#tricycle rambles
cardis-tricycle · 1 month
Happy little me while watching Miasma: Oh my - look! It's Nihil and his saxophone! That's so cool!
Nihil: *trying to strangle Kevin*
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aqqleshiqqing-archive · 9 months
this is such an indulgent au I made for myself that's not even related to selfshipping but i love to imagine the dexholders in a filipino school setting where some of the kids are part of the class officers and this is definitely based on my irl experiences with my old class when I was elementary to... freshman. <3
#ill just ramble in the tags from here on out#the class batch counts from the kanto to the hoenn dexholders - since they're all the most tied to one another#the officer list might change but the ones ive definitely settled were like#blue. he's the president of the class - he's quiet smart but handsome and would be a teacher's pet because he's also oak's grandson#red is vice president - he's a goofy compared to blue but he still has that vibe of someone you can absolutely rely on (and he does it)#would sometimes get told off by blue for being too carefree with his duties but they still go well together as a duo#i think i wrote secretary for crystal!! since crystal would definitely have a lot of biodata on her pokemon#it's only natrual that she'd be pretty good at being a secretary#in my class being a secretary means to keep track of students' attendances and names - basically writing a lot of things!#she's the smartest i like to think shes probably in the same ranking as blue (high honor students)#red is around the middle#green is the treasurer! (i was the treasurer last school year actually)#now i know this ones such a wild one because green is noctorious for being a good thief but that also means you cant outsmart her with money#and she's sure to keep the money safe. maybe she would spend the money secretly for her personal wants but she refills the amount she paid#<- i totally did that. nobody from my class knows me here so i can say this with full confidence AKSJSJAJJSJSJD#except its not for personal its for emergency LMAO like getting plete for tricycle n shit#looking at my notes apparently i wrote that sapphire and gold should be sergeants - i mean. i mean they can do the job but like#they're also kinda. insane so like - that's gonna be funny#sergeants are supposed to watch for their classmate's misconduct or stop anyone from fighting or whatever#that's all i wrote - i left the rest blank#about sapphire - i totally see her in my old classmate who was crazy about anime boys (except its franticshipping)#she's aggressive (to boys especially) but she also gets super UWU OMG KYAA BOYS <3 bitch THAT'S LITERALLY SAPPHIRE AND RUBY#that girl also acts tsundere at times so like. yeah you're sapphire coded girlie#ok thats all....#i kept this au to myself for like 2 months now PGPPTPTPTPGTP#pokespe hours#🍀 jil's rambling
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roseverdict · 6 months
parents will really be like "so did you choose to not check to see if i messaged you this morning or were you just willfully ignoring me?" to someone with untreated diagnosed ADHD who has repeatedly requested assistance in seeing a therapist again, and those parents will see no issue in also believing that if the ADHD person isn't getting medicated it must be a conscious decision on their part and not Can't Fucking Rember To Do Things Themself Syndrome
and then they'll go "why don't you talk to me anymore :("
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georgierre · 2 years
f1 philippine gp but the drivers parade has either tricycles or jeepneys
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dougielombax · 9 months
*furiously speeds away from the scene of the incident on a comically small tricycle*
“You’ll NEVER catch me!!!”
*tricycle abruptly breaks apart into many pieces scattering all over the floor causing me to fall on my arse*
“OOOMFPH!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!”
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If Yamato had a baby sister
featuring: Hyuga & Rocky
Yamato has never really had to truly look after his friends. Granted, some of them wouldn't be alive if they hadn't been able to rely on each other but to completely be in charge of someone? Only his sister.
The Sannoh guys aren't surprised whenever he walks in Itokan, 6'ft Yamato with a 4 year old trailing behind him peddling a black plastic tricycle.
She would look at them and shoot them a peace sign. Then, wheel away to go find one of the coloring books Naomi keeps for her.
Yamato treats her like a baby and an adult at the same time.
He's rambling about an issue and she nods and writes something down.
Yamato sighs, rubbing his jaw, "So what should I do now?"
She rubs her chin as she looks at the paper she has in front of her. She grabs it and raises it up for him to see. It's a drawing of a cow.
Yamato would learn how to braid hair and the first time he tried... His mother came home to find her precious daughter with a bird nest on her head.
His sister would have the same big appetite as him. If he's not keeping an eye on his sandwhich, he'll turn around and find half of it gone.
Whenever his mother would get home late she'd make him read to her at night.
His mother would sing to her too, but last time Yamato tried that she stuffed her head underneath her pillow until he stopped.
His baby sister sick, or had a nightmare?
"Yamato...?" He didn't wake up to the sound of her voice but the bright light of the living room coming from the door.
He'd called out her name, groggy but soon aware she was standing at his bed. "Pipsqueak, what's wrong?"
"Bad dream," She frowned and wiped her face. When Yamato was fully awake he reached over to feel her forehead. Sweaty and really warm.
"Hey, hey," He hushed her when she started to cry, "No, you're okay. How 'bout we have a sleepover, 'kay?"
He would instantly get up and lift her up the bed. He would get her medicine and something cold for her head. She would try kick out of the blanket, but Yamato tucked her in too tight for her to escape.
"Yamato?" His little sister drowsily called.
"Beat up bad dreams, please?"
He raised up a fist, making sure she saw before she goes to sleep, "I'll be ready, don't worry."
Since she was newborn she's been in the garage half her life and Yamato's really careful and stern about what she can't touch. She's good at not touching anything sharp and heavy, but sometimes she gets restless being in the garage all day.
So Yamato sometimes lets her sit by him, passing him tools light enough for her to give. She feels especially proud when he puts out his hands and says, "Okay, clean up time."
She cleans the oil and grime off of his hands with the rag on her lap. She would wave around the rag when she's done, "Tada!"
He's so proud of his little sister that he makes sure to tell her good job, even if she did the same thing twice that day.
Ichigo Milk are surprisingly some of Yamato's go-to babysitters. Usually when he has to go fight or go somewhere with Cobra. At first she's a little shy with them but she warms up to them quickly.
They spoil her a lot with cookies and stuff animals. One time she came home with yamato, asleep with an ichigo milk jacket wrapped around her. (It was Junko's)
"Stop calling Mommy grandma!"
Naomi serves her first before Yamato, which he sulks at every time, and every time Noami says it's because his sister is her favorite Asahina.
Whenever his sister wants pancakes, Noami makes them shaped like animals, and her 4 year old little mind is blown away.
She would like to play with Cobra's earrings.
Other than Yamato, Cobra's the only other person she likes to ask to tie her shoes.
His sister would be too young to remember who Noboru was, so when Noboru joins Sannoh Rengokai again she sees him as stranger.
But when he crouches down to reintroduce himself, she'd say, "My big brother has you in his wallet."
"Wow, that's cool," Noboru choked out while trying not to get teary-eyed.
Yamato would get her a little Sannoh Rengokai bandanna! But because of their enemies, he wouldn't let her wear it if he wasn't around to avoid any trouble.
The one and only time Dan had babysat Yamato's little sister she got LOST. Yamato should have known to leave her with Ichigo Milk, she gets lost easily and the girls are good at keeping her close.
While Dan was searching for her, making Chiharu and Tettsu help, she got distracted by a really tiny kitty. She wanted to catch it so bad that she never noticed how far away home she had gotten.
She noticed there were a lot of shiny things and red banners and paint everywhere. When she finally caught the kitten, she was in a strange building with people in red jackets everywhere. Her stomach hurt when she realized she didn't know where she was.
She didn't cry though, she had to look tough. But everytime she tugged on an adult's jacket, they'd just walk away or ignored her.
When someone finally looked down at her, he squinted, "and who the hell are you?"
She'd be too scared to talk so she just looked at her shoes. With a tug, someone beside the person grabbed her and said "Who the fuck let a kid in? I'll handle this, Hyuga."
"No," She yelled, kicking him away, "Fuck you!"
If Yamato ever found out about that, she'd be done for.
That made Hyuga laugh and crouch down to her, "Where's your parents, kid?"
It would take a little time but she would let him lift her to see if she spot her family. She shaked her head to his dismay.
While Yamato found out she was missing and losing his shit Hyuga tried to get answers from her. To be honest, he had kinda hoped she was from some rich family so that he could get compensation, but from her answers it didn't seem likely. His guys couldn't find anyone who had lost a child either.
An employee from the casino gave her a couple of napkins and a pen to keep her busy. She drew Hyuga a cat with a mustache and chain. She said it was him. Huh.
But the next thing she drew caught his eye. Even for a drawing from a 4 year old it was familiar.
"What's that, kid?"
"Sannoh!" She pointed, "This is my big brother, Yamato."
When Yamato got the call, he thought this day couldn't worse. Everyone from Sannoh Rengokai were riding over to Daruma. Just when things were calming down but Yamato was more than willing to start another war.
At the entrance, both Cobra and Yamato strolled in front. Hyuga emerged with his little sister in Hyuga's arms. Yamato was about to lunge but Cobra held his shoulder.
Hyuga pointed and said something to her which she happily nodded. He let her down and she waved goodbye. When she ran into Yamato's frozen body he suddenly could breathe again.
"Yamato! Yamato! Look!" She held up a daruma doll.
He lost a couple years of life that day. He also gets headaches everytime she asks to see Hyuga.
The next time she wander off, it was completely his fault. Sword agreed to meet for an emergency and he had no one to take care of her. He got Dan to watch over her from the very back of the warehouse. No one would notice and he would be in the same place.
But after the meeting was over, his little sister saw the red jackets from afar and got excited so she ran off and she saw something furry and soft on someone on her way.
She thought she could sneakily touch the fur coat of the person in all white but Rocky had turned around as soon as she grabbed the soft fur.
"Whoa," She gasped at the sight of his grill, "You're shiny!"
"Are you supposed to be here?" He asked laced with concern. She nodded and told him her big brother was here. Rocky told Koo to get the word around before the Sword groups could start leaving.
Rocky wasn't suprised when it was someone from Sannoh who had lost her. She held his hand as they walked over and babbled about Yamato. He found it really endearing.
"Yamatooo!" She ran over to him with a big hug.
"You really need to stop doing that," He knelt down and grabbed his own heart. "You're killing me."
She pointed at Rocky, "I want a fuzzy sweater like that, please."
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some stranger things headcanons(mostly ending up being ramblings bc im autistic)! feel sososo free to share yours with me or ask if i have any for a specific character! and shoutout to my bestie griffin for helping me come up with some of these
•max leaves like the most random shit in mikes locker. like he’ll open it and find like an origami armadillo or a piece of macaroni covered in glitter or like a singular fuzzy christmas sock. he has no idea its her(everyone else knows). he shows up to lunch every day with the item and gets more and more terrified every day.
•eddie has nicknames for all of the kids bc he loves them and hes alive and happy. he calls max ginger snap or little orphan annie or something along those lines and she acts pissed off but she loves it. he calls lucas number 8 bc even if he doesnt like basketball, he supports his kids in anything they do. dustin is just henderson ofc or the occasional like curly sue or smthn of that nature. he obvi calls erica lady applejack or miss america. he calls mike training wheel(nancy is steering wheel and holly is tricycle) or michael in the most ominous way possible. he calls will lil buddy or “sir william the wise, my lord” while doing the most dramatic curtsy ever, no in between. he calls el stupid shit like elton john or eleanor roosevelt and if hes greeting her he just asks her what number hes thinking of. i just love him and want him to be happy.
•el and mike are lesbian and gay solidarity argue with the wall. they were the first to find out about the other’s crush on max/will and they both encourage each other to go for it. el especially bc she hears how much will talks about mike. mike tries to get info from max but shes just like oh my god leave me alone(lovingly, ofc) with the reddest face ever and mike is like 🤔.
•max sees erica like a little sister and vice versa.
•will, robin, max, and eddie tell eachother all about their relationships/crushes and it ends in a nightmare every time. will told them about something really stupid mike said and eddie brought it up, laughing, at hellfire and mike was like “oh my god i fucked up so badly that will told eddie” and eddie tries to come up with another explanation like will wasnt the only other person there. “nonono, it wasnt will that told me! it was… nancy! she was… in the… bushes! for uhm……. newspaper stories???” and mike just thinks about it for the rest of the day
•idc abt canon they all go to lucas’s games and theyre huge dorks about it. they make signs and everything and then have a party at steves house regardless of whether they won or he even got to play. steve also helps lucas practice sometimes and is always like “go easy on me im old.”
•steve and robin worked a good few jobs in the months between the mall getting destroyed and the family video. they were there for maybe a week before one of them got fired(steve) and the other quit in protest bc theyre besties and share one braincell.
•lucas is a history kid, dustin and el are math kids, mike and max are english kids, and will is a science and art kid.
•steve hates his house because its always so lonely and he tells robin this like once in passing and she just shows up randomly with a duffel bag with her pjs and stuff. she probably has a key at this point so like he’ll get back from the shower or smthn and she’ll just be sitting on his bed watching tv like she lives there(she pretty much does), not that he minds obvi. he loves hanging out with her
•will and el are practically inseparable. they tell each other absolutely everything and have “sleepovers” once a week. when will realized that el doesnt know her birthday, he decided that they were gonna share his because everyone already jokingly calls them the wonder twins anyway. i literally just adore them and want more content with them.
•dustin and max will argue over the absolute dumbest stuff EVER. absolutely anything and everything. like max threatened to kill him over whether els shoes were mustard yellow or yellow-orange.
•mike acts like he hates steves guts when he finds out he likes eddie. like he’ll regularly be like “wow, you date my sister and now you’re going after my mentor.” and steve is just like “yeah, and ill go after your mom next. pipe down.”
•nancy and argyle vibe like no other and not a single person understands how. jonathan jokes that he cant believe his best friend would leave him for his ex and they all think its really funny.
•robin and steve cant spell restaurant or communicate or fairly simple words like that. they pass a singular braincell back and forth wand it probably belongs to nancy.
•steve taught all of the kids other than max how to drive. eddie taught max while steve had to like hold robins hand because of how nervous he was.
•dustin has zero rhythm(affectionate).
•el sat hopper down and asked him about his intentions with joyce like an overprotective dad when they got back from russia and always messes with him about the three inches rule.
•will gets along really well with nancy and holly. sometimes he’ll show up at the wheeler house and mikes pleasantly surprised to see him, thinking will there to see his bf but hes actually there for a tea party that holly invited him to or for his scheduled gossip session with nancy and probably steve, max, and el.
•el is an avid abba stan. she and will regularly end up having dance parties in her room when she plays it. argyle always joins in if hes over and jonathan does too, but not before he gets a couple of pictures bc he loves them a lot.
•eddie and robin smoke together on the occasion(they cried one time bc robin turned off the lights on accident and they were convinced they both went blind).
if you read this far i literally love you oh my god
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hmshermitcraft · 1 year
Someone recently put a ship out there that I never thought of before and I just need to ramble about it
The ship is Joel/Beef/Zed and here's the link to the post (hope links work with asks? If not holler and I'll send just the url)
Post says about how they initially meet and I fully support that but I also think none of them would get a chance to hang out immediately, like. Zed is doing a Zedvancement, Beef is still knee deep in TCG preparations at that point and Joel is busy with the Christmas village. Not much time for flirting or hanging out, they're constantly whisked away by something else.
But then. Zed wants to pull a prank on Etho. And Joel and Beef are the perfect people to help him. (And Zed wants to try and shoot his shot - I mean, he and Beef are sorta already a bit of a thing, but Joel? Nope.) Beef can provide the perfect excuse for someone to come to a secluded place (help with TCG!) while he and Joel set everything up.
And it works. It works beautifully. Etho is absolutely clueless as he comes over (Beef told him the deck randomizer somehow broke and he needs his help), and the three of them get him good. Etho has the look of a wet and pathetic cat once he catches on that he was pranked, but he laughs in the end.
While Joel and Zed clean up the area and Beef helps Etho clean up (necessary after the prank), Joel actually looks at the card making area and asks Beef about it. Beef, very proud of the amazing work he has done, explains everything to Joel and shows him the cards he's created. Joel sees the opportunity to compliment and flirt with Beef and grabs it with both hands, going all in and being very forward. (Hey, he doesn't exactly know when he'll see Beef and Zed again! He has to take the chance!)
Zed catches on very quickly and joins in. Beef tries to take it in stride and not show how absolutely flustered and happy it makes him. He tries to re-direct and compliments the whole machinery and plan they set up to prank Etho, shooting back just as many compliments and flirtations, until all three are just complimenting and really heavily flirting with each other.
Keep in mind all of this is happening while Etho is still here. And he does find it really sweet, but my god, the tension between those three is so thick you could cut it with a blunt knife and he's genuinely surprised one of them hasn't snapped yet and kissed someone.
This continues for a full 20 minutes until Etho, who himself isn't very quick in that regard, becomes exasperated and says "Gods, can you three just kiss already, you're worse than High School Teens."
It snaps them out of their complimenting and Joel blinks at Etho before his brain jumpstarts again.
"Right, that's what I felt like I was forgetting." He says almost nonchalantly before pulling Zed and then Beef in for a kiss - to the complaint of neither, rather a 'oh thank goodness I wanted to do that since I met you'.
And that's how Joel, Beef and Zed got together and became pranking menaces. Because if you think this is the first time the three of them pulled a prank, you're sorely mistaken.
It always ended with some kisses shared between the three of them though.
(I like to call them smallishzedbeef and wow would they be a trio)
They'll always be relieved about how lucky they were to get this opportunity. Zed is terrible at talking to people, especially strangers, and a prank was the perfect excuse. Working with Beef was even better! He nearly talked himself out of it so many times (something Joel teases him for now.)
Though they aren't always on the same server, they try to find ways to hang out frequently. Joel's even made them a cute little home away from home so they can 'live their cottagecore dreams'. It's so stupid, but it's perfect.
You'd think they would have run out of ways to compliment each other, but there's still plenty in the tank. Etho refuses to hang out with all three without somebody else there. They're insufferable. It's like fourth wheeling a tricycle.
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Day 8, now that I've got some spare time. I just found out after 5 years of driving what I hate to drive in... dense fog. It made me think of how the gents of the 141 crew may help you when you're anxious and can't get out of the situation causing it, so they try to help you through it.
• Price would speak in a low, soothing tone. He'd let you grab onto his shirt, jacket, hand, whatever you need. His low murmurs in your ear as he tries to keep your focus.
"Just keep doing what you're doing, this will be over soon enough, okay? Not much longer now."
• Ghost would likely be less warm, and likely try the basic methods before even considering anything else. Encouragement to breathe doesn't help, and neither does telling you you'll be okay (obv). He watches for a moment, seemingly weighing options in his head before reaching out a hand to you. It's what you needed apparently, as you take his hand and focus on how he begins rhythmically tapping against your knuckles.
"Don't mention this to anyone, got it?"
"No one would believe me anyway, Lt."
• Soap would be willing to do whatever is necessary to help you. He'd talk to you, or let you ramble. He'd let you squeeze his hand as hard as you needed, not complaining once.
"I'm sorry, I'm probably hurting you."
"Not at all, keep at it til you feel better."
• Gaz is a sweet one, he tries to prevent the issue from arising in the first place, and if he can't, he'll try and distract you from the issue at hand. Cracking jokes, tapping your hands, your leg, your face. He'd get close to you and whisper jokes, a grin already on his face.
"Hey, hey, what’s the difference between a poorly dressed man on a tricycle and a well-dressed man on a bicycle? Attire."
"Good God Garrick..."
• Alejandro would be by your side until you felt better. If you needed him to just be a presence, not even to hold onto or talk to, he'd offer. You could try to shoo him away, but he'd tilt his head at you and give you a knowing look.
"You sure about that? Not just trying to tough it out?"
• Rudy would hate to see you in a situation he couldn't prevent or make better, but he'd try to gently soothe your nerves. You know he's trying to help, but occasionally he makes it a little worse by talking too much or attempting to try and distract you.
"Rudy, I know you're trying to help and I appreciate it so much, but please don't try singing to me right now."
"Agh, my heart cant take such critiques."
• König would be sweet as hell, but not know what to say. He'd be trying to comfort you, but his words come out jumbled as he thinks too many phrases at once and tries to voice them in the same manner. Honestly, him being there even when he hates social interaction, and trying to help is enough.
"My apologies, I've never been good at this kind of thing..."
"You're doing better than you realize honestly. Thank you."
Sorry for it being so late. This was written in bursts when I had a few moments. I decided I wanted to bring König into the party now haha.
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newlovedoll · 1 year
We are both together, to live well
https://www.newlovedoll.com/anime-sex-doll After my legs were paralyzed, my temper became violent and unpredictable. Looking at the formation of geese returning from the north in the sky, I would suddenly smash the glass in front of me; listening to the sweet song of Li Gu Yi, I would violently slam the things in my hand to the surrounding walls. Manga Sex Doll My mother quietly hid out and secretly listened to my movements in a place I could not see. When all was silent again, she crept in again, the edges of her eyes red, looking at me. "I heard that the flowers are blooming in the North Sea, I'll push you to go for a walk." That's what she always said. My mother loved flowers, but since my leg was paralyzed, all those flowers she tended died. "No, I won't go!" I pounded my hateful legs and shouted, "What's the point of me living!" My mother swooped in and grabbed my hand, True Idols Sex Doll holding back her sobs and said, "Let's stay together, live well, live well ……," but I never knew that her illness had reached that point. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time. https://www.newlovedoll.com/japanese-sex-doll That day I was sitting alone in the house again, watching the leaves outside the window "swish, swish, swish" falling. My mother came in and blocked the window: "The chrysanthemums in the North Sea are in bloom, Fantasy Sex Doll let me push you to go see them." Her haggard face looked like she was begging. "When?" "Tomorrow, if you want." She said. She was already overjoyed by my answer. "All right, tomorrow." I said. She was so happy that she sat down for a while and stood up for a while: "Then hurry up and get ready." "Ugh, don't be annoyed? A few steps, what is there to prepare!" She also laughed and sat beside me, rambling on: "After seeing the chrysanthemums, let's go to the 'imitation restaurant', where you loved to eat peas when you were a child. Remember that time I took you to the North Sea? You said that the poplar flowers Elf Ears Sex Doll are caterpillars, running, a foot flattened a ……" she suddenly stopped talking. For the "run" and "step" kind of words. She is more sensitive than me. She quietly went out again. https://www.newlovedoll.com/elf-sex-doll She went out. And never came back. https://www.newlovedoll.com/fantasy-sex-doll When the neighbors carried her to the car, she was still spitting out blood. I didn't think she was that sick. As I watched the tricycle go away, I never thought it would be a goodbye forever.
When the neighbor boy carried me to see her, she was breathing hard, like her life had been hard. I was told that her last words before she fell into a coma were, "My sick son and my daughter who is still a minor ……" https://www.newlovedoll.com/fudoll It was autumn again, and my sister pushed me to see the chrysanthemums at the North Sea. The yellow flowers are light and elegant, the white flowers are high and pure, the fuchsia flowers are warm and deep, FUDOLL Sex Doll splashing and splashing, and are blooming in the autumn breeze. I understand what my mother did not finish. My sister also understands. We are both together, to live well ……
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cardis-tricycle · 3 months
Wait, you're telling I can't call mary goore my favourite whore in the tags anymore because my original posts won't show up in the tags then? That never happened before.
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Some random ghoul headcanons to take my mind off of things. Below the cut.
-Dew isn’t nearly as bothered by people pointing out his height as they think he is/is going to be. He’s long since accepted that he’s a bit smaller than some of the other ghouls, and some humans, too, and it’s far from something he’s insecure about.
What he does hate, though, is how his height is sometimes used as an excuse to try intimidating him or to invade his space. Ghouls are naturally fairly territorial, so any time he actually gets riled up because of someone mocking his height is a result of his instincts telling him it’s a threat.
-Ghouls sleep a lot, but surface ghouls maintain a relatively human sleep schedule. It’s easier to wake up a surface ghoul as opposed to a depths ghoul, but some ghouls are just naturally heavier sleepers than others.
Aether will wake up only to go back to sleep, Rain will sleepily protest the idea of going to bed and then grumpily tell people to let him keep sleeping in the morning, and Dew is just “built different” and can and will snap awake without warning.
-Part of the reason the ministry summons ghouls instead of demons, is because ghouls are a more communal species and closer to humanity [some being former humans themselves], making them easier to convince to work alongside the regular members of the clergy.
Ghouls are also more inclined to pack bonding than demons, and are content with being offered freedom to move around on the surface and do as they please as opposed to collecting a soul debt.
-Ghouls and demons are known to mingle in the depths, but there aren’t many ghoul/demon hybrids, because it seems that combining anything other than a human with a ghoul just results in another ghoul. 
-Because ghouls don’t form contracts the same way demons do, they’re a lot more open to negotiating terms and conditions, and may just decide not to collect on a debt owed to them because they don’t think it’s necessary anymore.
If a ghoul is particularly fond of, or gets along with, the person who summoned them, they may just continue working with them because it’s fun or they enjoy their company/the company of the other people around them and consider that payment enough.
-Bonus Copia: He’s tried teaching the ghouls how to ride a tricycle before, just for the sake of seeing what would happen, and it did not turn out well. As soon as the ghouls realized they could chase each other, or Copia, around with it, he had to hastily hide it so as to avoid being run down in the hallway by a wayward ghoul.
No one was safe... Except for Sister Imperator, who admittedly found the whole situation kind of funny.
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beastlyart · 3 years
I haven’t had a cat for several years now, for one reason or another. Couldn’t afford it, landlord wouldn’t allow one, the one I did try to adopt very much wanted to murder my rats at the time, etc. I love cats though. I wanted a cat. I want a little furry creature to live in my apartment and sit in my lap and shit in a box and scream at me. Like, genuinely.
Last week, a cat was dropped off at the clinic with a shattered leg, and after what was a several day long “custody battle” with his irresponsible shithead owners (long story), we were finally able to get them to surrender him. He had the leg amputated by our surgeon because when I say shattered, I mean shattered. He’s young and should adapt well. One of the excellent, local cat rescues we work with officially claimed him and paid for his surgery.
And then I swooped on him because holy shit, he’s the nicest and sweetest cat who did not deserve his shitty circumstances. Ok’d it with the landlord, the rescue was happy to adopt him out to me. I’ve officially had him home for... two... three hours now? And it’s like he’s always lived here. Eating, exploring, meowing at me, demanding cuddles, etc.
Truly underestimated the sheer, passive serotonin from watching a little grey and white cat sleep on my bed while I just futz around the apartment. 
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risingsunresistance · 3 years
hi small ramble under the read more bc i’m cringe and fail and also more ramble in the tags bc i am even more cringe and fail <3
hey whatever you do, Dont think about techno and phil spending their early war days sitting by this little fire tucked away in the stronghold mountain of the antarctic, trying to escape the perpetual nights of the winter months. Dont think about them sitting here talking about their past, their future war plans, whatever they can think of to pass the time. Dont think about techno absentmindedly playing the violin while they sit and listen to the fire, everything echoing around in their weird cave of a home. Dont think about-
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#i put all this under a read more bc i do not want to be perceived lmao. but i also want to yell so. a compromise#anyways#I AM DISEASED#THIS LITTLE FIREPLACE MEANS A LOT TO ME IT JUST LOOKS SO COZY AND#AAAAAAAAAAAA#i love it here so much#i HAD art plans for this but i doubt i'l ever get around to drawing them so i might as well ramble about it#i was gonna draw techno using the anvil like a table. he's way too low to the ground like that tho so his legs look awkward lmao#like an adult on a tricycle or something JKFHDG#phil is over by the railing with his wings stretched out just enjoying the warmth#they're both a little icy bc they've been out in the snow#techno was fixing up a plane and phil was seeing what all is around them (he didnt find much bc they're pretty isolated lmao)#also this is very early-days of the smp#god i needed to yell about this so bad it's been in my bio post thing for a while now but i needed to ACTUALLY talk about it#i just. *sobs*#this one little spot of no significance actually matters so much to me#I HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS ABOUT THE SMP BUT IM JUST. NOT A WRITER. AND CANT BE BOTHERED TO POUR ENERGY INTO ENTIRE COMICS#I CANT WORD IT WELL ENOUGH SO THIS ALL SEEMS LIKE IT'S COMING OUT OF NOWHERE BUT I SWEAR THERE IS AN ENTIRE STORY HERE#I HAVE STRUNG TOGETHER EVERY BLOCK OF THE ANTARCTIC TO MATTER IN SOME SIGNIFICANT WAY *&(&@^*()%*)%&%(^*#IT'S ALL IN MY BRAIN AND I CAN'T GET IT OUT *DIES*#chat#anyways if someone dares tag this as a sh1p i will hunt you for sport and publicly humiliate you JKHDJFKS
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i am so tired of couples
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zillyeh · 3 years
I've never seen a saw movie bc I'm a coward but I do think that little puppet is the funniest thing on earth
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