#vaal is good....
ultramantr1gger · 2 years
i can fight elder dragons all by myself o-kay
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the-shy-artisan · 2 years
Prayer circle for Capcom to make an RE8 event quest feat. Malzeno so we can have layered armor that looks like Lady Dimitrescu.
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shinkai-kaiju · 11 months
thank you mick gordon for giving me the strength to thoroughly thrash these monsters
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foxstarjelia · 15 days
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Vaal Hazak doodle from last night's magma session where I tried to draw fast. It took me less than an hour to finish (including time spent struggling to make out the details in reference images, getting distracted to draw the thumbs up sticker, and yapping), which makes me feel quite good about myself
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theabyssal · 7 months
So are characters going to seek forgiveness from death and not just be smug assholes about it “needing to be done”. Because I’ve played some ifs before where you can forgive people for things but the characters were just such dicks about the entire thing that I never bothered to. This is such a good premise so far so I hope characters can actually try to be 3 dimension people and not just be cartoon cut-outs.
Hii!! Well, Death will have the ability to forgive everyone, given time, of course. Not all the gods will seek Death's forgiveness, though. Chamion, Namur, and the twins don't care about that, but on the other hand, Amorr, Vaal, and friend and lover Sol will actively work toward reparations for their past deeds. If you want to forgive them or not, that's your choice.
Thanks for the ask!! 🖤🖤
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spearxwind · 1 month
Been crown grinding in monster hunter world and every time I'm forced to fight Blackveil Vaal Hazak (not a bad fight but certainly not my favorite) I think about your funny spore guy and it somehow gives me the strength to queue up a new run after getting another FUCKING silver crown.
Midas continues his tradition of being a pain in the fucking assssss. Did you know the dream that inspired him was basically that he was a videogame boss/villain and he constantly would make letsplayers ragequit by being unfair? It was pretty hilarious
I hope you find the crowns though!! Good luck soldier 🫡🫡🫡🫡
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shimishtar · 3 months
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i love oc x canon (alsoi made a wrong label for vaal it should've been book 3 IM SORRY 😞😞😞)
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Doodles because I have no internet and I miss DF (too busy with college)
Bonus Ylgr (a good friend's hero oc) and her wife, Bolemira.
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his-heart-hymns · 8 months
When Charles bukowski wrote:
The seats are empty.The theatre is dark.Why do you keep acting?
Shahid Zaki replied:
Mai badalte hue halaat me dhal jaata hu dekhne vaale adakaar samajhte hai mujhe.
In ever-changing circumstances, I seamlessly adapt, those who observe consider me an actor.
We are good at the art of acting.We endure pain and gracefully veil our emotions behind a fake smile.
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elendsessor · 3 months
ok my favorite kind of elder dragons are the parasitic ones since we actually see what harm they’re capable of doing outside of being told they’re harmful to the environment and i really have to give props to blackveil vaal hazak since he’s easily the best “roaming” elder dragon (aside from the magalas because honestly there was so much done with gore that no elder dragon can stand on the level of showing that domino effect).
see the problem i have with roaming ones is you barely see what they do unless it’s story stuff and worldborne was MASSIVE missed opportunity. they tried remedying this by having extreme weather whenever they’re around (except in the elder’s recess at least it’s insanely hard to tell) but while yeah extreme weather is bad…. it looks way too natural. teostra in particular makes this really obvious by having things in the wildspire wastes look a little warmer. wow so cool clearly a massive problem. we do see what elder dragons are capable of in fights of course but some of it is harder to depict without their own unique arenas. nergigante is the one we see the most but really nergie’s more of the real hero since he actually y’know kills and eats other elder dragons so aside from the affect of potentially scaring some off from their territory he’s the least harmful. and has been fighting them off for years and is what helps regulate elder dragon populations so really the demonization of him is very very fabricated after the initial zorah storyline. only closest one is velkhana but she’s actually pretty passive outside of story stuff. most of the ones in world kinda just mind their own business anyways.
but vaal is built different.
(anyways big ramble beneath the cut)
you can already see the effects of what his presence has brought about the second you get to the rotten vale without even meeting him. effluvium is nearly everywhere and a ton of the small monsters are coated in the stuff which does harm them, and when you do fight vaal you see him fuck up those lil guys repeatedly even outside the introduction cutscene. he also has the best elder dragon theme in world no contest. only problem is that he’s pretty easy??? all he has is the effluvium to prove a real threat so popping on anti effluvium decorations simplifies the entire fight. he moves slow, acts slow, the ai isn’t particularly good, and though he hits hard it is relying heavily on if you have your health cut.
blackveil is somehow infinitely more terrifying than a massive mesh of rotting flesh and is absurdly unique
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this is what happens when black mold mixes with cordyceps and it’s so fitting for what vaal hazak is. kinda surprising we haven’t had a fungi based monster until him at least in mainline (might’ve been one that existed before that i’m forgetting). but it’s more than just appearance that makes this thing horrifying. while another chill unless provoked monster, the damage has already been done once you first encounter him.
the entirely of the great forest’s deepest depths are covered in spores and before meeting him you see a bunch of familiar monsters caked in it. the atmosphere is dreary, at least the forest floor choked by sickly mold. he doesn’t even attack you when you finally get the run in, rather moving past you like you were never there. worst part? effluvium resistance doesn’t save you—it only removes one problem. he attacks faster while still hitting hard, each breath spewing more and more of that mold, further covering the foliage and whatever creature is unfortunate enough to be caught in the crossfire, chipping away at your health. you step in the pale patches, you start taking damage at a relatively rapid pace.
then there’s that ultimate move, where blackveil puffs itself up. most elder dragons when they do this call for the player to get as far away as possible. not with him. he covers such a wide range that, unless you farcast, you will get stuck traversing through a sea of spores. the only “safe” space is right beside the beast, aka the last place you want to be, since he can easily hit you.
this is straight up some of the most anxiety inducing stuff in mainline monster hunter and does show that killing it isn’t enough. the spores don’t magically disappear. it sticks, and all you got rid of was the source… until you return to the forest in any quest or expedition he isn’t in, but that doesn’t mean there wasn’t any threat. that’s just a gameplay thing. thinking on a logistical level, were hunts to have a visible effect within the world, yeah that shit isn’t clearing for awhile.
this is how roaming elder dragon fights should be, and it’s easily the greatest one to come out of post old school monsters.
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maracujatangerine · 1 year
Being Rover - Part 5
CW: institutionalised slavery, dehumanisation, box boy universe, pet whump
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Rover carefully turned over the thin strips of beef sautéing in the frying pan, pouring a steady stream of full-bodied red wine over the meat. The scents of cooking meat, garlic and yellow peppers made the pet’s empty stomach clench painfully.
It was thankful it was just hunger pains. Pets were hardy, they didn’t need a lot of food. It was used to blinking away the sudden lightheadedness that stole over it.
It could hear its mistress coming down the stairs and had time to quickly stir the pan one last time before kneeling to greet her.
“Get up and go on cooking.” She ordered, placing two tablets on the counter next to the stove. “Take your pills, Rover.”
The pet stood up and immediately swallowed both pills dry, scratching its throat from the inside. It recognised the pink vitamins it had been prescribed, but even if the medication had been unfamiliar it wouldn’t have made any difference. It didn’t behoove pets to ask any questions. A pet should just obey.
It turned back to the frying pan, relieved that nothing had burned during the moment its attention had been occupied.
”I know it is good for us to be friendly with the de Vaals, but I don’t know if I can stand that woman any more. She is almost as empty-headed as that pet she keeps doting on.”
The pet’s Mistress was talking with its Master on the phone. She was so near, walking back and forth just behind the pet’s back. It could feel its heart picking up its beat, the tiny hairs on the back of its neck standing on edge.
The pet tried to focus on keeping its back straight, on turning the food over smoothly and silently in the pan, on the feeling of the cold floor against its bare feet. It tried to tell itself that this state of heightened attention in its Mistress’s presence was a mark of the love and respect any pet should feel towards its owners, but in a treacherous little corner of its mind, it knew it for what it was - fear.
“I know, I know. But you should hear the way she keeps fussing over them, her pet and Rover both. It is disgusting, as if she thinks they are children - as if they were people, almost.”
The pet tried to lean as unobtrusively as it could on the kitchen counter, as another wave of dizziness stole over it. It just had to finish the cooking and serving, then it would most likely be allowed to kneel down in the corner. To be slightly hunching over its cramping stomach would not be noticeable, and it would lessen the pain. It closed its eyes, for just a moment.
A sharp pain exploded in the back of its head. Only long training kept it from gasping out loud.
Its Mistress had slapped it and was now staring disapprovingly at it.
“Pick up the pace, Rover.” She said. “I’m hungry.”
Tag List Part 1: @cupcakes-and-pain @whump-em @whumpzone @wh-wh-whu @neuro-whump @carnagecardinal @cowboy-anon @whump-me-all-night-long @redwingedwhump @myst-in-the-mirror @haro-whumps @eatyourdamnpears @bloodsweatandpotato @pinkraindropsfell @whumptywhumpdump @theydy-cringeworthy @whump-in-progress @whumpsy-daisy @nicolepascaline @whumpcreations @briars7 @shiningstarofwinter @whumppsychology @alex-ember @miss-kitty-whumptastic @whumpy-writings @in-patient-princess @youtube-fandoms-bands @goblinchildindabog @mazeish @distinctlywhumpthing @inpainandsuffering @canniboylism @icannotweave @incoherent-introspection @kim-poce @broken-typewriter @the-monarch-whumperfly @whumpers-inc @grizzlie70 @lil-whumper @writingbackwards @sunflower1000 @wingedwhump @thecitythatdoesntsleep @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @onlybadendings @rabass @wolfeyedwitch @melancholy-in-the-morning
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aromantictendi · 4 months
Star Trek TOS Rewatch: The Apple
This one feels like a rehash of Return of the Archons with a society that's controlled by a powerful machine and stagnating. Also like RotA, this episode felt half-baked, and might have been better if they'd taken the time to develop the story more.
Easily the most interesting part of this episode is the debate over whether it's right to interfere with the Feeders of Vaal, but I feel like having Vaal force Kirk's hand by putting the Enterprise in danger took the teeth out of it.
That said there were still a lot of parts I liked, including:
The colourful sets and props
The Garden of Eden was just outside Moscow!
Yeoman Landon getting to kick some butt
The Feeders of Vaal learning to kill. "It is a simple thing." *smashes melon*
Exploding rocks and poison gun flowers
Leonard Nimoy making some good acting choices when Spock is shot by the flower
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yakool-foolio · 4 months
Ranking (Most) Monster Hunter World/Iceborne Battle Themes
This tier list will be mainly based on how much I personally enjoy it, so themes' accuracies to the monsters' personalities n such take less of a priority over simply sounding pleasing to the ears (but other factors may additionally pop up depending on the track). Monster Hunter's music sounds as unique as it does because each song tends to have one or two instruments that steal the spotlight for each theme, so in my commentary under the cut, I'll be giving these instruments a small highlight as well! Here's the full tier list! For the large monster area themes, I choose a representative monster for each: Rathalos for Ancient Forest, Diablos for Wildspire Waste, Legiana for Coral Highlands, Odogaron for Rotten Vale, Lavasioth for Elder's Recess, Barioth for Hoarfrost Reach, and Pink Rathian for Guiding Lands.
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Commentary goes in order of the tier list from top to bottom n left to right. There's a lot.
(@junko-jinko since you were interested heh)
Red Glare In The Darkness (Nargacuga) - Nargacuga’s theme takes the top spot! The instrumentation is so unique and upbeat, it’s a blast every time I listen to it. The bass guitar section slays, and the chorus is mind-blowingly perfect. It could bring tears to my eyes. Instrument highlight: bass guitar and piano
Brutish Indigo (Brachydios) - Piledriving its way into second place is Brachydios’ theme! This song grew on me exponentially recently thanks to really listening in and appreciating the mallet instruments that pop up in the intro and bridge. Whatever that mallet instrument is, it fuckin’ ROCKS! This whole track carries the ‘harumph’ of a big monster ready to have the most intense boxing match of its life. Instrument highlight: mallet percussion
Spark Of Blue (Zinogre) - ROCK N ROLL TAKES THIRD PLACE BABY! That electric guitar is a godsend, I just wish it was emphasized more! This theme is insanely catchy, too. A hype battle theme through and through. Instrument highlight: electric guitar
Safi’jiiva (Not released on Spotify) - Holy fuck this medley takes me to a higher plane of existence. Honestly you could just ignore everything else and focus on the target theme (LIKE JEEBUS CHRISTMAS THAT BASS HAUNTS ME) and that’s enough to warrant its spot among the greats. But I won’t just focus on that cause this whole theme is awesome! Exceptionally fitting for an elder dragon that could evaporate you with a tiny droplet of its fire. Menacing, but turns around into a heroic masterpiece. Instrument highlight: choir and bass
Congregation Of The Fearless - The composer really took all of the themes of the other areas and combined them into one flawlessly. My jaw is on the floor as we speak. Coral Highlands’ instrumentation really shines the best here, harnessing the handpan/steel tongue drum to its fullest potential. And I hear that electric guitar and bass guitar in there! Such slick implementation! Instrument highlight: handpan/steel tongue drum and bass guitar
Keeper Of Hades (Vaal Hazak) - The back-and-forth between piano and harpsichord throughout this theme is so god damn good AUGH. Perfect mix of regality and lethality. Instrument highlight: harpsichord and piano
The Brilliance That Rules The Everstream (Kulve Taroth)  - I’ve always adored Kulve’s medley. Each phase shimmers like gold. The organ in the second phase is always an attention-getter and the choir in the third phase is godly. It’s just solid (gold heh) all around, from beginning to end. Also I swear there’s a moment in the third phase’s verse that has a motif used in How To Train Your Dragon, which adds to the nostalgia for me. Instrument highlight: choir and organ
Ancient Leshen (not released on Spotify) - A theme I haven’t paid much attention to until now (but I have beaten this mofo), and once again I am floored by how excellent this sounds. Every single instrument gets its time to shine and sounds absolutely lovely! Instrument highlight: vocals and flute
Splendiferous Silver Sovereign (Velkhana) - The piano is the star of the show and it owns it! I love the staccato rhythm of the drums and brass crescendoing into the piano solos. Fit for the elder dragon of ice! Instrument highlight: piano
Morning Star Of The Dark Tide (Namielle) - An underrated theme for an underrated elder dragon! While it's on the slower side, it maintains a very entertaining rhythm with interesting use of marimba and piano. I’ll ride these waves any day. Instrument highlight: marimba and piano
Alatreon (not released on Spotify) - I haven’t really given Alatreon’s theme much of a listen before since I have admittedly never beat him. BUT now that I am listening to the full thing I can say with certainty this hits hard. This track really just says ‘oh you’re SO fucked’ and I love it. Instrument highlight: percussion and guitar
From The Rumblings Come A Song/A Single Bloom In An Eternity (Shara Ishvalda) - The perfect example of how to make battle music terrifying as fuck. The first phase is nothing to scoff at, but the second is when all hell breaks loose. THE GOD DAMN LAUGHING SNUCK IN AT ONE MOMENT??? HELLO??? Can’t believe this track can manage to be both creepy and really fun to listen to at the same time. Instrument highlight: mallet percussion and what sounds like a pungi flute??? Not quite but its very similar
The Invading Tyrant (Bazelguese) - Bazelguese’s theme is the One-Winged Angel of Monster Hunter. It’s incredibly iconic and instantly fills you with fear in and outside of the game. And once the intro subsides, it builds up to a banger chorus that shines with heroism. Instrument highlight: assorted strings
Murmurs From The Land Forbidden - One of the best area themes in the game. The chorus kicks major ass and that flute can fuckin’ get it. Instrument highlight: flute and whatever that introduction instrument is… synths???
Empress Of The Flame (Lunastra) - Teo’s wife improves his theme in every aspect. Not only harp, but also piano and harpsichord?! What a treat to the ears! Instrument highlight: harp and harpsichord
Ruler Of The Flame (Teostra) - Man I feel bad for sleepin’ on this theme. Those drums are absolutely fantastic and the whole song grooves really well. Instrument highlight: drums
The Howling Of The Lone Wolf (Yian Garuga) - This theme feels like orderly chaos in a way. It’s bombastic, but doesn’t go into overdrive. Those bongos are groovy, and it definitely snatched up some of Brachydios’ amazing mallet percussion. Instrument highlight: bongos
Roars Across The Hinterlands - That introduction woodwind hits real hard. Doesn’t waste its time to get right into the action. It’s a really fun take on a theme for a snowy area. Instrument highlight: percussion
World’s End (Arch-Tempered Nergigante) - Spiky boy 2 electric boogaloo! This version is one I feel like I can listen to more often and really enjoy. Nothing too special, but that chorus sure can be a banger. Instrument highlight: drums
Dancer In the Coral Highlands - Instantly hooked with the handpan and/or steel tongue drum introduction. A pleasant mix of hard-hitting ferocity with moments of elegance slipped in-between. Instrument highlight: handpan and/or steel tongue drum
Guiding Lamp To The Otherworld/How Life Springs Anew (Xeno’jiiva) - First phase takes its sweet time to establish the otherworldly nature of Xeno, but the second phase is where it’s really at. The headstrong march of the brass and drums leads the charge until the chorus unleashes a pretty string symphony. Not something I’d replay often, but gosh darn it I’ll revel in the beauty while I can. Instrument highlight: assorted strings
Even Elder Dragons Tremble (Nergigante) - The chaos radiates off this spikey boy in waves and the music reflects that perfectly. A rambunctious romp with an angry overgrown hedgehog accompanied by this song makes it all the more entertaining. But it’s not really a song I’d listen to on loop or come back to often. Instrument highlight: assorted brass
The Shadow Upon The Tempest (Kushala Daora) - I’m surprised at how much I find this song to be decently enjoyable when I find Kushala hunts in World to be really annoying. Really does sound like what someone would hear in the middle of a tornado and being windblown to hell and back. Instrument highlight: orchestral chimes
Savage Of The Ancient Forest - Standard fare, let's ya know what you're in for and it serves its purpose well. Instrument highlight: trumpet
Rulers Of The Wildspire - On the milder side, has a lotta fun instrumentation though. But unfortunately it’s not something I’d prefer to listen to over other tracks. Instrument highlight: assorted percussion and guitar
Forces Of Land And Life - The bells are what make it interesting, otherwise it just kinda feels blander than the others on the ‘alright’ tier. The chorus really only lasts about ten seconds. Instrument highlight: bells
Beast With Fire Upon Its Back (Zorah Magdaros) - As slow and surprisingly tame as this track is, it does feel like the embodiment of scaling up a mountain-sized volcanic monster. Is that organ I hear in the chorus aftermath? Instrument highlight: assorted brass
The Beast Bares Its Fangs (Tigrex) - Another instance where it's very fitting for the monster, but doesn’t have much replayability. For some unknown reason the added harp riffs sprinkled in make me laugh. Ah yes, let's give the aggressive feral creature that can damage you with its roars alone some nice lil’ harp riffs :) Instrument highlight: harp (for the funny)
The Voracious Devil (Deviljho) - I will live and die a Deviljho hater (not even him throwing other monsters around like toys can save him from my burning frustration hunting him), and his music definitely reflects how much of a prickly bastard he is. Definitely not replayable for me, but it sure does get the point across that you do not wanna cross paths with this giant pickle. Instrument highlight: assorted strings
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reitziluz · 7 months
vaal has absolutely the best most striking design of all of my ocs but i fucking hate eir stupid anatomy and especially eir impossible to draw mouth and jaw situation.
stupid bug. how do you chew anything. no wonder you're no good at talking. how the hell do you fit chelicerae into a humanoid face.
upside is that i don't have to also figure out how any sort of expressions would work on that face because it's all solid plates n shit
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theunusuallyferret · 4 months
Want to dump some sketches of an oc I had for a while. Been posting these on my other accounts. I just don't trust Tumblr that much and this oc is a bit of a comfort character of mine. I jokingly made a goal saying, "If I get ten or more followers, I will upload his sketches." Well, here they are. Start with the older sketches first and the new ones last. Hope the quality is good. His name is Vaal.
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I like to sketch him when I'm not in the mood for anything else. Don't really have much story on paper for him. Just that he is a demon dragon monster dude that is a warlord. Also, he is immortal and tries to be optimistic dealing with that pain of immortality. Having the inability to pass on while watching your friends die. Don't want him to seem like those neon Mary sue characters. lol. His name is "Vaal" because it means "sickly pale" and his skin is really pale under all those scales. Or it can mean lima bean or river depends on the language...
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hurrakka · 5 months
Oh my god. I am obsessed with your Left 4 Dead AU for Leon and Sasha. Is there any fanfics for it yet? I can't get enough!
I also just saw your art of Leon talking to Chris about the Vaal Hazak dragon, and I love the idea that Leon would so be obsessed with playing MHW. Like dude needs a vacation, he shuts off all communication and just binges that game. Who needs sleep? That's his escape from all the shit show that has become his life. He can pick pretty flowers, catch rare creatures for pets and kill monsters without getting thrown around in real life and he can make cool armor with it. (He may or may not even get some ideas on how to fight B.O.Ws using some crazy shenanigans inspired by his own game antics.)
Chris really wants to know why Leon suddenly thinks riding B.O.Ws like a bull is a good idea in the midst of combat. Leon just really wanted to try it in real life. It was just as cool (but a lot more terrifying) as he expected it would be.
Sorry. I'm rambling. I just love your art and all your crossovers for these boys. They're amazing. I can't get enough.
Going back to MHW having an entirely different character as a layered armor is hilarious I can just imagine my hunter on vacation and hires Leon Kennedy to do the work. Guaranteed, he'd have a much better time in the MH verse and do a bunch of goofy shit like knocking a monster out of its powered state w/ a capture net and spam aerial attacks to get more mounts. Since the monhun games are canon within the RE verse, I like to think that he dabbled on on some of em, to the point of even actually trying some tricks on B.OW.s like he did monsters. If giant monster can pin him, let him ride em (and stab em) like a mechanical bull as a treat. He could probably bring oversized hunks of meat laced w drugs to bait zombies and it may actually work lmao. OH and tysm for enjoying my l4d au brainrot. I don't think there are any fics yet? Aside from this one which was a trade I did.
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