#the manga is super angsty right now so I figured I should be too
karpyart · 3 years
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How about some ✨Fantasy angst ✨
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 202: Rival Break and the 3rd Set
Previously on BnHA: Momo made a giant cannon and used it to fire a bag of emergency supplies over the onomatopoeia wall back to her pals. The bag contained some fungicide which Tokoyami and Hagakure doused themselves with to ward off Toadette’s horrific quirk. It also contained a pair of night vision goggles which Toko used to track down Toadette and Kuroiro. For a moment it looked like he had them both contained, but then Toadette sprouted some mushrooms in Toko’s fucking windpipe, cutting off his air supply and causing him to release them. Meanwhile Kendou showed up to rescue Manga from Hagakure’s flurry of invisible attacks. She’d managed to knock Momo out, but not before Momo sprouted a bunch of steel cables from her left side to tie Kendou up and attach herself to her while she herself was still attached to the giant cannon. So basically she slowed her way down, and tbh they would have had this if Hagakure and Tokoyami (and Aoyama, who got captured before any of them) hadn’t dropped the ball. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. But anyway, so the round went to B Team, and now the classes are tied and we’re about to move into the third round.
Today on BnHA: Since Momo and Kendou’s teams absolutely trashed the battlefield, Aizawa and Vlad announce a short break before the start of round 3. All Might takes Deku aside and asks him if things are all right with his quirk. Deku says he’s fine, only to be interrupted by Kacchan who’s all THE FUCK ARE Y’ALL DOING HAVING THIS WEIRD CONVERSATION SO CONSPICUOUSLY and he makes them fill him in. Kacchan’s response to the whole OFA situation is to basically egg Deku on to become stronger already, and it fucking works is the thing, so y’all know this one-page conversation is easily the most “!!!!” I’ve been about this series in fucking ages omg. But anyways, so then round 3 starts up with Team TetsuPonyHoneSen VS Team TodoIidaShoujiRo. Shouto briefly thinks back to when he was like six fucking years old and Endeavor was trying to teach him a new fire technique by being an abusive dick. Shockingly this method didn’t pan out, but Shouto’s been thinking about it again recently since watching his dad battle the Noumu at Fukuoka. Meanwhile Iida is hyped to win since he’s representing his brother as the successor to the Ingenium name. And Tetsu is also hyped because he’s always fucking hyped! So basically everyone is getting ready to do their best and this should be good!
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my mostly-unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’m caught up with the manga now at chapter 223, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
oh wow Toadette is actually offering Tokoyami a throat lozenge like I was joking about earlier. haha. only the reason it was a joke on my part is because I thought it was fairly obvious that a fucking lozenge wasn’t exactly going to do much to help after you sprouted fucking mushrooms all along the inside of his goddamn windpipe! these kids are fucking savages I swear to god. they’re out for blood
anyways he’s still coughing and hacking and she’s telling him to go see Recovery Girl before this turns into one of those hanahaki fics
meanwhile Momo also appears to be ill after using her quirk as much as she did, and she’s shaking and doesn’t seem to be able to stand, so two sarcastic asshole robots are wheeling her off to RG as well
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yeah I’m gonna need you two to shut up. were they specifically programmed to be douches? this is someone’s idea of a joke isn’t it
anyways I hope my girl Momo is gonna be okay. Kendou go with her please!
Shinsou’s all “wow everyone got really fucked up” and Aizawa’s just like “yeah that’s just how it goes with hero training” as though this is in any way acceptable lol. well I guess it’s been a little while since U.A. did anything outrageously irresponsible though, so maybe we can cut them some slack this time around. plus ultra?
(ETA: nope I take it back. within three chapters all four teachers will be idly standing by shrugging their shoulders and hoping none of the kids fucking burn to death by accident. lesson learned, never ever cut the U.A. faculty any slack whatsoever.)
btw I almost forgot to mention it but it’s super cute that Shinsou is hanging out next to Aizawa. they have clearly built up some kind of bond by this point, and as usual I’m delighted by any and all instances of Aizawa being a dad
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did I mention that Manga’s quirk is seriously unbelievably strong though?? is there an onomatopoeia for “All for One-destroying weapon” that I don’t know about that he could speak into existence perhaps? hmm?
also smh at these teachers being more concerned with the property damage than with the attempted murder. Tokoyami’s fine by the way. but sure let’s scold them for doing some mild damage to your industrial training site which you specifically created for this very purpose
so apparently they’re going to change the stage? or “move the stage” at any rate? does this mean they’re cleaning up the training ground, or are they moving to one of the other areas? I’m not quite clear here
but at any rate, Vlad says they’re going to take a short break which I’m all for because it means more chances for the kids to interact!
look at them interacting!!
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so I’m just going to assume the two speech bubbles on the right are Kirishima and Tetsutetsu, yes?
also, Manga, I’m gonna need you to stop whining about how your ultra-powerful and crazy broken quirk gives you a sore throat. fuck outta here with that nonsense son. I assume the only reason no one gave OFA to you is because the series would already be over
Deku is happily taking notes on everyone’s growth while Ochako watches, and it’s super fucking cute. I am shipping this more these days now that she’s not losing her damn mind any time she thinks about him and he’s not on the verge of passing out whenever she gets within two feet of him
and now All Might’s coming to say hi to his apprentice!
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are y’all gonna talk some more about the Avatar State. because if you are then I’m the one who’s gonna start taking notes omg
so he’s beckoning Deku over so they can have a quick private chat in the corner
Mina’s all “well aren’t they close~” and I know she’s just making a mild observation, but once again I’m reminded of how these two are just the absolute worst at hiding their secret. like for real though
so All Might’s asking Deku if anything has felt off since their last conversation
and Deku says “nothing in particular”, which is a bit of a curious answer since he could have just gone with a straight “no”
All Might says he’s planning to ask Gran whether or not Shimura ever mentioned anything. I doubt it though, otherwise you’d think he’d have brought it up before now. not everyone is as cagey as you when it comes to passing on vital information
anyways, he says for the time being Deku should take care since he’ll be facing off with Shinsou
and interestingly, he says Shinsou is a piece of the puzzle as far as the Vestiges/Traces are concerned
really? I mean it’s true that Deku first saw them during his initial fight with Shinsou, and now he just so happens to be fighting Shinsou again on the same day that he had that crazy dream. but is that not just a coincidence? how could Shinsou actually be involved with this?
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(ETA: speaking of onomatopoeia, Kacchan has his very own complete with exclamation point lol. what happens if Manga uses this. do the letters explode)
holy shit I was wondering if he was gonna get annoyed since he could hardly fail to notice them sneaking off to chat while he was right fucking there
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oh my god. Kacchan/Deku rivalry. it has been so fucking long you guys. it’s been 80 fucking chapters!!
things I love:
for reals though, he’s making sure they remember that he’s part of the OFA squad now. that wasn’t just a one-time thing, he wants to actively be involved. I don’t know if they actually realized this before, but now they’re aware so I hope Deku tells him the next time without having to be asked
also him yelling at them to be more fucking secretive for christ’s sake lol. RIGHT?
and him immediately getting competitive and reminding Deku of what his goals are. they always do this with each other, and it’s honestly so important. the shounen rival relationship is, at its core, one of constant growth. if done right, the two rivals will each be the one person who can always unfailingly push the other when they think they can’t go any further, and nudge the other back on track whenever they start to go astray. and that is so, so important, and it’s especially important for them to keep establishing this relationship now, when for once things are actually calm and there aren’t any villain plots or other angsty things going down for the time being. because this quiet period is not going to last. and there will come a time when Izuku will need this type of push again, when the fate of the world might even depend on it. they help each other to focus and they keep each other grounded, and this shit right here is why it’s my favorite relationship, and I can’t say enough good things about it
lastly, this is fairly subtle, but you can see that this is Katsuki’s way of reassuring him. like, he realized Izuku was... not unsettled, exactly, but certainly confused and still trying to figure out what the hell is going on. so he immediately sets onto distracting him. and I’ve gotten completely distracted by my own excited ramblings and I haven’t even finished the damn conversation yet, but I bet you anything that it worked, too. because that’s the power of rivals, dammit
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I fucking love it you guys. every damn time. this is what keeps sucking me back in. this is why I’m reading. give me some good old fashioned shounen rivals showing their concern for one another in the most indirect way possible and it fucking works
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like, I don’t really have much more to add other than what I already said, lol. although I will say I’m fairly sure that not only is he not actually pissed off, but he’s actually relieved that Deku did smile, and it was the exact effect he was going for, which is why he called attention to it before immediately trying to play it off like h was mad
anyway, so that was everything to me you guys, but the show must go on, and we are now all set to begin round 3! and it looks like we will be staying in Ground Gamma and that they’ve just relocated to a different part of the stage, or something. idk
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so Sen is the only guy in this round who we haven’t already met, although I don’t think we actually know Pony’s quirk. Honenuki’s quirk is of course the quicksand quirk of cavalry battle fame, and I’m looking forward to seeing that in action again
meanwhile they’re up against these legends!
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once again I can’t for the life of me figure out how they can possibly screw this up. but we know they will somehow! guess they’ll just have to get creative
and now a quick flashback of Tokoyami, who you can tell is feeling better because he’s coming up to Todoroki and just rambling on and on for no real reason
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no you don’t you boob. calm the fuck down man. go eat some ice cream and lie down
well what have we here
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friendly reminder that I ship these two. by this point I think I ship Todoroki with almost as many people as Bakugou and I’m not quite sure how that happened. this boy is more social than I give him credit for
so now Shouto’s thinking back to his dad’s battle against High N’ Tight Noumu
and what’s this?
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the prominence burn thing? or the flying thing? I personally think he ought to learn the flying thing first
and now some flashbacks to Endeavor being abusive
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jesus christ. please tell me Shouto is smoking from his own quirk. please tell me you didn’t actually set your child on fire you utter trashpile of a man
and what the hell is with the shinai? because the fire wasn’t fucking enough??
props to Horikoshi though for showing this. it’s not pleasant to see, but the fact that he doesn’t shy away from it even after starting Endeavor’s redemption arc is really important. none of his past deeds have been erased. he’s not pretending it didn’t happen or that it’s okay now because things are finally starting to get better. it’s such a fucking mess, and I really, really appreciate that we’re being confronted with it even now and nothing is being swept under any proverbial rugs
correct me if I’m wrong, but I feel like this is pretty rare for redemption arcs, both in Eastern and Western media. usually once the former bad guy starts down the right path, the story stops addressing those past sins, presumably in the hope that audiences will eventually forget about them. but not only is Horikoshi not doing that, he’s actively showing us the bad shit again in vivid detail, the resulting effect being something like “hey, just in case you forgot...”
anyway, so here’s more confirmation that Todoroki Touya is in fact Dabi
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just fucking confirm it already you cowards. it’s not like you’re trying to hide it; you purposely alluded to it so overtly at the end of the Endeavorhawks arc that no one could possibly fail to miss it. so I really don’t know why you’re playing games with it at this juncture. he must have some sort of plan here but idk
anyway, he says that Shouto is the one, and that he can pass this technique on to him and only him
I wonder if Touya accidentally immolated himself with a failed prominence burn. god I want to know what happened so bad uggghhhh
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they’re so cute omg
Ojiro says he had no idea anything was wrong because Todoroki’s expression “never really changes that much”, and he’s impressed Iida could tell
it’s because they’re lovers, Ojiro! but not really, but do you agree with me that they should be? because if not then I really don’t know why you’re wasting my time here tail boy
Iida’s all “but of course!” and says he’s the class president and is always there to lend a hand to a classmate in need. and sure. but also, lovers
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(ETA: his face is so cute here too oh my god. fucking adorable.)
so now he’s putting on his helmet, and he says he’s also representing Ingenium’s good name
is this in reference to what Tokoyami said earlier about him and Todo representing the #1 and #2 heroes? did your feelings get hurt bud lol
and he’s reminding everyone that he placed third in the sports festival, “so allow me to show you all!”
damn, somebody sure is fired up
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you better watch it son, this enthused 40-year-old nerd is stealing your boyfriend before our very eyes
now we’re cutting to class B!
and Tetsutetsu is also all fired up!
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no one thinks you’re dumb, Tetsu! just passionate!
lol but he is acknowledging that this is one of the less strategically balanced class B teams
but he has a plan to address that!
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kick some ass!!
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and stfu Sen. he has exactly one specialty so of course he’s gonna lean into it. nothing wrong with that
now I’m honestly starting to wonder how he would fare against Todoroki. he might be the only one who could actually stand up to the Prominence Burn attack if it turns out Shouto does have it
...or he might melt. but surely Shouto wouldn’t actually fire a potentially lethal blow during a training exercise... right?
(ETA: ...)
so now Vlad is grumbling about how THEY JUST SAID not to destroy the whole fucking stage, and here Tetsu is, destroying the stage
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nice hero name! but it definitely is a misspelling! I’m sure it’ll be corrected at some point later on though
lol this group is something else
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this is definitely my favorite class B team to date lol. and Honenuki’s personality is in such stark contrast to his somewhat terrifying appearance, who knew
also props to my boy Sen for having the appropriate reaction to being pitted against Todoroki freaking Shouto. though you could have had it worse, bud! it could have been Bakugou or Deku. at least you guys are somehow going to win which I still can’t get over
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lol because it’s literally their only choice given the makeup of their team
well, bring it on!
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seeyouinthenextlife · 5 years
This Is(n’t) Real?
-- heyyo here’s some angsty platonic King x Helbram oneshot I wrote earlier. Diane is in it towards the end but it’s super brief. (Ps- formatting is kinda wonky on the app so, sorry if it all looks weird. Also, the setting of the story is a bit messy LOL. Maybe if I continue this I can figure out how to make the timelines work but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ oh also should mention sPoiLeRs for if you’re not caught up on the manga and I guess haven’t watched all of the anime either so like?? read at your own risk????) --  “What do you mean this isn’t real?” Half teasing, Helbram laughed at King before playfully flicking him (much to King’s displeasure), “Was that not real?” The fairy wore a crooked smile, trying to stifle a laugh as he cracked himself up. 
Sighing, King’s expression dropped from slightly annoyed and panicky to lost. Though, not the lost as in location wise but lost as in emotionally adrift. His expression wasn’t the only thing to drop though. Gaze once on his best friend now looked out towards the horizon with dull interest. 
Helbram’s lips twitched—that crooked smile faltered but for just a moment. A new smile surfaced. One of warmth and tenderness, he reserved this for the more serious matters. He flew closer towards King, his hand had just started to extend outwards towards King-
“No. It’s not. This is just a dream. You’re not really Helbram, you’re just my memory of him..” he trailed off, watching the sky grow darker as the sun set in his forest. He’s had dreams like this countless times now. Though he always woke himself up when he realized he was dreaming. King didn’t want to spend more time in this nightmare scenario. “This,” he gestured around the two of them, “All burned down many years ago. You were already dead by then.” As he spoke the words, the forrest went up in flames. 
“Geez, Harlequin,” Helbram dramatically sighed, “Always such a downer.” A chuckle left him. “You’re always too busy fixating on all the wrong things and overthinking yourself into panics that you don’t see all your options.” 
King only clenched his jaw and shook his head at Helbram’s words. As well as closing his eyes tightly, King then dropped his head. Having only then to look at what was left of the ground, King trembled but kept silent. He didn’t want to hear any of this, he knew it was true. It was his own subconscious telling him off anyways. And just how many times had it conjured up Helbram to talk some sense into him now? It didn’t matter though—he didn’t want to be lectured by himself in the form of his deceased best friend in the ruins of where they once called their home for many centuries.
“You never let yourself enjoy the good moments. You let so much pass you by because you focus on the bad things instead of the good. Hell, you won’t even look at me, Harlequin. You did before but only until you realized this was a dream. Why do you think you’re avoiding looking at me, huh? Because you’re focusing on this me, right?” With the words spoken he flew in front of King, grabbing his shoulders to keep the fairy king from flying away.
Though reluctant, King looked at Helbram for a moment before looking away, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. What King saw was blood gushing out from his best friend’s nose, mouth and chest—going off of how much blood was soaking and staining the shirt Helbram wore.
“You’re stuck on a version of me that you feel you failed. You keep flying away from making your peace with what’s happened. You don’t even see me, Harlequin, you’re seeing your inability to grieve and move on. To forgive yourself. To grow. You’re too hard on yourself. Everyone makes mistakes, every action and inaction leads you down some path. Don’t fixate on always trying to figure it out and then do the right thing. Listen to yourself, don’t debate yourself on every little matter.” There was a moment of silence where Helbram just smiled at King. Looking at King and easily being able to feel just how proud and fond Helbram has always been of his best friend, “I can’t imagine how badly your head must want you to take a break on over analyzing everything.” Helbram feigned concern, one hand to his chest while the other was thrown up to obscure some of his face in an obviously theatrical manner.
King is only a little surprised when he doesn’t get whiplash. With Helbram switching from serious to silly so often—and in record time—as much is expected any time things start to get tense.
“You poor thing,” the greenish-blond mockingly pouted, “Your head must be an endless screaming void of all different thoughts. What a nightmare!” He tried to hold back a giggle, though behind his teasing, he, too, knew the weight of a mind that never knows peace.
A scoff from King had Helbram raising a brow, a knowing smirk placed on Helbram’s face as King began to speak, “And here I thought you were going to be serious and not spew more jokes for once,” King sighed but there was a small smile painted on him. 
Helbram smiled, too, “Ah, and here I thought you liked my jokes.” He flew a short distance away from King and covered his face with both his hands, “Harlequin, why must you break my heart so?!” He shouted dramatically.
That gained a small chuckle from the fairy king as well as his eyes shifting to look at his older friend. Helbram turned around and peaked at King through his fingers. Upon seeing King giving an amused look his way, Helbram returned his hands back to his sides and flew closer towards King again.
“So your majesty finds such a sight as myself worthy of his time?” Arms crossed behind his head while he crossed his legs while floating a short distance away from King, Helbram continued, “I’m flattered, yes, but it is known to all that I, Helbram, am one hell of a sight to behold.” He smirked after winking at King, who laughed at Helbram’s antics.
After a few moments of comfortable silence, they now gazed upon the stars—side by side. Moonlight was illuminating them dimly and King spoke up suddenly, “You’re wrong, you know.”
“Hmm, I highly doubt that but do tell me so I might have a laugh,” Helbram teased his friend yet again.
King only smiled softly, “I’ve always seen you. No matter if it was you telling some lame joke, showing off some peculiar trinket you’ve collected from humans, smiling away as you always tried to keep things light, when you went lost your mind, when you begged me to kill you, when you sacrificed your soul in hopes of returning Diane back to normal or any other time. I have always seen you, Helbram.”
“Harlequin..” Helbram murmured in shock as he looked over at King during this sudden confession.
“I just-” King continued, tears running down his face now, “I really miss you, Helbram, so much. You always were and always will be the most precious friend I had the honor and privilege of calling my best friend.” He paused before he looked over to see a speechless Helbram, a smile so big on his face as tears still flooded his face, “I hope I make you proud and can show you your sacrifices weren’t in vain. I hope I can be as compassionate and opened minded of a fairy as you were. And lastly, I wish I could have told you all of this before you died, again.” With that he pulled Helbram into a tight embrace, “Farewell..” he mumbled softly before fading out as he woke up from his dream.
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Waking up into reality, King sat up and rubbed his face of the tears he cried while asleep. A sad but yet simultaneously endearing smile covered his face. Looking out the window to see the morning sky he spoke aloud, softly, to no one in particular, “I hope you’re not really gone, I hope your soul is still out there enjoying your afterlife.”
“Hnng, King..?” Diane, three-quarters of the way still asleep, rolled over and cuddled into his side. 
«You go make Diane happy.»
Grinning down at Diane, King ran his fingers through her hair as he heard Helbram’s final words to him in his head again. “I will.”
Meanwhile in the ruins of the previous Fairy King’s Forrest
«[...]And lastly, I wish I could have told you all of this before you died, again.”»
With tears streaming down his face, Helbram looked at the same brightly colored sky. A smile so big it hurt adorning his face as he cried, “Oh, look what you’ve done,” he laughed, though it quickly turned back to crying, “Your crybaby tendencies are rubbing off on me now.” He shook his head and took a deep breath as he flew up.
«“I really miss you, Helbram, so much.”»
“I can’t seem to get rid of you, now can I?” He laughed. It was clear, though, that this was his way of saying he misses King too. He flew far up above the remainder of the burnt trees of the old forest, not taking his eyes away from the sky, “Such a fool..”
«”I wish I could have told you. [...] Farewell..”»
“You did tell me, though..” he had calmed down now, the last of his tears falling from his eyes, “Farewell indeed, Harlequin.”
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caffeineivore · 6 years
On Review Etiquette
So, lately, I have been participating in @sailormoonreviewevent and it brings back some of my best and worst memories of fandoms, not just SM but fandoms in general, and the people who populate them. 
Background information: I’ve been around since dinosaurs still roamed the Earth and geocities sites with animated word-art headers and the like were still the norm. In the case of Sailor Moon as well as other fandoms in which I have participated, I seem to always end up in a peculiar sort of capacity-- on the one hand, I’d pretty much stick to a very small corner of the fandom wherein my ship and/or character preferences kept me mostly away from the vast majority of the riff-raff and the fandom politics, but maybe because I have an inherently bossy and super type-A personality, I’d still end up in some sort of organizational capacity. The whip-cracker, as it were, amidst a bunch of creative types. For instance, in Sailor Moon, I pretty much stuck exclusively with senshi/shitennou. I paid very little attention to fanfics not about senshi/shitennou, and don’t really know people outside of that group. However, for all that, I ended up organizing ficathon for a few years, as well as moderating a writing community and planning meet-ups between members. In this role, I get to see a lot of the nuts and bolts which go on behind the scenes, and, unfortunately, also have to play the bad guy in certain sticky situations, which brings me to the point of this post.
Now, as a fanfic writer myself, I can say definitively that reviews make the world go round. Much as we write for fun, and we write to please ourselves, there is nothing quite so uplifting and encouraging as a genuine, sincere, detailed positive review. You know the type-- the ones that tell you exactly what they liked the most about your fic, in such a way that shows that not only did they read it, but it truly had an impact on them-- maybe it made them reconsider a facet of a character they’d never considered before, or maybe it mentions their favourite lines, or maybe it subconsciously reassures the writer on some point or another which they were uncertain about. Obviously, these are like the gold standard of reviews, and somewhat rare and far between. However, you’ll also get a bunch of “omg i <3 this fic MOAR PLZ”, which is okay too. You’ll probably even get a few with constructive criticism, which may sting at the time, but if the reviewer 1. means well and 2. has a point, it’s definitely worth your time to take their words into account. 
However, then you get one of these other types of reviews:
1. “Why did you write about [character] and/or [ship] they suxxxx [other character/ship] IS SO MUCH BETTER!!!!!”
2. this fucking fic is dumb. you suck. die in a fire. flame flame flame flame flame. trollololol I have no life I live in my parents’ basement and wank over how hard I am even though I need to put people down behind a meaningless screen name to feel better about myself. Not in a million years would I have the balls to say this sort of thing to someone’s face, but on the internet I am a Grade A Certified Prime Asshole and proud of it. [guest review anonymous]
3. So yeah this fic is great and I know it’s marked complete but could you add another chapter? Perhaps with [very specific plot and character requirements to cater into my personal whims] plzkthxbai!
4. Ummm... so why are you writing [characters] in [AU setting] or [different version of canon-- manga/anime/pgsm/etc.]?? MY PREFERRED CANON IS BETTER. WHY CAN’T YOU DO WHAT I WANT YOU TO DO??
5. Update faster plz!!! I need the next chapter NOW!! Actually I needed it YESTERDAY!! WTF ARE YOU DOING WHY ARE YOU NOT WRITING?!?!!?!!
Annnnnnnnd... you count to ten, resisting the impulse to chuck the phone or computer out the window. Take a deep breath, count to ten again, backward this time, and remind yourself that this is just fanfic. Just fanfic. Fandom’s bound to have a few idiots. You want to reply to the reviewer: “Look can u not” but that would be validating them, making them more important than they should be. You tell yourself it’s just a troll, but nonetheless, it hurts. And when you pick up that fic again, you’ll probably remember that one review in the back of your mind, taunting, more vivid than a dozen “gr8 job hope to see more soon!”’s. 
And it’s sad. So I’m about to give everyone who has experienced this (which, in all likelihood, is everyone who has posted a fanfic in any fandom ever) a voice. A loud, stridently snarky one. 
Reviewers: CAN U NOT?? with the trolling????
Look, I’m so glad that you have the time and the means to sit around and chill and read fanfic. It’s a luxury that requires a lot of first world amenities that not everyone has, so kudos to you. But that means, also, that you have a lot of freedoms not afforded to everyone, such as, y’know, the ability to pick and choose what you decide to read and comment on. There will be fics about every possible permutation of character ships in a fandom. There will be fics in every genre, which run the gamut of writing skill from novice to expert. And pretty much every single fic site, be it something privately owned or some behemoth like ff.n or AO3, will separate their fics into categories by character, genre, length, rating, etc. etc. The internetz is a wonderful thing. You can pretty much find anything with a few clicks. Like you can literally probably search for “I want a fic featuring [character A] and [character B] in a high school AU with angsty undertones and make it a one-shot less than 5000 words because I am on lunch break”, and it will take only the minimal amount of effort to get exactly what you look for to fall into your lap.
We all have our fic preferences. We also all know what we do not like. So, let me ask, why the hell do people insist on not only reading but flaming stuff that they KNOW they’re not going to like?? I am a diehard senshi/shitennou shipper and manga is my preferred canon. I KNOW that I do not ship Rei/Yuuichirou for example, so I won’t go out of my way to read fics featuring them. I’m not crazy about fics which feature tons of violence or porn, or lots of OCs, and I tend to dislike fics which make light of serious issues such as self harm or drug abuse, and I draw a very hard line at rape and sexual assault, especially if it features characters below the age of consent. Like, serious, trigger warning, PTSD, nope nope nope nope at Planet Nope. Now, what do I do if I come across a fic featuring any of these things? 
I DON’T FUCKING READ IT. Really. That’s all there is to it. I scroll down onto the next thing. And in the event that, say, I accidentally clicked on something that I figure out isn’t my cup of tea, it does not take any sort of effort to click right back out. Why give yourself grief? But even more, why give the writer grief? Even if it’s totally not your thing, they put effort into it-- far more effort than you did, clicking on their work. THEY are into what they wrote. 
Now, once upon a time, when I was organizing one of the senshi/shitennou ficathons, one of the submissions happened to feature something that NOPED with me very hard. And as ficathon mistress, I had to read it. So I did. And then replied to the author that it was very well written but I could not review it for personal reasons. Then I sent it off to another moderator to read it and give them an actual review. And that is an extenuating circumstance. Most people would not ever be in the position to have to read a fic that they would otherwise not read, or say anything to the writer of said fic. Even in that circumstance, it is not hard to deal with it in a respectful manner. So, why the fuck would someone willingly and knowingly inflict something they know they’re not going to like on themselves and then punish someone else for it? That makes NO sense.
As far as harassing authors to follow your own niche or write more on a topic or story that they feel as though they’re done with? Dude, write your own fic. You have total control over only one person in this world: yourself. Sure, validating what a fanfic writer does is very nice and gratifying, but they are not trained monkeys there to do your bidding and perform for your personal amusement. Unless you’re paying them good cashy money (which, since it’s fanfic, you’re not), you don’t get to have a say in what they write, when they write it, where they post it (if anywhere), any of that. They are under no contractual obligation to cater in to you in any way. And furthermore, when you try to dictate to them what to write and how to write it, the message is this: I Know Better Than You. Do As I Say. You Don’t Know Shit. What You Do Is Not Good Enough For Me. What You Do Doesn’t Matter. The Only Thing That Matters Is What I Want. 
That’s nothing but a goddamn put-down. And when you put down someone who probably put in a whole lot of thought and effort into something which brings them no possible reward but personal satisfaction and maybe others’ enjoyment, it’s really kind of a sucker-punch. If, say, this was the type of interaction between a boyfriend and girlfriend-- the put-downs, the belittling, the dictating, the insults-- we’d all recoil and call it a toxic, abusive relationship. We’d tell the person receiving those comments to get out of there, to get help, to leave.
So, when you make those types of comments, that’s the message you’re sending that writer. Leave. Get out of here. Go away, for your own good, for your own sanity and health and happiness. 
Now think about it, as you’re scrolling through ff.n or ao3 or wherever, looking for that next undiscovered gem. Think about it, when someone shyly asks you to review their fic, or signs up for the first time for a fandom event such as a ficathon or a big bang or a secret santa exchange. Is that the message you want to give them? That they should leave and never look back?
Now think about it again, and remember when you first discovered fanfic, or your preferred fandom, and wrote your first fic. Maybe it was campy and featured every trope on the TV tropes page. Maybe it was a shameless Mary Sue. Maybe it was ridiculously OOC and featured eye-gougingly purple prose. Maybe it was riddled with typos. Maybe you, yourself, looking back at it now, shake your head at how you could’ve written such a monstrosity. But would you have stayed, I wonder, if nobody at all encouraged you? Countless writers fade into oblivion after one fic, or disappear forever, deleting their fics off the internet. Countless people get fed up with fandom and throw their hands up and dismiss it as a lost cause. These things are going to happen regardless, sure.
But why the hell would you encourage that?
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wonderwonderhowido · 6 years
Year-end meme time! I have been answering these questions once a year without fail since 2006. Maybe one of these years I’ll stop, but not for 2017.
Was 2017 a good year for you?
Yes! In February I decided I wanted to quit my job and go to Brazil for 3 months. I quit my job and moved away from NC in July, left for Brazil in August. I had a short-lived but intense romantic relationship from April-July. We drove across the country together. Brazil was really challenging but overall amazing. With the exception of a couple periods when life was too hectic, I kept up with my yoga habit. I think I made it a full 8 months without skipping a whole week actually? Maybe it was 6 months, I forget now, I just know that it was an important milestone for me at the time because I have never managed to keep up an exercise routine that long before. I spent more time at the ocean and by the pool than I have in most other years of my life. I lost some weight. I stayed relatively on top of my shit (bullet journaling really helped, when I was doing that), and stayed sane. I read a fuck ton of Harry/Draco and BTS fic. I took a lot of chances with people I had only just barely met. It has honestly been a pretty stellar year for me personally, the mounting sense of despair over the external world aside.
What was your favorite moment of the year?
Being in the ocean with kids climbing on top of me, demanding to be tossed into the waves.
What was your least favorite moment of the year?
Nothing actually stands out. I had some pretty low moments of crying over certain things in my life, but nothing I can talk about on the online, and besides since none of them were reacting to specific things they all sort of blend together in my memory anyway. I did cry whole buckets while leaving my goodbye party in NC and continued to cry when I got to my ex-BF’s house and then cried myself to sleep, but it feels sort of not right to call that a least favorite moment, just cathartic.
Where were you when 2017 began?
At the same new years’ party I was at when 2014, 2015, and 2016 began. That night was kind of a mixed bag for me, although I did get a new years’ kiss, which I will probably not be getting this year.  
Where will you be when 2017 ends?
One of my oldest friends in SLC is hosting a “polar plunge” at her house, so I’m going to do that. I probably will not be taking any kind of plunge myself but I can provide emotional support to those who shall.
Who will you be with when 2017 ends?
My friend Jennica and her husband. I have no idea who else, I don’t think I know most of their friends these days.  
Did you keep your new years resolution of 2017?
Looking at the half-assed resoluations I made…. Lmao, no I didn’t, but then my goals for the year changed rather drastically in February when I decided to upend everything, and I feel pretty good about how I followed through with all that stuff.
Do you have a new years resolution for 2018?
Have another list of resolution-ish intentions I have, I still would not call this list whole-assed but hey:
-complete a 30 day yoga challenge (I am on day 7 already, actually, so if I keep up with it I'll knock this one out before the end of January)
-don't let more than 4 days go by without going to yoga (other than when I'm traveling)
-don't let more than 2 days go by without writing (other than when I'm traveling)
-write original fiction at least three times a week, even if it's just like, scribbling down 100 words of a writing exercise (again, other than when traveling)
-read at least 25 books
-read at least 20 short stories
What was your relationship status? Did you break up with anyone?
I was in a relationship from roughly April-July, we broke it off before I left for Brazil. I dated other people in there, although no one for as long as I dated him.
How many one-night stands?
I think four? Idk depends on what you consider a one-night stand. And I made out with lots of different people, which was fun.
Did you make any new friends in 2017?
I made a lot of new friends in Brazil! I’ve made some new friends and reconnected with old friends through kpop. I seem to have made some new friends in SLC, which has been really nice.
What was your favorite month of 2017?
Probably September. April really ranks up there, too.
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 30!!! I think on the day of I went to work, got taken out to lunch by my boyfriend, swam in my apartment’s pool, and started watching Boku No Hero Academia, also with the boyfriend. I had a small party for myself over the weekend, if memory serves. It was really nice, low key and happy, I really enjoyed turning 30 and have been very much enjoying my thirties since. I remember thinking that I was going to feel angsty and panicked about turning this number but that never really hit. It was mostly just good.
How many different places did you travel to in 2017?
Ashland, OR; Wilmington, NC; Charlotte, NC; from Carrboro, NC to SLC, with stops along the way in Birmingham, New Orleans, a town in Texas that I have forgotten the name of; in Brazil: Fortaleza, Taiba, Manaus, Tefe, Mamiraua Reserve, Monte Alegre do Sul, and Sao Paulo.
Did anybody close to you die in 2017?
Did anybody close to you give birth?
Yes, K and E.
Did you miss anybody in the past year?
I missed my NC friends a lot after I moved away. I missed Brazil and my people there.
Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Other than public figures, no, not really.
What were your favorite movies that you saw in 2017?
Loving Vincent, Thor: Ragnarok and The Last Jedi.
What was your favorite song from 2017?
I have not done a great job of keeping track of which songs I’ve listened to the most this year, but: Silver Spoon/Baepsae by BTS; Nights by Frank Ocean; Soldados by Legiao Urbana; Don’t Take The Money by Bleachers; The Louvre by Lorde; Ultralight Beam by Kanye West; Young by The Chainsmokers.
Did you have a favorite concert in 2017?
Bleachers and MUNA in Charlotte! Also Chance The Rapper.
Did you drink a lot of alcohol in 2017?
I feel like yes but I think I did less getting super drunk than in previous years.
Did you do a lot of drugs in 2017?
Not ‘a lot’ but I was not expecting this to be the year that recreational drugs came back into my life. So ‘a lot’ by my usual standards, I guess.
What kept you sane?
Yoga, walking, and journaling. This is a very boring and literal answer, sorry, but it’s true. I’m sorry to be one of Those People but exercise and mindfulness are the reasons I’m able to be off anti-depressants.
What did you do in 2017 that you’d never done before?
Traveled to a foreign country by myself. Tried cocaine. Wrote fanfiction commissions. Taught english classes. Learned how to samba. Used a bullet journal. Did goat yoga. Interviewed a creator I admired. Went to a club by myself.
What dates from 2017 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
-August 21, the day of the eclipse and the day I flew to Brazil.
-July 28-29, my last days in NC, the night one of my cats spent in the bathtub of a friend’s apartment, and the days I spent frantically moving out of my apartment.
-The Women’s March. Both because it was one of the very few times this year I felt politically empowered, and because that night I had a really fantastic tinder date with a woman who had also been at the march. This was only a couple days after I’d been dumped by the girl I was seeing, so I felt very spitefully pleased about the timing of it all.
-April 22. At my old job, we opened up a new public preserve, an event everyone in the org had been working to make happen for years. The event itself went extremely well and was super gratifying, and then that night was one of the early and really great dates with the guy I was dating.
What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Quitting my job in a way I feel good about. Making Brazil happen. Moving out of my apartment. Sticking with yoga. Finishing my otayuri Spy AU. Writing all the fic that people commissioned me for, even though it took me forever and a day. Paying off my credit card post-brazil.
What was your biggest failure?
I am disappointed in myself for not trying harder to write and publish more nonfiction, even though I felt all this momentum in that direction after the McElroy piece I wrote in May. I am also disappointed in myself for losing steam on the novel I started in 2016. There are some conversations I wish I had had with important people in my life, that I always chickend out on having. There are some feelings I wish I had been able to leave behind, but couldn’t.
What was the best thing you bought?
Other than plane tickets, probably my chromebook. It does not feel real at all that I bought that in 2017, though. This year has been five years in one.
Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? happier
b) thinner or fatter? thinner
c) richer or poorer? poorer
How did you spend Christmas?
With my family in SLC, like I almost always do. We opened presents, my dad and I went to yoga, I read a lot of kpop fic, in the evening we went to a dinner party at my parents’ friends house and I ate a lot of really good food.
What was the best book you read?
If I manage to finish The Female Man today, I will have read 23 books this year, not counting the 6 Animorphs books I reread and the gazillions of BNHA manga chapters. That’s actually more than I thought I had read, and maybe I should make my books goal for 2018 a larger number, hm.
But anyway I think the best book of those was probably The Basic Eight by Daniel Handler or Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood. I also loved Swing Time by Zadie Smith but I read that at the beginning of the year so it sort of feels like a lifetime ago.
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2017?
Well for half of it I’ve been either living out of a backpack or in my pajamas almost 24/7. Also I got rid of most of my wardrobe. So I guess minimal?
What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017?
A new Carly Rae Jepsen album!!! And greater financial security, a home in a city I’m happy about living in.
What do you wish you’d done more of?
Writing original fiction and freelance writing. Exercising more discipline in my writing life, in general. Mindfulness exercises when I was upset. Taking photos of people I wanted to remember.
What do you wish you’d done less of?
Sweet jesus do I wish I had spent less time mindlessly refreshing apps on my phone, particularly twitter. Also pointless angsting about personal relationships. Gone on less Tinder dates that I knew weren’t going anywhere.
What are your plans for 2018?
Going to Japan in May with @corvidyouths and @globsavethequeen!!! And getting a job in New York or LA or DC or, who knows, somewhere else that I haven’t though of yet.
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
Well, I don’t know how much of my year this actually sums up, but these lines have been rattling around my head more than anything else. From Nights by Frank Ocean:
I ain't trying to keep you Can't keep up a conversation Can't nobody reach you Why your eyes well up Did you call me from a seance You are from a past life
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