#trans and jewish musings
gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
To me, being trans is one of the most incredible blessings a human can receive from HaShem. From the moment we take our first breath, we are given the wondrous opportunity to mould ourselves b'tzelem Elohim–in the image of G-d. Every day we get to decide what b'tzelem Elohim means for us; we get to lovingly form ourselves like clay, every iteration a reflection of the Divine all on its own, into the image… the person that HaShem always knew we could become.
—G-J-B (Queer & Jewish Musings)
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It's said that certain wonders of creation were created "Bein HaShmashot"- the twilight between the sixth day of creation and the beginning of the first Shabbat. During Bein HaShmashot, many unexplainable creations and important objects were created; including the first blacksmith's tongs, the rainbow, and the donkey that spoke. As a trans person, I am often in the twilight of the life, as if I myself am Bein HaShmashot- between two days. Twilight is the transitional time, a time of great mystery and uncertainty. I know what it feels like to be unexplainable. I am often at the crossroads between manhood and womanhood, religious and secular, confident and doubtful. When there is a Mechitza, I don't know where to stand, because I am constantly in this twilight state. We cannot fully explain why trans people exist, sometimes we're as strange and ineffable as the first fire and the Ten Commandments. It's not a curse or a blessing to be created Bein HaShmashot. Great things were created during this time, and terrible things too, and things that are neither good nor bad- just different. Twilight is the time between the two lights- the sun and the moon. In Jewish mysticism, the sun embodies the masculine, and the moon embodies the feminine. For trans people like myself, we are often cast in the twilight of these times- neither fully in the sunlight or fully in the moonlight. I am neither fully part of manhood's day or womanhood's night. There are things in life we cannot fully explain, but we're not meant to understand everything. Hashem chose to create certain phenomena Bein HaShmashot- to be in this liminal space between knowing and unknowing. Is it not then possible that in His infinite wisdom, She created our beautiful transgender souls Bein HaShmashot?
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vvvivvd · 1 year
Der shtern. דער שטערן. The brow, the star. The ridge on my skull I obsess over. This brow makes me feel like a monster, testosterone marred, like a man, I think. I see through society’s eyes the monster they make of me. I clock myself. I allow myself to forget it is a star the very top of my being. And how could I forget the story of the monster they made me out to be, that also held the spell to their undoing? When they created me, the golem, they brought me to life by inscribing the word אמת, truth, upon my forehead. In their minds they made me a monster. Their monster. Because they could not face truth themselves, they gave it to me. Of course the truth was already there, they merely wrote it out. Upon my forehead, my shtern, my star, truth. Like anthropologists labeling their collection, they wrote truth on my star.
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sweet-chimera · 3 months
TW: Call out post, drama
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// Damn we were going to keep it quiet and respectful until this point. because like always. Spork, aka Shiloh can't take accountability and Never does anything wrong despite the fact that this is the what? 6th group of people enmass to cut contact with them? Spork we were being quiet about it for YOUR sake. Cause you're a bad person and we wanted to be done with you. But fine. We'll do it your way. We blocked you because you're a toxic person who threatens to harm yourself when we don't comply to you. Not because of a fake wedding rp event. Content and stories under the cut. Long post trigger warning
And because he named dropped us, potentially to potentially insight violence on us. We'll return the favor. We were willing to just soft block and call it a day but then you do this? We knew you were a karen but come on spork. This is low even for you. For those of you that don't know, Spork aka:
patchiesdoodles, decipheringmadness, cxpescxwlsandcrxmes, ifyouwouldloveme, thegreeksknewthescore, fxllen-cne, thxpatriarch, unforgivendivine, AND the-blackened-dove.
Likes to block evade, exhibit controlling tendencies towards their rp partners, leverage marginalization's to groups that he doesn't belong to to white knight and get his way, tone police, sexually harass people mainly on voice call, guilt trip, bully those that speak out against him, use his partners to harass people who block him, vague posts, gives ultimatums, and threaten self harm when he doesn't get his way.
Lets get this out of the way, My experience with spork
I met spork in the muntain june 2023. And it was one of the most grating experience of my life. At every chance they got they spoke over people, talked openly about their sexual trauma when no one has consented to hearing it. And tone policed me, a cambodian/afro indigenous person from baltimore, for using language that was "Offensive to black people." Only to then lay off after yelling at me for a few minutes. When he found out I was black. (Screen shot of me talking to the mod of the muntain afterwards)
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I was off put, and upset. That someone who is this complexion
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But seeing as we're a vastly neuro divergent community. I forgave and forgot because it wasn't worth the fight. it didn't stop them from constantly bringing up sexual or traumatic topics. But at the very least. They were upset at me for using AAVE and saying the N word. A SLUR I CAN USE.
But then later down the line. I talked to the muntain mod about introducing my partners to the rp community and to help the transition go smoothly.
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My girlfriend joined on the 30th and my boyfriend joined on the first.
During the first call on the 30th. Spork dominated the conversation and flirted with my girlfriend infront of me upon finding out we were polyamourus. But for the most part was respectful.
On the voice call on the second. They were racist and immflamatory to my boyfriend. Tao. A native mexican man. Spork claims to be indigenous themself but I have no proof of this. But as we all know, Abrahamic religions have decimated the indigenous populations and caused Alot of harm.
On voice call. Spork brings up their LITERAL JESUS CHRIST muse. And talks about their religious trauma. Tao, also talks about his in the form of a joke. "Oh Jesus sure liked to wash feet huh?" A TRUE FACT. NOT THAT BAD. WE ALL HAVE MADE FUN OF IT.
Here comes white knight Spork, yelling at my partner to not make fun of jewish traditions. Its insensitive and blastephemous. Only to then dominate the conversation to talk about their trans jesus muse who openly talks about being abused by god
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(Recap of the voice call i had with the mod)
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So spork, a white passing person AT BEST, told my darker complexion NATIVE MEXICAN BOYFRIEND. That he shouldn't make jokes about judaism? When spork is a white satanist? And all abrahamic religions not just Catholicism has caused damage to our populations? You didn't even let him say more then that one joke, you didn't even give him 10 seconds to say is name before dominating the conversation again
Sweetie. 1.) Anyone can criticize and make fun of the bible, the torah, or the Quran. 2.) SAYING JESUS WASHED FEET. WHICH IS TRUE. IS NOT AS INFLAMMATORY. As making a gay trans jesus blog AS A ROLEPLAY CHARACTER. To talk about how god abused him.
And these are just my personal experiences with spork.
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YOU VAGUE POST ON THE DASH, GUILT TRIP PEOPLE FOR STILL ASSOCIATED WITH VOID (gin-n-chthonic) and get upset when you saw them on your dash because you keep block evading them to see if they were talking about you. YOURE MENTAL HEALTH WAS MESSED UP BECAUSE YOUR FRIEND HAD A POLITE CONVERSATION WITH YOU? ABOUT NOT REAL CHARACTERS? AND YOUR RESPONSE WAS A PUBLIC CALL OUT POST. And then you go around to people like slurk.
Who've you've been codependently abusing for a long time. And try to guilt trip them into blocking void.
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Because thats a sound response. AS WELL AS BITCH AND MOAN ABOUT IT IN CALL FOR DAYS. THIS ISN'T EVEN INCLUDING THE FACT THAT YOU HAVE A HABIT OF GETTING YOUR FRIENDS AND PARTNERS TO ATTACK AND OSTRICIZE PEOPLE FOR YOU. Remember when jessica was sick with covid. But you wanted an answer so bad. That you sent your boyfriend after her? CAUSE WE DO.
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And how you admitted in voice call that you would type from Boogies account to send people things, speak for him. OR ADMITTED THAT ROLEPLAYING IS A SPIRITUAL THING FOR YOU. How these characters are extension of yourself and if they feel pain or rejected you do? So every time someones muse doesn't want to interact with them. YOU A REAL HUMAN BEING FEEL THE PAIN?
cause we do.
you give ultimatums
guilt trip
block evade
were openly racist to a mexican indigenous man
hit on my girlfriend infront of me
can't read a room socially
send mobs after people
talk about traumatic shit without peoples consent
overly sexual even when we say we're uncomfortable
fly off the handle and go on public tirades when we try to talk to you, then get surprised when no one wants to talk to you and just quietly exits your life
use your loved ones accounts to talk to people who go nc with you
only white knight and virtue signal when its convenient to you
want to control everyones character and insert your muse into everything but when they don't comply you guilt trip, bitch, give ultimatums, or post publicly about not being loved
you weaponize your marginalization as a trans man but are clearly white passing and command alot of social power from your social media presence
sexually harass people around you
and you tone police the people of color around you when we speak up
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cockypark · 10 months
a short trans kyle fic for @kylematthewbroflovski! @spinthetags
word count: 806
Wendy drapes a towel over Kyle’s shoulders. There are hand towels on both sides of the bathroom counter, one with scissors and an electric razor, the other with a standard hairbrush and comb and a spray bottle. Looking at it spread out feels sort of medical to Kyle. Technical. Sterile. Nervousness builds. He wipes his palms on his jeans. “Should we put a towel on the floor?”
Wendy whips around. “No. We’ll just vacuum. My mom has the Dyson.” She was in the midst of her cleanfreak phase, so any stray hair was a threat. Despite that, she was extremely supportive of this decision.
Supportive and ambitious, it turned out. The day after they hatched the plan, Bebe asked Kyle if he was comfortable with her cutting his hair. “Wendy just doesn’t know anything about curly hair. Don’t you want the big chop to be good?” She was very convincing. Her hair was always in beautiful ringlets. Kyle struggled to tuck as much of his hair into his hat as possible. He did want this haircut to be good.
Wendy safety pins the two ends of the towel together. She looks at Kyle and his massive halo of red hair. A part of her is sad to see it go. It will never be this long again. Wow. “Sit up straight.”
Bebe and Wendy squeal when they see each other, and Bebe squeals when she sees Kyle’s hair. She is not hesitant to stick her hands right in. “I’ve always wanted to see it down!” He supposes it’s objectively nice hair. His mom was always after him to do something with it. He didn’t like to think about it as a part of him. Soon, it wouldn’t be.
Bebe eyes the equipment Wendy laid out. She goes into her own bag that Wendy is outraged she even brought and comes out with a wide toothed comb and a special brush. Bebe is outraged to find out Kyle isn’t familiar with any of it. “Maybe it’s best that you’re getting rid of it,” she muses. He couldn’t agree more.
It starts easily enough. Bebe gathers all his hair in one bushy ponytail and uses the razor to cut through it all. Kyle keeps his eyes shut tight. When it’s over, she holds the ponytail out. He can’t believe it came from him. It doesn’t look like his hair. Before he can get emotional about it, Wendy and Bebe start cheering. They’re shaking his shoulders and giggling. He laughs, too. He feels lighter.
It takes most of the afternoon. Bebe is dedicated to her craft. She blames it on Kyle’s hair. “So much detangling. Do you even condition?” Fine, it was both of their faults. It could have taken all night and he would have been happy it happened at all.
Assuringly, Bebe says several times, “I’m so good at this.” She wants to be a beautician for a living. Kyle thinks it must be nice to see that far into the future. He’s still trying to figure out who he is. At the final reveal, he thinks if she makes people feel this good, she should pursue it.
“So? What do you think?”
Kyle touches the perfect curl front and center. Then the full top. Then the sides. His hair has never been this short. He has never felt more like himself. “I love it. Thank you, Bebe.”
Bebe wraps her arms around his shoulders tightly. They don’t know each other that well, but it feels full of love. “I’m so happy. You look so good.”
“Very handsome,” Wendy adds. She hugs him, too, once he’s free of hair clippings.
“Nice Jewish boy,” Bebe sings from the bathroom. She was left with the mess. “Very handsome Jewish boy, going to impress Stan on Monday.”
Kyle rubs his neck sheepishly. The lack of hair is thrilling. “I don’t know, I-”
“Have my blessing,” Wendy interrupts. “You guys are better friends than we ever were, and are going to make a hell of a better couple.”
It’s not the first time she’s said that. Kyle can’t help feeling bad. He was friends with Wendy first, then made best friends with her boyfriend, and now he had a crush on him. It was not good friend behavior.
“It’s all girl code, anyway. You’re free.”
Then again, Bebe had her own share of bad friend behavior, and there were no hard feelings. Wendy is going after Tolkein, anyway.
“Free” is exactly how Kyle feels. He goes home feeling the best he ever has. He can’t take his hands off of it. He doesn’t even care what his mom is going to say. She had consented to the haircut. It didn’t matter if it’s what she had in mind or not, it’s what Kyle wanted. Besides, she couldn’t make it grow back.
if you like this please consider checking out my ao3! and if you're really interested, i am opening commissions :)
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fcsources · 9 months
Hi! I was wondering if you have fc suggestions for a muse that is an ice skater 🥹
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𝙝𝙞 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙗𝙞𝙚! i'm so so happy to help, as always, but it helps me help you when you're more specific, my love!! ♡ google informed me that most ice skaters are 15-30 years old so i went with that general age range and vibes! i hope this helps you, sweet
Anthony Keyvan ( 2000, actor, half Iranian && half Filipino )
Casimere Jollette ( 1996, actress, white )
Damiano David ( 1999, musician, white )
Emily Alyn Lind ( 2002, actress, white )
Finn Wolfhard ( 2002, actor, white/Jewish )
Griffin Gluck ( 2000, actor, one quarter Japanese/Jewish )
Halle Bailey ( 2000, musician with acting roles, Black )
Jannik Schumann ( 1992, actor, white )
Jeff Satur ( 1995, musician with acting roles, part Thai-Chinese )
Lola Tung ( 2002, actress, one quarter(?) Chinese )
Nicholas Galitzine ( 1994, actor, white )
Park Heejung ( 1991, model with acting roles, Korean )
Quintessa Swindell ( 1997, actor, part Black, non-binary )
Rachel Zegler ( 2001, actress, Colombian )
Zhong Lili ( 2000, actress, Chinese )
Zion Moreno ( 1995, actress, Mexican, trans )
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dear-indies · 3 months
Hi dearies! I was wondering if you could help me find an fc (obviously!) The muse in mind had a bit of a wild side in their youth but is trying to turn it around now and be a proper adult. I know that's a little particular, but thankfully nothing else is decided! Any ethnicity, gender or age as long as they can sell the "used to be bad but now good" look. Please and thank you! Hopefully that made sense 🤞
Danny Trejo (1944) Mexican [Indigenous, as well as European, small amount of African].
Lindsay Duncan (1950)
Clarke Peters (1952) African-American.
Benjamin Bratt (1963) Peruvian of Quechua descent, White.
Timothy Olyphant (1968)
Peter Dinklage (1969) - has achondroplasia.
Melissa McCarthy (1970)
Don Lee (1971) Korean.
Carla Gugino (1971)
Michael Irby (1972) African-American / Mexican.
Clemens Schick (1972) - has said that he's not interested in either "gay" or "heterosexual" labels and falls in love with both men and women, but only dates men.
Sara Ramírez (1975) Mexican and some Irish - non-binary, queer and bisexual (they/them) - is pro Palestine!
Pedro Pascal (1975) White Chilean - called for ceasefire and medical aid in Palestine!
Tawny Cypress (1976) African-American, Accawmacke / White - is queer.
Raúl Castillo (1977) Mexican.
Rutina Wesley (1978) African-American - has dated men and women but hasn't labelled her sexuality.
Natasha Lyonne (1979) Ashkenazi Jewish.
Stephanie Beatriz (1981) Colombian [White, one quarter Sephardi Jewish, possibly other] / Bolivian [Unspecified Indigenous, White, possibly other] - is bisexual.
JD Pardo (1980) Argentinean / Salvadorian.
T'Nia Miller (1980) Afro Jamaican - is a lesbian.
Ricky Whittle (1981) Afro Jamaican / White.
Beth Ditto (1981) - is queer - is pro Palestine!
Gabriel Luna (1982) Mexican and Lipan Apache.
Riz Ahmed (1982) Pakistani - is pro Palestine!
Mahesh Jadu (1982) Bihari, Gorakhpuri and Kashmiri Indo-Mauritian.
Billie Piper (1982)
Dichen Lachman (1982) Tibetan / German.
Ed Skrein (1983) Ashkenazi Jewish / possibly English.
Greta Lee (1983) Korean.
Levy Tran (1983) Vietnamese.
Carlos Miranda (1984) Nicaraguan.
Asia Kate Dillon (1984) Ashkenazi Jewish / Unspecified - non-binary and pansexual (they/them) - is pro Palestine!
Max Riemelt (1984)
Jaimie Alexander (1984)
Richard Cabral (1984) Mexican.
Rahul Kohli (1985) Punjabi Indian - uses he/they.
Clayton Cardenas (1985) Mexican, Filipino.
Miguel Gomez (1985) Colombian.
Jai Courtney (1986)
Josh Segarra (1986) Puerto Rican.
Monica Raymund (1986) Dominican Republic / English, Ashkenazi Jewish - is bisexual.
Roberta Colindrez (1986) Mexican - is queer.
Michaela Coel (1987) Ghanaian - is aromantic.
Sarah Snook (1987)
Mae Martin (1987) - is non-binary (they/them).
Lewis Tan (1987) Singaporean Chinese / White.
David Castañeda (1989) Mexican.
Danielle Brooks (1989) - has openly dated men and women but hasn't labelled her sexuality.
Hannah John-Kamen (1989) Nigerian / Norwegian.
Jack O'Connell (1990)
Michaela Jaé Rodriguez (1991) African-American, 1/4 Emma Mackey- is trans.
Ramy Youssef (1991) Egyptian - is pro Palestine!
Jeanine Mason (1991) Cuban.
Julio Macias (1990) Mexican.
Eric Graise (1990) African-American - is a double leg amputee and uses prosthetic legs and a wheelchair.
Kiowa Gordon (1990) Hualapai (maternal grandmother), White.
Barry Keoghan (1992)
Bae Suzy (1994) Korean.
Jessie Mei Li (1995) Hongkonger / English - is a gender non-conforming woman who uses she/they.
Bilal Baig (1995) Pakistani - is genderfluid and non-binary (they/them).
Kehlani (1995) African-American, French, Blackfoot, Cherokee, Mexican, Filipino, White, Choctaw - non-binary womxn, lesbian and polyamorous - she/they - is pro Palestine!
Ruth Codd (1996) - is a right leg below the knee amputee and uses a prosthetic leg.
Florence Pugh (1996) - is pro Palestine!
Emma Mackey (1996)
Emilio Sakraya (1996) Moroccan and Serbian.
Please let me know if you'd like something more specific!
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rar3wubb0x · 1 year
Promo/Pinned post
(Ooc Rules and other under the cut!)
I could not contain myself any longer, I had to give my interp of Rare Wubbox a blog.
Harrass the muse, not the mod
Do not spam asks
No outwright sexual things- Mun is an adult, but is uncomfy with such things
I won't be running this exactly how I run my other blogs. This one isn't very RP based- It's more Ask-blog based. In-universe, Rare Wubs is actually using a computer to access this blog. So, keep that in mind.
On this blog, we believe that Love is better than Hate! Trans women are women, trans men are men, enby people are loved, black lives matter, jewish people rock, etc! If you are here to spread hate, you will be blocked.
Thank you and enjoy your stay!
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magnetothemagnificent · 7 months
I know it probably doesn't matter, your blog, your rules. I just wanted to let you know that I was hoping to follow you so I could learn how to be more sensitive to Jewish people, the post I originally saw that made me follow in the first place seemed like you're trying to educate. I'm an educator too, for different topics. I'm also trans.
But because of the jews only thing you have going on (totally your right, no judgment) I can't, because I'll inevitably forget to check the tags and respond to something you don't want gentile input on. Your reactions to people who have done so aren't as kind as I need an educator to be.
I already feel awful because I don't know more about Judaism and your culture. So, I had to unfollow. I only wanted to point out, as another person interested in educating others about my marginalizations, a result you may not have been aware of. If you educate, its really difficult to put blocks like that up and hope for people to learn to do better. Blessings and I hope you do well.
I totally get that, but my blog isn't an education blog. It's a mishmash of a bunch of things I'm passionate about. Sometimes it's stuff about my personal interests, like dentistry, anthropology, and fandoms. Sometimes it's art. Sometimes it's shitposts. Sometimes it's random musings about gender and Judaism and all kinds of stuff. And yes, sometimes it's education. I enjoy educating, but that's not not why I made this blog. If you follow me purely for educational stuff, I'm afraid you're gonna get quite lost.
But that's the issue with people viewing any member of a marginalized group as purely an educator, isn't it?
I don't exist to educate. If you want a blog to follow for just my educational input, I'm a moderator for Is-The-Thing-Jewish. But this blog is my own blog. And currently it's the high holidays and that always means spikes in antisemitism and personal existential crises. Plus my close friend died a few weeks ago, my ex is stalking me again, and my grandfather might have cancer, so forgive me if I'm not going to be the nicest and most welcoming and make more personal posts geared only towards myself or those I consider myself close to. This is my blog, take it or leave it.
And honestly if you only came to my blog to be educated, I'm glad you unfollowed, because I'm not a lesson, I'm a person.
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dungeonbf · 9 months
i’ve been musing and i think one of the best things about my selfships is that all my f/os share traits with me. some are psychotic, some are jewish, trans, queer, etc, like self-shipping really is a form of self-love
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allgather · 1 year
I love being self-indulgent and sharing important parts of myself with my muses. pidge is from a mixed-faith family and is jewish, autistic, and non-binary. angus is jewish and autistic, too. kankuro is jewish. kazuma is disabled and has chronic migraines. shisui is disabled. iruka has ocd and is trans. jonouchi is trans. and kakeru is stupid.
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year
“you can’t write that plot or expand the worldbuilding in that universe!! it’s too far out!! it’s too complicated!! it’s too unrealistic!! you’re just throwing random twists and connecting narratives together and linking these characters in the plot via time period or character relation!! besides it's not canon!! those characters would never meet or get along!! you can't just make new narratives or perspectives or skillsets for that character!! you can't racebend white characters into muses of color!! you can't hc that character as trans or nonbinary or genderfluid or gay or bi or aro or ace!! you can't write villainous, toxic or abusive characters because that means you condone those behaviors!! you can't hc that character as mixed or jewish or native or autistic or neurodivergent bc you're self projecting!! you can't write about social issues and the grievances you suffer through your muses!! you can't make your female characters overpowered or they'll be mary sues!! you can't—” 
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ofsgiathan · 1 year
17. Something that you find unforgivable?
there's actually a lot of things that i find unforgivable. but there are two things that i truly find unforgivable and absolutely horrendous:
it's okay to have animanga like attack on titan be inspired by the nazis but it's not okay for characters to canonically be lgbt-phobic?? i'm sorry but they're both equally bad. especially considering that there are an infinite number of people who are jewish and lgbt. you can't tell me that one is worse than the other. i'm an equal opportunities complainer. if i'm gonna complain about one problematic thing then i'm gonna complain about literally everything. and keep in mind that this is all coming from someone who's gender queer ( she/they ) and is a demi bi.
oversexualizing minors, proshipping, and aging up minors because "uwu they're sexy"?? this is legitimately as to why i can't bring myself to deal with miraculous tales of ladybug and cat noir. people are fucking weirdos. i'm fine with people aging up their muses because they either already are or going to be an adult by the end of the series ( a few prime examples being bleach and attack on titan ) but don't age them up for the sake of being gross.
trying to justify either either of these two is not okay. however. i'm also not okay with what many would call the "white knight syndrome" where we completely disregard all of the problems in the world.
for instance, there is this book called Cemetery Boys by Adrien Thomas. it's about a latinx trans male who's from a very transphobic family and refuses to even remotely acknowledge him as a male. bonus points that adrien is also a latinx trans nonbinary ( they/them ) author! i'm yet to read it but i do own it. i've also heard nothing but good things about it and that it really shines on the topic of transphobia ( and how it affects people in bipoc communities ).
with that being said, this proves that we can talk about problematic situations when it comes to fictitious characters and not agree with them. this is why the term "mun =/= muse" exists in the first place. either way, we're all entitled to our own opinions and are the ones in charge of curating our own safe spaces. because i know for a fact that i find quite a lot of things uncomfortable but can also acknowledge that disregarding them doesn't help.
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hostilecityshowdown · 2 years
[ Put your loving hand out - Notes]
[ fic ] ◇ [ mango's heartbreak hotel au ]
thanks for reading! here's a quick breakdown of some additional information, mostly about my diesel muse.
• he's a long-haul trucker working for a shipping company. his first job was a car production factory which his parents also worked at. he was pursuing a career in basketball when he sustained a career ending injury, and he started working as a bouncer at gay and leather clubs. he met dallas and razor working this job and is still tight with them.
• he may or may not have participated in performative kink under the stage name vinnie vegas at dallas' club for extra cash
• he isn't a wrestler, since this is a strict au, but he's still very passionate about professional wrestling and probably would be happy doing it
• he's a traditional leatherman, and you can read about leather culture here
• ^he loves depeche mode
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• the song "shot full of love" is what inspired scott hall to call michael hickenbottom the heartbreak kid in real life
• his tattoos are not identical to kevin nash's! he has arm and hand tattoos in the same places, but their imagery is different in both design and significance. kevin nash isnative american and his lingeage unknown but, being in michigan, i assume it isn't a stretch to write my diesel muse as ojibwe/anishinaabe. his tattoos were performed by indigenous artists and feature imagery significant to the ojibwe. i'm algonqiun and alutiiq and don't feel comfortable trying to ascribe exact descriptions of appearance and importance as i'm not ojibwe, but i imagine they're similar to my experience with other anishinaabe family/community members' tattoos.
• the title of this fic is a line from "beggin," first performed by madcon then expertly covered by måneskin.
recommended listening: stay in the light - honeymoon suite, rooms on fire - stevie nicks, seven day fool - jordan valentine, come back and stay - paul young, and depeche mode's entire "violator" album. actually, i have a whole playlist for hbk and diesel with all these songs and more. go nuts
• diesel is a trans man. the narrative implies and supports that he has had chest masculinising surgery (peri technique), hysterectomy, and atl phalloplasty with an erectile device implant. here's a link to some history about implants in ftm and trans masc phalloplasties.
• the narrative does not imply he's had facial masculinisation surgery, but he has. with his phalloplasty, he also had vaginectomy and urethral lengthening performed, and he is on testosterone.
• i used leatherman, a collection of erotic stories edited by simon sheppard for inspiration
• i mention a character named xan, in reference to corey alexander's nom-de-plume xan west. xan wrote a story about a gay vampire and a trans man titled "willing" that holds a very special place in my heart, and i recommend seeking it out. self described as a "autistic queer fat Jewish genderqueer writer with multiple disabilities," corey had a massive influence on modern LGBTQIA+ fiction, especially in relation to kink, and they sadly passed away in 2020. everyone interested in writing (especially) bi, gay, trans, non binary, and gnc men and LGBT+ subcultures should read their work and dissertations on the topics of writing these characters
• full credit to mango, @1-2-3kid ! this takes place in their universe and was edited and co-written by them. special thanks to johnny, @bret-hitman-hart for being very fun and cool and contributing to a big thing i have in the works. you're both the realest
• thank you for reading
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dear-indies · 1 year
Hi, Cat. Hope you're having a good night. If you don't mind, could you please help me find a fc for a fairy tale based muse? She's a former servant for a wealthy noble family who later becomes a princess after she breaks the spell the prince is under. She's easily scared at first, but finds her determination and bravery. Race and ethnicity don't matter. I don't have an age decided yet, but anywhere from 21 to 29 should be fine. My first thought was Maris Racal, but I'm having a little trouble finding Bisaya first names, so I thought I'd look at other options. Thanks so much!
Hey, anon! If you're looking for names and culture guides I'd suggest looking over the following by the amazing @minjeongwinters:
quick cheat sheet for bisaya words
volume one: surnames from indigenous philippine languages
so you want to write a filipino muse: a basic guide, from an actual filipino.
But as for more suggestions, most of which have period-style resources, I think Maris would be a great suggestion though!
Stephanie Levi-John (1989) Afro-Carribean.
Sophia Nomvete (1990) Black South African / Iranian.
Adelaide Kane (1990) - is bisexual.
Aiysha Hart (1990) Saudi Arabian and English.
Kiran Sonia Sawar (1991) Pakistani.
Michaela Jaé Rodriguez (1991) African-American / African-American and Puerto Rican - is trans.
Naomi Scott (1993) Gujarati Indian / English.
Hande Erçel (1993) Turkish.
Kim Adis (1993) Bisaya Filipino.
Olivia Cooke (1993)
Zoë Robins (1993) Nigerian, possibly other.
Rose Williams (1994)
Moses Ingram (1994) African-American.
Simone Ashley (1995) Tamil Indian.
Geraldine Viswanathan (1995) Tamil Indian / Swiss-German.
Amy James-Kelly (1995)
Xu Jia Qi (1995) Chinese.
Meng Zi Yi (1995) Chinese.
Katherine McNamara (1995)
Anya Chalotra (1996) Kashmiri Indian / English.
Anya Taylor-Joy (1996)
Ruby Barker (1996) Montserratian and Irish.
Amita Suman (1997) Bhojpuri Nepalese.
Charithra Chandran (1997) Tamil Indian.
Annabelle Davis (1997) - has spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita.
Lana Condor (1997) Vietnamese.
Morgan Holmstrom (1997) Metis of Cree descent, Ilocano Filipino, and Sambal Filipino.
Nicole Maines (1997) - is trans.
Gabbi Garcia (1998) Tagalog Filipino.
Daisy Edgar-Jones (1998)
Joey King (1999) English, other / one quarter Italian, three quarters Ashkenazi Jewish.
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soviet-ghost-story · 2 years
is your muse out as lgbtq+? how specifically and in what situations, if that varies.
Hi there! This all really depends on the setting, but in a general sense, when someone is first interacting with Bucky without any previous RP interaction, no. Bucky is not out of the closet, and has been in the closet since he was a youth. Bucky grew up in a time when queer people were stigmatized despite the fact that NYC was the epicenter of what was called the "Pansy Craze" and had a rich queer nightlife. It was illegal for two men to fornicate due to sodomy and indecency laws at the time, and as the only son and oldest child of a moderately well off family in Brooklyn Heights, there were certain things that he knew he couldn't be seen doing. He bottled it up viciously and tried to correct what he viewed as 'deviant' behavior within himself, not thinking of it as something to be indulged or that could be normal. He didn't want people to know he was queer, and have that perception put Steve in jeopardy in a guilt by association situation. Still, Steve was his best friend, and was an artist and hung out with a certain more liberal crowd as it was, so he was exposed to some of this despite his best efforts. In the modern day, he's still closeted, but he's overcome much of his internalized homophobia. He'd educated himself on the advent of LGBTQ+ rights, current views of the LGBTQ+ community among the Jewish communities, and has since begun to gravitate towards Reform Judaism as his own views evolve. He still keeps his sexuality private, and most of his friends don't know from the get-go, UNLESS the RPer and I have plotted something out behind the scenes already. Situations where this would vary are, again - if the RPer and I have plotted something out where the characters are already a couple, or have already had that discussion prior to our initial posts, then that's fine. But if there is no discussion prior to writing our first posts with one another, it's safe to assume that he is closeted until further notice.
I also write Bucky as bisexual on this blog, just because I have comics canon ships as well, and in the comics, I headcanon him as bisexual, but in the MCU, I headcanon him as gay. Rather than write off all of the wonderful women muses that I get to interact with, I opt in for bisexual for M/F threads, and gay for M/M threads - this is regardless of cis or trans status of Bucky's partners. In his view, trans men are still men, and trans women are still women, and as such, does not alter his own perception of his given sexuality.
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