#thats NUTS bro
marlee-goat · 5 months
totally been forgetting to post him here but this is my boy lewis. i love lewis. his design is based off plessie sm3dw and he's really tall and they can't fit through doors most of the time and he has to crouch down to fit in frame because of their neck and they sit on the floor all the time because he can't in regular chairs and they wanna be on eye level with people and he's a big oaf and sometimes he smacks people with their big tail when they don't mean to. also he lives in a big cabin in the woods with their two moms and they are outside all the time because he doesn't really like the cabin and he actually tends to sleep in people's backyards most of the time. sorry im rambling again i just really like this guy
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iridescentpsychopath · 10 months
"The movie messes up the TV lore" 🥺🥺🥺
Bro the TV lore messes itself up. Master fu destroyed the most important temple ever cause he wasn't allowed to eat for a day.
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pathologising · 6 months
using ai to replace human connection is crazy
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bamsara · 2 years
oh yeah I woke up with paralyized arm this morning and it was the neatest and freakiest thing. Arm was limp and I was unable to move it or any of my fingers, I  didn’t have a tingling sensation, couldnt feel pain on that arm and it was essentially dead still weight laying next to me even though my brain was telling it to move. I could pick it up with my other arm and it would just heavy drop back to the bed
very slowly over like two minutes i was able to slightly move my fingers and then my wrist and then get the rest of my movement back. Apperently its either ‘partial sleep paralysis’ or a compressed nerve that does that while sleeping on it and its pretty much harmless lmao like the brain hasnt sent the signal to the nerves to wake up yet, or the signal gets inturrupted until it’s able to reconnect and thats neat af.
anyway now I have sleep paralysis ideas for comics
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thecrimsonjaguar · 9 months
its fucking time baybee
Alright. Alright. FUck. Oh my fuck. I have time now to sit down and process fionna and cake. god fuck. holy shit.whta the fuck , ive been so busy and ive finally caught up and. god what the shit
god fucking damnit i KNEW it was going to tear my HEART out we're not even FINISHED YET THE SHIT WHAT THE FUCK
uuuguhuhuhuhuhuhuh i need to be coherent. ok. ok.
I planned initially to talk about the episodes individually but fuck that,
So Simon is very suicidal. like. oh god I know we saw it in the original series but here it's on another level. He doesn't *just* want to die. He wants to put himself through an experience he considers WORSE than death for the rest of eternity. like. hell man. hes not ok
and like. i've mentioned it before but simon's just so. nice, yknow? He's kind. he's good. You can see he wants to be a good person and that part of him is like, slowly being drawn out again. He's so damaged and stuck in the past that he ends up hurting people around him. he made a little girl cry. He tried to talk about it with marcy, we know he's not okay with his behavior. and then with the candy queen, he's sees that she's nuts and he is immediately talking about helping her. He's trying to give her the kindness and help that he was denied for so long.
(and it makes me think about Ice King, right? Like, remind me, has anyone, and I mean ANYONE, ever approached IK and genuinely, earnestly asked IK for real help? If a little kid asked IK to please save them, would simon's kindness shine through? would Ice King help?)
And i'm genuinely nervous about what's to come. I imagine at some point it's going to hit F+C that the crown and Simon do NOT mix. And it's going to probably be a rude wakeup call. but what about after that?
Like. we didn't see Simon in the afterlife. We've all been theorizing about that for a bit but since we know for a FACT that simon is aging, then I imagine something is going to happen to him that keeps him from the deadworlds. and i'm putting a lot of trust into the show because it's really good so far so if something strange and cosmic DOES happen to simon, i have faith it will be good.
but like!!!! i kinda don't........ want that?? I want him to live in his OWN reality and make peace there, so he doesn't get separated from marcy. (The Simon and Marcy relationship is pretty much one of my favorite, if not the favorite, thing i love about AT. If something does happen to simon, I want him to have some way to stay connected to marceline.) And I want him to still be friends with Finn and I want him to make it up to that little girl he hurt. Im nervous he'll end up leaving and while we might get some of that, will everything get resolved in a satisfying way???
probably (hopefully) i'm being paranoid. This show is great so far. I think it can handle simon for a while longer. and i think if something weird does happen to simon, i can enjoy it.
i got more thoughts, but this post will do for now
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gifti3 · 7 months
Anyways why are these kids always trying to do insane grandiose stuff when they have problems
Im going to execute this crazy plan that involves trapping or manipulating a giant group of people cause i have a problem and this is definitely the way to solve it
How does it always lead to this lmaoo
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wabbitears · 7 months
feddy movie
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charcadett · 1 year
If the students at the academy range from toddlers to middle aged adults why are we still forced to play as 12 year olds? Gamefreak! Your fan base is getting old! Let us be adults! You don’t need to include any “adult” content, just let us fully customize our characters. (I come to your inbox just to rant)
man it would be nice to change ur characters age, especially since theyre a blank slate character for the player to project on, but i dont really see them biting for it?? or maybe im wrong, because recent mcs have been older. like pla youre fifteen and i think in swsh youre around 14 or 15. but i dont know if full on adults will be an option since the franchise primarily exists for children, even if a lot of the fanbase is adults. to be so real, i think the best fix for this is for the player character to like. Actually be a character? whenever i play other rpgs, i dont mind playing as a younger/older character because theyre not meant to be me. and also i love good stories and its hard to make a good story that you get super sucked into if the player character is just hanging around with a default 🙂👍🏻 expression
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opens-up-4-nobody · 10 months
#sometimes u just gotta have a cringe fail weekend. is what i tell myself bc i let the fact that i forgot to check my new#email completely obliterate me. also i haven't been sleeping enough. also just the normal thoughts in my head#by which i mean the part of my brain that demands consequences for inattention by means of suffering. devine punishment.#which is irrational and annoying but knowing that doesnt seem to help. so ive just been laying here in the hopes i come unspooled and start#to disintegrate. which is annoying bc ive got stuff to do#specifically bc i am supposed to b a TA this semester. which is what i figured but also feared#so. thats gonna b a lot. tho not as much as my old school bc they dont make TAs do literally everything here apparently#but. itll b a lot. and also i have to finish signing up for classes. bc i didnt do that back in April by my brain was melting. also i have#to keep doing my job and dealing with my data. ugh. well. being a TA isnt so bad. i do like to help ppl learn even if im not very good at it#like. i struggle with thr talking to ppl part. like the transition of ny thoughts to something thst makes sense#oh well. hope i end up teaching something im not too unqualified for. i could do soils. Ecology. uhhh. maybe intro bio but i never even took#university level biology. i just skipped upper level courses. that's probably it. anything else would b a lotta faking it#ugh. im tired. i should go to sleep at 9pm. thr sun hasbt even set and i should sleep#tomorrow i have to get my shit together. but also i wanna email my new professor like hey bro like what do u want me to do???#like how do i start in this lab? when do we start talking. like just not to b pushy but whats thr procedure?#i like Structure but also its like weeks until the semester starts so we got time. im just a lil nuts#jesus. its gonna b an interesting semester. hopefully fun but uh it is sorta like taking a boat out when u can see big ominous clouds#like im sure ill b fine but also i might get dumped over into a watery grave. i just. i have a lot of papers to write#and its gonna b hard to b a student on top of that. partly bc what im gonna b doing now is almost completely unrelated#which is probably y ppl stick to the same track they stsrt on. that awkward moment when ppl ask u if ur gonna keep working with bi0crust#and ur like uhhhh no fuck that actually the work ive done in the past 4 years makes me hate myself✌️#so we r back at square 1. well not 1 bc its sorta related but its a pretty big reset#itll b fine once things start. its just thr anticipation that kills me#unrelated
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senseiwu · 2 years
I want something crunchy to eat but I'm all out of chips and biscuits
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belphieslilcow · 1 year
bri I swear I'm just a different person when horny idk whi that is but it ain't dyllan
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violentdevotion · 2 years
starting to think thoughts. this is dangerous
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thetransguard · 4 hours
saving this so its on my blog
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yongseungkim · 2 months
#literally such a big part of me wants to go like#okay well if you and xyz are just friends#like truly just friends and you arent in denial/omitting the truth from me#have u considered maybe just maybe that it looks like you could be leading her on#the amount of time they spend together is kinda nuts#and its so funny cuz yesterday she was like talking about how her brain doesnt make those connections like#two other ppl before they started dating were spending copious amts of time together and i was like dont u see that?#and she was like no?? to me its like what if they just enjoy spending time with each other#and honeslty more than her i looked at xyzs reaction#cuz she looked STRAIGHT at her when they were talking about all that time they spent together.#bro idk i know she doesnt like to think but man she kinda should like#sometimes i think im insane but other times im like yeah if this was any other pairing of two people would def think smth fishy is going on#spending this much time with ONE person bruh like im her roommate now and i dont even spend nearly as much time#and she doesnt really invite me to do things when its the two of them which to me feels slightly weird from time to time#cuz im friends w both of em?? so it unintentionally feels exclusatory but thats okay lol im trying to let go#i know i feel hurt because shes choosing to spend time with xyz person too instead of with me#i know they have a different relationship too where its like both are on the more active side of things so maybe for her shes just like#oh this is my workout friend/buddy can do all the phsyical exercise i want#bc this girl can also keep up with her athletic demands but dear lordie#if she is telling me the truth as she believes it shes either in deep deep denial or shes leading this girl on for real like#they are just always attached at the hip and like the amount of physical affection bw the two has like#skyrocketed in the past month or so its nUTS#bro honestly i need to stop thinking about this and move on i cant keep getting pits in my stomach when i know shes out and about#and prob with xyz person lol
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fortyfive-forty · 4 months
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shrimpoe · 6 months
No-weed dreams are so funny. This shit is in high definition
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