#tw skinny shaming
my cousin told me i look too skinny and i need to eat more.
she’s much skinnier than i am, and i have a feeling that she’s being teased/bullied about it at school (she just started public). she’s also been referring to her sister as too skinny and calling her an idiot.
i’m not sure what’s going on with her, and i don’t want to have to cut off my seven-year-old cousin for being toxic.
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ca-cupid · 2 years
have you been seeing the fatphobia and skinny drac body swaps 🙄
okay I know exactly what you’re talking about and I know a lot of people are calling it fatphobic but like,, I feel like people were jumping the gun a bit, the person who did the body swap could totally be fatphobic and hate g3 Draculaura but I feel like with nothing other than the body swap you can’t just accuse them of fatphobia?? Body swaps are a pretty normal thing with doll collectors and it’s totally possible that the person wanted to also try out g1 Draculaura fashions with the g3 doll but unfortunately the g1 clothes don’t fit the g3 body
also kind of a sidenote but the person who posted the tiktok to Twitter said she was ugly like girl,, you don’t want to people to bodyshame fat people but you’re essentially calling the skinny version ugly?? I know she’s not a realistic body type but it’s still just an interesting thing I noticed?
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the-lady-writes-what · 8 months
Not gonna lie, kinda want to cry today after watching a Youtube video. I follow Abby Cox, a fashion historian, on YT, and I watched this one. To be honest, I'm so used to our culture shoving things down my throat about beauty, health, and attractiveness that sometimes I don't notice it because it's just white noise. Abby mentioned how Victorian and Edwardian mothers treated their "ugly" children and I couldn't help but think about how my own mom did similar things to me and my sister. On one hand, she constantly told my sister not to eat too much or she'd end up looking like our dad who sports a typical dad bod and made commentary like "wow. that's a big plate. are you going to eat all that?". On the other hand, she would make commentary about my weight (I've always been the bigger of the two of us, me and my sister), on top of my facial hair and average looks. My mom often has made skinny-shaming comments to my sister while not only fear-mongering weight gain to her, but also turning around and fat-shaming me when most of it is shitty genetics and poor eating habits (which I picked up from my mother). I wanted to sew a little bit today and maybe get some writing done, but now my mood is ruined because my brain can't stop fixating on how much my mom's treatment of me and my sister sounds so much like the cruelty Victorian and Edwardian mothers had for their children just on the basis of being "ugly." And I'm so sorry for trauma dumping. I'll probably delete this later.
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jerzwriter · 26 days
Body Positivity:
TW: body shaming, fatphobia, skinnyphobia, eating disorders, and the like.
I'm so fucking angry and triggered right now, and I need to vent. I was at what was supposed to be a fun family event, and because I didn't want to completely blow up, I stepped outside. But I am SO PISSED that I need to get this out. While trauma dumping on a toxic website is probably not the best idea, I literally have to vent, or I'm going to explode, and I REALLY HOPE someone will read this and learn something.
I think the body positivity movement has been great—and I wish we had something like it when I was growing up because, trust, it was non-existent. But, like many things, it's great on the surface, but a certain segment has morphed it into something that is as destructive and hateful as the behaviors/actions that led to the need for such a movement.
Some background, so you understand my perspective. I've struggled with my weight my whole life. I've been everything from a size 6 to a size 22. I'm very tall, and when I was at my thinnest (mostly because I was starving myself), people came up to me constantly to tell me how amazing I looked. I'm talking friends, family, co-workers, people at the club, and strangers on the street. I was literally dangerously underweight. My family doctor, who had treated me most of my life, was begging me to get help.
I wound up getting help for what turned out to be an eating disorder and moved past that as much as I could. Since that time, my weight has fluctuated from average, to "a few extra pounds", to very overweight. While I am usually OK with myself and try to be positive about my body, it can be hard. I don't like the way I look right now, and I’m ashamed to say that because I don’t feel that way about others. Beauty is not a number or a size, and I know that, but I am my own harshest critic. It doesn’t help to have the voices of many people, people who were supposed to love me, in my head constantly at these times.
“Do you think you should wear that?”
“Oh, that dress is so becoming on you!” (Meaning: it hides some of your fat!)
Or my favorite, coming home in an outfit that I felt so good about that I thought I looked adorable in, just to have my mother (and later my husband) say something like:
"Perhaps you should retire that until you lose some weight." or "You actually went out in that?"
(PS - I am divorced and barely speak to my mother)... I'm doing so much better, but I know I'll never be 100% comfortable, and, as with most things, the voices seep in when I'm at my lowest. So I GET IT. I get it big time.
But - on to today.
We have a wedding taking place later this week, so the family has descended like the buzzing locusts they are. The ten women in the bridal party, of all shapes and sizes, are at my house for a get-together, and they began complaining about how ugly the dresses are. (They really aren't the nicest dresses.)
The eight anti-dressers were commiserating when one, we'll call her Obnoixous Bridesmaid (OB), loudly announced that another bridesmaid had to shut up and leave the conversation because she's thin (we'll call her Thin Bridesmaid—TB), and therefore has no business being there. I should point out that TB's contribution to the conversation was the dresses were cheaply made and "is so damn shiny" and, for the record, OB is not thin but not overweight.
So another bridesmaid, who is extremely close with TB, jumped in to defend OB, going on and on about how much she "hates" TB for complaining when "everything" looks good on her. TB looked like she was going to burst into tears but stayed silent. It morphed into four grown-ass women bullying TB, so I stepped in and told them all to shut the fuck up. Minutes later, TB left the room, and I found her in the bathroom in tears, saying she wanted to go home and skip the rest of the events - up to and including the wedding.
I went back to the room where the 4 were still mocking TB, and I told them I was appalled by their behavior and they could shut the fuck up and apologize, or they could leave my house. I was told I should understand because I'm a "big girl," too, and therefore should be on "their" side.
Are we fucking kidding me here?
I should point out that 3 of the 4 asshole bridesmaids are well aware that TB has dealt with a serious eating disorder that stems from being body shamed by grown-ass men in her family when she was a mere child. She's dealt with outright abuse and trauma, and they know how bad it's been. She doesn't walk around mocking other's bodies or bragging about how "good" she looks; in fact, she struggles to feel positive about her looks at all.
Body positivity should be about everyone loving their body, no matter its shape and size, and never subjecting ANYONE else to shame because of theirs. When the fuck did it became "fat chicks have to stick together and fuck them skinny bitches."
I'm so on fire I had to step away before I ended up on the evening news. On a micro-level, I'm disgusted with these people, and this has put a total damper on the wedding events this week.
But on a macro level, I have seen this time and time again. Yeah, our society is fucking horrible when it comes to how it treats fat people, especially fat women, and that should change. But it's as fucking wrong to be skinnyphobic as it is to be fatphobic. Perhaps, ESPECIALLY AS FUCKING WOMEN, we should be uplifting and supportive of one another. PERIOD. Don't we see that the obsession to be thin and eating disorders stem from the same fucking toxic place that shames fat people? That's where it is BORN.
I'm so sick of seeing this trend in everything. Every movement I'm involved with is dealing with this... YES, be proud of YOU, ESPECIALLY if you're in a marginalized or maligned group. YES! DO IT! I've got your back in every way! But don't fucking turn it into an us vs. them... even with people you supposedly love! Don't become the fucking monster you profess to hate.
Is asking for human decency really too much? I'm literally shaking.
We really, really have to do better than this.
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gertritude-art · 1 year
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a change in heart?  local youtuber who has never shown interest in fat people now very vocal about (the dangers of) the body positivity movement
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fatphobiabusters · 1 year
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[Image ID: Text that reads “’Thin privilege’ is constantly being accused of having an ED because you’re naturally thin even though you are well within a healthy BMI and eat healthy.”]
This fatphobe has apparently blocked this blog, so I can’t reblog their post. So instead, I will write my response to their post here:
Thin privilege is having an eating disorder be cared about and not encouraged by your family, friends, doctors, and society as a whole. Thin privilege is actually being able to be considered anorexic and not labeled with “atypical anorexia” just because you’re not thin.
Thin privilege is living in a world that caters everything to your body, from clothing to exercise equipment to chairs all designed to fit you and no one bigger. Thin privilege is not having to pay extra for the same goods and services. Thin privilege is actually being seen as beautiful by general society and not being told your body is only capable of being loved as a fetish.
Thin privilege is not being constantly subjected to medical neglect. Thin privilege is a doctor actually doing tests on you to find a tumor instead of telling you to lose weight for years until someone finally listens and finds the tumor when you only have two days left to live.
Thin privilege is being represented in every single piece of media. Thin privilege is not having your body relegated to only villains, ugly characters, and characters who symbolize evil things.
Thin privilege is being able to go to the grocery store and put a melon in your cart without someone else taking it out with a “You don’t need all that sugar, I’m doing you a favor.” Thin privilege is being able to eat in public without scrutiny.
Thin privilege is not having your children taken away from you and put into the foster care system purely for their weight. Thin privilege is not being kept from adopting children because the adoption agency thinks your weight is a sign of bad parenting.
Thin privilege is automatically being viewed as healthy and thus not facing the social repercussions of the opposite. Thin privilege is having your problems taken seriously. Thin privilege is being able to go to your elementary school’s swimming lessons in 4th grade as an 8 year old instead of willingly choosing to do the written assignment to keep others from seeing your ostracized body. Thin privilege is being 5 years old and not comparing your body to your smaller friend who has the same name as you and you pretend to be twins with but know that you will never be the same as her.
Thin privilege is not being recommended to starve by every person on this planet. Thin privilege is being able to find clothes in any store and not cry in a dressing room. Thin privilege is being allowed to go trick or treating. Thin privilege is even being able to find a costume in your size to go in the first place. Thin privilege is being allowed to eat as much as you want on Thanksgiving.
Thin privilege is not being put on diets as early as 8 years old. Thin privilege is not being categorized as a disease. Thin privilege is not having the government wage a war on your body. Thin privilege is not having the first lady consider your body an epidemic and make ridding the country of you her goal during her husband’s presidency.
Thin privilege is not having everyone refer to your body with a literal slur. Thin privilege is not having the most basic word for your body type treated as a taboo insult to the point that being called that word is most people’s greatest fear.
Thin privilege is being chosen over fat people for everything. Thin privilege is not facing a wage gap for your body type. Thin privilege is not facing workplace harassment and job discrimination. Thin privilege is not being harassed in a Discord server for suggesting the developers of a supposedly diverse video game make more than one character out of thirty have your body type.
Thin privilege is everyone learning how to draw your body from the get-go and not forcing themselves to learn how to draw you years later after they’ve already learned how to draw everything else. Thin privilege is being represented in more than one of the three hundred works on someone’s art blog.
Thin privilege is being allowed to participate in society and culture. Thin privilege is not having to learn how to sew in order to have any clothes to wear. Thin privilege is not having people smaller than you take clothing in your size from a thrift store and make it into a full outfit, severely depleting the miniscule amount of clothing that poor people with your body type have available to them.
Thin privilege is being able to be successful without everyone and their mother constantly commenting on how unhealthy they think you are. Thin privilege is not having your mother put a sign that reads “Nothing tastes better than how skinny feels” on the refrigerator that you’re forced to see whenever you want to nourish your body.
Thin privilege is not having your rape dismissed by not just society but even the actual judge of your case because “You should be grateful someone wanted to have sex with a body like yours for once.” Thin privilege is getting to be the prom queen. Thin privilege is not being controversial when Disney makes a two minute animation of someone with your body type in a neutral way.
Thin privilege is actually being able to see people who look like you while you grow up who are not ridiculed or cast to the side. Thin privilege is having every aesthetic blog on Tumblr feature only your body type. Thin privilege is not having to scavenge for representation and rely on a handful of blogs to find pictures of people with your body. Thin privilege is not having to use a euphemism for your body type when searching for pictures of people like you online because not doing so will only give you bigoted and fetishistic search results.
Thin privilege is being able to have a blog that isn’t constantly followed by thinspo people so they can use you as inspiration to throw up and starve, so they can find other people like you to abuse, so they can send you hate, so they can steal your selfies to post and laugh at with their friends. Thin privilege is not being screenshot and put on the Reddit thread r/fatlogic. Thin privilege is not having documentaries made about children who look like you and how them existing is a problem. Thin privilege is people not then using those documentaries as starvation porn when they want something to watch instead of eat dinner.
Thin privilege is being able to fly on a plane. Thin privilege is being able to go on any amusement park ride and know that it was made to fit you. Thin privilege is not having to use an app to figure out if a place is accessible to you. Thin privilege is not enduring barrages of hate on YouTube for simply posting a video of you trying on clothes. Thin privilege is people making videos about your struggles and not having enormous amounts of downvotes on those videos because they “promote ob*sity.”
Thin privilege is being able to post a picture of yourself without being hassled for it by strangers, friends, and even family. Thin privilege is being able to see your parents who have your same body type not hate themselves and constantly try to make themselves smaller throughout your childhood and the rest of your life. Thin privilege is not having invasive, deadly surgeries pressured on you and oftentimes even forced on you to be able to receive actual life-saving healthcare.
Thin privilege is not having the worth of your life debated in a pandemic. Thin privilege is not having the worth of giving you an organ transplant debated. Thin privilege is not having to change your weight in order to transition because things like top surgery are not gatekept from you and your body type is seen as inherently performative of whatever gender you transition to.
Thin privilege is not being forced to top and be dominant. Thin privilege is not having your asexuality, aromanticism, and any other queer identity dismissed because “You’re only that identity because men/no one want to be with you.” Thin privilege is not being misgendered and degendered because people with your body type are seen as “real women” and are not forced into masculinity. Thin privilege is not being gatekept from even androgyny and thus not leaving you with a body that is more of a thing than a person.
Thin privilege is not fearing PE in school. Thin privilege is not being turned away from a gymnastics club because they don’t believe people with your body type are capable of doing sports. Thin privilege is having your disabilities taken seriously and being able to use a mobility aid without being ridiculed even more than other disabled people are.
And thin privilege is so much more.
-Mod Worthy
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mime-rodeo · 8 months
it's very telling that when a skinny person talks about the dangers of diet culture and their body image issues, people are immediately like "omg so true, you should be comfortable in your own body. you're so beautiful!" but when a fat person says the same thing, all of a sudden it's "well being obese shouldn't be idolized. you should eat less, it's for your own good."
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lightasthesun · 4 months
massive fuck you to all the people that bodyshamed me in school when I had a great body and gave me whiplash by calling me fat and flat-chested in the same breatht. coz I'm still struggling with that now and every time I look at pictures of me from a prior year I realize I didn't actually look as bad as I thought but I still can never let myself accept that in the present. I still always think I'm too fat and I still simultaneously think I don't have enough curves.
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referencees · 2 months
‘ED recovery’ influencers drive me fucking nuts. Like their content is basically only about their ED and their recovery but then 90% of their posts are just body checking.
Like posting photos of you posing in tight workout clothes at your daily workout, making sure everyone can see your thigh gap and your flat stomach does not seem like recovery to me.
Posting your no carb, no fat, neurotically ‘clean foods’ meals does not seem like recovery to me.
Constantly posting comparisons of your current body with your ‘ED’ body to show how ‘healthy’ you are (just as skinny but slightly more muscular) does not seem like recovery to me.
Like in all honesty I genuinely hope these girls are actually recovering and doing better. I’ve had an ED. It almost killed me. It’s something that haunts you for the rest of your life. But if your recovery content is actively triggering for people with ED’s I have a hard time seeing it as genuine recovery.
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cursedpinterest · 1 year
pinterest thinspo is already so bleak, but i just discovered a niche that posts thinspo of kpop idols, which is so fucked up bc a lot of these idols are pressured into extreme dieting against their will by their companies and end up with eating disorders, and ppl on pinterest are posting candids of them looking especially thin and all the comments are like “body goals 😍” like so inappropriate these ppl are being STARVED.
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sapphire-heart-tippy · 8 months
Yes I'm a little tipsy but still:
Dude, stretch marks are so cute. I imagine Vanilla has stretch marks on his tummy and his back and stuff. From either getting muscles or growing or gaining weight or whatever, stretch marks are so cute
Babe, I have them on ME. And you know me, I'm like twiggy the stick boy™. Yes, even I have the stretch marks.
They deserve kisses, not to be covered up. That's one of the most human things you can have.
Okay listen, if you're insecure about your stretch marks or scars or any other skin thing. Please don't be. I'm not even joking
Listen, NEVER be ashamed of that. If anyone tries to shame you, I'll send them to Florida.
Your stretch marks are beautiful. Your scars. Beautiful. Your f/o is completely fucking in LOVE with you.
I can't fuckin stand seeing my friends be insecure about shit like this because it breaks my heart to pieces. You're fucking perfect to me and your f/os.
No matter your size. Big or small, whatever. Your f/o fucking LOVES you. LOOK IN THE MIRROR. YOU ARE FUCKING AMAZING.
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blackplaaague · 8 months
Everyone remind me to eat. I forgot again and I'm not caring for my physical vessel like I should.
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People: "you need to eat to survive, if you don't eat your gonna get really really skinny and that type of skinny is something you don't want"
Me: "oh my gods! You've magically cured my eating disorders^^"
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limpfisted · 8 months
a truly sad fact for wyll warriors, the ravenguardians if u will, is i think that wyll is actually even skinnier than astarion. his waist is impossibly snatched, in his fruity little crop top. he’s a tall, lanky thing, and he wear thick, baggy clothes in battle despite it being “light” armor and not being proficient in regular armor.
this is not MY hc because i believe in short, wider, thick/strongman-muscled wyll, but its fun to analyze that as well! he’s the youngest of the group, he’s the baby, he’s dreamy and wide-eyed and loves attention and praise and being kind and gentle and softspoken. and i feel these traits are magnified by the design choice of pointy boniness and abs, tho i prefer my own hcs, as i dont think Every Character Ever Has To Be Skinny With Abs.
points at canon wyll, sadly. twink.
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buns-and-roseboys · 24 days
just noticed something
it’s all “body positivity” until someone that’s on the skinnier side has their own complaints about their body. Fat shaming isn’t close to skinny shaming, I recognize that. But please at least think, “hm, is saying that I don’t believe that you eat a rude thing to say? Is it creepy to say how easy it would be to beat them up or kidnap them?” Think that and not, “you’re fucking skinny, you’ve been the beauty standard. You have no right to be upset when all I’ve been told was to look like you.”
I’ll be honest. Being told to eat a cheeseburger sucks, but it probably sucks less than a bigger person being told to eat a salad.
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minakajira · 8 months
A short fat store lady body shamed me (???)
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