coquelicoq · 7 months
loving ned land's reaction to conseil infodumping for two pages about the six orders of the superclass of bony fishes Osteichthyes:
— Avez-vous compris, ami Ned ? demanda le savant Conseil. — Pas le moins du monde, ami Conseil, répondit le harponneur. Mais allez toujours, car vous êtes très-intéressant. (Vingt mille lieues sous les mers, ch. XIV)
["Did you get all that, friend Ned?" asked the learned Conseil.
"Not even a little, friend Conseil," responded the harpooneer. "But keep going, because you're very interesting."]
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hyperfixated-homo · 1 year
7, 8 and/or 26 for the ask game! <3
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
STINGRAYS!!! STINGRAYS STINGRAYS STINGRAYS!!!! god i love them. literal pancake fish!! water dogs!!!!!!!!
sorry im. i really like stingrays LMAO. i sorta love ALL ocean life, because honestly fish and other animals that live underwater are so different from mammals and other land-dwelling creatures, and they environment and ecosystem underwater is so fascinating, and even if i cant name a single fact about the ocean i still adore it!!!! i particularly love stingrays because they're honestly just. so sweet. and also I've gotten to pet them before!!!
8. do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
nope! im the kind of person who is comfortable in literally ANYTHING. as long as im not sweaty (or wet from swimming/surfing/rain) i will usually just wear whatever.
26. how’s your spice tolerance?
pretty bad lmao. i dont eat much spicy food. the most i can eat is the mild option at nandos askdjasjd, anything above that kinda sets my mouth on fire
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gonzodangerfeels · 11 months
I think wombmates make the best lovers.
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beyuu8w14eqgyy · 1 year
Sentei e gozei gostoso no pau dele sem camisinha Blonde lesbian licking The gorgeous star poses nude for the muscular lover LA CULONA DANNA HOT PRESENTA ESCENAS DE SEXO EXTREMO QUE VERAS EN PROXIMOS VIDEOS NO TE LOS PIERDAS AQUI Esposa Com bundao Slutty teen railed and facialized Busty MILF&#039;s Hairy Redhead Pussy Eaten By Cute Blonde - GirlfriendsFilms Cogidas anales a jovencita tiernita sexy asian dance Latina tattoo girl likes wine
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hirinfotech · 2 years
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Scrape the Company Profile, Address, Website, Email, Contact Information, Provided Service List, Location, Practical Information, Rating, and more data.
For more information, visit our official page https://www.linkedin.com/company/hir-infotech/ or contact us at [email protected]
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Salmonish: Edibility on Verbs and Nouns.
Pretty simple.
Salmonid Nouns are marked for if the referent in question was, is, or will be eaten or not. this applies to the "edible" superclass of nouns which includes the classes "cooked meat, raw meat, fresh greens, and spoiled greens" in that order of preference.
Salmonid verbs have a special modality for when the action results in the eating of something or someone.
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izooks · 2 months
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Scott Galloway - NO MERCY / NO MALICE
Florida is now one of the most restrictive states in the country for abortion rights: The state’s supreme court reversed its own precedents on April 1 and upheld a ban on abortions after six weeks. Women in Florida, as in many states after the reversal of Roe v. Wade, now face harsh limits on their fundamental rights.
The same day, the court also allowed a proposal enshrining abortion rights in Florida’s constitution to appear on the ballot this November. There is a good chance it will pass, but it will be close — 60% will have to approve the amendment, and last fall, a poll found 62% of voters planned to vote for it. Nationwide, between 60% and 80% of Americans support a woman’s right to choose, depending on how the question is asked. The rest of the world is expanding the right of women to decide when and how they get pregnant and give birth. Yet in many states, a minority of Americans continue to impose their views on the rest of us. I say “us” because while this right is unique to women, it affects all of us. The right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy changed the course of my life, and my mother’s, even though I didn’t understand it at the time.
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“D and What?”
On a late summer afternoon, between my junior and senior years of high school, I was in the passenger seat of my mom’s lime-green Opel Manta on the way home from work. Mom had secured me a job in the mailroom of her employer, the Southwestern School of Law, where she managed the secretarial pool, and we carpooled back and forth. Headed west on I-10 (the Santa Monica Freeway), between the La Brea and Fairfax exits, she told me about her plans for later in the week.
“I’m having a procedure called a D&C on Wednesday and won’t be home that night. Are you fine to stay alone?”
I was 16, and only really heard the part of her question suggesting I wasn’t old enough to spend the night solo in our condo. “Yeah, sure.” I didn’t ask what a D&C was, but I had the sense it had something to do with the great unknown, women’s health, and didn’t ask for details. My mom likely wanted to have a meaningful conversation with me, but that didn’t happen. Meaningful dialogue with teenage boys happens … just not when you expect. The question must have found some purchase in my consciousness, as I remember exactly what I was wearing: brown Levi’s corduroys, a Bruce Springsteen concert T-shirt, and top-siders. Not Sperry top-siders, but knockoffs. A pair of real Sperrys cost $32.
I was 16, my mom 46. I loved her because she loved me, completely. But that’s not what this post is about. I also loved the U.S. because it, too, loved us — me and my mom — completely. My mother was a single immigrant raising her son on a secretary’s salary. But this isn’t a sob story. We had good lives. Sure, money was definitely a thing, but we lived in a nice place and took vacations to Niagara Falls and San Francisco, ate at Junior’s Deli every Sunday night, and went some weekends to the beach in Santa Monica, where parking was $2 for the whole day, just behind lifeguard station No. 9.
Our nation welcomed my mother with open arms. Despite her having no education or money, we helped her out in between jobs and loaned her money so she could go to night school and become a stenographer. The state of California loved her son: The vision and generosity of the regents of UCLA and California’s taxpayers gave her unremarkable son (this isn’t a humblebrag, I was seriously unimpressive) a remarkable opportunity. I received a world-class education at little cost: UCLA (my B.A.) and UC Berkeley (an MBA) for a total cost (tuition) of $7,000 for all seven years.
More than just affordable, it was accessible: UCLA had a 76% admissions rate when I applied, and Berkeley’s Haas School of Business accepted me with an undergraduate GPA of (no joke) 2.27. America is about the opportunities it provides the unremarkable, not the manufacture of a superclass of billionaires from the pool of preordained remarkables.
But the ultimate expression of our nation’s empathy and love for a single mother, in my view, was to grant, and protect, her domain over her reproductive system. In the U.S., 59% of women getting abortions are already moms. Twenty-four percent are Catholic, 17% mainline Protestant, 13% evangelical Protestant. Over a third of pregnancies in the U.S. are unintended.
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Men and women create unwanted pregnancies. However, it’s often men’s lack of manhood that’s behind abortions. Half of women seeking an abortion cite the lack of a reliable partner as a reason for their choice. In many cases the partner is abusive. Among all abortion patients, 95% report that abortion was a good choice — they remain relieved several months after the procedure. Violence toward women declines precipitously after an abortion, because they can break ties with their abusers. The leading cause of death for women who are pregnant or have just given birth, by a factor of 2x, is homicide.
Alt Control
What is going on here? In my view, it has nothing to do with “life,” as the most staunch advocates of the “pro-life” movement are the first to advocate for cutting the child tax credit, executing criminals, or putting a pregnant woman in danger when a pregnancy becomes a health risk. Many argue that these folks are not obsessed with life, but birth. This also misses the mark — the same groups do not favor economic policies that would encourage people to have children. This is about control or, more specifically, retaking control and power back from women.
I write a lot about how far young men have fallen in America over the past several decades. Even more striking is the ascent of women, globally, over the same period. Women now outnumber men in tertiary education enrollment worldwide; and the number of women elected to parliamentary positions has doubled since 1990. Women’s wealth is growing faster than overall wealth. A static feature of a modern economy is women outpacing men in education and income growth.
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However, this has stirred the ghoul that haunts the world … posing a greater threat to society than any autocrat or virus: extremism. The parabolic progress of women over the past several decades has inspired a gag reflex among the most conservative wings of many religions. The radical wings of Christian, Islamic, and Jewish sects have weaponized politics and blurred the lines between religion and legislation. In America, where there used to be a sharp distinction, as outlined in the Constitution, we’ve witnessed a first: the rollback of citizens’ rights with the overturn of Roe.
The backlash among Christian nationalists has been speedballed by the other great threat: loneliness. Two-thirds of women under the age of 30 have a romantic partner vs. just one-third of men the same age. Men have fewer friends than they once did. Unfortunately, men’s loneliness can turn toxic, as they have weaker social networks and consequent guardrails. Lonely young men are more prone to conspiracy theories, nationalism, and misogynistic content. In sum, they risk becoming shitty citizens. The most striking, and frightening, data re the abortion debate is the group that registers the least support for a women’s right to choose: Gen Z men (age 12 to 27). Do you think this reflects their love for the unborn, or resentment of the living (women) … who they feel shunned by? It’s simple: Radicalized and lonely American men want uppity women to sit down.
The weapon of choice among these groups is economic warfare. To deny someone bodily autonomy is analogous to defunding them; they lose power. The Turnaway Study followed 1,000 women who sought abortions (some successfully, some not), compiling over 8,000 interviews over five years. The women in the study who were denied an abortion on average had higher debt and a greater risk of bankruptcy, and they were more likely to be in poverty years after giving birth.
2nd Order
How did you get to where you are now? People tell themselves a story that credits their character and grit for success, while blaming outside forces for their failures. But small twists of fate, errant decisions, and sheer randomness put you in this place, at this moment. I’m in tech because I fell in love with a woman and followed her to the Haas School of Business — I’d initially enrolled at the University of Texas. It’s more likely, graduating in 1992 Austin, I would have ended up in the energy sector or back in banking vs. the clear and present choice of tech in (wait for it) Silicon Valley.
But going further back, if my mom, at 46, hadn’t had access to affordable family planning, our lives would have been changed dramatically. Not only did we lack the funds or connections to figure it out (a rich friend who knew a doctor or the resources to travel far and have the procedure), but we also didn’t have the confidence. Just as I didn’t apply to out-of-state colleges — only rich kids did that. A lower-middle-class household headed by a single parent, neither remarkable, puts both of you on your heels instead of your toes.
If Roe v. Wade hadn’t been the law of the land, things could have been much different for me and my mom. An unwanted child at 46 would have been financially ruinous for our household. There was no maternity leave for secretaries in the eighties. I likely would have done what my father and mother did when their families were in financial distress, and left school to help out. I wouldn’t have enrolled at UCLA. Instead, I would have stayed in the job my father had secured for me after high school, installing shelving at $18/hour — a lot of money for us at the time.
Without my mom having that choice, there would have been no UCLA, no Berkeley grad school, no tech startups, no tens of millions in taxes paid, and … fewer children. I have always been worried about money and did not especially want kids. There’s no way I’d have opted for kids, later in life, if financially strained. We see evidence of this today, as a younger generation is having fewer children because they can’t afford them. My mom’s right to choose not to have a child she couldn’t afford gave me the choice to have children I could. All unbeknownst to me, at 16 years of age.
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America is a mix of opportunity and acceptance, each being a force multiplier for the other. The reversal of Roe is about extremists and people who feel shunned trying to recapture control from a group that’s increasingly less suppliant to religion or men. The result is a lack of prosperity and a dangerous regression in the U.S., which used to illuminate a path forward for other nations. The suppression of abortion rights is yet another transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich — no child of a private equity partner is going to lose her right to choose. The economic assault against women, specifically poor women and their families, cripples opportunity and acceptance. It is wrong and un-American.
Life is so rich,
Scott Galloway
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thydungeongal · 2 years
All this reading about old D&D classes and how they’ve been presented as subclasses of other classes (like, strangely enough, Monks were presented as a type of Cleric and a Priest class all the way in OD&D and 2e) has made me think of a weird hack that just takes all of these ideas from editions of yore and puts them into a 5e like framework.
What I mean by this: take the 2nd edition “superclasses,” Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Priest, present them as like generic frames from which their subclasses inherit some features, and then try to jam every single class that has ever been part of a core product in D&D into them.
So, like, you have Fighter, Barbarian, Paladin, Warlord, and Ranger as subclasses of Warrior; Bard, Assassin, and Thief as subclasses of Rogue; Artificer, Warlock, Wizard, Sorcerer, and Illusionist (gotta have Illusionist as a separate class) as subclasses of Mage; and Monk, Druid, and Cleric as subclasses of Priest.
Interestingly enough the above framework implies some interesting things about which elements are a part of the “superclass” and which are unique to subclasses: for an example, all the Mage classes definitely get spells, albeit subject to somewhat different rules, but since Priest contains Monk as per tradition that means that Priest as a superclass doesn’t involve spell-casting by default. Interestingly enough, that opens the Priest superclass’s design space for a bunch of different classes that somehow gain power from belief or philosophy, including stuff like the Ardent.
Anyway not sure if this’ll actually amount to anything but it’s a fun thought experiment.
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dear gun terminology freaks:
if you do not invent a simple catchy term for the superclass of clips and magazines, people will continue to just say magazines
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means1974 · 7 months
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Standard 1998 125 Motocross .
My second 125 Motocross. This replaced my 1997 which had a bump in the top tube. Rick was kind enough to replace it free of charge. I raced 21-24 expert on this and a season of Superclass in the late '90s as well. The bike was kept unchanged for the last 25 years. I used to ride at POSH woods on this bike, and when POSH got plowed this year I decided to get back out on the bike. I updated a few parts just for safety reasons: cain, breaks, break cable, pedals, and tires. The bike still rides great and I've been hitting the jumps on it out here now in Oregon. Shout out to Shad at GOODS BMX for the help getting her running again.
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 2 years
I'm willing to admit to know so little on aquatic creatures, but not bold enough to go off anon. What classifies a fish? Like what makes a fish a fish versus not a fish? I know mammals and I know fish, but apparently there are not fish that are also not mammals (specifically pertaining to aquatic creatures, of course).
Hey friend, let me start off by saying that it's totally valid to not know your fish from your non-fish. It can be complicated! Modern school systems don't speak about fish very much and they're often pushed to the side in mainstream society: you have to often look for this stuff!
What is a fish? "Fish" is a term that describes an aquatic*, gill-bearing, cold-blooded** craniate*** lifeform that lacks digits in its limbs. It sounds complicated, because it is a little bit complicated! See, fish aren't related to each other in the same way that (for example) hippos and tigers are, as both are mammals: a shark and a goldfish, both fish, are about as distantly related as humans and sharks are! "Fish" describes more of a lifeform than it does a clear taxonomic group.
That being said, there are three clear main groups I've mentioned in the past! Jawless fish, cartilaginous fish, and the most abundant group, ray-finned fish. There's also some lesser groups, like lobe-finned fish, but... most of the animals classified as fish you can find in these three groups.
So, what isn't a fish? It can be complicated sometimes (because nature cares not for the satisfaction of man) but if a species more or less doesn't fit the descriptors above, it's not a fish. If that becomes complicated, it's important to remember that animals in the superclass Tetrapoda are not fish! So that rules out non-fish non-mammals like the sea snakes that still inhabit the oceans of the world (though they also lack gills, possibly the most obvious indicator of a fish). Also, invertebrates aren't fish either, so that rules out a heck of a ton of molluscs, arthropods and the like.
Feel free to correct me if I've made a mistake! I am but a student myself, still learning about the biological world.
*Most fish are aquatic, but some are more amphibious in nature, like the mudskipper. However, amphibious fish still have to surround themselves in water from time to time and they still have their gills.
**All but one fish species are cold-blooded... because nature loves its exceptions. This warm-blooded fish is the opah, whom I have made a fish fact of! DFF#226 to be exact.
***Craniate=an animal with a skull made of hard bone or cartilage.
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vcanhelpsu · 17 days
What And How To Java Language
How To Declare Array In Java
Declaring An Array In A Java Program Requires You To Provide The Declared Array Variable Name, The Number Of Declared Or Held-On Array Storage Values, And The Data Type Of The Defined Array Element In Your Java Program.
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Below Is The Syntax For Declaring A Straightforward Array In A Java Application.
Syntax –
Aray DataType[] ArrayName;
// Simple Integer Array Declaration In Java
int[] simplearray;
int testarray[];
//Simple String Array Declare In Java.
string datatype [] variable name;
string course[];
// Simple Array Declare In Java Language.
int[] data = {23, 45, 67, 49, 95, 88};
int[] data; // simple array declaration
data = new int[]{0, 5, 7, 9, 25, 78}; // java array initialization
What Is Inheritance In Java
A Basic Idea In Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Languages Like Java Is Inheritance. It Enables One Class To Inherit The Characteristics (Methods And Fields) Of Another Class That Has Been Declared In A Java Program. This Is Referred To As The Parent Class Or Superclass. A Subclass Or Child Class Is A Class That Derives From A Superclass.
The Extends Keyword Is Used To Implement Inheritance In Java. The Fact That A Subclass May Access And Utilize Both The Members (Methods And Fields) Of The Superclass And Those Of Its Own Class Indicates That It Extends The Superclass.
Continue Reading On — https://vcanhelpsu.com
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roseliejack123 · 8 months
Mastering the Basics of Java: Your Gateway to Software Development
In the ever-evolving landscape of programming, Java stands as a versatile and widely-adopted language that has consistently been the preferred choice of developers worldwide. Whether you are a newcomer taking your first steps into the world of programming or an experienced developer seeking to broaden your skillset, acquiring a profound understanding of Java's fundamentals is an essential stride forward. In this comprehensive and meticulously crafted guide, we embark on a journey to delve deep into the core concepts of Java programming. This knowledge will not only serve as a strong foundation but also empower you to navigate the dynamic and ever-evolving domain of software development with confidence.
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Java's popularity has endured for decades, and it shows no signs of slowing down. Its ability to adapt to the ever-shifting demands of the software industry, coupled with its cross-platform compatibility, has made it a mainstay for both beginners and seasoned professionals. Whether you aspire to develop web applications, mobile apps, or enterprise-grade software solutions, Java offers a versatile platform to turn your coding dreams into reality.
1. Syntax: The Building Blocks of Java
Java's syntax is often praised for its readability and similarity to other programming languages like C++ and C#. This makes it relatively easy to learn, especially if you have experience with these languages. The key feature of Java's syntax is the use of curly braces {} to define blocks of code. These braces play a fundamental role in structuring Java programs, making it essential to grasp their usage.
2. Objects and Classes: Embracing Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Java is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language, which means it revolves around the concepts of objects and classes. In Java, everything is treated as an object, and classes serve as blueprints for creating these objects. A class defines both the properties (fields) and behaviors (methods) of an object. Understanding the principles of OOP is vital for building well-structured and modular Java applications.
3. Data Types: The Foundation of Variables and Data Manipulation
Java supports a variety of data types, categorized into primitive data types (e.g., int, double, char) and reference data types (e.g., objects, arrays). Primitive data types represent basic values, while reference data types refer to objects created from classes. Grasping these data types is essential for declaring variables and manipulating data in your Java programs.
4. Control Flow: Directing the Flow of Your Program
Java provides an array of control flow statements that dictate the execution flow of your program. These include conditional statements (such as if-else and switch), looping statements (including for, while, and do-while), and branching statements (like break, continue, and return). Mastery of these control flow structures is crucial for creating efficient and logic-driven Java applications.
5. Inheritance: Building on Existing Foundations
Inheritance is a core concept in Java that enables you to create new classes based on existing ones. By inheriting the properties and behaviors of a parent class, you can promote code reusability and establish a more organized code structure. Inheritance is a powerful tool for designing extensible and scalable Java applications.
6. Polymorphism: Achieving Flexibility and Extensibility
Polymorphism is another hallmark of Java's object-oriented approach. It enables objects of various classes to be handled as though they were members of a single superclass. This flexibility in code design allows you to create more versatile and extensible applications. Understanding polymorphism is essential for leveraging the full potential of Java's object-oriented capabilities.
7. Exception Handling: Managing Errors Gracefully
Java boasts a robust exception-handling mechanism to deal with runtime errors. By using try-catch blocks, you can gracefully handle exceptions, ensuring that your program doesn't crash unexpectedly. Effective exception handling is a key aspect of writing robust and reliable Java code.
8. Packages and Libraries: Harnessing the Power of Java's Ecosystem
Java offers a vast standard library known as the Java Standard Library or Java API. Additionally, it allows you to organize your code into packages for better organization and modularity. Leveraging these packages and libraries is essential for streamlining your development process and tapping into a wealth of pre-built functionality.
9. Memory Management: The Art of Garbage Collection
Java employs a unique feature called garbage collection to automatically manage memory. This process helps prevent memory leaks and ensures efficient memory usage in your Java applications. Understanding how garbage collection works is crucial for maintaining the performance and stability of your programs.
10. Multithreading: Building Responsive and Scalable Applications
Java's support for multithreading allows you to execute multiple threads concurrently. Threads are smaller units of a process that can run independently, making it possible to build responsive and scalable applications. Mastering multithreading is essential for developing high-performance Java software, particularly in today's world of parallel computing.
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Learning Java opens doors to a wide range of career opportunities in software development and information technology. Whether you're interested in building web applications, mobile apps, or enterprise solutions, Java's versatility makes it a valuable skill.
If you're looking to embark on your Java programming journey or enhance your existing skills, consider exploring courses and training programs offered by reputable institutions like ACTE Technologies. They provide comprehensive learning experiences and expert guidance to help you master Java and advance your career in this exciting field.
In conclusion, Java's robust features and wide-ranging applications make it a compelling choice for developers worldwide. By mastering its fundamental concepts and continuously expanding your knowledge, you'll be well-prepared to tackle complex projects and contribute to the ever-evolving world of software development. Good luck with your Java programming efforts!
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moonlitcomet · 8 months
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UNIT 01 - XF-99
Xalloburos frenalta
Common name "Cerana"
XF-99 is a small herbivorous animal bearing superficial resemblance to earthan rain frogs. It is in the taxonomic superclass Anivera, like all animals in this document. XF-99 is considered one of the most famous animals of Whenoth, well known for its cute appearance and feisty behavior. XF-99 usually feeds on small shrubs and ground mosses found on the surface of Whenoth, and prefers to keep its home near dry caves or burrows where it can hide.
While the animal seems harmless from a glance, XF-99 is known to defend itself through shrill and loud shrieking, produced by puffing up its large throat sack and blowing air through the secondary breathing gill behind its shoulders. This defense mechanism is proven very effective to large eyeless predators, as well as its enormous false eyes on its tympanic membranes and almost smiling appearance on its throat sack. XF-99 is incapable of bringing any harm to any human or humanoid, but it will pretend it is dangerous whenever it feels afraid, which is almost all the time.
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UNIT 02 - ZF-25
Zenudonus felkus
Common name "Travos"
ZF-25 is a colossal herbivorous animal that has developed a strange adaptation which allows it to feed on the enormous claw cactuses that overrun the Whenothian deserts. Its lips have evolved into a toothy beak and the teeth inside its mouth are large and axe-like, splitting open the thick flesh of the plants with ease. As it chews the spiny plants, the spines of the cacti are ground up into a fine mash which can then be safely swallowed. ZF-25 are known to feed almost exclusively on the claw cacti, due to its plentiful and nutritious nature. They are hyperadapted to not need to drink for nearly months on end, as they get most of their moisture from the food they eat.
ZF-25 are highly social animals- usually living in groups of up to 5- and are generally peaceful to other species, as their colossal size and thick hides are near impenetrable to almost every other animal on the planet. They have been observed with several species of small animals on their backs, which usually consist of insect-sized defisers and the larger anivers that eat them. While amicable, ZF-25 are not to be trifled with, for one whip of their tail or slam of their neck can instantly kill almost any predator that is hit by it.
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UNIT 03 - TW-57
Tellyastra Wuronits
Common name "Dentuo"
TW-57 is one of the superpredators of Whenoth, being the second largest known land carnivore on the planet. About the size of a small horse, TW-57 is able to keep up with one as well. TW-57 are well known for their speed and endurance, with their highly adapted nostrils being able to take in more hydrogen while they run. The shape of their body allows the movement of their legs to stimulate their lungs, meaning less energy is spent on actively breathing and more is spent on running.
They're iconic for their eyeless muzzle and splitting jaw which gives an appearance of two mouths. While the evolutionary purpose of the splitting jaw is unknown, the whiskers floating off of it seem to be used for intraspecies communication.
TW-57 usually hunts alone, but can occasionally be seen hunting in mated pairs. Being in the Wrathinida taxonomic order, they are a trisex species with a predominantly hermaphroditic sex that seems to be outcompeting other sexes. All hermaphroditic individuals have both inseminator and gestator features, and seem to be compatible with the other two sexes as well.
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UNIT 04 - TW-8
Tuolestris Wenter
Common name "Tulit"
TW-8 is a small, docile carnivore about the size of a dog. Related to the fearsome TW-57, TW-8 uses its compact body and long legs to keep up with its much larger prey. They are known as the land-mosquitos of Whenoth, with their enormous eyes and long proboscis that can stab their prey and drain their fluids. TW-8 can spot an XF-99 from over a kilometer away and have been reported to be able to run for days on end.
While docile, TW-8 are very skittish, and prefer to run from threats or puff up their large feathery manes to give off the impression of being a much larger animal.
As is with TW-57, TW-8 is in the taxonomic order Wrathinida which means they are one of the few aniver genuses that have a trisex reproductive system. TW-8 has a more even distribution of sexes, with typical gestator and inseminator not being as overrun as they are with their larger cousins.
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UNIT 05 - QR-117
Qilladus rastris
Common name "Turril"
Being the last on the document for now, QR-117 is a burrowing omnivore that primarily eats small defisers and chromasors. They are notable for their small and compact bodies, which combined with their large shovel-like jaws are excellent for burrowing into the dense Whenothian soil. QR-117 are popular outside of Whenoth as plush animals and children's mascots, and are frequently compared to bulldogs with their humorous appearance and tough personalities.
QR-117 has a distinct sexual dimorphism outside of the typical aniver pheromone flag, in which the inseminator sex has a red mane rather than a dull green. QR-117 with larger and more colorful manes will typically be seen as more desirable.
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