swisidniak · 2 years
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The Umbrella Academy creative calendar - season 3
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deathclassic · 2 years
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01 - we only see each other at weddings and funerals
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mintchocozen · 2 years
The  End Of Something : Creators Calendar
The Umbrella Academy: Creators Calendar 
This is my own interpretation of the 10th episode of season 2 of The Umbrella Academy; The End Of Something. 
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Everyone held hands, reassuring and connecting each other with their touch. A pretty heartfelt moment, this was. Just some of the few picture-perfect moments when the Hargreeves siblings get together and do things as a family. They all looked at each other and took a deep breath as Five flipped the briefcase lock. A sudden blue bolt of light pushed out of the briefcase and teleported them into the future - where they belong. 
And now, there they were, in the grand foyer of The Umbrella Academy. There were overlapping voices of groans and everyone was experiencing the jet lag and dizziness caused by the process of time travelling - except Five, who was already used to this. “Oh god,” Luther held his head, “Oh what date is it” he continued as he placed his hands on the entry table for support.
“April 2nd the 2019″, Five announced as he snatched the newspaper off the entry table, “The day after the apocalypse”, he added as he skimmed through the  newspaper while everyone was looking around in disbelief. “Wait, so we stopped it?” Allison looked at everyone.  "Oh my god, it's over?" Viktor asked anticipatingly, "Did we actually succeed at something.. It's incredible!" Klaus exclaimed, earning giggles from Allison and Viktor. 
Now everyone was smiling at each other, completely relieved, meanwhile Five was still looking around - making sure that it was real and that the process of time traveling didn't mess up his mind. It's been so long since time did well to him that he questioned whether things are really okay this time and that The Umbrella Academy wasn't in pieces, just like what he saw that very day at the ripe age of thirteen.
"Oh man, I don't know about you guys but I need a drink" Klaus continued as he hugged Viktor, "Yes!" Luther exclaimed, liking the idea. "I'm in", Viktor added. "In fact, I need several!" Klaus continued, giving Luther a hug, and ran to the home bar. "Uh, I should go find Claire" Allison said, looking around, "Oh come on, one drink" Luther said as he dragged Allison to the living room.
Now everyone was looking around the living room while Klaus ran to the home bar. "God, I hate that photo" Diego muttered as he sat on the stool, earning a look from Five. "It's because I look good", Five replied, staring at the portrait of himself - or, his younger self, on the mantlepiece. "Fuck no" Diego spat. "Or maybe you just didn't look good", Five concluded plainly as he went to the bar, taking out the glasses and continued, "Margarita?" he raised his eyebrows at Diego, who gave him no reply but an irked look. "I'll take that as a yes". "Just another typical day at the Hargreeves' mansion" Allison chuckled, taking a seat. "This feeling's mutual, Allison", "Now where's the blender.. Pretty sure I kept it in here", Five mumbled to himself, opening the cabinets.
"Children?" said a husky yet familiar voice which made everyone turn their heads.
"Oh my gosh-" "Pogo!" "You're alive!" "This is amazing!" Everyone ran and gathered around Pogo, who was utterly confused. "Of course I am, why shouldn't I be?" Pogo stared at them in confusion.
Everyone looked at each other, especially at Viktor - who was also looking back at them, confused. "Well, it's a long story", Five interrupted as he started making the drinks. "And, where were you? All of you left for a day without saying a word!" Pogo exclaimed in disbelief. "Well, Pogo we went to Dallas", Klaus sighed. "Nice fedora, master Klaus" Pogo pointed at the hat using his cane and continued, "Dressed up I see, all of you. Is that a wig, Diego? Klaus?" 
"What? Uh no" Diego replied, slightly pulling his hair, attempting to prove it was real. "This is absurd, your hair wasn't very Antonio Banderas the last time I saw you - which was just two days ago" Pogo shook his head as he spoke, earning a snicker from Klaus, "Told you". "And lastly, all of you look.. Beaten up? Badly, I must say" Pogo remarked, a hint of concern present in his voice.
"Like I said, it's a long story" Five repeated and continued, "Now, Margarita?" "Yes!" Klaus ran to Five and took a glass, signaling Five to pour some. "Pogo?" Five asked, handing him a glass. "Just a smidge", he replied.
By now, everyone was drinking, together, at the home bar. "Ahh… This feels nice" Klaus relaxed his feet on the table, earning looks from everyone. But no one bothered to do or say anything. They were exhausted enough to deal with that and just let it slide. Except for Pogo of course, who pushed his feet off the table. 
"W-where's mom?" Diego looked at Pogo, "She's upstairs, dusting the mantlepieces" he replied, taking a sip of his drink. "I'll see you guys later" Diego said, getting up, until Luther stopped him, "No no no, where are you going?" Luther asked. "To see mom?" Diego said, confused. "Just stay here for a while, it's been a while since we've had a drink together, am I right guys?" Luther raised his glass as he looked at the others, "Umm, we've never had a drink together" Allison replied, "You mean that time when we drank apple juice and pretended that it was liquor?" Klaus asked, looking down at his drink and continued, "I need vodka". "Gosh, we were like, I don’t know, eleven?" Viktor chuckled. "Simpler times" Five smiled as he sipped on his margarita. "Well then, consider this our first drink together as siblings" Luther continued, making Diego sit again on his stool, pouring tequila into his glass.
"Hmm... Since when did the two of you get along? Since when did everyone get along?" Pogo interrupted, a slight smile appearing on his face. "You sure you want to know it all?" Five asked, getting ice cubes from the freezer, "Seems like a lot has happened" Pogo said. "Oh god, you have no idea" Allison said, sighing after. Their minds were filled with questions. They didn't know how to feel about this. They were relieved and finally relaxing, but what about Ben, Lila, Ray, Dave, Sissy, and Harlan? I guess when things need to be earned, some of the valuable ones need to get lost. But then again, they're together again. Where they belong. And everything is normal. That’s what matters to them now. They'll start new and fresh together. But they'll never forget the bittersweet feeling of leaving the 60s.
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newtsixtyfive · 2 years
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For the TUACC over on Twitter!
02. Run Boy Run
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wietsmaj · 12 years
Tuacc - Leiderschap en ethiek (sessie 3)
Afgelopen woensdag was het al weer de derde keer dat de #Tuacc groep "Leiderschap en ethiek" elkaar ontmoetten. Tijdens deze sessie stonden we vooral stil bij de persoon van de accountant. Hoe komt het dat veel accountants in een op een gesprekken vaak wel kritisch durven te zijn richting opdrachtgever of interne organisatie maar dat men op het moment suprême toch vaak de mond houdt of onder een schuilnaam reageert. Dat laatste gebeurt bijvoorbeeld met enige regelmaat op de website van de accountant. Maar ook de schrijver van dit stukje blog ontvangt  met enige regelmaat mails of reacties van mensen werkzaam op een accountantskantoor waarbij men aangeeft dit om persoonlijke redenen niet publiekelijk te kunnen delen. Kennelijk zijn en de belangen en de groepsdruk groot.
Een ander punt waar we bij stil stonden was de ontwikkeling van het ethisch bewustzijn van de accountant. Hoe komt het toch dat de accountant nog zo weinig aan zelfreflectie doet? Terwijl die zelfreflectie onontbeerlijk is voor het goed functioneren. De vraag is of er in de accountancybranche wel voldoende vrijplaatsen zijn. Waar iedere accountant zonder last of ruggespraak vrij kan praten en kan filosoferen over morele kwesties waar hij of zij mee te maken krijgt. Dat er weinig vrijplaatsen zijn in de accountancybranche is trouwens meerdere kopstukken in het bedrijfsleven en toezichthoudend Nederland opgevallen.
Twintig jaar achter
Een waarneming van een niet-accountant -maar wel aanwezig op de busy-season break van Tuacc- was dat accountants met betrekking tot het onderwerp persoonlijk leiderschap twintig jaar achterlopen op andere sectoren in de financieel zakelijke dienstverlening. "Men er is nauwelijks mee bezig en dat is bij heel veel andere organisaties in de financieel zakelijke dienstverlening toch echt wel anders. Daar was men voor de crisis al bezig met persoonlijk leiderschap en na de crisis van 2008 is daar nog veel meer energie in gestoken." Dat wil natuurlijk niet zeggen dat er niets meer aan te merken is op de financiële sector. - Kijk maar eens naar het recente vertrek van de topman bij Goldman - maar er wordt zeker in Nederland veel meer aandacht besteed aan de ontwikkeling van persoonlijk leiderschap.
Dat wil natuurlijk niet zeggen dat het alleen maar kommer en kwel is in de accountancybranche. Maar als het gaat om het uitdragen van de eigen opinie, het staan voor de eigen zaak, het met enige regelmaat uitvoeren van zelfreflectie dan is de conclusie dat er op dat terrein nog heel wat meters gemaakt kunnen worden. Dat adequaat oppakken is ook een vorm van persoonlijk leiderschap
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swisidniak · 2 years
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The Umbrella Academy creative calendar - season 2
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swisidniak · 1 year
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TUACC 31. S4 Prediction
I don't really have any specific predictions, but if the pattern continues it would mean it's Klaus' turn to be a little extra chaotic and cause some trouble. He's going to need better self control as he is now and without his family around to supervise him...
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Can we get a proper group hug with the whole family? Bonus if we get some Five appreciation. Just let him have his family; he's earned it.
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swisidniak · 2 years
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The Umbrella Academy creative calendar - season 1 complete!
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swisidniak · 2 years
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Garden of Magick
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newtsixtyfive · 2 years
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For the TUACC over on Twitter!
01. We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals
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wietsmaj · 12 years
Al lang geen accountants meer die lijstjes afvinken.
In het FD van afgelopen zaterdag (040212) staat onderstaande quote van Jan Sijbrand van De Nederlandse Bank:
"We letten nu ool veel meer op omgevingsfactoren, op vroege signalen van potentiele risico's als cultuur en gedrg, zoals een dominante topmane. Daarvoor nemen we ook andere typen mensen aan als psychologen en sociologen. Het zijn al lang geen accountants meer die lijstjes afvinken."
Signaal Daarmee geeft Jan Sijbrand een belangrijk signaal af. Wat ik hoop is dat accountants dit signaal ook oppakken. Want voor een goede wettelijke controle heb je vandaag de dag meer nodig dan de expertise van de accountant. Daarom is het te hopen dat in de NV COS uiteindelijke bepalingen komen die de inschakeling van gedragsdeskundigen bij de wettelijke controle verplicht stellen. En zo lang dat niet verplicht is, doen bestuurders van accountantsorganisaties er goed aan om hun externe accountants de mogelijkheid te bieden terug te vallen op een gedragsdeskundige. Vandaag de dag zijn er goede methodieken beschikbaar die het gedrag van de gecontroleerde objectiveren.
In ieder geval zullen we bij de werkgroep "Leiderschap en ethiek" van de #tuacc aan de slag met het meten van de voorspelbaarheid van gedrag van de wettelijk controleur en de gecontroleerde. Op dat terrein is namelijk nog een hoop winst te halen.
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