#the socks drawer??
hey-kae · 11 months
I feel like he showed us too much of his apartment like it feels invasive 😭😂
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thesockdrawersblog · 2 months
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Kid Vampire and Tina Designs! (Sorry for being inactive, school has been killing meee)
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socksareunderated · 8 months
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I don't know if i can say anything that hasn't been said before. All I'm going to say is.
I owe this game a lot. Without it, this blog wouldn't be here. Because of it, so many amazing projects have been made. It was a cultural moment and I wish to never forget it.
Can't believe that it came out 16 years ago.
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🖤 - Reblogs are greatly apricated - 🖤
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strawberryteabunny · 4 months
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Imagine, for a moment, that you are Marcus Culpurnius Bibulus.
65 BCE: You're elected aedile! Sort of a public works/events manager role. Problem: your co-aedile is Julius Caesar. Caesar spends a metric fuckton on gladiator games and people forget you exist.
62 BCE: You're elected praetor! Nice! Problem: Julius Caesar has also been elected praetor. He immediately steals the show by trying to put your buddy on trial, then getting dragged into the Bona Dea scandal. Okay, that last bit isn't Caesar's fault, but still. Rude.
59 BCE: Holy shit you've become a consul! This is the top of any Roman's career dreams! But wait...your co-consul...is Julius Goddamn Caesar.
Caesar proposes some land reform bill that is probably stupid because it's Caesar's. Who knows, you didn't read it. He invites you to a public debate and you tell the voters to fuck off. They dump poop on your head and break your fancy consul badge (fasces). RUDE.
You decide to Take Your Ball and Go Home. You spend the rest of your term in office hiding at home pretending Caesar is threatening you.
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You also make up Spooky Omens in an attempt to shut down all government business for the rest of the year, rather than let Caesar get credit for accomplishing anything.
On the last day of your term you return to the Senate, swear the traditional oath that you did your duty [Note: you did not], and attempt to give a speech that is immediately vetoed by Clodius Pulcher, who's only a tribune because Julius Goddamn Caesar let him get reclassified as a plebeian.
No one, no one, has ever hated Caesar as much as you do.
Caesar fucks off to Gaul and very inconsiderately does not die, despite all your prayers to Jupiter. You fuck off to Syria and take credit for repelling a Parthian invasion. [You did not.] The soldiers you supposedly commanded get pissed at you.
You return to Rome just in time to sabotage peace negotiations between Caesar and Pompey and help kick off a civil war. Pompey sends you to command his fleet so he doesn't have to put up with you. You have one (1) job, to stop Caesar from crossing into Greece.
Caesar gets past you anyway. You manage to blockade the rest of his ships from following him, but you're so bad at this you're running out of food faster than he is. Somehow. Despite having access to the entire Mediterranean Sea.
You ask for a truce and Caesar, who has negotiated with every other Pompeian so far, basically responds with "LOL." This pisses you off so much you die.
You are remembered by historians 2000 years later solely in relation to your worst enemy.
You were Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus, the nepo baby who failed his way to the top and accomplished nothing.
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theladygrim · 3 months
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mismatched-sockss · 16 days
cm kink bingo 2024
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all works will be 18+ ------ MDNI!
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it should go without saying, but: i am not responsible for the content you decide to consume; please check the individual warnings of each fic for stuff that could trigger you
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💜– mutual masturbation — Follow my lead [Spencer Reid x fem!Reader] 💜– aftercare + somnophilia — Addicted to you [Spencer Reid x fem!Reader] ❤️– multiple orgasms — I'll be your deity [sub!Emily Prentiss x softdom!fem!Reader] 🎹 💜– caught in the act + bed sharing — Make-believe [Spencer Reid x fem!BAU!Reader] 🎹 ❤️– workplace sex — After hours [unitchief!Emily x fem!BAU!Reader] 💜– begging + oral sex — Getting lost in your touch [Spencer Reid x wife!Reader] 💙– danger — My world would end without you [JJ x fem!Reader] - zombie AU 💜– free space: dry humping — Like lovers do [Spencer Reid x fem!Reader]
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!! the pictures i use in banners do not dictate the looks of the reader; they are purely for vibes / aesthetic !!
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*on the crossed out fics i have started working on, titles or character may change if i go in a different direction while writing than what i first planned; list and card get updated after every new post
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crysdrawsthings · 1 year
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Blades, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Thalmor, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.
I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top marksman in the entire Skyrim guard forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this plane, mark my fucking words.
You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the bulletin board? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the Tamriel and your carriage is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid.
I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Sky Haven Temple and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit.
If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.
You're fucking dead, kiddo.
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zosiayarn · 6 months
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realmariesplatoon · 2 days
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some calz!! :3 (also ver without bg and one other variation bc i was being indecisive lol)
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tomicscomics · 1 year
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In the previous comic, Catherine stole all her brother's socks and gave them to the poor.  Now she's back for more... BUT HE'S GUARDING HIS DRAWER!
JOKE-OGRAPHY: 1. As Catherine unlocks the door and enters the room, she says she's Cather-IN.  This is a play on her name, emphasizing the "IN" at the end to imply she's managed to break INto the room. 2. Catherine's brother refers to her as a CAT burglar, which is a robber who enters a house by scaling to an upper floor.  He then expands "cat burglar" to "Caterina burglar", including the Italian version of her name in the accusation.
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king-krisu · 6 months
Me every couple weeks when I think about international attention dying down eventually and Jere losing followers: 😰😰😔😫
Me seeing Jere trend past Taylor Swift on tumblr simply bcs he wore a cunty suit: 🙂🥹😍🫶🏻
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socksareunderated · 2 months
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i guess it's just my duty to put out a shitty piece of work for Portal 2's anniversary now, but anyway ...
‐ non confetti version ‐
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thats about it really
Reblogs are nice :) don't feel obligated to
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Jauffre: Getting old sucks. This morning I sprained my ankle trying to put in a sock.
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thirstyvampyr · 2 months
since nobody asked, here's my knitted sock drawer
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jelzorz · 2 months
Me, writing 167b: kinda feels like I'm fishing, wonder if I'll get a bite
Fandom Troll: *reblogs from a new blog with additional content about Callum and his training*
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