#these comms were for clients over on twitter
mc-illustrations · 1 year
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Purple Tiefling commissions I’ve done so far 💜
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lazylogic · 7 months
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Okay, here are some words, yes it's long
This drawing started as "homework" my therapist gave me to try and draw myself more, just to like...have more of a sense of self, but it kinda turned into somewhat of a vent doodle because I was feeling gloomy yesterday. I think I'd like to make an alternate version of this that's much more cozy and colorful when I'm feeling better, though. Now...updates? Or I guess a ramble, rant, whining, whatever: I'm still not 100% on coming back to posting art, and on top of there really not being any good art site to post on (FA is fine but I know it has its own issues, I just subsist on nostalgia), every single social media platform now seems like a dumpster fire - way more than they already were - that I don't wanna go back to, so I'm not sure if or when I'm gonna change anything anytime soon. I'm already bad at being social in communities but I super do not know where to turn right now if I wanted to be "present online" again. Way back in the day, Twitter and Tumblr were actually fun, but it's all long since become stressful and anxiety-inducing. And at this point, it really doesn't seem like it's gonna ever improve. Frankly, I do kinda prefer living under a rock anyway, but there's definitely part of me that still misses the positive and warm interactions I used to have with people online. Unfortunately, I still feel like there's really no part of the internet anymore where I feel like I belong, or even want to be. This is all very possibly my gloomy mood at the time of posting and seasonal depression talking, but I really just don't feel motivated to post, participate, or interact online much anymore. Partly a good thing, I think, because I have a lot of fun working on my website and hanging out in the small web community, away from the centralized web. But I know it's also partly due to my bad, chronic habit of isolation - because right now I'm not even interacting with said small web community. I'm just talking to my friends on Discord and Telegram, which typically is all I need. But idk, maybe it's FOMO, maybe it's just another art angst wave, but I miss having a place to go for art...just not the way it's been for the past 6 years or so. I wanna be here, for people to know I'm still alive, but at the same time I don't wanna be here and I don't want to be perceived at all. This feeling changes constantly. I don't know why I'm saying all this and I think I just need to stop thinking about it entirely. Ultimately, the internet is really not important in life and there are countless other things about life that I should focus on. I have a life full of love and precious things, and that is really the most important thing. The fact that I'm an artist who decided to start posting online so many years ago just makes this complicated. Being an artist makes me neurotic, and I'm also just so fucking overwhelmed with the way the world is right now that everything feels like an alien place, online and offline.
And I just care about people too much. I wanna give back to the people who always showed me kindness and support online, just for them to know that they've all been remembered and seen and I'm thankful for them. I think that's why this is such a floundering issue for me. I still think that I'm better off not being an artist online, at least most of the time. But idk. I think I'm just doomed to always have overthinking, neurotic turmoil over stupid shit. Time to stop thinking! At the very least, art IS starting to be fun again, so there's that. I absolutely do better when I'm drawing without worrying about perception and opinions. I think the problem arises when I start bringing commissions into the mix...I hate marketing myself, but you have to do that to have any hope of getting clients, so I should either not do comms at all or just not try to rely on it for income. Damn this shit was easier when I was a teenager with no bills drawing people's fursonas for $30
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lotusmesenpai · 1 year
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Second set of a batch of flat portrait comms for a client over on twitter. I love it when I’m able to explore texture in my linework, so these were especially fun.
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mirukimary · 1 year
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My Art Summary for 2022!
(Under the cut I'll go into more details for each month, for memory's sake. Warning: It's LONG.)
Come one, come all for your opportunity to see all of the drawings I should have posted but never did! The ones that make me work harder every december to remember when tf i drew what! The ones that, in missing, make it seem like i only draw once a year--! (going through my twitter media tab is depressing LMAO)
[Pictured: Iola in Prenda clothing. There was a Twitter Post going around asking you to draw your WoL in your country's traditional clothes. Ofc I didn't skip the opportunity to do it! And drew my BF's WoL too for good measure. Still my fav drawing of the year!]
Also worked on a VTuber model for a friend (i drew it as a bust january last year; then this year was asked to expand it to full body). It was very challenging, but also fun!
For the rest, I designed some backstory NPCs for Asera (Daimyorus childhood friend, his goddess and a mage that helped us multiple times); and drew some twitch emotes for a client. Was a fresh, fun start. I remember having a lot of fun and finding that month quite relaxing.
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(Goddess Rondra, Mage Rupin & elf-friend Pedro (RIP))
[Pictured: My friend's bunny boi~]
Further work was done on the VTuber model, a lot of parts that weren't quite working before were redrawn. He was taking form!! Now that most of the work was done, also did a ref sheet to go with it. I couldn't wait to see him moving!
That's when I started preparing to open commissions for realz, trying to think of prices and set up examples. I drew some BGs and the Complexity Guide, and set most of the boring things up. I plan to open comms either Jan 2023 or February 2023, so let's hope all the work paid off~
[Pictured: 'Smile at the Blue Skies', or "Fuq i need a bust sketch ref for my commission examples page". Sounds a bit less dreamy now, huh? LMAO]
But yeah, most of the month was dedicated to the VTuber model, working to fix it as the rigger found issues. Ref Sheet was finished this month. I'll stop mentioning the model, but the back and forth lasted till june or so?? Had to fix all of his toggles; and redraw his entire hair to allow for a better 3D effect when moving (it went from 3~6 layers to over 20). This was my first time working on vtuber models, so there was A LOT to learn. It surprising how many pitfalls there is in vtuber making. I'm very proud of how it turned out, and eternally grateful to the rigger (and to my friend) for being so patient with me. I was sent a small demo of what he looks like, and seeing your drawing move so beautifully like that feels magical!! There's still much to design and draw before he can debut, but hope you can support him then!
Oh yeah, there was this attempt too:
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[Pictured: 'With Friends' the commission I worked on through March and April. Extra special because that's my friend & his pets there!]
Also sketched some ideas for illustrations of our RP characters (hi Irene), but never really completed them:
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It feels so long since I made these... Double checked like 3 times to make sure it wasn't April 2021 LMAO
I REALLY want to revisit some of these now.
[Pictured: #XIVARTBASH drawing, featuring Nero.]
Also drew the catgirl from Love2DrawManga. Didn't do much this month (...or did but forgot). I believe I worked on some BGs I can't show, but these are still very much stuck at WIP :(
[Pictured: Nia's WoL, Mat. Just a smol gift for someone that brings a lot of joy to FFXIV Twitter.]
So... I completelly forgot I was drawing my OCs outfits [facepalm]:
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(Don't mind the two in the corner, I don't want my essay to get hit with Tumblr hammer LMAO They're nowhere near done). But yeah, these are my OCs from 'Elder''. I've had them since childhood, and still love them, even if I gave up on the book idea. Will make an actual post once all is done and I can go back to their character illusts uwu
[Pictured: Cade from 'Still Shining'. Working on this was an amazing experience~ Won't go on detail bc I already did, but still glad for the experience!]
Instead I'll talk about... Art Fight month!!!
I'm 100% going back next year! This event just proved how much I love drawing people's OCs. I really want to be a commission artist so I can do that for a living. Sadly I didn't get to draw everyone I wanted, plus I wasted a lot of time trying to look through OCs while the website was dying LMAO Next year I'll come prepared!
Also I drew that Spring picture to use as a reference in her profile there. I missed drawing her!
[Pictured: Commission for 'Under Maintenance'.]
Mostly worked on commemorative stuff. Anniversary chibi for Brie; that Under Maintenance pic; Thank You for DL message for 'Loving You Fully' and 'Still Shining'. Also designed some outfits (and painted some sprites) for Mythic Meetup: Midnight Mystery (not released yet!).
Started a bday gift for my boyfriend, but something kept looking 'off' about it so I didn't finish in time. Turns out it was overblended... And will require a redraw. Sorry boyfriend TT But my wife (tm) needs to look perfect!!
Also made the design for our new RP characters:
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(mine is the not-cat girl, obviously)
...And I belive this is when I made that cursed Yshtola feeding Zero picture? Yeah.
[Pictured: Witch Torunn]
Made the YCH bases, as well as 3 examples. I have no memories of this month, but Windows says this sketch is from september:
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[Pictured: Old OC redraw, for my Commission Guide. Decided to do it after a client asked for clarification if an old drawing was halfbody or fullbody (august last year, Torunn sitting down).]
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They're really old OCs of mine. Ever RP-ed in Deviantart groups? I did!!
Cecilia (<-) is pretty much a Iola prototype: salve maker and potion seller who lives with her dad (who taught her the craft). One day he collapses during work, and Cecilia ends up overworking herself to afford his medicine and other living expenses. In desperation, she joins The Guild as a novice magician for money, and gets herself involved on a war she never intended to join.
Celticca (->) is a archer and aspiring musician who wants to make the most beautiful song (tm) for her family. She's very sweet, but naïve and scatterbrained. I didn't have much planned for her, but had a lot of fun seeing her constantly get involved with Evil/Neutral alligned characters w/o noticing LOL
....Now that I think about it, she's literally a FFXIV bard, before I knew anything about XIV.
The rest of October was focused on Magni's Birthday Project and my YCH Halloween Commissions.
...And THIS:
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Halloween pictures of our current RP characters \O/ To go with our halloween session~ Also drew these two for our halloween one-shot:
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Ellie (<-) and Hadrianus (->). Ellie is a yandere witch I made as a joke and fell in love with. Hadrianus is my BF's wizard. Yes, he looks like Dr. Strange. Yes, that's the joke. The 3rd character was Rosemary, but I didn't ask to draw her so she's missing :( I do want to draw all of them at some point. We accidentally made "Spy x Family, but it's horror and Loid wants to run away" LOOOL I love this trio!!
Made 2 adoptables, but since they went unsold I decided to remove them and redraw for next year:
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(The neutral pose doesn't help them stand out ^^;; Sorry bbys)
Also sketched Julio from Atelier Sophie~
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(Hoping to finish it early next year. He's not the only idea I had while playing, but other stuff took priority"")
October was so much fun!! Sadly it let me completely drained by the end of it. I got hit with such a HUGE art block it was like my hands just... Forgot how to draw. Everything came out weird. Sadly, that resulted on me having to drop a drawing I was making for Brie :/ Hoping I can pick it back up soon... (better late than never right?)
It's around that time I decided to work on an AI redraw. Used Crayon (old Dall-e Mini) to create some monstrosity for me and tried to turn it into an actual drawing.
The monstrosity:
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The Work In Porgress:
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This drawing is a bit painful to look at, because of all the self doubt and bad feelings attached to it. But I want to finish it someday. My prompt was something stupid like 'cute anime girl having fun'. I want to remain true to the prompt and make her meeting with lil ladybug feel warm and fun!
...Like of the feelings I was missing back then, and am just now starting to get back.
TL;DR: Take breaks or you'll break.
[Pictured: Chibi Adra for Kyou.]
Managing burnout through most of it. Eventually just decided to stop fighting and played games instead. Even with the frame drops, Atelier Ryza is pretty fun~ Hoping to go bk to it soon.
At some point my boyfriend said I should just draw things to have fun for a bit. I followed his advice...
[Pictured: Art Party (DracoLunari's WoL)]
...By drawing Iola as a sheep herder. It was much more fun than it sounds. I didn't care for polish at all, just seeing Iola in a cute outfit LMAO It's... A mess of a drawing. But it's MY mess of a drawing. I feel this thought calmed my mind a lot.
Also went for my first ever Art Party. It was fun, tho brain did get in the way after a bit, as expected ^^;;; Still want to go to these more often!! It's fun to draw & chat with others.
For random drawings, all I have is a(n embarrassing) fanart of Elf from Isekai Ojisan. I'll post eventually..... (that anime is hilarious)
For now I have a commission and a collab to take care of, and a certain Moon Goddess to draw as soon as possible~ Will be doing my best these next few days, and hope Iola can be my sheperd and guide me to the path of 'having lots of fun drawing again'.
ONWARDS TO 2023...
May my year be filled with bad drawings that I love;
And good drawings I'm proud of.
May your year give you the same
And everything else you wish for!
Thanks @/Taxkha on twitter for the Template!
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lilkatzz-alt · 10 months
the following is a work of fiction based of a tweet that made me angry. cw // delusions , vent
I very rarely commission art anymore. I make all of my money by drawing for others, and it all goes to bills. But once, just this once, I had an opportunity. An artist I like with a cartoony style befitting of my character discounted their comms just enough that I could justify supporting them. After all, I can't really feel guilty about a luxury purchase if it's cheap and helps someone else, right?
Communications were smooth sailing; I gave them my ref and payment and they told me their turnaround time. They seemed really nice and even told me they liked my art ;w; (they didn't follow me back though but it's fine haha). It's getting pretty close to the deadline, so I'm really excited to see what they did with my character.
I'm just scrolling Twitter right now and... oh! Message badge! I kind of expect it to be a client, but it's them! The artist! My art must be ready!
"Had a blast working on this ^^ Thank you for commissioning me!"
The sentiment was followed by a link. I clicked it, and was met by my character. But....
Why is the mouth blacked out?
It almost looks like some sort of rendering error. I mean, it's FULL 000000 BLACK with no details. It's supposed to be open and happy, but it's just the silhouette of the expected expression.
My first thought is that I've slipped into an alternate reality, one where this is normal! Or maybe I actually asked for this? Did I ask for the mouth to be blacked out? No, I wouldn't do that... That's illogical. I don't feel so good.
"Hey!" I ask them, "Do you know what's going on with the mouth?"
The seconds seem to stretch on. I need an answer before my mind begins to act up.
"I'm sorry? I don't know what you mean. Are you unsatisfied with the piece?"
That's. Not good. What. Why-
I look back at the piece.
The eyes are big and round, so bright and happy. The cheek fluff is big and had amazing highlights. Everything is clear and done with purpose. But the mouth... It's like someone cut it out with a lasso tool. If the artist didn't do it, then..... Then I must be going crazy.
I quickly navigate to my character's toyhouse page. Am I hallucinating? Will the other pieces have a problem too? No, they're all fine. My sweet summer child, staring back at me hundreds of times over, mostly renditions from years past. She's happy, and she's okay.
I quickly attempt to rationalize. This can't be a computer glitch; I don't know much about computers, but I know this. It can't be a hallucination; I don't actually experience those, I just fear that I do. So then....
Is the artist lying?
If this is a joke then it's not funny... my heart rate is elevated, it's practically psychological assault. I message them again.
"Here's what I'm seeing on my end. You don't know anything?" Attached is the same photo they sent me.
No response.
I start to hit the arms of my chair to keep myself busy while the anticipation eats me alive.
Suddenly, the worst possible outcome:
"You can no longer send messages to this person."
The tears start unprompted.
"nononononononono they're lying they did this they hurt me i DIDN'T EVEN GET MY ART. WHAT GIVES?"
My dog approaches me and lays her head on my leg. She knows when I'm in distress, but I'm not in any mood to be comforted. I ignore her and frantically swap to my alt account to check the artist's profile. And it looks like they've started causing quite a scene.
"I’m on my knees Begging y’all to PLS add an open mouth view on your ref sheets OTL Doesn’t have to be complex! Could even be a disembodied tongue and single tooth. PLEASE JUST PUT IT SOMEWHERE I hate having to guess the colors and most likely get it wrong 😖"
Wh- They didn't-
I check back in our DMs. I had given an older ref because it had fit the style better. On closer inspection, no tongue ref.
"Her tongue is just pink.... how hard would it have been to ask...."
I refresh.
"if you give me a mouth-less view ref sheet, I’m going to passive aggressively color any open mouths on commissions pure black. That’s it. And not even off black so u can see the lines. FULL 000000 BLACK. NO DETAILS Check ur refs :U"
I'm in shock. They thought that not delivering the product I paid for, blocking me, and scaring the SHIT out of me was a form of PASSIVE aggression????? And they say "check ur refs" like this is some sort of PSA? Like we're supposed to want to LISTEN to them after being blatantly threatened with vandalized art? I'm furious. I'm furious and baffled, but at least I'm no longer scared.
At the end of the day, I'm just happy the artist told on themselves so that no one will commission them any time soon.
A refund sure would be nice though.
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sciencespies · 3 years
Virgin Orbit Test Flight Hits Low Earth Orbit—Billionaire Branson Joins Elon Musk’s SpaceX At Key Milestone
Virgin Orbit Test Flight Hits Low Earth Orbit—Billionaire Branson Joins Elon Musk’s SpaceX At Key Milestone
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The Virgin Orbit “Cosmic Girl” – a modified Boeing Co. 747-400 carrying a LauncherOne rocket under … [+] it’s wing
AFP via Getty Images
Billionaire Richard Branson’s small satellite launch business Virgin Orbit has successfully reached orbit, making Virgin one of just a handful of companies to have reached the critical milestone.
After failing a test in May last year, Virgin Orbit today became the world’s first launch company to successfully drop an orbit-bound rocket from the underside of a 747 wing in mid-air. The technology allows satellites to be launched from runways around the world and will likely open up the opportunities in space to smaller nation states, businesses and educational institutions.
Virgin’s 747 – called Cosmic Girl – took off from Mojave at around 2pm (U.S.) today, dropping LauncherOne from beneath its wing 40 minutes later. Without a SpaceX-style livestream, hundreds of fans watched tweets online, (mostly) wishing the British billionaire and his U.S.-based team well.
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Sir Richard Branson speaks to audience during a Virgin Galactic space tourism presentation
Corbis via Getty Images
At 2:50 pm Virgin Orbit announced–“LauncherOne has reached orbit!” after successfully detaching from the underside of the wing, and blasting off once the plane was clear. “Everyone on the team who is not in mission control right now is going absolutely bonkers.” Orbit tweeted, “Even the folks on comms are trying really hard not to sound too excited.”
Carrying 10 small satellites for NASA, Orbit confirmed that the LauncherOne vehicle would “coast” for around half an hour, before delivering its payload of small, cube-like satellites.
An hour later Orbit confirmed by Twitter, “The payload separation command was issued as planned. The team is going through the data now to confirm everything–but it’s very encouraging.”
Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator at NASA congratulated the Virgin team, “I know there are more steps and burns today. But, what an amazing achievement already today, team [Virgin Orbit].”
Branson now joins the small pool of entrepreneurs to have reached low earth orbit. Elon Musk and SpaceX hit the milestone in September 2008, at the fourth attempt, while New Zealand based Rocket Lab has now made 17 orbital launches since first tasting success in January 2018.
Money Well Spent?
Much of the conversation around Virgin Orbit has focused on the staggering money spent–over $1 billion dollars according to Branson–despite failing to reach orbit until now, a notoriously difficult achievement.
In a year that saw the recapitalization of the entire Virgin Group after the Covid-19 pandemic grounded Branson Virgin Atlantic airline, questions were asked over why so much money had been spent on Orbit at a time when Virgin faced a genuine fight for its own survival. The question was not lost on William Pomerantz, VP of special projects at Virgin Orbit told Forbes in September, as Virgin struggled during the pandemic, “We’re all reading those same news stories and seeing the social media pile-on and everything else,” Pomerantz says of the problems facing Virgin Atlantic at the time. “That motivates us.”
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The Virgin Orbit “Cosmic Girl” – a modified Boeing Co. 747-400 carrying a LauncherOne rocket under … [+] its wing
AFP via Getty Images
Despite shedding over 3000 jobs at Virgin Atlantic, Branson kept his faith with Orbit despite loud criticism from the space investment community over the money invested so far. Peter Beck at Rocket Lab claimed to have reached orbit for a far smaller sum and investors disputed whether or not Virgin would be able to compete in the (smaller than expected) market alongside SpaceX–who will carry satellites in bulk–and Rocket Lab, who offer a more bespoke service.
However, Branson’s faith in Virgin Orbit, which splintered off from Virgin Galactic in 2017, has now likely paid off and the British businessman will aim to build a business from the technology he’s now proved can work.
Branson will now target long-term business relationships with some of the biggest names in the industry. Virgin Orbit has told Forbes in the past that its “first customer” NASA will be a key client, while opportunities in the U.K. (post-Brexit) are opening up alongside work for  the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force. Private companies like SITAEL, a privately-owned space firm from Italy, have also expressed interest.
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seotipsandtricks-me · 5 years
How to Get More From Digital PR (Without Mentioning AVE) | Pint Sized Marketing
Digital PR is an evolving discipline. Over the years, we’ve developed from link builders to more rounded PRs and broader marketers. Yet more often than not, the way we see digital PR being judged revolves around links and the traditionally SEO based metrics from which our discipline was born. I was recently invited to speak around this topic for Pint Sized Marketing, a feeder event to the larger Learn Inbound which takes place in Ireland each year. Many thanks to Mark Scully for having me; you’ll find my slides and a write up of my talk below. Digital PR was born from an SEO need It’s no secret that link building is an integral part of any search campaign. In order to outrank our competitors, we must prove the credibility of our knowledge and of our brand – and the most tangible way Google has to do this right now is through links. That’s why, way back in the early days of SEO, link building was big business. We knew that more links meant better rankings and – as we often do – we took advantage of that fact and found sneaky ways to get more links, like link farms, article spinning and forum comments. It made sense, then, that Google caught onto this and told us, in no uncertain terms (and via a super cute animal) that this was not cool. The penguin update penalised those who invested in poor quality link building techniques and as such, gave the industry a metaphorical kick up the backside to do better. An investment in content It was here that link builders / SEOs saw the need to invest more in content. The idea was that good quality content would merit links in their own right – which was something made far easier by the fact that webmasters had not yet grown tired of backlink requests or got wise to the fact that links are essentially currency (leading to many today asking us to pay for them, thus rendering the whole process pointless, but I digress…). So we did just that; we invested in content, anything from really useful guides through to interactive campaigns. The biggest surge in popularity as I experienced it was in infographics. Because infographics were not so easy for journalists themselves to make,  but they did appeal to visual audiences, all it took was an OK designer and an OK idea to create an infographic that would gain links. I even made an infographic of infographics. I thought I was a genius. Meanwhile, in PR… Meanwhile in the world of traditional PR, PR pros were delivering fantastic campaigns which promised to build their clients’ brands and raise awareness of their causes. It was an exciting profession because it was both intangible and integral – something everyone wanted, no one could really measure why but the bottom line was that without it, businesses felt they were missing out. And that made for some really creative campaigns and different ways of thinking. As SEOs, we saw that and, like the magpies we are, we wanted it. The link builders amongst us recognised that PR was a tactic that would gain coverage and therefore links, that was total valid in Google’s eyes because it’s been happening for years without penalty. PR was, in many ways, the golden bullet for link builders. So we started to learn more about it. We invested in campaigns that were newsworthy. We created news hooks. We learned about the press landscape. We even started doing PR stunts. A new choice for clients/stakeholders At this point, we’d become a bit of a middle-man, not quite SEOs and not quite PRs but with the potential to develop our own very clear specialism. That’s what I love most about digital PR – it’s not quite done, it’s like the cake batter ready to be baked, but it’s really tasty nonetheless! For our clients and stakeholders looking to invest in our services, there was a shift. A few years ago, if my PR team was pitching for business, it was either against other digital PRs or, more likely, against SEO agencies. Today, though, we find ourselves pitching much more against traditional PR agencies too, with our clients making decisions between investing with us and investing with them. As a brief tangent, the way I see it is that this is a huge opportunity for traditional PR agencies to really hone their craft and own it – they need to stop trying to become digital and instead stand up for those things they do that digital PRs can’t to continue to develop their niche – like crisis comms, product launches, events and so on. This shift means that we are now being judged against SEOs and against traditional PRs. So it makes logical sense that we need not only to report on SEO-centric goals, but also on PR-centric goals. SEO goals for digital PRs The SEO goals we focus on as digital PRs have got to be link-based. Our job is to build links because links are votes and votes improve rankings. I can’t see a time when I’ll ever not advocate this. Here at Impression, we typically split out goals/KPIs into: Owned goals These are the goals we as digital PRs should own, specifically number of links, quality of links (DR), topical relevance of links (TF) and positioning of links (PR). Shared goals These are the goals we as digital PRs share with SEOs, specifically ranking improvements, traffic improvements and eventual revenue improvements. In order to capitalise on these shared goals, we need to be much more integrated with our SEO teams, and ask not only where we are building links to, but why we are building them and fully understand the SERPs landscape around our target terms and topics. PR goals for digital PRs When we look at how the top PR agencies position themselves, it’s all about storytelling, thought leadership and audience mobilisation. The thing that makes PR difficult to measure is that traditional PRs haven’t yet nailed it themselves, in my opinion. All this talk of advertising value equivalents (AVE), circulation figures and ‘outtakes’ is yet to really nail the intrinsic benefits of PR to the business’ bottom line – even if you have managed to gain coverage which would have cost £X to pay for, what was the value of paying for it anyway? We do, I believe, need to measure ourselves against PR’s goals. But we can’t just replicate what traditional PRs use because, frankly, it’s not good enough. More than anything, we need to focus on making our PR goals SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time based. That means taking the intangible and making it tangible. Awareness as a goal is very noble, but if you can’t measure your campaign’s contribution to awareness, what’s the point and how do you quantify the value? So I’d consider utilising traffic or ranking or even branded search metrics to make it measurable. Sentiment is something that’s often referenced by PRs and, in digital PR, I’ve seen agencies use social media listening tools to measure sentiment, though my concern is that not every campaign has a social element and therefore this isn’t necessarily a reliable metric across the board. Instead, we at Impression are currently experimenting with Google’s natural language processing API to see if we can utilise that to quantify sentiment – we’ll share the results when we have them. Broader marketing considerations for digital PRs As well as measuring ourselves against SEO and PR goals, we also need, I believe, to work on our own niche and on the creation of goals which are specific to digital PR. We are not simply a combination of two existing disciplines; we are a discipline in our own right and there are benefits to be derived from an investment in digital PR that you won’t get through SEO link building or traditional PR. I shared some of these in my presentation, and have spoken about the idea of funnel campaigns over on State of Digital previously, so I won’t reiterate here, but suffice to say, I’d like to see digital PRs contributing more to the evolution of our discipline by exploring new ways in which we can use our content to build audiences and drive revenue. How to get more from digital PR To summarise, my tips to get more from digital PR are: Be better SEOs; report on owned goals as well as shared goals – integration Be better PRs; report on the benefits beyond links, but make it measurable Be better marketers; think multi-channel, think integrated, think user first Our discipline is still evolving. We get to choose how. If you’d like to talk more about your digital PR needs, please get in touch, or I’d love to hear your comments on all of the above, either in the comments below or over on Twitter – I’m @lauralhampton. How to Get More From Digital PR (Without Mentioning AVE) | Pint Sized Marketing was last modified: July 25th, 2019 by Laura HamptonThe post How to Get More From Digital PR (Without Mentioning AVE) | Pint Sized Marketing appeared first on Impression.
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daynamartinez22 · 3 years
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 326
Click on the video above to watch Episode 326 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts Episode 326. Today is the 10th of February 2021. I was about to say if you’re watching live and you can’t see this refresh the broken debris fresh the page, but don’t really do you much good if you’re watching live and can’t see this. So if you’re ever watching live and you can’t see it, just make sure that you refresh the page. And that takes a little bit for the page to get updated. So, as usual, we’re going to go through we got some announcements. We’ll keep that short and then we’re going to get in we got a bunch of questions of pretty good, wide variety. So we will start we got I know Marco’s out taking some time with the family. Hernan must have gotten held up somewhere, but the rest of us are here and ready to go. So we’ll start off with Chris, how are you doing today?
thing, Goodyear super happy here today. Lots of new snow. So like, everything is right. Everything is more bright and stuff. So I really enjoyed it.
Very nice. Nice. Nice. All right. And Bradley, are you readily available for comments?
Oh, yeah, I’m trying to get logged into stuff. But yeah,
gotcha. How are you doing? I’m good. I’m glad to be here. Cool. Let’s jump into it. I got a couple of things I want to go over before we start answering questions. First of all, if you’re new to semantic mastery, thanks for watching. You’re in the right place every Wednesday at 4 pm Eastern. You can check us out either live on semantic mastery comm slash h v questions or you can subscribe on the YouTube channel and stay up to date that way. And check out the replay. We also put out little clips of the questions. But the best way to do it is to come to live or if you can’t make it live. You can ask your questions ahead of time. Yeah, semanticmastery.com/hdquestions, and then check out the replay we understand you there got things to do got a job got clients, whatever. Last but not least, I want to name a few things that we get asked a lot. And to kind of talk on that real quick. If you are new to semantic mastery, you’re new to MGYB you’re new to heavy hitters club, then you should find out how to shield your site. I’m using the air quotes here because the shield comes up a lot, right. But this is if you don’t want to worry about algorithm updates and you want to find out what the hell the SEO shield is go over to the SEO shield.com that’s the word de Seo shield.com. And then beyond that, if you want to expand beyond that and get our step by step processes for getting SEO results, then check out the battle plan. And you can find out more about that at battle plan dot semantic mastery comm kind of moving up the list, what we also get asked a lot is Hey, I’m either consultant or I’ve got a small agency but I want to get more clients, I want to grow my revenue, I want to scale my team. I know I fit into that core category I think a lot of other people do. But if you want to find out more about that there’s great training available at two x your agency.com. And then if you’re ready to grow your digital marketing business, or you even have a brick and mortar physical business, you’ve got people working for you, or you’re more experienced with the agency or consulting model than the mastermind is definitely the place for you. And you can find out more about that at mastermind dot semantic mastery.com. And last but certainly not least, I’ve mentioned this before mg y b.co that’s placed to get done for you services. All right, I recently, you know, this is the stuff we’ve used ourselves and we do use ourselves I recently bought the deep keyword research package for a new project I’m working on. I love that it saves a ton of time you get a bunch of not only just great keywords, but it’s also organized very well you can find out more about that at mg y b.co. And beyond that you can get the SEO shield syndication networks, press releases link building all sorts of good stuff. So before we jump into it just gonna say hi to Hernan looks like he made it here. How you doing, man?
I’m good, man. Sorry about the slight delay. I was in a meeting that runs late. It was supposed to be five minutes by the end of being seven. That’s all right. You’re gonna get detention, but I hate that man. I hate that. So anyway, happy to be here. Awesome. All right. Well, that’s about it. Let’s get into it unless anybody else had I think we got one more thing.
What’s up, man? especially for all our full being Muslim mastermind members. So for the next two weeks, if you’re struggling with your Facebook convergence API, I will help you for free but only for the next two weeks and with no trial subscription. So like you need to be a fully subscribed mastermind member. And I will post a link where you can subscribe to the mastermind. If you’re struggling or needs help with that just hit me up in the Facebook group. The semantic mastermind Facebook group and yeah, that’s it. Awesome.
Hell of a deal.
I guess. Let’s get into it. Bradley. You’re good to go. Yeah, I’m good. Now let me grab the screen. You know, I’m still fighting through. I got a new PC last week and boy, and I remember why over six years, I kept my old one for six years because it’s a nightmare, transferring everything from, you know, one PC to another just takes forever. It’s been a week and I’m still not done.
So I got a question for you, Bradley. And hopefully, some other people can relate. And I know the answer, like from her nine, because I know he plays PC games. And so I bet you know, he nerds out on like putting together his PC or like getting a new one. Do you do that to Bradley? Or is it has it always just been like a work machine for you? And it just works. Okay. So like I transition because I used to, like, nerd out, you know, I’m like researching and doing all this and building my own PC. And now I’m like, dreading upgrading, because I’m like, Oh, my God, I don’t want to deal with having to like download programs and do this. And I never understood people who were like that before. Now. That’s to me, like one of the things I’m like, shit, I’m getting old. I know. Yeah.
Well, I used, I used this program, but it’s a company called Laplink. It’s called PC mover. And I use the professional version, which like 60 bucks or something like that. But it was great. It had it was overnight, it transferred everything from one PC to the other, all programs and everything, but you still got to log back into the programs, and then kind of like reset them or re-register them and all that kind of stuff. So and then obviously, some of the settings aren’t all the same, but it definitely helped. You know, before I’ve always done that shit manually, and it would literally take days of doing nothing but working on the PC like the transfer stuff. And this made everything a lot easier. But it’s still you know, I’m still going in and have to modify things. Do you know what I mean? So
that’s cool. What was that called? Again?
It’s called a sea mover by Laplink.
Awesome. I’m gonna write it down. It’s pretty cool. What saved me a ton of time. It lets me transfer overnight. And it took about six hours for it to transfer everything from one to another. But once it was done as I said, it definitely sped up the process still working my way through some bugs, but it was definitely a lot easier.
Sure. What rockets Did you get like that’s the curious question on everybody’s mind? The what? What kind of rocket computer did you get? Well, I got a good one was 64 megabytes RAM because that was my biggest issue. I use a browser to still, God forbid. And when I got a shit ton of Chrome profiles open, it slows my computer way down. I went from 32 gigabytes ram to 64 and it’s um, it’s definitely better. It’s faster. There are no questions.
I got a recommendation for you there right there. Was that is a fucking VPS man? Now to float the whole thing of like, 500 open tabs.
I just bought a new PC, so I don’t need to do that shit. So you can even do this like a week Chromebook and run that operation.
moving into question.
There we go. Alright, guys, we’re gonna get into it. Now. We’re gonna start with chassis that GIF anyways, maybe we’ll get to it. Keep going.
Which one?
Nevermind, just keep going.
I don’t see it.
Is It Okay To Add A Company’s Wiki Page To Its Schema Data In SEO Ultimate?
All right. Anyway, moving on. Chad says Hey, guys. Well, it looks like I don’t remember answering this one last week. So we’ll go with this one. If a company has a Wikipedia page or something similar, like Crunchbase Is it a good idea to include it as a link in things schema using something like SEO ultimate for the name of the brand and variations of the brand to help with branded SERPs? Or is this a stupid idea and better to just put in sameas schema? Yeah, I mean, I’m I don’t fully understand the question or what you’re attempting to do. So if you want to clarify that, I’ll try to give you a better answer. But honestly just put it in the same as schema. That’s sameas schemas. Actually, it’s for your primary social accounts. However, we’ve had for years now we’ve been listing all of what we did, we feel are the most powerful properties that are, you know, branded profiles for a project to brand a company. And so I’ll use what I consider to be the most powerful citations, so to speak, or places where I have a profile, so it’ll be the main social media accounts, YouTube, Twitter, Tumblr, or excuse me, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, you know, Instagram, if you have it, I typically don’t use Instagram, but so the main social media accounts and then, like the Google Site GMB website, if you’re if you have a GMB the GMB map URL, you can also use the hash map designation and schema for that also, but I also put that in same as the Google site if you got an SEO shield, which you should press advantage organization page part of the SEO shield, right. And then also, I’ll put in top-level citations, if it’s for local, I’ve talked about how to do this many times. But typically, what I’ll do is just go to Google and search for the company name plus the phone number and then whatever listings or citations show up or any sort of profiles period that show up in the top two pages of Google search results for that brand plus phone number. By the way, if the top two pages are filled up with a lot of pages from the company domain, right from the, from that entities domain, then you can always put in a modifier like minus, then the domain name right the domain itself, so you know, mydomain.com, so minus the minus sign, then my domain.com, and it will strip those from the results that it shows. So again, I’ll do a search for the brand name plus phone number. And then I’ll do the minus domain comm as part of it, and then whatever shows up on those top two pages, I’ve just put those in my same as click through and make sure that they’re relevant. You know, if there’s not really any data on the page, then it’s unnecessary to put it in the schema, same as schema. But if it’s got the name, address, and phone number listed, and preferably with the link back to the site, and I will put that back in, or I’ll put that in the same schema. So again, top-level social media, the top syndication, network profiles, not all of them, but I put the top ones in like blogger, Tumblr, WordPress, for example, about me is another good one, press advantage, Google Site GMB website, GMB map share URL, or preferably the CI d equals URL not to share URL, and then the top two pages of citations or when I say citations, I don’t just mean structured citations like business directories, I mean, any anything that Google determines in the top two pages for that type of a search, why I just do the top two pages, because those are the ones that Google thinks are the most important, or the most authoritative, that are referencing your project site, right the brand itself. So that’s why I just stick with those. I don’t spam it to death. I know some people that will put everything that they ever create for their brand and same as, and it’s like super long. And I don’t think that that hurts it. But I just think that’s overkill. And there’s some sort of diminishing return there. So I like I said, I just stick with the top-level ones. And that’s basically it and typically gets really good results. And that can all be done with sameas schema. I wouldn’t attempt any of these other things that well first of all, I’m not 100% sure what you were asking, but you run the risk of ambiguating the entity if you start messing with it, so that’s why sameas is a particular designation that works well for that kind of thing. comments on that, guys, I know. It’s probably gonna be mostly me today.
How Do You Get The Twitter SEO Profile Addon When You Purchase The SEO Power Shield?
Nope, no, man. Okay, looks good. All right, moving on. So Chad says, Hey, guys, I’m looking to purchase a done for you SEO power shield. I noticed that with our ys reloaded package, there’s a Twitter SEO profile add on option since the SEO power shield includes an RYS stack? Is the Twitter SEO profile included? And if not, how do I go about adding that before or during checkout? Last thing? Fuck Google? It’s funny. Marco would be proud jazz? Um, that’s a really good question. Honestly, I know, I don’t typically use the Twitter SEO add on. And it’s just because I don’t really like Twitter. I know it’s good for SEO and all that. I’ve never been a fan of Twitter. So it’s just something I don’t use. If it’s something that you want to add to an SEO power shield, and that that does not come with it. Okay. If you’re ordering just a drive stack, then you can have that as an add on right? Or you can buy that package with the Twitter SEO and the SEO power show because it’s not something that people commonly purchased the Twitter SEO network, then we don’t include that in the SEO PowerSuite. Because again, those are like the bundled services, which people mostly purchase, right. So that’s the SEO shield packages are bundles that are the most commonly purchased bundles, so to speak. So if you want that add on, I would just contact support and ask how they want to handle that because I don’t think we have a that’s kind of just customization but I’m sure that support will accommodate you just contact [email protected] and tell them what you’re trying to do and they’ll get you sorted I’m sure. Okay.
Would Creating Online Tools Like WhoIs Checker Inadvertently Benefit Competitors As Their Domains Will Be Crawled?
Okay, the next question is from Pierce he says, Hey guys looking to build out some online tools for my web hosting business like an online who is checker, etc. which will create new domains with info about different domains. With info about different domains, okay, with doing this inadvertently benefit my competitors as their domains may get crawled and listed on the Whois tool. Won’t there be any links going to the domains just information like brand name image of the homepage and who is registration? I don’t fully understand that question Is anybody else? You guys probably weren’t even paying attention. Were you? I know I don’t fully understand this question. So we try one more time. Hey, guys, looking to build out some online tools for my web hosting business like an online who is checker, which will create new domains with info about different domains. I don’t understand the point of that.
I’m just wondering if that’s like, sorry, I don’t know the right terminology for this, but like you’re creating pages on the fly, like as people query it, you’re like, hey, let’s find out about this page. And then it builds a page with the information that, you know, in, like, builds it on the fly, maybe, but probably not a different domain. I mean, it could be a subdomain, but it probably is a page, but I don’t know.
Yeah. Yeah, I don’t fully understand the question. I don’t understand what creating new domains with info about different domains means. So just go, let’s assume he’s talking about subdomain. So like, every time someone does a query, he goes to go to his site, to go to domain.com, and say, Hey, tell me about semantic mastery. And it did some information on semantic mastery. And it creates a page called semantic mastery.is domain calm, and it shows some information about it. And just as of right, then that page is created on the fly and the domain exists.
As their domains may get crowded, listed on. Yeah, okay. If that’s what you’re, and that that was a great interpretation, Adam, because that may very well be what he’s trying to do. And I’m just going to assume that that is the case. For now. Maybe there’s some clarification down further?
No. All right. Well, I’m gonna run with what Adams interpretation of that question was, if that were the case, then, you know, that’s a good question. I don’t know 100%? No, if you’re not linking back to the competitor domain, then most likely not I mean, it’s still considered a citation. Right? If you’re listing information about the brand, the domain itself, right, then it could be considered a citation, which would be you know, remember, a citation doesn’t have to include a link, it’s just the publishing of entity information, typically name, address and phone number, right NAP. Sometimes the link sometimes without but just publishing that, even if it’s not hyperlinked is not clickable, none of that can count as a citation that’s more beneficial for local projects than it is for like national or global or whatever. But it still is it can help with SEO. But since if there’s no link whatsoever, you’re likely it’s likely that it wouldn’t, you know, it wouldn’t move the needle and is what I’m saying for your competitors. So I don’t think that that would be a problem. And again, that’s just me assuming that that is what you’re trying to do is create a subdomain page anytime somebody doesn’t create a query because I don’t really fully understand the question. So anyway, that said, hopefully, that answers your question. I don’t think it would be an issue if it’s just listing like text-based data about that domain. But again, still not 100% sure why you would want to do that.
Will You Get Topics Related To Law When You Submit A Deep Keyword Research For Lawyers?
So anyway, there he says, Lanre. I think I got it right this time, man. Landre, right. I think so. Anyways, if I need to do a keyword for divorce lawyers, if I need to do keywords, or key okay for divorce lawyers, do I need to submit for keyword research for lawyers or divorce lawyers? Okay, so if you’re going to order a keyword research package because I’m assuming that’s what you’re asking if you’re going to order a keyword search package from MGYB. for divorce lawyers do I submit for keyword research, for lawyers, or for divorce lawyers? Well, if you’re going specifically after divorce lawyers, then if you were to just submit lawyers as your keyword, then it’s going to pull back divorce lawyers and personal injury attorneys and family law and, you know, criminal attorneys, and it’s going to pull all that back, which would be not relevant to your project, right. So if your project is all about divorce lawyers, then I would use divorce lawyers or attorneys, you know, they’re kind of interchangeable as your keyword. And then they’ll start pulling it from there and extracting all of the keywords, you know, subsets or theme sub-themes from divorce lawyers. And I’m kind of compiling and optimizing the keyword file for you that way if it’s the, you know, the top whatever the top-level keyword packages, so that’s, that’s what I would suggest because remember, if you’re going with the broader term, you’re going to get broader results too, which aren’t going to be relevant to your product or your project, excuse me. So I would go with divorce lawyers. Okay, don’t include any local modifiers though. We don’t need that for the deep keyword research.
If I submit for deep keyword research for lawyers, will I be able to select various areas of law to build my site or Well, I have to build a law site that covers various ways I’d be able to select various areas of law to build my site? Or will I have to build a law site that covers various areas of law Okay, um, all right, I won’t be able to select various areas of law to build my site? Yeah, I mean, as I said, if you go with the lawyers like for D word, if you just went with lawyers, right, which is very broad, then it’s going to return everything. And there will be suggested silos and all that, which then, you know, you can determine whether you want to use them or not. It’s up to your, you know, what, what your project is about? Because you, if you again, if you go with lawyers, there’s going to be all kinds of environmental law, immigration lawyers, there’s going to be all kinds of stuff in there, that is probably not going to be relevant to you. I mean, again, I don’t know what you mentioned in the previous question, divorce lawyers. So I’m assuming that you want to be optimized more for that. more specialized right. So I would go with just divorce lawyers. But again, if you want to do a more general type of law website that covers multiple subcategories for attorneys or lawyers, then you want to go with the broader term. Does that make sense? And then you can just select which, you know, silos or suggested silos that you want to use. And again, they’re suggested you still have to go through and, you know, stack the content or the keywords, the way that you want them to be, we do our best to give you you know, things and keyword groups or keyword themes, which would be suggested silos essentially. But it’s still up to you to go through and actually, you know, choose which ones of those keywords are fully relevant to your project, and to select which ones you’re going to create content for or optimized content for is that if that makes sense? Okay. All right. Moving on. hopefully, that answered that question. It was a little bit of a difficult question, I guess.
Is It Wise To Point Tier 2 Links From MGYB Or Other Sources To Bit.ly Linking Back To The Money Site?
Christopher says, Hey, SM crew, when it comes to pop pushing power behind links, is it wise? Is it a wise idea to point tier two legs from MGYB? or other sources to Bitly? linking back to the money site? Or is it better to direct somewhere else? Okay, Christopher, that’s a good question. But there are a few things that I would recommend. So tier two links from MGYB or other sources to Bitly. Okay. Bitly, I don’t recommend using Bitly for shortening links, your money sites, and stuff, because this has been a known issue with Bitly. Now, it may have changed, it may be updated. And they don’t do this anymore. I don’t know. I just know from years ago, I’m talking like, you know, six, seven years ago, Bitly was infamous for. They’re supposed to be 301 redirect URLs, short shorteners, right, which creates a 301 redirect, but for whatever reason, and there was no like, rhyme, or reason behind it. Bentley will sometimes convert some Bitly redirects to three Oh, twos, right, which is it, it doesn’t allow PageRank to pass. And if that’s the case, then building links to Bitly shortened URLs that have been tagged as 302, you know, have been converted to 302 redirects, then you lose all of any potential benefit from the link building to that short link is completely lost at that point. So we have for years and years, we stopped using Bitly for short URLs other than like, when you’re using them for SEO purposes, I use Bitly all the time in like internal documents and things like that. Because it’s not SEO related, right? It’s but when I’m doing when I’m creating redirects for SEO purposes, I don’t like to use Bitly. Because of that very reason. There’s sometimes you’ll look at Bit.ly links and through like a redirect checker and it’ll be a 301. Other times you’ll look at Bitly links, and there’ll be 3.0s in Bitly just does that on their own, at least they used to again, it’s been many years since I’ve really tested any of that because I just stopped using Bitly years ago because of that reason. So I don’t know if that’s still the case or not. But I know that at some point, they were doing that and so it made Bitly not a good tool for SEO purposes. That said, Remember, MGYB has a link shortener, right. And that’s why we use it because we do a lot of what you’re asking about here. For example, if you go to mgyb.co/s, which is the link shortener, you’ll see what I’m talking about, okay.
And that was not what I wanted to do. Right there, mgyb.co/s is the link shortener. So you can sign up, you know, you can have a free account or you can pay for a paid account, which is very, very inexpensive and gives you some additional functionality. But that’s part of the reason when we deliver like an SEO shield, for example, all of the five links that were included in the order originally like your syndication, network profiles, then all of the files and folders that are created throughout the building of the drive stack. All of those links also get shortened. And if you take a look at like for example, the links sheet That comes with an SEO shield order. You’ll see on the so the Google Sheet when I say sheet, that’s what I mean. You’ll see on there, there will be all of the URLs listed for all the files and folders in the drive stack in one column. And then in the column to the right of it, there will be all the short URLs that are MGYB. Seo short, shortened URLs. And the reason why we do that is that, you know, with all the link building that gets done to drive stacks and everything else, people will also submit link building, you know, the target, the mgyb.co short URLs as target URLs. And so over time, this has gotten really, really powerful. In fact, there’s, it’s funny, but oftentimes, the MGYB.co short URLs will rank in search results as opposed to the unfurled or the target destination URLs. So like, for example, Google, My Maps, my map URL, typically I see for a lot of the projects that I have SEO shields done when the mind maps are ranking. It’s the MGYB.co short URL, as opposed to the actual Google URL. Does that make sense? that’s showing in the search results. So if you want to use a link shortener use ours, because that’s specifically why we set it up was for that reason, and there is some benefit to that. Now, remember, there’s a little bit of PageRank, that drops through redirects, right, you lose a little bit of loss PageRank loss through every redirect, I don’t know what that number is. It’s, you know, a small percentage, like 10 to 15%, or something like that. And I don’t know that that’s completely accurate anyways. So there is a little bit of a loss there. But there is some benefit to it as well because again, our short URL link URL, and probably all the big ones Bitly probably has a shit ton of power built to it. But if it arbitrarily converts it to a 302, you’re not going to benefit from that. Does that make sense? So there are other options out there, there’s ours, then there are other options out there that won’t arbitrarily assign a 302 redirect? Okay. That’s a good question.
What Other Places Where We Can Secure Citations For Local SEO Clients Aside From Yelp And Manta?
Okay, moving on. George, the SEO, aside from places like Yelp Manta and other directories and press releases, where are some other places we can see secure psychic citations, excuse me, for local SEO clients? Um, well, you know, there’s the normal business directories. But one of the things out here, I’ll, I’ll go through a little exercise with you guys. And this works really well for stuff to remember, there are a few things that you guys should be doing for citations, besides the standard citations, which everybody and their brother is on, you should be looking for niche-specific directories. So like industry-specific directories, let me pull this up. Industry directories and also local directories. Right. So what I mean by that, so for example, if I, you know, Tree Service stuff is what I do. So if I say tree service business directory, go through here and see. I don’t understand what that means. Anyways, look at that later. Okay, so what I would do is go just do a search for you know, your industry business directory, and just start clicking through and see which ones you can get listed on, some are going to be paid, but many of them will be free, and compile a list. If there are similar or tangent industries, that would also be good places to get listed. So for example, a tree service business directory, I could get listed on as many of these in here that I could find, that makes sense that, you know, again, some are going to be paid some of they’re going to are going to be free. just compile a list of industry-specific directories. then like I said, look for a tangent market or industry directories. So for example, I could look for landscaping, business directories, right, those could be some of the other ones that I could get listed on because of tree services. Oftentimes, landscapers also provide tree services, and oftentimes tree services also provide landscaping services. Right? That makes sense. So that that’d be another word one, something else for in the tree service industry would be like maybe land clearing. Let’s do this. Right. So just you guys understand what I’m saying. Right? I was and I don’t know, because land clearing isn’t probably searched enough on its own for it to have specific directories, maybe it does. I’d have to do some research. But my point is just going through and try to compile a list of what could be industry-related or somewhat related industry-specific directories that you can try to attempt to get listed on so that’s going to help okay for talking relevancy, but then for location, relevancy, or geographic relevancy, then you could look for local business directories. So for example, if I was going to look for, you know, say, Fairfax, Virginia, I’m just going to use that or Richmond, Virginia, which is the capital of Virginia. So let me do that, let’s say Richmond, VA, or Richmond, Virginia, Business Directory. And then I would just go right on through here and just start clicking through and opening up, that’s richmond.com, the Chamber of Commerce, obviously, that’d be another good one. There, all of these different try to put it back over there. This is this is richmond.com. This is the Chamber of Commerce 804 area.com, Richmond gov.com, you might even be able to get listed on like the local municipality or local government site, Richmond light pages in like all of these does that make sense, you just go through and look for your city business directories. And then you could also even look for not just your city, but your state, right, you could go like, in my case, Virginia business directory, and then go in and start getting listed on those. So there you go, you’ve got three additional options right there, something else you could look for is local blogs, it doesn’t have to just be directories. You could also look out for local blogs, local event, local events would be something else that you might be able to get listed on. So you just got to click through and do a little bit of research. But guys, these types of citations are actually way more powerful than the big ones like the big national directories because those are general business directories that cover all types of business categories. And all over the United States, sometimes even more. So those are there’s a place for those. There’s no question. But I found for SEO purposes, you get better results from industry-specific and local business directories. And even you know, state business directories are also helpful. Does that make sense? Does anybody want to comment on that?
And nothing, man. Okay.
Should I Use A Gsite Or Buy A Domain For Local Service Lead Gen Site?
bb’s up? Hey, guys, should I use a G site Or buy a domain for local service lead gen, please explain for short term and long term strategy. Okay. Um, you know, Rob, he does everything with just a G site, he doesn’t do any, like self-hosted sites at all. And he’s, you know, he kills it. There’s, I like to still build a brand with a self-hosted site. For the most part, if I’m doing a standalone GMB lead gen, that isn’t going to be like some brand that I plan to expand, then, which I try not to do that anymore at all. If I’m going to start building lead gen assets, I try to always create a brand that I’m going to use across multiple locations. Okay, because, as we’ve talked about many, many times before, now, you don’t have to have a self-hosted site for that, though, right? You can create it and here’s the thing BB. Whatever route you go, whether you want to self-hosted site, right, so by domain for that, or just use Google sites and drive stacks, you know, the SEO shield, essentially, without a self-hosted site, you can do it, either way, it doesn’t matter. It’s up to you. I tend to like to have a WordPress site still because it gives me additional functionality. But I know that you can do it with just a G site. What my recommendation is, is that you target just a brand on the primary g site, if you want to go that route where you’re you don’t have to buy domains, you don’t have to have a hosting account. You don’t have to set up and maintain or manage WordPress, you can do it with just a Google site. But what I recommend is instead of localizing the Google site, for the initial, the initial one, you want to set it up as a brand, right? So essentially, let’s just call it Bs, lead gen, right? We’re gonna call it that. So your first your G site and your SEO shield, I would set it up on to where it’s optimized for specifically the brand. That’s it. All right, so that you order the SEO power field for Bibi’s lead gen. So that’s the brand so that Google site would be sites.google.com slash views, slash Bs, lead gen. And I wouldn’t add or associate it with a particular location. At that point, if there’s going to be a standalone, then you could do that. You’re right, you’d want to be maybes lead gen for whatever you’re sitting in, right? So plus city. But if you’re going to create a brand out of it, which is what I recommend and create, that you can expand from multiple locations, then I would do it for just the brand at the top level. And then for every location. Even if you’re starting off with just one location, I would create that as an inner page of the G site. So it’s optimized, you know, has it like basically a location page and inner page on the sight as well as an ROI is expansion. White, which you order that an mg y b as well, which would be optimized for that particular location. And then for each subsequent location that you add, it gets another ROI is expansion stack, or ROI is expansion. Stack expansion, excuse me, whatever you get what I’m saying I would have an expansion for each individual location. And each location would be optimized for that, you know, whatever your primary keyword is plus the location. That’s the way I do it. And the reason why is because you can really build that entity up that brand name up, so that initially, it’s all going to be the same. But over time, as you add more like you continue to link build into it and everything else, it’s going to start to gain authority. And each time you want to add another location expand to a new area, then when you add another ArcGIS expansion, another inner, you know, inner page on the G site, it’s going to instantly benefit from all of the power that’s been accrued into that branded stack, and G site. Does that make sense? So initially, your workload is going to be the same. In fact, it might even be a little bit higher initially, because instead of optimizing the drive stack and the G site homepage for a particular location, you optimize it for the brand only. And then you have to have an expansion to target the specific location. So upfront, it might be a little bit more work just a tiny bit, but over time, it’s going to pay off, it’s going to produce a significant payoff, because each time you add a niche, another location is going to instantly benefit from the power of crude and will be a hell of a lot easier to get results from then starting over from scratch each time. So that makes sense. So that’s why I prefer to do it that way. I mean, I still like to have a WordPress site, guys unless like, as I said, it’s just a standalone, like a test project or something like that. But if it’s something that I plan on expanding, I like to have a WordPress site. But that’s just personal preference. As I said, Rob does everything with just g sites and just crushes it. So it’s up to you how you want to handle that. Okay.
Should You Use A Branded Or A Service Name For A Local Business Lead Gen?
What name should we use for local business Legion branded or service name included or end this limits locality? wanting to know if that will rank faster? Yeah. I don’t recommend Well, I reckon Semantic Mastery has been talking about branding for years, we got away from using EMD his exact match domains A long time ago, I always go for a brand. There can be a partial keyword in the brand name a lot of tree contractors do that. Like, you know, though, a lot of tree contractors will have the city name and their, their, their company name or, or Tree Service, obviously, what we’ll be at, which is a keyword tool. But I prefer to go with branded domains and brands, you know, I don’t like keyword stuffing the name. Why? Because think about this, guys. A lot of the times company names are like, especially for service contractors is really just a keyword. Right? It’s like, again, like call pepper Tree Service. If I was going to run with that as a name, right, I live in Cole pepper, called pepper Tree Service. That’s a keyword. So it’s hard to make it a brand. Because there’s ambiguation right off the bat because it’s technically a keyword. Right? It could also be a brand, but you have to overcome the fact that it’s a keyword in Google’s eyes to be recognized as a brand. Does that make sense? So you’re starting from an entity-based SEO standpoint, you’re starting at a disadvantage when you try to go after a generic or keyword-based type entity name. You’re better off going with something unique, that’s branded, it can have a partial match keyword in it, that’s okay. But my point is like I wouldn’t, especially if it’s going to be like you plan on expanding outside of a particular location that I wouldn’t want to include a location name, a specific city name in the brand name, because then you’d be pigeonholing yourself or limiting yourself to that one location. Right? So hopefully that makes sense.
Can You Target A Keyword That Is Searched On Google Even If It’s Not Understandable To Humans?
Can you target a keyword that is searched on Google, but there’s no meaning of it for humans, and they will not understand it. Yeah, sure, you can. That’s how a lot of people do single variable SEO tests. Again, why would you want to do that BB, you always ask these theoretical questions. And I have to ask you why I don’t understand why you would want to target a keyword that is searched on Google, but there is no meaning for it to humans. I’m not sure what you would want to do that for but yeah, sure you can. But no meaning to humans. Why? Like I don’t understand what the point of that would be. Anyway.
Let’s say that I want to change your phone number. I have a business and they’re one place that does not live. And there there’s one place that does not let me do that will putting on another place old number.
And the new number and company name. Will Google understand that the other place was a mistake. Not No. I don’t. And again, I don’t fully understand that question either but
No, because here’s the thing, if you’ve got an old phone number that’s outdated, and it’s published on the web, you know, all those places that are published, how you’d have to update all of them is my point. That’s why it’s better if you’ve got like, for example, NAP errors, right? We have data inaccuracy is for NAP for a particular business, it’s better, it’s wiser, it’s more effective to go clean up or correct. Incorrect citation data than it is to start publishing new citations with the correct data. Because all you’re doing at that point is diluting bad data. Right? You get weight. And trust me, I’ve, I’ve over the years, I’ve dealt with a lot of clients that had significant NAP issues. When I when they came to me, and I’ve learned over the years, the best thing to do is not start building news. I mean, starting to build new citations is going to happen naturally anyway, from the content marketing that we do. But the best way to get results from you know maps pack issues or maps ranking issues when there are any NAP data issues inconsistencies. The best thing to do the most effective thing to do is to update existing citations with correct data, which for that the best service that I’ve ever used is Loganix’s service. So if you go to semanticmastery.com/loganix, that’s L-o-g-a-n-i-x. It’s going to take you to their service, and they have a citation cleanup service, which I think 500 bucks might even be 600 bucks. It’s really good, though. It’s the best one. I’ve done this a number of times for clients over the years. And their services. I’ve used a bunch of services to do citation cleanups. And I’m telling you there is by far the most thorough service period. And to this day, every time I got a project or new client that has nav issues, the first thing I include the cost of this service, right in the proposal, when I get a new client, and typically I mark it up, and I also purchase through their account Loganix account that I set up for them through my own affiliate link as a Loganix affiliate, so that I get a markup Plus, I think it’s only 10% Commission, but I get a 10% commission as well. And then Loganix does all the work, and they’ve got their citation cleanup service, which is really, really good. Okay. So if their page loaded a little bit quicker, I’d show you that. Let’s go here, local SEO. And then they have some citation cleanup right here. And it looks like it starts at 497. And it takes about they say a six-week campaign, and they typically will run it for eight to 10 weeks, though. And it’s multiple stages, and it works really, really well. Okay.
How Would You Deal With Existing Social Profiles And Drive Stacks If Your Client Decides To Rebrand?
Jose says Hi there, say you have a client that decides to rebrand and merge multiple websites together or change over to a completely new brand for the domains, I would throw one. everything over to the right place. But how would you deal with social profiles and drive stacks? Would you rebuild from scratch? don’t want to waste link juice from the old stacks? Ooh, that’s a really good question. Um, well, with the drive stacks, remember, if you’re wanting the target the original site URLs to the new one, that you consolidate it, everything right, so the other domains that were now all redirected to the new one. So what I’m saying is that drive stacks are going to be targeting, if you had drive stacks built for these other brands or these other domains, right? That was pointing to those domains. And now those domains are 3012, the new money site, then all of that link flow is still going to be going through that redirect to the money site. The problem that I see with that, though, is it’s not from it from a link juice point, there’s no problem but from the data point and the information like the entity information, right, if you’ve got stuff out there from older brands that have now been consolidated into something new, and you’ve got those still remember on SEO from an SEO juice, right, so like a link equity standpoint, it’s flowing through the 301 redirects to your new domain, your new brand, it’s fine, you’re still gonna benefit from that. But you could ambiguous the entity information of the new entity because all of that is flowing from previously published stuff that had old entity info on it. So again, if you think about it from an SEO juice point, it’s fine. It’s still all flows through. But at the same time, I would worry about having all that other published data about an entity that no longer exists because it’s been consolidated in the new one. So that’s a really good question.
I’m not sure how I would handle that, I understand not wanting to lose all that power, but without, without going in and you know, editing the file, like the text and stuff like that on the phone, the files, essentially, the G sites and stuff too. You know, mentioned the entity information like NAP, for example, name, address phone number of the new entity, then I would be concerned that that might ambiguous the data, which in my case, and I’ve done that in the past, I’ve just killed the folders like just set them to, you know, not know, not public, so that the SEO juice will still flow, but they’re not, you know, being indexed and all that kind of stuff. So I don’t know, that’s the way that I’ve done it in the past was I’ve just set that in the folders too, you know, private, essentially. But go in, but again, it’s either that or kill it altogether, but I understand not wanting to waste the juice, but at the same time, if you want to, if you want to keep the public, then you’d have to go in and actually edit all and from what I know, I would want to go in and edit all of the, you know, published data about the old entity and update it with the new and that would be a shit ton of work. There’s a lot of there’s no question about that. That’s how I would do it. What I rebuild from scratch Yeah, I would have a new drive stack built for the new brand new consolidated brand. Absolutely. It but I understand not wanting to waste all the power built to the previous ones. So that’s about the only thing I could think of to do with that would be to you know, in the past, like I said, I’ve just set them to not public and kept them but they weren’t, you know, indexable or killed the folders entirely. Which sucks because then you lose all that juice, but it is what it is. Okay.
How Are You Managing Freelancers When You Start To Grow Your Team?
Jays up. He says, How are you guys managing freelancers, writers, Link builders, etc. When do you start to grow your team? Are you just using something like up work with teams? Or something better? Yeah, I mean, I, I just my team has only two people now. Well, I’ve got bloggers, but they’re, I don’t really manage them much. I’ve got two assistants that work for me on you know, Monday through Friday, though. And I just manage everything through slack. We’ve got a CRM that we use, Well, a couple of CRMs. I’ve got a high level for agency staff. And then I use a different CRM for real estate stuff. And then I’ve got slack channels that I manage everybody in, you know what Adam would be the better one to answer this one.
Yeah, I think it’s a this is this could be its own, like, full-on conversation. So I’ll try to keep this somewhat short. But I think it depends on what your needs are, like, Don’t go looking for a problem to solve before you have one. So if you’re feeling the crunch, and it sounds like j, you’re maybe looking at you’ve got a small team and you’re growing, you know, if it’s not working, then now’s a good time, you got the pain point. So I would start simple though, like for me right now I use ClickUp. And I work, you know, between full time, part-time and contractors have had like seven or eight people from different groups. So that’s one there’s a lot of these services like ClickUp Monday, trying to think of other ones, but you know, those are two good examples, you can go and check out and they usually have some sort of free tier, but they can get complicated and you can spend a lot of time figuring them out. So Trello is definitely a good place where you could get started with the simple like maybe you have one list of ideas or things or templates and then you have one have in progress and one has finished or needs to review something like that just to get you in the mindset of delegating more, because as you build up your team, your time should shift towards more effectively delegating and doing a very good job and spending a lot of time on that upfront so that you don’t spend as much time doing or as much time fixing because you gave someone shooting instructions and I say that because I’m you know growing pains myself going from a couple of people to more you know, shrinking, growing, you know, seeing that again and again. So just make sure that you have an actual need for this don’t do more than what you need, but be aware of what your options are and stay simple rather than get complicated fast.
That was a good answer. And I like what you preface everything with is don’t look for a solution or don’t try to find a solution for a problem you don’t have yet I’ve tried Monday and click up in some of those and you know I quit because exactly what you said you they there’s so much stuff that you can do with those and there are different ways that you can build them and all that different you know, you can go down a rabbit hole and get lost and just tweaking the platforms and so you know, my point and trying to use them was to be more efficient. But then I found that it was taking so much time just learning how to use it and setting it up and all that kind of stuff and working it in you know creating workflows and all that that you What’s working for me what a small a very lean team like I have is just something super simple, which is just slack. And I’ve calendar notifications. And then we have tasks and stuff that my CRM will automatically assign to, you know, the appropriate, you know, a person for projects and things like that. So I use just those tools were, which were things that we were already familiar with, I didn’t see the need, after trying like Monday and click up, I saw that it just was overkill for my lean operation. So, you know, do what’s easy and simple. And, you know, if you’re going to be growing a big team, you might need to look into something like that, for sure. But just, you know, keep it I like what Adam said, is that you got to just be careful, because you’ll you could end up, you know, in an effort and in the pursuit of trying to be more efficient, you could kill your productivity. You know, yeah, it’s taken us a while, like, I’m glad I went with ClickUp. I used Monday, I switched to click up, and I’m glad I did, but it was a learning curve. And, you know, there’s a lot of time invested in that and figuring out how best to use it. So I can teach the team how best to use it. Now they’re helping out too. But you know, someone’s got to figure it out, start with the thing I will say is investing time and effort in your processes upfront. So if you go to SEOshield.com I believe Bradley, you built that in process three, right? That’s a checklist.
No, that’s an mgyb.co/process finger there that you’ll see. You gotta it’s behind an opt-in. Well, now guys, you got to submit your email to get to it. But if it’s MGYB.co/process and that was built in process Street, yes,
gotcha. Okay, yeah, I have that mixed up. And so I would just say, if you’re going to spend time somewhere, to spend it on the process side, and it doesn’t have to be paid service, could be Google Docs could be Trello. With a checklist, or, you know, if you like something sleek, like process Street, something that you can easily duplicate it’s made for this. But yeah, put your time and effort into the processes. And then you can fill out the rest of that over time. And for years, all I did for process docs was Google, Google Docs, and screencast, which I would upload to YouTube screencast recorder, and that would so for years, that’s all I did. And to this day, when I’m first developing a process, that’s where I do it the same way I record a screencast video and I type, I start typing out the steps in a Google Doc. And then once I get the rough draft of the process, done, the process documentation is done, then I transfer that now to process street, and I process Street, it’s paid, I think I only pay like 35 bucks a month or something. So it’s worth it to me. But it makes it much more polished. And you can create checklists and things like that from and embed videos directly into it. And you know, all kinds of really cool stuff that you can do with process Street. But still to this day, when I’m first starting to develop a process document, I do it with just Google Docs and a screencast video until I get my first you know, the rough first draft of it done. And it works really, really well guys, and for many years, that’s all I did was Google Drive, and YouTube, well, you know, screencasts that I would upload to YouTube. And that worked for years. So you don’t need to overcomplicate that either.
One thing I will say is two things rather a little bit of shiny object. But check out the notion as well. If you like putting stuff together yourself, that’s a great one took me a while to realize the power there. I’m using that for marketing calendars and some other stuff too. And then last but not least, if you do Google 360, the numbers 360 delegations, there’s a great article, I forget who it is or who referred me, but it’s profitfactory.com/360delegation, it’s a fantastic article on why you should be delegating and doing the processed stuff and where you should be spending your time. And you know, kind of directed my attention for. I really do need to be putting in more time. For example, the vision of a project, you know, this isn’t for a tiny little task, but for maybe a project, like what do I want? You know, what does it look like? Why are we doing this and sharing a little bit with the team? So it’s not just, hey, go build this. And this doesn’t have to be some complex product process, but sharing with the team, so they understand a little bit of the bigger picture, because anyone who’s involved in this type of stuff, probably would like and benefit from a little bit of it. And then the resources like what resources do they need? Do you already have LastPass? or whatever? are you sharing all the passwords? Do you need to record anything? Do they need software? like running through this checklist? And then going and what’s the definition of done? Do you have screenshots of what is a good done project or task is do you have an example? Do you have something they can compare it to? Is there a schedule? And he was going through this and saying, Oh wow, for myself? who’s like, Yeah, I got to spend more time upfront so that I spend less time getting involved in it down the road when it Yeah, I just told him to get started and lucked out 20% of what they needed.
Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, it sucks. Because, you know, a lot of the times it’s so much easier just to do with, you know, completed a task on your own than it is because it’s, it’s like, you know, this is only going to take me 20 minutes. And if I got to create a process, you know, process documentation, it’s gonna take three hours, you know, if to do this 20-minute task, I’ll just do the damn task. But the problem with that is, then the next time that task has to be done, guess who does it again? Do you know what I mean? And so it and I have I struggle with that all the time. Because, you know, sometimes some of the processes that I want to go develop are super complex. And I know that it’s gonna take me days, literally days to develop that process out. And so I’m like, Fuck, it’ll only take me two hours to do this, I’ll just do it myself. You know, because I don’t have the time to create this process don’t train right now. But then the next time that situation occurs again, it’s me that has to do it again. And so you know, and I’ve got invest the time again. And so it’s like, you have to constantly Wait, like, should you just go ahead and execute the task, and move on to the next thing? Or should you invest the time to develop the process, so that number one, if it’s you, that has to do it, again, you’ve got it’s done consistent, right? That the quality is consistent because you’ve got a checklist now that you can run down to make sure that you don’t miss anything, or whatever. But second, and more importantly, you can hand that off to somebody else to where you never have to do it again. And so to me, even the really complex tasks that require sometimes multiple levels of process docs, you know, I try to at least start working on those like plugging away at them a little bit at a time where I might know more complex tasks, I might say, Okay, look, I’m gonna spend 30 minutes a day or an hour a day over the next, you know, two weeks developing this, this process training. That way, I don’t feel like it has to be done today. But at the same time, I’m making progress on it a little bit at a time, if that makes sense.
So yeah, very true.
Is There Any Harm In Running Too Many PRs In A Short Period Of Time?
We’re almost out of time, let’s run through the last couple. Let’s see, we’ll say hey, gents, I have a client that wants to run one press release every three days, the manufacturing plant is supplying a range of new products, and they want to be number one, before any other supplier, I did a test with four times or four PRs in four weeks, and it worked a treat. He now wants me to push that further and do about 10 PRs in one month. These are four different products, and each has a separate landing page. Is there any harm in running this many PRs?
No, not at all. I’ve got a few projects that I typically publish eight PRs per month on and then I know Rob has done. He’s just spam the shit out. Like I say, spam, it’s not really spam, but he’s done a whole bunch of press releases in a week. Like, I don’t know what the number is, but I know he’s done multiple press releases in a week for a particular project, just to test it and it always produces good results. So no more won’t hurt you. Okay. Good question. By the way, Gordon says, Hey, guys, hope everyone is still well and COVID. Free. I believe it used to be imperative for a local business to have their site ranking on the first page of Google or at least on the second page. In order to rank in the GMB three-pack, is that currently essential? Or can their site rank way down and organic search results and you can still get a three-pack ranking by doing completely on-page GMB listing optimization. And by targeting the GMB listing itself, with press releases, citations, drive stacks, etc, from MGYB? And if so, can you do it with the middle of the road quantity and quality of reviews? Thank you very much. As usual for you. Yeah, no, I know what you mean about there’s been a connection between maps ranking and organic ranking, but I could talk for years, all I did was optimized for maps, and I didn’t give a shit at all about organic rankings, I’ve started to do more on the organic side of things now because the maps proximity filter is much tighter now it’s much narrower. So getting maps listing to rank, you know, outside of its immediate physical location area is more difficult now. So that’s why I’ve started working also on organic rankings again. Because it’s but long story short, I know what you mean about the connection between the two, but I’ve got a ton of GMB assets that the organic rankings are basically nonexistent like I just didn’t even try ever. And so some of them are ranking in the three-pack. But I’ve got you know, it’s page four before you find the first organic ranking for that, you know, keyword, for example. So I don’t know that the connection is still there. I know that I will, you know, I try to do a balance of the two now for, you know, new projects, but for older projects that all I did was focused on GMB ranking. I’ve got many, many examples of that, that the organic rankings are just really shitty, you know, page three, page four, whatever. But it’s ranking in the three-pack if that makes sense. So I don’t think it matters. Honestly. I could be wrong. They might, somebody else might have some now, if you get your organic ranking to rank well, will it help to benefit the maps ranking? I think so. But if you’re just focusing on maps, I don’t think that the organic rankings make much of a difference, at least in my own experience. Now, again, there might be some other data out there that conflicts with But for my from my own experience, it doesn’t really matter for maps rankings. That makes sense.
What’s The Best Use Of A Newly Acquired Domain With 100+ Links?
Okay, the last question is going to be from Robert and we’re going to wrap it up. Robert says, Thanks for continuing Hump Day hanging out with us all. You’re welcome. We enjoy this. If I have a money site, I just acquired a domain with 100 plus links, mostly follow links with high authority and relative anchors. Great. What’s the best way to use this newly acquired domain 301 redirects? Yeah, if it’s relevant, you can do that. I don’t like to do that a lot. But if it was a domain, where it was topically relevant to what you’re going to be forwarding it to, or 301 redirecting it to, then that means the inbound link profile from that domain that you purchased is likely relevant. Also double-check that if it’s relevant, then yes, do a 301 redirect directly to the money site. If it’s not fully irrelevant, but there’s a lot of power built to it, then what I would recommend that you do is 301. redirect that to a buffer page, like an ID page, for example, hosted on an s3 bucket and Amazon s3 bucket as opposed direct, instead of direct to the root domain, the multi-site domain, that makes sense, it’s fully relevant. And it’s got a clean link profile with you know, the inbound link profiles topically relevant and yes, you can redirect directly to the money site, the root domain is fine. But if it’s not 100% relevant, but it’s got a lot of power and a somewhat clean link profile, but it’s just not fully relevant, then I would 301 redirect that to a buffer site. I prefer to use the Amazon s3 hosted ID page for that. But you could do it like a G site would be great for that. You know, pretty much any one of your tier one branded entity profiles. You could redirect to that but the G site would be a really good one for that Id page. Might is one I typically use for that. That makes sense. Okay, guys, so I can get to all the questions but most of them did get answered. So thank you guys for being here.
Source: Semantic Mastery Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 326 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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localwebmgmt · 3 years
Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 326
Click on the video above to watch Episode 326 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Welcome everybody to Hump Day Hangouts Episode 326. Today is the 10th of February 2021. I was about to say if you’re watching live and you can’t see this refresh the broken debris fresh the page, but don’t really do you much good if you’re watching live and can’t see this. So if you’re ever watching live and you can’t see it, just make sure that you refresh the page. And that takes a little bit for the page to get updated. So, as usual, we’re going to go through we got some announcements. We’ll keep that short and then we’re going to get in we got a bunch of questions of pretty good, wide variety. So we will start we got I know Marco’s out taking some time with the family. Hernan must have gotten held up somewhere, but the rest of us are here and ready to go. So we’ll start off with Chris, how are you doing today?
thing, Goodyear super happy here today. Lots of new snow. So like, everything is right. Everything is more bright and stuff. So I really enjoyed it.
Very nice. Nice. Nice. All right. And Bradley, are you readily available for comments?
Oh, yeah, I’m trying to get logged into stuff. But yeah,
gotcha. How are you doing? I’m good. I’m glad to be here. Cool. Let’s jump into it. I got a couple of things I want to go over before we start answering questions. First of all, if you’re new to semantic mastery, thanks for watching. You’re in the right place every Wednesday at 4 pm Eastern. You can check us out either live on semantic mastery comm slash h v questions or you can subscribe on the YouTube channel and stay up to date that way. And check out the replay. We also put out little clips of the questions. But the best way to do it is to come to live or if you can’t make it live. You can ask your questions ahead of time. Yeah, semanticmastery.com/hdquestions, and then check out the replay we understand you there got things to do got a job got clients, whatever. Last but not least, I want to name a few things that we get asked a lot. And to kind of talk on that real quick. If you are new to semantic mastery, you’re new to MGYB you’re new to heavy hitters club, then you should find out how to shield your site. I’m using the air quotes here because the shield comes up a lot, right. But this is if you don’t want to worry about algorithm updates and you want to find out what the hell the SEO shield is go over to the SEO shield.com that’s the word de Seo shield.com. And then beyond that, if you want to expand beyond that and get our step by step processes for getting SEO results, then check out the battle plan. And you can find out more about that at battle plan dot semantic mastery comm kind of moving up the list, what we also get asked a lot is Hey, I’m either consultant or I’ve got a small agency but I want to get more clients, I want to grow my revenue, I want to scale my team. I know I fit into that core category I think a lot of other people do. But if you want to find out more about that there’s great training available at two x your agency.com. And then if you’re ready to grow your digital marketing business, or you even have a brick and mortar physical business, you’ve got people working for you, or you’re more experienced with the agency or consulting model than the mastermind is definitely the place for you. And you can find out more about that at mastermind dot semantic mastery.com. And last but certainly not least, I’ve mentioned this before mg y b.co that’s placed to get done for you services. All right, I recently, you know, this is the stuff we’ve used ourselves and we do use ourselves I recently bought the deep keyword research package for a new project I’m working on. I love that it saves a ton of time you get a bunch of not only just great keywords, but it’s also organized very well you can find out more about that at mg y b.co. And beyond that you can get the SEO shield syndication networks, press releases link building all sorts of good stuff. So before we jump into it just gonna say hi to Hernan looks like he made it here. How you doing, man?
I’m good, man. Sorry about the slight delay. I was in a meeting that runs late. It was supposed to be five minutes by the end of being seven. That’s all right. You’re gonna get detention, but I hate that man. I hate that. So anyway, happy to be here. Awesome. All right. Well, that’s about it. Let’s get into it unless anybody else had I think we got one more thing.
What’s up, man? especially for all our full being Muslim mastermind members. So for the next two weeks, if you’re struggling with your Facebook convergence API, I will help you for free but only for the next two weeks and with no trial subscription. So like you need to be a fully subscribed mastermind member. And I will post a link where you can subscribe to the mastermind. If you’re struggling or needs help with that just hit me up in the Facebook group. The semantic mastermind Facebook group and yeah, that’s it. Awesome.
Hell of a deal.
I guess. Let’s get into it. Bradley. You’re good to go. Yeah, I’m good. Now let me grab the screen. You know, I’m still fighting through. I got a new PC last week and boy, and I remember why over six years, I kept my old one for six years because it’s a nightmare, transferring everything from, you know, one PC to another just takes forever. It’s been a week and I’m still not done.
So I got a question for you, Bradley. And hopefully, some other people can relate. And I know the answer, like from her nine, because I know he plays PC games. And so I bet you know, he nerds out on like putting together his PC or like getting a new one. Do you do that to Bradley? Or is it has it always just been like a work machine for you? And it just works. Okay. So like I transition because I used to, like, nerd out, you know, I’m like researching and doing all this and building my own PC. And now I’m like, dreading upgrading, because I’m like, Oh, my God, I don’t want to deal with having to like download programs and do this. And I never understood people who were like that before. Now. That’s to me, like one of the things I’m like, shit, I’m getting old. I know. Yeah.
Well, I used, I used this program, but it’s a company called Laplink. It’s called PC mover. And I use the professional version, which like 60 bucks or something like that. But it was great. It had it was overnight, it transferred everything from one PC to the other, all programs and everything, but you still got to log back into the programs, and then kind of like reset them or re-register them and all that kind of stuff. So and then obviously, some of the settings aren’t all the same, but it definitely helped. You know, before I’ve always done that shit manually, and it would literally take days of doing nothing but working on the PC like the transfer stuff. And this made everything a lot easier. But it’s still you know, I’m still going in and have to modify things. Do you know what I mean? So
that’s cool. What was that called? Again?
It’s called a sea mover by Laplink.
Awesome. I’m gonna write it down. It’s pretty cool. What saved me a ton of time. It lets me transfer overnight. And it took about six hours for it to transfer everything from one to another. But once it was done as I said, it definitely sped up the process still working my way through some bugs, but it was definitely a lot easier.
Sure. What rockets Did you get like that’s the curious question on everybody’s mind? The what? What kind of rocket computer did you get? Well, I got a good one was 64 megabytes RAM because that was my biggest issue. I use a browser to still, God forbid. And when I got a shit ton of Chrome profiles open, it slows my computer way down. I went from 32 gigabytes ram to 64 and it’s um, it’s definitely better. It’s faster. There are no questions.
I got a recommendation for you there right there. Was that is a fucking VPS man? Now to float the whole thing of like, 500 open tabs.
I just bought a new PC, so I don’t need to do that shit. So you can even do this like a week Chromebook and run that operation.
moving into question.
There we go. Alright, guys, we’re gonna get into it. Now. We’re gonna start with chassis that GIF anyways, maybe we’ll get to it. Keep going.
Which one?
Nevermind, just keep going.
I don’t see it.
Is It Okay To Add A Company’s Wiki Page To Its Schema Data In SEO Ultimate?
All right. Anyway, moving on. Chad says Hey, guys. Well, it looks like I don’t remember answering this one last week. So we’ll go with this one. If a company has a Wikipedia page or something similar, like Crunchbase Is it a good idea to include it as a link in things schema using something like SEO ultimate for the name of the brand and variations of the brand to help with branded SERPs? Or is this a stupid idea and better to just put in sameas schema? Yeah, I mean, I’m I don’t fully understand the question or what you’re attempting to do. So if you want to clarify that, I’ll try to give you a better answer. But honestly just put it in the same as schema. That’s sameas schemas. Actually, it’s for your primary social accounts. However, we’ve had for years now we’ve been listing all of what we did, we feel are the most powerful properties that are, you know, branded profiles for a project to brand a company. And so I’ll use what I consider to be the most powerful citations, so to speak, or places where I have a profile, so it’ll be the main social media accounts, YouTube, Twitter, Tumblr, or excuse me, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, you know, Instagram, if you have it, I typically don’t use Instagram, but so the main social media accounts and then, like the Google Site GMB website, if you’re if you have a GMB the GMB map URL, you can also use the hash map designation and schema for that also, but I also put that in same as the Google site if you got an SEO shield, which you should press advantage organization page part of the SEO shield, right. And then also, I’ll put in top-level citations, if it’s for local, I’ve talked about how to do this many times. But typically, what I’ll do is just go to Google and search for the company name plus the phone number and then whatever listings or citations show up or any sort of profiles period that show up in the top two pages of Google search results for that brand plus phone number. By the way, if the top two pages are filled up with a lot of pages from the company domain, right from the, from that entities domain, then you can always put in a modifier like minus, then the domain name right the domain itself, so you know, mydomain.com, so minus the minus sign, then my domain.com, and it will strip those from the results that it shows. So again, I’ll do a search for the brand name plus phone number. And then I’ll do the minus domain comm as part of it, and then whatever shows up on those top two pages, I’ve just put those in my same as click through and make sure that they’re relevant. You know, if there’s not really any data on the page, then it’s unnecessary to put it in the schema, same as schema. But if it’s got the name, address, and phone number listed, and preferably with the link back to the site, and I will put that back in, or I’ll put that in the same schema. So again, top-level social media, the top syndication, network profiles, not all of them, but I put the top ones in like blogger, Tumblr, WordPress, for example, about me is another good one, press advantage, Google Site GMB website, GMB map share URL, or preferably the CI d equals URL not to share URL, and then the top two pages of citations or when I say citations, I don’t just mean structured citations like business directories, I mean, any anything that Google determines in the top two pages for that type of a search, why I just do the top two pages, because those are the ones that Google thinks are the most important, or the most authoritative, that are referencing your project site, right the brand itself. So that’s why I just stick with those. I don’t spam it to death. I know some people that will put everything that they ever create for their brand and same as, and it’s like super long. And I don’t think that that hurts it. But I just think that’s overkill. And there’s some sort of diminishing return there. So I like I said, I just stick with the top-level ones. And that’s basically it and typically gets really good results. And that can all be done with sameas schema. I wouldn’t attempt any of these other things that well first of all, I’m not 100% sure what you were asking, but you run the risk of ambiguating the entity if you start messing with it, so that’s why sameas is a particular designation that works well for that kind of thing. comments on that, guys, I know. It’s probably gonna be mostly me today.
How Do You Get The Twitter SEO Profile Addon When You Purchase The SEO Power Shield?
Nope, no, man. Okay, looks good. All right, moving on. So Chad says, Hey, guys, I’m looking to purchase a done for you SEO power shield. I noticed that with our ys reloaded package, there’s a Twitter SEO profile add on option since the SEO power shield includes an RYS stack? Is the Twitter SEO profile included? And if not, how do I go about adding that before or during checkout? Last thing? Fuck Google? It’s funny. Marco would be proud jazz? Um, that’s a really good question. Honestly, I know, I don’t typically use the Twitter SEO add on. And it’s just because I don’t really like Twitter. I know it’s good for SEO and all that. I’ve never been a fan of Twitter. So it’s just something I don’t use. If it’s something that you want to add to an SEO power shield, and that that does not come with it. Okay. If you’re ordering just a drive stack, then you can have that as an add on right? Or you can buy that package with the Twitter SEO and the SEO power show because it’s not something that people commonly purchased the Twitter SEO network, then we don’t include that in the SEO PowerSuite. Because again, those are like the bundled services, which people mostly purchase, right. So that’s the SEO shield packages are bundles that are the most commonly purchased bundles, so to speak. So if you want that add on, I would just contact support and ask how they want to handle that because I don’t think we have a that’s kind of just customization but I’m sure that support will accommodate you just contact [email protected] and tell them what you’re trying to do and they’ll get you sorted I’m sure. Okay.
Would Creating Online Tools Like WhoIs Checker Inadvertently Benefit Competitors As Their Domains Will Be Crawled?
Okay, the next question is from Pierce he says, Hey guys looking to build out some online tools for my web hosting business like an online who is checker, etc. which will create new domains with info about different domains. With info about different domains, okay, with doing this inadvertently benefit my competitors as their domains may get crawled and listed on the Whois tool. Won’t there be any links going to the domains just information like brand name image of the homepage and who is registration? I don’t fully understand that question Is anybody else? You guys probably weren’t even paying attention. Were you? I know I don’t fully understand this question. So we try one more time. Hey, guys, looking to build out some online tools for my web hosting business like an online who is checker, which will create new domains with info about different domains. I don’t understand the point of that.
I’m just wondering if that’s like, sorry, I don’t know the right terminology for this, but like you’re creating pages on the fly, like as people query it, you’re like, hey, let’s find out about this page. And then it builds a page with the information that, you know, in, like, builds it on the fly, maybe, but probably not a different domain. I mean, it could be a subdomain, but it probably is a page, but I don’t know.
Yeah. Yeah, I don’t fully understand the question. I don’t understand what creating new domains with info about different domains means. So just go, let’s assume he’s talking about subdomain. So like, every time someone does a query, he goes to go to his site, to go to domain.com, and say, Hey, tell me about semantic mastery. And it did some information on semantic mastery. And it creates a page called semantic mastery.is domain calm, and it shows some information about it. And just as of right, then that page is created on the fly and the domain exists.
As their domains may get crowded, listed on. Yeah, okay. If that’s what you’re, and that that was a great interpretation, Adam, because that may very well be what he’s trying to do. And I’m just going to assume that that is the case. For now. Maybe there’s some clarification down further?
No. All right. Well, I’m gonna run with what Adams interpretation of that question was, if that were the case, then, you know, that’s a good question. I don’t know 100%? No, if you’re not linking back to the competitor domain, then most likely not I mean, it’s still considered a citation. Right? If you’re listing information about the brand, the domain itself, right, then it could be considered a citation, which would be you know, remember, a citation doesn’t have to include a link, it’s just the publishing of entity information, typically name, address and phone number, right NAP. Sometimes the link sometimes without but just publishing that, even if it’s not hyperlinked is not clickable, none of that can count as a citation that’s more beneficial for local projects than it is for like national or global or whatever. But it still is it can help with SEO. But since if there’s no link whatsoever, you’re likely it’s likely that it wouldn’t, you know, it wouldn’t move the needle and is what I’m saying for your competitors. So I don’t think that that would be a problem. And again, that’s just me assuming that that is what you’re trying to do is create a subdomain page anytime somebody doesn’t create a query because I don’t really fully understand the question. So anyway, that said, hopefully, that answers your question. I don’t think it would be an issue if it’s just listing like text-based data about that domain. But again, still not 100% sure why you would want to do that.
Will You Get Topics Related To Law When You Submit A Deep Keyword Research For Lawyers?
So anyway, there he says, Lanre. I think I got it right this time, man. Landre, right. I think so. Anyways, if I need to do a keyword for divorce lawyers, if I need to do keywords, or key okay for divorce lawyers, do I need to submit for keyword research for lawyers or divorce lawyers? Okay, so if you’re going to order a keyword research package because I’m assuming that’s what you’re asking if you’re going to order a keyword search package from MGYB. for divorce lawyers do I submit for keyword research, for lawyers, or for divorce lawyers? Well, if you’re going specifically after divorce lawyers, then if you were to just submit lawyers as your keyword, then it’s going to pull back divorce lawyers and personal injury attorneys and family law and, you know, criminal attorneys, and it’s going to pull all that back, which would be not relevant to your project, right. So if your project is all about divorce lawyers, then I would use divorce lawyers or attorneys, you know, they’re kind of interchangeable as your keyword. And then they’ll start pulling it from there and extracting all of the keywords, you know, subsets or theme sub-themes from divorce lawyers. And I’m kind of compiling and optimizing the keyword file for you that way if it’s the, you know, the top whatever the top-level keyword packages, so that’s, that’s what I would suggest because remember, if you’re going with the broader term, you’re going to get broader results too, which aren’t going to be relevant to your product or your project, excuse me. So I would go with divorce lawyers. Okay, don’t include any local modifiers though. We don’t need that for the deep keyword research.
If I submit for deep keyword research for lawyers, will I be able to select various areas of law to build my site or Well, I have to build a law site that covers various ways I’d be able to select various areas of law to build my site? Or will I have to build a law site that covers various areas of law Okay, um, all right, I won’t be able to select various areas of law to build my site? Yeah, I mean, as I said, if you go with the lawyers like for D word, if you just went with lawyers, right, which is very broad, then it’s going to return everything. And there will be suggested silos and all that, which then, you know, you can determine whether you want to use them or not. It’s up to your, you know, what, what your project is about? Because you, if you again, if you go with lawyers, there’s going to be all kinds of environmental law, immigration lawyers, there’s going to be all kinds of stuff in there, that is probably not going to be relevant to you. I mean, again, I don’t know what you mentioned in the previous question, divorce lawyers. So I’m assuming that you want to be optimized more for that. more specialized right. So I would go with just divorce lawyers. But again, if you want to do a more general type of law website that covers multiple subcategories for attorneys or lawyers, then you want to go with the broader term. Does that make sense? And then you can just select which, you know, silos or suggested silos that you want to use. And again, they’re suggested you still have to go through and, you know, stack the content or the keywords, the way that you want them to be, we do our best to give you you know, things and keyword groups or keyword themes, which would be suggested silos essentially. But it’s still up to you to go through and actually, you know, choose which ones of those keywords are fully relevant to your project, and to select which ones you’re going to create content for or optimized content for is that if that makes sense? Okay. All right. Moving on. hopefully, that answered that question. It was a little bit of a difficult question, I guess.
Is It Wise To Point Tier 2 Links From MGYB Or Other Sources To Bit.ly Linking Back To The Money Site?
Christopher says, Hey, SM crew, when it comes to pop pushing power behind links, is it wise? Is it a wise idea to point tier two legs from MGYB? or other sources to Bitly? linking back to the money site? Or is it better to direct somewhere else? Okay, Christopher, that’s a good question. But there are a few things that I would recommend. So tier two links from MGYB or other sources to Bitly. Okay. Bitly, I don’t recommend using Bitly for shortening links, your money sites, and stuff, because this has been a known issue with Bitly. Now, it may have changed, it may be updated. And they don’t do this anymore. I don’t know. I just know from years ago, I’m talking like, you know, six, seven years ago, Bitly was infamous for. They’re supposed to be 301 redirect URLs, short shorteners, right, which creates a 301 redirect, but for whatever reason, and there was no like, rhyme, or reason behind it. Bentley will sometimes convert some Bitly redirects to three Oh, twos, right, which is it, it doesn’t allow PageRank to pass. And if that’s the case, then building links to Bitly shortened URLs that have been tagged as 302, you know, have been converted to 302 redirects, then you lose all of any potential benefit from the link building to that short link is completely lost at that point. So we have for years and years, we stopped using Bitly for short URLs other than like, when you’re using them for SEO purposes, I use Bitly all the time in like internal documents and things like that. Because it’s not SEO related, right? It’s but when I’m doing when I’m creating redirects for SEO purposes, I don’t like to use Bitly. Because of that very reason. There’s sometimes you’ll look at Bit.ly links and through like a redirect checker and it’ll be a 301. Other times you’ll look at Bitly links, and there’ll be 3.0s in Bitly just does that on their own, at least they used to again, it’s been many years since I’ve really tested any of that because I just stopped using Bitly years ago because of that reason. So I don’t know if that’s still the case or not. But I know that at some point, they were doing that and so it made Bitly not a good tool for SEO purposes. That said, Remember, MGYB has a link shortener, right. And that’s why we use it because we do a lot of what you’re asking about here. For example, if you go to mgyb.co/s, which is the link shortener, you’ll see what I’m talking about, okay.
And that was not what I wanted to do. Right there, mgyb.co/s is the link shortener. So you can sign up, you know, you can have a free account or you can pay for a paid account, which is very, very inexpensive and gives you some additional functionality. But that’s part of the reason when we deliver like an SEO shield, for example, all of the five links that were included in the order originally like your syndication, network profiles, then all of the files and folders that are created throughout the building of the drive stack. All of those links also get shortened. And if you take a look at like for example, the links sheet That comes with an SEO shield order. You’ll see on the so the Google Sheet when I say sheet, that’s what I mean. You’ll see on there, there will be all of the URLs listed for all the files and folders in the drive stack in one column. And then in the column to the right of it, there will be all the short URLs that are MGYB. Seo short, shortened URLs. And the reason why we do that is that, you know, with all the link building that gets done to drive stacks and everything else, people will also submit link building, you know, the target, the mgyb.co short URLs as target URLs. And so over time, this has gotten really, really powerful. In fact, there’s, it’s funny, but oftentimes, the MGYB.co short URLs will rank in search results as opposed to the unfurled or the target destination URLs. So like, for example, Google, My Maps, my map URL, typically I see for a lot of the projects that I have SEO shields done when the mind maps are ranking. It’s the MGYB.co short URL, as opposed to the actual Google URL. Does that make sense? that’s showing in the search results. So if you want to use a link shortener use ours, because that’s specifically why we set it up was for that reason, and there is some benefit to that. Now, remember, there’s a little bit of PageRank, that drops through redirects, right, you lose a little bit of loss PageRank loss through every redirect, I don’t know what that number is. It’s, you know, a small percentage, like 10 to 15%, or something like that. And I don’t know that that’s completely accurate anyways. So there is a little bit of a loss there. But there is some benefit to it as well because again, our short URL link URL, and probably all the big ones Bitly probably has a shit ton of power built to it. But if it arbitrarily converts it to a 302, you’re not going to benefit from that. Does that make sense? So there are other options out there, there’s ours, then there are other options out there that won’t arbitrarily assign a 302 redirect? Okay. That’s a good question.
What Other Places Where We Can Secure Citations For Local SEO Clients Aside From Yelp And Manta?
Okay, moving on. George, the SEO, aside from places like Yelp Manta and other directories and press releases, where are some other places we can see secure psychic citations, excuse me, for local SEO clients? Um, well, you know, there’s the normal business directories. But one of the things out here, I’ll, I’ll go through a little exercise with you guys. And this works really well for stuff to remember, there are a few things that you guys should be doing for citations, besides the standard citations, which everybody and their brother is on, you should be looking for niche-specific directories. So like industry-specific directories, let me pull this up. Industry directories and also local directories. Right. So what I mean by that, so for example, if I, you know, Tree Service stuff is what I do. So if I say tree service business directory, go through here and see. I don’t understand what that means. Anyways, look at that later. Okay, so what I would do is go just do a search for you know, your industry business directory, and just start clicking through and see which ones you can get listed on, some are going to be paid, but many of them will be free, and compile a list. If there are similar or tangent industries, that would also be good places to get listed. So for example, a tree service business directory, I could get listed on as many of these in here that I could find, that makes sense that, you know, again, some are going to be paid some of they’re going to are going to be free. just compile a list of industry-specific directories. then like I said, look for a tangent market or industry directories. So for example, I could look for landscaping, business directories, right, those could be some of the other ones that I could get listed on because of tree services. Oftentimes, landscapers also provide tree services, and oftentimes tree services also provide landscaping services. Right? That makes sense. So that that’d be another word one, something else for in the tree service industry would be like maybe land clearing. Let’s do this. Right. So just you guys understand what I’m saying. Right? I was and I don’t know, because land clearing isn’t probably searched enough on its own for it to have specific directories, maybe it does. I’d have to do some research. But my point is just going through and try to compile a list of what could be industry-related or somewhat related industry-specific directories that you can try to attempt to get listed on so that’s going to help okay for talking relevancy, but then for location, relevancy, or geographic relevancy, then you could look for local business directories. So for example, if I was going to look for, you know, say, Fairfax, Virginia, I’m just going to use that or Richmond, Virginia, which is the capital of Virginia. So let me do that, let’s say Richmond, VA, or Richmond, Virginia, Business Directory. And then I would just go right on through here and just start clicking through and opening up, that’s richmond.com, the Chamber of Commerce, obviously, that’d be another good one. There, all of these different try to put it back over there. This is this is richmond.com. This is the Chamber of Commerce 804 area.com, Richmond gov.com, you might even be able to get listed on like the local municipality or local government site, Richmond light pages in like all of these does that make sense, you just go through and look for your city business directories. And then you could also even look for not just your city, but your state, right, you could go like, in my case, Virginia business directory, and then go in and start getting listed on those. So there you go, you’ve got three additional options right there, something else you could look for is local blogs, it doesn’t have to just be directories. You could also look out for local blogs, local event, local events would be something else that you might be able to get listed on. So you just got to click through and do a little bit of research. But guys, these types of citations are actually way more powerful than the big ones like the big national directories because those are general business directories that cover all types of business categories. And all over the United States, sometimes even more. So those are there’s a place for those. There’s no question. But I found for SEO purposes, you get better results from industry-specific and local business directories. And even you know, state business directories are also helpful. Does that make sense? Does anybody want to comment on that?
And nothing, man. Okay.
Should I Use A Gsite Or Buy A Domain For Local Service Lead Gen Site?
bb’s up? Hey, guys, should I use a G site Or buy a domain for local service lead gen, please explain for short term and long term strategy. Okay. Um, you know, Rob, he does everything with just a G site, he doesn’t do any, like self-hosted sites at all. And he’s, you know, he kills it. There’s, I like to still build a brand with a self-hosted site. For the most part, if I’m doing a standalone GMB lead gen, that isn’t going to be like some brand that I plan to expand, then, which I try not to do that anymore at all. If I’m going to start building lead gen assets, I try to always create a brand that I’m going to use across multiple locations. Okay, because, as we’ve talked about many, many times before, now, you don’t have to have a self-hosted site for that, though, right? You can create it and here’s the thing BB. Whatever route you go, whether you want to self-hosted site, right, so by domain for that, or just use Google sites and drive stacks, you know, the SEO shield, essentially, without a self-hosted site, you can do it, either way, it doesn’t matter. It’s up to you. I tend to like to have a WordPress site still because it gives me additional functionality. But I know that you can do it with just a G site. What my recommendation is, is that you target just a brand on the primary g site, if you want to go that route where you’re you don’t have to buy domains, you don’t have to have a hosting account. You don’t have to set up and maintain or manage WordPress, you can do it with just a Google site. But what I recommend is instead of localizing the Google site, for the initial, the initial one, you want to set it up as a brand, right? So essentially, let’s just call it Bs, lead gen, right? We’re gonna call it that. So your first your G site and your SEO shield, I would set it up on to where it’s optimized for specifically the brand. That’s it. All right, so that you order the SEO power field for Bibi’s lead gen. So that’s the brand so that Google site would be sites.google.com slash views, slash Bs, lead gen. And I wouldn’t add or associate it with a particular location. At that point, if there’s going to be a standalone, then you could do that. You’re right, you’d want to be maybes lead gen for whatever you’re sitting in, right? So plus city. But if you’re going to create a brand out of it, which is what I recommend and create, that you can expand from multiple locations, then I would do it for just the brand at the top level. And then for every location. Even if you’re starting off with just one location, I would create that as an inner page of the G site. So it’s optimized, you know, has it like basically a location page and inner page on the sight as well as an ROI is expansion. White, which you order that an mg y b as well, which would be optimized for that particular location. And then for each subsequent location that you add, it gets another ROI is expansion stack, or ROI is expansion. Stack expansion, excuse me, whatever you get what I’m saying I would have an expansion for each individual location. And each location would be optimized for that, you know, whatever your primary keyword is plus the location. That’s the way I do it. And the reason why is because you can really build that entity up that brand name up, so that initially, it’s all going to be the same. But over time, as you add more like you continue to link build into it and everything else, it’s going to start to gain authority. And each time you want to add another location expand to a new area, then when you add another ArcGIS expansion, another inner, you know, inner page on the G site, it’s going to instantly benefit from all of the power that’s been accrued into that branded stack, and G site. Does that make sense? So initially, your workload is going to be the same. In fact, it might even be a little bit higher initially, because instead of optimizing the drive stack and the G site homepage for a particular location, you optimize it for the brand only. And then you have to have an expansion to target the specific location. So upfront, it might be a little bit more work just a tiny bit, but over time, it’s going to pay off, it’s going to produce a significant payoff, because each time you add a niche, another location is going to instantly benefit from the power of crude and will be a hell of a lot easier to get results from then starting over from scratch each time. So that makes sense. So that’s why I prefer to do it that way. I mean, I still like to have a WordPress site, guys unless like, as I said, it’s just a standalone, like a test project or something like that. But if it’s something that I plan on expanding, I like to have a WordPress site. But that’s just personal preference. As I said, Rob does everything with just g sites and just crushes it. So it’s up to you how you want to handle that. Okay.
Should You Use A Branded Or A Service Name For A Local Business Lead Gen?
What name should we use for local business Legion branded or service name included or end this limits locality? wanting to know if that will rank faster? Yeah. I don’t recommend Well, I reckon Semantic Mastery has been talking about branding for years, we got away from using EMD his exact match domains A long time ago, I always go for a brand. There can be a partial keyword in the brand name a lot of tree contractors do that. Like, you know, though, a lot of tree contractors will have the city name and their, their, their company name or, or Tree Service, obviously, what we’ll be at, which is a keyword tool. But I prefer to go with branded domains and brands, you know, I don’t like keyword stuffing the name. Why? Because think about this, guys. A lot of the times company names are like, especially for service contractors is really just a keyword. Right? It’s like, again, like call pepper Tree Service. If I was going to run with that as a name, right, I live in Cole pepper, called pepper Tree Service. That’s a keyword. So it’s hard to make it a brand. Because there’s ambiguation right off the bat because it’s technically a keyword. Right? It could also be a brand, but you have to overcome the fact that it’s a keyword in Google’s eyes to be recognized as a brand. Does that make sense? So you’re starting from an entity-based SEO standpoint, you’re starting at a disadvantage when you try to go after a generic or keyword-based type entity name. You’re better off going with something unique, that’s branded, it can have a partial match keyword in it, that’s okay. But my point is like I wouldn’t, especially if it’s going to be like you plan on expanding outside of a particular location that I wouldn’t want to include a location name, a specific city name in the brand name, because then you’d be pigeonholing yourself or limiting yourself to that one location. Right? So hopefully that makes sense.
Can You Target A Keyword That Is Searched On Google Even If It’s Not Understandable To Humans?
Can you target a keyword that is searched on Google, but there’s no meaning of it for humans, and they will not understand it. Yeah, sure, you can. That’s how a lot of people do single variable SEO tests. Again, why would you want to do that BB, you always ask these theoretical questions. And I have to ask you why I don’t understand why you would want to target a keyword that is searched on Google, but there is no meaning for it to humans. I’m not sure what you would want to do that for but yeah, sure you can. But no meaning to humans. Why? Like I don’t understand what the point of that would be. Anyway.
Let’s say that I want to change your phone number. I have a business and they’re one place that does not live. And there there’s one place that does not let me do that will putting on another place old number.
And the new number and company name. Will Google understand that the other place was a mistake. Not No. I don’t. And again, I don’t fully understand that question either but
No, because here’s the thing, if you’ve got an old phone number that’s outdated, and it’s published on the web, you know, all those places that are published, how you’d have to update all of them is my point. That’s why it’s better if you’ve got like, for example, NAP errors, right? We have data inaccuracy is for NAP for a particular business, it’s better, it’s wiser, it’s more effective to go clean up or correct. Incorrect citation data than it is to start publishing new citations with the correct data. Because all you’re doing at that point is diluting bad data. Right? You get weight. And trust me, I’ve, I’ve over the years, I’ve dealt with a lot of clients that had significant NAP issues. When I when they came to me, and I’ve learned over the years, the best thing to do is not start building news. I mean, starting to build new citations is going to happen naturally anyway, from the content marketing that we do. But the best way to get results from you know maps pack issues or maps ranking issues when there are any NAP data issues inconsistencies. The best thing to do the most effective thing to do is to update existing citations with correct data, which for that the best service that I’ve ever used is Loganix’s service. So if you go to semanticmastery.com/loganix, that’s L-o-g-a-n-i-x. It’s going to take you to their service, and they have a citation cleanup service, which I think 500 bucks might even be 600 bucks. It’s really good, though. It’s the best one. I’ve done this a number of times for clients over the years. And their services. I’ve used a bunch of services to do citation cleanups. And I’m telling you there is by far the most thorough service period. And to this day, every time I got a project or new client that has nav issues, the first thing I include the cost of this service, right in the proposal, when I get a new client, and typically I mark it up, and I also purchase through their account Loganix account that I set up for them through my own affiliate link as a Loganix affiliate, so that I get a markup Plus, I think it’s only 10% Commission, but I get a 10% commission as well. And then Loganix does all the work, and they’ve got their citation cleanup service, which is really, really good. Okay. So if their page loaded a little bit quicker, I’d show you that. Let’s go here, local SEO. And then they have some citation cleanup right here. And it looks like it starts at 497. And it takes about they say a six-week campaign, and they typically will run it for eight to 10 weeks, though. And it’s multiple stages, and it works really, really well. Okay.
How Would You Deal With Existing Social Profiles And Drive Stacks If Your Client Decides To Rebrand?
Jose says Hi there, say you have a client that decides to rebrand and merge multiple websites together or change over to a completely new brand for the domains, I would throw one. everything over to the right place. But how would you deal with social profiles and drive stacks? Would you rebuild from scratch? don’t want to waste link juice from the old stacks? Ooh, that’s a really good question. Um, well, with the drive stacks, remember, if you’re wanting the target the original site URLs to the new one, that you consolidate it, everything right, so the other domains that were now all redirected to the new one. So what I’m saying is that drive stacks are going to be targeting, if you had drive stacks built for these other brands or these other domains, right? That was pointing to those domains. And now those domains are 3012, the new money site, then all of that link flow is still going to be going through that redirect to the money site. The problem that I see with that, though, is it’s not from it from a link juice point, there’s no problem but from the data point and the information like the entity information, right, if you’ve got stuff out there from older brands that have now been consolidated into something new, and you’ve got those still remember on SEO from an SEO juice, right, so like a link equity standpoint, it’s flowing through the 301 redirects to your new domain, your new brand, it’s fine, you’re still gonna benefit from that. But you could ambiguous the entity information of the new entity because all of that is flowing from previously published stuff that had old entity info on it. So again, if you think about it from an SEO juice point, it’s fine. It’s still all flows through. But at the same time, I would worry about having all that other published data about an entity that no longer exists because it’s been consolidated in the new one. So that’s a really good question.
I’m not sure how I would handle that, I understand not wanting to lose all that power, but without, without going in and you know, editing the file, like the text and stuff like that on the phone, the files, essentially, the G sites and stuff too. You know, mentioned the entity information like NAP, for example, name, address phone number of the new entity, then I would be concerned that that might ambiguous the data, which in my case, and I’ve done that in the past, I’ve just killed the folders like just set them to, you know, not know, not public, so that the SEO juice will still flow, but they’re not, you know, being indexed and all that kind of stuff. So I don’t know, that’s the way that I’ve done it in the past was I’ve just set that in the folders too, you know, private, essentially. But go in, but again, it’s either that or kill it altogether, but I understand not wanting to waste the juice, but at the same time, if you want to, if you want to keep the public, then you’d have to go in and actually edit all and from what I know, I would want to go in and edit all of the, you know, published data about the old entity and update it with the new and that would be a shit ton of work. There’s a lot of there’s no question about that. That’s how I would do it. What I rebuild from scratch Yeah, I would have a new drive stack built for the new brand new consolidated brand. Absolutely. It but I understand not wanting to waste all the power built to the previous ones. So that’s about the only thing I could think of to do with that would be to you know, in the past, like I said, I’ve just set them to not public and kept them but they weren’t, you know, indexable or killed the folders entirely. Which sucks because then you lose all that juice, but it is what it is. Okay.
How Are You Managing Freelancers When You Start To Grow Your Team?
Jays up. He says, How are you guys managing freelancers, writers, Link builders, etc. When do you start to grow your team? Are you just using something like up work with teams? Or something better? Yeah, I mean, I, I just my team has only two people now. Well, I’ve got bloggers, but they’re, I don’t really manage them much. I’ve got two assistants that work for me on you know, Monday through Friday, though. And I just manage everything through slack. We’ve got a CRM that we use, Well, a couple of CRMs. I’ve got a high level for agency staff. And then I use a different CRM for real estate stuff. And then I’ve got slack channels that I manage everybody in, you know what Adam would be the better one to answer this one.
Yeah, I think it’s a this is this could be its own, like, full-on conversation. So I’ll try to keep this somewhat short. But I think it depends on what your needs are, like, Don’t go looking for a problem to solve before you have one. So if you’re feeling the crunch, and it sounds like j, you’re maybe looking at you’ve got a small team and you’re growing, you know, if it’s not working, then now’s a good time, you got the pain point. So I would start simple though, like for me right now I use ClickUp. And I work, you know, between full time, part-time and contractors have had like seven or eight people from different groups. So that’s one there’s a lot of these services like ClickUp Monday, trying to think of other ones, but you know, those are two good examples, you can go and check out and they usually have some sort of free tier, but they can get complicated and you can spend a lot of time figuring them out. So Trello is definitely a good place where you could get started with the simple like maybe you have one list of ideas or things or templates and then you have one have in progress and one has finished or needs to review something like that just to get you in the mindset of delegating more, because as you build up your team, your time should shift towards more effectively delegating and doing a very good job and spending a lot of time on that upfront so that you don’t spend as much time doing or as much time fixing because you gave someone shooting instructions and I say that because I’m you know growing pains myself going from a couple of people to more you know, shrinking, growing, you know, seeing that again and again. So just make sure that you have an actual need for this don’t do more than what you need, but be aware of what your options are and stay simple rather than get complicated fast.
That was a good answer. And I like what you preface everything with is don’t look for a solution or don’t try to find a solution for a problem you don’t have yet I’ve tried Monday and click up in some of those and you know I quit because exactly what you said you they there’s so much stuff that you can do with those and there are different ways that you can build them and all that different you know, you can go down a rabbit hole and get lost and just tweaking the platforms and so you know, my point and trying to use them was to be more efficient. But then I found that it was taking so much time just learning how to use it and setting it up and all that kind of stuff and working it in you know creating workflows and all that that you What’s working for me what a small a very lean team like I have is just something super simple, which is just slack. And I’ve calendar notifications. And then we have tasks and stuff that my CRM will automatically assign to, you know, the appropriate, you know, a person for projects and things like that. So I use just those tools were, which were things that we were already familiar with, I didn’t see the need, after trying like Monday and click up, I saw that it just was overkill for my lean operation. So, you know, do what’s easy and simple. And, you know, if you’re going to be growing a big team, you might need to look into something like that, for sure. But just, you know, keep it I like what Adam said, is that you got to just be careful, because you’ll you could end up, you know, in an effort and in the pursuit of trying to be more efficient, you could kill your productivity. You know, yeah, it’s taken us a while, like, I’m glad I went with ClickUp. I used Monday, I switched to click up, and I’m glad I did, but it was a learning curve. And, you know, there’s a lot of time invested in that and figuring out how best to use it. So I can teach the team how best to use it. Now they’re helping out too. But you know, someone’s got to figure it out, start with the thing I will say is investing time and effort in your processes upfront. So if you go to SEOshield.com I believe Bradley, you built that in process three, right? That’s a checklist.
No, that’s an mgyb.co/process finger there that you’ll see. You gotta it’s behind an opt-in. Well, now guys, you got to submit your email to get to it. But if it’s MGYB.co/process and that was built in process Street, yes,
gotcha. Okay, yeah, I have that mixed up. And so I would just say, if you’re going to spend time somewhere, to spend it on the process side, and it doesn’t have to be paid service, could be Google Docs could be Trello. With a checklist, or, you know, if you like something sleek, like process Street, something that you can easily duplicate it’s made for this. But yeah, put your time and effort into the processes. And then you can fill out the rest of that over time. And for years, all I did for process docs was Google, Google Docs, and screencast, which I would upload to YouTube screencast recorder, and that would so for years, that’s all I did. And to this day, when I’m first developing a process, that’s where I do it the same way I record a screencast video and I type, I start typing out the steps in a Google Doc. And then once I get the rough draft of the process, done, the process documentation is done, then I transfer that now to process street, and I process Street, it’s paid, I think I only pay like 35 bucks a month or something. So it’s worth it to me. But it makes it much more polished. And you can create checklists and things like that from and embed videos directly into it. And you know, all kinds of really cool stuff that you can do with process Street. But still to this day, when I’m first starting to develop a process document, I do it with just Google Docs and a screencast video until I get my first you know, the rough first draft of it done. And it works really, really well guys, and for many years, that’s all I did was Google Drive, and YouTube, well, you know, screencasts that I would upload to YouTube. And that worked for years. So you don’t need to overcomplicate that either.
One thing I will say is two things rather a little bit of shiny object. But check out the notion as well. If you like putting stuff together yourself, that’s a great one took me a while to realize the power there. I’m using that for marketing calendars and some other stuff too. And then last but not least, if you do Google 360, the numbers 360 delegations, there’s a great article, I forget who it is or who referred me, but it’s profitfactory.com/360delegation, it’s a fantastic article on why you should be delegating and doing the processed stuff and where you should be spending your time. And you know, kind of directed my attention for. I really do need to be putting in more time. For example, the vision of a project, you know, this isn’t for a tiny little task, but for maybe a project, like what do I want? You know, what does it look like? Why are we doing this and sharing a little bit with the team? So it’s not just, hey, go build this. And this doesn’t have to be some complex product process, but sharing with the team, so they understand a little bit of the bigger picture, because anyone who’s involved in this type of stuff, probably would like and benefit from a little bit of it. And then the resources like what resources do they need? Do you already have LastPass? or whatever? are you sharing all the passwords? Do you need to record anything? Do they need software? like running through this checklist? And then going and what’s the definition of done? Do you have screenshots of what is a good done project or task is do you have an example? Do you have something they can compare it to? Is there a schedule? And he was going through this and saying, Oh wow, for myself? who’s like, Yeah, I got to spend more time upfront so that I spend less time getting involved in it down the road when it Yeah, I just told him to get started and lucked out 20% of what they needed.
Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, it sucks. Because, you know, a lot of the times it’s so much easier just to do with, you know, completed a task on your own than it is because it’s, it’s like, you know, this is only going to take me 20 minutes. And if I got to create a process, you know, process documentation, it’s gonna take three hours, you know, if to do this 20-minute task, I’ll just do the damn task. But the problem with that is, then the next time that task has to be done, guess who does it again? Do you know what I mean? And so it and I have I struggle with that all the time. Because, you know, sometimes some of the processes that I want to go develop are super complex. And I know that it’s gonna take me days, literally days to develop that process out. And so I’m like, Fuck, it’ll only take me two hours to do this, I’ll just do it myself. You know, because I don’t have the time to create this process don’t train right now. But then the next time that situation occurs again, it’s me that has to do it again. And so you know, and I’ve got invest the time again. And so it’s like, you have to constantly Wait, like, should you just go ahead and execute the task, and move on to the next thing? Or should you invest the time to develop the process, so that number one, if it’s you, that has to do it, again, you’ve got it’s done consistent, right? That the quality is consistent because you’ve got a checklist now that you can run down to make sure that you don’t miss anything, or whatever. But second, and more importantly, you can hand that off to somebody else to where you never have to do it again. And so to me, even the really complex tasks that require sometimes multiple levels of process docs, you know, I try to at least start working on those like plugging away at them a little bit at a time where I might know more complex tasks, I might say, Okay, look, I’m gonna spend 30 minutes a day or an hour a day over the next, you know, two weeks developing this, this process training. That way, I don’t feel like it has to be done today. But at the same time, I’m making progress on it a little bit at a time, if that makes sense.
So yeah, very true.
Is There Any Harm In Running Too Many PRs In A Short Period Of Time?
We’re almost out of time, let’s run through the last couple. Let’s see, we’ll say hey, gents, I have a client that wants to run one press release every three days, the manufacturing plant is supplying a range of new products, and they want to be number one, before any other supplier, I did a test with four times or four PRs in four weeks, and it worked a treat. He now wants me to push that further and do about 10 PRs in one month. These are four different products, and each has a separate landing page. Is there any harm in running this many PRs?
No, not at all. I’ve got a few projects that I typically publish eight PRs per month on and then I know Rob has done. He’s just spam the shit out. Like I say, spam, it’s not really spam, but he’s done a whole bunch of press releases in a week. Like, I don’t know what the number is, but I know he’s done multiple press releases in a week for a particular project, just to test it and it always produces good results. So no more won’t hurt you. Okay. Good question. By the way, Gordon says, Hey, guys, hope everyone is still well and COVID. Free. I believe it used to be imperative for a local business to have their site ranking on the first page of Google or at least on the second page. In order to rank in the GMB three-pack, is that currently essential? Or can their site rank way down and organic search results and you can still get a three-pack ranking by doing completely on-page GMB listing optimization. And by targeting the GMB listing itself, with press releases, citations, drive stacks, etc, from MGYB? And if so, can you do it with the middle of the road quantity and quality of reviews? Thank you very much. As usual for you. Yeah, no, I know what you mean about there’s been a connection between maps ranking and organic ranking, but I could talk for years, all I did was optimized for maps, and I didn’t give a shit at all about organic rankings, I’ve started to do more on the organic side of things now because the maps proximity filter is much tighter now it’s much narrower. So getting maps listing to rank, you know, outside of its immediate physical location area is more difficult now. So that’s why I’ve started working also on organic rankings again. Because it’s but long story short, I know what you mean about the connection between the two, but I’ve got a ton of GMB assets that the organic rankings are basically nonexistent like I just didn’t even try ever. And so some of them are ranking in the three-pack. But I’ve got you know, it’s page four before you find the first organic ranking for that, you know, keyword, for example. So I don’t know that the connection is still there. I know that I will, you know, I try to do a balance of the two now for, you know, new projects, but for older projects that all I did was focused on GMB ranking. I’ve got many, many examples of that, that the organic rankings are just really shitty, you know, page three, page four, whatever. But it’s ranking in the three-pack if that makes sense. So I don’t think it matters. Honestly. I could be wrong. They might, somebody else might have some now, if you get your organic ranking to rank well, will it help to benefit the maps ranking? I think so. But if you’re just focusing on maps, I don’t think that the organic rankings make much of a difference, at least in my own experience. Now, again, there might be some other data out there that conflicts with But for my from my own experience, it doesn’t really matter for maps rankings. That makes sense.
What’s The Best Use Of A Newly Acquired Domain With 100+ Links?
Okay, the last question is going to be from Robert and we’re going to wrap it up. Robert says, Thanks for continuing Hump Day hanging out with us all. You’re welcome. We enjoy this. If I have a money site, I just acquired a domain with 100 plus links, mostly follow links with high authority and relative anchors. Great. What’s the best way to use this newly acquired domain 301 redirects? Yeah, if it’s relevant, you can do that. I don’t like to do that a lot. But if it was a domain, where it was topically relevant to what you’re going to be forwarding it to, or 301 redirecting it to, then that means the inbound link profile from that domain that you purchased is likely relevant. Also double-check that if it’s relevant, then yes, do a 301 redirect directly to the money site. If it’s not fully irrelevant, but there’s a lot of power built to it, then what I would recommend that you do is 301. redirect that to a buffer page, like an ID page, for example, hosted on an s3 bucket and Amazon s3 bucket as opposed direct, instead of direct to the root domain, the multi-site domain, that makes sense, it’s fully relevant. And it’s got a clean link profile with you know, the inbound link profiles topically relevant and yes, you can redirect directly to the money site, the root domain is fine. But if it’s not 100% relevant, but it’s got a lot of power and a somewhat clean link profile, but it’s just not fully relevant, then I would 301 redirect that to a buffer site. I prefer to use the Amazon s3 hosted ID page for that. But you could do it like a G site would be great for that. You know, pretty much any one of your tier one branded entity profiles. You could redirect to that but the G site would be a really good one for that Id page. Might is one I typically use for that. That makes sense. Okay, guys, so I can get to all the questions but most of them did get answered. So thank you guys for being here.
Source: Semantic Mastery Weekly SEO Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 326 published first on your-t1-blog-url
0 notes
stone-man-warrior · 4 years
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Astra-Zeneca = Astro-Xeneca = Woman of the cosmos = Libra = Statue of Liberty (comes with "just ice") = USA = "The Baby"
The Oxford part is the Mussorgsky Cannadian terror army coming around the Dead Man's Curve, wherever Dead Man's Curve can be found. They are armed. Pointy, and have reliable transportation.
There is a cart pulled by an Ox named Bleau that follows them around wherever they go, the Organ Grinder plays the bellows while his monkey collects the valuables left laying around by the US Citizen Free People who were run over at the Dead Man's Curve.
There is a Japanese slave chained to the back of the cart, he has a Hibachi Bar-b-que, but no matches. The cart driver, is a Mongolian man who speaks Russian. The monkey ties the valuables onto the sides of the Oxcart as it lumbers through on regularly scheduled daily rounds.
Meanwhile, the Pope treats his bunions at the podiatrist, they are appalling, spoils of war.
There is no one watching The Baby:
From Google:
Baby’s on Fire
Baby's on fire
Better throw her in the water
Look at her laughing
Like a heifer to the slaughter
Baby's on fire
And all the laughing boys are bitching
Waiting for photos
Oh the plot is so bewitching
Rescuers row row
Do your best to change the subject
Blow the wind blow blow
Lend some assistance to the object
Photographers snip snap
Take your time she's only burning
This kind of experience
Is necessary for her learning
If you'll be my flotsam
I could be half the man I used to
They said you were hot stuff
And that's what baby's been reduced to
Juanita and Juan
Very clever with maracas
Making their fortunes
Selling secondhand tobacco's
Juan dances at Chico's
And when the clients are evicted
He empties the ashtrays
And pockets all that he's collected
But baby's on fire
And all the instruments agree that
Her temperature's rising
But any idiot would know that
Songwriters: Brian Eno
Baby’s on Fire lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group
4:28 pm: 11-28-2020:
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A history lesson: There are free people, they are dancers. Free people dance, captive people do not dance. Dancing is the most sincerely human form of freedom.
There are terror soldiers who hunt and capture free people. There is a feast after the hunt. At the feast, the children sit at a table suitable for children, while the adults sit at the adult table.
The adults take the best parts of the hunted meat, the white meat. The children get the dark meat, the drumsticks, thighs, other dark meat.
The table where the children sit is called "the Kiddie Table". The meat that the children get, is also called "Kiddie Table" because that is what is served there at the "Kiddie Table".
There is a party that happens from time to time, before the feast, where the hunt for the free people is done. Many are lured to the sounds of music, cheering, people gathered at a festive event as the festivities are presented, and the sound can be heard through the air all over the shire.
There are dancers at the festive event, where hunting happens. Later, at the feast, at the adult table, the stories are told of the festival. Each adult tells how they "Danced on the Tables" at the party.
Think about that. Add a sword.
You should understand that two kinds of free people are at the festive event where the table dancing happened. There are the event planners, and there are the people who heard that the event was happening. Both groups, it turns out, are free to do as they choose. Free to lure victims, and others who are free to be victims. The adults at the adult table eat the best parts of the victims, while the children are served Kiddie Table at the Kiddie Table, arms, legs, hands, feet, are Kiddie Table.
The meat is stored in a "Hibachi" until it's time for the feast. It's an ice, chest with salted water and meat inside.
The terms Kiddie Table and Hibachi often are used simultaneously, one thing requires the other thing, so, if you listen closely to what is happening around you, you may have opportunity to learn on your own, before the party is started. I have known those two details for most of my life, since the 1960's. The terms are old, it's not a new idea, and it's not my idea, I need help to keep from becoming Kiddie Table, so I share what I learn, looking for help.
There is a lot more to this lesson. Includes a parade.
Those Twitter news video's where we see people waving to the Corona Victim as they all pass by on the street, are visual representations of the parade that happens just moments prior to the feast after the festive party where the victims were hunted, the feast follows the parade, by just a short time. The victims are barely alive at that point, are the "Grand Marshal" of the parade, it's a cannibal ritual. They are paraded around the neighborhood for awhile before the meal.
The Seventh Day Adventists who compose the terror army are cannibals and are Christian. They say:
"The meat tastes better after the adrenaline is flowing"
They are serious about that, so, more fear is added to the victim's predicament to please the palette of the SDA. That is what the parade is for. In that small, focused explanation of a relatively tiny part of the big picture of the Global Domination Under the Cross, is a plethora of translation fodder that can be used in reverse to find the comm on twitter that explains about it coded into the news stories.
"Charts & Graphs" can be many different things, for instance, One is "Carts & SAG".
To find the comm, find the parts, scan the major news networks, don't linger, just scan, read the tweet, tuck the ideas away in your thoughts, then there will come a time when one Tweet glues together many, intuitively. The entire Twitter Verified Accounts line-up are the commanders for the terror army, they all work in aggregate to say a single message, and there are many aggregates, many messages.
It's not easy to do, but the more you do it, the easier it gets.
Twitter is "Time Warp Terror". That throws a giant obstacle into the deciphering. The tweets are repeated, identical from 2008 when they were first presented, so, the instructions are present in the coded tweets, but the location is not present, sometimes the time of day is there, but not the place or town where attack is planned.
Unfortunately I have not found the key to the location information. That is going to be coming from a more live source somewhere other than twitter, I think.
Another way to explain similar idea is with a real terror scenario called "Crumpled napkin".
Goes like this, at a courthouse, in a courtroom, where a court hearing is happening:
Some terror soldier operative approaches the bench where the Judge is at, a lawyer, bailiff, anyone who is called upon. That person has a crumpled napkin, on which there is some information loosely scribbled, leaves it on the Bench while talking to the Judge at hearing, and by permission, to say a motion.
The name of a movie. The Director of the movie A scene from the movie. Other information is bonus.
What happens later, is the Judge sets into motion the information on the crumpled napkin, to happen somewhere in a town somewhere. That scene from that movie get played out in real life as a result. A terror scenario, “Schul Schut” for instance, and that might only serve as distraction for other Crumpled napkins.
So, the bonus information is a time, a day, a place, but may not be necessary all of the time.
Twitter is an enormous Crumpled napkin left on the bench. At 3:33 mark, we see an example of a Crumpled napkin presented before your eyes.
At the 00:03 Mark, Judy tells everyone what is happening, people passing (notes), right before your eyes, is what is going to happen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CqFZJeEenA
(I’m pretty sure that Rodman was killed in defense at Dr. Hiedinger’s Medical Clinic office in Medford Oregon in around 2013 or so.)
Local update: 5:16 pm: I took a walk to the mailbox just now. There on the road was Myers in their car, sitting at the cross-roads corner at the Y in the road in front of the South-East corner of my property. Then, a MedDems member from 598 Manning drove by quick, to reach Myers there at the corner, a brief pow-wow took place between the SAG MedDems, and the SDA Myers at the cross-roads.
It happens often that people sit in their car right there, it’s about 500 feet from where I am sitting here at my computer.
I suspect, and have for many years, that they sit there because of the blue-tooth range to my home. I have a implanted microphone transmitter that was put into my jaw by the terror army at a dentist visit after I was shot in the face in 2011. The thing has been broadcasting every thing I say since then.
Also, Centurylink ISP is part of the SAG terror. They use the Symantec norton product master copy to access computers of anyone who uses the Centurylink network. So, my computer, and yours, is equipped with two kinds of wireless capability, one is Wifi to a Wifi modem, the other is blue-tooth capability. Centurylink operatives are able to easily access my computer and yours through the DSL network, they can easily change the settings for Wifi and Blue-Tooth of the computer. They are able to reverse the setting indicators too, such that when you turn off the blue-tooth, and turn off the Wifi, the indicators say they are off, you believe they are off because you turned all of that off, and make sure that it’s all turned off.
Centurylink turns all of that stuff on, while also reversing the indicators, that say the wireless is off, when it’s all really turned on, and is broadcasting with no possible way to stop the broadcast because there is no one watching the baby.
Meanwhile, the terror bastards are sitting in the car, in blue-tooth range, stealing what I write as it is written, they are faster at typing than I am, can change the information, post it somewhere else, to fool the nsa fools who insist on being fooled all of the time by trusting the local authorities.
That’s what happened. MedDems warned Myers that I was coming outside so they drove away from the blue-tooth listening zone at the cross-roads.
Then, Sparacino drove by on a Shark Maneuver, to brush me back into my house, they have a lot of backup from the local authorities, Sparacino’s are protected by the imposter police, so I can‘t do anything about them menacing me daily while Myers is stealing what I write, and Centurylink turns my computer into a bill board on a freeway.
Send help.
Send US Military to Oregon.
Send medical services.
Bring your own Hospital.
5:42 pm.
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Astra-Zeneca = Astro-Xeneca = Woman of the cosmos = Libra = Statue of Liberty (comes with "just ice") = USA = "The Baby"
The Oxford part is the Mussorgsky Cannadian terror army coming around the Dead Man's Curve, wherever Dead Man's Curve can be found. They are armed. Pointy, and have reliable transportation.
There is a cart pulled by an Ox named Bleau that follows them around wherever they go, the Organ Grinder plays the bellows while his monkey collects the valuables left laying around by the US Citizen Free People who were run over at the Dead Man's Curve.
There is a Japanese slave chained to the back of the cart, he has a Hibachi Bar-b-que, but no matches. The cart driver, is a Mongolian man who speaks Russian. The monkey ties the valuables onto the sides of the Oxcart as it lumbers through on regularly scheduled daily rounds.
Meanwhile, the Pope treats his bunions at the podiatrist, they are appalling, spoils of war.
5:50 pm.
More, general terror to know about: Remote control full size cars with taxedermied driver and passenger:
It’s sort of like a rolling bomb that does not explode. The SAG terror has been using remote control bait cars ever since the introduction of cruise control. The cruise control of a car is a basis on which a fully remote control car is modified. They need to incorporate a brake, and a reverse, and a way to engage the gears to modify a cruise control car into a remote control car. In the 1990′s, they were installing a brake on the drive shaftif the vehicle. See Datsun Truck, 520 and 521 models to see how a drive shaft brake works. I don‘t know how the arrange the gear engagement remotely, or reverse, except that later made transmissions are made with an electronically engaged reverse that is operated electronically by design from the factory, does not rely on linkage. So, later model transmissions are built for access to a remote application that way.
There are many ways that a remote control bait car can serve the terror army when the driver and passenger are already dead people who are stuffed, taxidermy applied, and look very alive, in a car that is operated by someone who is in visual range of the car as it goes down the road, luring victims. There are specific kinds of victims for this, comes with ambush, and remote control nitrous release at the time of being pulled over.
Probably not a freeway sort of attack plan, but is effective in the rural areas where all of the neighborhoods are occupied by terror army, so, no matter where a remote control taxidermy bomb ambush car is pulled over, there are plenty of people there nearby to do the ambush, one that is based on a surprise when the driver and passenger don‘t move, but can speak, as the remote operator says lines of script to a real police at that time through iPhone blue tooth.
nsa needs to know that kind of attack.
Other general information, this about enormity, to understand how the Canadian terror army and the British who craft the Global Domination think and train their soldiers, with big ideas, not small ones: This graphic is a real terror training tool, used to show to young terror soldiers what “Panterra” looks like, Panterra is to move swiftly across the land in great numbers:
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I don‘t know how the lessons are taught, I only have the graphic, and know that it is used as a talking point for Panterra. I also know that the graphic works in any language. The text on the graphic is a lot of “fine print” is about US Military bases, and that “Text” is what the Christian SDA are all about, so, interpretation is up to you, but I have found the hard way that the graphic is dangerous to put here, I recommend hiding this one, nsa should hide that one from view.
I mentioned Dr. Hiedinger above and want to make a reminder to myself that there is a lot to know about Hiedinger, AKA: Dr. Headbanger. The office is a killing feild the place is the same kind of place as is Pain Specialists of Southern Oregon, and is protected by the surrounding businesses there in that business park where the clinic is at. I don‘t want to forget that Hiedinger might be a pilot associated with Erickson Air-Crane who goes by the name “P-51 Frank” or “P-51 Franc”, just in case someone will talk to me about the terrorism some day, P-51 Frank was interesting for reasons I have long forgotten, so I don‘t have more to say about him now other than the clinic is a killing field and is highly protected from the surrounding area.
8:31 pm: Reminder of other stuff that has all been explained before:
Boeing 737 MAX airplanes. We are all brainwashed to believe all of the airplanes are broken, don‘t work, can‘t fly, are grounded, and unusable.
There is nothing wrong with the airplanes. Two airplanes crashed, we were told, by newsmedia. That means the airplanes are just fine, they are parked, or are being used, while everyone assumes they are broken. The 737′s are just repurposed is all, but for what?
Some can be used right now, they look like other airplanes do, so, in the sky no one is going to differentiate them from some other airplane.
On the ground, they can squeeze into a line-up at a airport un-noticed, the Screen Actor Guild took over the air-traffic controllers long ago, when the Department of Homeland Security was invented by W. Bush, so, those guys are not going to say when a 737 MAX is in the line-up on the runway.
The thing I want to focus on here is two things, that the airplanes could have been modified for carrying and releasing a lot of nitrous/Medazolam mixture over geographic regions to assist Amazon Prime ground crews with a prime of the area. Department of Transportation in the states is also part of what I say is the Amazon Prime Ground Crew for attacking by the SAG/Britain/Vatican agenda.
I don‘t specifics for that beyond being at Boeing Seattle on a tour on the day that the place was hijacked by men who did not speak English and had machine guns. The killed the office workers while me and my family was there. Payroll office workers are specifically what I recall about that.
So, the other thing I do have some specifics about, and that is an escape plan for the SAG leadership they laid out as a failsafe in event that something goes wrong and they need to go fugitive. That plan includes a few layers of threat to them, where the first layer is that they go to Puerto Rico, either physically, or symbolically with some news story about Puerto Rico, such as a lot of Democrat congressional terror bastards who all went there to watch Hamilton not long ago. I suggest that was a level one threat to them that prompted the symbolic excursion to Puerto Rico where they watched a Broadway play in a tropical paradise.
The next level of threat, should they need to, is to go to Costa Rica, either symbolically or physically. Same as the Puerto Rico escape, but farther away, and to a place that is said to be home to many retired US Military service persons. That, in my opinion, is the level of when the mass murder of our US Military becomes known, and of course the SAG and Congress all arranged that to happen, but is not yet public knowledge. So, if they are found to have been involved with that, then, the plan is to head for Costa Rica (”Co-Star Eureka! They found us”). So, those 737 MAX airplanes that are just sitting around start to become very handy with this kind of knowledge.
The way this escape plan works is to allow that the leadership can go hide somewhere if nsa finds out about what SAG (Congress) has done. They newsmedia presents a story about Costa Rica, and some other information, avd that kicks in a failsafe damage control set of circumstances that are all prearranged to solve that kind of problem, has much complexity, designed to overwhelm investigative persons, make detour, distraction, delay, and some lures into dangerous traps where the investigative people are taken out of the picture. Damage control is done by the SDA terror army as the SAG leaders are soaking up the sunshine in a tropical paradise in Costa Rica and have a lot of 737 MAX airplanes to cart them around until the dust settles. The airplanes also serve as a part to the damage control on their own somehow I am sure. They will use up every advantage those airplanes can offer.
So, the last and final exit SAG on the run fugitive actors, Musicians, Clowns and Magicians is Guiana, Suriname, and French Guiana at the north Eastern part of South America.
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‘Those places, I understand, are all pre-equipped with amenities that were put there as far back as 2001. Good roads, internet, all is SAG friendly, ready to be occupied in event of Global Domination meltdown and SAG needs to go fugitive. Suriname is the symbolic way for SAG to say:
“They know our real last names now, we have to go to Suriname, we’ve been made”
So the 737 MAX airplanes are just the thing they need to have available for a stealth exit for a lot of fugitive actors on the run. They will just go live out the rest of their lives in a tropical paradise instead of ruling the world with the British.
And that is what I wanted to make sure to remind nsa and global security persons to look out for when the pressure on SAG gets too much for their candy assess to endure.
Guiana, Suriname, French Guiana, and the 737 MAX that is there to cart them around if necessary.
9:23 pm.
11:40 pm:
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There seems to be some interest in Scotland Yard here, the man says they are too close to his house, reaches out to Christian terror army with a verbal crucifix. "Length & Breadth" is just like "Far & wide", is a verbal cross.
Seems as if he is calling for Damage Control to do some damage, to regain control.
The term "fair" is also a circus. He calls for the circus to come to town. "Scotland Yard" may only be a place holder for some other unwanted interest he is facing too close to the house.
First rule of home ownership is "don't shit too close to the house". So, there is some shit going down in Perthshire. Same is true for criminals who travel, they don't do crime in their own city, the go somewhere else to do shit like that. That means it's probably not in Perthshire. Worcestershire, or Liecestershire, most likely.
Gleicestershire sent representatives from the Glee Club.
Sweeney Todd terror. The Barber shop is a sausage vendor at Windsor Castle. Sweeney in the Warp Drive, Mr. Scot.
I'm feeling problems are at the Advertisers Union. The place where the terror commands are generated for global consumumption. Could be BBC, Reuters and Reuters is SIS MI6.
That bridge, Vauxhall, at the end there, that cool looking building with the green roof.
(there is a secret door under the water that leads into the SIS. Ssshhhhush, don't tell anyone, it's a secret.)
There is a faint Disney reference there, leads to the castle. Where the castle is, so is Tinkerbell, so, Johnson is trouble too. I've come to this conclusion about Downing street: It's not a ten. It's a letter i or L and is a capital letter O, with one space betweeney. "i o, i o, so off to werk i go." Disney spells it like this:
"Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho"
High street, is like Front street, every town has one. I O Downing Street I/O Downing On Off Downing OO Downing Goose Egg Downing Gable & Abigale Gabble, Downing street. news media, Downing street The Gaggle Downing street
(how to get from there, to Watership Downing Street?)
Take the Yellow Submarine to Vauxhaul Bridge, go into the door.
The Beatatude, from the Pope. Bee attitude. Honey Combs Cells. Sweet.
(at that point, there is a Y in the puzzle, if you go that way, to follow the Beatatude, you wind up in “The Hobbit” at the place where Gandolf is trying to crack the code that opens the cave door by that lake where the See Monster is lurking, and when they go inside, there is a cave troll, Orch’s, and a Ballrok, so, fuck that, I’m going this other way, below)
Sugar Bear says: "Can't get enough of sugar golden crisp" They changed the name, from Sugar Crisp to Golden Crisp.
Vintage Audio King, (where we've changed our name, to:)Vintage King Audio nashville and Hollywood lochations.
Ten nessy (dead see monster)
Downing Street: VAK; Evac. There, seems to be the Watership Down. The See Monster nessy is dead, in the lake, needs evac. It's a Rabbit.
The Easter Bunny died. It was an old one.
Dead Royals? Royal Flush? Dead Pope?
Olive the above?
It's a Martini, shaken, not stirred.
Bond. James Bond. MI 6.
Mission Imp os syble (sheppard)
Mission Imp I O sybil/Mission impossible
Mission I MP I O sybil
Mission One: Member of Parliament I/O Poly The Parrot (Pope's Bird)
MP, hit Boris, use gas.
Can‘t be that simple.
He is taking to people at the SnP20.
That’s my house!
(next door, 520 Jackpine. Where Sir Richard Branson visits sometimes, and they keep a medieval torture rack there, for torturing.)
12:31 am: 11-29-2020:
l O Downing Street
L & O Downing Street (have a look at the ships components)
l O (step the fuck back, have another look)
Eleanor Rigby (step aside, scalawag)
(Apply Phonetician Philter)
Elenor Rigby (find the stowaway)
El ‘n’ O r (Make like a brazier, lift & separate. add wings)
l ‘n’ O r (simplify)
l ‘n’ O R Rig Bee (rearrange things, pirates say “Arrrgghh” ‘R’)
l ‘n’ O Arrrrgh Rig Bee’s (toss the n stowaway overboard here, they’re pirates, that’s what they do)
l ‘’ O Arrrrgh Rig Bee’s (stow the sails)
l O Arrrrgh Rig Bee’s (Use rigging Axe, remove mast)
l O Arrrrgh Bee’s (Jesus! it’s a submarine!)
l O Bee’s (streamline, crew below deck)
l O Bee’s of Downing Street (Watership Down)
l O Colonials (Simplify; “Pirates of the Caribbean” headed for India)
l O Colonials (Christen the Boat: HMS l O Colonials)
“HMS l O Colonials” of Downing Street
l O Trafficking Cells... Downing Street. (Justify a bit, ready the crew)
Who’s the Captain?
Prime Minister is Captain, they change from time to time, the boat is always “l O Downing Street”.
The Current (power) Captain is said to be Boris Johnson.
But, we don’t know for sure. You have to do your own research, they are cut throat pirates, anything could happen.
11-29-2020: 6:04 pm: That above is example of British SIS GCHQ terror code, uncoded enough to see that it’s real terror code. I did a sloppy job of unraveling it, and could go back through there to clean it up, but I am not going to do that.
What you see is a reflection on a time and place where changes occurred at l O Downing, the place was repurposed, the existing pirate ship at the time was recommissioned as a pirate submarine, and the Beatles song is part of that recommissioning.
The details represent a time when old ways were tossed out in favor of new, stealth, below the surface ways.
Even the Caribbean Bonus below is part of the GCHQ puzzle they made. It leads to what I said was a Syntax Error, but is a representation of what happens when the pirates come, there is a dead end, the road stops, the decode won‘t work at some point, you decide where the bottom fell out of it, and my label was Syntax Error for that, the moment the pirates take over at the reading of the code.
What came first? The Eleanor Rigby song, the l O Downing, or the JFK assassination?
The puzzle seems to represent a time when newsmedia got onboard of the British pirate ship, and it became a submarine.
Also for consideration is that recording of the Eleanor Rigby song. The quality of the sound, the art of the recording engineer, should not be discarded. That song, I have often said, is the single best recorded piece of music I can think of, not necessarily the best song, but the very best sound engineering is there in that recording. Considering that technology is supposed to make better recording as the tech is developed, and Eleanor Rigby remains as the leading example of recording masterpiece in my opinion, is a statement on it’s own. They wanted to make a statement, and the statement was made clear with that.
Do your own research.
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
Use “Text” based terror code rules to see where that name leads to.
I am not going to do it. I suspect there is a message in the name, GCHQ SIS style.
The rules are that you do math to make a proof of some words. You have to account for every detail, every change you make needs some kind of explanation, you decide what the changes are, and how to achieve them. Stay close to home, there are pirates around, don‘t go wandering around too far without some kind of justification for it. The way this works, you are the master of your own destiny, but, you could be fooled by your own judgment, so, it’s all very subjective. Let the progression guide you.
“A Stately Procession” is a first year music class number at US Public School in the 1970′s, for aspiring musicians on a wide variety of orchestral instruments. Something to think about is all I say that for.
Cari b bean
Carry B Beans
Carry Bee Beans
Carry Bee SDA
Car rie Bee Bee ans
Car rye Bee Bee ans
Car rye Bees ans
Car Bread Bees ans
Car Bred Bee sans bee sands colony grains
Traffic Bred Bees Hands
Car Bred
Carb Red
Aerate Red
Air Raid bees hands
Air Raid Bees Crew
Air Raid Bestow
That reminds me that Hillary Clinton‘s Password for Harmony Central (musician’s message board) is “Syntax”.
0 notes
infosecwomen · 7 years
Increasing Safety and Inclusiveness at Hacker Cons
This roadmap for addressing the problems which soured this September in Louisville is a collaborative work by numerous women… many who attended DerbyCon Legacy (some have attended every single year), others who came but left early, some who stayed away entirely because of the news of what was happening, and additional women who have previously vowed to not attend such events at all unless some of the deep-rooted problems in Infosec (which are not unique to any one specific event) can be addressed by conference leadership.
We appreciate the fact that Dave Kennedy, Martin Bos, and many of the volunteers from DerbyCon have engaged the public in a dialog regarding how to best provide for the safety and well-being of hacker con attendees in the future.  It is wonderful, their willingness to take steps in a positive direction, and we accept their invitation for open discussion.
There are three steps we see DerbyCon proceeding through in the process of repairing their public image and improving safety for women at conferences.  They are outlined here…
[=  I. Adopt and Publicly-Post a Code of Conduct =]
Even though a small contingent of people have resisted this in the past, DerbyCon has made significant progress in this area recently. That’s wonderful.  A Code of Conduct protects a conference as much as it protects the attendees.  Many prominent speakers and sponsors won’t participate at events without one, and even the smallest and most far-flung of hacker cons have been adding them to their web sites and programs.  
A Code of Conduct doesn’t have to be long, full of legalese, or kill the “friendly” feeling of an event.  It really only has to do four simple things:
State that the event wants to be a welcoming and safe place for all attendees (DerbyCon already says this and has been telling the community that for years now)
Explain what behaviors are not tolerated (this, unfortunately, is where DerbyCon fails to be adequately specific)
Explain how people should report problems (DerbyCon, like many events, encourages people to “contact staff” but the preferred language would include an email address or other contact information that is monitored 24/7 during the con.  (If someone is holed up in his or her room because of threats, they shouldn’t have to venture downstairs looking for a red shirt or scroll through Google results trying to find the right Security contact)
A commitment to enforce these rules.  (DerbyCon claims to stand for the security of all attendees, but unfortunately we have seen that there have been some stumbles in the past when it comes to follow-up on problems)
DerbyCon can solve point #2 & point #3 with the addition of honestly just one or two lines of text.
At least one hacker con has summarized their Code of Conduct as, “If you are a jerk, we’ll ask you to leave."  Examples of being a jerk include harassing, forcing unwanted interactions, or secretly replacing someone’s coffee with Folgers crystals.”  Humor can be just fine here! (As long as the two most critical points of “don’t harass others” and “don’t force yourself upon others” are spelled out.)
The “contact” information can truly be an email like [email protected] as long as it’s being monitored throughout the whole event.  DM-ing the conference Twitter can work but that requires open DMs (which not all Twitter clients support well) and forces a staffer to sift through a lot of messages, many of which will be just noise.
[= II. Sunlight as Disinfectant =]
This may be the hardest pill to swallow.  Right now, we are not aware of any public-facing resolution or closure on these matters aside from Dave and Martin tweeting that things are going to get much better in the future.  That alone will not mollify those with concerns nor will it make women want to start attending/proposing in record numbers.
There were two separate major incidents this year, and they were deeply inter-related.  DerbyCon would be wise to make blog two posts on their site in which they discuss them frankly and offer clear public apologies for any ways in which they feel they didn’t live up to their full stated hopes of being a con for everybody in the hacker family:
Failure to condemn and expel harassers
While the mishandling of the matter relating to a trainer with a restraining order due to domestic abuse was deeply troubling, harassment is actually the wider matter at DerbyCon, and the issue that keeps women away so much.  Given no Code of Conduct prohibiting harassment, a small but vocal group of angry voices targets their rage at people in an attempt to either make them stay away from DerbyCon or not enjoy DerbyCon if they attend.  This angry group (to varying degrees) has at times included both staff as well as the general attendee public.  While folk such as the former security staffer and his posse of associates represent the worst of it, plenty of things that the conference videographer has stated online cross the line into harassment, as well. Even one of the conference founders, generally a kind person, has threatened physical violence against people and profanely told women to be silent when they have criticized DerbyCon online.
This is a topic where DerbyCon has to dedicate extra care during the repair of its reputation, since it became public during the con this year that most of the hatred and abuse is generated within a Facebook group calling itself the “illmob” (a group apparently started and overseen by the fired security staffer) which includes the DerbyCon founders and several other conference staff as fellow members.
NOTE - This is not to suggest in any way that said Facebook group’s sole purpose is to harass women, but simply to point out that the creation of the harassing tweets, image memes, apparel, etc takes place here in full view of the DerbyCon conference staff.  They cannot claim ignorance regarding the identity of the people behind the harassment.
The mishandling of reports of an alleged abuser of women
This is more delicate, and a private matter, but DerbyCon can speak to the problem respectfully and in a way that tells the public (a) what went wrong and (b) what they will do differently in future.
The earlier blog post, about the harassment issue, is harder to put into words but it would be good if it (1) acknowledges that attendees have been subject to online harassment in the past, (2) explicitly states that this is not what DerbyCon is about and that this is not OK, (3) apologizes for any statements made in the heat of the moment by the DerbyCon team which could be construed as harassment, and (4) includes a commitment to prevent this behavior in the future… a promise that staff will be professional and a promise to eject or bar attendees who harass others.
[= III. The Ramifications =]
So here’s where the rubber really meets the road.
Actions speak louder than words.  
If DerbyCon is going to be taken seriously, and to satisfy Point #4 regarding a Code of Conduct as mentioned above, they must demonstrate their genuine commitment to:
 standing by their updated Code of Conduct
handling reports of abuse/safety risks/etc properly.
DerbyCon has stated that they’ve “never banned anyone” and described how they feel that the community has failed if things get to that point.  This is not so.  It fails the community to have rules and policies but never actually follow through on them.
As hard as it will be for them:
* Will Genovese represents the most clear-cut violation of a Code of Conduct that anyone has ever seen.  He has repeatedly harassed numerous people over the years (and reserves the bulk of his ire for women and their supporters) and this year went so far as to put DerbyCon at actual legal risk by harassing attendees and abuse victims while speaking on behalf of the conference itself.  Even after he was fired he continued to harass attendees (and non-attendees who simply spoke about DerbyCon) online and at the conference.  The DerbyCon Code of Conduct carries basically no weight if people who behave in this manner are allowed to attend.  There are others who have said hateful or harassing things to a lesser degree… but Will has taken it to the point of publicly posting both text and images that do nothing but sow hate and discontent at DerbyCon.  For the community (particularly women) to take even slightly seriously the notion that DerbyCon is trying to improve, Will would not be invited back to DerbyCon nor welcomed as an attendee.
* the individual subject to police investigations, an Order of Protection, and court filings for abuse would not be invited back to DerbyCon as a trainer nor welcomed back as an attendee.  The fact that he was subject to an Order of Protection backed up by a report of physical violence should have been enough there (and Martin Bos claimed back on August 30th that an O.o.P. was more than enough reason to ban him)  We are not talking about an Administrative Non-Contact Order (which basically anyone can get on anyone else for almost any reason) but an Order of Protection based on police-documented abuse.  Once the police (not just courts, but the police) are taking things seriously, come on… that’s a person you don’t want at your conference.
* Bryce Case Jr. (a.k.a. YT Cracker) would not be invited to DerbyCon as an artist nor welcomed as an attendee.  Again, this is someone with a long history of security violations and drunken abuse of women at other conferences.  There are records of all this.  It is unclear if the /courts/ were ever involved, so this individual represents a different standard of evidence… but he unmistakably is a known bad actor and if DerbyCon can’t bring themselves to prevent his attendance, it is a signal to the community (especially women) that DerbyCon is not a place where people are safe.
* The DerbyCon videographer is the hardest case here.  He has engaged online in what is seen by many as harassment.  It has seldom been /directed/ at anyone, however.  Instead, his comments are broad and focused against women and their supporters as opposed to calling out a specific person here or there.  Also, as his defenders have pointed out, some of this has become more managed in recent months.  Our willingness to give him space to reform has nothing to do with his tireless work on video recording… there is no ‘hours of volunteer work / hateful behavior forgiveness’ exchange rate system.  We are not without understanding; he could remain part of DerbyCon (where he is cared about by many individuals who are trying to help him improve himself) in a Volunteer role as opposed to being on Staff and this might placate the majority of the community.  But there will always be a number of women who will not feel safe attending any conference or event where he is present as anything other than an attendee.  (This is why BSides events sadly had to take the difficult steps that they did and remove him.)  It is hoped that his behavior continues to improve and that DerbyCon will never have to bar him outright.
It is interesting that in the case of the trainer and the music artist, they aren’t actually in direct violation of the Code of Conduct, because nearly all of their misdeeds took place off-site and at other events.  But barring them from future attendance is of course part of a greater safety management process… which needs to be addressed by internal policy: How do you decide that someone is a safety violation to your attendees?  How is this researched?  What counts as evidence? With whom does the final decision rest?  All of this needs to be written down somewhere.  Not necessarily posted publicly, but written down and made available in cases where parties request to see it.  This is very important for DerbyCon to legally cover their butts and it’s astonishing if some policy like this doesn’t already exist.)
If DerbyCon makes good on these three key areas – a more fully-realized Code of Conduct, public posts describing the difficulties and apologizing to the community, and finally breaking with tradition by actually officially barring certain known bad actors from attending in the future – then this would be considered a welcome (and really big) step in the right direction for the conference.  And for the hacker community at large.
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marlaluster · 5 years
Emptying the cliptray on the new phone. ....
1. victoria's secret Forbes Where Does The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Go From Here? 11 hours ago CNBC Victoria's Secret 'rethinking' annual fashion show, says network TV not 'right fit' 3 days ago Wall Street Journal Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show Leaving Network TV 3 days ago HarpersBAZAAR.com The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show Reportedly Won’t Be Broadcast on TV Anymore 2 days ago WSB Atlanta Victoria's Secret is out, no more fashion show on network television 15 hours ago NewNowNext Victoria's Secret Rethinks Fashion Show After Transphobia Claims 1 day ago NJ.com Bye bye, Angels. Victoria's Secret Fashion Show leaves network TV. 2 days ago AdAge.com Victoria's Secret Fashion Show to leave network TV 3 days ago The Inquisitr Victoria’s Secret Model Winnie Harlow Stuns In A Tiny Blue Bikini 16 hours ago Allure Magazine Why the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show Won’t Return to Network TV: Memo 2 days ago NEXT PAGE [email protected] 2. https://www.google.com/search?q=victoria%27s+secret&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&prmd=mnsiv&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjTgNn4i5riAhUMVN8KHV-NB-cQ_AUoAnoECAsQAg&biw=412&bih=695&dpr=2.63 3. http://www.newnownext.com/victorias-secret-tv-fashion-show-canceled-transphobia/05/2019/ 4. https://www.instagram.com/p/BqA9eCZFB31/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_mid=W7kpjQABAAHWV0N7GA55UKgzUWGp 5. 60,888 likes lavernecox #TransIsBeautiful. Just a few trans models rocking runways all over the world. There are so many more that we dont know about and that we do. There always have been. Keep slaying ladies! allie.m.reyes @tria.belle.7 god bless marco_t_1984 @tria.belle.7 I love licking ass mel33xo Beautiful!!! ❤️ antonia_nki 😍😍 simonerobson_ @jadecannonx simonerobson_ @scottmcglynn_ simonerobson_ @sheridanbyrne_ @elliemayelsie sheridanbyrne_ @simonerobson_ wtf simonerobson_ @_georgiamorris elliemayelsie @simonerobson_ prettier then us @sheridanbyrne_ sheridanbyrne_ @elliemayelsie talk for yourself hun😂😂 elliemayelsie @sheridanbyrne_ 😂😂😂😂😂😂 simonerobson_ @sheridanbyrne_ LOOOL simonerobson_ @elliemayelsie they’re so fucking beautiful 😭😭😭😭😭 charlesbrown5796__6_10_87 Delicious sweet sexy stunning amazing awesome gorgeous Love tuskygrub @magically_madison Thanks for speaking up! I'm a trans plus size model (by ridiculous industry standards) and it was lovely to see a mention. 💛 lorenaaa_22 😍😍😍 melea24lakeshow 🙌🏾 rileyandss @marco_t_1984 it’s sooo disgusting!! r.l.p.d_19 @kahliditsas ❤️ brioche.timale @samsha28 @lau_gyal on peut plus différencier meuf et trans 😐 la chirurgie c’est un truc de fou quand même samsha28 @brioche.timale abuseee jallais dire y'a des trans la ? Et en fait c'en est tous jpp brioche.timale @samsha28 mais oui!! samsha28 @brioche.timale en vrai cest bien fait jpp moi aussi je veux être comme ça 😭 NOVEMBER 10, 2018 6. Victoria’s Secret Rethinks Fashion Show After Transphobia Claims The annual televised spectacle will no longer air on network TV. by Brandon Voss 5/12/2019 Some angels are bound to fall. The annual Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show will no longer air on network television after almost two decades, The New York Times reports. View image on TwitterView image on Twitter Victoria's Secret ✔ @VictoriasSecret IT’S SHOWTIME! We’re filming the #VSFashionShow TODAY. Head to our Stories & Live for your all-access pass—and watch it all on the runway Dec. 2, 10/9c on @abcnetwork! http://i.victoria.com/l7x 3,724 2:43 PM - Nov 8, 2018 787 people are talking about this 7. https://www.wsbtv.com/news/trending-now/victorias-secret-is-out-no-more-fashion-show-on-network-television/948767898 8. No specifics were given on how the show, which traditionally comes under fire for not only the steamy clothing but also the models themselves, would change. The company did say the event would be different “in ways that will push the boundaries of fashion in the global digital age.” Noam Galai/Getty Images 9. https://www.allure.com/story/victorias-secret-fashion-show-memo-why-network-tv-not-airing 10. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.columbusmonthly.com/lifestyle/20190429/is-it-timesup-for-victorias-secret%3ftemplate=ampart 11.  Ed  YOU SICK FUCKING THIRSTY BITCH THIRSTING FOR THE BLOOD OF RIFF RAFF N LOSERS WITH YOUR SICK AS FUCK SOCIETY SO HATED N SICK AS FUCK!!!!!!!!!! UNITED OF STATES OF THIRSTY FOR THE RIGHTEOUSNESS ATTACKING N RIGHTEOUS LOSING OF LOSERS N RIFF RAFF N N**GERS BIRTHED INTO YOUR SICK AS FUCK SOCIETY TO SCROUNGE TO SURVIVE!!!!!!! SICK FUCKING HATED BITCH!!!!!! UNITED STATES (AND ITS ORDER REACHING ALL OVER THE WORLD): VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED!!!!! MOST HATED PLACE N POPULACE THAT EVER EXISTED!!!!!!!! 12. https://www.google.com/amp/s/247sports.com/nfl/kansas-city-chiefs/Article/Chiefs-Patriots-laser-pointer-Tom-Brady-131935147/Amp/ 13. Laser-pointing Kansas City Chiefs fan won't apologize to Brady by Kirk Larrabee May 10, 12:45 PM A Kansas City Chiefs fan who shined a laser pointer at New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady during the AFC Championship game said in a recent interview he regrets his decision to use the device but stopped short of issuing an apology to Brady and the Patriots. The fan in question, 64-year-old Dwayn Morgan of Lee's Summit, Missouri, spoke with Inside Edition about the laser-pointing incident, which took place in January during the second half of New England's 37-31 AFC Championship overtime win at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City. The Inside Edition segment says Morgan, who was sitting behind the end zone with his three sons, had "a few beers too many" and decided to shine the light in Brady's direction in an attempt to create a distraction. Morgan was cited with disturbing the peace as a result of the incident and is scheduled to appear in court at 9:30 a.m. on of July 17. He faces up to a year in jail or a $1,000 fine as a result of his citation. 14. https://www.google.com/search?q=venezuela&oq=venezuela&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60l2j35i39j0l2.10867j1j9&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#scso=_bdvaXIzXBYSk_QaXr7wI54:1650.6666259765625.857177734375.1904296875.238037109375.90478515625.1904296875.238037109375.952392578125.6666259765625.5714111328125.90478515625.857177734375.142822265625.6666259765625.7619018554688.8095092773438.7619018554688.2857055664062.4285888671875.1904907226562.952392578125.6190185546875.3809814453125.8571166992188.8095092773438.1904907226562.8571166992188.0952453613281.047607421875.23809814453125.4761962890625.6190490722656.952392578125.047607421875.5238037109375.1904754638672.6666717529297.19049072265625.71429443359375.6666564941406.38095092773438.95237731933594.5238037109375.90475463867188.6666717529297.38095092773438.33333587646484.95237731933594.380950927734375.28571319580078.2857143878936768 15. TOP STORIES Inside the secret plot to turn senior Venezuelan officials against Maduro Washington Post - 16 hours ago Nuclear Arms, Iran and Venezuela: Pompeo’s Likely Agenda With Putin in Russia The New York Times - 2 hours ago BBC.com Venezuela crisis: What remains of the Caracas middle-class? 1 hour ago CNN.com State Department: US trying to remove protesters from Venezuelan Embassy in DC 12 hours ago Fox News Venezuelan billionaire's home raided in Dominican Republic 19 hours ago Business Insider Venezuela's hyperinflation is so bad that a McDonald's Happy Meal briefly cost more than a month's salary 5 hours ago The Telegraph US and Russia to discuss fate of Venezuela amid reports Putin will not prop up Maduro 8 hours ago CNBC.com Venezuela exodus raises worries of babies being stateless 8 hours ago CNN.com Chinese cargo plane arrives in Venezuela 11 hours ago CBS News Venezuelan opposition asks for meeting with U.S. military to discuss "cooperation" 20 hours ago Tass Lavrov to discuss Venezuela, Iran and Syria with Pompeo on May 14 16 hours ago The Guardian Cuba forced into rationing as US sanctions and Venezuela crisis bite 3 days ago PEOPLE ALSO SEARCH FOR Venezuelan embassy in Washington DC Venezuela Juan Guaido Maduro 16. https://venezuelanalysis.com/news/14486 17. Toggle navigationToggle search NEWSINTERNATIONAL Guaido Requests US Military ‘Cooperation’ to Oust Maduro as US Vessel Violates Venezuelan Waters A meeting between Guaido’s team and the US Southern Command is being organised. By Paul Dobson May 13th 2019 at 9.19pm us_navy_flickr.jpg Opposition leader Juan Guaido has requested "cooperation" from the US Southern Command. (US Navy Flickr) Opposition leader Juan Guaido has requested "cooperation" from the US Southern Command. (US Navy Flickr) Merida, May 13, 2019 (venezuelanalysis.com) – Self-declared “Interim President” Juan Guaido has ordered the setting up of a meeting with the US Armed Forces to discuss “cooperation” in his efforts to oust President Nicolas Maduro. During a gathering of supporters in the upper middle class Caracas district of Las Mercedes on Saturday, Guaido informed that he was instructing his representative in the United States, Carlos Vecchio, to establish a “direct relationship” with the US Southern Command (SouthCom), which plans, oversees, and controls all US overt and covert military operations in Latin America and the Caribbean. The initiative by Guaido stokes increasing fears that he looks to oust Maduro using a foreign-led intervention. Italian newspaper La Stampa published an interview with Guaido Friday, in which the opposition leader explained that “If the North Americans proposed a military intervention, I would probably accept it.” In a letter to US SouthCom chief Admiral Craig Faller Monday, Vecchio requested a meeting to discuss “strategic and operational” cooperation, alongside concerns over what he describes as “the [existing] presence of un-invited foreign forces” in Venezuela. No evidence for this claim was provided by Vecchio. 18. https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/13/politics/venezuelan-embassy-washington-dc/index.html 19. State Department: US trying to remove protesters from Venezuelan Embassy in DC By Adrienne Winston and Eli Watkins, CNN Updated 10:57 PM EDT, Mon May 13, 2019 WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 25: Medea Benjamin (L) and Ariel Gold (R) of CodePink shout slogans during a news conference outside the Embassy of Venezuela April 25, 2019 in Washington, DC. (CNN) US law enforcement on Monday started the process of trying to remove protesters from the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, a State Department official said. The move to evict the protesters from the embassy came after a group of US anti-war activists began moving into the embassy last month. Medea Benjamin, one of the founders of the anti-war group Code Pink, previously told CNN that diplomats from the government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro had given them access to the embassy before the diplomats left as the standoff unfolded between Maduro and Venezuelan opposition leader and self-proclaimed interim President Juan Guaido. Venezuela's Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs for North America Carlos Ron denounced the removal of protestors on Monday "The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has not authorized the entry of police officers into the former Embassy building in Washington, DC. This intrusion is yet another violation of international law by US authorities and an aggression against Venezuela," Ron, a Maduro official, said on Twitter. 20. not Maduro's sitting government in Venezuela. The department on Monday encouraged "the remaining unauthorized individuals to vacate the building and to conduct any future protest peacefully and through legal means." In a statement on Monday, a State Department official reiterated the US position against the Maduro government and said Carlos Vecchio, who Guaido has declared the Venezuelan ambassador to the US, requested US assistance. "As a result of Ambassador Vecchio's request, further action is being taken, and the unauthorized occupants are being informed by law enforcement that they are trespassing on the embassy property," the state spokesperson said. "Until the trespassers are gone, no individuals will be permitted to enter the embassy." Law enforcement could be seen at the embassy on Monday evening. CNN's Nicole Chavez and Hira Humayun contributed to this report.
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efosa123 · 5 years
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Rank Your Website For Google Voice (lots of free traffic) hey everyone how you doing today I'm going to show you how to rank your website on position zero and get loads of traffic for your website utilizing the new voice search on Google and if you're not aware voice search is already taking place about one in five people are already using voice searches on their mobile devices and it's estimated that within just in a year or two that half of all Google searches will be made using voice searches so what's this got to do with your business well we've all worked hard on our SEO strategies to get our websites optimized and pushed as close to Google number one as we can but the problem here now is that search has evolved the way people are searching using Google has changed and Google is evolving to adapt to these changes it's time to find a new SEO strategy to prepare for the next evolution of search so to accommodate voice search Google has created a new rank position higher than number one and they call it position zero and you're probably already familiar with it you've probably already seen it it's it's Google's answer box so for example when you go to Google and on your mobile phone on your mobile device it's very easy but even in chrome you can just click on the microphone how to change my Twitter avatar here's information from dummy's calm now where is the number one ranked on this page here who is above the fold where are the paid advertisers even and how did dummies calm get this information placed so high on the page well it's not magic there's a way and the the developers at voice rank 360 have reverse-engineered Google's search algorithm to figure out how you can get your information chosen by Google to display here and then when you scroll down then you'll see who's actually ranking and I mean how can you outrank Twitter on a twitter related question you know so that's really what this is all about so if you'd like to check it out please use my affiliate links below please take a moment to like this video so we can recommend it to other viewers and subscribe so we can keep you posted on other great product reviews and let's jump right into the demo here this is voice ranked 360 the dashboard okay and because this is a whole new way of thinking about SEO a lot of training materials are bundled in with this the more you explore the more you will learn and the more you can optimize and the more you can become the first authority in this new world of voice search SEO and there's all these materials that you can download really detailed training video sessions here as well to walk you through it step-by-step what you'll want to do first as always there's a little bit of setup that you'll want to take care of hop over to the settings page okay and and get your WordPress set up assuming that you have a WordPress it is it integrates really well with her press and you'll see momentarily why it's so important next what you'll want to do is open up a new project okay so I was playing around with this a little bit earlier but let's just start up a new project and let's say today that we are promoting a realtor okay so we'll just call this project realtor here and we'll add that in what will be next is we'll go to a voice report okay and we can just paste in a website and go and you can do this for any prospect if if you were looking to do this as an agency and you're gonna bring this voice ranked 360 as a service to service clients you can just put in their website and voice ranked 360 we'll do an analysis of their website to generate a voice SEO report that will tell you how well they are ranked with regards to voice SEO and all of their opportunities for improvement okay so here is the analysis and just a quick summary the site speed okay has a red flag here okay because it's slow now if we click on the plus we'll see why that's important to SEO and page speed is a major role then are they using Secure Sockets what is their domain Authority do they have strong social signals do they have any long content featured snippets and now this one becomes very important for that answer box and in ranking in Google position 0 because this is actually what Google is reading mobile ready yes they are mobile ready and this is extremely important for voice search because most voice searches is happening on mobile devices and additional resources for mobile speed and optimization and again more tools for that now the reason questions are so important and you might have already guessed this is that the way that dummy's comm ranked so high is that they actually had an FAQ on their website that very concisely answered the question how to change your Twitter picture and step-by-step instructions and that is what Google spotted so it becomes very important for us to have questions and answers on our page and voice rang 360 makes it very easy to add that to your website again a little bit more local articles let's go over here to a question-and-answer article generator and it's almost the exact same process we'll just see this again one more time okay again we're gonna select our project and there are a variety of niches already listed here so I'll just try to find our niche there we go and keyword New York realtor okay there we go next and instantly found a whole bunch of questions that are related let's just select all okay and we'll go back down and click Next instantly you have a full FAQ section made for your website and just look at all these questions and answers so this suddenly gives your website the content that it needs to place in position zero for Google okay so let's go ahead and save that okay there is a ton of help available here okay not just for how to use voice ranked 360 but also how to navigate the new world of voice search SEO tons of resources are recommended for all varieties of SEO for your website okay and fifty SEO tools that you can use just you can see all of these tools that are available to you already that you can quickly access and also excellent support that you can contact for voice ranked 360 now X marketing 360 you might recognize that name we reviewed their local profits 360 software just a few weeks ago and they will be running local profits through 60 as an OT oh with this voice ranked 360 so if you did not pick it up as a one-time offer a few weeks ago and are may be deterred by the recurring monthly this will be another opportunity for you to buy into local profits and it makes an excellent compliment to voice rank 360 so I will also be sweetening the deal with some congruent bonuses available from my affiliate link below I hope you find this video is profitable for you thank you very much for watching we'll see you next time
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pekson · 7 years
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Globe Telecom Spearheads 3-day Beach Clean-up, Coral Planting After Rave Parties in Boracay
PRESS RELEASE (May 3, 2017; Globe Corp. Comm.) --- As part of LaBoracay festivities that included hosting #GlobeSunkissed party at White House, Station 1 in Boracay, Globe Telecom spearheaded the Boracay beach clean-up to ensure that the country’s favourite summer getaway is back to its pristine condition even after a major event participated in by over 60,000 local and foreign tourists.
LaBoracay is a Labor Day Weekend celebration where the world-class tourist destination becomes one big party venue with numerous companies and establishments offering non-stop entertainment to attract the vacationing crowd.
"Our employees, partners, and clients have come together to mitigate the impact of the weekend activities on the beach of Boracay. While giving local customers and tourists the best weekend party at LaBoracay, we also exerted effort to ensure we don't compromise the natural beauty of the island,” said Yoly Crisanto, Globe Senior Vice President for Corporate Communications.
In anticipation of the big volume of trash that is often left behind after huge gatherings, Globe organized a team of volunteers to scour White Beach, Station 1 every morning at 7-9 am from April 29 to May 1 to rid the area of garbage. If not collected properly, this may cause health and environmental problems to the community.
The 46 volunteers include Globe employees, media partners, Solid Waste Management team of Malay local government, and representatives from Cambridge University Press. Together, they collected empty bottles, plastic containers, cigarette butts, and biodegradables which were segregated accordingly. A total of 130 bags full of trash were collected after three days. In parallel, some volunteers also designed new trash drums decorated with water-based paint which were left as donation to Sea Wind and White House resorts.
Apart from the beach clean-up activity, 25 Globe executives and guests also participated in the planting of coral fragments in nursery rafts provided by Boracay Foundation, Inc (BFI). The corals will later on be transferred to BFI’s identified underwater nurseries. BFI is a non-profit, non-stock association aimed at sustaining the island’s environmental, business, and social needs. The activity aims to raise awareness and educate the public, especially those visiting the island, on the importance of coral transplantation. This is one way to help ensure marine life biodiversity, environment conservation and sustainable eco-tourism.
Since 2012, Globe has been actively helping Boracay with its environmental initiatives such as marine life protection, offshore clean-up training, support for conservation efforts by local stakeholders, and raising environmental awareness among the youth and local residents.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
How Batwoman Takes on Policing and Social Issues
Police brutality has gone from a niche concern – one most white people considered impolite to bring up at dinner parties – to a compulsory national conversation. It’s long overdue, which has left many playing catch-up, especially white folks and popular media. As David Dennis Jr. pointed out in his excellent Twitter thread (seriously, go read it!) superhero shows have an especially tall order, given that they rely on portraying lawlessness and a fictionalized criminality that the hero can then clamp down on. But that image is out of touch with reality and can send damaging messages.
We’ve long discussed this problematic aspect of the genre in our reviews and features, whether it’s Barry Allen’s personal private prison kept in the basement of STAR Labs or Oliver Queen’s incredibly short-lived interest in reforming the prison industrial complex…before he went right back to adding more people to it. But Batwoman has taken a different tack that other comic book shows could learn from. 
Batwoman has, to greater and lesser degrees, explored gentrification, corruption of police and the legal system, police brutality/the lawlessness of privatized law enforcement, and the wrongful conviction of a Black man. The show is not perfect, and it must be stated that no other show is doing quite what HBO’s Watchmen did in terms of exploring this country’s legacy of race, anti-Black violence, and policing. But Batwoman is a superhero show that spent the last year actively engaging with questions like “was that an appropriate use of force?” and “isn’t this a gross violation of the civil rights of the people of Gotham City?”
In the Gotham of Batwoman, a private security firm called The Crows operates with near-impunity within the city, keeping the incredibly well-heeled secure while everyone else hopes for the best. Gated community is an understatement, and frankly, the firm is closer to a mercenary paramilitary operation.
By the end of the season, The Crows have expanded their reach through an app that’s available to all Gothamites, even those who aren’t clients, so anyone can call in the mercenaries if they see big bad Alice and her brother Mouse, or Batwoman, whom Crows head honcho Jake Kane views as equally villainous. It’s easy to imagine the Crows’ app going the way of SketchFactor in DC and other IRL safety apps, which quickly turned into racial and socioeconomic maps, with white and upper class folks flagging anything that made them uncomfortable – namely, Black neighborhoods.
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Replacing Kate Kane on Batwoman Season 2 is a Terrible Idea
By Lacy Baugher
Sophie Moore, a high-ranking agent with the Crows, continually pushes back against their use of force and in several circumstances when the Crows overstep the rights of citizens, to the point where she is sidelined, suspended, and eventually kicked off the Crows. She questions her mentor Jacob Kane in his vendetta against Batwoman – for whom there is no arrest warrant, the shoot-to-kill order on Alice that comes and goes throughout the season, and the extreme blanket use of surveillance on average citizens. If you’re worried about police breaking the law or the militarization of the police, try the privatization of a police force on for size. While the writing on Batwoman clearly raises concerns throughout the season, Sophie and Kate are among the only people able to effectively check the Crows’ power, largely due to their personal and professional relationships with Jake Kane. 
One of the show’s greatest assets has been the willingness of its writing and its hero to give the supposed villain of any given episode – who is often disenfranchised in some way that turns out to be connected to how they have lashed out at the system – the benefit of the doubt. It’s a benefit that our legal system is based on, but one that we know many people do not get – and one that the Crows don’t often give to suspects. Some so-called villains have turned out to be innocent people manipulated by others, or victims of systems that eroded their humanity.
For example, the season finale deconstructed the media and law enforcement trope of the giant invincible Black man, using the show’s own gossip host (voiced with juicy irony by longtime Batwoman comic fan Rachel Maddow) to introduce a suspect with barely-coded language. The show goes on to deconstruct that narrative, introducing the audience to his brother, who worries about his sibling who was nothing like the man described on TV. Gotham’s professional football league used him for entertainment and several people in positions of power abused their privilege to do serious harm, in this case irreparable CTE that turned a gentle man into someone who literally couldn’t feel pain, yet another harmful stereotype of Black folks that has caused harm from slavery to the medical field.
Gotham’s actual police force is so incompetent as to be a non-factor. They only come up in maybe a handful of episodes, but they feature prominently in one of the season’s best arcs: the wrongful conviction for Lucius Fox’s murder. His father’s murder was a defining moment in Luke Fox’s life. 
Normally the calm, logical, emotionally removed man behind the comms and tech on Team Bat, we watched Luke put together the pieces and realize that a fellow Black man had been set up to take the fall for his father’s death and then pursue the real killer. This wasn’t a clunky after school special one-and-done story so the creators can check a box. The arc was allowed to breathe over many episodes, giving actor Camrus Johnson the space to show the complex and often-changing swirl of emotions his character was experiencing. 
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Batwoman Showrunner Addresses Kate Kane Season 2 Departure
By Kayti Burt
Nothing about the writing or the performance was straightforward or easy. It’s the kind of ambitious writing and gnarled injustice that real people actually face, the sort of thing that we actually need real heroes for. It was a high point of Camrus Johnson’s excellent, season-long performance.
It’s worth noting that simply having the male lead – number two on the call sheet, Batwoman’s professional other half – played by a Black man, makes a big difference. But while other Arrowverse shows have had prominent Black characters – John Diggle on Arrow and Iris and Joe West on The Flash come to mind – Batwoman is different. For one, the writing has made explicit that Luke and Kate are partners, whereas for all that he came to eventually love and respect them, Oliver fought Diggle and Felicity every step of the way, and The Flash has always felt like a lead singer with a backing band. Even then, there’s a hierarchy, and a quick spin around the internet will produce ample evidence that neither Iris West-Allen nor Candice Patton have received the kind of treatment that a show’s leading lady would normally expect. 
At the root of this is the writers’ room. Batwoman is written by a diverse group of people that represents the issues discussed on the show. It includes queer folks, women, and BIPOC. Actors can do their best to convey the work with skill, sensitivity, and depth. But talent behind the scenes needs to be diverse as well, otherwise they’re still going to be talking about Grandma Esther’s noodles. 
While there’s a lot we don’t know about Batwoman season 2, namely the LGBTQ actor who will play the new lead and how they will be written in to pick up the threads from last season, I hope Batwoman will continue working with “villains” who are more complicated than we’re used to seeing on shows with tights. 
I also hope they’re able to portray more of the income inequality that showrunner Caroline Dries discussed in an interview with Den of Geek earlier this season. “One thing we had in Gotham City is this idea of the ‘us-versus-them’ in the districts where people are protected and then other districts where they’re left to their own devices because they can’t afford private security.”
Dries told us that, unfortunately, this wasn’t as emphasized as she would have liked, due to the limitations as production.
“In a perfect world, you’d have a bird’s eye view of the city and you would actually be able to see districts,” Dries said. There were some references to this earlier in the season with checkpoints between neighborhoods, but as the season went on, Dries said those little bridge scenes were the first to get cut due to time and money. Fortunately, it sounds like it will still be part of season 2, and likely more pronounced.
“If I had all the time in the world and all the money in the world, I would have been able to dramatize that disparity better and the segregation a little bit better, visually,” Dries said. “But we’re going to continue to keep that alive, especially now as we’ve seen the Crows sort of becoming more heightened in their power and becoming more authoritarian and scarier.”
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DC FanDome to Reveal DCEU, Arrowverse, and More DC Universe Secrets
By Jim Dandy
Moreover, homelessness has been part of the show’s narrative since the very first teaser, but Batwoman has yet to engage with the issue of economic inequality or with actual people experiencing homelessness as individuals, rather than as an abstract concept. Even if it’s simply by having Mary, Luke, or the mysterious “Ryan Wilder” develop a relationship with someone who sleeps rough outside Wayne Tower or their apartment building, or if Mary’s clinic starts back up again and a character or two is differentiated that way, it would be nice to see humanity and individualism, rather than a monolith.
Finally, while it’s not an issue involving our carceral systems, it must be said that Batwoman has provided the space for Meagan Tandy’s Sophie to have a truly lovely storyline about her sexuality. While Kate Kane/Batwoman has basically always been out and accepted, that’s not everyone’s story. Not everyone has accepting parents and a family fortune to fall back on if they’re kicked out of the military. Sophie’s journey as a queer Black woman has been allowed to progress at her own pace, allowing the character to unpack what it means for her relationship (she starts the series married to a man), her identity, and her family as she explores who she is and what that means to her. Not everyone’s path is the same, nor do they have to express it the same way. While it’s great for people to see Kate Kane as a role model, I imagine there are far more people who can relate to Sophie Moore.
As television reorients itself around a long overdue reprioritization of Black lives, the landscape will shift, in some cases dramatically, as with the cancellation of long-running show Cops. But for other shows, like Batwoman, there’s an opportunity to continue pushing even further forward on the very social issues that once caused trolls to review-bomb the show with so much online hate. Heading into season 2, as the social and cultural landscape shifts, Batwoman should continue Kate Kane’s legacy of fighting injustice intersectionally, centering the marginalized while upending comic book tropes about law and order. 
The post How Batwoman Takes on Policing and Social Issues appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2Z09TUa
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
You may not have noticed, what with America’s COVID-19 deaths passing the 100,000 mark and cities in an uproar coast-to-coast over police tactics against black residents, but President Trump last week staged a completely fictional attack on Twitter and other online services. The fiction was embodied in an executive order Trump signed on May 28, purportedly aimed at “preventing online censorship.” The order targets Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, which dramatically changed the environment for online services hosting user-provided content. Section 230, which has been consistently misunderstood by its critics across the political spectrum, allows online services to host potentially objectionable, even defamatory user-posted content without becoming liable to legal action themselves, while also giving them the discretion to moderate that content as they wish. We have to let go of some Platonic ideal of content moderation…. You’re always going to cheese off somebody. Eric Goldman, Santa Clara University “The section’s most fundamental concept is that we want internet companies to manage user content, and not be liable for whatever they miss,” says Eric Goldman, an expert in the law at Santa Clara University Law School. “The fear was that if they were liable for whatever they missed, they wouldn’t even try.” The tech community has long treated Section 230 as “the most important law on the Internet.” As my colleague Sam Dean reports, the title of a book on the section by Jeff Kosseff, a cyberlaw expert at the U.S. Naval Academy, labels its text “the twenty-six words that created the internet.” But the law also has come under concerted attack by plaintiffs who keep looking for loopholes and judges who open them, all aimed at scrubbing distasteful material from the Web. Trump’s executive order is a typical attack on Section 230, launched by someone acting out a personal grievance. It’s so sloppily drafted that it would accomplish nothing resembling the prevention of “online censorship,” would be almost certainly unconstitutional if it did, and was basically a reflexive reaction to one offense: Twitter’s unprecedented designation of Trump tweets as the embodiment of lies requiring corrections. Twitter tagged the May 27 tweets, which asserted that mail-in ballots would lead to a “rigged election,” with a note directing users to fact-checked information refuting the assertion. Trump issued his executive order the very next day. Twitter went even further a day later, when it placed a blocking message over a Trump tweet implying that participants in protests over the killing of George Floyd, a black man who apparently died in the custody of Minneapolis police, should be shot if they were looting. The message required users to click separately to view the tweet. The executive order bears all the hallmarks of a Trump tantrum, including the lack of a mechanism to turn it into action. It begins with a Frank Costanza-like litany of personal grievances. “Online platforms are engaging in selective censorship that is harming our national discourse,” the order reads, specifically calling out Twitter: “Twitter now selectively decides to place a warning label on certain tweets in a manner that clearly reflects political bias… Twitter seems never to have placed such a label on another politician’s tweet.” (Trump means any politician other than himself.) We added a label to two @realDonaldTrump Tweets about California’s vote-by-mail plans as part of our efforts to enforce our civic integrity policy. We believe those Tweets could confuse voters about what they need to do to receive a ballot and participate in the election process. — Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) May 28, 2020 The order calls on the Federal Communications Commission to “clarify” the scope of 230’s immunity from liability, even though that latitude is quite clear in the language of the law. The text makes it clear that the immunity is very broad indeed. It allows online services to restrict access to content that they consider to be “obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing or otherwise objectionable.” The catchall language of “otherwise objectionable,” Goldman says, “makes you wonder exactly what wouldn’t have been included in Congress’s expectations, since they gave such a broad-based mandate to services.” The 230 exemption has been relied on by countless services that allow users to post statements or other content on their sites — newspapers hosting reader comments, merchants posting consumer reviews, expert and amateur forums of every description. Nevertheless, efforts to place limits of the 230 exemption are legion. In one closely followed California case, a San Francisco personal injury lawyer persuaded a state judge to order the consumer review site Yelp to remove an ex-client’s criticism of her performance after the lawyer won a defamation lawsuit against the client. Yelp refused, noting that it hadn’t been named as a defendant in the defamation lawsuit and arguing that it was immune from liability for the client’s posts under Section 230. The California Supreme Court found in Yelp’s favor, and the U.S. Supreme Court refused to take up the issue, ending the case against Yelp. (The defamation judgment against the client remained in effect.) Congress tried to carve out an exception to Section 230 protection aimed at online sites that purportedly facilitated sex trafficking. The so-called Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act, or FOSTA, which passed overwhelmingly and was signed into law by Trump in 2018, made online services liable for ads ostensibly promoting prostitution, consensual or otherwise. But FOSTA has failed to achieve its goals. Law enforcement officials have said it has made it harder for them to root out sex trafficking, because it drove perpetrators further underground, and interfered with posts aimed at warning consensual sex workers away from dangerous situations or clients. This Tweet violates our policies regarding the glorification of violence based on the historical context of the last line, its connection to violence, and the risk it could inspire similar actions today. https://t.co/sl4wupRfNH — Twitter Comms (@TwitterComms) May 29, 2020 In Congress, attacks on Section 230 or services that rely on its terms are bipartisan. For years, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has been asserting that under Section 230, online services that remove conservative-leaning contents lose their status as “neutral public forums” and therefore their immunity. Those services “should be considered to be a ‘publisher or speaker’ of user content if they pick and choose what gets published or spoken,” Cruz wrote in 2018. (His target then was Facebook, which he complained had been “censoring or suppressing conservative speech for years.”) Cruz’s take was wrong and in any event unenforceable, since any content moderation whatsoever entails picking and choosing what to allow online. Cruz is a graduate of Harvard Law School, so it’s reasonable to assume that he knows he’s wrong, and just as reasonable to conclude that he’s merely preaching to an ideologically conservative choir . But an attack on 230 has also come from Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), who in 2018 proposed a sheaf of regulations on social media aimed at stemming the tide of disinformation, including faked photos and videos, posted online. Warner advocated making online services liable for defamation and other civil torts if they posted “deep fake” or other manipulated audio or visual content. But he acknowledged in his position paper that distinguishing between “true disinformation and legitimate satire.” He also recognized that “reforms to Section 230 are bound to elicit vigorous opposition, including from digital liberties groups and online technology providers.” The best approach to Section 230 is to leave it alone, but manage our expectations of what it can achieve. For the most part, legitimate online services find it in their best interest to combat material widely judged to be socially unacceptable —hate speech, racism and sexism, and trolling. But the debate on the margins is always going to be contentious. “We’re never going to be happy with internet companies’ content moderation efforts,” says Goldman. “You can’t ask whether one company’s doing it right and another’s doing it wrong. They’re all ‘doing it wrong,’ because none of them are doing it the way I personally want them to do it. Your standards may differ from mine, at which point there’s no pleasing everybody.” Online services will always be vulnerable to attacks like Cruz’s or, indeed, Trump’s. The goal of his executive order was to pump up the image of online services into behemoths that have taken over the public debate space for their own purposes, assuming “unchecked power to censor, restrict, edit, shape, hide, alter virtually any form of communication between private citizens and large public audiences,” as he put it in remarks during the executive order signing ceremony. In his mind, that made them legitimate targets for regulation. Trump’s audience, of course, wasn’t ordinary citizens who feel their access to information or right to post their content online was being trampled, but his political base, which imagines that its megaphone is being taken away. The biggest joke during the signing ceremony was Trump’s assertion that “if [Twitter] were able to be legally shut down, I would do it. I think I’d be hurting it very badly if we didn’t use it anymore.” As the prominent internet rights lawyer Mike Godwin observed in response, “Seriously? Who on earth believes that Donald J. Trump could make himself live another week in the White House — much less serve another term — without his daily dose of Twitter psychodrama?” In truth, Trump was just trying to work the referees — hoping that his rhetoric alone will discourage Twitter from further interfering with his tweets. That seems to be working with Facebook, which thus far has announced a hands-off policy on political posting, no matter how noxious or mendacious. Even Facebook executives, as it happens, have been discontented by the hands-off policy adopted by CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Arguments that private companies such as Twitter or Facebook are infringing on constitutional free speech rights are misguided, since constitutional protections for free speech apply to official government infringements, not those of private actors. In the private sphere, the diversity of approaches to content moderation may be society’s safety valve. “We have to let go of some Platonic ideal of content moderation, that if internet companies just invested enough time and money, they’d come up with something that would make everyone happy,” Goldman told me. “That outcome does not exist. You’re always going to cheese off somebody.” window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({ appId : '119932621434123', xfbml : true, version : 'v2.9' }); }; (function(d, s, id){ var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "https://ift.tt/1sGOfhN"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); The post Hiltzik: Trump’s fake attack on Twitter appeared first on Sansaar Times.
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