#the con is genderless
yikestm17 · 2 years
The Dipper Pines apologist to transmasc pipeline was a strong call for many but the Grunkle Stan obsessor to non-binary pipeline I feel deserves examination
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clannfearrunt · 2 years
im unlocking achievements in a very bad video game this year
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ross-nekochan · 2 years
Perché i giapponesi sono scemi come la merda
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Oggi ho il piacere di spiegarvi perché odio i giapponesi, il Giappone e perché io non vivrei mai a vita in un paese del genere.
Ovvero, perché i giapponesi e, mi spiace dirlo, gli asiatici in generale (perché sì, sono razzista e l'ho già detto quindi è inutile che mi si accusi di razzismo) sono STUPIDI COME LA MERDA. Ma di quella stupidità ingenua che, se all'inizio ti viene la tenerezza come quando parli di cose complicate a un ragazzino di 11/12 anni, quando parli con persone ADULTE E VACCINATE, dopo un paio di volte ti cascano le palle a terra e non puoi non incazzarti.
Allò, situazione: ragazza che si è "diplomata" (?) come sommelier in Italia si lamenta che in Italia le sommelier donne devono per forza mettersi la gonna per i soliti motivi scemi (fa scena, è più bello, femminile blablabla). Lei, GIUSTAMENTE, dice: ma che cazzo di problemi hanno sti italiani? Cioè io pure se sono sommelier mi voglio mettere i pantaloni, ma che regole di merda sono?!
GIUSTISSIMO, sia chiaro.
Però non mi sono potuta trattenere e ho detto: amo, giustissimo che ti lamenti di queste cose in Italia. Ma tu ti rendi conto che a casa tua, non solo le sommelier, ma tipo TUTTE LE DONNE sono costrette a mettersi in divisa? Ma te la sei scordata la campagna femminista (KuToo) per togliere l'obbligo (ripeto, OBBLIGO - per cui la capobanda è andata in TRIBUNALE) alle donne in ufficio di mettere i tacchi??? (manco si parla della gonna obbligatoria, per dire). Amo, in un certo senso, ti lamenti dell'Italia, quando a casa tua, manco a scuola ti puoi vestire come cazzo ti pare?? Non so, ti rendi conto??
Lei: eh in effetti al Giappone le divise piacciono tanto eh? Però io comunque non è che sono contraria alle divise (?!?!?!). È che far indossare per forza una gonna nel 21mo secolo per questioni di bellezza lo trovo anacronistico. Oltretutto nel mondo, Giappone compreso, è molto più comune per i sommelier donna indossare i pantaloni.
Io: Amo, ma ti rendi conto che dire "mi piacciono le divise" e odiare il fatto che le sommelier donne debbano indossare le gonne È UNA CONTRADDIZIONE IN TERMINI???? Sia se è per ragioni di "bellezza" (come per le sommelier), sia per qualsiasi altra ragione, è comunque COERCIZIONE. Ovviamente è un diritto da donna lamentarsi, però (again) in Giappone, non solo le sommelier, ma pure le donne in ufficio si devono mettere le gonne, persino le studentesse a scuola si devono mettere le gonne. Ci sarà sicuramente qualche ragazza a scuola che non vorrebbe mettere la gonna ma è costretta a farlo. In Italia, che sia un ufficio o a scuola, le donne possono vestirsi come (cazzo) pare a loro.
Lei: Ma non è un problema di "piacere/odiare"
Io: Infatti, non lo è. È un problema di LIBERTÀ in generale.
Lei: (continua) ...e poi, guarda che le divise genderless in Giappone ultimamente stanno aumentando. 😉
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breathetoheal · 1 year
Highlights della giornata:
- B mi ha detto che sono bella e sapete quando ricevete un complimento da una persona che voi ritenete una figa assurda, no? you feel so good about it
- ho ricevuto uno di quegli abbracci forti, heart warming che ti fanno sentire voluta bene, amata, capita, e non ne ricevevo uno da mesi, anni, mai ricevuto un abbraccio così, penso mi abbia curato il cuore. margherita vai e abbraccia tutt*, cura le persone un abbraccio alla volta, sei una fatinaaa
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 7 months
🎃 Be Mine
Mind Control CW: Abduction, yandere esque monster, inhuman oc, mind break, tendrils, dub-con
The young master stood in his garden, smiling softly as he stared at his roses, enjoying the romanticism of the dew speckled petals glistening under the moonlight. His newest servant, (Reader), watched him with a blanket in hand, ready to wrap it around his shoulders at the first sign of a chill. They worried for Mikhail greatly, for although the young man was strong enough to care for his estate after the death of his parents he was of weak constitution.
Smiling, (Reader) prayed that they weren't blushing as they approached Mikhail from behind. "Master, shall we go back inside? The temperature has dropped quite a bit."
His starlight colored eyes crinkled as he returned (Reader's) smile. "You care for me too much, dear (Reader). Thank you."
It was a dream, being able to work for someone as stunningly beautiful as Mikhail. Even if the work was difficult, (Reader) being the only servant in the mansion, it was rewarding. His face was a blessing and his voice was like the serenading of an angel.
They passed by a window, and (Reader) couldn't help but look at their reflection, even if it was warped in the darkness. There were no mirrors in the mansion, so (Reader) often feared that they weren't presentable when meeting Mikhail. Their reflection looked back at (Reader), and all (Reader) felt was fear.
It was as though they suddenly woke up.
(Reader) had been hiking through the mountains with their friends from college, when (Reader) began hearing someone calling their name in the dark.
As the nights went on, (Reader's) friends began to vanish, wandering off into the woods.
In the trees (Reader) found the decrepit building. It looked uninhabited, but they entered anyways, desperate for a phone. They heard crying, and it sounded like their friend Landon.
But all they found was..
Mikhail grabbed (Reader's) hand, yanking them away from the window and forcing their eyes on him. Those pale eyes that looked like they belonged to the dead. (Reader) struggled against his grasp, remembering what they had found. Their first meeting.
In the first room (Reader) entered they discovered a strange human lying naked on a bed, genderless like a doll and with long silver hair. But the face was split open down the middle, with tendrils reaching out from the skull's opening towards (Reader). They found themselves paralyzed by the glowing white eyes on the mask like face as the body rose from the elegant bed.
It was like slipping into a dream, a man's voice whispering into their mind "Be mine.." over and over again as colors saturated and the floor melted away. Vaguely aware of hands caressing their naked body, slender fingers longingly sliding in between their thighs, (Reader) allowed themselves to fall into his embrace. Because it was a "dream", it was okay to submit to his touch.
In that "dream", even the alien maw that prodded inside (Reader's) mouth only brought warmth. The tentacle like appendages entered (Reader) like a kiss, pulsating with a bioluminescent ooze. It was more than the arousal (Reader) felt, more than the building of their climax as the stranger's hands played with their sex; it was love. An intense, unquestionable love, begging (Reader) to feel the same. And as he placed one of his legs between their's so he could feel their orgasm on his thigh, (Reader) was willing to forget themselves to stay by his side.
(Reader) couldn't pull their hand away from their abductor, horrified that they had been so easily manipulated. How long had they been here, trapped in this dream?!
"(Reader)?" Mikhail's voice was calm, soothing, not sounding like someone holding an actively struggling adult.
It was only for a second, an accident, in the struggle (Reader's) eyes caught sight of his, and their body fell limp. They stopped struggling, slipping back into that dream.
Mikhail was beautiful, and although he was (Reader's) employer, they couldn't help but feel affection for him. An overwhelming love that they prayed he would never notice. The pink tint returned to their tear stained cheeks, realizing that he was holding their hand. "I'm sorry, sir. Was I spacing off again?"
His reflection showed his true face, split open down the center, exposing his cursed, writhing insides, but even in the window his eyes held relief. However, (Reader) wouldn't see that. He wouldn't let them. Their eyes were glassy and doll like as he pressed a kiss against their temple. They didn't feel it, they weren't aware of anything he did to their body unless he allowed them to be.
"Who do you belong to?" He already knew the answer, but needed the reassurance that his powers were working again.
"I belong to you, Master Mikhail."
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genisflyingkites · 8 months
Calcentin con rombosman voice: everyone deserves the right to have boobs no matter the gender! boobs should be genderless! gracias gracias…
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esthxio · 11 months
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ❝【Disobey and ➵ it's off with your head!】❞
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ➥ Minors: Only allowed to interact with SFW works
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ➥ Blank Blogs | Ped0philes | Hom0phobes | Z00philes | Mlm Fet!shizers | Fujoshi/Fudanshi | Weird Fet!shizers | Rac!sts | DeTrans Blogs | Trans0phobes | Etc..
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ➥ What I usually write: [MLM, NBLM | M!Reader | GN!Reader | FTM!Reader | NB!Reader | AMAB | AFAB | Bottom reader | Sub/Dom reader ]
[Somnophillia, Dacryphillia, Voyuerism, Exhibitinism, etc. | Poly, Threesomes | BDSM, DDLB, Other kinks (Excluding disgusting ones) | Oneshot, Drabbles, HCs, Series fics. Thirsts | Dark themes (Yandere, Stalking, CNC, Dub-con, Etc..) | Angst w/ Comfort, Fluff & Comfort, Angst w/ No Comfort | Monster fucking | Omegaverse | Ovipositon, Etc.]
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ➥ What I rarely write: [FxM (F!Charac x M!reader) | FxNB | Porn w/ plot, Porn w/o plot, Smut] - [I'll add more if I remember]
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ➥ What I will never write: [Incest | necrophillia | pedophillia | lollicon | Fem reader | MTF reader | Transfem | Scat | Watersports | DeTrans]
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RULES: !!!
✎ Please be specific when you send a request
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✎ Do not harass anyone in this blog
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conarcoin · 1 year
reasons why subeta is a better neopets and you should play it:
no broken site features. everything works without flash.
actually gets worthwhile content updates]
progression feels faster
pet art is cuter and is more unique rather than the same pose for all colors
site isn’t limited by a kid-friendly demographic, so stuff like pride items, gory items and suggestive items are all over, making it feel less like you’re playing something meant for 8 year olds
human avatar customization instead of the pet dressup that forces your pets into the same ugly pose
limited event items are almost always available for purchase as a sp sink, such as old con items and such
your shop can store way more items and you can have multiple
pet names aren’t required to be unique and can be changed
you can have genderless pets or change a pet’s gender
item description automatically shows what the lowest recent sale price is for an item so you don’t have to manually search to price your shop
mini pet treasure galleries!!
you can make custom wearables and custom pet images
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amadello · 1 year
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@xyrnys ti rispondo così, perché ho tanto da dire sulla faccenda e le risposte non me lo permettono.
Se troppo lungo, ti lascio subito qui il riassuntino: concordo, e Rosa Chemical merita di meglio del trattamento che sta ricevendo, anche perché c'è tanta ipocrisia. Parlo anche un po' di queerbaiting, queerphobia e consenso.
Versione integrale:
Prima di tutto, concordo. Una qualche mancanza di comunicazione c'è stata sicuro, vista la reazione della Ferragni.
Non so se Fedez non si aspettasse la lingua o meno, ha effettivamente detto lui a Muschio Selvaggio che Rosa avrebbe potuto baciarlo con la lingua.
Magari era una battuta, Rosa l'ha preso seriamente, fraintendimento, ci sta.
Quello che mi sembra più plausibile, è che si fossero messi d'accordo loro senza avvisare Chiara o troppe altre persone, per fare più sorpresa, e che Fedez si sia preso il cazziatone (in quel caso meritato, perché un'esibizione del genere andrebbe discussa con lə propriə partner, sempre).
Quello che mi fa assolutamente ribrezzo, è l'ipocrisia e la malafede che vedo qui su tumblr. Perché se dalla destra estrema che ci governa non mi aspettavo di meglio, dalla gente comune sì.
C'è stato proprio un partito preso iniziale, "Rosa Chemical mi sta antipatico", e ho visto gente piano piano cercare col lanternino ragioni per distruggere questo cristiano (anche se non è cristiano).
"Fa queerbaiting", quando NON ESISTE queerbaiting fatto da persone reali. Il queerbaiting esiste solo nei media, se gli scrittori volontariamente introducono temi che attirino un pubblico LGBTQ+, senza poi portare contenuto effettivamente queer.
Le persone reali non sono obbligate a fare coming out per potere esprimere il proprio essere e la loro arte, e imporre questo standard è dannoso (ci ricordiamo Kit Connor di Heartstopper, sì?).
La cosa ridicola, è che Rosa non è cishet manco per scherzo, e lo dice apertamente:
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Essere "genderless", come si definisce, ricade nella nonbinarietà di genere, e non escludere rapporti con più di un genere (oltre che comunque essere poliamoroso) rientra come minimo nel "questioning", che indovinate un po'? È essere queer!
Non esistono solo le persone gay nella comunità.
Anzi, un sacco di persone etero ne fanno parte, nonostante siano etero, perché sono la T in LGBTQ+!
E l'ostinazione nel chiamarlo "uomo etero" è una riconferma che le persone AMAB non vengano prese sul serio quando dichiaratamente non uomini.
E dopo il queerbaiting, le accuse di molestia.
In uno skit chiaramente programmato.
E questo mi manda in bestia come poche cose, perché non c'è una spiegazione non queerphobic per questo.
Perché il polverone per Rocío Muñoz che bacia Amadeus di fronte a moglie e figlio non lo hanno alzato.
Il polverone per Fiorello che baciò Tiziano Ferro (tanto sposato quanto Fedez), effettivamente e dichiaratamente senza che fosse programmato, non c'è stato.
Ma per Rosa Chemical, ovviamente, sì. Perché Rosa non è una donna, Rosa non è un uomo etero (quello lo è solo quando fa comodo per le accuse di queerbaiting).
Rosa è una persona queer, e sex positive, e kink positive, e innesca la reazione queerfobica per la quale ci vedono come predatorə, e chiamano il nostro esistere apertamente, "ostentazione".
Ci siamo sorbiti 20 anni almeno di Boldi e De Sica che facevano film la cui morale è: "Viva la figa!", ma quella non è ostentazione dell'eterosessualità e della mascolinità tossica, l'ostentazione la vedono solo quando si parla di qualsiasi cosa queer-related.
Ovviamente, potevano mancare le accuse di razzismo, misoginia e omofobia per il testo di Polka? No, ovvio che no.
Premettendo che comprendo chi non apprezza gli slur neanche nel contesto (sacrosanto), il contesto va sempre tenuto in conto.
Perché Polka non è una canzone "seria", ma allo stesso tempo lo è.
Parodizza la scena trap, e chi certe parole e certi concetti li esprime per effettiva convinzione. Usa un tono goliardico e provocatorio, per farci riflettere su quello che ascoltiamo.
Qualsiasi intervista, qualsiasi interazione con i fan, dimostra che Rosa è una persona assolutamente intelligente, fine, e veramente intento a sdoganare pregiudizi.
Ma si attaccano all'utilizzo della parola con la N in un testo ironico (ma la gente che protestava Ariel nera stava solo "esprimendo un'opinione"), alla parola "puttana" (letteralmente calco dei testi rap/trap americani che sta parodizzando), al "non sono frocio lo amo davvero", quando abbiamo tuttə passato la settimana di Sanremo ad utilizzare qualche variazione della parola o la parola stessa, entusiasticamente, definendoci "fennels".
"È reclamare uno slur, ne abbiamo diritto" - allo stesso modo in cui ne ha diritto Rosa, genderless e poly, che in un'intervista delle Iene ha pure dichiarato che gli slur che usa gli sono stati usati contro, che è uno dei criteri per poterli reclamare. (Vi cercherò poi il link con calma).
Stessa cosa successe per Junior Cally nel 2020, quando la gente ripescò il testo di Strega e decise di applicare tutto l'analfabetismo funzionale possibile nella lettura del testo.
Tutto rimanda alla mia frase iniziale: hanno deciso che Rosa gli è antipatico, e hanno trovato ragioni per distruggerlo in seguito.
E l'unica ragione possibile per questa antipatia "a pelle" è la queerphobia, conscia o no, che scatta quando vedono una persona queer che non rispetta i loro canoni di cosa è "perbene" e "accettabile".
"Sii queer, ma a casa tua", insomma.
Ok, ho finito, e ho lo schifo.
Grazie a chi è arrivatə alla fine del papiro!
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modernmutiny · 1 year
Every single time i see anything from BBC Uncle i am reminded that Val Pearson is exactly my gender. I am a girl in the way that Val is but also a boy like Val and also a dad and a woman and a gay man and a mother and simply, as put by Andy's dad, a sexual being. Who gives a shit abt gender crises or w.e. when we have Con O'Neill playing this genderless queer goddess to show us the way
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clonehigh-takes · 7 months
if u could add one bg character to the main cast who would u pick
ONE??? ok let me break this down just for myself ill add my answerhere after i come to my conclusion but
answer is: Julius & Sacagawea to keep the gen 1 and gen 2 balance and the girl boy balance. or a new gen 3 genderless character
my answer would be jesús automatically but him and frida are too similar, ivan the terrible would face the same problem when it comes to topher, leaving my options that id add to van gogh, sacagawea, george washington carver and julius cesar
julius is canonically pretty serious but can be laidback, his personality is basically harriet in a different font but that doesn’t necessarily throw him out the window
george is pretty serious as well but also can we laidback, but hes a lot more serious than julius and harriet, i feel like hed ruin the vibe, as much as i love him, making him a main character would deal with him smoothly floating into the friendship dynamic of the current mains, i love him but i don’t think hed do well in the main cast, id love an episode where he and the other characters i mentioned are all in their own group and it shows a different perspective of clone high for an episode tho
sacagawea, again, serious but shes a lot more laidback, i think thats why her and george are so perfect together as a couple, both are both laidback and serious at the same time with one being more than the other. i think shed do good in the main cast, shes already kinda friends with joan and she’s clearly aquatinted eith confucius, i wouldn’t doubt them already being friends
and finally, van gogh. hes really depressing but hes grown out of his shell, hes a lot more sociable, hes pretty friendly as well but his anger issues exist, i think hed do fine in the cast but hed feel really out of place in my opinion, even though i desperately didnt wanna say that bc i love him, he’s definitely not cut for the main cast, but i totally can see him being friends with all of them, just not in the group particularly
so sacagawea and julius are the options we have here.
sacagawea pros:
kinda friends with joan, aquatinted with confucius if not friends, and aquatinted with cleo
her personality is similar to harriets but not too similar, theyd probably get along
i can definitely see sacagawea as the type to try and solve problems in her friend groups
shed probably fit right in
her outfit doesn’t hurt my eyes
probably good with kids and the main cast is full of big babies
sacagawea cons:
too much like harriet sometimes
too much of a mediator, a lot of the plot lines she could probably solve on her own
i wouldnt want them to ruin her character she is literally amazing bro
Julius pros:
i could see him as harriets rebound if she breaks up w confucius which makes me laugh
hes like a perfect mix of serious and stoner, hed get along with just about all of them, even topher
used to be jfks friend! id love to see why they stopped being friends and id love their friendship to be explored
could not solve a problem for shit
could probably be really funny
pretty sure hes friends with jesús and van gogh which would give them screentime
probably could actually be funny
Julius cons:
would probably feel like a side character still, would not be recognized as a main character, like how some people don’t think tophers a main character
i dont know tbh
id say both of them, ik i didnt put too much cons for julius but i have no brain. plus, theres a perfect balance of girls and boy & gen 1 and gen 2
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sacagawea is a gen 2 girl and julius is a gen 1 boy, which would keep it equal
alt answer: new clone of someone who is genderless and is gen 3 and is basically just a kid who wants to be in the group. ex; the public universal friend or Claude Cahun
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gayseyjones · 2 years
ummm what was I talking about. oh yeah so basically I think old cybertronian was a 100% gender neutral language and old cybertron itself hardly talked about gender because. why would they. they don't exactly have much reason to, especially if they really are more isolated from other planets who do have concepts of gender. even when the new dialect started forming people still said things like "mech" instead of "man" and "woman" and the war had a huuuuge impact on language even further, now cybertronians are more commonly seperated by "bot" and "con" instead of man and woman once again. but the war also led to like. The Whole Entire Population Fleeing The Planet, so all of a sudden cybertronians are everywhere and learning about all these new cultures and concepts and also Gender. we see anode mention this in her explanation for why she transitioned but I really wanna take it further
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So now you've got literally countless cybertronians all across the galaxy learning about all these different things including gender, some people transition and change their frames, some people say "oh im a man" and actually later decide they're a woman and vice versa, some use other aliens concepts of gender & pronouns from other alien languages (because lets be honest there's no way in hell cybertron is getting their Only cultural transfusion from earth and earth alone that's just impossible). then the war ends and everyone comes back and it's a fucking cambrian explosion of transgenders. I think it'd be mostly younger cybertronians who are really into Having Genders, lots of older bots couldn't care because they were so alive while cybertron was considered genderless. optimus immediately gets that tboy juice but ratchet couldn't care less what you call him as long as it isn't "cunt". whirl uses any pronouns bc I said so. ko tends to call himself a wife in the gnc way instead of conjunx. etc. and I think this also contributes to a slight change in language between most older cybertronians, who still say things like "mech" instead of "man", and younger ones who have made their language more gendered. Thank you for taking this glance into my personal continuity
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davekat-sucks · 10 months
I think Sollux should just leave behind his warm colors hoes and settle down for a more polite Eridan
Aka, Sollux and Equius scratch a funny itch in me. Maybe cuz that error pic Paradox Space gives you when you type /413 at the url
Pros: They both wear glasses, their lives kinda go around animals, they're incredibly powerful, they're good with machinery, Sollux has a bit of blue goin on, I think they both dislike Eridan, at one point they had the only two trolls with shiny eyes with them... It's interesting.
Cons: All what I said are pickpoints, they would be hard to work out on camera with their personalities, for a genderless species with no idea of what sexual orientations are, they're surprisingly hetero
But I say almost unironically "I can fix them!" as I write the worst, nonsensical fanfic you've ever read about them trying to bond
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Sollux x Equius aka Techbros is better than Davekat. I would be happy to read it if you do get the chance to write it down. Send me it once you're finished!
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deathshallbenomore · 11 months
studente/“attivista” che in occasione di manifestazione lgbt lamenta giustamente l’assenza di bagni genderless nelle università: “sapete dove ci sono i bagni genderless? negli uffici dei docenti queerfobici!!1!1!!”
docente che ha il bagno delle donne, in pessimo stato, davanti all’ufficio, che inoltre deve condividere il bagno con chiunque passi di lì poiché in zona ci sono delle aule [e quindi avvicendamento di studenti], e che magari si fa pure un mazzo tanto organizzando corsi/attività di interesse per la comunità lgbt+ e/o chiunque voglia conoscere i temi che la riguardano: am i a joke to you
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poguesarerogues · 2 years
Mobile Masterlist
Trying to make a masterlist...... hope this works. Use this pinned post in case a link in my bio doesn't show up for mobile users.
Good Riddance (Rafe Cameron x reader) female reader
Chapter 3
Chapter 2 
chapter 1  
Unwanted Interests, Undying Desires (Topper Thornton x reader) female reader
chapter 1 
One Shots:
Remorse (Rafe Cameron x genderless reader)
Chase (Rafe Cameron x genderless reader)
Brought to Release (JJ Maybank x genderless reader) SMUT
Customer Crush ++++NON-OBX++++ (Peter Parker x reader)
Fatal Love (John B X reader as Sarah Cameron) angst
"Ready For More?" (JJ Maybank x reader) SMUT
Deception (Rafe Cameron X OC)
Expanding Happiness (JJ Maybank x female reader) fluff, angst
More Than Friends (Rafe Cameron x reader) SMUT, slight dark au, slight bondage, dub-con
The Voices In Nothingness  (John B)
Make You Feel Good  (Rafe Cameron x reader) genderless reader  SMUT
Unbearable Pain  (JJ Maybank x Luke Maybank) Fighting, Injuries
You’re His  (Rafe Cameron x reader) female reader Marriage
(untitled) ………..  (JJ x reader) female and male reader versions SMUT
Rafe's gun kink (Rafe Cameron x reader) SMUT
"Say it" (JJ Maybank x female reader) SMUT
He Needs To Know (Rafe Cameron X reader) SMUT, Angst
When his girlfriend asks him to impregnate them (Rafe Cameron) NSFW
What he'll do for you when you're having a bad day (JJ maybank) kinda NSFW, SFW paragraph available at the end
How he is in a relationship (Rafe Cameron)
Would things still be the same? (JJ Maybank X genderless reader) angst
"May I?" (Rafe Cameron) OR (JJ Maybank) X reader
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esthxio · 2 years
{Burns and Bruises.}
Various!Tokyo revengers x m!reader - Reader pronouns: He/him - MLM fic Fic Genre: Yandere x reader, Angst, NSFW (no sex but implied)
Pairings: TR!Various x M!reader
Warning⚠︎: Yandere behaviour, Stalking, Eaves dropping, Implied non-con, Stockholm syndrome, Kidnapping, Character death, male pregnancy, hints of mental breakdown, hints of manipulation, mention of drugs, use of drugs, miserable reader, mention of murder, murder, violence, abuse, use and mention of blackmail, grammatical errors, unedited, unplanned work, angst, POV changing, etc.
Note!: You have been warned, this work is a yandere fic, if you are easily triggered please click off of this fic now, you are responsible if you are continuing to read this work, I am not responsible if you get triggered because I have warned you beforehand DNI: Fem aligned (she/her, she/they, etc...), genderless blogs. Minors, AGELESS BLOGS
✂ ⚋⚋⚋⚋⚋ Takemichis POV: Everytime, I and [name] go to meet each other, he always wears a turtle neck, long sleeves and clothes that always hides his skin, a mask, sunglasses- I always wondered why he wears those types of clothing, even on hot days he wears those type of clothing ‎ ‎ ‎
does he not get uncomfortable in those clothes? I would always ask him about it and he would brush it off with a laugh and say he doesn't feel hot, bothered or uncomfortable at all.. ‎ ‎ ‎
I never get why he wears those nor did I get any reason why but as I stare at his arms with a horrified and worried expression... I now know why he wears those outfits.. I didn't mention it to him, I pretended I didn't notice as he panicked when he realized he had his sleeves rolled up ‎ ‎ ‎
I've seen more bruises appear on his body as he starts getting comfortable around me and forgets about his troubles, I trusted him and told him about my power to go back in time and he trusted me about his bruises and the reasons for it ‎ ‎ ‎
He told me he got it from his boyfriends and that he couldn't afford to leave them... it's so.. stupid? idiotic? I dont know how to explain it but it- it's enraging, why can't he leave his boyfriends and why he keeps going back to them after breaking things off with them, it's so frustrating how I can't convince him to leave them, he always refuses to do so with a frightened expression ‎ ‎ ‎
I've had enough, I wanted to know why he can't leave those bastard of so called boyfriends, I asked him if he can meet me at the hideout we used to hangout in when we were kids, he agreed but told me he only had limited time, I understood, he was a very busy man.. taking care of his children while being pregnant? oh man ‎ ‎ ‎✂ ⚋⚋⚋⚋⚋ Takemichis POV: Time skip ‎ ‎
Here we are, sitting inside the hideout, the hideout was like a small apartment, it had a couch, a small tv, a kitchen, a bathroom, small dining table, etc... ah the memories of us hanging out in this hideout when we were young with our friends- well enough about that ‎ ‎ ‎
"[Name], can I ask you a question?" I interrupted him "Oh yea sure, what's up?" "Why do you... keep going back to those bastards?" "Ahm..haha... who?" "You know your 'boyfriends', they treat you like shit yet you stay with them?" "Takemichi I thought we already talked about this..." "We have but I just- I can't deal with the thought of how Im doing nothing while you get abused! didn't you say your pregnant? so why- WHY are you letting them beat you up?!" ‎ ‎ ‎
[Name] stayed quiet as he pursed his lips before sighing and shakes his head ‎ ‎ ‎ "can we just drop this topic? Takemichi please-" ‎ ‎"NO! why are you BURNING yourself over and over again?! what happened to- to not making the same mistakes over and over again?! what happened to the promise that we shouldn't play with the fire and blow it away and to distinguish it instead?!" ‎ ‎ ‎
[Name] stared at me then gave me a tired laugh and let out a small laugh, his laugh sounded so tired- I'm so frustrated why is he laughing?! this is a serious matter, he's getting abused and he's just letting it go?!
"I can't believe you still remember that candle thing I told you about Takemichi, Honestly thought you'd forgot about it.. oh the memories.."
the candle thing was something [Name] created when we were younger, he would always be a worry wart over us and would tend our bruises whenever we got beat up by Kiyomasa or some other gangster..
Burning yourself meant: making a mistake Lighting up the candle meant: starting a conflict Making the flame bigger meant: making the conflict grow Blowing or Distinguishing the flame meant: you've solved the conflict it was a silly thing but we all adapted to it and made our moods a little better back then because it reminded us of how silly the concept was but it was helpful when you didn't wanna say how this person caused a conflict directly- "[NAME] THIS IS A SERIOUS MATTER, YOU'RE GETTING ABUSED, PLEASE JUST OPEN YOUR EYES AND LEAVE THEM, I CAN'T STAND YOU GETTING HURT WHILE I CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT" I shouted at him, I was standing from my chair at this point and looking down at him as he sat still on his own chair- The next things he said made me more worried, scared? frustrated? I DONT KNOW, I can't- I CAN'T FIGURE OUT WHAT I WAS FEELING "Takemichi... don't you get it? I'm stuck with them.. no matter how much I attempt to leave them, they find me and they drag me back with them.." "What- what do you mean?! who even are these 'boyfriends' of yours?!" they couldn't have had that much power did they?- "Takemichi, My boyfriends are Tokyo's top criminals.. you know who they are right? Manjiro.. Haruchiyo.. Haitani- Izana, Kakucho.. do I need to list all of them out?"
Now- now I understand why he seems so frightened whenever I suggested for him to leave his boyfriends
"Wait.. Izana? Kakucho?- aren't- aren't they dead? They died [name]! I saw them die!" "They didn't die Takemichi, someone rushed them to the hospitals.. It's a miracle that they survived.. besides they've figured out how they died and avoided it.." "HOW?! what do you mean they've figured out?!" "Takemichi... you aren't the only that can time travel..." "what..."
"Takemichi... don't bother telling Naoto.." [Name] says as he takes a sip of his drink.. "I have to! This information is valuable [Name]!" "Takemichi, won't you listen for once?! Naoto's dead! why do you think his office is locked this whole week?! BONTEN MURDERED NAOTO WHEN HE TRIED TO TAKE ME AWAY FROM THEM LAST TIME"
I refused to believe him as I trembled in fear, that's impossible?! if Naoto died then- then why- why is there no news about his death?!
"You're lying.. no no you're bluffing" "I'm sorry.. but I'm not.."
[Name] sighed and stood up from his seat and grabbed his should bag and put his hand on his stomach, he was 5 months pregnant after all-
"I'm sorry Takemichi but.. I have to go before they go here themselves and possibly end up killing you"
[Name] walked towards the exit of our hideout but I couldn't comprehend the fact that Naoto's dead, murdered- I didn't notice [Name] leaving until I snapped out of it and was about to shout for him until I realized
I had a gun pointed to my head
"Good job doll ♡~" Hanma said as he had his arms around [Name] while [Name] burried his face on Hanma's chest and gripping on Hanma's outfit "Good job indeed! HAHAHA, we finally fucking found you Takemichi!" Sanzu said behind me, pointing a gun at my head "HEY, I WANTED TO BE THE ONE TO KILL HIM" Baji shouted out loud with a pissed off expression whilst he was getting held back by Kazutora and Chifuyu
"Keep your voice down you imbecile" Kisaki said as he stood next to Hanma
My eyes widen as I let out a breathe, trembling, I looked at [Name] who was staring at me with empty eyes and an expressionless face
"[name].. w-what's the meaning of this?" I said Kazutora let out a laugh as he leaned onto Baji- whilst Baji complained and whined "Why don't you read the room genius? [Name] never actually considered you as a friend, he was only going to your little meet ups to help us kill you"
"You've given us too much trouble Hanahagaki." A cold voice said coming from the person I once called a close friend.. Mikey Mikey stared at me with cold eyes "Man.. you really thought we abused [Name]? How could we? He's our precious lover and He's pregnant with our baby! he has given us children in the past too!" Ran said "Hmm, Mitsuya did do an amazing job at making fake bruises and cuts" Chifuyu said
"[Name]- please tell me what they're saying isn't true- it- it's not right?" I said as I looked back at [Name] [Name] only sighed and turned around to hug Hanma the next thing he said broke me
"I wanna go home.. I dont wanna see him..."
"Well! You've heard what the man said! let's hurry up and go home shall we?" Hanma said with a big grin "Mhm, after all Izana and the others are getting impatient in the Limo" Kisaki pointed out "Hahh? I wanted to torture him first before killing him!" Sanzu whined "HAH! BITCH" Baji shouted
I could see Mikey- no Manjiro was getting irritated "Just drug him, knock him out and bring him back to the base then" Rindou suggested "No- no PLEASE" the next thing I saw was all black... name.. why.. I thought we were friends ✂ ⚋⚋⚋⚋⚋ [Name]s POV:
I flinched as I heard the impact of Takemichi falling on the ground I couldn't bare to look at him, after all he was my bestfriend who I not only betrayed but left to die and get tortured by my so called lovers..
"Good job dear! now that wasn't so hard now is it?" Hanma said as he laughed, walking to the limousine with his arms around me
"[Name]!" Smiley shouted my name happily as we entered the vehicle "Look what me and Angry got you!" he said as he gave me a bag of my favorite snacks and some things I've always wanted to get, I smiled happily as I received some kisses from Angry and Smiley
Oh well.. atleast I have someone that'll love me.. I'm starting to like this.. getting spoiled whenever I obey.. I should be more obedient, hah.. their praises are always so nice..
I'm sorry Takemichi.. but I don't regret doing this a single bit. ‎ ‎ ‎‎‎‎ ‎
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