can post fairly soon eek) but what I am most excited about is that I have Officially Started my next Chaptered Fic™ (which is fondly called groupie fic).
I've only just started chapter one (~2k rn) but I'm already in love with it lol and I know it won't be a while until I share it but I'm really excited to !!! :D I love writing chaptered fics and I love having FUN with them. And, bc it's an AU, I've already gotten to plan some stuff and make up some fun things !! like, for instance, Calum is in a ~band~ (not 5sos) that I got to name anddd because the entire fic takes place on a tour, I also got to plan a tour !!! which is. kind of a logistical + geographical nightmare dude bc i had to pick the places, the dates, and the venues within the places blah blah blah but yeah :) I'm really excited about all of it. I even made a tour poster lol <3
but !! yeah !! I'm really excited about my fake little band that Calum is playing in <3 and I'm excited to for him to meet his future fave groupie <3 and I'm really excited to write them falling in love over secret hook-ups at hotels and ~forbidden pasts~ (bc those are my favorite) and I'm excited to get to share it all w/ people when it's written !!!!
thank u for asking :)
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jorvikzelda · 7 months
been feeling like Lisa is just a really difficult character to get down and putting writing her thing that I've been putting off for weeks even though it was technically fully planned because I just cannot get in her head and then I write 1700 Lisa words in one setting. bitch. what
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vitiateoriginator · 9 months
I'm finally taking a fucking vacation from my job next week
#I've never gotten the chance to use my vacation time at work before quitting#but Im not currently able to leave where I work and I'll lose my PTO on my anniversary date (sept 13th)#so I decided to say fuck it an use ut the first week of September#wish I could have saved it for the second week since my birthday is September 15th but again my PTO gets reset the 13th#so this will have to do#I'm not going on an actual vacation this year. just planning various enjoyable activities and day trips throughout the week#Im hoping on the first day to attend a local flea market#and the next day or two to go swimming before the pool in my apartment complex closes for the year#I also plan to visit a historical town thats about a half hour away from where I live#and I'm definitely going to sleep in a lot of these days cause I need to catch up on some sleep finally#I'll probably draw on my less busy days#and maybe I can knock out a chapter or 2 of the story I've been writing#tbh luck is never with me so the chances of me actually getting to do half of this stuff is slim#but at least I can say I have plans#I'm gonna try n do this stuff even if I have to go alone#I hate waiting around for others so I can go out and have a good time#like yeah some of these activities are better with other people#but people often find excuses to get out of hanging out or going places. or they're busy with work#and I don't want to waste the 7 days Im gonna have off so Im gonna try n do something meaningful during them#the weather also will effect how my plans turn out. I bet it'll rain the entire week lol. that'd be my luck#but Im still gonna try and have a decent time off#at the absolute least I am going to relax and unwind. thats the bare minimum I can doo#sam's rants about life
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