#the answer is that I fucked up but I'm now actively changing the plot to make it a feature instead of a bug
theflyingfeeling · 3 months
two sweaty, horny dudes ✅
sauna ✅
no plot ✅
enjoy 💦
(or: Olli/Allu get it on at the band's sauna evening for no reason whatsover other than simply wanting each other so goddamn much)
Don't bother, Joonas, let's leave the IT club to nerd about whatever in peace.
Niko's teasing words had barely stopped echoing in the sauna when Olli's lips were already on Aleksi's shoulder, his tongue peeking out to lick a droplet of sweat above his collarbone. The boldness made Aleksi inhale sharply before nudging Olli away, although there was nothing in the world he wanted more than Olli's mouth on his skin.
"Don't," he whispered. "Not here..." Olli looked up at him from under hooded eyelids and the long lashes that framed his darkened eyes, and suddenly Aleksi could no longer remember why he was denying Olli anything at all. That was why he made no effort to stop Olli when he leaned further in to take a mouthful of Aleksi's skin just below his earlobe in his mouth; in fact, Aleksi tilted his head to give Olli more room to do so and hoped the tinted glass door of the sauna would veil their...carnal activities.
By the time they heard the showers being turned off and the door to the changing room closing, Aleksi was already half-hard from Olli's hot, wet kisses and his fingers digging into Aleksi's inner thigh. By the time the last noises of laughter and friendly banter died out in the next room, Olli was already lying down on the top bench of the sauna, back arching and low moans filling the small room as Aleksi mouthed his stomach with hungry, sloppy kisses landing all around his navel and along the happy trail to savour the salty taste as much as to worship the sweet softness of his belly. By the time Aleksi finally touched the tip of Olli's pulsing cock with his tongue, Olli was but a squirming mess under his touch, all but begging Aleksi to take him in his mouth.
The long, lingering licks Aleksi left on Olli's cock drove Olli crazy – Aleksi knew this from the way Olli's groans adopted a more needy undertone – but he had no intention to fulfil Olli's wordless pleas before he'd have the man tremble for it.
"Ale, I need to cum so bad," Olli panted, grinding his erection against Aleksi's lips that were now leaving light kisses along Olli's hardness. A lone drop of precum appeared at the tip, which Aleksi is quick to kiss away.
"Ale, please," Olli was practically whining now, "please let me cum in your mouth.
"Are you close?" Aleksi asked, although he knew the answer when he took Olli in his hand and felt it twitch in his fingers, and when he saw how Olli's abdomen contracted from the touch, and when he heard the litany of swear words leaving Olli's mouth.
"So fucking close I'm gonna cum on your face if you're not gonna take me in your mouth soon."
There was no doubt Aleksi wouldn't have loved that either, and he almost told Olli so; nevertheless, he guided Olli's cock in between his waiting lips. Hollowing his cheeks, he began sucking in rhythm with Olli's groans, making sure to let his lips graze against the sensitive tip before swallowing down again until his septum ring was nearly touching Olli's pubes. He felt Olli throbbing against his tongue, twitching in between his lips, thrusting towards the ceiling under his hands that rested on Olli's hip bones, and with every lust-filled movement Aleksi felt as if there were two, fatally horny wolves inside him: one that was determined to keep Aleksi bobbing his head up and down to help Olli reach his peak sooner rather than later, and one that was curious to see how long Aleksi could keep Olli on the edge before they'd both lose their minds.
Eventually his motive to please Olli outplayed any other, more selfish desire he might have had and he tightened his lips around Olli's cock. Olli buckled his lips uncontrollably when Aleksi added a hand to the base of his hard-on to massage it, to feel Olli's arousal under his fingertips, to revel in every twitch and throb that inspired Aleksi's own aching cock that stood neglected between his thighs. He was desperate to touch himself – he was only human, after all – but as it turned out, his hands had far more important tasks to tend to: while the other was busy gripping Olli's cock, the other had sneaked up to Olli's chest to bury his fingers in the bush of chest hair which Aleksi so loved; which Olli so loved to leave peeking from the collar of his shirt just to drive Aleksi crazy; which Aleksi couldn't wait to cover in his white semen again, like he had done just the other night on the couch of his studio.
Nearly lost in the memory of frotting himself on Olli's chest, Aleksi was almost caught off guard by Olli starting to shoot his load in his mouth. At the height of his orgasm, Olli's slurred words are a mix of fuck and Ale and don't stop, and Aleksi keeps on working his tongue and lips until every last drop of cum has been swallowed, until the only noises left in the sauna are Olli's heavy breathing and the quiet cracking of the fire.
Seeing Olli's naked body in front of him, all spent and relaxed and beautiful, Aleksi could no longer ignore his own bodily needs. He sat back against the wooden panelling behind him and finally took himself in his hand, but he only had time to give himself a few, much-awaited strokes before Olli's fingers were replacing his own and a pair of lips were crashed against his. As if desperate to taste himself off Aleksi's tongue, Olli kissed him hungrily while pumping Aleksi's erection with vigorous, experienced flicks of his wrists, which had no business making Aleksi as close to his climax as it did. Yet, he found his lips mirroring the hasty movements of Olli's, grinding his erection into Olli's fist the best he could from his tight position in between Olli and the wall, and even letting Olli help Aleksi's knee up against his own chest, pushing him further against the wall as Olli's other hand teased around his hole.
Without warning, Olli slid one of his fingers in, and with even less warning, Aleksi came hard with his bottom lip tightly in between Olli's teeth so that his cry of pleasure was muffled somewhere inside Olli's hot mouth. When Aleksi at last regained the little that was left of his senses, the fire in the sauna stove had already died out; the fire in Olli's eyes, however, drilling into his from up close as he milked the last of Aleksi's cum, only seemed to flare up.
They made out under the shower, somehow leisurely and with great urgency at the same time. Olli was wet and smooth and hot under Aleksi's palms, his every curve and bone and muscle adding fuel to the already blazing flame that was scorching Aleksi's chest and groin, even without Olli's hand stroking his cock anew.
When Aleksi came again, spilling his load on Olli's fingers and stomach, his knees trembled under him from the strength of his second orgasm that evening, nearly making him fall at Olli's feet.
He wanted to ask Olli if he would catch him if he did; if he'd crumble under the weight of it all, would Olli be there to pick him up again?
Somehow the words never left his mouth.
(Perhaps Aleksi was afraid to hear the answer.)
Instead, he got on his knees again.
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merakiui · 3 months
MERAAA :(( I can't believe you've done this... (I absolutely can believe it)
The new DRU chapter is SO good oh my god dude,, Marisa and her tea parties and everything just . pretend there's one of those really dramatic reaction images of the little stickmen crying here. oh my god. I saw the strangulation tag but for some reason I didn't consider we'd be watching that go down after bonding with her. Really that's on me though
ALSO THE DREAM SHIT WAS SO SICK HELLO?????? Oh and .. was Jade pretending to,, be Floyd or something to get her there. Or did I totally misunderstand his strand being on the wrong side and him just being Messier 😭 ??? I dunno. I did wanna ask real quick though
I need to like sit down and think the chapter over or something. That was good. I love Jade and MC's silly back and forths by the way!! I knoe theyve always been there but. yknow. The fingerbone thing was fun is why I thought to bring it up,, this is all over the place but like. AAAAA !!!
Jade Leech the messed up little creature you are,,,, god,,,,
- :3 anon
I feel like I definitely overthought that Floyd thing I put in my og ask btw. Your other fics where Jade is all Floyd-ish are getting to me I fear 💔
I do love a good twins pretending to be each other. even tho that's definitely not the point of DRU lol. I don't know if you'd shared this before (or ig if it'd be spoilers ? if it is I could totally understand why) or if I'm forgetting smth in the earlier chapters,, but does Floyd know what Jade gets up to??? Is Floyd also a cannibal or does he think this is just one of his brother's weird things and doesnt care,,, and that's if he DOES know I guess. I dunno
Rotating them around in my brain. fucked up critters those two. I know you won't get to these til later but goodnight mera :-) thank you for the fish food tonight!!!
- :3 anon x2
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:3 anon!!!!! ( ≧ᗜ≦) THANK YOUUUUUU!!!! I'm so happy you liked it!!! Omg the stickman reactions....... this was me writing Reader and Marisa bonding knowing fully well what was to happen:
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IT HURTS. T_T she was such a sweetheart,,, her and Reader would have been besties forever if the circumstances were different. </3 in my heart Reader, Marisa, and Cater are at Portobello drinking chaga tea and enjoying the egg sandwiches and the tiny cakes!!!! orz
AND JADE. JADE LEECH!!!!! >:( *squishes him in my fist* what a sneaky eel,,, the formal and casual wardrobe changes and the looking intentionally messy....... Oh, he's the worst. I can confirm that he wasn't pretending to be Floyd. He would never throw his brother under the bus like that (or would he? 👀). He continues to be an enigma. Currently, no one knows of Jade's very illegal activities. I can't answer any other questions related to Floyd's involvement due to spoilers, but I can assure you he has a role in the plot (even though he may not be very present right now) hehehe.
ALSO ALSO!!!! Thank you for enjoying their banter. I love writing the two of them bickering. (〃´𓎟`〃) the fingerbone line and "not by choice" in reference to Jade saying you're his housemate are some of my favorites from this chapter. They can't be civil for a minute. These two are always sniping at each other. >_< but soon they will be kiss, kiss, falling in love into the bed to fuck,,,,, if Reader manages to seduce the murder eel, that is. Good luck, Reader. Your life is quite literally on the line. ^^;;;;
Thank you again for enjoying the fish food!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖
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benoitblanc · 19 days
hey arwen, long time no see!! hope you're doing well! 💜
i know nothing about txf besides what i've gleaned from this hellsite which is a) mulder is a lovable idiot, b) scully both loves him (almost against her will??), and c) they literally invented shipping BUT tell me about your top 5 txf episodes!!!
hi mitali i have been EXTREMELY patchy on here lately haven't i lol. local woman appears on tumblr to write ten meta posts about the x files and then disappears again! i'm doing okay; my real life has been kind of chaotic (had to last-minute cancel a trip i have been desperate to go on for years so :/ but! on the bright side it means i get to see my flatmates sooner than i thought and i miss them even though i've been gone from my flat for like a week and a half lol). how have you been???
those are very accurate txf vibes but i will say that scully is a very active and willing participant in being in love with mulder even though he can be very very stupid at times lol. i hope you watch it someday- i think it would be right up your alley! kind of similar doctor who ecological niche of being weird, heartfelt, politically relevant sci-fi with no consistent quality or tone.
ANYWAY. top 5 txf episodes, bearing in mind that i've technically only watched up until the end of the fourth season so far; i'm just a ho for spoilers:
pusher (3.17)... what can i say about pusher that i haven't said already. a lot, probably, because every single day i log on here and i see someone's written new meta about pusher that makes the entire show make more sense. it's just... it's txf distilled to its barest elements. it's about trust and codependency and a supernatural force that is made all the more unsettling by the fact that at its core it is just some guy. it's funny and terrifying and heartfelt all at once. the russian roulette scene changed television
clyde bruckman's final repose (3.04) is also just so txf. darin morgan (the writer) tended to write episodes that were so absurdist they wrapped back around to satirical, but this is far and away my favorite of his because it's not too bonkers. i love coprophages and from outer space especially, but clyde bruckman is a little more grounded, and it manages to be sarcastic and sincere in equal measure. and i love when scully gets to solve the mystery
irresistible (2.13), which is famous for being pretty much the only txf episode where there isn't actually an x-file. and it's SO fucked up. it is hands-down the most fucked up episode of the entire sh- well. besides the episode that they banned from reruns for like a decade for being so fucked up, it's hands-down the most fucked up episode of the entire show
beyond the sea (1.13) and paper hearts (4.10) are thematic sisters so i'm keeping them together. they're both about choosing to move past grief instead of wallowing in it and choosing the future over the past. so what if a criminal says they can give you the answers you've spent your whole life chasing? what matters is that you're at your partner's hospital bedside when he wakes up from an injury, or that you save a little girl's life
right now? probably ice (1.08), because i just rewatched it with my flatmate (who is going through s1 for the first time and is almost as obsessed as i am). it's like if midnight doctor who and the thing had a baby. normally i think this slot would go to duane barry/ascension/one breath (2.05/2.06/2.08) or nisei/731 (3.09/3.10), which are the tightest, tensest episodes relating to the show's overarching mythology
honorable mention goes to elegy (4.22) because the a-plot is a very 90s depiction of neurodivergence and it's not the best-handled thing i've ever seen, but the character showcase of scully in the b-plot gave me fucking brain worms. i cannot stop thinking about it. it's haunting.
also, memento mori (4.14). vince gilligan and gillian anderson you're splitting my therapy bill
ask my top 5/10 anything!!!
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Hi! I'm newly introduced to your blog and I had a question about how your system interacts with your husband. And if this is totally not okay to ask Im really sorry and please tell me so. When interacting with your husband, does whoever is currently fronting tell your husband so he knows which part he is talking to?
Hey there ^^ I guess it's been a while since I've talked about system/life things here, so I appreciate this little nudge, thank you.
Short answer is no, we currently don't reveal who's fronting to husband, but that might change somewhat in the near future.
Long answer:
For context: We've been married for almost 10 years, and had already been together for 6-ish years by the time I started uncovering system things. I was intensely shameful and guarded about it all, which has lessened over time, but...well, it took me 3 years with my current therapist to reveal names and share a system map a few months back, so progress with sharing parts-related things irl has been. Slow.
All that is to say, we only just shared names of parts with our husband two weeks ago. We'd discussed the patterns and functioning of a few parts, but names were deemed "irrelevant information" by our more pragmatic & denial-inhibited parts.
I'm also glossing over some other hurdles we had to clear before things felt safe enough to share, but yeah. Name sharing with him has been a very recent development.
And now, for the plot twist: since I've been more open about the inner workings of my system, my husband has come to terms with the fact that he also has a similarly fractured identity of some nature that he's been actively repressing. As it turns out, me candidly sharing about the workings of my system felt like setting a mirror up in front of him, and suddenly clicked a ton of things into place about what he's been dealing with his whole life. So we're both exploring what that means for him.
(He's still figuring out what vocabulary suits him, but he doesn't like pathologizing language or system-related language for himself, so. I'm doing my best to describe things and be mindful of his wishes without being like "Sounds like OSDD to me, fam!")
Anyway, he's name-dropped us a couple times since then, and it's a fucking trip every time. Feels like lightning zaps down my spine and I get very anxious, but it's not bad, just unfamiliar and strange since we've been on the down-low about it for years. But I can definitely see it being more of a common occurrence in the future as he gets more familiar with our patterns and quirks (scary/exciting.)
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
Alright, that brings us to what may be the biggest plot hole in V3. You know what I'm talking about.
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People have gone back and forth a lot on cospox, because it makes absolutely no sense within the "true" metatext of V3.
It's presented here in the form of Tsumugi dressing up as Kaede, to demonstrate a horrible rash that spreads across her body as an allergic reaction to cosplaying a real person.
We're not going to talk about how patently silly that is because this is Danganronpa and Danganronpa does not give a shit. There is no ceiling for zany magical bullshit. If Tsumugi says cospox is a thing then sure, why not.
She literally wrote the script. She knows better than you or I do about whether this is possible.
No, the problem is that how it's introduced and how it's ultimately used are at odds with one another. If this is a real affliction that Writer Tsumugi suffers from, that's fine. If this is purely a quirk that she wrote for Character Tsumugi, that's also fine.
It would be entirely possible for Tsumugi to fake this. We see later in the game that her Cosplay skills are so advanced that she has super-speed quick-changes, able to swap wardrobes and even body types near-instantaneously. She could absolutely be fucking with Kaede right now.
The problem is that this becomes a critical plot point for revealing the truth of V3. Her cospox is central to revelations of the middle reality. We learn that the Danganronpa universe exists as fiction within her universe because she can cosplay as Danganronpa characters without triggering her cospox.
But. That. Doesn't make sense, does it? Because in this scene where she reveals her cospox, she's dressing as Kaede. Kaede is no more real than Makoto Naegi or Ibuki Mioda or Junko Enoshima. You can't even bullshit around that problem by saying that she's wearing the actress's clothes, because the actress came here in a different outfit. These clothes were provided to Kaede during the False Start opening as her character's costume.
Some people have taken this as undeniable proof of an even more hidden truth buried beneath the hidden truth that's buried beneath the lies masquerading as the truth. The ending even suggests as much, with the characters speculating that maybe the reality show and LARP was itself a lie and that the TRUEST TRUER true story of V3 has never been revealed.
But I don't truck with that shit. That's just mystery boxing. Deliberately not answering the questions that the story raises to trick the audience into making up their own explanations, which they will then project onto the original lazy story so they can convince themselves it's clever.
What exists within the text is a massive plot hole. Maybe Kodaka couldn't be arsed to notice that he wrote himself into a corner because he was actively burned out on Danganronpa when he was making this, or maybe it's an elaborate writing prompt. One that you can absolutely spin 50,000 pages of fanfic out of if you want to. But either way, it's my opinion that, as an audience, the main plot of the story shouldn't be your responsibility to fix.
One way or another, the way V3 handles Tsumugi's cospox is terrible.
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valeffelees · 2 months
An Ask Game for Writers to Procrastinate Working on Your WIP(s)
thank you kindly for tagging me @shrekgogurt @youarenevertooold, and @monbons i've been seeing this game make its rounds on my dash and was really hoping someone would pull me in!
🦈 Tell us the name of one of your WIP(s)
my main three wips at the moment are without sun, ballad of the final sparrow, which is more commonly known as bitverse, and fragile things (and how to break them), but i've also been fucking around a bit the last two or three weeks with a new (terrible, evil, very self-indulgent) wip called god-forbid.
🍄 Describe one of your WIPs in the format of “___ + ___ =___”  
i think i might be dumb bc i don't understand this question at all.
🌍 What tags or warnings will your WIP(s) need if you intend to share it?
bitverse: heavy angst, psychological horror elements, alcohol abuse, allusions to suicide, unhealthy coping mechanisms, dead dove: do not eat.
🧭 An alternative title to one of your WIP(s)?
ballad of the final sparrow -> baz is typing fragile things (and how to break them) -> there's a werewolf in london god-forbid -> the gap between a tragedy and comedy
⚠️ Which WIP you’re most likely to finish or update next?
i have no idea. i mean, you'd think the answer would be without sun since it's the only fic i actually have posted at the moment, but unfortunately i am an untrustworthy villain.
💾 What is the document of your WIP called? (Not the story title, but what you’ve saved it as.)
same as the fic title. if i start a new wip and don't know what to call it, i'll pick something at random and add (working title) at the end.
🖍 Post any sentence from your WIP
from without sun:
“You don’t like peppermint,” he says. But maybe she does. Maybe that’s one more thing he can add to his growing list of things he got wrong about Agatha Wellbelove. No. 1 — Dislikes peppermint; actually, she is quite fond of it. No. 2 — Likes Simon Snow; him, not so much.
♻️ A scrapped idea for your current WIP
one of the biggest changes i made to the plot of without sun really early on was penelope's role in the story. i had a clear idea of the story i wanted to tell as soon as i saw the prompt for the fic. without sun was always supposed to be about more than simon and baz. the story is about grief and love, and the space we take up in the lives of the people around us. but n e way, in my orig draft, penny was actually supposed to be able to communicate with simon a bit, and there was gonna be a whole sect of scenes in the middle of the fic where they sat around together trying to break simon's curse what we know and what we don't know style via passing notes. i ended up tossing this idea really quickly tho, and i'm glad i did bc one of my favourite moments i've ever written in any fic happens in chapter two of without sun and it belongs to simon and penny.
🤔 What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
so many. or, well—what counts as "haven't even started"? i hate to let ideas sit around in my head bc it feels like leaving raspberries in the fridge for too long, like that shit is gonna get mould on it, so usually the first thing i do is rough out a few scenes and/or script out a very rough outline of the plot (like this / this / this style) so that i have something to come back to later. i have dozens of zero drafts just lying tf around. but otherwise, yeah, so many. one big idea i have is called heart on fire and it's based on fanart, but i haven't started it yet bc obvs i wanna get permission from the artist first but i've been holding off reaching out to them about it until i've knocked a few of my less intimidating longfics off my wip list bc heart on fire is gonna fucking hefty so i don't wanna give'r until i'm sure i can manage it.
🤡 How many WIPs are you actively working on?
🛠 Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
i'm having a real bitch of a time with agatha's main scene in chapter two of without sun, i've been fighting with it on and off for months, but i can't get it to do what i want it to do.
❤️ Not a question, just a second kudos to send.
sorry for any doubles but, tagging: @drowninginships @cosmicalart @that-disabled-princess @fatalfangirl @cutestkilla @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @artsyunderstudy @thewholelemon @roomwithanopenfire @hushed-chorus @blackberrysummerblog @imagineacoolusername @nightimedreamersworld @prettygoododds @confused-bi-queer @mooncello and an open tag for anybody else who wants to procrastinate their wips!
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jae-bummer · 1 year
*blows the dust from the keyboard and cracks knuckles*
Hello friends, fancy seeing you here!
It's been about three years since I last was active in writing on Tumblr, and I'm excited to say...I want to give it a shot again! I hope you all haven't forgotten me and are ready to see a bit of new content headed your way. I'm sad knowing I've likely lost plenty of folks who have moved on from my blog (or kpop in general), but I am so happy to meet all of you who have decided to follow during my break!!
Now let's start this thing off right...WITH A PROMPT LIST!
Half of these prompts are quotes, while the other half are situational. I hope there's a little something for everyone :) Quote prompts will somehow incorporate in the storyline and situational prompts, of course, will be the general, loose plot of the story.
Note: You can submit whatever request you want! It doesn’t have to be one of the prompts listed! This list just makes it easy and fun to see something you want to read.
Second Note: Don’t be afraid to talk to me! I love hearing your input or just geeking out on our favorite members! Reblogs with comments and sweet messages make my heart all fluttery!
Third Note: The groups I write for are: BTS, Got7, Seventeen, Monsta X, AOMG, and Stray Kids!
The Prompts:
"Want to help egg my ex's house?"
2. "Get in the fucking blanket fort."
3. "Tell me to leave and I'll never bother you again."
4. "You look good in my clothes."
5. "Okay, maybe I have a crush on you! So what?"
6. "If you do that one more time, I don't think I'll be able to control myself."
7. "Doesn't matter what happens...if you call me, I will always answer."
8."My job is to teach. That's all."
9. "I don't want them. I want you."
10. "You haven't changed at all."
11. Your bias makes every excuse he can think of to hold your hand.
12. Your bias needs a fake partner for a family event. Are you up for the task?
13.While on tour with your bias as a staff member, somehow the two of you end up sharing the same hotel room.
14. Soulmate AU (Requester's choice)
15. You hurt yourself and your bias is in the hospital bed adjacent.
16. You find a journal belonging to your bias.
17. Two mini fics in one: The first time you see your bias. The last time you see your bias (guaranteed heart break ahead)
18. Your bias gets drunk, and you have to handle their mess.
19. You or Your bias get injured, and one has to clean the other up.
20. Somehow you and your bias were moved into the same apartment.
Thanks all and happy requesting! :)
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eventiderpg · 11 months
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Anonymous asked: i would like to apply but it wouldn't be the first time i've heard about this group being cliquey, and now this ask about not having enough space for new interactions to maintain activity. is this changed somehow and are you giving space for another characters and players be part of the plots and decisions and are there starters that are not closed or ship-based?
Hey Nonnie! Putting this under a read more because I feel like there's a lot here. First off, we would love to have you here but I understand your concerns and I want to address them.
In terms of us being cliquey, nobody has reached out to the admin team about this. Still, I understand it could be hard to approach a subject like that. If any of our muns feel this way, I plead for you to reach out. However, I can only speak on things I know. For a long time, eventiderpg was a small group. Most of our former muns are no longer here, we were only single digits then. But we did have a fun dynamic between us all. We were just down to clown and fuck around on the things Suzanne Collins gave us. Then we got a wave of new muns, most of which shared a history of a same roleplay. Our small group became bigger. In time, we got even more muns.
I think we have fun. It seems everyone is pretty active in our ooc channel on discord. Additionally, we regularly post questions for people to answer about their muses and people react to them. People send memes and tiktoks sometimes. My favorite thing is when people will see something written on the dash and send it to the discord with their reaction to it. But all in all, I think it's a vibe.
In terms of starters, we do have a starter blog with a decent bit of open ones on it! I would say that none of our opens are ship-based. Really our biggest restriction there has been in our most recent event. That's mainly due to some muses being in the arena or others being in places that only allow mentors or victors, etc. Those aren't the only starters we have though, and we're very past thread forward too! Which means whenever anyone joins, they're welcome to anything current as well as building their muse in the past however they see fit!
Our group is a fan of closed starters though, this is true. I certainly don't think it's a bad thing! We utilize plotting and starter calls a lot here. All you have to do is like them and soon you'll have someone in your DMs to plot or figure out a starter between your muses. I'm blown away with the things our muns come up with.
In terms of the plot, for our first two events we had approached different muns to involve them. For example, our Effie at the time found Porter Millicent Tripp before she ultimately passed. In our second event, our Madge was in on what was to happen as well as our Constantinus Snow was the one to end the interruption. We didn't approach anyone really for event 3, but that was mainly because it's the The Quarter Quell and a lot was already going on. Throughout it though we've collaborated with the muns who have muses in the arena!
We do ask in our mun intros now if they're open to being contacted about their muse(s) being used for plotting for the rpg as well. And we do try to put out a survey before every event to hear about our muns thoughts, because their voices are important to the admin team. We're slowly getting stuff finalized for our mockingjay era and approaching everyone for that. We will also put out more surveys for then as well.
Ultimately, it breaks my heart if people feel left out here. And if you do, please reach out to the admin team. We can try to resolve it as best as we can. But a lot of our muns have reached out and said how much they enjoy being here. I hope you still feel inclined to join. But either way, I hope you have a lovely day, Nonnie.
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mazanica · 6 months
Uhm hello I’ve been inspired by your Beneath Their Masks fanfic series (I was so obsessed with it that my nickname is one of the names you gave one of the characters and I doodled the characters maybe a bit too much💀) for around literal years. I know this is weird but I was wondering if ya either had any updates on it or if you gave anything to say about it?
Anyways thank you for spending the time to read this have a nice day/night
Hi hello! Sorry for not answering sooner, I'm back in school and working full time at the same time so I haven't had much time recently.
So when I look at BTM... I actually left the FNaF fandom after some things Scott said, though recently I've been thinking about FNaF again and missing it. As for BTM, I had intended to leave it abandoned as I 1) had intended to leave the FNaF fandom, and 2) as someone who's closer to 30 than to 20 I started feeling weird about writing teenage characters
Recently, I've come to the conclusion- so fucking what, every story that centers around a kid or teen was written by an adult. Maybe I'd tone down the abuse from being as extreme as it was, but ya know.
That being said, I don't intend to update BTM (or any of the other ones) as they are NOW- if I do anything with them, I'll rewrite them, and especially BTM I'd want to write in a different way, bc writing the same chapter 10 different ways was extremely mind numbing and exhausting for me, which is why even when I was active in the fandom it would take me months at a time to write. If I were to rewrite it, I'd definitely write it with a 3rd person omniscient where the pov character changes as needed, but in one story instead of 5.
My writing style has changed so much over the last ~5 years, and tbh my interest has heavily shifted over towards sci-fantasy rather than modern life, and of my old stories Phantom Watchers still has a grip on me. (That being said if/when I (re)write Phantom Watchers, the characters will be aged up from what they were in the original fic). Also I may or may not have a canon multiverse bc of Phantom Watchers but that's neither here nor there.
I do know someone on AO3 is actually writing their own version of BTM, if that might interest you!
For anyone curious, as it stands, the fics I'd be willing to rewrite are:
Phantom Watchers (probably the main one I wanna rewrite, especially now that I'm older and have a few years of worldbuilding under my belt) One Stormy Night on Lakeview Road (same as the last, but with a few major changes to the plot/characters) BTM (already discussed above) Division (but I would probably take them up into college instead of highschool, and change things up. For example I would probably make it where not EVERY one of the Toys is actually a Pazon, bc that would still contribute to the Pazon/Norman self-segregation, and I would probably change up Red a bit bc looking back it feels a little uhhh... yeah)
And for the one I will 100% leave abandoned is "Bunny Tech and Martial Hare" since I was writing that with a friend, of whom I am not friends with anymore, so sorry about that one <3
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freshairforrabbits · 1 year
This blog is intended for a mature audience; viewer discretion is advised.
Quick rundown:
The pretty boy snuff film tag with its playlists and wips exists under 'pretty boy film'; anything else is under 'anatomy of a house' including any media related to all my fics, my own original writing, and stuff I reblog that acts as inspiration for writing from other people; all with the theme of damn this house is so fucking haunted.
You can call me Sab. Yes, I am the one writing pretty boy snuff film on AO3 under the user babygirljake, among other major discomfort fics, zornographic horror stories, and general fuckery as well as healing/recovery ones (or one, pretty boy is the only one right now in that category). Yes, I am afflicted with other people living in my brain and they help me write these things too, when they want to be engaged that is.
No, it is not the psychosis kind, but big shout out to the psychotics out there and my fellow hallucination havers, I wish you the best of days and medications with little side effects ❤️
We are happy to receive messages of any kind! Even if it's just a massive wall of text in an infodump about a completely random topic, your own writing, a character, headcanons, or whatever— just enjoy reading and learning things! Love it. Will eat it up so please, tell me about your skrunkly scrimbos, your writing projects and endeavors. (Your ass must be 18+ though please!)
And of course, please send recommendations of your favorite horror films, any content, genre, runtime, or language. I will be so thankful.
Looking for an update on pretty boy snuff film or my other fics?
Just know I can take anywhere from six months to a year to update some fics! Pretty Boy chapter 16 and beyond is actively in the works, and has been an absolute beast of 70k in scrapped plot points, outlines, dialogue, scenes, and notes alone. But that chapter will likely not be finished until closer to the fic's one year anniversary. I was aiming for January, but life challenges and changes have sort of fumbled that ball. So, hold tight.
In the meantime, you'll see me write self-indulgent oneshots, and you can send in asks about anything you'd like to know; to which you may receive an answer. 💕😼 Stay safe out there.
Currently Cooking:
pretty boy snuff film, chapter 16, etc.
sequel to 'you circled me inside my room', part 2 of (series East of Eden)
On the Back Burner:
"well I guess I'm a pretty sick guy" chapter 5, etc.
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st0rmyskies · 1 year
May I do one of those answer all the questions things again? Mwah😘
Of course you may bae. Let's get to the ones I didn't get asked.
Under the cut for length.
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
I have too many active projects to have any that I want people talking about more. If anything I wish I could stay focused on one series HSH as opposed to having the braincell pulled in 800 other directions.
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
Live reacts are the shit. Really though any thought-out comment makes my day. I put a lot of effort in to what I put out there, so having that recognized - to have people pick out subtle themes or characterization notes or what have you - is really rewarding.
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
I think y'all know that I work pretty hard on what I put out there. My biggest struggle right now is the climax of HSH, just too many moving parts and I need to make sure I do everyone justice. Yes, even Number.
🦋what are you most insecure about when you post a fic?
Whether or not I'm outing one of my own weird kinks.
🌿how does creating make you feel?
Relaxed. Stressed. Elated. Drained. Productive. Like I'm wasting my time.
🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
Hard question. Like, my style of getting things down or putting words in order or ???. Idk I'm stubborn so perhaps I'm fixed.
🎉how often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? how often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post? (if you don't, you should!)
Completing and posting a work feels good, but I don't really seek validation through posting. I just... put it out there. Read it, or don't.
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
The language, by far. Language can either immerse you in a given scene or bitchslap you straight out of it. It can make a given character's actions seem brash or planned, their motivations selfish or selfless. The importance of word choices CANNOT be overstated.
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
Among Us got really hard to write because the ending is Not Good. That story helped me realize that I really can't do bad endings.
🍭why did you start writing?
Because I wanted to read Marth/Roy (SSBM) fic and couldn't find anything I enjoyed well enough.
🤲what do YOU get out of writing?
I get to create the kind of stories I'm interested in reading.
☯️how do you think engaging with each other through tumblr, twitter, comments, kudos, creates healthy fandom experiences? How do you deal with that if you're not a social person/experience social anxiety?
Engaging with fans and other creators through tumblr and discord has really broadened my creative horizon. It's made me think about the potential of characters I otherwise wouldn't have considered exploring, and explore sides of characters I didn't even imagine could be there.
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
80% sure that by the end of HSH: The Brave, Time is going to be walking with a cane.
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stgroversfire · 10 months
LOOOONG fnaf sb ruin post here. lots of criticism and thoughts no one cares about, and of course spoilers.
take it all with a grain of salt, because while i know a lot about the story, i'm a 23 year old that got into the franchise 8 years ago and i havent actively kept up with the lore since fnaf 6.
and because in researching more for this post i found out there's key lore points in the fucking books and i'm not reading a glorified manual to understand the story of a game i paid 40 bucks for.
i want to be kinder to fnaf sb ruin, but i still feel disappointed.
from a gameplay standpoint, it was, of course, a VASTLY improved game. this is a tumblr post not a review, so i'll keep it short, but by god did the dlc actually have intention and vision that the original lacked, with a lot less bugs (more than i find acceptable, but the bar was low here so i'm taking the W). the core gameplay mechanics actually felt like they belonged in the game and made the experience better, and this free dlc went a long way to making sb's $40 price tag closer to worth it.
the atmosphere was stunning to me- much creepier and like it actually belonged in a horror game. the free roam aspect being less painfully redundant and more linear was a great improvement for player experience. the AR mechanic was maybe a touch cluttered, but i still loved it and was glad to see creative ideas implemented without obvious scope creep.
story wise... well, i'm quite sure i must be missing something. after sb i had so many questions, and i think like one of them is answered. there's something to be said about fnaf sticking to its guns and keeping a lot of lore up to speculation, but i haven't fully grasped what the fuck is happening since pizzeria sim.
it's probably a bit soon after release to be shitting on the story but uh. i still don't know who tf gregory is or his relevancy to the plot. i don't know who cassie is or her relevancy to the plot. i liked her character but it felt like a skeleton of a story. every relationship felt too threadbare to justify character actions (although retrospectively there is something to be said about the actions of children being impulsive). and while it's not inherently bad, i personally don't love every piece of her backstory being some one off line that is never explored (i.e. paraphrasing "this faz wrench is like my dads!" and "maybe your friends will come next time").
i was fascinated by the mimic as an antagonist, and relieved to see anyone but springtrap, but having to google who he was and why he randomly changed forms in the scooper ending (??? did i miss something?) to understand the dlc kind of killed a lot of excitement for me. really great design though, and even if it was a bit obvious i enjoyed the whole mimicking gregory thing.
as for the endings: i'm a bit confused as to why gregory would frantically try to save cassie, only to attempt to kill her off. i'm also not sure why he knows about the mimic in the first place. i have my own theories, sure, but speculation doesn't mean much when the concrete scenes we got gave us nothing. i really wanted more information on gregory and frustratingly ended with more goddamned questions. the scooper ending was cool, even if it confused the shit outta me. fredbear ending was uh. actually very creepy to me and probably my favorite of the bunch. the dichotomy of the cheery music and graphics vs cassie's terrified breathing was creepy af and i wish that wasn't just the joke ending.
i'm losing steam here so i'll try to wrap up. all in all, i went into ruin mostly blind and was really hoping for any kind of wrap up on who gregory is (adding here that im now aware that's in the books, but i really really hate the idea of supplemental paid reading for a paid video game), and while i don't hate cassie, i was a little disappointed to see any expansion on the original story. the gameplay was such a different and improved experience i can't believe it came from the same studio.
and despite me absolutely ripping into this thing, i'm really excited to see more from steel wool and scott. help wanted 2 should be a much less disjointed experience, with some really cool tie ins to vanny (if i understand the lore at all)
EDIT: I FORGOT ABOUT THE VANNI SYSTEM. the bunny enemy was very fucking well designed, made complete sense with the story while also preventing the player from staying in AR too long, and fixed a lot of what made the original animatronic AIs feel extremely janky. that creepy bunny guy takes the game from like. a 5/10 to a 7/10.
if you made it this far i'm sorry you read all that and i hope your day is as wonderful as you are, much love.
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greywindys · 2 years
I'm completely neutral on the subject so I hope I don't come across as disagreeing with you or anything but why do you dislike TNN/P5? I've just noticed you've stated that a few times now so I wanna know the deets🤣
You definitely don't come across as disagreeable at all! I'm not offended by curiosity, or even respectful disagreement. So, feel free to disagree with me after this answer. I dislike TNN for a few reasons, some directly related to the phase, some simply for the state of fandom at the time, which isn't exactly TNN's fault, but it is what it is.
How it started - I distinctly remember Damon remarking that he felt bad that fans missed 2D on Humanz, which led to him recording TNN (or at least played a notable role in his decision). This was the first crack in my faith in the project. For all the hyping fans do about Jamon ~not caring what people think, and ~not caring about dumb popularity points like those other stupid artists, this was..unexpected. I'm probably projecting my own philosophy as a creator here, but it's incredibly difficult for me to imagine a scenario where I would change my plans because my audience wanted me to. My original vision, my creative process, is all important to me, even if people get annoyed or disagree with how I operate. More than anything, creating has to be fulfilling for me. I used to think Gorillaz was the same, and maybe they still are to some extent, but I didn't like the idea of Damon essentially creating an apology album.
The album was boring. Come at me! Lmao. But yeah. I've analyzed the fuck out of "Souk Eye," but I've only listened to it all the way through once. I would take another Humanz over TNN, musically.
Murdoc being the plot, but never in any art. People always complain about Murdoc "taking over the story." I agree to a point. P5 still sucked for me as a Murdoc fan because there was barely anything for me to gif or edit this phase. I would trade Murdoc in a support role for more Murdoc animation.
Murdoc being in jail the entire, Murdoc "dying." TNN took place during a time where Murdoc hate was at its peak. I wrote out of spite, but it was genuinely annoying to see people I was friends with being told they were terrible people/abusers etc for liking Murdoc. When he "died," even though it was obviously temporary, people only got harassed and mocked more. This may sound petty, but it was SO annoying.
The set up didn't lead anywhere. If I was going to suffer through so many unfunny memes and people obsessing over their hate for a fictional character, it could have at least ended with something. I was relieved and happy it didn't turn into a 2D possession story line, but the ending was so botched. I just wish it had been a different plot entirely.
But I can also say good things about TNN. It gave us 2D's journal, and "Souk Eye." Murdoc actually re-joined Gorillaz on my birthday that year - literally on the exact date (not that Jamon had any way of know or planning for that, but it was wild).
TNN came out when I wasn't expecting it. I had started writing The Answer at the end of Humanz with the hope that the I wouldn't make too many waves writing 2Doc with a less active fandom. Gorillaz always took long hiatuses, so this was what would happen this time, right? Lmao. Needless to say, it made me very anxious. I also had to adjust my plans chapter to chapter to stay up to date with TNN "lore." It again wasn't anything Gorillaz could control, nor was it their responsibility, but ngl, this did frazzle me at the time. In the end, I see it as a positive because it challenged me, and helped create a fandom experience that I would never exchange for anything. That story means a lot to some people (and me for that matter!), and I would also never want to take that away from them.
So, the final assessment is that my feelings are very mixed. I had fun in the little section of fandom I carved out for myself at the time, but everything around me I associate with chaos and volatility.
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yloiseconeillants · 2 years
this isnt specifically what that suggest an npc thing was asking but im curious and it made me think of it so i wanna ask anyway: whats yloise's opinion on each of the scions?? which ones are her friends and which ones are just coworkers?? any prospective lovers?? (as of where youre up to in msq rn)
thank you so much for this ask, @kuroimarzipan! i wanted to wait to answer this one when i got home from my trip and now i am slime :/ Uh, just putting this one under a cut because I'm sure it's going to get long lmao. EDIT, on day three of writing this up OKAY THIS GOT REALLY LONG also spoilers up until where i’m at in the msq which is just finished Stormblood proper....
Y'shtola: Yloise met Y'sthola first, and it was Y'sthola's recommendation that led to Yloise joining up with the Scions in the first place. Yloise is a little intimidated by her, but in a good way? She wants to impress her and she wants to be friends - Y'shtola will insist that they ARE friends, particularly after the Titan quests. Yloise respects and trusts Y'sthola. I imagine they can both get a little catty if they're in the mood for it.
Thancred: Given my fucky timeline for multi-WOL shenanigans, I think Yloise met Thancred for all of maybe five minutes before he was possessed by Lahabrea (but she still thought something was off, given all the stories about him that Erasmus told her, when he was inexplicably absent for her nameday party), but after the whole Lahabrea Fisticuffs Incident where she fractures Thancred’s nose and breaks her wrist doing so, they trauma-bond hard enough that Yloise can consider him one of her closest friends among the Scions during the 7th Astral Era. Thancred’s been busy and distant post-HW, though...
Yda/Lyse: I have talked about their relationship extensively elsewhere but by means of update, I think Yloise is at peace with Lyse’s decisions (even if she was railroaded into them by the plot :/ and i disagree w/ them on a fundamental level but whatever) and ready to move on from her mess of feelings re: Lyse without resolution. It’s fine.
Dariustel (who is still a Scion, despite the game dropping him entirely after ARR it’s fine): Yloise and Dariustel have had a rocky friendship considering that the very first time they met, they were both immediately struck by an Echo vision of the most fucked up moment of Dariustel’s life (when Yloise’s evil dad forced him to torture a farmer to test his loyalty). He very nearly quit the Scions then and there, but Yloise essentially begged him to stay to 1. prove that Dariustel did not have to be defined by his past and that he would make a worthy Scion 2. so that she could seek out her father (who she’s never met) to resolve her own drama/end his reign of terror in the Twelveswood. I’ve written a Lot about this in the Googledoc but very little of it ends up here because I keep changing her father’s Whole Deal, but by the end of ARR, they are very good friends and a sort of trial run for Echo-intimate relationships (Ysayle).
Tajih: Yloise first met Tajih as an Assessor at Mealvaan’s Gate, but I would call them acquaintances (or friends of friends) until they meet up again at the Waking Sands, when Yloise appoints herself matchmaker between Tajih and Liavinne (they can manage all on their own, thanks, AND Yloise doesn’t care for Liavinne), but after the Massacre, Yloise realizes that Tajih needs a different kind of support than just romantic cheerleading and actively works to be a better friend to Tajih.
Erasmus: They’ve been tanking and healing for each other since Sastasha and it’s the sort of working relationship that requires a kind of preternatural ability to read each other (which is inevitably helped by the Echo, but also some people just get each other’s vibes through prolonged proximity). Erasmus is too fucking polite to call her on her deceitful bullshit when he sees it, but he will try to work with her through her own self-imposed barriers. He’s been presumed dead since the Banquet, though, and I need to figure out when I get him back into the Soap Opera plot proper.
Urianger: While her (rotten) attitude toward Urianger softened quite a bit since the moment that Moenbryda arrived and Yloise can truthfully call him a friend after everything that went down with Minfilia, I still don't think they're close. Yloise has observed Urianger, and can recognize when he's overtaxing himself and (as unobtrusively as possible) leave him some tea and snacks, but she's not doing much more to get to know him.
Minfilia: To be certain, Yloise cares DEEPLY about Minfilia, and feels comfortable enough to share secrets with Minfilia she would otherwise take to her grave (the whole thing w/ Midgardsormr, for example), but there is a certain professional distance that Yloise is imposing on their relationship (out of habit? fear?).
Papalymo: I’m pretty certain Yloise just recognized Papalymo as Yda’s chaperone and like, went to the beach w/ them a few times but they’ve probably never spoken outside of like, making fun of Thancred together a few times.
Alphinaud: Alphinaud was firmly framed in Yloise’s brain as “My 16-year-old Coworker” for most of the game and fluctuated between “I guess I’m just going to go along with him leading a mercenary force now,” “This Child Needs To Get Out of My Personal Business With a Certain Knight in Coerthas,” and “Did he literally just refer to me as a dog?” but then, like, Heavensward happened, and now Alphinaud is Yloise’s Son Boy that she is Very Proud Of and she hangs up his art in her shitty apartment.
Alisaie: Alisaie is currently occupying the “My 16-year-old Coworker” position recently vacated by Alphinaud although Alisaie immediately hit her with the Ga Bu deep conversation which Yloise was not ready for by any means.  They need to spend more time together before Yloise can call her a friend, but anything for Alphinaud’s sister, I guess.
Krile: Yloise knows that she Should Not Fuck with Krile (or any other 30+ furry academic, for that matter), but she seems pleasant enough and would probably have tea with her if the opportunity presented itself but, you know, MSQ.
Fred: My partner’s WOL, and the closest thing to a long-term rival that Yloise possesses (she does not have a competitive bone in her body, except, apparently, when this jackass deigns to speak). He is both the Monk who Stands in the AOE AND the Red Mage who will revive her when she is down. The first time they were ever nice to each other was after she was struck by a falling rock during the Titan Fight that should have hit him, and he felt awful and stayed by her side while she recovered at Warmwine Sanitorium (and got in some fishing in the meantime). I WAS playing with the idea when we first started playing that there was something romantic between these two but absolutely not. The very idea is repugnant to her (which makes Fred’s half-assed flirting even worse when it occurs). He now exists to deliver bad news and give her rides on his chocobo while they are both dealing with MSQ nonsense.
Tataru: Tataru is not just Yloise’s Coworker, but she may be Yloise’s Boss at this point. Yloise is wise enough to indulge her whims and support her endeavors.
She admires the Company of Heroes tremendously and looks upon Riol as both a compatriot and somewhat of a mentor (Erasmus has an outright crush on him and she WILL make it awkward for him for a laugh) (she does have a crush on Landenel though). 
As previously mentioned, she does not care for Liavinne, but it’s not like she wanted her to die or anything.
I have not written much about Zezesu since they keep changing in my plots, but the basic points are the same: Zezesu probably falls on the coworker side of the Scions, but as a member of Yloise’s early adventuring party, they have a stronger bond than say, Yloise and Tataru. Zezesu does die in the Waking Sands Massacre.
Most of the other Very Minor Scions are more friends of Erasmus than Yloise’s friends, but they’re all friendly-by-proxy. She’s always surprised when a Scion later assumes she doesn’t remember them, just because they didn’t interact much, but Yloise remembers every time anyone was nice to her ever, so of course she’d recall the times Erasmus would call Arenvald and A’aba or Una and her companions to share a table with them.
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lasats-are-lovely · 1 year
Hey not trying to be rude (really!) but it looks like you're into other things now... and I want to know if you ever plan on finishing your lazytown fics?
A fair question - I haven't posted anything related to LazyTown or updated any of my long standing fics in a minute 😅 to say the least.
I don't know if I would say I'm done with LazyTown in any sense though, despite the fact that I now post almost exclusively about star wars. I mean, LazyTown was the show and fandom that quite literally saved my life - and it was the reason I met my gf of nearly 6 years now (and future wife uwu), so it's always gonna have a special place in my heart.
Anyway, the "short" answer to your question is:
Tumblr media
... the long answer though?
Probably not anytime soon. Probably.
It's not necessarily from a lack of interest, it's just that... I'm an adult™️, an adult with adult responsibilities that take a lot of my time, as well as an adult who is in a very fulfilling relationship. Whenever I have free time, I'm usually spending it either recovering from some bs at work or I'm spending it with my lady. Very little time for something as time consuming at writing.
That, and I haven't been in the best of health. Had a stress episode mid-2022 that has caused me to have long-term physical side effects that make me exhausted and mentally distant far more than not. I've recently started some medication that should help, and have so far.
I want to write. Don't go assuming that I've lost all interest in that. And there are a lot of projects, old and new, that I still very much want to work on.
Sunflowers on Purple Cake has only 2 more planned chapters - one full chapter, as well as an 'epilogue' of sorts. That absolutely will be finished because it's so fucking close to being done and it will bother me to no end if I leave it where it is now.
Lazyrinth though...
I gotta give you some backstory first.
The entire reason I wrote Lazyrinth was to impress my gf. I think it was something she had joked about, and my little gay-ass was all like "I could do it!" because I had it bad... and I mean, it worked. How could she resist me after I did something so crazy? lol.
I spent the time between our interactions writing it for her because I loved watching her read it when we were together (well, together in the sense of being together in a voice call, as we started our relationship over 2000 miles apart). It was something that caused me to fall even more in love with her.
For the first half of Lazyrinth's chapters she was actively reading it, as well as proof-reading it for me before I posted it for everyone else. She was my main audience - it was easy to find motivation when I could see the excitement for more in her eyes.
But as time went on, and we finally ended up moving in together, she found other interests... and as of now she doesn't really have an active interest in LazyTown or LazyTown fanfiction. And that means Lazyrinth too.
So... I've had a hard time having the motivation to write it when the main reason I ever wrote it, to get with the most wonderful woman I have ever known, worked so well that we were telling each other I love you before I even started posting the fic to AO3. And now that she doesn't even read it anymore...
It's not that the magic is gone. It's just... it feels a bit like it's served its purpose in my life. I've reread it about 100 times now, I've had it's entire plot in my mind for so long that it's not as interesting to me as it was before. That, and my writing has changed and grown a lot since I first started, and there are things I wish I could change about the story that is now too late to go back to.
My gf wants me to finish it though. She tells me that she remembers the late nights I spent shaking from excitement talking about the new ideas I thought of. She wants me to finish it because of how important it was to us and to me.
And a surprising amount of people want me to finish it too. I never expected it to get as popular as it did, and I especially didn't expect it to be popular enough that it would pop up in a ColeyDoesThings video. It's strange, because even though I have reasons to stop writing it, I have just as many reasons to finish it.
... and it will be a long time coming, but I'm gonna do it.
No timeline on when. I don't want you or anyone to have any expectations on when it will be done, because at this rate you'll be waiting until 2026 (knock on wood....) but as long as I'm able to write, I plan on getting it done. There's only, like 5 planned chapters left after all.
Though because of how wordy my writing is, that means there's at least 8...
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sharkface · 1 year
3 6 8 13 18 23
This one is under a cut because it's so long <3
3.any recurring images/elements?
Oh my god so so so many. Pretty much every character has their own giant set of symbols not so much because I just looove subtle writing that makes you think but because I find it very hard to bring up motifs in the actual text I write. The most important of them for the main three though:
Bitters: The Judge. The color red, pairs of scissors, cicadas/mosquitos, the white streaks in her hair, street signs. The pip of an apple tree. Justice and order through enforced rules.
Caz: The Jury. The color yellow, stuffed cats, matchboxes, carnivorous plants, crashed cars. Emancipation through anarchy- the law of the jungle.
Clove: The Executioner. The color white, angels, wires/machinery, any and all inescapable enclosed spaces, road crossings. Butcher's fridges. Sterile places subjected to revolting situations. Amnesty through moderation and inhibition.
6.) speaking of tv adaptations, why would yours get cancelled? (other than capitalism)
I know the interesting answer for this question is "I would get CANCELLED for my DARK THEMES and TV ACTIVISM" but honestly I'm not that ambitious or driven as a writer. I kind of just make the things I want to see. I don't think it would be appealing to a network in the first place. I think if it ever got a production contract, it would be an experimental series with a cult following and suddenly be dropped for not making enough money.
8.) what inspired your world building, if anything?
When I originally made these characters it was DIRECTLY because of my obsession with the kagerou project and higurashi. It's a lot more like the former than the latter to this day. Really, any time loop media I've been into has inspired it in some way.
13.) how long have you been working on this project? what has changed from the outset?
9 years! It's been entirely rewritten like, four times now. Some of the characters were repurposed as DND characters and then back to ocs again. Caz was originally my player character in a JJBA themed tabletop. There used to be more main characters but I only found the main 3 and Finch to be appealing enough to me to bother keeping in the story in a meaningful way, which is kind of a shame because I love some of the work I did with other characters. But this is just how writing goes.
It was originally about a group of teenagers with powers who had been repeatedly reincarnated into a world where everyone either had cat features or bird wings. This was because Bitters had been given the ability to create her "perfect world" by a pair of gods taking the form of a flock of birds and a cat after being the last person remaining on earth following a wave of disease that came after a meteor impact, and had been reborn to live in it- But her perfect world didn't pan out the way she wanted it to because she had no reasonable idea of what a "good life" would be like.
Bitters does not have godlike power anymore, lol. It was kind of flimsy as a plot altogether.
18.) what aspect of the story would get you #canceled on twitter?
Probably Clove and Caz's terrible toxic cringe "romance"(if you can call it that). People would accuse me of baiting first and then move on to saying I'm a homophobe for not making the two gay men's relationship completely domestic and healthy. The point of it is that they are badly adjusted people individually and can't foster a healthy relationship with each other just by liking each other. They also never even actually date or anything like that. Outside of the circumstances of their situation they probably wouldn't have even become friends.
23.) describe how everyones character gets butchered once in the public eye?
Caz: The kinnies will descend on him not unlike a hawk to a purse dog. The amount of angst fanart and discourse will be fucking insane. People love taking annoying anime murdertwinks who are deeply pathetic awful people by choice and pretending they are just tortured and can be fixed through romance.
Clove: People are probably going to declaw him into a shy demure "tall calm bf" while not really caring much about his personal arc and draw him in big cozy cable knit sweaters and aprons. Lots of "he's a woman to me" but ignoring him being transfem later on in the plot. That kind of thing.
Bitters: "Mom friend." People will probably not like her because she is mean and kind of unreasonably judgmental and people think it's a plot hole when characters don't behave perfectly logically at all times. She's a woman so I doubt the yaoi enjoyers of this website will even pay substantial attention to her.
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