#throwback schemes
pixel--moon · 24 days
Top Darlington Throwback Schemes 2024 🏁
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5️⃣ Larson
9️⃣ Elliott
2️⃣4️⃣ Byron
4️⃣8️⃣ Bowman
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citrisz · 3 months
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Oh my god OH MY GOD OH MY GOD.
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I feel like I’m the queen of making detailed refs for things that only appear in a few panels.
I should add I have NO idea how to draw proper cars/bikes help
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i no longer own these balloon dog earrings, but what a look
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tkachuktkaching · 1 year
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 Matthew Tkachuk then of the Calgary Flames poses for a portrait for the NHL Player Media Tour on September 16, 2021 in Chicago, Illinois.
(Photo by Chase Agnello-Dean/NHLI via Getty Images)
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Matthew Tkachuk of the Florida Panthers poses for a portrait during the NHL Player Media Tour on September 15, 2022 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
(Photo by Brian Babineau/NHLI via Getty Images)
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heelcody · 1 year
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homemadehorrors · 9 months
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Throwback to this beauty! Loved this colour scheme, but I'm a sucker for anything with purple.
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lurkingshan · 6 months
Favorite BL Tumblr Shticks: 2023 Edition
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Whenever I start thinking about end of year round ups, I get overwhelmed with how many awesome people are on here making my days so delightful, and how I could never capture them all in one solitary list. So I thought this year, instead of listing all my favorite blogs/people (which would be a ridiculously long list that would almost certainly break tumblr), I would instead share some of my favorite shticks that I came to rely on from fandom besties. 
Some of us (me) just post kind of randomly and inconsistently about shows. Will you get a pithy one liner, a photo essay, or a thesis from me on any given week of a show’s discourse? Who can say (certainly not me). But some of y’all decided you were going to claim the mantle for a specific type of analysis or creativity on here and delivered consistently, and I just think that’s really fucking cool.
And so, the time has come to pay respect to some of my favorite bl fandom blogs who commit to the bit (with our patron saint of finding your niche, Tankhun, looking on approvingly). Note: if you are reading this and NOT following any of the fine folks listed below, you really should correct that. Onto the squad!
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@bengiyo stray thoughts
@blmpff favorite shots
@colourme-feral location spotting 
@dribs-and-drabbles Thai communal wardrobe
@gabrielokun throwback gifs
@my-rose-tinted-glasses mission posts
@ranchthoughts kissing multiverse
@respectthepetty color analysis
@sparklyeyedhimbo live blogs
@troubled-mind manga comparison sets
@waitmyturtles OGGMMTVC
@wanderlust-in-my-soul bl tropes collection
@wen-kexing-apologist long ass gay analysis
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Special category shoutout also to the squad, in addition to a few folks above, keeping Bad Buddy meta alive and well nearly two years after the show aired: @chickenstrangers @dimplesandfierceeyes @dudeyuri @grapejuicegay @miscellar @starryalpacasstuff @telomeke-bbs. Watching Our Skyy 2 with y'all was some of the most fun I had on here this year. And to @chicademartinica and @negrowhat whose crack combination of comedy and lust make me laugh on this website just about every day.
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And I must end with an extra special shoutout to my La Pluie meta squad. I created the meta round up for La Pluie specifically because its brilliance was being overlooked and/or misunderstood, and I really wanted to encourage the folks who got what the show was doing to write more about it in the hopes of bringing more of the bl audience along. A very successful Shan Scheme, if I do say so myself. I'm so glad @bengiyo and I decided to give ourselves brain rot over that show and got to know you all better as a result @ginnymoonbeam @neuroticbookworm @slayerkitty @solitaryandwandering @sunshinechay @syrena-del-mar @wen-kexing-apologist.
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empressofmankind · 6 months
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Me, literally 0.5 seconds in: "SHHAAAAAANNNXXXXX"
They have such a nice-looking ship though; I am so about it. The prow dragon? The taffrail details? The overall colour scheme? Yes, please.
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Oyé, Shivs' other ex got gray? Granted, he did hit the 5-0 post time skip. Not a bad look at all though, ngl.
Throwback time to precisely today in '99, episode #4 airing:
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Probably don't have to explain further, I think? 😉
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Shanks @Marco: "Idiot! I am not high maintenance! Right, Bec?" Benn, in complete deadpan: "No, you are." Shanks: "WhAt?"
You can probably tell why that was a thing that happened for a while. Same energy, whomst. Poor Shanks. What did he do except exist to deserve all that sass?
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Sanji still being Sanji is never not entertaining, by the way. Stay dramatic, shrimp. Also, shout out to Zoro's look in the whole arc. It is such a solid design.
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Who am I kidding, all three of them look excellent in their gear.
[Part II]
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howadzpaints · 7 months
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Beastboss Fishbonez, Right 'And of Da Loose Kannon 28-Oct-2023
My Orktober project!
A while back my partner had the superb idea of 'Jinx themed Orks' while watching Arcane. Something about the two just seems to gel! So for Orktober this year I picked up a Beastboss - A sculpt I've adored since the Beast Snaggas were announced - and got to work conjuring up a scheme.
I kept Jinx's blue hair, her split pants and the pastel blues and pinks, and decided on slapping graffiti over all the gear. Not only is this a throwback to her reveal in League of Legends where she vandalised the game's website, it was also an opportunity to try and mimic the visuals in her mental episodes during the show with fluo paint. I'm very happy with the mini overall, as is Roe whom I gifted this to. Whenever she gets round to painting Orks like this herself, I'll have had a little hand in it which is awesome :) Looking forward to more of Da Inx klan eventually!
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theenbyroiderer · 6 months
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From the archives. Throwback to the first project where I used crochet. Ended up a trypophobe's nightmare. I love that about it though. I have like the opposite of trypophobia, and this project is the only one so far where I've fully indulged in that. Also really love the color scheme in this. Bright colors are nice and all, but my heart is really with the more muted shades, and I especially love when a multitude of muted shades come together as well as in this project.
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citrisz · 5 months
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Joey posting day 5. I absolutely LOVE his home depot scheme. Am i bias because i love the colours? Yes. Also the firesuit looks sick
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consanguinitatum · 6 months
DT talk throwback: my interview w/Steve Pang, writer/director/producer of SPACES
This post is the second in the series of posts I'm making to rescue my lost interviews with people who worked with David in his earlier years: you can find the first, with David Blair - the director of Takin' Over The Asylum - right here.
Over half a decade ago now I was a writer for David Tennant News/DT Forum, one of the bigger unofficial fan sites of DT's at the time (now sadly defunct). During my time there, I got the chance in July 2015 to interview Steve Pang - the writer/director/producer of SPACES, a short film David starred in back in 1993. I didn't want this interview to sink into the depths of the Wayback Machine and I thought y'all might enjoy reading it, so here is that interview in its entirety (and if you'd like to see it in its original form, click here.)
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Screenshot of SPACES from Moving Image Archive / Steve Pang, Writer-Director-Producer (today, and in a 1993 interview)
Recently I was able to chat with Steve Pang, the writer, director and editor of SPACES. SPACES is a 1993 short film starring David Tennant as Vinny, a young man working a night shift in a car park in Edinburgh. The film depicts the characters Vinny meets over the course of the night: an older colleague with a troubled past, a bright young girl who uses the empty car park for her violin practice, and a young homeless boy.
Pang won a First Reels funding Award in 1993 from the Scottish Film Council and Scottish Television for the script he submitted for SPACES. First Reels was “a joint short film initiative from Scottish Screen (and its predecessor body the Scottish Film Council) and Scottish Television that was launched during 1991 by the Scottish Film Council in response to a perceived need for small grants to help young and first time film-makers to make or complete their first film or video project.”
Winning the award gave Pang the funds to make SPACES a reality. In the following years he decided to shift gears and move into film and television editing. He began in film as an assistant editor in the 1997 James Bond film Tomorrow Never Dies and on television in The Vicar of Dibley. Since then he has worked in various editing capacities on a lengthy list of projects including Wonka, Band of Brothers, The Da Vinci Code, Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The 10th Kingdom, and Gravity.
How did you hear about the First Reels project? 
The scheme was announced whilst I was at Napier University in Edinburgh studying for my degree. As it was open to students, pretty much everyone on the course applied as it was a rare opportunity to get funding to make films.
It’s my understanding the First Reels project gave filmmakers grants to help them realize their projects, but that the projects didn’t have to be finished films to be submitted.  What stage in its development was SPACES at when you submitted it? Did the grant you won help you film and complete the work or had it already been completed in a rough form? 
As I recall I submitted a script and a supporting application form. Had we not won the grant, I think the film would have still gone ahead in some form but we would not have been able pay the cast or equipment suppliers – which would have undoubtedly had a detrimental effect on the film, in my opinion.
Was SPACES your first film? Take us through its development from idea to reality. How did you decide on it as your submission for First Reels?
It was probably my second or third short, but certainly the most ambitious (everything else before that was really more just fooling around and experimenting with a camera). The goal was to ‘keep things simple’ and come up with an idea that could be shot in one location with a small cast. I had worked part time in a 24hr car park in the past and my experiences in that job were the source material for the film.
SPACES is set in a car park and tells the story of one young man’s night shift. What were your inspirations for the story line?  he ending? Can you share a bit more about what you hoped people would take away from the film?
The short is essentially a dramatisation of a number of real life experiences I had working part time in a 24hr car park in Edinburgh. It sounds like a pretty mundane job, but I worked with some very interesting people and there were one or two unusual incidents. I thought collating everything into a single night would make an interesting short film. I’ve always found night time in cities really fascinating and I thought SPACES would be an original way of depicting that kind of atmosphere and mood. 
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Screenshots from SPACES
Were the actors you chose initially the ones that actually appear in the film? How involved were you in choosing the talent, and how did the actors you chose come to your attention? 
We contacted a number of local actors agencies and as I recall the actors in the film were all our first choices for each role. At the time I had no idea who David was or that he was about to become a big star. Looking back, I think he was already making a name for himself as an up-and-coming actor within the industry but as a lowly, newbie film student I didn’t have that ‘inside knowledge’. All I knew was that he seemed remarkably in tune with the character I’d written and came across as incredibly natural in the first audition. The role was his immediately. It was only after the film was completed and submitted that I started hearing comments along the lines of ‘wow you had David Tennant in your short.’
Speaking of actors — David was very young when you worked with him (it’s listed as only his 4th credited role). Was there something that impressed you about this young unknown actor? What about the experience of working with him still stands out for you all these years later?
Working with him – from rehearsal to shoot – was great. We had a tiny budget, a cold, dark location, and it was a night shoot. In hindsight, given that we were a bunch of newbie students and he was about to break through as a major actor, I’m grateful that he was so tolerant of the unsociable hours, the unglamorous location and facilities we had!
I have information that SPACES was shown on television sometime in the latter half of 1993, when Scottish Television ran three half-hour documentaries showing excerpts of the winners from the First Reels. Do you recall if it was shown, and if so, how did you feel seeing your film broadcast?
An excerpt was shown yes, along with a short interview with me. I remember being wracked with nerves on the night of the broadcast and kind of being in shock afterwards. It was probably only a couple of minutes of screen time in total.
Do you have any interesting behind-the-scenes sorts of recollections about working on the short?
I remember our equipment causing a short circuit at the location that required us to completely re-order the schedule. And I think our catering consisted of soup and bread for everyone. It was all very basic.
How do you think working on First Reels influenced you in developing your career?
It was an invaluable boost and a great learning experience. Who knows what would have happened had I not received that grant.
For Further Reference:
View Mr. Pang’s IMDb or his extensive CV.
Synopsis from entry on SPACES from the full film record at the Scottish Screen Archive.
A copy of SPACES is held at the Moving Image Archive and can be viewed at the National Library of Scotland. Private and research viewing only.
And that's that! I hope you all enjoyed this unique insight into SPACES and DT's work with Steve Pang!
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thesupreme316 · 9 months
nick wayne x female reader??? just cute young couple shit please 🥺❤️
What It's Like Dating Nick Wayne (in my mind): Nick Wayne x Reader
Summary: A glimpse of dating Nick Wayne...
Word Count: 600
Supreme Speaks: DOUBLE UPLOAD HOES! Anyways, thank you to @hooks-martin for the request (sorry it took so long). Im doing a throwback to one of my first headcanon posts on here. please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: none, not really proofread, fluffly boi
Taglist: @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @sheinthatfandom @cassie0sstuff
Okay so check it
This man is a sweetheart (I get big golden retriever vibes from him)
He’s constantly all over the place; just skipping around everywhere
He’s literally so sweet omg like I think he would just admire (stare) you and wonder how he got you to go out with him
Nick only looks at you with heart eyes
I think you would be his first real and serious relationship
Puts pressure on himself to do everything perfectly (tries too hard to be cool)
Plans all your dates to a T, if something goes wrong, he will blame himself to no end
“Nick, baby, it’s fine the collage is grea-“
“I’m a failure…I should have used hot glue instead of sticks”
As the two of you get more serious, dates will be at comfortable locations like at his or your house for movie nights or go to the park for a walk at night
Nick would finally understand that he doesn’t have to try so hard to impress or amaze you
Now he can just literally sit in a room and stare at you for hours and he’ll call that date (as long as you’re together)
But he would love to drag you to different places (especially to Walmart at 12 AM)
Ranging from pictures of you two kissing or on dates to candid photos of you asleep…he has a big collection of those
Before you ask…NO…he does not do matching outfits or color schemes (unless it is all white or black)
He just finds them cringy
I can see Nick just giving you random things; little trinkets, presents, clothes, food, and things that you need
He’ll notice that you’re running low on something and just go out to purchase it
“How did you know I needed more toothpaste?”
“Well, I accidentally stepped on it and all of it came out…I also bought more mouthwash cause I accidentally spilled it.”
That man is a klutz outside the damn ring I promise you
Is a sucker for homemade items
If you made him a bracelet, he’ll wear it. If you painted him a picture, it’s up in his living the same day.
Has to be touching you in some way (arm, neck, back, hell just holding pinkies will suffice for him)
Allows you to drag him around the store/mall
Nick will just grab you and bury his face into your neck
“Is this a new perfume?”
Notices little things that most people wouldn’t (like your hair parting, your scent, how you chew your food, angry habits)
Loves to see you in his clothes; is perfectly okay with you stealing everything he has
Is the type of spray his cologne on it as he feels like it really makes him claim you
If you’re a wrestler, he will practice with you…he just doesn’t trust anyone to treat you with care and respect
If not, you’re getting suplexed one way or another….be on a constant lookout
He doesn’t get mad at you…never…
If he does, he quietly and calmly talks about his problem…he will never raise his voice at you
Overall, having Nick Wayne as your boyfriend will never have a dull moment as you are constantly entertained and loved.
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yennefxr · 1 year
Why Vilgefortz threw himself off a cliff (ft. Girlboss Yennefer)
TWN based spoiler heavy Vilgefortz ramble about subterfuge, Aretuza's destruction and his ultimate frenemy Yennefer. 
If you ask yourself ‘Why did Vilgefortz do that?’ or ‘How could Yennefer do this?’ This one’s for you. 
Vilgefortz throwing himself off a cliff in season one to the pearl-clutching horror of Witcher fans was actually kind of genius. The greatest sorcerer on the Continent loses a sword fight to Cahir of all people and as a result Vilgefortz is written off as a thoughtless, useless and ineffectual villain. 
It’s too far of a stretch to consider the central antagonist of the saga may have an ulterior motive and that the fight’s victor was total misdirection.
Cahir was always going to walk away unscathed for two reasons:
Cahir doesn’t know it yet but they’re coworkers and it’ll reflect badly on Vilgefortz if he fillets him. 
Cahir is the only person that knows the true identity of Ciri and this is invaluable information to both Emhyr and Vilgefortz for their respective elder blood schemes.
The fight was subterfuge and the outcome never mattered, what did matter was that Yennefer was there to witness it. 
Vilgefortz’s behaviour is overtly theatrical during this scene - he dramatically flies in, he’s throwing swords about the place, he’s doing flips, Christ he even has a gimmick involving an endless supply of swords. He could have severed the mind connection with Yennefer at any point but it was imperative she witnessed this performance. Why? 
In S2 Vilgefortz has essentially fucked his way to the top. He’s not exactly subtle and there are clues to his true motives throughout all of his scenes. For example:
  He tells a Nilfgaardian soldier he can’t save him today because he’s Team Aretuza right now (a cute throwback to him bashing that Northern Kingdom soldier’s head in at the end of S1).
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He is openly conversing with Emhyr within Aretuza, most likely about elven baby slaughter.
And finally he is so obviously manipulating Tissaia that it’s almost criminal he didn’t look down the camera and wink. But I digress.
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Vilgefortz’s theatrics return during Cahir’s fake execution (because yet again Cahir was never at risk). Our attention is firmly on Yennefer and Cahir’s Bonnie-and-Clyde style escape and not on how every northern royal or high ranking member of Aretuza saw Vilgefortz hand that axe to Yennefer before she went full renegade. This may not seem significant but Cahir has now miraculously survived two near-death experiences and both times Yennefer and Vilgefortz have been at the helm. 
For Vilgefortz to put Cahir’s neck on the line he would need to know exactly what Yennefer intended but so far they’ve interacted for maybe five minutes at most. So how much does he know about Yen? 
During his introduction in S1 he knew exactly how to locate her, her romantic past with Istredd and the strength of her bond with Tissaia. Using the latter he expertly manipulates her back to Aretuza and onto the battlefield with a few clever words. 
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They strategised together at Sodden to coordinate the counterattack and in the process he let her take the lead, so he knows exactly how she operates in combat situations. 
By the end of season two he knows Yennefer is with Ciri and Geralt since he has been tracking Ciri from the moment she fled Cintra through Rience. He knows all about her family unit and what that means to her to have that connection. 
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Vilgefortz has clearly been studying Yennefer since before he appeared on screen, but if that isn’t a convincing enough argument, he’s also a mind reader. He’s so adept at it in the books that he’s frequently shown as bored waiting for characters like Geralt and Ciri to catch their thoughts up with his conversation. 
Whilst not yet confirmed in the show, an audition transcript posted back in May 2022 on RI alludes to Vilgefortz being far worse than just a mindreader: 
Voice 1: I can tell you that whoever did this has grand plans. It’s a mind-control enchantment. Anyone’s head would be a tangled mess.  Voice 2: Mind control? To what end? Voice 1: I don’t know. But it’s damned powerful. It has elements of sorcery, druidic magic and there’s even some ancient elven in this spell. That’s the other thing. The subject must be part elven. Maybe a couple of generations removed, but still. Voice 1: Who would have the power to do something like this? Voice 2: I don’t know anyone with the knowledge to do something like this. It would take lifetimes to acquire these all these skills, but whoever he is, he has a variety of interests.
This scene is now confirmed to take place during episode 3 of Season 3 with one of these voices being Geralt. 
Vilgefortz knows in S3 through his own studies of elder blood that Yennefer will need help tempering the chaos within Ciri and he knows exactly where she will turn. Straight back to Aretuza and her own maternal figure Tissaia with whom he has conveniently allied himself with both politically and romantically.
We've seen in the trailer that Geralt is less than enthused by this but Yennefer is adamant it's the best thing for Ciri.
Vilgefortz will actively defend and encourage Yennefer’s return to Aretuza despite her reputation across the Continent as a traitor, because Ciri will fall right in his lap. And whilst it seems strange for Vilgefortz to defend Yen he’s actually done it before in this deleted scene with Stregobor.
Stregobor: There’s something unnatural in her Vilgefortz: And there’s something unnatural in how entrenched your protege is with Nilfgaard 
Vilgefortz could have commented on any of Stregobor’s antics but he deliberately chose to rebuke Istredd. Stregobor’s student and one time spy. It’s reminiscent of teachers arguing about their student’s behaviour. It’s small but Vilgefortz has planted that seed of connection between him and Yennefer and he has been doing so continuously. 
Stregobor is truly the boy who cried wolf after the Renfri debacle and as such the audience (and Aretuza) is totally unsympathetic to his protestations of a traitor being amongst them. He’s so adamant in his prejudice towards Yen that he blindly appeals to the real traitor, again emphasising how the lines between Yennefer and Vilgefortz are starting to blur. 
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Stregobor is the first to identify the connection but TWN has not been shy in making parallels between Yennefer and Vilgefortz:
In S1:
Yennefer is strapped into a chair and forcibly sterilised. This never happens in the books and it is voyuersticly grisly in the show. Vilgefortz straps women into chairs and forcibly removes their wombs as part of his elder blood experiments in the books.
Yennefer stands at the top of Sodden Hill and scorches the Earth below. In the books Vilgefortz’s last stand at Stygga invokes a similar image. 
In S2:
Yennefer is the hero of Sodden. In the books, Vilgefortz is the hero of Sodden. Though in the show they can't seem to make up their minds.
And the piece de resistance is that Yennefer hunts Ciri across the Continent to sacrifice her for magical powers. In the books, (you already know where this is going)it’s Vilgefortz. 
Yennefer and Vilgefortz themselves even acknowledge their shared calculating natures during a terse discussion of the political fallout after Sodden.  
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Possibly their most contentious connection is Tissaia.
Vilgefortz was justifiably criticised for being romantically involved with Tissaia but there’s zero consideration as to his motive entering that relationship. Putting aside Tissaia and Vilgefortz’s shared political aspirations and their similar ideology on what to do with girls who no longer serve their purpose (eelgate), we’re left with Yennefer. 
We know Vilgefortz has been manipulating both women and that he’s been watching them closely. He repeats Tissaia’s own words to Yennefer back to her like a mantra:
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But to what end? Vilgefortz has nothing but contempt towards Tissaia and Yennefer’s relationship, and later Yennefer and Ciri’s bond. This is all a projection of his horrific mommy issues (more on that later) but here's an example of his feelings towards motherhood taken from Lady of the Lake: 
“I would have given you a reason for your crippled excuse of a maternal instinct. Although you’re dry and sterile as a stone, you’d not only have a daughter, but a granddaughter too. Or at least an excuse for a granddaughter."
Aretuza is the perfect hunting ground for Vilgefortz to find victims for his elder blood experiments. Students that don’t ascend are callously discarded, and coupled with the fact the girls have only been sent there as they have zero place in society and their families want them gone, they now fit the profile of ‘perfect victim’. Nobody’s that won’t be missed. If S3 follows the books then when Vilgefortz and Tissaia take control over Aretuza Tissaia will be promoted to Arch-Mistress meaning her protection of the girls slips as her her attention shifts elsewhere. Now Vilgefortz can play.
However there was a moment in S1 that makes me think he’s been set up an opposing force to Tissaia’s maternal nature since the beginning:
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Vilgefortz has been snatching these girls from just beyond Tissaia’s reach. He is making a mockery of her role as rectoress and the motherly role she has adopted towards her girls. This has now been confirmed as true via RI.
What becomes of Vilgefortz’ victims is something Geralt will discover in S3 when he goes on the hunt for Rience’s master and discovers a grotesque monster consisting of girl body parts fused together by fire. Fun. 
Tissaia and Vilgefortz’s relationship was never simple - consider these motives and exactly why he is so intimately placed within Tissaia and Yen’s relationship. Vilgefortz has dug his claws deeps and intends to weaponise Tissaia’s demise against Yennefer to break her.
Now onto the coup, in a bid for redemption a politically motivated Yennefer will be directly responsible for organising the conclave of mages in S3. Whether she is directed to do so by Tissaia or Vilgefortz or through her own volition remains to be seen. We know there are ulterior motives regardless of who hosts.
 What’s particularly striking about this is that as Thanedd burns it completes Yennefer’s self fulfilling prophecy, as warned about over the seasons by Stregobor.
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Stregobor is adamant Yennefer will lead Thanedd to ruin and compares her alleged actions to that of Falka during her rebellion in S2. Anything to reclaim power. He insists history will repeat itself and likely foreshadows his own death at Thanedd:
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The question is will Stregobor uncover the true identity of Aretuza’s traitor or will he die clinging to the belief that Yennefer will betray them all?
Moving onto the aftermath of the Thanedd coup the tiny blink and you miss it interactions between Vilgefortz and Yen take form - the fight that never was, the power exchange in front of Kings, her return to Aretuza, and all the jarring similarities between them. Yen was never working with Nilfgaard, she was working with him. At least this is what Vilgefortz wants the Continent to believe and he’s been planting that seed since S1. Stregobor noticed it. The Northern Kings saw it. Geralt will see it. 
Now Yennefer is all alone and her relationships have been systematically destroyed. 
Aretuza is gone and Tissaia is dead. Geralt has only just forgiven Yen for trying to sacrifice Ciri in S2, what will his natural conclusion be when Yennefer takes them to Aretuza and lands them in front of Vilgefortz? The Lodge knows Yennefer is innocent but that doesn’t fit their narrative so her friends run with her being a traitor and are happy to let her die as one.
Yennefer is now on the run and the only path she has is directly back to Vilgefortz.
TWN may not delve as far into her isolation as the books did; there are hints that Geralt and Yennefer will face Vilgefortz together and honestly I would prefer that. Geralt’s acceptance that Yennefer betrayed him in the books never sat well with me so I would welcome that change in the show. 
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So why has Vilgefortz done this to Yen? We begin to understand when Vilgefortz tries to recruit Geralt during Time of Contempt; he beguiles him with philosophy, immortality and concerning ideologies regarding women but Geralt simply doesn’t bite, until Vilgefortz hits too close to home.
"And there at the end of the world, I met a woman. A sorceress". "Be careful", whispered the Witcher, and his eyes narrowed. "Be careful that the similarities you are so desperately searching for don’t lead you too far".
Geralt rejects all of Vilgefortz’s attempts to find common ground with him and alluding to Yennefer is a step too far. Vilgefortz denies this connection and goes onto discuss how his preternatural rage stems from his mother’s rejection, the callousness of the Brotherhood and then back to the sorceress once more. 
“I left her. Because she was promiscuous, arrogant, spiteful, unfeeling and cold. Because it was impossible to dominate her, and her domination of me was humiliating…I left her, because she was like my mother. I suddenly understood what I felt for her was not love at all…a perverse need for suffering and atonement. What I felt for that woman was hate.”
Vilgefortz’s reason for becoming a mage was hatred - he has nothing but contempt for women and the magical Chapter. Yennefer is the embodiment of that hatred, from her own cold and spiteful demeanour and later her selfless maternal quest to save Ciri, she is the perfect target for his rage. He wants her to suffer and be humiliated as he was. 
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Neither Vilgefortz or Yennefer were ever going to be satisfied sitting courtside at the beck and call of a King, in that respect and in many other ways they are similar. But their major difference is where that quest for power leads them and for Yennefer in TWN that leads her to attempting to sacrifice Ciri to regain what she lost. 
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Yennefer gains far more when she meets Ciri - she finds connection, she finds a daughter, she finds everything she has been searching for. Her desire for power pales in significance to the point she would sacrifice her own life to save Ciri’s. She becomes utterly selfless and in doing so distinguishes herself from the Lodge and the antagonist she has been paralleled against from the second he appeared on screen. This is the Yennefer that will be tortured by Vilgefortz for months, but she accepts this as long as she can keep Ciri safe.
 I don’t necessarily agree with Yen’s actions in S2 but they’re not unfounded. The issue is the fandom at large has been drawn to caricatures of these characters that are the very antithesis of who they are. For a fandom that loudly professes their commitment to complicated women Yennefer was relegated to a love interest in S2 remarkably quickly. Fuck her complexity, she’s holding hands with a man now, therefore who cares what she did to Ciri. Let her be a little evil.
 It’s just such a dull reductionist take on Yen. 
Vilgefortz falls victim to this too - there’s zero exploration or even expectation of a motive which is tragic as the antagonist of the saga. It’s unusual how little traction Mahesh Jadu gets as a villain considering tumblr’s obsession with them but I imagine once Vilgefortz interacts with Geralt perception will change as it did with Yennefer after interacting with Jaskier, Istredd after meeting Geralt and I can only imagine the reception Phillipa will receive after interacting with Jaskier too. Is it an unfortunate pattern or is it just a coincidence that these characters only get traction after being blessed with meeting the golden white men of the franchise? I digress.
Vilgefortz and Yennefer are complicated characters who make zero attempt to coddle the audience but what they do do is contextualise each other. They are what the other hates most, and yet they’re mirror images. They deserve more than being reduced to lazy tropes and love interests and hopefully in S3 more people give both Anya and Mahesh the opportunity to show the depth and intrigue their characters can bring to the Witcher. 
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userblaney · 1 month
dont confuse me for a hendrick fan but GOD their throwback schemes for darlington fuck hard
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