#source: i was a teenager once. that shit was stupid af
avatar-aaang · 22 days
Crystal is such a fantastic character bc shes missing her memories and one of the first things she does is try to be mean to Charles, who is just so delighted by her anyway, and when she realizes that she might have been disliked before, she kinda of just starts over.
and she starts off being by being so kind by demanding they help a girl half way around the world, and they oblige. and then! she wipes the girl's memory of the house so she'll never have to suffer the nightmares the way Crystal does.
she's working through some shit, but every time she comes out the other side having tried to be a better person and trying to help her friends and correct mistakes.
and when she finds out who she is? she is horrified by what she sees and wants nothing more than to get away from that. and she still thinks she's a horrible person bc of what she's done and how her parents react to her calling them. she doesn't realize that you're not your past actions, and just bc she was awful then does not mean she has to continue to be that way.
she wants away from charles and edwin and niko bc she doesn't want them to know her like that. even tho they've never known her like that, and they never will, bc Crystal has changed so much as her time as an amnesiac and she is constantly trying to be a better person.
anyway stan Crystal, she wants to be kind, and her journey from being a bitch to being That Bitch is so fantastic, I can't wait to see what she does next
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stonecoldhedwig · 5 years
Gryffindor Types
Gryffindors get a bit of short shrift; we’re always just made out to be overzealous jocks. But, the diversity among Gryffindors is quite remarkable.  
Incredibly forgiving. Like good LORD look at all the people he gave grace to despite them being utterly horrid to him. Not just the big ones like Dumbledore and Snape, but people like Seamus in 5th year, or Ron during the Triwizard.
Stubborn as hell. Like, so irritatingly stubborn that I want to throw the book across the room.
Harry really struggles with something I think a lot of Gryffindors do, which is that there isn’t necessarily an intrinsic balance to the universe. We believe in the right thing, and justice, and therefore find it hard to tackle the fact that sometimes there’s no cosmic consequence to evil.
Basically just a sweet lil cinnamon roll? Like the poor kid can’t cut a break, but he soldiers on regardless.
Really, really loved Ginny, and was also willing to hurt himself in order to protect her. Starting from CoS where he thought he was dying of the Basilisk bite, right up to the final battle where he runs toward Bellatrix - Harry knows where his heart lies.
Bravery: walked into the face of death in order to save other people. Never once had a problem with sacrificing himself for other people. The spirit of his mother lived in him.
Loyal to a fault - stands up for his friends and family, in a sort of Hufflepuff way. Unafraid of mockery when he believes he’s doing the right thing.  
Of the three of them, Ron is the one who has absolutely no qualms about apologising for his failings. Ron is honourable.
Can be brash, and tactless, and thoughtless, but also possesses a lot of common sense and a really good heart. He’s more Molly’s son than he realises.
Struggles with the impact of 5 brothers and only 1 sister; at times can be unintentionally misogynistic, to not just Ginny but also to people like Hermione.
Ron essentially acts as the foil to Peter Pettigrew. Ron could have been just like him - always the butt of the joke, “Harry Potter’s stupid friend”, etc. Ron chose to be different, chose not to fall back on the fact he was a pureblood, who could have easily been courted by the Death Eaters by making him feel important like they did to Peter.
Bravery: you’ve got to be courageous to step outside of both the shadow of your family, and the insecurities you have about it. Ron encapsulates the idea of “try, try, try again.”
Incredibly, ridiculously smart. Has many Ravenclaw qualities (like McGonagall), but also learns when to put down the books.
Passionately fights for those she sees as oppressed. Goblins, House Elves, you name it - she might not like them, but she sees them as her equals.
Knows that a Gryffindor who uses their head is just as important as a Gryffindor who uses their fists.
Prideful, and can be patronising, particularly at the beginning. Learns how to see the world through other people’s eyes, even if she doesn’t really understand them (e.g. the changing way she treats Luna, or Ron, etc.).
I see a lot of Lily Potter in Hermione. Brilliant Muggleborn, who fell for a man she didn’t expect to love, and who had the fate of the wizarding world essentially thrust upon her. Took it in her stride. Was a badass.
Bravery: Understood that there were things that were worth fighting for, and was willing to do it. But always, always tried to ensure that innocent people weren’t hurt: obliviated her parents to protect them, cared for the House elves, stood up for the kids Fred and George were testing WWW on, etc. Even insisted on putting Muggle money in the till at the supermarket during DH, even though they had the cloak and could just steal.
Fierce. If you don’t want to be Ginny Weasley when you grow up, reevaluate.
Loved Harry for just being Harry, not because he was The Boy Who Lived, or because he was wealthy, or because he was famous. Rather like James loved Lily, she just loved him from the moment she saw him.
Feminist AF. Knew she loved Harry, but also knew that she didn’t have to mope about waiting on him. Dated other people, had a good time doing it. Didn’t take Ron’s shit about it, either.
Stood up for people. She often resorted to a stereotypically “Gryffindor” way of doing it (her famed Bat Bogey Hex, for example).
Definitely had Slytherin qualities, too (Ginny is like Fred/George, or Percy, while Ron is much more like Bill and Charlie). She could be shrewd and cunning, and even a little unkind at times. She struggled to find her place in the world, and that made her angry and hurt, which the Horcrux took advantage of.
She was sixteen in DH. Let that sink in. Sixteen. All the things she’d achieved by that point already, all the things she’d been through.
Bravery: Ginny is true to her own integrity in everything, whether it’s vanquishing Dark wizards, standing up to her brothers, loving Harry etc. She does what she thinks is right, thank you very much.
quiet, shy, often demonstrates a lot of Hufflepuff qualities.
Sword. Of. Gryffindor.
If there are Gryffindors who use their fists, and Gryffindors who use their heads, then Neville is a  Gryffindor who uses his heart. He’s thoughtful and kind, but passionate about the right thing. He also has intense loyalty to his parents, even though he struggles with both their legacy and their insanity.
Bravery: like Dumbledore said, it takes a hell of a lot to stand up to your friends. Neville did it often (not just in PS, but also in cases like OotP when he asks Harry if the DA was just a game, or whether it meant something).
Fred & George
Hilarious and mischievous.
Certainly had a spiteful streak, but their courage was in trying to temper it for good. Their ire was almost always targeted at the right people (e.g. Umbridge), but their sense of humour made everyone fair game. A touch Slytherin, in this regard.
At times they put people in danger, for good and bad reasons.
Bravery: it takes guts to laugh in the face of danger. It takes even more to make sure you’re making other people laugh while you do it.
Percy Weasley
Ambitious, smart.
More like Fred and George than he realises, in the sense that they are two sides of a coin. F&G are what happens when you combine courage/chivalry with anarchy; Percy is what happens when you combine it with dogmatism.
Struggled, in many ways, with the burden of being a Weasley and a Gryffindor. He followed Bill and Charlie (aka a Head Boy and a Prefect; Charlie was Quidditch Captain and a star Seeker), and therefore tried to make a mark of his own. Confused being loyal-to-the-rules with being right.
When he admitted he was wrong, it was not half-hearted. Saw the error in his pridefulness.
Bravery: it’s hard to admit you were wrong. Courage is more than knowing that you screwed up, it’s being willing to own up to it.
Lavender Brown
Scatty, almost a bit like Luna
Willing to understand that wisdom and learning can come from unexpected or unusual sources (e.g. her enthusiasm for Divination)
Could be a stereotypical teenage girl - obsessed with her first boyfriend, spiteful to Hermione at times, etc.
Bravery: gave her life at the Battle of Hogwarts, dying in a truly horrid way at the hands of Fenrir Greyback.
Bill Weasley
Knew how to combine responsibility with fun (Head Boy, but also a Cursebreaker with a dragon-fang earring).
Was unashamed to love a girl everyone thought was wrong for him… and in doing so, proved exactly why Fleur was his perfect match.
Bravery: Lived with the consequences of his attack with good grace. Didn’t let it make him bitter. Trusted Harry, even when he didn’t understand him.
Charlie Weasley
Trained dragons.
No, read that again: trained. dragons.
Could have played Quidditch for England but went off to do what he was really passionate about, which is training dragons.
Bravery: I point you once again to the dragon training.
Lily Potter
Wasn’t ashamed to admit that she had got James all wrong. Learned how to love him.
Believed in the right thing, ardently. She saw the way that power and greed and ambition can turn a good person into a bad one, and utterly refused to play that game.
Lily is where Harry gets his sweet-cinnamon-roll-ness from. Under all her fire, there’s a sweet baby angel, and I will not be convinced otherwise.
Cut off her oldest friend at Hogwarts, Snape, because of doing the right thing: “you’ve chosen your way, I’ve chosen mine.”
Bravery: without Lily’s sacrifice, Voldemort could never have been defeated. Her dying protected her son in order for him to fulfil the prophecy.
James Potter
Brash and arrogant, but a real heart of gold.
Loved one girl, and one girl only, ardently from the day they met to the day they died. Was unequivocal about it.
The similarity between Snape and James is that both of them were essentially little shits. A lot of people are when they’re teenagers. James thought he was the bees knees because he was an all-round golden boy; Snape thought he was superior to everyone because of his cleverness and ambition. The difference between Snape and James is that James saw the error of his ways. He learned to turn his arrogance into something powerful and good. Even when Snape turned on Voldemort, he never actually gave up his belief that he was fundamentally better than other people - look at the way he treated Harry, Hermione, Neville, Ron etc.
Bravery: it’s hard to change. Like, really hard. It’s hard to become better. James did that, and then some, willingly sacrificing himself and telling Lily to take Harry and run, in the hope that his wife and child might survive.
Endured 12 years in Azkaban for a crime he didn’t commit, and his only priority was making sure Harry was safe.
Risked life and limb on multiple occasions for Harry, because he knew that was the way to honour James and Lily’s memory. Died the same way they did - protecting their son.
Could be petty, even mean, at times.
Bravery: Walked away from a life that would have been easy - money, status, privilege, the Black family name - to one that was difficult, painful and heart-wrenching. Lost everyone, everything, and still came back to fight for the Order. Sirius’ bravery was not about who he was, but who he chose to be.
shrewd, thoughtful, and kind. Essentially a blend of all the Hogwarts houses.
Suffers a little from the same thing Percy does (and to an extent, Harry): he cares so deeply about the right thing, but he often struggles with how to express that (e.g. running away from Tonks and the baby until Harry calls him a coward).
Incredibly talented in DADA, naturally inclining him to Gryffindor.
Bravery: he’s a goddamn werewolf, guys. He still manages to believe in the good side and doing the right thing.
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animentality · 6 years
yo, remember that time i was getting anon hate and people were calling me homophobic, transphobic, and ableist for not liking an anime, and then some chick actually had the balls to PM me and say, yo, you’re homophobic and since i’d been getting this shit all day, i said, “I’m not transphobic, go suck a fart up your asshole” and then she said, “I called you homophobic, but i guess the shoe fits!! you’re transphobic too!!” and at that moment, i knew.
Tumblr throws these words around like insults. 
“Transphobic,” “homophobic,” “racist.”
They don’t know what any of it means, but they were raised on tumblr to think they know, and they could all be interchangeable, really. 
Tumblr is a bunch of kids being taught by some smartass adults who took a class on racial theory in college once to just arbitrarily obey any moral authority they know.
Maybe conservatives believe in traditional authority.
But you know, being an edgy punk rock anti-establishment teen doesn’t give you common sense or the ability to make your mind up for yourself.
it’s still brainwashing, from a different source.
you know you don’t have to agree with the tumblr famous blog who’s “woke af #woke af.”
you can disagree.
just because this community calls you satanic doesn’t make it so. 
PSA for everyone new to tumblr, and everyone old to tumblr who knows how fucking toxic everyone here can get: you are a human being.
you are allowed to make decisions and decide who you are.
at the end of the day...these morons don’t exist, not in your world.
you can delete the app. you can delete your account. 
you can literally delete everyone here out of your life.
they no longer exist. 
I remember when I didn’t know that, and people calling me names was hurtful. 
But then I realized fuck all of you, i know who i am, i know my truth. 
and no amount of angry hormonal 14-30 year old girls are gonna tell me how i should think. 
what authority are you, anyway? 
even if you’re not just some teenager who follows all the “woke” people, and you’re actually a sociologist or a specialist on gender theory, that still wouldn’t make you the authority on anything. 
what god gave you the power to judge me for what i said on a stupid blog?
you’ve never met me in real life and if you HAVE, you still would never know the full truth about me, even if i outright told it to your dirty stinking self righteous face. 
so unless you’re an all knowing God, and so help me Jesus, I have committed blasphemy, then shove off. 
have your own opinion, that’s lovely, talk all you want on your blog, even shit talk me if you want, i don’t care, but go stuff yourself with pineapple pizza and anti freeze if you’re going to go around trying to force people to conform to it through terror tactics. 
you think you’re so much better than the far right, but they’re lying to themselves too. 
or they’re just dumb.
either way. 
the shoe fits. 
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justmysicklypride · 7 years
Summary of Floral and Fading by Pierce The Veil
I’m having a shitty day so what better way to make it better than by taking it out on my favourite band’s new music video by roasting the shit out of it
Also I can’t believe I even need to clarify this but (and I’m only gonna say this once) THIS WHOLE THING IS A JOKE!! I have nothing against ANYTHING, not the song, not the girlfriend (technically), and especially not the band so y’all need to chill
Anyways, onwards, Aoshima! 
That car isn’t even parked properly in a parking space, it’s literally just outside the bowling alley for no reason at all
Also, why would you bring your date outside a bowling alley? Couldn’t you have picked a more romantic scenery than a bowling alley?
If this were a cinemasins video, I would add ten sins just for that cheesy arm-around-date move
Why would you wear a dress/skirt to a bowling alley? And don’t give me any “oh it’s the 70s bullshit” I did research and pants for women were a thing back then so there
Also how and why would you wear heals when playing bowling??
Tag yourself, I’m that one guy isolated from everyone else playing what looks to be pinball
That old man looks and acts so done to be surrounded by teenagers so why of all places did he choose to work at a bowling alley? I mean I did the research, and assuming this is taking place in San Diego, the economy didn’t look half bad, so why did this man have to go work at a place he hates?
That’s okay, I never remember who they are either
Real question though, do bands actually used to play live music in bowling alleys? 
Just gonna quickly address the elephant in the room: their outfits. Okay, carry on.
Wow gotta love that totally realistic sounding “live” music, I mean I understand that music videos are basically just mostly mute videos with the original soundtrack slapped onto it but come on, seriously?
Is it just me or does this just look fake af
You’ve seen simultaneous headbanging, get ready for simultaneous bowling
Tony’s the only normal looking one tbh
Accurate representation of a Pierce The Veil concert ngl 
Did Vic just thrust? Did he just fucking thrust?? Are you actually for real right now? I don’t even know what to say to this
Was that a sexual innuendo with that pinball machine or am I just tired
Oh so it was actually a pinball machine 
That “huh” though
I like how they just realised “oh shit there’s a half decent band playing right now we should go look”
Was that a wink
Okay but what even was the point of the couple sitting in the car?
They look so sarcastically happy like honestly same
I just realised, Vic actually kinda looks his age in this video holy fuck
Also, can I just point out that ptv’s clothes look so old compared to the other teenagers’ clothes I mean granted, they are older than them but still, why do they look like they’ve just been ripped straight out of some cheesy black and white comedy film but with colours for added effect?
This isn’t the type of thing I would slow dance to but then again I don’t slow dance so fair enough I guess
Them camera angles and cutscenes though
I have no words
Oh so that was the woman Jaime was referring to in the livestream
His face when he realises who threw the bra I’m crafting
They censored “stupid motherfucker” I don’t know whether to be happy or outraged about this
Finally things are starting to get interesting, I was so bored that I went and made a coffee because I almost fell asleep seeing as nothing interesting was fucking happening, other than Vic thrusting and Jaime’s encounter with his number one fan
I like how ptv don’t even care, like I get that mosh pits are normal at concerts and shit but this ain’t a concert, it’s a goddamn bowling alley
I’ve never been to a concert before but I thought mosh pits were a little more cooler than this, like my friend punched a couple of guys when he went to a concert but all I see here are people pushing each other around
Also idk ‘bout you but this isn’t really the right song to mosh about but you do you
Aw for a second there I thought Vic was gonna rip his shirt open and usually I would be happy about this happening but then I remembered the wig
Reminds me of “TONY GET OFF THE ROOF” or whatever he said
After a solid 2-3 minutes the couple in the car finally do something other than batting their eyelashes at each other and giggling for no fucking reason like you are literally outside a fucking bowling alley, most likely not even in a parking spot and you’re just sitting there looking at each other go re-evaluate your life decisions please
Okay but the audience was clearly moshing before, what if they don’t see Tony jump off the stage and not catch him in time? He would just injure everyone as well as himself and then they’d have to make another announcement stating why Tony isn’t gonna be on the Rest In Space tour
People like these two girls annoy me because like leave the damn band member alone, he’s trying to play his damn instrument you can molest him after the show
Did they just fucking rip his sleeves off?
Also I just realised this is probably the first time I’ve seen Mike drumming while wearing a shirt, let alone a long sleeved shirt
That blue punch looks a little dodgy
What even is going on anymore 
I guess you can say she just got punched in the face *ba dum tst*
I like how the bowling alley just conveniently has the main power thing just behind the fucking shoe counter place I mean fair enough
He’s so done 
I get why they’re aww-ing but were they actually that invested in hearing the music before though??
What was the point of the lighters I mean it’s aesthetically pleasing but why
Why did they ring the fire alarm or whatever and why did it red lights go off
After the main power source came back, the place should be well-lit again but it isn’t
Why is it flashing?
“I need a moment like what had those instruments even done to them” - @2thingsfunny
Did Jaime just throw a balloon at those drums?
Edit: never mind it’s a bowling ball but still
Red lights magically disappear 
I’m willing to bet my own copy of Misadventures that the old guy quit immediately after this music video
“I was slightly disappointed there was no prominent visual of the light beam coming through Tony’s dick like advertised though” - @2thingsfunny
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