#ursula drago
clouseplayssims · 6 months
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dontaskchaosandco · 11 days
villain something?
(Edit for transparency: this is absolutely related to that big google form from a week or so back)
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poll-tergeist · 1 year
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ceoofdestructix · 11 months
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Nothing better than to nap on your love's shoulder 🐻🩵🐵
(Don't mind Drago, tho. He is jelly-jelly v:)
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mariacallous · 6 months
The European Union today agreed on the details of the AI Act, a far-reaching set of rules for the people building and using artificial intelligence. It’s a milestone law that, lawmakers hope, will create a blueprint for the rest of the world.
After months of debate about how to regulate companies like OpenAI, lawmakers from the EU’s three branches of government—the Parliament, Council, and Commission—spent more than 36 hours in total thrashing out the new legislation between Wednesday afternoon and Friday evening. Lawmakers were under pressure to strike a deal before the EU parliament election campaign starts in the new year.
“The EU AI Act is a global first,” said European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen on X. “[It is] a unique legal framework for the development of AI you can trust. And for the safety and fundamental rights of people and businesses.”
The law itself is not a world-first; China’s new rules for generative AI went into effect in August. But the EU AI Act is the most sweeping rulebook of its kind for the technology. It includes bans on biometric systems that identify people using sensitive characteristics such as sexual orientation and race, and the indiscriminate scraping of faces from the internet. Lawmakers also agreed that law enforcement should be able to use biometric identification systems in public spaces for certain crimes.
New transparency requirements for all general purpose AI models, like OpenAI's GPT-4, which powers ChatGPT, and stronger rules for “very powerful” models were also included. “The AI Act sets rules for large, powerful AI models, ensuring they do not present systemic risks to the Union,” says Dragos Tudorache, member of the European Parliament and one of two co-rapporteurs leading the negotiations.
Companies that don’t comply with the rules can be fined up to 7 percent of their global turnover. The bans on prohibited AI will take effect in six months, the transparency requirements in 12 months, and the full set of rules in around two years.
Measures designed to make it easier to protect copyright holders from generative AI and require general purpose AI systems to be more transparent about their energy use were also included.
“Europe has positioned itself as a pioneer, understanding the importance of its role as a global standard setter,” said European Commissioner Thierry Breton in a press conference on Friday night.
Over the two years lawmakers have been negotiating the rules agreed today, AI technology and the leading concerns about it have dramatically changed. When the AI Act was conceived in April 2021, policymakers were worried about opaque algorithms deciding who would get a job, be granted refugee status or receive social benefits. By 2022, there were examples that AI was actively harming people. In a Dutch scandal, decisions made by algorithms were linked to families being forcibly separated from their children, while students studying remotely alleged that AI systems discriminated against them based on the color of their skin.
Then, in November 2022, OpenAI released ChatGPT, dramatically shifting the debate. The leap in AI’s flexibility and popularity triggered alarm in some AI experts, who drew hyperbolic comparisons between AI and nuclear weapons.
That discussion manifested in the AI Act negotiations in Brussels in the form of a debate about whether makers of so-called foundation models such as the one behind ChatGPT, like OpenAI and Google, should be considered as the root of potential problems and regulated accordingly—or whether new rules should instead focus on companies using those foundational models to build new AI-powered applications, such as chatbots or image generators.
Representatives of Europe’s generative AI industry expressed caution about regulating foundation models, saying it could hamper innovation among the bloc’s AI startups. “We cannot regulate an engine devoid of usage,” Arthur Mensch, CEO of French AI company Mistral, said last month. “We don’t regulate the C [programming] language because one can use it to develop malware. Instead, we ban malware.” Mistral’s foundation model 7B would be exempt under the rules agreed today because the company is still in the research and development phase, Carme Artigas, Spain's Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, said in the press conference.
The major point of disagreement during the final discussions that ran late into the night twice this week was whether law enforcement should be allowed to use facial recognition or other types of biometrics to identify people either in real time or retrospectively. “Both destroy anonymity in public spaces,” says Daniel Leufer, a senior policy analyst at digital rights group Access Now. Real-time biometric identification can identify a person standing in a train station right now using live security camera feeds, he explains, while “post” or retrospective biometric identification can figure out that the same person also visited the train station, a bank, and a supermarket yesterday, using previously banked images or video.
Leufer said he was disappointed by the “loopholes” for law enforcement that appeared to have been built into the version of the act finalized today.
European regulators’ slow response to the emergence of social media era loomed over discussions. Almost 20 years elapsed between Facebook's launch and the passage of the Digital Services Act—the EU rulebook designed to protect human rights online—taking effect this year. In that time, the bloc was forced to deal with the problems created by US platforms, while being unable to foster their smaller European challengers. “Maybe we could have prevented [the problems] better by earlier regulation,” Brando Benifei, one of two lead negotiators for the European Parliament, told WIRED in July. AI technology is moving fast. But it will still be many years until it’s possible to say whether the AI Act is more successful in containing the downsides of Silicon Valley’s latest export.
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minijenn · 5 months
Who is better, Disney villains or Dreamworks villains?
Disney. As a whole, Dreamworks villains, much like their movies in general, vary greatly in quality. On one hand, you have insanely memorable bad guys like Lord Shen or Captain DuBois or Fairy Godmother or hell, even Lord Farquaad. On the other hand, you have the mid ranks like Drago Bludvist, Rumpelstiltskin, and Prince Charming. And then you just have the most boring, nothing antagonists like the karen lady from Over the Hedge, the generals from both Antz and Spirit, the Boov leader from Home, the sharks from Shark Tale, and so on and so forth. But even at their best, I don't think most Dreamworks villains rank among the likes of Maleficent or Jafar or Ursula.
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[ad_1] SymbolUkrainians in a pedestrian house of Kyiv, on Tuesday.Credit score...Lynsey Addario for The New York InstancesKYIV, Ukraine — As President Biden and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia proceed to have interaction in a deadly pas de deux over the destiny of Ukraine, the country on the middle of the disaster roiling Europe marked a brand new nationwide vacation on Wednesday: Cohesion Day.President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine introduced the vacation — an effort to reinforce public unravel “within the face of rising hybrid threats, knowledge and propaganda, ethical and mental power” — based on U.S. intelligence tests over the weekend that advised that a Russian invasion may just start sooner than first light on Wednesday.However after Mr. Putin’s announcement Tuesday that Russia would “partly pull again troops” deployed close to Ukraine and search a “diplomatic trail,” there used to be tenuous hope in Ukraine and around the area for a relaxed answer to the disaster.The Russian Protection Ministry persisted to announce additional withdrawals of troops from close to Ukraine on Wednesday, however Western leaders have spoke back warily, noting that Moscow up to now has moved troops round whilst leaving heavy weaponry in position.President Biden, talking hours after Mr. Putin on Tuesday, stated america “had now not but verified” Russia’s claims of a pullback, and that U.S. analysts say that greater than 150,000 Russian troops close to the Ukrainian border “stay very a lot in a threatening place.” Mr. Biden added that “an invasion stays distinctly imaginable.”VideoPresident Biden stated his management had now not verified Russia’s declare that it used to be pulling troops again from Ukraine’s border and vowed to pursue a diplomatic answer to forestall an invasion.Credit scoreCredit score...Al Drago for The New York InstancesHowever he emphasised that america would proceed to pursue “a diplomatic answer,” construction on two days of indicators from each Washington and Moscow that the focal point used to be transferring, no less than for the instant, from army posturing to diplomatic wrangling.On the middle of the ones discussions is the recommendation that Ukraine may drop its ambition to sign up for the NATO alliance — a transfer that may lend a hand satisfy certainly one of Mr. Putin’s key calls for. This can be a politically charged matter in Ukraine however Mr. Zelensky has stated it's being mentioned.“It kind of feels to me that nobody is hiding it anymore,” he stated this week.Germany’s chancellor, Olaf Scholz, used to be much more direct when he stated after assembly with Mr. Putin in Moscow that a method of defusing the standoff can be to recognize that Ukraine’s accession to NATO is not likely to occur.“Everybody will have to step again slightly right here and make it transparent to themselves that we simply can’t have a imaginable army battle over a query that isn't at the time table,” Mr. Scholz informed German journalists in Moscow after leaving the Kremlin.In a speech within the Eu Parliament, Ursula von der Leyen, president of the Eu Fee, stated that on account of Russian insurance policies the voters of Ukraine had been preserving “emergency luggage by way of their entrance doorways, with fundamental garments and necessary paperwork.” “Others have stockpiled meals cans to arrange for the worst. Some have even arrange shelters of their basements,” she stated. “Those don't seem to be tales from the Forties. That is Europe in 2022.”She famous that Russia despatched conflicting indicators on Tuesday, pronouncing troop pullbacks whilst the rustic’s legislative frame, the Duma, requested Mr. Putin to officially acknowledge two separatist areas of japanese Ukraine as impartial republics, in all probability paving the best way for Russia to ship in additional troops there. Nonetheless, she stated, there used to be purpose for guarded optimism. “International relations has now not but spoken its ultimate phrases,” she stated.
A central problem for america and its allies has been seeking to divine the intentions of Mr. Putin — a former Ok.G.B. intelligence officer for whom ambiguity and confusion can serve their very own ends.Intelligence picked up by way of america has indicated that Russia used to be taking into consideration Wednesday because the imaginable date for the beginning of army motion, in step with a couple of officers briefed at the subject matter.The ones officers, who spoke on situation of anonymity to talk about delicate knowledge, stated the chance that the point out of a specific date might be a part of a Russian disinformation effort.Whilst Mr. Putin’s feedback on Ukraine were strategically ambiguous, he has now not hidden his view that “true sovereignty of Ukraine is imaginable most effective in partnership with Russia,” as he argued in a 5,000-word essay, entitled “At the Ancient Cohesion of Russians and Ukrainians.” [ad_2] #RussiaUkraine #Disaster #Information #Are living #Updates
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kingdomofedirann · 2 years
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Basic Information
Name: Roisin Blumenthal
Age: Young Adult (Adult)
Sexuality: Straight
Gender: Female
Mortality State: Human
Location: Edirann City
Position in Society
Title: Countess
Class: Nobility
Heir: n/a
Primary Aspiration: Popularity
Secondary Aspiration: None
LTW: Influential Influencer
Zodiac: Pisces
Personality: Sloppy/Neat (0), Shy/Outgoing (0), Lazy/Active (0), Serious/? (0), Grouchy/Nice (0) TBA
Traits: Earthy, Big Spender, Natural Cook, Easily Impressed, Dislikes Animals
Likes: _
Dislikes: _
Hobby: Music & Dance (Recite Sonnets)
Addictions: None
Religion: None
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Material: Leather
Aesthetic: Tudor
Favorite Clothing Style: TBD
Favorite Location: Foreign Kingdom
Skintone: Medium Warm Brown
Eyes: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Texture: Curly
Hair Thickness: Thick
Height: 5′0
Body Type: TBD
Body Hair: n/a
Other: Birthmark
Father: Diarmait O’Niall
Mother: Magdalene O’Niall
Spouse: Alojzy Blumenthal
Siblings: Eoghan O’Niall, Quinn O’Niall, Padraigin Stamacchia (twin)
Children: Blanka Blumenthal, Stefek Blumenthal
Other Relatives: Ursula Drago (cousin), Shripati O’Niall (cousin), Sarala O’Niall (cousin, deceased), Xanthe Cavallario (cousin, deceased), Aella Newson (cousin), Nikephoros O’Niall (cousin)
Allies: None
Rivals: None
Other: None
Birthplace: Edirann City
Place of Death: n/a
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davidkeane17 · 2 years
Cartoon Villains Slideshow Part 1 Aku Toffee Lemongrab Dark Danny Skeletor Shredder Plankton Sideshow Bob Mr Burns The Lich Slade Willson Cell Hades Mojo Jojo Him Darth Maul Skulker Ember McLain PC Principle Scott Tenorman Scar Franklin Bean Charles Muntz Lotso Syndrome Sid Philips Joker TAS Jafar Lex Luthor TAS Mr Freeze Lord Shan Tai Lung Drago Bludvist General Grievous The Father Sephiroth Bun Bun Eris Hector Con Carne Nergal Abraham Kane Fire Lord Ozai Azula Amon Combustion Man Hama Venom TAS Vicki Carnage Green Goblin Loki EMH Trigon Ursula Cruella de Vil Hades Maleficent Gaston Captain Hook Evil Queen Dr. Facilier Shan Yu Claude Frollo Lex Luthor Shere Khan Chernabog Horned King Pete Robot Devil Demongo Vicious Vincent Volaju Team Rocket Evil Morty Eric Cartman Frieza Vegeta Orochimaru Megatron Starscream Unicron Light Yagami Bill Cipher Li'l Gideon Blendib Blandin Lemongrab Ice King Kingpin Tombstone Scorpion Prowler Lady Octopus Princess Morbucks GangGreen Gang Fuzzy Lupkins Sedusa Delightful Children From Down The Lane Cobra Commander Hopper
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clouseplayssims · 6 months
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Not that Ursula refuses to at least meet with Polymnia. She has no desire to outright offend anyone within the upper echelons of society and regrettably that includes upstarts like the Castelows.
It isn't that the girl is terrible, she's just very abrupt, to the point of rudeness. And her good looks don't detract from her utter lack of grace.
Not to mention she's the daughter of the worst gossip in Edirann, Briseis, who is the worst sort of social climber. No doubt she'd be thrilled to have her daughter marry into such a prestigious family but Ursula would rather see Anxo die a bachelor than combine her family with the likes of them.
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shhhushhh · 4 years
Glass Concrete
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Jessica: Hey, little baby.
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Drago: Dude.
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Mario: Are you nuts?!
Drago: Relax. It’s legal around here.
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Adam: Well, hellooo there...
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Ursula: Not around the baby, boys.
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Adam: Come on, man. Let’s go to the dock.
Mario: I don’t smoke.
Adam: For the company, then. Leave the ladies to themselves.
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Mario: ...
Jessica: We, the girls, will be fine here, Mimo.
@treason-and-plot​ <3
Beginning Previous Next
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ambrenoir · 2 years
Quindi il figlio di Bidet ha affari in Ucraina, il marito di Ursula è in Pfizer, la figlia del drago è in aziende farmaceutiche.
Tutto normale. Tutto pulito e consentito.
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ninja-muse · 4 years
Hi! Have you got any spooky children's books rec? If you have any by women writers or by non-white writers I'd be very happy :)
What a nice ask to wake up to! I’m going to start off with some middle grade. I’m afraid pretty much everyone’s female. I don’t have very much in the non-white authors vein, but maybe my followers can help with that?
I remember Greenwitch by Susan Cooper being nicely spooky, but the last time I read it was as a kid and my reread of the first two of the series has produced some … datedness, shall we say.
On the subject of Susan Cooper, I love The Boggart with all my heart. It’s about a Scottish spirit who gets himself transported to Toronto by the Canadians who inherited the castle he lived in.
The City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab is about the daughter of ghost hunters, who can see ghosts and is dragged to Edinburgh for a reality TV shoot.
Castle Hangnail by Ursula Vernon is about a twelve-year-old witch with one (1) spell, applying to be in charge of an Evil Castle.™ The castle residents include a talking doll, a ghostly maid, and Minion, who has lots of stitches.
No Such Thing as a Witch by Ruth Chew is probably out of print, but I read it as a kid. It’s about two kids and the neighbourhood witch, who can turn people into animals, and it freaked me out.
The Ghost of Soda Creek by Ann Walsh was dear to me as a kid as well. It’s about two teens who stumble on a ghost girl haunting the ruins of a Gold Rush town, and who help bring her peace.
Picture books! The Little Ghost Who Was a Quilt by Riel Nason, Gustavo, the Shy Ghost by Flavia Z. Drago, I Spy Spooky Night by Jean Marzollo
From my TBR: The Goblins of Bellwater by Molly Ringle
Hits at my work: Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson, The Little Blue Truck’s Halloween by Alice Schertle
And I’m going to throw Bruce Coville in here, because he was formative for me and while he’s absolutely a white man, I recently found out he’s bisexual! And Edward Gorey was asexual and likely homoromantic. So if you’re looking for diverse authors in a more general sense….
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gale-gentlepenguin · 5 years
So cool art concept
Akuma versions of Disney villains: with Hawkmoth’s lame naming scheme
Maleficent: Dark Dragoness
Hades: Soul Master
Gaston: Handsome Hunter
Ursula: Queen Kraken
Scar: Black Lion
Dr.Facilier: Shadow master
Jafar: Sinister Sorceror or Devil djinn
Just to give a few
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problematicbracket · 1 year
Bubby and Benrey from HLVRAI
Monaca Towa (if you haven't already lol) Junko Enoshima, Celestia Ludenberg, Nagito Komaeda, Mikan Tsumiki from Danganronpa (tbf could be more but almost everyone is problematic in that fandom LMAO)
Drago Bludvist and Grimmel the Grisly from HTTYD
William Afton from FNAF
Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Dolores Umbridge and Voldemort from Harry Potter
Chara from Undertale
Tigerstar, Darktail, Hawkfrost, Bramblestar, Mapleshade and Ashfur from Warrior cats
The Oncelor from The Lorax
Elijah Kamski and Todd from Detroit Become Human
Maleficent from Maleficent
Ursula from The Little Mermaid
Scar from The Lion king
Jessie, James and Meowth from Pokémon
Evil Mother from Coraline
(can list more if needed :) )
Hell yeah... thanks for all the suggestions! I wrote them all down as possibilities. A few were already listed but most weren't. You're welcome to suggest more if you want to, but that's completely up to you. Thanks! 👍
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fireeaglespirit · 5 years
This music, title and picture makes me think of Queen Ursula’s quest in the north in search of the white dragoness to save her newborn, sickly son. 
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