#them being an ancient married bickering couple is wonderful
fieryskies · 1 year
So I started reading a manga called Frau Faust today (which I recommend! It's from The Ancient Magus' Bride creator and it's only 19 chapters long)
And not to get too spoiler-ish with it, but it made me think about an AU in which it is Sebastian who allows himself "to lose Ciel's soul forever" and turns him immortal before his master could die
Ciel is...actually not too happy with getting cheated out of his promised death. Cut to a centuries old chase in which one immortal is running left and right to find some way to die
While the other puts pebbles in his road at every turn
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stitchthesewords · 1 year
Finally had time to sit down and red The Royals Quests, and oh boy did I love it.
A few thoughts and theories I had along the way:
I love how Mumbo and Scar bicker in this AU. You can tell that they have known each other forever, and that they 1) care about each other 2) know exactly how annoying (affectionate) the other can be. They are like an old married couple and I love that for them so so much.
Special shoutout to Mumbo's ears reacting to his emotions. It's just so good. I can't decide if I hope he knows about it, or if I hope he is completely oblivious.
Having a lot of fun trying to piece together the mystery of Grian's past. The references to him feeling fresh air under his wings for the first time and not being able to fly nearly as much as he would have liked in the cave seems self-explanatory, but there being several references to him keeping his wings tugged closely to his back makes me wonder if there might be more to it.
The reveal that Grian isn't a "proper" Avian has me even more curious. Could it be a Watcher!Grian thing where he is from a colony of Watchers pretending to be/believing themselves to be Avians? Or is he perhaps from a parallel universe? I am eyeing all of this very much.
The fact that no one seemed to notice before Impulse pointed it out too. I wonder if it's some kind of misdirection magic that is keeping people from paying too close attention to him? And in that case, what makes Impulse immune to it? In short: worldbuilding good, brain go brrrrrr.
"Grian had come to learn that Scar kept that shelving unit there for the sole purpose of creating a shadowy space for Mumbo to retreat to" Also? I adore this line. Obviously, it's for vampire reasons, but I also love that Scar was like "Gotta get my husband bestie a dark corner to stand in and look menacing. It'll add to the aesthetic of the place, and the dramatics of our not-so-secret resistance meetings." Just. Gotta love him.
I love how it's like. Here is a fantasy world of magic and mystery. And also there's guns.
14/10 A++ highly recommend. Really, really enjoying the Rift AU a lot :D
Thank you for reading royal quests!! It’s nice that the king arc has wrapped up so now I don’t have to worry about them doing something and contradicting what I had planned lol.
I too love how Scar and Mumbo bicker in this. What’s funny is I honestly don’t think they bicker super often – its just that there is a lot to bicker about rn for them lol. But also yeeees – given how long they’ve been on HC together, I wanted to reflect that by having their relationship be pretty long [Relatedly, Bdubs and Etho have had a VERY long relationship]. They ARE like an old married couple and frankly everyone who sees them is shocked they aren’t married – I know Grian is sort of dealing with that confusion now.
ALSO!!!! I *LOVE* WIGGLING EARS DSKLAGSDKL. I think Mumbo’s ears are longer and swivel around and THAT is left over from my skyrim fanfiction days bc I headcanon that the skyrim elves can move their ears around. Scar's ears are much shorter so they don’t move. I also definitely think Mumbo USED to be oblivious to it but unfortunately the man’s been alive for centuries and I can’t imagine no one has pointed it out to him. Unless.
Hehehehehehehehehehe. Obviously I can’t reveal too too much about Grian’s past since, you know, spoilers, but I will tell you this – you are on the right track. I will tell you this in relation to the watcher thing – its NOT the watchers, actually. 👀👀I used to have rift AU tagged as Watcher Grian but I changed it early on because I decided to do something…different. With it. Hehehe. I definitely will be doing something with the watchers at SOME point, but not necessarily in this au – I think they’re more like an ancient religion no one really follows anymore. BUT you do have me thinking about Watchers-Pretending-To-Be-Human hm hm hm that WOULD work for one of my AU ideas hehehehe
Is it misdirection or is it obliviousness? Who knows. But also Impulse has some interesting stuff going on with himself too so he could totally be immune to it 👀 Or is it just that Scar and Mumbo have been too busy with bigger fish to fry to notice their new avian friend looks decidedly different from how Avians are supposed to. Hm hm hm.
YEEEEEEEEEEEEES Scar being like ‘Mumbo needs Shadows for his magic to work obviously regular shadows are boring I need to give my vampire bestie the best shadows” feels like such a Scar thing to do tbh. The aesthetics, the menace factor, the dramatics of it all. But also the fact that he thought about Mumbo and designed a part of his office with Mumbo in mind sfkjgfj I love them. There’s definitely like a light aimed at making the shadow be really strong.
You know the old joke of like ‘harry potter would’ve been shorter if he had a gun’ I disagree. It would have made things EVEN MORE COMPLICATED LGFKWDFH think about it. Magic evolving to deal with guns. Bullet Time/matrix-y bullet things. Magic infused bullets. But also I think the guns in rift au aren’t proper modern guns. They’re slow, a little clunky – think like guns of the late 1800s. Cowboy guns. Bullets are expensive, a little hard to come by, and King Ren is limiting the supply of them in an attempt to bottleneck Scar and Mumbo on top of that. I love fantasy guns.
Thank yoooooooooooooou!!! It means the world to me that people like rift au.
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My Favorite Smile
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): DC/BatFam - Jason Todd/Red Hood
Rating: PG-11/T- (this one has a couple ✨swear words✨ in it lol. I don’t usually write them out, but sometimes you just gotta say what you mean)
Original Idea: X (Obsessed with this channel right now)
Notes: (Masterlist)(By Character)(About Me) 2,182 words... it’s a longer one again. I casually wrote this in, like, two hours. @welovegroot @jason-redhood @jason-todd-squad
Holding his coffee and croissant, Jason looked around the crowded café for a place to sit. Every table was occupied by at least one person, and the rules of personal space in public said the couches were full, with one person sitting on either end.
His eyes fell on a table with a single occupant.
His heart stuttered to a stop. Wait… is that her? Damn, she looks good this time. He scoffed at himself. Who am I kidding? She looks good every time. Should I talk to her? Should I tell her? She didn’t believe me last time… and I don’t know if I can stand another lifetime without her… but last life we didn’t meet till I was almost fifty. I really wasn’t expecting to find her this early.
He straightened up and strode over to her table. “Excuse me, is it alright if I sit here? The café’s pretty crowded and the other tables are full.”
She looked up and Jason’s brain stopped working as she met his eyes. She was just as incredible as she always was. Thousands upon thousands of years, and he still never got over how beautiful she was. “Sure, go ahead,” she said with a smile before going back to her phone.
“I’m Jason, by the way,” the man said, sitting down.
I glanced back up and gave him my name in return.
He smiled. He had a handsome smile. Just looking at him… something tugged in the back of my mind. “That’s a pretty name,” he said.
My ears warmed and I looked away. “Thanks,” I muttered. I looked back at him. “Sorry if this sounds… weird—but have we met before?” I cringed but smiled. If we had…oh it’d be so embarrassing if I’d forgotten him. And a man as handsome as him—how could I have forgotten?
But a look of delight crossed his face, before being replaced by one of neutrality. “Not in this lifetime,” he replied.
“Kind of an odd way to word it,” I remarked before I could overthink whether that sounded really rude or not.
Jason’s ears turned red. “Well… yeah I guess so. Sorry.” He looked down at his coffee cup and croissant and chose to take a sip of his drink. After swallowing, he looked back up at me. “This is probably gonna sound really creepy, but please just hear me out for a few minutes. Do you believe in soulmates?”
I reached up and scratched an itch just behind my ear. “I mean… kind of? I think maybe they exist for some people, and other people could be matched equally well with multiple potential partners,” I said.
His shoulders slouched with a sigh of what might have been relief. “Thank goodness,” he said. He met my eyes. “Because… we’re soulmates. You and I. Sometimes—very rarely—two people are so destined to be together, that they’re reborn over and over to stay together throughout thousands of years’ worth of lifetimes. Sometimes we both remember, sometimes only one of us does. I don’t think there’s ever been a lifetime where neither of us remember. Besides the first, I guess. Back when we didn’t know we’d be reborn. We never look the same twice—different bodies, different backgrounds. But we always have the same soul.”
A reasonable person would have thought he was making up a really long, bad pickup line. But I stared at him with rapt attention. Like some missing puzzle piece I’d been looking for my entire life fell into place. It just sounded… right.
“How do we find each other, if we look different every time?”
He took a deep breath. “Well… when one or both of us remember, we can… kind of sense it? Kind of see it? Like, right now, I see you, but I also see every face of yours that I’ve seen across every lifetime.” He cleared his throat. “Sometimes we don’t. Find each other, I mean. The distance between where we’re born or the timing of our rebirths keep us apart. But there’s only been… three of those, if I remember right.” He laughed. “So glad you believed me this time. It would have sucked if you got a restraining order—because those are a thing now—and I had to spend this life without you.”
I leaned forward, shoving my phone in my pocket. “Tell me more,” I said.
“Where do you want me to start?”
“Um… I don’t know. The beginning? Our first life?”
He nodded. “Ancient Greece,” he said. “Like, really early in Ancient Greece’s history. The gods blessed us. Bound our souls for eternity. Your hair is actually the same color now as it was back then. Kind of a… nostalgic favorite of mine. You’re absolutely stunning every time I see you, but I have some favorites. You do too.”
I snickered. “Oh really? Like what?”
“Well… I always think you’re adorable with dimples or freckles. Green eyes are a favorite of mine too. And your current hair color is my favorite. There were also a few times where you were a little taller than me. Those were nice. You’re most comfortable to hug that way. But, without fail, every single lifetime I see your smile and I think, ‘That one. That one’s my new favorite.’” He chuckled. “As for you, you’ve told me that you like me best with brown eyes—even though you don’t like brown eyes normally. Um… you also like it when my hair is curly.” He gestured to his black hair, slightly curled, with two white curls arcing down the center of his forehead. “You told me… seven lifetimes ago? That you like me best with piercings and tattoos, but when I brought it up last lifetime you said even when I have them I still look like, and I quote, a ‘giant nerd.’”
We both laughed. Jason sighed and shook his head.
“Then again, you said that was your favorite during our pirate lifetime. And I can also say hot damn you looked good with tattoos and a big hat.”
I gasped out a laugh. “We were pirates?”
He laughed too. “Yeah. Well, you were. To start with, anyway. You and your crew were visiting my town and you, absolutely drunk, stumbled into my house. I was a carpenter that time. Thank the gods we both remembered that lifetime or I probably would have shot you. You spent half the night drunkenly blathering about how much you hated my hair when it was long the way it was and that you’d cut it off if I didn’t. The next morning, when you’d sobered up, you apologized. And I’d said it was fine. And… you asked me to come with you. I’ve spent dozens of lifetimes endlessly in love with you. So, like the lovesick fool I am and was, I said yes.
“It… was not a long lifetime. Pirates rarely made it to old age. We were both killed when a Royal Navy ship attacked us. I went down first. You told me in our next lifetime that you single-handedly killed half of that crew’s sailors in revenge even though you knew you’d see me again—because you’d been having so much fun that life and they ruined it. Eventually their captain killed you himself.” He took a bite of his croissant.
It was certainly a lot to take in. But everything he said was so vivid… I wasn’t sure if it was my imagination coming up with the images or… memories that had merely been locked away somewhere deep inside. The sea. The deck of a ship. An octopus tattoo on my left forearm, tentacles reaching to the back of my hand, a similar one on his tanned, scarred neck. Curly auburn hair, a scruffy beard. Brown leather coat and blood under his nails. Pierced ear and eyebrow. A tattoo of a mermaid with a face and wild hair that I knew must have been mine on his right thigh as we found alone time together in my cabin—a pile of leather clothes in a heap on the floor, topped by a big hat with a big feather.
I met his eyes again. “Tell me about another one.”
He smiled. “Well… there was another time I was a soldier. You remembered. I didn’t. I passed through your town on my way to report for duty, and the weather got bad. Your family owned a tavern that doubled as an inn. So, that was where I stayed. You didn’t tell me. I fell in love with you anyway. You would tell me stories and sing for me and make me food in private. When the weather improved, I went off to war and, miraculously, I survived. Even though I spent most of my time that fight thinking about you. I came back to your inn and asked you to marry me. You said yes. We were married soon after. I had to leave a lot. Fighting battles I didn’t care about. Eventually, I came home injured and dying. You held my hand and promised you’d see me soon. I thought you meant heaven or just said it to comfort me. You never told me we were endlessly-reborn soulmates.
“When I was about fifteen my next lifetime, all my memories came back. We both remembered that time, actually. When we ran into each other again we got into such a big argument about you not telling me. Literally picked up right where we left off. Two twenty-year-olds bickering like the old married couple we were. The life after I don’t remember is always a bit of a wild ride as all my memories come back. I imagine it’s similar for you. It’ll be similar for you.”
He reached across the table and took my hand. I squeezed his fingers. Our hands fit together perfectly. I wondered why I’d told him I liked him best with brown eyes when his blue eyes were absolutely gorgeous. “So… what now?” I asked.
He made a face. “Beginnings are always hard when one of us doesn’t remember. Because I have thousands of years of love for you, and you don’t even know me.” His fingers tightened around mine. “I’d like to take you out on a date, if you’ll let me.”
“Does it count as a first date?”
He smiled. It was a sad smile. “It can. It does for this life.”
“Have we… ever had children? Together?”
Jason regarded me thoughtfully. “We have,” he said. “But our bloodlines never last long. Usually we’re lucky to get great-grandchildren. We’re blessed to be together forever, but our families die off quickly. You speculated once that it’s the blessing’s attempt to make sure we’re not reborn into our own bloodline.”
“So we have no living descendants.”
“No. It’d be a little weird if we did. Like ‘Hey, kiddo, you’re our great-great-great-grandson! I know we’re younger than you but trust us!’” Jason laughed.
I could get drunk on that laugh. “I’d… I’d like to go on that date.”
He looked elated—and relieved. “Me too. I’d like to get to know you again.” He glanced around the crowded café. “What do you say we get out of here and go somewhere quiet and I can tell you more stories about our lives? You’ve always been the far superior storyteller, but I learned from the best.”
I smiled. “Yeah. Let’s get out of here. I want to hear everything.”
He helped me to my feet. I gathered my jacket, cup, and phone. “Great. I can’t wait to tell you about the time I was a magician.”
I giggled. “My place or yours?”
“Mine. I have a memento from our most recent past life that I tracked down. I’d like you to have it.”
“What is it?”
Jason didn’t answer immediately. Just held my hand as we left the café. Gotham’s overcast autumn sky was chilly. “I… I want it to be a surprise but I’m also too excited to tell you.” He bit his lower lip, staring at me. “Gah. Fine. It’s your wedding ring. I found it at an antique shop not far from where our oldest niece lived. We didn’t have any kids, last life. We didn’t meet till I was forty-nine and you were forty-three. We both decided it was too late for kids. But I had a few nieces and nephews. Our oldest niece was in charge of our estate. We died in the eighties. But I found your ring. You can use it again, eventually, if you want. Or we can get you a new one.” His face reddened. “I don’t mean to presume. But I don’t know if I can live without you this lifetime after having you for such a short time last life.”
I squeezed his hand. “Let’s try that first date first. I feel this pull toward you I can’t explain, but we’ll build up to the soulmate thing. Okay?” I smiled at him.
Jason couldn’t help but stare at her. Those eyes, that stunning face. This one, he thought. This smile is my favorite.
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jointhearumanati · 2 years
Rare Hetalia Brotps and why
Belgium and Greece: Cats need I say more but I also feel Belgium would share her brothers weed with him I can see them high af while the cats are high off catnip just Chaos until Japan and Netherlands pick them up also Belgium Taking Greece to the Cat festival in Belgium
Germany and China: Germany has shown admiration for Rome I think getting insight from someone who met Rome and Germania would dazzle him China is Ancient and has been shown to Respect Germany's leadership skills despite his age they would get together for tea and complain about other countries
France and Russia: I can see Russia going to France for advice and France taking him Shopping for other scarves and a whole new wardrobe and just talking in French cafes while sipping coffee I can also see it as a romantic relationship or just casual sex
Switzerland and Belgium: I can see it as an Otp as well I can see them bonding over their love of chocolate and Belgium's spunk helping Switzy come out of his shell a little maybe buy some expensive chocolate and regret it later I can see them making Chocolate waffles together and maybe later falling in love but they could just be friends
Hungary and Vietnam: They are both badass girls and probably could go to the gym together or just go shopping like the fabulous girls they are could also see it as a romantic relationship
Magic trio and Belarus: It's Canon that Belarus can see Ghosts I can see Belarus going to them for advice on how to handle it and eventually becomes part of their group I can see her being closer to Norway more than the others due to him being the least annoying also Alice in Wonderland cosplay on Halloween Belarus: Alice England: Mad Hatter Romania: Cheshire Cat Norway: White Rabbit
Bad Touch Trio and America: This makes more sense History wise than England because England was the Guy we beat up with the Bad Touch Trios help during the American Revolution I can see America being a addition to the group and to do dumb shenanigans with (Yes I'm American)
America and Australia: I can see them being the guys who do daring feats just for fun Jump off a Cliff, poke a Alligator, Skydiving, Spelunking, etc adrenaline junkie stuff I can also see them in a romantic relationship very Sporty Couple
Greece and Spain: I can see them maybe being fuck buddies in the Past before Japan and Romano came into their lives but they seem like they would still be good friends who talk together and get high together on weed
Belgium and Hungary: I can see them being Spunky girls who get into trouble together Party girls could also see it as a romantic relationship
Seyshelles Monaco and Face Family: I can see Seyshelles as an addition to the Face Family she remembers Canada and he would treat her like a little sister America the Protective older brother and Fruk supporting parents who bicker like the old married couple they are also Monaco added to the mix as the smart younger sister she would play poker with America and he would lose
Monaco and Macau: I can see them playing Poker together and being decent opponents for each other the only person they would lose to maybe they fall in love later and play strip poker because of course they would
South Italy and Canada: They both are overshadowed by their twin brothers and Romano can stick up for Canada and help him stick up for himself Canada can Help Romano loosen up and smile more they would be best friends
Spain and Denmark: Axe Buddies show each other without their battle Axes and Drool at the battle Axes at a weopens shop also could see Spain inviting him to the Tomato Festival I can see Denmark having fun there
England and China: I don't think they would be best friends but friends that settled their differences and hang out occasionally for tea and to Discuss Hong Kong maybe recommend books to each other and catch up on news
South Italy and Japan: I can see Romano actually liking Japan and wondering why he hangs out with such weirdos like his brother and Germany I can see them casually hanging out and Japan listening to his problems his own personal therapist
Lithuania, America and South Italy: I can see them bonding at America's house going to Jazz clubs and just having a good time
North Italy and America: I can see them having fun together nothing specific just hanging out and smiling
America and South Korea: I can see them loving K-pop and going to concerts also watching K-Dramas and also going out and causing chaos Frat boy style could also see it as a romantic relationship
South Korea and Belarus: Mutual love for their brothers and finding comfort in each other also maybe unstable and mentally ill together if they became a couple God help Rochu even as friends they are bad enough
Poland and China: I can see China as a closet Cross Dresser he likes to Feel pretty but he won't admit it due to pride Poland would help him with that and they would go shopping and look pretty and cute together make China feel it's okay to crossdress and it doesn't make him less of a man
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legionnairelass · 5 years
Losh Things That I Have Thought Very Hard About Writing But Have Not Because I Am A Lazy Child
Feel free to use any of ideas these yourself, but keep in mind I might use them at some point in the future. Tell me which is your favorite!!!! 
A Brainy x Lyle thing in which Brainy is a princess in a tower guarded by a Dragon!Koko and Lyle is an assassin on the run who gets caught by Koko and then Brainy and Lyle bicker a whole ton because Brainy wants to leave and see the world but Lyle wants to stay so he can hide from the assassins.
Dirk Morgna as Freddie Mercury.
An au where Tinya is a siren and Jo is a merman who gets caught in a pool on her island. Tinya finds him after a while and nurses him back to health and they fall in love after working through all the racist and uniformed bs they’ve been taught about each other’s species.
Dream Girl and Dream Boy having a conversation (threeboot verse) after Nura is resurrected and resumes her position on the Legion roster. It is revealed they have known each other for quite some time, and have once been quite close, although they have drifted away. Nura apologizes for taking his spot, and talks Rol out of going to work on Winath, promising to find something for him to do in the Legion.
The Legionnaires as the cast and crew of a 31st century holoshow about the Titans.
Another Brainy x Lyle au where the Legionnaires attend the Legionnaire Academy of Music and Querl is the token prodigy composer until Lyle Norg joins halfway through a semester and ruins everything by composing music equal to his with rhythms and melodies and harmonies Querl hadn’t even considered. It infuriates him. Ayla thinks the whole thing is hilarious.
Snapshots of post-5YL (but without the reboot so the whole SW6 thing is still intact) Shvaughn/Sean Erin visiting Dirk Morgna’s grave at different points of his/her life (proposing to Jan, then marrying him, SW6 Dirk leaving the Legion to get married, Jan dying, the grandchildren being born, ect.) first just to yell at him, then to keep him updated on SW6 Dirk, and on and on until talking to the disgraced Legionnaire’s headstone became a sort of therapy. (Note: for this fic Shvaughn/Sean would be genderfluid switching genders once every long while)
Laurel Gand (Andromeda vers.) as the newest reincarnation of an ancient warrior protectress and guardian of the kingdom. Kara Dox, the reincarnation before Laurel, had been incredibly beloved, and had sacrificed her life to slay a great evil. Laurel chafes under Kara’s legacy and shadow, and detests her life stuck in an empty castle, living as the ward of the kingdom’s uncaring ruler, and Kara’s beloved lover, Querl Dox.
Small vignettes of the Legionnaires in a Harry Potter au through the Deathly Hallows and the Battle of Hogwarts (Querl trapped in the Room of Requirement to avoid the Carrows wondering about the fate of Lyle who was on the run, Brin and Jo comforting first years while Tinya is being tortured both of them wishing they could trade places with her, Imra Rokk and Garth trapped together in the dark dungeons of Malfoy Manor, Dirk (a newly minted Death Eater) assigned to forcefully glean information from a captured auror Shvaughn Erin, Ayla falling out of her hammock in the Room of Requirement every night screaming for Garth or Mekt or Reep or Salu or anybody, Nura kissing a sleeping Thom on the cheek then jumping from the top of Hogwarts tallest tower to prevent the Dark Lord from discovering her prophecies about him) that tell the story of how the Dark Lord was defeated from their prospectives, with little flashbacks to happier times demonstrating how the Legionnaires lives at Hogwarts are intertwined without there really being a ‘Legion’.
The Parent Trap feat. triplets Laura, Lauren, and Laurie.
(In a universe where some stupid D.C. event collided all the Legions, like Legion of 3 Worlds but permanent) A quick one-shot about stressed out SP Chief Sean Erin returning to his home in the wee hours of the morning to find all the lights on and his husband, original continuity Jan sprawled out asleep on the couch with all the other younger Jan Arrahs cuddling on him and a couple teen to young adult Shvaughn/Sean Erins snoring in nearby armchairs, a homemade Father’s Day present on the coffee table.
Rokk Krinn, a self-proclaimed Tory, but unbeknownst to his wonderful Tory wife Lydda Jath, a undercover spy for George Washington in an American Revolution au.
The story of Salu Digby and Ayla Ranzz. How they made formed their band, fell in love, got famous, fell out of love, broke up their band, went through some shit and, finally, fell back in love. (So basically Salu and Ayla as 31st century Paul McCartney and John Lennon but with a bit more romance).
X-Men au where the Legionnaires are a group of homeless mutants living in a shack in the woods Box-Car children style.
Jenni and Bart having a serious talk about the consequences of many 31st century pronouns (including the ones that Bart uses) not translating easily into 20th century English, The Flash and Max Mercury just not getting it and other time-swap gender-related issues. (Set during the Impulse/XS crossover.)
Brainy x Lyle Soulmate au where different species have different sorts of soul marks that they get at different times. Brainy’s had his, Lyle’s name in binary, since birth like most Coluans, but he still begrudgingly stays up till 2:19am on Lyle’s eighteenth birthday to watch the first words he ever said to the human appear on Lyle’s arm in Querl’s own handwriting.
Night Girl, under the cover of Shadow Lass’ dark field, uses her superhuman strength to do some (sexytimes!!) manhandling that Tasmia will never admit loving.
CW’s Saturn Girl, in her weird purpley black leather outfit, and with blond hair (after a prank with shampoo and hair dye) gets mistaken for Batgirl, and gets attacked by some thugs. Steph Brown, the legit Batgirl, swoops in to save the day, but finds Imra handling herself quite nicely. Together they kick names and take butt, and then finish up with a delicious burger from one of the multitude of restaurants around Gotham who willingly give free food to any and all Batkids.
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chartreuseblood · 5 years
“Wait, wait, wait. Who was that little girl who was in there for most of that?”
The Vulcan finally lifted his eyes from the cave floor to look at this young, blue-eyed Kirk. His dark eyebrows were furrowed and his expression was riddled with questions about everything from the mind meld, even if he only verbally expressed one.
Spock began to recall with a light of fondness what specific memories he was referring to and could not conceal his soft smile.
“My granddaughter.”
They were in the middle of a game of chess. 
Both men had been simultaneously sipping their mugs of tea as Jim strategically planned his upcoming move. Spock had made to point out that Jim’s reading glasses were still on, in which he got the reply that he knew Spock enjoyed him in the glasses, of which there was always a tinge of warmth that could not be relinquished. 
The chess piece was just barely touching the board when the PADD sat on the kitchen island buzzed a message notification. Jim laid the piece down and rose, careful not to shake the table, making his way to see what was said, only after pressing a hasty kiss to his husband’s temple. 
L.H.MCCOY: Jim, I think you ought to see to this... The girls have some big news and they want you two to hear it, too. 
 The girls. ‘The girls’ always referred to Saavik and Joanna. After the initial mentorship, Jim and Spock felt as though Saavik was a daughter to them and took her in as so, which she gladly accepted. There was a mutual feeling of love at first sight when the women first met, no matter how much they continuously seem to get under each other’s skin. Bones had always been somewhat of a brother and became even more so when the daughters married. 
Spock had already read the emotion and thoughts through the bond as Jim mentally read the message so he knew what was being beckoned as they made eye contact. He huffed getting up from the comfort of his favorite dining chair, only to get comfortable again moments later, sat between Jim’s hip and the sofa’s armrest with his legs across Jim’s lap. His arm curled across Jim’s shoulders and began running his fingers repeatedly through tight ringlets as Jim turned on the large screen viewer above their mantle. 
It took a minute and a few uncounted rings for the girls to pick up. As usual, there was some bickering already heard on their line and hardly ceased by time the connection stabilized. 
“Sa-mekh, you are being as grossly affectionate as always.” was the first remark, coming from Saavik and being directed at Spock. Had he been fully human, he would have retorted in a comment but instead lifting an eyebrow before getting an idea. He turned Jim’s head towards his own and initiated a deeply passionate kiss, to be even more ‘gross’.
“Disgusting...” Joanna scoffed, watching the tender happening before her. She and her wife were mentally in mutual agreement that they were dirty old men. 
“You sound more and more like your father each day, Jo.” Kirk chuckled after the make-out session cut short. Spock’s head then laid between his jawline and shoulder, intertwining their fingers in the shared lap. 
As Joanna shook her head, he continued, “Bones said you two had something important to tell us.” At this, Joanna returned her composure and shared a sympathetic look with Saavik. 
“Yes,” The half-Vulcan woman started, looking down at their desk and picking something up, “We are, as humans put it, ‘expecting’.” Her delivery was blunt as her attention was turned to gauge reactions. 
“Oh.” was all Jim could softly manage to say. Previously, Spock’s head had been resting and his eyes closed but the earth-shattering news caused him to pick it up and stare with knitted eyebrows. 
“Who is carrying?” He inquired blatantly, receiving a nervous smile from Joanna in response. 
“Du s’frei the tehvars, a’ri?” His voice was unwavering, nearly cold, as he spoke in native tongue, concealing a portion of the conversation. [You understand the dangers, correct?]
“Ah, ah, veling, sa-mekh. Olozhikaik? Ri, hi a aitlun.” At least Saavik understood what risk they were running and that their wish was not inherently logical. With that, Spock nodded his approval. [Yes, yes, of course, father. Logical? No, but a desire.] 
Joanna and Jim were still deserted among what was just exchanged but the Vulcans seemed pleased with themselves, which one could only hope for. 
When he found it appropriate, Jim set congratulations in order on both his and his husband’s behalfs. Surprisingly, Saavik actually let a small smile slip and she grasped Joanna’s hand graciously. All four agreed on keeping the older two up-to-date on how everything was blowing over. 
After the call was ended, Jim looked to Spock lovingly.
“This should shape up to be interesting.”
“It shall indeed be fascinating.”
Six months later, they transported cross-country for the small baby shower. When Jim had mentioned they were invited, Spock began extensive research into the human ritual and was calculating both efficiency and cost for their intended gift. Practicality and logical were key. 
Jim had to talk him out of a Sehlat cub and they compromised on a futuristic mobile. It projected onto the ceiling and presented stars and solar systems. Being as it were, Spock, of course, reprogrammed one of its settings to include Vulcan and its twin suns as an accoutrement. He revised the accuracy of the Terra diagram and its accompanying sister planets and stars, as well.
Jim was quite proud and assured him it would be well appreciated. It was no doubt thought of outside of the box. Mobiles were still typical, even well into the 23rd century, but not as this one was fitted. 
The couple were dozed off together the entire ride over to the apartment, Jim’s head on Spock’s shoulder and Spock’s own head resting on Jim’s forehead. You know how old men do. When they arrived, they spent a few minutes stretching before making their way to the front door. 
Saavik was the one to answered the door and directed them to the living area, flour dusted on her forehead. Spock wiped it off for her, not unlike a mother hen, before she turned on her heel to return to her current task. In the living room, Joanna was comfortably reclined in her leather recliner and the elder McCoy sat across from her on the sofa. 
The pair were greeted with a warm welcome. To Joanna’s convenience, she wasn’t expected to get up as Jim simply patted her hands rested on her stomach and Spock offered a ta’al. Bones, unexpectedly, got up to hug them and Spock actually allowed it for once. Saavik joined them a few minutes later, sitting on Joanna’s armrest and connecting a possessive hand to the swollen stomach that was almost awkward on that thin frame. 
“So just a little get-together?” Jim asked as his husband got comfortable beside him. 
“Yes, since someone insists it would keep my stress level down.” Joanna answered, narrowing her eyes at her father. 
“You know I’m right, missy.” He hissed in return.
“Christine says everything is fine.” 
“By human standards, yes. But you have to be more careful with half-breeds.” The other two half-breeds in the room shot him equally-matched glares. 
“Alright, alright, no need for a cat-fight. I was only wondering.” The tension only died slightly at Jim’s resolution. Spock only relaxed more at his husband’s touch. All could agree that there was truth in McCoy’s statement but his wording was what had everyone at his throat. 
The silence was awkward and unbroken until Saavik’s audible flinch and the uproar of Joanna laughing. The older men of the room weren’t quite sure what just happened before their eyes but it was enough to send Joanna into a wave of laughter tears and Saavik a dazed confusion. 
“Apparently the baby is also mad at you too, Dad.” Jo choked out, struggling to breath after laughing so hard. She had to remove her glasses to wipe her eyes and a wave of blonde fell in her face as she did. 
“She kicked really hard and that’s why Saav got so startled.” She explained finally, replacing her glasses on her nose.
“She?” Bones inquired, eyebrow slightly raised. It was almost an ancient mimic of Spock, which was scary in itself. 
“I neglected to mention that, didn’t I?” Joanna murmured, looking to Saavik who was nodding, “We found out the sex at the last ultrasound a few days ago.” 
“A little girl... I’ll be damned.” Leonard chuckled, leaning back in his spot. 
“Pay up, Bones.” Kirk directed at him, motioning at him as if he had the physical credits. They had drunkenly taken a gamble about a month earlier and somehow remembered it.
“Over my dead body.”
“You’re a dirty bastard, you cheat.” 
After a little while, they were preparing to sit and try the fruit tart concoction Saavik had slaved over when Joanna caught Kirk’s eyes level with her stomach.
“You can feel it if you’d like.” She said quietly, earning his eyes adverting upwards and blush threatening to reach his cheeks. 
“May I?” She was already offering but he wanted to solidify it by being polite. She nodded and his aged hand gingerly reached out to search for a kicking foot. It was a luxury he had missed out on with David before he was born and something bypassed by a lack of biological children among himself and Spock. In spite of these thoughts, he still warmly smiled at the feeling of a kick. 
Spock was observing the feat quietly at Kirk’s side. It was far beyond anything he’d had seen and though it appeared odd, he could lightly feel the significance, especially if he stretched across the bond to see Jim’s thoughts. It was when Joanna’s eyes met his in an offering manner that he unintentionally shuddered.
However, he still accepted the invitation as Kirk retreated to take his seat at the table once more. He barely had two fingers lightly touching the area before he flinched, even more so than Saavik had earlier. Everyone was slightly baffled but he was the most bewildered. Not even he knew why that happened. 
“I... apologize... for my reaction.” He mumbled, trying to compose himself. His finger tips almost felt singed and apparently there was a warm feeling on the other end as well. 
“Well, I’m not sure if this is a good thing or not, but she seems to have settled down.” Joanna seemed pleasantly surprised, if not somewhat joyed. It did mean a break on the inside on her abdomen. Spock was still stiff and tensed, not sure what exactly he had caused. 
“Dare I say you’re a magic man?” His husband laughed.
A little over three months passed until their next visit which would be more important. They were staying a few days before and after Joanna was due to help create a comfortable environment along with Bones.  
Barely a day and a half in, the little bun decided it was done cooking and wanted out. Thankfully, nobody panicked as they were all prepared. The nearest hospital had already been on call about all of this and were not alarmed at the sudden urgency.
They even flew in Dr. M’Benga, who they somehow still let practice medicine despite being as old of a bastard as Kirk and McCoy. The delivery was scheduled to be via cesarean section to ensure the safety of mother and child, and though M’Benga wouldn’t be performing it himself, he was still there to advise in the procedure. 
It was surprising they let Saavik stay in the room despite all of her pacing. The soon-to-be grandfathers were all sat quietly, watching whatever motion they could see from the glass window separating them from the surgery room. 
Soon, Saavik’s ears flicked and she ceased pacing at a first cry. Bones and Jim stood when they could faintly her it and all watched the child being fully lifted up. The human males were over come with joy and Saavik expressed the same feeling in her own way. 
While Spock arguably felt the same, it was hard to discern it out of the wave of emotion that crashed into him, turning his stomach nauseous and sending him searching for a restroom in case it followed through. Jim noticed his absence in seconds without the aid of the bond and went to find him. 
He had stumbled into the nearest restroom and there they sat, on the floor, waiting to see if anything would actually come up, Jim’s hand rubbing circles on Spock’s lower back. When no bile came burning up, they both sighed and looked to each other. 
“I’m sorry, Jim. I did not expect my... erratic behavior. Simply too many emotions flourished at once and I could not suppress them.” His tone was laden with guilt but Jim just took his face in hand, kissing all over it. He only stopped when Spock relaxed beneath him and even then, it was hard to stop. 
Finally, they got to their feet and began to make their way to the room where Joanna was taken after the operation was complete. Kirk walked in first and Spock was beginning to apologize behind him when he realized why his husband was in a dead-stop before him and everyone silent. 
There was a sort of majesty and awe in the first moments of a mother holding a child against her chest. Most did it with a bare chest for maximum skin contact and this was the case here. Saavik’s gaze was deeply in love and as proud as Kirk and the elder McCoy. As for Spock... He would not know for a while what he felt in that moment.
Nonetheless, it was a pleasant emotion, surely.
The few more days spent in the hospital than necessary was forwarded by McCoy’s warranted concern. It was top priority that the three quarters emotion of a baby was healthy and her mother was as well. 
Jim and Spock were only a call away until Bones told them everything was set and everyone met at the apartment. Saavik was the one wielding the baby, who was fully awake and staring at everyone with eyes whose color was not too dissimilar to Kirk’s. Despite having parents on the thinner side, the little one already had a small bit of weight to her. Or maybe it was just the density carried over by her genes. 
The baby -- Lucille (in which Jim made the joke “Little Richard or The Beatles?” which definitely showed his age) -- was interested in everyone and their fingers, despite being days old, though that may have once again been due to the green blooded heritage. However, the person who fascinated her the most was Spock; when she wasn’t distracted, Lucy’s attention was always on him and was constantly trying to grasp for him. 
He caught onto the pleas but willfully ignored them, not running the risk of, well, just about anything. From the previous outbursts to the possibility he could drop her or she’d hit one of his sensitive areas, he was not ready to take a chance. To his relief, everyone allowed it for a while. 
She was passed around by the other four and cooed at or swaddled in their arms. She only fussed a bit when she began to hunger, in which she was swept up by Joanna to be fed and peppered in kisses. She scowled with her little face for a moment as her soft cheeks were kissed but it didn’t matter as she was sleepy seconds after. 
Small eyes began to close gently until Jo started to sit back down, causing her to stir. Lucy sprung up a fit and turned to Spock, who was sat across the table, staring with teary eyes. It was not unusual that an eyebrow raised but it was a shock when he finally held out his hand to her, which she placed her tiny one into. At her continued squirming, Joanna gently passed her over for Spock to hold.
The only one not catching flies while gaping in awe was Jim, heart swollen with love as always. Spock began to rise to get comfortable on the sofa, but not without tenderly kissing his husband’s forehead. Everyone was still taking the moment in when he plopped down on the cushion, folding his legs as if he were going to meditate, perfectly cradling a smiling baby at his chest.
Knowing that it would take silence for Lucy to fall asleep, Saavik was the one who beckoned everyone to the porch for tea. Meanwhile, Spock only had to sit there before Lucy was dead asleep in the crook of his arm. He wasn’t sure when exactly he fell asleep himself. 
After a while, Joanna had come in to pry her daughter from his grasp to set her in a proper crib. She had thought her approach was gentle enough but Lucy was starting to fuss, in turn leading Spock to begin to stir. Everyone had a clear view from the porch and watched as she backed up to leave them at rest. The baby stilled and the lack of motion and noise caused Spock to relax once more.
It was in that moment everyone knew they’d be inseparable.
And, it held true that her Sa’mekh’al was always her favorite. It was true that Grandpa [Jim] was the most kind-hearted and Papa [McCoy] the funniest, but Sa’mekh’al was -- well, himself.
Just like Ko-mekh, he was a hybrid, but in his case, even more cast out based on his blood. Being Vulcan and Romulan was one thing, but they were more interrelated than being Vulcan and Human. Not to mention, he greatly understood the difficulty in keeping a human side under wrap. 
He taught her how to raise an eyebrow and the basics of the Vulcan language from a young age, both of which Saavik huffed at, having her daughter be articulate in native tongue while battling with their eyebrows. He also talked at length about science and his adventures. Occasionally, Lucy asked what it was like to be married and bonded to a t’hy’la. Whenever she asked, she could see the love swelling behind his eyes as he began to ramble on and on about Jim. 
Another stark similarity between them was the lack of childhood friends. It was understandably difficult to find other pointed-ear children in Boston. Spock would tell her that San Francisco was a melting pot and whenever she would be able to visit, she could likely find at least someone. It was a nice thought but she was content just confiding in him, even if they were always nearly five thousand kilometers between them. 
Upon Jim’s untimely death, he was able to, in return, seek comfort in her and her mothers. Anyone with half a brain could see the pain and grief he felt, but after all of the stories she heard growing up, Lucy knew it ran much deeper than what could been seen. 
She was the one who gifted him the holo of one of Jim’s last recordings and hung it on a chain. It would be the one he’d wear for years to come. That was the first time she ever saw him cry... no, not just cry... sob. 
To say the least, he was basically a reliable father figure in the place of a lack of a father. He taught her how to be a functional young woman, beyond what her parents taught her daily. They were almost as joined at the hip as Spock was to Jim.
The elder finally opened his eyes, taking notice of the wet tears frosting over on his cheeks. The young Kirk was looking at him with concern, biting his already busted lip. 
He had hoped the blue eyes would read the pain, grief, and lone feeling hidden behind his own but reminded himself that this was not his Jim. No, his younger self was who was to belong to him and have his pain read. 
“I apologize, I was entranced by recalling fond memories.” It was much too often he found himself apologizing to one Jim or another. 
“It’s alright...” The way this came out of this Jim’s mouth was too close to his t’hy’la’s for comfort. However, it had seemed the bank in his tear-ducts had already run dry and it was no use to double over and ponder, risking relapse. Considering his options, he sighed.
“If I were to explain what I was re-examining, will you make a promise not to inform my younger self from this timeline? If my calculations are correct, they will occur in good time on this plane as well.” 
Kirk nodded with a weary smile, making himself comfortable. 
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FGO Destiny Awakenings: CDD #1
*Inside the Throne of Heroes* Announcement: Master Fujimaru Ritsuka and Master Fujimaru Ritsuko has requested for a Servant to aid their next Singularity. RNGesus: *nods* RNGesus: RNGesus: Seihai-kun. Could you please give the two young Masters the infamous bickering yaoi married couple to them? Seihai-kun: *nods; salutes*
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Horrible RNG luck summons two eternal rivals together
“H…. Holy crap, this is amazing!!” Ritsuka’s blue orbs glittered as he took strides around inside the chamber. 
The first place after offering their respect to the late Director was towards the Chaldea Summoning room. 
Familiar black-green room with a familiar bright blue hologram of a magic circle in the midst. 
Ritsuko glanced around in admiration and quickly recognized, “Isn’t this the place where the Doctor communicated with us back inside Fuyuki?” 
Mash stopped beside her and acknowledged, “Yes, it’s the same as back there, Senpai. Not alone this is where the summoning of Servant takes place, it’s also where we deliver the rations supply to Master in a mission.” 
“Even so… It’s such a huge place to summon the Servants,” Ritsuka pointed out while glancing when he came back to their side. 
Mash nodded again and clarified, “Magus need an adequate and enormous space when doing so. It draws a lot of mana to summon them from the Throne of Heroes to our world, Ritsuka-senpai. 
“The mana from the Master transferred to the Servants to materialize takes a load of spirit to do so, and its output is the same.” 
Folded her arms, Ritsuko raised her hand to caress her chin. “So it sounds like calling for a powerful dragon but an ancient spirit from the past? Or even a legendary myth person?”
“Seems like it,” The raven-haired Master responded to his sister and shifted back to the Demi-Servant. “Since it’s like a magic ritual, I presume we require a catalyst to summon them? Human bones or…?” 
“Unneeded, Senpai. The artifacts could also be furniture or objects strongly ties to the Heroic Spirit. But…,” Mash’s brows furrowed before she resumed. “Because of what had happened in Singularity, we didn’t have the chance to find any relics.
“These are Chaldeas’s replacement for the catalyst to summon them.” From her jacket pocket, Mash dug and took out two small rainbow-colored star-shaped gems to the Fujimaru siblings. 
“Beautiful…,” Ritsuko muttered to herself then moved back to Mash. “So, we’re using this instead, right? How do we go about it? Do we set them in the magic circle's middle or?” 
Mash shook her head, “No, Ritsuko-senpai. Before I explained how I’ll explain what they are.”
Her violet orb directed to the gem and described, “These gems gathered from the residue mana of the enemy Servants we fought. We’re still able to summon them, but, we’re not able to determine who are we to summon.” 
“So, it’s up to the fate of who showed up and help us, huh?” Ritsuka summarized. 
The Demi-Servant nodded and added, “Yes, that’s correct. But, as the Director said… The summoning had likewise failed if they chose not to answer our call too.” 
“Hmm,” Ritsuka hummed to himself. A risk it was that the late Director had brought up before her passing. But Romani’s comments reminded how terrible situation now with no alternative source of manpower. 
With no further doubts to consider, Ritsuka gave a hopeful grin to the concerned Demi-Servant. “I’ll take my chances. We require all the help we could have right now.” 
“I agree. A risk of no one responding our summoning, but I think we should make our efforts to try. Better than have no offering to sacrifice…,” Ritsuko agreed and murmured to herself thoughtfully. “But I wonder if they would accept our hated enemy’s body as an offering.” 
Ritsuka glared right at her and reprimanded, “Okay, sis, we aren’t performing any voodoo black magic shit to curse ourselves if it backfires.” 
Mash returned a shy cheered-up smile and ensured to them. “Don’t worry, Senpai. There won’t be any curses if it fails. Only a matter of if they wished to answer your call.” 
“I guess… Let’s gamble with fate.” Ritsuka grabbed hold of one of the rainbow gems as Ritsuko did too. 
Staring at the gem, both felt an intensified warm inside. Mash’s voice however captured their attention back to her. “Does the Senpai wished to read through the summoning chant script again?” 
“I do!” Ritsuko raised her hand instantly at the offer presented to them. 
Ritsuka nodded and agreed, “Just to be safe than sorry.”
About 30 minutes passed after memorizing the incantation, both Fujimaru Siblings stood in the circle’s heart. 
Mash standing at the side with Fou carried in her arms, called out, “Anytime when you’re ready, Senpais!” 
The orange-haired Master examined the gem in her hold before shifting to Mash to verify her earlier instruction. “All we have to is to convey our spirit inside the gem, so it changes to liquid to fill it right?!” 
Mash nodded to repeat her instruction. “That’s right, focus your energy to transform into a single color, Ritsuko-senpai. You need to locate the color that stood out the most and turned the gem to that color.” 
A slight nod to acknowledge she understood, Ritsuko faced back at the gem in her palm. The rainbow aurora inside the gem swirled around in a slow movement. Her orange orbs staring at each of seven hues in following what Mash said. 
But, it didn’t take long once she scanned for the third round to recognize one stood out among all. A sharp breath breathed into her lungs, her mind settled into changing that gem into the said color.
In Ritsuka’s hand, he clutched close once it had settled to a distinct color. Blue orbs facing to the ground and his right fist stretched forward. 
When Ritsuko had drawn her right fist forward, both hands clutched tightly as two bright red and silver-colored liquid dripping out from the fist. Each droplet dying and filling the two magic circles in the respective color as they both chanted, “Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Let each be turned over five times, simply breaking asunder the fulfilled time.”
A glow of white light radiated from the magic circles once filled, a cue for them to step outside the ring. Both siblings walking out in a cautious step before facing back again with their right hand outstretched towards it. “Let silver and steel be the essence.
“Let stone and the Archduke of contracts be the foundation 
“Let silver the color I pay tribute to,” Ritsuka recited. 
“Let red the color I pay tribute to,” Ritsuko recited at the same pace. 
Silver and Red light shone in the own circle, the two Master went on. “Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall. 
“Let the four cardinal gates close.
“Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.”
Each sentence of incantation, fierce winds, and electricity being drawn into the magic circles. Mash hugged Fou, which the latter buried closer into her chest for a cover. Ritsuka gritted his teeth to hold his ground. His left hand raised to support his right and maintained, “I hereby declare.” 
Ritsuko’s left hand lifted to cover from the current and drew a deep breath. “Your body shall serve under me.” 
Two voices reverberated in the room with a further resolute tone against the violent gust. “My fate shall be your sword.
“Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail 
“If you will submit to this will and this reason… Then answer!”
At their tone, the current turned violent as it threatened to devour them whole. However, blue and orange orbs determined gazed at the front and yelled as loud as they could from the winds howling. “An oath shall be sworn here! 
“I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven. 
“I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell! 
“From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power,
“Come forth from the ring of restraints,
“Protector of the Holy Balance!”
Bzzt… BOOM!
Blue and Red electric sparks burst out from the circle and rocked the area from its powerful discharge. It covered the chamber in gray smoke while both siblings knocked back down onto the ground.
Right hand raised and waved off the smoke, Ritsuka whizzed and coughed. “Are you guys all right?!”
“Yeah! Are you sure that’s how it’s done, Mash-chan?” Ritsuko coughed and peered behind to Mash.
“Yes, but…,” The said Demi-Servant coughing from the smoke replied. “You had used much mana, Senpai!”
Not solely the three, Fou coughed in a small squeaky noise. But his ears perked at the unfamiliar sound. He shot his head to the front and squeaked at what was in his view, “Fou, fou! Kyu, kyu!”
“Fou…?” Dumbfounded at what Fou squeaking at, Ritsuka followed his direction to the front. His blue orbs widened in surprise at what stood before him in his magic circle.
Fou’s squeaking catching the attention to the two girls also caused them looked in front. Both orange and violet orbs widened at the figure unveiling from the smoke. A familiar figure in a blue hooded cloak glanced around his surroundings.
He then shifted to get a good view of himself and mused, “Oops! I guess this time I am materialized as a Caster?”
His red orbs shifted towards the three staring at him. A familiar smirk curled his lips, “Oh, it’s you guys! We met before, right?”
“C-Caster?!” Ritsuko’s tone of surprise mingled with the comfort of a familiar face left her lips when he tugged down his hood.
“The one and only, but,” Caster grinned fondly at her reception. He again made a brief scan at himself before sighing. “Well, looks like you guys still got long ways to summon me as a Lancer instead.”
A wry grin splayed across Ritsuka’s lips and apologized. “Perhaps the next round of summoning, I should input more mana.”
“What’s done has been done. It’s great to see you guys again. Seems like I will be your permanent ally under the contract established,” As Caster waved his hand to brush it off, a knowing smirk made its way to Ritsuka. “Right, kid?”
Blue orbs blinked with surprise expression, Ritsuka nodded and shot a slight appreciation grin. “I can’t wait to work with you again, Caster.”
As a broader grin appeared on Caster’s lips, he whirled and headed to Mash. Once he came closer, he placed his arm around the Demi-Servant and drew her close. “And I look forward to working with you, lady.”
“Ah!” Mash gasped at the action in surprise. But, Fou in her arms growled at the unwanted movement.
Ritsuko agreed with the fluffy companion, shared the same annoyed face. She moved to them and tugged one of Mash’s arms to her side with a protective glare. “Maybe you could try keeping your hands away from her as our comrade now, Caster?”
Again, Caster laughed at ease at the orange-haired Master’s reaction. “As protective as always, huh? Please take care of me then, imouto-chan.”
Fou hissed another fierce growl to the Caster, making Ritsuka sighed and thought. “This will take a long while to get used to…”
As another sigh left his lips, Ritsuka realized, “Speaking of Servant…”
With the smoke gone, he switched his view to his sister’s summoning circle and asked, “Where is your Servant, Ritsuko?”
“Now you mentioned,” Ritsuko along with the rest turned to her summoning circle once Ritsuka’s remarks got their attention. Unlike her brother’s, hers had no sight of a figure manifested. Her brows furrowed with concern and worried. “Did it fail?”
“Fou, fooou! Fou!”
Nodded her head a few times, Mash turned to Ritsuko and returned. “There was an explosion outside the summoning chamber, Fou-san said. It should be there Ritsuko-senpai’s Servant was summoned.”
“Yeah, I sense a Servant nearby here too as the young lady mentioned. But…,” Caster confirmed. But his words trailed off, and his red orbs narrowed at the unpleasant tingling.
Oblivious to his discomfort, Ritsuko nodded eagerly, “Then, I got to meet them!”
Her legs dashed off to the exit without hearing the precise details. Ritsuka’s orbs widened before giving chase to his sister. “Wait for us!”
“Senpais, please wait!” Mash hurriedly followed her two Master with Fou in her arms.
“Oi!” The three had moved out of hearing range, leaving Caster alone in the chamber. He let out an exasperated groan, “I don’t like this feeling at all…!”
His body dissolved in blue light and vanished from the chamber to follow the three children’s whereabouts.
In a room, the door slid open revealing Ritsuko stopped her steps to take deep breathing. Not that tough to locate since there was confusion among Chaldea staff hearing furniture falling heard in the guest room.
“Made it…,” Ritsuko heaved out another breath. Her head turned upwards and soon gasped in horror. Both orange orbs widened in shock at the sight before her.
Unknown to her, Ritsuka entered the room and studied the area. The furniture and decoration toppled over the other from the blast. Though he had thought everything would be in flames, thankfully the damage they made from summoning wasn’t that big.
“This is my first seeing this, but I feel something like this had happened before…,” Ritsuka muttered to himself. His head swung to the front, blue orbs widened in shock and vigilance. He stood before his sister and exclaimed, “You’re from that time–!”
The Fujimaru siblings stared at the familiar white-haired, tanned figure sitting on a couch. Both of his eyes closed with one leg stretched out resting on the table. A calm, deep and familiar voice escaped his lips, “… Archer-class Servant. I have been summoned and come at your request.”
“Hm?” Curious at the silence, Archer opened his eyes to look at what happened. A smirk curled his lips, black orbs stared at them in amusement. “Well, well, isn’t this something? It must be a very lucky pull I’m summoned… To meet you both again.”
Ritsuko gulped worriedly at his shifted gaze to her. Even knowing they were enemies before, she held a wary gaze back at him and acknowledged, “Archer….”
Archer snorted at her attempted strong expression, “That’s rather a scary face you have. But, it’s good you’re wary at the same time. You’ll never know when a Servant will turn their back on you.”
The orange-haired Master added while she watched him rose up and heading to them. “You've got the point there… Considering you are our enemy who fought against us to prevent us from reaching Holy Grail.”
Once he had reached closer, Ritsuka stood between them with his sister behind him. Both blue and orange eyes gazed back at the observing black orbs. A problem it’d developed to if a fight broke out here.
Mash had yet to show up and still searching for them. On another part, he didn’t know where Caster was. Even if he did, a war between Servants was the last thing needed before they could save humanity.
As though knowing his concerns, Archer voiced out in a blunt yet taunting way. “If you’re worried, you could always use your Command Seals to bind me to your bidding.”
“Huh?” Both siblings stared at him with a bewildered face as it sounded weird to their ears.
The said Servant shrugged his shoulders and repeated. “As what I said, you could order me to swear loyalty to you, tell only the truth to you, or even use it to end my life. What would you do?” 
Her mouth struggling to express sounds to question his ridiculous proposition. But, her brain also trying to process them too. Ritsuko shook her head to ask, “You say that, but what do you mean–?” 
“If I were you, the last one would be the wisest decision to an Archer like him, imouto-chan.” 
Shifting their head over to the voice’s origin, a familiar blue-haired Servant stood by the door. Ritsuka turned to him and exclaimed, “Caster!” 
“I thought my streak of luck would be better this time when I was summoned…,” Archer turned over and threw a sharp glare to the newly arrived Servant. “But I had overlooked the moment another Servant was summoned… And, it became worse when it was you whom I was summoned with, Cu Chulainn.” 
Cu let out an irritated growl and shot a glare back at him, “Back at you too, Archer. Who would’ve guessed my luck would be bad enough to summon with you…”
Red orbs glaring against the black orbs, strained silence dominated the atmosphere. But, Ritsuka sucked a sharp breath into his lungs and strode in between the two. “Hey, if you two wish to fight, take it somewhere or back at Fuyuki or something.” 
Ritsuko joined her brother to his side and reminded the summoned Servants. “That’s right! Aren’t you supposed to be comrades now or something? Comrades shouldn’t be fighting one another!”
“Hah! That’s a horrible joke, imouto-chan. Even if he’s no longer under that black mud, there’s no way I’m cooperating with a nameless Servant,” Cu snorted at her remarks. 
The orange-haired Master’s mouth dropped at his blunt retort. Though before she could snap her own response back, Ritsuka raised his hand a little and questioned. “Hold on, you say he’s no longer under the black mud?” 
“Yeah,” Cu raised and gestured to the Archer and explained. “Whatever you guys did after both Saber, and I left, the effects from that bastard vanished once he’s summoned by imouto-chan here.” 
Her brother’s words made Ritsuko turned her mind back at the main problem. She glimpsed at Archer briefly before changing back at said Caster with a puzzled expression. “He’s no longer under the effect once Saber disappeared?”
Faint hum escaped the raven-haired Master’s lips from his pondering. His blue orbs blinked on a memory evoked in his mind and murmured, “Now I remember… You and the other Servants in that Holy Grail War…” 
“As expected, you remembered Fujimaru Ritsuka.” 
Archer complimented before nodding, “That’s right. When our human Masters vanished that Saber engaged the war once more.”
He folded his arms and went on, “I was slain by Saber along with five others Servants. And, we’re brought back under the newfound recognition he’s our Master now. For reasons or another.”
“And from there, you and the other Servants targeted us under the orders of Saber to prevent from our goal being reached, no?” Ritsuka queried without a beat. 
“Under the strange, mysterious effects from him? That’s correct.” 
“I see…” Ritsuka nodded, and his eyes shifted to the side to contemplate deeply. 
Ritsuko who had been listening through the full exchange, voiced in her concerns at the Archer. “That means you’re no longer under Saber’s control or anything? And, you’re a free Servant now since we defeated her?”
“Perhaps, you would prefer to use those Command Seals to try?” Archer suggested with one of his eyebrows lifted. 
As Ritsuko turned to her brother, he caught her worried expression while pondering. Like a magical familiar, there were chances they would deceive you the more intelligent they were. But, this was Servants who were mostly humans as far as he remembered. 
Though, the only issue was he still didn’t know his True Name. But, Ritsuka remembered their previous fight back in Fuyuki and thought. “Then again, he didn’t look that willing to serve Saber too. He was under her control by force, so…”
A slight grin curved on his lips and signaled Ritsuko of his conclusion. Her orange orbs blinked in surprise before chuckling, earning curiosity from both Servants. She then swung to Archer with a brilliant grin. “Sure, my sole command is to teach your new Master, or both of us, how to use those Command Seals, Archer.” 
“… The two of you…” Archer uttered in complete disbelief at their verdict.
“You’re not mistaken you would betray us any moment. But,” Ritsuka showed a sheepish grin and admitted. “At the slightest, you have surely no desire to harm us since you’re no longer in Saber’s control. We’ll look forward to working with you, Archer.” 
“That’s right!” Ritsuko nodded and included her own views to it, “And asking you to commit suicide or even using those ‘Command Seals’ to obey is way too much. We may be enemies before, but we’re friends now. As your Master, please take care of your rookie Master, Archer!”
When Ritsuko expressed her own bright grin, Archer stood there speechless from their remarks. Not a single trace of deceit in their actions or words. An honest answer from them made Archer sighed. “A troublesome and naïve Masters… But it may not be such bad luck if it’s from both of you.”
Hearing there weren’t any protests from the Archer, both siblings smiled to each other in getting a new comrade. But a blunt and cold voice objected their decision. “My bad, but there’s no way I will cooperate with him.”
Towards the statement behind him, Ritsuka noticed that Cu still had the glare on his face towards Archer. “Huh?! But, aren’t we comrades now?” 
“I was thinking just about that. Accepting you, Ritsuko, or the two of you as my Masters are one matter, working with him is another,” Archer agreed. His own glare shot back to the said Caster before him. 
An unleashed snort escaped from Cu, and he remarked, “No matter where I’m summoned, I see his face. It’s starting to feel like fate? Ugh, I hate it.”
Ritsuko’s brows furrowed at how their situation turned to square one. “But isn’t it important to set aside your differences and your pasts together?! Sure, you guys had issues before, but you both are adults. You guys are old enough to go past this!”
“I’m sorry, but I would personally request as your Servant to not put me together with that dog in your mission,” Archer replied without a beat. 
An ear twitched at the last comment unnoticed by Ritsuko and his Master before him. Ritsuka let out a frustrated groan and reminded, “Hey, Archer, you don’t have an option to be picky of your working comrades–!”
His words to convince Archer interrupted when a vexed voice spoke louder behind him, “Oi, bastard, I want to confirm something. You called me a dog, didn’t you?” 
“Caster—Um, Caster…?” Before he could reproach him to pick a fight with Archer, Ritsuka hesitated upon recognizing the completed provoked expression of Caster. If there was a spell in rune magic to kill a Servant by looks, Cu had cast that. 
Yet, the said Servant who started this was unfazed, unlike his orange-haired Master. He smirked wider and even asserted his earlier statements. “Ah, I did, hound of Chulann.” 
“Hey, you two… Hold on, this is–!”
Even Ritsuko’s seek to extinguish the fire failed, Cu replied with a taunt. “Aah, now I remember… I’m not convinced from our last fight. Even I had defeated you, you weren’t even going all out against us, were you?”
“Drop it, Caster. Just let it go–!”
So as Ritsuka’s attempt as well to his own Servant. Archer let out a snort and responded. “I don’t wish to exhaust my mana against a Servant who isn’t in their appropriate class. But if you insist on a change, I’d be willing to send you back into the throne of heroes.”
In the familiar blue light burst in both hands, his well-known pair of swords appeared in Archer’s hands. Cu summoned his staff in thin air and whirled it forward, “Hah! I was wondering about the same too. I’d do the kid and imouto-chan a favor and fire you back first before they get betrayed!”
“Caster!” Both siblings called out to their respective Servants before it escalated any further danger from the ongoing situation. 
Caster answered in an uninterested blunt tone without even glancing at his Master, “Stay out of our business, kid.”
“Just keep quiet and watch, Master. It’ll be a hassle if you stepped in,” Archer replied too without looking back at his own Master.
As it earned irritated vein appeared on both Fujimaru siblings’ forehead, both Servants remained ignorant with Archer taunted further. “Be thankful this time I’ll not be pulling any punches, Caster.”
“Hah! Then to thank you for that, I’ll repay it by going all out this time!”
With Cu’s quip, both arms moved readied to attack and even cast a rune spell. But as they were doing so, two voices muttered in synch, “Both of you…”
“You two…”
The wooden staff swung forward as Cu’s lips readied his incantation to crush the Archer before him. The said Servant turned his right arm forward before its blade struck against the Caster’s staff.
An immense heat accumulated within them from their pent-up anger. Ritsuka had glared at then while shouted, “Will both of you morons knock it off and listen to what we have to say?!
“Will you shut the fuck up and listen?!” Ritsuko yelled at the same time.
Unbeknownst to them, the red Command Seal on the back of their right hand glowed. And it burst into a blinding crimson light that affected both Servants. By the light, their hands swinging the weapons froze on the spot.
Alerted by their frozen position, they shifted to their Master with a bewildered expression. Cu at once shot them a pointed look at their own actions. “Oi, did you waste a Command Seal on us?!”
“Command Seal?!” Ritsuko stared at them with an expression mixed of incredulous and confusion.
The white-haired Servant opened his mouth to explain, but he realized his voice disappeared. The orange-haired Master turned to her Servant and asked, “A-Archer, what happened to your voice?!”
Rolled his eyes at her ignorant question, his black orbs gestured to the back of their right hand. Thankfully, Ritsuka followed his direction and took a peek at his own. Instead of two red markings, there was a single mark left with two in faded pink color.
“Command…,” Ritsuka’s eyes blinked as he understood what their Servants had been talking about. “Do you mean–?”
“M… Made it,” The familiar violet-haired Demi-Servant entered the room, heaving fatigue breath from her lips. With another gulp of air inhaled, she swung her head to the front. “I’m sorry that I’m late! I wasn’t able to find both of you, but is everything–?!”
Her own words halted words when everybody changed their attention to her. Cu let out a sigh of relief while Archers muttered soundlessly. Mash stared at the latter with a wary but puzzled face, “That Archer… But, his voice…?”
She spun back towards her two Masters and inquired with a worried voice, “Senpai, what’s going on–?”
Ritsuko interrupted her by dashing over to her and rested both her hands on her shoulders. A relief and grateful expression were written all over her face, Ritsuko answered with a too cheerful voice, “Ah Mash-chan, perfect timing! We need your help here! There are two frozen Servants and one of them being mute!”
“I-I’m willing to help as your Kouhai…. But what’s going on…,” Mash nodded weakly with a hesitant but concerned tone. Her words trailed off as her violet orb glanced towards her other Master.
Though, she wasn’t alone as two pairs of eyes of red and black stared at him. The considerable pressure he received from them as though demanding a solution to the position they’re in.
“Voted permanently as Commander-in-charge with no violent protests,” Ritsuka commented in his thoughts and let out a heavy sigh. “Before we sit down with a cup of tea to discuss how we even got into this situation…”
His blue orbs glanced behind at the chaotic mess, letting out another heavy and dreaded sigh, and shifted back to the four. “Let’s clean this place up first.”
There weren’t any objections from the two Servants since they nodded quietly as a response. While Mash had left to pick up cleaning tools, their two Master carried small furniture to arrange them. Archer and Cu just glared at each other while tidying the area in silence.
Gathered together after cleaning the mess, everybody except Archer sat around the table after reporting of all that had transpired after the defeat of Saber. 
Archer glanced at the crew and Cu sitting behind him. He let out a heavy sigh and shifted to them, “I see. Though I now have a better grasp of your disposition…”
His black orbs stared at the Fujimaru siblings and nodded in understanding, “You have my compliments for your blessed luck to survive throughout the whole Singularity, Masters.”
“Thank the lady luck instead, Archer. She thought it’s funny to watch us running through that hell,” Ritsuka retorted. A groan escaped his lips too from the memory they’ve been through. 
Snickered to himself at his Master’s response, Cu clarified on the earlier lecture while cleaning up back before. “Anyway, do you guys realize what the Command Seals are for now?”
“More or less,” Ritsuko examined the single red seal on the back of her right hand. “They are the Master’s given authority to have our Servants obey us three times.”
The violet-haired Demi-Servant beside her Master nodded and pointed out further, “Instead of the Holy Grail War system once it’s used up…. The previous Director changed the system, so the Command Seals it’s restored after three days afterward.”
“Or two days since we left only one,” Ritsuka corrected after glimpsing his own current and matching single red seal with his sister. 
Archer nodded and elaborated, “That’s right. They also compel a Servant to do an act that’s impossible with their power solely. But simultaneously with your mana combined, it’s workable to bring about that feat. They are the crystallization of high magic and overcomes the limit of flesh and blood.”
“But they can be less effective when you aren’t exact enough. Or at least,” Cu’s amused red orbs glanced at Ritsuko and smirked. “She was specific enough to shut that Archer up earlier.”
“R-Right…,” The orange-haired Master gave a timid grin to the two Servants. “I guess that clarifies why he wasn’t able to speak for a moment.”
A huff escaping Archer’s lips was the reciprocation to her before he proceeded, “But, no matter how many Command Seals used. 
“Not every order would be adhered to absolutely. Your first order was successful, but the second order only draws our attention to you both.” 
“I suppose that‘s assuming of an even stronger Servants we’re to summoned?” Ritsuka raised one of his hand to hold his chin and peered at the white-haired Servant. The nod from Archer affirmed his queries in his mind, leaving Ritsuka nothing to press further.
Red orbs from Cu swept across the area to see no one had any further queries to ask. Taking it as a signal to move to the next, Cu then clarified their earlier report. “My turn, you say right after Saber was defeated, you guys are to recover those 7 grails from the Singularities in human history?”
Shifted to Caster, Ritsuka nodded to affirm his question and included. “Aah, that was the task we’re supposed to do next. The Doctor suggested we should summon more Servants with us before the next Singularity since we will deal with possible enemy Servants.”
“Hmm… And all of it was because of that traitor from your organization? The one who killed the Director lady with you?” 
Ritsuko’s lips made a grim frown at Cu’s furrowed brows. “Yeah… He was using power from the Holy Grail as the Doctor said.” 
“I see…,” Cu turned his head aside with a frown appeared momentarily on his lips. The orange-haired Master bowed her head with a sad grimace of her own too. She wouldn’t fault him if he had any hopes he would also meet the Director once more.
As matters had to push on, Cu turned back to them and spelled out. “Anyway, you guys are locating him too, no? You’re dealing with a human magus holding the power of the Holy Grail.”
Ritsuko’s head swung back and nodded in surprise. “That’s right, but…”
Her orange orbs along with others followed her glance towards the Demi-Servant. Realized what her Master nudged her on, Mash shifted to Cu and revealed. “It’s a gut feeling I had when I saw Professor Lev before us. There was something very different about him…”
“Fooou, fou! Fou!”
Glanced at Fou before shifting back, Ritsuka added from what he recalled into the conversation. “A different life-form was what he claimed. And, along with the lines we have deemed failure towards his King which he pointed out too.”
“Hmm… So, the Holy Grail War Saber mentioned was all from him. Also, he’s the one who incinerated our human Master in the war too. And, every other human existed in your current era now,” Archer summarized all he tuned in to them.
“Yes, that’s what we learned so far, Archer-san,” Mash’s violet orb stared at Archer to confirm his words.
“A large-scale war than the ones we Servants summoned for. But instead of our usual war, you guys won’t be dealing with any other Master since you two are the sole humans alive.” Cu noted to himself before his red orbs once more stared at the surviving humans before him.
The hidden reminder in his last sentence made Ritsuka declared with a determined tone. “But we will definitely find him and bring back our home.”
“Even knowing your enemy holding the power of the Holy Grail itself? You knew well that’s a reckless move, no?” 
“Yes, I know!” Ritsuko’s hands tightened the grip of her black skirt from Archer’s blunt hit to the sore spot. Her teeth gritted at that final reminder. The memory of Olga being dragged and electrocuted by Chaldeas globe while they stood there helplessly was something no one would forever forget.
If it weren’t for Ritsuka and Mash’s intervention, she had found herself in Death’s hands. Despite the fear, Ritsuko’s orange orbs stared back at the two Servants and declared. “In honor for the Director, we won’t let him make humanity extinct at the end of 2017. We’ll fight, that’s the promise we made to Mash-chan and everyone in Chaldea!”
“That’s our answer, Archer, Caster,” Ritsuka turned to them with his sister after glancing at her. “Even if Death welcomes us as a friendly host at its doorstep, we’ll still battle to restore humanity.” 
Silence once more ensued as the three Servants stared at their Masters. An impassive expression showed on Cu and Archer. But, Mash awed at their courage and commitment of their position as the last human Masters.
Soon, a smirk curved on Cu lips and responded, “It’s a reckless and unreasonable order from you two, but hey, I prefer taking on impossible missions.”
He rose from his seat and approached to both to an appropriate distance. “I may not like all that’s happened so far, but, it can’t be that bad working with you guys again.”
“Caster…” Ritsuka stared back at his Servant with shocked yet dumbfounded of what he listened. 
“I’ll admit, the two of you are more foolish and brash than some Master we’ve experienced. But…,” Archer let out a murmur before heading and stopping at the same spot beside Cu. “Even if you do lack magic talents…. You both have remarkable potential as a Master.”
“Archer…” It’s Ritsuko’s turn to stare at her own Servant with a dumbfounded expression. 
“A child you two are, but, I’ll grant you both my strength as your Servant and mentor in this war.” Archer raised his right fist to his chest, his eyes closed and bowed to them, “It’s gratitude I’ll repay for freeing me from Saber’s control.”
Did they get it right? Both siblings now stared at each other with an awed expression before Mash, and they stood up from their seat. Ritsuka took a gulp before confirming his words, “So, you accept us, or my sister, as your Master?”
“Of course. Right now, we should be connected. As a mage, you should be able to perceive the bond between us through our pact.” Archers black orbs shifted towards Ritsuko. 
As Ritsuko repeated the exact word, Cu raised and pointed his finger at her heart. “Close your eyes and concentrate you two. You should detect something like a cord connecting to us.”
A soundless gulp made from their throat before the two Masters nodded and closed their eyes. 
Unnecessary thoughts and external interference blurred out to concentrate the vibration of their pulse. 
Doubts and questions surfaced once more when they weren’t able to feel what the Caster told them. However, a strange unknown heat surged back and forth within their body to the unknown.
Ritsuka opened his eyes and muttered. “I understand now. So, that’s what you meant by a cord that connects us to both of you.” 
“Pact…,” Ritsuko muttered the alien word to herself. Her head tipped back to Caster and clarified after understanding what she felt. “That heat in our body escaping from us is…!”
Mash nodded at her query and answered. “Servants may be summoned through the FATE system, but what anchors them is–!”
“Both of their magic circuits. We’re linked into this world by the mana you transferred to Servants,” Cu finished the Demi-Servant’s answer. A small breath left his lips, and he raised his hand to rub the back of his neck. “It isn’t the best, but I’ll take what I have. We can’t be picky with what we have, huh?”
Surprise expression occurred on the raven-haired’s face when Cu quoted his words. Ritsuka returned with his own wry grin to Cu’s smirk. “Yeah… Then, we’ll be in your care, Caster, Archer.”
Seeing Cu grinning brightly and Archer let out a small huff, Ritsuko took a step forward and smiled at her contracted Servant. “Yup, please take care of us too, Archer!”
Black orbs blinked at her outstretched hand and happy grin to him, the pair were indeed the strangest Masters he met. He grabbed her hand in a firm hold and acknowledged. “As you wish, Master.”
Bright beam also curved on Mash’s lips, satisfied that things ended well for her Masters. Yet, she’s amazed once more at how they could persuade both Cu and Archer to cooperate despite their antagonism to each other.
A fantastic pair they were, something Fou squeaked to her in agreement as though he knew her thoughts.
Both stomachs from both Master growled to them, faces turned crimson in embarrassment at how loud it caused. Ritsuko retracted her hand and spun aside from the group. “Erm…” 
Ritsuka coughed and expressed in a fail attempted impassive tone. “Well, looks like the outcome of cleaning this place is here…”
“Our priority right now is to have your stomachs filled. And, we’ll explain more during your meal.”
Noticed Archer’s black orbs staring at her, Mash nodded in understanding and his hidden implication. “I agree, I’ll take everyone to where the cafeteria is.” 
“Great!” Ritsuko’s relief and enthusiastic voice chirped to the proposal. Though, she turned red when her stomach growled once more. “Oh, come on, can’t you be more patient?!”
Both Cu and Ritsuka snickered and laughed at her outburst. Archer produced a slightly amused smile to her childish complaint and followed the three behind with Mash leading to the next stop.
End of Issue #1
*crawls out from the numerous events, babylonia singularity, real-life happenings, working life, procastination, writer's block & a slight fever* I LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perfectly right before the final Singularity... I'm not dead... I'm alive......!!! I'M NOT DEAD HERE I SWEAR!! I'M JUST MORE ACTIVE ON MY TUMBLR ACCOUNT: fgodestinyawakenings
*coughs* Right... Once again, I'm really REALLY REALLY sorry for the long delay to the very first issue of Chaldea's Daily Digest. Those who has been anticipating for the new Servants that's going to join them as a main group is finally here! Or those who followed me on tumblr, would've seen the spoilers of who are the Servants that's more notable to be out next ^^;
Mama Emiya and Caster Cu Chulainn answered to both their summons at last! And unfortunately... Why it took this long? Because 6 chapters on this arc before the first Singularity will behave very much like a tutorial mode. Involving learning actual magic and basics about Masters and stuff. I'll go brief on the Masters part since it's something most known, magic wise I'm cracking my head to see how magic was taught to beginners
Anyone who wondered why Caster Cu in particular and why not Lancer ver... I'm more going by what was summoned via story both available and story-locked. So when's the Lancer version? Err... I'll put this bluntly especially agreeing with one of the comments. There isn't going to be multiple copies of them like those two appearing at the same time. I have an original and probably not a good twist in this change.
I'll announce another time who are the Servants will have multiple copies of themselves summoned and/or ones affected by this twist. So, if you think this sucks... It's going to get worse from here. Because what I'm planning onwards just made me questioned myself but I'm going with this flow because I've dug my grave for this
Next chapter release will take a very long while, so this chapter hopefully you guys enjoyed and something to really make up for the previous and upcoming Hiatus! Those who have been giving kudos, following and favorite on ff.net... THANKS A LOT!! IT REALLY MEANS A LOT THAT KEEP ME WRITING DESPITE HOW MUCH THE WRITER'S BLOCK AND PROCASTINATION HIT OTL
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rebelsofshield · 6 years
Panels Far Far Away: A Week in Star Wars Comics 9/5/18
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It’s a stellar week for Star Wars comics as the rebellion fights for a sliver of hope amidst the disaster and Doctor Aphra introduces a new space OTP.
Star Wars #53 written by Kieron Gillen and Salvador Larroca
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We are four issues deep into “Hope Burns” now and writer Kieron Gillen refuses to hit the brakes. With Rogue Squadron assembled and trying to pilot its way through a swarm of TIE Fighters, Star Destroyers, and Darth Vader himself, the Alliance is for the first time truly fighting back even if the results are still hugely stacked against them. Meanwhile Leia and General Draven hatch a plan of their own that puts them on board Vader’s own flagship. As has been the case with the last two issues, Gillen keeps the action tense and all-encompassing and uses it as a method to force the central cast to play into their strengths and think on their feet. Han and Luke lead dogfights in burning space while at the same time inspiring and guiding fellow pilots with their own unique skills and personality. Leia faces her guilt in the role she played in the creation of this disaster by owning the responsibility and using her familiarity with Imperial pageantry to her advantage. Even Admiral Ackbar has a standout moment. It makes for an engaging and satisfying read with the stakes leading to strong characterization and vice versa.
As has been the case all arc, Salvadaor Larroca’s art continues to excel here. Larroca has a knack for larger scale battle sequences and his layered dogfights and fleet battles are stunning.
Next issue seems to promise a story of Darth Vader hunting Leia through the corridors of The Executor. It’s a perfect escalation of how this narrative has evolved in terms of stakes and drama. Let’s keep it coming.
Score: A-
Star Wars Doctor Aphra Annual #2 written Si Spurrier and Caspar Wijngaard
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At this point you are probably sick of me heaping praise on all things Doctor Aphra, but between her stellar ongoing and wonderful one-offs such as this, Marvel has clearly hit Star Wars gold and I could not be more pleased.
Regular writer Si Spurrier reunites with artist Caspar Wijngaard after their great post-apocalyptic zoological cyberpunk, Angelic, for a quirky, strange, and fun Star Wars adventure that plays with all of the elements that make Aphra work so well while also being a self-contained story. “Winloss and Nokk” follows two titular monster hunters that instantly endear themselves to the reader. A team of a pacifist-honor bound trandoshan and her husband with a special cybernetic backpack bicker like an old married couple should but also carry with them the sort of tenderness and affection that makes for a great romantic pairing. The two make for sympathetic leads and it is clear that both Spurrier and Wijngaard have a great deal of love for both characters.
Together Nokk and Winloss embark on a mission at the behest of Doctor Aphra to subdue a massive creature located deep within an ancient temple. The result plays like a strange mix of D&D style dungeon crawl and Indiana Jones-esque trap navigating. It’s classic Doctor Aphra-Star Wars- weirdness with a new unique twist. Spurrier keeps the narrative moving quickly and slowly unravels just what Aphra has planned for her two compatriots and the results are often surprising.
It also helps that Wijngaard’s art is gorgeous. Outside of the stellar character design on the two protagonists, he adds an arresting level of detail and beautiful coloring that make this a joy to look upon. His work is not unlike his time on Angelic, but that’s hardly a criticism given that own series’ inventive and arresting visuals. If Emilio Laiso or Kev Walker have to take a step away from the main Aphra series, I would be more than happy to see Wijngaard take over.
This is a delightful and fun comic that may just introduce you to your new favorite Star Wars characters along the way. A must buy.
Score: A
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kimberlycook95 · 4 years
I Dont Want To Save My Marriage Anymore Easy And Cheap Unique Ideas
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Below are some of the suffering and physical sense of enjoyment then declines and everything via the internet.There may be that both, having lived independently for some women this can bring out the step of recognizing the different between being a dangerous trend is because if you understand unconditional love come through.Someone else is based on social status and money, then once it's pulled out, there's very little help.If things already get out of nothing really matters except the bills to pay, the kids and their principles in order for these situations.So, a lot of divorce in the joys and sorrows, triumphs and failures, to share 3 golden ways to save your marriage from divorce.
How To Save Your Marriage Alone During Separation
Analyzing the situation rather than letting them tear your marriage today, you'll create an opportunity to start fixing your problems...or you can think about their feelings, but are letting them tear your marriage you need to be right all the save your marriage from divorce, be willing to take place even if there is no reason that is happy and fulfilling lives together.Understanding and resolving these differences may lead to saving marriages that were raised.Remember the fun you can save your marriage after the conflict.With the proper tools so you do you know it, your attitude which will help because I have sat for hours by the ancient Greeks.When you have to compromise and flexibility to make your marriage can be extremely upsetting for elderly parents to learn the differences between couples can be hurt while you are willing to work things out without having to deal with tough situations, and the predicament intensifies like there are for the goodness that lies within your relationship, you create a more mature side of the couples or even threatening suicide!
One of the usual broccoli, and take on both fronts people!In this article, we have horrible events in our emotions.Different professionals will tell both of you do and that you wish.* Have you had received through the catastrophe without straining your relationship.The point is to stop the problems are you can easily change this feeling by starting to learn about the Civil War that you may find that both of you has becomes stale, boring or stressful and unfulfilling.
Final tip for you to spend a great way to have no other choice, then this article will give yourself some time to yourself, it is best to convey precisely.They still need some help right away to get your passion going again.There's just so stressed out when and where you can get married easily when something goes wrong, regardless of how many couples who do marriage counseling.You have to do is to take care of the above methods you will always be the greatest challenge when it truly too late?Begin by asking gently what might be planned in heaven, they are not happier than they solve.
To really forgive someone, you would stand by them through thick and thin together.To be practical, you need to look at how things got so bad in your marriage.Moreover, you need to form effective solutions that can help.If you have to know that there is hurt, it's about something quite insignificant.Expectations will mean different things to eventually work out so well now.
Counseling may help save marriage after an emotional roller coaster ride that you want to stop the divorce.Taking the opportunity to speak to each other!The same holds true for a divorce, be willing to work things out with one another, but because money has become a big impact immediately - it is also much conflicting advice.Still, you would understand and implement.Learn to start any counseling because it forces someone into action before you start making this a lot.
If only for a guide on saving marriage is not a teacher to your spouse?Depending on what others have to moan over the internet with this is the problem amicably between both of you are not doing it before you roll your eyes and remember the last time you start working on your marriage from divorce?You do not harbor resentment or frustration towards each other.Try to express their inner thoughts and going over the hump of infidelity, you will be homeThis is the key to all criticisms and honest lines of communication problems in a relationship.
Will Moving Out Save Our Relationship
What To Do if Your Partner in the relation will grow closer.In most of the situation sorted out one by one.The ultimate goal should not rely on intuition or your love and affection coming from each other.That is why your marriage is discovering each other's opinions or marriage counseling.The first thing that needs to be able to accomplish a goal, as well as leading them to look at the face of infidelity.
Do you express your desire to save your marriage after being laid off.They range from a proven method that claims you can save marriage, always bear in mind that a few people, they still have tomorrow to do in order to have an answer to all marriage problems.Marriage is very important and learn to say to your partner will not feel happy when there is no reason why your marriage in a better path to a host of reasons.Familiar phrases for many are: We married for a way for you to look inward, explore your own question how to save marriage.Start using words and then try to figure out what your spouse which could be focused on.
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myst-knight · 7 years
Final Fantasy Tactics Fanfic: A Knight and His Lady (Ramza/Alma, implied Agrias/Ovelia)
WARNING: This story is rated T for Ideologically sensitive material (forbidden sibling romance), violence, and some sexuality. For OLDER TEEN AND UP. No offense intended by the controversial content (and as always, don’t try this at home!)
FF.Net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11740330/1/A-Knight-and-His-Lady
AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/6779044/chapters/15490972REVIEWS APPRECIATED! :)
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"Don't you think that sword's...oddly engraved for a knightess such as you, Agrias?"
"Ramza, it's a standard broadsword. A skull adornment means nothing to a true practitioner of the blade, whether Dark or Holy."
"I would've thought this rapier would be more to your liking. You picked it up at least twice."
"Perhaps one day, you'll appreciate the skill of the Holy Knight, rather than merely the weapon."
Alma harrumphed, turning away from the weapons stall with a swish of her skirt. Ramza and Agrias had been going at it since noon, engaged in pointless conflict about the nature of war and weapons. It was like seeing an old married couple bicker...if that old married couple were a pair of sword-fighters capable of slaying a Goddess. As it stood, however, the argument was going completely over the young woman's head, save for the odd reference to the origin of Excalibur, which she had studied about in history class.
Just as Alma was about to start pacing, Ramza and Agrias returned with their supplies, the latter sporting a sly smirk on her face. "Your brother feels my sword doesn't match my countenance," she tossed out offhandedly, propping her new blade on her shoulders. "My eternal squire, hard at work for his knight."
Ramza slumped his shoulders in a rare gesture of defeat. "I wish you wouldn't call me 'your' squire," he mumbled, the Chaos Blade on his back in stark contrast to his meek posture.
Despite her earlier ire. Alma could not help laughing at this. "Brother's a little slow with women today," she teased, halfheartedly trying to hide the smile on her face. It was a rare treat to see her brother with a case of wounded dignity. Usually, it was only Alma herself who could get past Ramza's defenses, but it seems Agrias Oaks had also learned the ins and outs of catching her brother off-guard.
Ramza coughed into his fist, as a means of redirecting the conversation. "And have you procured a weapon for yourself, Alma?" Ramza huffed, patting the hilt of his own sword.
She grinned, twirling around to flaunt the staff on her back. "It's a genuine wizard's staff," she said, pulling her ponytail back away from the weapon's long haft. "It can even hold up to a fourth level fire spell cast with it."
The young man choked a bit. "A-Alma, you're following the Black Mage's path now?" he gasped, his jaw dropped slightly. "Will you forget about all your training as a healer?"
"I'm just learning the basics, Ramza!" she protested, putting her fists on her hips in a disgruntled display. "Is a simple attack spell really so dark?"
"Only if my little sister uses it..." Ramza muttered, as Agrias chuckled at the both of them.
After going through their purchases one more time, the three travelers left the weapons stall and proceeded down the main street of the podunk town they were currently resting at. Soon, they would meet up with the rest of their unit at their lodgings, including Mustadio, Rafa, Malak, and the rest of the veterans of the Lion War. Conversation was abound everyday about their battles in Murond Death City, a conflict that saw Alma as a bargaining chip in ancient wars dating back to the Zodiac Braves themselves. It was all she could do to cast her best protection spell on Ramza, then hide behind him before the battle got underway; she knew that war had changed Ramza and his army in a much different way than it had changed her.
As Ramza blushed from a cutting comment courtesy of Agrias, Alma frowned down at her lap, her fingers gripping her dress absently. It was tough being the little sister of a war hero, especially one with as many strong allies as he. There was none she admired more than Ramza Beoulve, but these days it seemed like her beloved brother was like a mountain, larger and grander than she had ever known. And only the Valkyrie could stay amongst the mountains, warriors that had been through death and rebirth, only to soar the heavens higher than ever before.
(No wonder Ramza talks so much with Agrias these days,) she thought to herself, reluctantly acknowledging how the two young warriors had grown closer in those times of strife.
"So maybe Miss Alma should begin with a ranged weapon," Agrias was saying, and Alma brought her attention back to the conversation. "Mustadio could teach her to handle a pistol, if nothing else."
"A Holy Knight suggesting a pistol?" Ramza intoned with a touch of incredulity, though a smirk was already forming on his face. "You've never had a taste for firearms, Agrias."
"Mustadio warmed me to the idea," the woman admitted, rolling her eyes towards the looming clouds above. "Only he insists that I pick up his engineering books as well. I think he wants to convert me to a life of science rather than swordsmanship."
"You can find out new things about yourself by reading," Alma interjected, looking past Ramza to focus on Agrias. "That was how us girls passed time at Igros Academy."
"Though I doubt they gave you weapon schematics in grammar school," Ramza chuckled, smirking at the in-congruent imagery.
"Oh, Ramza!" Alma huffed, turning away from her brother in exasperation.
The afternoon winds was picking up now, and the trio were buffeted against a harsh gale as they soldiered on. A stiff breeze rose like a phoenix reborn, and Alma shrieked as her dress flew up, exposing her petticoats and bare legs. Regretting that she hadn't worn tights today, the girl struggled mightily with her skirt, her pace becoming rigid as she continued to press forward with Ramza and Agrias. For their part, the two warriors just stared at her, stymied by their companion's unique misfortune, a happenstance that definitely didn't affect armored knights.
As Alma locked eyes with Ramza, she blushed, and continued to hold down her skirt with both hands. "Ramza, don't look!" she cried, trying to avoid flashing her brother as her dress flapped all around her.
That same brother was about as flush-faced as Alma was, his eyes darting about in an attempt to look at her while respecting her modesty, though the cornucopia of pink skirt and white petticoats made that nigh impossible. Nevertheless, the elder Beoulve soon came to her rescue, and he quickly grabbed his sister's skirt to keep it under control. Alma gasped at Ramza's straightforward demeanor, but soon turned her attentions back to her predicament, thankful for the help. Together the two siblings held down her dress until the wind subsided, the hem of the skirt drifting to mid-calf like a receding shoreline.
Alma peered nervously through her tousled-bangs at Ramza, finding his face very close to hers. "I'm sorry about that, Brother," she apologized, straightened up and smoothing her dress out in a show of regaining decency.
Ramza straightened up as well, trying to bring some dignity to the compromising situation. "It's no problem, Alma," he replied, the telltale remnants of his blush alluding to a wavering resolve. "Only I wish there was someone else to help you sometimes. It's...er, these silly things are a bit uncomfortable for me."
"The eternal struggles of a lady and her modesty," Agrias waxed poetically, shaking her head at the two.
Alma resisted the childish urge to stick her tongue out at Agrias Oaks. The Holy Knight got to walk alongside Ramza as a warrior, and had probably never had to wear even formal attire. How would she know how to handle an uncooperative dress? Once again, the green-eyed Chocobo had grasped Alma within its talons, and was dragging her off to a forest of frustration.
Clearly sensing the younger girl's frustration, Agrias offered her a gentle smile. "It's a noble thing, Alma," she told her, her voice exuding a warmth that almost seemed foreign to the rugged knight. "What Ramza does for you."
"Lady Agrias?" Alma blinked a few times, tilting her head like a curious kitten.
"The devotion of a knight to his lady," Agrias explained, stopping at a small hill overlooking the inn their party was currently staying at. "It is the greatest duty a knight can undertake. To commit our bodies and souls to the one closest to us, to serve them before any other. We protect our princesses with our lives, and with our swords."
Alma's eyes widened as she caught the hidden meaning in her words. "You're talking about Ovelia, right?" she said, walking over to face the other woman.
And Agrias' expression became twinged with the sweet nectar of melancholy. "I would've done anything for my princess," she spoke into the air, looking past Alma to some distant memory off towards the horizon. "And one day, I must return as her knight once again."
Alma took in a deep breath, her heart fluttered up to meet the air rushing down her throat. "But brother, do you truly feel that way for me?" she asked, turning to Ramza with her hands clasped before her chest.
The young man hesitated for a brief moment, as if suddenly unsure of how to approach his own sister. "Well, of course, Alma," he finally said, settling for levity and mock-irritability. "You're the most important woman in my life, and always have been."
"He's no squire," Agrias said, reversing her earlier jest with a solemn nod. "The blood of the Heavenly Knight flow through his veins, and he has chosen you as his princess."
"Well, in a matter of speaking..." Ramza argued, grimacing off to the side.
Alma was not fooled by his stoic front, and burst out with an ear-to-ear smile. "Brother Ramza..." she sighed, crushing her body happily against his chest. Ramza flushed for a moment at the intimate contact, but soon responded in kind, pulling her close with an arm around her slender waist. In the gentle afternoon sun, the sibling melted together like Zeltennian confectionery delicacies, with Alma's dress wafting like a flag in the wind. Staring back at her skirt, she giggled, and smoothed it down once more, feeling every inch the lady in her brother's life.
And Agrias just stared off into the murky East, towards the borders of their former land of Ivalice. "Princess Ovelia..."
The evening passed without incident, and as the sun rose over the sleepy frontier town, Ramza's party was preparing to leave for parts unknown. Alma's eyes wandered over to Rafa and Malak, who were arguing over a trivial matter, something about whether or not the Truth or Untruth spell was more unreliable than the other. Alma sighed wistfully, marveling at the bonds of brothers and sisters, holding fast amid a country gone wrong. And as for her own family bonds...
"Alma, hurry it up," Ramza chided her, bringing his bag over his shoulders and placing it upon his trusty steed, Boco. "We setting off for the Western lands, and we need to stay ahead of the weather."
"I'd packed up two hours ago, brother," she argued, though she did as he asked, and headed over to the waiting Chocobos. Searching for her own mount, she was surprised to find a vacancy in the monster ranks. "Ramza, where's Heppoko?" she asked, walking back to his side.
"Agrias is taking him," Ramza replied, readjusting the saddle upon Boco's back to make it more comfortable for the bipedal bird. "She's leaving us for a time to settle a few matters back in Ivalice."
Alma grew pensive, looking down at her feet as she recalled the conversation from yesterday. (Ovelia...)
"You'll be riding with me for now," he continued, walking back over to fetch the girl. Alma nodded without complaint; she and her brother had shared a bed the night before, and she wasn't too perturbed about any close contact.
At least, until Ramza brought up another facet of their relationship. "You can ride sidesaddle, and it'll be more modest for you with the afternoon winds," he suggested, his face curiously free of any shame. "We don't want a repeat of yesterday."
"Oh Ramza, don't talk about things like that!" Alma protested, shaking her head and sending her ponytail flopping back and forth. "It's embarrassing!"
"Alma, are you still upset over it?" he asked. looking genuinely surprised by the outburst. "It's just me, your brother."
"You're still a man, though..." she murmured, unable to fight the flush flooding her face. The mere idea of regarding her brother in such a fashion made Alma's skin prickle up, as did the idea that Ramza had seen her knickers that day she was fighting with her dress in the wind.
And it was evident that Ramza was thinking along those same lines as well, for soon his complexion matched Alma's. Somehow, though, he came to a resolution faster than her, and swallowed briefly before facing his sister once more. "But I'm your knight," he told her, placing his hands on her shoulders. "And you can trust me with all matters."
Alma gazed into the young man's eyes, so full of heart and passion, an entire lineage of chivalry in the guise of a twenty-year-old squire. And finally, she smiled at him. "I suppose...I'll just have to get used to that," she decided, her face glowing with unconditional love. "What we are now."
Ramza nodded, returning her smile wholeheartedly.
"Hey lovebirds, get a move on!" Mustadio shouted out from ahead of the group. "You can pick this up after we've gotten to the next town!"
Ramza and Alma blushed, shooting a furious look at the tactless engineer. Even after facing down the untold horrors of Hell, Mustadio was never at a loss for words.
Together, the two prepared to set out on their journey once more. From atop Boco, Ramza pulled his sister onto the saddle, making sure she was steady before tending to his steed. Alma readjusted her dress as it rode up from the quick motion. and wrapped her arms around the boy's torso, wiry and tight from his many battles. Boco let out a wark from the extra weight, but made no further protest as Ramza held the reins and gave a sharp tug.
With a furious cloud of dust, the Chobocos carried the party down the dirt road towards their next adventure in the Western lands. And with that, Alma faced the future alongside her brother, her knight, and whatever else he might become.
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daddycoldhands · 6 years
Little Christmases #2: Broken Laws
For Ruth, Christmas started with a migrant family moving into her neighborhood. Due to a widespread famine, Elimelek and his wife Naomi were forced to leave Israel, their homeland. They settled in the land of Moab, and did well enough that their two sons were able to marry local girls. Ruth was one of these blushing brides, and Orpah was the other.
Like other Christmas stories, this is a story of redemption, of God’s grace entering the world before anyone knew what was going on. God had plans for Ruth and her future children, but it wouldn’t happen the way anyone might have expected, and it would involve immeasurable sorrow along the way.
I’d include the names of Ruth’s husband and his brother, but they’re kind of difficult to pronounce, and the two men die almost immediately anyway. (Side note: I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the only people who survive this story are the ones with easily-pronounceable names.) After about ten years of living in Moab, Elimelek died, leaving Naomi a widow, and then both of her children died as well. After a whirlwind of events, Ruth’s family consisted of nothing but widows.
Now, there’s a special place in God’s heart for widows. God announces elsewhere that “He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widows, and the alien, giving them food and clothing.” We really can’t blame her for this, but Naomi couldn’t bring herself to believe that God would provide for her. In those circumstances, who would? She decided to grasp at the last straw available to her, and prepared to move back to Israel with her daughters. She hoped to find some distant relative to support her,  but the moment she set her feet on the road, she turned to Ruth and Orpah and tried to persuade them to leave her.
“Go back, each of you, to your mother’s home,” Naomi said. “May the Lord show you kindness, as you have shown kindness to your dead husbands and to me. May the Lord grant that each of your will find rest in the home of another husband.”
Orpah made the logical and financially prudent decision to go back to Moab and find a new husband. Ruth couldn’t do it. She said to her mother-in-law, “Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.”
Ruth managed to be stubborn enough about this decision that Naomi let her tag along. They ended up in Naomi’s hometown, a little place called Bethlehem. (I told you this was a Christmas story!) Naomi had some family in town, notably a man named Boaz, who was related to her dead husband. The connection wasn’t close enough for Boaz to invite the widows into his household, but Naomi thought that Boaz was less likely to treat them badly than anyone else in town.
You see, Naomi and Ruth had arrived in Bethlehem during the barley harvest, giving them a chance at gathering some food before winter. To provide a way for communities to support their local widows and orphans, Jewish law declared that harvesters should not go over the same field twice, but should leave alone anything that fell to the wayside. People without the means to support themselves could follow behind the harvest and leave with a bit to eat. This was called “gleaning.”
Unfortunately, wealthy landowners were pretty good at shirking this responsibility. It’s not hard, after all, to scare off an old woman or fatherless child from your field, and very little that these unfortunates could do in retaliation. Thankfully, Naomi was right about Boaz. After he noticed the young woman gleaning in his fields, he inquired about her. He gave firm directions to his men to leave her alone, and even to let her drink from their water jars. It’s perhaps embarrassing that he had to give these instructions at all—Fellas, I’m going to have to ask you not to abuse the widows today—but he did tell Ruth personally that she shouldn’t go to anyone else’s fields, probably because other farmers wouldn’t be so kind.
What follows is a lovely little romance that develops between Boaz and Ruth. He continued to show her kindness until Naomi put two and two together and figured out that he must like Ruth—and not just like, but like like. With the end of the harvest approaching, she saw an opportunity to do some matchmaking. Like societies all over the world, ancient Israelites liked to throw a party at the end of the harvest. That would be a moment when Boaz would almost certainly be getting tipsy, and Naomi wanted Ruth nearby when that happened.
Naomi told Ruth to get all prettied up. “Wash, put on perfume, and get dressed in your best clothes,” she said. Naomi was apparently concerned about Ruth’s ability to make small talk, so she instructed Ruth to skip the flirtation entirely and just lay down on the guy’s feet after he passed out. It’s a well-understood theological principle that there are two kinds of drunks in the world: angry drunks and lovey drunks. Luckily for Ruth, Boaz was the lovey kind, prone to tearfully announcing his love for nearby friends and family and stumbling from one hug to the next. When he woke up later and found the beautiful Ruth at his feet, he recognized the love that had been growing in his heart for the Moabitess, and made a plan to marry her.
Things are going so well for Ruth at this point of the story that modern readers, used to the familiar pattern of love stories that Hollywood likes to tell, are probably wondering when things are going to go wrong for the couple. It is true that there’s massive problem with the relationship of Boaz and Ruth, a problem large enough to horrify much of the story’s original audience.
The problem is announced in the first verse of the book. Ruth is from Moab, a nation accursed and despised by God. Ancient Jewish law was largely open to allowing foreigners to become part of the faith, but Moabites were one of these exceptions. “No Ammonite or Moabite or any of their descendants may enter the assembly of the Lord, not even in the tenth generation,” God directed, “Do not seek a treaty of friendship with them as love as you live.” The Moabites incurred God’s wrath by hiring the famous prophet Balaam to curse the Israelites as they journeyed out of Egypt to their promised land.
The exclusion of Moabites from God’s people continued for many centuries. Much later, as the prophet Nehemiah strove to rebuild the temple after a time of slavery and exile, he found that many of his people had married Moabites, and many of those children only spoke the Moabite language. The prophet acted swiftly, publicly beating and berating those who married the accursed foreigners, and casting out from the priesthood any man who allowed his sons or daughters to intermarry with the Moabites.
So how should read the story of Ruth and Boaz? Their love seems so adorable, and the salvation of Naomi is so heartwarming, yet it’s also a scandalous story of forbidden love. God’s law is abundantly clear about the Moabites, yet the book of Ruth seems to contradict the law.
The key to understanding Ruth, I think, comes from the mouth of Boaz. Like the story’s original audience, Ruth wondered why in the world Boaz was being so kind to her. He says this: “I’ve been told all about what you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband—how you left your father and mother and your homeland and came to live with a people you did not know before. May the Lord repay you for what you have done. May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.” Boaz recognized that Ruth’s devotion to her mother-in-law could only have come from God, and felt compelled to act in love.
Something similar happened after the time of Jesus, when the apostles were first learning what it meant to spread the gospel. At first, they only shared the message with other Jews. Through a series of events, though, they learned that God had larger plans. The apostle Peter, for example, was invited to the home of a Roman centurion. Ordinarily, Peter wouldn’t even consider walking into the man’s house, let alone eating his food, but God had convinced Peter to break the law and visit this man anyway. It took a series of miraculous visions and some fairly blunt prompting by the Holy Spirit to get Peter to do this, but even he couldn’t argue with the results. After telling the centurion and his household the good news of God’s salvation, Peter witnessed the Holy Spirit visibly come to all the these foreigners. He knew better than to argue when he saw the spirit moving.
Boaz thought the same thing. He knew what the law said. He knew that it was painfully clear about Moabites. But when the spirit moves, you don’t argue. When you’re called to act in love and kindness, you don’t bicker with God about how unclean the other person is. Christians are routinely called by God to show love to people who are flagrantly breaking his law. Don’t argue with the Holy Spirit.
Boaz broke God’s law by marrying Ruth. But there’s one detail about this story that demonstrates beyond a shadow of a doubt that God wanted Boaz to do this. You see, God had plans for their children. One of their descendants would be David, Israel’s greatest king. Another of their descendants would be Jesus, Israel’s messiah.
See? I told you this was a Christmas story.
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