#that guy scares the shit outta me i hear him yelling from next door constantly
fowlofprey · 2 years
hiiiiiiiiiiiiii i hope ur having a supes nice day!!!!
Oh, thank you for the message. Yes, my day has been going quite well. I hope yours is the same?
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 5 years
Hyung Line
My sister and I were talking about this yesterday so I thought I'd do a post about how bts would handle being a fwb (spoiler alert they all catch feelings eventually)
**Also I take requests for BTS and maybe Monsta X so hmu in my asks, fam**
Hyung Line (Maknae Line coming up bc this got Loooong)
Warnings: smut, angst, fluff, alcohol tw
Word Count: 1,779
Namjoon (RM)
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If it was your idea, he would be so down like "yeah of course who needs relationships?" but low-key he wanted to confess to you 5 seconds before you suggested an arrangement
Puts that mouth to WORK
Likes it a little rough but nothing that would leave bruises or hickeys that's for amateurs
He has a downright filthy mouth this boy will have you clutching your pearls with the nasty shit he'll say (you love it)
Late night convos, this boy will text you at 3am not for a booty call but just to talk to you
He's more of an emotional booty call than just sexual, he'll come to you when he's stressed or upset
Don't get me wrong, he'll fuck your brains out but expect lots of pillow talk, especially if he's been drinking
Takes you out for coffee, will buy you breakfast, insists to his friends he isn't dating you since he doesn't take you out at night
You're the only one he's fucking, though he flirts a lot
If he runs into you at a club and you're dancing with someone else, God help you
He won't be mean just stupid charming, doing his best to lure you away for a night of crazy sex
If it doesn't work though, he'll be high key salty, pouty, whiny
You'll get texts until daylight because he'll keep drinking, imagining you with someone else
He might show up at your door at 6am, shitfaced, honestly
"Did you bring that clown home? No, I'm not jealous, I just wanted to talk to you."
You're weak so you let him in and he spends all day at your place recovering from his hangover
He will only admit he's caught feelings if you do first or if he thinks you're getting serious with someone else
If you go on dates he'll pick a fight with you about nothing and when you're yelling at him he'll just kiss you senseless.
"I love you, ok?"
You start dating him before you even know what's happening the smartass manipulative little shit
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The biggest fuckboi of the group don't @me
He's a pro at this
After he got cheated on all his relationships are fwb arrangements and they always catch feelings first
Not you, though, you know he's a fuckboi and you know what you're in for
This boy will make you laugh during sex he's never serious he'll make you come while you're giggling over some stupid shit he said
Sexts, sexts, sexts
He will never stop dirty texting you while you're in an inappropriate place like work or dinner with your family
God forbid you tell him you're going on a date, then dick pics and sexts galore
He's not jealous, he's territorial, he wants to be the best you've ever had (he is but you would die before you'd admit that)
This boy is not even a little exclusive with you, at least not at first
He'd invite you over to meet his friends and be shook at how well you fit in
You start playing video games with Jungkook and when Kookie starts looking at you with stars in his eyes Jin goes all possessive puppy
All over you at all times he's not ashamed of you he just isn't ready for a relationship
Like Namjoon he will use you for emotional comfort too, although his pillow talk will be mostly jokes and flirting
Your convos don't get too serious unless he's had WAY too much to drink
Then he tells you about his ex and shit gets real for a second before he wakes up the next morning his flirty self again
He gradually stops texting the other booty calls he has on lock, just telling himself you're better in bed, that's all
Finds out you have another fwb when he comes to your house at 3am drunk
He is SO salty, there is less salt in the Pacific ocean
He's whiny and pouty and shading the other dude constantly
"Jealous? Why would I be jealous I'm just wondering why you bother with him, he's ugly."
But if he hung out with you and the other guy would not let on ONE bit. Makes friends with him, I easy going even if he's a bit touchy feely with you
But low-key stares at you like a kicked puppy when no one is paying attention
His friends are all like "what did you do to him?"
YOUR friends are like "what'd you do to him he looks so heartbroken"
He only admits to catching feelings when you get so fed up you say it's done and you are over it
He gets mean when he sees you with the other guy on a real date and says some cruel shit
You are D O N E
Block his number done
He will 100% show up drunk at your house
He's cute so you let him in and he really does look like a kicked puppy
Honest with you for the first time bc he's scared of losing you
"I still don't know if I can trust anyone enough for a relationship but you make me wanna try it. Don't cut me out."
Yoongi (Suga)
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He would only agree to a fwb arrangement if he had some feelings for you
He's not the type to fuck around with a girl he can't see himself dating
Definitely the fuck and run type at first zero pillow talk
Absolute master with his hands and fingers LORD
Not too vocal during sex but it makes him crazy when you are if you want him to nut fast you just gotta moan his name
Won't say anything non sexual unless he's drinking even then it's low key like "You look pretty tonight."
Texts you for booty calls like "hey dumbass wyd"
Will not take you for coffee or be seen in public with you, bc he's worried you're ashamed of him, not the other way around. Otherwise why wouldn't you date him?
You have no clue he likes you. Absolutely none he barely talks to you unless he's horny
He loves it when you booty call him he's so smiley and sweet when that happens
He's so soft to you when you get too drunk at his house party and throw up
He sits behind you as you hug the toilet and strokes your hair for hours
You're shocked to wake up in his bed since he has a strict no overnights rule
Scolds you for drinking so much but brings you breakfast in bed and is low-key a sweetheart through your hangover
You: shook. Your heart: full
You don't tell him you're seeing other people until he point blank asks you. When you say yes, he just nods
"Good we always use condoms then."
Will ignore you and be kind of a dick when he finds out but that's not uncommon so you are still oblivious
If you wait on him to admit to catching feelings you will die waiting
Only one way you will find out
One of his dumbass friends lets something slip when they're drunk (It's probably Jin)
You're complaining about how he's ignoring you at the party
"Bitch he's so whipped for you his lockscreen is your selfie."
You cannot believe it
You think it's bullshit
You end up sleeping in Jungkook's room that night bc you fell asleep whupping his ass at Mortal Kombat
The next morning somebody is slamming every door in the house and throwing dishes around.
Jungkook's door is open so he saw you cuddled up to the maknae
He big mad
When you finally get him to talk about it (probably days later)
"I just don't want you fucking my friends it's messy."
You only find out the lockscreen shit is true when you grab his phone by accident
He knows you know he fucking BAILS
Books it outta your life for like a week
The only way you pin him down is by texting him a paragraph about how you like him too
He kisses you so sweet when you see him next and he's all smiles and affectionate
You're dating now, that's it, no need for discussion
RIP Kookie tho he'll never trust him again despite you telling him a thousand times nothing happened
Hoseok (J-Hope)
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He agrees because he is literally down for anything
Definitely a good time this boy is so much fun in bed
Will try anything once and I mean ANYTHING
You wanna tie him up? Definitely. You want him to eat whipped cream off your tiddies? Tell him when and where
The world's biggest switch don't @me
Has a thing for public sex, loves to finger you on a dance floor
Y'all do everything together, everyone thinks you're just dating
He's a big goofball with you in public, v affectionate
He's your best friend and you're his
Y'all don't take anything seriously when one of you is upset you text each other dumb selfies and fuck it out next time you hang out
Never drunk dials you you won't even know he's out until you see him on the dancefloor with some girl
Y'all compete to see who can dirty dance with the most people before you go home together
Feelings? He's never heard of them
Least likely of all the boys to catch feelings first
Would take him FOREVER to realize he actually likes you
I'm talking y'all have been fucking for MONTHS before he catches on
If he gets jealous he'll just think it's bc he's competitive
If you make him sad by not hanging out with him he'll think he just wants the attention
Feelings hit him like a brick when he finally realizes
You're in his car jamming to his latest track and you're singing and dancing like a fool with your hair flipping around and all of a sudden it's like the sun shines only on you
The boy is SHOOK
He gets real quiet
Scary quiet
You think he's mad but when you ask him he blows you off with a smile saying he's tired
You don't hear from him for a couple of days
He's pacing around his place and trying to process, talking to friends and trying to decide what to do
Everyone tells him to just tell you ofc
Confident boy is not used to feeling insecure he's hesitant.
"What if she doesn't love me back?"
There's no dramatic reveal
He really just asks you on a date
A REAL one
Nothing much changes, honestly, he has always been your bff and being your bf is just a bonus
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It’s Vegas, Baby - Chapter II
Summary: Nesta goes out to the store and so does Cassian. Classic Nesta, she thinks he’s stalking her. Trust me it’s more interesting than it sounds lol(I hope)
Word Count: 2k
A/N: I'm back on my grind yall *sunglasses emoji*
Feyby- Feyre(its supposed to be like feyre and baby put together cause shes the baby of the family)
Nestella- Nesta(its supposed to be nesta and nutella. u will learn more later;)
Tiny Ancient One- Amren(kinda self explanatory)
Mor Boobiez Plz- Mor(idk i just thought it was funny lol)
"I'm home!" Nesta calls out to Feyre. She can smell pizza and instantly strides towards the kitchen, where she finds Feyre with a large cheese pizza still in the box, half-eaten.
"Finally! I was beginning to wonder if you and Cassian finally acknowledged the sexual tension between yourselves and fucked."
"Feyre! That is not appropriate to say at all! Cassian and I are barely colleagues, we will never be anything so stop with your meddling!" Nesta replied, trying to will down a bright red blush. Feyre and her boyfriend, Rhys, had this insane idea that she and Cassian were made for each other, it didn't help that Cassian was constantly flirting with her either.
"We're back!" Mor and Amren had just gotten home from some party, with Mor holding Duchess, their shared Chinese Crested Dog. When the four of them bought a penthouse together Feyre and Mor wanted a dog, and Nesta and Amren didn't. After begging and pleading with her sister and friend to please give him away after they adopted him they finally decided to just lock her, Amren, and Duchess in a room together. They all became friends, and they found out that Duchess was, in fact, a boy. They had been calling him Duchess for too long, though, so when they called him Duke he wouldn't reply so the name just stuck. When the rest of their inner circle found out-"the rest" being Cassian, Azriel, and Rhys- they didn't stop teasing them for days. In their defense, he had a very small you-know-what and he was a very ladylike boy.
"Bring my baby boy to me! Oh I wove you so much you wittle cutie pie!" Feyre was letting Duchess lick her face, making Nesta gag. Sure she loved the dog, but seriously, he licks his butt.
"Ugh, Mor, your cousin is working me to the bone! And he won't stop trying to push me and Cassian together! He thinks he can push us together just cause we “have hella sexual tension”! Also, I was thinking about this last night, Rhys is dating Feyre and if I'm Feyres sister and he's Cassians brother, that's literally incest!"
"You know they aren't actually brothers, right? They're just best friends." Mor replied, trying not to laugh at Nesta's flustered expression. She put down Duchess and reached for a slice of pizza. Everyone knew that it was just a matter of time before Nesta and Cassian got together. Nesta and Mor were the only single people in the house, not including Duchess. And Mor was just recently dumped so she was in a big love life meddling mood. Amren was dating some guy named Varian, and Feyre... Well, let's just say that it's a miracle that she's here right now and not out getting nailed by Rhys.
"I know that, but still. They refer to themselves as brothers."  
"So you're saying that if they didn't call themselves brothers you would have sex with Cassian! I knew it!"
"No, Feyre, I am not saying that! Besides, he flirts with everyone so even if I was into him- which I am not - we probably wouldn't become a thing."
"Keyword being probably." Mor says with a smirk.
"Enough of all this bickering, I'm hungry and bored so someone turn on the T.V. while I make some popcorn." Amren quickly breaks them up before Nesta tears off someone's head.
Cassian pulled up at the townhouse he shared with his brothers. All the lights were turned off which meant that Az was sleeping, or not home. The former was more likely because Az usually got pizza on his rest nights and there were three cold slices of meat lovers pizza left. Cassian was so hungry, he ended up eating them cold. He fought back a moan at how delicious the pizza was. He would never understand how Nesta was able to be a vegetarian. Shit. He had been such a dick to Nesta earlier. She was genuinely concerned about him and he had just pushed her away.
Cassian pulled out his phone and checked instagram. Mor had posted a photo of her and Amren with their dog, Duchess, at a party. He didn’t know if he should laugh or cry at the fact that a misgendered dog had a better social life than he did.
“Ugh, Feyre, Tomas and his little gang showed up at work last night.” Nesta and Feyre were chilling in the kitchen, the latter making a breakfast spread that would put Disney Channel moms to shame. Amren and Mor were nursing killer hangovers, so Feyre made sure to bang around a ton in the kitchen.
“Again? A-fucking-gain? Nuthin new, nuthin changed? Same old shit. Same old fuckin shit.” Feyre replied, forgetting that Nesta had no idea what that reference meant.
“I told them to leave and that I almost had the money to pay them back, but Tomas just slapped my ass and said ‘sEe YoU oN yOuR nExT sHiFt’ then he got up and left.”
“You do realize that we could end all of this by just telling Rhys? I know you have this whole thing about your pride and shit, but we could tell Rhys and he could pay off all your debts to him.”
“Feyre, I appreciate it, but I need to fight my own battles. I got myself into this mess, so I sure as hell can get myself out of it. Plus, I don’t like the idea of feeling like I owe my current employer money.”
“Okay, can we yell about Nesta's issues at some time other than 6am? Also, is that bacon I smell?” Mor walked in holding her head and wearing one of Nesta's sweatshirts with some leggings.
“Yes, fattie. And it’s like, 10:30.” Feyre slapped Mor's hand away from a stack of pancakes cooling on the countertop.
“And I do not have any issues, Mor. I’m not the one that went partying with a dog last night.”
“Nesta, that is exactly the reason why you have issues. If you went partying with Duchess, maybe you would loosen up a bit. God knows you need it.”
“Brat.” Nesta threw a piece of toast at Mor's head.
“Thanks! Hey, Feyre, pass the butter.” Feyre slid the butter across the counter and cursed loudly when it just slid on the floor at Mor's feet. Facedown.
“Really, Feyre?” Nesta said in an exasperated tone.
“I’m sorry! I thought she would catch it!”
“That was our last stick of butter, you absolute dingbat!” Nesta sighed and picked up the keys to her car.
“Where are you going?” Mor asked, ever the worried friend thinking she had caused a family feud.
“To the store. We need more milk and eggs anyways. Tell me if you guys are gonna go out while I’m gone.” Nesta walked out the door of their spacious apartment and made her way over to the elevator, pressing the ground level button. She stormed over to her car, got in, and slammed the door shut. On her way to the store, she noticed that one of the local book stores was having a sale. She tried to ignore the voice in her head telling her that she had piles of unread books in her room, and all over the other communal areas of the apartment. She would just pop in after picking up the groceries. No big deal. She could restrain herself. Maybe.
Cassian woke up and made his way down the stairs towards the kitchen at 10am.
Hey sorry don’t be mad but here’s the shopping list. I had to go out.
“Unbelievable.” Cassian sighed and picked up the piece of paper attached to Azriel's little note and crumpled it up. Then he uncrumpled it because he remembered he needed to see what it said. Cassian walked up to his room and threw on a sweatshirt, some slip-on vans, and grabbed his keys. He couldn’t remember why they decided to share groceries. He wanted to in the beginning, but now that he woke up without any food in the house because his brothers had eaten all of it he was thinking or re-evaluating that decision. Cassian slid into his car and made his way to the store.
When Nesta pulled up at the store she checked her phone and saw that Feyre had sent her a text while she was driving.
Feyby*: heyyyyyyyyy nes can you pleeeeeeeeeease get me some chocolate while you’re out :)?
Nestella*: k. anything else? im walking in now by the way
Feyby: nope! thank you love you! :)
Nestella: love you too
Nesta made her way towards the dairy aisle and picked up some 2% milk, a pack of four sticks of butter, and eggs. She quickly walked over to the candy aisle and began studying all her options, she took candy selecting very seriously.
Cassian walked into the store and quickly picked up all the stuff on the list. Once he got to the last few items written he realized he wanted ice-cream for a movie night with the boys. He walked over to the dairy aisle and picked up a tub of cookies n’ cream right when Nesta Archeron stormed past him towards the candy aisle. He followed her because, well, he wanted to talk to her. But he needed to act like he wasn't stalking her cause she might yell at him.
“Mother Above, Cassian! You scared the shit out of me don’t you dare do that ever again!”
Oh well.
“How did you not hear me coming? Are you really that focused on chocolate?”
“I’m selecting some chocolate for Feyre, and she is very picky so I was focused on reading what the ingredients were in each bar.” She seemed to have recovered from the scare because she just grabbed a random chocolate bar and stormed past him.
“Obviously you don’t care that much if you’re willing to just grab a random bar and walk away!” Cassian yelled at Nesta. Some other shoppers began to stare at him so he quickly said “Don’t worry, we work together. I know her, I’m not some random creep haha.” That just got him more strange looks though so he just made his way towards self-checkout and paid for the items and skirted outta there.
Nesta was so embarrassed while walking away from Cassian. People were staring at her! Ugh, Cassian needs to learn to not yell in public places. She walked over to her car after checking out and loaded her groceries into the boot. She needed a black iced coffee stat. Nesta began the quick drive to one of the local coffee shops and once she arrived she quickly sent the girls a text letting them know where she was.
Nestella: hey bitches im getting coffee you hoes want anything
Feyby: i want a mocha frappe pleeease              
Tiny Ancient One*: just get me a black americano girl
Mor Boobiez Plz*: i wanna iced coffee with whipped cream and caramel
Nestella: okay for everyone except Mor cause wtf that's not even an item on the menu
Mor Boobiez Plz: it is i swear! just ask them for it they did it when i asked!
Nestella: fine
“What can I get for you?” The guy working the register asked in a very monotone voice.
“One black iced coffee, one black americano, one mocha frappe, and one iced coffee with whipped cream and caramel sauce.”
“We don’t do that last one-” Nesta gave him a withering glare and he immediately changed his mind on what he was about to say.
“Those will be ready soon ma’am. Can I get a name for the order?”
“Nesta. Thank you.” Nesta walked over to the opposite side of the counter to wait while their coffee was being prepared.
“That was quite impressive the way you scared him into doing what you wanted him to, Sweetheart.”
“Cassian! Are you stalking me? Go away.”
“I’m not stalking you, I’m just here to get some coffee.” He smirked at her and picked up a latte that was set down beside him. He took a sip and looked Nesta up and down before smirking and saying “Hot.” he winked at her and left before she could yell at him. If he was being honest the coffee was actually the perfect temperature, but he just loved getting under Nesta Archerons skin.    
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formeandmyfics · 6 years
Beverly Hills, CA 1956
Gene took the last drag of his cigarette as he pulled onto his street. Up ahead, as expected, Cadillacs and Chevy Bel Air’s , lined the street. And all the patrons of those cars headed into his next door neighbors house - Chateau Bogart.
As he pulled up to his house, he noticed Van Johnson’s car parked in his driveway behind Judy’s car. Van had just gotten out and was helping his wife Evie with bags. Gene rolled his window down, expecting to park there himself. It was *his* driveway.
Van turned around and waved cheerfully, “Oh, hey!”
“Whataya, doin?!” Gene flung his arm out the window, “Get outta my spot!”
“You weren’t here. There’s no other place to park, man,” Van replied knowing his buddy was half-joking his annoyance.
“Well, where the hell am I supposed to park?”
Van linked his thumb in his cheek and popped it out making a loud bubble sound - a known gesture of Van’s that meant ‘Not my problem’. Gene sighed and parallel parked, blocking his driveway. He got out and head up the driveway.
“Hey! What if I gotta get out?” Van yelled for fun.
Gene mirrored Van’s popping gesture and smiled. He proceeded up the driveway heading for the front door. As he reached for the door knob,, he heard his name being called from the sidewalk. Turning around, he saw Frank with estranged wife Ave Gardner on his arm.
“You comin’ over?”
Gene nodded and put his finger up as if saying ‘one minute.’
Their older nanny Mary walking towards him with a cup of tea in her hand as he entered the foyer.
“Good evening, Mary.”
“Hello, Mr. Kelly. Uh, Mrs. Kelly isn’t here. She’s next door.”
“I figured that. I’m headed there myself. I just popped in to see the children for a sec.”
“The little one’s are asleep. Put them to bed an hour ago,” She warned in her British accent.
“Don’t worry, I won’t wake them. I know what a pain it is to get the children back to sleep.”
Mary smiled at his sincerity and headed to the den. When he got up the stairs, he made a right towards the kids wing. He passed 10-year-old Liza’s room. The door was open as she laid on her stomach kicking her legs back and forth listening to music.
Gene leaned against the door frame, “Hey you.”
“Hi, Papa Gene!”
“I haven’t seen you in almost a month. How are you, kiddo?”
“Did you have fun in New York?”
“Ah huh. Daddy took me to see the Joffrey Ballet and Auntie Kay took me to Fred Astaire’s studio to dance.” “Oh, wow. That sounds swell!”
“I came back yesterday and you weren’t here. Mama said you were staying at a hotel for work.”
Gene forced a gentle smile, “Yeah. I still am.”
“When do you get to come home?”
“I’m not sure. But I visit the kids. Now that you’re back, I’ll make sure to see you, too.
“And Mama. She misses you.”
“I’m sure she does,” he replied trying not to sound too sarcastic.
“She does. She told me.”
Gene looked at her genuinely surprised, “She did?”
“Yeah,” Liza giggled, “Why wouldn’t she?”
“Well, I miss her, too. Maybe I’ll be back sooner than expected. Have a good night, Princess.”
Gene felt a little spark of relief as he made his way to his son and daughter’s connecting nursery. He went into the baby’s room first. The one-year-old was peacefully sleeping,, sucking on his pacifier, his lashes as long as Judy’s resting on his cheek. Gene studied him a moment, with such affection, before heading over to the double sliding doors into his daughter’s bedroom.
The touch light on the bedside table was on, illuminating the pink room, and he saw the nearly four-year-old quickly shut her eyes. Walking over to the bed, Gene placed his hand on her head brushing her sandy curls aside.
“I know you’re awake, silly.”
She opened her eyes and smiled, scrunching her nose in the process - just like Judy did. She reached up wrapping her arms around her father’s neck.
“Hi, Daddy.”
“Hi, baby. Mmm,” He satisfyingly replied hugging her body closer, “Why aren’t you asleep? Nana Mary said she put you to bed an hour ago.”
“She tucked me in wrong.”
Gene chuckled at her wit inherited from both her parents, “Obviously, you got out.”
“Nuh uh. I’ve been in bed. Just not asleep.”
“Then why is your dollhouse open and scattered around? I know Nana Mary wouldn’t put you to bed with your room untidy.”
She shyly played with his collar dropping her eyes.
“Ah huh,” He said sitting down beside her, “How are you?”
“Good. Mama took me to work today,” She said excited.
“Oh, she did? To the recording studio?”
“Yeah. She let me watch her sing.”
“Were you a good girl there?”
“Somehow I doubt that.”
“I was. Ask Mama.”
“I will.”
“She took me for ice cream, too.” “Just you and her?”
“I bet you loved that.”
He knew she got jealous of Judy’s time with the baby.
“You wanna build a fort with me?”
“Not now. I’m going to Aunt Betty’s.”
“Mama there?”
“Yes, she is,” he replied as he tucked her in right.
“Give her a kiss for me.”
He smiled and gave her a peck on the lips, “Now go to sleep. Not a peep.”
“I love you.”
He shut her light off and headed out. He was going to head down the stairs when he stopped himself and headed towards the master bedroom. Gene started looking in all the strangest places as if searching for something small. When he didn’t see anything, he furrowed his brow and headed into the bathroom. He reached for the cabinet when something in the trash caught his eye.
It was her medication.
“No shit,” he mumbled in disbelief.
She threw her meds away, literally.
He and Judy decided to separate for a little while. It had already been three weeks since he temporarily moved into the Beverly Hills Hotel. The ‘break’ was agreed upon mutually after the both just couldn’t deal with the stress. They were fighting constantly and most of the time they didn’t even want to be around each other. That was a major red flag and something they never experienced or even fathomed happening in their relationship - but it did. When the children began to notice the tension, they knew they needed to change things for the time being…no matter how hard it might be. Most of the fighting were the result of his neglect because of work, and his drinking, as well as her tumultuous mood swings. From her mixed medications.
Even though their break was mutual, the day he left wasn’t pleasant. Another fight ensued, probably because of their scared inner emotions of reality of him actually leaving. She told him to sober up, he said the same to her. He really didn’t expect her to just quit cold turkey. Well, it sure looked that way anyways.
When he went next door, he said hello to Bogie and Bacall before scanning the crowded living room for his wife.
Frank walked up placing a hand on his friend’s back, “There you are.”
“I wanted to check on the kids.”
“What’s your poison tonight?”
“Uh, I’ll have a…” Gene trailed off in second thought, “You know, what? Nothing for me tonight, Frances.”
“You sick or somethin’?”
“Where’s Judy?”
“I don’t know. She’s around here somewhere. Last time I saw her she was in the back smoking with Jack.”
“Jack who?”
“That production manager at Metro.”
“Jack Weaver,” Gene questioned almost disgusted. “Yeah, that’s him.”
“Christ,” Gene said as he walked away from Frank headed towards the back of the house.
Jack Weaver had worked on many of their movies, and according to Judy, he asked her to have dinner with him numerous times, always flirting. He was an okay guy, but each time he made a move, she was serious about someone else, Gene included obviously. One time Weaver even asked Judy on a date in front of him, and that was in New York during her Palace run when every one knew they were a couple. And he didn’t let up either until Gene escorted Judy away. They were both appalled. Last he heard, Weaver was porking Ginger Rogers whom had just came out about her recent separation from Jacques Bergerac. He tended to do that. ‘Rebound Weaver’ he should be called. Though news of his and Judy’s break wasn’t publicly known, he wondered if Weaver heard about it.
There were a few people outside, but no Judy. Lucille Ball caught his eye and she smiled waving. He smiled and waved back then mouthed, ‘Where’s Judy?’ also lowering his hand down as if placing it at Judy’s 4’11 height since Lucy could not hear him from her distance.
With her cigarette between her fingers, she motioned back and forth towards the darker corner of the yard. Squinting his eyes, he looked and saw a few people by the telescope.
When he walked up, Judy was looking through the telescope while Weaver stood next to her chatting about different star names. June Allyson and Dick Powell stood by as well.
“And you see that bright star there at eleven o’clock, to the right of the moon? It looks like it’s twinkling.”
“Yes, I do,” Judy said interested.
“That’s actually not a star. It’s a planet. That’s Venus.”
“Oh, wow,” Judy breathed transfixed.
“Hey, Judes, if you look closer, you can see the varicose veins in my arm.”
June laughed and smacked her husband on the chest.
“And here, Judy…” Weaver placed his hand on her waist turning her a bit, “You can see a star cluster.”
All of a sudden the telescope went dark as Gene stepped in front of it and they looked up.
“Oh, hello, Gene.”
Gene nodded towards Weaver with a fake, tight smile and looked over at Judy who looked surprised, “Can I borrow you a second?”
“Only if you give her back,” Weaver said jokingly as Gene took Judy’s hand. Gene faked a laugh purposely for Weaver but mumbled, “Dick,” under his breath to which Judy heard.
“You said you weren’t coming.”
“I wasn’t, but decided to take your advice and got away from work.”
Judy nodded pleased.
“I went to see the kids, too.”
She smiled, “Good.”
“I didn’t mean to interrupt your star gazing party but our daughter wanted me to give you something.”
He leaned in and gave her a peck on the lips, lingering a little more for his own benefit. She didn’t wear a smile but didn’t look unpleased either.
“Oh, she gave you that, huh?” she said slyly.
“She did, “He replied matter-of-factly, “As I was tucking her in.”
“I so very much doubt that our daughter was up and about at this hour. If that’s the case, I need to have a chat with Mary.”
“Mary knew nothing of it. She was awake when I went in there. She asked me to build a fort.”
They both chuckled.
“I would with you, though.”
Gene’s remark was full of suggestion and tease, making Judy blush as he placed his hand on her lower back bringing her up against his side. She cleared her throat and backed away.
“Just got here and you’re already toasty, huh?”
“I’m sober as a judge.”
Judy raised her eyebrow not believing him and she went to head back out when Gene spoke up.
“Has Jack asked you out again?”
“No,” Judy said casually, “I’m sure he might, but I’m a big girl, Darling. I’m just looking at the sky.”
“While he’s looking at your ass.”
“At least someone is,” he heard her mumble before she went out the double doors.
A little later Judy was by the fireplace while Lauren and Debbie engaged in some girl talk. Judy wasn’t participating as she kept her eyes on her husband while sipping her red wine. He was across the room, kiddie corner from her, leaning against the wall, hands in his pockets - alone. When Bogie called for all the guys to take his infamous shot, Gene declined. She was surprised. Being a wallflower and not drinking at a party, especially his best friend’s party, was very unusual.
She was still angry with him. They hadn’t shared more than a ‘hello’ in the past two weeks when he came over to see the kids; yet, tonight he was flirty. He could barely stand to be around her last time they were together, and instead of joining in on the festivities, he was keeping to himself. Her curiosity was peaked.
Judy walked over to him concerned, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, why?”
“You’re not yourself.”
“I’m fine.”
“You don’t seem fine.”
Gene laughed, “I’m just standing here.”
“Why aren’t you drinking?” She flat out asked, wondering if he was sick or getting sober.
“Why’d you throw out your medication?” He mirrored.
Judy looked around making sure no one heard, but he could see it, she really did stop taking them.
“How was the detox?” he asked knowing how brutal they could be to her.
“Not the worst, but not the best. Only lasted a few days.”
Gene looked at her concerned, placing his hand around her waist, “Why didn’t you call me?”
She removed his hand, “I didn’t think you’d want to come over.” Gene didn’t hesitate as he took her arm and brought her out of the room into the empty hallway. She snatched her arm away annoyed but he backed her to the wall, gently, placing his hand on the wall beside her head.
“Are you fucking serious? You really think I wouldn’t be there for you where your health was concerned?”
“I didn’t not call out of spite, Gene. I didn’t call because of fear that you’d decline. I know you care about my health, but considering the circumstances I was afraid of that possibility.”
“Hell, yes I care. Why do you think I told you to quit in the first place?”
“Well, it’s done, alright? I feel good.”
“And how long have you not had a drink?”
“Started tonight. When I saw your meds in the trash, I realized you were serious about quitting, and now I am, too.”
“Well, that’s all fine and dandy, but it’s going to take more than us being sober to get back to the way we were.”
“Us being sober IS the way back to being together. I spent time away at work because of your moods. And it caused me to drink more than the normal social activity. Now that you’re clean and I’m done drinking, I think we’ll be okay.”
“Just like that?”
He nodded and leaned into her, “Just like that. Liza said you miss me.”
“Of course I do. I miss you when you’re not being an asshole like you’ve been the past few months.”
“Just the same, sweetheart.”
Judy laughed surprised and amused pointing to her chest, “I’m an asshole?”
He chuckled himself. Gene saw his Judy again. That black gaze in her eyes were sparkles again. And even though his normal male libido never went away, after all their fighting, for a time his sexual feeling for her sure had. And she was just as uninterested once telling him to go fuck himself instead.
But now, he wanted nothing more than to make love with his wife, seeing that they were talking more civil, sober, than they had for months. If she felt the same, he for sure knew it would most likely be the main stitch to healing. One thing that they always agreed upon was their connection during sex. For them it was more than just physical; however, right now he was feeling very physical.
“What else did you miss with me away?”
Judy saw that familiar look in his eyes, and although her body responded to it, she kept level headed. She wanted to take things slow.
Judy leaned into Gene’s ear, “It’s going to take a lot more than calling me an asshole to get into my pants,” she teased.
“You’re not wearing pants,” he whispered teasing back.
Judy whole-heartedly giggled into his ear hugging him pleasing him immensely. That was her hubby.
“Let me be with you,” he whispered.
“No,” she replied casually.
“I want to reconcile first.”
“We kind of already are - and us being together that way will be our reconciliation, believe me. It’s been months since we even remotely wanted to have sex and now we both want to, and you’re playing hard-to-get.”
”How do you know I want to?”
“Because you wouldn’t be teasing me or look at me they way you are. You’d tell me to go fuck myself again.”
“Shh,” Judy warned him as his voice raised.
“Oh, screw everyone. I’m talking to you, no one else.”
Judy sighed getting aggravated, “And what will happen after I let you fuck me, Gene? Hm? It’ll be all peachy keen then?”
Gene stepped back from her disgusted, “I wanted to make love with my wife, not get her permission to fuck her. I hoped you wanted the same.”
Judy lowered her eyes but showed no remorse expression.
“Go to hell,” he mumbled as he walked past her.
Judy watched her husband walk to the mini bar nearby but instead of pouring himself a drink, he just stood there fighting it. Pushing himself off the bar with a frustrated groan and headed to the kitchen. Once there, he opened the fridge and grabbed a can of Coca Cola. He needed some kind of kick, even if that was sugar. Taking a drink at the sink, he looked out the window there and glanced up at his and Judy’s bedroom window on the side of their house.
“No rum with that?”
Gene rolled his eyes to himself when he heard Jack’s voice come from the outside patio, “No.”
Jack leaned against the counter, “How you doin’?”
Jack nodded, biting his bottom lip, before speaking up enthusiastically, “Listen, if you need help finding a place around town, I got a real a state buddy. He’s expensive but top notch. He can find you bargains.”
Gene looked at Weaver confused as he handed him the business card, “Judy and I aren’t planning on moving.”
He handed the card back to him.
“Oh? I was under the impression you have moved out?”
Gene took another gulp of his soda trying to remain calm, “I don’t know what you heard, but it’s only for a few weeks. I haven’t moved out.”
The man nodded unimpressed, “But you’re still separated for the time being.”
“It’s only temporary. I don’t know why it’s any of your business. Where are you hearing this from anyways?”
Jack stood in front of Gene, his back to the door, and crossed his arms as if this conversation was the most normal thing in the world.
“Judy told me when we went out the other day. I mean, she said you were staying at the Beverly Hills Hotel for work, but c’mon the hotel is right around the corner. Why pay for a hotel when you can stay for free at your own home? It just isn’t a good cover up, bud. Being an actress, I would’ve thought she would do better than that,” he chuckled.
Gene clenched his jaw and breathed through his nostrils. Jack leaned into Gene’s ear just as Judy walked in. She froze as Gene’s eyes glued to her. It was only a second, but his look scared her.
“I’m going to fuck your wife tonight.”
Without a flinch, Gene punched the guy right square in the jaw.
“Oh!” Judy squealed in shock.
Jack rubbed his jaw chuckling, obviously drunk, “Damn, I didn’t think you had it in ya.”
Gene looked like he was going to hit him again and Jack wiggled his fingers, now snarky, “Come on, come on dancing boy.”
“Gene, don’t!”
Jack turned his head, not realizing Judy was there, and Gene bent down charging at him with a tackle. Jack’s back hit the fridge hard, contents on top falling off. Jack retaliated, punching Gene hard in the back.
“Gene! Jack! STOP IT!”
Jack pushed Gene off and threw a punch but Gene ducked and punched the guy again.
Judy went to go in between the two but when she got into reach of Gene, he pushed her away for protection, “Get out of here!”
She stumbled back and Jack threw another punch but missed Gene’s face and landed on his shoulder so forcefully Gene fell against the counter knocking over a wine bottle shattering on the floor. The two men tackled each other again just as Van, Lauren and Lawford rushed in to see what all the commotion was about. The second the men saw the two fighting, they rushed and forcefully pulled each off one another.
Gene backed Van off of him upset, “Get off me, I’m fine!”
Lauren saw Jack’s bloody mouth, “Jesus.”
Jack backed Lawford away and straightened his composure before he walked out.
“I’m gonna make sure he gets a cab,” Peter said following.
Gene walked out the patio doors and walked across the backyard to his backyard gate. Judy stayed and helped Lauren clean the mess before heading home herself.
He was sitting shirtless at their breakfast nook, a frozen bag of peas on his bare shoulder when Judy came in. When he heard her familiar click of heels on the kitchen floor behind him, he closed his eyes.
“What the hell were you thinking? I know you weren’t drunk, so you can’t blame your childish behaviour on that.”
“If I was drunk, I probably wouldn’t have hit him.”
Judy walked up and gasped seeing the large swelling bruise on his back, “For fuck’s sake, Gene,” she lightly touched it, “Does it hurt?”
“You have someone ‘Sugar Ray Leonard’ you in the back and see if it hurts.”
“Probably not as bad as his face right about now.”
“He didn’t get my face,” Gene said proud.
She took the frozen bag of peas from him and wrapped it in a towel before placing it back on his shoulder, “If your shoulder is numb, you’re going to get frost bite that way.”
Gene looked at her in awe as she sat down calm as a cucumber.
“You embarrassed me over there.”
“I didn’t start it.”
“You threw the first punch.”
Gene leaned to look at his shoulder. It was still red but the swelling went down. He tossed the towel wrapped peas on the table, “You don’t know what he said.”
“It doesn’t matter what he said. You should have walked away.”
“Not when it involves you, no way. And you embarrassed me.”
“Me?” her voice raised, “How the hell did I embarrass you?!”
She placed a smoke between her lips and he continued, “You went on a date with that piece of shit.”
Judy looked flabbergasted, “I didn’t go on a date with him, “ her cigarette dangled between her lips as she talked, “I went out for lunch and he came into the restaurant and saw me.”
He reached over and lit the cigarette for her, “You sat and ate with him, yeah?”
“I sit and eat with a lot of people. You really trying to win this argument, huh?” She pointed her cigarette towards him, “Not gonna happen buster.”
He snatched that cigarette and took a long drag. They were quiet a moment when he spoke up sincerely, “I’m sorry what I said earlier.”
“The ‘go to hell’ comment.”
Judy smiled, “Please. I’ve been said to worse.”
“I know,” she said softly seeing his genuine guilt, “Listen, if we apologized for all the nutty stuff we’ve said to each other the past few months, we’d be here all night.”
That made Gene smirk.
They were comfortably silent a moment when he stood up, “I’m gonna go up and get some fresh clothes to bring back with me to the hotel, that okay?”
Judy bit her bottom lip and nodded.
Upstairs, in the master bedroom, Gene was putting some freshly folded shirts in a small bag on the bed when Judy walked in. She headed into the wardrobe to grab a nightgown but she stopped herself with curiosity.
She walked out of the closet and stood in front of him as he sat on the end of the bed arranging his bag.
“What did Jack say?”
“You really wanna know?”
Gene looked up, his face level with her chest. He looked at her very familiar, full, milky breasts pushed above the bodice of her dress and he flt his arousal stir along with anger.
“He said…he said he was going to fuck my wife tonight.”
The comment didn’t faze her one bit.
“That’s impossible. My husband is going to fuck me tonight.”
Gene looked at her serious as a heart attack, “Only if she’s fucking me back just the same.”
Judy placed her hands on his shoulders straddling his lap. He was so transfixed he barely felt the sting on his left shoulder.
“That won’t be a problem, darling.”
Gene’s hand slid under her poofy skirt and up her thighs, passing over garters, until they reached her hips.
He grabbed her hips pulling her closer to his arousal, “Are you serious about this?”
“It’s been a long time. I need you.”
He smiled as her lips touched his in a feathery kiss, “You just wanna get laid.”
“Ah huh,” she smiled back, “And you can go back to the hotel after if you want, but tomorrow you’re taking me on a date and then we’re going to make love and close out that hotel bill.”
Gene felt his shaft get harder as she gently rocked her hips.
“Baby, I ain’t goin’ no where tonight. You aren’t getting rid of me.”
Judy ran her hands behind head, snapping his head back to look up at her as she gently bit his bottom lip, “I’d like my husband to fuck me now.”
Falling onto the bed, his bag rolled onto the floor, his shirts spilling out onto the carpet.
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