#starting oct. 2
I am being RESPONSIBLE tonight and going to bed instead of continuing episode 87 or 88 whatever ep im on. I don't like this decision!!! But I'm making it anyway >:(
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pommegrantaire · 7 months
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I can't imagine I'm the first one to think of and/or draw these two based off of this scene from The IT Crowd, but I couldn't rest until I got it out of my system.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 1 month
The Thai Communal Wardrobe item #2
The Mustard Sneakers
Bad Buddy ep 1 (Pran), ep 5 (Pat), & ep 7 (Pa):
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Cupid's Last Wish ep 1 (Korn):
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Cupid's Last Wish ep 3 & 8 (Lin/Win):
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My School President ep 6 (Gun & Tinn):
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Our Skyy 2 x My School President ep 10 (Gun & Tinn):
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Step by Step ep 8 (Jeng):
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Hidden Agenda ep 3 & 11 (Zo):
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Cooking Crush ep 12 (Paeng):
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Wandee Goodday ep 1 (Dee and Yak):
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+ bonus, Joke in Hidden Agenda ep 7 continuing the show's theme in blue-soled shoes:
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cocotome · 8 months
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If you're impatient like me, you can check both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store to download Lovebrush Chronicles! If you played the last Beta, there will be a 2GB update in the Play Store.
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I'm beyond ready for this!! Let's goooo!
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picapicamagpie · 1 year
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tfw you're secretly in love with your friend who is a bird and your bird ringtone goes off
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darewolfcreates · 1 year
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Happy 5 years of octo-expantion! Here’s the development of my agent 8: Oct and Ling: 2 people, 1 body.
Were they once one Octoling who split into 2 when they fell and lost most of their memories? Were they two Octolings who were forced into the same body? Were they one Octoling who developed an alter? Who is the original? Were they born like this? Neither know. And neither care to find out. They’re alright with not knowing. They know they are together and this is all they can remember.
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jasonsmirrorball · 14 days
roomie jason fic we r in the home stretch!!!!!!!
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milkyberryjsk · 6 months
2 projects left and i am free this semester
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dxringred · 6 months
omg okay nobody panic but new dxringred magbel fic just dropped. NOBODY PANIC!!! (thank you for this early christmas gift i love you)
PLEASE YOU'RE SO SWEET AGDJDKSK. i'm glad you're enjoying it !! it's a very fluffy fic, especially coming from someone who usually writes angst, and i've said it before but fake-dating was made for these oblivious idiots. i've been sitting with this fic for two months, so i'm glad to finally get to share it with you all !!
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farginen · 1 year
if there's anything that cracks me up about the unverified fma lore is that some birthdays are confirmed with a big question mark because of how inaccessible the sources are i.e artbooks released in 2004 only sold in japan
which. fine. that happens with media
but it's just endlessly funny to me is how riza's birthday is usually listed october 2 citing the artbook #3 as the source BUT roy's birthday is also sometimes listed as october 2 (although most sites list it as march 25, i don't remember if they also cite the artbook #3 tho)
why out of all character the ones with conflicting and possibly share birthday is royai??? bonded pair much??
riza also has another birthday date that a lot of people in the fandom use ?? it being september 1st
though i haven't found a single source even remotely official citing this date i've connected the dots though and i noticed tomoch1ngus, who is one of the biggest riza/royai fan artists, is army and their bias is jungkook, whose birthday is on september 1st
i have no proof but neither doubt that this is why people in the fandom went with sept 1 for riza's birthday
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annagrzinskys · 8 months
BIG MAD that rocking the daisies is NEXT WEEK and they announce today that it's postponed. bc i bought my non refundable flights on sunday. i know that it's bc of the flooding and severe weather having impacted the suppliers etc but still
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hummingbird-games · 1 year
I think once the Black VN game jam is done, I’m gonna take a pause for the cause and write something else visual novel shaped and then take stock and see where my body and mind are....and also play/finish some *new* games 😭
But a timeline???
now - late Feb: Crushed demo
March - make a participation decision about OjiJam + Blossom VN jam
April - write!!!! don’t know what!!!!
Summer 2023 - ?????
ongoing - build updates for Junior Year/Afterschool
Late 2023
 hsdjy 2 (in which I will settle on a plot, a {nick}name, and game features I want...wild)
Finished Crushed game (it’s probably gonna be done WAY sooner but I don’t want to stress out if something happens. And something always happens 😭)
Hummingbird Games is gonna have a successful year in that success is defined by any time I hop on here and see how far we’ve come. Baby steps are still steps, and I’ve graduated to toddler dev so watch out 😂
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I posted 1,381 times in 2022
That's 660 more posts than 2021!
33 posts created (2%)
1,348 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,004 of my posts in 2022
Only 27% of my posts had no tags
#outlander - 429 posts
#jamie x claire - 314 posts
#outlander spoilers - 131 posts
#legends of tomorrow - 119 posts
#claire fraser - 66 posts
#avalance - 49 posts
#jamie fraser - 43 posts
#castle x beckett - 43 posts
#🥺🥺🥺 - 27 posts
#ofmd - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i also like to joke that i technically have a psych minor bc i met all of the requirements for it i had just transferred schools in between
My Top Posts in 2022:
Beside the Seaside: Ch 3
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Claire Randall had been to France when she was young, had seen the lush green countryside and walked the streets of Paris, but she had long since been unable to reconcile her memories of another world with this one. She stood in the heart of what had once been a bustling city but was now reduced to rubble. The British army had set up a field hospital within the ruins of a cathedral, and Claire had grown accustomed to the way the steady sound of distant gunfire echoed off of its remaining half-walls. She lifted her head from tending to a soldier to see one of her fellow nurses, Marion, shuffling a wounded man into the tent.
“Have you seen him out there?” Claire asked. Marion shook her head and turned her own attention to her patient.
“You looking for your boy?”
Her gaze returned to the soldier, who was grimacing through the question. Corporal Thompson would be alright, she thought, but there was little she could do for his pain while cleaning and stitching up his wound. Besides, perhaps, a bit of a distraction, which he seemed to be looking for. Claire gave in, though it was the last thing she wanted to talk about.
“He’s not my boy, he’s just…”
He was Fergus, eight-year-old charmer and perpetual pain in her arse. As soon as she got her hands on him, she was going to throttle him.
“Maybe not,” Thompson conceded, “but you look out for him, don’t you? Everyone always sees you two together, anyway.”
The man’s assessment of her and Fergus brought her up short. She paused in her treatment and stared at him, the urge to defend the young scamp rising steadily to the surface. “He needs a little looking after, whether he wants it or not. He doesn’t have anyone.”
There were few who came through this camp without learning Fergus’s story. The boy was already an orphan before war broke out, but when his city’s inhabitants evacuated, including the staff and wards of the Catholic orphanage where the boy was said to have been a resident, Fergus was left behind. Some said he stayed behind on purpose, for Fergus truly was the life of the camp and ran wild through it without the supervision of the nuns, but most believed he’d just been overlooked in the chaos. By Claire’s estimation, Fergus had been here with the army for at least two years now, moving with them in the encampment, and living off of the kindness of others. He’d been “stationed” here longer than Claire had, and even with the entire camp as his personal playground, she saw very quickly that no one was really caring for Fergus. Even the details of his story had become a bit muddied without someone there to safeguard it; for instance, she was never clear on whether this very city had been his home or if the army had picked him up on their way through to it. Fergus himself was squirrely on the details, in no hurry to return to the nuns.
“Funny kid, that Fergus,” Thompson went on, hissing on occasion but otherwise quietly bearing the pain. To some of the soldiers, Fergus was nothing more than a pet, a source of entertainment, as though they couldn’t see the humanity in a small, lonely child. Claire was starting to get the distinct impression that Thompson fell into that category and grit her teeth as she neared the end of her stitching. “I wonder what will happen to him when this ends. If this ever ends…”
Claire felt her stomach churn. Where would Fergus go when the army left and no one returned to the rubble of his former home? “There’s got to be another orphanage somewhere that would take him.” But even as she spoke the words ‒ for a perfectly reasonable solution ‒ she hated the thought.
A bomb blast echoed in the distance and Claire’s eyes shot to the entryway again.
“So where’d he run off to?”
Claire bit her cheek to keep from screaming. She could be sympathetic to the man’s need for distraction, but this conversation was starting to make her want to pull her hair out. She was already worried sick over Fergus, and Thompson’s careless questions weren’t helping.
Mercifully, she caught her name being spoken and her gaze flitted toward the voice. It was Sergeant Harris, whom she was friendly with. He was a bit older than the rest and one of the few men Claire didn’t feel like she needed to keep her guard up around to ward off unwanted advances ‒ apparently a wedding ring didn’t mean much in wartime to most people.
“Fergus?” she asked, unable to keep her voice from wobbling. Just yesterday the boy had said he wanted to be a real soldier, and when he’d gone missing this morning…
“Yes, come see, Nurse Randall. He’s alright, but he’s all shook up.”
She ran out of the medical tent, quickly scanning the area for him. And when her gaze rested on him, the vice grip on her heart finally slackened. “Fergus!”
He looked up as she approached him, his expression a little dazed, and he seemed at that moment so much younger than his eight years.
“Oh, Fergus, you little wretch!” She clasped the boy to her heart and heaved a sigh of relief. He became boneless in her embrace, sinking into her.
“Milady,” he murmured. It was Fergus’s teasing nickname for her ‒ after their introduction at the camp, she’d ruthlessly dressed down a soldier for not paying attention to her presentation on preventing trench foot and Fergus had witnessed it. He had said she’d looked the part of nobility in that moment for her command over the men, and so he’d called her Milady ever since, always with a devilish glint in his eyes ‒ or at times he said it sarcastically when she turned her attention to fussing over him.
But just then, he sounded so small, so lost in the dark, and Claire didn’t know what else to do but clutch him tighter to her. “Are you alright?”
She pulled back just enough to look at him, framing his dirt-smudged face in her hands. God, she hoped that was only dirt.
“I k‒ I killed a German soldier, Milady.”
Her eyes grew wide. “Don’t tell me that,” she said in a breathless whisper.
“H‒h‒he was not with the others. I thought he might be a spy. He didn’t see me and I‒ I had a knife. I struck him.”
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65 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
chapter 26: the best by far is you
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Summary: An exploration of Claire & Jamie’s story if their firstborn had lived and they had the chance to be parents together of wee Faith Fraser before the Battle of Culloden.
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Chapter 26 
“Do you think it’s strange,” Claire asked him while Brianna was tucked against her breast as she nursed, “that Murtagh hasn’t once held the baby?”
Her tone suggested that she did think it was strange, regardless of Jamie’s thoughts on the matter. “Och, I’ve told ye before, mo nighean, he’s scared o’ bairns when they’re that small. Thinks they’re too fragile and likely to fall apart in his arms.”
Claire’s brows furrowed together. “Well, sure, he didn’t go near Faith until she was at least seven months old, but I thought… I mean, he’s been wonderful with her ever since.”
“Aye, she’s no longer a wee babe now is she?”
Claire rolled her eyes. “So, he won’t go near Brianna until she’s hearty enough that he’s not scared to hold her? When she’s half a year old? Is that what you’re saying?”
He couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips. “Sassenach… he loves our bairns. He’d protect them with his life. Ye ken that well. And aye, someday when Brianna is hearty enough as ye say, I’m sure he’ll hold her, if that’s yer worry.”
She shook her head, exasperated by the notion, and glanced down at the baby in her arms. Brianna’s arms and legs flailed as soon as Claire looked at her, wriggling with joy. Jamie’s heart melted at the sight. Such a sweet wee thing, their Brianna.
Claire’s finger traced the contours of the babe’s soft, round face. “Well, that simply won’t do, will it, Bree?”
Claire cornered Murtagh with the baby while he was in the sitting room, lounging in one of the chairs and none the wiser to her scheming. Jamie sat nearby and watched the event unfold with nothing short of amusement, as Claire simply lowered the baby into Murtagh’s lap before there was an opportunity for the older man to escape.
Murtagh went rigid with fear, his arms stiff and awkward around the baby. “Nay‒ I‒ Claire!”
“Don’t make such a fuss. She’s sleeping.” Claire straightened, settling her hands on her hips, surveying the two unlikely companions with a smile. “There, see? Nothing to be afraid of.”
Murtagh looked as though he might argue that point, still holding Brianna with a delicateness as though she were a loaded pistol, poised to go off at any moment.
And with that, Claire spun and walked to the other side of the room to help Fergus with his lessons. Murtagh turned sharp eyes on Jamie. “What the devil is all this about, then?”
Jamie’s gaze flitted over to Claire but she wasn’t looking. He suspected she would be stealing glances this way, though. “I think,” he began softly, “that she worries ye won’t… bond with Brianna, if ye dinna hold her.”
“Christ,” Murtagh muttered under his breath.
Jamie held a hand up placatingly to his godfather. “She sees how ye are wi’ Fergus and wee Faith, I think she just wants to make sure ye care the same way about the bairn, too.”
His godfather made a disgruntled sound. “If she thinks this is the way to do it…” he grumbled. “Fer Christ’s sake, of course I care about the bairn.”
“I ken that, but…” Jamie’s gaze dropped to the sleeping babe in Murtagh’s arms, so small and helpless, and his heart wrenched. He understood the deeper reason that Claire was so unsettled about Murtagh and the bairn. “Anything could happen, ye ken? We have three bairns now, and with all that happened in the last year, just trying to keep our family together… Claire cannae help thinking about the worst… what would happen to the wee ones if we weren’t‒” He swallowed roughly, shrugging a little. Claire wasn’t the only one who couldn’t help thinking about that. Any parent would.
“Aye, I ken yer meaning fine.” Murtagh looked down at the baby then too, still appearing stiff as a poker as he held her, but the older man’s expression softened. “Christ, though… did she think I would leave the bairn and keep the others?”
“I dinnae think she feels that way now, seeing as ye havenae tried to pass the baby off to me yet,” he said with a grin.
Murtagh grunted his displeasure. “I would if I wasnae so nervous she might roll out o’ my arms when I tried.”
Jamie huffed a laugh. “Ye’re doing fine, a ghoistidh. And while I have ye at my disposal,” he teased, earning another sharp look from Murtagh. “I’ve been meaning to ask ye… what yer plans are from here. If ye want to go back to Scotland or continue on wi’ us.”
Murtagh simply stared at him until Jamie was shifting in his seat under his gaze. “First Claire and now you? Och, ye wound me, Jamie.”
“I didnae want to presume. That’s why I asked.”
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67 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
Beside the Seaside: Ch 1
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The Second World War has ended but returning to their lives from before the war proves difficult for many. For widower Jamie Fraser, the physical and psychological scars he now carries threaten the peaceful life he wants to provide for his young daughter. In an effort to start over fresh, he moves them to a coastal town in the Highlands and buys a seaside inn.
Claire Beauchamp returned from the war with an orphan in tow, intent on adopting the boy and starting the family she and her husband had longed for before the war interrupted their plans. But in gaining her son, she loses her marriage and now must cobble together some sort of life for just her and Fergus. To try and mend their fractured relationship, she takes her son on an extended stay in the Scottish Highlands.
November 1945
He had the car drop him off at the end of the lane rather than Lallybroch’s doorstep. Stood there for a minute with his bag thrown over one shoulder and his uniform growing damp under the steady rain.
It had been raining the day he left Lallybroch, and it gave Jamie a strange sense of no time having passed between that day and this one, even though everything about his life had changed in those five years. Yet Lallybroch looked the same. The heavy stone walls built by his ancestors had stood for two centuries and it heartened Jamie to see the place untouched by the destruction of war. The walls of it, at least.
His feet felt leaden with every step that brought him closer to his home. He wasn’t ready for who he would see. He wasn’t ready for who he wouldn’t see here ever again. And while he’d carried some of these losses for three years now, he hadn’t been home without them yet. It would be real, inescapable, the moment he stepped foot inside.
Jamie had hardly passed under the archway of Lallybroch before the bellowing of several dogs inside the house announced his presence. Ready or not, the front door flew open, and there was his ma. His throat constricted at the sight of her, and he’d all but blinked and she was in front of him, throwing her arms around his neck.
“Oh, my lad! My son,” she sobbed into his neck, her voice nearly drowned out by the heavy rain.
Ye’re a braw lad, son.
The words came to mind of their own volition, a memory triggered by his return. Not spoken by his mother, but his father on the day Jamie left for training. His da had driven him to the train station after Jamie had said goodbye to everyone else, giving Jamie a prolonged moment with Brian Fraser. But the entire drive and all through waiting for Jamie’s train, the two of them hardly spoke. What was there to say in such circumstances? Brian had fought in the Great War, and he’d hoped to spare his own sons from such a fate. That was no secret to Jamie, and he’d already witnessed Brian’s quiet grief when Willie left months before. Knew that his own leaving was twisting the knife further in Brian’s gut. So they’d stayed quiet. When the train pulled in and began to fill with soldiers, Brian had clapped Jamie on the shoulder and, when Jamie moved to hug his father, had kissed his cheek, something he hadn’t done since Jamie was a boy. “Ye’re a braw lad, son,” he had said, giving Jamie’s shoulder a wee shake. When his father spoke again, his voice was thick with emotion. “Make sure ye come back home.”
Jamie felt his chest tighten with the memory and his arms squeezed around his mother. He had done as Brian had told him ‒ he had come home. But not before he could see his father alive again, now dead and buried in the Lallybroch family cemetery. Those words became the last thing his da ever said to him, and among his long list of regrets in life was the hour that Jamie wasted in silence with him on that day.
“Oh, my Jamie,” his mother was saying now. She pulled back to look at him, framing his face in her cold, wet hands. His jaw tensed.
Ellen MacKenzie Fraser had always been the stubborn pillar of strength in their family but in the last six years, she’d had to weather more than a fair share of grief. She looked more frail than he’d ever seen her before, and that left a cold feeling in his chest.
His gaze lifted to the doorway to find Jenny rushing down the steps, clutching her round belly ‒ he hadn’t realized she was pregnant again, hadn’t seen word of it come through in any of his letters from home.
He opened one arm to embrace his sister, bringing the three of them together. The unwelcome thought came as he held them; they were the last three Frasers standing, their family gone by half in the space of a bloody war.
“Och, it’s pouring buckets out here!” Jenny fussed. “Come inside and get warm.”
He picked up his bag from the ground and followed Jenny in, his mother’s hand on his back the whole way, like she needed to touch him to know he was real.
Stepping inside Lallybroch felt like stepping back in time ‒ everything exactly as he remembered it from before. He half-expected to see his father and his brothers when he rounded the corner into the sitting room, so inseparable were they in his memories of this place.
Instead, he caught sight of another familiar face. “Ian!”
“Good to see ye, Jamie.” His best friend strode across the room, his gate completely changed from the confident ease with which Ian used to carry himself. Until he saw that, Jamie had almost forgotten. Ian’s prosthetic leg wasn’t visible under his trousers, but to anyone who had known him before, his uneven strides were a dead giveaway.
Jamie embraced his friend ‒ his brother-in-law now too, he reminded himself ‒ and noticed Jenny then corralling a small boy towards them. “This is our wee Jamie,” she introduced with a proud smile. “This is your uncle, mo cridhe,” she said to the boy, “the one you’re named after.”
Jenny and Ian’s son was scarcely more than 3 years old, and he smiled shyly up at Jamie. His namesake. He had known this; Jenny had written to him with news of his first nephew while Jamie was nearly on his deathbed. At the time, it had been a comfort. Another reason to make it home. But now, looking down at the wee boy, all Jamie could think was that if his nephew had been born a few months later, he would be Willie’s namesake instead, or their father’s ‒ as he ought to be. Not saddled with Jamie’s name. Not when Jamie had done nothing for this boy to be proud of.
“Hello, laddie,” he said with a slight nod.
There was a gentle touch at his elbow and he turned to find his mother at his side again. “Someone else would like to see ye.” She nodded towards the doorway opposite them, and Jamie’s gaze flitted over to see a girl of six years of age in place of where he had left a wee babe. His stomach twisted into knots. She looked so much like her mother, it gave Jamie the strange sense of seeing a memory come to life right before him.
He skirted slowly around the others and paused six feet away from where his daughter stood. And lowered himself slowly to one knee.
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76 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
the best by far is you: chapter 25
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Summary: An exploration of Claire & Jamie’s story if their firstborn had lived and they had the chance to be parents together of wee Faith Fraser before the Battle of Culloden.
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Chapter 25
Jamie didn’t know what hour of night it was when Claire was finally given a chance to rest, after having been helped into a clean nightgown while the bed was stripped. The baby was bundled up and sleeping soundly in her cradle, the exhaustion from the last 24 hours having caught up with both mother and babe. He paused at the door, gaze flickering between the slumbering forms of his wife and their wee lass, heart in his throat.
Some small part of him was scared to step outside this room, to leave them even for a moment, lest he find out that the last several hours were nothing more than a dream.
But somewhere down the hall, there was someone waiting up for word of the baby, and Jamie wasn’t so cruel as to make him wait until sunrise.
So he slipped out into the hallway, vacant but still dimly lit with candles along the wall. Not long ago, there had been a flurry of activity in these halls. After the birth, a maid had spread word to the rest of the household that a baby girl had been safely delivered, including ‒ Jamie was sure ‒ to wherever Jared and Murtagh had settled in to drink their whiskey in the tense silence of men unsure of what to do with themselves while a woman labored. And just shortly before Jamie’s trek, another housemaid had helped Mother Hildegarde and Marie to their guest chambers for the night. But even while it was quiet now and the rest of the household seemed to sleep, Jamie knew one person was still up, who had been missed while the joyous news was spread.
They would’ve assumed the children were sleeping, but having been the boy on the other side of this conversation, Jamie was intimately acquainted with the fear that kept a son from sleeping no matter the hour. The relief and gratitude and joy that he got to deliver different news to his own son was almost enough to bring him to his knees there in the hallway. That he should be so fortunate to still have all of them with him…
He opened the door to Fergus’s room and the soft light from the hallway spilled into the pitch black room. Two small bodies were under the covers but only one stirred and bolted upright, expectant of a visitor.
The light caught the tracks of tears on Fergus’s face, his expression already taut with worry. “Maman?” he croaked.
His word landed like a punch in the gut. Jamie should’ve come sooner, should’ve found a way here immediately to put this boy’s fears to rest.
“She's alright. Oh, a balach, it’s alright,” he murmured, moving into the room as Fergus drew his knees up to his chest and buried his face, the sound of his smothered cries filling the room a moment later.
“Dinna fash yerself, laddie.” He perched on the edge of the bed, reaching over to rub Fergus’s back. “Dinna weep, mon fils, it’s alright,” he murmured soothingly, even as he knew Fergus needed the release of those tears for all the time he’d sat here in the dark fearing the worst. He cried for the relief of it all.
“Can I see Maman?”
“Aye, of course ye can. She’s sleeping just now though and we shouldnae disturb her. She’ll want to see ye when she wakes, so how about in the morning?” And maybe Fergus, with his fears put to rest, could find a few hours of sleep himself. The boy nodded half-heartedly and wiped his face with his palm before resting his cheek on one of his knees with a sigh.
“Ye’ve another baby sister,” Jamie told him softly.
“Oh,” Fergus startled, as if he’d forgotten for a moment what all of this was about. “And she’s alright?”
“Aye, she’s bonny,” Jamie beamed, and the corners of Fergus’s mouth curved upward. “She cannae wait tae meet ye.” He smoothed down some of Fergus’s short, riotous curls. “She’s so very wee and all worn out from making her appearance, though, so she’s getting some much needed rest as well,” he added, hoping it would be enough to convince Fergus that he might as well get his own precious few hours of sleep in the meantime.
He tucked Fergus back under the covers, murmuring reminders that he had a papa and maman who loved him very much and two wee sisters now who adored him, and he would see all of them when he woke up. Jamie sealed his words with a kiss to the boy’s head. His gaze went beyond Fergus to where Faith was still curled up under the blankets, snoring softly. A lump rose in his throat.
The greatest joys of his life…
His eyes burned with tears as he turned and quietly left the room, shutting the door behind him. And when he slipped back into the room he shared with Claire, he found her and the babe exactly as he left them. His waking dream was completely undisturbed.
He did fall to his knees then, and on his tongue was a quick and reverent prayer of gratitude to the Almighty that this should be the life that he was given, the life that was restored to him.
They slept in fits and starts, fumbling through a once familiar rhythm but with a precious new life. Claire’s eyes squinted open against the early light of morning ‒ the realization that it was already morning had her sleep-addled brain rebelling against the thought ‒ and stared at the empty space in bed beside her.
Her first thought was the baby; she didn’t hear a thing, so why had she awoken?
She shifted in bed and felt every muscle in her body screaming at her in protest. God, it felt like she’d been hit by a car ‒ a thought she’d have to keep to herself when others asked her how she was feeling. Jamie had fetched the baby every time she woke during the night so that Claire wouldn’t have to get out of bed, but even with that consideration, she was still tired and sore all over. It was different than how it had gone with Faith, she realized. With Faith, it had been flashes of terror and a race to save them both. Hardly felt like the labor itself had lasted longer than a minute for all that Claire could remember of it. But with this baby, Claire had labored for almost a full day ‒ and both body and memory could remember every second of it.
Then she heard it ‒ the soft squeaking grunt of a newborn, not quite a cry. Her head lifted from the pillow and swiveled, but the baby wasn’t in her cradle. No, instead, her gaze settled on her bare-chested husband sitting up in a chair with the baby pillowed against him, hardly visible to Claire beneath her blanket. Jamie’s eyes were closed, his head resting on the back of the chair, and she would’ve thought he was asleep if not for the steady rhythm of his fingers gently tapping the baby’s back. He must’ve heard her movement as his eyes opened then and found hers.
A lump rose in her throat, for no other explanation than she couldn’t help the swell of affection for them both, the sight of them so perfect she could weep. “Why are you all the way over there?”
See the full post
77 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
the best by far is you: epilogue
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Previous Chapter
Summary: An exploration of Claire & Jamie’s story if their firstborn had lived and they had the chance to be parents together of wee Faith Fraser before the Battle of Culloden.
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June 1750
His wife was still buried under the covers while Jamie moved about the room on quiet feet and got dressed in the soft light of dawn. He reached for his boots, the final article of dress, and caught sight of Claire’s hand rising out of the mess of blankets ‒ reaching out toward him in silent request.
He stopped in his tracks. Straightened back up.
“Don’t get up yet,” she said, her voice still heavy with sleep. “Stay in bed with me.”
His chest tightened and he let out a gentle sigh. “Aye.”
He crawled back onto the bed, fully-dressed save for his boots still, and molded his body against the curve of Claire’s. She let out a sleepy hum when he nuzzled into her wild hair and kissed the back of her neck. There was a time when he might’ve denied her request, felt the need to rush off to the responsibilities of farm life. But he knew now that all of that would keep ‒ for a little while at least ‒ but Claire and the bairns would not.
There was something in her touch, the way her hands clasped tightly over his, keeping his hold on her there, that told him her thoughts were running in tandem with his, reaching the same destination. He held her tighter still, turning his face into the crook of her neck and murmuring all that was in his heart to her, some bits in Gaelic but he thought she knew well enough now to understand his meaning if not the words themselves.
His eyes opened with the soft creak of their bedroom door opening. Of course, he could put off the work of the day for a bit, but the bairns didn’t always give them the same reprieve. “Sleep a little longer, Sassenach,” he whispered against her neck before leaving a parting kiss there. “I’ll get up wi’ her.”
When he rolled over and swung his feet out of bed, he caught sight of the impish wee lass in the doorway, bouncing on her toes already at the prospect of their recent morning routine together.
“Dood morning,” she sung to him, her eyes alight with joy, as he swiftly pulled on his boots and ushered her back through the doorway.
He swung Brianna up into his arms and closed the door behind them. “Good morning, m'annsachd.”
He stepped across the hall and poked his head into the nursery, knowing he would find Faith under the blankets still. Brianna was their only early riser now.
He let Faith be and knocked on Fergus’s door to get him up and moving for the day. Brianna was a warm weight against his chest, waiting patiently until Jamie headed down the stairs with her to the kitchen. A fire had already been started in the hearth, letting Jamie know Murtagh was up and about.
“I can make the parritch, Papa?”
Papa. That was who he was to Fergus, and to Faith, he was simply Da, but Brianna was growing up hearing both names for Jamie and used them interchangeably. Jamie didn’t mind — she’d likely settle on one or the other eventually, and it had never really mattered what his children called him, only that they were his to raise and love and guide.
“Aye, we’ll make it together.” He kissed her soft cheek still flushed from her sleep, and moved about with only one hand free to start on breakfast. His wee Brianna encumbered the process more than helped, but no one else in the household possessed Brianna’s early morning cheerfulness ‒ besides perhaps himself, as Claire often pointed out in mild annoyance ‒ so he got on just fine with the lass as meal preparations were started.
Jamie finally set her down just as Murtagh walked in through the kitchen backdoor.
“Murtagh!” the wee thing cheered and ran to him, throwing her arms around his legs. It was the kind of reaction that would make one think she hadn’t seen her beloved Murtagh in ages. It had been only a matter of hours, most of which she’d slept through. The older man grinned and reached down to smooth her hair, still wild from her sleep. She turned her face and kissed his trouser-clad knee before letting him go.
“Come eat yer parritch, Brianna, and let poor Murtagh come inside.”
“Och, she’s fine,” Murtagh protested, but still herded Brianna towards the table.
With a certain knack for timing his entrance at the moment food was ready, Fergus stumbled out into the kitchen then, silent and sullen and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He sunk into a chair at the table and Jamie wordlessly passed him a bowl, smothering a rueful smile. They’d learned not to engage Fergus too heavily in the morning during this season of his youth.
Claire appeared too, dressed and hair up in place, though a weariness beyond physical exhaustion still lingered in her eyes. She bent to kiss the top of Fergus’s head and then joined them at the table.
There was only one Fraser missing, so Jamie headed up the stairs for the nursery.
“Up ye get, Faith.”
She was still sleeping, but she’d stay in bed all day if they let her. So he scooped her up and carried her down to the kitchen. She was getting older ‒ six already ‒ but Faith was still such a slight thing that Jamie didn't think twice about carrying her around as he always had.
See the full post
87 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
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hazelplaysgames · 10 months
and fest results! shame i got a headache partway into it, but it was fun. i think this was the first time i've ever had matches go friendly during fest, and hard to imagine a better time than a team Love mirror match. good games out there everyone!
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by unofficial
somewhere with Rafa Bean our dog
this photo documents the fact this sign located on rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau existed in this state on 17/oct/2022 @ 18h30 in Ste-Foy FRANCE
Our neighbor on our block was robbed by Halloween mischief.
The sign in this photo states to potential burglars to smile as they are being filmed.
Some bullshit young scam artist came to our door a few days ago. I started yelling for Antoni to immediately call the police in French and English. Said scam artist dashed quickly. Antoni was never at home.
Our local police showed up 2 days later. Sad story of reality. ——-
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istherewifiinhell · 1 year
so theres this culturally dubious cursed statute in this one. im not showing it. just turtles.
[Mirage, Tales of... Story Ryan Brown, Eastman. Pencils Jim Lawson. Letters Steve Lavigne]
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ID from alt: Three of the turtles in April's apartment, they are carving pumpkins. One finished with his, sits on the couch (wearing red blue 3D glasses, i think), and says "Halloween is such a blast." One is still carving his pumpkin, and the other holds his up, grinning and says "YEAH! The only night of the year we can be seen in public!" END ID]
i dont know whats up with the glasses.... they're all so cute tho
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[ID from alt: The turtles in April's second hand store. Three of them walking in to check on the third. Who is stuck under a books case. He wears a skull cap style mask. The one wearing glasses says "We heard the noise- what happened?" Another helps lift the bookcase and says "Did Klunk do this?" And the one under it says "Three guys... two got away!" END ID]
I think the hood mask is either a... costume? its probably not a inking error cause. its in multiple panels.... maybe its like... wearing old clothes from your childhood as cozy clothes...
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ID from alt: All four turtles geared up and striking menacing poses. Mike says "Look, friend, we don't want any trouble..." Don on point says "Just pay us the two dollars for the figure and we'll leave. Leo is silent with his hands on his hips. Raph says "Two dollars! Two dollars!!" END ID]
now ofc we the reader know its a mystic statute that must be stolen to unlock its magic. they think someone paid some folks (one who they saw die [again the reader knows its from poison]) to rob their friend for an item that runs you the same as this here comic would....
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ID from alt: A cop speaks to the turtles while looking at a clip board. He says "O.K. You kids run along now and continue your trick or treating!". The one on point has a almost 3 shaped mouth and says "Yea... er ...Yes Officer." The two others that can be seen in detail have smirks. END ID]
just adorableeeeee. honestly.
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