#surah 20
starfire-s · 1 year
still think about how when i told my mother in law i was planning to put surah al baqarah on in my house after i got married and she said “that one is too long play another surah” now that i look back on this conversation it makes so much sense why she was saying this
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shariarahmad02 · 7 months
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suratyaseen · 1 year
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noonzal · 22 days
List of duaas
1. Ya Allah grant me the companionship of Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, his family and the Sahaba's in Jannathul Firdous al 'áala.
2. Ya Allah make me and my family from amongst the sabiqoon you mention of in Surah Al Waqi'ah. Let the light of our imaan emanate from our chest and from our right hand side.
3. Ya rabb, make me of those who are patient and obedient to You and to my parents.
4. Ya Allah make me of the few You love, You Pardon and You shade on a Day when there is no shade but from Your Majestic Arsh.
5. Oh my Lord, increase me in Yakeen and Tawakkul in you. Let there be no doubt in my belief in Your Oneness, Your Majesty and Power.
6. Ya Rahman, shower your Mercy upon me and save me from disgrace on the Day of Reckoning.
7. Ya Allah Al Wali - The Protecting Friend, protect us from hearts that are not humble, tongues that are not wise, and eyes that have forgotten how to cry.
8. Ya Allah, increase me in Sadaqa-e- Jariya. May the legacy of my good deeds be never-ending.
9. Ya Rabb, perfect my Deen and my Worship. Save me from Faahisha and let me complete half of my Deen with someone whose heart is attached to you.
10. Ya Allah accept my good deeds and increase me in reward and Your Mercy. Wipe away my sins and pardon me completely.
11. Ya Allah, when I die, let my soul and my record of Deeds be with the Illiyeen. Grant me and my loved ones shade under your throne when there will be no shade but yours.
12. Ya Allah grant me, my parents, and family guidance, steadfastness and increase us in Imaan and taqwa. Keep me and my loved ones away from major and minor sins and from everything that earns your displeasure.
13. Ya Razaq increase me in my love for You and Your Prophet sallallähu 'alayhi wa sallam.
14. Ya Jabbar forgive me and my loved ones and increase us in Your Blessings and Provisions.
15. Ya Khaliq lead me to more opportunities to do good and seeking Your Pleasure. Help me expand my knowledge with sincerity and ikhlas.
16. Ya Wahhaab, Purify my intentions for Your Sake alone and let me not show off or take false pride. Save me from arrogance, pride, showing off and reminding of favors.
17. Oh my Creator and Sustainer, do not leave me alone. Bless me with a righteous spouse and children who will be the coolness of our eyes. Fill our hearts with a pure love that is pleasing to you. Bless us with spouses who will guide us towards your pleasure and with whom we will spend an eternity in Jannatul firdous al'aala.
18. Oh my Lord, make me of those who are patient and obedient to You and to my parents.
19. Ya Latfeef, save me from the Fitnah of Dajjal. And save me from becoming a fitna for others
20. Ya Ghafoor, save me and my loved ones from the punishment of the grave and the punishment of the Hell Fire.
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agirlwithimaan · 2 months
In Surah Taha, when Allah tells Musa (as) to take His signs to Firoun–He tells him "speak to him in soft words. Maybe, he accepts the advice or fears (Allah)”. [20:44]
Allah is telling Musa (as) to speak softly to a man who calls himself God. Allah gave Firoun another chance. SubhanAllah, if this is the mercy of Allah for a defiant and arrogant disbeliever, how much mercy must He have for the one who believes in Him and obeys Him.🥺💌
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notetaeker · 29 days
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March 20, 2024 - Friday  | Ramadan Challenge 10/30
Pictured: Migraine essentials and early blooms of the season. Alhamdulillah feeling better by the time of this post!
Taraweeh Tip: If you’re at the masjid, follow along with the recitation in your mus-haf. If you’re not sure where they’re up to, ask someone! If you’re praying at home, read from your qur’an! It’s not an obligatory prayer so you’re allowed to hold up your mushaf and read from there. Doing that instead of just speeding thru rakats with the same few juz amma surahs you usually read will make such a big difference trust me. Ofc this is advice to myself first and foremost 🌱
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andromedanisa · 29 days
tidak tergesa-gesa
لو تأملت في حالك لوجدت أن الله أعطاك الكثير دون أن تطلبه
فثق أن الله لم يمنع عنك حاجة رغبتها إلا و لك في المنع خيرا تجهله
"Sekiranya kau renungi perihal keadaanmu, pastilah kau dapati bahwa Allaah menganugerahkanmu banyak hal tanpa kau pinta. Karena itu, percayalah bahwa ketika Dia menghalangi tak memberi hal yang begitu engkau harapkan dan sukai tak lain karena pada hal demikian itu ada kebaikan yang engkau tak ketahui."
Kesabaran dalam berdoa adalah bahwa doa itu punya batas sesuai dengan kadar bobotnya.
Allaah pasti akan mengabulkan setiap doa yang telah dipanjatkan kepadaNya. Allaah pasti akan memberi jawaban doa seseorang selama ia bersabar dan tak tergesa-gesa.
Dari Abu Hurairah -raḍiyallāhu 'anhu- secara marfū', (Nabi bersabda), "Doa salah seorang dari kalian akan dikabulkan selama ia tidak tergesa-gesa, (yaitu) orang tersebut berkata, "Aku telah berdoa kepada Tuhanku, tetapi Dia tidak mengabulkannya untukku." Dalam riwayat Muslim (disebutkan), "Doa seorang hamba senantiasa akan dikabulkan selama ia tidak berdoa untuk dosa atau memutuskan hubungan keluarga, asalkan ia tidak tergesa-gesa." Ditanyakan, "Wahai Rasulullah, apa yang dimaksud dengan tergesa-gesa?" Beliau bersabda, "Seseorang berkata: Sungguh aku telah berdoa dan sungguh aku telah berdoa, namun aku belum melihat dikabulkannya doaku," maka ia pun merasa rugi (putus asa) ketika itu sehingga meninggalkan doa."  Hadis sahih - Muttafaq 'alaih
apa kunci dikabulkannya doa Nabi Zakariyyah alaihi salam? tentu kesabarannya. 70 tahun lamanya baru Allaah kabulkan doa Nabi Zakariyyah. selama 70 tahun Nabi Zakariyyah alaihissalam mengulang-ulang doanya setiap hari kepada Allaah tanpa tergesa-gesa.
berapa lama Nabi Yaqub alaihissalam berdoa agar Allaah pertemukan dengan Nabi Yusuf alaihissalam? Berpuluh-puluh tahun lamanya sampai ada yang mengatakan 40 tahun barulah Allaah mengabulkannya.
berapa lama Nabi Ayyub alaihissalam berdoa kepada Allaah agar mengembalikan semuanya? Tepat 20 tahun lamanya Nabi Ayyub alaihissalam berdoa yang mana Allaah abadikan dalam surah Al-Anbiya ayat 83
“Ya Tuhanku, sesungguhnya aku telah ditimpa penyakit dan Engkau adalah Tuhan Yang Maha Penyayang di antara semua penyayang."
Tidak sulit bagi Allaah untuk mengabulkan doa-doa para Nabi. Allaah lebih tahu segalanya. yang tersirat dari keteladan mereka adalah kesabaran tanpa batas. iya, sabar. nikmati setiap prosesnya.
akan ada batas waktunya dimana doa itu akan terkabul. yang perlu kamu yakini adalah bahwa setiap jawaban doa adalah iya pasti dikabulkan.
ada seorang perempuan bercerita kepada temanku, beliau menikah diusia 25 tahun. Allaah kabulkan doanya dengan kehadiran buah hati diusia beliau yang tidak muda lagi 45 tahun. 20 tahun lamanya beliau berdoa, dan selama itu Allaah baru mengabulkan doanya. padahal banyak manusia disekitarnya meragukan bahwa beliau ini akan hamil dan memiliki buah hati.
tentang doa teringat dengan perkataan Ibnu Qoyyim rahimahullaah, "Doa itu ibarat panah yang dilesatkan ke langit. tapi untuk mencapai langit ia butuh waktu."
"Berdoalah kepada Allaah dalam keadaan yakin bahwa doa tersebut akan dikabulkan, dan ketahuilah bahwa Allaah tidak akan mengabulkan doa dari hati yang lalai (yang tidak yakin bahwa doanya akan dikabulkan)." (HR. Tirmidzi 3479)
dan Ramadhan adalah momentum terbaik untuk melepaskan dan memulangkan semua kekhawatiran dengan doa-doa yang sungguh-sungguh mengharap Rahmat dan ampunan Allaah semata..
18 Ramadhan 1445 Hijriah
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rosepascal · 6 months
Bundles of Apples and Joy || Joel Miller x Reader
prompt: Apple Picking w/ Joel Miller
warnings: Soft!Joel and lots of domestic fluff
a/n: This is my fic for the Pedro Pascal CU discord server halloween event! also it's my birthday!!! I'm 22 so not super interesting lol
PPCU masterlist
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“Darlin’ do we really have to get up this early for apple pickin?” Joel asks as he sips his coffee.
It’s bright and early and while Joel was used to getting up early for work, he likes to sleep till the sun comes up on the weekend.
“Yes we do, If we get there too late all the good ones will be gone.” You say with a smile as you throw his green flannel at him.
Joel raises an eyebrow at you but doesn’t hesitate to put it on. He might not understand everything you wanna do but he’ll happily go along with it.
“You ready handsome?” You ask as you brush your hand through his hair.
“Ready baby.” He winks and kisses your forehead gently. Grabbing his keys and opening the door for you as you start to plan out the day. 
“So we need at least sixteen apples for the pies and then at least twenty for Sarah for her Halloween party and then ten or more for my grandmother's famous apple cider recipe.” You say as you count on your fingers just how much of everything you’re going to need.
“That’s a lot of apples.” Joel mutters as he drives, knowing that he’s going to be the one to carry them all.
“Are you kidding? It’s barely enough for all the fall treats.”
You love the fall season and all the food that comes with it but you can’t do it without some fall fun labor activities. Besides, how cute is an apple picking date? The wind hits your face in a nice fall breeze as you step out of Joel's truck. It doesn’t seem too busy which is great for you and Joel.
Once you get up to the little hut you hand him the money and Joel takes the basket before you could even think of reaching for it. Not that you’re complaining. Watching his arms stretch in that flannel of his is a view you could watch for a long time.
“Granny smiths first.” You say pointing towards the trees filled with green apples.
“Smaller than I thought.” Joel says as he picks on that fits small in the palm of his hand. You pluck it from his hand and put it in the basket.
“That’s because these are organic Joel,” He shrugs and picks a few more, reaching for the ones that are deep in the leaves when you ask. Once you have enough for two pies you move on to the pink ladies. Picking at 20 for all of surah's friends plus a few extra for parents or yourself.
“Alright baby let me take these back to the truck.” Joel kisses the side of your head as he heads back. You go over the list in your head as you wait for Joel. A pair of hands on your waist makes you jump but it's just Joel.
“Here, it’s cold.” He hands you a cup of warm cider he must have bought from the little stand at the front.
The warm liquid feels great on your hands and you bring the cup to his lips so he can take a sip too. For a moment it feels so private. Even though you’re standing in the middle of an apple orchard, it's like the only people who are there are the two of you.
The wind brings the two of you closer, his arms wrapping around you to shield you from the cold. He smiles that sweet smile you love to see. His eyes crinkle as he does. He hates it, says it makes him old but you love it because it means he's genuinely happy.
“Ready to pick more apples?” You ask softly and he nods. Hand in hand you pick the rest of the apples you need and head back to home. But before you do you buy a pumpkin pie from their little pie stand. It’s Joel's favorite.
By the time you get home with all your apples Sarah has woken up. Joel grumbles about her sleeping too much but you tell him it's the weekend and she deserves a little sleep. Placing the bags of apples on the counter you get right to work, washing and drying the ones you need for the pies as Joel starts to peel and slice.
“Damn apples are too small.” He mutters as he struggles to peel them. You giggle as you finish your fourth apple as Joel still works on his second.
“Yeah yeah keep laughing.” He playfully glares and you kiss his cheek.
“You’re doing great honey.” Joel gives up after he almost slices his hand on the third apple so you send him to gather the rest of the ingredients while you finish up the apples.
“Hey baby, does this look right?” He asks from behind you. You turn around ready to check when you’re met with a face full of flour. You drop the apple in your hand in shock as you hear him laugh.
“Joel!” You wipe your eyes as you glare harshly at him.
“You got something right there.” He gestures to his whole face and you do not find it very funny.
“Oh you’re gonna pay Miller.” You grab a handful of flour and throw it right back at him.
Ruining his once clean shirt with white powder. He grabs you by the waist and pulls you away from the counter. Burying his flour covered face into your neck as he pushes you back to the living room and onto the couch.
“Joel! The couch!” You say with a laugh as you both fall back onto the couch cushions. '
“It'll be fine.” He says as he pulls you closer to him. Sighing, you sit for a while together, enjoying each other's company and the time you get to spend together. Even if he covered you in flour, you still love him.
“I missed you.” You say softly.
He’s been so busy lately. Work has been piling on and you can tell its been affecting him. He’s tired, worn down when he comes home. But he still manages to bring you flowers and go to all of Sarah’s soccer games. Even behind those tired eyes, you know he’s trying.
“As much as I love this, we got to finish the pies.” Joel doesn’t budge and you try and think of another way to convince him.
“If we don’t finish then you don’t get any pie.” Reluctantly he loosens his grip on you. Letting you climb off and stand. He moves to get up but you stop him.
“I can handle the rest of this, take some time to relax.” He protests but you shake your head.
“Please? For me?” Joel sighs and caves in. His back has been killing him recently and he didn’t sleep well. Still he wants to help.
“I’ll rest for a minute.” You nod your head and let him close his eyes. Draping a blanket over him. When he opens his eyes it’s dark outside and Sarah is sitting next to him watching a movie.
“Look who’s awake.” You say as you bring Sarah a cup of hot cocoa.
“I wasn’t asleep, I was just..restin’ my eyes.” He says as he sits up to make room for you.
“Yeah okay.” Sarah says with a giggle. Joel wraps his arm around her and pulls her close.
“Hey!” She protests but doesn’t try to escape his hold.
“What movie is this?”
“Halloweentown.” Sarah says as she rests her head on his shoulder. The smell of pie wafts through the air and Joel hears his stomach rumble.
“Let me get you some.” You say happily as you get up.
Cutting Joel a slice of pie and adding some vanilla ice cream on top. It’s warm and delicious and he has to stop himself from eating too fast so he can truly enjoy your hard work.
You cuddle into his other side as the movie plays on. He sets his plate down on the table and wraps his arms around the two of you. The stress of the week melts away as he lets himself relax. Enjoying the nice moment for as long as he can.
“You know, apple picking ain’t too bad.” He whispers in your ear. You smile and close your eyes.
“Wanna do it again sometime?”
“Anytime, Anyday. As long as it’s with you.”
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chic-a-gigot · 2 months
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La Mode nationale, no. 7, 19 février 1898, Paris. Nos patrons découpés (Grandeur naturelle). Capuche, sortie de bal ou de théâtre, & cravate fantaisie. Bibliothèque nationale de France
Explications des patrons découpés:
Capuche sortie de bal ou de théâtre. (Theater or ball hood)
Ce modèle de capuche est très pratique tout en étant très élégant pour sortie de bal ou de théâtre. (This hooded model is very practical while being very elegant for going to a ball or theater.)
Il se fait en 3 morceaux. (It is made in 3 pieces.)
No. 5. — Fond (en entier); se taille en linon et se recouvre de faille ou satin. (Background (in full); It is cut from lawn and covered with fault or satin.)
No. 6. — Passe (en entier); se faille également en linon, se soutient par des laitons et se recouvre comme le fond avec de la faille ou du satin. Ce morceau se rattache au fond à FGH. (Pass (in full); is also made of lawn, supported by brass and covered, like the bottom, with wool or satin. This piece is basically linked to FGH.)
No. 7. — Bavolet (par moitié); se taille en faille ou satin, se double de surah avec ouatine entre étoffe et doublure. Ce morceau se raccorde à la passe à I, au fond à J. (Bavolet (half); can be cut in faille or satin, doubled as surah with wadding between fabric and lining. This piece connects to the pass at I, basically at J.)
Cette capuche toute montée se double de florence, se garnit de ruchés de mousseline de soie, un ruban entoure le bavolet et sert de bride. (This ready-made hood doubles as a florence, is trimmed with silk muslin ruches, a ribbon surrounds the flap and serves as a strap.)
Avec 1 mètre de faille en 0m.55, 6 mètres mousseline de soie sur 0m.05 et 1m.20 de ruban no. 12 l'on peut confectionner ce gracieux modèle.
Cravate de fantaisie. (Fancy tie)
Cette garniture, tout à fait nouvelle, peut se faire en mousseline de soie et faille, taffetas ou satin. (This completely new trim can be made from silk chiffon and faille, taffeta or satin.)
Elle se compose de 4 morceaux. (It consists of 4 pieces.)
No. 1. — Cravate; se taille double sans couture. devant. Cette garniture s'agrafant derrière, elle se taille en toile gommée ou toile de tailleur et se recouvre d'un plissé de mousseline de soie dépassant de 2 centimètres le pointillé marqué sur le patron. (Tie; fits double size without sewing. in front. This trim is stapled behind, it is cut from gummed canvas or tailor's canvas and is covered with a pleat of silk muslin extending 2 centimeters beyond the dotted line marked on the pattern.)
No. 2. — Draperie; taillée en faille, taffetas ou satin. Ce morceau descend de long du pointillé de la cravate, il s'y raccorde à ABC. (Drapery; cut in faille, taffeta or satin. This piece goes down along the dotted line of the tie, it connects to ABC.)
No. 3. — Pan du même tissu que la draperie; quelques plis le rétrécissant dans le haut. Il s'ajuste à la cravate à AD. (Panel of the same fabric as the drapery; a few folds narrowing it at the top. It adjusts to the tie at AD.)
No. 4. — Passe; ce morceau cache la couture du pan et de la cravate; quelques plis l'ajustent. Elle se raccorde à la cravate à D, au pan à DE. (Pass; this piece hides the seam of the tail and the tie; a few folds adjust it. It connects to the tie at D, to the tail at DE.)
Il faut 0m.50 de soie en 0m.55, et 0m.30 de mousseline de soie sur 0m.30 pour faire cette jolie fantaisie.
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umtxqwa · 2 months
Near the end of surah Luqman [31], Allāh commands:
[فَلَا تَغُرَّنَّكُمُ الْحَيَاةُ الدُّنْيَا وَلَا يَغُرَّنَّكُم بِاللَّهِ الْغَرُورُ]
"So do not let yourselves be deceived by this worldly life and do not let yourselves be deceived about Allāh by the deceiver." [33]
In his tafsir of this ayah, Imam at-Tabari (rahimahullah) mentioned the following report:
Some interpreted "the deceiver" in the way that is relayed from Sa'eed ibn Jubayr (rahimahullah) who explained:
"do not let yourselves be deceived about Allah by the deceiver"
by saying (it means): “that you commit a sin while hoping for forgiveness.”
[Tafsir at-Tabari, 20/159]
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b-lessings · 8 months
A couple of years ago, I forgot who actually said it but I was listening to a khutbah or something on YouTube, and the speaker said that once you reach a certain level it's like you unlock a channel with Allah swt and you start hearing what He swt is trying to tell you, you start seeing the signs, you sort of become in a constant communication with Allah swt even in the simplest of ways, etc etc. And that always fascinated me, the thought alone, like imagine being able to communicate with Allah swt in very simple ways without needing much steps or idk.. anyways, fast forward today, right now, I got on Tumblr and wanted to write a post about my struggle with music now that I am spending the summer in Tunisia, and how the culture, especially in summer, with all the festivals and the weddings and the parties, revolves around music and you find yourself exposed to that constantly, and most often unwillingly.. and how it was so much easier for me to control my exposure to music back home. But then, I discarded the mental notification that told me to write the post and kept passively scrolling.. a few scrolls down I am met with one of my most favorite verses from my most favorite surah :
و ألقيت عليك محبة مني ( سورة طه )
So I automatically smiled and was about to reblog it as my initial reaction to it, but then I felt like it was a message from Allah swt reminding me of the time of my life I was so obsessed with surat Ta Ha, I would listen to it religiously, on repeat, I even managed to learn parts of it just from listening, and it reminding me of those times where I would use the time I am commuting to listen to my daily Qur'an playlist, and it did feel that Allah swt is answering the post I haven't even posted, He swt acknowledging and resolving that only existed in my thoughts, and it gets better! He swt chose my favorite surah as a reminder because He swt - the All-knowing - obviously knows my attachement to surat Ta Ha and knows it would invoke such a positive emotional reaction in me. Now tell me this isn't a proof of this verse from surat Ta Ha as well:
وَاِنۡ تَجۡهَرۡ بِالۡقَوۡلِ فَاِنَّهٗ يَعۡلَمُ السِّرَّ وَاَخۡفٰى
20:7) Whether you speak out aloud (or in a low voice), He knows what is said secretly, and even that which is most hidden.
And a reminder of this verse from surat Qaf
وَلَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنسَانَ وَنَعْلَمُ مَا تُوَسْوِسُ بِهِ نَفْسُهُ ۖ وَنَحْنُ أَقْرَبُ إِلَيْهِ مِنْ حَبْلِ الْوَرِيدِ (16)
(50:16) Surely We19 have created man, and We know the promptings of his heart, and We are nearer to him than even his jugular vein.
The point is, indeed Allah swt is closer to us than we can ever imagine or perceive with our human abilities, all we have to do is listen.
Alhamdullillah for such a beautiful religion 🥹.
- A. Z. 🤍🍃
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with-her-qalam · 7 months
Care to read something truly amazing?
When Allah speaks about our pursuit of worldly matters, He uses the term, فَامْشُوا / “Walk” (Al-Qur'an, Surah 67, Ayah 15)
When speaking about our pursuit of Salaah, Allah uses the
term, فَاسْعَوْا / “Proceed” (Al-Qur'an, Surah 62, Ayah 9)
When speaking about our pursuit of Paradise, He uses the
term, سَابِقُوا / “Race!” (Al-Qur'an. Surah 57, Ayah 21)
But, when speaking about our pursuit of Him, Allah uses the term, فَفِرُّوا / “Flee!” (Al-Qur'an, Surah 51, Ayah 50)
Not every ambition in life deserves the same amount of effort.
With the above said, consider your own life, your own aspirations and what you invest most time in.
Is the above an accurate reflection of us?
Or have we flipped this Qur'anic standard upside down, where we ‘walk’ towards Allah, but ‘flee’ towards everything other than Him?
Let your slogan in life be the words of Prophet Musa PBUH who said,
وَعَجِلْتُ إِلَيْكَ رَبِّ لِتَرْضَى
“ .. and I *rush* to You, my Lord, so that You be pleased.”
(Al-Qur'an, Surah 20, Ayah 84)
Source Unknown
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asma-al-husna · 2 months
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Allah calls Himself Al-Faatir— The Originator, The Creator, the Initiator— on six occasions in the Quran. He is the One who initiates and creates. Al-Faatir is the one who starts and finishes the complete creation with perfection!
The Initiator, the Creator and Originator
Faatir comes from the root faa-Taa-raa which points to three main meanings. The first main meaning is to initiate and start and the second is to create. The third main meaning is to break apart or cleft asunder.
This root appears 20 times in the Quran in six derived forms. Examples of these forms are faTara (“He has created”), infaTarat (“is cleft asunder”), fuToorin (“flaw”) and munfaTirun (“will break apart”).
Linguistically, fatara al-shay’ means “he began the thing.” Ibn ‘Abbaas said: I did not understand what faatir al-samawaati wa’l-ard (Creator of the heavens and the earth) meant until two Bedouins came to me with a dispute about a well, and one of them said Ana fatartuha (I started it), meaning that he was the one who dug it first.
Abu’l-‘Abbaas said that he heard Ibn al-A‘raabi say: Ana awwal man fatara hadha (I am the first one who started this), meaning the first one to begin it [Taaj al-‘Aroos, 1/3347]
This means that the root faTara and faaTir may be used to refer to others than Allah ‘azza wa jall, however Allah is the only true Faatir as each and every thing is started by His will and power only.
Al-Faatir Himself says: Their messengers said, “Can there be doubt about Allah , Creator of the heavens and earth?..[Quran, 14:10].. Say, “O Allah , Creator of the heavens and the earth, Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, You will judge between your servants concerning that over which they used to differ. [Quran, 39:46]

The great excellence
In the Quran Allah starts a surah with: [All] praise is [due] to Allah , Creator of the heavens and the earth, [who] made the angels messengers having wings, two or three or four . . . [Quran, 35:1] Allah Al-Faatir teaches us beautiful lessons we can learn from this chapter: surah Faatir. 
He ‘azza wa jall opens strongly stating it is He who is the Creator of the heavens and earth and therefore both praise and thanks belongs to Him.
Further in the surah Allah says: We gave the Book as an inheritance to those whom We chose from among Our servants; among them is the one who wrongs himself, and among them is also the one who takes a middle course, and of them is the one who is foremost in virtuous deeds by Allah’s permission; this is the great excellence. [Quran, 35:32]
Here Al-Faatir explains to us how of all of the creation, He chose a selection to be blessed with belief in Him, with Al-Islam. He then describes how we can classify ourselves into three groups, all of which are among the believers.
Al-Ḥasan al-Baṣri explained: the wrongful one is the one whose ill-deeds have overtaken his good deeds, the foremost one is the one whose good-deeds have overtaken his ill-deeds, and the middle-coursed one is the one whose good-deeds and ill-deeds are equivalent. This teaches us that true success, or excellence, lies not in materialism but in your good deeds outweighing your bad deeds.
How Can You Live by This Name?

1. Feel true praise and thanks.
Allah ‘azza wa jall starts surah Faatir with: Alhamdulillaahi faaTiris samaawaati wal ardh – [All] praise is [due] to Allah , Creator of the heavens and the earth..[Quran 35:1] You firmly believe He is the Creator, but how often do you really praise Him and how strong is your thanks to Him, for all He gave you?  Most important is that you say each alhamdulillah, with a strong conviction that He is your Creator, the Originator of all you see, feel, taste and touch!
Recognize His work all around you and be thankful for all that He created for you to make use of in this world. [He is] Creator of the heavens and the earth. He has made for you from yourselves, mates, and among the cattle, mates; He multiplies you thereby [Quran, 42:11].
2. Realize how blessed you are with Islam.
Halfway surah Faatir Allah says: We gave the Book as an inheritance to those whom We chose from among Our servants… [Quran, 35:32] Do you see the Quran as your inheritance? How much effort do you make to practise the Book Al-Faatir chose to reveal to you? Realize that as a Muslim you are blessed with the greatest bounty: belief. If you are weak in practising Islam still realize that you are part of His chosen slaves among His enourmous creation and let this motivate you to work harder. If you are already steadfast in your religion, keep reminding yourself this is from Al-Faatir only.
3. Seek love and protection at the source.
The most destructive quest is that for love and protection from the wrong sources. How many people have been consumed by their obsessive love for others instead of loving their Creator and disappointed and broken by their realization the creation could not protect them? Al-Faatir is the one who created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them and He is the only one who can protect you and love you like no other. Say, “Is it other than Allah I should take as a protector, Creator of the heavens and the earth, while it is He who feeds and is not fed?”[Quran, 6:14]
So bow to Him and seek Him only in ease and hardship! Like Yusuf ‘alayhi sallam beautifully supplicated: Creator of the heavens and earth, You are my protector in this world and in the Hereafter. Cause me to die a Muslim and join me with the righteous [Quran, 12:101]
4. Call upon Al-Faatir.
A beautiful way to praise and thank Him is to stick to the adhkaar of the Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, for example the morning and evening remembrance- a set of supplications to be said after fajr and after the ‘asr prayer.* One of them  is:
‎“اللَّهُمَّ عَالِمَ الْغَيْبِ وَالشَّهَادَةِ فَاطِرَ السَّماوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ، رَبَّ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَمَلِيكَهُ، أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ، أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَرِّ نَفْسِي، وَمِنْ شَرِّ الشَّيْطَانِ وَشِرْكِهِ، وَأَنْ أَقْتَرِفَ عَلَى نَفْسِي سُوءاً، أَوْ أَجُرَّهُ إِلَى مُسْلِمٍ”.
O Allah, Knower of the unseen and the evident , Maker of the heavens and the earth (faaTiras samaawaati wal ardh) , Lord of everything and its Possessor , I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but You . I seek refuge in You from the evil of my soul and from the evil of Satan and his helpers . (I seek refuge in You) from bringing evil upon my soul and from harming any Muslim [At-Tirmidhee, Abu Dawood]. Memorize this beautiful dua’, make it part of your daily routine and revive the sunnah!

O Allah, Al-Faatir, we know that You originate, initiate, and create. Make us of the shaakireen (thankful ones) and of the ones whose good deeds outweigh the bad deeds. Guide us in seeking You only for protection, in directing our love to You first and foremost, and make us call upon You with conviction morning and evening, ameen!
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lightup0nlight · 3 months
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Do you remember the story in Surah al-Kahf, where the rich owner of the two gardens boasted his success to his friend, saying: “I am greater than you in wealth and superior in manpower”? Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala recorded the friend’s response in the following aayat:
🌺 ❛Perhaps my Rabb will grant me [something] better than your garden, and send down upon your garden a thunderbolt from the sky, turning it into a barren waste. Or its water may sink [into the earth], and then you will never be able to seek it out.❜ 【Surah al-Kahf 18:40-41】
Some scholars said that the poor friend was so hurt by the arrogance of his rich friend, that he handed his grief and sorrow to Allah in du'a, and said the words in the aayat above. What happened next?
🌺 ❛And so all his (i.e. the owner of the two gardens) produce was [totally] ruined, so he started to wring his hands for all he had spent on it, while it had collapsed on its trellises…❜ 【Surah al-Kahf 18:42】
So be afraid of the du’a of the people whom we’ve wronged, because Allah will answer their supplications either sooner or later. One of the frightening things about Allah’s punishment is that sometimes Allah punishes the wrongdoer without him realizing it. A person may have wronged someone many years ago, but the effects of his sins were only felt 20, 30 years later, and he would attribute the hardship that he suffered as something natural, not realizing that it was because of his past oppression. Allah allows a person to experience istidraj, until one day he finds himself in ruins.
So do not intentionally wrong people, and take ownership of your transgression. If the oppressed raises his hands in du’a to Allah against us, we will be ruined. And even if Allah does not give his retribution in this dunya, the consequences in the akhirah are much more severe. Allah says:
🌺 ❛And never think that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only delays them for a Day when eyes will stare (in horror).❜ 【Surah Ibrahim 14:42】
May Allah protect us from wronging others, and being wronged by others.
Your sister in Deen, Aida Msr ©
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anotheraldin · 3 months
Know that this worldly life is no more than play, amusement, luxury, mutual boasting, and competition in wealth and children. This is like rain that causes plants to grow, to the delight of the planters. But later the plants dry up and you see them wither, then they are reduced to chaff.
And in the Hereafter there will be either severe punishment or forgiveness and pleasure of Allah, whereas the life of this world is no more than the delusion of enjoyment.
-Surah Al-Hadid | 57:20.
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notetaeker · 2 months
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Welcome to this years Ramadan Challenge! This is something I've been doing for the past 3 years and it has been so beneficial to me so I hope it is the same for you. Everyone is welcome to join! Please also let me know if u have any suggestions / notice any mistakes ;_;
Special thank you to @nuuralshams 💕 and @laikastudies ✨
Reblog this post to let me know you're in! (and to have as reference)
Pls use the tag '#RamadanChallenge2024'
I will be rb-ing every post I see in there (unless it's spam bots)
You can do a question per day or batch them together if you like
You can also do some questions out of order if you want (like answering the surah kahf question on a friday)
Feel free to skip any question or just post abt how ur ramadan went that day / what you ate for iftar / anything tbh
You are also welcome to start late (or early! If you want to use some of the questions as a countdown to Ramadan!)
I also included some Ramadan Prep questions + Eid post if you'd like! ( Very optional!)
I will be starting the challenge when I personally start Ramadan but if Ramadan starts a day earlier for you- you can just start then!
I added a bonus day in case Ramadan is 30 days lol but you can skip it if you want if Ramadan is only 29 days
I will try my best to queue your posts but knowing me I might just mass-reblog 🤡
Anyway Allahumma Balighna Ramadan!!! / Ramadan Mubarak !!!! (based on when you're reading this)
Let me know! If you want to be tagged / reminded when we start!
Prep day 1: One thing you're looking forward to this Ramadan
Prep day 2: Anything you are scared of / worried about for this year?
Prep day 3: List one thing that would help future-you get the most out of this Ramadan, and go do it now! (if possible)
Day 1: What are your goals this Ramadan? Possible suggestions: 1 habit to build, 1 habit to break, and one accomplishment you hope to gain!
Day 2: What are your other obligations this month? How does it compare to previous years? How do you balance them with ramadan?
Day 3: What is your favorite act of worship? Has it always been your favorite?
Day 4: Ramadan is the month of the qur'an. What is an ayah from the Qur'an that has changed your view of things or impacted you deeply (this year)?
Day 5: Share a treasured ramadan memory
Day 6: Biggest life lesson or advice you would give to others
Day 7: Best iftar item?
Day 8: What is a suhoor necessity to get you through the day?
Day 9: Share a hadith you’ve been thinking about recently or try this link that gives you a random hadith. How does it relate to you? (Does it?)
Day 10: First 10 days end today! Share a taraweeh tip! If you haven't prayed Taraweeh before, what is something that feels difficult about it?
Day 11: How has your experience of Ramadan changed over the years (Has it?)
Day 12: Most challenging thing about Ramadan and how do you try to overcome it?
Day 13: What aspects of the qur'anic science have you explored, and how did that go? (e.g tafsir, translation, memorization, tajweed, recitation)
Day 14: Favorite lesson(s) from the surah kahf stories?
Day 15: Any islamic lecture series / podcast / book that you would recommend?
Day 16: Favorite time to read qur'an during Ramadan? What about outside of Ramadan?
Day 17: What is your Ramadan Routine this year?
Day 18: the second 10 days is almost over! Are you part of any islamic communities during Ramadan? What about outside of Ramadan?
Day 19: What is something you are grateful for this Ramadan?
Day 20: Have you ever done i'tikaf or qiyamul-layl in previous Ramadans? Are you doing any this time?
Day 21: Any feel-good dua acceptance stories to share? It could be your own story, a friend's, or even from a lecture that you heard
Day 22: What is something you always miss about Ramadan when it's over? / What do you think you might miss this year?
Day 23: Are you making dua for anything specific? (Any dua you want us to make for you?)
Day 24: Share an Eid memory that sticks out to you! What kind of Eid traditions do you have?
Day 25: Who is a sahaba (companion of the prophet ﷺ) that you feel inspired by? Can you share the story that inspires you?
Day 26: Your Laylatul-Qadr worship routine! Dhikr? Dua? Salah? Tell us!
Day 27: Mention a favorite story about the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, or which of his qualities you look up to the most.
Day 28: Think over the last month and the Ramadan that you've spent. Is there something you wish you had spent more time on? There's still 1-2 days left! What's your plan?
Day 29: Ramadan is our honorable yearly guest who is now preparing to leave 💔 What are 3 gifts Ramadan is leaving for you as a parting gift until we meet it again (inshallah) next year. It could be habits
Day 30 / BONUS DAY: If you were given an extra day to live, what would you do on that day?
EID: Eid Mubarak! Post a 3x3 or a 3x2 photoset of your eid celebrations! (Optional)
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