#speaking of the dinner; it was so much fun and i haven’t had a good dream in so long until last night 🥺🤍
thatgirlstrawberry · 1 year
How to Lie to a Behavior Analyst pt. 2
In which Y/N still thinks her dad doesn’t know about her and Spencer’s relationship. Rossi sets his daughter up on a date at his book signing party….
Warnings: semi-smutty scenes, cursing, you’ll probably get second hand embarrassment, Fluff, cute/horny/loveydovey!Spencer, JEALOUS!SPENCER
Spencer Reid x fem!reader
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“Do you think we have too much sex?”
This question caught Spencer off guard seeing as they were literally in the middle of having sex. He paused his movements and looked at her. “Uhhhh no?” He shook his head. “Do you?”
Y/N quirked an eyebrow. “No. But I’m just trying to figure out the societally acceptable amount of sex to be having.”
With this Spencer busted out laughing. “Do you think we have over the societally acceptable amount?”
She shrugged, smiling up at him. “I mean we have sex a lot but I don’t think too much.”
Spencer chuckled. “Where did this come from?”
Y/N wiggled her hips as Spencer continued his movements, pushing into her over and over again. “Oh fu— it’s just my next door neighbor has like a lot of sex— all the time and it’s loud.” She nodded, moaning in between her words. “Like I was up until four am one night because she was moaning like a fuckin’ diseased cat.”
“How come I’ve never heard her?” He asked, groaning loudly.
Y/N titled head. “Oh so you want to hear her moan?” She asked, raising her eyebrows.
“What— no!” Spencer exclaimed.
She rolled her eyes laughing. “Kidding!” She hit his shoulder.
The next day, Y/N was at her dad’s house baking a bunch of desserts for his book signing party the next day.
“Dad, how many mini strawberry shortcakes did you need?” She asked as he walked into the kitchen.
“Um… 10, i think.” He nodded. “Y/N/N, sweetheart can I ask you a question?” He asked.
She cleared her throat. “Sure.” She smiled, wiping the flower off of her forehead.
“Are you seeing anyone?” He asked, quirking an eyebrow. She froze for a millisecond.
She remembered the text Spencer had sent her two weeks before at the dinner party her father held.
How to lie to a behavior analyst: Don’t maintain excessive eye contact, keep your voice even, say my name if you refer to me, don’t fidget— I love you
She licked her lips and glanced at him before busying her hands with mixing the cake batter together. “No, why?” She asked, her voice calm.
He shrugged and leaned on the kitchen island. She didn’t turn back to look at him. “Oh, good.” He smiled. “I have this friend and he has a son. I wanted you guys to meet.”
Y/N swallowed hard and let out a quiet scoff. “Really?” She shook her head, turning around and smiling. “You’re trying to set me up now?”
Rossi shrugged. “I just noticed that you haven’t been in a relationship in a while and I think you would love Benjamin Fitz.”
“Your friends with Eric Fitz and his son?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. Eric Fitz was a very… controversial news paper company man. Her shoulders tensed.
“Yes. He always made me look good in the paper.” Rossi joked, strolling over to his daughters side. “So, what do you say? Will you meet Benny?”
If I say no, he’ll definitely catch on.
Y/N smiled tightly and inhaled through her nose. “I-of course! It’s not like I’m seeing anyone so, it should be fun!” She said, internally scolding herself for speaking so fast.
Rossi nodded slowly. “Okay. I’ll let Eric know.”
Spencer is gonna fuckin’ kill me
Y/N shivered as Spencer’s finger tips lightly glided across her back. They were laying in bed just soaking up each other’s company. She had been holding back the fact that she was set up on a date by her father since she saw him.
She could tell Spencer was about to fall asleep because his fingers started to move slower and slowly. “Hey, Spence?” She spoke quietly.
He inhaled deeply, rubbing his eyes with his free hand. “Yeah, baby?”
“Uh…” She bit her lip. “So… I um… my dad— he set me up on a date tomorrow night at his book signing party.”
Spencer’s eyes got wide. “What!?”
The woman sighed and sat up, straddling his thighs. “I— my dad asked me if I was seeing anyone and I told him no because then he would find out about us and then he asked me if he could set me up with his friend’s son and I said yes because I thought it would seem like I was seeing someone even though I just told him that I wasn’t.” She spoke very quickly and Spencer found it hard to keep with her words but he got the gist.
“So you’re going on a date with someone else?” He asked, his eyes dropped down.
Y/N tilted her head and she bit her lip. “Aw Spence, no— well yes but no.” She shook her head. “It might be a date for him but it won’t be a date for me. It’s gonna be torture.” She placed her hands on his cheeks. “I’m gonna hate every second of it because I won’t be with you, okay?”
Spencer nodded. “W-well… what are you gonna wear?” He asked, his eyes avoiding hers.
Y/N bit the inside of her cheek. “I will literally show up in sweatpants if that would make you feel more comfortable.”
He pouted a little bit. “You look really sexy in sweatpants.” Y/N giggled quietly.
“I’ll wear a trash bag— a potato sack! Anything you want me to wear, I’ll wear it.” She nodded.
Spencer smiled, his pouty lips fading away. “I want you to wear…” He thought for a minute. “That pretty white dress that I like on you.”
She quirked a brow. “But you said I look sexy in that one.” She traced circles on his chest.
Spencer leaned forward and kissed her. “I want him to see how sexy you look and I want him to know that he can’t have you.” He whispered. A breath left her lips and she smiled.
She was about to lean in and kiss him again but the ‘diseased cat’ who she shared a wall wit started making noises.
Y/N gasped and slapped Spencer’s chest. “Oh my god! Do you hear!?”
Spencer stopped and listened for a moment before laughing. “Holy shit, why does she sound like that?” He asked through his laughter.
Y/N groaned and rolled her eyes. “We’re never gonna be able to sleep now!” She shouted, doubting that cat lady could hear it over her dramatic moans.
Spencer pulled her closer with a smirk. “We’ll just have to show her what pretty noises sound like.”
“Oh my god, please make me scream.”
Y/N nervously looked around as she clutched her bag in her hands. She stood by her dad’s signing table. He wasn’t there, he was making rounds but she stood there in her tight white dress, waiting for him to show up with her ‘date’. She rolled her eyes even thinking about it.
Soon, her father and a tall blonde man emerged from the crowd of people and headed towards the table.
The first think she noticed about Benjamin Fitz was that he looked her up and down unashamed.
She gave a fake smile to her father and a head nod to Benjamin. “Bella, you look lovely.” Rossi smiled, hugging his daughter and kissing her on both cheeks.
“This is an amazing turn out, daddy.” She smiled, kissing his cheek. They stood in the rental area of a very fancy wine and dine restaurant. She looked at the blonde man next to her father. “You must be Benjamin. It’s nice to meet you.” She smiled, holding out her hand.
“Please, call me Ben.” He winked and instead of shaking her hand, he pulled her in for a hug. His hands landed on her waist and her eyes widened, pulling away quickly as she laughed it off. “And your Y/N?”
She nodded, glancing at her father who had squinted eyes, observing the two. “Y-yes. It’s nice to meet you.” She said again, looking back at him. She had to admit, he wasn’t ugly.
“You as well, sweetheart.”
Y/N blew air past her lips and she looked around. Rossi cleared his throat. “Oh, I see one of my friends.” He smiled, glancing between his daughter and Ben. “I’ve got to make rounds. Have fun you two.”
“Thanks, dad.” She gritted her teeth as he walked away.
Ben looked at her. “Where do they keep the booze?”
Be fucking for real.
Y/N had been leaning against the wall listening to Ben talk about being a Lacrosse star in high school and college. She nodded along but she wasn’t really listening.
Suddenly, she saw a very familiar face over his shoulder. Her eyes widened and she almost choked on the champagne she was chugging.
“Uh, sorry to stop you there Ben but uh… could you give me a minute?” She asked. She didn’t give him a chance to respond before she pushed off of the wall and walked around him.
Her boyfriend stood in the middle of the room with a book in his hand and a very sexy suit. He looked at her and smiled. “Spencer, what the hell are you doing here?” She asked, looking around to make sure that her father wasn’t there and watching them.
He smiled. “I just so happen to have a book that Rossi hasn’t signed.” He shrugged.
“Oh, really?” She asked, a smile forming on her lips. “That’s the only reason you’re here?”
She squinted her eyes. “Not because you want to spy on Ben and I?”
Spencer blew a raspberry and rolled his eyes. “Please. Me? Spying? Nooooo.” Y/N raised her eyebrows.
“Okay.” She nodded. “Well, I gotta get back to my date so… I’ll see you later.” She winked.
She walked back over to Ben, swaying her hips for Spencer to look at. “Who was that?” The blonde asked.
Y/N sighed. “Oh, just one of my dad’s coworkers.” She shrugged.
Ben scoffed. “That twig is an FBI agent? He’s too tiny.” Y/N raised her eyebrows.
That twig’s dick Is most definitely not tiny.
She let out a fake giggle and waved his joke off. “More champagne?” She asked, nodding her head towards the catering woman who walked around with a tray.
“More? Really?” Ben asked. “You must be trying to get me drunk so you can take me home.” He laughed.
Y/N’s tongue slid across her teeth. “Yeah, most definitely not.” She shook her head. The woman walked by her and she snatched a glass off of the tray.
Spencer clenched his jaw as he watched Ben stare at his girlfriend like some porn actress.
I’m gonna kill him, I’m gonna kill him, I’m gonna kill hi—
“Reid! You made it!”
He snapped out of his jealous daze and looked down at Rossi. “Yes, I did.” He nodded.
Rossi held up his pen and his free hand. Spencer opened the book to the front page and held it up for him. He sighed the book quickly.
Spencer sighed before speaking. “If you knew Y/N and I are together then why did you set her up with him?” He asked, heavily annoyed.
He hummed. “I wanted to see how much she cared.”
Spencer squinted her eyes. “What do you mean?”
The man smiled. “I wanted to see if she cared enough about you and your relationship by going out with possibly the biggest pig in the city to to make sure that I didn’t find out about it. I wanted to see if she cared enough to keep you safe.”
Spencer let the corners of his mouth turn up. “Rossi, I love your daughter.” He spoke.
“And she loves you, kid. I Can tell.”
He sighed. “Thank you for not telling her. I don’t want her to be upset or nervous.”
Rossi nodded. “Anything to make my girl happy.” He sighed, watching her roll her eyes as she drank more champagne. “I’ve got more signings to do. See ya, kid.”
He nodded as he walked away, pulling his phone out of his pocket as he saw Ben reach to push her hair behind her ear. She moved away smoothly, playing it off like she had to cough. She kept trying to glance at Spencer without actually turning around.
To: Kool-Aid girl 💘
Meet me in the bathroom in five?
She looked around and saw him before looking back at Ben when she felt her phone buzz. “Sorry, about this.” She shook her head as she dug through her bag for her phone.
From: Kool-Aid girl 💘
Of fucking course
Their lips were heavy on each other’s. Her legs were wrapped around his waist while she was sitting on the counter.
She moaned so quietly as he thrusted his fingers in and out of her. Her hands grabbed at whatever they could. Her eyes never left his though. That was the one thing he wanted.
“Fuck, Spence—“ Her eyes watered at the immense amount of pleasure she was experiencing.
“This is mine— no one else’s.” He grunted. Y/N nodded and bit her lip. “Are you close baby?”
“So fucking close.” She nodded. “You’re- fuck— the only one that gets me there.” She added because 1, it was true and 2, she knew he was feeling a little insecure because of Ben.
Soon, she came on his fingers and shut her eyes, panting. She didn’t have to worry about getting her dress wet because Spencer had pulled it up as soon as they got in there.
Knock knock knock
“Hey is someone in there.”
Y/N’s eyes widened as she and Spencer recognized the voice. She squeezed her eyes shut. “Uh— it’s just me, dad.” She said, sliding off of the counter making sure that he heels hit the ground silently.
“What are you doing in the men’s restroom and why is the door locked? There’s like forty stall in there.”’
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” She whispered. “Uh, I had a woman emergency and someone was in the other restroom.” She nodded her head at Spencer towards the door at the other end of the room. She had no idea what it led to but oh what the hell, right?
Spencer started walking silently towards it as she pulled her dress back down to where it was supposed to be.
She watched him walk through the door and disappear and sighed. She unlocked the bathroom door and smiled at her dad. “Hi, daddy. Sorry.” She mumbled, walking past him.
Now, Spencer and Y/N laid together in his bed. They were just in each other’s company. Again, his fingers were drawing random patterns on her back as she dozed off.
“Hey, Y/N? Before you go to sleep…” He spoke quietly not to startle her. She hummed and nuzzled her face into his chest.
“Thank you for caring.”
She smiled and squeezed him. “I love you. I will always care.”
I love this. Thanks to everyone who loved the first one so much!!!!!
You guys are amazing and I wanna kiss all of you.
Also ask me questions in my ask box!! I would love to answer them :))))
Anywaysssssssssss love ya bunches ❤️❤️❤️
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desafinado · 1 year
𓆩♡𓆪 oblivious crushes hcs
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their crush on you is as clear as day, but you seem to be wearing sunglasses
°。⋆ kaveh, alhaitham, kaeya x reader (separately)
°。⋆ fluff, maybe a bit ooc alhaitham, lots of touchy/clingy :( and some angst in kaeya's part
note: i haven’t gone too far into sumeru yet D: (purely bc of laziness and college) so that’s why alhaitham might be a bit ooc… but! i hope yall enjoy, i had fun. (ps. this was inspired by my short convo with @kana-dayo , i hope u don't mind the tag just tell me if you want me remove it!!)
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kaveh ♡
it threw for him a loop the first time. you were both walking down the port at sunset when he asked if you liked him, and you said of course you love him and you couldn’t ask for a better friend.
he thought you had rejected him when and was genuinely heartbroken for a day, until you visited the next day acting as if everything was fine.
he did not know how to proceed, but he did with caution… when he realized, you genuinely did not understand, he decided to build up the romance before asking you again.
he started making it known to you (and everyone else in the room) that he wanted to spend time with you.
“alhaitham, if you could give us a moment or tw-” “no.” “we’re having dinner out then, dear, lets go.”
of course, he would never do anything that might make you uncomfortable, the moment you express any discomfort or hesitance, he backs off.
that being said, you have never really done such, most times you’re even encouraging him
“kaveh… hugs now please :( “
and how can he not deny you?
speaking of which, he also tried to make more gentle subtle touches, taking your hand when you both walked, placing a hand on the small of your back, hugs that lasted just a second too long.
by the end of it he was extraordinarily clingy, one of his favorite moments is when your head is on his lap and he gets to caress your head.
he acts nonchalantly about it, and so do you. little did you know was that he never did that with anyone else.
“what do you mean kaveh doesn’t like hugging? we spend hours cuddling on the couch..”
to be honest he doesn’t really think much of it either, touching you is like second nature to him. you don’t mind either, because for some odd reason, it just feels right.
he’s almost certain that you like him too, but he’s too afraid to confirm it. he’d much rather stay like this in some sort of limbo between friends and lovers.
but eventually, it eats him up. he needs some sort of closure, even if it meant the collapse of his lovey-dovey facade.
everything’s in place. he had gone through all the scenarios, he knew you were in a good mood, and alhaitham was all the way in sumeru city. everything was perfect for him to make his move, all he needed was you.
“kaveh, what’s all this?”
a picnic blanket was spread out on the grass, a strawberry shortcake, sandwiches and wine laid on top. kaveh stood before it, his familiar smile inviting you to come closer. “ah, i have to admit, it is something a bit special so, please have a seat.”
you follow his advice and gently rest on the blanket, careful not to disturb kaveh’s work. he does the same and sighs. “hm… is this an anniversary or celebration of some sort? did you finally pay off your debt?” you start to ask excitedly, getting a bit ahead of yourself. kaveh simply shakes his head, chuckling softly.
“no, dear. on the contrary, if this all falls through, it could be my funeral.”
you give him a curious glance, tilting your head. he takes both his hands in yours and squeezes them gently.
“nothing that serious, do you remember when i asked you if you liked me?”
“yes… and i still do, if that’s what your concerned about.”
“when i said that, i meant to ask if you liked me as more than just a friend.”
“you mean… like family? like sibli-”
“no, no, dear god no. i mean like… lovers.”
your face turns red at the mention of that word, lovers. it implied romantic love, of course; you weren’t that dense. he’s looking straight into your eyes, awaiting a response, but your lips feel as though they’ve frozen in place. a few more seconds of silence pass, and his lips purse into a heavy frown.
“ah, i’m sorry, if you don’t… i just couldn’t go on like this, pretending that we were something more, living in ignorant bliss. i truly am sorry.”
“no, wait. kaveh…”
you finally build up the courage to speak, letting go of his hands and caressing his cheek. if there’s something you can’t ignore, its the way he’s putting himself down.
“i-i like you that way too, i just didn’t want to believe it either. i… i didn’t want to delude myself into that, so i never entertained the possibility that-”
his tender lips find yours in a kiss, interrupting your rambling along with any doubt the two of you had left. just like all of his other touches, the kiss felt right, familiar, and simply satisfying.
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alhaitham ♡
feelings, specifically love, are a far too strong force that many times they most certainly overcome any logic of even the most robotic of personalities; enter alhaitham.
normally, he would be upfront about these sorts of things, giving them the ultimatum. letting them choose to accept or reject his feelings.
but this time, he didn’t want to give you that chance. he needed you to accept him, he couldn’t imagine any other possibility.
so what does he do? he takes a chance with the whole concept of “romancing” in order to win your heart.
he makes an effort to be around you more, he’ll listen to your long winded rants about the most random topics.
“so, why do you care about this again?” “i just do, i’m not quite sure why honestly.” “that’s understandable, please go on.”
he’s never been one to care about how others might perceive him, how others might react to his actions, but he cares so much about you and he wants you to trust him.
once he notices the way your lips curl up when he enters a room or the way you look at him when you feel a bit overwhelmed, he takes this as a sign that he can try being a bit more touchy.
he never really understood the appeal of it, until he felt how warm you were, how your skin brushing against his made him feel a bit more understood and loved.
and you don’t mind one bit, in fact, you’re happy that he has you to lean on (literally and metaphorically)
but you imagine his roommates' surprise to find alhaitham on the couch cuddled up with someone he had never even met.
“wake them up, and you will sleep outside.”
he truly believes he’s being subtle, but everyone (well those who have the courage to) teases him about it.
he brushes it off, but warns them not to tell you or else…
however, when he starts moving onto more overt and blatant shows of affections, he is sorely disappointed to realize that you are not catching on.
he’d gift you flowers before every outing, call you cute nicknames, and even be more honest with his own feelings.
a polite smile, a thank you, and enthusiastic nod was all you ever responded with.
he was disappointed in himself, he thought he must’ve done something wrong, that he must’ve made you uncomfortable.
he needs to confront you about this in his own way, for his sake and yours.
“it’s you…”
his voice rings out like a bell in a cathedral, snapping you back into reality. he had requested for you to meet him at one of the gazebos near the akademiya. stars had been showered upon the night sky, and it was all you could look at, until alhaitham’s voice, of course. you turn around and chuckle at his awe-stricken face.
“glad to see you too. your letter sounded quite urgent, is something the matter?”
upon seeing you, he can’t control his movements, rushing towards you and taking you into a dramatic hug. you’re quick to hug him back, offering him any and all support he might need. he buries his head into your shoulder, taking in your scent, and touch, enjoying it while it lasts. his voice almost cracks as he speaks.
“yes. i’m sorry for making you uncomfortable with my… advances. i understand if you never want to see me again.”
the shock is almost enough to knock you over, but you simply pull away and look at him with deep concern. you didn’t know where he was coming from, and you had never seen him like this.
“advances? what sort of advances?”
“the romantic ones?”
“oh! towards who? i don’t mind at all, really.”
its his turn widen his eyes, he closes his eyes and pauses. he needs to pick his next words carefully, he really wants this to be a swift death, no point in dragging his heart against the pavement.
“towards you…? the one i love is you.”
he finally admits, hoping you finally understand. he’s run out of words to say, ways to express his unwavering love for you. you flicker between his eyes and lips, confirming if what he says is true, and what he feels is real; after a moment, you speak up.
“i’m sorry, i never… i knew you were opening up, but i didn’t stop to think…”
you calmly take him back into your arms, letting his head rest back on your shoulder. you stroke his hair slowly, trying to soothe him. “i was already so happy that you seemed to be opening up to me, i didn’t realize you meant it in that way. i didn’t want to push it any further than necessary.” he allows you to touch and pamper him, allowing himself the privilege of your tender care.
“i see. so you weren’t comfortable with it? you’re not comfortable with me…?”
“no, alhaitham. i’m more than comfortable with you, and i’d do all those things with you again.”
you blush, understanding the implications of what you had just said. you just opened yourself to him, laid yourself out for him to accept or reject. you close your eyes, bracing for what comes next, when you suddenly feel yourself being lifted up and spun around gently.
“that’s all i needed to hear, darling. from this day on, we can do all those things and more… again and again, everyday.”
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kaeya ♡
he likes to tease, that is no question. making others red in the face, in anger or embarrassment, is a pastime of his.
but why is it that you of all people, his one and only crush, remain unaffected?
its not like you even have a snarky remark back or try to hide your embarrassment, you simply let it pass as though it was the cool summer breeze against your skin.
“oh my… shouldn’t you take me out to dinner first?” “uh why?”
you surely enjoyed his company and the silly jokes he’d make, even though there would be times you just didn’t understand what he was talking about.
other than that, he’d often be extra chivalrous towards you, holding the door for you, taking your hand as you walk down the stairs… but i mean that’s how knights just are, right?
though you can often feel his overprotective step out, especially when it comes to your safety, you once again chalk it to him in his cavalry captain mode.
only his closest friends and allies can detect the minor difference in his behavior around you, except you, of course. it doesn’t bother him, because it only solidifies his love for you, how serious he is about you.
sometimes he truly is just amazed with the way your mind works to rule out all romantic possibilities, its like the notion of love does not even exist to you.
he doesn’t mind it one bit, though. if anything, he wishes to be the person who introduces you to love.
he knows he can reveal his feelings at any moment, but he wants you to figure it out for yourself, that epiphany of love is something he feels everyone should experience…
that is until he catches you blushing with another person.
“oh yeah! they’ve been talking to them the entire night… they’re really hitting it off, i don’t-”
every word after that is just muffled noise to him. he didn’t understand the feeling coursing through his vein. it was a poignant mixture of jealousy, sadness, and disappointment in himself.
he immediately steps out of angel’s share, not even bothering with a drink to drown his feelings. he thought he was special to you, the way you were to him.
that’s when the creaking of the tavern doors catches his attention, revealing you.
“oh, hi.”
your voice was timid in the chilly night atmosphere, the silence between you and kaeya almost deafening. he huffs and crosses his arms, trying to pretend as if he hadn’t just felt his heart rip, shatter and
“hey, so what are you doing here? i know you’re not one for taverns, most specially on a wednesday night.”
he doesn’t miss a beat, starting his investigation. your eyes widen at his unusually stern demeanor; its not like you haven’t seen this side of him, but you don’t know have a clue as to where it's coming from. you start to sober up, feeling the excitement and adrenaline of the bar leave you. “honestly, i had nothing better to do… and i was trying to get out of my comfort zone.”
he raises an eyebrow at your seemingly simple explanation; you didn’t have any reason to lie, and to be fair, it wasn’t like he had a right to know anyways. his posture relaxes as gives you his arm, gesturing for you to take it; you, having no reason to deny him, take his arm in yours. you both start walking down the streets, no definite destination in mind.
“Is something wrong, kaeya?”
the glazed look in your eyes is something he can’t ignore, and he knows you won’t ignore his furrowed eyebrows either. he sighs letting the cold air entering his lungs, as if numbing himself before the storm truly begins.
“yes, actually there is. could i be a burden to you?”
“kaeya… you know you can always talk to me about your feelings, you’re no burden to me.”
a bitter chuckle escapes his lips, acting as if he truly had nothing left to lose. “that’s why i love you, you know? ah… i thought i’d be saying this in a drunken stammer or you’d hear from rosaria or lisa, but i’m more sober than ever and… i love you so much it hurts.”
suddenly, his touch feels much colder than it ever has, sending a shiver down your spine. you pause for a moment, the adrenaline and heat rising back up.
“k-kaeya, wait… i love you too. i’m-”
“you needn’t spare my feelings or lie. perhaps it was my fault for letting my pride get the best of me, and now you’ve been swept away by someone else, someone who makes you blush.”
your eyebrows curved into a straight line, clearly baffled by kaeya’s assumptions. yes, you were a bit oblivious when it came to love, so you feel like you’d take note if “someone swept you away”.“kaeya, i have no idea what you’re talking about, but if you’re referring to my demeanor in the bar, i was…” you face only gets redder by the moment. “i-i don’t hold my alcohol very well…”
kaeya pauses for a second, his lips parting in a small o-shape. he feels like such a fool for jumping to assumptions so quickly, but he quickly regains his composure realizing something far more crucial, a smirk plastered onto his face.
“i see. so you like me after all? and i’ve finally managed to fluster you”
“n-no, you didn’t! the alcohol just hasn’t-”
“aha, so you do love me? dear, just say the word, and i’m all yours.”
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requests are open!! please do not reposts on other sites.
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Sugar Daddy!Joel Miller x Female!Reader
Overall Warnings: slow burn, angst/comfort, power imbalance, age gap, possessive tendencies, eventual smut, #daddyissues, independent reader learns to let go and relax, emotionally constipated Joel Miller learns to be vulnerable; (more specific warnings to be added to individual chapters if necessary)
Chapter Word Count: 3,484
Summary: You spent your entire adult life supporting yourself and barely getting by. It’s why a life of ease offered to you by a mysterious stranger sounded so foreign and unbelievable. Joel Miller, dressed in flannels that had seen better days, didn’t look like the kind who could promise you the world on a plate, but he seemed desperate to help out. All he asks is that you let him take care of you. That wouldn’t be so hard. Would it?
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[A/N: I'm having too much fun with this. Also, I may do away with tag lists here soon. i know they're helpful for y'all but the amount of time it takes up for some God forsaken reason is killing me lol]
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"always be careful of what you hear about a woman. rumors either come from a man who can't have her, or a woman who can't compete with her."
A week and a half had passed and you had been on three other dinner dates with Joel. They hadn’t been as elaborate as your putt putt date, but it was still time with him that you enjoyed. The nights you didn’t go out you spent on the phone with him. A day hadn’t gone by where you didn’t speak to Joel in some manner or way. 
“What is this??” Nima cried from your kitchen. She wandered out of the space in her pajamas, a korean face mask in place, and held up the expensive bottle of wine Joel had sent you. “Bitch, I went to look for your box wine and found this.”
You beamed at her from your spot on the couch. A thick, cozy blanket draped over your shoulders. “Joel got it for me. Crack it open!”
“Pfft, you don’t have to tell me twice.”
A few moments later, Nima entered your view again. She hurried to jump onto the couch beside you. Two wine glasses held precariously in one hand and the wine bottle in the other. The corkscrew was held under her arm and when she was settled she began to open it up.
“How is that sugar baby stuff going?” Nima asked.
“Good.” You responded. “We’ve been on a few⏤ outings.” You didn’t refer to them as dates like you did with Joel. It just felt odd. “We went putt putt golfing on our first outing. We walked through a park another time.” Nima narrowed her eyes at you while pouring wine in the glasses. “What?”
Nima scoffed and handed you the wine. “Putt putt? A walk? He’s a millionaire.” She took a sip of the wine and groaned in pleasure at the taste. She then motioned to you to make her point. “He should be flying you to Paris for escargot or Taiwan for noodles.”
You rolled your eyes. “That’s literally absurd.” Nima shrugged her shoulders in an exaggerated manner. You shifted in your seat comfortably and you could feel a slow smile spread across your lips at the thought of Joel. “I like our outings, thank you.”
“Oh no.” Nima blurted and you furrowed your brow in confusion at her sudden concern. “I recognize that look.”
“What look?”
“That look.”
“I’m not wearing a look!”
Nima leaned forward and shook her head. “You like your sugar daddy.”
You scoffed in response. “I think that’s kind of the point.”
“No, no.” Nima waggled her finger at you. “The point is to pretend like you like your sugar daddy. That’s how you keep all the power.” You rolled your eyes then took a sip of the delicious and expensive wine. Nima sighed. “I’m serious.”
“You’re ridiculous is what you are.”
Nima stretched out to rest her legs in your lap and shot you a serious look that you could only half take seriously due to the face mask she wore. “You haven’t liked a guy since your ex. You can’t blame me for being worried. I just don’t want you to get hurt again, babe.”
“I’m not gonna⏤ You’re way off base here.” You shook your head and took a sip of your wine. “That’s not something you need to worry about.” Nima tilted her head and gave you a firm look. “Seriously!”
“Right.” She dragged the word out. “And you haven’t checked your phone a dozen times since I got here hoping for a text from him.”
Your eyes widened as she called you out. Nima wasn’t wrong. Despite, just having spoken to him this afternoon you still hoped to hear from him. The back of your neck warmed in mild embarrassment and you took a sip of your wine before speaking. “No. No, I’m just… I’m keeping an eye out because if he does text me I need to reply. Obviously. He’s, uh, he’s paying me.”
“Uh huh.” Nima deadpanned. You rolled your eyes and sunk into the couch. “How much do you know about this guy? Like, for real?”
“I know what I need to know.”
“What if he has a secret family??” Nima cried.
“He has a not secret family that he talks about quite warmly.” You replied with a small smile. Only days ago the two of you had gotten onto the topic of families. “He has a brother, and two daughters.”
Nima waved her hand toward you. “I bet all those relationships are all fucked up.”
“Actually, Joel says they’re incredibly close.”
“Of course, he would say that.” Nima argued. “Have you met them?”
“What child, regardless of age, would ever want to meet their father’s sugar baby?”
“True.” She conceded.
You hid behind your wine glass, taking another long sip, in thought. The topic of Joel’s daughters had you torn. On one hand, listening to Joel talk about his daughters was literally the cutest thing in the world. He was so proud of them both. His eldest was about to be a senior at Baylor University back in Texas with plans to go to pharmacy school when she eventually graduated and his youngest had just been accepted into UCLA. It was obvious how much he adored them and the few stories he told made it clear that they cared about him equally so. The only part of it that felt odd to you was the thought that if they knew about you they’d hate you.
You were the weird woman their father was paying to hang out with. If the roles were reversed you’d be worried that some psycho woman was taking advantage of your father. 
“Well, I wanna meet him.” Nima demanded.
You scoffed with a laugh. “Not yet, Nima.”
“Why not?? Is he hiding from me?”
“No,” You grinned at her, “I’m hiding him from you. Joel’s not ready to be exposed to your insanity quite yet I don’t think.”
Nima hummed and held up the wine glass for you to clink yours again. “That’s fair, babe. That’s fair.”
The rest of the night was filled with cheesy rom coms, Nima’s nonsense, and an additional wine bottle after you and her killed the first one. Every month the two of you had a dedicated ‘girls’ night’ where you both hung out and got fully caught up with one another lives. Around midnight, when Nima had risen to use the bathroom you felt your phone buzz and reached out for it: ‘Didn’t wanna interrupt girls’ night, but hope you’re having a good night. Talk to you tomorrow, sugar.’
You held the phone to your chest as a stupidly pleased smile flickered to your features. Nima hadn’t been wrong. You liked your sugar daddy. You really liked him, actually. Still, you could keep you emotions separate from this deal. It would be fine. You wouldn’t get hurt. 
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A few days after girls’ night, you found yourself at work leaning against the counter while reading a book. Henry had stepped out to buy lunch. The last customer to come through had been a little over an hour ago and you had gotten pretty absorbed in your book. However, the sound of the door chime made you glance up in excitement. Joel had said he’d swing by to visit you around this time. It was not your sugar daddy who came waltzing through the door though. 
“Rosalind?” You asked in surprise. She looked as regal as she did when you met her prior to agreeing to a deal with Joel. She wore a flowy, long dark green gown with braided brown straps. It made her look like some kind of forest goddess which you mildly obnoxious. How could a person look airbrushed in person? “Uh, hi.”
“Hi, girly.” Rosalind pushed her sunglasses away from her eyes and into her hair. “So good to see you again!”
“Yeah.” You stuck a bookmark in your book before tucking it under the counter. “What can I do for you?”
“Oh, I’m not here for baked goods.” Rosalind laughed. “I haven’t had a carb in seven years.”
“That sounds… miserable.” You mumbled the last bit, but she acted as if she did not hear you.
“How have things been with your daddy?”
You blinked in shock at her statement. Rosalind had come in here just to ask you how things were going with Joel? You had a strong suspicion it wasn’t for your sake. She waited patiently for you to respond. Finally, you gave her a small nod. “Good. It’s going really good.”
“Aw, there’s no need to lie.” Rosalind cooed and you simply raised an eyebrow in confusion. You couldn’t even begin to feel bullied by this woman mainly because there was too many questions swirling in your mind to be intimidated. “I hear he dropped you.”
You blinked once and tilted your head at her, “Huh?”
“I mean, why else would you still be working in this decrypt and sad little bakery?”
“I have a responsibility?” You replied. Granted, you knew Joel didn’t want you working here anymore. He wasn’t nagging you or twisting your arm to put in a two week’s notice, but his opinion was still made clear. Joel respected that fact that you wanted to right by Henry which you were thankful for. Not thankful enough to bite the bullet and just do it, but you were working up to that. Slowly. “I can’t just leave.”
Rosalind let loose a mocking laugh. “What idiot would still work a full schedule despite their sugar daddy offering them a life of ease?”
You rubbed the back of your neck with a mildly amused wince. “I think the word ‘idiot’ is a little harsh.” She seemed to ignore your comment entirely. “Did you really come all the way here to mock me about a rumor you heard? An incorrect one, at that? Because I think that means you need to get a hobby.” You shrugged. “Or maybe better sources.”
“No, girly, I came to offer condolences.” Rosalind replied.
“It doesn’t feel like that…”
She ignored your mumbles again. “I know this was your first time branching into the extravagant world I’ve made my home in, and I don’t want you to get discouraged.” Rosalind reached over the counter to grasp your hand in hers. “In fact, I want to help you find a new daddy. Maybe one more…” She eyed you up and down. “In your league.” You furrowed your brow at the backhanded insult. “All you have to do is help me set a meeting with Joel Miller.”
“Why?” You asked. Though, you were fairly certain you knew why.
“I’m in the market for a new daddy.” She winked at you as if the two of you were friends gossiping and she hadn’t been tossing insults your way since walking through the door. Rosalind was either the most confident woman on the planet or she was completely and totally delusional. Maybe both. 
Though she was lucky though because after another five minutes of rambling to you about her newest plans to secure a daddy and the kinds she could find for you, the door chime rang. You found any annoyance you felt toward Rosalind vanished the second Joel walked through the door. He was dressed in a work flannel today which meant he was either coming from or going to a construction site.
“Hi, daddy.” You grinned and his eyes widened at your public greeting. Joel’s eyes weren’t nearly as wide as Rosalind’s though as she gawked between you and him. You pointed to the woman in front of you. “This is Rosalind Turkey⏤”
“Turby.” She corrected through the gritted teeth of her smile.
“⏤and she hasn’t eaten a carb in seven years.”
Joel nodded slowly. It was clear he didn’t fully understand the circumstances, but his lips still curled up in amusement. He nodded at Rosalind once. “Congratulations?” 
“Rosalind, this is Joel Miller.” You finished. “You said you wanted to meet him? Ask him something about a meeting?”
Rosalind faked a laugh before waving her hand at you. “Don’t be silly, my love.” It was fun to see the smile she wore as it did not match the rage in her eyes. “I’ll leave you two be.” She paused only to set a hand on Joel’s shoulder. “It was very nice to meet you.”
“Yeah, okay.” Joel grunted.
“Ta-ta!” Rosalind waved at you once more and you gave her a cheerful wave back as she glared at you once before storming out the door.
You laughed at her reaction, and Joel shook his head. “Mind tellin’ me what the hell that was about?”
“Remember I told you that I met with a sugar baby before agreeing to our deal?” You asked. Joel nodded. “That was her.”
“Why was she here?”
“Apparently there’s a rumor that you dumped me as your sugar baby.” You grinned teasingly at him. “So, if that’s what you’ve come to do, may I just warn you that women like her will be kicking down your door looking for a little loving the second you do.”
Joel laughed. “Guess that means I just gotta keep you forever, hm?” You felt your entire face warm as your lips twisted into a smile you tried to hide. His goal must have been to make you squirm since his own amusement increased at the sight of you. “Rosie tell you why she thought that?”
You were positive that she would hate that nickname and reminded yourself to use it if you ever had to deal with her again. You shrugged. “To be honest, I’m not sure. I don’t know how she found me or anything, but I think she thought it was because I was still working here.”
“Not for my lack of tryin’.” Joel snorted.
“I’m gonna talk to Henry soon, I promise.” You replied.
Joel shook his head and held a hand up, “I ain’t here to bother you about that. I came to bother you about somethin’ else.”
“And that is?”
“You still got that three day weekend?” He asked, and you nodded. This week you had Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off which was almost unheard of, but Henry was going out of town to visit family and figured it’d be best just to close up those days. Joel knew that though. The two of you had just talked about it so you weren’t sure why he was asking again. “Good. I got this conference to go to. Was hopin’ you’d, uh, you’d come along.”
It dawned on you then that Joel seemed a bit nervous to ask and after all the time you spent together you found that curious. You tried to reassure him, “I’d love to go, Joel.”
“Well,” He leaned on the counter in front of you, “It’s not a normal conference. Just don’t feel obligated to say yes because of our deal. As much as I’d like you to be there, I never told you this," He motioned between the two of you, "would involve any sort of travelin'.”
Your eyes widened. “Traveling?”
“The conference is in Vegas.” Joel replied. “We’d leave Friday mornin' and I’d have you back late Sunday night.” You felt a wave of excitement roll through you which Joel seemed to take as anxiety. “No pressure. It’s just last year this conference wasn’t any kind of fun, and I was hopin’ you’d change that.”
You smirked, and leaned on the counter as well to bounce your eyebrows in a suggestive manner, “Change it how? What kind of fun are you expecting from me?”
Joel’s face flushed and he cleared his throat. “Not⏤ I wasn’t⏤ I just thought you'd, uh we'd…” He finally seemed to notice you were simply teasing him, and he scoffed⏤ lips curling into a smile. Joel reached forward to set his hand on your face and he squished your cheeks with one hand so your lips were slightly pursed. He leaned in, “You’re bein’ a brat, sugar.”
“I thought you liked that.” You replied, but all your words came out slightly muffled by the way he held your face. Joel raised an eyebrow at you in response, and it made your heart flutter in your chest. You chuckled, cheeks still squished, “Sorry, daddy.”
“That’s what I thought you said.” Joel chuckled. He loosened his grip so he wasn’t playfully squishing your cheeks together, but he let his fingers linger on your cheeks for a moment before pulling his hand back. You found you missed his touch more than you should. “So?”
You nodded. “I’ll come. I’ve never been to Vegas before.”
“Good.” Joel nodded, excitement in his brown eyes making you even happier to say yes. “You know what this means?” You tilted your head curiously then slightly shook your head. “Means we get to go shoppin’, sugar. You need a brand new wardrobe for Vegas.”
You chuckled, “You look for any excuse to buy things.”
“Only for the special people in my life.” Joel shrugged, and he made the comment so nonchalantly that you felt heat creep up the back of your neck and into your cheeks. Joel reached back to his back pocket and pulled out a square box that he set in front of you. “Speakin’ of…”
You stared at it for a moment before snapping your gaze back to him, “What is this?”
“You lost at mini golf. Here’s your punishment.”
“You were serious??”
Joel winked at you, “Always, sugar.”
He nodded once for you to open it and you hesitantly picked up the velvet box to pop it open. Joel had promised you exorbitant and gaudy jewelry. You weren’t sure what to expect when the lid hinged open, but you gasped at the sunflower that stared up at you⏤ just like the first flowers he sent you.
The necklace was made of a silver chain and the sunflower charm hanging from it was about the size of a dime. It’s center was made up of a collection of very small, glittering smokey gems and yellow petals fanned out from it in a radial pattern. Some petals were a solid yellow stone and others made of some kind of yellow gem. Your eyes snapped up to Joel to see he had been staring at you intently the entire time. The corner of his lips curled ever so slightly and a softness in his eyes that only added to the gift itself.
“Oh my God, Joel.” You breathed.
“You like it?” He asked, genuinely nervous about your reaction. You pressed your lips together and nodded frantically⏤ unable to find the words. Joel breathed out a breath of relief. The necklace was gorgeous, but you really loved the memory tied to it. As long as you wore it, every sight of it would remind you of that first bouquet, that first date. 
You picked the necklace up from the box then grinned at Joel. “Can you…?” Joel understood what you were asking and you spun in place so he could reach across the counter and latch the necklace’s clasp. The feel of his warm fingers brushing against the skin at the back of your neck sent a chill down your spine that you couldn’t help but shiver at. If Joel noticed, he made no comment. You were thankful for the counter separating the two of you. Having his breath fanning down on your neck alongside his fingers would probably send you spiraling over the edge.
When he finished, his hands pulled away and you turned around to admire the way the gift looked around your neck. “Thank you so much. I love it.”
“Not gaudy?” 
You shook your head. “Not at all. Where’d you get it?”
“I had it made.” Joel replied. “That’s what took me so long to get it to you, sugar.”
“So, this is original?” Your eyes widened again. “There’s no other piece just like this?”
Joel smirked. “It’s one of a kind. Just like you.”
“That’s so cheesy.” You beamed at him, hands lifting to rest on your cheeks. After telling Joel how much you liked cheesy shows of affection he had showered you in that kind of behavior. The sound of the door’s bell going off made you glance over to see two strangers walking in. “Alright, I need to get back to work.”
Joel shook his head, “If you weren’t working we wouldn’t be interrupted like this, sugar.”
“Shouldn’t you be at work?” You teased back. He nodded in surrender and you leaned in to leave him with one last comment before the two strangers got any closer. “Thanks for the gift, daddy.”
Joel held your gaze for another beat before he shot you a discreet final wink before leaving. The two strangers, still caught up in their own conversation, finally drifted over and it took actual effort to tear your eyes away from Joel’s broad frame. Your hand lifted to touch the sunflower charm hanging round your neck. Maybe Nima was completely right. You were in trouble.
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✨J.M. Masterlist✨
695 notes · View notes
jujumin-translates · 2 months
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 3 - One Step Up
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*Door opens*
Kumon: We’re back~!
Juza: We’re home.
Taichi: I’m starving~.
Tenma: Looks like Omi-san’s in charge of dinner tonight.
Tsuzuru: Smells like it’s something with a demi-glace sauce…
Omi: The beef stew will be ready soon.
Kumon: Woo~! I was hoping to eat some meat~!
Kazunari: The Yosei Uni Gang’s really building up their forces~.
Muku: Kyu-chan’s the only new one, though.
Yuki: But he’s got the presence of about two or three people.
Tsumugi: How’s college life been going, Kumon-kun?
Kumon: It’s super interesting! Unlike with my classes in high school, I actually feel motivated to study on my own.
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Kumon: Plus I get to be with Nii-chan!
Banri: I figured you had had that planned from the start, but you actually didn’t decide on where you were gonna go for school until much later, right?
Kumon: Hey, I thought about it a lot, y’know.
Kumon: And I didn’t just think about Nii-chan, I also made sure to think about the best college for me to go to.
Azami: The growth of someone with a brother complex.
Yuki: They still ended up at the same college, though.
Kumon: That’s ‘cause Nii-chan and Tenma-san seemed like they really liked it there!
Tenma: Well, you are right about that.
Juza: Glad ya got accepted in.
Taichi: You’ve been doing great with writing essays and doing job interview prep~.
Kumon: Hehe. That’s thanks to you, Nii-chan, and Tenma-san for teaching me so much!
Chikage: It’s so touching to see Tenma becoming the tutor.
Tenma: Thanks for that.
Kazunari: Yawn~…
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Tsuzuru: You seem tired, Miyoshi-san.
Kazunari: I had a deadline for some urgent work yesterday. Hardly got any sleep~.
Tsuzuru: Good work.
Muku: You suddenly seem like much more of an adult, Kazu-kun.
Kazunari: What I do is kinda just an extension of what I did in college, but once that label of “student” is gone, it makes you a little more conscious of it.
Omi: It’s a lot of work and responsibility, but it’s also a lot of fun.
Tsuzuru: Is that so…
Kazunari: You’ll get what we’re talking about in a year, Tsuzurun~.
Izumi: Omi-kun’s right, your impression of things changes once you graduate from college.
Azuma: I enjoy seeing these changes every year once spring comes.
Homare: Yes, however, there are still some of us that haven’t changed much at all.
Azuma: It’s thanks to everyone that spring is nice like this.
Tasuku: Well, even though some of us haven’t been through any major changes, I’m sure we’re all busy with something, right?
Guy: It appears that you’ve been getting more and more requests to do guest appearances, Takato.
Sakuya: Ah, actually, I’m about to get an offer to perform on a slightly bigger stage too--.
Tsumugi: Really? That’s great.
Tasuku: That’s probably the result of steadily building up your experience. Shows how much you’ve become recognized as an actor.
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Sakuya: Thank you so much!
Citron: I have started getting pressured to do arts and culture-related work from all over the place~.
Itaru: And I’m still annoyed that I’m stuck being treated like some mid-level NPC…
Chikage: That’s normal for having worked there for five years.
Guy: Speaking of that, I’ve been entrusting Mikage with more work, too.
Hisoka: I know how to make a few appetizers now…
Tasuku: What, like toasted marshmallows and marshmallow pizza?
Hisoka: Well, yeah, but there’s other stuff too.
Homare: To be dabbling in dishes other than ones with marshmallows… that’s quite remarkable progress!
Misumi: Speaking of new things, my friend Mii-chan just had a litter of kitties~.
Muku: Congratulations!
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Yuki: Why are you congratulating the Trianglien for it?
Izumi: Seems like everything’s going smoothly for the company while each of you is moving forward and changing in your own ways.
Izumi: That reminds me, the kid we met today also said he was going to be a new high school student starting in the spring.
Kumon: Huh~, what was he like?
Tsuzuru: He was an interesting one, for sure.
Masumi: He wasn’t interesting, he was annoying.
Itaru: He was an avid Masumi fan.
Izumi: He said he used to live in a rural area and that he’s been supporting us for quite some time via our streams.
Sakyo: Is that the power of MIZUNO Enterprises…?
Sakyo: We’ll have to keep up our efforts to reach an even wider audience.
Izumi: He said he was really looking forward to seeing one of our performances live.
Tasuku: There is just something different about seeing a play in person.
Sakuya: There really is. He was really looking forward to seeing it, so we’ll have to do our best not to disappoint.
Izumi: Ah, right! The idea came to me when we were talking to that kid, but--.
Izumi: How does a workshop aimed at beginners sound for the upcoming event?
Izumi: When I realized that people were interested in theater because of MANKAI Company’s performances, I thought that maybe promoting theater as a concept could be necessary too.
Izumi: And I think it’d be a good experience for us to share the joy of plays with them more directly and to have fun together.
Sakuya: That’s true, that could be a really good idea!
Citron: It sounds very fun!
Chikage: But wouldn’t people who have more experience with theater, like Tenma, Tasuku, or Tsumugi, be more suitable for teaching people than us Spring Troupe members?
Tsuzuru: He’s got a point, most of us are still pretty inexperienced actors. I mean, almost all of us were complete amateurs until a few years ago.
Masumi: I can do it.
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Itaru: You’re probably the least qualified to teach.
Izumi: That’s the point. You all still feel like amateurs and remember how you felt when you first stepped on stage just a few years ago.
Izumi: I’m confident that you guys will be able to convey theater from a perspective that’s closer to a beginner’s.
Izumi: It’s not a workshop for actors, and it’s definitely not just for teaching like Yuzo-san’s workshops…
Izumi: I think it should be about just trying to enjoy theater together, just like if you were reminiscing about your old selves. That’s the best we can do, I think.
Izumi: And it could be an opportunity to expand our fan base too…
Izumi: I think it’s only because of how everyone is now that we can try to make people more aware of theater.
Sakuya: Yeah… I get it. Up until now, we’ve just been doing our best in regards to ourselves, but now…
Itaru: Exactly. Maybe we’ll be able to have some fun together.
Chikage: We could be our own motivation.
Tsuzuru: Maybe I’ll even be able to get a hint for our next play.
Citron: I will take on any challenge!
Izumi: Alright, it’s decided!
Izumi: Once the date is decided on, can you take care of the flier design, Kazunari-kun?
Kazunari: You betcha!
Izumi: I’ll take care of the printing and distributing myself then.
Masumi: I’ll help.
Itaru: We’ll also need an announcement on our social media, right? Leave it to me.
Chikage: It’d be a good idea to also put something on the theater noticeboard, right?
Izumi: Alright, I’ll leave all the announcement-related stuff to you two, and then… Sakuya-kun and Citron-kun, can I leave outlining the workshop to you guys?
Sakuya: Roger that!
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Citron: We will think of an eggciting workshop that will eggcite everyone~!
Manager: Ah, everyo~ne, it’s almost time~!
Kumon: We gotta turn on the TV!
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shiggyscumrag · 1 year
Puff Puff Pass
[Getting high with Brett and then fucking the shit out of him!! CONTENT WARNINGS: oral (male receiving), vaginal sex, cursing, praise, drug use: weed]
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Let’s just say he had a pretty fucking stressful day at cognito and just wanted to get home to you. The gang asked if he wanted to go for drinks, and he almost gives in when you step in.
“Actually Brett and I were planning on spending the night together at home.” You speak up wrapping your body around his arm. Looking down at you, looking back at them, then back at you again not knowing what to do. Brett is a yes man and can’t say no to anyone, especially not the people he loves most in the world! The love of his life v.s. His work family! Before anyone can speak up you squeeze his arm and say “Have fun guys!” Brett slowly starts being pulled away after you start walking towards the exit. He speaks up as the office door is closing on him.
“Can’t say no the wife gang, I’ll drink with you guys later!” He gives a wave and the door barely misses his nose almost pinching it shut. He then turns to you “I didn’t know we had plans to stay in tonight?” He felt bad for not remembering you saying anything about a date night.
“Well you looked stressed this past week and haven’t been getting the best sleep so I thought you could use a night in.” You say squeezing his arm slightly. He loved the sentiment truly, he was also relieved he didn’t forget a date night. He would’ve felt terrible. You don’t deserve a man who doesn’t remember a simple date night. You could do so much better-
“I got some weed so that you could really relax. I was thinking we could just smoke, cuddle and watch a movie. Sound good to you?” You spoke interrupting his thoughts. You were always good at stopping his over thinking, even if you didn’t know it.
“That sounds really nice actually.” He smiles getting into the car. Once you’re back at your shared apartment you decide it would probably be good to get some food. When Brett goes to start making food you stop him.
“Hey hey mister, this is a lazy night so you’re not cooking and I’m not either. I thought we could order in dinner and some snacks since we’re gonna be soaring in the clouds here soon.” You chuckle, hands still placed on his chest from trying to stop him from entering the kitchen.
“I guess that would be pretty nice. We have been cooking a lot lately so we could afford to splurge. Ah what am I saying let’s do it!” He screams as he launches his arms in the air. It looks like he’s doing a victory pose.
“Perfect, I’ll order and it will be a surprise because I know you love surprises.” You say pulling out your phone ready to order.
“I do love surprises. What movie do you wanna watch while we wait?” He asks moving to grab the roommate off the mantle.
“Whatever you would like babe. I just want to spend time with you, plus I’ll probably be to busy starring at your handsome face.” You smile “And you know rolling the joint but mostly your handsome face.” You add shrugging your shoulders. He gives you a chuckle and a kiss on the cheek once he’s settled on the couch. While you sit there doing your thing he scrolls through Netflix trying to find the perfect thing to watch. Scrolling and scrolling and scrolling till her finds it, the perfect movie of all time… Shrek 2! You snicker at his choice and continue to pack the joint full, slowly and meticulously rolling it into the perfect shape. You grab the lighter and watch as the end ignites, taking a deep draw you let the smoke fill your lungs before you exhale right into Brett’s face. That definitely pulled his attention from the movie.
“It’s all ready babe!” You say with a grin wide across your face. You look excited, eager for him to take a hit.
“Thanks!” You pass him the joint and he places it to his perfectly plump lips. You see his lips purse a bit while inhaling the smoke. He immediately starts coughing, face red and eyes teary. You grab the joint from his hands and quickly put it in the ash tray. You grab the bottle of water sitting on your end table and hand it to him telling him to take a sip. He follows your instructions immediately and practically inhales the whole bottle in one gulp. Your astonished at how he does it before he starts coughing again pulling back to reality. You pat his back slightly and rub it while he calms down, the coughs slowly dying out.
“Are you okay? Can you breathe alright? Do you need more water?” Questions are flying from your mouth panicking that you might have just killed your boyfriends perfect lungs.
“No no I’m alright, just burned a little.” He choked out through strained coughs. You watch as few tears fall down his puffed up cheeks. You kiss them as it’s the only way you can think it would make him feel better.
“We can stop, I think that’ll be best since it clearly hurt you.” You say beginning to put out the joint. He immediately grabs for your hands gripping your wrist.
“You don’t have too! I just won’t smoke, which is no big deal to me.” He says eyes wide with a slight look of hurt sprawled on his face.
“Brett it was meant to be for you, not me, so I don’t want to make you feel left out if I’m the only one smoking. That’s just not fair to you.” You explain turning to hold his hands.
“No please don’t stop just cause I can’t. This was for us to enjoy not just me. Plus, I like watching you smoke it’s really hot.” He protests, his cheeks growing red again at the confession.
“Okay.” Is all could squeak out and you pinched your thighs tighter together. A swirl of nervous and excited energy burn in your stomach. You pick the joint up out of the ash tray and once again put it between your lips. You take a quick drawl and then another longer turning to Brett and slowly letting it out to engulf his face. Once you’re done you see him lean forward while looking down and your lips and back up to your eyes. You meet him the rest of the way and press your lips against his. He pulls away after a second kiss and whispers
“Could you kiss me with the smoke in your mouth?” You can see the contact high starting to hit him, red haze in his lidded eyes. You scan his face determined to memorize every inch of it in its current dazed expression. You nod your head giving him a quick peck to his lips before beginning to take another hit. Holding it in you lean forward and capture his lips in a deep kiss. Pushing smoke into his mouth between the fight of your tongues. You feel his hands find their way to your hips, giving them a slight squeeze when he finds the perfect spot. You part your lips slightly out of breath and quickly set the joint down in the ashtray in desperate need to find his lips again. He pulls you on top of him now straddling his legs. Your hands reach up and find refuge in his Carmel locks. His hands are gripping deep into your hips when he pushes you down onto his hips beginning to grind yours to his. You pull away panting as you look down and let out a small moan. You can’t miss the way you hear him groan as you start grinding harder against his hard on. You pull away cupping his cheeks as you stare deeply into his brown eyes.
“I want to fuck the shit out of you.” A small grin on your face as the words leave your mouth, but Brett can’t miss the look of desperation in your eyes.
“I wouldn’t want anything more.” He says as he reaches to take your top off. He stares at your newly exposed skin, still warm from the hoodie you just wore. He starts at your left shoulder slowly kissing his way down your collarbones to your right shoulder. Then moving up to place a deep kiss on the pulse point on the side of your neck. A breathy moan slips from your lips as you grip his shoulders. He pulls and captures your lips and he goes to unclasp your bra. You pull down on his shirt, urging him to take it off. After pulling of your bra he reaches down and pulls of his shirt. You almost start drooling while staring down as his juicy pecs and toned abs. You start kissing and leaving hickies across his chest. Your hands make their way down to his sweatpants pulling down the waste band and feeling that he has no boxers on. You looked down eyes wide and mouth dropped. Maybe the high was kicking in because you feel sober people don’t get this shocked when they see their boyfriend not wearing underwear under his grey sweatpants. It’s kinda expected. None the less he notices your expression and let’s out a chuckle.
“Sweatpants just feel most comfy this way.” He leans forward starting to kiss you again while tugging at your pajama pants. You pull back standing up and pulling down your pants and underwear in one clean sweep. Stepping out of your pants you quickly fall to your knees and start pulling down his sweats. He lifts his lap allowing you to strip him of his pants as you begin to kiss his shaft. You leave a kiss with a small lick to his tip that makes a small hiss leave his lips. bars.
You lick a long strip up his shaft before beginning to hollow your cheeks and suck him off. You would like to say you had some patience but when it comes to sucking his cock you are anything but patient. You push yourself as far down on his cock as you could bobbing your head fast and sucking hard. You feel his hips buck as you suck particularly hard near his tip. You then see him shiver and let out a whimper as you pull his cock and start sucking a vein on the underside of his shaft. Going back to give his tip more attention you begin to bobbing your head up and down again. He couldn’t help himself and held your head down on his cock when you neared his base. A loud groan leaving his mouth as he bucks further into your mouth. You glance up at his face and see his eyes squeezed shut and his jaw clenched shut. After a minute he pulled you off his cock and placed a chaste kiss to your lips. He lifts you off your knees from in front of him and pulls you into his lap again.
“I’m sorry babe I can’t wait any longer.” You respond with only a moan as you feel him drag his cock through your folds and slowly circle your wet hole. “You alright?” You can only nod and he takes it as encouraging and starts pushing in. You feel the drag of his vein against your walls, it makes you toes curl in pleasure. Your hands dig into his shoulders and you press your face into the side of his neck, a whimper escaping you as he bottoms out. “Oh fuck, you feel so good. So wet for me.” Brett knew just the right words to get you going. Before he could even say anything else you began to bounce on his lap. His hands find your hips fast and grasp tightly as a moan breaks from his throat. A shocked filled moan might I add. He guides you up and down his cock, staying a nice steady pace, hard and deep. You bounce and bounce till you feel your legs beginning to burn. You let out a whine and fall down onto his lap with tears burning in your eyes.
“Brett, my legs hurt. Please fuck me.” You hold onto the sides of his face looking deep in his eyes.
Kissing the underneath of your jaw he begins to thrust up into you. “I got you baby. You did so well. Such a pretty girl, my beautiful girl.” His thrusts are hitting deeper than before, you feel a pressure building in your stomach. It feels like a fire is burning your skin from the blush that has taken over your body. Brett’s praise mixed with the way his cock drives you crazy is making you go feral. You begin to suck hickies into his neck as you run your hands through his hair. Your beginning to over stimulate him causing sinfully loud moans to come out of him. Gripping onto your hips with a bruising strength he begins to babble out incoherent words.
“Baby- fuck holy shit. You feel- oh fuck- so fucking good. I’m gonna cum soon.” You pull away from his neck to look at his beautifully blissed out face and kiss him hard.
Pulling away you tell him “Cum inside me.” That sentence alone was enough to throw Brett right over the edge. With his hips stuttering you feel hot ropes of cum seeping into your walls as a loud moan comes out of him. You continue to grind into him to fuck him through his high. He then suddenly pulls you off of him and throws you down on the couch quickly getting between your thighs. Before you knew it his face was buried in your cunt eating you out like a man starved. His tongue went deep into your hole sucking his and your cum from your cunt as he then started to give your clit the attention it deserved. Circling your clit with his tongue he inserted his middle and ring finger into you hitting your g spot with every thrust he gave. Your head rolled back as the pleasure built up in your stomach, it felt like a million butterflies flying around your stomach. The heat on your chest begins to build as your hands dig and pull at Brett’s hair, the overstimulation taking over. One particularly hard thrusts of his fingers sent you hurling over the edge as you screamed out his name as you came all over his mouth and fingers. Shaking he rode you through your high and pulled out his fingers placing them in your mouth to lick them clean. You immediately complied and you could see his cock twitch when your tongue wrapped around his fingers. Once you were done and let his fingers go with a pop he gave you a deep passionate sloppy kiss. Spit and cum mixing in both of your mouths.
Pulling away he spoke up “This is a lot better than drinks.” You couldn’t help hit giggle and sit up giving him another kiss. Just as you pulled away you heard the doorbell ring. Your food must be here. “Talk about perfect timing.” Brett quickly stood up and put his sweatpants back on running to the door to grab the food. You hysterically laughed at his enthusiasm and simultaneously fell in love with him all over again.
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manddor · 1 year
GUT WRENCHING ANGST with ajax please thank uu
anything you ask, darling! @bwitch3d asked for something similar, so i made just one! thanks for the request. this one is a little long, but i hope u guys like it <33
ajax petropolus x fem!reader — forbidden lovers; angst + fluff at the end
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You remember exactly how your first year at Nevermore was. Traumatic. You were excited to make friends, since you felt extremely lonely at home. You were an only child and your parents never gave you enough attention. So you wanted to have friends that you could play with. Things that children normally want.
You met wolves, vampires, mermaids and gorgons - a species your parents despised. Although, you wanted to befriend each one of them.
Ajax Petropolus, a gorgon, gave you a huge smile and asked you to sit next to him in your first class. “Is this your first day here?” the boy's thin voice made you crack a smile.
“Yeah! How about you?” the boy nodded and you both spent the whole year together. Having fun, studying together. He became your first and best friend on Nevermore and you made a lot of other friends - but where you were, Ajax was and where Ajax was, you were.
When the holidays arrived, you were dying for your families to meet so you could spend the holidays together, but when your mothers saw each other, it was a disaster.
“You!” the two spoke at the same time. You and Aj looked at each other confused. They already knew each other and it seemed like it hadn't been a good interaction.
“What I said about gorgons, y/n! We despise them” your mother said and you felt the blood rush to your head.
“But mom-“ you tried to speak but Ajax's mom cut you off.
“You two are forbidden to talk-“
“Oh dear, let me give orders to my daughter, you should take care of this boy” your mother interrupted. How could they do this to you?
“Let’s go, Aj” the boy looked at you with no sparkle in his eyes. You could tell he was devastated. And you were too. You could feel your heart being shattered into a thousand pieces.
On vacation, obviously you weren't going to give up on Ajax’s friendship, so you sent him secret letters every day - since your mother had confiscated your cell phone. But he didn't answered.
You thought it might be his mom who wouldn't let him send letters, so when your classes started again, you tried to talk to him.
The boy was in the library, reading a book very concentrated. “We can't do this” he whispered without looking at you. He looked around, like he was embarrassed that someone would see you talking with him.
“Come on, Aj! You gotta be kidding” you nudged him, trying to make the boy laugh.
“I'm serious” he looked into your eyes in a way that broke your heart. It couldn't be true. “You need to get out of here, I'm busy.”
You stood there for a few moments and left. Not even noticing that a few tears were falling from your eye. Your first friend in Nevermore already hated you and haven’t done anything.
In class, Ajax talked to everyone normally, but he refused to look at your face. The rarely looks that he gave you were filled with sadness. He got close to Enid and Xavier - he spoke to them the way he spoke to you and it made your heart break even more.
Even though time passed, every vacation you had, you tried to find out what happened between your families, but you haven’t found anything.
“Mom, but forbidding me to talk to Ajax is surreal! Why so much hate between you and his family?” you insisted on every family dinner.
“Still not over it, y/n? Have you fallen in love with a gorgon?” your mother teased you.
“Of course not!” she smiled satisfied by your answer and it drove you crazy. “But what if I were, what would you do?” your mother gave you a death glare.
“Is this boy trying to make contact with you?”
“No, because you forbade us to talk!” you snapped.
“Honey, if he cared about your friendship, he would’ve gone after you...which didn’t happened.” the woman said like she was deathly sorry for you. If you could, you would leave your house and never come back again.
“You disgraced my life in Nevermore.” you leave the table.
“I think she needs a therapist” you heard your father whisper across the table.
But this year you swore it would be different. As much as you hated to admit it, your mother was right. If Ajax still wanted to be your friend he would at least smile at you. So the best thing you could do for your mental health was to give up trying to find a reason for your ‘breakup’ and enjoy the year in Nevermore.
And so you did, you met a funny girl - Wednesday Addams - she barely smiled, didn't even show much affection, but she shared her thoughts and theories about the monster that was in town with you.
“I think you're the only decent person after Enid in this school” she affirmed and you took it as the best compliment you had ever received in your life.
You also started seeing a boy. His name was Ryan - he was tall, brunette, dark skinned. He was handsome and fun. You were missing so bad to laugh with someone that it turned into something bigger.
“I think we should date, like boyfriend and girlfriend thing” Ryan whispered to you one day while you were studying in the library. Your hand sweated and your heart raced. You felt like you were more scared than excited.
You felt that the boy was strange today, his legs were always shaking. He seemed distant and you didn't want to disturb him. Thought it was a problem with his grades - but now you realized that it could be the nervousness of asking you to be his girlfriend.
“W-what?” you stuttered, not knowing if it was true or not. You thought you didn’t matched in that way, he was nothing like you. “Are you serious?” the boy just smiled but you felt like it wasn’t a honest gesture.
"Great, girlfriend! We're dating now" he yelled for the entire library to hear. Some applauded, others asked for silence and you still didn't know how to react. What just happened here?
The next day, the news had already spread throughout the school. Even Weems came to talk to you. “Congratulations on your relationship, y/n! But I don't want to see him go to your room at night!” she laughed. “I remember my teenage days like it was yesterday.” she threw a wink in your direction and walked away.
But you started to feel uncomfortable when you walked down the hall and everyone started whispering and looking at you. If there was one thing you hated, it was having attention towards you. Something Ryan loved.
“Are you alright?” Enid asked you as soon as you sat in your seat to start class.
“Apart from all those stares, I am” you flashed a smile at her and the girl put a hand on your arm.
“If you need anything I'm here, I ended up not posting this gossip on my blog, but that's because we're friends and I would hate to make you uncomfortable” she said making you confused.
“Thanks… I guess” you whispered the last sentence as soon as Tornhill entered the class
Your gaze met Ajax's who was staring at you as if you had just beaten him in a fencing duel, he was sad and nervous. This minimal interaction had been the only one in years. Your heart sped up and you hated the feeling.
At break, you spotted your boyfriend who was laughing with his friends. When they saw you, the boys moved away and Ryan looked a little nervous. He didn't even kissed you. Maybe it was because there were a lot of people around him still whispering about you.
“Everyone is talking about us!” you whispered to him.
“I know! And I'm so sorry, y/n! I swear it meant nothing to me.” he stammered.
“W-what?” you asked.
“Haven’t you heard?” he seemed relieved.
“Heard of what?” you murmured. Your attention turned to a murmur behind you.
“I can't believe Ryan hooked up with Barbara! I thought he and y/n were dating.”
“Not everything is as it seems, right?”
“He told me he asked Y/n to date just so she wouldn't feel so bad”
What the hell?
To be honest, you didn't feel sad that he had cheated on you, you felt embarrassed that everyone was gossiping about you the whole day and you didn’t even knew about that. You thought talking to Enid and getting the full story before you looked anyone in the face would be a great idea.
You couldn't even look at Ryan’s face again as he grabbed your arm trying to say something you weren’t able to hear. So you ran towards Enid's dorm.
You were so immersed in your own thoughts that you didn't even notice when you bumped into Ajax in the hallway, knocking over all five books the boy was holding in his hands. “I'm sorry” you murmured helping him pick it up. You thought he was going to fight you or ignore you like nothing happened - as he always did.
“You alright?” he asked still gathering some books.
“You know about it?” you asked and the boy answered you with a simple nod. You got mad at him for it. You'd rather he had just ignored you, because he didn't want to know about your life for all these years. Now that you had been 'chetead' he wanted to know how you were?
“Why do you care?” The boy swallowed hard and didn't give you any answers. You handed him the books and got back to what you really intended to do.
Enid told you that they had hooked up the day before Ryan asked you to be his girlfriend. Barbara - a girl you didn’t even know - was jealous and that's why she spread it to the whole school. “You really liked him?” the blonde asked you with a look of comfort. You knew you could trust her.
“To be honest, I don't think so. In fact, I didn't even say ‘yes’ when he asked me. I didn't disagree either... but I was in shock! I just didn't know what to do or what to say." you heard Wednesday snort and you and Enid looked over at the girl who seemed to be concentrated on her book.
“Ryan is the ugliest, dumbest person l've ever seen in my entire life!” you and Enid burst out laughing, Wednesday cracked a small smile.
“It's true, though, y/n, you deserve a person who wants to give you the world…” the blonde said holding your hands. “You and Ajax would be cute together” you felt your heart ache and tears gathered in your eye.
“Ajax and I are barely friends…” you knew that Enid was going to say something, but you chose to interrupt her. “| need to go up to my room, l'm a little tired and hungry! Thanks for everything girls, see you later.”
On the same night, when you got to your dorm, you thanked Bianca for being a girl who stayed in the library studying at midnight, so you would have free time to put your thoughts in order. As soon as you started to think about what happened in your day, all of your thoughts turned to books on the floor and a simple question. “You alright?”
You rolled over in bed trying to think about your boyfriend... ex boyfriend or whatever! And you were stressed for not being able to feel even an ounce of sadness for the cheating. In fact, you didn't even know if you could call it cheating, because it was supposed to be something sad and coming from someone you loved, but you didn't love Ryan.
So your thoughts - these were treacherous indeed - went back to every moment of your childhood that you spent next to Ajax. And how your separation hurt. That was a real feeling, someone you loved couldn’t be with you. And you hated him for not fighting for your friendship.
You hated him for every look he threw your way. Hated it when he didn't look. Hated that he talked with Enid the same way he did with you. You hated yourself for still having such strong feelings for him that you couldn't get over even after all these years.
The tears finally ran down your cheeks, and they became uncontrollable, you started sobbing. It was suffocating. You wanted to scream, you wanted to smack something, but all you did was lie in bed and try to sleep.
When you started to stop crying and feel sleep coming on, someone knocked on your door. “Who is it?” you screamed from your bed. Sometimes it could just be a prank that freshmen girls did, or it could be Bianca who forgot her key.
“It's me.” Ajax. Your heart went into your mouth. You couldn't open the door, your face was red and swollen from crying.
“What do you want?” you asked, getting up from the bed and heading towards the door.
“I just want to talk, okay?” he said quietly. Ok, you would have to open the door, it would be very impolite if you didn't.
You ran to the bathroom and washed your face hoping it wasn't so obvious that you had been crying all night because of him. He would think it was because of Ryan, though.
When you opened the door, you felt your heart beat even faster. He was gorgeous it actually hurts. He carried a box of chocolate in his hand, the box you shared when you were kids. You also noticed that his eyes were black and his nose was bleeding.
You didn’t say a word, you went to your bathroom to clean him.
“Are you crying?” he asked as soon as he entered your dorm.
“I was trying to sleep” you dodged the question.
“I didn't know that trying to sleep you needed to cry” he opened a sarcastic smile, but you remained serious. You weren't going to talk to him like you'd been friends forever. You started to clean the boy’s nose.
“What happened here?” you asked softly, and the boy looked at your eyes and you already knew the answer. He was fighting with Ryan.
“Sorry.” he whispered.
“For what exactly?” you teased and he looked at the floor.
“A lot of things” he whispered. “I don’t know where to start.”
“Ajax, I don't even know if you can explain yourself to me! You didn't want to fight for our friendship. Maybe I wasn't as important to you as you were to me-“
“That's not true and you know it” he interrupted you.
“No, I don't! How am I supposed to know if you started to despise me, you wouldn't even look at me.” you already felt your tears coming back.
“Just answer me one thing” he approached you, your heart was beating too fast. “Were you crying for Ryan?” Ouch. he touched your wound, but you wouldn't lie. You swallowed.
“No.” he closed his eyes for a few seconds, suppressing a smile, murmuring ‘good’. His croaky voice made you weak. Ajax knew he was the reason you were crying for.
“So let me explain” you walked away from him and sat on your bed, waiting for him to start. “Well, you know our moms aren't friends. And I questioned why all vacation that year.” At least it wasn't just you.
“I found a very beautiful knife in my grandfather's office, I asked him what it was and he told me that that knife should only be used to kill people of your species.” What? You started to get nervous. “He told me that a long time ago, a man of your kind had a relationship with a gorgon who was married... it turned out that they fought for their honor and the lover ended up winning... killing a gorgon.” This was looking like a book story, you were outraged. “So to this day our species hate each other.”
“But we could have fought it, that's no reason to-“
“You haven't changed at all, y/n! I'm not done yet…” you held back a laugh and he noticed, opening a shy smile. “I did something I had never done before, I argued with my family. I told you that you were the most special person I had ever known, that tradition could be broken, that we could declare peace.” he swallowed hard before starting. “But then they said that they would put people to observe us, and if anyone saw us together, they would hurt you.” he said. “And you know that Weems is a friend of my parents. Maybe you didn't realize it, but she watched us all day, if it wasn't her, it was Professor Tornhill.” Wow. “And I decided to stay away from you, to protect you, but you don't know how much it hurt me” he sat by your side and put his hand on his head. “And then I saw you with Ryan, like come on? He's an idiot!” you didn't know what to do or what to say.
You spent a few minutes with him in the same position. His nose made a noise and you knew he was crying. Shit. “I was worried that someone would say something to you that would upset you or do something to you and I wouldn't be there to protect you” he finally lifted his head and wiped away the tears. “So I didn't know what to do, if I stayed close, they would hurt you, if I stayed away, I couldn't protect you! I hate this! I hate that we've been put in this situation. I hate that there's no way out of this. But worst of all, I hate that I love you.” What? He loved you? Wow. Your hand began to sweat. Again.
“What made you change your mind?” you asked.
“I know I can't take this anymore. I can't hear your name on everyone's lips, knowing that there are people out to hurt you. I know my life would be so much easier if I wasn't in love with you. I promised to stay away from you, but I can’t. You are the bane of my existence. And I want… need to be with you, no matter the consequences.” he looked into your eyes and held your hand, you smiled, your entire body feeling warm, with a few tears falling from your eyes.
“I’m determined to leave my house if I have to. Let's create our own lives. I honestly don’t give a fuck about people say. We are destined to be together, I've never even thought that I could love someone as hard as i love you.” you walked up to him and wiped away a tear on his face.
You kissed him and it was a little wet due to crying. But it was sweet. It was desperate. You knew you love him. And you loved him so much, that it was killing you.
“I love you” he whispered against your mouth.
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throneofsapphics · 9 months
Hey! I would loovee a part two of ‘Theirs’, maybe where reader pulls away from nessian because she doesn’t trust them (especially intimately) after what happened
And they’re just in agony but realise if they act the way they did before, they might lose her forever
I’m a sucker for angst with a happy ending😅 (if you want)
theirs part two 
Nessian x f!Reader
(part one)
Summary: Everything came crashing out, the flood gates opened. “Is there a way to fix this? I felt violated, hurt, and neither of you even bothered to ask.”
Warnings: some angst, discussions of SA/dubcon, not proofread
A/N: thank you for requesting it! sorry it took so long, this is a bit shorter and kinda went off script
The next morning, both of them acted as if nothing was wrong. Like it was another ordinary day with the events of the previous night washed clean. You couldn’t wash that fear out of your memory. Sure there was arousal present, but the entire night had not sit right with you. Still, you kept a smile on your face and kept up the pretense. Mainly because you didn’t know what else you could dol. You didn’t find your own release that night either. Maybe they didn’t know, or were trying to punish you. Either way, it didn’t matter right now. 
Cassian leaned in for a kiss as he left, he was already running late, but you turned your head, letting him leve one on your cheek. He frowned at you but didn’t time to question it as he took off. You let out a slow breath as he flew away. He hadn’t the time to question it and you planned it that way. Nesta wasn’t present either, and you know she would’ve had questions. She’d always been particularly observant. 
You tried to put up a good front, but after a week Nesta finally brought it up. 
“What’s wrong?” It was just the two of you, in the library. 
“Nothing,” you said shortly, returning your focus to your book. She snatched it from your hands, marking your page and setting it aside. 
“Talk to me.” Her words were a plea, almost begging. “You’ve barely kissed or touched either of us all week, haven’t spoken much - you’re turning into a ghost.” 
You didn’t know how to answer her, what kind of words would actually explain it. Nesta waited not-so-patiently, but she could see you were thinking and held her tongue. “That night, after Rita’s,” you spoke quietly. “Put yourself in my shoes.” 
Anything else, you might’ve burst into tears and left her to her thoughts, searching for a place you could find some peace and solace. 
You knew Nesta would speak to Cassian about it, and they’d likely try to find you after dinner - you’d taken to eating somewhere else, feigning work to do. 
Sure enough, they showed up and you ended up in one of the cozier sitting areas. 
“I thought you enjoyed it,” Nesta started. 
“My body did …” you took a few deep breaths, calming yourself. “But I didn’t feel safe.” 
“Why didn’t you say something?” Cassian countered. 
“You didn’t give me a chance,” you snapped at him. 
Nesta’s eyes widened. “I’m sorry.” Out of all things, you never expected Nesta to apologize to you. Actually, you’re not certain you’ve heard those words come out of her mouth before. “How do we fix this?” 
Everything came crashing out, the flood gates opened. “Is there a way to fix this? I felt violated, hurt, and neither of you even bothered to ask.” Your breathing grew heavy, fists clenched, a tightness in your chest.” 
“A safeword.” Nesta blurted out. 
“It’s not just about sex,” you snarled, “I was having fun. FInally introducing you to my friends, and you couldn’t wait til the Gods-damned night was over before dragging me out.” 
You left the room, any longer and you might’ve said something you would truly regret. 
It took months for them to earn your trust back. So many discussions on boundaries, and you could tel they were really trying. They asked to meet your friends again, in a different setting, and you relented. If there was any jealousy, they kept it firmly under wraps. You loved them, with all of your heart, and managed to trust again, to let them back in. 
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azwhore · 7 months
husband alex turner x wife reader
warnings: nun but fluff <3
It’s been a while since you’ve last seen Alex. He’s been on tour for The Car for six months and have only seen him on a few occasions. You couldn’t go with him and the band due to work; you were forced to stay behind despite your attempts to go with them.
The last time you and Alex had seen each other was about two months ago. The only reason you were able to see him was for an interview he had in which you were invited to. He begged you to go with him even though you didn’t like doing so. Alex knows that. You’ve always hated being interviewed with him because it felt like the interviewers were trying to pry into your private relationship. What went on between Alex and you was for you two only, not for the public.
After a long day at work, you come home exhausted. You’re eager to shower, eat some dinner, and just relax. Who wouldn’t be? So when you get home, that’s exactly what you do. An “everything” shower was desperately needed after the week you’ve had.
Once done with your shower, you put on a comfy set of pajamas. A grey tank top and white sweats, perfect. You decide on some perfume, even though you won’t be around anyone for the rest of the night. You put on your Victoria’s Secret Bare roll-on perfume. It’s your favorite.
You finish getting dressed and make your way to the kitchen to make dinner. Deciding on what you’ve taken out, you make pollo guisado (chicken stew). It was one of your favorites. Mom always made it when you were younger.
After some time, you finish cooking and feast on it. Man, were you a damn good cook. One good meal later, you settle in your queen sized bed that you shared with Alex. You miss him. You miss his warm body cuddling. You miss his soothing voice.
You soon dwell no more on that, as you were almost on the brink of tears. You pick up your book that you were currently reading on the nightstand, How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents. So far, you are greatly enjoying the book. You like analyzing it as well as it being somewhat relatable.
It’s 11:18 PM, about an hour and a half since you started reading. You need to get some sleep since you have work all over again tomorrow. Luckily though, tomorrow is Friday. Wonderful.
You put your book back and settle in bed. You can feel sleepiness sinking you deeper and deeper. Reveling in the feeling, you eventually fall asleep.
Suddenly, you feel something envelop around you. You wake up, anxiety beginning to course through you. Just as you are about to panic, you hear a voice whisper in your ear.
“I’ve missed you, love.” You’d recognize that voice anywhere. It’s Alex.
Turning around, you take a good look at your husband whom you haven’t seen for two months. He greets you with a smile, his hair as messy as you remember.
“Alex!” You exclaim. You couldn’t express your excitement any other way than wrapping your arms around him. Tears begin to well at your eyes, threatening to fall. You try to hold them back with all your might so you could speak with him.
“I thought you wouldn’t be able to come back for a while? How come you’re here?” You ask, bringing him into another big hug. You can feel him smiling against you as he brings his arms around your body, squeezing you against him.
“One of the shows got postponed for two weeks from now so I immediately came here. I had to see you. If I had gone another day without you, I would have gone mad.” He explained. It felt so good to see him again.
“Ugh, I’ve missed you so much.” You say. Suddenly you realize he might be hungry so you ask, “Are you hungry? There’s still some leftovers from what I made earlier. I can heat it up for you.”
“No, that’s okay. I’m just glad to be here with my wife.” He smiles. You could never get tired of his smile.
“How’s the tour so far? It looks like you and the boys are having some fun.” You laugh. Even though you aren’t going on tour with them, you still keep up sometimes. Especially with those edits of him that fangirls make. You’re not complaining since your husband is a damn fine man if you say so yourself. They should tone it down just a bit, though (don’t actually alex turner is so fine).
“Yeah it’s been awesome. The places we’ve been to have been beautiful. I really wish you could come with us, love. That would just make it 100 times better.” Alex smiles once again.
“Me too. But you already know why I can’t. If I didn’t have work, I most definitely would.” You say. It’s not like Alex wouldn’t full on support you financially; he obviously would. You, on the other hand, don’t want that. The two of you even got into a big argument once about it. He doesn’t see a problem in financially stabilizing you, but you would rather work. You still want to have a life and work for yourself. You don’t want to be just a stay-at-home wife; it’s so stereotypical of celebrity relationships. You want to make a living for yourself, and Alex now 100% understands and supports that.
“Yeah, I get it. My dear wife is so strong.” He gives you a quick kiss with a smirk. You giggle at that. Alex always knows how to make you laugh.
Some time later, you lay with each other in a comfortable silence. This was almost the best part of your relationship. You two could just sit there with your eyes closed not saying a word and you both would understand each other.
Alex lays on his back, eyes closed with his left arm wrapped around your shoulders. Your head is resting against his chest while your hand is on his stomach gently tracing circles. Your eyes were closed too as he hummed to you.
“You know, I still have to go to work tomorrow.” You break the silence. Alex hums in response.
“Do you really though? I’m going to be stuck here by myself all day without you.” He says with a pout.
“Well, I probably could call out tomorrow. One day wouldn’t hurt, right?” You question. Now that you think about it, you haven’t called out from work in a while. You should get a day off. “Hm, I think I’ll stay here with my husband. I get to enjoy a whole three days with you.” You say kind of sarcastically. Although you were anything but sarcastic. You’re more than happy to spend the rest of his two week break with him, as was he.
The both of you continue to enjoy each other’s silence, sleep overcoming you once again. Your eyes feel heavy as they slowly fall. Eventually, you succumb to your slumber, your breath evening out. Alex follows soon after with you in his arms. He really hopes these two weeks last forever.
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marnerparty · 1 year
take a trip
Nico Hischier x reader platonic!Jack Hughes x reader
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Liked by jackhughes, yoursister and 11,455 others
yourusername took this Swiss to Disney! safe to say his first time was phenomenal 😉
Tagged nicohischier
View all 198 comments
lhughes_06 can I come next?
yourusername as long as Michigan wins their next game!
edwards.73 in that case I wanna come too
adamfantilli and me
yourusername any other umich hockey players joining the trip?
rutgermcgroarty ✋🏻
mackie.samo ✋🏻
markestapa ✋🏻
yourusername okay I can’t afford many more people guys
lhughes_06 you have Nico!
yourusername Lucas! rude. demoted to least favorite Hughes
yoursister who’s this 👀
yourusername Nico :)
yoursister just Nico?
yourusername for now ..
jackhughes I love that my besties are besties
yourusername love you jack jack 🤘🏻
user1 new couple alert?
yourusername 👀
elblue6 looks like so much fun!
yourusername miss you mama E!
elblue6 it’s almost summer! visit then!
yourusername 🫡
trevorzegras how were the fireworks
yourusername as gorgeous as you
trevorzegras 😍
nicohischier can’t wait for our next trip
yourusername t- 3 months!
jackhughes where’s this trip guys
yourusername up your butt
jackhughes you’re a child
yourusername literally says you
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Liked by dawson1417, yourusername and 21,443 others
nicohischier made it legit and took her to my hometown ❤️
Tagged yourusername
View all 334 comments
jackhughes hahahahaha, I’m sorry.. WHAT
yourusername what?
nicohischier what?
jackhughes this can’t happen
yourusername don’t know what you’re talking about ❤️
yourusername I had the best time Nic
nicohischier trip 2 in the books ❤️
lhughes_06 trip 3 Michigan?
yourusername duh
_quinnhughes the couple everyone needed
yourusername good to know one Hughes is on board
jackhughes not not on board … just maybe would’ve liked to know idk
yourusername Jack please call me rn
user1 not yn using her best friend to get to his best friend
nicohischier not even close to being like that
yoursister still just Nico?
yourusername 😑
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Liked by _quinnhughes, nicohischier and 17,449 others
yourusername it’s okay, we made up :)
Tagged jackhughes
View all 221 comments
lhughes_06 thank god. you should’ve seen how mopey he was
jackhughes I hate you
lhughes_06 tell me I’m wrong
jackhughes …
jackhughes okay maybe I overreacted a little
yourusername a little?
nicohischier you told us we couldn’t be friends anymore
jackhughes okay a lot
yourusername better. but you know I love you most always ❤️
jackhughes yeah yeah I know
yourusername and . . . ?
jackhughes and yes I love you more
_quinnhughes how does this make Nico feel
yourusername we haven’t said the “L” word yet
nicohischier I definitely did but you couldn’t understand. perks of speaking another language
yourusername why did you do this to me in an Instagram comment 🙄
user1 yn is living the dream Fr
elblue6 he better have bought that meal
yourusername it was my treat to make up for the fight :)
elblue6 Jack what do I always say when it comes to yn?
jackhughes mom she’s a big girl and can pay herself sometimes. & she has Nico
yourusername again, rude!
nicohischier when she hasn’t even been to dinner one on one with me yet 🥹
jackhughes Disney and Switzerland weren’t enough for you?
lhughes_06 Jack you’re so hostile
yourusername yeah i thought we made up
jackhughes okay fine I’m really done
dawson1417 everyones favorite besties
yourusername damn right Mercer
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Liked by yourusername, trevorzegras and 120,443 others
View all 594 comments
nicohischier first pic 🥹
jackhughes I’ll take it back
trevorzegras yn’s gonna flip when she sees that picture
jackhughes she might
yourusername DAMN RIGHT
yourusername first I’m the LAST picture
yourusername then it’s not even a good one of us!?
jackhughes best for last & I think you look cute :)
yourusername I hate you but love you
colecaufield I miss Ellen
yourusername who doesn’t
elblue6 I miss you cole!
nicohischier hey put some respect on Jim’s name
user1 sometimes I wonder if it’s Nico and yn or Jack and yn
jackhughes both
user1 holy shit he responded
yourusername damn Luke’s looking pretty good in that 2nd pic 👀 better abs than Jack that’s for sure
nicohischier something you need to say?
jackhughes ouch
lhughes_06 yn’s my cougar
yourusername LUKE
lhughes_06 sugar mama?
yourusername you buy me things tho
lhughes_06 true
_quinnhughes stick to cougar
yourusername but it’s only one year
_quinnhughes older is older 🤷🏼‍♀️
user2 hey this is trip 3!
Liked by yourusername
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Liked by nicohischier, dawson1417 and 17,448 others
yourusername woke up with a hangover, but anyways, anyone know what this could stand for?
View all 229 comments
jackhughes you didn’t
yourusername yeah. i was veryyyy drunk. but it’s cute right
jackhughes why were you so drunk?
yourusername for funsies
nicohischier this is embarrassing. she’s not my girlfriend anymore🙈
trevorzegras NO
_quinnhughes you’re kidding
jackhughes shut the fuck up
yourusername yeah . . . fiancé :)
lhughes_06 WHAT!?
dawson1417 congrats!!!
jackhughes okay I’m really really happy
yourusername love you all 🫶🏻
user1 not happy abt this.
yourusername who cares!
nicohischier ❤️
yourusername I’m in love with you
nicohischier you better be 😂
trevorzegras first tat?
jackhughes 6th
nicohischier 7th* 😉
jackhughes GROSS
elblue6 did I read it right that you’re getting married!?
yourusername yes 🥰
elblue6 oh honey, that’s absolutely amazing. I’m so happy for you!❤️❤️
yourusername love you so much mama E! thank you 🤍🤍
user2 so invested in this
user3 same
lhughes_06 same
339 notes · View notes
ageofbajabule · 1 year
Roommates | Part 2
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Danny Wagner x F! Reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Angst, Alcohol, SMUT ✰(Semi-public fingering f! receiving), Degrading Kink
If you haven’t read Part 1 yet, here it is.
It had been 3 weeks since that night out with the guys. Since then you have started your job, getting along with everyone in the office and getting a good start as well. You had been assigned to small local artists and bands to promote first, before they decided to put you into the sea of bigger artists. All you could remember from that night out was Danny’s words. You haven’t really exchanged much with Danny since then, and you would be speaking with him soon since rent was due next week already. You were absolutely dreading this encounter.
Also, Josie planned on heading home early to spend time with her parents before starting her job in the fall and moving in with her boyfriend. You knew she was leaving by the ending of summer, but you weren’t prepared for her to leave next week. Luckily you had met Jita about a week after meeting the guys. Once Josie had left you wouldn’t be entirely alone here, but it was comforting to have Josie here so there wasn’t as much tension between you and Danny. Not like she knew what was going on, but it made the situation ten times worse.
“So we’re going out to dinner to celebrate their upcoming album release.” Josie had come into your room, you spun around in your chair. “Oh really, where to?” You had just finished your work day, it was finally the weekend. “If I’m not mistaken I think the place is called Etch. So dress formal casual. We’re leaving at 6.” She smiled softly then exited your room. You looked at the clock, it was just five after 4. Giving you enough time to shower and get ready.
You had stripped off your clothes and put your robe on, grabbing your towel heading to the bathroom. As you went to head towards the entrance to the bathroom, Danny had been walking out bumping into you. “Sorry…” You apologized immediately, “Can’t you ever watch where you’re going?” He snapped at you, you looked at him angrily. He had just gotten out of the shower, his long curls wet and a towel wrapped around his waist. “Have you ever thought about watching where you’re going?” You snapped back at him, “If you’ll excuse me now. I need to shower.” You shoved past him, closing the door behind you.
You rolled your eyes, placing your towel on the counter. And turned towards the shower turning it on letting it get to the temperature you felt comfortable with. Once it was to your liking, you removed the robe, placing it on the hook outside of the shower stepping into it. You stood there, letting the warm water hit your body, letting your muscles relax and getting your hair wet. You’ve been neglecting self care lately, ever since starting the new job and that night with Danny.
But you couldn’t let him affect your mood, nor your lifestyle. You still need to enjoy yourself and make the most of everything. So tonight, you will be sure to enjoy yourself.
After getting out of the shower, you heard your phone ding. Checking to see who it was, it had been Josh texting you.
Josh: Hey you’re still coming out with us tonight right?
You: Yes, Josie practically said I was going.
Josh: That’s Josie for ya, but it will be fun. Trust me!
You: See you in a bit. :)
You sighed, placing your phone down. You dried yourself off and put your robe back on. Grabbing your things and walking back to your room. There was an outfit laid out for you, with a note.
‘I figured you didn’t have all of your wardrobe with you. So take this as a little gift from me. Josie xo’
You giggled and placed the note down. Josie always knew you better than anybody else, hence why you two got along so well. She is your best friend after all. Rummaging through your room you found your hair dryer and makeup bag. Sitting in your vanity, setting everything up. It’s been a while since you last went out, and considering the guys were celebrating the release of their upcoming album you wanted to look presentable.
After about an hour of doing your hair, makeup and getting changed into the new outfit. You were finally ready to head out for the evening. You opted for wearing platform sandals, considering heels weren’t exactly your best friend. And to also not break an ankle. You had grabbed your clutch and phone walking over to Josie’s room. You overheard Danny talking to her in there.
“I just understand why you have to invite her everywhere we go?” He sounded annoyed, “Because Daniel, she doesn’t have a lot of friends around here to rely on. And when I leave that’s one less person she has close to her.” Josie defended you, “Look I’m not sure exactly what your issue is with her. But you need to get over yourself. Ever since Jas-“ She tried to speak but Danny cut her off. “Don’t bring her into this!” He freaked out, “She has nothing to do with this, we’ve been over for how long now Josie. It’s not affecting me anymore…” He sighed, “Look I’m sorry. Everything’s just been happening all at once. Between finishing the tour, finishing the album, announcing another tour. It's been a lot…”
“Well try being a little nicer to her. I heard you earlier. She is someone you can trust and be friends with. And besides, she’s a good roommate, Danny.” You decided to walk back to your room, as if you never heard the conversation between the two. Once you were in your room, that’s when you heard Danny’s heavy footsteps descending away from Josie’s room. You then decided to make your way back, knocking softly on the door even though it was open. “Hey, I’m all set then whenever you guys are.” You smiled softly sitting on the edge of the bed. Josie was already dressed just finishing putting her earrings on. “Sorry, I would’ve been ready a couple minutes ago. But, you know how family is.” She laughed softly, and you nodded.
Danny yelled down the hallway a few minutes later stating he was starting the car. Making you and Josie finish getting ready and head out to his vehicle. The drive over was rather quiet besides some sibling bickering between Josie and Danny. Once arriving, Danny had parked, you and Josie exited the car walking into the restaurant together as Danny followed behind. The hostess directed you all to a table in a private area that was secluded a bit. The guys and their partners were already there. However Josh was the only one without a partner. Josh waved you down, “I saved you a seat next to me.” He smiled cheekily. “Thank you.” You smiled taking a seat next to him.
“You’ve already met Jita, thanks to Jake. But this is Sam’s girlfriend Natalie.” Josh gestured, “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Y/N.” You put your hand out to shake hers, in reply she shook yours. “Nice to meet you as well.” She smiled softly. “So how’s the job treating you?” Josh smiled, taking a sip of his water. “It’s going well. I’ve been promoting smaller bands here in Nashville. They’ve been talking about giving me an assignment of some sort soon. But they haven’t told me the details yet.” You shrugged and looked over the menu. “Sounds exciting.” He nudged you.
“Are you guys excited about the new album?” You smiled looking at them all. “Yeah, we’ve been working on it ever since we finished the last one.” Jake smiled softly, “And we couldn’t be more excited to finally have it finished.” Sam chipped in. “And hitting the road again soon!” Danny smiled, raising their glasses of champagne. “To new music and adventure.” Josh said smiling. “To new music and adventure.” Everyone cheered toasting their champagne.
Dinner was fun, everyone was talking about the new music on the album. And how excited and nervous they were about it, considering they were taking a different approach with it. But surely enough their fans will love their work no matter what.
“So are we heading out to the club tonight?” Jake questioned the group. “Why the hell not?” Danny smirked, as the bill was being taken care of. You smiled and looked over at Josie. “I’ll be the DD, because Danny you are not driving after we leave from there.” Josie laughed softly, confiscating his keys for the evening. Everyone got up from their seats, making way to their vehicles to meet up at the club that was downtown.
Josh had asked you to ride over with him, in which you did. Telling Josie you would just meet them there. Josh opened the passenger door for you to his Jeep Truck. “Thanks.” You smiled softly, getting in and buckling yourself. Josh got in, starting it up. “So, what’s been going on at home?” You looked over at him, “What do you mean? There hasn’t been much going on…” You laughed nervously. “Ah, see… I can tell you’re lying. Danny has been acting strange ever since you moved in. I’m not sure what it is, but I just want to make sure everything is alright? Are you okay there?” He looked worried.
“Josh, I am more than okay. It’s just, Danny may not exactly be thrilled about me living there…” You sighed, as he frowned slightly. “Has been nasty towards you?” You felt your nerves getting to you, “Describe nasty?” You made a face, “I mean. We’ve just gotten into little scrabbles but nothing that you have to worry about. Trust me Josh, I’ll be fine. It’s just until I can get my own place.” You smiled reassuringly at him. “Y/N, if you don’t feel comfortable there you can always stay at my place. I’m your friend now too, you know?” He looked at you with those caring eyes he had. “Thank you Josh, but honestly. I will be okay. It’s just for a little while longer.”
The rest of the ride to the club was filled with laughter and ABBA. If anything Josh was always ready to get down to ABBA. Which you were grateful for. You both walked into the club, finding everyone at a booth that you walked over too. “Hey we ordered everyone shots and some tequila soda’s for now.” Sam smiled, passing out the shots. You took yours in your hand, as everyone cheered before throwing them back. If anything these boys sure did love their tequila. Guess it’s something you’re gonna have to get used to.
You downed the tequila soda within minutes, and eventually ordered another drink. If anything, you didn’t want to be bothered by Danny at all tonight. In fact you kept your distance, you mainly hung out with Natalie and Jita throughout the night. Getting completely wasted, and occasionally checking on Josie as she opted to not drink with everyone. “Are you sure you’re having fun?” You smiled hugging Josie. “I’m positive, besides seeing you like this makes me think about the frat parties we went to.” She laughed softly, then you felt an arm drape around your shoulder, looking over you locked eyes with Danny.
“So, why the hell aren’t you guys on the dance floor. We’re supposed to be having fun…” He slurred his words, you laughed softly as the alcohol was keeping you numb. “Why are you lonely?” You looked at him cockily. “No, quite the opposite.” He gave a smug look walking off. You scoffed and went on your own way to the dance floor, finding somebody to dance with.
Sure enough some random guy that was just as intoxicated as you grabbed your waist to dance with him. You didn’t care and just danced with him, your bodies pressed together, as you moved to the beat. You were lost in a swarm of bodies, you had lost where everyone was. You were almost half convinced that they had left, but Josie reassured you earlier that she would find you herself when they were ready to head out. After dancing with this random guy, you had to go to the bathroom. As you searched your way to get there, you stumbled in luckily there was no line.
Once you were done, you washed your hands before exiting the bathroom. That’s when you ran into somebody walking out of the bathroom. “Hey! Watch it!” You yelled, that’s when your waist was grabbed. “What did I say earlier? Watch where you’re going.” Danny smirked at you. “Of course out of all the people here, I bump into you.” You snapped at him. “Do you ever shut that pretty mouth up?” He chuckled, keeping a firm grip on your waist. “It seems to get you worked up…” You smirked at him.
Danny looked at you, then your lips. Before you knew it, he pushed you against the wall in a dark corner crashing his lips against yours. You gasped against his lips as it caught you off guard, but instantly kissed him back. Your teeth were crashing against each other, your tongues desperate to find one another. It was like you were starving, craving to be touched.
That’s when you felt Danny’s hand move to the hem of your dress. He slowly lifted it up, you moaned against his lips. “Danny, we’re in public…” He smirked against you, kissing your neck hungrily. “No one is gonna see us… Just stay quiet.” He moved his hand to your core, rubbing you through the cloth. You felt the heat building up inside you. “Danny…” “Never thought I’d hear my name coming from you like that…” He chuckled, as he pushed your panties to the side. He ran his fingers between your folds collecting your slick. “All for me…” He muttered against your neck.
“Please…” You whined, “Please what?” He smirked looking at you. “Touch me…” You sounded desperate but you didn’t care. The alcohol had taken over your thoughts, and at the moment all you wanted was to feel his fingers. “I don’t know if I should, considering you're an annoying bitch…”
“Don’t call me a bitch” you bit back, “Well judging by the way your thighs just clenched…you liked it” He said with a smirk. He moved his hand to grab you by the throat, gently applying pressure. “Watch your tone princess, or else I won’t give you what you want.” You whimpered in his touch. “Please, Danny…” He chuckled, letting go of your throat, and moving his fingers back down to where you wanted him most.
He slipped a single digit in, teasing you slowly as he pumped and curled it. You moaned quietly, trying your best to be quiet so no one nearby could hear you. Granted the music in the club was loud enough to cover it up, you still didn’t want to get caught. As much as it turned you on even more knowing the possibility of it happening. He started to kiss your lips roughly as he slipped another digit in pumping his fingers faster. You placed your hand on his shoulder to hold yourself up as you moaned against his lips.
He kept pumping his fingers in and out of your at a strong pace, while curling his fingers hitting that sweet spot you were hoping he’d find. “Danny…” You slipped from your lips. “Does my dirty slut want to cum…” He breathed against your neck, as he picked the pace up. Using his thumb to circle your clit. “Please…” You whined out as your head rolled back. With the pressure he applied to your bud you felt the waves crashing into you as your body started to shake underneath him. “Oh fuck…” You whined as you rode out your high on his fingers. “Atta girl…” He smirked, pulling his fingers out.
You whined from the loss of his fingers, your legs shaking. He sucked his one finger, “So sweet… Open your mouth.” He smirked, as you opened your mouth for him. He placed both fingers in, you sucked on them giving him ‘fuck me’ eyes. “So the whore does listen after all…” He chuckled, removing his fingers from your mouth. He then kissed your lips violently to help you adjust your dress. Before walking away, you stood there in complete shock as to what just happened.
You eventually made your way back to the booth where everyone had made their way back. “I think it's safe to call it a night.” Josh chipped in, everyone nodded in agreement. “Everyone has rides sorted out? Don’t want anything bad to happen.” You asked, smiling softly. As everyone responded ‘yes’. “It was fun tonight guys, I’m proud of you all.” You smiled hugging the guys, then hugged the girls before parting ways and heading home. Josie had to help walk you to the car as you were stumbling a bit.
“Maybe you should watch how much you drink?” Danny smirked cockily, getting into the passenger seat. Not bothering to help his sister out with you. “What a dick…” You heard Josie mutter under her breath, “Ah. Fuck him, he’s just drunk.” You giggled to yourself, getting into the car. The car ride home was quiet, but you didn’t mind as you felt a headache coming on. Once you arrived you stumbled into the house, almost falling but Danny caught you. “Watch it now, Josie can you please help your friend to her room. I’ll grab some water for us.” He ushered you to her.
Josie helped you up to your room, “Thanks for being such a great friend. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” You smiled, hugging her tightly. Before sitting on your bed removing your shoes, Danny walked in putting a bottle of water on your night stand and a tablet of tylenol. “Thank you Danny…” You hummed, and he looked at you with stern eyes. “Goodnight ladies.” He walked out of your room.
“Goodnight Y/N, I’ll see you in the morning.” Josie giggled softly, putting the blanket over you. “Goodnight Josie.” You took the tylenol, drank the water and quickly fell asleep.
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Girlie we need education pt.3 I’m begging 💳💥💳💥💳💥💳💥
Well, you know I can’t say no to you. So, here it is. Lesson #3: Pain is NOT the opposite of Pleasure
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Warning: smut
Amelia paused at the restaurant door for a moment trying to find the courage to go in there. Her clammy hands reached for the door handle. She focused her vision on the “pull” sign, trying to stay calm.  Ever since the last time that she and Matty slept together, she’d tried her best to avoid him. It wasn’t too difficult. Mostly because he’d been traveling around the country, doing interviews and promoting the band, appearing on radio shows and in magazine articles. So, it didn’t take a lot of effort to not be around him. But he was back now, and she had to see him and be around him all night. She told herself that she didn’t care; that he’d made his feelings quite clear, and that she’s an adult who can handle rejection. He’d drawn his boundary and she has to respect it. But, for some reason that she couldn’t quite articulate, she’d chosen to wear this dress for him. And now that she was about to walk into the restaurant, she felt foolish about it. 
She took a deep breath. You can do this. You can do this. You can do this. Just have a good time. The boys are gonna be there. It’s gonna be fine. 
She walked in, squeezing through the group of people waiting for a table at the front, and looking around for her people. She spotted George by his tall figure and bright hair. He’d brought Charli along, too. Jamie was there. Dan, Ross and Adam, a couple of people from the label, and, of course, Matty. 
“Hey guys” she made a general greeting, everyone at the table turning towards her. 
She made a deliberate choice not to look in Matty’s direction. First win of the night. So, she didn’t notice that he’d gotten up from his seat to get her a chair and set it next to his. She sat at the other end of the table, next to George. 
Dinner seemed to go smoothly. In fact, for brief moments, whenever she was talking to Adam about his baby, or to Charli about her work, she’d almost forget that she was sitting a few steps away from Matty. Or that she’s supposed to be putting on a nonchalant act. Inevitably, though, she would find herself glancing in his direction every time she heard him speaking, or laughing at something that someone else had said. Or leaning over the table to talk to George. She’d hoped to catch him looking at her, but it never happened. She expected herself to be relieved. Not to have to look into his beautiful brown eyes and fake neutrality. But, a piece of her was always disappointed. She hated that about herself. Whether it was desperation or a desire to hurt him the way that he’d hurt her. She didn’t want to be petty and vindictive. But it was hard not to. 
“Right, I think it’s time for me to head out.” Jamie spoke, looking around the table. “You two have to be in the offices early tomorrow.” He nodded at George and Matty. Matty downed the last of his drink, setting his now empty glass down and wiping his mouth on the back of his hand. “Mhm.” He nodded. 
“So don’t have too much fun tonight.” 
“No fun for me, thank you.” Adam said, bowing out. “Gotta get home soon. Dad stuff.”
“Yeah, none for us either.” George added. “Charli has a thing tomorrow. I gotta finish up at the studio and go with her, so I can’t get shitfaced tonight.”
“Wow…are we saying we’re all going home at a reasonable hour?” Ross laughed. “We’ve really gone and grown up , haven’t we?”
Matty’s face dropped. “It would appear that we have, yeah.” He spoke, a hint of regret in his voice. 
“I’ll get the tab, then.” Jamie left his seat. 
Matty pulled out his phone, scrolling through his texts to find the thread that led to his last hookup. His finger hovered over the last text. He looked up over the table at Amelia, then back down at his phone. 
People had started to leave the table and disperse in different directions. He needed to make up his mind quickly. He watched her stand up and hug George goodbye. 
He sprung to his feet to catch up with her. He walked behind her as everyone lined up to leave the restaurant. When George and Charli headed off in their own direction, it was now just the two them. He stepped to the front to stand by her side on the pavement, looking straight ahead at the cars as they drove by. “Hey.” He mumbled. 
Her heart raced in her chest and she wondered if he could hear it. Slowly, she turned to look at him. He was, as always, perfect. 
His curls fell beautifully around his face, his simple black sweater clung to his body, a charming smile lit up his face. He’d been looking healthy lately. It always warmed her heart. 
“So….dinner was fun.” He stated, digging into the pocket of his jeans for his cigarettes. “It was, umm, nice to see everyone. We’ve all been doing our own thing for a bit.” He lit his cigarette. “Want one?”
“Nah. When are you gonna quit that disgusting habit anyway?”
His lips curved into a smile, tilting the cigarette to the side. “Hmm….someday?” He shrugged. “You heading home?” He blew the smoke out of his mouth, obscuring her view of his beautiful face.
“Yeah, guess so. You?”
“Yeah.” He nodded. “Walk to the station together, then?”
“S-sure.” Just when she thought she’d managed to get through the night without embarrassing herself. 
“Why’s the train so crowded? Is there some….some political protest or some football game I don’t know about?” She squeezed closer to him to make room for the flood of people getting on behind her. 
Matty shrugged. “Wouldn’t know. I’ve been so disconnected from the news, lately.”
“Probably should’ve just got an Uber.” She muttered under her breath, looking behind her at the packed car. No seats whatsoever. 
“Wanna just….get off at the next stop?”
“Umm, no, no. It’s fine.” She sighed. 
It was decidedly not fine. Every time the train had to pause in the tunnels or come to an abrupt stop, the standing passengers lost balance. Herself included. The first couple of times, Matty steadied her with his firm grip, making sure she doesn’t fall. Then, she clung to his arm a few times, looking up at him and trying not to sweat at the sight of his pink lips so close to her face. Eventually, and she has no idea how, Matty had wrapped his arm around her, holding her close to him as his other hand held on to the metal poll in the center of the car. Keeping them both balanced. She could smell his cologne. The drink he’d had. The cigarette he’d smoked. She could feel his soft sweater against her cheek. She knew he could see her face, which, no doubt, betrayed all her secrets. 
Matty’s eyes weren’t on her face, though. He was looking somewhere further down. At the way the cut of the dress highlighted her breasts. Or was it the bra that did it? He didn’t care much for that how. She glanced up at him, catching him looking. “Umm…you, look- nice dress.”
She smiled. Men can be so blind sometimes. “Thanks.”
“Is it new?”
“This? No. Not at all.”
“Well, umm” he felt his mouth go dry. “It’s - n-nice.”
“So, umm, that’s my stop coming up.” She loosened her grip on his chest, moving away to get closer to the door. 
“Right, yeah. Have a good night, I guess….” Matty’s lips parted again, the look in his eyes felt serious, but as the automatic doors opened, she looked back, and he was silent. Letting her walk out onto the platform.
On the streets, she felt her body shake as she sprinted towards her home. She didn’t think she could take another second in that train, packed like sardines with him so close to her. Looking, smelling, and sounding so good. 
Over the echo of her own footsteps, she could still hear his voice faintly in her ear. The way he’d smile when she would turn to look at him. The way he’d say her name…
“Amelia!! Yo! Waiiiit! Amelia! For fucks sakesss!!”
She turned around. She wasn’t imagining things. In the distance, she saw Matty running towards her. 
“Finally! Is this how you normally walk or are you in hurry for something?”
“W-what are you…” she looked down at her waist to check that her purse was still attached to her. Has she forgotten something? Her phone maybe?
“I- umm, it’s late. You shouldn’t be walking home alone in the dark.”
She frowned. “Since when are you….such a gentleman?”
“It’s not about bein’ a gentleman. It’s purely about safety. Have you read the statistics lately?” He was feeling his confidence act begin to crumble, so he looked ahead, beginning to walk again. 
“No, have you?”
“A man can’t walk his friend to her door safely without an interrogation now? What a sad world we live in.”
She giggled, shaking her head. “Well, thanks, Matty.”
They walked in silence for a while. Each of them desperately trying to think of something to say to the other without making things more awkward than the silence. 
“So,” she spoke, smiling playfully. “Would you, like, fight off gangs for me? Robbers? Do you have a ninja knife or something hidden in your back pocket?” She laughed. 
“Fuck off.” He rolled his eyes. “I’ll have you know, I’m very strong now!” He flexed his arm, pretending to show off. Or maybe a small piece of him wanted to show off. 
“Yeah, I- I’ve noticed.” She cursed herself in her head as soon as the words slipped her lips. She was losing the upper hand her. God. She hated those kind-games. Those conversations they’re having in order to say what they can’t say. What they won’t say. Trying to communicate without actually communicating. She found that shit exhausting. She was never any good at acting cool and collected. And in this case, she didn’t want to be. She wishes she could just…talk to him. 
“You’ve noticed, huh?” Matty raised an eyebrow, looking at her out of the corner of his eye.
“Oh, got over yourself, Matty.” She rolled her eyes. “I mean, like, I noticed in the way that…you know- people notice. If your friend gets a haircut or loses or gains weight or whatever. People notice, okay!” Nope. She’d overdone it. By, like, a lot. 
Matty watched her face contort itself in embarrassment, laughing softly. 
“Shut up.”
“What? I haven’t said anything.”
“Well, don’t.”
“Whatever you say, Amelia.”
“You wanna come inside?” She turned to face him, fumbling with her keys. 
“I mean, sure, if- you’d like me to. If it’s not too late.”
“I believe the conduct manuals say that when a gentleman risks his life to walk a lady home, etiquette dictates that she must offer him a nightcap.”
“Well…if that’s what the manuals say… wouldn’t mind a glass of wine, actually. 
“How’re you doing with- uhh- our lessons.” He felt sleazy just saying it.
She set her glass down to avoid looking surprised by his question. “W-what do you mean- I- what?”
“I mean have you been practicing? Sucked anyone off yet?”
“What the fuck is that matter with you!” She shoved his arm lightly, mentally noticing that, he has, indeed, grown some muscles. 
“What?” He giggled. “Just inquiring about your progress.”
“No, I haven’t. Yet.” She folded her legs, sinking back into the couch. “Have…you?”
“Haven’t had the time. But I’m free tonight….if you wanna brush up on some stuff.”
“I see. So the gentleman act has ended. Alright.”
In the dim light of her bedroom, she stood by the foot of the bed, with Matty towering over her. 
For the second time tonight, she found herself unable to take her eyes off his lips. “Friends don’t kiss, friends don’t kiss, friends don’t kiss…” she repeated the mantra over and over in her head until Matty’s head dipped down and he kissed her, crashing his lips against hers with just a little bit of force, his hands holding onto her hips. 
When he pulled away, her hand reflexively flew to her lips, as if grabbing at the lingering feeling of his mouth. She was utterly speechless. 
Matty stepped away for a moment, taking off his sweater. 
She mumbled a curse when she saw his shirtless chest. 
“Pardon?” He turned to look at her and smiled knowingly when he saw her eyes wide open. 
In the back of her mind, she wondered if she’s ever seen him naked before, or if she’d simply never noticed that he was this attractive. 
“Oi! Eyes are up here.” He joked. 
She was too overwhelmed to think of a clever comeback. His silence alarmed him. 
“Hey, Mia, you alright?” His thumb and index finger touched her cheek. 
“If you’ve had a change of heart, we don’t have to.”
“It’s umm, it’s been years since you’ve called me ‘Mia.’” She whispered. 
“Has it?”
What did it mean? Why did he suddenly bring that nickname back? Was he trying to tell her something? Does he genuinely not remember? “No, I’m fine. I wanna do this.”
“You sure?” He tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. 
“Y-yeah. Umm. Yeah I’m positive.”
“Alright, then. May I undress you now?” He looked into her eyes, smiling. 
“I - can-“ her hand grabbed searched behind her back for a zipper. 
“No, no. Please. Let me.” He walked around in a semi circle to stand behind her. “This gorgeous dress? want to peel it off your body myself.”
She felt her cheeks burn up. Perhaps this dress was the right idea after all. 
Matty gently pushed her hair to one side of her neck to find her zipper, causing her skin to prickle with goosebumps. His lips kissed the bottom of her neck where it meets her shoulder softly. Her eyes fluttered shut. Her breath getting caught in her throat. 
But the kiss ended a bit too quickly for her liking, she heard the zipper travel down her body and felt the dress loosen around her, dropping in a pool at her ankles.
Matty bent down to pick it up. “Step out for me…good girl.”
Shit. They’d barely done anything yet and she was already desperate for him. 
With the backs of her knees against the bed, Matty dropped to his knees running a finger over her clothed crotch and making her gasp. 
“Let me start by reminding you of the last thing we did.” She saw a faint smile on his lips before her eyes closed and she melted at his touch again. 
“Already wet?” He clicked his tongue. “Needy, baby.”
She let the slightly embarrassment wash over her. Driven away by the waves of pleasure that his expert fingers were giving her. 
“Right. Take these off for me.” He tapped her hip, snapping out of the blur she’d fallen into. 
She did as he said, eager to get his hands back on her as quickly as possible. 
Silently, Matty took both her wrists, placing her hands on each of his shoulders. “Hold on tight, yeah?”
She nodded. “Yeah, yeah. Okay.” Almost moaning. 
His lips wasted no time finding her center. She almost yelped at the feeling of his tongue licking into her. She felt his hot breath against her as he let out a small giggle at her reaction. This wasn’t just fun for her. He was taking delight in the way he made her feel. 
“Matty- oh! My god…”
It seemed he’d already memorized all the perfect motions and spots that got her going from last time. It was like he knew exactly what to do and when to do it. 
“Fuck! Matty- I’m- ah, if you don’t- s-stop, I’m gonna-“ without thinking, or intending to, her hands found his hair, pulling harshly and moving his mouth away from her. 
“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry. I didn’t- I didn’t mean to. Umm… are you okay?”
Matty laughed, shaking his head. “Don’t apologize. It’s fine.”
“No it’s not, I practically took off a chunk of your gorgeous hair. It must’ve hurt!”
“Yeah, but, I liked it.”
“Yeah, yeah. Pain and pleasure….mix well sometimes.”
He could see by the confusion in her eyes that she’d never felt that particular mixture. “You’ll see.” He winked. 
Was that a threat? A dare? A preview of things to come?
He placed a small kiss to her wet cunt, to give her a little tingle, causing her to lose balance and lean on the bed behind her. 
Matty crawled into the bed, hovering on top of her. “See, that’s why I said to hold tight.”
“S-sorry.” She whispered, feeling small as she looked into his eyes above her, his curls dangling and creating a bit of shade over both of them. 
“It’s alright. Kinda ready myself. If…you are? Wanna keep going?”
He reached into the back pocket of his jeans, pulling his wallet out. “Got it.”
As she watched him unbuckle his jeans. the thought that they were about to have sex kept running through her head. She waiting for it to be weird. To be surreal. For her brain to remind her that Matty’s her friend. Friends have no business getting this intimate. But none of that came to mind. All that she was thinking about is how good he’d finally feel inside her.”
“You good?”
“Yeah, yeah.” She looked into his eyes. “You?”
He smiled. “I’m really great, baby.”
She felt him get closer, then slowly push into her. Her eyes closed reflexively and she held her breath. Matty noticed her whole body stiffen. His own mind struggling to remain focused at the feeling of her around him. “Umm, no, Amelia. Open your eyes for me, please?”
It took her a second to muster the courage, but she did. “That’s better. I promise you, it’s gonna feel so much more pleasurable if you relax, yeah?”
“S-sorry, I-“
“You nervous or something? It’s okay. Trust me. Breathe. Yeah. That’s it. You’re doing so well.”
She hasn’t really thought about to before. That she tended to clam up when a guy thrusted into her. Maybe it was the anticipation. Or the nerves. She just did it without thinking. 
Matty pushed the rest of the way into her and let out a moan that surprised her. She’d have thought he was the quiet type. 
“Fuck- y’feel so good, Mia.” 
His overwhelmed face suddenly disappeared, he looked down at her. “Felt that. Praise girl, huh? Noted.” He laughed. 
“Shit!” She felt the knot in her stomach tight as he pushed particularly deep. “Fuck, Matty, I- you’re so- feels good.” He smiled, his own mind hazy with pleasure. “Right, ready to take it up a notch?”
He rested his weight on his forearms, settling into a rhythm with his hips. Leaving her a moaning mess underneath him. Chanting his name, begging for nothing in particular, letting him know how good she feels. 
“Cum with me, yeah?”
She nodded, lifting her head off the bed to kiss him. 
Matty waited carefully, at what he hoped was just the right moment, he dipped down and lightly bit her shoulder as she unraveled around him causing another wave to hit her, her body trembling around him as her mouth hung open. 
She swore she almost blacked out for a second. With Matty placing small kisses all over her neck and body as she came down from the aftershocks. 
Slowly, he collapsed on top of her. His thumb reaching for the bite mark on her shoulder and rubbing it soothingly. “See? Told you. Pain isn’t the opposite of pleasure.”
Her blurry eyes fixed on the ceiling, her chest still panting, she ran her fingers through his hair. “Guess not.”
Matty took a deep breath, rolling off of her. “Ready for round two?”
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bullet-prooflove · 23 days
Sunflowers: Brendon Acres x Reader
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Tagging @kmc1989
Companion piece to Lifeline
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You don’t make much money working for the FBI. They pay you a modest stripe end, one that parallels how much it would cost to house you in the penal system. It’s just enough to afford a shitty apartment in an even shittier part of town. When you factor in transport, utilities and food, there’s barely enough cash left over to purchase art supplies, let alone any luxuries. It makes things harder when Brendon’s birthday comes around. He’s a man of wealth, of means and you barely have two dollars in your purse to rub together.
It shouldn’t matter but it does.
Brendon was the first person who showed you any kindness when you agreed to work for the FBI, he treated you like a human being, saw you for who you are. It was him that lobbied for you to consult with Special Investigations because you were dying out there in Art Crimes under Henderson’s control. Brendon had given you back a part of yourself you thought you’d lost, he’d shown you a different path and you will forever be grateful for that.
It’s your dress that helps you figure it out, the black one with the yellow sunflowers. You’d picked it up at a thrift store a couple of days before, it’s in surprisingly good condition. It’s insane that you used to spend thousands of dollars on clothes in your previous life and now you’re trying to work out if you can make a twenty stretch.
You’re sitting at your desk when Brendon sets a mug of coffee down in front of you. He takes up his usual perch on the corner as you tidy away the pictures of the Degas you’ve been studying. It’s a fake, you can see it even without seeing the piece of art up close.
“I’ve always loved sunflowers.” He tells you, his fingertips brushing over the fabric of your sleeve. “The problem is I’m allergic to them, I break out in hives if I’m anywhere even close to one.”
“What do you like about them?” You had asked him and he’d given you that smile and a half-hearted shrug.
“They just make me happy.” He tells you, you can see the truth of it in his eyes. It’s such a silly little thing but the fact he’s chosen to share it with you, speaks volumes. “They’re fun, colourful, they make me think of brighter days. I think that’s why I’m smiling so much this morning, your dress…”
He trails off, his gaze slipping down to his coffee mug as his cheeks flush pink.
“Maybe I’ll try to wear it more often.” You tease and he laughs at that. It’s such a rich, vibrant sound and it lights up something inside of you.
You like this man, really like him.
You haven’t felt like this in a long time.
It takes a few days for you paint the picture. You choose an A5 sized piece of paper because you feel canvas would be too intimate and you aren’t ready to give that much of yourself to someone else. Creating art, it’s a private experience, when you gift it to someone else you’re really handing them a piece of your soul, showing them your true self.
You spend your evenings hunched over the battered desk in your apartment, working to the sound of Vance Joy as you mix your paints. You have a very specific colour pallet in mind. A rich blue that matches the hue of Brendon’s eyes, a vibrant sunshine yellow that contrasts against it. You have a scene in mind from the last time you were in North Dakota, four sunflowers swaying lightly in the breeze alongside the barn your family used to own. It’s the last happy memory you have of that place and you’re giving it to Brendon.
Brendon doesn’t expect to spend his birthday shuttling between LA and Salt Lake City but then again it’s the nature of the job. He’d been looking forward to getting dinner with Simone and Cutty but it’s past midnight by the time he gets into the office. His birthday’s over before he even realises it.
It’s when he collapses into his desk chair that he notices the brown paper envelope sitting on his  desk, his name written in your pretty looped scrawl. He’s intrigued when he picks it up, his fingers breaking the seal eagerly.
He can’t help but smile when he sees the artwork. It’s an original piece, painted by your hand, he’s known you long enough to recognise your style. The bold use of colour, the delicacy of the drawing itself. He thinks he’d know you anywhere.
When he turns over the piece, he studies the words written in dark pencil and something just blossoms in his chest.
May all your days be as bright as sunflowers.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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23 notes · View notes
its-time-to-write · 9 months
ch. 7 - hustling for the good life
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table of contents
if you made it to the end, thank you🥰
the way forward
Touring is absolutely insane. It’s not as crazy as some people’s like, say, Allie Gooding, but it’s still so. Much. Work. You don’t really dance, mostly hold your guitar while sitting in the middle of a stage while people twirl and leap behind you.
It’s a Blue Glass tour, technically speaking, but Mango is by far the highlight.
You’re in the city of its origin, with its muses sitting front and center. 
“I’ll let you go/Because it’s best for me/I slip out the back/And turn the key,” the audience sings.
i saw u on tiktok, Jamie texts that night. fukig mint the way the crowd sang all the words.
Claire was crying, you type back. And why can’t you ever spell “fuck” correctly??
cant all be smarty pants musicians, Jamie writes. Then, been blessed to be a dumb, sexy footballer.
Ok, I have to go to sleep. Flying to some small city tomorrow afternoon. Maybe you’ve heard of it? Called something like idk, Landon? Lodan?
He asks, u still staying at mine?
Yep. Can’t wait!!
FUCKIMG M I N T, Jamie responds.
You’ve been in Richmond for approximately four hours, just long enough to say hi to Keeley, eat dinner, and, you know, ditch Natalie so you and Jamie can make up for time spent apart.
“That’s disgusting,” she says before hopping into the hired car.
“Ok miss ‘I fucked-‘”
“WHOA, ok,” she says, “I’m going to stop you right there. I’m out of here.”
But now you’re laying in Jamie’s bed as he runs his hand up and down your arm, tucked against his side.
“You’re bringing the team to the show tomorrow, right?” you ask.
“Hm,” Jamie agrees.
“Cool,” you say softly, “Do you think they’re going to want to meet the musical guest?”
“Yes,” Jamie says immediately. “Lads’ve been hounding me all week. Even fucking Ted’s been asking.”
You smile. “Seems no one’s immune to the charms of Allie Gooding.”
“I fucking knew it,” Jamie gasps. “Fucking knew it. You gonna do Creekside?”
“Yeah,” you say.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” he asks, twirling a strand of your hair between his fingers. “How you do all this shit, I don’t know.”
You’re silent. The truth is, you don’t even know how you do all this shit. Natalie is barely managing to keep your head on straight as it is. At first, it was fun to travel. Now, you just want a good night of sleep.
You have an especially hard time with meet and greets. It always feels too crowded and stifling, and there’s no Jamie to hold your hand or sneak you out the door so nine times out of ten, you have a panic attack while pretending that everything’s fine.
You’d be happy never touring again, just playing your guitar for Jamie in the living room. Writing songs for the people you love and only for the people you love. Mango felt important in a way that Blue Glass didn’t. It had a message and actually helped people, whether or not they knew it.
Claire sent you a small video every time her song was playing in a shop or on the radio, then end the song by clasping her thumb and index finger into a heart. She sent one of her and the other women in her new house, dancing to Kitchen Epiphany.
“We wouldn’t be here without you, babe!” she said at the end.
But she was wrong. You wouldn’t be there without her. It’s wrong, all wrong, but you only have a couple nights with Jamie so you roll on top of him and press your lips to his.
You’re in Greece less than a week and a half later, sporting a Tartt jersey as you pull up to your hotel.
Natalie’s been making wiggly eyes at you the whole time you’ve had it on but you don’t care because you’re almost done with this godforsaken tour and you haven’t broken up with Jamie. He still loves you, for some reason you don’t understand.
But hey, you’ve never claimed to understand the male brain.
As you make the mad dash from the car into the safety of the lobby, you hear a familiar voice call your name. You turn and see Donovan, your most recent ex. He’s smiling and holding hands with a girl you used to see around his photoshoots.
“How have you been?” he asks warmly. 
“Good!” you say. “Hopping all around the world, but good!”
He’s still smiling that picture-perfect smile. “Saw you’re dating Jamie Tartt. You guys actually look happy together. Just like me and Zoe. Unless, of course, it’s show?”
“Oh,” you reply, startled. “I, uh, well,”
“It’s ok,” Donovan interjects. “Zo knows we weren’t actually dating.”
“Oh,” you say again, relieved. You never did feel the need to act around Donovan. “Yeah, no, it’s real. At least, it feels real. Wasn’t set up by a PR firm or anything and we’ve been able to keep it pretty quiet.”
Donovan nods. “You’ve always been good in staying out of trouble. Me, not so much.” 
Zoe grins from her place on his arm. “Yeah, but now we get into quiet trouble. We’re getting married this week, and no one even knows that we’re dating.”
She holds out her hand to show you and Natalie the biggest ring you’ve ever seen.
“Nice,” Natalie says. “But we’ve got to check in. Great to see you, Donny.”
“God,” she says as she drags you away, “that could’ve been you. You would have made perfect plastic babies with that absolute fucking Ken.”
“Hey, Dono was nice,” you defend.
“Uh huh. What with all that… personality.”
Ok fine, so maybe he was rather one-dimensional. He and Danielle seem perfectly happy. You’re glad that he’s doing well, despite your so-called “torrid love affair.”
You’ll have to drop by their room at some point to catch up for real.
You end up going out to a club with him. And Natalie and Danielle of course, but as you step through the doors, you’re kicking yourself. Why did you think this was a good idea? It smells and it’s crowded, but you’re going to suck it up for Natalie, and for the sake of socialization. Your only consolation is that pretty much everyone will be too drunk to know who you are.
It’s all fine, you’ve had some water and you’re dancing with Natalie when the lights hit your eyes wrong, or maybe the beat dropped when you weren’t expecting it, but it doesn’t actually matter because your eyes go wide and you feel like you’re drowning. You push your way through the crowd out the door, barely noticing Donovan and Zoe hot on your heels.
“Hey,” he calls after you, “you alright?”
No, you want to say. No, you’re not alright because you’re with a bunch of strangers and you just want to be home with Jamie. You want to kick a football around with him on the weekends and hold his hand and be alone. You can feel tears sliding down your cheeks, and Donovan cups your face in his hands to wipe them away. 
“Maybe we should go,” he says concerned. Zoe’s leaning against a wall, phone out. 
“Already got an Uber,” she says. “You’ll be ok, babe.”
Donovan presses a kiss to your forehead. “C’est pas de problème,” he says. “Ne stresses pas.”
You can tell something’s wrong the moment you wake up. Maybe because you can’t hear Natalie in the other room or maybe it’s intuition, but the air isn’t right. You open up your phone to Instagram and find a picture of you and Donovan from last night. He’s holding your face and looking at you with what you know is concern, but to the observer looks like- love?
Oh shit.
The caption is the standard bullshit - “Forest Fire singer reignites old flame,” and you think you might be sick.
You keep scrolling and there’s another one, this time with Donovan kissing your forehead. The caption underneath is a rant to the effect of, how could you cheat on Jamie Tartt? What a greedy little bitch.
The more you go, the more you find. It’s the same set of pictures with the same set of captions.
It’s the damage to your public image that concerns you. You’ve been around long enough to know that it will blow over, especially because it’s unsubstantiated. You’re thinking of Jamie.
Oh god, what’s he going to think? You’re positive he’s seen it already, because how could he not? It’s so rare that you have a so-called scandal, that you’re trending. If he didn’t find it on his own, one of his friends definitely sent it to him.
Your phone is blowing up with news notifications and text messages. You have ten missed calls from Natalie an inbox full of voicemails. You’ll probably delete all of them without listening. 
But what you really care about is Jamie because in the plethora of messages all you’ve gotten from him is a single fucking voice memo. It’s five seconds long, the exact amount of time it takes to say “fuck you,” and you don’t want to open it. 
But a voice in your head compels you, the same voice that gave you the ok to fall in love with him in the first place, so before you can talk yourself out if it you press play and hold it up to your ear. 
“Hey,” says Jamie’s voice. “I love you.”
And that’s it. 
You don’t even try to calculate what time it is in London, you just hit the call button.
“Hey,” says Jamie’s real, actual voice.
“Hi,” you breathe. “I love you. And I hate touring. And press. I just want to make my songs and never fucking tour again. Donovan and I weren’t even doing anything. I had a goddamn panic attack and he was helping me calm down, and his literal fiancée is like three feet off camera but no one knows they’re together because fuck the press.”
Jamie chuckles. “No one’s making you do all this, love. You don’t owe people anythin’. You can just live your life without selling it. But like, if you want to sell it you can. You know?”
“Yeah,” you say.
“Oi. Look. Are you actually doing what you want? Because if it ain’t making you happy, you can stop.” 
You can hear a muffled voice in the background before you have a chance to respond. 
“Yeah, it’s her,” Jamie says to the voice. 
There’s a chorus of your name as Jamie says, “Dani and the lads say hi.”
“Tell them I say hi,” you respond. “Wait, where are you? It’s like nine there. Are you at training?”
“Weight room,” Jamie says, “but don’t get distracted. Are you happy?”
“No,” you say. “No, I’m not I want to- I want to play my guitar in your backyard and talk to Clare and help out Christine and not give Natalie a fucking aneurism every single day. I want to be able to sleep and not worry what people think of me and I want to like singing again. I want to visit my friends and have time to listen to their music and maybe I’ll tour with them, but only for fun. And most of all, I want to be with you. I want to go to all your matches and wear so much red and blue that I look like a gremlin and then I want to go home with you. And I want, like, domestic stuff too, like grocery shopping and cooking and- and-”
“And brushing our teeth at the same time,” Jamie helpfully supplies.
“Yes,” you say. “I’m really tired of all this.”
“Well,” Jamie says, “you’ve got one more week. Then fucking come home.”
You tell Natalie she’s fired, just to see the look on her face. 
She starts yelling when you tell her you’re kidding but only kind of and then she hits you with her purse, stringing together curses in both English and Spanish.
She’s less mad when you give her a raise and tell her she’s now in charge of managing all your shit so you don’t have to.
“I thought that’s what I was doing already,” she says, and now it’s your turn to smack her.
“First decision I’m making is switching to KJPR,” she says.
You ask, “What the fuck is that?” with a nose wrinkle.
Nat just grins. “Keeley’s PR firm.”
You let out a scream. “NO FUCKING WAY. NO FUCKING WAY! How did I miss that??”
Natalie shrugs and says, “She told me to pass on the message because she figured you were busy. I sent her a very nice gift basket from you.”
You sigh and grab Natalie for a hug. “You’re the absolute best, you know that?”
“Uh huh,” she says. “You’d be dead without me.”
It’s off-season, a year later. You’re on a beach in Brazil, lying in a chair next to Keeley, who’s in a hot-pink bikini.
“I never want to go back to England,” she says, sipping her drink.
You laugh. “I think your boytoy would disagree.”
She huffs and says, “Not my fault he has all that fucking hair. And anyway, he’s the one who wanted to come!”
“Fucking grandad,” Jamie grumbles good-naturedly next to you.
“You invited him,” you say. “You said, ‘Babe, Roy has to be there when we elope.’”
“How was I supposed to know he hated the sun?” Jamie asks, exasperated. “Twat never said anything!”
“He wears black all the time and never smiles, babe. He’s basically a vampire. You should’ve known.”
“I can fucking hear you,” Roy says from under the umbrella. “I’m not fucking deaf.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose and say, “I’m just glad Natalie left yesterday. Some honeymoon this is.”
Jamie gets up from his chair and flops on top of you. 
“Oof,” you grunt.
“Sorry,” he says, not sorry at all. “Hey, think there’s a pitch ‘round here? I brought my boots. Think they’re under the bed, love.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you say. “‘Football is life,’ or whatever. I’m gonna write a hit song about how my husband likes a fucking ball better than me.”
“I’d pay good money to hear that,” Roy says.
Jamie props himself up on his forearms and puts on his most angelic expression. “That’s me, the adorable yet sexy trophy husband. I’m your muse.”
“You’re something,” you say. “Ooh, I think I can use that in the song!”
table of contents
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hoe4almondmilk · 1 year
A request. If you want to write it. Maybe Olivia goes on a date with R and she is nervous. It didn't go well but Olivia likes R and wants to try again R gives Olviia a second chance and it goes well etc.
Thank you anon! I love this so much.
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“One last touch.” Olivia whispered to herself as she spritzed her favorite perfume onto her pulse points. To say Olivia was nervous would definitely be an understatement. This was her first date in at least a year. She took one last look in the mirror and was ready to go.
“Okay, Lucy. I should be back by eleven.” Olivia said as she grabbed her purse.
“Wow Olivia, you look beautiful!” Lucy said with a smile. “I’m so happy you’re finally going out!”
“Thank you, so am I.” Olivia said with a soft smile. “Noah, give me a hug.”
Noah got off of his iPad briefly and gave his mom a hug.
“Bye sweetie.” Olivia said as she gave him a big hug and a kiss on the head.
“Bye mom! Have fun!” Noah said as he ran back to the couch and his tablet.
Olivia said one last goodbye to Lucy before she left her apartment. Olivia felt warm all over. A flood of excitement and nervousness washed over her. Olivia sent you a quick text as she got into her car letting you know she was on her way to the restaurant.
Not only was Olivia going on her first date in a while but on a date with you. The two of you got on really well. You crossed paths a few weeks ago when she was guest speaking for a teen dating violence workshop at the high school you teached for.
Though the two of you have only really texted and an occasional FaceTime, Olivia felt hopeful again. Maybe it was her turn for love finally.
Olivia was snapped out of her thoughts when the driver stopped at the restaurant. “Thank you.” Olivia thanked the driver with a smile as she got out of the car.
Olivia was about to text you to let you know she was here but was stopped when she saw you waving at her. Olivia was almost taken aback at how beautiful you looked. You were wearing a little black dress that hugged your body in the right spots. Olivia could feel her cheeks warm up looking at you.
“My goodness Captain, you clean up nice.” You said playfully.
“I could say the same thing about you.” Olivia replied. “Do you want to go in?” Olivia motioned to the inside of the restaurant.
“Of course.” You agreed as you both walked into the fancy restaurant.
You and Olivia both decided on this new French restaurant that had just opened a few months ago. It was a bit of a higher end restaurant, not something you would normally be able to afford on your teachers salary but you decided for a special occasion you wouldn’t mind the extra bucks. Plus, you really liked Olivia.
“Ooooh, we could try escargot for dessert.” You giggled at the menu.
“I think I’ll pass.” Olivia chuckled. Olivia was so happy she decided to ask you out.
You two had clicked instantly.Normally first dates are sort of awkward but not with you. The conversation between you two seemed to flow so easily. It felt like you two had been talking for hours.
“I must be in heaven.” You grinned as you leaned just the tiniest bit forward to Olivia on the small table.
Olivia could feel her cheeks flush. “And what makes you say that?” Olivia flirtingly asked.
“I haven’t had this good of a time at dinner in a long while. I think you’re enthralling, Olivia.” You smirked.
“Enthralling?” Olivia repeated as she tilted her head curious.
“Enthralling. I can whisper it in your ear if you’d like.” You snaked your hand over Olivia’s.
“Is that so?” The captain smiled and held your hand back.
“Very much.”
The two of you had just finished dinner. You were very surprised when Olivia picked up the check and paid for your food as well.
“Oh, Olivia. I could have gotten mine.” You said almost feeling guilty about her paying. Last few dates you had were on you either had to split or cover the entire check. It was nice to be spoiled just a bit.
“(y/n), don’t worry about it. I invited you. I don’t mind paying.” Olivia smiled at you.
“Well, next time it’s my turn.” You giggled as you two headed out of the restaurant.
It was a beautiful night. You and Olivia stood outside the restaurant just talking trying to decide what to do next since it was only nine.
“We could go to my place and watch a movie if you want to? I live only a couple of streets down.” You suggested.
“I’d love that.” Olivia smiled.
You two were about to head over to your apartment when Olivia’s phone rang.
“Benson.” She answered.
You slightly raised your brow when you saw the annoyance in the captain’s face. Something was up.
“I’ll be there.” She said as ended the phone call.
You felt your heart drop when she said that.
“(y/n), I’m so sorry. It’s work. I can call my driver and he’ll take you home.” Olivia suggested.
“Sure.” You agreed. You could help but feel disappointed and worried. This wasn’t the first time you’ve had the “sudden phone call gotta run” type of situation.
Olivia waited until her driver came and got you before she left.
“Please text me when you get home.” Olivia pleaded. “I’m really sorry.”
“It’s okay.” You tried to fake a smile.
Olivia sadly stood there as you were driven home. The night was going so well. Work always did this to her.
“On my way.” She texted Rollins.
The next day, Olivia spent the day worried. You had texted her last night, letting her know you had made it home but kind of went ghost. Olivia had texted you this morning apologizing about last night but you hadn’t replied.
Olivia leaned back in her office chair and sighed with her arms crossed behind her head.
Amanda knocked on the door before entering “Long day?”
“You can say that.” Olivia sighed.
“I’m sorry we had to call you last night. I know you had a date.” Amanda walked up to Olivia’s desk.
“Yeah, I think it might have been our first and last.” Olivia said with a sad smile.
“What?” Amanda questioned. “Was it bad?”
“No.” Olivia chuckled. “It was actually going really well. But she hasn’t texted me since last night. I’m not really sure why.”
“Maybe, you should go see her?” Amanda suggested.
Olivia laughed. “I don’t know about that. I don’t want to be awkward.”
“Then don’t make it awkward.”
“Easier said than done Amanda.” Olivia replied.
“Think about it.” Amanda said as she left Olivia’s office.
Olivia thought about it that whole afternoon. Now, she had a bouquet of roses and walked over to your place. Olivia had this feeling of intense awkwardness over her body. But she had to know. You two had such a great time.
Olivia waited a few seconds before she knocked on the door of your apartment. She finally built up the courage to knock.
“Olivia..” you said as you opened the door.
“Hey.” Olivia said quietly. “I got you these.” Olivia handed you the flowers.
“Olivia, these are beautiful.” You said as you smelled the flowers. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, I’m sorry I dropped by unexpectedly.” Olivia apologized. I just wanted to apologize about last night.”
“You’re okay. I’m sorry I kind of went ghost. I just got scared.” You muttered.
“Scared? (y/n), I’m so sorry if I sc-“
“It wasn’t you.” You interrupted. “I just got scared that maybe you didn’t enjoy our date and wanted to leave and used the phone call excuse.”
“(y/n), not at all. I really had a great time. I really like you.” Olivia reassured you. “It’s just work. Sometimes we get cases at all times of day and sometimes I have to go..
“I just get worried about getting attached and being hurt again.” You said sadly.
Olivia surprised you when she held your hand. “I’m not going to do that.”
“I know.” You held her hand back.
“I want us to try again.” Olivia suggested. “And I promise, no work interruptions.” She smiled at you.
“Okay.” You smiled back. “But I’m paying this time.”
“I don’t know about that one.”
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
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This Gif for your celebration please ! I am a sucker for desperate Tommy !! 🥵
Thank you soooo much for sending this gif! I haven’t seen it before ♥️
I love a desperate Tommy as well 😍
Just one kiss
Tommy Shelby x Lady (Y/N) reader
During the whole dinner you could feel Tommy Shelby’s gaze, he kept trying to get close, but someone was always in the way.
“I guess it’s finally my turn.” He offered you a drink. “You were so busy that I thought you’d reject me.”
“That doesn’t make sense at all.”
“Why would you talk to a bookmaker like me then?”
You looked at him rolling your eyes at his comment. “And that makes you untalkable?”
“No, that makes you unreachable.”
Tilting your head to the side, you let a small smile appear in your lips. “I wouldn’t say that. Here we’re… talking.”
“Fate works a funny way you know… here we have a bookmaker talking to a Lady.”
“Do you prefer the Grand Duchess instead?” Tommy was about to speak, but you interrupted him. “She might be a Duchess, but eventually they will take her title back.”
Tommy finished his drink and as the waitress was about to pour him some more, he took the bottle instead.
“How is it possible that Tatiana is crazy and you are…”
“Careful with your next words Mr. Shelby.”
“I was just going to say deadly beautiful and smart.”
Chuckling you caught him looking at you intensely.
“That’s because it comes from the other side of the family.” You saw her disappear in one of the rooms with two girls, she was so drunk and even high that she said out loud that she wasn’t interested in Tommy anymore.
“That’s explains it all.” Despite having women half naked in front of him, giving blowjobs to men, his gaze seemed to be fixed just in your features.
One of his arms casually rested behind your neck, on top of the couch you were sitting, his fingers brushing your skin.
“Why did you ask my cousin to invite me, Mr. Shelby?” You saw him playing with the glass of whiskey hanging from his other hand.
“I wanted to see you again, Y/N.” He seemed to forget about the formalities of the title. “Please, call me Tommy.”
His deep blue eyes studied your face, as if he was trying to memorize every blink, every little freckle. And when you smiled, he licked his lips. Slowly, ever so slowly, he leaned in, his eyes still on your lips.
“And organizing this crazy party seemed like a good idea to get close to me?” You managed to ask in a whisper, then you looked around the room.
“No, that was so I could get rid of your cousin.” He admitted trying to sit closer to you.
He offered you a cigarette, but you politely declined it and announced you had to leave. But his strong hand stopped you.
“What do I have to do so you can look at me, ey?”
He was now dangerously close.
“I need to go now, Tommy.” If you didn’t stop now, you would let him do whatever he wanted. He finished his drink and left the glass making a noise.
“We can go to… to the garden instead.” His eyes followed your every move as you found your shawl to cover your back.
“Perhaps another day.” The way he was looking at you made you so nervous, he wasn’t a man of compromise, you knew that. “Hope you continue to enjoy the party.”
“Wait…” He seemed to really think about it. “I can bet you that if I kiss you, you won’t leave… just one kiss.” He spoke so sure of himself.
Nervous, you looked around, he was so serious.
“Look, the last time Tatiana made a party like this, I ended up hurt with a broken glass.”
Tommy’s hands moved from your shoulders to your wrists and up again.
As the party started to get wild, you decided it was time to leave for good.
“I’ll protect you.” His fingers moved your chin up and one more time, his deep gaze made you shiver.
This man was dangerous, and not only because of the nature of his business, but also for the things he was making you feel.
“Stay with me.” He begged. You took a step back. “I know you don’t want to go.” He took a step forward.
“Look it’s been fun and all, but you’re drunk, you won’t even remember me in the morning.”
Tommy shook his head.
“I could never forget a beautiful face like yours, Princess.” He was now inches away from your face, you could smell his cologne and the alcohol mixed with tobacco in him.
“I’m a Lady…”
“I could make you Queen of Small Heath.” He promised.
For every step you took back, he took one longer forward. Your hands tried to stop him by touching the neck of his shirt, the top button was undone, but his intense eyes wouldn’t let you go.
“I reaaallly have to leave.” You smiled at him.
“No, no.” He mumbled nibbling gently at your neck. “Don’t leave me with these crazies.” His hand on your hip. “Please…”
The way he looked at you like a lost puppy, willing to do anything to be close to you.
His lips were toying with the mere idea of yours… not fully kissing, just brushing against each other.
His strong hand came around your waist, keeping you still in the middle of your back followed by the other, holding the half full bottle.
You finally gave in and your fingers caressed his chin, the space between your bodies was limited.
“I knew you didn’t want to go.” He announced right before his lips finally captured yours and in that very moment you lost all control with just one kiss.
“You’re locked now.” His eyelashes tickled the skin of your face as his lips kept playing games now at your jawline.
He pushed the door with his foot and spun you around so you were now trapped between the closed door and his strong body.
“I think you said it was just one kiss.” You whispered against his lips.
“Yeah, followed by another, and another.”
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Tag list:
@gypsy-girl-08 @lyarr24 @datewithgianni @gretelshelby @cloudofdisney @runnning-outof-time @shelbydelrey @lespendy @onlydeadcells @peaky-cillian @holacia2
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cityandking · 4 months
another kind of hello
oc kiss week '24 // dairef + canon (1.2k) dai and zaref got to enjoy a couple (private!) date nights in selto after daichi's time in the abyss. here's the tail end of their first post-rez date (and also their first real proper date ever)
He thinks on it all afternoon, as they leave the tattoo parlor and when they pass the skating rink and at dinner after. It isn’t that big a thought, not really, but it seems to grow larger the longer he mulls it over, and more layered, and a little delicate too. It's the sort of thought he has to turn over so he can see it from all angles before he speaks out.
So it isn’t until they’re standing on the street after dinner, night warm and bright and busy around them in the way Selto always is, that he says, “I want to do this right.”
Zaref, looking up timetables on the side of the bus shelter, glances at him.
“I know it’s a little late for that,” Daichi allows, more wry than guilty—which is a relief, to be honest; he doesn’t want to do this with guilt. “But I’d like to do this right anyway. Or as right as I can.”
“This,” Zaref echoes. His eyes trace the lines of the bus shelter, pointed, and Daichi swallows something that feels like a laugh.
“Dinner,” he clarifies. “Skating rinks. Museums or bars or... I would like to spend time with you without worrying about the world ending around us.”
Zaref raises an eyebrow. “I believe they call that dating.”
His tone is dry, but there’s something amused in the crook of his mouth as he says it.
"I— Yes." Daichi shrugs, too aware of his own skin and the shape of himself inside it. “I don’t know if I’ll be very good at it. I haven’t had much experience, and things so far have been… a little intense.”
“That’s one way to put it.”
“And—“ Daichi hesitates, takes a breath. This is the harder part, one of the layers he isn't entirely sure about. “And I know you’re angry.”
In truth, anger feels like too small a word for it, but it’s the one Zaref used. Even saying it now it makes him go a little still, a little sharp.
“I would like to do things right," he says, careful. Zaref waits, watching, giving Daichi time to parcel out what he wants to say. Daichi still isn't entirely sure how to tell him how grateful he is for that space. "Even if it’s difficult. I want time with you. I want to know you with and without the armor. I want— I want to have fun.”
Zaref gives him a look at that, something between challenge and doubt, but Daichi holds it. He means that. He has the sense it might take more work than he’s prepared for—fun is not something he's had much opportunity to cultivate—but he wants it. He’s never been one to shy away from hard work.
A heartbeat later, Zaref’s expression softens. The city moves around them, cars and pedestrians and the endless hum.
“We have some fun,” he says, mild.
“Well, yes. But we also…” He doesn’t want to bring up the Abyss right now. Or Selto, or Monrha, or Asdor, or Wiztopia. He grimaces. “We don’t often have time for it.”
“No,” Zaref allows. “I suppose we do not.”
“So I would just— I’d like to do this again. More. I had a good time. I’d like to— I want to take you out again.”
“I think you are supposed to wait to ask for a second date after the first one has ended.” Zaref is definitely smiling now. Daichi sighs.
“I thought someone might try to listen in if I asked at home.”
“I suppose sometimes they can be nosy.”
“Right,” Daichi says dryly. “Sometimes.”
Zaref laughs.
“I know they mean well," he hurries to add, a little sorry for the irritation. They don't deserve it, mostly. They mean the best of almost everyone he knows. “I only— I hope you’ll forgive me if sometimes I don’t want to share you. Or— Share us, I guess.”
“Mmh,” hums Zaref. “I think I can forgive you for that.”
“So then— Can we do this again?”
“Isn't it customary to kiss at the end of the date,” Zaref returns, “before asking for the next one?"
He's definitely teasing now, but it draws Daichi up short.
“You— Oh.” He isn’t sure why that’s a surprise, except that they haven’t actually kissed, not since— Zaref’s has hardly left his side, true, but this is…
This they haven’t tried again. Not yet.
“Are you sure?” he asks. This feels like the sort of thing that requires confirmation. Permission. The guilt is back, a little—it does tend to lurk, particularly where Zaref is concerned.
Zaref’s answer is a step forward, moving slow and purposefully into Daichi’s space. The closeness is not a surprise, but he hand on his jaw is a sweeter, stranger thing. For a moment, Daichi remembers a desert world from a lifetime ago. The sun has long since set, but the light of the bus shelter drips over them, and Daichi is all instinct when he rises onto his toes and closes the distance between them.
It’s a strange thing to kiss someone again after so many years of separation. It's strange to fall back into something he used to know so well and hasn't forgotten so much as un-remembered.
“Sorry,” he mumbles when they part, his heart thudding a mile a minute. He says it like a reflex, automatic and clumsy, and it surprises him. His fingers have curled into Zaref’s shirt, holding tight without his permission, and a small and distant part of him marvels at how badly he can miss someone who is standing right in front of him. All of the neat, clean lines of meaning he holds in his mind smear to abstraction; he forgets to look at the layers and the angles and the thoughts. “Sorry,” he repeats, though sorry isn't what he means at all, and then he leans in to kiss Zaref again.
Everything inside him buzzes. He feels it from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet, a shock and a settling both. It is, he imagines, a little like coming home. Something like desperation pushes up under his tongue, a deep and welling want, and Daichi makes himself pull away before it swamps him.
“Don’t apologize,” says Zaref, hand at his waist, voice rough. “Don’t— Not for this.”
“Okay,” Daichi nods. Promises. He takes a breath and makes himself unhook his fingers from Zaref’s shirt. He finds his hand instead, a better thing to hold, and Zaref slots their fingers together without a word.
For a long minute, they sit under the shelter. The bus comes, and then they sit there instead, side by side, clasped hands tucked between them. The night flashes past through the window, the city big and blooming and alive.
It isn’t until they get off the bus that Daichi asks again.
“Persistent,” Zaref says, squeezing his hand. Daichi hums.
“I've heard I can sometimes be stubborn.”
“Sometimes,” Zaref echoes, dry, and Daichi doesn’t bother to hide his smile. Zaref bumps against him, pointedly clumsy, and Daichi sways with him. “I guess you like me, hm.”
It catches for a moment—that flicker of guilt, of things left unsaid too long. Daichi feels it and lets it pass.
“Yes. I meant it. I want to do this right.”
“Mmh. Okay.”
“I’d like that too.”
“Okay,” says Daichi, and even in the dark he can see the edge of Zaref’s smile. “Then we will.”
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