#they all live on Naboo and Anakin didn't turn is all I decided
desireandduty · 2 years
Starter for @exitiosae continued from this ask
Luke Skywalker loved flying. There was nothing like seeing the sights whizzing past below them - or even better - being out among the stars on one of the few occasions his family had gone off planet together. Now that he was four years old (such a big difference from being only three), his future was unequivocally decided. He was going to be the best star pilot in the galaxy. Just like his dad. He liked flying alone with Dad best, because then he got to just sit in his lap (Mom always made him sit in a seat and fasten his restraints.) Just yesterday, Dad had let him hold the wheel and help steer the speeder too! Since he was going to be a pilot, he obviously needed to practice flying, and the miniature Naboolian starship he'd been given three days ago for his and Leia's birthday was already his favorite toy. He could spend hours twirling and leaping around the house with his ship in hand, doing his best imitation of the sound of rockets blazing or canons firing while his imagination spun out the rest of the star scape around his little ship. It was more fun when Leia joined in with her own ship. But it was even more fun when Auntie 'Soka came by, because she could really make his ship fly.
So it was that Padme and Ahsoka hadn't been seated on the sofa in conversation for very long, before Luke left Leia behind in the corner of the room and hopped over to stand in front of his "Auntie" with his most sweet and persuasive smile. "Auntie 'Soka!" he exclaimed, holding out his toy starship. "Make it fly!"
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From her spot on the sofa, Padme raised an eyebrow at her son. "Luke, is that how we greet our guests? Or ask them for favors?" Chewing his bottom lip now in consternation, Luke considered the two adults for a moment. Then he leaped forward and flung his little arms around Ahsoka's knees (which was as high as he could reach) and hugged her tightly. "Love you, Auntie! Please make it fly?"
Padme was now trying her very hardest not to burst out laughing at his antics. It was an unusual greeting perhaps, but so endearing, just like him. And he had said please, so he'd technically obeyed. She looked over at her friend now to see how she would respond.
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stealingpotatoes · 10 months
Skywalkers apart au! It's so precious that Anakin gets to be a dad, a rebellion general Dad but he gets to be there for at least one of them and Padme survives and gets to be a mom and maybe someday they get to meet and it's so good.
Also the concept of General Skywalker of the Rebellion feels like it has so much potential cause he was such a big figure in the Clone Wars, he was the Hero, the General, he could probably get the various splinter rebel cells (they were very divided in the early Rebellion) to follow him by sheer reputation and charisma. Imagine Anakin being at Hoth, like the attack is going along the usual Imperial imminent victory and suddenly an AT-AT has been thrown clear across the landscape and an announcement sounds out "General Skywalker has entered the field" cue Rebel Counterattack due to morale boost and Imperial Panic.
What happened to the 501st here? Did he go to the Venator's crash site where Ahsoka was during Order 66 what did he think when he saw all the dead folks?
Fun thought, Starkiller being the apprentice in this AU, means that Sidious has probably been comparing him to Anakin (in part because he's bitter he didn't fall, in other part cause it's great for fueling the darkside) for years so the first time they face off he's gonna be full of spiteful hatred (all going according to plan) before Starkiller gets styled on by the Skywalker, cause Anakin isn't crippled by the suit and that means he's still massively powerful in the force and skilled in the blade (Vader was too, but less than a whole Anakin), I could see Anakin pulling a Lightside version of the Rogue One Hallway scene against Stormtroopers (or even inquisitors).
Rebel General Anakin Skywalker would be an Imperial Boogeyman.
Leia would probably appreciate it for a while but also she'd get a bit annoyed about her dad's reputation and "Legend" and the fact that she's probably got that entire thing to measure up to, making her more reckless or foolhardy. That's a big shadow to live under.
Padme on the other hand is probably in a very different situation reputation wise, she was the senator for the new Emperor's home planet, she's the old queen of naboo from the Trade Federation attack, she's a founding member of one of the oldest discrete rebellion cells but that still leaves some stigma. She's probably so very worried about Imperial surveilance on her or Luke or the rest of her family, and it doesn't help that the Inquistorious has probably been sniffing around for a while.
ok this is a veeeeery long ask so i'm gonna have a veeeery long answer which is gonna go under this readmore:
YES!! yes absolutely! tbh i decided a while back he never gets an official promotion to general, everyone just calls him General Skywalker for so long that it sticks loll. BUT YEAH I mean working with a Jedi is rare and awe-inspiring enough for any rebellion cell but working with the hero with no fear??? half the rebels are wondering if they can interrupt this mission to ask for his autograph
its extra funny bc for the first few years of the empire he's lowkey depressed and like agh i failed the order republic AND my family i'm a terrible horrible no good jedi who nearly turned to the dark side and while he's having this spiral there's some rebel standing next to him pointing and pogging
and yeah he's SO useful in big battles like that!! he's half a legend, half a ghost story, given most ppl think he died in the Purge but here he is, enacting justice on the empire!! tho he does struggle on quieter missions (which happen a lot more at first bc gotta hide from the empire) that you cant just blaze into. its a difficult shift to go from clone wars general skywalker to rebel general skywalker
yeah 501st same as canon ): but OHHH MY GOD yes thats SUCH A PERFECT IDEA, Anakin going with Rex and Ahsoka to the site and mourning them all (and probably going into another depression spiral lbr)
youre so right lollll obvs leia loves the one up she has in an argument of "well my dad's general skywalker, beat that" but as u say she absolutely wants to live up to that (+ is a very independent/stubborn person and would like Leia Skywalker, not just "General Skywalker's daughter" lol)
AND YEAH ABSOLUTELY Padmé and Anakin's roles in this au are both so interesting (is that egotistical to say) bc they're these upside down versions of their clone wars roles, both very loud people forced to quieten down and be Discreet about how they go abt helping ppl. Padmé is really struggling hiding so much (luke's force sensitivity, her rebel activities, all relations to anakin) and trying to protect Luke while helping the Rebellion WHILE trying not to seem suspicious. a lot on her plate -- only made worse by palpatine keeping a close-ish eye on her, and she can't tell why (is it bc of luke? the rebellion? anakin? or is it just his old favouritism or patriotism being VERY inconvenient??)
on the inquisitors, obvs you don't see a lot of them on coruscant -- but padmé's SO scared abt ppl (MAINLY SIDIOUS WHO, YA KNOW, TRIED TO TURN LUKE'S DAD SITH) finding out abt him and she hates that she's making him repress this part of himself but what choice does she have???
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levitatingbiscuits · 2 years
ha, the absolute lack of information about padme’s thought processes really does lead to wildly different readings. it always seemed to me like a mix of sunk cost fallacy and the conviction that if *she’s* just a good enough girlfriend/wife/senator/queen it’ll fix everything. because like — to some extent it seems to work at first! she’s sympathetic to anakin after he does mass murder, and he turns around and decides to rescue obi-wan! they get secret married and anakin by all accounts goes off to fight for the republic and be a hero! it’s totally working you guys, just like being a good enough queen got naboo saved and her pal friendpatine elected chancellor and how if she senators hard enough it’ll definitely stop the war through democratic and diplomatic means! (culminating in, obviously every last one of those things going horribly wrong at least in part because of her attempts to fix things)
… not sure if that’s a particularly more sympathetic reading than yours, tbh, but something something interpretations informed by experiences and something something inversions of fairytale roles
Idk. Part of me thinks Padme is more interesting the more I assume the worst of her. My opinon on her has changed wildly over the years, because it's so damn hard to find a take on her that explains everything she does. We already have a ton of saintly dead moms and women dying tragically because they got involved with the protagonist of a Greek tragedy. I prefer to err on the side of agency for female characters, and the take that gives Padme the most agency, in my opinion, is where she was at least partially complicit in Anakin's fall, rather than just failing to keep him good.
I do think your take is more sympathetic. It makes me feel really sorry for her, because Anakin destroys her entire life and legacy even though she was just trying to help. That's compelling!
But a part of me wants more than that for her. I want her to have used and damaged Anakin, even just subconsiously, because I am so sick of stories (and irl situations) where good and kind and well-meaning women get their lives destroyed by some guy they tried to fix. It's way too sad if she actually felt nothing but pure and selfless love for him, because he sure didn't for her.
But if she was selfish, if she abused her power and his obsession with her in order to boost her own ego and ended up having everything blow up in her face, I think that's more poetic. We know Anakin is a selfish and destructive person, and that Padme is madly in love with him, so I kind of like the idea that his darkness is what draws her to him. She has no problem rejecting him when she thinks he's just a good kid with a cringe crush on her. It's not until AFTER he reveals how dangerous he is that she starts seeing him as desirable. That's super interesting!!! Maybe it's just my penchant for morally grey women, or my love for unhealthy pairings, but I am endlessly intrigued by this take.
But who knows if I'll still believe it in a month. My opinion on Padme is always shifting, which is RARE for me. I tend to form my opinions early and then endlessly rationalize them. In some ways, she's the most interesting character in Star Wars to me, because I'm always thinking about her and reevaluating her.
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tragedy-for-sale · 3 months
Anywhere I Want
I can go anywhere I want, do anything I want, be anything I want, but all I want, is to go home. Rex and Ahsoka start their lives after Order 66, but the road to recover is still unpaved. TW: Order 66 + clone wars finale angst
"All we have to do is get to Naboo, Padme will be there." Ahsoka explained, "She has a beautiful house, it's not far from a lake," looking over to Rex she really hope she'd given him some hope. Rex nodded slowly, wiping his eyes. He didn't care where they went as long as he never came back here.
The galaxy seemed darker, for the last few days they'd been iving in darkness. Rex was finally talking to her again, she needed that. They would never talk about this again. Pulling out body after body, finding Jesse, Rex's singing. She shook her head. They were going to Naboo, they were going to find Padme. "We're not gonna find her-"
"What?" Ahsoka turned to Rex, "W-what do you mean? Of course we are." She tried to laugh, Rex had been so silly like that lately. Trying to scare her. He was always trying to make her laugh.
Rex turned and looked at her slow, a steady frown on his face, "If she was alive, Anakin would be too, they're both dead."
"Rex don't say that-"
"They're dead, Ahsoka!" Rex screamed, "Anakin is dead which means Padme is too!"
"How do you know that?!" Ahsoka screamed back, shoving him away from her. She missed Rex. She missed her brother. All they did was yell at each other, all they did was fight, all they did was hurt each other as if this was all their fault.
"Because they would've come for us! They would've told us to come to Naboo!" Rex was shaking, legging thumping anxiously. But then he stopped, he didn't yell anymore. His eyes teared up, he didn't want to be like this. "If Padme was alive, everything would be okay because she would have given birth-" He started to tear up, "Her due date was the day..." He trailed off.
Ahsoka shook her head. No. Padme wasn't pregnant- "Anakin would've told me-" Ahsoka looked away, trying to piece it together. Trying to make sense of this. But nothing made sense anymore. She'd never fought with Rex in her life, but they fought everyday now. He never scared her, now he was scared of her. They always laughed and joked, but now, their survival was the only joke, and one of poor taste. "She was pregnant?"
Rex nodded, "Twins-" He cried, "The babies died with her, they were all Anakin could talk about all week and they're dead. That entire family- our entire family." Rex shook his head as he cried, this was so unfair. He was supposed to die on the battlefield. "They're all dead." It wasn't supposed to be like this. He wasn't supposed to be alive.
The war was supposed to end, Anakin leaving the order and retiring to Naboo to raise his kids. Rex was supposed to find Ahsoka and bring her home. He was never supposed to hate her. But everything was different now and he wasn't the soldier he was supposed to be. He wasn't the brother he was supposed to be. Ahsoka held herself, looking over to Rex. He'd been so lost in his grief, she didn't recognize him anymore. "We are going to Naboo." Ahsoka snapped, Rex hadn't been able to make one worthwhile choice since it happened, so Ahsoka would make all the decisions.
The two sat in the fighter, there was nothing they wanted to say to each other so they sat in silence. Rex sat behind Ahsoka, holding himself as tears silently streamed down his face. He knew Ahsoka was tired of him crying, tired of him singing, tired of him not being her brother. But as he sat there, his head pounded and he couldn't think, there was nothing behind his eyes. There was no hate, no peace, nothing, just a cold empty stare that haunted Ahsoka. He couldn't do anything, Ahsoka had been making all the decisions lately, and regardless of how guilty he felt, he was relieved Ahsoka was deciding what to do, he'd never been able to do anything he wanted before.
It was night when they landed on a cliffside. Ahsoka turned around after the ship was shut off, "I'm going to go scope out the area, Padme's home isn't far. I'm going to go see what I can find out." She spoke slowly, hoping to get a reaction out of Rex. Or anything, really. A sniffle, him looking at her, hell, even him blinking. Anything that would let Ahsoka know her brother was still in there, but he didn't move, he didn't blink, he didn't breath. He was paralyzed, with the faces of all his brothers screaming at him in his head. "Okay, well, I'll be back, okay?" She whispered softly, putting he'd hand on his shoulder, "Just stay here and I'll come back with food."
Rex turned his head slowly, looking at Ahsoka, he wanted to say something, but he couldn't speak for he'd hear Jesse crying for him, and Rex wouldn't survive that. Ahsoka bowed her head in resignation as she climbed out, "I'll be back, Rex." She sighed as the jumped onto the ground and headed into the night alone.
She held herself close, regret holding her heart tightly. Did he blame her? That question rang in her head all day everyday. Did he blame her for Jesse? Did he blame her for taking out his chip? Did he hate her for keeping him alive? Ahsoka wiped a tear, he'd been like this ever since it happened. He wasn't a captain anymore, he wasn't a soldier, he wasn't even her brother; He didn't laugh, he didn't smile, he didn't even yell, he didn't do anything except sit and stare. Rex had died with his brothers, and now, he was nothing but a beating heart,
Nothing but a broken heart
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skys are grey, you'll never know-
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alabama-metal-man · 1 year
here’s a prompt to hopefully help get your creative juices flowing! “i hope that’s not what you’re planning on wearing” with obidala or oad?
thank you for the prompt, jeka!! here's something from a "never master and padawan/left the order/royal naboo/everyone lives and is happy" type au. it's a little more obidala than intended but oad is definitely there!
I wrote the boys' outfits with this in mind. Padme's didn't have a direct inspiration but something like this with colouring like this works as a general visual.
“I hope that’s not what you’re planning on wearing.” “What, you don’t like it?” She is royal resplendence in pale gold makeup and gossamer sleeves. Radiant, warm, like summer incarnate. His appreciative eyes take a quick journey along the soft drape of the dress, the delicate cling of fine Naboolian silk to her body. Dormé’s work is, as always, breathtaking. “You’re lovely, my dear. But if this is your outfit, I dread seeing my own.” “Obi-Wan, it’s been—” she mutters a quiet curse as she fumbles with the final clasp at her back, always left undone by the Handmaidens until Padmé decided she was finished, “—five years, and you’re still not used to this?” “Oh no, I’m quite accustomed to your elaborate ideas of what constitutes fashion for you.” His fingers take the place of hers and he deftly fastens the clasp. “Which means I know the ideas you come up with for me.” “This is hardly elaborate.” “Perhaps not, but it isn’t your typical choice.” She raises a challenging brow at him, and points him to his own clothes that hang just inside her wardrobe. “Anakin liked his.” “Anakin also likes podracing and that disgusting stew Master Yoda used to make.” At the wardrobe, he groans. “Are you equating my fashion sense with swamp slop?” “Of course not. But Padmé, really—” he lifts the sleeve of his shirt. “It’s entirely transparent.” “Not entirely. The pants are solid.” “Padmé.” “It’s on trend.” “It’s absurd.” “It’s summer.” “I’d rather sweat.” Her smile is a fond, secret thing; the kind she reserves only for himself and Anakin. “You’re impossible.” “As are you.” He allows a smile of his own, fingering the appliqué along the collar. “You already gave Anakin his?” “Yes.” “And you’ve been keeping mine from me because—?” “Because I knew you’d be stubborn about it.” He sighs, reluctantly slipping out of his robe.  “I am not a prideful man.” “I know.” “But if Mace or Qui-Gon or, Force help me, Quinlan say one word—” Her laugh is sudden and bright, like the chime of crystal bells in Theed’s cathedrals. “Then I suppose you’ll just have to wear the overcoat.” He pauses, shirt half on, and turns to her. “The what?” She grins, slips behind her dressing screen and returns with a simple overcoat. Pale green linen threaded with scattered flecks of gold and silver. He shakes his head at her. “You’re cruel.” “And you’re easy.” She laughs again and leans in to press a soft kiss to his cheek. He turns his head to catch her lips instead. She pulls back after a long minute. “You'll smear my makeup.” “I have half a mind to do much more than that, wicked wife of mine.” “Promises, promises.” She hums quietly. “They’ll just have to keep until after.” “Are you two ready yet?” Anakin strolls in, in the same overcoat ensemble Obi-Wan holds. He takes Padmé’s hand, brings it to his lips. “Beautiful.” “As are you.” She grins, tossing a pointed look to Obi-Wan who smirks back at her. Anakin looks him over, tilts his head at his half-open shirt. “Love the casual look, but can you get a move on? Guests are arriving and you know I’m no good with this delegation crap.” Obi-Wan rolls his eyes. “Some King Consort you are.” “Hey, we can’t all be gifted with your ability to entertain  even the most brainless politicians—” “Ani—” Padmé half scolds, half calls, gesturing vaguely at the light cape she’s trying to secure around her shoulders. “It’s true, you’ve said so yourself.” He fixes the cape around her. “Maybe so. But they’re our guests and it’s best to practice politeness now so we don’t insult anyone later.” “Like how you called the Zigyu delegate a— what was it, Obi-Wan?” “A 'half-witted bludfly larva.'” “Yeah, that.” Anakin bites back a laugh and Obi-Wan grins. “Not your finest moment, my love.” “Which is why—” Padmé glares at them, “—we should practice civility now.” “Well, it’s gonna get uncivilized pretty quickly if you leave me to my own devices out there much longer. So hurry up.” Obi-Wan shakes his head amusedly and finishes dressing.
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an-angels-fury · 2 years
A Star Wars/Dracula AU
After passing many days listening to Love Song for a Vampire from Annie Lennox and thinking about how the lyrics suit Anidala perfectly, I decided to write down a AU idea (a Vaderdala one, to be more specific) that has already been in my mind for some time, inspired by the same plot of the movie Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992).
A long time ago, the young Anakin Skywalker was once a powerful knight of the Ancient Jedi Order and one of the bravest warriors of the Naboo army, known for leading and comanding thousands of battalions in bloody wars for the conquest of territories, fighting for the protection of the Jedi Temple and spreading their holy influence.
Secretly married to the ruler of the kingdom Queen Amidala, the woman who owned his heart and soul and who he loved against all social rules and the sacred code of the religious order which he grew to respect, obey and defend, they both planned to run away to a place where they wouldn't be forced to lie and hide their feelings for each other ever again.
Sadly, weeks after Anakin was called to the battlefield again, an arrow from the enemy army was shot towards the castle, sending a false message that the Jedi were defeated and the lands of Naboo were invaded. Heartbroken for believing her beloved had died in combat, the Queen writes a goodbye letter, telling she would join him soon in Heaven and their souls would be finally united by God for all eternity, before jumping from the highest tower of the castle and falling into the river, drowing.
When Anakin returned and discovered what happened, her letter was already found and her body brought to the altar of the Temple. The Jedi told him that since she took her own life, her soul couldn't be safe and, therefore, she was eternally cursed. With the revelation of their marriage, Anakin was expelled from the Order and condemned to exile. Before he left, Anakin screamed in agony and promised he would come back from the dead to avenge his love.
Feeling abandoned and betrayed after having everything he devoted all his life to build taken from him - his name, his glory and his love - Anakin's heart, full of rage, grief and despair, chose to rejoice the light and succumb to the darkness. On his way, he's found by Sheev Palpatine - also known as Darth Sidious -, Supreme Lord of the Sith Empire and greatest enemy of the Jedi. Instead of killing the former knight, Sidious, tempted by Anakin's abilities and the burning hate that was consuming him, promised to teach the young man about the secrect arts of dark magic, including the precious gift of deceiving death, as long as he pleaged himself to him. Anakin accepted his offer and became his apprentice. He turned against the Jedi Order and, as act of revenge, helped Sidious to destroy their temple and hunt down all their members, later killing his new master as well and taking the lead of his empire.
As years went by, the fallen knight, now known as the mighty Darth Vader, started to realize that the power he so longed for actually possessed him so deeply to the point of becoming a curse, a eternal punishment. He didn't age anymore. The sunlight burned his skin. His body was pale and cold. No food or drink was enough to satisfy his appetite. His heart stopped beating. He was still alive somehow, but he looked and felt dead. He lived a human life surrouded by blood and death before, and now, blood and death are the only things he would have in his new life. Forever. As a lonely monster... a creature of shadows... still waiting for the day when the spirit of his wife, his angel, would come back to him.
Centuries later, Lord Vader, living isolated in his imposing domain on the top of the dark mountains of Mustafar, finds out that his long deceased queen is now reincarnated as a spiritous and intelligent, and equally beautiful, woman called Padme Naberrie, who is currently engaged to Palo, an young man whose name was beginning to receive attention in the art world and, at first, was hired by Vader to create a new piece to decorate his home. After seeing a small photo of Padme carried by Palo in his pocket, Vader decides to kidnap the artist and keep him captive in his castle while he travels to Coruscant to find the lady he believes to be his soulmate and make her his once again. And in the exact moment their paths cross and their eyes find each other in the middle of the streets, it feels like no time had passed at all. It was like their love was strong enough to make him feel human again. And to make her feel more alive than she ever did before.
But the dark lord's plans are threatened when Palo escapes from his prison, barely with life, and a sudden wave of mysterious murders starts to ravage the territory, apparently all caused by the same creature: a devilish, bloodthirsty beast. All the dead bodies of the victims have one detail in common: two little fang marks on their necks. Since no one is capable to understand the cause of all this killing, Ben Kenobi, famous scientist, teacher and monster hunter, is called to solve this case, but what the old man doesn't expect is that this investigation will lead him to finally face his cruelest opponent, the same monster he's been chasing for all those years.
So it's basically this. Hope you all enjoyed 😘 I'm not sure if this story would end like in the movie or in a totally different way. What do you think? 😄
And to be sure no one gets confused:
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader as Prince Vlad Tepes/Count Dracula
Queen Amidala/Padme Naberrie as Princess Elisabetha/Wilhelmina 'Mina' Murray
Palo as Jonathan Harker
Obi Wan 'Ben' Kenobi as Abraham Van Helsing
(Palpatine's character doesn't exist in the original plot, I just tried to find a way to include him in the story)
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rainyamidala · 2 years
authors note: hi! please, know that this is one of my first ever fanfics I’ve ever written. there might be some grammar issues as i am not American or speak english in my day-to-day life- however, i have read over and i think i'm all good. either way, i hope you enjoy! there aren't any warnings to put here - at least yet. if you'd like a part two, let me know! I really enjoyed writing this one but didn't want it to get boring due to its length - therefor, i decided to end it on a high note! but, like i said, a part two can most definitely be arranged. I would also like to add that this story uses she/her pronouns. I did imagine Padme's face and voice here, i confess.
rumour was that Anakin was leaving. He was leaving and never coming back, but no one knew why or where he was going.
y/n rushed to his apartment as soon she heard the whisper on the street. walking in, she saw him right away.
she started, out of breath. she had, like i said, rushed to his apartment immediately. how could he just leave without saying goodbye? was it true that he would never return to Coruscant?
"y/n." he said, turning around slowly while he spoke. He knew who it was immediately - he knew she was coming. Not because he can see things before they happen, but because she is the way she is. y/n would want an explanation - which is why he was planning on leaving without letting her know.
"what are you doing here?" he stood completely still now. he didn't hold out his arms to hug y/n - didn't explain himself. Didn't even attempt to get the correct words out to say something. It was silent until y/n broke it.
"is it true?" y/n started, looking straight at him. the spacing between them was almost awkward. they stood far enough away from each other to be strangers. was that what they were now?        24 hours ago, y/n told anakin she loved him, but he did not return it. instead, Obi-Wan called out for him a few meters away. and now ... he's leaving.
"is it true you're leaving?" it wasn't that he was leaving that was the issue. he left all the time to go on missions with Obi-Wan ... but he always came back. every single time he'd come back, he and y/n would do something together - like skipping stones on a lake to make sure they never faded away from each other. Never became distant - to make sure that they would always remain y/n and Anakin. It might sound stupid to someone from the outside, but with everything the both of them go through daily - with the universe they live in ... It's not hard to become distant from one another.
"i have to."
"says who?"
"i do."
"are you coming back?"
long, loud silence.
"you're not coming back?" y/n said, interrupting the silence in the room. She took a sharp breath as she attempted to contain her emotions.
"y/n-" Anakin tried, but was quickly interrupted by his very own body. he tried to speak, but seeing her like this create a lump in his throat
y/n wept a silent, single tear as she continued.
"you're leaving?" with sadness sometimes comes anger. and what y/n was feeling soon became anger and disbelief. Her voice cracked open like a piece of glass being thrown to the floor. it was like hard caramel was stuck in her teeth and forced her mouth to close.
she walked quickly over to him and hit him in the chest as she repeated the same words time and time again. "you're just choosing to leave - without any form of explanation or goodbye? do you realise how selfish that is? what kind of Jedi does that? what kind of Jedi are you?"
Anakin knew she was doing this because she was hurt. she was not mad - she was sad beyond belief. her mind was paralyzed with apprehension. she did not want him to see her upset like this, especially not over someone as selfish and stupid as himself. he tried to hold her, like he did by the lake in Naboo. he pulled her body closer to his, hugging her. but she soon pushed him off, creating enough power to push them both a few inches back. however, she took a few extra steps back. not many, though.
"i cannot stay here." He would've cried, if he had the nerve. If he had any sense left in himself, he'd cry and hug her at the same time: explaining why he cannot stay. That's everything he should've done. Cried. Stayed.
"But why, ani? the council? Palpatine?" Anakin did not respond - he just looked down, shaking his head slightly.
"Answer me, dammit! I can help you!" y/n furrowed her brows, face scrunching up as she attempted to battle the tears filling her eyes. y/n should've let the tears go freely instead of suffocating herself like this. "Why are you leaving like this? in the middle of the night? does Obi-Wan know you're le-" but she was interrupted.
"I can't stay here because of you. don't you understand? you are the reason i cannot ever come back." misery was written all over his face.
"I find myself in the depths of misery every single time I see your face. every time i hear your voice or anytime I hear your name." this time, it was Anakin's turn to shed a tear. the tears welled up in his eyes - and suddenly one dropped. the tear was hot, like boiling water.
"What?" y/n said, choking up on her own pain. what was he saying?
"I’m going to Naboo, and I am never returning here. If I do, you will not see me. I don't want you to see me."
"Am I really that bad?" y/n asked, once again interrupting the silence in the room.
"What?" Anakin said, taking a step closer.
"Am I?" her voice was low, weak, and small – like a whisper.
"you're leaving, because of me?"
Anakin shook his head, looking down once again.
"You can't even do me the decency of answering me?"
"I love you, dammit!" Anakin quickly replied, looking up from the floor and at her.
"that's why I’m leaving. I cannot stand looking at you every single day, knowing I cannot ever have you. knowing you will meet and marry someone else. carry someone else’s children... you don't understand how painful it is, knowing my future does not include you. it is most well-known of the Jedi rules. Love leads to attachment and attachment leads to strong emotions. Which then again-" He paused himself, taking a needed breath. Strong emotions - especially for another individual, is one of many paths to the dark side. He'd heard about men turning their backs to everything and everyone to join the dark side - and it never ends well. He didn't want that life for himself, Obi-Wan - or you.  "you are forbidden. I can't just be your friend any longer."
"I am not some object you can just throw around and put away, then pick up again whenever you'd wish. you are not my master, I do not have to listen to you." y/n attempted to battle the tears filling her eyes once again, but this time she was defeated. Once another one dropped, her voice broke, and she took a deep, shivering breath in.
"I know."
"Then kiss me." y/n took the last few steps to him, now standing closer to him than she ever did before. she looked up at him, keeping the eye contact - even though he tried to break it.
"I can't."
"Why Anakin, why?"
"If I kiss you now, I won't be able to stop myself. I cannot do that to myself - or you."
i keep adding more things every time i read through - i really love this one.
I would love to write a part two on this - even multiple parts where i explain how they met / their situation, etc. but, i might just be getting carried away. Either way, thank you for reading!
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yellowocaballero · 2 years
Hi! i enjoy your writing so much. that part where obi wan thought that he did something to make cody was upset and since we're in fox's pov we know that its something that has nothing to do with obi but since obi's a kid he thinks its his fault that this adult he cares about is upset abt something.. Youre really good at writing children. i also loved the small look at siri we got. I wont lie, i got confused while reading abt fox's space dementia but i realize we're supposed to share his lack of memory/bg info, and figure out by ourselves whats going on behind the scenes. I cant really tell if his space dementia brain rot is more from sith mind-control brain magic or from being a fascist but im glad that fox still decides to live in the end. also, cody was so funny in this. Heartwarming! fascist clone dad manipulates politics to bring his son closer to him!
Thank you!!! That story was A Lot, but it was interesting.
Yeah, Obi-Wan's Babie Mode :( and one of the worst parts about being a kid is being so incredibly self-centered you think that everything's about you. He doesn't really understand Cody's feelings, but he wants him to be happy, and gets frustrated when he just can't make somebody he cares about happy. Cody & Obi-Wan's storyline is one metaphorically about cycles of abuse, and it can be tough to be a kid in that situation wondering what you did wrong when your parent can't parent correctly, not knowing that it's due more to their tremendous amount of baggage then it is anything about you. Cody can get a bit secretly smug when A Plan Comes Together, and one of the first things I wrote for the story was the really fantastic mental image of Cody's shit eating grin as Fox realized that Cody just caused THE ENTIRE STORY just for the PETTIEST reason. (That, of course, wasn't very petty at all - the step that Fox didn't know about was that Cody needed Ben on Naboo at that moment so Ben could kill him).
The Siri thing was SO extraneous and I definitely should have deleted it, but I wanted to humanize the jerky Ferrus, compare Jedi vs. clone families, and demonstrate that entering a brain without permission leaves a piece of yourself behind - so, ergo, the Emperor left a lot of himself behind in Fox, and that's what swiss cheesed him.
But that's all excuses because I really wanted to finally write Tahl, Ferrus, and Siri - a family oft-mentioned but never seen! I put more emphasis on Quinlan's family typically, but since OW&Siri's lineages are so close they must have had board game nights. Siri and Tahl died when Obi-Wan just turned 15 as a nod to their early death in canon, and I can only imagine Obi-Wan's reaction was interesting (Sadly, I think he probably made it a point of pride not to care)(Or like, even worse, it genuinely didn't phase him...). We get a lot of Quinlan but not much of her, so I was happy to work her in. I think she was socially awkward and Weird (TM), and she was more OW's friend then friends with the rest of the friend group, and that she was jealous of Quinlan for being so close to OW. She craves violence at all times and is an ace pilot, and also got along better with the clones than other Jedi. She's a lot like Anakin.
Worth noting that without Obi-Wan and with Ahsoka so much older, Ferrus was probably genuinely Anakin's only friend growing up. I changed his pre-O66 personality a bit just for narrative reasons, especially since he should have left the Order and didn't for plot reasons, and the idea of him just being this very mild, friendly, polite, middle manager type, who after O66 becomes comedically badass is very funny to me. He and Fox are genuinely mortal enemies. Fox does not know this.
Re: confusing - yeah, a problem I'm ALWAYS having as a writer is to hit the right level of confusion. I frequently want confusing, but not too confusing. It should be a puzzle that the reader can figure out. It's a hunk of meat frozen in a block of ice for the reader's enrichment. I think I've gotten better at it, but I'm still not great. I do think there's a difference between 'I'm confused because I don't understand what's happening in the plot/the plot's contradictory' and 'I'm confused because I don't know everything that's happening in the story'. The first one is the one I try to avoid! For the second one - sometimes it's very interesting not to have the whole picture.
But - yes, the reader is not meant to have a good idea of what's happening in the story. Only a few things are outright said to Fox, and the reader mostly has to put together the actions of the other characters. Some of it is only really expanded upon or answered in More Than Zero. For example, a lot of the stuff Cody says and does only makes sense when you remember that this entire story he is basically setting up his suicide. Fox doesn't know that. To jump forward, at the end of More Than Zero Cody says that he thinks it failed because he lost conviction - I think part of the reason why he lost conviction was guilt from abandoning Fox, when Fox really needs him right now.
It gives the story a claustrophobic, hazy, confused feeling. It lets us get an idea of how weirdly scary this has to be - 'stay in your room and don't bother us as the galaxy is lowkey collapsing in the background'. People are acting in ways that don't make any sense and he's told not to worry about it. All of the decisions about himself and his future are being made behind his back. Even worse, are being made by Cody, of all people. Who extorted them away from the guy Fox actually gave them to. One throw-away line from Thire becomes the most important in the story - that everybody is split between a bunch of different sides, including Cody: On Cody's Side!, and they all think that they're doing what's best for Fox - but only Mace Windu is on Fox's side.
Finally, what's going on with Fox is definitely not because he's a fascist. It's not a punishment, just a side-effect of Oops All Sith Magic Brainwashing happening to him for so long. He got a little dependent on the numbing effects of the Dark Side in order to deal with waves hands, but we see in the flashbacks how every time he goes Emperor's Mouthpiece mode he can feel his brain frying. Not his fault.
Sorry that got long OTL. A lot was going on in this one. Very little of it was obvious or explained. I REALLY enjoy working with super-limited POV, and the challenge is to give the reader insight into the story through the eyes of someone who doesn't get what's happening. Also why kid POVs are so much fun. Thanks for reading!
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ilonga · 3 years
new chapter of coppertop is out!
"The Clone Wars are over!" 
"For good."
* * * * *
The cheers are overwhelming. The Senate floor shakes with the strength of them, vibrating on its very foundations as Senators, Representatives, and aides shout and grin and laugh and cry. Palpatine, for his part, looks on from above, a cooly satisfied expression on his face. 
Anakin, for his part, grips the side of the Senate pod a little tighter instead of cheering. Or crying. This. . . this is everything he's hoped for. Isn't it?
He can't believe it. The war is over. The war is over.
He locks eyes with Padme, on the other side of the Senate. He can't tell how she's reacting.
"At long last," Palpatine continues, voice booming out through the building. The Senators quiet quickly. "Our years of hard work, of courage, of battles have come to fruition! Senators, representatives, citizens of the Republic, today we have reunited our great Galactic Republic. Today all of the people of our galaxy live under one flag. Today, everything is right with our galaxy."
"Of course," he continues, tone suddenly softer, "With this beautiful victory comes a new era, and all its necessary changes. It is with great humility and gratitude that I announce that from this moment forth, the office of the Chancellor relinquishes all emergency powers given during wartime. There is no need for them any longer. We are in an era of peace, prosperity, and. . . democracy."
He pauses and leans forward. "Let today be known as the first day of Galactic Reunification." The cheers, if possible, have returned even louder than before. "And may our children's children still celebrate it for years to come."
* * * * *
This time, it's Padme excusing herself from Bail and running at him full force. 
"Anakin," she says breathlessly, wrapping her arms around him and bringing him into a kiss. They pull apart, and words seem to fail her. They fail him, too.
They walk back to her apartment in silence, Padme smiling all the way with her arm in his. 
"It's over," she says finally, once they come to a stop in front of the door. "The war. . . the war is over."
"I can't believe it." he says honestly. Numbly. What does his life even look like without a war? Without constant deployments, a rapidly shrinking battalion, a damn near weekly electrocution session?
Huh. Wait. Do Jedi in peacetime. . . even have deadly encounters on the daily? What do they even do? Sit in the Temple? Negotiate trade deals? He tries to imagine it and finds that he can't. What does a Jedi's life look like if they're not fighting for it? What does the galaxy look like if it's not rapidly falling apart?
Padme looks up at him in confusion and he realizes he's frowning. "You're acting so strange," she says. "I thought this was what you wanted."
"It was—it is what I wanted." he rushes to say. "I'm just—surprised. That's all. It's all happening so fast."
"Should have happened faster if you ask me." she grumbles. "It's about damn time." 
He laughs as they enter, taking care not to hit his head on the doorframe. If he squints, he imagines he can see a difference between the apartment now that it's peacetime versus before.  A little brighter, he'd like to think. Cleaner. Happier. "It still feels too good to be true."
Padme rolls her eyes at him in a rare display of playfulness. "My husband, ever the pessimist." she says, ignoring Anakin's snort of protest. "It's been less than a day of peace, Anakin. We've been fighting the war for three years. Of course it feels strange."
"So," she continues pulling him towards the couch, where they collapse in a giddy heap, "how long do I have you for, this time?"
When do you need to rush back to the Temple through a side door, is what she's really asking, and he's already cataloguing—Ahsoka's not back from Mandalore, yet, and Obi-wan should be in his quarters, resting, if he knows what's good for him, but this—this is huge. The war is officially, finally, over for good. Maybe he should be at the Temple for this. Will the Council need him? Sure, his position on the Council is a joke at best and a political tug-of-war at worst, but maybe they'll need a report of the Chancellor's actions. 
He dismisses the thought with a sharp huff. If they want to know what the Chancellor said, they can just watch the broadcast from the official channels, like everyone else. No need to bring treason into it. 
The Council. . . the war is over. The war is over. Which means. . . his glance lands on Padme's hands, resting gently on her abdomen. 
"Maybe I should just get it over with today," he says, realisation dawning on him slowly.
Anakin turns to look her in the eyes. "Leave the Order." He reaches up to brush a strand of hair out of her face. "The war is over. I can just—just go now. I'll tell the Council about us, turn in my saber, and then we can . . . I can just bring my stuff over." He doesn't even have all that much to carry—just a trinket or two, spare clothes, he doesn't even need the droid parts—He's giddy, all of a sudden. They've been talking about this, daydreaming about this, for years, and now the day is here and it's so much simpler than he could have ever imagined—Padme's due any day now— "We'll get you set up with a medcenter, and then we can go to Naboo, just like you wanted, and—"
"Anakin," Padme says, brow furrowed, "Anakin, slow down."
He stops. She doesn't sound nearly as excited at the prospect as he is. 
"You want to," she blinks rapidly, "leave the Jedi? Obi-wan? Ahsoka? Just like that?"
She sounds surprised. Why does she sound so surprised?
"You're due any day now. I don't want to leave them, of course I don't, but—we're going to be parents, Padme. A family. I've made my choice."
He half laughs. "It's not like we can keep it secret for much longer."
Padme bites her lip and looks down. "Anakin, you killed Dooku. You're half the reason this war is over. I hardly think they'll just—throw you away. Like you're nothing."
Anakin flinches at that. It's not like that, he wants to say. We knew what we were doing. We knew we were breaking the rules. "The rules—" he starts to speak.
"—are outdated." Padme cuts him off. "And we both know it."
"That doesn't mean they'll just throw them away for one person." In truth, he's not so sure how he feels about the Code and its rules. He's always felt. . . conflicted, for lack of a better word. But he's at peace with his decision to leave, to devote himself to Padme and their new family. Or. Well. He was. Now Padme's gone and dug up all his old insecurities again. 
"Fine." Padme finally says, albeit unhappily. "Fine, you go and tell them, and if they decide to kick you out, that's their prerogative, I suppose. But for goodness sakes', stop acting as if you want to get kicked out! You're a fine Jedi, Anakin. You can be both, you know. You don't need to—you don't need to martyr yourself for my sake."
"I'm not—that's not—" He cuts himself off, frustrated. "Fine."
"Good." She settles backwards, leaning against him again. Then— "Oh!" Padme says, hand flying to her abdomen. She turns, grinning, and grabs Anakin's hand—the flesh hand, that is—to press it against her belly. "Did you feel that? He kicked!"
"She," he banters back absentmindedly. Leia, he remembers them discussing a few days ago. Luke if it's a boy, Leia if it's a girl. He closes his eyes to try and sense the baby's presence, feeling a slight lurch under his palm.
It's. . . strange. Reaching for the force is strange. Like pushing aside a heavy curtain. He strains for a few seconds before finally—there. The presences are distant, far more distant than they should be, and he has a momentary lurch of panic but they're there, light and joyful and alive in a way—
"Padme," he says numbly, reaching again and—Yes. He's right. "There are two."
Padme pales rapidly. "What?"
"I—twins. There are two."
She gapes at him, blinking rapidly, then glances down at herself then back up again. "The med droid—oh, force, when I told it to keep it a surprise I didn't mean the number of babies!"
"We'll manage," he says, pushing past the shock. Two—two babies. Will they have Padme's eyes or his? Blond hair or dark? And two—sithspit, this makes the force-sensitivity question even more complicated than it already was. They'll have to adjust the nursery, for sure.
"I didn't—I didn't know." she says with a slightly bitter edge. "I should have known."
"Padme, you're the strongest person I know." Anakin says firmly. "And this is on the med droid, not you." 
"Really," she says wryly, changing tone. "Even Obi-wan? Yoda? Ahsoka? Your men?"
 "The strongest," he promises, biting back his grin. 
Padme takes a breath. "If it's two boys, I'd like the other after my father. But if it's two girls. . . what do you think of naming her Shmi?"
"That's—wonderful." He blinks back sudden tears. "Thank you."
Padme pulls him into another kiss. Lighter, this time.
"You should probably go now." she says softly.
"Yeah," he says, swiping at his eyes with the palms of his hand. "Yeah, I will. Love you."
He hears her murmur it back as he turns to leave.
* * * * *
The Council Chamber is silent.
He'd waited for the end of the meeting to make his confession—a bit cowardly, he knows, but he's already rocked the boat enough as is. The meeting itself had been shorter than usual, with an air of relief permeating the room. They'd watched the broadcast from one of Master Ti's holos, once, twice, before Master Windu confirmed what they already knew—yes, it was completely genuine. Then, plans to demilitarise. Then—
He'd spoken up.
Now there's silence.
His comm beeps. He startles then determinedly ignores it, waiting for a reaction.
"To be completely honest," Obi-wan speaks first. "I can't exactly say I'm surprised." He looks around, making eye contact with the others. "Well, surely I can't be the only one."
To Anakin's surprise, there are a few light giggles. Master Ti is even smiling.
"Subtle, you have not been." Yoda agrees. "Subtle the Senator has not been, either."
"Like a pair of star speckled Alderaanian love wrens," Shaak Ti agrees.
He gapes.
To be fair, it was probably easy enough to guess that he'd harbored feelings for Padme—and maybe even that she felt the same for him. But for force's sake, they'd expected the marriage too? The children?
That's a bit. . . much. 
His comm beeps again.
"Should you wish to leave the Jedi Order," Mace says, looking as amused as the rest of them, "that is, of course, your decision. But—" He looks around and seems to find the agreement he's looking for. "I believe this discussion can be tabled for now. The war is over, after all. You have fulfilled the prophecy."
 Okay, this is definitely not what he was expecting. What had happened to "You will be expelled from the Jedi Order, Anakin,"? "Attachments are forbidden,"?
He's relieved. Incredibly relieved. But also. . . 
And he remembers—he hasn't fulfilled the prophecy, actually. There's a Sith—a dark side user—in the Senate, leading the Senate, and he's just let him be. He hasn't even told the Council. And sure, nothing bad seems to have come of it—it's Chancellor Palpatine for force's sake, the man could hardly hurt a fly—but still.
He closes his eyes and tries to find some equilibrium.
Something in the force is recoiling, echoing, empty and vacant and cold.
He frowns.
"Master Windu, are you. . . feeling alright?"
Master Windu glances up in confusion. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"
"The force feels. . . strange. Around you." He struggles to find more words to explain it and finds that he can't. It's just. . . an ache. A devastating ache. With a strange twist to it.
Master Windu frowns at him. "I don't feel it." He pauses. "Are you absolutely certain this. . . feeling of yours is centered around me?"
He closes his eyes. No, he realizes, it's not just Mace. This strange thread of—of wrongness echoes throughout the Chamber, curling around various Council members with an icy chill.
Reaching for the babies' force presence had also been strange, Anakin remembers, trying and failing to squash his panic. They'd felt—so far away. Or maybe it was he himself that felt removed. This is the second time that reaching for the force has felt off—what's happening to him? What the hell is going on?
His comm beeps yet again.
"Answer that, you may, young Skywalker." Master Yoda says from his seat. A few others hum in affirmation.
He switches it on.
"Anakin," comes Padme's panicked voice, strange and staticky through the receiver.
"Anakin, I think the babies are coming."
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darthlorddiamond · 4 years
In the Center of Everything
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Request: Hello love! Can you write with something like rebel and force sensetive reader and Kylo kidnaps her but he doesn't want rebels to come so he takes her to Naboo instead? They spend time there and reader is nice person so they slowly start falling for each other? I was thinking like kinda fairytale setup like dresses he gives her, fancy meals etc. Picnic next to the waterfalls like Anakin and padme would be a nice bonus for @imaginesyes​
Words: 3,260
Reading Time: 14 min
Category: Fluff
Warnings: None
Check my Masterlist for more.
In the Center of Everything
There's something sweet and almost kind
But he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined
It has been some time since I have been, how to put it... In captivity on this planet? It all started a long time ago, for several years I had done everything possible to try to go unnoticed by the war that was happening everywhere, I knew perfectly well that something in me made me different from others, and for that reason, I decided to live with a low profile, I didn´t want to attract the attention of anyone, not the separatist groups, or those who called themselves rebels and much less the First Order, at the end of the day I was sure that if someone noticed that peculiarity that I had, they wouldn't hesitate to spread the word and eventually I would have someone behind me looking for me.
I realized that I was able to connect with the Force when I was a teenager and to be honest, at first, I was very scared, I didn't understand what was happening or how I could do what I was doing, but with the passage of the years, I accepted that that was my nature and I couldn't deny it, so I cultivated it as best I could.
When my parents passed away, I completely put aside the business and commercial life we ​​had and isolated myself, I built a small cabin from scratch in a quarry near our town and dedicated myself to planting what I could, slowly, I became a self-sufficient person. All this time I stayed out of the conflicts that were happening outside, never in my life did I think that I would end up in the center of everything.
One night, I still remember it perfectly, while I was meditating, I connected with a strange energy. At first, I was very scared, I couldn´t understand what was responding to me, so I immediately cut my meditation. It took a few weeks before I was encouraged to do it again.
The next time I connect with that energy, try to prolong it as long as I can. Little by little, night after night, I connected with that entity more often. I didn't know what it was, who it was, or where in the Galaxy it was, but I felt quite comfortable and intrigued to have made such a connection. I never suspected anything, I never thought that it could be something that would hurt me, I simply felt that it was someone like me out there and that, even with my self-exile in the middle, it made me feel accompanied... Until that night arrived.
It all started like a small whisper that intensified, “Where are you?”; A pair of eyes that pierced the gloom of the space that divided us. One question only. An answer from me that I would later regret "Cantonica".
And now he's dear and so unsure
I wonder why I didn't see it there before
A couple of days passed until the consequence of my actions resonated. It was a day like any other, I never thought that something out of my routine would happen. I woke up, had breakfast, and planned my day: check and maintain my herbs, fetch some water from a nearby well, take the opportunity to wash some clothes, and go quickly to town to find some supplies that I had scarce.
When I returned home, it was already beginning to get dark, the door was closed and everything in my home seemed to be in order until I entered the living room.
A shadowy black figure was sitting on my sofa, slightly lit by the fire in the fireplace, which he had surely lit while waiting for my return.
I was completely paralyzed in place, the basket in my hands fell to the ground and some of the apples that I had collected during the day rolled on the ground, reaching his feet.
The silence was sepulchral, I could see how his body curved towards the floor and slowly, one of his hands took one of the apples that was at his feet. Immediately afterward, his entire body rose from my sofa, he was a huge black mass, I couldn´t distinguish any feature in his figure, his shoulders were wide, his entire body was covered by a black cape that seemed to blend with the shadows of the stay and his face was covered by a mask.
My only reaction was to try to run away. In seconds one of his hands grabbed my arm and my back hit his chest, where he wrapped both arms around me and lifted me off the ground.
I screamed, kicked, tried my best to break his hold on my body. Little by little I ended up getting tired, my mind kept bringing a thousand scenarios: He will it kill me? What is he doing here, what does he want? Who is he? Why me? Just when I stopped fighting him, he released me, and my feet hit the ground again, I immediately turned to look at him.
"Don't you recognize me?" A distorted metallic voice came out of him, I shook my head slightly as I took a step back. My body was tired of trying to get rid of him, my legs were shaking, a cold chill ran down my spine and the room was slowly beginning to darken.
"It was you who brought me here..." He spoke again, at that moment I understood everything, that Beast was the source of the energy with which I had connected the previous nights, what had I done? At that moment, the panic completely seized me, with one last effort, I tried to run, but with a few steps he grabbed me again "No!" I yelled as loud as I could "What are you doing here?" I tried to separate my body from his with all my might "You know perfectly what I have come for" that metallic screech resounded in my ears with peculiar annoyance.
No, no, no. I didn´t want to, I couldn´t believe it, "Please..." the tears ran down my cheeks "Please... Leave me alone..." I sobbed uncontrollably, while my body collapsed on his, rendered by the struggle "Inside you, you know that I can't" his arms held me tighter "Please..." my cry was already a single whisper "Just sleep" he passed one of his hands in front of my face.
He lifted me in his arms, while my eyelids closed completely.
The firelight was completely extinguished.
The last I remember of that night is the sound of his footsteps, I never understood why it had happened.
And now he's dear and so unsure
I wonder why I didn't see it there before
When I woke up I was in a foreign place. It was a small cabin, quite minimalist in the middle of a forest, surrounded by absolutely nothing but trees, I could suspect that near where I was there was a body of water since I could hear it, a small waterfall perhaps, or a small lake.
I walked a little through that small place, I had everything I needed, clothes, food, products for my care. Even though the place was a bit cozy, I felt quite scared, I still didn´t understand what was happening, however, I found enough comfort in the fact that that black figure wasn´t with me.
I spent a few days in solitude, days that I took the opportunity to go into the surroundings of the cabin. I wanted to know if there was a nearby place where I could ask for help, but I didn't find anything.
One afternoon, returning home, I noticed that there was something strange, the door of the cabin was open, smoke was coming out of the chimney and a small light illuminated the main room, I understood that that black figure had returned and before entering I contemplated the possibility to flee, but where? Besides, if he had been able to trace me to Cantonica, he would be more than capable of finding me in this place, so, despite my desire to do so, I entered the cabin.
He was sitting again on a sofa in front of the fire, this time I could observe him better, he wasn´t wearing his helmet, so I could see his long, black and wavy hair "Where were you?" his voice sounded very deep, very different without that mask, I didn't know what to answer so I remained silent "I asked you a question!" he yelled and his voice echoed through all the walls "I went out to see the surroundings" I answered fearfully, with a blow he got up from his place and in a few steps he reached where I was, one of his hands held my chin and looked at me in the eyes "You will never leave this place if I don´t allow it!" at that moment panic took hold of me again, my legs were shaking and I closed my eyes and a few tears escaped. His hand left my face and I could feel him walking past me "I left food in the kitchen..." I could hear a small sigh from him "I also left you some clothes and supplies in your room" and without saying more he left the cabin slamming the door.
These types of encounters were repeated a few more times, every time he came to see me he left me supplies, dresses made with fabrics that I had never seen before, and some other gifts, such as necklaces, bracelets, and sweets. I didn't understand what was happening. Who was this man? Why had he brought me to this place? What did he want from me?
One of those many nights that he had come to see me I decided it was time to confront him, I appreciated the details he had with me, but I couldn't say that I was grateful, at the end of the day, this man had kidnapped me and I still didn't know why.
"Who you are?" I asked before he went out the door again "That doesn't matter" he answered without even turning to look at me, for a moment my blood boiled, I was tired of him appearing and disappearing without giving me explanations, without saying anything "Of course it matters!" I didn't notice the tone of my voice, and yet he kept walking without saying anything to me "Is this all a twisted little fantasy of yours?", he was about to reach the door when he turned his face suddenly, I could notice how his brow frowned "You´re exceeding a limit that you should not cross" he threatened me raising one of his hands and pointing one of his fingers at me, something in my stomach told me that I should stop with this confrontation, but I couldn't… "I need answers!" now it was me who was walking towards him with an outstretched hand and a finger pointing at him "I know you have brought me here because I manipulate the Force!" I yelled at him as my finger sank into his chest "But I don't know why I'm here or why you're doing this and..." his always stoic face, began to flood with a red color "I'm done! I will not continue with this! " Suddenly a roar was present and all the furniture in the house went flying "You will do what I tell you!" he yelled as he paced back and forth "I'm not your toy!" Even though my body was shaking with fear and helplessness, my anger was even greater, "You can't have me here" I threw it in his face once more "Of course I can and I will continue to do so" he turned his back on me once more and went out the door, I ran after him to reach him, but the darkness of the forest didn´t let me see him...
She glanced this way, I thought I saw
And when we touched she didn't shudder at my paw
Once again, I was alone in that place, without knowing what to do or why, full of anger, anger, and fear...
A few weeks went by without him showing up at the cabin, so I take advantage of all those days to tidy up the house, clean, and review some of the things that he had brought. The truth is that I refused to wear several of the clothes that he had given me, as well as the jewels, so I had simply put it away without paying any more attention, but now, with many time alone, I looked closely at it and I could notice each one of it were quite exquisite.
The days continued to pass without knowing anything about him, for some strange reason, I was beginning to miss his presence, I hadn´t noticed before, but the truth is that he was quite a handsome man, although, every time this idea crossed my mind I felt quite guilty and angry at me.
The weeks became months, I began to wonder if I would see him again or if I had to accept the idea that I was stranded in that place with no one else around me. I began to have small panic attacks due to my loneliness and some nights I implored to see him again.
One morning I went for a walk to the nearby stream, indeed, it had a small waterfall, it was a comfortable place that filled me with tranquility, when I returned to the cabin, I noticed that the door was open and my heart jumped, I didn't know if it jolts with joy or scared, but I ran inside right away.
There were a few pieces of furniture lying around, I started to feel scared. I kept going until I reached the bathroom, where I found him lying on the floor, he was injured. I immediately rushed to the ground and tried to hold him "Don't touch me!" he growled as his hands tried to remove mine from his body "You're bleeding!" I insisted holding his hands with mine "I don't need your pity..." he growled again, I turned to see him, our eyes were fixed for a few seconds, I could see that he felt pain and I weighed all that we had previously experienced and I felt the need to attend to him "Let me help you…” I spoke softly “Please…” he nodded slightly and I took it for a yes, despite his pride wasn´t allowing him to say it, he wanted my help.
No it can't be, I'll just ignore
But then she's never looked at me that way before
That night he slept in my bed. When I woke up the next morning, I assumed that it was likely that he was no longer in the cabin. I was so surprised to see him still asleep that a small smile spread across my face. He was a completely different person, calm. The little light that filtered in through the window finely illuminated the features of his face and my heart jumped slightly with a strangely warm, not out of fear or insecurity, so I left that room a bit confused by what I just felt.
The days went by, and he… He stayed with me in the cabin. Little by little, we began to exchange more words, although not many, he was a man who spoke little. He began to help me with the little chores of the house, although he was quite clumsy at first, he improved as the days went by. He even offered to help me with the little herb garden that I had started to build in the garden.
Slowly his laughter began to flood our meals, and his stories about his travels across the Galaxy catch me at night. I learned about things that I didn´t know existed thanks to him and my heart kept jumping every hour that I enjoyed his company.
On one occasion I asked him if he wouldn´t go away again, the only thing he answered was that there was no place out there where he belonged. At that moment I understood that the Beast that had appeared a year ago in the room of my old home no longer existed and it was in that moment that I decided that that place where we were, in the middle of nowhere and far from everything, was now the home of both, however, I still felt my doubts, what if the bond that we were beginning to have was just a product of my imagination.
New and a bit alarming
Who'd have ever thought that this could be?
One morning, after waking up next to him, I wanted to put a plan to the test: the night before I had prepared a basket with some food, my idea was to ask him to accompany me to the forest to find some berries to plant in the garden. That morning I fixed myself with one of the dresses that he had brought me during one of his first visits and that I had never worn. When he got up, I had everything ready.
"I'm going to need your help today...", he just looked at me a little confused "Please get ready before we get late". A few minutes later he left the room towards the kitchen where I was "Hold this" I gave him the basket, his face was full of confusion, he couldn´t understand what was happening, I walked to the door and turned to see him "What are you waiting? Let's go!" and I smiled at him as I walked out the door.
We walked for a few minutes in the forest without saying anything until we reached the stream. Once on the shore, I spread the blanket, I approached him, took the basket, and sat on the ground, he just imitated my steps. I took out some of the bites that were in the basket and we began to eat, we never speak. When we finished, I looked back at him.
"I don't know much about you...", he just fixed his eyes on mine "And you don't know much about me..." I started to take off my shoes "But we´re both... Living in this place..." the sound of the waterfall was like little sinfonie behind us "I didn't get here of my own free will and I still don't understand why..." I plunged my feet into the water "But I've grown to love this place..." I turned to look at him and a huge smile was painted on my lips "And I've started to take a strange affection for you, although I don't know if I should..." and suddenly, everything changed.
The birds sang around us, the sound of the waterfall became louder, and his lips... His lips were on mine with an intensity that I had never felt. One of his hands was holding my neck, while the other was holding one of mine firmly. His caress was soft, however, somewhat desperate, but full of passion "Ben..." he whispered as a smile touched his lips and his hand caressed my cheek "My name is Ben". At no time did his eyes leave mine and my heart burned completely "Well, Hello Ben" I went over to kiss him again "Welcome home".
True that he's not Prince Charming
But there's something in him that I simply didn't see
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evergloffpress · 4 years
Bottle of Blog Episode 44
A Mediocre Editorial On A Sub-Average Product AKA The Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith Critique Spectacular Only 14 Short Year's Later
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Presenting the third in the series of cinematic live-action Star Wars movie exposes. 14 years too late but none the less I am putting my two cents out there. These particular two cents I feel will not contain any new insights or reveal deeper layers of understanding. Just my take on the best of the worst Star Wars films. Episode 1 and 2 were in my opinion 2 burning vats of festering sewer warts but episode 8 is far from being a prized pig itself for very different reasons. It's crucifixion by vlog is forthcoming but I digress. Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith is a vast improvement over the previous two installments.
I will give credit where credit is due to the opening battle of Coruscant which was superb. The rescue of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from General Grievous's ship all the way to the crash landing back upon the Capitol world of the New Republic was riviting. It even inspired me to dream up a similar intro to one of my scripting projects. Imitation being the sincerest form of flattery and what have you. George Lucas’ dialogue even improved some. This leads one to believe he might have reached out to an outside source for help.
The SFX were of course top-notch bit what almost derailed the film was the sappy half-hearted dialogue between Anakin And Padme. It's meant to be romantic. The tragic live story preparing to bare fruit just cones across as hokey and forced. Throughout the whole film series, there is no chemistry between any of the actors. Ewan MacGregor shines as Obi-Wan Kenobi as does Ian Mcdermid as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Though I admit Ian does chew the scenery here and there but I enjoyed his performance none the less.
The plotting is smarter this time around but not by much. Darth Sidious ’ machinations are finally revealed. However and expected their are still multiple gripes and here they are.
The Jedi for being psychic Uber space ninjas are all murdered waaaay to easily.
Only Yoda could sense the betrayal was ah-coming?
Mace Windu’s unconvincing death scream as he was being Force lightning to death by Palpatine.
While we are the subject of Palpatine, his hammy howling of ”Unlimited power” made me wince.
Anakin’s non stop crying and whining.
Padme dying of a broken heart.
Then there's the original trilogy contradictions.
Such as Obi-Wan not remembering Luke had a sister. Obi Want not remembering R2D2 or C3PO. Leia somehow remembering her mother who died 7 seconds after she was born again from a BROKEN HEART! If Leua remembers her then why doesn't Luke? They both roughly spent the same amount of time with her.
Why didn't Yoda and Obi-Wan double team Palpatine and Vader? First Palpy then go after Ani. Padme not knowing she was having twins is also pretty far fetched. Did she not get regular check-ups? All this super technology running about and an ultrasound seems beyond their capabilities?
Then because Yoda failed he decides to go into hiding? WHY? Obviously he is a natch for the Emperor. Lick your wounds and try again. Don't let him get stronger. Which he did. Another issue of mine is why wipe C3PO’s mind and not R2D2’s. If they were concerned about keeping secrets just add a keep your trap shut file to Threepio’s programming. Clearly, Artoo has one.
So despite clear and glaring flaws with this picture, it is sad to state that Revenge of the Sith is the best the prequel trilogy which is simultaneously not saying much and saying alot. George Lucas listened to some of the gripes from the previous 2 movies but ultimately chose to do things his own way. Ruining Star Wars for a great deal of old and new fans alike.
Some have stated that it was his property to do with what he likes and who are we to tell the creator of Star Wars what and how it happened. When Thomas Harris wrote the book, Hannibal, many readers cried foul when Clarice Starling turned to the” Darkside” per say. Either by drugging or brainwashing. Clarice was now on Team Lechter. Jodi Foster refused to her reprise her role from the Silence of the Lambs because she felt that Clarice Starling would never have done that. I countered with ”says who”? She just played the character while Thomas Harris created the character. Along with origins, motivation, personality, and whatever idiosyncrasies accompany his creation. Who would know better than Mr. Harris what a figment of of his imagination forged on the anvil that is his keyboard would or would not do? Could the same not be said of Star Wars? Who's to judge George Lucas ’ account of what happened in the Star Wars galaxy? When you put your work out there it will always be ripe for judgment. The tomato chuckers of the world will always be teed up to sling their rotten produce at anyone's creative efforts. The more popular the property the louder the outcry if the outcome is less than stellar. The hordes of innocuous and septic but ultimately disappointed fans with an ax to grind feel they have earned the right to endlessly complain about the unsatisfying prequel trilogy. They like me feel they have invested much in the franchise. Through books and toys. Comics , a seemingly endless procession of merchandise and most of all admiration. Yes, hypocrisy on my part at its double standarding best. Considering this blog is not terribly edifying to the movie in question. I have made duel arguments and both appear to be valid. It seems like the Sith had their vengeance after all and it was aimed not at the Jedi but their aficionados. Somewhere in the nether realms of the Force the former senator of Naboo cackles maniacally.
Oliver Evergloff
December - 12 - 2019
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