#they're both doms
mpregfrance · 5 months
the immense pain that comes with two of your faves being the most mischaracterized characters in the entire fandom AND two of your favorite ships the most misunderstood....
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keefechambers · 8 months
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Our partnership is off to a fantastic start.
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rosy-bless · 3 months
obsessed with the nuance between a cocky “you can’t make me sneeze” and a desperate “please don’t let me sneeze”
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characters who usually appear dominant and intimidating on the outside/in public but are super gentle with their partner or even enjoy being submissive for them in private 🤝 characters who appear calm and shy in public but enjoy showing their more dominant side to their partner only
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victorluvsalice · 3 months
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Oh, and like last year, we have a bonus image to go with the Valicertines! This time it's not inspired by anything specific -- it's just something that occurred to me while looking at last year's stuff that I decided I wanted to do. Basically, it's OT3 math -- Alice: Madness Returns times Corpse Bride times The Smiler equals my OT3, get it?
Oh, and, uh, if you're looking at the trio of Sims 4 screenshots below and going "hey, wait a minute, I don't remember this from any of Vic's past Chill Valicer Save updates" -- I may have gone looking through past screenshots, realized that the only set that had the trio in the outfits I wanted (the celebratory pictures in front of Van Liddelton Groceries) did not have them in the ORDER I wanted (that is, none of them were Alice-Victor-Smiler), and -- rather than tweaking the image slightly to accommodate the screenshots I already had -- fired up my game, updated Victor's primary "everyday" outfit to that CC suit that looks the most like his in-movie one, and set up a new tripod photoshoot in the second floor hallway to get the pictures I wanted. ...and then ended up using THREE shots because I couldn't decide. *facepalm* Yeah. Don't judge me. (Or do, but just don't tell me.)
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I like my ships gay, dimly lit, sharing a drink while one is about to blindside, seduce and betray the other under duress
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bsxcrxts · 9 months
Jealous!Luke where it turns into public sex?? 👀
oh my god. oh my god okay. he's pouting in the corner booth in a cantina party somewhere because he looked over and someone else danced up on you for a few seconds, or someone else hit on you, or something, and like, you're not interested in that person and he KNOWS it but he's still miffed. but he's also shy, and he's tried to flirt with you, he just doesn't know if it's working or what.
when you realize he's not having a good time, you ask him what's wrong and he halfway avoids the question.
"You're jealous," you accuse teasingly. "You like me," you continue.
"I– I mean, sure I like you," Luke starts.
"Like me," you correct, suddenly reminding yourself of childish primary school playground antics.
"Well if you already know..." Luke trails off, sounding a little miffed.
You move in to sit next to him, reducing the personal space between the two of you to mere inches, and lean to whisper in his ear, "Do something about it."
"W-what?" Luke asks, not protesting, just needing to know he's hearing you properly. Judging from the fact your hand is creeping up his thigh, he's pretty sure he understood what you meant.
"You heard me, baby, show me you like me. Right here."
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theobjectofyourire · 2 years
Pretty Mess (Daemon x Rhaenyra)
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summary: a short modern! au where both Daemon & Rhaenyra are vampires, and Daemon's a lil messy and submissive
warnings: smutty (build-up), light dom/sub, blood
I hope you enjoy! Let me know if I should write more of this au bc I really want to 👀
Rhaenyra's POV
An exquisite whine aches in the breaking of his voice as he sinks to the floor. Somehow, he looks even more a god on his knees, and the irony that after all his talk, his will be the ones bruised does not fail to give me a thrill. I can’t help but take more than a slight pleasure at the picture he makes.
“Baby, please,” he begs, his trembling hands tousled in his hair, his forehead resting against the crushed velvet cushion of our black sofa. He looks such a pretty mess, the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled to his elbows and already beginning to crease. I’m eager to wrap my fingers around the single silver chain that drips down his chest, to tug at it and draw him nearer, but I’m not yet done watching him plead.
“I’m sorry, darling,” I simper, my painted lips pursed in the pout he so loves. “I’m afraid I won’t be so easily swayed.”
He drops his hands to the floor, looking up at me with a desperation that warms my core. “Nyra,” he whimpers. I squeeze my thighs. “Mercy.”
A word that in all our years, together and apart, I have never known him to utter. Against his fiercest enemies and most hopeless odds, Daemon Targaryen has not once grovelled as he does now. Before me, the Rogue Prince is gorgeously, almost unbearably tame.
I take a sip from the stained, gold-rimmed glass as I spread my legs, beckoning him forward. “Here, boy,” I command, my voice dark with lust.
He makes his way towards me slowly, still on his hands and knees, crawling as his eyes sparkle with desire. He settles in between my thighs as I take another sip, my lips wet with blood. “Just a taste,” I hum.
My breath quivers as he takes my bottom lip between his, ravenous as he moans, delighting in the flavour and the carnality it awakens. My fingers tangle in his silver hair as his hands grip my thighs, pulling me closer. My whines mingle with his growls as I wrap my legs around his waist, murmuring his name into his mouth.
His lips leave mine, brushing against the sensitive spot just beneath my ear. I feel his smirk against my skin as he gives me a nip.
“Darling,” he rumbles, glorious danger in his tone. “I might devour you, yet.”
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pregtboy · 1 year
tbh big masc trans guys who are also pregnant are so underrated. like he can already carry his load so well that being pregnant comes naturally to him, even w the extra weight, even when he has multiples, even when his belly stretches feet in front of him and he looks way past due with triplets two months before he’s Actually due with quints.
also just the genderfuckery of a super masc trans guy who looks like a lumberjack, beard and flannel and work-worn jeans and all, being massively undeniably pregnant. love it tbh
RIGHT like i feel like masc preg boys are so slept on on this blog and i gotta change that bc they're so hot!! especially when they're so hardworking and in denial of how massive they are so they keep up the whole lumberjack vibe even when they're due any day, unable to keep their bellies covered, and waddling everywhere... that type of boy can probably get HUGE bc they're able to carry such heavy weight compared to their little twink counterparts and they also need more food and are predisposed to having very big babies! he can probably handle a historically massive belly like the idea of a boy who's as fertile as he is strong and masc is just 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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bitchfitch · 7 months
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level of comic planning I'm on: Making a massive chart to help decide the sexual preferences of a dead man and his hyper predatory reanimated corpse.
also. quilt idea for anyone else who has a came back wrong OC.
"why do you need to decide this for a webcomic being posted to a website that doesn't allow porn-?"
Because Jokes Are At Stake. The bits. The goofs. The gaffs about a dude trying to figure out the preferences of this reanimated corpse and how they relate to the preferences of his dead husband. I can't Not make those!
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eldrichthingy · 7 months
My dream evil polycule is Vampire Lord Astarion/Chosen Durge/Gortash and yes I'm full aware that they won't be able to coexist together skjks 😭😭
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twilightlane-archived · 2 months
📜 (Helloooo ~)
Black Mask, pointing: May I sit there? Twilight Lady: That's my lap Black Mask: That doesn't answer my question, Twilight Lady.
Okay but, normally I'd switch the names but this was too funny so I left it as it was.
Roman: This is bothering me. Liz: Well, you are digging up a corpse. Roman: No, not that. That's, uh, pretty par for the course, actually.
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highlifeboat · 4 months
Max is a chew toy, for all witches and lady vamps😘
Every time Sarah and Daniela take him together he needs a day to recover, but he's not necessarily complaining. (They provide him with very good aftercare and always make sure he is comfortable)
He is their favourite chew toy, and they take very good care of him :3
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masonscig · 1 year
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oc’s as poisonous plants
rules: create one (or more) of your oc’s using this meiker and then take this uquiz and share their results
i’m so late to this but ty for the tag @cadetzarneki and @solarisrenbeth <33 this was as fun as it was painful <3 LMAO i’m not sure who’s done this, but i’m tagging @veeples, @possumgeist, @losingface, @sevlawless, @farahhauville <333
**this got long so i’m going to put the rest under the cut!**
sofía olmos – twc, chop shop, fernweh, ylaf – lily of the valley
This is the poison of giving too much. You feel yourself emptying out, dizzying, discoloring -- until you fear you will fade entirely and wither away. You have always had to give. You never had a choice before. They pluck your flowers for their beauty, they trample your leaves carelessly, they pull out your roots by the fistful and berate you for daring to grow. And now that you have a grove to spread out in, your rhizomes tangle and curl in on themselves. When cruelty is all you've ever known, thriving seems impossible. But the answer is not to make yourself small and offer every lovely thing you are to the world in the hopes it will have mercy on you. The answer is to let yourself dare to thrive for thriving's sake, to grow in the wild ways you wish to -- and to do that for yourself for once.
carrie travesía – body count, infamous – hemlock
This is the poison of intense fear. Your body trembles, your flesh burns. Your limbs won't respond to you. You convulse. You can't seem to control the fear. It seems that it has always lived within you. You hesitate, you agonize, and that breeds regret. Sometimes it threatens to overwhelm you, and that frightens you more than anything. But panic is survival mode in overdrive, and something within you knows you must live. Creation seems to be the only balm for you. Perhaps you survive so stubbornly because you have stories that must be told, songs that must be sung. Soothe your stage fright. The path from surviving to thriving is having a good garden to grow in. And you can't do that completely alone.
flor majano – twc, chop shop, infamous – oleander
This is the poison of stagnation. You grow drowsy. Your heart rate slows, and when you do move you can't seem to stop shaking. It may seem to others that you're lazy, or reticent. Like you avoid hard work on purpose, like you always take the easy way out. But you know deep down that it wouldn't be like this if you weren't so tired, so deeply tired. If you weren't crushed under the weight of sorrow like a mile of water over your head. Nothing brings you peace, except rest and-- though you can hardly dare to ask-- having someone tend to you gently and sweetly. A good gardener speaks to their plants, sings to them, waters them, fertilizes their soil, prunes the dead parts, nurtures the new growth. You yearn to be cared for like that, even though you feel you don't deserve it. The secret is that you do. You always have. And someday, you'll learn that, and receive that care, and the exhaustion won't keep you from growing strong and lovely anymore. You were never the problem. These are simply poor growing conditions for you.
dom avalos – infamous, platinum (choices book) – belladonna
This is the poison of falling in love. You taste it and your heart beats fast. Your eyes dilate, you fall into deep delirium. You may be a bit dramatic and impulsive, and it gets you into trouble sometimes, but you just can’t help yourself. It’s in your blood. You love because it’s the truest beauty you’ve found in this harsh world. Even when it’s hurt you before, when it’s poisoned you, you still find a way. They may call you naive for still believing in it, or vain for making yourself and your surroundings so meticulously lovely. But to love like this is brave and noble, and I hope you find the beauty you seek. Chances are, it’s within and all around you already, if you know where to look.
ramona guerrero – twc, chop shop, infamous – doll’s eyes
This is the poison of unchecked vices. You slip into hallucinations. You are wracked with convulsions. The delirium threatens to overwhelm you. What are you running from? You look in every direction, wild-eyed at every turn, seeking some reprieve from what torments you. Each vice brings new consequences, and the price of escape seems too great, and yet you cannot seem to face things head on. If you aren't running from yourself, I hope you find a true way to freedom soon. And if you are running from yourself, perhaps you would do well to realize your pain is not something you can simply escape by avoidance. You deserve healing just as much as the ones you love. Someday, soon I hope, you will know this and feel it and reach inward to grant yourself all the kindnesses you offer others. That is the only true way to peace for ones like us. Oh, and if the pain of it seems too great? I hope that you realize you don't have to do it alone.
benni soza – twc, infamous – belladonna
This is the poison of falling in love. You taste it and your heart beats fast. Your eyes dilate, you fall into deep delirium. You may be a bit dramatic and impulsive, and it gets you into trouble sometimes, but you just can’t help yourself. It’s in your blood. You love because it’s the truest beauty you’ve found in this harsh world. Even when it’s hurt you before, when it’s poisoned you, you still find a way. They may call you naive for still believing in it, or vain for making yourself and your surroundings so meticulously lovely. But to love like this is brave and noble, and I hope you find the beauty you seek. Chances are, it’s within and all around you already, if you know where to look.
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prapuna · 5 months
do you hc gintoki as a top or bottom?
i think he enjoys both actually. like with the whole sadistic thing he might enjoy topping but he's more lazy than he is horny so maybe there are days when he's just a pillow princess. altho he probably prefers domming no matter the position
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elmaxlys · 2 years
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something something they met at a gay bar
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