#that one racoon
sparklyandhaunted · 1 year
"First, did Stanford ever ask what this football player was doing in public? Why wasn’t he home studying or in class? If he’d been where he was supposed to be, instead of out with his friends, he wouldn’t have gotten coffee spilled on him. Assaults never happen at home or in class, and he should have known that.
Second, before we can judge anyone, we need to see what he was wearing. Was it shorts? If so, he was asking for it. Was it pants? That fabric doesn’t absorb liquid well. He should have been wearing a hazmat suit because then no coffee would have had bodily contact with him. He would have been fine.
Third, it’s also possible Meyer was giving him coffee in a friendly way and he completely misinterpreted her gesture. A woman can’t give a guy coffee without being accused of spilling it on him on purpose? She could have been giving it to him as a gift and he could have waved off the cup, which would definitely cause spillage.
Fourth, where’s the video? Are we supposed to take this guy’s word as truth? How are we supposed to know what truly happened if we don’t have video.
Fifth, at any point did he tell Meyer that he didn’t want coffee spilled on him? Because if he never said no, that’s not Meyer’s fault at all. She’s not a mind-reader. He needed to communicate what he did and didn’t want.
Honestly, until a ten part true crime podcast comes out (brought to you by Axe Body Spray), we’ll never know what happened. I don’t see the point in Stanford ruining Meyer’s life over one innocent mistake."
- Family Sues Stanford After Student Who Spilled Coffee on Friend’s Alleged Rapist Is Found Dead
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declamationark · 5 months
Between Danny’s constant sleep deprivation, school stress, and his villains’ differing levels of goofiness, I’m surprised he didn’t try just.. crying, like there’s a reasonable chance they immediately regret making this kid cry
like dude, you get catharsis and your enemies get Guilted into awkwardly going "there there buddy (help??? how to stop crying??? do I just pat the kid's head????)" and giving you gifts
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pangur-and-grim · 7 months
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my mom's hen is going through the worst moult ever
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clementiiny · 2 years
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Nadja + Raccoon family portrait
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elvisqueso · 5 months
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Love me, love my raccoon [Part 1/3]:
—Biscuits are a love language.
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vlydrphei · 1 year
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Drawing of Rocket Racoon(s) in free draw because im in turmoil constantly because of GOTG 3
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h-doodles · 6 months
that moment when mia bestie'd her way around mc once in miranda's route <3
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naffeclipse · 24 days
I know it's just because I'm a tired cranky raccoon rn but I feel like everyone hates me
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autisticgayplushie · 2 months
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all nine of the stretch goal designs for this campaign - I am not sure how many goals we will be able to reach but there will come a point where I won't be able to do any more goals unless I get fulfillment help, so we'll see if it gets to that point and if I can get help! below the cut are the names, info, and artist statements for each plushie! I may end up changing the names as I am still not sure about ash, sandy, kelly, and luca, but let me know if you like them!
Tristan The Depression Raccoon: Tristan’s plushie will come with a removable hoodie accessory! He loves cozy video games like animal crossing and stardew valley. There are not many widely used symbols for depression that I could find, so I chose Tristan's colors based on how my depression makes me feel, bruised and cold.
Ash the Anxiety Bunny Moth: Ash’s plushie will have fluffy moth antennae and removable magnetic wings similar to Bug’s plush! They love to visit the home depot lights section when their friends are with them! I chose gray and yellow for the main body colors because my anxiety personally deals with uncertainty and things out of my control. The green comes from one of the anxiety flags created by Beyond MOGAI. To add moth features was a suggestion I got that I thought fit very well!! 
Sandy the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Kitty: Sandy is an artist and loves to draw and paint landscapes! Her wings will be attached via magnet, similar to Bug’s wings. The colors of her design are based on the OCD flag created by lucellion, with spirals in her paws to represent repetitive thought processes.
Melon the Sensory Processing Disorder Opossum: Melon is a silly opossum who has bat wings! Melon’s wings will be attached via magnet, similar to Bug’s wings. Melon’s colors are inspired by the SPD pride flag created by Beyond MOGAI.
Jazz the Borderline Personality Disorder Kitty: Jazz is a tortoiseshell kitty that loves to read!! Jazz’s plush will come with a pvc charm of the hand of Eris symbol for you to put on xer collar if you choose! The colors are loosely based on the BPD flag created with community input by ptsdsafe on tumblr.
Kelly the Schizospec Axolotl: kelly is an axolotl who is studying chemistry and loves science! kelly’s design is inspired by the Schizospec flag, created with community input and organized by schizosupport on tumblr. They will have a collar tag once again made of PVC featuring the associated double sided arrow symbol.
Em the Bipolar Disorder Chimera: Em is a chimera kitty who has dragon wings and a snake tail! One side of the snake tail is smiling, the other frowning. This takes inspiration from the :): symbol often associated with Bipolar disorder.
Cy the Irritable Bowel Syndrome Otter: Cy is a happy little otter griffin! They love to sculpt and craft and sew! Cy’s color pallet is based on the assortment of medications I take for my own IBS symptoms.
Luca the Dyslexia Fox: Luca is a dancer and loves to perform! Their design and colors are loosely based on the infinity heart+ moon and star symbol that is often found on dyslexia flags. they will have L and R embroidered on their paws, which was a suggestion I was given.
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lemm-moxx · 2 months
Merry egg themed holiday everyone! (swap is slaying the day away in his totally not a fursuit bunny costume)
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(Swap sans created by Popcornpr1nce)
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that-one-raccoon · 8 months
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Free Fall Fantasy
Inspired by Dazai’s thoughts in chapter 16 of Magic and Mystery by Allegory_for_Hatred
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brandogenius · 4 months
I would love to see a Naomi × controversially young gf! Reader later on when you feel comfortable writing for MUNA.
ofc!! im still getting into muna so i’m very excited to write this!! so this may be a little short!
HC - naomi x controversially young reader!
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- id like to say reader is around hmm 23! there’s a bit of a 6-7 year age gap between you and naomi
- meeting by chance but naomi was like “lemme shoot my chance whilst i can”
- id like to say you work as their tour photographer!! but again also working around other stuff like setting up and selling merch, setting up stuff
- naomi coming over when setting up the merch stall like “hi baby”
- the two of you keeping your relationship a secret. everyone knows naomi is taken but don’t know it’s you
- you’re pretty popular in the muna community and everyone knows you’re close to mainly naomi sometimes people would be making theories and ship edits that the two of you love to look at and laugh
- you do remote college work while on tour multitasking. naomi stressing about it
- “you’ve an assignment tonight but you’re also photographing the concert- how do you have time for that??”
- literally impressed but also worried for your mental health. when everyone has a day off from the tour & you’re on college
- you both share a bunk
- when you’re hanging around the boys and the rest of muna, naomi is always holding onto you, i’m talking about like on their lap or beside you. holding hands or on your thigh
- can joke around but knows when you don’t find jokes funny. first one to go like “alright alright knock it off” and gives the other a glare
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cerbreus · 1 year
not enough adult party games where the gist is hunting each other for sport lets bring back hunting each other for sport as a party game. what’s more exhilarating than going into survival mode with 5-15 people all scrambling to be the last person standing by cunning, or throwing ur friends under the bus,
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1rabong · 2 years
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The squad goes out for lunch
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IK sometimes Bruce and Zatanna are friends, or just friendly tbh, but I want them to be like FRIEND FRIENDS. Like they were both semi-famous Emo Teenz™ growing up in the public eye! Come on now!
I imagine they're a little like sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Houdini, as in two silly little guys who could be hyper competent on their own but together are a walking, talking, unlikely friends comedy show.
Just thinking about emo Battinson and his goth Bff Zatanna who go on a spooky zaney adventures as teens whenever the Zataras are in Gotham. (This doesn't just apply to Battinson tho, observe)
Thinking about 16yrold Bruce needing to understand magic on a mathematical, scientific, and logical level and Zee being like " uhh, sorry bud we just say shit backwards it's like uh..it's like magic"
Thinking about them in their 20s, after Bruce's round the world in 80 days training montage, meeting John Constantine and being both DISGUISTED and kinda having a crush on him. ( It's the accent, they both think the accent is kind of hot, they will take it to their graves)
Also thinking about Zatanna showing up to Wayne manner to meet Dick for the first time looking at Bruce like " OH NO BRO! Baby??" And then immediately bonding with him because they're both performers and showmen at heart. (Aunt Zee is fun and cooky and will do magic anytime a nephew or niece asks, she will also let them wear the hat)
Not thinking about Zatanna coming to Wayne manor after her father's disappearance and death. (Or the way Bruce would feel gutted for one of his oldest friends having to experience his own trauma)
Not thinking about Bruce in the desperate throws of depression and grief after Jason's death or how Zatanna would come hold vigil beside him. Performing whatever magic rites she can to let Jason's spirit rest easy. (Bruce does not ask her to find a way to contact Jason, Bruce does not ask her to bring him back, he wants to tho so badly)
Anyway I just think it would be neat.
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Why is he like this? (and why do I love him for it?)
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