#so grateful for this aina
bisonaari · 7 months
Tiny Stories for Finnish Learners: Helsinki
This is from a book I bought! They recommend going through the finnish text once without searching for words, then trying to understand, then check the translation 💚 Same for the comprehension questions!
Aurinko oli laskemassa Helsingin ylle, kun kävelin kadulla. Kaupunki oli niin kaunis vanhoine rakennuksineen ja mukulakivikatuineen. Minusta tuntui kuin olisin ollut eri maailmassa. Käänyin kulman takaa ja näin taidegallerian kyltin. Päätin mennä sisään, koska rakastan taidetta. Galleria oli pieni, mutta siellä oli todella uskomattomia maalauksia esillä. Yksi maalaus kiinnitti erityisesti huomioni; siinä oli nainen kävelemässä kukkapellon läpi. Se näytti niin rauhalliselta ja seesteiseltä. Päädyin viettämään galleriassa tunteja ihaillen kaikkia taideteoksia. Kun lopulta lähdin, ulkona oli jo pimeää.
Kun kävelin takasin hotellille, en voinut olla tuntematta kiitollisuutta tästä upeasta kaupungista ja kaikesta siitä, mitä sillä on tarjota. Seuraavaana päivänä heräsin aikaisin ja päätin tutkia Helsinkiä lisää. Kävelin jonkin aikaa ympäriinsä, ihailin arkkitehtuuria ja katselin nähtävyyksiä. Lopulta päädyin Senaatintorille, jossa on joitakin Helsingin tärkeimpiä rakennuksia. Olin juuri lähdössä, kun näin ryhmän ihmisiä kerääntyvän jonkin ympärille. Menin katsomaan, mistä oli kyse, ja näin, että he katselivat hevosella ratsastavan miehen patsasta. Miehen nimi oli Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim, ja hän oli merkittävä henkilö Suomen historiassa. Jäin sinne hetkeksi kuntelemaan tarinoita, joita ihmiset kertoivat hänestä. Oli kiehtovaa oppia ihmisestä, jolla oli niin suuri vaikutus tähän maahan.
Vietettyäni jonkin aikaa torilla päätin käydä syömässä jotain. Löysin söpön pienen kahvilan ja tilasin kupin kahvia ja leivoksen. Kun istuin nauttimassa välipalaa, huomasin, että ohi käveli joukko ihmisiä kameroiden kanssa. He olivat selvästi turisteja. Sain yhtäkkiä idean; miksi en esittelisi heille Helsinkiä? Söin ruokani loppuun ja lähestyin ryhmää. He olivat iloisia siitä, että joku näytti heille paikkoja, joten vietimme loppupäivän tutustuen kaupunkiin yhdessä. Kävimme kaikenlaisissa paikoissa, kuten kirkoissa, museoissa ja jopa huvipuistossa! Päivä oli niin hauska, ja olen varma, että he muistavat Helsingissä viettämänsä ajan aina minun ansiostani.
Translation and comprehension questions under the read more!
As I walked back to my hotel, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this amazing city and all that it has to offer. I woke up early the next day and decided to explore more of Helsinki. I walked around for a while, admiring the architecture and taking in the sights. I eventually made my way to Senate Square, which is home to some of the most important buildings in Helsinki. I was just about to leave when I saw a group of people gathered around something. I went over to see what was going on and saw that they were looking at a statue of a man on a horse. The man's name was Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerhein, and he was an important figure in Finnish history. I stayed there for a while, listening to the stories that people were telling about him. It was fascinating to learn about someone who had such an impact on this country.
The sun was setting over Helsinki as I walked down the street. The city was so beautiful, with its old buildings and cobbleston streets. I felt like I was in a different world, I turned a corner and saw a sign for an art gallery. I decided to go in since I love art. The gallery was small but had some really incredible paintings on display. One painting in particular caught my eye; it was of a woman walkin through a field of flowers. It looked so peaceful and serene. I ended up spending hours at the gallery, admiring all of the artwork. When I finally left, it was dark outside.
After spending some time at the square, I decided to get something to eat. I found a cute little café and ordered a cup of coffee and a pastry. As I sat there enjoying my snack, I noticed a group of people walking by with cameras. They were obviously tourists. I suddenly had an idea; why not show them around Helsinki? I finished my food and then approached the group. They were happy to have someone show them around, so we spent the rest of the day exploring the city together. We went to all sorts of different places, including churches, museums, and even an amusement park! It was such a fun day and I'm sure they'll always remember their time in Helsinki thanks to me.
Mitä kijailija teki saapuessaan Helsinkiin?
Ymmärtämisen kysymykset
Mitä mieltä kirjailija oli kaupungista?
Mitä kirjailija teki nähdessään taidegallerian kyltin?
Mikä oli kirjailijan suosikkitaulu galleriassa?
Miltä kirjailijasta tuntui, kun hän lähti galleriasta?
Mitä kirjailija teki seuraavana päivänä?
Minne kirjailija meni toisena päivänä?
Mitä kirjailija näki ollessaan Senaatintorilla?
Mitä kirjailija teki, kun hän sai idean näyttää turisteille paikkoja?
Missä paikoissa kirjailija ja turistit kävivät?
Comprehension Questions
What did the author do when she first arrived in Helsinki?
What did the author think of the city?
What did the author do when she saw the sign for the art gallery?
What was the author's favourite painting in the gallery?
How did the author feel when she left the gallery?
What did the author do the next day?
Where did the author go on the second day?
What did the author see when she was at Senate Square?
What did the author do when she had the idea to show the tourists around?
What places did the author and the tourists go to?
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whataweirdfeeling · 2 months
HELLO welcome to another WAWF interview EXCLUSIVE
This February marks the FINAL month and closing to WAWFswinter as well as an official YEAR OF WAWF WEDNESDAY [aka WAWFmag]
WAWF is grateful for all of the love and support that we have had throughout WAWFswinter and will be spreading that just a bit more this month with..
NEW WAWF ARTICLES EVERY WEDNESDAY with friends of WAWF who also wanna help us show just how much We ❤️ WAWF Wednesday
Read below for an exclusive interview and some behind the scenes moments with new friends of WAWF
Find out what exciting things they have in store
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Who are we here with?
A: Alamina
W: and Welissane
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Do you guys have any specific hobbies or interests?
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A: I would say sewing. I’m tryna get into photography and then I guess modeling is a hobbie
W: My hobbies are going to the gym.. reading and then I do wanna start tennis
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Do you have any specific influences for these hobbies?
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A: No.. no
W: I forgot to say content creating but I don’t do it seriously I just do it for fun. I really like Jackie Aina’s style of content creating. I just like how she talks about real stuff but then also incorporates like beauty and stuff into it. So I think that’s one of mine
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How’d you guys find out about WAWF?
A: I saw that Angel had posted it on her Instagram and I was like well this would be a perfect opportunity to get out there so let me go ahead and say yes so I said yes. Then I texted 'Welli' cause we’re in a modeling group together and I was like lemme just go ahead and ask her.. and she said yes and now we’re here
W: Yup
Along with promoting/supporting growing artists like these WAWF magazine pushes fashion culture and much more
Words/Curated by @vyngak
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grvntld · 2 years
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27 may 2022 • aina day hooray ♡
celebrated my birthday yesterday! wasnt able to go the beach like we first planned to ☹︎ but izzokie because we went to a spa and had a pamper day instead (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ ugh so good
we started aina day by having our go-to nomnom at burger king and then we went to sideburns barbershop so moosey could finally hv all his hair shaved. he's been wanting to get bald for the longest time so yay for him! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ then we had horchata, my fave, at el chapo's. btw, if you havent had their tacos, i suggest you try them out! super yum and filling, i swear (o˘◡˘o)
from there we went to crown garden spa and had some pamper time. we went for one of their couple's packages that includes foot spa, sauna bath, full body scrub, full body massage, and scalp massage ٩(♡ε♡)۶ supah dupah love the experience! we feel very much rejuvenated as we were really taken care of and pampered by the staff ♡ oh also, moosey kept holding in his laughter because he's ticklish and it was such an adorbs sight lol
capped aina day off with another fave of mine—marugame udon. my go-to order is their beef udon + kani tempura + ebi tempura ♡(>ᴗ•) and then i also always get those greenies and fried crumbs for extra texture bc ya know me, i love me some crunch
so so so so happy and grateful to relish this lifetime as much as i can ♡ growing up (and until now, tbh), ive always had the thought that i, too, will die young like my biological mother. we lost her when she was just 23 and i was a month old so i always thought i had that same fate too, but im 3 years past her ~death age~ and i wanna believe i hv yet to experience more (♡˙︶˙♡)
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intcritus · 4 months
Both Su-jin and Itachi sleep with their hair in a braid, otherwise it would be everywhere. Ryuune and Ibuki help him braid it ( they learned from Clarence ) and it tends to keep it out his face which he's grateful for. Su-Jin cousin, Aina, tends to either put it in a bun or braids it so he can have some peace.
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foxtricksterwriting · 11 months
So, I made little picrew-things for my @mata-aetara-if MCs and their parents in part 1! They're below the cut, for length lmao
EDIT: How dare tumblr change the formating /j I'll adjust the descriptions for that sorry 😅
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Aina with faer parents, dad on the top and mom on the bottom. Aina mostly takes after their mom, but did get their yellow eyes from faer dad. I have ideas for the parents' names but nothing concrete 😅
Faer dad is high-energy, the get-up-and-go type of person. He is not a green thumb and laments it everyday. Because of this he stays away from Aina's garden; he doesn't want to kill faer plant-babies! And their mom is more calm and quiet. She prefers to be alone on most occasions and is very, very petty lol.
I imagine Aina has the best relationship with faer parents out of all my MCs, not the others have outright bad relationships; the others are just hitting their 'UGH, go away mom/dad!! I wanna be independent!' phase in part 1 lmao. Aina doesn't mind their parents still doting on them a little, since faer receiving love language is acts of service. Aina is always sort of independent, they inherited that trait from faer dad.
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Eiichi and their parents; dad on the top, mom on the bottom. Eiichi takes after their mom, again lol. At least in appearance. They act a lot like their dad did when he was a lot younger. Part of Eiichi's grouchiness here is that they're getting their picture taken and had to sit while their dad fussed with their hair and outfit.
Eiichi's dad is very charismatic and a bit strict with Eiichi; not unfairly so, but he thinks Eiichi's getting in far too much trouble for him to not step in somehow. Eiichi herself is very annoyed by the coddling and actively rebels against her father. I think Eiichi would start calling her dad by his first name sometime in part 1, too.
And Eiichi's mom is soft-spoken. She tries to look out for him subtly, but subtle is not her strong suit lol. She worries a lot for him. Ultimately, she gives Eiichi a lot of space, which he's grateful for but still ends up trying to coddle and protect him when he really doesn't need it.
Overall, Eiichi's relationship with their dad is rocky in part 1 and their relationship with their mom is better, but not the best.
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Mao and his parents; dad on the top and mom on the bottom. Mao actually gets his hair color from his maternal grandmother, lovingly called Ma. His mom didn't try to make him call her mother by 'grandma' or anything like that, so he just calls her what he heard his mom call her, which is Ma.
Mao's dad is very playful and sweet. In modern times he'd be on Instagram a lot, lmaoo. He cares a lot for Mao but struggles to show it. He often tries to get his son to let loose and have fun, but it rarely if ever works. Mao gets very annoyed but his dad's antics very quickly.
Mao's mother is loud and proud, very outgoing and abrasive herself. I imagine that she was not ready to be a parent at all and sometimes you can still tell. Sometimes she tries to treat Mao more like a friend than a son, and Mao's having none of it. She can be a bit strict and overbearing, but her husband does a good job of not letting her go overboard. She's really trying to do her best, but she's struggling.
Mao's not close to either of his parents and gets into a lot of arguments with his mom.
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And finally, Nori and their parents! Same as above, dad on the top, mom on the bottom. Nori takes after his mom yet again, lol. He didn't get her freckles, sadly.
Nori's dad is outgoing and a bit pushy. He's a worrier and a overthinker, he worries about Nori's wellbeing quite a bit. He, like Nori, is a bit of a trickster and plays little pranks on others. Nori has a good relationship with him, but can get a bit overwhelmed by his people-person tendencies.
Their mom is more laidback, but still a people-person. She likes talking to people and doing things for others. She's the kind of parent that just lets her kids run loose until sunset, lol. Nori also has a good relationship with her, but more in the general way that kids like their parents.
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hangingthoughts · 1 year
March 29, 2023— on my way to school, I passed our neighbor pastor who owns the flower shop, chitchat a little and he blessed me. Came to school and found Aina and Paulo. Went to the elevator with them. They secured the doors so we can get off safely. (Thank God, i can't do that) Was able to make chitchat with our PE prof. She is really nice. Given a responsibility with Aina. Educ did reporting, I did the documenting. Foreseen possible failure in quiz but got perfect score instead. (I'm amazed too. Srsly) We practiced for our practical in the heat. Was seriously bothered and melting. Did the dance nicely. Decided to go home and come back in the afternoon instead. Went home with Mar. Need bath. Came home to find a notif of no classes in the afternoon. Watched a little bit of Kingsman (2021) Dodge Entrep reporting. Read a little bit. I don't want to be Morel. Poor man. Lola bought a lot of bread. Mommy brought home a lot of bread. Grateful but too full.
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Industry Insider’s panel//December 6th
This week, it was so inspiring to hear from a group of 5 different professionals from a wide spectrum of careers in the industry. This semester, our class has had a heavy emphasis on the range of careers in the fashion world, and it’s been an eye opener to say the least. Today, on top of seeing different careers it was also refreshing to hear realistic highs and lows for highly successful individuals. It made me respect Veronica, Aina, Fred, Richard, Courtney, and Eduardo so much to learn how they balance out their busy work schedules while simultaneous caring for themselves and their family. All 5 of them are great mentors that I was so excited to hear from.
In terms of elevating a brand or a name, all of these careers are equally as important as the “common” ones that we more often hear about in our college classes. To be freelance photographers, producers, agents, stylists, models, and other career paths in such a competitive industry is such an incredible skill to have. I often found it intimidating to work freelance, because of the freedom and pressure to find new jobs after your current project ends. I learned from the 5 panelists that through trust, and great relationships that you build from experience, jobs are earned from the credibility that you provide yourself. I loved that they all mentioned the importance of networking and creating meaningful relationships with people, as opposed to using individual solely for boosting a career.
As the semester comes to a close, I keep reflecting on the great relationships we’ve made through study tour, and the meaningful advice that will carry with me for years to come. I’m beyond grateful that I was able to learn from such inspiring individuals who dedicated their time to come speak to my classmates and I, who are learning and navigating through graduation and what’s ahead. I am anxious for my journey beyond college, but I feel so much comfort in knowing that there are such supportive people all around!
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neesieiumz · 3 years
Live Accident {Katsuki Bakugou x Black!Female!Reader}
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Summary: You are an up and coming beauty influencer and content creator on YouTube. Some say you are a miniature version of Jackie Aina, keeping it real  and taking shit from nobody. You live a private life due to wanting have somethings for yourself, including your significant others. But accidents happen, it was an honest mistake. 
A/N: I know I said I was gonna have this hereby Friday but things happen. This idea came to me randomly, and I worked with it. All the Stars chapter 7, I’m gonna put it out before the end of the year... I know that for a fact, so keep pushing me please. So with that being said, enjoy this oneshot I wrote for all my black queens...
Word Count: 5.9k 
It was his red eyes that pulled you in, they were one of a determined man, one who was too determined. His ideals and attitude pushed away a lot of people who had just met him, but not you. You were intrigued, you wanted to know what made this man tick, why he was so loud, explosive, why his circle was so small. It took an effort for him to even let you in, and before you knew it, you two were in a relationship for one year. 
You met Katsuki at an exclusive event, you were only in the industry for a couple of years and wanted to expand your brand. There were a lot of people in the industry at that gala, from famous agents, managers, other makeup artists, people who you knew could get you into higher places. There were not only people in the entertainment and influencer industry, but there were also pro-heroes there, for both protection and to enjoy the gala. You were there with your other YouTuber friend and were talking amongst yourselves, taking a break from all the fake smiles and even faker laughs. The two of you were currently talking about another collab when two people came over, dragging over another person into your conversation. It was a man and woman dragging another man, who, mumbling under his breath, didn’t want to be dragged into the conversation. 
“Hi, there!” The lady interjected, helping the red-headed man pull the ash-blond on to where they were all standing. 
You both stopped your conversation to look at them, the girl was pink, pink all over, from her hair to her skin, it was pink all over for her. She was wearing a black, velvet, strappy, mini bodycon dress with strappy heels to match. The red-headed guy was wearing a simple black suit, white shirt, and black bowtie, and his long hair was slicked back into a man bun. The man that they were pulling over to us was wearing a deep burgundy suit with a black shirt and tie with a chain connecting the flap of the suit jacket to the pocket. 
You were about to say something but one of the guys, who still couldn’t remember their names, cut you off even before you could speak. 
“Can I help you?”
You took a moment to get a better look at the three of them before recognizing them from the hero course at UA, “Oh my god, you three went to UA, you were in the hero course right?!” You exclaimed, making them all stiffened and turn to look at you. 
You recognized the uneasiness in their eyes, so to ease their concerns, you put your hands up in surrender, “I went to UA as well, I was in the business course though.” 
Your explanation made them all relax, and they all straightened up to face the two of you. 
“My name is Mina Ashido but my Alias is Pinky, because well, you know,” she said, pointing at her pink skin and pink hair. 
You nodded and gave her a smile before facing the two other men who came with her. One was facing you and the other was facing the other way, looking into the crowd. Both of their eyes were red, yet one was filled with kindness you’ve never seen in a man, and the other man’s eyes were filled with an arrogance that, while you’ve seen the look in other men’s eyes before, something about him that wasn’t arrogance but more of well put confidence. 
“My name is Eijirou Kirishima, Alias, Red Riot! And this….” He dragged out, turning the other man around to face all of us. 
His face screamed of boredom, he didn’t want to be here. Arms crossed and his nose flared to the point I could see his nose hairs. His face honestly looked so funny, you couldn’t help yourselves but laugh. 
“Dude, what’s with your face?” You let out while chuckling at the same time. 
He tensed up a little before turning to glare at you, his face not deterring your laughter, “Heh?! What the fuck are you talking about?!”
He only made you laugh harder, your explanation coming out in between laughs, “you...look...like you constipated.” 
“Shut up before I kill you!” 
You started to calm down a little, your friend handing you a glass of water to help you soothe your throat. His two friends were looking back at him while holding back their laughter while he just glared at four of you laughing at his despair. 
“And this is Katsuki Bakugou, you may know him as Dynamight…” Kirishima finally finished introducing him. 
You decided to call it a truce and held your hand out to him, “My name is Y/n L/n, it's nice to meet each of you.” 
He looked down at your hand and wasn’t gonna shake until Ashido used her elbow to nudge and he slightly turned to glare at her and she hushed her head to point at me. The two of them were speaking to each other with their eyes before Bakugou rolled his eyes and shook my hand. 
“We didn’t just come here just to get to know you, Bakugou here has a proposition for you, Ms. L/n.” Ashido motioned at him, making me tilt my head in question. 
You wondered what he could do, especially since you just laughed in his face about his face and the fact that he’s a hero, what could a hero need with a Youtube makeup artist? Bakugo placed his hands in his pockets, searching for something. 
“So my parents are fashion designers or what-fucking-ever, and they tasked me with if “I ever see you, to give you their card or some shit. They “apparently” want to work with for a video or whatever you do, I couldn’t be bothered to fully remember the details,” he pulled out his wallet and handed you the card. 
Your eyes widened at his half-assed proposal, you slowly grabbed the card and looked at the names on the card, Masaru and Mitsuki Bakugou, CEO of Relz Brand. You damn near fainted at the names and your friend had to catch you before you made a mess of yourself. You had to catch your breath and your friend ordered you another glass of water. 
“Relz?!? Your parents own the most relevant fashion brands in Japan and they want to work with me?!” You managed to squeak out once you were able to down some more water. 
“I mean, you’re good at what you do and my mom has a knack for finding the next “top person”, her words not fucking mine.” He looked away, you were too busy looking at the card to notice his cheeks burning red but his two friends and your friend saw as well. 
They all smirked in his direction and Ashido even nudged her elbow into his side, making him push her off and straighten up his outfit. You started to nod once you realized that you were staring at the card for way too long. You opened your purse and placed the card inside it. 
“I’ll be sure to give them a call, thank you so much for this opportunity,” You bowed in gratefulness to him and he just hissed under his breath but you all heard him. 
“Don’t fucking thank me yet, thank me when your collaboration is the best fucking one out there. Pinky, Kirishima, let’s go, I’m fucking tired.”
Before you could say anything to him, he and his friends had already walked away. Kirishima and Ashido both looked back to give you a thumbs up and mouth “good luck” and words similar to that. 
You were walking out of the Relz office, having a successful meeting with Mitsuki and Masaru, and already have a draft of a contract for your exclusive collection with them. Their marriage was one that you loved, and you could see where Bakugou got his explosive behavior from. 
“THAT BRAT, CAN’T EVEN GIVE A SIMPLE FUCKING BUSINESS CARD!!” Mrs. Bakugou yelled, slamming her hands on the desk, making some of the papers fly. 
“Now, dear, at least he gave the card, he doesn’t work here remember?” Mr. Bakugou said softly, bending down to pick up the papers that fell. 
“Shut up Masaru! Anyways, Y/n dear, we’ve seen your videos, we’ve seen the interactions, we think that you would be the perfect person to have an exclusive collaborative line with our brand? We think your style is just what we need here at Relz and would love to work with you.” 
You smiled at how much you got done at the meeting, and was about to walk out when you ran into a hard wall of flesh. You took a couple of steps back, trying to catch yourself when you felt two hands grab at your shoulders to be able to steady you. You looked up to find Bakugou holding you and giving you a look that had no fire behind it. 
“Bakugou? What are you doing here?” You asked before realizing how stupid of a question that was. He gave you a blank stare before you realized the only reason he could be here, “sorry that was a stupid question. Of course, you would be here, your parents own the damn place.” You chuckled, taking another step back as he let go of your shoulders. 
He didn’t say anything, instead just shoes to look at you up and down, taking a look at your outfit, “you were in a business meeting with my parents?” He asked, shoving his hands in his jeans. 
You nodded and glanced down at your outfit, which was a long sleeve bodycon dress while holding your jacket in one hand and your bag in the other. You took this time to take a look at what he was wearing, some black baggy jeans, with a tight black t-shirt and a leather jacket. He had circular sunglasses, possibly to deter anyone from recognizing him. Your eyes stayed a little too long at his chest before looking away, feeling your cheeks burn. 
“You… look good,” you complimented, making him raise another eyebrow at you. 
“Just good?” he questioned while smirking at you, steeping closer and bending down, leaning into your face. 
His closeness made you squirm a little and you pushed his head away, “move, you all up in my space.”
Your actions just made him laugh loudly but he refused to even move from his position making you try and walk around him but he just grabbed you by the waist and started pulling back from where you came. From the elevators, but this time he walked over the private elevator that led straight to the CEOs’ office. 
“Hey!” You started to fight him, “let me go!” You struggled to get out of his grip but that just made him hold you tighter and walked to the private elevator faster. 
“Bakugou! Bro, fucking let me go!” 
He ignored what you said and fished out a key card and swiped it, unlocking the elevator and the doors sliding open. He hauled you into the elevator and closed the door and pressed the button that led them straight to The Bakugous’ office. Once it was just the two of them, Bakugo let you go and you pushed him before standing up straight. You fixed up your outfit, fixing the ponytail your braids were in. Once you looked presentable once again, you turned back to the ash-blonde man before giving him one of your deadliest glarest which he just returned with a smirk. 
“What is your fucking problem? So we just kidnap people now? That’s not very heroic-like!” You exclaimed, going into your bag. 
He ignored what you said and just said, “I need you to come with lunch with my parents. It’s unbearable every single fucking time cause all they ask about is “Katsuki, are you dating someone?’ “Katsuki, where’s your girlfriend?” It gets so fucking tiring at times!” 
You narrowed your eyes while you looked at him, “so you want me, the girl who just got out of the meeting with your parents, whose literally is about to collaborate with them and doesn’t want ANYTHING to jeopardize this, to come with you to your private family lunch?!” 
He looked at you and nodded, making you facepalm, “let me off, let me off right now!” 
He grabbed you and pulled you closer to him, “Hey, hey, let’s not do anything too rash,” he said, making you give him an annoyed look.
“Like dragging the first girl you see to a private lunch? Sounds pretty rash to me.” You said, making him look away and roll his eyes. 
“Okay, if you do this, I’ll make sure that you don’t lose the collaboration,” he bargained, letting you go. 
You crossed your arms and stared at him and he stared back at you. You contemplated this, you could also use this lunch to woo them even if they have some wavering thoughts about collaborating with you… but you wanted something else from this as well. 
“I want one more thing.”
He groaned out loud, “fucking what? What else could you want?”
“A real date with you.”
He choked on his spit. You laughed at his ration, even pulling out your phone to take a picture of it. He glared at you making you smile cheekily and raise your eyebrows in rapid motions.
“You’re joking right?” He asked, pulling out a water bottle from his book bag. 
“On the contrary, I’m not. Since your parents want you to get a girlfriend, might as well start somewhere. Right?” You suggested, smiling at him. 
He looked at you before hissing under his breath, “one date, and if I don’t like it, never again.”
And before you could say anything, the elevator doors opened and his parents were staring at the two of them. He looks back down at you and offers a hand, “let’s do this?”
You look at his hand before nodding and take it. 
Okay, Bakugou can admit. You’re a fun person to be around… whenever you're not chasing him around your penthouse trying to put makeup on him. It’s been two months since he had you join him and his parents for lunch and since he took you on an actual date, taking you to one of his favorite restaurants where he challenged you to eat the spiciest thing on their menu… which led you to postpone your scheduled video recording cause your lips were so swollen, it hurt to talk, let alone put any products on your lips. He laughed for a good hour and every time he looked at your lips, he couldn’t help but let out a chortle. 
Today was his day off, one he hasn’t had in over a month due to being one of the busiest and most reliable pro-heroes out there. He wanted to take the longest nap, he hadn’t been able to catch up in his sleep in a while and decided to crash at your place. He knocked on your door, a large duffle bag on his right shoulder, which held his sweaty hero costume. He waited for a moment, holding his wrist close to him to look at the time. That’s when he heard the lock unclick and the door open to find wearing nothing but a silk robe and your faux locs pulled back into a messy bun. The both of you just stared at each other, while he had nothing but a smirk on his face, you held a questioning look on your face, wondering why he was here without calling. 
“Let me in?” Is all he said, making you roll your eyes and take a couple of steps back to let him in. He walked inside and headed to your living room as you closed the door behind him. You tightened the rope around you as he flopped down on the couch, throwing his duffle bag somewhere across your living room. He spread his legs and cracked his neck as he could finally relax after 
“So…” You started, “you mind telling me what you're doing here?” 
Bakugou groaned, turning his body to lay down on her couch and snuggling into her throw pillows, “Can’t. Fucking tired.” 
You rolled your eyes before grabbing a spare pillow and hitting him over the head worth it, “Come on, out with it. What happened?” 
He signed and turned around onto his back, snuggling with a pillow and looking up at you. His eyes told you to come here and so you crawled on top of him and sat on his midsection and stared down back at him. You both stared at each other, your eyes speaking to each other. 
“Had a bad day with the fucking media, had them questioning my ability to be a hero again and I wasn’t in the right “mental space” to deal with them so I fucking lashed out, Kirishima had to pull me away from them before I broke someone’s camera or face, I had no idea which one.” You couldn’t help yourself but laugh at that last line. 
“The media can be devils, trust me I know,” you said, reaching down to softly scratch his scalp. It was a recent thing you found out about him, helped him relax more even if he hated it. This time he didn’t fight you on it, making you realize how much of a bad day this was for him. 
“Anything else?” You asked him, laying down against the pillow on his chest. 
He shook his head before taking his arms, reached around and grabbed at your waist, and pulled you even closer to him. For a whole the two of them just laid there, not moving, no one saying a thing. You could feel his speeding heart slow down as he could finally relax after his hectic day. 
“I have a day off tomorrow,” he mumbled in your head. 
You hummed, “Is that so?” 
After that, it fell back into the comfortable quiet. Nothing but the both of you hearing each other breathe. You knew he needed this, yes he’s an explosive person but even the angriest person needs time to cool down, and honestly, it makes your heart race when you think about the fact that wants to spend that time with you. You both sat there for another ten minutes before you looked at your overhead clock and saw it was almost time for you to go live on Instagram. You promised your fans you would give a live makeup tutorial and your real-time review of a palette that’s taken the industry by storm. 
You softly hit his arms, “let me up, I got work to do.”
He groaned loudly at that, “the FUCK you gotta do wearing nothing but a silk robe?!?” He complained but removed his arms at the same time. 
“I promised my people I’d do a live makeup tutorial while live-reviewing a critically acclaimed palette, and it’s almost the time I promised to go live and I need to get ready.” You got off him and stretched, cracking your neck as well. 
You walked over to your linen closet and grabbed a large blanket and walked back to where he was still laying down on the couch. He had pulled out his phone and was answering back some texts, probably Kirishima and Kaminari asking if he's okay after what happened today. You threw the blanket at his head, making him drop his phone. You started to laugh as he pulled the blanket away from his head. He glared at you making you laugh harder. Your eyes were closed and you were hunched over so you didn't notice the pillow he threw, hitting you on the top of your head, knocking over the bun in your head. He busted out in laughter, making him roll over and fall off the couch. 
“Ah fuck,” he hissed, holding his head in his arms. 
You stopped laughing, and quickly went to him in concern, “you okay?” You were only able to wrap your arms around him for less than a minute before he pushed you away and used the couch to push himself up. He stood up straight and grabbed my waist to pull me to my feet as well. You bent down and grabbed the blanket and shoved it in his hands. 
“You have a headache, so how about you lay down, I’ll get you some spicy chips, ibuprofen and you need to take a long-ass nap after it. I’m not taking no for an answer,” you demanded, grabbing his hand, leading him to the guest bedroom. 
“I don’t wanna fucking sleep in there, it smells like your brother,” he complained. 
He took the lead and headed straight to your bedroom, opening the door and body flopping onto the bed, taking the blanket and wrapping himself in it. You leaned against the doorway and glared at him, “really, my bed? My fucking bed?” 
He didn’t answer, instead just pulling the blanket tighter in his hands. You took a deep breath before walking into your bathroom and grabbing a bottle of ibuprofen from your medicine cabinet. You walked out of your bathroom and walked to the kitchen to grab a water bottle and a bag of hot Cheetos before heading back to your bedroom. Holding the items in one hand, you crawled on your bed and tapped at his head repeatedly until he popped out the blanket and glared at you. 
“Here,” is all you said, showing him the things in your hand. 
He looked at them and then back at them before pulling a hand out of the blanket and grabbing all of the items in one fell swoop. He pulled the blanket back over his head and rolled over. I rolled my eyes and crawled off the bed and walked towards the door. 
“Try and take a nap, I’ll only take about two hours on live and then we could order something to eat okay?” 
He just groaned and flipped you off, making you scoff and walk out the door, closing it behind you. You tightened your robe and walked into your beauty room, where you record all of your videos. You turned on your lights and placed my phone on the stand you bought for having lives. You made sure you had everything, your snacks, your makeup, and everything. You tested your camera out to make sure you looked good in the lighting you had. 
Pulling your hair back into the messy bun that Kat messed up, you pressed “Start Live.” and started your live makeup tutorial. 
I know you told Kat that you would be done in two hours but you couldn’t help yourself, you had to create at least 3 different looks, one after another. Was it good for your skin? No! But did you care? No! This palette was perfect, and you really couldn't help yourself when it came to palettes like this. But Kat was very privy to time management, when you said two hours he would automatically believe you would only take two hours. But you’re black, time is always an illusion to you. It’s been three and a half hours and you were in the middle of blending green into black when all of a sudden the door flew open. 
Right behind you. Where everyone watching your live can see the 6’4 pro hero wrapped in a fluffy green blanket walk in, well more like shuffled in the room. Before he could say something, you quickly turned back around and ended your live before they could see or hear anything he may have wanted to talk about. You turned back around and stared at him, mouth wide open. He glared back at you in confusion. 
“I wasn’t done with my live.”
He slowly registered your words, nodding his head which was still messy from his nap before his eyes widened in realization at your words. 
“You were still live… which means that people just saw me walk in your room with a fluffy blanket wrapped around me…”
You slowly nodded your head and the two of you just stood there in silence….
That’s when both of your phones BLARED out in notifications, calls coming in, text messages, notifications from social media. Both of you quickly went to your phones and scrolled through them to find Japan’s hero and beauty online community in an uproar. 
“FUCK!” Kat cursed, flinging the blanket aside, pulling up a chair, and sitting down. 
Both of you started looking online, trying to see what everyone was saying before you got a call. It was your P.R agent. You groaned as you answered it and waited for her to shout at you. 
“Y/n M/n L/n… mind telling me what’s going on?” Her voice was eerily calm, too calm which made you even more nervous.
“Um, so I may have made a mistake...”
You winced at her loud voice and looked over at Kat to find him on the phone with his hero agency, wrinkles appearing in his forehead and him pressing against his temple. 
“I know, I know Ami, I know who he is....”
“So if you know who he is, then why are you being SEEN with him, do you WANT to lose your collaboration with Relz?!? Need I remind you that this is your FIRST major collaboration and you’re gonna ruin it by sleeping with the owners’ SON?!?!”
You sighed as you tried to explain that his parents already know about you and Kat but Ami went on a rant that could have gone on for days about how irresponsible you were and you just sat there, checking your nails. You checked on Kat and he wasn’t frowning anymore but more in deep thought. You turned back into your conversation with Ami, and she told you that she’ll be at your place in twenty minutes and TO NOT LEAVE YOUR HOUSE. 
You rolled your eyes and told her you wouldn't and she also mentioned that Kat had stayed as well and asked if he was in touch with his agency’s P.R which you confirmed. You ended the call and turned your phone off, not wanting to talk to anyone you knew until you figure out what to do next. You crossed your arms and waited for Kat to get off the phone as well. Soon enough, he ended the call with a “Whatever” and rolled his eyes before ending the call and throwing his phone somewhere, not caring about what happened to it. The both of you just sat in silence, relishing in what just happened…
That your… could you even call it a relationship…? Was out for the world to see. Ll because you couldn’t let go of the palette. 
“Kat…” You started, your voice was heavy. 
“No.” Kat’s voice was sharp, he wasn’t looking at you. His eyes squeezed shut with his fingers pinching at the bridge of his nose between his eyes. 
“I can hear it in your voice… it’s not… it’s not your fucking fault this happened. Yeah, you told me two hours but things happen, should have fucking knocked on the door or some shit like that.” 
You said nothing, deciding to eat and walk over to him, sitting on his lap and moving his head to look at you. 
“How’s your headache?” You asked, mumbling it while holding him close. 
“Better than before, but I can still feel it.” He mumbled in your chest. 
You hummed and grabbed his hand and you both walked out the door and headed to the living room. Before you went you grabbed a soda and a water bottle for him while we waited for my P.R agent to come through. You gave him the water and he grabbed it and began downing it, while you took sips of your soda. 
“While we wait for Ami, can we talk about… what this,” you gestured to the both of you, “is?” 
You and Kat honestly didn’t have a label to your relationship, he wasn’t in for labels, and for a while, you were okay with that but recently you’ve been thinking and even though this was an accident, it still provided you with the time to ask him the questions you’ve been holding back from him. Kat lifted his head to look at you, looking at you to continue your thought. You sighed and leaned back into the couch. 
“We’ve basically been acting like a couple without us putting a label on it? So what are we?” You asked with finality, waiting for an answer. 
He leaned back into the couch but kept his eyes on you, spinning on what’s left of his water. Both of you stared at each other, this seemed like a regular occurrence between the two of you. The two of you are just staring at each other. He blinks at you before looking away and grabbing the remote.
“Don’t ask me any stupid questions like that. You think I would waste my time with you and not thinking of you as my partner or some stupid shit like that?”
You stared at him, blinking a couple of times before reaching over and smacking him dead in the back of his head. He hissed and turned around to glare at you. 
“I have a fucking headache and you know that shit!” He shouted at you, throwing his empty water bottle at you. 
You closed your half-empty soda bottle and whacked him across the head with it, making him stand up and glare at you.
“Alright, now we gotta fight.” That is all he said before grabbing you by the waist and hoisting you onto his shoulder. 
“Let me go!!” You shouted, hitting him on the back. 
He ignored you, did a little evil laugh as he ran back to the bedroom, and straight threw you on the bed. Before you could catch your breath, he threw himself on top of you and started tickling you. Before you could catch up with what’s happening, you burst out in hysterical laughter. You tried to push Kat away but he just pressed into you further, tickling you harder. The both of you continued like this for while before the both of you heard someone clearing their throat. 
He both of you looked up to find your P.R agent standing there, leaning against the doorway, arms crossed glaring at the both of you. Kat rolled his eyes and rolled over to get off of you. You sat up and fixed your robe before getting off the bed to greet Ami. You both bugged although she was a little more hostile with her hug. You backed and allowed her to come into the room, she walked over to your dresser and pulled out the chair and sat down, and turned around to face the both of you. 
“So let’s stalk clean up, while on my way here, I noticed that Mr. Dynamight’s reputation is going up, yours on the other hand is being dragged through the mud. Now if I were Dynamight’s P.R agent, I would not do anything, but I’m not, I’m Y/n’s agent, and right now, here’s what believe that we should do…” She was about to explain everything when Kat got a call again from his agency. 
“Hold up,” he answered the call. 
“Hello?” a pause. “Oh, you’ve already done it?” another, longer pause “her P.R agent is here and I don’t think she’ll like what you’ve done.” 
You looked at him confused, glancing at Ami who narrowed her eyes at Kat, glaring with every bit of poison in her eyes. 
“Well, what’s done is fucking done… can’t change nothing about it…” That is the last thing he says before ending the conversation. 
Ami and I were both about to ask him what the conversation was about when Ami got a notification on her phone. She pulled it out and looked at it. Her eyes widen in shock and she quickly stood up and glared down at Kat who looks like he couldn’t give any more of a fuck. 
You blinked in shock before turning your head around to look at Kat who looked back at you and shrugged his shoulders. You took a deep breath and shook your head and turned back to Ami who was a glaring fire at Kat. 
“Do you see what they are fucking calling her out there?! This could ruin the collab which YOUR PARENTS set up anyways!” 
Kat looked back up at Ami, “check your phone again.” 
Ami looked confused before pulling her phone out and checking it, still looking confused before something popped up on her screen again which made her eyes widen. 
“You got your parents to release a statement?”
You grabbed your phone to look at social media and sure enough on the Relz Twitter Page was a statement saying that they do not control who their son wishes to be with and that anyone involved with him deserves to be working with the Relz brand… You giggled to yourself because they said that Y/n deserves the world for putting up with their emotionally constipated son. 
“I didn’t make them do shit. They like Y/n and they “think she’s good for me” their words not mine and so they wanna make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible considering this is the first time they are collaborating with an influencer for a designer brand…. Or some bullshit like that.”
Ami looked at Kat in shock  before turning to you, “well, things are turning around, they may push back the launch date of your collaboration but other than that… you may come out of this scot-free, you may actually get more fans which means more media, especially since you are now dating a pro-hero, a pro-hero who is well-liked by young women across Japan, be careful, okay?” 
You nodded and got up to hug her, you could tell she was ready to leave. 
“Thanks so much, I know I give you headaches all the time, but I couldn't be me without you, Ami.” You held her tight and she returned the gesture. 
“And you,” she pointed at Kat, “stop fighting with the media, or we’ll have some problems.”
He simply waved her off and continued scrolling through social media. Ami rolled her eyes and leaned up near your ear, “and this is why I like Deku over him.”
You giggled and told her to not let Kat hear you say that before she left our bedroom and soon enough she left your house. Once she was gone, you were able to relax and flopped on the end with Kat. He said nothing as you moved his arm around you and snuggled into his side. The two of you just sat in silence before…
You lifted your head to look at Kat whose face was flushed and was looking over to the side, looking anywhere but where you were. You giggled a little before reaching for your phone, opening up your favorite pizza place’s app to order. 
“Does pizza sound good?”
“I don’t give a fuck.” 
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ralucafarcas · 3 years
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Thank you for being my friend and sharing our love for Danganronpa together!! It's been so nice to talk to you💕🥺 I'm grateful to have found you on Ao3!!!
Aneko, Ayane and Aina, @catgrump 's lovely OCs!
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ronmanmob · 2 years
She is grateful for the quiet space.
She doesn't complain about the difficulties and distractions of trying to carry on conversation when everything is so loud in her ears, from the hum of traffic to the ticking of clocks, breeze against glass, the muffled chorus of human voice. Every sound beyond her companion's chisels a bit of understanding away, sometimes pieces so fine she has no hope of reconstructing what is said in her own mind which often leads to abject non-sequiturs or Beth simply fading from consensual reality until she's merely a silent ghost of herself, afraid of speaking up, afraid of making any kind of scene. 
 Perhaps that is one of Ron's best traits. Understanding what it is to always exist in a state of static. Of having few sign posts to guide social convention. How draining it is to exist in everyone else's normal. It isn't even just in relation to mental health and disabilities both genetic and human-made. He understands even if his experiences differ. He doesn't look down or feel pity or offer a hollow remorse for the things beyond his fixing, but he accommodates where and how he can. 
She hopes he finds the same comfort within her, around her. That she eases what he carries rather than add to it. That he finds grace and patience when he's at his most troubled. That he knows even when he understands that he need go and take care of himself for however long he needs to, that he will find her waiting on the other side of those doors. 
This is not so dire, and requires a much smaller effort between his lips and his voice. All his intentions, meanings. They are strung together like faery lights lighting things up in rainbow hues. A few catch the glass of his lenses and angel-kiss his cheeks. Her hand subconsciously reaches up and takes hold of the crucifix she wears on display around her throat. 
 Andy had slipped it around her neck after her confirmation. It should have been a gift from her parents; neither the mother who had abandoned her nor the Admiral had seemed inclined. It could almost be said that that was a reflection of what he calls her faith. It's also analogous to being hapa, a child of two worlds. Her brother's beliefs blended in an unbreakable bond with those of her people. The old and the new, both of which have her respect and her obedience.
 Beth is nothing, if she isn't obedient.
She offers him a small smile and a much larger truth. "F' me...'s easy, you know? sometimes I imagine religion...belief, not people's individual interpretations of right an' wrong, an' how f' practice it...Is like... like one trellis when ya small. It provides structure, a frame work t' help ya grow an' blossom. Suppose f' support ya when da wind comes choke strong an' t'reatens t' shake ya from ya eart'. Ya 'aina." 
 She looks away for a moment. "Before I realise dat I needed to hold hard to it, if I had any chance of regainin' myself, my oddah half, I was angry a' Him too, for a long time. Blamed Him f' takin' away from me da one person I knew evah truly love me. Lef' me alone in dis world. I suppose dat's mebbe how you felt, too?" 
She doesn't say the words aloud. Feels that it would be both unkind and blasphemous to speak of Aunt Rose, whom she only knows through stories he's told her, or the illness that robbed him of her, and sent him down the darkest path of his life. She doesn't speak of incarceration and of madness and how they must be demons latching at his soul with fiery claws threatening to tear him apart in his grief. She knows, far better than she'd like to.
But this isn't about what she knows or what she feels. There is something weighed and measured and it is his truth to speak. 
 One ankle crosses delicately behind its mate on the other leg, barely outside the radius of diminished flesh, how a lady is supposed to sit. She pushes aside the little collection of crockery and candle, and in opposition of the rest of her posture, a very uncouth arm spans the gulf of the table top, palm up, fingers partly curled, wrist bare. A hand reaching out in offer of support, in touch, in comfort. 
 "D'ya evah t'ink about reconnectin' an' makin' amends?"
A ripple of what looked like anger went through Ron’s expression. It firmed his jaw, drew his brows low in a scowl, narrowed his eyes and then -- gone. Its peak crested and then washed upon his shore. Far from anger really, it was grief; an old and recurring sadness that came out looking off thanks to how easy anger was to convey in comparison to nuanced pain. His words too, when he spoke to reply to all she’d shared with him, were dislocated from the look of him.
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‘Amends?’ Ron repeated, his gaze fixed on his hands, which sat curled upon their table’s top. The pad of his thumb rubbed absently at a callus on the outside edge of his forefinger. ‘--Fer wha’ sins I’ve done? Devil’s advocate now -- ain’t it eye fer an eye, hm? Ain’t it right I sin back t’repay wha’ all ‘ee - if ‘ee’s up there - did t’me?’ In his more philosophical moments this is something Ron has considered deeply. There is no condemnation of Beth or her faith as he speaks. But there is a low-simmering anger now in his voice beside the sadness. 
‘Our Rose-’
..She’s dead, Kray..
The twitch that intruding voice brought on made Ron’s fists clench and his breath catch. For all the good it did, which was little, he breathed through the moment; re-found his place in what he had to say.
‘Me skizafrenia-’
A sickly laugh boiled up  by his left ear. Ron twitched away from it fractionally, but kept on with his litany. The last point was risky.
 ‘--------N Violet.’
There he paused, waiting for the baby’s shriek. It never came. Slowly,  his fists  unclenched, and  his gaze  found Beth again.
‘Weren’t bringin’ them fings on in my life, in me mum’s life, sin by ‘im I c’n repay? Don’t God sin by ‘is own laws, if ‘ee causes so much deaf ‘n pain? Devil’s advocate, yeah?’ He meant that and didn’t. He really hadn’t been on speaking terms with God for a long time. Belatedly, he shifted a hand over; touched its side to that she’d left outstretched - a peace offering despite the fact there was no conflict here, no war, no judgement; only talking. 
‘--I wondah ‘ow y’come away from blamin’ ‘im’ Ron added after a little thought gathering pause. ‘--If ‘ee made th’lot, ‘n causes all fings, th’same place - ‘im - made typhoid ‘n swans. Same place made ‘n took Violet-’
Still no shriek, much as he visibly braced for it; tensed all over.
‘---Made ‘n took Rose. Took me sanity b’cause why? Caprice?’
Snuffling out a breath, Ron shook his head. ‘Ow’d y’find fergivness, darlin?’ he wondered again, moving his hand now so it rested on Beth’s, palm to palm. ‘Admire yah fer it, like I say. Admire yah faif very much - f’all I know y’d be jus’ as lovely a person wiv or wivaht it.’
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grvntld · 3 years
okie so my first chika is actually about boyfie's fambam which are gonna be my in-laws in just a few months. IN. JUST. A. FEW. MONTHS. im gonna get married in just a few months and i still couldnt believe it but also i could not wait bc i love my man i love him so much y'all hv no idea how much and i cant wait to like officially build a life w him even though we hv started doing that already with our plans and all that
anyway, so yeah, boyfie's fambam — theyve always treated me with nothing short of warm. even from the v start and boyfie and i were not like a steady couple yet, like we were just dating and seeing where the tides will take us, they have always treated me like im already part of their family, like they know where our relationship was heading back then. it was heartwarming.
so uhm, i was in lipa, batangas last friday, right? and boyfie's fambam is actually from batangas so of course, i messaged them and told them im in batangas but im on a tight schedule and im not sure if i could meet them but hopefully soon we would be able to see each other again. i didnt know they were out doing errands though and they were near my place of werq that time so i was really surprised when they messaged me if they could maybe drive by just to see me. ngl i panicked. i told my bosses right away if i could excuse myself for a few minutes once my future in-laws are near so i could just say hi and good thing they said yes. they texted me when they were at the golf and country club's gate so i could wait for them in the hotel lobby since i was really on a tight schedule and the owners of the whole property were there too. so there i was in the hotel lobby waiting for them and they got into a problem by the gate since the place is kinda exclusive + of course, under strict protocol so they had to give my name and our contact's name and at first, the guards still wont let them until they called me and i got to talk to the guards on the phone and told them who i was and what was my business there and they were aware of what my team was doing there anyway so after that call, boyfie's fambam was finally let in. i even told the guards they were my future in-laws and right then and there i kinda aggshsjsjskll got shy bc well, im actually a rlly shy person, okkkkk?¿¿?¿??? plus i know they could hear my conversation with the guards since im on loud speaker + i got rlly soft when i was even waiting for the guards to be available to talk to me bc boyfie's dad was on the phone and he was like, "hello, aina. sandali lang, ineng, ha? si tatay ito" 🥺 im soft, you guys!!!! he's basically telling me that it's fine to call him tatay, right? 🥺🥲😭
ok so fast forward to them finally reaching the hotel lobby. i thought it was only boyfie's parents that i was going to see that day so my mind was running wild when i saw figures on the back seat. turns out, boyfie's eldest sister and her hubby — who i both havent met ever since as they were destined in the middle east before and our schedules just wont meet every time they go back here in the ph — were with the parents. i was even kinda in denial as i was going down the staircase of the hotel lobby to meet them by the driveway bc i was telling myself maybe those were actually boyfie's other siblings that i hv met olredi, but then as i got closer, i was just seeing clearly that they were indeed boyfie's eldest sister and her hubby and i was agvsgsbshdnfubeudbfjndjdkdkslsllsl i dont know, mahn, i just rlly wanna make a good first impression. dont shit me, you would want to make a good first impression too when it comes to your partner's family, especially when your partner is part of a tight-knit family. DUH. so yeah, boyfie's mom took lead of the conversation and she was the one who made the introductions between me and boyfie's eldest sister plus her hubby. i could feel their eyes looking at me while boyfie's mom and dad were talking to me. boyfie's eldest sister and her hubby actually asked me stuff abt the golf and country club and honestly, the conversation was almost a blur to me bc i was trying my best to hold my self together as it was the first time that i was meeting them and boyfie wasnt with me and im just an awkward person overall and i was scared im gonna say the wrong things aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh but then everything turned out well. i think i did good. they also asked me of my schedule so i told them my team's gonna cover the whole place amd then we'll head to tagaytay the next day to cover a cafe, and then we're going home. hehe. it was a nice catch up × first meet session. they were nice, they were all smiling. they even gave me dragonfruits to take home. 🤚🥺
boyfie's fambam loves me. dont get me wrong, im not bragging or anything but i know when people actually like me and when they dont, and i just know that boyfie's fambam hv accepted me with their arms wide open, and i am vvv much grateful for that. i love them. i could not ask for better in-laws. theyre all wonderful and i hope they know and feel how much i love their son and brother.
okie so dazz all. at least diziz all i could remember from that time bc really it was kinda blurry to me. i felt like time slowed down but also it all happened so fast and i was just there being: ☺🥺🥲☺🥺🥲. srsly, even after that time, i was kind of shaking bc i got butterflies in my stomach for seeing them without boyfie right by my side. boyfie knows how nervous and tense i get around people so he usually holds my hand to remind me he's there and he wasnt physically there when it all happened, so when i got back to my job, i had a bit of a struggle to go back into my werq mode zone. lol. good thing i was able to push through, though, and i even hosted a live with the chef and the golf and country club's general manager, so i guess i could say i did a good job — personal-life-wise and werq-life-wise! hehe. 🙆‍♀️🦋💖🌻
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thatsneakymedic · 3 years
Should she have left him be yesterday? Aina may not be terribly smart, but it didn't take much digging to know why Mother's Day would put him in such a hard and heavy mood (or anyone here, for that matter...herself included). Still, the next morning she raps on his door, swallowing her own loneliness and bitterness with a smile and a cheer: "Good mooooornin'! You up, Kabuto? Reckoned t'day we oughta go eat breakfast outside t'day! It's so nice an' sunny out."
It was petty of him to hide away from the others while things needed to be done. Not that anyone in Oto had anything positive to say about their family life since some if not all of them had issues with their personal lives. Almost half of them were fellow orphans just like him before Orochimaru took them in.
For once in his years, he didn't cry during the end of the day. Maybe its because he's finally letting her go and he's learning to easily talk about her without showing as much as emotion as he does? Or maybe it's because of all of the atrocities he's committed and the tragic stories of the most unfortunate souls that Orochimaru tends to bring into their lives don't compare to his pain? Whatever it was, he hoped that its a sign of self improvement.
Turning to the doorway, he gets up from his bed without even changing to his normal clothes to see who it is. The cheery optimistic tone of Aina's voice would've definitely set of his irritable mood had she approached him with that kind of energy on Mother's Day.
But since she decided to invite him to eat breakfast with her today just right after the holiday, instead of him sometimes dismissing her or at least asking her to bring him breakfast while he's getting ready for work. He decides to agree with it this time. "Of course, just let me brush my teeth and get dressed first. I'll be out in a few minutes."
His lips form to a grateful smile as he closes the door to fix himself up with fresh clothes. Aina's timing was impeccable since maybe she caught on with his emotions and feelings about the holiday and for that, he truly appreciated her being mindful of him and his own hidden sensitivity.
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