#suit dylan smut
lokisprettygirl · 7 months
Close Ties (Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader) (Modern AU) (Non canon) (18+)
Read Chapter 3 // Series Masterlist
Chapter 4
Summary: Things get messier as you both try to ignore the undeniable chemistry between yourselves.
Warning: 18+, smut, dad's best friend trope, canon (we don't know her), familial uncle niece sort of relationship but he's not really her uncle, there will be more smut later, significant age gap but reader is in her mid twenties, mention of infidelity, divorce, smoking and alcohol drinking,
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You were finally back home at your parent's when you realised Daemon was going to live with them, thankfully you didn't have to be there forever, you had your own place a few miles away but your parents insisted for you to stay a little longer, none of your excuses worked on them.
It's been three days since you had been here, Everytime your eyes met with Daemon you looked away, ever since he had reminded you that he remembered the night you have been avoiding him and he had noticed, of course he did.
If all of this wasn't bad enough you also overheard Cassandra fighting with him last night, well to be fair she was the one yelling and he was trying to pacify her. Later that night she entered your room with a puffed up post crying face and you somehow managed to keep her away from him after that but she seemed as if she was utterly devastated by this thing ending between them which you didn't understand..
Aemond had been in touch with you via calls and texts but you hadn't met up with him since Bali, also your ex Dylan has been calling you at least ten times a day. When Cassandra finally went back to her place the next day you walked towards Daemon's room and knocked, he had just returned from a meeting with your dad, he wanted Daemon to work for him. The richer he got the more users he befriended which wasn't good for his business and he wanted Daemon to handle his finances now. He trusted Daemon more than anyone else in his life.
Why didn't he stop him from leaving then all those years ago?
As he opened the door he was still in his business suit, he had earpods in and you realised he was on a call so you tried to excuse yourself and leave but he grabbed your arm and pulled you into the room slowly, he still had his eyes on you even though he was completely engrossed in that other conversation. Okay he didn't have to be so goddamn sexy all the time.
He had his hand wrapped around your upper arm as he walked back and forth while he kept the call going, taking you along with him like a child on a ride.
"Sorry dear, I had to finish that call" he mumbled as he let go of you and put his phone down on the bed, then he took his coat off, loosened his tie and rolled up his sleeves one by one revealing those gorgeous forearms. You almost forgot why you were there in the first place.
"What is wrong?" He asked you so you crossed your arms together.
"What did you say to Cassandra? She's a mess..I have never seen her be this way.. usually uhhh it's the other way around" his brows furrowed as you said that.
"I told her the truth.. I'm not her boyfriend, we are not in a relationship..i had to end things so I did" he told you as he took his tie off, and unbuttoned the top three buttons of his white shirt. His room smelled like his cologne, you felt the need to bask in it and snuggle to his thick daddy body but you were discussing the matters of your best friend with him instead.
"She ummm.. wants to keep the fling going" he looked at you as you said that, he wasn't fazed at all.
"I don't give a shit about what she wants darling" He snickered so you glared at him and the smirk vanished almost instantly "Why are you upset with me?" He asked you so you shrugged again,
"I am not upset with you ..uncle"
"Then why have you been ignoring me?"
"I'm not ignoring you uncle"
Uncle uncle uncle. He wasn't sure if he wanted to be your uncle anymore.
"Alright Pixie.. whatever you say" he smiled as he walked towards his closet to grab a towel, your phone started to ring so you took it out of your pants pocket and groaned as you looked at another unknown number.
"Well I'll see you at dinner then.. uncle" you turned around swiftly to leave, closing the door on your way out. Daemon knew now that he shouldn't have slept with your best friend but he wasn't in his senses, he felt lonely and he needed someone to distract him, he had no clue Cassandra would become such a pain in the ass, he probably would have kept the thing going if she wasn't such a brat.
While in the shower he looked back at the last three days and he knew you were ignoring him ever since he had reminded you that he remembered that night when he had subtly caressed your lips and kissed your cheek followed by that not so innocent intimate hugging.
He was drunk and he had lesser control on his actions that night, he was just glad he was able to pull away at the right time. However your reaction to him was what kept him up that night, the way you clutched your fingers around his neck and hugged him so tightly was seared in his memory and now you were avoiding him.
Were you embarrassed by your reaction or you felt violated by him? He needed to make sure he hadn't done something that would make you see him differently, sure he had hots for his best friend's daughter but he wasn't going to let it ruin things between him and your family.
At the dinner table he watched you grimacing as your phone continued to bother you once in a while, as your eyes met with him he gave you a smile so you returned it. You didn't want to be rude even though you were starting to feel a bit of underserved resentment towards him.
His plan to enjoy his dinner in peace after a long day also was ruined as he watched Cassandra sauntering towards the table,
"Hello everyone" she smiled as she sat down next to you.
Throughout the dinner she continued to glare at him and even you noticed that, she has known him for mere few days so her obsessive behaviour towards him didn't make much sense to you. What did she want from him? More sex?
Once she was done eating you dragged her back to your room before she'd make a scene in front of your parents.
"Cass what are you doing? You didn't even tell me you were joining us for dinner" you asked her so she chuckled as she sat down on the bed and proceeded to cross her legs elegantly.
"Really? Now I have to take appointments to see you guys? Since when?" She asked you as she tilted her head so you sighed and walked towards her to give her a hug.
"That's not what I meant..look ..he's not the first man you have had a fling with. Why are you so affected by this?" You asked her calmly so she whined like a child.
"I don't know..I just ..I'm not used to guys breaking off things with me..you have no idea how this feels"
Well she was bothered because she hasn't been rejected before in her life? Yeah you couldn't relate.
"He's not just some guy cass..he's my ..hes..like my uncle..you knew what you were getting into right? My dad just got his friend back and I need him to stay.. please just forget about him"
"I need him back so I can reject him" she smirked and you just wanted to slap her in the face at the moment.
"You're being ridiculous" you told her plainly and all you got in response was an eye roll..
Your phone rang once again and you wanted to throw it out the window this time, you had blocked Dylan's number like five times but he was very persistent just the way he was in the beginning of your relationship with him.
As Cassandra finally left you made your way downstairs, you really needed to go out for a stroll to clear your head. On the way out your dad spotted you leaving since he was with Daemon in the living room discussing business and he was concerned that you were going out alone at such an hour so he asked Daemon if he'd mind joining you..
"Can I accompany you pixie?" Daemon asked you softly so you nodded. Well you'd let him do anything if he asked like that.
"Keep her safe mate" your dad said to him so he smiled in response..
As you began to walk away from your parents house there was an awkward silence between you two but you were the first one to break the ice.
"I can walk by myself, I'm not a kid you know" you said to him so he chuckled,
"I don't think of you as one Pixie" his rough voice gave you goosebumps, "that wouldn't discourage me from wanting to keep you safe though" you smiled as he said that
"Mmm i appreciate that"
"Are you alright? You seem a bit troubled. Who's bothering you?"
He asked so you chuckled, at least he cared. You were not used to being cared for. Sometimes you felt as if you were always there for Cassandra but she wasn't always there for you when you needed a friend to share your troubles with or just vent like a normal person..
"Well for one…Cassandra is bothering me with her constant cribbing.. and she's cribbing because of you so you're also bothering me" His smile faded as you said that ..he didn't want that for you. He never wanted to do something that would bother you.
"I'd apologise pixie but I'm not sure how I can fix the situation now "
Well don't fuck her again you thought. You suddenly felt bad about saying that to him, you didn't want to make him feel obligated for your mood swings or upset him in any way. Cassandra knew what it was from the beginning, he was honest with her, he didn't promise her the world and then broke them all.
Late at night you couldn't bear the guilt of supposedly upsetting him or making him sad so you got up and made your way to his room, you didn't have to knock as he had kept his door open.
"You're not bothering me I swear..I'm sorry i said that" you mumbled hurriedly as soon as you entered his room, he was fixing his hair so he put the comb down on the dresser and walked towards you..
"You don't have to apologise"
"I do..I keep snapping at you for no reason and it's not fair...I just forget at times that you're going through something as well and I'm..sorry " you mumbled softly so he smiled,
"I asked you a question during our stroll ..this time answer me truthfully.. Who's bothering you?" You sighed as he questioned you again, maybe sharing with him would feel better.
"It's just my ex..he keeps calling me" his brows furrowed as heard your response.
"That cheating arse?"
"What does he want?"
"Probably wants to get back together.. whatever..i don't even ..want to know" you shrugged as you crossed your arms together, even though deep down all you wanted to do was cry and then cry some more.
"Cheaters always cheat again.. remember that"
"Mmmhmmm ..he didn't just cheat though, he did something else too that i…" his jaw clenched and it wasn't unnoticed. What were you insinuating here? What did he do with you?
"What did he do darling?"
"It doesn't matter"
"It always does"
Your eyes teared up as you felt completely overwhelmed all of a sudden, maybe it was the concern he showed towards you that got you finally. You really weren't used to someone making you feel as if your issues mattered as well. You had the best life your parents could have given you, you were very privileged, never had to struggle for anything you wanted but that didn't mean you weren't hurt or used by other people or had your humanely emotions.
"Hey …come here" he grabbed you by the shoulders and pulled you into his chest, as soon as you felt his warm embrace you broke down in cries, you really needed a good cry but your mind has been so occupied lately with millions of conflicting feelings that you weren't allowing yourself to have a moment of weakness.
Gods you never wanted to leave how his arms felt around you ..so strong, so protective and so very warm.
"I just…feel so inadequate sometimes" you sobbed uncontrollably between your words so he cupped your cheeks and wiped your tears with his thumbs, you didn't want to look up, you felt afraid you'd do something stupid if you looked him in the eye..you were so close to him at the moment and you had a feeling that this was the extent of what you could get from him, there was a line that both of you couldn't have crossed..
"I know how that feels..i understand pixie..don't cry sweetheart, you're okay..I'll keep you safe..you just have to come to me" he mumbled softly as he kissed your forehead, your fingers clutched the fabric of his shirt, skin was tingling from head to toe and you wanted him to touch you in places he would never ever touch you that way.
"I'm sorry..I'm so sorry" you mumbled between your hiccups so he shook his head in response,
"Shhhhh..I'll take care of you..I'm here now"
He wrapped his arms around you again and caressed your back until your sobs had diminished.
Why did he have to be your dad's friend? Why couldn't he just be another guy? Those were the thoughts swirling around your head, if he wasn't so familial you'd have made your move and kissed him by now because you really wanted to. You really wanted to just get on your tiptoes and kiss him, and then do stuff with him that would make him see you differently, anything other than the daughter of his friend.
Once you had calmed down you pulled away and finally built the nerve to look at him, his expressions were soft, the problem was that even if he was seeing you differently now none of you could have crossed that line, you would remain forbidden to him and he was to you.
"Feeling better?" He asked you so you gave him a nod and a small smile,
"Are you sleepy?"
"I am tired"
"Then you should sleep.. uncle. I'll see you tomorrow"
"Okay.. sweetheart"
"Thank you for comforting me.. I needed that"
He nodded as you said that, as you left he closed the door and then stood there with his head resting on it for what felt like eternity. When he came back he just wanted to rebuild his life here again, he hadn't forgotten what had happened between him and his friend but he wanted to give that broken relationship a second chance since he gave her a countless chances but he wasn't ready to get caught up in this mess, he never saw this coming, He never thought he'd suddenly develop sexual feelings for his supposed niece. This wasn't supposed to happen and it never should have happened.
The sexual desire combined with the emotional attachment that he already had with you since you were a child made him feel perverse, and he was afraid the longer he stays around you the worse it will get for him.
Next day he didn't see you around the house since you were at work, when you came back you had Aemond by your side and he honestly didn't know how to feel about it, he fucked your best friend so there's no way he could have asked you to not date his nephew.
He watched you giggle and laugh at whatever unfunny jokes Aemond told you at the dinner table and he found himself feeling something he had not felt in a while, he was jealous. Jealous of his own nephew making his so-called niece laugh.
As Cassandra appeared suddenly he groaned internally but pretended as if he wasn't affected by her at all.
"Hey guyyysss" she giggled as she hugged you and then she hugged Aemond , he was a bit surprised but he reciprocated the hug, then she proceeded to greet your parents.
You had an empty chair right next to you but she walked around the table and sat down right next to Daemon. Daemon couldn't help but wonder if you felt jealous of the attention he had been giving to Cassandra?
"Hey Daemon" she mumbled as she looked at him so he gave her a smile. He didn't want to be unnecessarily rude to her if she wasn't acting like a psychopath.
"I can't say how happy I am that you both are dating" she raised her glass of wine to both so you shook your head immediately.
"We are not dating..just friends" you clarified as you felt everyone's eyes on you, especially Daemon's, you wanted to hide from his intense gaze. What was he thinking? It was so weird, when you both were talking to each other there was no awkwardness at all but as soon as you both were around other people you felt such tension between you both. The sort of tension that could resolve by ripping each other's clothes off.
Maybe you needed to go back to your place soon. The longer you'd stay here the more complicated things would become between you and him.
"Mmm well that's good because honestly it's kind of weird.. I mean Aemond is Daemon's nephew and you're like his niece so that would make you both like siblings " she giggled and you just wanted to smash your head against the table. To get away from Cassandra, daemon finished his dinner quickly and headed straight for his room..
"Babe let's have a girls night, i pinged the girls to come here" Cassandra jumped up and down as you both made your way upstairs to your room after seeing off Aemond, she was crying her eyes out yesterday so this sudden change in her demeanour was nice.
"Sure..I'll be right there ..I have to go see mum first" you told her so she went to your room and you went downstairs to your parents' bedroom first but they were not there so you headed towards your dad's office. Daemon was there as well ..they were deep in the discussion while your mum was on the couch reading her book.
Daemon looked at you for a second before he looked away almost immediately..
Your mother just wanted to talk about your day to day life so after chatting with her you mumbled a good night to everyone before you went back to your room.
Girls were already drinking and playing spin the bottle when you joined them.
You felt restless, your mind wasn't at peace, you had made it clear to Aemond that you weren't looking for a relationship or dating at the moment and he was more than decent about it. He was alright being just your friend, however that wasn't the only reason why you didn't want to date him. There was one other reason, a very tall, sexy and scrumptious reason.
"Yay ..y/n's turn" Donna yelped in excitement, making you snap out of your Daemon dreaming.
"Truth or dare?" Cassandra asked you knowing really well that you'd never pick anything but the truth.
"Truth of course"
"So predictable" other girls groaned in unison and it made you smile. Was lusting after your sworn uncle predictable?
"I have a question..why does daemon call you pixie..you never told me the story? He even got your number saved with that name..just curious babe"
Cassandra questioned you and as you recalled the memory it brought a smile on your face.
"Ummm well..when I was twelve I had just returned from the boarding school after years and gotten this very bad haircut due to peer pressure..you can guess which one. I was basically inconsolable because I missed my hair and the cut didn't really suit me" you chuckled before you continued "It didn't help that dad basically made fun of me and I saw mum laughing too but then they took me to go see uncle Daemon. I had never met him before, only saw him in pictures and stuff, but as we reached his home he noticed my sniffles and my tear soaked puffy face. He then bent down to my level and cupped my cheeks to tell me that i was his darling little pixie now and would remain one forever"
He had turned one of the worst days of your life into a sweet memory that you still cherished to this day.
As you finished your story there was a pin drop silence in the room for a good few seconds before they all cooed like birds together. The memory made you feel even more conflicted now, he was your uncle and he saw you as his niece, if there was that five percent chance that he felt attracted to you as well then this must have been ten times worse for him.
"That's so adorbs ..though I gotta say he's so handsome..bumped into him downstairs" Rochelle said to you but it was Cassandra who gave her the deathly glares,
"Eyes off him alright.. it's still complicated between us"
No it wasn't complicated, he was done with her but whatever made her sleep well at night you thought.
When the bottle spinned towards Cassandra, as a dare Donna asked him to go kiss Daemon.
"I don't think that's a good idea guys" you immediately interjected but you watched Cassandra upping from her place despite your resistance and she winked before she made her way out of the room.
Daemon was about to get in bed when he heard the knock on his door, at first he thought it must have been you but he saw Cassandra just in her nightwear, standing on his door with one of her hands resting on the doorframe and other one on her waist,
"What do you want, Cassandra?" he asked her in a no-nonsense tone, his voice didn't carry any emotions for the woman standing in front of him because he didn't have any.
"I just wanted to see how you were doing and wanted to apologise about my behaviour yesterday" she mumbled sweetly so he sighed, she was a vacational rebound for him and he didn't want to hurt her at all but she was just too similar to Stella and that was what had attracted him to her at first and then put him off later,
"Alright i appreciate that" he mumbled softly and he was about to close the door when she leaped towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck, before he knew she was kissing him in the ways that would turn on any warm blooded man, she wasn't capable of warming his heart but his cock was a different story.
It all happened so fast after that, he fucked her quickly and right against the door, unbeknownst to him, you had come to check up on him and perhaps save him from the situation if Cassandra would blow up again but the moment you heard the sound of her moans and groans, instead of going to your room where your friends were, you ran towards the guest room and then you cried your heart out.
For once you allowed yourself to feel hurt and jealous, hurt that he slept with her again even after he knew she was being unhinged about it, and jealous because it wasn't you he was fucking against the door.
Next morning Daemon woke up with regret, not only had he encouraged Cassandra by giving into her advances but he had a feeling he had disappointed you in plenty of ways and his suspicions were confirmed when you didn't even look at him even once when he met you during breakfast.
"That old man's dick is the best dick. Period" Cassandra mumbled excitedly so you gave her a fake smile in response,
"He's not that old you know"
"Well I'm not saying it as an insult..lord I think I'm falling for his sculpted ass"
Your smile faded as she said that, this thing was about to get messier because he couldn't keep it in his pants, all men were just cunt hungry whores. Your mum was so lucky she found someone like your dad.
It was Saturday and you didn't even have the luxury of getting engrossed in work today so you spent your day trying to avoid Daemon as much as you could. It wasn't fair to him you knew that, it shouldn't have mattered to you who he fucked or how many times but it did.
In the evening while you were napping clutching onto the plushie he had given you there was a knock on the door.
You were just hoping it wasn't Cassandra and luckily it wasn't..it was Daemon instead, he had a black silk shirt on that was loosely tucked in his fitted pants, your dad was taking him out to meet some of his business partners.
"Uncle.. What can I do for you?" You asked him so he smiled and walked closer to you until he was merely inches away from you, his cologne intoxicated you as he stood so close to you. You just wanted to kiss him.
"I know you're upset"
"Why would I be upset?" You mumbled, making him give you that infuriating smile.
"You shouldn't be..but you are..y/n..we are both adults here, yes? You're dating my nephew..i sleep with your best friend, that shouldn't cause any problems between us, I don't want that"
Now you wanted to punch him in the face and then kiss him.
"You're right.. the thing is your nephew won't come crying to you if we break up but my best friend does and then it becomes my problem yes, uncle?" You told him as you raised your voice a little so he tilted his head down and glared at you. You weren't intimidated by him. Not at all. Or Maybe you were, just a little.
"Then maybe you should choose your friends wisely"
Your eyes teared up as he said that so you looked down and he immediately wanted to take his words back "I came here to apologise darling..i didn't come here to upset you further"
"Then why are you doing that!?" Your voice choked as tears began to build up so he cupped your cheeks and kissed your forehead, no tears came out but you still felt the pads of his thumbs caressing your cheeks tenderly.
"Ask me to not sleep with her again, and I'd never touch her, if this thing bothers you so deeply then I'd never ever look at her again"
He whispered softly so you looked up at him, this was your chance to tell him that you didn't want him to sleep with her, in fact you didn't want him to sleep with anyone. But as you opened your mouth the truth just refused to come out.
"You can do whatever you want..uncle..it's not my place to ask you for such a thing. I'm just acting out because I feel overwhelmed by my privileged people problems"
He chuckled as you said that.
"At Least you're aware of that"
His fingers ruffled your hair before he kissed the top of your head and stepped away from you.
"Have fun" you told him so he nodded, he wished you had asked him to not touch Cassandra again and he'd have obliged, he cared about you and he didn't want you to feel upset by his actions or feel hurt in any ways. And there was a part of him that just wanted you to accept that you felt something more towards him, something more than just feelings you'd have for an uncle.
"Mister Daemon'" He turned around as you called for him, this was the first time you had taken his name since he had returned.
"I'm not dating or planning to date Aemond..i wouldn't want to do anything that would make you leave again for whatever reasons..i hope you feel the same way.. about staying here ..in London i mean"
You didn't ask him directly but you told him what he wanted to hear from you. You weren't going to date his nephew for his sake..So he had to cut Cassandra off completely.
He was ready for that, but then what? What would happen between you two then?
@serving-targaryen-realness @annoyingsweetsstranger @anukulee @mcufan72 @insertsomethingsillyhereple-blog @silentf @ajthefujoshi @stupidthoughtsinwriting @ammo23 @shuichiakainx
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prompt 6? high school sweethearts. dylan o brian ofc. could u do it where maybe the reader is also an actress or something and they are both celebrities. maybe add in a scene where they are in an interview where someone asks them ab how they met or soemtjing and idk it ends with smut lol
—𓆩[red suit, red dress]𓆪—
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𓆩[main masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[request/ask me something!]𓆪 𓆩[updated bingo card!]𓆪 𓆩[bingo masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[join the bingo taglist!]𓆪
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - Dylan O’Brien x Fem! Actress! Fiancée! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - fluff, smut
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 2.8K
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - You and Dylan had been together since he was shooting YouTube videos, and even replaced Holland as Lydia in Teen Wolf after a family emergency, and had been his partner in every film he shot from American Assassin to Love and Monsters to The Outfit. Besides, who could have better chemistry with Dylan than you?
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - cursing & foul language || Drew Barrymore is now interviewing you and Dylan || nvm I saw an opportunity and took it, you didn’t make it to the interview || smut warnings include hickies, fingering, semi-public sex, car sex, oral, raw sex, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, creampie
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“Dylan, we have the interview soon!” You yelled out as you slipped on your dress. You were careful choosing this one out, especially because Drew sent you both a pretty fruit basket and you were insanely excited to talk to her.
“I know!” He yelled out, walking out of the restroom with a towel around his waist and his face cleanly shaven. His hazel eyes were bright as they stared at you smooth the sides of your red dress, the perfect color that suited you amazingly and one he could never look away from. “You look so amazing.”
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You paused as you started to put the gold and garnet earrings he got for you as a monthly anniversary present. “Thanks, baby.”
He smiled widely as he walked over, the towel around his waist falling slightly with every step as he came behind you. He was about to press his chest to your back before you glared at him through the mirror.
“If you get this dress wet, we’re going to have problems.” You threaten playfully making him hum as he takes the earring from you and slips it into your ear.
He mumbled, rubbing his hands against your hips after officially securing it on the lobe of your ear. “I’m trying to be romantical here.”
You giggle, ignoring your own words and leaning back into his chest. “There’s ways of being romantical without getting me wet.”
He grinned, his fingers slowly trailing down your thighs. “But making you wet is my specialty, angel cakes.”
You giggled at the nickname, stroking his hair. “Angel cakes? That’s a new one.”
“Got it from our friend MC Mikey,” he grinned at you through the mirror. “Y’know, in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?”
You giggle, nodding. “I remember. I like it.”
“Do you now?” His hands slipped underneath your red dress, rubbing at your thighs as he hummed against your neck. “What else do you like?”
“I think I liked the blond,” you say, pushing your hands through his now grown out brown hair. “But I do like you clean shaven.”
He smiled, nodding. “Maybe I’ll go blond again for you,” his fingers slowly pulled up your dress, letting you watch him through the mirror as he let his fingers graze your slit up and down slowly. “Whatever you want me to do, angel cakes.”
You groaned as you tilted your head back, humming as his finger softly trailed over your underwear that you wore specifically not to leave any panty-lines on the dress. You leaned your head back against his shoulder, ignoring the slight wetness that settled on your back that would definitely mean that you’d have to change your dress, which was a shame because you really liked it.
“You need to calm down, Dylan,” you whisper, holding back a whimper as he dipped his fingers into your underwear and his mouth sucked against your neck. “D-Don’t leave hickeys, Dylan, I won’t be able to cover them up.”
“You don’t have to,” he mumbled, humming against your skin. “I like it when people can see them.”
You gasped, knowing you wouldn’t be able to stop him, so you hummed with a slight nod. “Just not too many, alright? And not too dark.”
“Whatever you say, angel cakes.”
You giggled as he pushed his fingers through your wet slit, his mouth wide and sucking against your skin as your hands tightly held his wrists, whimpers falling from your mouth as you leaned back into him, gasping. “Y-You need… you need to change, Dylan.”
“Do I have a red suit to match your dress?”
“Y-Yeah, i-it’s Valentino,” you whisper, whimpering. “K-Kinda like the one Pedro wore for the Met Gala, just with pants.”
He laughed, his mouth sucking on your earlobe. “What if we’re just a little late?”
“No, Dylan, she sent us a fruit basket!”
“Fuck her fruit basket,” he basically growled, groaning as he bucked his hips up into you. “Tell me what you chose me to wear, angel cakes.”
“Th-The red oversized coat… red button down, black Valentino tie and some slacks,” you groaned as his thumb slid over your clit, rolling the sensitive bud between two fingers before his mouth pressed to your jaw. “Fuck, Dylan.”
“Who are you imagining wearing that suit, huh baby? Me or Pedro, I know you’ve had a crush on him since Narcos,” he teased you, his tongue peeking out as you groaned. “Me or Pedro, angel cakes?”
You hold his jaw, delicately grazing your teeth over his mole as he groans. “Definitely Pedro.”
You both laughed loudly as he took out his fingers from your panties, a squeal echoing off of the walls from your mouth as he pushed them in between his lips and walked to the walk-in closet. “Are you going to change, baby?!”
“No!” You yelled back, fixing your dress and checking that a wet spot wasn't peeking through. “It’ll dry by the time we get there!”
You put on the gold choker you bought and a gold and diamond bracelet with Dylan’s initials engraved on the nameplate on your wrist, fixing your engagement ring and his rope chain that you had been wearing the past few days. You loved stealing his jewelry, but it’s more like the two of you swapped because as soon as he walked out of the closet dressed like a fucking god with some combat boots on to match Pedro’s, he slipped on a small gold hoop onto the helix of his right ear because of the lack of a needle.
You hummed as you grabbed a stack of hoops from your jewelry box, coming next to him as you kissed his cheek softly, sliding the stack onto the lower area of his helix on his other ear. “I was imagining you, Dylan,” you whisper with a firm tug to his thigh. “I’m always imagining you, baby.”
He smiled at you, holding your cheek with a firm hand and pressing another kiss to your lips. “Well then, we have another thing in common, baby.”
You giggled as he held your hip, guiding you out of the room and down the stairs.
“If your dress isn’t dry by the time we get there, I’ll give you my jacket, okay?”
You hummed, smiling as you both walked out of your home and he helped you into the SUV, quickly sliding into the car and putting his arm around you. “How are we doing on time, angel cakes?”
“We’re running a little late, but not by much. When we get there, we should just have enough time to be fitted with mics and then go on air,” you say, leaning forward to look at your reflection in the rearview mirror. “Dylan! You left, like, a dozen!”
“I left four!” He said, laughing as you started tugging on his jacket. “What, you’re that eager? Mycroft, put up the privacy screen!”
“What? No, no Mycroft, don’t do that!” You yell, your driver laughing as you groan. “I need to cover them up because you’re acting like a fucking vampire and leaving hickies all over me!”
“Here, I’ll give it to you when we get there, alright?” He whispers, pressing firm kisses to your neck as you roll your eyes playfully. “But we still have like fifteen minutes until we get there, angel cakes. Why don’t you put that pretty mouth to use for something else, hm? Repay me for earlier?”
You glared at him, but looked at Mycroft through the mirror. “Will you put the privacy screen up, please Mycroft?”
“Whatever you say, Ms. Y/N.” He reached forward, slowly pushing the button to make the privacy screen go up and a deep sigh left your mouth.
“We have half an hour, maybe more, Dylan,” you say, a smile on your face as you slowly take off your seatbelt. You could feel Mycroft slow down as you kneeled on the seat, slowly unzipping his slacks after unbuttoning them. It didn’t surprise you when his cock immediately bulged through his underwear, a hum leaving your mouth as you licked over the fabric. “Why am I not surprised?”
He groaned loudly, hips bucking as you hushed him softly. “Fuck, Y/N.”
“Careful, darling,” you whispered, humming with another soft lick to the growing wet patch on his black briefs. “Our windows might be tinted and the privacy screen might be up, but nothing muffles how loud you’re going to be.”
You giggled as he groaned out, holding the back of your head with a hand covered in golden rings. He hissed as you pulled out his cock, head rolling back as you pumped him slowly just how he liked it, slowly and tightly. Your hand barely went around his girth, your mouth sucking loudly against his pretty tip before licking down the bottom of his shaft.
You could feel his cock pulse in your mouth, pulling him farther down your throat as his hand held your butt, rubbing and pushing into your cunt. Your eyes rolled back as his fingertips circle the rim of your entrance, warm and clenching around nothing so desperately.
You couldn't even focus on his cock, choking and gagging around his length as he pulled his fingers away and pushed them into his mouth. His other hand held your waist tightly, his mouth kissing against your shoulder as he leaned down and pushed a finger into you slowly. Your eyes rolled back as you bobbed your head, pumping your hands as he slowly pushed in and out of your cunt.
You pulled away for a second, gasping for air as he thrusted his fingers in and out of you, teasingly pushing another into your cunt. You basically mewled as both of his fingers pushed in and out, in and out, a steady rhythm you couldn’t stop thinking about as you relax your jaw and bobbed your head around the tip of his cock, pulling it to the back of your throat as you hollow your cheeks around it.
He groaned loudly against your shoulder, your mouth enclosed around his length as his other hand held the back of your head and pressed kisses to your shoulder. “Just like that baby, just like that. Fuck, you’re doing so good.”
You hummed around his length, thighs shaking as he twisted his fingers inside of you and another circled around your cunt, slowly pushing in another finger that made your cunt clench and a loud moan fell from your lips. “Who’s being loud now, hm? Your cunt is clenching more than usual, are you about to cum?”
You whined, humming around his length as you pulled away, nodding. “Yes! Yes, I am, fuck!”
He groaned as his mouth sucked against your shoulder, leaving another hickey in your skin as you pulled his cock into your mouth, a feeling of emptiness settling in the pit of your stomach as he pulled his fingers out of you, his mouth leaving a blaze of warmth wherever he went and a shudder run down your spine as he bucked his hips.
Your eyes rolled back, a loud groan falling from your mouth making him choke and push you down until your mouth was fully enveloping his cock and giving him a chance to come undone underneath you. You hummed as you continued to bob your head, pulling away just enough so that his cum flooded your mouth.
You pulled away, swallowing as he grinned down at you, his cock still hard. “You know damn well that getting me off once does nothing.”
You giggled as you slowly pushed yourself over his cock, humming as you held his shoulders. “I know.”
He smiled as you slowly held his shaft, hissing as you slowly sank onto his cock, your head tilting back as he held your hips. He pressed soft kisses to your jaw, humming as his fingers dug into the fabric of your dress, his mouth leaving more heat onto your skin which already felt like it was on fire. “Dy-Dylan, I want to take it off,” you whispered, whining. “Take off my dress.”
He smiled, laughing slightly as he held the hem of your dress. “It’s going to take a minute to put it on again, my darling. Are you sure you want to take it off?”
You whined, rolling your hips as he groaned underneath you. “I-It’s just so hot, it’s so fucking hot.”
“I know baby, but I don’t want you stressed out when we get there,” his fingers held your waist, your hips rolling as he slowly took off his seatbelt. “Do you want me to tell Mycroft to turn up the AC?”
You thought about it for a minute, but shook your head. You always got hot whenever he fucked you, or was about to fuck you, his hips strong as he began to thrust. “N-No, just keep fucking me, don’t stop.”
He hummed into your ear, grunting as he held your hips and his mouth attached to the same hickies he had made earlier. “Remember the first time I had you like this? Fucked you in the backseat whenever that stupid movie was playing in the football field, they were trying to take us back to the 80s or some shit?”
You groaned loudly, his mouth making your mind hazy as you bucked your hips into his. “Yeah, I remember. It had to be like our… What, fourth time having sex? You were so desperate.”
“Who’s desperate now, hm?” He says, leaning back and fixing your legs around his waist and grunting as he positioned your hips a little higher, leaning down to press his wet lips to yours. “I know your body gets all hot when you’re desperate. Like you want to cum. You’re desperate, aren’t you? You want to cum again?”
You whined, nodding. “Y-Yes,” your fingers ran over his clothed chest, your head lulling up and down in a pathetic nod. “I want you to fuck me harder, Dylan.”
“Do you?” He teased, groaning as he leaned forward as he pressed kisses to your lips. “I will, I’ll do whatever you want.”
You laughed, pulling his face into your neck. “You’re still so fucking desperate.”
He laughed, his nose nuzzling into your neck as his hips moved faster, just like you wanted him to. He groaned, his mouth still pushing against the same hickies that he had made earlier, his fingers pushing down to rub firm circles into your clit. His cock was pounding into you making your stomach twist and turn, tightening as your walls would clamp down onto his shaft, his broken moans filling the back seats along with the wet squelching of your cunt and the slaps of skin against skin.
“I might be desperate,” he grunted, his mouth quickly finding yours to kiss and push his tongue into your mouth, groaning loudly. “But you’re one fucking worthy person to be desperate for. The most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, falling in love with you quicker than a bitch could say ‘fuck’.”
You laughed as he pulled you closer, his other hand pushing into your hair to pull you in for another kiss, his teeth grazing your lips that were painted with lipstick and his tongue pushing into your mouth making a loud groan leaving your mouth. That combined with the strong thrusts of his hips, his cock imminently and repeatedly ramming into you made your stomach tighten and your nails dig into his back.
His hips slam into you, a loud groan falling from his lips as he choked against your lips, pulling away to inhale deeply. “F-Fuck, I think I made a mess.”
You hummed, feeling his cum flood into your stomach as you run your fingers through his hair before a soft tap on the privacy screen makes both of you stiffen. “We’re here!”
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omg, I love fulfilling requests ♡ keep them coming for Bingo!!
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Bingo tag 𓆩[@ennycutie]𓆪   𓆩[@yoongiwife23]𓆪 𓆩[@urlocalbum12-blog]𓆪
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Regular taglist: 𓆩[@lem0ns77]𓆪   𓆩[@cecepop15]𓆪   𓆩[@memeorydotcom]𓆪   𓆩[@your-favorite-god]𓆪   𓆩[@xyzstar]𓆪  𓆩[@just-my-shit]𓆪   𓆩[@your-mom21]𓆪   𓆩[@c78r]𓆪   𓆩[@dizscreams]𓆪   𓆩[@asrt5]𓆪   𓆩[@xoxomoonlightbabe]𓆪
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© asterias-record-shop
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Nanami Kento x Reader
(Song: Maroon by Taylor Swift)
Warning: Smut; not for minors. (This is my first time posting a smut rated story).
He remembered that night so clearly, as if it was yesterday. Being at the bar, drinking with his friends for a quick vacation.
“Check her out!” Gojo exclaimed for the fifth time. Nanami turned to his direction.
He remembered your white, flowy dress that stopped mid-thigh. The maroon lipstick that fit perfect on your skin. You were laughing with a bunch of friends. You went to his direction of the bar. They walked past Gojo, Geto, and Haibara. You were next to him, ordering a drink. Your friends ordered sweet, mixed drinks.
“Moscow mule please!” you ordered excitedly.
“No bourbon?” one questioned.
“Dylan made this last weekend and I’m obsessed at the moment,” you said.
“Oh my gosh! Did he ask you out?” You nodded. “AND?!”
“I said no,” you said. Nanami smiled as he took a drink of his whiskey on the rocks.
“He’s just a good friend,” you said nonchalantly and thanked the bartender. “Please, he’s so immature. The man goes from girl to girl. I’m not that kind of girl. I know who I want.”
“He’s just so cute!” You laughed. Your laughter that sounds like music to his ears.
“I’ll agree to that,” you said and took a sip of your drink. “Cheers to graduating!”
Your group stayed by him. You quickly finished your drink, and ordered another.
“Make that two,” Nanami said as he handed the bartender his card. You looked at him with a smile.
“Thank you,” you said. Nanami smiled a small smile back. The drinks arrived immediately and Nanami handed you your glass. He raised a glass up for you and you followed the movements.
“Cheers,” he said. You felt yourself blush.
“Cheers,” you said back and clinked glasses with him before the both of you took a sip of your drinks.
It was pouring rain. You spun around in a circle, taking in the cool feeling of the water mixed with the hot temperature of the summer.
“Kento, dance with me!” you exclaimed, fairly tipsy from your drinks. Nanami chuckled and held your hands. He brought you closer to him and the two of you slowed dance outside. You smiled, resting your head on his chest. His heart fluttered and he couldn’t help but smile.
“Come on,” he said. “We should dry up.” You nodded. “Follow me.” And you did. The two of you took a taxi. You couldn’t help but hold Nanami’s hand throughout the car ride. Nanami looked at you with a soft smile appearing on his face. And you couldn’t help but blush.
The taxi stopped at a hotel, you noticed. Nanami held your hand as you left the vehicle and he held your hand, leading you to the elevators, and then up to his suite.
“You’re not from here,” you said. You thanked Nanami when he handed you a towel. Nanami buttoned his shirt and undid his tie, remaining topless as he dried his body. You blushed hard.
“Tokyo, Japan,” he said. “I left a robe in the bathroom for you. You can shower if you’d like.”
“Kento, are you a spontaneous person?” you asked. Nanami chuckled at your sudden question.
“Not usually,” he said.
“You’re not from here nor am I from this city,” you said. “Shower with me. Let’s make our night unforgettable.” You walked up closer to Nanami as you spoke. Nanami was flustered and you smiled. Your hand rested on the back of his neck as you slightly pushed his head down so his lips met with yours.
There was immediate heat and passion in the kiss. It didn’t take long for the two of you to strip naked before showering together. Your back was up against the cold tiled walls, hands on his shoulders, and your leg hanging on his arm while he teased you. You whimpered at his tease, the tip of his cock rubbing against your sensitive clit and poking at your entrance.
“How badly do you want me, doll?” he whispered seductively in your ear.
“So fucking bad,” you begged. “Fuck me, please Kento.” He locked his lips with yours as he inserted himself inside. Te two of you moaned loudly in the kiss.
“T-Tight,” Nanami muttered with pleasure. With his free arm, he held your hip securely as he thrusted in and out of you. At first it was slow and steady. But the pleasure of your warm and tight walls drove him crazy that he trusted you hard and fast.
“Right there,” you cried in ecstasy as he hit your sensitive spot. You held onto his shoulders tightly, your nails digging into his skin.
“Cum for me, doll,” he said breathlessly. “Fuck, you’re so tight.”
“Kento!” Your toes curled and your nails scratched his back. The orgasm was close and Nanami is doing a good job to make sure you got it. He would groan in pleasure, feeling your walls hug tightly against his cock while thrusting in and out of you. Your eyes rolled back as you moaned relentlessly when you came all over his cock. Nanami kept thrusting you, riding out your high. He held you tightly as he kissed you.
Nanami turned the shower off. He pulled out a dry towel, helping you dry your body before he did himself. While he did, you dried your hair. But he suddenly carried you out, causing you to drop your towel in the shower as he whisked you off to the bed. He gently laid you down, kissing you passionately. His cock hardening as he teased your entrance again.
“My turn, doll,” he said as he inserted inside your wet pussy again.
Nanami put the newspaper down, deciding to go to the city and surveillance the area. The memory stayed fresh in his mind three months later. He remembered quickly buying you clothes the next morning. He took you out for breakfast and you took him to Central Park for his last day. And he was glad he could end his last night with you in bed.
Communication was scarce. You claimed that you still had to study and the time difference made it difficult to hold conversations. There was no plan to meet up again nor to further anything in this relationship, or whatever the two of you were.
Nanami stopped by at his favorite bakery. He was craving some bread after all. And he needs something to fill his stomach, in case a mission pops up. He thanked the cashier, tipping her a few extra cash that made her thank him happily. Nanami opened the door, taking a bite of the freshly baked bread he just purchased.
His heart stopped and his body froze. He would never forget the voice. Your voice was angelic and it warmed him. He would feel so relaxed at the sound. But, he wondered if it was just his imagination.
“K-Kento?” And so, he turned around. He dropped the bread in the bag. There you were in the same white dress and maroon lipstick. Just like you wore three months ago. He said your name and you smiled brightly at him. You ran to him and hugged him tightly. Nanami slowly enveloped you in his arms and when he finally realized you were actually here, he held you tighter.
“Are you on vacation?” he asked. You shook your head, smile wider than ever.
“I just moved in,” you answered. “It was a process, especially with the job.”
“W-Why?” He was surprised. Surprised that you would move here. He remembered you talking about moving to New York City or at least close by. He watched you blush.
“Because I can’t stop thinking about you,” you said. “It was risky to move here, yet I did it.” Nanami couldn’t hold himself back as he kissed you passionately. Your lipstick smeared and appeared on his lips.
When he pulled away, you had to reconnect your lips with him again. The feeling of his lips faintly remained on yours within the three months. You craved for him everyday. And because the thought of him stuck to you, you took the impulsive decision to move.
Reluctantly, the two of you pulled away and you giggled, wiping the lipstick off his lips.
“Come on. It’s my turn now to show you my city,” he said as his thumb cleaned up the lipstick smear on your face. Immediately, you intertwined your fingers with his. You wrapped your arm around his arm, standing close to him. Nanami smiled, leading you back to the bakery because it is his favorite bakery in the city.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
We're A Family Part 14 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: I'm not sorry for the cliff hanger esc ending 😈
I'm going to use this opportunity here to say thank you to the step parents, partners, siblings, foster parents, adoptive parents...all y'all raising children who aren't biologically yours...you are amazing and deserve love and appreciation. The woman I call mom is technically my stepmom but she has been more a mom to me than my own. She showed me how mothers are supposed to be and I love her everyday for that <3.
Warning: Smut, FLUFF, and slight angst, Mr. Harrington pops up making a brief verbal cameo , Eddie mentions an incident about Steve's past heartbreaks as well as briefly (very brief) touches on his life right after moving in with Wayne, I think that's it.
Word Count: 3535
“Does he have to wear a suit?”, Eddie asks as he browses the clothes on the rack above him. 
“I mean he doesn’t have to but it is his first date technically so…”, Steve grins as Dylan rolls his eyes. 
You had already done the whole mom thing where you cried for ten minutes straight because your “baby” was growing up and asked a girl on a date to a dance. When he asked the guys to take him clothes shopping, he had hoped to avoid more of that, thankful when you offered to stay home and watch Aurora. 
“Calm down. I’m not going to coo at you and tell you how big you’ve gotten.”, the man teases as he playfully reaches for his son’s cheeks. 
“I don’t think I should wear a suit. I don’t want to seem…overeager.” Dylan’s eyes scan the shirts in front of him. “What did you guys wear on your first dates?”
“Jesus, um…”, Eddie’s eyes fly to ceiling as he thinks. “Jeans and a Guns & Roses t-shirt, if I’m not mistaken.”
“Of course, that’s what you wore.”, Steve chuckled. 
“Hey! We were like eleven and went to a movie. It wasn’t anything fancy. What about you, sire? I imagine you came out of the womb with a date the next day.” The metalhead smiled as Dylan laughed. 
“For your information, my first date was in 6th grade. I took a girl to the Snowball dance. And yes…I wore a suit.”
“Oh, please tell me there are pictures in a box somewhere at home.” 
“No, thank God.”
“We can ask grandma.”, Dylan smiles mischievously.
“I swear, if either of you ask my mother for pictures—”
“Oh! You’ll what?”, Eddie joked. 
“I’ll…be very upset.”
“Uh huh.”
“Do we have to watch it again?”
“Yes!”, Aurora giggles.
You laugh at her smile as you replay “The Empire Strikes Back” on the tv. “Yeah. I’m glad you’re happy. I’m going to kill your dad.”
Just like Dylan had with Harry Potter, Ro seemed to attach to Star Wars. Steve was watching “A New Hope” one afternoon and she sat beside him the entire time completely transfixed. Ever since then she insisted on watching anything you would allow that was Star Wars related. 
“Beep, Beep!”, she mimicked as the front door opened and your three boys came through. 
“Star Wars still?”, Steve asked.
“I hate you. This is your fault.”, you laugh as you quickly rose to your feet. “Sooooo, what did we get?”
“You’ll see.”, Dylan smiles. “Are you guys still chaperoning?”
“Well, I don’t have a choice being a teacher and my boss volunteered me.”
“That’s the spirit, Harrington!”, Eddie chuckles as he wraps his arm around the boy’s neck. “Yes, we will still be there and we promise not to embarrass you…much.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m going to go call Daisy and tell her what I got.”
You three watch as he excitedly runs up the stairs before you lightly smack Steve’s arm. “What did he get?”
“I can’t tell you!”
“Call it payment for me watching those movies back-to-back with our three-year-old instead of me murdering you.”
“Oh… you won’t murder me. You love me too much.”
Dylan watches his dads with intense fascination as they get ready, occasionally getting distracted when he heard his sister say something cute as she helped you get ready out in the bedroom. 
“Mama hair up.”
“Yeah? Here can you brush it for me so I can pull it up?” Aurora grins excitedly when you hand her the brush.
“When it comes to hair, kid, you should let Steve take the reins on that one.” Eddie smiled as he moved out of the way and allowed Dylan space in front of the mirror so the man could show him some techniques. 
“Oooo… Din purty.”, Ro compliments him before waddling to the metalhead. “Daddy! Mama…tie…for hair.”
“Mommy needs a hair tie?” She nods aggressively as he reaches across the sink to get her what she’s asking for. “Here you go, princess.”
“Tank you, daddy.”
“You’re welcome, baby.” His eyes follow after her as she grins and runs back into the bedroom. 
“Alright, little man. What do you think?”
Dylan turns his head from side to side as he checks out his hair. “I love it. Mom! What do you think?”, he asks as he steps out of the bathroom. 
“Oh my god!”, you squeak making the boys laugh. 
“She likes it.”, Steve confirms as he sprays some of his cologne on himself before giving his son a little spritz on his wrist.
“Wow. Bubaful.”, Aurora coos as they all come out together. 
Dylan had decided to not to wear a suit but a nice button up shirt with a small black tie hanging down his front. Still wanting to have some remnants of himself, he decided on wearing his converse with the black jeans he bought fully rounding out his ensemble. He actually looked like he tried to fuse Eddie and Steve’s style together. 
Steve threw on a blue polo with some black slacks and shiny matching shoes. Eddie was donning a plain black shirt with black jeans like Dylan’s and sneakers. 
“Aw, look at my guys.”, you grin as you climb off the bed. 
You were wearing a stunning, casual blue dress with a cute floral print with similar color flats. 
“You look beautiful, honey.”
As the doorbell rings, Ro claps her hands. “Kee!”
“Yes, that would be Aunt Kierra. Here, go open the door and make her feel old.”, you giggle as you push Dylan towards the stairs. 
Eddie picks up his daughter as you four head down as well. 
“Really? Of course, everyone looks good.”, Kierra whines playfully. “Hi Rara.”
“Kee.” She aggressively wiggles out of her father’s arms to run to her aunt. 
“Ah yes. Fun aunt is here and now we don’t matter.”, you smile as you give your sister a hug. As you pull away you notice her own grin turn into a line. “Uh oh. What happened?”
“I’ll tell you later.”
“You’ll tell me now.”
“Dylan, can you take this dork and turn on those god-awful movies she likes?” You son laughs as he grabs his sister and carries her into the living room. “So, Mr. Harrington, the evil one not this one here, went to visit our mother the other day.”
You sighed as Steve gently ran his palm down your back. 
“Y/N, you think his dad was upset about you changing your name? Oof. Mom called me screaming saying you were taking it too far. She said she was going to call Charlie and side with him if he decided to go to court…” Her sympathetic eyes met yours. “I didn’t tell her…about him…ya know.”
“I should go talk to her—”
“Well that’s not happening.”, Eddie interrupts. “Sweetheart, do you really think talking to her is going to do any good? She doesn’t care. Now Steve’s dad… he can’t do anything right?”
Steve shook his head. “I mean what can he do? I have no inheritance from his side. Unless he wants to fight my mom. I don’t know. I think it’s more of an image thing now. Two kids with half his name and they aren’t…pure Harringtons.”
Your heart breaks as you listen to him speak. You know how much he hates this conversation. Aurora and Dylan are his kids; no ifs, ands, or buts about it. However, his father and your mother insist on finding little ways to remind him that both children don’t have an ounce of his DNA. 
In a court of law, if you both left him, he would have zero say in where the kids go. Steve understood that would never happen. You both loved him and he loved you. This was his family but those little technicalities always loomed especially when other people brought them to light. 
“Jesus. And our mom thought the Munson’s would be the biggest problem in this dynamic.”
Eddie sticks his tongue out at Kierra who chuckles as she comes around to give him a hug. 
“Hey guys. Can we go now? I don’t want to be late.”, Dylan asks as he comes around the corner. 
“Yes. Sorry. We got distracted by life. Let’s get a move on.” Painting a smile on your face, you grab your dates and head of the door. 
You snuck a picture from your place in the car as you three watched Dylan shyly shuffle up to his date who had been waiting at the front door of the school. Something he says makes her laugh and she blushes as he extends his elbow to her like he had seen the guys do numerous times. She grins, looping her arm in his before heading into the dance. 
“What was your first date?”, Eddie asked as he leaned forward from his place in the backseat.
“Oh my god. I think I was about Dylan’s age. A boy asked me to dinner and a movie. Of course, dinner was some fast-food joint and we snuck into the movie but…”, you giggle. “I had fun. What are you guys going to do when Aurora starts dating?”
“Kill them.”, the metalhead pretends to glare into the distance making you and Steve laugh. 
“Can we not think about our daughter dating? I don’t think I can handle that right now. I can barely handle this.” Steve continues to chuckle as both men get out of the car and open the door for you. 
“Thank you guys for helping him pick out an outfit and getting him ready.”
“You don’t have to—”
You cut Eddie off with a kiss as you wrap your arms around him. “I know I don’t have to. Just let me, okay?”
“Yes ma’am.”
As you entered the dance, Steve had to detach from you two to tell his boss he was there and offer any assistance they may need. You and Eddie snuck a little closer to where the kids were, smiling when you say your son and his date sitting at a table talking. You can’t help but laugh when “Come Sail Away” by STYX begins to play. 
“Isn’t this way outside of their generation? It’s barely in ours.”
“Eh, I’m sure they have to play it as safe as possible.”, the metalhead grins as he takes your hand and pulls you towards the edge of the dance floor where some of the other adults were swaying to the music. Your arms wrap around his neck as he clings to your waist.
“So, you and Steve would have went to school here to, right?”
“You are correct but we didn’t really hang out till high school.”
“Do you remember him?”
“Oh, princess, everyone knew who Steve Harrington was. King Steve with his awesome fashion sense and cool head of hair. I fucking hated him.”, Eddie chuckles. “Something changed his junior year. He started seeing this girl and I think she changed his perspective on some things. By senior year, he was a new man more or less.”
“What happened to the girl?”
“They broke up. She, uh, told him she didn’t love him.”
“Aw. Poor Stevie.” Your eyes shifted towards him, watching as he talked to some of the other teachers. “What about little Edward Munson. What was he like at school here?”
“Oof. Angry. Confused. Nerdy.”, he laughs. “I had been living with Wayne for a little under a year at this point. I was still trying to figure things out and this town sure as hell didn’t make it any easier.” You lean up on your toes to kiss his lips before resting your cheek on his chest. “I think the one good thing that came out of middle school was me getting into D & D. I thought it was amazing and gave me a place I could escape to.”
The music picked up tempo and you grinned as you watched Dylan walk his date to the dance floor. Eddie twirls you in his arms and your grin grows as you both dance along to the faster beat. You don’t see it but Steve pulls out his phone and begins recording his little family having fun. 
“Dylan is yours, right?”, asks one of his colleagues.
“Yeah, that’s my son.”, he beams before pointing towards you and Eddie. “That’s my wife and husband.”
She tilts her head at his statement but he doesn’t notice nor care. He’s having too much fun watching you three.
“Well, look at this.”, the metalhead grinned as he looked around the classroom. “The kid who was bad in class actually has his own classroom.”
Steve thought it would be a good idea for you guys to walk around a bit and allow Dylan some time alone with his date without you in the room so he decided now would be a good time to show you his room that you two hadn’t got to see yet. 
“I wasn’t bad…I just didn’t care.”
You smiled at him as you wrapped your arms around his waist, giggling when you feel something vibrate. 
“Is that me or you?”
He grins as he pulls out his phone before it gradually begins to fade. “My father is calling me.” You take the phone out of his hand and place it on his desk, allowing it to ring as you bring his lips to yours. 
“I love you. No matter what he or my mom says.”
“I know.”
“I know you know but I also know…sometimes when he says things…it still hurts you.”
“Like Aurora and Dylan not being Harringtons.”, Eddie cut in. Steve’s phone went silent but after a few moments yours started to ring, grinning sassily as you flashed him the screen. “Do you think we should go for gold and see if he calls me?”
You handed the metalhead your phone. “Do with it what you will, my love.”
He raises his eyebrows playfully in your direction before placing the device to his ear. “Mr. Harrington! How can the Munson-Harrington family assist you today?”
“Where is my son? I need to speak with him NOW!”
“Uh, last I checked, you hadn’t spoken to Steve in three years. When did he become your son again and what do you need from him?”
Your hand reaches out to grip Steve’s chin, turning him to face you. “Look at me, baby. Let Eddie handle him and you focus on me.” He exhales heavily as you palms slide down his chest. “We won’t get in trouble, right?”
“Not if we don’t get caught.”  
He lifts you into his arms and places you on his desk, lips mingling with your own as your limbs circle around his neck. 
“Is this the real reason you wanted to show us your classroom?”, you tease as he smiles. 
“I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’ve fantasized about bending you over my desk.”
“Then do it, Steve. Please. I’m yours, baby.”
His fingers fumbled with his zipper as you lifted your hips to pull your underwear down your legs, grinning when you toss them to Eddie who sticks his tongue out as he catches them. Your eyes gesture towards the closed door and he gets the message, heading that way to keep a look out.
“Mr. Harrington, no. Dylan IS Steve’s son. He loves him and has helped raise him for half his life so far. I know that’s a foreign concept to you since you don’t know what actually raising a child looks like.”
Steve turns you till your back is to him and you lean over his desk as he grips your hips, guiding his cock into your entrance. Your eyes flutter closed as he thrusts into you, hitting that spongy spot deep inside of you making you moan. 
“Y-yes, Steve. Fuck.”
All sound drowns out of the room as he leans his chest down to your back and wraps his arms around you. 
“Does that feel good, honey? My dick—mmm—deep inside you like this.”, he mewls into your ear. “Tell me, baby.”
“Your cock is so deep. F-feels so good…please.”
“Do you think you can be quiet if I fuck you harder? You wouldn’t—fuck—you wouldn’t want us to get caught, right?”
You shake your head and he smiles as he lifts his arm up your body till its nestled under your chin. Your back arches as he roughly rolls his hips against yours at a faster pace. 
“Mr. Harrington, I’m not going to lie, I didn’t hear a word you said mostly because I don’t care but also because I’m watching Steve fuck our wife and, as always, it’s the hottest fucking thing in the world. Now if you will excuse me, I’m going to let them finish and then most likely cum in his pretty little mouth. Fuck off and leave our family alone.”
With that, Eddie hangs up the phone and tosses it to the side as he unzips his pants, pulling out his own cock as he strokes it to the sight of you both. 
“Cum, baby. Be my good girl and cum for me, honey.” Steve grunted when your pussy clenched tighter around him, his palm quickly moving to cover the loud moan that escaped your mouth. “You like that? Mmm—you like me calling you a good girl?”
You place your hand over his, feeling his alone won’t stifle the continuous whimpers that you pant out as he continues to whisper in your ear. The coil in your tummy snaps as you lean your head back against his shoulder and grip his hair through your fingers. 
“That’s it. That’s it, Y/N. Fuck, you’re so…so fucking…beautiful.” His arms cling to your body as you feel him thrust his release into your cunt. Neither of you moves as you both try and catch your breath. “Are you ok?”
You nod as you gesture towards the groaning metalhead. “He…he may need you though.”, you say with a knowing smile. 
Steve gradually pulls out of you, kissing your cheek before tucking himself back into his pants and sauntering towards Eddie. They exchange a soft kiss, the man smiling as he descends to his knees and takes his cock into his awaiting mouth. 
You search the desk, finding the tissue you were looking for, and use it to clean between your legs. After readjusting your dress, you slide up beside them and Eddie hastily brings your lips to his. When he turns away, you continue to trail kisses along his neck and jawline. 
“Fuck, Steve. Don’t…don’t move.”
His palms come down and hold the boys head by his hair as he pumps his hips. You cover his mouth as a strangled grunt leaves his lips and his body folds in slightly as he climaxes. Steve milks him, licking every last drop till the boy was clean before rising to his feet. 
Their eyes meet and Eddie gave him a big tooth filled grin. “So, your dad says hi.”
“Did you have fun, baby?”
“Yeah, mom. I did. I asked Daisy to a movie next Friday. Is that ok?”
“Uh, I don’t see why not.”
You sister smiles as you for walk into the house. “I don’t know what you did but Mr. Harrington isn’t returning our mother’s calls.”
“Good. One less thing to worry about I guess.”, Eddie grins. “Where’s Ro?”
“She knocked out about an hour ago. I was afraid to move her and wake her up.” She gestures towards the living room and he heads that way, carefully lifting her sleeping frame in his arms. He pauses at Kierra’s side allowing her to kiss her niece’s forehead. 
As she leaves, Dylan gives her a big hug before running upstairs and Steve throws himself down on the couch as you begin locking up the house. 
“Shit. Hey, baby. Can you bring me my phone? I want to send my mom some of the pictures I took tonight.”
“Yeah, of course.”, you smile as you grab his phone from the counter. “Can I send myself some so I can send them to Kierra?” He nods and your smile grows as you unlock his device. 
“She’s going to get a kick out of him and her slow dancing. We should send Dylan some to so he can show Daisy—what?” You had frozen in place and your smile had faded as your eyes scanned the screen in front of you. “Honey? Y/N, what’s wrong?”
“’Baby #3 Expenses.’”, you read. 
“’Can we afford it?’ No, Steve. We can’t.”
He exhales heavily and he rises to his feet. “Actually…if you look at the math—”
“Really? Really. Ha-have you thought about, oh I don’t know, SPACE! This is a three-bedroom house, Steven. We-we would have to move which cost time and money! And…”
“What’s going on?”, Eddie asks as he cautiously enters the living room.
“The three of us have our jobs and two kids…we-we barely have time for anything else!” You feel yourself start to panic as you wrap your arms around yourself. “We are NOT ready for a baby right now.”
“Well, that sounds familiar.”, the metalhead sighs.
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topguncortez · 2 years
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What to Expect | Chapter 2
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synopsis: you get confirmation on the results of your at home test. Bradley's animosity towards Jake rolls over into a locker room brawl.
word count: 3.9k
warnings: pregnancy, vomiting, cursing, smut, mentions of infidelity, fighting, blood, Jake having a dick measuring contest with Bradley
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            The first time you had ever remember meeting Bradley Bradshaw, you were four years old. His mother had brought him out to North Island for a visit to his Uncle Maverick and your father. He was a bit older than you, closer to your only brother Dylan’s age than yours. Carole had brought Bradley by the house to have a nice afternoon with your mother Sarah and Maverick’s then girlfriend, Penny Benjamin. 
You, your siblings and Bradley were playing out in the backyard, everything was fine until Gia decided to play a game of tag, except you were “it” the whole time, no matter who you tagged. And at four years old, it was hard to keep up with the older kids. You eventually got so frustrated, you sat down in the middle of the back yard and cried. Gia called you a cry baby, and Stephanie pushed her. Dylan threw his arms up in annoyance and went to go get a snack inside. The only one who seemed to care about you, was Bradley. He walked up to you, and held his hand out, helping you up off the ground. Bradley never treated you like Gia’s little sister, he always treated you like a friend. Which was probably why the two of you became such close friends later in life. 
            But in the span of your two decade long friendship, Bradley never thought he would be sitting next to you in the lobby of the OB/GYN’s office.  He looked around nervously, his leg bouncing up and down rapidly. When you told him that you needed him to come with you for something, he was thinking it was another trip to Home Depot or Target. Sitting in a doctor’s office full of pregnant women was not on his bingo card. 
            “Why are we here again?” Bradley asked, whispering to you. 
            Your eyes never left the questionnaire you were filling out. Some of the questions made your brain swim trying to figure out how to answer them, “Just a check up,” You said looking at him briefly. 
            “And you can’t just go to the-” 
            “Just shut up, okay,” You snapped and Bradley held his hands up in defense. There was a beat of silence before you sighed and sat back in your chair, “I took a pregnancy test the other night and it came back positive.” 
            “Oh shit,” Bradley said, adjusting in his chair to sit up a bit straighter. He looked around the office, seeing if there were any prying eyes, before leaning in and asking, “You think its accurate? You think you’re. . .” He gestured vaguely to your stomach. You nodded and Bradley let out a sigh, “Oh wow, I didn’t think you were seeing some-” 
            “I’m not,” You answered shortly, “It’s complicated and I would really appreciate it if you didn’t give me an interrogation. I’m already expecting one from my parents when I tell them their only unmarried child is giving them their first grandchild.” 
            “Y/N?” A nurse called out, and you gave her a tight lipped smile, standing up from the chair, “Is your partner coming with you?” You looked over your shoulder at Bradley who was looking at you. 
            “It’s up to you, Bug,” Bradley said, using the nickname that your father had given you. You let out a shaky breath and nodded for him. He stood up from his chair, his body still clad in his flight suit and followed down the hall next to you. 
            You had been in a gynecologist exam room before. You always found them cold and uninviting. And now, more than ever you wished you could be anywhere in the world, but in this exam room. The nurse took your vitals and explained what they were going to do at this exam. She instructed you to go take a urine sample, and then they were going to take some blood to run more tests. Bradley held your hand as you winced when the nurse took your blood, and you kicked him for making a comment about how will you handle childbirth if you couldn’t handle a needle prick. 
            “Alright, Doctor Miller will be in soon with results,” The nurse said and you nodded, “I recommend you start drinking some water for the ultrasound.” 
            You shivered as the nurse left, sending you a smile and shutting the door behind her. Bradley handed you your water bottle from your purse, a shy smile on his features. 
            “If you have to go back to work, you can leave,” You said, sipping your water, “I bet there’s more important things you’d rather be doing than sitting here.” 
            “Not really,” Bradley said, sighing and putting his hands behind his head, “It’s just day one, and Bagman can handle it, it’s the least he can fucking do.” You scowled at the mention of your ex-boyfriend and Bradley laughed, “He came to the Hard Deck the other night. Showed up in his uniform like he’s something special. God, I can’t stand him.” 
            “You two are team leaders now, you need to get along, no matter how you feel about him,” You said and looked down at your lap. Bradley’s eyebrows furrowed as he looked at you. He knew you long enough to be able to know all the tells of your body language. He could tell when you were angry, or upset, or overwhelmed. 
            “You’re hiding something,” Bradley said, leaning his elbows onto his knees, “What are you hiding?” 
            “I’m not hiding anything,” You said quickly. Bradley opened his mouth to argue when a woman with light brown hair wearing pink scrubs walked in. She smiled at Bradley and walked to you, hand extending in greeting. 
            “I’m Doctor Miller, I’m your obstetrician,” She introduced herself, “And you must be Y/N.” 
“I am,” You nodded. 
“Well, Y/N,” Doctor Miller took a seat on a stool across the room from you, “As you suspected, the urine and blood tests came back showing elevated hCG, which means, you are in fact, pregnant.” 
“Oh my god,” You said, covering your mouth with your hand. 
“The ultrasound will confirm how far along you are, and we can estimate your due date from that,” Doctor Miller announced, “I’m going to have you lay back, pull your shirt up below your breasts and pull your skirt down just below your naval please.” 
You nodded and did what she said. Bradley shifted in his spot, his brown eyes going from your bare skin to the ultrasound machine. 
“Alright, this gel is going to be cold,” Doctor Miller said, squirting the cold gel on your belly. You lurched a bit in your spot, and looked at Bradley. 
He could feel the waves of nervousness rolling off of you, and stood up from his chair, stepping closer to you laying on the exam table. He gave you a reassuring smile, before looking back at the black and white screen as Doctor Miller moved the transducer over your abdomen. Doctor Miller looked over her shoulder briefly, seeing Bradley and you standing close and smiled softly to herself. 
“Here,” She said, pushing down on your abdomen. Your eyes widened seeing the small blip on the screen. Doctor Miller’s glove hand pointed to it, “You are measuring at about seven weeks in gestation.” She clicked some buttons, taking a screenshot of the screen. 
“Wow,” You said, your eyes wide in shock. 
“Your estimated due date is around July 15th,” Doctor Miller said, and put the transducer down, and then grabbed a bunch of paper towels, “For now, I need to see you every four weeks, until about week twenty-six, so roughly around February.” 
“They’ll have the same birthday,” Bradley said and you shot him a glare. He gave you a knowing look and you let out a shaky breath. 
“These are for you,” Doctor Miller said, handing you copies of the ultrasound, “I’m also going to send you home with this packet.” She handed you a thick two pocket folder. You opened it and started looking over the various flyers and pamphlets that were inside, “There’s a lot of information in there about pregnancy, it breaks it down week by week on development, some recommendations for products to use for prenatal development, as well as go over the options that you have.” 
“Options?” You asked, looking up at her. 
She nodded, “Yes, you have options.” 
You blinked and shook your head, “Y-Yeah, I know, it’s just weird to hear someone say that to me. I-I guess I’m still a bit in shock about all. . . this,” You gestured to your stomach. Bradley put his hand on your shoulder. 
“It’ll be okay,” He said. You looked up at him, and he smiled, “Where do we make the appointment?” 
“At the front desk,” Doctor Miller said, “Oh, and here’s a prescription for a good prenatal vitamin,” She scribbled some writing down on a note and then handed it to you, “If you have any questions, either one of you,” She looked between you and Bradley, “Do not hesitate to call.” 
“Thank you,” You said, hopping off the table. Doctor Miller nodded as Bradley opened the door to the exam room, and gently guided you out of the room. You scheduled your next appointment, and watched as Bradley put the date in his phone. The two of you walked out to the parking lot, your jeep parked next to his bronco. You suddenly wondered if the jeep was even a good car to drive a baby around in. Living in California, you almost always had the sides and top off of it, loving the way the sun hit as you drove down the road. 
“Hey,” Bradley said, putting his hand on your back, “You going back to school?” 
“No,” You shook your head, “I took the day off. I wasn’t sure if I could go back to teaching eight year olds simple multiplication after learning. . . what I learned.” 
Bradley chuckled and leaned against the door of his Bronco, “You going to tell him?” 
“How do you know it’s his?” 
“Y/N. . . Bug. . . I’ve known you since you were three, you can’t hide things from me.” 
You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose, “I don’t think I can.” 
“Y/N,” Bradley said, standing up straight, “I don’t agree with what he did, and I am one hundred percent on your side but, you can’t keep a man from his child.” 
“I know!” You groaned, “I just. . . I can’t face him. He makes me so fucking mad, Bradley. I look at him, a-and my chest gets tight and I feel small and want to hide. It’s like everything Gia ever said in my ear about not being enough and not being able to keep him satisfied all comes true.” You shook your head as you felt tears well up in your eyes. Bradley pushed off his bronco and pulled you into his strong arms. 
“Shh,” Bradley said as you cried, running his hand up and down your back, “It’ll all work out, okay. If you want me to be, I’ll be there when you tell him. And you know Alyssa will be there too.” 
“She’s already claimed the godmother spot,” You chuckled and felt the rumble of laughter in Bradley’s chest. You pulled back from him and wiped your tears, “Thank you for coming with me. I know that 9-1-1 message at two in the morning was probably terrifying.” 
“Oh you had me on the verge of shitting myself all day,” Bradley said and you scrunch your nose, “It’ll all work out, Bug. I promise. And whatever you decide, I will be by your side.” 
“I love you, Buckles,” You said, using the nickname you gave him when you were younger. You couldn’t pronounce Bradley until you were about six, so you named him ‘Buckles’ and it stuck, “Now, get back to work.” 
“Yes ma’am,” Bradley said, giving you a mock salute. You giggled as you opened your driver's door and got in. Bradley waited until you pulled out of the parking lot to get into his bronco. He sighed, and ran his hand through his hair. This was not at all how he thought his morning was going to go. Bradley reached into the chest pocket of his flight suit and pulled out the ultrasound picture, and smiled down at it. 
— — — 
Jake was nervous. The morning had gone well, it was his first morning as a TopGun instructor. He explained the history of the program, the risk and rewards that come with it. He smiled as he saw his name on the plaque for the best pilot from his class. Jake was getting ready to go head to the sky when Admiral Kazansky called his name in the hallway. 
It was as if cement was poured down Jake’s back as he walked down the hall towards his office. In all the years Jake had been a pilot, he had never been called into the Admiral’s office. Being called into the Admiral's office was like being called to the principal. You didn’t want to be there, nothing good ever came from being called or sent to their office. 
Jake’s green eyes looked at the various pictures and awards the Iceman had hanging up. The most noticeable was one that Jake was all too familiar with. He had seen the exact same copy on your bedside table just weeks ago. Jake felt himself relax a bit, but it was only for a second, then the door opened. He quickly stood up from his seat, standing at attention as Ice walked in. 
“At ease, kid,” Iceman said, walking to his desk. Jake sighed, and stood at parade rest, until Ice sat down. Even though Jake was once on a first name basis with the man in front of him, he still treated him with the utmost respect, “Take a seat.” 
“Sir,” Jake greeted and sat down in the leather chair across from him. 
“I didn’t get a chance to meet with Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw this morning, but I wanted to see where you think we stand with this class,” Iceman said, pulling up the newest class of recruits onto the projector. Jake closed his eyes for a second and let out a sigh of relief. For a moment, Jake thought that Ice was going to fire him after day one, or worse, tell him that he knew he was in his daughter’s bedroom the other night. But Jake relaxed in his chair, and gave Ice the run down of the class. 
“I think we have a very eager group,” Jake said, after explaining a bit about each of the pilots. 
Ice looked from the screen to Jake and nodded, “Well, I expect them to be better than the best. You and Rooster have a lot to prove. You two have a lot of work on your plates. It’s the first time that TopGun instructors are also members of an active squadron at the same time. I hope there are no distractions.” 
“None sir,” Jake said. 
“Good,” Ice said, and sat back in his chair, “I know things ended between you and Y/N,” Jake closed his eyes and let out a sigh, “But, if you need help with anything, my door is always open. You have my number, you are free to stop by the house if you need to.” 
Jake stood up from his chair, “Thank you, sir, I appreciate it.” 
“Of course,” Ice said, “I see you as a son. If you’re with my daughter or not. You’re dismissed.” 
Jake nodded and left the office as quickly as he could. He didn’t even notice, but he had started sweating as he sat there under Ice’s cold stare. 
When he first met you, he had no idea who your father was. In fact, you kept it a secret for nearly the first three months of being together. Your father was famous when it came to Jake’s world. So the moment you said that you were a Kazansky, Jake felt like he had been hit by a train. He thought you were messing with him at first, but you pulled out your driver's license and Jake nearly passed out. The first time he had met your father, Jake was sweating bullets the whole time. He almost showed up at your front door in his dress uniform, because whatever was in his closet wasn’t good enough to meet Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky. But, Ice made a comment about Texas Football, and Jake fell into an instant conversation with the Admiral. 
He was worried that post break-up things would be awkward or tense, but Jake was surprised to find that it wasn’t. It was also probably because Ice ran a tight ship around here. He wasn’t one to bring in outside problems into the workplace. Ice hadn’t once brought up the break-up until today, and Jake was even surprised that he had mentioned something. 
Jake smiled to himself as he walked down the hallway towards the locker room to get dressed for his flight. He was whistling some tune when he walked in, seeing Bradley lost in thought while looking at some photograph. 
“Where ya been Bradshaw!” Jake said loudly, causing the pilot to startle and drop the picture.  Bradley scrambled to get the picture as it soared down under Jake’s boot. He bent down to grab it. He was going to give it back, but then he saw the disheveled look of his wingman, “What’s going on?” 
“Give it back,” Bradley said, reaching for the picture, but Jake took a step away from him. 
“Oh shit. . .” Jake smirked, “Is this what I think it is,” He wiggled the picture in his fingers, “Were you about to whack-” 
“Give me the picture, Bagman,” Bradley said, stepping over the bench and reaching for it. Jake took another step back. 
“Nah, I wanna see what got Rooster Bradshaw so flustered that he has to. . . wait,” Jake said, looking at the picture. He was expecting to see some scantily dressed woman or even a man on the front of it, but he was met with the sight of black and white sonogram. Jake had two older sisters who had kids, and he knew exactly what this was. Bradley held his breath as Jake’s green eyes looked over the information on the side of it. 
“Is this a joke?” Jake asked, looking up at Bradley. Bradley looked down at his boots and scratched the back of his neck, “I can’t fucking believer her. We’ve been broken up for less than-” 
“Wait a damn minute,” Bradley said, lifting his head, “You think she was sneaking around?” 
“Well,” Jake shrugged, “What do you expect me to think!?” 
Bradley chuckled humorlessly, “She’s not you, Bagman. She’d never even think to cheat on you or to do something behind your back. She was so loyal to you, and still is. Can’t say the same about you.” 
“So. . . it’s mine,” Jake said, looking back at the sonogram, and Bradley nodded, “Fuck,” Jake groaned running a hand down his face and sat on the bench. His stomach felt like it was in his chest, and the longer he looked at the sonogram, the sicker he felt. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He thought all the years that he was with you about having kids. About one day being able to start a family, and have three or four little ones who looked just like you, running to him as he came home from deployments or missions. But he kissed that dream goodbye the second he walked out the door. 
“This is all wrong,” Jake mumbled. 
“Tell me about it,” Bradley said, leaning against the lockers, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Does Ice know?” Jake looked at his wingman. 
“Not yet,” Bradley sighed, “She found out for sure this morning. I went with her. She’s due on your birthday.” Bradley saw the corners of Jake’s mouth tick up at that, “She doesn’t want you knowing.” 
“Why the fuck do you think? You cheated on her and left her.” 
Jake sighed and shook his head, “I didn’t cheat on her.” 
“What?” Bradley asked, “What the fuck do you mean you didn’t cheat on her?” 
“I lied,” Jake gulped and looked straight ahead, “I couldn’t just. . . break up with her, so I came up with a lie to help me. I never cheated on her.” 
Bradley saw red, as he grabbed the pilot by the collar and slammed him up against the lockers. Jake grunted as his back hit the metal and pushed Bradley’s arms off of him. Bradley was only off of Jake for a split second, before he charged forward, wrapping his arms around the blonde man and tackling him to the floor. 
“Fucking get off of me!” Jake yelled, trying to fight against him. Bradley had about three inches and fifty pounds on Jake. 
“You fucking lied to her!” Bradley yelled, straddling the blonde’s waist, and delivering a punch to his jaw,“For weeks she didn’t leave my fucking couch cause she thought you cheating was her fucking fault!” 
“It’s none of your fucking business!” Jake yelled, and pushed Bradley off of him. Jake managed to knock Bradley onto his back. He reeled his arm back and punched Bradley in the nose. 
“Fuck it is!” Bradley spat, trying to regain the upper hand. 
“Whoa!” Fanboy said, seeing the two pilots wrestling on the ground. 
“Yo! Break it up!” Payback yelled, pushing through the door to get to Bradley and Jake. Fanboy wrapped his arms around Jake’s torso as he pulled the blonde pilot away. Bob and Coyote had come running in when they heard the commotion, and got their way in between the two pilots. 
“The hell is going on?!” Maverick yelled, walking into the locker room. He took in the sight of the two bloodied pilots and the group of aviators in between them, “Well? Explain, or you are all grounded.” 
“Jake’s a fucking liar and a cheat!” Bradley yelled, pointing at him. 
“And Bradley needs to mind his damn business!” Jake yelled back, lunging forward, but Coyote pushed him back. 
“That’s enough!” Maverick said, “Whatever personal stuff between you two ends here. Today. If you can’t handle it, then it’ll go to Ice.” Bradley clenched his jaw and pushed Payback and Bob’s hands off of him, “Understood?” 
“Yes sir,” Bradley and Jake said at the same time. 
“Good,” Maverick nodded, “Be ready to take the air in twenty.” Maverick left the locker room and headed back to his office. 
The other male aviators slowly released Bradley and Jake, but still kept a watchful eye on them in case chaos were to ensue again. Coyote asked Jake if he was alright and the blonde nodded, turning back to his locker. Bob noticed that during the scuffle, a picture had fallen from Jake’s grasp. The WSO gently picked it up, his eyes widening a bit at the sight of the sonogram. He looked between the two pilots, the tension in the locker room thick and awkward, before turning to hand the sonogram to Bradley. 
“This fell,” Bob said softly, tapping Rooster on the shoulder. He turned around and looked at the sonogram in Bob’s outstretched hand. 
“Thanks,” Rooster said, taking the picture. Bob gave him a tight lipped smile before going to his own locker and getting his gear. Jake saw the interaction and it made his blood boil even more. He grabbed his gear and slammed his locker shut, and made his way towards the door. 
“Oh, Bradshaw,” Jake said, stopping and turning around to face the mustached pilot. Bradley looked at Jake, his eyes narrowed on him. Jake smirked and grabbed a tooth pick from inside his flight suit, 
“You’ll never be that kid’s father, no matter how hard you try and act like it.” Jake popped the toothpick in his mouth and left the locker room. 
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greazyfloz · 1 year
27 & 29 smut with dylan duke
Smut: 27. "Let’s pump a couple babies into ya” & 29. "I don’t share” w/ Dylan Duke
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Sooner Than You Think
Dylan and I got into a random argument about having children while we were out at dinner with some of his friends from his hometown. One of his friends told us that they were expecting then it became a big joke that I Dylan and I should try for a kid to so they could be best friends.
Dylan started making remarks about having children that started to make me a little upset as the night went on, "imagine they could learn to play hockey together" Marissa, his friends girlfriend exclaimed
"Yeah, maybe your next child" he says laughing and we all laughed along with him, "or maybe the next one after that" he continued. By that point I kinda started to have the feeling that kids weren't really in his ideal future.
"or maybe with your next girlfriend" one of his drunk friends said. I shook it off at first thinking he was just drunk, but Dylan laughed
"Yeah maybe" Dylan says laughing along. Some of the people laughed along until they realized I took offence to that. Everyone at the table became slightly awkward and Dylan looks around at everyone, "What?" he says then finally looks at me.
"fuck. you." I say standing from my seat and grabbing my purse from the chair
"What?" he says looking at me confused, "Where are you going?"
"Leaving so your next girlfriend can have a place to sit"
I then storm out of the restaurant we were in and walked over to the bar next door. I made my way in and went directly to the bar. I took a seat next to a random guy, that ended up being very attractive.
"Hey" he says with a smile, I just nod my head and raise my hand trying to get the bartenders attention, "rough night?"
"Kinda" I say as the bartender makes their way over, "just give me a water" I tell him and he nods then pour me a water
"So, what brings a pretty girl like you into a bar like this, all by herself?" he guy says
"Well that didn't sound creepy at all" I say looking at him weird
"It did didn't it" he laughs, "I swear I'm not going to chop you up" he says making me laugh
"I'm Y/n" I tell him
"What a pretty name, it suits you" he tells me, "I'm Andrew. Typically pretty girls don't come to this bar" he tells me
"Typically, I don't go to bars alone unless I'm here to forget something"
"Something or someone?" Andrew asks
"You're smart" I tell him
"Well, it's going to take more than a glass of water to forget him, what did he do?"
"He doesn't want to have kids... Well with me"
"Is he ugly? maybe he is scared the kid will come out ugly and you will know who to blame" he says making me laugh again
"He isn't ugly" I say as I begin to stop laughing, "He must think I'm ugly"
"You're pretty, but you need some glasses" he says, "and buddy needs a brain for letting you leave him"
"Thank you, but I didn't leave him... yet I guess" I say to him
"Well when you do think about leaving him, here is my number" he says while writing his number on a napkin then sliding it over.
"She won't be needing it" Dylan says then sliding the napkin back over to Andrew.
"You must be the boyfriend" he says to Dylan
"Yeah" he says then looks at me, "Come on, let's go"
"It was nice to meet you" I say to Andrew as I look around Dylan.
"You know where to find me" he says in a reassuring tone as I walk out of the bar with Dylan following close behind me. Dylan looks back and gives Andrew a dirty look before placing his hand on the small of my back guiding me out the door. I step to the side away from his touch and we continue to walk side by side to his car.
The drive back to his place was quiet because no one said a word until we got onto his street.
"Who was that guy?"
"Andrew who?
"How do you know him?"
"I don't"
"Would you talk to me normally?" he says to me and I shake my head looking out the window, "please?"
"Maybe the next girlfriend will communicate better"
"Oh my god" he says as he turns the car into the driveway, "let it go"
I open the door as he puts the car in park, and march into his house. He is quick behind me carrying my purse, I didn't even know that I left behind. I open the door and close it but he catches it walking in behind me.
"I laughed at a joke Y/n!" he says as he follows behind me on the way up the stairs to his room. "Come on, I'd pop a baby in you right now if I could" he says and I turn around and look at him wide eyed, "no one is home"
"You literally said we would have a kid when they had their 3rd!" I said to him, "you know I want kids Dylan so did you say that just to hurt me?!"
"Why would he even joke about a 'next girlfriend'?"
"I don't know!"
"Well, let me know when you figure it out?"
"Okay, why am I all in the wrong here? You are bringing up me and my next girlfriend who doesn't even exist, but I find you all over a guy at the bar?!" he says raising his voice
I stand up and walk you to him and look at him with a tight look on my face, "fuck you" I say to him still staring at him as he licks his lips
"Please" he says leaning down to press his lips on mine. We begin to make out as he back me against the wall and pulls away, "I don't share"
He then reaches down and takes my shirt off, then I reach back and take my bra off as he takes his shirt off too. Once we are both topless he begins making out with me again as we make our way to his bed. "Your mouth is addicting" he says into the kiss.
He tugs my pants and I take the hint to pull them down along with my panties before kneeling down onto my knees. He looks down at me and watches me unbutton his pants then pulling them off before stroking his cock. I don't take anymore time and begin sucking his cock back and forth until his cock is all the way in.
I take him out of my mouth to catch my breath then like up his shaft and begin sucking his cock again. "Your turn" he says to me as I look up at him. I stand up and Dylan pushes me back onto the bed. He crawls on top on me and kisses my lips gently, "You know I love you right?" he asks me
"Yes baby" I say to him as he begins kissing down my stomach
"Good" he says
He reaches my pussy and licks up my slit once. His fingers rub circles around my clit before they move down and he slides two into my pussy. He leans forward and begins sucking on my clit as I reach to the sides of the bed, grabbing onto the sheets, moaning loudly as I feel his fingers begin to curl inside on me, "Yes Dylan!" I moan out.
He then switches his fingers and mouth and begins pumping his tongue in and out of me while sucking my pussy as his fingers rub my clit. "O-oh!" I moan loudly, "Oh my god!". I throw my head back but then he stops.
He makes his way back up to my lips and kisses them gently, then makes his way into my neck. "You want a baby?" he says as he continues sucking on my neck
"Dylan" I say breathlessly
"Tell me" he muffles into my neck
"Okay" he says standing up from the bed
"Dylan?" I question him cautiously, in case that made him mad. He pulls me to the edge of the bed then smiles at me.
"Let's pump a couple babies into ya"
He positions his cock at my entrance and pushes himself deep inside of me, "Dylan!" I moan out as he continues to pump himself hard and fast inside of me, "You feel so good!"
"Tell me what you want" he grunts out as he thrusts inside of me
"I want you to fuck me" I moan out
"Yeah? Tell me more!" he says almost out of breath
"I-I want you to f-fuck me until you fill me up!"
He continues fucking me through my orgasm as I drag my nails down his back. I whimper loudly as I release myself on his cock and he smiles proud at himself at me.
"I'm close" he tells me as he continues pumping himself but becoming sloppier. He grunts as he releases himself inside my pussy. After he cums he lays in the bed beside me and looks at me, "What were we fighting about again?"
We both laugh before he stand up from the bed, "You're just going to leave me here?" I ask him as he opens the bedroom door
"I'm going to the shower if you wanna join, you know the answer is always yes" he winks
I follow behind him after i hear the shower turn on. I open the bathroom door and then slide the shower door open. Before he turns around, I wrap my arms around him.
"Babe?" I ask him
"Do you actually want to have a baby?" I ask him and he turns around in my arms to look at me, "or should I go get the morning after pill tomorrow?"
"I do want a baby" he says but doesn't smile, "I don't know when but I'll be ready when it happens"
I smile at him and he smiles back bringing back in for a hug. I rest my head against his chest before he looks down at me and presses a kiss on my lips
"Can I tell you why dinner made me really upset?" I ask him taking a step back, and he nods, "I'm pregnant"
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jade-kyo · 25 days
Season 15 post Restoration thoughts
Back when Restoration was first announced I rewatched the shisno trilogy to weigh the pros and cons of everything getting retconned. I’ve decided now that Restoration has aired to do another rewatch like that but this time more just general thoughts and headcanons
welp let’s get started!
Oh hey this is actually funny
Still say Dylan’s original cameraman was funnier, they should’ve kept him instead of Jax. Frank you will always be famous to me.
Bringing back Vic was a big brained move fr
On the topic of Vic I’ve always liked the theory that he was actually one of the alpha fragments, specifically the love fragments… hmm things to consider
The whole situation on chorus is also interesting… further things to consider
Oh hey look at that Dr. Grey actually sounds like herself. What a wild concept.
The reds and blues are actually friends and act like it? WHAT A WILD CONCEPT
Grimmons closet sex you will always be famous to me
But also Church basically writing gay smut of his friends is very funny
Man this is actually funny. Wild concept.
Nah but there’s a legit joke about them getting a bad movie bro predicted the future
Canon band au
I love how all the things Carolina mentions happening are so low key compared to the others. Like yeah Grif convincing Simmons GoT was real is wild meanwhile there’s actual dinosaurs
Yeah the whole red team and blue team thing IS outdated. Concept wild.
Genuinely love how you can tell just how much Carolina loves these idiots and their shenanigans. Such a concept.
“No he means Church” frothing at the mouth
“I’m not in the military anymore” yeah Grif that sure is a GREAT point. Concepts are wild.
But also can’t believe we’ve had to watch grimmons get divorced twice
Dead beat dad Tucker jokes my BELOATHED
Man remembering the characters ranks. Really concept the wild.
“We’re having fish” bro why did you say it like that makes you sound like a cannibal 💀
Loco you will always be famous to me
“You don’t have to destroy the past to have a future” what a great way to show that you can let go of the past and trauma while also honoring the memories of those you lost. Concepts really do be wild sometimes.
Damn I think I’m coming back around on carwash- I am not immune to hand holding and funny take off your suit bits. Platonic or romantic they make me feral. I’ll take it either way.
Freelancer death room is a genuinely cool and fucked up scene
As much as I’m enjoying this rewatch I still can’t stand the Sarge butchering that starts in this season and just get progressively worse
Y’all were right Temple is totally gay for Biff
Oh god I forgot about the shitty animation
Also werent the simulation bases started after Tex fled from PF?? And also after Carolina went MIA???
Rip Biff bro did not deserve that but to be fair the second he said his girl was pregnant he was doomed by the narrative
Caboose cursing my beloved
Donut is a furry confirmed
While I am enjoying this rewatch I think I figured out what always bugged me about this season. The reds and blues are the wrong kind of dumb. Like yeah they’re idiots but you seriously didn’t consider once that the blues and reds might be lying to you? Especially after everything that happened on Chorus?? But especially Carolina and Wash not really questioning it??? Like idk it just feels off
Temple has so much potential as a villain cause like he’s not wrong… and I think evil sim troopers is such a cool concept…much to be considered
Oh actually acknowledging how much they’ve accomplished especially on Chorus?? Of concepts to be wild
Another thing that bugs me is this constant use of “good guy/bad guy” language. just feel off for the themes of RvB.
Ah yeah Grif’s volleyballs
Grif might be able to give Wash a run for his money on that Sarge impersonation
Locus-Grif team up my beloved
But also I think Caboose not understanding death is weird like yeah he’s dumb but again not that kind of dumb??? Idk just one of those things that doesn’t entirely sit right with me
I do like the interactions between him and the team tho
Loopy Wash my beloved
Again will never forgive what they did to Sarge
Locus is gonna steal yo kneecaps
Ah yes Church’s obsession with fucking up Wash continues.
Honestly in hindsight I don’t actually love Wash getting shot. It really feels like they just use him as an angst punching bag because he’s a fan favorite. And this is coming from someone who LOVES angst
Also I feel like Tucker rushing out is ooc when a big part of his arc on Chorus was him doing that, getting people killed, and then learning that sometimes you gotta think things through. Kind of the start of how they undid and then redid his arc
Okay again this weird insistence of all the enemies being comically evil shitty people is very antithetical to the core themes are RvB
Everybody shut the fuck up the Caboose and Tucker moment after Caboose ties the guys shoelaces together is so fucking cute holy shit I am frothing at the mouth I love them so much
My hatred for anything time travel related remains
Yeah Sarge your monologues ARE better. Sure wish they’d remember what those monologues actually meant for your character development. Wilds the concept huh.
Man Grif choosing to stay with his friends no matter what. Truly concept in my wilds.
Oh god they hit you with the Caboose feels that should be illegal
Still don’t like that Caboose got to say goodbye tho. I said it last time but it’s too- fairytale-ish. The themes of grief in rvb have always been about how it’s unfair and a lot of the times you don’t get to say goodbye and you don’t get closure but you still have to learn to let go and move on despite it all. Want it noted this is also a criticism I have of the Chex stuff in restoration.
Furthermore Tucker really was prepared to create a time paradox in order to bring back Church AND THEY JUST NEVER CIRCLED BACK AROUND TO THAT???? Bro Tucker grieves Church so much and they just never address it
Also Vic’s sacrifice is further proof that he’s an alpha fragment
Dylan’s speech at the end is very good and it makes me love the simulation headcanon more cause that means it’s technically Church, or at least what Church believes/hopes the world would think of the reds and blues.
Also can’t believe Temple, Bucky, and Cronut are all still alive and they just never brought them back in any way.
Alright then that’s seasons 15! …. On my hands and knees begging for forgiveness S15 TAKE ME BACK IM SORRY I WAS EVER MEAN TO YOU!
But in all seriousness I’m way more open to this as a possibility of what happens next than I am Restoration. This is just glorified fanfiction and like it’s fun! I have fun watching it! I’ve got my complaints but still at least it gets that these characters care about each other. It may not have the strongest writing but it’s not terrible and you’ll catch me rewatching it and enjoying it from time to time.
… do I have to watch s16- can’t I just skip it? Please no amount of Restoration sucking is going to make me like that season. I might just skip it and if I’m ever feeling more up to it I’ll circle back around to it. In all honesty I think 16 and Restoration are on the same level for me. Bad seasons that I mostly ignore but I will on very rare occasions rewatch them if not just to bitch and complain. I do think Restoration is a little better than 16 but still easily in the top 3 worst seasons of RvB.
Welp in that case you will most likely see me talking about s17 next unless I’m just really feeling the self hatred enough to watch 16
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castielli · 2 years
How to request:
Send your request featuring the character you want, the plot (+ANGST, FLUFF…) and anything I need to know about the reader. I write MALE READER only
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Fandoms I write for under the cut!
Timothy McGee
Jimmy Palmer
Nicholas Torres
Spencer Reid
Penelope Garcia (platonic🫶)
Luke Alvez
John Price
Soap MacTavish
Ghost Riley
Gaz Garrick
Alex Keller
Alejandro Vargas
Phillip Graves
Vladimir Makarov
Rudy Parra
Red Daniels
William Pierson
Joseph Turner
Robert Zussman
Frank Aiello
Drew Stiles
Ian Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Mickey Milkovich
Kevin Ball
Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Negan Smith
Shane Walsh
Lee Everett
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Robin Buckley (platonic)
Eddie Munson
Jim Hopper
Jonathan Byers
Jason Carver
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY (I still need to finish the last season😊)
Viktor Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Number Five
Luther Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Bobby (platonic)
Jack Wilder
J. Daniel Atlas
Merritt McKinney
Dylan Rhodes
Chase McKinney
MARVEL (Avengers/X-men)
Wanda Maximoff
Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Steve Rogers
Stephen Strange
Peter Parker (Tom/Andrew/Tobey)
Clint Barton
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Peter Quill
Quentin Beck/Mysterio
Eddie Brock/Venom
Charles Xavier
Erik Lehnsherr
Peter Maximoff
Scott Summers
Hank McCoy
Bobby Drake
Alex Summers
Phil Coulson
Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockey
Scott Lang
Pietro Maximoff
Mobius M. Mobius
Matt Murdock
Anakin Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kylo Ren
Poe Dameron
Stiles Stilinski
Scott McCall
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Jackson Whittemore
Peter Hale
Theo Raeken
Liam Dunbar
Jordan Parrish
Mason Hewitt
Danny Mahealani
Aiden Steiner
Ethan Steiner
Corey Bryant
Alan McCarthy
Neal Caffrey
Peter Burke
Mozzie (platonic)
Clinton Jones
Caleb Prior
Neville Longbottom
Sirius Black
Cedric Diggory
Seamus Finnigan
Viktor Krum
Remus Lupin
Draco Malfoy
Tom Riddle
Charlie Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Ron Weasley
Oliver Wood
Gellert Grindelwald (Mads Mikkelsen)
Newt Scamander
Credence Barebone
Theseus Scamander
Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law)
Peeta Mellark
Coriolanus Snow
Sejanus Plinth
911 (and LONE STAR)
Evan Buckley (Buck)
Howie Han (Chimney)
Bobby Nash
Eddie Diaz
TK Strand
Carlos Reyes
Paul Strickland
Owen Strand
Jud Ryder
Mateo Chavez
Jughead Jones
FP Jones
Archie Andrews
Hiram Lodge
Sweet Pea
Kevin Keller
Reggie Mantle
Moose Mason
Jake Peralta
Terry Jeffords
All the others (platonic only)
Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)
Joel Miller (TLOU)
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Javi Gutierrez (The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent)
Javier Peña (Narcos)
Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)
Agent Whiskey (Kingsman)
Silva (Strange Way of Life)
Francisco Morales (Triple Frontier)
Marcus Moreno (We Can Be Heroes)
Dieter Bravo (The Bubble)
Ken (Ryan)
Ken (Simu)
Sherlock Holmes
John Watson
Jim Moriarty
Mycroft Holmes
FNAF (movie)
Mike Schmidt
Steve Raglan
Harvey Specter
Mike Ross
El Profesor
-Smut (for anyone)
-Female readers/GN readers
-Romantic/Suggestive stories for underage characters (only platonic, basically)
If the character you wanted to request is not on the list, you can try and ask me anyways.
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fivelakesinwriting · 2 years
Her Outfit {Dylan O'Brien}
Author's Notes: This fic was based on Dylan at the premiere for The Outfit. The suit, the stubble. Perfect! Please let me know what you think if you have a moment - messages, comments and feedback are greatly appreciated! Thank you! xoxo
Warnings: Swearing, Sexual references - sexual innuendos, Mentions of drinking, Smut*(established relationship, fingers, spanking, choking, unprotected sex - be safe out there, your choice how!)
Requested? Nope! Requests are open!
*My work is not to be transferred, copied, translated or reposted to any other sites without my permission. And you do not have permission. Please see my masterlist for all other works and warnings. Thank you! xoxo
It was the premiere of The Outfit and Dylan was feeling good. His suit fit well, he was confident in his project and he had his beautiful woman by his side. He was ready to go and face the world.
Dylan stood at the bar during the cocktail hour after the premiere, a glass of white wine in his hand. He kept the conversation at hand, but his eyes wandered across the room towards his woman in her tight black dress. His eyes locked with her backside and he quickly excused himself to go put his hands on her.
"Hey, gorgeous." Dylan mumbled as he wrapped his free arm around her wait, hand pressed to her stomach.
"Hi, handsome." She hummed as she turned around in his grasp to place her hands on his chest.
"Do you need a drink or anything?" Dylan questioned as he sipped his own glass of wine and scanned her cleavage in her dress.
"I'm okay right now, baby. I'm a little tipsy." She smiled as she hooked her index finger beneath the collar of shirt button up, feeling his warm skin.
"I can tell. I see you shaking your hips over here. You wanna go soon?" Dylan mumbled as he kissed her forehead. His body screamed at him for the tender gesture, it wanted more. Her soft skin, tight black dress and exposed cleavage. She had been playing a coy game with him all night. He loved it, but he was ready to feel her shaking underneath him.
"I will follow you anywhere, Mister." She hummed as she draped her arms over his shoulders and swayed from side to side.
"Let's get you home, gorgeous." Dylan smiled as he gently pushed a hand into her curled hair, and guided her face to his for a gentle, suitable for public kiss.
"We have to give Zoey a kiss goodbye first." She pouted as she held the collar of his jacket.
"Okay. Let's go find Zoey, and say goodbye." Dylan laughed softly as he laced his fingers with hers and led her through the party to find his friend and co-star.
After they said goodbye to Zoey, Dylan took his girlfriend home in a cab. The two of them snuggled close in the back while they touched and whispered in one another's ear.
"You're so handsome, Dylan." She whispered as she pressed her hands to his chest and nipped at his lips.
"You look like sex in this dress. I wanna eat you up." Dylan grunted as he pulled her hair and pushed a hand under her dress to feel her skin.
"Baby." She breathed out as Dylan trailed his lips over her throat, never pressing them to her skin like they both wanted. She moved her hands over his chest to grab hold of his collar, her knees falling apart slightly to let him know what she needed from him.
"I know, honey. I want you so bad it fucking hurts." Dylan growled in her ear as he fingertips ghosted over the damp spot of her panties. He pulled his hand out from under dress and pulled her knee over his lap.
The cab pulled up in front of the apartment, Dylan tossing a handful of cash through the front as he tugged her out of the car. He wrapped his arms around her thighs and lifted her up, carrying her inside.
"Finally. Let me get a good look at you." Dylan mumbled as he placed her on the floor of their bedroom. He looked her over from head to toe, his eyes taking greedy scans of her breasts and thighs.
"Touch me, Dylan." She pouted as she reached for him, tugging at his suit jacket.
"You look like sex. Sound like it, too." Dylan grinned as he grabbed her hips and pulled her close. He sealed his lips to her neck, sucking a bruise on her skin as he pushed the hem of her dress up around her hips.
"Take my panties off, Dylan." She whined as she pushed his jacket off his shoulders, then reached for the buttons of his shirt.
"You take them off. Get on the bed and spread your legs. " Dylan ordered as he groped her backside, sinking his teeth into her neck. His heart ached a little when she pulled away from him, but he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as she tugged her panties down her legs and flop to the bed with her knees wide.
"Sex. You're pure fucking sex." Dylan growled as he dropped to his knees in front of the bed and tugged her ankles over his shoulders, a delicate kiss on each.
"Dylan." She whimpered as she propped herself up on her forearms to look down at him as he kissed her legs, up to her thighs, his tongue swirling over her skin.
"Turn over, gorgeous. Let me see this ass." Dylan grunted with a nip to her thigh before he stood up between her legs. He unbuttoned his shirt while he turned over to her hands and knees, an arch in her back for him.
"Dylan!" She gasped as he swatted her backside with his open palm.
"Tell me something." Dylan mumbled as he covered her body with his, kissing the back of her neck.
"What, baby?" She hummed as she reached for his hair and tugged, her hips rolling around for friction against his slacks.
"Are you this worked up because of me? Or because you think Zoey is sexy? Dylan growled as he bit her shoulder and pushed himself against her from behind.
"You, Dylan. It's all for you." She moaned out as she rubbed herself against him, her necked rolling back onto his shoulder.
"Good. I know she's pretty, but you'll only get slutty for me. Isn't that right, honey?" Dylan grunted as he let her grind back against him.
"I love you, Dylan. Be whatever you want." She whispered as he ghosted his fingers over her throat, then pushed his hand inside her dress to grab her chest.
"I know, honey. I fucking love you. Can I fuck you up your pretty dress?" Dylan mumbled as she licked the back of her neck, thumbing her nipples inside of her dress.
"Yes, Dylan." She hissed as she dropped her chest down to the mattress and rubbed herself all over his slacks, desperate for him. He growled as he grabbed between her legs, cupping her heat to assert his dominance making her drool as she desperately tried to fill herself with his fingers to ease the ache.
"I know, honey. I know." Dylan cooed as he slipped two fingers inside of her while his other hand freed himself from the confines of his pants.
"I need more, baby." She sobbed out as she pressed her cheek to the mattress and looked back at him, lip between her teeth. She reached for his wrist as he worked his fingers in and out of her, and Dylan swore he fell in love all over again.
"Say it. Tell me what you need, my sweet girl." Dylan mumbled as he pulled his fingers through her slick folds, and lined himself up with her entrance from behind.
"Fill me up, Dylan. Please." She whispered with the sweetest sob as her eyes fluttered shut, Dylan wasn't sure he would last.
Dylan growled from the pit of his stomach as he eased inside of her, gasping at the way her walls gripped his length when he bottomed out. His girlfriend whimpered as she tried to tug her dress off, but he hands covered hers and stopped her.
"Leave it. It looks like fucking latex on your body. Makes me so hot for you, honey. You're so sexy." Dylan groaned as he ran his hands down her sides and watched how she bounced back onto him.
"DYLAN!" She gasped with a smile as he smacked her backside and tugged her hips closer, his pace increasing.
"I love you so fucking much. You make me so fucking hot, honey. Damn." Dylan growled as he held her hips tightly, and aimed for that spot relentlessly from behind.
"D - Dylannn." She shivered as she came around him unexpectedly, hands twisted into the sheets as he rolled his hips into her.
"So fucking pretty, honey." Dylan panted as he chased his own orgasm, his body covering his while he reached a hand for her neck and gently, so gently squeezed the sides of her neck. With a loud groan and a rut of his hips, he came inside of her.
He pulled out of her as gently as he could before he took hold of her hips and rolled them onto the bed. He unzipped her dress as she rested her head against his chest, his pants still around his ankles as he caught his breath.
"So, you liked my movie then?" Dylan smirked with an exhale after a few minutes of silence.
**I have stopped doing a tag list for the time being. Please let me know what you think if you have a moment! Thank you so much xoxo
Requests for Dylan O'Brien, Andrew Garfield, Eddie Munson and Joseph Quinn are open!!! Requests for OBX are closed.
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lovesick-menagerie · 2 years
Lady Luck 🍀 Series
Pairing: Dylan Coghlan x OC (later Jake Neighbours x OC, Nolan Patrick x OC) 18+
****MINORS DNI*****
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SUMMARY: A mysterious woman going by the name of Lady Luck has her eyes fixated on certain NHL players, luring them into her bed. A future messy love triangle will soon expose more secrets than she bargained for. (SERIES)
DISCLAIMER: Specific player timelines with teams have been altered for story purposes.
WARNINGS(for this chapter): Slight smut, brief mention of drug use* MINORS DNI!!
“How am I supposed to remain professional and behave tonight when you look like that?” Dylan said while leaning against the doorframe to my bathroom dressed in a head to toe black suit.
He had his arms folded across his chest, with a hungry smirk on his lips and his devilish blue eyes were taking in my golden dress. His smile told me he liked the fit of it on my body. His eyes told me he couldn’t wait until it was around my ankles.
“Are you so eager to ignore your professional obligations to just stare at a woman getting ready? Technically you should already be at the gala, mingling with some bunny at the bar.” I stated, smirking.
“And yet you still let me in here. Interesting that you’re breaking one of your rules so early tonight. That usually only happens when I have you on your back.” He teased.
“Are you insinuating something other than my good manners, Mr. Coghlan?” I asked, smiling in the mirror while trying to fasten the clasp for my back necklace.
Cogs rolled his eyes and pushed himself away from the doorway. Making his way over to me to help with my jewelry. His hands making quick work of it. Giving him a perfect excuse to caress my spine and make me instantly melt against him.
“Maybe I’m not the only one who’s eager, eh?” Dylan said, kissing my neck.
I steadied myself by grabbing his thigh as a gasping moan escaped my lips. Sometimes I hated when he used that move on me. It guaranteed my knees would buckle. A slight growl reached my ear followed by an instinctive buck from Dylan’s groin. Even through my dress and his pants I could feel he was hard already.
“Are you sure you don’t just want to start right now?” He whispered into my ear, pulling my hips even closer to him. His breath sent chills throughout my body. It wasn’t until Dylan’s hands reached my breasts that I noticed how wet I had become.
I smirked as he gently raised one of his hands around my neck. Keeping the other on my chest.
“I want to put so much of my cum in you that it’s still dripping down your thighs when your walking around that stupid gala downstairs.” I bit my lip at the image he created. I didn’t want to admit that a small part of me wanted just that.
A sudden knock on the open door announced my bodyguard Ben’s arrival. I smirked again but silently was relieved at the interruption. Dylan slowly removed his arms around me and caressed my back again, ignoring the death stare from Ben.
“Curtain in 10, Miss L.”
“Thank you, Ben. Can you see Mr. Coghlan out, please.” I stated plainly.
“Yes, ma’am.” Ben said nodding. He motioned his arm towards the door waiting for Dylan to exit the room first.
But Cogs just smiled at me with that look in his eyes again. He wasn’t going to leave unless I made him. So I turned around to face him. His 6’2” frame towering over me. His eyes shifted down to my chest. The plunging neckline exposing not only my tattoos but plenty of cleavage. Taking note of his distraction I swiftly grabbed his tie with my left hand while my right hand firmly landed on his crotch, tugging both to get his attention back to my eye-line.
“You behave, I behave. Now be a good little defensemen and get downstairs before I decide to terminate our contract, Dylan.” I said with a slight venom to my tone, releasing him from my grip.
He cleared his throat, straightened his suit jacket and hair as he turned to leave with Ben close behind, covering my back.
I sighed and sat down on my cushioned bench.
“Another close call?” Ben said entering the room again.
“Too close this time. Thank you, Ben. I mean it.” I said standing and readjusting myself in the mirror again.
“Perhaps the frequency of Mr. Coghlan’s visits are straining your work ethic?” Ben said smirking.
I scoffed. “Dylan isn’t fucking me senseless Ben. He’s not Patty.” Me saying Nolan’s nickname out loud made me stop. Mixed emotions filled my head and heart. I looked past Ben to a specific door that had minimal light showing from the bottom.
“Is the package secured?” I asked, my eyes misty.
“Yes ma’am. Like clockwork.” He said smiling. I sighed with relief.
My phone began to buzz as my alarm went off, seconds later I felt the warmth of my edible I had taken earlier settle my mind. Grabbing my wallet and phone I quickly made my way to the side elevator of my suite with Ben not far behind.
As the doors began to close I took a deep breath and said, “And so it begins.”
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Second translation of one of my Rylan-One Shots!!!!!!!! WARNING: Contains Smut!
Now available! This is the english translation of probably my personal absolute favorite One Shot out of all the ones I've already written! So this One Shot is very special to me~ 🥰🤍🖤 I love this thematic so much with these two fools, bc I think it suits them~ So yeah, WARNING this One Shot also contains SMUT ergo explicit sexual content / mature content!!!!!!!!!!!!! Full one shot can be read and found on my AO3:
Or on my Wattpad:
Have fun reading it~
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7thleveldown · 2 years
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I posted 1,517 times in 2022
That's 618 more posts than 2021!
120 posts created (8%)
1,397 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 719 of my posts in 2022
#dylan o'brien - 351 posts
#stiles stilinski - 167 posts
#beautiful human - 142 posts
#dylan o’brien - 140 posts
#teen wolf - 137 posts
#adorable dumbass - 111 posts
#the o'brien effect - 79 posts
#spotify - 46 posts
#dylan o'brien imagine - 32 posts
#derek hale - 28 posts
Longest Tag: 100 characters
#does everyone go through that one relationship that discolours everything after it just a little bit
My Top Posts in 2022:
That Suit
Another little one-off for you, and we all know who's to blame...
Warnings: swearing, RPF, smut (under the cut)
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A beautiful night with a beautiful man. It should have been perfect. But this was your life, and if it didn’t find a way to kick you in the ribs at every opportunity, there was something wrong. It should have been perfect. Everything was perfect. Apart from you. 
Sitting on the end of the bed in your hotel room, you felt the breeze come in from the balcony doors, bringing a chill to your skin. You had opened them when you’d run in, run away from the party below, needing the air, needing to breathe, needing to feel something other than the hot tears running down your face, falling into the neckline of this ridiculous dress. You needed to hear something other than the voices of the people downstairs, locked in your memory, spinning round your head. You had tried so hard to push them away, but it had become more than you could bear. At least you had held it together long enough to slip out of there with your head held high. Your tears hadn’t broken through until after the elevator doors had closed.
Seeing yourself in the dressing table mirror–your mascara running, your nose red–you felt so stupid. Before you could let yourself break even more, you were at least going to clean yourself up. So, moving to the dresser, you began the task of removing the makeup which had been sliding down your cheeks, seeing the real you reappear from underneath it. There was a knock on the door which made you jump. You froze, eyes widening at your own reflection, before shaking yourself out of your reverie and heading to the door. Looking through the spy hole, your heart both sunk and began to panic at the idea of speaking to the man on the other side. 
There he stood, waiting, unknowingly observed, heartbreakingly beautiful. One hand on the door frame, leaning his weight against it, while his dinner jacket hung from his fingers, caught over his shoulder. His tie loosened, his top button undone, his shirt sleeves rolled up — all things you knew he did to relax. He’d clearly been running his hand through his hair, as it had lost its gelled style and was more natural. More him. Even like this—which he would say was a mess—he took your breath away. 
Your heart lurched just looking at him, but you knew you couldn’t leave him out there forever. You opened the door a crack, not really wanting him to see you like this, simply saying, “Yes?” and seeing what he would do. He looked up, raising his eyebrows, a look of shock on his face. 
“Um… Can I— Can I come in? I just wanna…” He didn’t have to finish the sentence. You knew what was coming. 
You held the door open, hiding behind it a little. You let your shoulders drop a little, before taking a breath and closing the door. 
He let out a long sigh, throwing his jacket on the chair, before starting to talk without even turning to face you. Maybe he found it easier that way. “I know things were said, unkind things, that you should never have had to hear, and— holy shit, what happened?” He had turned to see your face, bare of makeup, and the pile of tissues and wipes in the bin.
“I took off my makeup. Sorry…” You couldn’t look at him, you just stood, focusing on the floor, unwilling to face his disgust as well as having to cope with everyone else’s. But then you felt his hands, one at your waist and the other gently cupping your face, his warmth radiating into your skin.
“You don’t have anything to be sorry for,” he made your eyes meet his, before his eyes were flicking down to your lips then up again, “not a fuckin’ thing…” He gently nudged the side of your nose with his, asking for permission, before agonisingly slowly closing the gap between your lips and his. 
He pulled you into his body, one arm around your waist and the other finding its way into your hair, while he made those tiny little sounds that undid you completely. Your eyes had closed the moment his lips touched yours, and you were losing yourself in his kiss. The man was addictive. He pulled back a little, sounding as breathless as you were.
“I don’t care about your lipstick, or your eyeliner, or…whatever shit you have in that bag,” he said, gesturing towards the dressing table, “I don’t give a damn about any of that, you know that, right?” His breathing was still heavy, and he was still holding you close, the feel of his breath on your skin driving you insane.
“But…but…” You couldn’t string a sentence together with him like this, him holding you, his body against yours.
“No. Whatever they said, whatever they made you think, this is you and me. So, y’know… Fuck ‘em.” He was completely resolute.
“But you’re supposed to be downstairs with them, not up here with me. You’ll get in trouble.”
“Do I look like I care?” He was so close now, his lips grazing yours as he spoke, his voice deeper and eyes darker. He pulled you forward into a desperate kiss, not waiting for your reply. You let out a moan as he deepened the kiss, both arms wrapped around you now, holding you somehow even closer and lifting off your feet. He turned towards the bed, placing you down to sit on it while he kneeled in front of you, reluctantly breaking the kiss. 
“Tell me what you want, what do you need right now?”
“Right now?” you said, grabbing hold of his tie, and sliding your hand down it. “You. Always you.” You yanked on his tie, dragging him up from the floor to his feet.
He pressed kisses to your face, and down your neck to your shoulder, murmuring how perfect you were, how beautiful, showing you how much he wanted you. His lips on your skin and hands on your body were more than you knew how to bear when you couldn’t touch him too. You needed him, and that need gave you confidence. 
You dragged yourself away from those lips of his, watching a smirk form on his face as he watched you get up. You turned, standing with your back to him, waiting. 
He stood too, his hands on your shoulders running down your arms, before their burning trail was replaced by that of his mouth on your body, setting you on fire all over again. His hands understood what you wanted, and set to work undoing your dress. As it fell softly to the floor, he went to wrap his arms around you, but you stopped him, grabbing his wrists. 
You turned to see his face had fallen, before you looked at him with fire in your eyes. You shoved him backwards, making him fall onto the bed.
“My turn.”
His eyes widened at you taking control, before that half-smirk curled his lip as his eyes trailed up and down your body. He put his right arm under his head, resting back on it, watching you, waiting.
“Oh no babe, you’re not gonna be allowed to just lay there. You’re gonna have to put some work in,” you tell him, raising an eyebrow at him as you climb onto his lap.
“Yeah?” he asks, looking all angelic and innocent, “Make me.”
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193 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
Just a little bit of random drabble for you... I apologise in advance...
Warnings: swearing, RPF, smut (under the cut)
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You’re standing in the shower with music playing through the bluetooth speaker on the counter, so you don’t hear the door opening. You’re standing under the steaming stream of the water with your eyes closed. He wants to surprise you, so he’s moving so silently that you don’t even know he’s there until he’s standing behind you.
You feel his fingers ghost over your waist before they wrap around you, holding you against him. He places light kisses on your shoulder and up your neck before he whispers in your ear.
“Missed you.”
You lean your head back to rest against him as he’s nuzzling into your neck and hairline, his hands still holding you tight against him, keeping you from turning around.
"Don't we usually do this separately?" you say, trying to hold onto some form of sanity.
He’s still kissing your neck, searching for that particular place.
"Climate change…gotta save water."
You can feel him smirking against your skin. He’s got his lips on your pulse point, and you stifle a moan, your eyes closing as he begins to kiss and nibble at your skin.
You reach down running your hands over his hips and thighs, hearing his breathing falter a little at your actions.
He wants to tease you some more, so, loosening his grip on you, he places his hands on your shoulders and steps back just a little bit
"’Course, if you'd prefer to be alone..."
You don't need to see the smirk on his face or the look in his eyes to know they're there. The loss of contact with his warm skin leaves you feeling cold even under the spray of hot water, and you have to bite your lip to stop from whining at it. But two can play this game.
"Perhaps that’s best," you tease.
That’s the only response you get, and you can hear the disappointment in his tone. He steps a little further away, just enough so you can turn around and grab him, your arms wrapping around his neck and pulling him down to you.
"You think I'm letting you go that easy?" you whisper against his mouth.
"Babe, you think I was actually gonna leave?" he says before he presses a firm kiss to your lips. His arms wrap around you, lifting you so you can wrap your legs around his waist. He laughs, his hands on your ass as he walks you back under the water and against the wall. He goes to kiss you, but you pull away.
"Did I give you permission?".
He lets out what could best be described as a low growl.
“Did I fucking ask for it?"
It’s a rhetorical question you don’t get the chance to answer before he captures your lips with his. His tongue touches your lips, and you open yours in response, letting him in to explore while you do the same.
Your hands are in his hair, pulling at it a little, getting a groan from the man holding you. He’s pressing you against the wall so his hands can roam over your skin, every touch feeling like the lick of a flame on your skin and you want him to set you on fire.
His hands trail back to your hips, gripping them so hard you know they'll be bruises left behind, a reminder of his hands on you. Lack of oxygen forces you to separate, panting into each other's mouths. He places little kisses around your mouth, trying to steady his breath.
"Want you...now. Here...Fuck, I want you,” he whispers.
You can feel him against your stomach, hot, heavy. He isn't lying.
"Tell me...what you...want," he pants between the kisses he’s peppering over your face and neck.
You place your hands gently on his face, steadying him, making him look at you. His breath is still unsteady and his pupils are blown. You give him one more deep passionate kiss before whispering, "You...here...now. Like this."
See the full post
207 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
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209 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
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286 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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312 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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rebelrayne · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics (if you haven't written that many, fine 🙄😉) that you've written, then pass on to your favorite writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💜
Okay so I think I'm the first person to tear down my own writing so this was actually.... really hard? I think I'm probably one of the people who is super tough on themselves when it comes to the work I've published! So, this is what I came up with:
1. Rewind | Bobby x OC
My first fully completed long fic. Just finished it and honestly feel sad that I had to say goodbye to my oc, Zephyr. She's honestly one of my favorite OCs ever and I just don't know if anyone will ever live up to her. She's super funny and a complete diva.
2. Mon Amour | Youcef x OC
I wrote this because I was just super, super unimpressed with Youcef's route. I wrote it because I just wanted to see what his full route would have looked like had MC been able to be with him from the start. Giovanna has definitely won the jackpot here with sweet Youcef. A lot of cute banter is what I'd say you read this for but you can also laugh at my attempt at smut if you want.
3. Jurassic Island | ??? x OC
Honestly I haven't worked in this one in a hot minute because it's a side project that I only write when I'm able to. This is probably the best I've ever written. It's a Jurassic Park crossover and it's got everything you could ever want: Girlboss OC? Ian Malcolm Youcef? Dr. Lucas Koh brooding in the corner? Did you ask for Gary carrying a bunch of tranquilizer guns over his shoulder? TW: Character deaths though. I have no idea when the next update is but it's swirling around in my head.
4. Someone Better Suited | "Dylan" x OC
So this was kind of meant to make Dylan into an anti-hero, which I really had fun with. Dylan isn't actually the Dylan we know in the game in this fic. Instead, this kind of just makes us wonder what could have happened had we found out the producers sent in an actor to make drama? Dallas is sweet but has a hard time navigating through grey area as he finds himself falling for Alana, the OC.
5. The Other Side | James x OC
I don't like James romantically at all but you can really relate to him here. He's awkward, but he's charming. He's clumsy, but he's also confident in his abilities. He's really the James we deserved to know in the game. This one might be my favorite published currently to be honest. Well, until Lexi makes her debut!
*Replay | Lexi x villain!Youcef, villain!Tom
Adding this one but only because it isn't published. It might honestly be my most favorite thing ever. It's the most intricate and devious fic I've ever taken on but I'm really excited. Shameless plug here that a teaser for Lexi, Youcef and Tom have been posted :)
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j3rk-bitch-assbutt · 2 years
so .. this is *part of my very first fic.  (please be gentle)
TW maybe? mentions of marijuana, idk its very spicy ... lots of smut. 
Dylan O’Brien X Reader
The Premier
Dylan takes you to a little diner for breakfast. You slide into the booth and he follows you kissing your cheek as he sits down. “Hey, do you want to go to this thing with me later?’” he says. “What kind of thing?” you ask knowing the only clothes you have to wear are the ones you wore to the club and his band t-shirt you have decided to keep. “Like a movie premier thing?”  he says. “I don't really want to go, but I have to”  he looks at you with a sad but hopeful face. “We can go get you something to wear” he offers. The two of you spend the day together, you find the perfect dress and shoes for the occasion and go back to the hotel room for dinner. “We have to leave soon, I’m going to go get ready.” you get up and brush your hand across his shoulders lingering for a second, half wishing he would decide not to go, but you know this is important to him so you go into the bathroom to get ready. You take a quick shower and shave before turning off the water and stepping out. You walk over to the mirror, drying your body and hair. You do your makeup, curl your hair, and get your dress on. taking a look at yourself in the mirror.“It'll do” you think to yourself as you take a deep breath and exit the bathroom suddenly feeling very nervous. When you open the door Dylan is standing in front of the mirror putting on his jacket. He looks so fucking good in a suit. You admire him from the doorway watching him. He leans in to fix his hair in the mirror, when he sees you in the mirror his mouth drops. “Holy shit.”  he says softly as he turns around to look at you. “You are breathtaking” he says walking up to you, taking your hand. He holds your hand up looking you up and down with a sly smile. “Party is canceled.” he says, grabbing you by the waist and walking you back towards the bed kissing your neck playfully. He stops at the edge of the bed. “Well, not canceled but we have some time” he says his smile turning devious. He places you gently on the bed kneeling in front of you as he slowly slides his hands up your dress. Before you can even protest your panties are on the floor and he is moaning softly into your core, sending waves of pleasure through your body. You grip his hair with one hand almost instinctively as he gently pulls you towards him, placing your legs on his shoulders to get a better angle. He looks up at you licking steadily as he slides one finger into your dripping pussy curling upwards into exactly the right spot to make you moan loudly. He smiles at you when his phone starts to ring and pulls it of of his pocket wiping his face. “Hello?” … “Okay, thanks” He looks at you, “time to go.” he says standing up and giggling at your face of protest. “Rude.” you say pouting as you get up and try to compose yourself. He washes his hands and face and walks over to you putting his hand on the small of your back “Ready?” he asks, leading you towards the door. “ as I'll ever be.” you say with a sigh. “Don't worry. I'll make it up to you I promise.” he winks. You get into the limo waiting outside and he follows. “You look nervous” he says. “I am so fucking nervous,” you reply with a laugh. “ Would this help?” he says with a mischievous grin pulling a blunt out of his suit pocket. “Absolutely”  you say as he puts it between his lips and lights it. The ride to the event is a short one. The car comes to a stop and the partition comes down. “We’re here sir.” the driver says to Dylan. You let out a deep nervous breath and check the mirror. “You look amazing.” he says, kissing you soft and sensually before taking a deep breath himself, putting on a movie star smile, and getting out of the limo onto the red carpet. He reaches one hand in to help you out of the car and brushes the hair off your cheek with the other as you stand up, cameras flashing wildly around you. “Breathe.” he whispers in your ear, “it'll be over before you know it.” you suddenly realized you really were holding your breath and let out a long shaky sigh smiling for the cameras. He guides you down the red carpet and into the building, never letting your hand go for a second. He pulls you into a dark corner and steals a kiss before bringing you to the party to meet his friends. The lights dim signaling the start of the premier. “you doing okay?” he asks taking you to your seat. “My lady” he gestures with for you to sit. you smile, “I’m good.” you say smiling as he sits down in the seat next to you taking your hand. Once the movie started the theater was dark so you couldn’t help but let your hand wander onto his lap teasing him for what he did to you earlier. About halfway through the movie he leans over and whispers in your ear “you should go take your panties off in the bathroom.”  you look around to make sure no one is looking, “I don't have to go to the bathroom.” you whisper as you slide your hands under your dress, remove your panties and slip them into his pocket making eye contact with him the whole time. “Fuck” he whispers biting his lip. “Come with me.” he says quietly, grabbing your hand as he almost drags you out of the room. As soon as you step foot into the mostly empty hallway his lips are on yours swallowing you whole. He scoops you up in his arms and carries you to the nearest door-some kind of dressing room. He opens it and looks inside to make sure no one is there before carrying you into the room slamming the door behind him with his foot. He puts you down on the nearest surface- a waist high counter with a mirror behind it. He moves quickly to the door locking it and undoes his belt and pants button on the way back. Your body is on fire, still aching to have his cock inside you. You pull him toward you and he watches you with dark needy eyes as you pull his boxers and pants down slightly. With absolutely no warning he slams his hard cock into you causing you to let out a loud moan. He puts his hand over your mouth. “I'm sorry baby but you have to be quiet” he whispers. You nod and he takes his hand away using it to loosen his tie and unbutton his shirt. You pull him close, feeling him move in and out of you. He kisses your neck softly sending lightning through your body as you grip the back oh his head holding on desperately. You feel that familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach, That need for sweet release. “Please…” you put on hand on his face and look him in the eyes.  “Come for me.” you whisper. He lets out a quiet moan and bites his lip. He tightens his grip on you slamming into you harder. You bite his chest to stop yourself from screaming his name as you both come hard breathing heavily. “Fuck,” he says breathlessly chuckling as he pulls out of you and you straighten yourself the best you can. You stop him at the door, “Can I have my underwear back?” you ask. “Oh no, I’m keeping these.” he says with a wink as he kisses your cheek gently. The huge smiles on your faces giving you away as you sneak back into the theater just before the movie ends. 
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greazyfloz · 1 year
“Do you want to touch me?”
with hughes sister & dylan duke
Hughes Sister 
Smut: 14. “Do You Want to Touch Me?” w/ Dylan Duke 
My Brother's Friend's Benefits
It was one of those summer weekends where my brothers had almost everyone they have every played hockey with over at our place for the weekend. We were all out on the boat drinking all day until the sun went down and then the party continued once we got back to the lake house as well. My brothers were protective over me but not really around their friends since they think their friends are just as protective as most are or that none of their friends would even dare to try. 
We were all swimming in the pool at this point, drinking and just horsing around. Being the only Hughes girl, scratch that, the only girl that ever really hangs around these guys as much as I do; I am always the one being launched in the air or pranked the most. But the drunker I was getting the less I cared. 
Josh and Quinn both leaned down into the pool so I could place both of my feet in their hands. Usually it’s only one person that will throw me in the air unless we are outside the pool and I am being throw in from my hands and feet; but one on these two drunken idiots wanted to see how high I can go if they both threw me up. Being just as drunk or maybe even worse I agreed, as if I really had a choice.
“Okay so on 3 we throw her” Quinn says
“Like 1,2,3 go?” Josh questions
“No, Like 1,2,3” Quinn repeats himself
“You guys are going to kill her” Tyler, Dylan’s little brother yells out and everyone laughs.
“Okay! Just hurry up!” I yell at the two
“Okay. 1… 2… 3!” Quinn yells out throwing me about 10 feet into the air before I crash into the water. I come back up gasping for air as I break through the surface.
“Okay, now it’s my turn. Duker and I can definitely throw her higher than than” Luke says as he and Dylan begin to get into place. I slowly make my way over and place my feet in both of their hands, Dylan gives me an awkward smile as I do so. He has been looking me up and down all day and trying to play it off but I definitely have noticed. 
“Okay, 1!” Luke yells out bouncing and Dylan follows
“2!” Luke yells again which a bounce
“3!” Luke yells tossing me before he finished yelled so I was basically tossed into Dylan. Dylan quickly moves his hands so it is know on my waist. I rest my hands on his shoulder to push my chest away from his face and he sets me down. 
“Fuck, sorry” I say as I turn to Luke shoving him, “What the fuck Luke?! You could have hurt me!!”
“Sorry Y/n” Luke says
“K, no more” Blanks yells from the other side of the pool, slightly laughing.
I hang out with the boys a little longer before deciding to head inside to get ready for bed. Since the boys were all outside and they wouldn’t be coming in for a bit I didn’t even think to fully shut the door because I also thought I’d be pretty quick getting ready too. 
I pull the strings from my bathing suit to reveal my exposed chest in the mirror infront on me before bending down to remove the bottoms as well. 
When I look back up I can see a stunned Dylan Duke standing in the upstairs bathroom doorway across from my room staring through the small cracked door in the reflection of the mirror in front of me. 
“I-um- I..” Dylan stutters trying to find something to say to help him out. Dylan is clearly as drunk as I am and it shows as he continues to look me up and down my body.
“You like what you see?” I say turning around to face him, “Because you have been eye-fucking me all day, and now look where we are” I say opening the door inviting him in. 
“Y-yeah, I-Um- I mean-” He stutters while staring at my exposed chest.
“It’s okay, It’s not like I’m going to tell my brothers” I reassure him, pushing him down on my bed then locking my door.
“But I-um- I’m Luke’s bestfrie-” 
“Do you want to touch me?” I cut him off. I begin to pull one leg over his lap before sitting cradling him. Dylan looks down at my exposed body and a bulge begins to appear.
“Um-I-” hw continues to stutter 
“Okay then” I say beginning to get off his lap until he pushes me back down on his lap.
“Y-Yeah.. I mean yes” he says pulling me in so our lips can meet. I deepen the kiss so we are fully making out. I break the kiss to stand while I slightly tug on the bottom of his shorts
“Take these off” I smirk and he stands pushing them off in seconds before I attach my lips back to his. His hands explore my body as our makeout session gets sloppier and sloppier. I then go down on my knees and take his hard cock in my hands before licking from the bottom of his cock of to his tip. I then wrapped my lips around the tip of his cock and began sucking back and forth on his tip earning a couple of quiet moans from Dylan. I begin going deeper and deeper before releasing him from my mouth and standing back up to face him pressing my lips against his neck.
“Ah- no- can’t do that” Dylan says pulling away and then sinking to his knees looking up to face my pussy. He then enters two fingers inside of me while he attaches his mouth to my clit sucking it while he curls his fingers inside of me. He continues working his fingers inside of me until he releases them to switch with his mouth. The then rubs my clit with his fingers and flicks his tongue inside of me while one of my hands cover my mouth and the other’s nails dig into his shoulder. 
He then stands and presses his mouth to mine again and I pull away, “Do you have a condom?” I ask him and he shakes his head no. “Okay, one second” I say grabbing a robe and running down the hall to Jack’s room to steal a condom. I come back into my room and lock the door tossing it over then throwing my housecoat across the room. Dylan slides the condom on as I place my lips on his. “Floor.” he says into the kiss and we both go down to the floor. Dylan keeping his hand on my lower back while keeping his lips on mine the whole time. Once laying on the floor with Dylan leaning on top of me, he positions himself at my entrance before slowly sliding himself in. He wastes no time thrusting himself in and out of me slowly, earning a quiet whimper to escape my mouth. He begins to speed up a little and push one of his hands against my mouth as he muffled a loud moan before it could come out. Dylan continued thrusting in and out and I moaned out quietly each thrust into his ear. 
“I-I’m c-close” he says while thrusting
“O-okay” I say as I watch him look down at my chest to watch them bounce as his thrust in and out of me. The sight must have been enough for Dyler because he then finished and released himself from inside of me. He took the condom off and threw it into the garbage before quickly getting changed and going back downstairs. Before he shut the door I caught his attention.
“Duker, not a word!”
The next morning, I head downstairs to get some breakfast when I see all the boys are all up and eating. I take the only seat available across from Dylan and we both refuse to look straight. 
“You look like shit” Jack laughs looking at me
“Rough night?” Josh laughs
“Could have been worse” I reply and Dylan chokes on his orange juice coughing a little after earning a stern look from me before speaking up.
“Wrong tube” he says, still coughing a little. 
We finished breakfast then hung out outside. I saw Dylan go inside so I followed discreetly. I followed him to the kitchen where Dylan was getting a beer. “Duker?” I say and he turns to face me
“Oh- ah-Hey, Y/n” he says
“I don’t want there to be awkwardness between us” I start
“No me either!” He says, “Yunno just two friends um-”
“Having sex” I finish what he couldn’t
“So…” Dylan says walking closer to me. 
“So…” I say back wrapping my hands around his neck, “5 minutes long enough?”
“I’ll make it work” he says, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards my room.
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mf-despair-queen · 6 years
Suit Dylan is done
Tho I dunno if I should break it into two parts...
its just under 20k
I also need to proofread it. Fml.
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