#takes janeway out of her head IMMEDIATELY
isagrimorie · 16 days
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Star Trek Voyager 5x01 - Night
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bumblingbabooshka · 3 months
Hi welcome backk :] I’m currently hyperfixating on art history + Tuvok so here’s some Renaissance - 19th century paintings that I think Tuvok (especially Tuvok the way you characterize him :) would serve cunt in: Fra Fillippo Lippi - Madonna With Child Enthroned With Two Angels, Georges de La Tour - The Penitent Magdalen, John Singer Sargent - Madame X (Madame Pierre Gautreau) (bonus points cuz of the history of the painting) Thank you for your time :)
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Sketches! Thoughts on each Below (I don't know art history)
Madame X: The difference between the woman's very pale skin and the deep black of her dress is striking. She's also the only thing really in frame - even the background is just a color. Looking back on it I wish I'd chosen a different color for the background so Tuvok's skin looked more striking. If I redo this I definitely will since her skin being the only 'pale' thing is part of what (to me) makes her so immediately striking. Currently in my piece that 'point of interest' has become the white robes which wasn't my intention. But the fact that they're so fancy makes it seem like it might be, hehe...if this was an assignment for a class or something I'd definitely lie and say it was. Anyway since Tuvok has dark skin I didn't want to keep the clothes black since to me it wouldn't have the same 'Madame X' appeal. So I changed his robes to be white to contrast his skin and also made them less revealing because I don't think Tuvok wears very revealing outfits....usually very covered up and layered. So again I wanted to change the appeal - you can't really see any part of his body so you focus on the face instead, even though the face isn't focusing on you. I picture this as a younger version of Tuvok at some sort of function. The 'bunny ears' at the top of his head mimic Madame X's hairpin(?) but also bring to mind a Vulcan Priestess.
The Penitent Magdalene: Tuvok's most associated color (to me) being purple made this drawing again a bit ... mmm -tilts hand so so- The red in the originally really warmed the piece and was very eye catching. There was more of a sense of the candle's glow. I thought about using his security yellow but I thought it'd be too samey with the golds and browns and I wanted to signify that this is a private, personal moment. I drew this while thinking about the scene where Tuvok places a candle in his window for Kes after her ascension. Quiet mourning. We don't see his face because he's Vulcan and it's assumed he's struggling with emotion. Even the mirror doesn't show his face - it shows the candle, symbolic of his affection for Kes and his grief at her having gone. It burns bright. On the floor is his Starfleet badge, pointing him out but useless. This visage of dark and quiet sorrow is cut through slightly by light from the next and last piece. Madonna with Child, Two Angels: Of course Tuvok's angels and his children are one in the same. In the original piece, the child is able to touch its mother but in this one she's just out of reach. Tuvok is similarly not looking at or embracing the child - in this piece it's because he cannot. He's too far from her, from all of them! He is instead praying (as they do in canon) to return safely to them. Tuvok looks more tired in this one and he's wearing the neck ruffle thing that the monk he was sent to as a teenager wore. I'm using it here as like a nun's habit but also as like 'he's remembering another time his faith was utterly destroyed and he was able to rebuild it'. Forever thinking about the throwaway line in 'Innocence' where he says he USED to believe in katra but RECENTLY struggles to. I wonder if this is because he's alone, without family. To believe in katra would be somewhat frightening under those circumstances. You can say 'Janeway would just take it' but I'm sure it's more complicated and fraught for Tuvok himself. Anyway, I turned the halo into a part of the headscarf he's wearing (some sort of ornate accessory) and the mischievous/joyful angel in the original is now Elieth who looks accusatory, as if we're keeping him and his siblings from their father. The spark in the middle of the drawing is ... well it's their connection and all that stems from it. Both joy and sorrow at remembering, having had. This is why it also 'cuts through' them - separating them. It's also why I incorporated it slightly into the above piece as they deal with similar themes. I hope this was satisfactory! Thank you!
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20 Fic Writer Quesions
First, thank you @singeart and @mytardisisparked for tagging me!. I did a set of these last year and it was fun to see how my answers have changed since then!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
1.6 million and counting!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Trek Voyager
Star Trek Prodigy
Sailor Moon
Harry Potter
Madam Secretary
Ive debated writing SwanQueen for a long time but by the time I had the energy and time to write, I'd lost interest in the show. I might rewatch and come back to it one day...
I have thought about writing Wynonna Earp or Tamora Pierce universe fanfiction but have yet to get an idea that grabs me. I like to find things i want to fix and it's hard when the source material is perfection.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Parent Trap (305)
Sailor Moon H Order of the Phoenix (289)
Sailor Moon H Half Blood Prince (222)
Eden's Deception (167)
Out of Reach (150)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! although if I'm busy or feeling down it can take me a while. Sometimes I forget.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I still think What Even is 3 Minutes takes the cake. Or I'll be Your First if You'll be my Last
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I Heard the Comm on Christmas Morn and Parent Trap
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Unfortunately I've gotten hate on fics since I started writing them... and it's become just something I expect to happen. Sometimes it's funny. Sometimes it confuses me. Sometimes it makes me sad. It really depends...
The memorable haters:
There was the delightful Fanfiction.net reviewer who got pissed i was "making everybody gay" (that was funny actually). I forget if they were the same person who flamed me when Mcgonagall and Hooch kissed under some mistletoe. I digress. They thought queering up the canon was like sinful or whatever. I was delighted to disagree and make the story even queerer.
Another person cussed me out for magically restraining Sailor Plutos time travel powers so my plot would work and for making her have feelings about it. aparently mad the senshi were not all powerful deus exmachinas who never feel feelings... That one stung. That was the reason I left FFN.
Hate because in Sailor Moon H, Harry Potter was not the main character.
Hate that I made a magic bio baby for the magical lesbians. (I can't have a biobaby with my wife irl, can't I at least let the fantasy girlies have one!)
Hate for including C/7 in a story
...I wouldn't call it hate for the fic but I have had an uncomfortable amount of commenters who hate on Chakotay any time I have him involved with Seven / don't have him grovel to Kathryn / really any time I let him advocate for how he's been hurt... at first comments like this stressed me out because i worried i had not written the character sufficiently sympathetic. But then Parent Trap breached containment and I got enough comments to be able to see I had definitely written the character fine... it was just that some people were always just rooting for a "Chakotay falls over himself to apologize to Janeway for not immediately dating her" storyline that... I'm not sorry 😅 I'm never going to write that. The older I get the more I feel like both of J/C just need therapy! They've been through so much trauma. Their feelings are valid (yes, even for other people).
Parent Trap breaching containment also meant that when I hit an irl rut and couldnt get in the writing headspace for a bit, a bunch of - sincerely, well meaning - fans got into their heads to start a commenting campaign to get me to update. I heard about it and panicked (i had bad experiences that year of getting people who only commented "update soon" and those conversely stressed me out and made me not want to write - I love fic writing for the conversations and community... so it made me feel like readers thought i was just a content vending machine). so just the thought of potentially getting an avalanche of guests, well meaning or not, begging me to update made me lock commenting until the fic was done. I wound up deciding after that that since "update soon" requests were becoming a lot more frequent that I'd consider before posting whether getting them would hurt my ability to finish. So most of the time now if I know a fic is going to reach a bigger potential community, I don't start posting it until it's almost done. That has had some upsides! (Im less dependent on positive feedback for motivation now!) and some downsides (no one comments on my fics with their theories anymore) but on a whole, a good decision.
Immediately after finishing Parent Trap I wrote Fever and got this amazing guest comment from someone who said (paraphrasing cuz i'm too busy to go find it) "Youre better than this. how dare you write this filth. J/C are better than this" that one had me laughing for days. But the comment did prompt me to create a second account later when I wrote a tentacle fic. At the time I worried i'd get a ton of similar flame comments from people who were subscribed to my main for other types of fic... but I am even feeling like that's unnecessary now. I write what I write! Yes, some of it is really dirty, weird smut. I'm not sorry.
Currently any time I post a Threshold AU fic an anon drops into my comments section in order to call me "Sick" and "Deranged"... they make me so sad I don't even make a quippy reply. I just delete them. I write that universe for my own wish fulfillment... Someday (soon, hopefully) I'm gonna have kids. And I am going to have to have conversations with them about who their biological dad is. Why they look like one mom and not the other, whether their non bio family love them even if theyre not blood related. I might have a kid who feels different from everyone else because they're queer or they're neurodivergent or they're some new alienating feeling I am totally unprepared for. and I'll need to help them navigate that.. Writing about hybrid salamander kids getting raised in a blended family is FUN. But more importantly... it helps me practice those situations. It comforts me to know that if the characters can figure this out in the AU then I can figure this out in real life! What the hell is sick and deranged about that!?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I write all sorts of smut. I post the stuff that doesn't totally mortify me once i've gotten out of whatever mood had me writing the smut in the first place.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have exactly two crossovers to my name: Sailor Delta and Sailor Moon H. I think on the basis of word count alone Sailor Moon H (>500,000) is definitely the craziest.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I consider the unlicensed use of the AO3 archive for ChatGPT and similar LLMs theft. (and there are several court cases pending that are also seeking to address whether it is legally theft as it pertains to published fiction and newspapers). The canon creators of the fandoms I write for aren't allowed to make money by using uncredited ideas pulled from my fanfiction (just like I am not allowed to make money from writing fic with their copyrighted settings and characters) and i continue to be apalled that ChatGPT and other LLMs think they can get away with using others copyrighted ideas without permission. Especially that they can take advantage of people who cant profit off their own work.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
No but i would be open to it!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Once with @magdalenejaneway, once with @jellybeansarecool and once with @trekflower and all three were fantastic!
Most of what I write for Threshold AU is also increasingly collaborated on a great deal by the AU creators and a few other folks. It's been going for over 2 years now and doing that more and more has enabled us all to drop more references to previous fics and to create a more cohesive body of fic for the AU. in general its just been so fun and fulfilling to make these stories with other people who are as invested in the characters as me and it just fills me with joy. I'm really grateful for you guys.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
On the one hand J/C have inspired over 50 fics, But on the other I have also been loving Sailor Moon and those ships since before I knew what fandom or shipping were. And really the only reason J/C inspire more fic is that all the sailor moon characters got a happy ending.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I never want to give up on a WIP...
but I am in knots about what all to do with Out of Reach.
Out of Reach is a St:Prodigy S1 AU where Chakotay has amnesia and doesn't remember anything from his time on Voyager, all the while he and Kathryn are in a situationship with a baby.
There's two questions I never figured out how to answer: 1. Does he get his memories back. If so, how much and what enables it. and 2: Do he and Kathryn stay together?
On the memories front. saying he never recovers seems unfair to the character. But saying he magically does thanks to 24th century science feels cheap and disrespectful - to the reality of real memory loss and to the plot that built up so much tension around this. Saying he gets back some or more over time is more realistic, but left me uncertain of where exactly to end the story. Tying his retrieval of memories to Kathryn also tied me up in knots. On the one hand they're in love and thats romantic. on the other hand the optics of his recovery totally dependent on one person is icky.
I also found the baby really annoying to have there by the end - I still think he's cuteeee i really do!!! - it's just... he makes the "we should stay together and try to figure this out" answer a bit too convenient 😅. and he complicates Kathryns reluctance to restart their relationship. The more she resists, the more callous she seems (deliberately not trying to patch things up with her kid's father) when i really just want to focus on her fears that Chakotay would be happier without her and that even if they restart their romance, she might lose him again on a future mission. It's ironic because i originally created the baby to ensure she wouldnt just run away from her fears. And now hes contributing to my difficulty ending the fic...
Actually the more I think on it, my real problem is I could write my way out of this, but I cant do it in only one or two chapters and that makes me feel tired. i was sorta hoping to wrap that fic up. 😅🙈
16. What are your writing strengths?
Imagery has always been a strength for me. But i think I'm also getting really good at action scenes too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Only if it was information i wanted the reader to understand but not the POV character.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
W.I.T.C.H way back when I was 15.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Universe to Mend - I even have a few sequel or companion novel ideas to come after it.
This has gone on a while... 😅 - thank you for tagging me and letting me ramble! i'll tag anyone else who wants to answer! have at it.
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suckerforcate · 1 year
Pairing: Kathryn Janeway x Reader
Word Count: 1500
Warning: kind of battle, wounds, internal wounds
A/n: I'm so sorry that I am posting so few things atm. This story alone took me three weeks, cause I have zero time. My exams are this and next week. I hope to write a bit more after that!!! Hope you like it, I know Janeway stories have few readers🥲
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"Red Alert" the Captains voice echoed through the bridge. Immediately the familiar sound started and the light changed into an alarming red. Everyone on the ship took their battle stations and waited for Captain Janeway's orders.
It had been quite an uneventful morning and the chattering and laughing on the bridge had made it seem like a break. A break from fighting, from dying and chaos. But, as they say: never praise the day to early.
Tom had picked up something on the long range sensors. A possible distress call. So, of course you followed it. Getting closer, you noticed that it wasn't just one distress call. There were dozens of them, overlapping each other.
Soon it became clear, as to what the reason for the calls was. A large ship uncloaked and attacked Voyager without warning. Everyone was shaken thoroughly, some even falling out of their chairs. They were much stronger and heavily armed.
"Fire!" Janeway didn't hesitate to defend her ship, even though it was clear that you wouldn't get through their shields so easily.
Another shake. "Hull breach on deck 3 and 7, Captain." Harry announced. Janeway's eyes flickered towards Chakotay and up to Harry Kim. She knew you didn't stand a chance, yet she wanted to help. The other ship were smaller. Already half destroyed, some close to destruction. They weren't able to flee anymore.
Anther hit. A console next to you exploded, Ensign Miller falling back. Janeway's head turned to you.
"B'Elanna to the Captain." Kathryn's hand flew onto her communicator, answering.
"Captain, the warp engine won't hold much longer. We had a direct hit. Shields are down, and I won't get them up again so fast."
"Hull breach on Deck 6. Thirteen wounded and 3 dead." Chakotay looked at Janeway, his face saying: Please, Kathryn. You know we can't win.
With the next hit, Captain Janeway stumbled forward, missing the step and falling down. Desperately trying to catch something to hold onto. Her rip banged against metal, an unpleasant sound. Accompanied by groaning she tried lifting herself up. Her hair was a mess, strands having fallen out everywhere. Her forehead had taken a beating, a thin trace of blood flowing down.
"Tuvok, can you try to beam as many off the destroyed ships? The wounded directly onto Sickbay." He nodded slightly, getting to work.
"As soon as Lieutenant Tuvok is done, you turn around and go to warp. Get us out of here." Janeway stood up, knees seemingly still wobbly and turned to look at Tom.
"Ai, Ma'am."
Kathryn nearly crawled back to her chair and fell into it. You had to hold everything inside of you together to not stand up and run to her. To not check if she was alright. Hesitantly you turned away from her and proceeded to work on the environment control.
"I've got as many as I can, Captain." Tom took that as his cue and flew the ship out of the literary minefield. Right before he jumped into warp, another hit made the ship shake. Somewhere on the bridge a console exploded and someone cried out.
Environmental controls started to fail, first on the lower decks and then slowly on decks all over the ship.
"Captain, were losing environmental controls." You turned, looking at the command team. Janeway's face stayed stern and collected.
"Take power from the holodecks and if needed from the transporter controls. That should suffice. Provide the decks that are still intact first, the evacuated ones are secondary." You nodded, and started the job.
Kathryn looked at Tom questioning. "No one's following us, Captain."
"Alright, I'll be in my ready room." With that she gave the bridge to Chakotay and left. Walking unsteady, a hand holding her rip. You could see her fall against her desk right before the doors shut behind her.
Quickly you rerouted the needed power and got the environmental controls up again. Hesitantly you looked around, no one was looking. Fast you stood up and made your way over to the Captain's ready room.
"Come in" Her voice was weaker than usual, and it was accompanied by a light groan.
Stepping in you saw her, leaned against a wall. She was holding her rip with one hand, the other hand held her steady on the wall.
"Lieutenant." She looked a little surprised, trying to hold composure and failing miserably. She groaned, and you thought you saw her knees shake slightly. Carefully you approached her and took her arm, your own arm fell around her waist. Together you went over to her coach, and you gently put her down.
Taking out a medical tricorder, you started to scan her. Your brow furrowed, and she knew something wasn't good.
"You have a broken rip and...my god. Kathryn, you are bleeding internally." Your hand practically flew onto your communicator.
"(L/n) to engineering." B'Elanna was quick to answer.
"Do you think you can manage emergency transport to sickbay. The captain is bleeding internally. I don't think I'll get her there by foot." You saw Kathryn opening her mouth to argue, but you immediately shushed her. This wasn't the time to be stubborn.
"I can try. Give me a minute."
In the meantime you took out the dermal regenerator and started to heal the cuts and bruises that marked her forehead and arm.
"You called me Kathryn." Your eyes slowly wandered up. She didn't look mad, just surprised.
"I'm sorry, Captain. I was worried." Kathryn had no chance to say anything, as B'elanna's voice cut her off.
"Ready for transport?"
"She has a broken rip and is bleeding internally. You need to help her." The panic you tried to hide earlier now found its way to the surface.
The next second you found yourself in the Sickbay. Kathryn sat on a biobed and groaned in pain. The Doctor came rushing immediately. On the other beds were aliens you hadn't seen before. One seemed to be asleep or unconscious, one dead.
"Where are the others, Doctor?" The Captain looked around, surprised to see just these two aliens.
"They were fine, just minor injuries. Commander Tuvok has accompanied them to quarters to rest."
You thought it was wonderful that Kathryn cared for them and worried. Still, she was hurt and needed help.
"No need to panic, Lieutenant. The Captain will be just fine. If you could give me some space to work now, that be quite helpful." Kathryn gave you a gentle smile and slightly nodded. Before you could say something else the Doctor shooed you away.
"Yes, I will inform you."
With that you left and went to your quarters. The next hours were torture. You were pacing around like a wild animal, walking a hole into the floor. With every second more and more panic flooded through you.
"Doctor to (L/n). She is awake and well. You may visit her now." Relief washed over you, hurriedly you made your way to the sickbay. The doors opened, and immediately you saw your Captain smile at you.
You couldn't contain yourself anymore and practically ran to her, embracing her in a hug. She let out a surprised yelp and shared the hug.
"Careful Lieutenant. I'm not quite patched up yet." You pulled away and smiled apologetically. Slowly your hand cupped her cheek and stroked her cheek. The cheek that had been bleeding just a few hours ago. Her eyes grew wide at the sudden contact, and yet she seemed to lean into your touch. It was now or never, so you leaned forward, and your lips found hers. Gently, careful not to hurt her any more, you pulled her closer and intensified the kiss.
"Lieutenant!" She panted right after you pulled away. Her voice was weaker than usual, still it held a certain warning.
"I'm sorry. I was so worried, and I just thought: what if she had died and wouldn't have even known that I love her." Her eyes grew wide, shock graced her face.
"I- Lieutenant. (Y/n), I'm flattered. But I can't-" You put your finger on her mouth, stopping her from finishing that thought.
"Yes. Yes, you can. You have denied yourself love and companionship for far too long. And why? Because you think the crew wouldn't respect you anymore? Because it's against protocol? To hell with that! We are so far from home and the crew won't care a bit. They'll be happy. Their respect won't change, it'll never change. They love you way too much. Admit it, you're lonely. And face the possibility that we won't get home so fast. Do you want to stay lonely for the next twenty years? If you don't love me, that's ok. But don't break this off because you think you don't deserve it. You do." Lightly she pushed your hand down and crashed her lips onto yours. You knew you had to talk about this some more. It would take time to convince her of those things. But this was a nice start.
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ellekathryns · 1 year
“The nightmares are just an illusion. I’m really here.” j7 🤠
she startles awake and is taken aback by the darkness. there’s someone next to her, but she can’t see. the relief she’d felt upon waking, upon the dream having ended, vanishes just as quickly as it had appeared. is replaced with a burning sense of suspicion.
“seven?” when she speaks, her voice is rough and uneven. she tries to pull away from the arms encircling her, to sit up, but she’s hit immediately with a dizziness that leaves her reeling. instead of seven, she sees the borg queen, looming over her. 
“kathryn,” seven’s voice is level and soft, “the nightmares are just an illusion.” 
she feels seven’s hand come up to cup her face, feels seven’s thumb smooth across her lips. her touch is cool. “i’m really here.” 
“prove it.” janeway challenges, pulling away from the contact almost reflexively. her words are slurred with exhaustion and delirium. “tell me something only you’d know.”
they’ve been through this, three times to be exact, in the past twenty-four hours. since the fever had risen above one-hundred-three degrees. each time, seven had recited a different fact. 
“your sister’s name is phoebe.”
for the first time, kathryn is not satisfied with her answer. 
“anyone could know that,” she says, and she sounds young and she sounds small. “tell me something only you would know.”
that is not the response seven was expecting. she thinks of all of the conversations she’s had with kathryn, all of the shared experiences, tries to choose something that will reassure her of her identity. that will leave kathryn without any doubts.
“of the thirty-two games of velocity you and i have engaged in, you have bested me thirty-one times.”
this seems to be what kathryn was scrambling for, this shred of tangible evidence. 
“you only won because i tore my shoulder,” she responds eventually, but she moves back so that her head is in seven’s lap. 
the previous days come back to her in flashes. the attack. the explosion. her and seven, running into the forest. the gash on her calf. the infection. the two of them, stumbling into the clearing. shared ration bars and barely any water and no medkit.
she remembers seven holding her when the chills wracked her body. she remembers telling her about home.
“how bad’s the fever?” she’s lucid now, seven can tell by the tone of her voice. 
“one-hundred-four degrees.”
she reaches out, takes seven’s arm and drapes it across her. seven’s other hand is already smoothing her hair back from her damp forehead. she has not asked seven to calculate the odds of their survival, but she is certain seven already has.
kathryn is silent for an interval, and seven thinks maybe she has fallen back asleep before her low voice cuts through the quiet.
“can you sing?”
if seven is taken aback by the request, her voice does not suggest it. 
“what would you like me to sing?”
kathryn makes a contented noise, pulls seven’s arm tighter around herself. 
“doesn’t matter.” there's a pause, then seven clears her throat, seeming to have made a selection.
“you'll never know just how much i miss you. you'll never know just how much i care."
kathryn recognizes the lyrics almost immediately. an old earth song from the second world war, something her mother used to listen to. she is reminded of the hirogen, of seven standing in front of a grand piano in a shimmering silver dress. mademoiselle de neuf. 
she thinks of how right it had felt, after the fact. how poetic. the two of them recognizing one another in some other life.
“and if I tried, i still couldn't hide my love for you. you ought to know, for haven't i told you so a million or more times?”
as seven continues, kathryn thinks her words sound like an answer to a question she might never get the chance to ask. sound like a promise. 
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philcoulsonismyhero · 2 months
Okay, so I need to expand my convention stall print selection as a matter of vague urgency because my current stuff is reaching the end of its useful lifespan (the joys of a small con scene and a lot of familiar faces in the customers who've already bought all they're going to buy), so
The current mile long to-draw list for the sake of creating some accountability (bolded are the most immediate priority):
Kirk, Spock, probably also McCoy
The rest of the Trek captains from the shows I've watched (Picard, Sisko, Janeway, Archer, Pike, Burnham?? I haven't gotten far enough in Discovery for her to be captain yet but I'm assuming she is eventually)
Assorted other popular Trek characters, eventually (if you've got suggestions, Please let me know, there's 500 of these people and narrowing it down is hard)
Luke, Leia, Han
I Really can't be bothered but I know Maul, Dooku, Sidious and Vader would be popular so eventually I'm just going to have to suck it up and draw some characters I hate
Something clone troopers (I have it on good authority that there's basically no merch for clone fans)
Torchwood team (portraits, like the Doctors print I've already got)
14th and 15th Doctor (or whatever they're called) to update Doctors print
NuWho companions? At least Rose, Martha, Donna, Amy, Clara, Bill
9th Doctor, Rose and Jack group shot
Something Hot Fuzz
Something Kingsman (Eggsy and Galahad, probably)
Something Pacific Rim (currently thinking maybe three somethings? Newt & Hermann, Mako & Raleigh, Pentecost and the cancelling the apocalypse line)
Judge Dredd and Anderson from Dredd
All nine of the Fellowship of the Ring, brown paper, which is going to take forever but should be worth it because they're all popular and also I love them all, probably eventually also Eowyn and Faramir and Bilbo
The daft local in-joke Nazghul thing (there's this mounted statue of Wellington in Glasgow that always has a traffic cone on its head so I'm redrawing it as a Nazghul because I think that's funny)
Something Firefly
Roy Kent, because I've got a Ted Lasso and he's the main character people are always asking after
Something DnD movie?
And probably a dozen other things but that's enough for now
I'm trying to mainly stick to old, established fandoms and movies/series that I genuinely like that are cult-classic-y enough that they're consistently popular, because I'm fed up of how quickly The Current Popular Thing fades these days. I've done well out of drawing stuff that'll appeal to the Queer Cartoon-Watching Teens, but they're a fickle audience and getting less reliable so time to target the staple fandoms instead.
And then there's also the other list which is stuff that's mostly for my own entertainment but will probably do decently well, just not enough to be a priority right now:
A few more RWBY characters on coloured paper to expand that set (at least Penny, Nora, Ren, Jaune, Oscar)
A DCTV Flash and Reverse Flash pair of prints on red and yellow paper respectively
Something Rivers of London
An updated set of brown paper FMA art
Arcane stuff (will be higher priority when the next season is closer, but for now no one is paying it any attention)
The trio from The Marvels
Eda, Luz, King and Hooty group shot (this one should probably be on the other list, but it's down here for now because I've already got Owl House prints and right now I need to go for breadth of fandoms rather than expanding within what I've already got)
That Captain America set of four with limit colours idea that I've had for ages (Steve, Bucky, Sam, Peggy)
More brown paper Jedi (current top of the list are Aayla Secura, Shaak Ti)
A print of the main duo from The Untamed (got badges already)
Etc etc
Can you see why I never get anything done, too-many-choices choice paralysis is A Nightmare
The current plan is to start with the Star Trek stuff, because that's going to be portraits and I can do those in my sleep. If I can get Kirk and Spock done, that's a solid start. The Torchwood team print is also small portraits, so that's potentially doable as well, and a good shout for my next event since it's an 18+ evening con so the audience will be a bit different to usual. (I'm intrigued about this con, I don't know how it's going to go, but the idea of an adults-only event where artists can sell All their stuff rather than sticking to kid-friendly is a good one even if that's not going to affect my own stock at all. Shame it's the same weekend and in the same city as a big established con that I got wait-listed for which I'm still mad about because I Kinda Need The Money, but what can you do.)
I've got that con the weekend after next which means I've got until Monday night at the latest to get things finished if I want them with the print shop by Tuesday morning. Then I can work on the two extra Doctors and maybe some companions, because those will be badges and I make those myself. And that's as far in the future as it's worth thinking right now, let's just take this a couple of weeks at a time and maybe my brain will stop stalling over having too much to do and no way to narrow it down
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baylardo · 1 year
I Gotta write down my threshold au ideas or I’ll forget and die hahaha.
ANOTHER hypothetical for the Amelia running away plot:::::
It’s been kinda eating at me A LITTLE BIT 👌 that kathryn wouldnt go search for her daughter,,, (given how we see her respond to chakotay being Lost who PLAUSIBLY is of a more insignificant relationship to kathryn than a daughter would be, regardless of age) and why Philippa inevitably DOES,,,,,,, and like,,,,,,, one thing I was thinking today was that maybe Amelia was assigned to an away mission, maybe it’s her First Mission being promoted To Lieutenant Commander,,,,,,, and its waaaaaaaaay out there in Space, probably out of starfleet jurisdiction or however that works haha, and it’s a multiple year venture. MAYBE one year. Depends on the positioning of philippas promotions. Regardless, Amelia’s achieved her rank in record timing by comparison. similarly to chakotay in Prodigy, shes been out of contact and silent for AN AMOUNT OF TIME. Maybe it’s not enough to be concerned, no one wants to jump to conclusions. Amelia can handle herself. But Philippa has a suspicion that something’s happened. Maybe just prior to Amelia leaving, she gave off this reeeeaaally weird vibe to Pip that piqued concern for her sister. Like I dont think she’d act out or do something crazy. But I guess the hypothetical I’m running through my head is that maybe her crew got stranded out there. Or MAYBE she bailed. But I’m kinda inclined to go with like, it’s a small crew so Amelia is “acting Commander”. Ummmm and they all just lose their ship and maybe use escape pods or SOMETHING. But they all get separated or maybe captured, don’t wanna say Enslaved but Maybe hahaha. Like I Imagine Philippa and ed out there searching and finding a lost crew member or two, and gives them at least a start on an idea as to what happened to their sister. I guess where im super indecisive with Amelia is like whyyyyyeeeeeee and or how she leaves everything and doesn’t get stopped or found like, immediately lmao. And I guess with this scenario it’s toying more with the idea that inevitably she DIDNT make that decision to leave starfleet, but it got forced upon her and then she doesn’t return to it. Maybe becomes content in her duty-less life,,, more able to roam and do what she wants,,,,,, IDK HAHA. I dont SUPER vibe the idea that something immoral happened to make her leave,,, just because her whole family’s kinda starfleet stans,,,,, and she’d Have to live around that if she returned to her family. I think it might be her facing the music a little that she’s not cut out for command outside of perfect track records and perfect studying and procedural stuff. Which she doesn’t even likeeeeeeeee.
Um ANOTHER competing but kinda related small idea I was having was that this little venture would probably make it reeeaally painstakingly clear to the triplets how much philippa is like their motherrrrr,,,,, just in how she’s acting toward wanting to find her sister, is reluctant to commit to backwater schemes because it goes against starfleet protocol,,,,,, openly drinks coffee around Ed lol,,,,,,,, stuff like that :) I was also thinking how fun itd be If Like,,,,, the whole time theyre out there in the delta quadrant searching,,, they run into species that are familiar with Voyager and or Captain Janeway hehe. And it’s something Philippa especially has been avoiding association with her whole starfleet career. or Quite honestly I think they’d just recognize them by familiarity of appearance ;;;) probably works against them more often than not. Anyway I think Ed would take note of the differences in her sister over the years, hin having been gone for some time. And just yknow sweetly be like “wow you’re so much like Mom” and all that haha. And maybe in the way Philippa is responding to the idea of her losing her sister, he compares it Maybe to the way kathryn would have responded To Ed at a young age leaving to go journey on his own in uncharted space teehee!
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iambic-stan · 1 year
Portobello gills
Another Star Trek-themed heart story, featuring Voyager's Doctor and an Ensign/former member of the Maquis. These stories are all very silly but I hope someone enjoys them. :) And here's a sorta related gif of The Doctor and Kes.
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This is the moment I built myself up to, but now I’m worried that I read it wrong.  My assumption was incorrect—the EMH did not have stethoscopes entered into his database already.  They must be such outdated medical tools that his programmers saw no need for him to be even tangentially aware of them.  I’ve just spent the last twenty minutes explaining what mine is, what it’s for, and trying to eloquently describe what it all means to me.  He has become so still that I’m almost afraid he’s malfunctioned somehow and deactivated without either of our commands.  “Doctor,” I say a little loudly, reaching across the couch to touch his shoulder.  I know he’s photonic energy, but I’ll be damned if he doesn’t feel like flesh.  He stares into my eyes, but it's like he sees nothing. “Please state the nature of the medical—just kidding, Ensign,” he laughs.  I shake my head and smile, glancing down at my shimmering pastel stethoscope sitting between us.  My vision blurs slightly, my astigmatism causing the glint of the glitter to expand in an odd way.  It takes me a second longer than it should to focus.  Maybe I’ve had too much to drink, but at least I haven’t inadvertently activated some subroutine I wouldn’t understand how to deactivate.  Somehow, in the last couple of hours of candor, something clicked for me. I’ve told him about my house on Earth, my partner, my cats, and my job as a freshman composition instructor, before I joined the Maquis.  I’ve heard his stories about sickbay challenges, his growing fondness for Kes and revelations about her species, and his fantasies about taking command of Voyager and demanding the same respect and admiration Janeway enjoys.  Now I’m asking him to listen to my heart, and this has somehow put a wrench in what was an enjoyable evening, a distraction from the dullness of waiting to get home.  Is it a step too far?  How do you know when you and a hologram are on the same page, emotionally?
“So you’re anxious about something?  What are your symptoms?” he asks.  “It’s nothing like that!” I say, laughing, wishing at this moment I’d tabled this until later, or maybe never.  “I just think it’s really cool,” I say, immediately realizing my mistake. “Is it warm in here?" He asks sarcastically.  "Maybe you had too much synthehol?”  I have to look at him for a second to realize he’s joking again, and at my expense, really. “You realize I use a much more efficient instrument to scan multiple vital signs for multiple crew members all day?  What about this is different, other than it being less comprehensive and less efficient?  At the risk of sounding like a Vulcan, is this logical?”  I take in a deep breath.  I know he's well aware that I'm not asking him to be my doctor, at least not at this moment.  I was obviously unprepared for this conversation, and I can feel my heart pounding away in my chest--a circumstance that, unfortunately, makes me yearn to be listened to even more.
“It’s more intimate,” I explain.  “And I brought it up because I feel close to you.  I want to share my heart with you.  I mean…metaphorically.  It’s been great…being one of the humanoids you connect with.  I hope that we can still be friends after we’re back home.  Keep in touch somehow, if you decide to stay aboard Voyager?  So yeah…I’m fond of you, I love seeing you develop into someone more complex than the guy I first met.  I don't know if you've thought about it this way, but that is very relatable to me, as a human who is also continually changed by my own experiences, as that's practically unavoidable.  And I would just love it, if you listened to my heart."  The last five words tumble out of my mouth almost as one jumbled mess, so difficult to say out loud.  I have to get better at that, I think.
I grow silent while he considers what I've said.  "I greatly enjoy your company," he begins.  Then, with some hesitation: "I'm just not sure how that is connected to your request."  He throws his arms up in the air, a little exasperated, or at least appearing to be.  I know that the human doctor he was programmed to simulate, a Lewis Zimmerman from New Jersey, was notoriously ill-tempered, stubborn, and condescending, and our EMH did not stray from that programming easily when he was first activated full-time.  It was only when Janeway agreed to expand his programming--both out of necessity and later at the Doctor's request--that he developed a personality all his own.  My hope for him when we reach the Alpha Quadrant is that the Federation will grant him personhood on the basis of his sentience, because I'm finding the differences between us continually grow smaller. A precedent has already been set, if not for holograms, then sentient androids, I believe, with Data on The Enterprise.  Whatever happens, I like to think I've helped him figure out his individuality, just as he's helped me feel much less lonely on Voyager.
“Am I bothering you with this?  Was it a mistake to bring it up?  I’m having a nice evening and I’m not trying to ruin anything,” I say.  “You’re fine,” he assures me.  “I’m simply curious.  I want to understand and apparently, I just don’t.  I have researched human bonding activities rather extensively.  In the context of friendship, at least when it comes to Americans like yourself, evidently there’s little physical contact involved.  Humans enjoy hunting for sport, drinking—like you’re doing, dining out together (except I don't consume food), and this game that involves throwing or kicking a sort of oval-shaped leather ball over a goal but is also rather violent...”  I’m trying not to laugh at the poor man as he describes American football as no one from my hometown has ever heard it.  “But this is not a romantic gesture of some kind?  I’ve read about those, too, and—“ I have to stop him.  “No, it’s ok—it’s not meant to be a romantic gesture.  I still have hope that I’m going to get home to my partner, you know?  But it's very emotional.  I have strong feelings about it.  If that's not obvious.”  He sighs.  “Well, despite all of my research into social skills and relationships, I’ve never found a reference to this outside of a medical setting.  I don’t know what you expect me to do, if not behave as a trained physician.  Perhaps I should be advised on how to act and what to say.”
It dawns on me that it is confusing to his mind to be asked to do something for which the only context he has is the wrong one.  And there was no prior reason for him to deviate from the parameters that were programmed into him.  “So the thing is,” I explain slowly because my heart is pounding in my ears and I’m beginning to feel so embarrassed that I want to hurl myself out of an airlock and into the Delta quadrant void.  “I really like being on the other end of a stethoscope.  Like, a lot.  It makes me feel loved and safe.  It's very sensual.  I understand that hearts are organs that don’t have opinions, but I feel like my heart lives for being listened to.  That’s my thing, admittedly—but I thought you might get something out of it, too.  You know how to read a medical tricorder; you know everything that might cause a minor fluctuation in any given reading of the dozens or maybe hundreds that your device can keep track of.  But have you ever actually just listened to someone's life force, in real time, with them sitting beside you?  An unusual shared experience, right?  Just permitted yourself to exist in that moment, outside of anything in your life that's causing you stress?  And pondered that for all it represents?  I can't tell you what to say or how to act.  It just depends on what comes to mind for you, what you feel.  Maybe you'll never want to do it again, or maybe you'll enjoy it and then you can just say whatever you want to say.  Or keep that to yourself if you'd rather, you know?  It would mean a lot to me, anyway, but it's up to you," I add sheepishly.
"No one has ever said that," he says, appearing dumbfounded and...impressed, is it?  "Which part?" I ask nervously.  "You said 'anything in your life that's causing you stress.'  You acknowledged that I could experience stress.  That I have a life.  I haven't even been active for more than two and a half years."  "Well, we all have to start somewhere?  Why wouldn't I refer to that as your life?" I ask.  He doesn't reply, but takes the stethoscope and affixes it in his ears, uncertainly.  “Do I look like a 21st century doctor?” he asks, smiling almost haughtily.  “I wouldn’t know firsthand, but yes?” I offer, shrugging.  He moves closer to me on the couch and places the chestpiece in the middle of my chest.   Immediately he blurts out an, "Oh!" and then "I didn't know it would be so loud.  And so fast."  "Yeah, I didn't realize you'd just like, go for it just then," I say, staring at the floor, giggling.  "But I'm glad."  Slowly, he starts to move the chestpiece around, listening everywhere: pulmonic, aortic, tricuspid, mitral.  He does know anatomy.  I find myself wondering if this is the first time anyone--human or otherwise--has enlisted an emergency medical hologram to have a friendly auscultation session with no medical purpose involved in any way.  Is this novel to me, or is this altogether novel an occurrence?  I look up and our eyes meet.  "Still fast, I guess?" I ask, smiling.  "Less so," he tells me.  "It's a bit slower, and steady."  "I like having you listening to it," I tell him softly, though I wonder if he understands me, in more ways than one.  I wait a few breaths, then reach for his other hand to hold it for a moment.  I look into his eyes, deeply brown like portobello gills--a pretty organic comparison my mind has conjured for someone computer-generated.  They seem inquisitive, and I tell myself (or lie to myself?) that there's also a hint of emotion, of affection, he's associating with this act.  I close my eyes while he listens a few seconds longer.  
"Well, you are alive," he finally says, handing me the stethoscope, the grainy glitter on its tubing grazing my hand.  "That much is certain.  As far as standards for humans go, judging by the fact that you clearly have synaptic activity taking place.   What I heard indicates that you have four functioning heart valves, as is expected," he continues.  "Alright," I say kind of dismissively, holding up my hand that's still clutching the binaurals and grimacing.  "You don't have to do that.  I mean I guess if that's what you wanted to say.  But I mean...this is a sweet moment.  I mean, speaking for myself, anyhow.  Thank you.  You made my night."  He cracks a smile and  I reach over and put my arms around him, something I've never done before.  He seems startled at first, then returns the embrace.  He feels surprisingly warm and human himself.  For one of the few times in the past two years, I don't mind that I'm stranded in an uncharted part of the galaxy if I get to be surrounded by amazing people.
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shsy7573 · 10 months
We’re in This Together - Ch. 12
For more info or chapter index, see overview post
WARNING: This chapter contains segments of character death. (SPOILER’S FOR CHAPTER : It’s fine tho I swear)
DISCLAIMER: I do not own own Voyager or any of the characters in this fic (except for the aliens. Those were my creation.)
*This story is not beta-read and has not been edited or proof-read in any way! This was just something I threw together over the past three days and decided to post as my first entry on this site!*
B’Elanna watched Janeway’s laboured breathing as she slept. Even though she was sleeping, the Starfleet Captain’s expression was anything but peaceful. Her pain, it seemed, was potent enough to follow her into unconsciousness. Voyager’s Chief Engineer brushed her knuckles gently over the woman’s cheek, and watched as her expression softened ever so slightly.
The touch, despite how soft, was enough to jostle her from sleep. Her eyes face contorted as the full force of the pain came back. She opened her eyes a crack to see her Lieutenant smiling down at her.
“Sorry, Captain. I didn’t mean to wake you. You can go back to sleep if you’d like.”
Kathryn huffed, starting to sit up. Immediately she regretted it as the whole world went out of focus, and black dots danced at the edges of her vision. She fell un gracefully back down with a thump, and closed her eyes.
“That’s all right… I don’t… I don’t think… I’ll be going… back to sleep… anytime soon.”
Torres furrowed her eyebrows in sympathy. “Do you want a pain killer? We have used them for a while. I took one this morning when I woke up for my shift.”
Kathryn shook her head slightly, the best she could manage in her agony. “They don’t… help.”
The engineer placed a gentle hand on her Captain’s forehead. She winced at the heat of the Captain’s skin, and turned to pull out the woman’s water.
“Here,” she murmured, pouring some of the cold liquid onto the woman’s face, “this should help a little. Drink some too.”
B’Elanna helped sit Janeway up enough so that she could comfortably drink. When she’d had enough, the engineer set her bottle back down, and lowered the Captain into her lap.
“Thanks,” Kathryn breathed, blinking groggily up at her companion. The feeling of the cool water on her skin was an instant relief, but it was short lived as the area slowly warmed up again.
Kathryn closed her eyes again as her breathing returned to its heavy, slow rhythm.
“I wish there was something I could do to make you more comfortable.”
Janeway inhaled deeply before responding, “you’re… doing… your best… Voyager… be here… soon.”
B’Elanna couldn’t help but wince again as the Captain spoke. Every one of her words seemed to take a little more out of her. Torres couldn’t even begin to imagine what sort of pain the woman was in.
“Yes, they’ll be here soon. Just save your strength. I’m not going anywhere.”
The Captain hummed, and swallowed harshly in response.
“I hate to break it to you, Captain, but I don’t think you’ll be able to jump right into work after this. I know you really miss looking over the system's reports, but the Doctor’s gonna be on your ass about resting for at least a week.”
B’Elanna was reworded by a couple of small, barely audible chuckles that jostled the Captain’s body.
“I’m still looking forward to that sonic shower. And after that, you’re welcome to join me on the holodeck or you like. I was thinking of forcing Tom to write me a new program. Or, I supposed I could do it myself, but- who has the time for that? Nothing too spectacular, thinking a nice, long quiet beach with soft white sand, big blue waves, and no tunnels of caverns in sight. Maybe a couple people out in the water, just having fun and living in the moment.”
As Torres spoke, Kathryn allowed herself to get lost in the words. She imagined herself on such a beach, and the thought made her smile. The warmth of the sun on her, the cool breeze blowing in from the sea as the setting sun turned the sky pink. Big waves on the horizon, where you could just make out a couple of surfers getting the last of their waves in before turning in for the night. It was where Janeway wished she was right now.
“It sounds… nice…” she rasped.
“Yeah? I thought so too. With you on my side, maybe you can order Tom to make it.”
The Captain smiled at this, and B’Elanna took it as a win.
After a couple hours, the Captain’s breathing really started to shallow out. B’Elanna had taken to holding her hand firmly as she struggled to stay awake.
“Just hold on a little longer Captain. Help is on the way.”
The only sigh that Janeway both heard and understood the Lieutenant was a small squeeze of her hand. B’Elanna squeezed back, running a hand across the woman’s face.
“Give me one second, okay? I’m just gonna check to see if the homing beacon is still active.”
Gently, B’Elanna let go of the Captain, and took off her comm. badge. Amazingly, even after all the floods and spider-attacks and rock climbing they’d done, it had remained stubbornly pinned to her Starfleet uniform. Speaking of said uniform, it had seen better days. There were several holes in the fabric, the biggest ones being on her chest and around her back.
Upon inspecting her badge, she was able to confirm that the homing beacon was still indeed active. That was good. It meant Voyager would know just where to find them when it arrived.
She placed the badge back on her uniform, and grabbed the Captain’s hand again. Not even bothered with how covered in sweat it was.
“Good news, Captain. Looks like our luck hasn’t completely run out yet. The badge is still working.”
The woman’s lips twitched, B’Elanna took at as the best the attempt woman could muster at a smile. She brushed her thumb across Kathryn’s forehead, sending a silent plea to her ship as watched her energy dwindle. Please, Voyager. Hurry.
At this point, B’Elanna had given up on keeping track of the hours passed. All she knew was they had been sitting here forever, and there was still no sign of Voyager.
“I’m sure they’ll be here soon. They’re probably just trying not to overreact.”
B’Elanna was alarmed by the lack of response from Kathryn. She’d been chatting to her idly on and off for the last little bit, and the woman had always at least managed a twitch of her fingers. Now though, there was nothing.
“Captain?” She asked, giving the woman a slight jostle with her knee.
No response.
She tried again, pumping the woman a bit harder.
“Captain! I told you not to doze off on me again!”
But B’Elanna knew that wasn’t what this was. Not this time. As she watched the woman’s chest for any sign that she might be breathing, she was alarmed to be greeting by a complete and utter stillness.
“No!” She gasped, sitting up and laying the woman’s head on the ground beside her.
“No, no, NO!”
She started chest come pressions.
“Come on, Captain! Don’t do this to me again!”
Tears streaked her eyes as she pushed the palms of her hands deep into the woman’s chest. She knew she was probably going to break her ribs with pressure like this, but she would take broken ribs over a dead Captain any day.
“Come on, please! Please, you can’t leave me! Not now!”
Two inches deep, one hundred beats per minute.
“We’re in this together, remember?!”
Help will be here soon.
“You promised!”
They have to be here soon
“Please, just hold on!”
Then, the worst thing that could have possibly happened, happened. Faintly, at the very edge of her senses, she heard the sound of scuttling.
B’Elanna’s chest compressions stilled as she listened to confirm what she was hearing. 
No! Not now! Please, not now!
Fat tears dripped from her eyes, and down onto Kathryn’s face as she leaned over the dying woman. Desperately, she placed one hand on her cheek, and the other one in her hand. She leaned down until she was nose to nose with Janeway’s slack face. “I’m not leaving you,” she whispered. “You hear me? I’m not leaving you! So don’t you dare leave me!”
No response.
A sob racked her body as she pressed her hand firmly into Kathryn’s face.
No response.
She heard the sound of a hiss behind her.
All the despair in her face fell away at the sound. The tears still poured down her face as she drew her phaser and turned around.
Eight of the Arachnomen faced off against her. Each of their eyes locked on in hunger, madness, and intent to kill.
Looking at the creatures, B’Elanna was overtaken by a blinding, thick blanket of unimaginable fury. This, all of this was their fault. One of their kind had killed her Captain. Her friend and all these creatures cared about was food. They were disgusting, and retched, and the purest form of evil that, other than the Borg, no other species ever came close to.
And they were not going to take her Captain away from her when they were this close to getting home.
“YOU WON’T TOUCH HER!” B’Elanna roared, but the Arachnomen didn’t seem phased by her fury.
With one final hiss, the hoard lunged, and B’Elanna started firing.
In an instant, a cascade of pincers, hands and fangs engulfed B’Elanna and the Captain. The half-klingon fired her phaser like a mad woman, doing everything in her power to keep the creatures’ fangs from biting her, and to keep all of them away from the lifeless form of her Captain underneath her.
Pretty quickly, B’Elanna’s rage subsided just enough for her to realise that she could never right off all these aliens at once. So, thinking fast, she improvised.
The engineer shot her phaser right at the base of one of the stalactites. The large spike came crashing down, impaling one of the Arachnomen, and covering the area in a thick, quickly dissipating layer of debris.
Using the opening, B’Elanna threw Janeway over her shoulder and fled towards the nearest tunnel. Her feet carried her even faster than they had the day before. It didn’t matter anymore that Janeway was dead weight, Torres’s survival instincts were kicked into too high a gear for her to be slowed down.
The aliens ran after her as she clambered up the tunnel, dodging their long, outstretched limbs and shooting blindly behind her as she continued her beeline through the tunnels.
The Arachnomen were gaining rapidly, their brief moment of surprise not nearly enough to keep the Chief Engineer in the lead for long. She pushed her legs to run faster, practically throwing herself down the passageway as it began to twist and turn.
After five minutes of running for her life, B’Elanna’s felt her eyes widened as they gazed upon her next obstacle. The ground veered up in a sudden slope, approximately seven feet tall, and with very little ways to jump up it. Not unless you had spider limbs.
With a pounding heart, the engineer used all of her strength to throw Kathryn up the the top of the wall, before leaping up as high as she could and draping her arm over the ledge.
One of the aliens grabbed a hold of her leg, and began to drag her back down towards the ground. B’Elanna kicked and screamed as the others piled on. She managed to tear her leg free of one, and used the face of another to shove herself further up the ledge.
One of the aliens jumped up towards the ceiling, and made a frantic grab at her shoulder. It missed, however, and its long spider-limbed hand shot past B’Elanna and managed to grab hold instead of the Captain’s arm. It dragged her body backwards, and B’Elanna shrieked in protest as she held the body of her comrad on top of the ledge.
She rammed her arm out, smacking the spider's own limb hard against the corner of the ledge. It shrieked, letting go of the Captain in its pain.
As hard as she was fighting, Torres’ heart lurched as she felt the seemingly endless sea of grasping limbs starting to drag her back down the ledge. She clawed desperately to the tunnel floor, kicking mangled legs back at the spiders, but it was no use. There were too many of them.
Just as she was convinced that there was no way out of this, a voice came through on her comm.
“Voyager to away team, do you read me!”
B’Elanna kicked one of the aliens off her, giving her just enough leeway to reach up and press her badge. “Chakotay!” She shouted, her voice riddled with pure terror as she was pulled further away from Janeway, “I can’t hold them off anymore! You gotta get us out of here!”
“Stand by for transport.”
“Sick bay, Chakotay! Both of us!” B’Elanna ordered
B’Elanna screamed as she lost her grip on the tunnel ledge. Just as her body was dragged into the commotion of the Arachnoman’s frenzy, her and Janeway’s bodies dematerialized into the transporter beam.
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sun-lit-roses · 2 years
I would love to know more about either Catnip or More Than Just a Meal for the WIP meme! 😊
In what is probably a fair turnabout, you've picked the two I have the least actually written for 😂 So I'll just provide a snippet of what I have for both!
Catnip is me indulging my terrible sense of humor with the idea of the aftermath of Janeway being turned into a cat and back again - such as the consequences our Mr. Paris faces over certain holoimages taken while she was Under The Influence (of catnip).
More Than Just a Meal is a 5+1 of Una reflecting on five different types of meals she's shared with Chris over their years of service together, because he's always had that Feeding People gene activated!
(list of WIPs for the game)
Taking deep breaths, Paris rounded the corner, only to find Harry and B’Elanna waiting for him. Glee glinted in their eyes.
“So,” Harry drawled, “how is the Captain?”
“Yes,” B’Elanna smirked, “how’d your meeting go?”
“She’s fine,” stalling, he tried to plot out a way to not have to hear ‘I told you so’ and also enlist their help. “Everything’s fine.”
“Cut the crap, Tom,” B’Elanna scoffed. “Chakotay told us. She remembers everything.”
“Nice of him to give me a heads up.” He punched the turbolift close button with extra vim.
“I’m pretty sure she told him not to. Also,” Harry cleared his throat and Tom knew what was coming.
“Don’t say it,” he started.
“Also,” Harry repeated, louder. “We all tried to warn you. What if she remembers, we said. What if she finds out, we said. And – what was it you told us?”
“Don’t worry,” B’Elanna put on her best Tom impression, “there’s no way her synapses could retain memories through the transformation. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen?”
“Tell us, what is the worst that could happen, Tom?”
“I hate you both,” he muttered.
More Than Just a Meal
As First Officer, Una’s crew performance reviews on the Enterprise were detailed and thorough. She provided kudos for areas of special effort, concrete recommendations for shoring up less adept skills, and a plan for the next performance period. These reviews were productive, but she knew they would never be as popular as Chris’ were on Yorktown.
For one thing, she didn’t have his enviable trait of making everyone feel at ease in her presence.
For another, she didn’t provide snacks.
It had been quite the surprise to her back then, when her first three months aboard had passed, to turn up for her scheduled review and answer Commander Pike’s call to enter by walking into a scene that more resembled a fictitious tea party than any professional meeting she had ever participated in.
“Have a seat,” he told her, “and some cake. How do you take your tea?”
“I don’t,” she answered, with what she immediately realized was too much bluntness. This was not the scenario for which she had planned. “That is, thank you, sir. But I don’t typically drink tea.”
“Ah hah,” Pike held up a finger, then leaned over to work a spigot on a metal urn. The scent of a dark roast filled the office. “Never fear, I have coffee as well. I know you drink that. Had to have to get through the Academy with scores like yours.”
The scent was so rich it was almost intoxicating and Una found herself taking the cup without conscious thought, then mumbling her way through a thank you.
“Now, cake?” He raised an eyebrow at her undoubtedly dubious expression before she schooled it straight once again. “There’s a strawberry tart hiding in the corner over there, I believe.”
Strawberries. Of course, it had to be her one weakness.
Damn it.
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fiadorable · 2 years
For the WIP game, I have questions about all of them! If I *have* to narrow it down to one, though, I'm gonna go with '5 times pike.' There are so many ways that one could go! (Also, I saw 'janeway naps on the beach' and my immediate thought was that 'good for her' meme 😂)
omg you would pick the one I have the least written for to ask about 😂
5 times pike's actual title is Five Times Captain Pike Accidentally Avoided His Fate and the One Time He Didn't (original, right?). I'm still trying to figure out how the multiverse is going to work so I don't even really have anything more to share, unfortunately.
However I do have a little something for Janeway naps on the beach, which you can find below 😊
ask me about my wip game
It was unseasonably cool that day. Not enough for the weather net to flag the temp and correct it, but enough that the sand was warm and the Gulf almost uncomfortably cold. Chakotay waded in from the open water, rubbing his hand back and forth across his head to fling the water from the regulation short strands, and gratefully accepted a towel and a cold drink from Gretchen Janeway.
"How's the tournament going?" he asked as he draped the towel across his shoulders. He gulped down the water as he turned to observe the beach volleyball game in progress a few meters down the beach from where Gretchen had set up her beach towel and chair.
"The Parises are up by one, but Annika hasn't served yet," Gretchen said.
Surprised, Chakotay turned back. "I though the agreement was for her to play on the Paris team since Hannes plays professionally."
"That was before Phoebe saw Julia's serve."
He watched as Julia Paris made a running dive to save an expertly spiked ball from Seven, allowing B'Elanna a chance to tip it over the net and trigger another few minutes of volleying. They were playing 3v3, Phoebe, her husband Hannes, and Seven against Julia, B'Elanna, and Tom. Several of the Paris and Janeway cousins gathered around the sidelines, cheering as control of the ball returned to the Janeways. Seven delivered a devastating serve to the Parises.
"And now they're tied again."
Chakotay turned back to look at Gretchen and saw that she hadn't even looked up from her PADD, and he smiled at the familiar amused but distracted look on her face. "Working vacation for you as well?" he asked.
"Quantum mechanics finals wait for no one," she said, making a few slashing marks with a stylus before looking up. "You didn't think Kathryn got all of her bad working habits from her father just because he was the admiral and I'm the professor, did you?"
Chakotay chuckled and said, "Even if I had been under that impression, it would have been corrected the moment I watched you two debating the nature of the Q as you polished off a carafe of coffee at 2300 last night." He turned his gaze back to the game and frowned. "Speaking of, where is Kathryn? Did she get called back to headquarters with Admiral Paris?"
"Oh, no. She's got the baby in the shade over yonder," Gretchen said, turning in her chair and pointing to the tree line behind her.
He followed her gaze until he found the erstwhile captain. She was stretched out on a lounging beach chair, carefully shaded by both the towering palm trees and an over-sized umbrella. Sunglasses obscured her eyes, but he could tell from the tilt of her head and the utter relaxation of her body that was out cold. A teenager sat next to her idly perusing a paper publication, also making notes on a PADD. "Don't any of you Janeways know how to take a vacation?" he teased.
"Hmm? Oh, that's Rebecca, Phoebe's eldest. She burns in the sun just like Kathryn." Gretchen's face softened as she watched her daughter sleep. "I haven't seen Katie sleep this much in a very long time," she said, softly.
"Spirits know I've done my fair share of napping since our return as well," he said, keeping his voice deliberately light. "In fact, a nap in the shade doesn't sound too bad. I think I'll join them."
"Mm," Gretchen said aloud, but he heard the other ten things she left unsaid. "You were a good first officer, Mr. Chakotay. I'm glad Kathryn had you to rely on our there. But this is your vacation, too. You are allowed to stand down your watch."
She didn't mean it in a bad way, he knew. "Mrs. Janeway, there's nowhere else I would rather be than right here, right now, in this moment." He pointed to the shade. "Except for maybe right there."
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colnerys · 2 years
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now kira nerys never thought she would make it a habit to fraternize with the voyager crew. after all, she’s determined to find her way back to bajor no matter what ( save, for murder of course ).  yet, more than three years have passed and after everything her and janeway’s crew have gone through, there’s a certain fondness for the members. what she never would expect would be playing some juvenile game of “truth or dare”— did humans really find amusement from all this? but, she indulges in it whilst casting @afraidofchange​ a twisted brow raised in disbelief. 
“ major kira, truth or dare. ”  tom paris all but hummed.  “ what do you take me for? a coward? dare. ”  kira all but scoffed.  “ hm ... okay. i dare you to sleep with commander shep—” “ tom! ”  harry and b’elanna both sought to cover his mouth, horrified at his request.  kira’s brow lofted higher, arms crossing before looking over at alice shepard then at the flustered operations crew. “ okay! fine! ”  tom gasped as he wrung himself free.  “  i was just joking!  ” “ well,  ”  kira cleared her throat uncomfortably before downing her IPA.  “  it’s uh... it’s late. i got a looong list of repairs for the defiant tomorrow so...  ”  she stood up, brushing the nonexistent dust off her uniform.  
without any further ado, she bolted out of lieutenant paris’ room, cheeks positively flushed at the encounter. maybe it was the environmental controls failing again or maybe it was the prospect of her and— 
“ oh, hey.  ”  kira nerys snapped out of her trance at the sound of shepard calling out  after her.  “  what a night, huh?  ”  her words almost sheepish in their nature, trying to laugh off the fact that paris put the thought of them having sex in that cramped little closet of his.  
“ yeah,  ”  shepard let out a snort followed by a laugh that instinctively brought a smile onto nerys’ own lips.  “  i wonder what paris’ dare was.  ”  she shrugged with a nonchalance that kira couldn’t comprehend it was just like— just like jadzia dax. the worst part was? kira nerys was almost certain that alice shepard knew exactly what paris was about to delegate in that moment. 
“ really? you're using paris’ dare as an excuse to sleep with me?  ”  a feigned annoyance, more so a challenge in her own rite. now, bareil was most likely waiting for her back at home and under normal circumstances nerys would feel awful for even having a conversation like this. yet, she knew that these circumstances were extraordinary— the prophets would understand. 
“ what? not up for the challenge?  ”  and shepard took a step forward as kira turned her gaze upward, staring into the other’s eyes, unwilling to back down. 
“ oh, i’m up for it alright.  ”  smirk twitching at the corner of her lips as kira took a step forward too. their bodies barely brush against one another and for a moment kira nerys hesitated— thinking about the times when she wondered what it was like to kiss dax but every time she thought about that the guilt of bareil being hurt by her actions reared its ugly head. 
ah, screw it. 
finger’s tangled into coarse dark hair, immediately pulling shepard in, lips crashing against her’s hungrily as she subconsciously stretches on her tip-toes. before kira could have a moment of regret or think about the consequences of her actions, shepard’s kissing her back— pushing her against the wall and nerys let out a soft groan upon impact. 
shivers run up her spine, she couldn’t think aside from the impending fear of being found by another so her vacant hand searched behind her, hoping to find a latch to some secret doorwa— aha! kira grinned against shepard’s lips, her fingers tugging at the latch ... and with a cacophonous thud, her back’s against the floor of one of the jefferies’ tube junctions. softly, she laughed but that never stopped kira nerys before. nails dig into alice’s scalp, feeling the way how she gasped and shuddered into her touch ... god, this was exhilarating. 
before nerys could fully recount what was happening, her militia top was thrown onto the floor, her undershirt bunched up with her chest bare whilst shepard’s mouth worked their magic and kira, silenced any and all noises that would’ve escaped with as much effort as she could muster. skin flushed, hotter than a summer’s day, she finally caved into this sensational wave of pleasure that rode from the tip of her toes all the way up her spine. 
❛  dare .   to  have  sex  with  my  muse  based  off  a  dare .
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afraidofchange · 2 years
[Sensual] Janeway/Shepard
@parallaxedcaptain | Janeway/Shepard - smut meme. ( accepting )
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  “I never thought these uniforms were... the easiest to strip out of,” Shepard’s breathless response follows as Janeway’s hands undo each clasp holding her red and black uniform, sliding the heavy fabric off of broad shoulders, tracing fingertips all down her arms. 
  “Good thing I’m experienced,” hails the Captain’s answer, leaning up on her toes to press kiss after kiss along prominent collar bones, over the straps of her undershirt. The scent of that whiskey lingers on her breath; it makes her face warm, but Kathryn makes it warmer when she kisses her neck at the conjuncture of neck and shoulder - a sensation enough to make her eyes roll back, rewarded with a low, guttural moan.
  The Captain continues her descent; steadfast hands slide down her ribs, her waist, and settle along the line of muscular hips, just at the hem of her regulation pants. Spared not even a moment’s hesitation, Janeway untucks her undershirt, pulling and insisting it to be taken off - obliging, of course, Shepard lifts her arms, stomach shuddering at the rush of cool air against scarred skin; a myriad of barely healed scars, forked in the shape of lighting all down her left side. The Captain spends time tracing her fingers along each divot and valley, as if studying her. At one spot, along the prominent ‘v’ of her lower abdomen, Alice gasps sharply. 
 “Ticklish,” is all she manages. She sees Janeway grin before moving on, rising to her full height once more in favour of pulling at the elastic of her sports bra.
“Up and over,” she issues her command and her 2nd obliges, tugging at the item and slipping her arms out. With her breasts free, Janeway continues on her path, this time with her mouth, taking each one at a time, tasting, licking and flicking her tongue over hardening nipples. Alice lifts her head back, peering down but one particular slip of teeth forces a gasp. The familiar flush stems from between her breasts, along the hard surface of her sternum, to her delicate throat and finally, to high cheekbones where it settles, making her feel HOT in the face. “Easy, Commander. I’d expect you to keep it together a little longer.”
“Heh, well....” Shepard wets her lips, clearing her throat as Janeway then takes a nipple between her teeth, and the sensation immediately goes right to her cunt, and standing upright becomes that much more difficult. “I’m doing my best, Captain. Please. Continue.”
Alice can feel Kathryn grin against her chest, but she doesn’t linger much longer, favouring the option to undo the single button of her trousers, letting them fall from her long, long legs to the ground in a heap. What she doesn’t expect, is the Captain to go with them, assaulting her with kisses just above the knee, hands massaging her muscular calves, and then, for the older woman to look up at her - stormy blues bright and eager in the dimmed lighting of the Captain’s quarters. Manicured nails just lift the bottom hems of her briefs.
“Off they come.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
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girlmartok · 2 months
I was putting off buying that Seven book because I'd rather get it from a library some time in a future. Can you give an example what specifically is making you want to dnf it? I wasn't very optimistic about it but I've seen some people speaking positively about it.
Disclaimer that this is all ultimately personal preference and I'm sure there are people who will like this book for the exact reasons I don't,,, but to me Seven of Nine is one of the smartest characters, if not in Star Trek as a whole then at least in her own novel, or she should be. And yet in the first chapter she meets a woman she describes as unreadable (and who I assume will turn out to be what's her name evil lady from the Stardust City Rag ep who eventually betrays her) and then Seven just immediately opens up and trusts her. And this is supposedly well into her rangerhood and she's already jaded and a known people distruster. There's even a moment where the stranger spews a dumb heartfelt story to appeal to Seven's good will and it's just so obviously a trick, but Seven just goes along with it as if a page earlier she hadn't been complaining in her internal narration about people taking advantage of the rangers LOL. I will admit that after that Stardust City Rag ep, I was intrigued by the backstory of Seven and that evil lady! Like, how could Seven let someone like that in enough to be betrayed <- it was compelling! But if the answer is just "she was a pretty lady at a bar and Seven was gullible" ...... come on :[
Also I just can't figure out this writing style. I guess it's third person limited, mostly from Seven's pov, but so much of the narration I'm like... she would not fucking think like that or talk like that, even in her own head. She uses the word "donnybrook" unironically and she worries about meeting gangs because she's not sure she could defend herself. There's a convo between her and Janeway that I could not picture either of them actually saying those words. It just felt out of character and wrong.
Random examples of my "she would not say that" vibes:
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I did read all the way to the third chapter and yeah... I'm gonna stop there. I will be interested to read a full synopsis of the plot once I can find some real spoilers, but from what I read I am not compelled to finish it. It just feels very... written by someone who doesn't get Seven. And I don't even feel like I'm that much of a Seven expert, but I do know what she isn't lol. I saw the people on here talking positively about it too and was intrigued, but I feel like this book is just going to be the same thing as Picard was: presents interesting ideas and doesn't follow through on them.
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nighthaikyuu · 3 years
could you do the “kissing my best-friend” tiktok trend with bokuto, kuroo and oikawa! thank you hehe
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— synopsis:  haikyuu boys x y/n; kissing their best-friend after watching the trend thats been taking over tiktok. 
— characters included: bokuto, kuroo, oikawa 
— genre: fluff!! 
— authors note: this is so overdue I apologize!!
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if bokuto was glad about anything, it was the fact that you had never downloaded tiktok. 
if you had, the second he’d plop his phone against the tv stand and let the song electric love fill the room, you would’ve narrowed your eyes at him and beat him to death. 
at least, that’s what he thought. 
your bottom lip was rolled beneath your teeth as you stared at the screen in utter concentration, your fingers moving faster than ever as you finally let out a triumphant grin.
turning to look at bokuto, you teased, “told you I was going to win that round.”
usually, bokuto would counter back with a snarky response but this time, he simply shook his head and averted your gaze, his eyes falling back onto the phone for the nth time. 
“what are you recording?” you finally asked, your eyes trailing to the phone.
“nothing! just a tiktok!” bokuto squeaked, before chuckling nervously.
you raised a brow at that but as you watched him flash you a wide smile, you simply shrugged and turned your attention back to the tv screen, ready to start the second round.
just then, as the beat drop came closer and closer, and bokuto’s palm became increasingly sweaty, you suddenly felt yourself being tugged towards the boy beside you.
eyes widening at the sudden movement, you turned to bokuto, his name halfway on your lips when you suddenly felt his nose brush yours, his lips dangerously close.
“bo—“ you started when soft lips grazed over your own, effectively shutting you up in an instant. 
you spent the next few seconds short-circuiting but then you felt bokuto’s grip on your waist tighten, and you melted, dropping the game console on your lap as your hands laid against his chest, gripping his sweatshirt tightly in your hands. 
pulling away after what was either a couple of seconds or several minutes, bokuto rested his forehead against yours, his hot breath fanning your face as you heard him chuckle softly, “didn’t expect this to go that well.” 
slapping his chest lightly, you tried to scowl in annoyance yet the small smile that wouldn’t leave your face betrayed you.
“you’re such an idiot”
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you were going to kill your friends. 
nervously pacing your room, you were looking for a place to put your phone when you heard kuroo chuckle from behind you, “you’ve been walking around your room like it’s a strangers. you good?” 
jumping slightly, you turned around and gave him a nervous smile, “aha, yea completely fine! just finding a place to put my phone to record-um—something.”
raising a brow, kuroo looked at you skeptically before turning his attention back to his book. 
cursing yourself inwardly, you scolded yourself for choosing dare last night. you should’ve known your friends would’ve done something like this. 
nearly all of them knew of your fat crush on your best-friend kuroo and the fact that you wouldn’t do anything about it bothered them to no end; but they weren't you. they didn’t know how absolutely terrifying it is to confess to your best-friend. there was just so much that could go wrong. 
yet here you were. 
after they dared you to do this tiktok with him, and threatening that if you didn’t they would tell him themselves, you found that you had no other choice but to just do it. after all, if this all went absolutely miserable, you could just tell him you got dared to and end of story. at least you desperately hoped. 
finally, setting the phone on top of your dresser table, you opened the app with shaky hands and pressing the song electric love and setting the time to 60 seconds. 
the fact that in the next minute or so, your entire life was going to literally turn upside down was enough for you feel like you were going to throw up. 
taking in a shaky breath, you told yourself you have to do this y/n, you can't back out. slipping your AirPods into your ears, you pressed the record button and turned around to face kuroo, who had been staring at the book in his hand, a concentrated look on his face. 
you knew there was still a decent bit of the song left before the drop would happen, the moment in which you were supposed to kiss the boy in front of you. 
shaking your hands, you slowly started making your way towards him. in no time, you stood by the side of the bed at which he was sitting at and by now, his attention was on you. 
“you look constipated.” he noted. 
“s-shut up!” 
hearing the song in your ears near the beat drop, every note began to drum through your blood; a sudden adrenaline rush ran through your veins when you bent down and removed the book from his hands. 
“hey, I was reading that dumbass!” 
ignoring him, you sat down beside him so that your back was facing the camera but you were facing kuroo. 
as the song heightened, you swallowed roughly as you could feel your heart race in alignment; before you could back out, you grabbed kuroo’s shirt and pulled him flush against you, pressing your lips tightly against his. 
the second you felt kuroo stiffen against you, every single fear you had came crashing down. starting to pull away, an apology resting at the tip of your tongue, you suddenly felt him lean into you, his lips moving against yours softly. 
his hands that had been at his side came up to grip your waist tightly, the touch sending a jolt through your body. drawing back slowly, kuroo rested his forehead against yours as he stared at you with half-lidded eyes, his cheeks flushed red. 
“holy shit y/n...” he whispered against your lips, a small smile appearing on his lips, “d-did you mean that?” 
you nodded almost immediately, a rush of relief flooding your body as you realized he kissed you back, kuroo freaking kissed you back.
kuroo’s smile widened even further. leaning back in, he pressed another soft kiss on your lips, “I’ve been waiting for this day forever.” 
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while maki and mattsun were arguing over something in the back as iwaizumi stared outside the window in annoyance, you sat in the passenger seat beside oikawa as the two of you scrolled through tiktoks together on your phone.
stumbling upon the ever famous best-friend challenge, you watched the tiktok with a soft smile on your face. you waited in anticipation for the beat to drop and as soon as it did, the guy leaned towards his girl best friend and pulled her towards him, a hint of permission in his eyes before he pressed his lips tightly against hers.
“that’s literally so staged.” oikawa snorted beside you.
rolling your eyes, you replied with a huff, “yea I bet the thousands of people who did this trend all had it staged, I’m sure.”
crossing your arms together against your chest, you added, “It’s your fault you have 0 ounce of romance in you Tooru.”
smirking, oikawa tilted his head so that his face was just inches away from yours, your cheeks suddenly flushing at the reduced proximity.
“is that so?” he grinned, a glint of mischief in his eyes.
before you could question it, he took your phone from you before quickly pressing the song and clicking the record button, setting it down in front of him.
as the song began to blast through the car, the boys in the back froze as the all-too-familiar tune.
“oh hell no.” iwaizumi murmured before quickly opening the door and stepping outside, not willing to be a part of any of that. the other two quickly got the hint as well, falling in suit and before you knew it, the only two people in the car were you and Oikawa. 
while the boys had scrambled out the moment the song came on, you on the other hand went still in shock, unaware of what was actually happening and what Oikawa was even thinking. 
“wait, why’d they all leave? why’d you turn that on—oh.”
feeling a pair of rough and calloused hands cup your face, you were suddenly pulled towards the driver’s seat, lips brushing against yours. before you could say, or do, anything else, oikawa enveloped your lips with his, kissing you softly. 
eyes fluttering to a close, you leaned into the kiss, every single thought in your head flying out the window when all you could see, feel, taste, smell and hear was oikawa. 
pulling away after what seemed like an eternity, oikawa turned back to the phone and pressed the stop recording button. 
“i—what j-just—?” you sputtered as everything came crashing down when oikawa flashed you a smug grin, “now, am I still not romantic?” 
blinking, you slowly took in his words before a sudden realization dawned upon you, that douchebag.
starting with a hit to the shoulder, you flung yourself towards him before bombarding him with several punches, words like you asshole! and that was my first kiss you fucker! spilled from your mouth as oikawa laughed beneath you, trying to wrestle you away from him, “ay, don’t hurt this handsome face. my fan club won’t be very happy with you.” 
watching the both of you from outside the car, maki and mattsun were both laughing so hard they started to wheeze while iwaizumi beside them just had an amused look on his face. 
you probably thought oikawa was messing with you, but iwaizumi knew oikawa meant every single second of it. 
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general taglist: @cinnamonrusts @postsfromthe6 @lady-snavely @02hhsailor @killuaking @rae0fsunshine1317 @sugawaaras @voids-universe @yams046 @visaintes @simpforsaeko @honeybacon @kuroosbabie @verblueht @captain-janeway
character-specific taglist: @mkkhaikyuu @bluelightningxiii @ushiwakasvball  
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lodessa · 3 years
Fic interview tag
tagged by @feeisamarshmallow thank you <3
Name: Lodessa
Fandoms I write for: Star Trek: Voyager (and other Treks sometimes), Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire, Veronica Mars, RPF of various types, and an assortment of other fandoms too long to list.
Two-shot: Guessing at what this means. My Voyager series To Withstand the World That's What It Takes , the first part of which is basically just Janeway/Chakotay meta fic from Chakotay's POV of Scorpion and the second half of which is a PWP follow up to that.
Most popular multichapter: Parameters, my Janeway/Chakotay Resolutions fic where they had a friend with benefits arrangement before New Earth.
Actual Worst part of writing: Transitions and/or (non sexy) action scenes. Or maybe editing.
How you choose your titles: Sheer panic and desperation. Usually I end up either picking a song lyric or choosing a descriptive word.
Do you outline: For multi-chapter works, generally. Though my outlines tend to be pretty rough, change a lot over the course of writing the fic (remember when Parameters was supposed to be 8 chapters and then it was 14 instead), and not get written down until I've already written a couple chapters.
Ideas I probably won’t get to but it would be nice: I have a lot of ideas that live in my head and nowhere else, but I still have hope for a most of them, so let's go with a couple that are for fandoms I don't really intend to revisit (fandoms with asshole creators) though who knows.
I had this longstanding Wes/Lilah fic idea based around Regina Spektor's song Samson (which probably tells you exactly how old the idea is) that has a special place in my heart. Obviously plays on the canon themes around them sort of "corrupting" each other in opposite directions, and there was a scene where Lilah finds some pretext to go question that redheaded heiress girlfriend of Wes' (why can't I remember her name) as she tries to deny just how much she's spiraling when he comes to him, but also the idea of the two of them just walking away from their respective sides together (whether they succeed or not), giving up prophecy and apocalypse and "the history books" and just living their lives.
Another fic, which honestly I am probably far more qualified to write now than I was when I came up with the idea right after Deathly Hallows came out, is my Harry/Luna emotional affair fic concept. Basically the idea was about Harry (and Ginny) struggling with realizing that they never actually built a real adult relationship; because, they got married fast and had kids almost immediately and then suddenly the kids are all off at school and they aren't wrapped up in parenting and there's this empty space. And their non-kid lives are pretty separate and Ginny is away a lot playing quiddich and also just have a very full and vibrant social life. But is was also about the way that Luna just always seemed to get Harry and be able to see/access a part of him that no one else could. So suddenly Harry has all this free time and an empty house so he starts spending more and more free time with his old friend Luna, and having these really interesting and deep and unconventional conversations. And that seems all well and good until he comes home one night after spending time with Luna and has the most urgent sex with his wife he's had in years only to realize "...ummm, maybe it's not just friendship I'm feeling for Luna". No one is the villain here. Harry and Ginny have to decide whether to try to build a stronger, deeper, closer relationship, or call it quits.
Best writing habits: I feel like I have a lot of bad habits, but I'm going to say being able to pick something up way later and get back into it.
Spicy opinions: When you take a ship with a subversive canon dynamic (for example the woman being the more dominant one) and subvert that... that's not creative it's regressive. Same deal when you take a ship that's problematic (and I LOVE a good problematic ship) and remove the problematic elements... Just pick one of the many ships that's actually the situation/dynamic you want to write people!
Tagging @romeorevoarchive, @clarasimone, @toas-tea, @liminal-zone, @janiedean, @roguebelle, @ghostcat3000, @clonethemidwife
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