butchfeygela · 2 months
i fuckijg love your username oml. fey + faygala is excellent
thank you! i didnt even realize it could be kinda viewed as a pun on like Fey as in fairies! i just liked that transliteration of פֿייגעלע the best but i love this take on it
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slowedmountains · 2 years
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Illustratrions for Stout Stoat's Apawthecaria.
These were great fun to work on, check out Stout Stoat Press' webiste if you'd like to give the game a go!
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rowyngoldeart · 1 year
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I fully realize that Cabbage is a fairly large dog, which means I should have either put him in the background, or chosen a different character to talk to the stoat...
So, we'll just agree that this is the largest stoat in existence and move on, yes?
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definegodliness · 2 years
I have decided: 
were I to be reincarnated as an animal, I would like to be reincarnated as a stoat. I could hop around agilely, be weird, and bite cute things in their necks, so I would be the funnest version of me.
What about you?
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elljwalker · 2 years
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Some illustrations I did for the amazing Stout Stoat Press’s Apawthecaria book! It’s a GORGEOUS chunky solo-journaling RPG book full of beautiful art - you should get it if you’re into that kinda thing! I had so much fun doing these. 
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downthetubes · 1 year
TAGS, a new Scottish comic convention announced for December
TAGS, a new Scottish comic convention announced for December in Edinburgh
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becdecorbin · 5 months
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stout Stoat with a stout.
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writeforfandoms · 9 months
(Sweet?) Anon here! Also,, 104 degrees?! Hope you’re ok LMAO I feel ya but only 98 where I am ;0
Been thinking about a Stoat! Shifting Reader x TF141,,
Maybe Reader is in Special Forces training and the task force are there to help recruit? They sniff out reader as a shifter and keep their distance watching over them.
Noticing small things like reader having the squeakiest laugh, the way they don’t eat enough greens, and adores watching the finches and morning doves. That’s not to mention Readers impressive speed, reaction time, and flexibility that helps them take down bigger opponents.
Reader shifting in front of the task force for the first time and they just keep shrinking and shrinking until they’re a small ripple under their shirt. Then a pair of small beady eyes and round ears peaks out fearfully and the men go feral..
like cute aggression to the max but also anxiety seeing how small they are. I imagine Ghost and Price lean more into stressing over Stout! Reader.
Gaz would probably adore when reader was shifted. Although they couldn’t tussle he’d try to have fun with them. The teasing would be relentless. Seriously. Is stuck to reader like tape when they aren’t shifted, finally able to squish them.
Soap, the overly excited one, might get to grabby with shifted reader. He would love holding them in his hands and watching them squirm around. He wouldn’t care if they nibbled his fingers in retaliation. Uses the word “wee” a lot. Shameless Scottish cooing fr.
Price would just be loosing hairs I feel like haha. I’m imagining him wanting to invest in trackers or a bell on reader. Maybe the Alpha not being able to see them at all times is really worrying for him,, will occasionally hold Reader, treating them like fine glass. Will take Readers side on things 70% of the time LMAOOO (Is melting in the inside)
Ghost,, is a difficult one. Slowest to warm up in the pack, but after reader proves they’re not a complete hinderance he starts getting protective over them. Will never admit it but he thoroughly enjoys seeing a little stoat. Readers just nibbling on something the size of their head he snuck them and his eyes crinkle with warmth. Will kill an entire country for them fr.
The team scouting Reader, and hopes to form a pack with them in the near future, settles on their call sign some time later. “Kit” ;D
(Ok sorry I didn’t want to spam sorry if this a lot ( ̄□ ̄) love you friend! )
Oh goodness this is so cute!!! I love this!! Stoats are excellent hunters so I feel like this recruit would work well with the 141. Plus sneaky sneaky.
I can absolutely see Gaz and Soap playing with stoat and having fun teasing. And yes definitely cooing over how cute and wee they are. (That gets Soap bitten at least once.)
Price would probably be protective of stoat, especially if they're smaller than the rest (not shifted). But he's smart, and he knows that he can't put bells on them. A subcutaneous tracker though... (he might very quietly look into it but honestly it's not the first time he has, especially after an incident with Soap shifting off base and getting lost).
This is such a darling idea! Please always feel free to send in more thoughts, I love them.
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underwaterbanshee · 7 months
I love your post about Tula, I just finished the latest ep of burrows end and I am SCROUNGING for theories.
What do you think she was ‘fundamentally lying’ about?? I’ve seen a couple posts floating around:
- one was how maybe Geoffrey could’ve been a bad husband and Tula didn’t save him because of it (maybe killed him?)
- Another was, maybe the Blue (radiation?) is killing her to use it?
- Another good one, was maybe Tula isn’t their (Jaysohn and Lila’s) bio mother.
I don’t have a very good or original educational guess, but I don’t think she killed Geoffrey. I do think she knows what did, and she’s lying so her children aren’t vengeful. She doesn’t want her children chasing power, to avenge their dad, or getting caught up in what he was deeply in.
I think it’s been said before, but in some of Geoffrey’s art he has a little grass belt, and the only other stoats we’ve seen have tools/clothes, was in Last Bast. (I can see the connection there, but we’ve also seen Viola have ‘accessories’, so it could just be a red herring.)
I think maybe Tula knows more about Last Bast (or humans) than she lets on, possibly from Geoffrey (if the grass belt is a connection.) I think Geoffrey saw something, or knew something in Last Bast, and ran. Eventually, he found the red Warren, fell in love, and started a family.
Now with an invested interest to keep his family safe, he’s using what he learned in Last Bast in the Red Warren, which somehow got him killed. (By a human? Maybe? The humans that saw Thorn seemed more interested than expressing a want to kill him - maybe humans want to test the stoats for radiation sickness, or something like that?) it’s giving watership down meets Chernobyl, the natural world clashing with human disasters.
Just some thoughts! I feel like there’s so many clues and pieces on the board, but no lines connecting them. There’s an allegory that I’m not catching, and it’s driving me NUTS.
What do you make of this? :)
(sorry for the long ask! Just excited!)
omg this is my very first ask and I'm trying to be normal about it
So, it's been a few days and I've been going over this in my head and here are my conclusions to your lovely, lovely ask <3
The lie is probably something incredibly mundane.
Adults lie to children all the time. Lila is going through what every child goes through as they become a teenager--she's starting to see the cracks between reality, truth, and the fictions adults use to process an unfair world.
I think it is entirely possible that when the lie is revealed, an adult audience might go, "Oh, that's not a big a deal," while Lila overreacts with betrayal.
It's entirely possible Geoffrey is from Last Bast.
The only thing I'm basing this on, besides character art, is that Tula is based on Mrs. Brisby from Secret of NIMH and Last Bast is giving me Rats of NIMH vibes, not secret authoritarian cult vibes (which is an entirely different post that I'll probably never write). I mean, the Rats had magic and electricity.
Also, Brian might be analogous to Jenner, the power hungry Rat, the First Stoats might be like Nicodemus, just like Bennett is probably Justin.
Did I want Bennett to be a fuckable version of Justin for Tula? Yes. But that's only because my childself wanted Justin and Mrs. Brisby to end up together. Baby Banshee didn't understand why that wouldn't work. She wanted love to win.
Based on how much the Red Warren Family popped off against Last Bast during this episode, I don't know if there will be more Secret of NIMH elements playing out. It's possible Tula could bring up Geoffrey and get confirmation on that but I don't think it's important to our stouts anymore.
But wouldn't it be interesting if Tula knew about Last Bast before they arrived? Didn't someone say something about lies of omission?
Mrs. Brisby's character arc is about having enough courage to move her family while her son has pneumonia. She confronts an owl, a cat, and a power hungry rat who deliberately puts moving the mouse family's home in jeopardy, in order to keep her family safe.
During most of the story, her children are in the dark about what she's doing to keep them alive and protect their future.
What an amazing archetype as Tula's touchstone.
One of the great things about the d20 campaigns is not only the mashup but how the players resolve the mashup after making a mess. I might be seeing lots of NIMH being laid down, now that the Watership Down portion is somewhat resolved but I'm prepared to be totally wrong as maybe our vicious varmints take us in a new direction.
Like I said--obsessed with Tula =^_^=
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emcheeseman · 2 years
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An illustration for Stout Stoat Press' CARVED IN STONE, comparing the landscapes of modern day and 7th century Scotland.
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qwertacius-boi · 10 months
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PLEASE TUMBLR HELP. PLEASE. My brother needs help. If we reach the goal on this go fund me he’ll be ok but please help him. I can’t give him what he needs bc I’m broke but maybe some of y’all can help. Tag this, reblog this, anything to help it spread. You may save a man’s life today with only one dollar
@fayewoods109 @stout-stoat @otsu09 @angeltsu3 @deadpan-c help this spread please 🙏
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skyscratch-wc · 6 months
Skyfall AU Shadowclan Allegiances: Into the Wild
Leader: Brokenstar - a thickset, heavily scarred dark gray-brown tabby tom with amber eyes, a crooked tail, and a flat muzzle. Originally a warrior in the protector sub-rank
Deputy: Blackfoot - a large, muscular white tom with black paws and ears. He has dark amber eyes. Originally a warrior in the protector sub-rank
Cleric: Runningnose - a small, skinny gray and white tom with amber eyes and a constant stuffy nose.
Senior Warriors
Head Protector: Clawface - a scarred, stout brown tabby tom with yellow eyes and a flat muzzle
Head Hunter: Scorchwind - a lithe, ginger tabby tom with yellow eyes
Head Crafter: Boulder - a skinny silver tabby cat with blue eyes. Former town rogue. Also serves as a tanner.
Head Collector: Mousewing - a small, long furred black tom with yellow eyes
Head Queen: Hollyflower - a broad, black and white molly with yellow eyes. Also serves as a hunter.
Dogstep - a large, muscular gray tabby tom with white forepaws and amber eyes
Blizzardwing - a short, speckled, mostly white tom with green eyes
Flintfang - a lithe thick-furred dark gray tom with yellow eyes
Russetfur - a stoat dark ginger cat with green eyes. Former rogue.
Deerfoot - a skinny light brown tabby tom with yellow eyes
Stumpytail - a heavyset brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Cinderfur - a lean gray tom with orange eyes and a flat muzzle
Tallpoppy - a lithe light brown tabby molly with green eyes
Darkfeather - a lean black molly with blue eyes. Currently in the nursery caring for her's and Brokenstar's litter.
Tangleburr - a stoat dilute tortoiseshell molly with amber eyes
Rowanberry - a heavyset cream and brown molly with a flat muzzle and amber eyes
Newtspeck - a small calico tabby molly with amber eyes
Fernshade - a lean tortoiseshell molly with yellow eyes. Currently in the nursery caring for her's and Dogstep's litter.
Nightpelt - a stoat black tom with nicked ears and yellow-green eyes. Serves as the tanner.
Brightflower - a heavyset ginger tabby molly with a flat muzzle and amber eyes
Nutwhisker - a broad brown tabby tom with a flat muzzle and amber eyes
Ashheart - a lithe pale gray molly with blue eyes. Currently in the nursery caring for her's and Cinderfur's litter.
Current Mentors:
Stumpytail, a protector, mentoring Brownpaw
Boulder, head crafter, mentoring Wetpaw
Clawface, head protector, mentoring Littlepaw
Flintfang, protector, mentoring Badgerpaw
Blizzardwing, protector, mentoring Volepaw
Mirepaw - a stoat brown tabby tom with amber eyes. Son of Newtspeck.
Dewpaw - a heavyset gray tabby molly with yellow eyes. Son of Newtspeck.
Littlepaw - a very small, slender brown tabby tom with bright blue eyes. Son of Newtspeck.
Volepaw - a lithe light brown tom with yellow eyes. Son of Featherstorm and Blizzardwing.
Dawnpaw - a muscular pale ginger tabby molly with blue eyes. Daughter of Featherstorm and Blizzardwing.
Badgerpaw - a small black and white tom with blue eyes. Son of Wolfstep and Fernshade.
Ashheart, Fernshade, and Darkfeather
Ashheart and Cinderfur's litter:
Lichenkit - a dilute tortoiseshell molly with amber eyes
Quietkit - a dark gray tom with blue eyes
Rubblekit - a mottled gray tom with amber eyes
Fernshade and Dogstep's litter:
Pinekit - a small light brown tom with green eyes
Whitekit - a black and white tom with yellow eyes
Darkfeather and Brokenstar's litter:
Blossomkit - a black and white molly with blue eyes and a flat muzzle
Bogkit - a dark gray tabby tom with yellow-green eyes and a flat muzzle
Poolcloud - a lean pale gray and white molly with blue eyes
Featherstorm - a lanky dark brown tabby molly with yellow eyes
Sootpelt - a thin gray tom with green eyes
Exiled Members:
Yellowfang - a heavyset, scarred dark gray molly with messy fur, a flat muzzle, and amber eyes.
Renamed Cats:
Ashfur -> Sootpelt
Darkflower -> Darkfeather
Wolfstep -> Dogstep
Swampkit -> Bogkit
Turtlekit -> Lichenkit
Oakkit (Oakfur) -> Pinekit
Brownpaw -> Mirepaw
Wetpaw (Wetfoot) -> Dewpaw
Gender Changes from Canon:
Wetfoot/Dewpaw is now a molly
Boulder is non-binary
Russetfur is a demi-girl/gnc
Additional Notes:
Darkfeather and Brokenstar are not mates in a loving sense, Darkfeather wanted the prestige and Brokenstar wanted heirs. This is a honor siring/pairing and not a love match.
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Warrior Cats Prefixes List- E
I had a WC Name Generator on Perchance that I made but I don't seem to have access anymore, so I'm remaking it here as just a simple list. The definitions used are the ones that Clan cats have for those things, and thus are the origins of the names. Definitions used are whatever I found when I googled it.
Eagle-: "[noun] a large bird of prey with a massive hooked bill and long broad wings, renowned for its keen sight and powerful soaring flight"
Ebony-: "[noun] heavy blackish or very dark brown timber from a mainly tropical tree; [noun] a jet black color"
Echo-: "[noun] a sound or series of sounds caused by the reflection of sound waves from a surface back to the listener; [noun] a close parallel or repetition of an idea, feeling, style, or event"
Eclipse-: "[noun] an obscuring of the light from one celestial body by the passage of another between it and the observer or between it and its source of illumination"
Eel-: "[noun] a snake-like fish with a slender elongated body and poorly developed fins, proverbial for its slipperiness"
Egg-: "[noun] an oval or round object laid by a female bird, reptile, fish, or invertebrate"
Egret-: "[noun] a heron with mainly white plumage, having long plumes in the breeding season"
Elderberry-: "[noun] the bluish-black or red berry of the elder shrub"
Elderflower-: "[noun] the flower of the elder shrub, typically red or white in color"
Elk-: "[noun] a red deer of a large race native to North America and Central and East Asia"
Elm-: "[noun] a tall deciduous tree that typically has rough serrated leaves"
Ember-: "[noun] a small piece of burning or glowing coal or wood in a dying fire"
Ermine-: "[noun] a stoat, especially when in its white winter coat; [noun] a stout-bodied moth that has cream or white wings with black spots, and a very hairy caterpillar"
Evening-: "[noun] the period of time at the end of the day"
Evergreen-: "[noun] a plant that retains green leaves throughout the year"
Ewe-: "[noun] a female sheep"
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rowanwhitlock2 · 3 months
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I asked for a stout but turned into a stoat instead. Not that I mind at all…
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moths-wc-aus · 2 years
Prefix Meanings - M
Mackerel - “A migratory surface-dwelling predatory fish.” A silver cat; A tabby; A spotted cat; A fidgety cat; A cat who is prone to wandering
Magnolia - “A tree or shrub with large, typically creamy-pink, waxy flowers.” A white cat; A pale cat; A thick-furred cat; A firm cat; A sturdy cat; A gentle cat; A kind cat
Magpie - “A long-tailed crow with boldly marked black and white plumage and a raucous voice.” A black and white cat; An intelligent cat; A vocal cat; A cat with a long tail
Mallard - “A common duck and the ancestor of most domestic ducks, the male having a dark green head and white collar.” A brown cat; A brown and white cat; A speckled cat; A skilled swimmer; A social cat
Mallow - “An herbaceous plant with hairy stems, pink or purple flowers, and disk-shaped fruit.” A small cat; A white cat; A grey cat; A blue cat; A brown cat; A black cat; A gentle cat; A kind cat; A delicate cat
Mantis - “A slender predatory insect related to the cockroach.” A slender cat; A small cat; A quiet / stealthy cat; A patient cat; A skilled hunter
Maple - “A tree with colorful autumn foliage and syrupy sap.” A red cat; A brown cat; An orange cat; A yellow cat; A sturdy cat; A sweet cat; A kind cat; A tall cat; A fluffy cat
Marble / Marbled - “Having a streaked and patterned appearance like that of variegated marble.” A marbled cat; A mottled cat
Marigold - “A plant of the daisy family, typically with yellow, orange, or copper-brown flowers.” A yellow cat; An orange cat; A red cat; A cheerful cat; A protective cat
Marmot - “A heavily built, gregarious, burrowing rodent, typically living in mountainous country.” A brown cat; A stout cat; A skilled tunneler; A social cat
Marrow - “A soft fatty substance in the cavities of bones, in which blood cells are produced.” A red cat; A yellow cat; A healthy cat; A resourceful cat
Marsh - “An area of low-lying land which typically remains waterlogged at all times.” A dark-furred cat; A quiet / stealthy cat; A calm cat; A temperamental cat
Marten - “A chiefly arboreal weasel-like mammal, hunted for its fur in many northern countries.” A brown cat; An orange cat; A black cat; A dark-furred cat with a pale chest; A slender cat; A mischievous cat; A cat with a long tail
Mayflower - “A name given to several plants that bloom in May, especially certain white ones.” A small cat; A white cat; A gentle cat; A kind cat; A delicate cat
Meadow - “A low open grassland.” A social cat; An open-minded cat; A swift cat
Mellow - “Pleasantly smooth or soft; free from harshness.” A calm cat; A gentle cat; A kind cat; A friendly cat
Merlin - “A small dark falcon that hunts small birds.” A small cat; A grey cat; A blue cat; A brown cat; A speckled cat; A tabby; A skilled hunter; A cat with great eyesight
Midge - “A small two-winged fly that is often seen in swarms near water or marshy areas.” A small cat; A dark-furred cat; A mottled cat; An agile cat; A social cat
Milkweed - “An herbaceous American plant with milky sap.” A tall cat; A spotted cat; A parental cat; A caring cat; A loving cat; A gentle cat; A kind cat; An attractive cat
Mink - “A small semi aquatic carnivore resembling the stoat.” A brown cat; A dark-furred cat; An aggressive cat; A territorial cat
Minnow - “A small freshwater fish that typically forms large shoals.” A small cat; A silver cat; A grey cat; An excitable cat; An energetic cat; A social cat; A loyal cat; A swift cat; An agile cat
Mint - “An aromatic plant, several kinds of which are used as culinary herbs.” A sweet cat; A charismatic cat; A friendly cat; A soothing cat
Mire - “A stretch of swampy or boggy ground.” A dark-furred cat; A quiet / stealthy cat; A calm cat; A temperamental cat
Mist / Misty - “A cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth's surface, but to a lesser extent than fog.” A white cat; A pale cat; A grey cat; A quiet / stealthy cat; An observant cat
Mistle - “A small herb with scalelike leaves on reddish-brown stems and berrylike fruits; parasitic on spruce and larch trees.” A red cat; A brown cat; A white cat; An intimidating cat
Mole - “A small burrowing mammal with dark velvety fur, a long muzzle, and very small eyes.” A brown cat; A cat with small ears; A skilled tunneler
Monarch - “A large migratory orange and black butterfly.” A small cat; A black and red cat; A swift cat; A bold cat; A cat who is prone to wandering
Moon - “The natural satellite of the earth, visible (chiefly at night) by reflected light from the sun.” A white cat; A very pale cat; An attractive cat; A peaceful cat; An elegant cat; A cat with a strong connection to StarClan
Moor - “A tract of open uncultivated upland; a heath.” A cat with coarse fur; An open cat; A friendly cat; A social cat; A swift cat
Moose - “A large deer with palmate antlers, a sloping back, and a growth of skin hanging from the neck.” A very large cat; A brown cat; A heavy-set cat; An intimidating cat; An aggressive cat
Morning - “The period of time between midnight and noon.” A cat with great potential; An optimistic cat
Mosquito - “A slender long-legged fly with aquatic larvae and bloodsucking females.” A small cat; A slender cat; A long-legged cat; A dark-furred cat; A black cat; A brown cat
Moss / Mossy - “A small flowerless green plant that lacks true roots and grows in damp habitats.” A determined cat; A resilient cat; A cat with coarse fur; A cat with messy fur; A short-furred cat
Moth - “A chiefly nocturnal insect related to butterflies.” A small cat; An intuitive cat; A swift cat; A cat who is prone to wandering; A cat with a strong connection to StarClan
Mottle / Mottled - “Marked with spots or smears of color.” A mottled cat
Mountain - “A large natural elevation of the earth's surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level; a large steep hill.” A very large cat; A wise cat; An intimidating cat
Mouse - “A small rodent that typically has a pointed snout, relatively large ears and eyes, and a long tail.” A small cat; A brown cat; A grey cat; A curious cat; A nervous cat
Mud / Muddy - “A soft, sticky matter resulting from the mixing of earth and water.” A brown cat; A dark-furred cat; A black cat; A clingy cat; A skilled builder
Mulberry - “A small deciduous tree with broad leaves.” A dark-furred cat; A red cat; A black cat; A brown cat; A slender cat; A sturdy cat
Mumble - “Say something indistinctly and quietly, making it difficult for others to hear.” A quiet / stealthy cat; An introverted cat; A nervous cat
Murky - “Dark and gloomy, especially due to thick mist.” A dark-furred cat; A black cat; A mysterious cat; A quiet/stealthy cat; An observant cat
Mushroom - “A fungal growth that typically takes the form of a domed cap on a stalk, with gills on the underside of the cap.” A small cat; A soft-furred cat; A safe cat; A calm cat; A soothing cat; A wise cat
Myrtle - “An evergreen shrub which has glossy aromatic foliage and white flowers followed by purple-black oval berries.” A white cat; A black cat; A cat with glossy / shiny fur; A slender cat; A sturdy cat
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wpmorse · 2 years
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Baboon With Balloon
This sketch of a male Hamadryas Baboon holding a balloon is a little something that I've had in the back of my head for a while. It's for an idea for an alphabet book featuring animals with items that sound similar to them. I'm not sure what the correct word is because these words don't technically rhyme. The last one that I ever did on my list was "Stoat with a Stout".
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