#them like this too its like. it literally is not parasocial or crazy to think of them as nice and sweet and humble they just ARE
thekidsarentalright · 5 months
hearing about fob from ppl that they work with always makes me feel The Fob Emotion so so strongly because it's not like i ever doubted this abt any of them but it’s like. oh they really are just that nice and down to earth and humble and good to work with huh? and they really truly are just best friends and brothers who love each other a lot huh? they really are just these guys who got lucky doing the thing they love more than anything with people they love more than anything who still only care about those people and the music above anything else .
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victimsofyaoipoll · 8 months
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Every Supernatural Woman
Supernatural is so mean to women and committed to queerbaiting but it still gives Sam and Dean lovers to kill. The writers kill and villainize them and the fans get the few that remain
wincest and destiel shippers cannot handle the idea of their blorbos having a Woman THREATENING their SHIPS god FORBID
It literally used to be a running joke that if a female character got introduced you knew she was going to die soon because fans would react so negatively to her "stealing" one of the boys away from the big ship, whether it be destiel or wincest
Misa Amane
she gets treated in-canon the way fandoms treat female characters that Threaten an m/m ship. it's like, "oh why don't you go sit in the corner and be pretty, misa, while the Men have intelligent conversation and pretend they aren't ten seconds from fucking each other, doesn't that sound nice?" it's infuriating. and MAYBE it's better now but i remember her getting treated the same way in fanfiction too, like we all need to do just as badly by our female secondary characters as fucking tsugumi ohba, but with the added insult of making her be alternately oblivious of the relationship between light and L or actively trying to sabotage it—incompetently, of course, because god forbid misa be allowed dignity or moments of cleverness.
she's one of the first characters I think of when I consider old school fandom misogyny. The annoying bitch and clingy crazy gf allegations were AFTER HER ASS. She's also a lot more intelligent than people gave her credit for, but most seem inclined to take the Very Biased word of our unreliable, narcissistic narrator and his homoerotic arch nemesis and claim that just because she's bubbly and into romance that she's also a complete moron. Which is blatantly untrue. Everyone was afraid of Misa girlbossing too hard. Killing people and devoting yourself to the deranged twink of your dreams even though you know he'll never love you back??? Having a hardcore goth aesthetic and being so Hot even literal Death Gods are into you?? God forbid women do ANYTHING!
Not only is she the victim of yaoi culture, she is the victim of early 2000s misogyny by an author that wanted to introduce a girl character because he knew his male rivals were getting too homoerotic. She is a goth bimbo icon who portrays what I think is one of the few callouts for stan culture and what parasocial relationships can do to both the stan and the idol. The fact that she is a toxic fan of Kira and also hot, funny, sociable is tragic in its own way, which I think the author did try to touch on but was too misogynistic too really get through. Of course, she was reduced to villain status by the fandom and anime alike because she got in the way of the supposed romance in their psychological horror anime.
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 1 month
some of those anti ts blogs willing to look past the fact that they got zionists in their circles just because those people also hate ts…wack
like do they realize it makes them no better than the people they criticize
being a hater is a noble pursuit, have some fucking morals oh my god!!!
ive always been a ts hater and i havent really known much about her until like last year because this shit is inescapable and its so bizarre how she seems to have parasocial stans and parasocial haters - both equally obsessed with her life
theyre like organisms in a petri dish to me
ive always been a hater too and got sucked back in around this time last year when she got with matty healy. i literally forgot she existed between 2017-2022 im not joking i literally heard NOTHING about her online or in my friend circle. and then i found out it was because she was in a 6 year relationship and i was like “oooooohhhhhh she was normal”
idk if i consider myself a parasocial hater but i do feel crazy that nobody remembers all her shitty past actions and i do. tbh sometimes shitswiftiessay posts stuff criticizing taylor’s appearance (it was comparing her face when she laughs to donald trumps) that’s actually misogynistic. im not stalking her every move so much as being critical and holding her accountable for her racism etc.
but its really hard to define parasocial hater rn when she’s the most exposed she’s ever been. so many ppl today on this blog were complaining how they were bombarded with taylor swift ads. i dont think this tag wouldve blown up if so many people werent feeling this way already.
and the whole reason i have this blog is because i felt so crazy explaining taylor’s history of racism and nobody caring/dismissing or at worst gaslighting me for even feeling this way. idk i appreciate all the other anti blogs but most of them are joe alwyn defenders (btw theres nothing wrong w that. but thats not the main reason im an anti) and none of them really talk about her racism. i made this space to talk about her and swifties racism, white feminism, etc.
and then oct. 7 happened (i literally made this blog oct. 2 its so funny) and seeing all the zionists and genocide deniers alienated me. i made it very clear from the jump that i was pro palestine and stood for the liberation of palestine so i didn’t post for a while and didn’t feel comfortable interacting in the tag cause it was full of zionists. it was also funny bc shitswiftiessay followed me immediately up until i stated my solidarity then they blocked me 🤣 soooooooo funny. so ive been pretty MIA until recently i got an ask abt jewishbarbies and that’s how im posting today :}
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moonshynecybin · 4 months
hi how do you get over the overwhelming feeling of cringe/being weird. like every time i accidentally get too meta and think about how im reading fictional stories about real motorcycle racers getting pregnant im like. what am i doing i gotta kill myself dawg. like what's wrong with me. how do you heal from that. or should i even. maybe shame is good and necessary and i should stop all this.
um ultimately that is a journey you have to reconcile within yourself my man it’s not something i can do for you. i have listed a few thought processes that i go through here when i think about it though:
1. it is literally normal to be weird in a horny and parasocial way with professional athletes. lots of people do it. like its fine. maybe the way we’re going about it is a lil weird and a lil cringe but who cares. we are minding our business. people start riots over sports losses, a few 30 note posts on a website that 98% of the people i meet irl haven’t thought about in ten years isn’t going to kill anyone. like truly no one cares, no one’s gonna see it unless they go looking for it, and if they do that’s kinda on them at that point. like what were YOU doing at the devils sacrament…
2. you don’t live in the panopticon. the rpf police do not exist. no one is watching you specifically and thinking you’re a freak and if they do WHO CARES we’re on tumblr it’s the weirdo website. AND (not saying this in a mean or specific way) you are not the main character in reality. like i guarantee that there are broader conversations to be had about fan culture that don’t involve me answering fun little asks and you enjoying them! idk like valentino rossi is vibing in his mansion he dgaf about me
3. the way we treat rpf like this on here isn’t like. a genuine sexuality conspiracy board or personal dating life examination/investigation. it’s looking at an athlete and their narrative (a construct of themselves that they/broader sports media present to me as a fan for public consumption that is some ways them and in other ways not) and going. wouldn’t it be theoretically crazy if they had gay sex. like it’s playing with the IDEA of these guys like barbie dolls.
4. at no point and under no circumstances must you care what millionaire tax evaders think of you. in some ways this is praxis.
5. the only people i EVER see genuinely stressing about sports rpf are the people doinf sports rpf. like lowkey a champagne problem
6. rpf is fine —albert einstein
like idk it can get uncomfy but if rpf is like. genuinely taking its toll on you then my brother you can go vibe! and i say that with such love like it is okay to feel a lil bad and also okay to simply decide it’s not for you
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mako-neexu · 1 month
youre like the only person i know (if you think about it technically parasocially) who is into kadoguda besides the heroes on pixiv logging one collection every 3-4 months so i want to ask you, from one kadoguda warrior to the other.... what icks do ritsuka and kadoc give each other <3
[shakes fist] FINALLY a break from edguda bc its driving me crazy all the time and its good too as traum in north america server is approaching and kadoc has a more active role here <33 www but wow i cant believe im crazy about kadoguda once and it transcends social media and connection?? XD wheezing okok so 'icks'/....
Kadoc hates it when ritsuka sticks their cold feet on his legs whenever they'll sleep beside each other together
guda being guda has no concept of personal space sometimes and it lowkey makes kadoc pissed and freaked out and flustered all at the same time since its the human order's fault it got guda like this
kadoc's stomach never gaining the ability to be strong against whatever guda always ends up eating in their missions even if its demonic beast meat and then he'll remember that he doesnt have poison immunity and thanks his survival skills he learned alongside his family's magic that he doesnt end up dying like an idiot just because Humanity's Last Idiot offered to him meat from Unknown Origin when he's the expert in fighting against monsters
i think its more of that kadoc is the one with 'icks' than guda haha. since guda to me is just literally good at handling their relationships that any existent 'icks' they may have (if there ever is, which is probably rare? they def have come dislikes of their own as a person... but if its towards others, they will always over come some of their own feelings-) is set aside for the sake of reaching a hand out and offering to be by someones side, or asking for their strength or understanding the adversary in front of them.
human order skewered guda's perception of what to complain about too considering the sheer amount of times they always push themselves to go back to battle and lie to medical staff, the self blame, doubt, and etc. so even if they have that right to complain after all thats been said and done, they still wouldnt too as its their nature to hold onto love and be accepting of a person.
kadoc has shown that he understands guda as well so his 'icks' at best are from normal ass stuff during/post traum. i think i remember someone said that the best way to describe kadoc is basically just guda but grew up in the clock tower and forced to survive there. its just that much difference.
sudden angsty idea for icks(?) is that kadoc's will to live is different from guda's own so it would make for an interesting scene if kadoc, spurred by anastasia's words to continue living, calls out guda, whose concept of death is shattered and thus even as they're still wanting to live and continue their heart is just so irreversibly 'like that' that it becomes noticeable to the 'Senpai'
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baezdylan · 1 month
HII hello my lovely!!!! how are you doing!!! i hope youre having the best month <333 okay so. writing to u bc....i have recently started listening to joan baez after seeing your posts (i am eternally grateful btw...) and now OH MY GOD i am. in love with her. like!!!!! GAHHH <333 i would absolutely love to know your favourite baez songs. ALSO all your thoughts on baez + dylan i am enraptured they are sooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! :'))))))))) like. you KNOW!!! literally cannot stop watching live performances interviews etc of them and feeling unwell after... :(((( anyways!!! lots of love to you and eternal kisses and a million yellow daises <3333 MWAHH xx
HELLO BELOVED!!!!! I read this ask while with my mom so basically we spent the last 2 hours putting this together:
every song and every poem is joan's song and joan's poem, i genuinely don't care who wrote these 👍 walt whitman? lorca? rimbaud? dylan? sounds fake to me. 🤷‍♀️ (<- girl talking about some of her favourite poets. well! they do not exist when joan is in the room🥰) okay so, we pictured this as some sort of poetry reading, that's also a concert, but it's also an opera number and you're in the theatre. (i witnessed a super cool outdoors concert thingy today so i'm a bit overwhelmed by that! hope some of the energy translated to the playlist hehe)
FRIEND! I AM SO TOUCHED! This blog was created for this very purpose, it is very much not about me I just occasionally use it as a diary, but I primarily wanted to share everything I loved with others and every time something like this happens I feel like I'm doing what I was always meant to do so thank you! For reaching out and being so kind! Joan forever ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
I GET THE BAEZDYLAN THING!!!!!! I try not to get too crazy about real people (Jo. Jo. Jo. you were born to be parasocial *shaking myself by the shoulders*) Putting my silly ways in a box under my bed now, I do attach myself to the art primarily so all my affection for the person behind it stems from that art and doesn't exist separately as its own thing because I don't exactly know these people, I just made 73838374937583 stories about them as a kid. BUT! THE THING IS! The essence of BaezDylan translates to their artistry and I could never tell you more than those live recordings tell you because it's literally this... okay okay so it's like do you know when you read a book and you feel like the author had some great life secret whispered to them and then some of it pours into you through the pages??? THAT is BaezDylan (I am writing them as one person on purpose)... I don't think they could explain what was going on there because it sort of outgrows anything a singular person could be, it just had to find a home in the music because it couldn't fit anywhere else. I've only started believing in these things wholeheartedly recently (even though, in a way, I have always known), but they have that thing where you know this one person, but their name isn't that important. It's like they're you in some primal way so you speak the same language, but they're also there to teach you a lesson and that immediately makes them a little unearthly in return. I would insert quotes and start analysing them, but I might start crying so I won't do that.
I LOVE YOU 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
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jayflrt · 4 months
i know this is kinda random but it has to do with fate tour kinda? i went to fate tour in dallas in oct last year and ended up dropping 2/3 of the friends i went with because i realized how toxic they were during the trip lmao 😂 one of which id known for like 17 years and honestly im like wow enha really did that for me 😁
u probs dont care but i just felt like its funny to think ab like with parasocial relationships i joke about it obviously like oh yeah sunghoons my man we’re married with four kids but obviously im JOKING but with them apparently its not funny? but then they make the same jokes im suddenly not allowed cuz thats “HER man” like be so fr
sorry i felt like ranting a bit but like at least i saw chaconne live lmao
omg that's so terrible 😭😭 i thought the boyfriend/husband jokes were just jokes why did they take them so seriously?? yeah i rlly cannot stand ppl who get possessive over idols like it's not that deep LOL 🥲 i hope you're doing better now anon and happier without them!! :')
omg no i totally get you 🤧 i think enha is the only group that has this problem in the fandom too, at least from the fandoms i've been in!! i had gcs with internet friends for the nct and svt tours and they were all soooo lovely and we all got excited for each other over seating + having the same biases and such! then comes the fate tour and i join this engene gc and oh my god 😵‍💫😵‍💫 i literally thought my head was gonna explode bc a war broke out every time someone had the same bias (which happened very often considering there's only 7 members!!!) at one point i was like omg guys...... i don't care this bad 💔 and then i got accused of not being a real jay stan?/&;!/@; crazy
chaconne was so magical irl i'm glad you got to see sunghoon serving cunt on stage 🙏🙏
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de4dlyniightshade · 4 months
heyy :) erm im gonna fangirl really quick and then the request will be at the end incase you wanna skip to that part or anything, lol. okay so this is very much unnecessary and unasked for and blah blah but i don't care! i believe writers need to hear how much we appreciate them and their works because whew mama! ive been trying to write fics for like months and it actually is so horrible. i genuinely start to angrily vibrate bc my thoughts don't flow on the notes app. but i just wanted to say, nightshade, (ehehe that's so cheeky and silly for some reason) that i reallyyy love your work. its actually like horrific how much your writing just makes me so 😜😊🤭 i know you're not like a celebrity or anything, so it's gonna be weird with this like mini parasocial relationship thing, but please know your work has an impact !! a few months ago, i did something extremely bad and out of character while i was spiraling, and i decided that the best decision for me would be to quit using social media. (and beforehand i had quit using tiktok for like 7 months already and i wasn't that addicted to my phone but i still was consuming negative media) so, ofc, i stopped completely for a good month or so and only ever using youtube every now and then. buttttt, one of the first social media platforms i came back to first... was tumblr! it's actually so silly too because i only used tumblr like 4 times beforehand so i was quite new. but anyway anyway (im a yapper UGH) i really found that your posts had made me feel happy :) idk they kinda reminded me of myself before i went big bad that one time and it made me inspired to go back to how i used to be... u get me?? you're writing literally haunts my brain oh my lord it should be illegal to read your stuff because afterwards i literally have this crazy ass urge to read more and more and more. im lowkey an addict cause i be having my deadlynightshade withdrawals. the way you write is just so 😫 gosh, it's beautiful. i also love ur sillyness because like ME TOO. your random little posts are so me coded and i love it. YOU'RE SO FUNNY 😭 uhmm i just wanted to say thanks for being super cool and talented because believe it or not, the stuff you put out makes me really happy! (that was so melodramatic like mf they write about spencer being a pathetic pussy drunk bitch why are you saying it changed ur life?? its true tho.) erm yeah that's the end of that part i just again wanted to thank you 🙏 i wish we were friends SO BAD like you're actually awesome what the fuck.... but like how do u even become friends w ppl?? LMAO ERM ANYWAY 😍 can you write a blurb or h.c or something (honestly anything will make me happy) about valentine's day?? 🤭 basically spencer being SO FUCKING SHY because you can't stop touching his hands or hair subtly or like kissing his cheek leaving marks from lipstick or like getting him his favorite snacks/drinks/books/textures/ basically a gift that made u think about him?? ugh or him doing the same with you like him being the best fucking nerd boy ever and spoiling you so much like he goes ape shit spending well over his funds limit but it's worth it because it's you? or like sweet soft cutie pie sex? at the end of the day and he's like... Erm.. Pussy for 1 please! you were so pretty today... You always are-! (I'm mentally ill and writing this at 8:37 pm on a thursday night.)
this is. the sweetest shit anyone has ever said to me i actually cried ngl to you.
i'm genuinely so thankful for the little community i have created here i never expected such an insane amount of positivity and love from people just for the whack ass shit i write but that's probably just my perpetual self hatred and disbelief that people enjoy anything about me🤞
i think it's crazy how people on the internet who have never met me, don't know me, what i look like, or anything can treat me better than any of my friends have and i'll always be thankful for that.
ALSO! i love being called funny pls kiss me i never think i'm actually funny istg
i was also planning on writing a valentines fic ALREADY but this made me wanna write it even more as a thank you for this message it genuinely made my week(can't promise it ON TIME for valentines but i can try!)
i'm also so glad that my work and blog makes you happy, there's no privilege greater than making someone smile even when they don't feel like it</3
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wjsns · 1 year
and u know what im ready to make my full statement on MENG MEI QI too. the situation is so crazy to me, basically now in 2023 some ujung wont even type out her name because 1. cheating scandal (WHERE SHE WAS THE 3RD PARTY, WASNT EVEN THE PERSON TO CHEAT ON SOMEONE) and 2. doesnt mention wjsn ever and to me that is literally HILARIOUS like, god its just soooo funny to watch everyone pile in with the loudest most popular opinion and not do personal critical thinking, or hey, maybe they did and what mmq did really WAS too much for them to still support her but in that case i raise an eyebrow because idk… a lottt of yall are the same people who will get online and write about loving evil women and letting girls be shitty etc etc and she literally gives you what you asked for on a silver PLATTER, like doing nothing cancellable just giving us a good wholesome woman being evil and selfish and obsessed w herself and everyone turns on her!!!! sorry shes not fucking chuu lmao!? (ilu chuu no hate but there is space for good AND evil girls in my heart😇) im sorry im SO unbothered by her being the other woman in a cheating scandal like i cant imagine something mattering less to me and it actually made me super happy to confirm she fucks even tho the guy was ugly😇 but i said kinda most of this already so SECOND OF ALL about her not mentioning wjsn and shit… another thing i literally have NO problem with?? again, like…… no one was more distraught than me at what happened to ot13 but these are REAL PEOOLEEEEEEEEEE?!????!??? i’ve said this before too but i think its worth mentioning, i think my perspective on WJSN has always been a certain way because i grew up playing soccer on a team of the same ~18 girls for over 8 years and im very familiar with, idk, “team dynamics” in groups of girls growing up together? so i understand what its like to be in a larger group dedicated towards this ultimate, performance based goal together and while not everyone out of those 18 girls is one-to-one best friends and lots of people have pretty significant differences, none of that matters “on the field” or when you’re “working”, and its actually lowkey beautiful hiw such different people can unite together to make their dream happen AND develop really long lasting strong relationships w each other when they would otherwise might not have. so ive never had illusions that wjsn as a group has this monolithic motivator or reason for being in wjsn or being an idol, they are all super different personalities and have different interest areas like acting, musicals, song production, MCing etc! so its really impossible for me to feel upset or bothered in any way when i hear complaints about mmq’s behavior in this area because im like ? she obviously has/had this solo career (that i have to believe she had way more control and stylistic direction over than with wjsn) in her home country where she gets to embrace her personal style and concepts instead of matching wjsns, shes clearly separating from that past image and going in a different direction w her career! it does make me bummed that shes not getting 13 stars tattooed like xiao did but again what am i gonna do, be mad that this artist who i really care abt as a person is going off on their own path and direction? cujung is a ROCK of this fanbase its not like a mmq wjsn mention is going to create millions more ujung and album sales? just never added up to me, IM not gonna feel some type of way about it because stan twit fucking tells me to, like how it feels a lot of ujungs react to everything! that one thing going around that was like “wjsn are coworkers not friends” was sooooo funny for me to watch ujung actually get mad about because like,,, they ARE coworkers? AND FRIENDS?! there are 13 of them? each person has a unique individual and complex relationship with each other person? ah idk why i even bother with these essays the avg kpop stans iq is literally 65 yall love being spoonfed parasocial relationships simulated for ur consumption so much u completely block out ​the fact they are real people
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adhbabey · 1 year
I'm convinced the moral panic towards influencers just isn't real. Like. If you think they're garbo and you think they're fake and they suck, then why are you interacting with their posts? Why are you watching videos made by them? Why do you know so much about them?
And like, I'm all for watching deep dive xyz on random person on the internet here, but like, what happened here? Did you realize that being parasocial lead you to feel betrayed or disappointed by them? Like of course, we all need that moment but also, I thought we all already knew that they're way out of touch and out of our reach.
Am I crazy or are people just getting radicalized by this, *now*.
And like, influencers just. are microcelebrities. Popular people. I don't see how that's anything that's new or different from what's been going on in life, always. Jay Gatsby would've been a influencer, so would have Marc Antony, it literally just is what it is.
I just don't get why we're all suddenly realizing this now, or having an epiphany about it. I'm convinced its just outrage culture and not anything to actually be angry about.
I think I'm too neurodivergent to understand.
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lilyfreshwater · 2 years
what's with people who come here, to rather hidden niche subblr that is all about gossip and invasive theorising, and complain about us doing exactly that. what else did they expect...... 90% of critblr blogs openly say we don't believe our own speculations and only make them for fun or just call ourself deadass insane in the head (or both). i feel like there has been way more of these lately. literally only way to make this stop would be not giving us any attention and they're doing the opposite just to say the obvious thing nobody asked about lmao. we KNOW it's insane and weird and parasocial homie why do you think we're all side burner accounts and not main?? what happened to the "don't feed trolls block and move on" rule. funny how their whole posts suggest that they've been lurking multiple blogs for a while, because they mention topics that were trending on specific blogs for a specific time and weren't mentioned too much lately.............. like they've been there for so long and only NOW they decided this aint it kekw took em a while -hornet
people always look for attention and ways that they can defend their points to a nonexistent audience. there's also the satisfaction thinking they "showed us" or whatever even if they did nothing of the sort. it's also funny when people expose themselves for lurking critblr when they didnt have to in the first place. as far as the "don't feed the trolls" thing, that doesn't always hold up but in this case it definitely does because that person just kept commenting completely unprovoked 😭 its crazy how few people have any common sense at all nowadays
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sungbeam · 1 year
sorry for this dump of words on u but i need to gush about everything that transpired over the course of today since i just finished party people and i feel like i died. LIKE im a sucker for college aus, especially chaptered ones and Jacob Bae and everything about party people was perfect and cute and heartwarming and makes my parasocial relationship with cobie worse than it is and its definitely currently my fav fic ever bc its just That good. also i was genuinely so excited when i saw the name “kei” bc thats my name n when i read “yn”, i usually dont insert my actual name so it was funny seeing it and ngl i was rooting for a kei x changmin pipeline bc of that LMFAOO anyways im so excited to dip into more of ur works after sending this and did someone say “theres not enough chaptered changmin college aus”??? (😉😉) i think im hearing things?? But i loved party people and im definitely gonna be here all night to enjoy everything else that u have on the shelf <33333
OH MY GOD HI !!! (pls never apologize for word vomit, this is my love language 😭 /hj) I AM BEYOND ECSTATIC THAT U LOVED PARTY PEOPLE !! truly the cobie parasocial relationship brainrot never ceases (´Д⊂ヽ i am still feeling the effects rn :') even after writing so much for him lol
OH YO ?? HI KEI NICE TO MEET YOU (^^ゞ that's so crazy cuz i actually have a friend from high school named kei too !!! i imagine reading that whole thing w kei as yns friend was super trippy @_@
AHHHHH THERE'S ACTUALLY A CHANGMIN INSTALLMENT IN THE PARTY PEOPLE UNIVERSE !! it's actually the fic im currently working on, so it'll be out as soon as i get back to it :') you'll get ur fill of college au jichang promise 😋😋😋 but TRULY thank u so much for reading party people AND for signing up for my permanent taglist AND for sending this ask in bc i am so incredibly happy seeing this !! literally smiled so hard while reading it thru abt a million times <33 hope u enjoy the rest of my works if or when u get to them ^_^
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froggyrights · 1 year
Im new to the standom - what’s ur advice for casual drantis and people spreading misinfo? Im in a fairly large discord server and I’m worried about people bringing it up and being mean - or calling Dream a grmr or something. Should I like… confront them? Obv block and report but in server settings its… complicated :/
I don't really know honestly, what I did is just find people on tumblr to have fun with who share the interest and then aggressively curate my experience- my block list is crazy long lmao
In a discord server it's more difficult, but if the people aren't insane parasocial drantis I don't think the topic would come up very often? If it does and you're uncomfortable it just depends on if the people matter enough to you to bother changing their opinion cuz if it's just a discord with a bunch of random people, I know I wouldn't want to spend the energy arguing with people. If it's friends, and all they've heard is vague misinformation from twitter it shouldn't really be too hard to change their minds.
Idk though, the only solid advice I have for you is the same to enjoy any fandom: find some friends, block literally anyone who ever annoys you, and have fun
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maxsix · 3 years
That Red Lights MV. Okay. You wanna talk? Let’s talk. If that sounded threatening, it was meant to be. I’m so angry. 
I’m angry that this even exists in the first place because it is both visually and sonically more mature than anything they’ve attempted before. I’m angry that there is this side to them (Hyunjin/Chan) but instead of really leaning into it, I have to endure the Thunderous Promo Era, which is, at best, a 2019 SKZ Party that I have progressed beyond the need for. Stray Kids are in a weird place of transition right now. On one hand, they still want to be the Kids part of Stray Kids but on the other, they want me to want to fuck them (just Hyunjin). Which one is it? It can’t be both, my guy. I can’t multi task. 
I’m angry that this song exists because I feel really exposed. If any of you have followed me for more than a year, you’ll know that I was a big hard Hyunjin stan but I had to almost leave the fandom because I crossed too many lines with him. I don’t think you can really understand the dark side of stan culture without going down that really destructive parasocial spiral. I’m not sure there’s a way I can interpret this song as anything less than a Bad-Romance. Shut Up Hyunjin, stop taunting me. Just shut your beautiful mouth okay? Haven’t I suffered enough. 
I’m angry that we, as a society, now know what they both look like on their knees, in chains, tied up and choked out. Just take a second to process that I typed that out and it happened in an MV. What reality are we living in, damm. They can miss me with that, “We did for the Art” defence. Too much thought and planning went into the music, lyrics and MV for this to be anything but deliberately provocative. It might be an inaccurate representation of them as people but you still have to wonder why they wanted to cultivate this image in the first place. You really have to wonder. Especially with Hyunjin and his Play With Fire video. He’s either really good at acting or......Tell me you’re kinky without telling me you’re kinky. Tell me that you’re into BDSM without telling me you’re into BDSM. I’m offended by how well he plays me. 
I’m angry at how literal the visuals are for the music. I know they are tied up but it’s me who feels totally suffocated and chained to it, like there’s no escape. I’m so angry at how good of a job they did with interpreting the lyrics into visuals. It’s exactly what the song is about. It’s so bad but it’s also so good. The ropes and chains might be physical but the damage is all psychological. There I said it. I’m crazy I know I know. I’m working on it okay. 
I’m angry that Red Lights is their most aesthetic MV. If you had to go into my head, the dark corners of it, this MV is probably what it’d look like. From an objective point of view, it’s so different to anything they’ve released before and is just absolutely beautiful in its lighting and framing. From a personal point of view, it is 5 minutes of torture: 3 minutes for the actual MV and 2 minutes where I stare at the black mirror afterwards and have an existential crisis. 
Okay I need to chill the hell out. My head is a mess. I don’t even know what I just typed out but I guess I just had to get it out. 
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honeys20s · 2 years
the violent transformation of human to celeb
I saw this post on tiktok that was joking about Mitski hating their fans because they made this one song that puts you in literal and utter despair but no one seemed to understand that op was just joking about the song and not the parasocial relationship between Mitski and their fans. Some people felt strongly about it and were going on about how Mitski hates their fans and that's why they disappear and someone commented how this craziness and rage that artists feel when they recognize that they are permanently idolized is "the violent transformation of human to celeb.
It made me think of how complex that transformation can be for each celebrity, between sex, gender, age, race, ethnicity and nationality and how jarring that can be of course, but to have this violent transformation happen to male celebrities is interesting because this is a position that has been formulated and etched for centuries. Men were deemed superior because their focus has always been their mind and not their body like women, men believed women were vain, and self-centered and would never achieve a meaningful state in the afterlife because of it. But now, there's this space of being an idol and a celebrity that encaptures what women were already used to and raised in, always being looked at, every move pre-determined, people always wanting to know what exactly women were doing and whatnot. Do male celebrities go through this phase of craziness because they now recognize its intensity is just too intense for them? Even then, the experience and realization is different and depends on so many factors.
I'm just typing out my thoughts, so please ignore lol.
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hypbaest · 3 years
this is about how the industry is fucked (but u already knew that right?)
like i rmr seeing photos of harry at parties, on the red carpet, between studios, after 1d fizzled out and yet i was still in onedirectionland and...there was a point where i just Realized how fucking run under the bus he looked. and how cracked up he was. and how this lil tiny bab i loved so and projected so much onto was actually...being fucked big time by the System...the entire time i actively and vocally loved him. and i was complicit in that system. and i was A CHILD when i was. and it was really just because that was my Ideal Boy at the time and bops are bops. directioners were cannibals man. the shit i went thru was CRAZYYYYY. i dont even like to think abt it. i could put twt kpopies to shame SERIOUSLY and i was on the lighter side of things honestly!!! and a CHILD!!! EYE was exploited by the system too. fucking syco.... talk about parasocial...talk abt delusion...i wrote the book in real time...and i bet a lot of yall former directioners did too. esp if this was ur hellscape.
i see photos of harry and i cant even look him in the eye. i cant even listen to his music. always in my heart, really but damn. i know he’s seen the ugliest shit. and in part...because of the animal machine i partook in. yeah...yeah.......i dont feel good about that.
the reason i was hesitant abt kpop was because of the suicides. i couldnt understand how people could go on when that happens. i still cant wrap my head around it totally. what do yall honestly feel with jonghyun on the dash??? i couldnt do it yall. i cant judge. i know nothing. but i.....that moves something visceral in me...and it aint good, thats all i’ll say. it woulda been all bets off, if it had been my kpop boy. i would have never forgave MYSELF. thats all ill say.
and got7 uhhhh renewals or whatever r coming up. and its not life or death (OR IS IT???) and everyones like support the boys! kpop aint that real! everything is ok!! myself included!!!! and i cant help but think abt harry. and how i clown and mock and try to forget louis and niall and liam. and how zayn was long gone before i could even have a deep thought abt it. and no one ever brings him up...and no one talks about the entrapment and mismanagement of syco. or how larry was real in the minds of so many (and the strain that put on the whole group, LET ALONE harry and louis) and how stuck and stifled and CONTROLLED they were from all sides. and if u think that aint kpop...bro...when ppl literally DYING out here. wake up. (the difference i see btwn all kpop groups and 1d is how their companies are proactive towards fans’ crazy delusions and syco let everything spiral out of control)
it was on weekly idol, this past one, when somebody said something to jaebeom and he misheard. something like “you’re getting your pay” - and the way jb’s WHOLE DEMEANOR CHANGED IN THAT MOMENT OF MISUNDERSTANDING??? kind and hardworking and earnest and weird im jaebeom??? only child idol jaybee??? lil farm child porch sitting dreams bboy??? and it struck me. why the fuck would he just. break open like that. and maybe acting is good. maybe im a fool. but praytell: what fucking pay? and if you’re getting it, and that’s the reaction, then where has it been? and why?
among other things...
all things come and go. everyone gets their 15 minutes. capital is capital, right? negotiations are fought and won right? things can get better right? with hardwork right? you signed after u checked and double checked right? and thats only if ur own lovers dont eat you alive right? if you dont decay from the inside right? come on now.
and i always wonder....jay park left. this american. this leader. this TRIPLE THREAT. i always wonder why kpop hates him, why kpoppies scorn him...i wonder because as far as short kings go hes really a gem. he’s a good man. and it was jyp he left. yeah.
yall this is a business that eats people alive from every angle. it certainly is that serious. it is that real. whats a contract if you dont own your intellectual property? whats a agency if they get the final word? whats hardwork if you aint seein the money? what are you if you dont (or CANT) exist without them?
it aint just a parasitic relationship from the public side yall...come on
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