#stressing out the juniors who aren't used to seniors Being Like This
benevolenterrancy · 7 months
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Senior Wei, please don't make them explain this to Hanguang-Jun...
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the-invisible-queer · 1 month
How does a grown man beef with a child? Was it his daughter in the kitchen with your brother? Because if so that admittedly is a poor tactical choice.
And yes please give us all the decade old tea I bet it’s still good. Don’t even bother with pseudonyms if you don’t feel like it
Buckle the fuck UP and I'll drop initials so I don't get sued because the youth pastor is currently in a legal suit against his own father rn THE TEA IS PIPING
Our Characters:
Eddie - My older brother
R - Senior pastor
M - Youth pastor
M&M - M and his wife because they both suck and are one entity in one story
G - R's current wife
E- R's ex wife BUT NOT M'S MOM
JK - E & R's son
I've got 3 stories so it's long as fuck. There's aren't the only scandals just the main ones that have to deal with M's bitch ass. I can't wait to hear that he died. I'm gonna piss on his grave.
SO Eddie got the title of "junior youth leader" when he was like 15/16 because he WAS the youth group. People only showed up to hang out with him. He knew everyone. He knew everything that was going on. He was the one keeping the peace because we were ROWDY fucking kids.
FOR THE RECORD Eddie's kitchen fingering was not with M's daughter. It was with his first girlfriend.
Story 1: Local trashy white man picks on Puerto Rican teenager
Eddie is actually the reason M's daughter's bathroom fucking scandal wasn't a FULL scandal. He kept that shit underwraps and stopped the gossip because he was friends with both parties involved.
M wasn't our original youth pastor. We used to have this ANGEL named Tim but he moved out of state so R gave the job to his son. I never liked M and then when he gave me shit for taking Fridays off because I was exhausted from school I hated him. He was NOT meant for that position. I think he only got it because he was a big kid (derogatory).
NO ONE liked M. Deadass no one came to youth group for the lesson. We came to hang out with out friends we only got to see on the weekends.
Literally the beef STARTED because Eddie was smoking off property BEFORE youth group with a few other teens. M didn't like that because he's supposed to be an example.
Keep in mind Eddie was 16yrs old. Living in an abusive household. Taking the brunt of the physical abuse from our mom because he protected us. And he was a poor kid going to a private school and had to keep a certain GPA to stay. Man was stressed and JUST wanted to smoke before he had to go infront of his peers and friends act like everything was perfect and he was hyped for God for 2-3hrs every weekend.
So for like 2 months M and Eddie were going back and forth on Facebook. Indirect posts, comments. EVERYTHING WAS OUT IN THE OPEN! Eddie refused to move it to DMs because he's not stupid. If this grown man wants to act a fool he was going to do it in front of EVERYONE!
Like M was judging him so brutally and pulling out Bible verses out of his ass. It was annoying.
It came to a head when R basically told my dad to control his son. Imagine being I'm your late 40s with a son in his late 20s picking a fight with a 16yr old. And you blame it on the CHILD!
That obviously didn't sit well with my dad.
And it wasn't like my dad was just some dude. My dad was head of security. My mom was heading the baby/toddler care classrooms.
We were at the church SEVERAL days out of the week.
That was my second home at that point. It's the church I grew up in.
So we kind of started getting pushed out of the church. I believe we had been there for like 11 years at that point.
We finally left after a year of the awkwardness and feeling like it wasn't home anymore.
Story 2: Death, Devastation, and Divorce
This one is rough. Deals with losing a child. And is still very much a story that hurts me 19 years later.
In 2005, R and E's son, JK, who was only 7 at the time died on an amusement park ride. He was a friend of mine and I was absolutely fucking devastated.
R and E were still married and E was the worship leader at the time.
And it was FUCKED UP devastating. Because E took JK's body home and prayed over him for 3 days for God to resurrect him. Like she admitted this in front of the entire congregation. What made her stop and accept it was he came to her in a dream and told her he was not leaving heaven.
There was a huge rift at the church over it. Instead of people supporting R grieving his baby half of the church ended up leaving following this.
People didn't like that R rightfully took a break from preaching despite E still heading the worship team. He had guest pastors come in and give sermons. I think he took 3 months off.
During this time E had an affair with the man who she is now married to.
So obviously R and E divorced. Got in front of the whole congregation and broke the news. E left the church and opened a little cabaret theater with the money from the amusement park lawsuit from JK's death. E took all the money from the lawsuit because R didn't want it.
Even though I think he could have out some of that money towards the church but I digress.
A few years later R met and married G and they're still together. I adored G and still very much hope she's doing well.
SO I can't remember the date but I had a dream that Joe and I visited a church in Texas and it happened to be pastored by R. It was a weird dream because I hadn't thought of R in years and why was he in Texas?
TURNS OUT during COVID R and G sold the church and moved to Texas. I HAD NO IDEA THIS HAPPENED!
And the day I had the dream R&G posted on their Facebooks EXPOSING E, M&M and some other not important assholes from the church.
So when G came into the picture people were weird obviously. She wasn't E. And some Christians don't believe in divorve and remarrying.
But what R&G exposed was some of the leaders didn't accept her. E still had loyalties within in the church. WHICH IS WILD!remarriage. She had spies.
Also despite E getting all the lawsuit money from JK's death, in the divorce she fought for alimony on top of child support. R and E had another daughter.
R claims she had 10% of his salary. He didn't fight or stand up for himself because he was trying to make it as quick and clean as possible for their daughter.
He also took accountability for not protecting and defending G from the sharks in the church's leadership.
E and her spies at the church made R and G's lives a living hell behind the scenes. AND NO ONE KNEW!
And even now that R and G are on the other side of the country E and M&M are still making their lives hell, trying to claim their new ministry is fraudulent.
Imagine caring that hard.
NOW let me tell you about M&M! So M married M² and I had no issues with M² but now as an adult I realize if she chose and married that piece of shit why wouldn't she also be a piece of shit?
So R alleges in his post that M&M did some sketchy ILLEGAL shit in the church that made him ask them to step down from leadership instead of throwing their asses in jail which they didn't like. Which at that point should have just sent them to jail.
He didnt specify because M&M/E and R&G are currently suing each other. It's a big MESS!
And after M&M were forced to step down they left the church and moved to NC.
And M&M/E we're trying to turn the rest of R's family (his mom and siblings against him) but fortunately they all knew better.
People mentioned in the lawsuits are people from the church my family knew personally.
Mostly all people I never fucking liked too. Which is why I trust my gut about people always.
It's a WHOLE thing and my mom is watching Facebook for updates.
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jangmi-latte · 3 years
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oho you bet what this is going to be.
let's just admire the fact that each dorm in night raven college really treats each other like family. there's this importance of being together as one. this is our dorm, we are the residents, and no one is left behind. okay sure, they may be competitive when it comes to other dorms but that's just part of school life. it's not just a "i'm your classmate, we just do stuff for educational purposes." they really created their mutuality in being in the same dorm as something more special.
and in no doubt, the dorm leaders will determine how their pack will be close.
even if they aren't in the same dorm, they really make the effort to be close. in chapter five, vil made the team sleep under one roof since he admired the light music club's closeness. he wanted his teammates to be together, work together, shine together, not just him. he would even go out as to make sure EACH student in his dorm is doing their very best and would ensure that they are fine with what they're doing.
malleus would go all out just to protect those that he loves. may it be an object, a home, or a person, he will do anything just to ensure that no one and nothing gets harmed. he takes pride in the fact that those he are close or acquainted with knows that malleus is someone they can trust. he’s even willing to teach someone what he knows only if they know how to approach him. the four members of this dorm already holds a strong bond, what else can we see during diasomnia’s arc?
leona, despite how he acts, is shown to even CARE for his dorm mates. he appeared in jack and ruggie's birthday cards which shows that he even made effort to make their day special. to even move around and order his dorm mates to do something. to even work for the sake of his dorm in chapter five and assist his classmates. isn't that good character development? savanaclaw may be rough, but hey, they are bonding over sports and competitions that they can strengthen not only themselves but also their bond, yes?
don't get me started with riddle, he's the epitome of a dorm leader. we all know for the fact that he never let his students fail no matter the year level. he WANTS his dorm mates to take pride in the fact that they worked hard and that riddle rosehearts was willing to help them. he would share his knowledge and even celebrate (even if it's part of the rules) with his friends in unbirthday parties. he treats everyone equally and he's respected for that. they’re all close to the point they can even tease with their seniors and juniors. a little form of brotherhood.
look past the fact that azul can be manipulative. give light to his intelligence and want of a good relationship with his peers. he is someone who struggles with communicating with others properly since he was young and uses his power as a dorm leader as a form of a gateway for him to communicate. but his intention was to simply make his dorm do well. he knows that octavinelle aces in academics but he also knows that his students can do better NOT JUST in academics. he will learn from others and apply it to his dorm in a way he knows they can understand while still having the upper hand. look at the effort he’s placing.
for sure idia would want to create some mutualship within his dorm mates. as far as the our knowledge goes with idia’s story, there’s this want to friends with others. he’s the type to even scold someone just with their lack of knowledge (dreams and wishes; he scolded deuce). he will make effort when needed, for the sake of not only him but with others. just with ortho we can already see how dedicated he is to keep something/someone precious to him to remain alive or the fact his relationship with azul is indeed something he would want to have with others. now imagine him as a dorm leader who would really seek help from them for all of them to ace together.
lastly, kalim. do i need to say more than the fact his dorm mates would look up to him or run to him for help? this sunshine made a haven that is safe for his dorm members. including jamil, they literally made a bond that seems like they’re brothers. they eat together, they party together, the study together. okay, they’re stressed but with a dorm leader like kalim, i suppose you’re going to enjoy study sessions with a guy like him.
i honestly want to say more yet this seems pretty obvious enough already. no matter how villanous these characters they be, don’t you see you and your friends like how they are with their peers? it’s admirable to see that a school this big holds something dear to it that not even royal sword academy could pertain. now go back to whatever the hell you’re doing and stop staring at the seven pictures i put up there.
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dxmedstudent · 6 years
What is your impression/impression of your colleagues towards physician associates, particularly American PAs that come to work in the UK? I'm currently exploring options as my husband can transfer to the UK for his work. We've both always wanted to live abroad for a time. However, as I look more deeply into the interwebs, I get the feeling that PAs, particularly American, aren't well received. Thoughts?
Hello! Long time no see. Sorry for the late reply. I actually went back to forums and had a re-read after getting this ask because I wanted to present the arguments (whether wrong or right) that I saw. I hope it helps, though I want you to remember that not everyone feels this way; people who don’t have any strong feelings just don’t bother debating things like this online. In real life, I’ve heard very little negativity about PAs from other doctors. I think most feel pretty neutral about the whole thing. But I don’t want to sweep things under the carpet. Personally, I’ve only ever worked with doctors’ assistants (more limited duties, mostly helping out with odd jobs, bloods etc, no clerking) but I have no problem with the idea of PAs, as long as their role is clearly defined so that everyone gets what they need. One of my good friends from biomed went to PA school after graduating, and I think she’s having great fun. So I want to approach this with the attitude that PAs are our people, too.  I’ll be honest, the topic of PAs seems to still be pretty be divisive amongst the medical community, from what I’ve seen on the big junior doctor forums. I’d say that there are people who are very pro-PAs, and others who are less enthusiastic. Though the reasons why are complex.
I don’t think the reception is anything to do with people being American, in the sense that i’ve never seen PAs’  nationalities be described as an issue. Despite occasional jibes, Americans are generally well liked here, and I’ve never overheard negative comments about a colleague’s Americanness. Is that a word? Feels like it should be. I’m actually sure US PAs might even be assumed to recevie a more comprehensive one than our own, if only because our own PA profession is very recent; we didn’t have PAs at all when I was younger. US-based training tends to be well-respected, as far as I know. The reasons for tensions between doctors and PAs here are many. First of all, PAs are a very recent invention. They have only been around for several years in the NHS. As such, we have a system that was built without their role, meaning that in order to have PAs at all, we need to make sure to carve out a role that does justice to what PAs can do, without taking away important opportunities from senior nurses/nurse prescribers/ANPs and junior doctors.This means that a lot of hospitals structure the role very differently, hence what a PA at one hospital does might not be the same as what a PA at another hospital does. This means if anyone wants to be a PA in the UK, it’s worth really shopping around, if you can, to see if you can get the most support and best role for you. I’d be really careful to make sure that the role made it clear what support is available for decisionmaking. PAs should have oversight from at least a registrar, ideally. I’ll come back to this later, but if anyone is making clinical decisions, it’s important that they are supported appropriately; I’m against giving nurses or paramedics or PAs or pharmacists prescribing privileges, just enough responsibiltiy to get them into trouble, but not giving people the right support for if they aren’t sure what to do. As a doc, having senior support is a big part of my job, and I think any one of my clinical colleagues deserves this, particularly if the government are trying to save money by getting them to do more doctors’ jobs so they don’t have to hire as many docs. And where PAs have in theory to get more junior docs to sign off on their decisions, lots of juniors aren’t comfortble with that idea. Because you generally have to be a bit more experienced before you can take repsonsibiltiy for others and their work. An FY1 or FY2 ‘supervising’ a PA wouldn’t be appropriate for either. And deep down msot of us docs feel that bringing in more ANPs, bringing in PAs, allowing pharmacists and paramedics and nurses to prescribe, a lot of it isn’t ultimately created with the interests of the clinician in mind. Ultimately the government does everything it does to save itself money, and given what they put junior doctors through in recent years, we are very, very bitter and wary with ANY government scheme. A lot of people worry  that bringing in PAs is just a way of the government trying to provide people to do doctor jobs on the cheap, without supporting them or training them up properly. And given that they’ve structured nurse training in such a way that trusts try to get by with as few senior nurses as possible, because it’s cheaper to have lots of HCAs and lower band nurses, I think all NHS workers have reason to be wary.   I’m going to spend most of this post outlining some of the issues that people have brought up in various threads, which aren’t necessarily issues I myself share, but I feel I have to discuss why some people are still adjusting to PAs cropping up. Not all doctors like the way having PAs works in practice, at least where they have worked. Some people grouse about the pay, because some of the PA slots advertised give a higher salary than you get for the frist several years of being a junior doctor, whilst most of them don’t do nights or oncalls, and have to take less clinical responsibility.  On the surface, it doesn’t seem fair; why should someone working better hours, and taking less legal responsibility be paid more? But I don’t believe in bringing everything down to the lowest common denominator; if anything, it should be an argument for better pay for nurses, doctors, physios, pharmacists etc.  In reality, I suspect they have made a few posts that pay unusually well to entice senior nurses to train up as PAs, and sort of get the ball rolling. The numbers are much smaller than the number of docs and nurses, so they can afford to pay more. Also, my colleagues have a point that that’s a PA’s final salary and that the job role is more limited, whereas junior docs (in our system, at least), get to train up to do different things, and eventually earn more.  Some act like PAs get a bad deal, others are envious; I think both jobs can be good if you’re the right person for that job. I’m sure it’s a better role for some people. Now, a small part of me can see why my colleagues are concerned. When you’re stressing about fulfilling the things you NEED for training, because otherwise your deanery and seniors will totally make out that you’re an inadequate doctor, it puts a lot of pressure on you to get your procedures and cases signed off.  I’ll be honest; medical training as a doctor once you graduate in the UK is minimal; we do our own exams. We have to arrange our own attendance at clinics (which is compulsory), we have to make sure we can get to compulsory teaching. We have to make our own opportunities to do the procedures we need to do to get signed off, see the cases we need, etc. We need to mke our own opportunities for audits, publications, etc. Apart from the occasional nice senior, literally nobody helps you to get all the things you absolutely need to do done. And that’s on top of the usual ward rounds, saving lives, dealing with pts and relatives thing, whilst often being extremely busy and understaffed. And rotating around every few months, so that nobody in the hospitals you work at Junior doctors are genuinely exhausted, overworked, and scrabbling around to get the opportunities they need to get by. Some of my colleagues report working in hospitals where because the PAs were permanent (not rotating) staff, they were given preference for audits, projects, research, procedures, surgery etc to the point where junior doctors felt sidelined and unable to get the training they need. Where they felt that rather than PAs taking on some of the “jobs everyone doesn’t like doing”  on top of clerking, they were given preference for the things both they and docs like doing, but also that docs NEED to do. And I’ve been in situations where I’m tired, struggling to get what I nee to do done, and I can see where they are coming from; I remember having an unpleasant evening, and wondering they were giving a GP trainee a chance to do a lumbar puncture when they’ll never need to do one in their line of work, when there are trainees in the dept that will need to do these procedures independently soon, but never get the opportunity. Of course, I reined in my childish brain, but the reason I felt that way wasn’t really because of my lovely colleague, but because of my stress at the lack of opportunities I got, which the system dictated I needed, but didn’t help me with. I’d never begrudged or been jealous of a colleague before so it was a low moment for me. But I’m sharing it because even generally nice people can feel jealous or let down if the system pits people against each other. And in scenarios like that, it’s not the fault of PAs at all; it should be up to hospitals planning their rota to ensure not only that staffing is well covered, but that trainee docs get enough opportunity to do what they need to do. And that PAs aren’t screwed over. I think blaming other employees is wrong, when the real culprit is a system that pits people against each other or doesn’t give people what they need to get things done. Now, there’s also a bit of rivalry between PA students and med students, more so than grads. Some PA students seem to go into it with the attitude that “It’ll be just like being a doctor, but you graduate faster”, and med students being med students, some of them will treat other clinicians with smug, unearned superiority. I have no time for either of these imposters, personally. Med students who think they are better than everyone don’t make good doctors until they get taken down a peg or two. We’re part of a team, and we can’t do what we do without nurses, physios, pharmacists etc, even PAs if they are part of our team. And people choosing beteeen the two courses shouldn’t think, wrongly that PA school is just the easy way into medicine, or “basically makes me a doctor”, because it’s dangerous to assume a level of competence or practice you don’t have. And because if you don’t understand the role you’re getting into, you may well be disappointed if it doesn’t meet your expectation. I think med students and PA students like this let both sides down, but I hope that real life will knock them into shape. The good news is that a lot of my colleagues on the group report that they’ve worked in places where having PAs worked really well. I think a lot of people would love having more people on the team to help. I’m certainly not against PAs if they are well supported. I think it has a lot of potential, and I’d like to see hospitals develop it properly. Where there were enough opportunities for both, and where PAs . I saw a lot of people say wonderful things about PAs, and defend them when things on the thread got more negative. I have hope for what our PA colleagues will do, I just think we’re still going through a transitional period with its own teething problems. We work well with nurse prescribers, with ANPs and with pharmacist prescribers; I believe we can work well with PAs. I just hope that trusts and the govt will do well by both docs and PAs, and that the relationship we eventually build will be fair to both sides. I suggest doing your research to see the kinds of jobs beingoffered, because they might not be as varied as they are in the US; some places definitely seem to offer jobs for PAs that are mainly paperwork, minor jobs with some phlebotomy, whereas other trusts have scope for clerking or more varied practice. And I would want to make sure that there’s an appropriate level of senior support for decisionmaking.
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kylamari-blog1 · 4 years
When people start high school, they’re usually so excited, so do I. They can’t hold up to encounter everything that comes with being in high school, I mean who wouldn’t? Everybody says that high school is the finest four years of your life. I can’t say they were my best years; however, I can say they were my most educational years, of course it wasn’t always that fun. I encountered ups and downs within those years. When I say educational years, I mean I’ve learned so much about myself and so much about life. I learned what the words family, value, betrayal, law, and life meant. If high school has taught me something, it’s that our companions and the individuals we surround ourselves with have a huge impact on our own beliefs and actions. It is completely imperative, then, that we exercise extreme attention with the people we permit to enter our lives.
I am a shy person back then (until now), however, I can still manage to have many friends and can able to do many different things with them. I can recall some good memories and bad memories that happened during those years. During my junior high, I had my first boyfriend. At the very young age, I was completely and totally in love with this guy, he changed me in ways that I’m proud of and ways that I’m not proud of. I revolved my world around him, which wasn’t a good idea. As it was my first time to enter a relationship, I really don’t have an idea on handling such thing at first, but gradually, I’m getting used to it and also he was there to guide me, I was 17 that time and he was 18. However, after 11 months of dating, we broke up because I fell out of love, I don’t really remember what the exact reason is. He begged for comeback, he even cried in front of me, but I just ignored it. Months passed by, I think it’s 5 months, he already had his “M.U” and that girl was one of my friends, but he had no idea of that. When I heard that news from my friend, I really felt betrayed. I don’t know why but I just really felt betrayed. I couldn’t blame him since I was the one who broke up with him. The one thing I discovered was I’m still into him, but it was too late. fast-forward Thanks to my best friends who were always there, they saved me from sadness. Those experiences gave me a lot of learnings.
I also wanted to share about of having a best friend, we treated each other like a true sibling. We started being friends since we’re in sophomore years, and fortunately until now, we’re still the same as before. However, within those years, there were worst things happened to us, that almost ruins our friendship. Yes, we cannot avoid those things to happen, but it really depends on how you manage it and how you value your friendship.
My high school experiences have been filled with various encounters and amazing moments that have helped mold my character today. I have learned that anything is conceivable with a growth mindset. High school has taught me the significance of a hard work ethic and to push yourself in both passion/academics. My high school years have been filled with numerous fun exercises from meeting new people and participating in various kinds of activities in school that require collaboration. These encounters have helped me be able to work with others towards a common objective and to motivate not only myself but my group mates as well when things aren't going as planned.
By the time I entered senior high school, it was more difficult specially when it come to my academics. I am not good on managing my time, I always procrastinate, and led me to being stressed. I did a lot of breakdowns because of that. I also encountered good and bad circumstances, but fortunately, could manage to pass all the courses and graduated on time.
Reminiscing the memories in my senior high school was a great thought. Times pass very quickly. Some things may fade but not my memories, memories in my senior high and junior high. I do believe that if you’ll miss high school life, you’ll miss the half portion of your life. High life you’ll experience lots of new things and memories that you will bring in your entire life.
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honey-and-diamonds · 7 years
nct in marching band
taeil: played clarinet initially, injured his ankle during band camp his freshman year and got stuck in pit for the season. he then discovered he was really fucking good on the marimba so he sticks with it for the rest of high school. always practicing in the band room in the early mornings
hansol: drumline section leader. plays tenor because he's a badass. always practicing with drum pads in the band room. no one wants to get on his bad side bc he's super strict n scary looking but every1 in drumline knows he's a weeb and uses anime references to explain drill formations
johnny: tuba section leader. lets his section take way too many breaks during sectionals and is super good at making it look like everyone is practicing when the band director comes by. drinks too much boba and once ate an entire costco pizza on a dare. always wears basketball shorts (even in the rain). calls everyone his son
taeyong: drum major since junior year. before that he was assistant drum major. he was born to be on the podium so the previous leadership started fostering him right away. as a freshman he was an alto sax. is normally super quiet but scares the living shit out of everyone when he calls them to attention so everyone listens to him even tho he seems unassuming. spends all his lunches in the band room practicing his conducting. somehow still has scrawny arms
yuta: came in as a clarinet, got bullied into playing alto sax during freshman band camp by the section leader at the time and he won't let anyone forget it. always wears large brimmed hats because he hates being out in the sun. yells at underclassmen. constantly sneaks out during band camp to go get starbucks
kun: clarinet section leader. pretty responsible but his section walks all over him bc he's too nice to put his foot down. only became section leader bc he has the most experience and technical skill. his section low key loves him tho and gets him the best senior gift at the end of the season
doyoung: flute. likes to opt out of exercise block doing paperwork for the band director and organizing sheet music. always goes to the biweekly parent booster meetings and is the sole reason taco tuesday is still a thing during band camp. gets unnecessarily stressed before comps and halftime shows. somehow also always has starbucks?
ten: color guard captain. thinks he looks great in a unitard and sparkles (does). majestic on the field. has been getting solos since freshman year. knows how to do eyeliner on a moving bus. despises low brass and doesn't make it a secret. once a bunch of freshmen walked through his practice block and he yelled at them so loud two of them cried. no one messes with his guard babies
jaehyun: bari sax. unassuming. tries to stay out of all the band drama but somehow always ends up right in the middle of it. has the best 8 to 5 stride out of everyone in band. gets way too excited about taco tuesday
sicheng: color guard lieutenant. ten's prodigy. somehow is friends w/ every person in band and can pull favors at the blink of an eye. also has the band director wrapped around his finger so guard gets the most funding and super nice costumes. cheer used to make fun of guard until sicheng joined and won't stop trying to recruit him
mark: drumline. started off on snare as a freshman, upgrades to tenor by winter line bc he's THAT good. always having a crisis bc he wants to be drum major his senior year but he also rlly loves being in drumline. has the most awful embarrassing harness tan bc drumline never march with shirts on during rehearsal. also does drum corps during the summers bc he loves marching THAT MUCH
renjun: started off as a flute, got bullied into piccolo bc there weren't enough in that section. initially only joins marching band bc it looks good on college apps n he's trying to get into an ivy league. by junior year, he's band president and he doesn't know what he'd do if he wasn't surrounded by these smelly idiots and cries during his senior banquet
jeno: drumline. gets put on bass drums bc he's one of the only people strong enough to hold one up. one of the few people in drumline who don't ONLY hang out with drumline. constantly getting yelled at by the band director to put on a shirt bc he's distracting everyone. miraculously doesn't have an awkward harness tan like mark? because he's made of magic and sunshine. somehow always loses his shako
donghyuck: tuba. u know what else starts with a t and is related to tuba? trouble. in the perfect section bc tubas are little shits and only cause a headache. initially came in as a trumpet but got converted by johnny. never brings enough water to rehearsal and mooches off everyone else. gets way too excited about pep band and always asks to play the hey song. once dumped an entire gatorade cooler on the band director's head
jaemin: trombone. spends a lot of time trying not to get hit by the guard bc it happened once during his sophomore year and it scarred him for life. always carries a gallon water jug around with him. somehow never in the stands during pep band? usually found loitering around the band trucks eating cup noodles and playing on his ds
chenle: started off a clarinet, but can't stand the sun so he joins pit and plays the keyboard. always gives taeil a hard time. really loves being called to attention for some reason? super competitive, has all the dirt on the other bands during comps. drinks too much soda at football games and screams too much. sits with the guard during pep tunes and does the choreo with them
jisung: pit. failed drumline auditions because he got so nervous. plays the triangle and won't stop complaining about it. hates the fact that he's a freshman, vows to take revenge when he's an upperclassman, but no one takes him seriously. is relatively popular in his grade, so he low key always tries to ditch pep rallies bc he's embarrassed. one of the only ppl in band who hangs out with friends who aren't in band.
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topicprinter · 4 years
So right now I'm part of a startup incubator where I was recruited by the founder to be on her team. We are college students as well. She likes that I am studious and she liked my resume (Hackathons, research assistant, various jobs, and a winter data analyst internship). We're a small team of four members and we're a diverse group. Now, regarding our times in college as undergrads, this is a breakdown:My founder is a senior. She's about to leave college soon. She's an economics major with a 2.7 gpa (she's horrible at math) and the most experience she has is in real estate and babysitting. In high school she was the top of her class though, and participated in every club she could, including being the VP of track club. She's also a huge reader. She's a huge thinker, too.I am a sophomore who's aiming for a field in CS. I will do anything if it means I can be experienced in my field. I don't do it for the money, but because I think it's an absolutely wonderful place. I'm only carrying multiple duties for the team for the experience (because it's good for a tech person to understand the business/customers imo). My founder says I'm the right hand man because she interacts with me the most about the startup and trusts my research and communication abilities.The other two, the other marketing person (sister to the founder) and biochem guy (her boyfriend, who is a junior himself), are fine. They do the work, but perhaps not to the level that I anticipated at first... but they still do it. And they're very kind and wise, too.I was invited to be the 'tech officer' of the startup. Soon, my founder kind of bounces between roles, and now I'm the 'marketing lead' of the team. As the tech officer or marketing lead, I was given the task of data organization and web development, along with research and interviewing people online and on the streets, which I was psyched for because I get to learn new skills. Yay me!With time, my roles still shift around, and she tells me I can start working on gathering features for the website. Yay, now we're getting somewhere!Now, I don't know why she gets this idea, especially after a few weeks into the program, but she soon tells me, "I don't think you should work on the website..." Pause. What? I ask her why, and she doesn't really respond, but she has been talking to her cousin's father who is a web developer himself. In the past I asked her numerous times if I can get in touch with him so he could mentor me. Hasn't happened. Not even an email. Fine, I'll leave it alone for a while and do my own self studying to research (on top of difficult but enjoyable STEM classes). Maybe I can prove to her that my passion for learning will drive the business.Now, can I just say something. I'm not very confident in the idea of this startup to begin with. We have so, so, so many competitors, all of who's single flaw is one thing... not being advertised well enough. However they have a lot of credibility and their teams have plenty of expertise. We discovered this AFTER the startup began, which my founder started thinking of THREE YEARS AGO.There's too much to really say, but deep in my heart, I don't think my founder has it in her to actually do a good job with this. She's very responsible and passionate, and even won another incubator's competition, but she yet to consider her positioning in the market and what makes us stand out. This is not a tech startup either... it's in the field of skincare/pharmaceuticals. She has a difficult time balancing organizational skills, and when I watch her get stressed out over things that are quite solvable, I start to relinquish a little bit of confidence.One other awful thing is that whatever I tell her, she dismisses it until she realizes that I'm right. Every single thing I've mentioned, she says meh, until someone else mentions it or until she realizes the consequences of not following it sooner. For instance, we had a pitch recently that we were given weeks in advanced to work on. Three weeks before the pitch, I tell her we have to start preparing for it. Two weeks before, I tell her we have to start. I create a Google slides.. I'm told we shouldn't worry about it and should worry about our 'customer insights' and 'research' instead. Okay, sure. That second week, I see groups practicing. Whatever. One week before the pitch, I tell her. Nothing. Two days before the pitch, we all scramble to start doing it, but she's still not worried.Day of the pitch. It goes terribly. One of our members was reading off index cards so obviously and I was jammering my entire way through. We get a 2.4/5. She says that isn't too bad. Wtf? It was TERRIBLE. We didn't even get our business model right. No one understands what we're trying to do. Great.Today, I talked to my founder's sister. She tells me the other day they were talking with the wed developer in their family. He says the father laughed it off and said, "Why didn't you get someone overseas to work on the website?"Can I just say something? I don't know a SINGLE damn time I said I couldn't work on the website. I don't recognize a single damn time I showed incompetence over it either. I don't know why they are feeling doubts. They aren't communicating to me effectively. No one is ever on the same page of anything! There are certain things I don't know yet (I never worked on an eCommerce website before) and I told her that if she needs one, she should keep a real developer at bay at least, but I always tell her I'm striven to learn about tech. It's the only thing I care about. As long as I put work into it, I can try to get us where we should, and I'll do it for free b/c I know developers are expensive.Another thing, I think we're too focused on the solution than the problem. I mention certain things over and over, and so do other people (mentors, team members...), but she doesn't understand what we're saying with her heart!We also do home assignments last minute too. Huge turn off. I mention assignments a few days before the due date (because sometimes I don't have time) and no one responds (via text sadly) until the last day. My founder's sister doesn't come to the same college so it's difficult to meet up and discuss to-dos as well...I just feel like we're ridiculously amateurish. I don't necessarily want to quit and I do want to see this towards the end, but I also want to practice tech projects as often as possible so I can get better at my field. I also want to be listened to. I have a few startup ideas of my own, so that's why learning is important for me. I really don't know what to do. In a way I feel like a terrible co-founder for having so much doubts. Maybe it's because I'm going to get my monthly (oops). I express this with our mentors and they tell me to talk to her more, but when I display my sentiments, all she says is, "I know," but does she really...?I might write a TLDR later. Sorry. I'm just so tired after this. I'm so tired of being incompetent and I just want to be successful and listened to for a change. This might just be burnout. We do have the most points out of all the other teams in our track (it's a competition type thing) but I'm not really feeling it. I also have ADHD btw so maybe it's because I don't stick to projects long term normally that my body's trying to pull away.Oops. This was very long.
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
IMA requires pan-India protest on 17 June, says calls for aren't unreasonable
http://tinyurl.com/y3hwymr3 Docs Strike LIVE Updates: Calling for pan-India protest, the Indian Medical Affiliation (IMA) introduced a nationwide medical doctors’ strike on Monday (17 June) to protest the assault on an intern at a Kolkata hospital. Based on India In the present day, the highest medical doctors’ physique has stated that no important medical companies needs to be supplied on 17 June and that non-violent protests will proceed. Reviews say that the Calcutta Excessive Courtroom has refused to cross an interim order in opposition to the placing medical doctors. The courtroom has as a substitute requested the state authorities to carry talks with the medical doctors and persuade them to return to work. A proper criticism was lodged on Thursday with the West Bengal Medical Council (WBMC) looking for fast intervention and to take exemplary disciplinary motion in opposition to the placing medical doctors as held by the Hon’ble Supreme Courtroom and Calcutta Excessive Courtroom. A brand new PIL filed by Folks for Higher Therapy (PBT) in opposition to the continued medical doctors’ strike will even be heard by the Chief Justice bench at Calcutta Excessive Courtroom right now, based on PBT president Dr Kunal Saha. Intensifying the protest, at the very least 80 medical doctors at Kolkata’s RG Kar Medical School and Hospital submit mass resignation. They’re demanding an unconditional apology of CM Mamata Banerjee for her assertion yesterday. After assembly the medical doctors’ delegation, Union well being minister Harsh Vardhan stated that he’ll communicate to all state’s chief minister and would additionally urge Mamata Banerjee to not make it a status problem and resolve the disaster on the earliest as your complete nation was struggling due to it. Union Heath Minister Harsh Vardhan condemned the violence in opposition to medical doctors in Kolkata and urged sufferers and their attendants to train restraint. The Minister stated he’ll take up the matter of medical doctors’ safety with all chief ministers and requested the medical doctors to make sure that important companies to the individuals are not disrupted Junior medical doctors in West Bengal continued with their agitation for the fourth day Friday, hampering common companies in all state-run medical schools and hospitals, and a lot of personal hospitals. Emergency companies had been out there at just one or two hospitals, together with Nil Ratan Sircar (NRS) Medical School and Hospital in Kolkata Resident Docs of the Institute Of Medical Sciences, BHU Varanasi have confirmed solidarity towards the assaults on medical doctors in West Bengal by suspending their companies. Junior medical doctors throughout West Bengal on Thursday refused to finish their stir until they’re supplied ample safety in authorities hospitals and defied the deadline set by Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, who alleged that opposition BJP and Communist Occasion of India (M) had been instigating the protesters as a part of a “conspiracy” and giving communal color to the problem. Companies have been affected over the previous three days in emergency wards, outpatient services and pathological models of many state-run medical schools and hospitals and numerous personal medical services within the state as a result of strike by the medical doctors who’re protesting after two of their colleagues had been attacked and significantly injured on the NRS Medical School and Hospital right here by a mob following the loss of life of a affected person. The India Medical Association has declared “All India Protest Day” on Friday, 14 June, in opposition to the incident and expressed solidarity with the placing medical doctors. The opposition attacked Banerjee over the deadlock, with the BJP accusing her of performing as “Hitler”. There was excessive drama because the chief minister reached the state-run SSKM hospital right here at round midday amid slogans of “we would like justice” by the medical doctors. “I condemn the agitation. The junior medical doctors’ strike is a conspiracy by the CPI(M) and the BJP,” Banerjee, who additionally holds the well being and household welfare portfolio, stated and directed the police to clear the premises and solely permit sufferers to remain. Stating that sufferers had been struggling, she gave the medical doctors a four-hour deadline to rejoin service, however later revised it to 2 pm. Warning of strict motion in opposition to those that don’t resume work, she stated they should vacate hostels. Regardless of Banerjee’s ultimatum, the agitating medical doctors continued their stir. A joint platform of medical doctors met Governor Ok N Tripathi, who appealed them to renew duties.“We are going to proceed with our agitation until our calls for are fulfilled. Our calls for are easy, correct safety with armed policemen in any respect hospitals, arrest of culprits concerned within the NRS assault on Saturday beneath non-bailable sections. We didn’t anticipate the chief minister to say what she did,” a member of the delegation stated. The Trinamool Congress (TMC) chief, nonetheless alleged that outsiders had entered medical schools and hospitals to create disturbance and that she was “abused” by the medical doctors on the hospital. “The BJP, with assist from the CPI(M), is indulging in Hindu-Muslim politics. I’m shocked to see their love affair,” Banerjee stated and alleged “BJP chief Amit Shah is encouraging his celebration cadre to create communal stress and run propaganda on Fb.” The TMC and the BJP are locked in a bitter turf struggle in West Bengal, which has been rocked by post-poll violence, with Banerjee accusing the saffron celebration of attempting to foment bother within the state to topple her authorities. The BJP has claimed that Banerjee is concentrating on it as she is rattled by its main positive aspects in Lok Sabha elections. In a Fb put up, the chief minister highlighted the plight of sufferers in hospitals as a result of ongoing strike and claimed the federal government was cooperating with medical doctors.She described the accidents sustained by the 2 junior medical doctors at NRS Medical School and Hospital as “unlucky”. 5 individuals have been arrested in reference to the incident, Banerjee stated, including that an inquiry has additionally been ordered to look into criticism of negligence throughout remedy, ensuing within the loss of life of the affected person. “Most cancers sufferers, kidney sufferers, accident victims, even youngsters coming from distant locations are struggling for not getting remedy,” she stated. Banerjee additionally wrote to senior medical doctors of all medical schools and hospitals within the state and requested them to proceed taking good care of sufferers. The opposition events slammed the CM for her alleged “threats” to agitating medical doctors and sought her fast resignation because the well being minister. BJP chief Mukul Roy alleged Banerjee has grow to be authoritarian and is behaving like “Hitler”. Accusing the TMC supremo of politicizing the problem, CPI (M) central committee member Sujan Chakraborty stated Banerjee doesn’t appear excited about ending the deadlock. State Congress president Somen Mitra additionally criticised the chief minister and stated the state authorities ought to take applicable measure to make sure security and safety of medical doctors. NRS Medical School and Hospital principal Saibal Mukherjee and medical Superintendent cum vice-principal Prof Saurabh Chattopadhyaya have resigned for “failing to beat the disaster” on the medical establishment. Union Heath Minister Harsh Vardhan condemned the violence in opposition to medical doctors in Kolkata and urged sufferers and their attendants to train restraint. He stated he’ll take up the matter of medical doctors’ safety with all chief ministers and requested the medical doctors to make sure that important companies to the individuals are not disrupted. Healthcare companies at personal and authorities hospitals within the nationwide capital are more likely to be affected on Friday with scores of medical doctors deciding to boycott work for a day.A number of resident medical doctors on the AIIMS, Delhi labored with bandages on their heads as a symbolic protest. Your information to the newest cricket World Cup tales, evaluation, reviews, opinions, dwell updates and scores on https://www.firstpost.com/firstcricket/series/icc-cricket-world-cup-2019.html. 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realtalk-tj · 6 years
Do you guys have any advice for current juniors that might be really stressed out abt college? My grades aren't even nearly as great as everyone else so I'm scared that I wont get into any colleges I want to go to or wont even have a shot at the crazy colleges everyone will be getting into next year, but I also just want to stop worrying about college since it's really affecting my mental health. I think I'm okay in the other college-y aspects like ecs and sats but my grades worry me so much :(
Response from Firenze:
I’m a junior with subpar grades who’s barely managed to avoid stressing too much about college myself, so I feel your pain. My personal philosophy regarding worrying is that if it’s not productive, don’t do it, so that’s how I’m going to offer advice. Maybe the same approach will work for you.
Regarding college: even if you feel like you have bad grades compared to the people around you, you’re still at TJ. You’re still going to graduate from one of the top public high schools in the country. Especially if you apply to schools off the beaten track for TJ students, your extraordinary high school experience will stand out. Have you looked at Hidden Ivies: Thirty Colleges of Excellence? Ms. Kropf has a copy, and personally I’ve found it a great resource. Grinnell College in Iowa, for example, sounds amazing to me, and judging by the empty scattergram on Family Connection, they don’t get too many applicants from TJ. However, as a junior on the cusp of second semester, there’s not a whole lot you can do about it. Thinking about college beyond the level of taking the standardized tests (kudos on doing well, by the way, that will only help you in college admissions) and figuring out what colleges you’d like to apply to is pointless. So I’ve been putting it out of my mind.
If you’re worried about your grades, think about what you can do to improve them. It’s still only first semester. Put more effort into your math homework or Webassign. Talk to your teachers. Go to tutoring eighth period. You know your situation. However, you don’t have to. Your grades do not determine your value as a human being, and I’ve made peace with my Bs by deciding that… well, there’s a certain amount of effort I’m willing to put into schoolwork, and beyond that I’d rather be doing other things than trying to get an A. If there are ways you’d rather be spending your time, go for it.
Also, what do you gain by caring about “crazy” colleges? I don’t know or care which of last year’s seniors are going to Ivy League schools. You said yourself you care about getting into a college you want to go to. If you’re stressed out by comparing yourself to others at TJ, I can’t imagine Harvard would be much fun at all. tl;dr you’re going to survive this, and I recommend managing your worry by either solving the root causes or deciding that the effort to get perfect grades isn’t worth your time. 
Response From Fleur:
I went though the college admissions process and I may go through it again. I’ve thought long and hard about this, and here’s what I’d like to share:
My best advice for juniors and below at TJ when it comes to college admissions is to set realistic expectations. Expecting to get into an ivy league is not reasonable expectations in my opinion. I personally believe that schools with ridiculously low acceptance rates to get into shouldn’t be the schools you’re really seriously considering when you think about where you want to go to college, but more of an application that’s a cool opportunity you’d like to take. A good measure of how hard it is to get into a school is a look at the acceptance rates. You can also look at average GPAs and test scores. I think test scores will be more important for TJ students to look at than GPA.
Why your GPA will most likely be noticeably lower to the average person accepted into selective colleges (and that’s OK):
TJ has grade deflation. A lot of it. At any other regular high school, most TJ students would be getting All A’s. But TJ isn’t any other high school, and I think the vast majority of the stress students are under comes from the fact that they’re worried because their grades won’t be as high as other people’s when it comes to college admissions just because of the nature of the grade deflation.
The average GPA of students accepted at my college was a 4.0 unweighted, AKA, the students at my college were accepted with straight As on average. And then there’s me, with my ungodly low unweighted GPA in comparison (probably the lowest or one of the lowest in my TJ class), dragging down their GPA admissions average because my GPA was THAT LOW. No way your high school GPA is as low as mine.
I still got in though and I’m pretty good at school actually (I find that every TJ student is actually really good at school and as time goes on they get even better at it, I also find that they’re often conditioned to think otherwise and that everything else in life is like TJ (hard and miserable at times and they’re not good at it). It’s not. Nothing is. Remember: Grade deflation!!!)
Btw, here’s a good grade deflation article. You may notice things about it that seem similar to TJ life: http://college.usatoday.com/2012/06/23/how-grade-deflation-can-affect-your-college-selection/
The schools I think TJ students can realistically aim for should probably have an acceptance rate between 25-40%. Any higher than 40% and you’re very very likely to get in. “Safety schools” in my opinion should accept about 70% or possibly even more of students. Also, make sure you choose safety schools you’d be really happy going to! If I apply to college all over again, I’m going to increase the amount of schools I apply to in that approx. 25-40% range.
If you want to get into a college and you graduated from TJ, there is a college out there that is more than willing to accept you :)
Actually, considering how many colleges there are in the US, there are probably hundreds of them. There are colleges out there that accept 99% of people who apply.
But yeah, it’s really important to set your expectations realistically. The criteria of what you want out of the school is more important than the school’s reputation. Do you want quality food? Dorms? Surrounding area? Country? City? A certain major? Greek life? Size? Sports?...etc. If you really look for these qualities in schools you’re likely to get into, you’ll find schools that you’d like to attend. After all, there are like 4000? colleges in the US.
Your life has a lot of meaning, and the name of the college you attend doesn’t factor into that meaning. The name of the college you attend also doesn’t make your brain last longer into old age, or keep you healthy, or help you form close personal relationships with other people. You’re also too young for it to be possible for you to be a failure. You’re going to get into a college. And if you make an effort to apply to colleges that you’d want to go to... :) Also, more than a third of college students transfer colleges so you’re definitely not stuck somewhere for 4 years after you get in. In addition, a bunch of people take time off between HS and college and go on an adventure before applying or going to college. Whatever you want to do in life for a career does not depend on the college you attend. The elitist TJ bubble is very wacky and misguided and your self worth and the college you go to aren’t actually related. Some people take time off in the middle of their college experience...etc.
Something that really helped me calm myself about college admissions: Remember how some colleges accept like 99% of people that apply? I found one of those. It seemed like a really nice place. Had it’s own path to a beach too. No grades, located near where I was born in the Pacific Northwest...etc. Knowing the location I was thinking “I would feel right at home there”. It helped me not worry so much because heyyyy almost a 99% acceptance rate! (Evergreen state if you’re wondering). Also, I decided I wouldn’t tell anyone what college I got into. I didn’t let anyone publish it in TJ today either. I kept it secret, told people I wouldn’t tell anyone. I remember telling a few people, but I just made sure I wasn’t the focus of the colleges conversation. I wanted to stay as separate from the elitist TJ bubble, where self-love and meaning and purpose in life and “service above self” doesn’t exist, as I possibly good.
If you need some things to destress and relax from all the worrying:
Helpful with meditation: http://quietkit.com/
Helpful with self-care: http://youfeellikeshit.com/
Helpful with self-compassion: https://yogisurprise.com/downloads/The-Art-of-Self-Love.pdf
If you need someone your age to complain to, there’s a hotline for that: https://teenlineonline.org/talk-now/
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