#wanted to make a spoiler free gifset for now because I need to get people into this game.
eldragon-x · 16 days
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⌛✨ In Stars And Time ✨⌛
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hakasims · 2 years
The Ultimate And Entirely Correct Ranking Of Every Single Luca Marinelli Movie Love Interest
This post is exactly what it says in the title: I take every single movie Luca has ever been in, extract every single love interest of his and rank them all from worst to best both as characters and as love interests to those specific Lucas. The ranking is 100% biased. Of course, I’ll do my best to rationalize the placement of this or that character, but sometimes I just hate a bitch and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
Also: Feel free to call me out on my blatant misogyny, since it’s pretty obvious that I actually genuinely hate women instead of bad writing, incompetent directing, underwhelming acting or just plain offensive character work.
Ok, let’s go. Obviously, spoiler alert for Luca’s entire filmography.
22. Antonia (Tutti i santi giorni)
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This. This is a bitch I hate. She may or may not be the sole reason I’ve even decided to make this list. I hate her so much it made me hate her actress as a person, even though I have no idea what she’s like. The fact that this movie feels like her vanity project with this character as her self-insert doesn’t help, of course.
Why is Antonia the worst? Because she is aimless, entitled, bratty, whiny, envious, controlling, abusive, self-centered, self-pitying - and she never changes. She has no character arc to speak of, she never apologizes or redeems herself for all the shit she pulls (i.e. kidnapping a pregnant woman’s child and cheating on her boyfriend for the sole purpose of hurting him, even though she was already planning on leaving him anyway) and she gets a happy ending she doesn’t deserve. People might say she is traumatized by her past domestic abuse and miscarriage, but this is bullshit because: A) her ex-boyfriend beating her in the past is never treated seriously by the narrative, nor is the abuser himself portrayed as a monster (he’s more of a goofy dumbass, classy); B) usually when a character does something cruel because of their trauma, it happens in the first half of the movie, giving them a chance to work through their shit and move on a better person, whereas Antonia does it fifteen minutes before the end of the movie, and there is zero work involved. She doesn’t even get Guido’s forgiveness because he’s never mad at her in the first place. She hurts him and he begs her to come back. The movie literally tells us she doesn’t have to become a better person, nor does she need to overcome her trauma. She just needs to get married, i.e. something she specifically didn’t want to do at the start. I guess that’s what constitutes for an arc around here. Fuck Antonia and fuck the people who defend her.
Ok, now that I’ve lost half of you, let’s continue with less controversial takes.
21. Claudia (Lasciati andare)
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This one is easy. Ettore robs a jewelry store and goes to prison for that, with the jewelry still hidden. Claudia steals the booty from him, fucking KEEPS IT and lets him go back to prison for that! What a bitch! Not to mention she’s insanely annoying. The only character worse than her in that movie is the curmudgeonly main character. This film is unberable, you guys.
20. Antonella (Slam - Tutto per una ragazza)
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She isn’t so much Valerio’s love interest as she is his ex, but this is my arbitrary list, and I find this bitch annoying enough to want to mention her. She’s a Cool Mom and she’s dumb as a rock. I hate everything she says, does and stands for. Literally zero redeeming qualities.
19. Elena Orsini (Martin Eden)
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I find her so annoying I actually made a Martin Eden/Legally Blonde gifset with her as Warner. She is snobbish because she’s rich and educated but she has no idea how useless and pointless she is as a person. She is literally a tiny piece of nothing. Fuck her smug little face and fuck Martin for being dumb enough to build his entire life around wanting to please her.
18. Nina (Nina)
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She is sinfully bland and boring and her wardrobe is that of a child.
17. Edward Pilaster (Die Pfeiler der Macht)
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Mickey Miranda is a world class slut and he wasn’t happy at all with having to fuck this guy, which is saying a lot. Edward is needy, pathetic, talentless, worthless, and he has the audacity to be entitled because he’s rich. He didn’t deserve to be manipulated and used the way he was, but he’s no sugar plum, ok?
16. Augusta Pilaster (Die Pfeiler der Macht)
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The mother of the aforementioned, she’s quite bad, though in completely different ways than her son. She’s cruel and scheming, and people have died because of her, but I give her points for girlbossiness her son doesn’t possess.
15. Alice Della Rocca (La solitudine dei numeri primi)
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She didn’t really do anything wrong. She just annoyed the shit out of me.
14. Vittorio (Non essere cattivo)
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Let’s not argue whether he counts as a love interest. He does, moving on. I just want to make things perfectly clear: I don’t hate Vittorio because he stopped using and left his best friend behind. Drug addiction is complicated, and helping addicts who don’t want to be helped is basically impossible. No, the reason I hate Vittorio is his treatment of the women in his life. He is a total dick to Viviana, having no issues insulting and humiliating her in front of other people. At the same time, he becomes a limp, spineless slug as soon as Linda waves her sandy vag in front of his dumb face, and then he basically spends the rest of the movie being her little bitch. Fuck Vittorio, for real. (Fuck Linda too, btw, if she qualified for this list she’d be right there with Antonia.)
13. Mia (Il padre d’Italia)
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Part of me agrees that nobody asked Paolo to play a white night to some random pregnant lady he doesn’t know, but the fact that Mia is so dismissive and ungrateful is annoying. Not to mention it’s kinda uncool to drink, smoke and take drugs while you’re pregnant. Mia is trashy, but she isn’t as bad or as annoying as the people before her.
12. Fulvia (Una questione privata)
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That “got nothing in my brain” Taylor Swift meme is about her. Also she called Milton ugly.
11. Florence Stalworthy-Pilaster (Die Pfeiler der Macht)
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She is Edward’s young wife and a sweet, naive girl who became a pawn in Augusta and Mickey’s scheme. She didn’t do anything wrong and she didn’t deserve any of this shit.
10. Eva Kant (Diabolik)
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Seeing how much I hated this movie, I’m very surprised Eva is so high on the list. I attribute this to her basically carrying this whole so-called plot on her shoulders and actually doing stuff.
9. Enrica “Puny” Rignon (Fabrizio de André - Principe libero)
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She’s positioned as the worse of Fabrizio’s two wives but really, what did she do wrong? Knew her worth and hated being cheated on? Honestly, Puny is perfect. It’s not her fault she wasn’t her slutty husband’s One True Love.
8. Lei (Ricordi?)
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She’s sweet and cute and perfect and she’s played by Linda Caridi. What more do you need?
7. Mario (Il padre d’Italia)
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Who else is enough of a saint to continue being a shoulder to cry on for their ex? The same person who is ready to sacrifice a lot of time and money to travel across the country to fetch that same ex and bring him back home after he got his heart broken, that’s who.
6. Margherita (Martin Eden)
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Take Mario’s saintliness and apply it to a love interest of a character who is way more of a pill than Paolo. Margherita deserves to have streets and bridges named after her.
5. Viviana (Non essere cattivo)
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There’s literally nothing wrong with Viviana. She’s wonderful: loving, supportive, caring, and resourceful. She deserved the world.
4. Maria (Maria di Nazaret)
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She’s THE Mary, Mother of Jesus, but her biggest achievement is not murdering her useless piece of shit husband. She deserved Oscar Isaac but instead she got one of the worst-written Luca characters in history.
3. Dori Ghezzi (Fabrizio de André - Principe libero)
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As the actual One True Love of the main character, she gets to be quite high on the list, not to mention her patience, loyalty, bravery and literally her perfection.
2. Joe aka Yusuf Al-Kaysani (The Old Guard)
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Whaat?! Joe isn’t number one?! But he’s literally perfect! Yes, I know. I told you I was biased.
1. Leonardo (Trust)
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It’s not a movie, and Leonardo isn’t Primo’s real, canonical love interest? I don’t give a shit. He’s smart, resourceful, level-headed, loyal, and Primo totally wants to bang him. This is my list, and Leo is number one.
Do you disagree with my ranking? Please make your own list and send me the link or share your opinion in the notes. Don’t forget to like and subscribe!
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shinidamachu · 4 years
So here’s the thing...
From day one, I knew Hanyou no Yashahime was created to profit off childhood nostalgia. In fact, some people pointed that out quite exhaustively. I have always been aware of it. Still, I gave it a shot (and was super excited to do so). Why? Three reasons: Inuyasha, Kagome and the child born from their love.
I also knew there was a real chance Rin would be the mother of Sesshoumaru’s twins, but I gave Sunrise the benefit of the doubt. Which is why I watched the four episodes on an illegal site, just in case they were playing me.
That’s what kept me going. That, and the certain no matter who the mother was, it would only be revealed at the very end, so I wouldn’t have to worry about it too much and could just enjoy whatever glimpse of Inuyasha, Kagome and Moroha I could get.
And boy, did I enjoy it. Moroha is everything I needed her to be and more. And it was really fun to see this super creative fandom making theories and being so active here every saturday. I had a great time.
Unfortunately, as for this saturday, this wasn’t the case anymore. When I first got the spoilers it was Rin in the tree, I started to mull it over, but decided not to make any judgements until I watched the episode myself, so I could get to my own conclusions.
Here’s where I am at: I have been getting strong vibes from episode four that Rin is, after all, the mother. Granted, the fact that the narrative have been hitting so early and so strongly toward this path can also mean the exact opposite, for the sake of plot twist, since it’s one of the biggets mysteries of the show.
However, there is no actual confirmation at all. So Sunrise waves to Rin being the mother while simultaneously not officially confirming. That way, Sessrin shippers are getting the content they want and the antis still stick around because as long as there is no official confirmation, there is still hope it’s not Rin. We had already called out that would be their game, though: profiting off both sides. I just thought they would drag the issue until the very end instead of straight up writing Sessrin fanfiction.
This is just disappointing, and that’s coming from someone who had very low expectations from this sequel. I’ve seen people complaining about the art style. I’ve seen people complaining about the plot(holes). I’ve seen people complaining about the characterization (me included). None of it was a deal breaker to me, because I’ve never expected too much. All I wanted was for them not to follow the path where one of the main characters had children with someone he meet when she was a child and saw him as an authority figure for the entirety of their relationship. It baffles me that apparently it was too much to ask.
So if this is what Hanyou no Yashahime really is: Sessrin fanfiction, then I’m not the audience for it. And I hate to feel they’re using Moroha and Inukag as baits to keep me watching. I hate to feel like they’re not doing Inuyasha and Kagome any justice. Again: Inukag and Moroha are the reason I ever started this show to begin with, so it’s just not worth it to feel this uncomfortable when I can get the bits that truly interest me through Tumblr posts, gifsets and youtube videos.
I promised myself I would drop it as soon as it stopped sparking joy and today was it for me, so that’s what I’m doing. I might be right, I might be wrong. Maybe by some miracle Rin isn’t the mother in the end of the day. I just really don’t have the energy to stick around until we finally find out, anymore. They were never going to see my money anyway (not that it would make any difference), but my time is far more precious. I don’t want to be invested in this if I’m so certain it will end badly.
And this isn’t about ship wars. In my headcanons, Sesshoumaru was always asexual. Sure, I also saw a lot of potential on his relationship with Kagura and I would have loved if they had gone down this road, too. The truth is: I never cared enough for Sesshoumaru to actively ship him with anyone. But I do care about his character development, which Sessrin would inevitably ruin. And I care about the little girls watching this show, growing up to think this is a healthy kind of romance.
All of that being said: I don’t feel like watching Hanyou no Yashahime anymore.  Sessrin shippers can have it, it was clearly made for them. I can see myself writing Moroha on my future fanfics for sure, but as far as I’m concerned  Hanyou no Yashahime is not canon and nothing anyone say will ever change that.
There’s still probably some Hanyou no Yashahime in my queue. After that, I intend to refrain from reblogging original content from the show. I don’t want to be a part of it, so I’ll probably only reblog fanarts.
For those of you who will still watch the show, good luck and enjoy yourselves. Other than keeping track of my daughter Moroha, I pretend to ignore it completely and that means I won’t be making any negative comments on it, either. This is my issue and I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade. I will still be very vocal against Sessrin, tho. If that bothers you, feel free to unfollow or block me, it’s the healthy thing to do and I promise: no hard feelings about it.
To be very clear: this post is not me trying to tell people to stop watching something they like. This post is me venting and getting some heavy shit off my chest. I can give the show a second chance later if I change my mind or if the mother is confirmed to be someone else, but right now this is it. Thank you for reading. 
PS.: I won’t be replying to any comments of this post.
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firstblesssed · 4 years
is it okey to aask on your opinion on the 5 3 sppoiler stuff? There are so many blogs that eitherr don't say anything or kepp quit and I would like too hear it from other peopless perspective who ddint get spoilerred
From someone who was at work all day when the patch came out and wasn’t able to play it until I clocked off, I was barely spoiled at all because I simply just... had some restraint and didn’t check social media.
I didn’t add the tags to my blacklist because I knew I could control myself. If I didn’t think I could, I would’ve simply added them.
It is not the responsibility of content creators to cater to your every needs, if you have reasons to be on tumblr on or after patch day, prepare to be spoiled, or take the necessary steps to prevent yourself from seeing anything you don’t want to. Tumblr added a blacklist to their desktop site and mobile, so saying “I don’t have tumblr saviour/xkit installed” isn’t an excuse to bully and yell at people for being excited about the content we got. The blacklist catches original tags as well, so even if someone reblogs the post it will get blocked.
The whole situation is ridiculous. We’re all on here because we love the game dearly, so of course we’re going to make and share content from the patch that excited us. Many people have in their descriptions (including mine) that our blogs aren’t spoiler free. You can’t check every blog you follow, I get that, but surely you should know how the internet works by now, right?
And, I did get spoiled slightly. Forgot myself and started scrolling tumblr, saw a gifset of a cutscene I hadn’t reached yet. And you know what? It excited me. I wasn’t thrown into a fit of rage and swore to never play the game again, I was excited for what was to come, what I was going to see at the end. It only drove me to tell my friends to hurry up with their dinner so I could see it for myself, with my own WoL in there.
I feel like everything has gotten out of hand very quickly. I am sorry for the people whose experience was ruined, but they should’ve taken the necessary steps to protect themselves from it and this never would’ve happened.
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avatraang · 4 years
For the author thing. That last part of seen. Please.
Hi!! Thanks for the ask! For those of you who haven’t read seen, feel free to click here to read it. Note that there are spoilers below for the fic!
This is a fic where I kinda went back to my roots and wrote it the same day I published it xD i wasn’t sure where I was going with it, but I knew what I wanted the audience to feel. I actually wrote this story before I saw LOK, so I relied heavily on what I had seen from random gifsets and heard from my friends about the characters. I realized I didn’t want the reader to read the description of Sokka’s drawing until the final moments of the fic, and it felt incomplete when I originally had Sokka describe it to Toph. So I changed direction and had the painting be described through Lin’s eyes. It felt right; after all, the gift was supposed to go to Lin. I opted out of including Suyin because from what I’d come to understand (and now watching the series, it seems I’m correct so far), Lin always felt neglected. I had Bumi be the one to bring her the painting because I felt like out of any of the other kids, he might understand that feeling more than most; they’re both the eldest siblings, and they both felt a little neglected.
Though I never specify how the painting landed back in Sokka’s possession, this is on purpose. It isn’t important to the story, and I didn’t want that to turn into the focus. The focus is Lin, and what the drawing makes her feel. Aang’s death some few years before Sokka’s had left the group unstable, and Sokka (who has been called “the glue” of the group by many) passing doesn’t help. If anything, it hinders any healing process, especially for someone who’s always felt overlooked, like Lin. The drawing is given to Lin exactly when she’s supposed to get it (whether by luck or by a little help from Sokka’s spirit, you decide).
Lin wears her heart where she’d say it belongs: in her chest. Her emotions are kept tucked away, and the grief she feels is no different. But art is the process of seeing yourself in something that is not you, and so when we finally get the description of Sokka’s painting, it’s Lin seeing the love between them and seeing the love they gave her. That it wasn’t all bad; this pure, wholesome, selfless love taught her one or two things in life, and she’s never needed a reminder quite so urgently as now, in the wake of Sokka’s death. And Sokka drew he and Toph together, the way Lin remembers them. Even when they were apart, they were still hand in hand. Whether you ship Tokka or not, these two are twin flames in a way that transcends romance. Friendship is at their core, and nothing can truly separate them. This is a reminder to Lin that her parents (because that’s what Sokka was: the closest thing she had to a father) saw her before she had even come into this world, and that her father (or at least her father figure) wanted to give her something to cherish before he’d even set eyes on her.
Lin, in her grief, feels something she hasn’t felt in a long time: Cherished, accepted, and most of all, seen. It helps her to feel peace, to know that Sokka always cared, and that her parents saw themselves together to the point that Sokka couldn’t draw Toph without including himself. That he wanted Lin to see them enjoying life, having fun, unconcerned and in love. This was the reason I tried to put as much detail as I could into the drawing, so you could all picture what Sokka had in mind, and why Lin feels the way she feels.
Because I hadn’t seen LOK yet, Lin’s point of view and character is heavily based on my own. From the little I had known, we were similar in some aspects; now, watching the show, I see we do have some similarities, especially in our childhood. As someone who, growing up, felt very similarly to how I imagine to Lin felt, I understand how it translates into adulthood. All we ever wanted was to be seen, but not to have to beg for it. Lin finally gets that, and it comes from the two people who saw and loved her before she’d taken her first breath.
Thanks for the question! I loved answering it. The last part of the fic was definitely my favorite part to write. It came from a place deep in my heart, and I’m really happy you remember it. <3
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nastasyafilippovnas · 3 years
Since you compare them to Santhony...what’s Richiekisa?
HAHAHA just my otp to end all otps, the number one, the one all others are judged against, you know the deal. 
So, Richie and Kisa are characters in From Dusk Till Dawn, the series. It is... honestly, as different from Bridgerton as you could possibly get. I think I know five people, besides myself, that have watched both shows and there's good reason for that. I would never rec FDTD to Bridgerton fans or vice-versa. It's about two criminal brothers (Richie and Seth), running from the police, crossing the border into Mexico and getting involved with Mexican snake vampires (culebras). Kisa is one of those vampires, lmao. It's based on the Robert Rodriguez movie and it's everything you could expect, it's gritty, bloody, full of gore, unapologetically trashy at times, but also full of complex characters and relationships.
Now, about richiekisa, it's not that are that similar to santhony, it's more like there are elements in common to both ships that attract me. Except santhony is the fluff version and richiekisa is dark and twisty. I don't even know how to explain everything they go through without major spoilers that you probably don't care about. It starts with Kisa invading Richie's mind and making him hallucinate things in order to get him to Mexico because she has been imprisoned for centuries and he is the only one who can set her free. So, like, nothing to do with santhony, lol. But, if you're still with me, their first meeting in person is Kisa pole dancing and Richie watching her gobsmacked, not unlike Anthony and Siena in 1.04. And you get one my favorite parallels, which is that both these women are performers and they do so not only on the stage, but out of it too, in order to survive in a world dominated by men that see them as nothing more than things to be owned. And Kisa needs Richie (first to free herself and then to take down the man who imprisoned her) so her seduction of him is, in part, based on that, but at the same time you get these really sweet moments between them that show how much she cares for him and how pained she is that she has so much baggage and so many issues that she can't give him the type of relationship and commitment that he wants. Season two deals with them realizing that being together isn't easy and eventually, Richie betrays her to get what he wants (aka, the richiekisa equivalent of Anthony breaking up with Siena). But you see that, even though he betrayed her, he still loves her, and she also acknowledges that, but saying that what they had couldn't last forever. Season three doesn't deal much with them, but you still get Richie pining for Kisa from afar (Anthony much?) and understanding her without her even saying anything and she cries when she thinks he is dead! So, yeah, that's my otp.
I don't know if all I said makes sense, but maybe to understand where i'm coming from: my kisa and siena parallels gifset; richiekisa exile set x santhony exile set; and  this santhony set is based on a richiekisa quote. 
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smallblueandloud · 4 years
hi essbie!! you seem super awesome❤️❤️ if you would like to talk to me about the west wing i would love that! i’m watching for the first time now and i’m in LOVE with it- tell me all your thoughts! otps, favorite episodes, arcs, characters... anything!
oh my god, this is my FAVORITE ASK THAT I HAVE EVER RECEIVED EVER. i’m so happy to talk about the west wing because the fandom that’s still alive today seems to be TINY (although high-spirited!!). thank you for asking!! i will endeavor to talk a lot.... which isn’t hard for me, lol.
(psst, before we begin, can i recommend you check out @donnajosh, who posts gorgeous new gifsets of tww pretty regularly [and also has gifs tagged by episode so you can find the right post to reblog when you’re liveblogging, shh], @etraytin, who’s written some AMAZING multichaps that have gotten me through this very stressful week, and @cassiesinsanity, who’s just plain genuinely amazing?? okay. now that that’s out of the way.)
i tried to figure out from your blog where you are in the show, but i can’t find anything more detailed than “probably has finished in the shadow of two gunmen”, so i’m just gonna keep things anti-spoilers. there are some really, really cool plot developments in tww, and i don’t recommend you spoil yourself for things on purpose! but also like. i DEFINITELY spoil things for myself all the time. so what the hell, don’t listen to me lol.
(i tried to put this under a cut, but tumblr glitched. sorry, peeps who don’t care about the west wing. also, WATCH THE WEST WING.)
my ALL TIME, dearest headcanon is adhd josh. i just. i love my boy so much. i love my impulsive, ridiculously-sensitive-to-perceived-rejection, loud, hyperfixated boy so much. i don’t know everything about adhd, but from what i know josh is TEXTBOOK. or at least he’s a lot like me! and i’m reasonably sure i have adhd. so. i’m REALLY, REALLY into that headcanon and everything about it. (i actually wrote a fic in which i wrote him the way i see his adhd presenting, because i love him so much. hmm, i should write a fic about josh being adhd. what kind of stims would josh like??)
i love and adore josh/donna, like many many other people. i like zoey/charlie, just because i think they make each other happy and both of them deserve that. i... like cj/danny? sorta? i think they’re adorable, and they have some REALLY good moments (no spoilers but. oh my god. danny really out here chugging his respect women juice and i love him for it). but also i am EXTREMELY ATTACHED to cj/toby and more specifically cj/toby/andy.
HEAR ME OUT. cj has EXTREME wlw energy and cj and toby have A LOT of married energy but then toby and andy... love each other so much, it’s so clear, in literally everything they do, i don’t know if you’ve gotten to the end of s5 yet but i cry. so like?? obviously, because i am who i am, polyamory is the answer! basically the rundown is: andy and toby are a typical couple except that they fight a lot. cj is kinda in the middle. if gay marriage had been legal / socially acceptable in the 80s (because god knows this ot3 has been thinking about optics since they graduated college), cj and andy would’ve gotten married and toby would’ve come and gone depending on who he’d pissed off recently, and everything would’ve been perfect. instead, andy and toby got married and it didn’t work because they really just couldn’t function as a unit, especially since their getting married meant that cj isolated herself a bit more. definitely cj and toby have a couple of SCREAMING arguments about the whole relationship. idk.
but just like. imagine with me, if you will, cj and toby... not dating, while working in the white house, but being exes. friendly exes. friendly exes who are still in love with each other and know it. please imagine that and then think about “i love you desperately / i know” and “you wanna make out with me right now, don’t you? / well, when don’t i?” and “we had it good there for a while / yeah, we did” and then join me in the pit of sadness.
(sidenote i have a sense8 au for the west wing and the second story is just me being emotional about their cluster for 5k. i have another story vaguely planned that i’ll probably never write about the development of the ot3 and about their cluster and how it functions. but don’t read that story until you finish... the first half of s7? or thereabouts? actually probably you should finish the show before you read the sense8 au in general if you’re avoiding spoilers.)
(when i say “i’ll probably never write”, i mean “until the next time i get obsessed with the west wing”. which will probably be years from now. oh, well, we can all hope the muse actually does something efficient for once.)
so yeah. those are my ships. i know a lot of people shipped josh/sam, but i don’t really see it? sam always seemed Way Too Straight for that to work lol, although i DO like the idea of sam pining tragically for josh for years just like donna does. (can you tell i read such a winter’s day a few days ago? it’s amazing. i haven’t left a review yet because i have not been a human being recently, but go read it!! it’s awesome!!)
also, i love the idea of bartlet/abbey/leo, although i can’t really visualize it lol. but there’s some amazing fic for them out there. maybe one day my stupid brain will realize the angst potential and actually let me write something for them, hopefully within the sense8 au. (sam also has a cluster! and i would love to write about them! .....but my brain doesn’t do what i tell it to. ever.)
my favorite arc.... i don’t know. i really loved the early seasons, which were a little more episodic, but ALSO i actually really liked the tone after aaron sorkin left after s4? it takes some getting used to, but it’s WAY more emotional, and i am ALL HERE FOR THAT. i definitely have a least favoite arc, or at least a least-favorite way-that-they-handled-a-storyline (spoiler alert: i hated how they handled the end of bartlet’s presidency in the white house. like. SHE’S ALL ALONE IN THERE- anyways. trying not to give detailed spoilers!)
favorite episodes: hmm. i love the thanksgiving episodes. i loved any episode with the ainsley-and-sam dynamic. noel is a phenomenal episode. 26 could make anyone weep. the flashbacks are the best. the fucking- the fucking what’s next motif.
honestly, probably i’d have to say my favorite episode is either 4x20 (evidence of things not seen, for “stupidly noble cluster” reasons and cj/toby reasons and bartlet & charlie reasons. also i feel like there’s some good josh/donna there too but i can’t remember exactly?) or 7x21 (institutional memory, because i’m pretty sure the writers reached into my id and pulled out EXACTLY what i needed from them to be okay with the show ending. jesus CHRIST i have never felt so satisfied after an episode. literally everything i ever could have wanted happened in that episode. i’m STILL reeling. it’s a perfect episode.)
my favorite characters are... literally everyone? i know that’s cheating but i love them all SO MUCH (except mandy and amy, of course). josh is my favorite, always and forever, but i love cj more than words and sometimes i can’t breathe for love of toby. leo and bartlet and charlie and sam and donna- here i was thinking i was gonna resent will forever but i LOVE will. ainsley is an amazing woman. abbey is such a good character, god, talk about a flawed woman who’s allowed to be a good person.
AND THEN THEY MADE ME ROOT FOR A REPUBLICAN. again, i doubt you’ve gotten to s7, but the republican nominee in the last election... jesus christ. i love that man so much. arguably, i’m very biased, but also how D A R E they expect me to root against him. how DARE.
(i swear this will make more sense once you meet him. i just love the actor a lot, okay?)
anyways. this got ridiculously long. i would LOVE to talk about the west wing with you, feel free to reblog this with your own thoughts or tag me in your own post or message me or something. i would love to hear your reactions!! it’s such a good show, and such a smart show, and every character is so mcfreaking good at what they do and i adore it. enjoy the ride because there’s nothing as perfect and as quality as the west wing. if you’ll please excuse me, i’m going to go cry about 7x21 again.
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imaginedmelody · 4 years
I just watched both “IT” movies this week and I have some Feelings.
I know, I’m 2 years and 4 months late to this fandom, respectively- but I spent the last few weeks trying to convince myself that I like horror generally (and Stephen King, specifically) enough to watch these movies, and now I have and I can’t get them out of my head. I already screamed about this on twitter, but I need to do it in more detail here, too. In short, my response was this:
It is very rare that a movie is exactly what you hoped it would be.
These two movies were.
(Spoilers under the break)
I’ve started coming to terms with the fact that I really like horror as a genre, in the last couple of years. It’s not something that I typically associate with myself, partially because I do have some limits in terms of things that disturb me too much to watch, and partially because the horror of the thing itself is not what makes me interested in the genre. I don’t want the primary emotion I feel when watching a horror movie to be dread, ironic as that sounds. I need it to have humanity and heart. But I had sworn off the genre in my mind because I believed those things were rarities in the horror canon.
Of course, that’s not true. It may mean that I’m never gonna be a fan of super-bloody slasher movies, and that I can rule out some horror whose only real purpose is to scare you and make you jump...but there’s a wealth of great stuff out there that doesn’t fit that description. And Stephen King is one of the best at it. I’ve liked his TV and film work since I was in my early teens- not just classics like The Shining, but less iconic work like Rose Red (which I still own on DVD), Storm of the Century, and that short-lived Kingdom Hospital TV series. And I had heard amazing things about the novel of IT, although I don’t think I’m going to have time to read a 1000+ page book like that anytime soon. So I should have known I would like it, even though I had studiously convinced myself that I wouldn’t until fandom exposure piqued my interest enough to push me through that door.
I did ultimately like the first movie better, but not by much. The first movie definitely feels like a flash in the pan gem of horror, but even when it’s brutal and scary, it still feels lighter because of the kids, and both the hope and the humor they bring to the film. (A 7-person friend group that incessantly bickers with one another is probably the most accurate depiction of childhood I can imagine.) The second movie is longer, and sadder too- more bittersweet and melancholy. But I think it has to be. It makes sense for a movie about people returning as adults to confront an evil they thought they’d vanquished as kids to be heavier and sadder. Though I enjoyed it a bit less, I thought it was exactly the movie it needed to be to convey the second part of this story. I don’t think I would have wanted it to feel any different.
I think what’s clever about the way the story of IT is told is that, while Derry has an outbreak of brutality and evil every 27 years, the curse of the town pervades during the in-between time as well. It poisons the people of the town even when it’s not actively killing children. That darkness simmers in them and makes them cruel. We see that in the adults the kids encounter, who are often ugly people even when a monster isn’t lurking in the shadows- Bev’s dad abuses her, Eddie’s mom gaslights him into thinking he’s sick to keep him reliant on her, Stan’s dad shames him for not being the perfect rabbi’s son when he struggles preparing for his bar mitzvah. Even Bill’s dad seems distant and critical of his son (although that may be partially due to grief over Georgie’s disappearance).
We see that impulse beginning in the other kids in town, too. Bowers is obviously most affected by It’s provocations toward gruesome violence, but the non-Losers that we meet are mostly all bullies too, and we don’t get the sense this is a new pattern of behavior. The darkness of the town is already working on them. They’re starting to become the monsters that many of the adults already are. Now, I’m not saying that these same sorts of behaviors don’t exist outside of Derry, but I’d argue that what makes the Losers so well equipped to defeat It is not just that they left the town and were therefore free from It’s influence. It’s that the other adults let the evil corrupt them. But the Losers made a promise not to look the other way.
This is why Mike is able to remain uncorrupted even though he stays in Derry. The childhood innocence of the Losers is what allows them to defeat Pennywise the first time- but it’s their grown-up selves refusing to allow evil to persist, vowing to come back and defeat it and then keeping that promise, that takes It down for good.
If they hadn’t made that blood pact as kids, they might have continued to forget the events of 1989 forever. The evil might never have been defeated. But as Bev says, it would have eventually killed all of them. They all die, and die alone, if they don’t come back to fight. Because that’s what evil does, if we don’t look it in the face and promise to stop it.
Anyway, as you might have guessed, I loved the movies. They had exactly the kind of emotional resonance, beyond just depicting brutality and scares, that I wanted so badly. This series scratched an itch I didn’t even know I had. I definitely want to go back and watch them a second time, and I welcome anyone who wants to come by and chat about them.
(Also, I’m glad I was exposed to some spoilers via checking sites like DoesTheDogDie for triggers, and for spoilery gifsets and fanvideos for getting me interested- because it meant that I knew which two characters get killed off, and I was able to yell “FUCK YOU!!!” loudly at the screen every time either movie foreshadowed their deaths. Which was QUITE A FEW TIMES. At the end of the first movie, when Stan and Eddie are the first two we see leaving the circle after the blood pact? I SCREAMED.)
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rcgreens · 5 years
                             olá vocês, tudo bem??? eu sou a mar e estou aqui humildemente fazendo minha entrada (oficial) na comunidade de 1x1! demorei pelo que? vergonha mesmo kfjands estou em busca de partners e plots gostosinhos para jogar e comemorar que estou praticamente de férias da faculdade. abaixo do readmore eu vou deixar ideias de plots que quero muito jogar, mas estou 100% aberta a sugestões e combinarmos plots juntxs e também saber o que vocês querem jogar, ou só conversar mesmo ué fkajds gosto de tagarelar!!! deixem um likezinho que chamo no chat ou já me chamem direto, tanto faz! enfim, let’s que let’s mores <3
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observações: eu jogo smp com female muse, não sei bem explicar porque mas eu só me sinto mais confortável mesmo e consigo desenvolver melhor, espero que tudo bem <3  sou super tranquila quanto a fc, pode vir o que quiser! posso jogar com sideblog, no twitter ou telegram e adorooo musing inspo e conversar sobre ship, podem me encher fajsdnfaf  ah, os plots q eu escrevi sao bem “real life” eu diria??? mas gosto de jogar em determinados universos também, só nao tive ideias para agora KKKKK
FROM PRADA TO NADA: basicamente é de uma fanfic de mcfly que eu li faz um tempão e eu ainda amo a história! A família de MUSE A perde todo o seu dinheiro após um golpe e o pai dela pede para que uma amiga acolha sua filha em sua casa simples no interior para que ela não faça parte de toda aquela bagunça. Essa amiga é mãe de MUSE B que já julga MUSE A pelo primeiro olhar quando a vê chegando com milhares de malas. Mais uma patricinha, diria ele. Para MUSE A ele não passa de um babaca sem classe. Um love/hate bem gostosinho e que não fica velho, né? (ja tenho char praticamente pronta fkasnd)
MONDLER VIBES: MUSE A e B são melhores amigos since always e nunca pensaram em ficar até o momento em que passam uma drunk night juntos! O mais estranho de tudo é que aquilo não parece estranho, mas os dois costumavam ser tão ruins em relacionamentos que preferiram deixar escondidos dos outros amigos do grupo. quero demaisss (quem me conhece sabe como friends crazy fan eu sou)
OUR LAST SUMMER: Inspirado lá no filme mesmo, MUSE B tem queda abismo em MUSE A desde que a viu pela primeira vez no colégio e aquele é o último verão antes de saírem da cidade para a faculdade. É a única chance dele conseguir alguma coisa com ela, então cria coragem para chamá-la para um encontro e poderem aproveitar o restante do verão juntos. CUTEEE
UNTIL IT STICKS: “how many times jug? how many times are we gonna push each other away?” “until it sticks.” MUSE A e B se amam, mas sempre acontece alguma coisa que os separa. MUSE B acredita estar protegendo MUSE A agindo dessa forma, mas apenas a faz sofrer. Enquanto isso MUSE A quer mostrar que está ao lado dele para o que der e vier. MTTT angst
MY MIDNIGHT KISS: Festa de ano novo, todo mundo tem quem beijar, menos a recém solteira MUSE A que está irritada por isso. No desespero da contagem, então, ela beija MUSE B que estava ao lado dela sem hesitar. Acaba sendo um beijo mais intenso do que o esperado. Após aquele contato MUSE A agradece e se despede constrangida, deixando MUSE B sozinho ali. É claro, porém, que o destino não vai deixar fácil né? Quem vai estar em x lugar no dia seguinte? Ele mesmo, o beijo de meia noite.
BEHIND THE SCENES: Esse é clichezão, mas eu amo e quero demais! Uma vez eu tive uma personagem que era atriz e iria viver um relacionamento fake com um boy par romântico dela nos filmes mas que apesar de aparentarem serem os melhores amigos nas entrevistas ela o odiava, porque ela era atriz responsável perfeita, enquanto ele um completo preguiçoso, irresponsável, sem dar valor para nada!, nas palavras dela. é basicamente essa loucura que eu quero reviver!
APARTMENT PLOTS: Vi as inspos aqui e tem várias que me interessam muito!! Pensei muito nessa ideia de exes de escola ou faculdade idk e agora algum deles se muda e o vizinho é quem??? eitcha! ooou a simples ideia de minha personagem estar bêbada e chorando no corredor do bloco e seu personagem não sabe bem oque faz? nessa lista tem muita coisa legal galere, vamos que vamos
HIGH SCHOOL REUNION: Basicamente MUSE A e B estudaram juntos no colégio e nunca mais se viram depois dessa época. Agora acabaram de receber um convite para uma reunião de turma e se reencontram. Eles teriam alguma backstory no colégio. Podiam ter sido high school sweethearts, inimigos, se pegavam as escondidas dos outros amigos, idk, vemos isso <3
SUMMER CAMP: Meio super clichê básico, mas todos vêem que eu amo? Todos os anos essas duas escolas se unem em um acampamento de férias. MUSE A e B são de escolas diferentes e todas as férias entram em um nível de competitividade altíssimo. Estão agora no último ano do colégio e querem muito ganhar para fecharem aquela época com chave de ouro. Aparentemente se odeiam, vivem discutindo, se ameaçando, acusando o outro de trapaça, mas a verdade é que sentem uma super crush um no outro. 
SUMMER CAMP 2.0: Ainda de escolas diferentes, MUSE A e B ficaram durante o primeiro ano de acampamento. Parecia tudo bem até que um dos outros chegou no segundo ano com um namoradx. Aí ferrou tudo. Ciúmes, brigas, discussões, pegação, etc etc durante esses 3 meses
KEEP ME CLOSE: MUSE A é atriz desde criança e ficou extremamente famosa. durante a premiere de seu filme ela surta e sai correndo, tromba com MUSE B e implora para que ele a leve dali. MUSE B a carrega para sua casa em um bairro simples de classe média e lá a atriz implora para que a deixe passar a noite. Minha ideia é que um se surpreenda com o outro. MUSE A com a vida simples e animada e MUSE B com a humildade de uma garota tão famosa. Simpleszinho né? 
clicando na frase você encontra gifsets que eu rebloguei e acho que dão bons plotss!
high school cliché, líder de tocida e jogador de futebol. siM KKKKK aaaa e gosto de plots com bebês tb aaaaaa
messy exes plot where they can’t get over one another no matter what they do and they always tell themselves they’re not gonna go back to them yet every time they get done with a date they end up knocking on the other person’s door and just jealousy and angst and heartbreak and crying because they don’t know if this is ever going to work out but they can’t walk away because this person is still their whole fucking world and they don’t know how to move on CREDIT
“i slept with you the other day and i didnt know we had a mutual friend and now we’re sitting across each other for brunch and it’s awkward because i ran out when you were asleep” CREDIT
“i met you when you stayed in my little beach town almost the entire summer when we were 15/16 and we had a summer fling and i’m pretty sure we were a little bit in love but then you left and we just kinda stopped talking and now i’m well into college and holy shit i ran into someone at a party that looks like an older version of you–wait that IS you??? and we’ve been going the same college the entire time?? and now i feel like i see you everywhere??? what the hell is this you’re even hotter than you were back then what the HELL” CREDIT
we dated once in college and i never got over you. now i’m a single parent because my ex didn’t want a kid, and holy fuck you’re my kid’s kindergarten teacher. (tenho uma char pronta para esse aaaa) CREDIT
“you broke my little sisters heart so i’m going to make your sister fall in love with me and do the same” plot??? CREDIT
“you’re my best friend but please be my fake boyfriend for my family Christmas party you’ll get free food and we’ll be at a nice cabin but my family always asks why I don’t have a boyfriend and I need this from you shit we slept together this is awkward” CREDIT
childhood best friends slash roommates who get immensely drunk one night and have sex and then just continue to keep doing it because that’s the only way they think they can have each other. spoiler: they’re both in love with each other and have been for years, but don’t wanna say shit about it because they’re afraid of losing each other. cue angst. CREDIT eu perdi o link oficial </3 mas vi aqui
‘we’re broken up but i never changed my emergency contact and now i’m in hospital and ?? why are you here first at my side you didn’t have to come’ CREDIT
also like … royal plots ?? yes please ?? someone give me an actress meeting a royal and falling in love ?? a royal falling in love with a commoner ?? arranged marriages between two royals ?? GOD pls (tenho char pronta tb fkansdkjfns) CREDIT
muse a and muse b work together at a cafe/restaurant but do not like each other at all and all they ever do is bicker and yell + curse at each other pls then one day muse a messes up the others order on purpose and muse bconfronts them angrily about it and there’s a screaming fight so they get so close to each others faces and breathe heavily AND THEN BAM THEY’RE MAKING OUT CREDIT
i just want a i have a famous boyfriend but i cannot tell anyone plot cause cute like going out at night and dressing him up so that people won’t recognize him, secret meetings at the closet and FUCKING inside the bus. until one day he starts dating some hot celeb and the other muse finds out online or on tv… CREDIT
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zoolingual-blog · 5 years
DISCLAIMER  :  i am not in any way affiliated with any of the fcs i use. thank you. however, i did create danny and her world and i would appreciate it if no one stole anything
ONE      •    THIS BLOG IS A SAFE SPACE.     that means no hate, no bigotry, no jackassness allowed. if i see it on my dash, you will be blocked.  i will reblog callout posts, but only for serious stuff. if i see a callout posts for someone ’ not writing their character right ’ or ’ not being original enough ’ or something like that, it will be ignored. that’s dumb and you need to get over yourself. i myself am a white, lgbt female. i am not perfect, and if i do some shitty things, i expect people to come talk to me about it because in no way do i want to be make people uncomfortable or be ignorant. but i do prefer you come talk to me first, don’t just blast hate about me without trying to work with me first. i am not a hard ass, im actually quite the pushover. and i swear im pretty nice.
TWO     •     I DO NOT FOLLOW DUPLICATES.     this should not be an issue, as danny is an oc and there really should be no duplicates
THREE     •     WE NEED TO DISCUSS FACECALIMS.     there are a certain bunch of fcs i refuse to interact with, mostly because the actor themselves gives me a bad taste in my mouth. if you have a character with one of these fcs, i will not follow. if you wish to change the fc and don’t know who to change it to, come talk to me and i can help you out ! i will gladly point you to alternate fcs. if any of my fcs are / become problematic as well, feel free to tell me so i can change them !! the fcs i will not interact with are RDJ, MARTIAN FREEMAN, BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH, SCARJO, ELLE FANNING, EDDIE REMAYNE, HAILYEY ATWELL, & JOHNNY DEPP.
FOUR     •     I AM HIGHLY SELECTIVE & MUTUAL ONLY.     basically what this means is that i only follow some people back on my dash, and i will only interact with you if we are mutuals. if we are not mutuals, do not like or reblog anything. i just like to have a clean dash, and if we are not mutuals it makes me very anxious to have to answer questions or make you a starter. just don’t, or i will block you.  i may take a while to follow back though, so if it’s been a few days and i haven’t followed back, don’t worry ! i might be getting to it ! but also don’t ask me about following you back. i have a hard time saying no to people, and then i just feel trash about myself because i didn’t want to follow and i made myself. so please just, don’t ask. but no matter if we are mutuals or not, if you want to come to my ims to talk about something, feel free !
FIVE     •     ALL GRAPHICS ARE MINE.    i save the screencaps and i made the psd from scratch and everything edited is mine. please do not take that from me, it’s incredibly disrespectful and i will block and report you. that being said, if something i use is art and if the art is your art and you want credit / want to have it removed, let me know ! i will gladly add the credit or remove it ! most of the time i just google search shit and random stuff pops up and i don’t know where it’s from, so just let me know ! occasionally i will make gifsets / edits of my muses : please don’t reblog these unless i give permission. i’ll usually put something like that in the tags or something.
SIX     •     I HAVE MY OWN SYSTEM AND WRITING STYLE.     i do memes a certain way and i write my drafts a certain way as well. the only thing you really need to know is that once i reblog a meme, it’s open forever. you could send it to me the day i reblog it or three weeks later - i don’t really care. if i don’t want to answer a meme anymore, i’ll delete it, so anything in the meme tag is fair game. other basic rules apply : if you want to continue an ask meme to a thread, move it to a new thread because if it is on an ask i won’t reblog it. i do prefer small text and icons, but i won’t not interact if you don’t use these.
SEVEN     •     I KINDA ADORE SHIPPING.     this includes platonic, frenemies, romantic partners - if it’s a pairing of any kind im a sucker for it. as for romantic things, danny doesn’t quite know her sexual orientation yet, she kind of just dates who shes wants to date. in regards to shipping, i ship chemistry above all else. i do not write smut, as i am just entirely uncomfortable with it. i may mention some things here and there, but that is it. if you see our muses being together all romantic like, let me know ! cause i may ship it too, and we could have some fun. oh, and i am ship exclusive ( meaning i will only ship with one of a particular character )
EIGHT     •     IF YOU WANNA BE MAINS, ASK ME !     i like having mains, like really like it, so if you want to be mains just let me know ! exclusives are a bit different, as i don’t like to say im exclusive with anyone. it really has to take a strong bond of me to your character portrayal for me to be exclusives. also, if i say you are my main / exclusive, do not feel pressured to add me back ! i do it for my own comfort via the relationships ive built, and it just makes me comfortable. do not feel obligated to do the same in return, you def don’t have to.
NINE     •     I TAG TRIGGERS AS TRIGGER TW.     if you want a trigger tag, tell me so i can tag it ! i try to tag the basics, but sometimes i forget, so if i forget just remind me ! i ask that you tag any vague posts you might post. i have a habit of thinking they are about me no matter what they are about. simply tag anything about it being vague or simply put ’ not about my mutuals ’ if it’s about something else ! spoilers for tv shows / games / etc will be along the same lines tagging wise.
TEN     •     MY ACTIVITY IS SPOTTY AS HELL.     currently, i work a part time job at 30 hours a week, take 18 credit hours of class, and also try to have a social life and sleep on top of all of that. there are some nights where i do not get on tumblr at all. my activity still is all over the place. if this bothers you, please do not follow. i can’t control it, and tumblr doesn’t pay me to rp, so this isn’t my number one item of things i have to keep up with. also, my main blog is @ unastute, not this one. danny is mostly plot based if i’m being honest. drafts are rarely in queue, so if i post a draft, you know i’m on, if even for a moment. i am always on discord & you can reach me in ims at almost any time as well ! if we are mutuals, hmu for my discord !
ELEVEN     •     HI I’M SYD.     i am a white female living in the usa. i am 20. im not entirely sure wtf my sexual orientation is, but if you ask me irl my first answer is usually bi. i have high anxiety, bpd, avpd, and i fluctuate between periods of high empathy and periods of low empathy. i am a sophomore in college, studying marketing and minoring in event management. really though, i’m just a smol child tryin to make it through life in one piece. ask me about my puppo and i will show you the 60 pictures i take each day of him. i also have a youtube channel, but i rarely post videos so if i’m on there i’ll shout it into the void. thanks for reading this long thing, it means a lot. i’m sure i’ll add more as i find more things, but for now, have fun and explore ! remember i love you and you’re amazing !
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unastute · 5 years
DISCLAIMER  :  i do not own new girl or jessica day. i am not in any way affiliated with any of the fcs i use. thank you.
ONE      •    THIS BLOG IS A SAFE SPACE.     that means no hate, no bigotry, no jackassness allowed. if i see it on my dash, you will be blocked.  i will reblog callout posts, but only for serious stuff. if i see a callout posts for someone ’ not writing their character right ’ or ’ not being original enough ’ or something like that, it will be ignored. that’s dumb and you need to get over yourself. i myself am a white, lgbt female. i am not perfect, and if i do some shitty things, i expect people to come talk to me about it because in no way do i want to be make people uncomfortable or be ignorant. but i do prefer you come talk to me first, don’t just blast hate about me without trying to work with me first. i am not a hard ass, im actually quite the pushover. and i swear im pretty nice.
TWO     •     I DO NOT FOLLOW DUPLICATES.     i always feel bad about this rule, but it gives me such high anxiety i don’t know what to do. i love anyone who makes a new girl blog, and we can still be friends if you rp jess too ! just shoot me a message and i’ll give you my discord. but in no way will i be following your blog, for my own mental health.
THREE     •     WE NEED TO DISCUSS FACECALIMS.     there are a certain bunch of fcs i refuse to interact with, mostly because the actor themselves gives me a bad taste in my mouth. if you have a character with one of these fcs, i will not follow. if you wish to change the fc and don’t know who to change it to, come talk to me and i can help you out ! i will gladly point you to alternate fcs. if any of my fcs are / become problematic as well, feel free to tell me so i can change them !! the fcs i will not interact with are RDJ, MARTIAN FREEMAN, BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH, SCARJO, ELLE FANNING, EDDIE REMAYNE, HAILYEY ATWELL, & JOHNNY DEPP.
FOUR     •     I AM HIGHLY SELECTIVE & MUTUAL ONLY.     basically what this means is that i only follow some people back on my dash, and i will only interact with you if we are mutuals. if we are not mutuals, do not like or reblog anything. i just like to have a clean dash, and if we are not mutuals it makes me very anxious to have to answer questions or make you a starter. just don’t, or i will block you.  i may take a while to follow back though, so if it’s been a few days and i haven’t followed back, don’t worry ! i might be getting to it ! but also don’t ask me about following you back. i have a hard time saying no to people, and then i just feel trash about myself because i didn’t want to follow and i made myself. so please just, don’t ask. but no matter if we are mutuals or not, if you want to come to my ims to talk about something, feel free !
FIVE     •     ALL GRAPHICS ARE MINE.     i save the screencaps and i made the psd from scratch and everything edited is mine. please do not take that from me, it’s incredibly disrespectful and i will block and report you. that being said, if something i use is art and if the art is your art and you want credit / want to have it removed, let me know ! i will gladly add the credit or remove it ! most of the time i just google search shit and random stuff pops up and i don’t know where it’s from, so just let me know ! occasionally i will make gifsets / edits of my muses : please don’t reblog these unless i give permission. i’ll usually put something like that in the tags or something.
SIX     •     I HAVE MY OWN SYSTEM AND WRITING STYLE.     i do memes a certain way and i write my drafts a certain way as well. the only thing you really need to know is that once i reblog a meme, it’s open forever. you could send it to me the day i reblog it or three weeks later - i don’t really care. if i don’t want to answer a meme anymore, i’ll delete it, so anything in the meme tag is fair game. other basic rules apply : if you want to continue an ask meme to a thread, move it to a new thread because if it is on an ask i won’t reblog it. i do prefer small text and icons, but i won’t not interact if you don’t use these.
SEVEN     •     I KINDA ADORE SHIPPING.     this includes platonic, frenemies, romantic partners - if it’s a pairing of any kind im a sucker for it. as for romantic things, i strongly ship nick and jess, and their relationship means a lot to me. but only in a few verses will i have them post season 7, just to keep options open. in regards to shipping, i ship chemistry above all else. i do not write smut, as i am just entirely uncomfortable with it. i may mention some things here and there, but that is it. if you see our muses being together all romantic like, let me know ! cause i may ship it too, and we could have some fun. oh, and i am ship exclusive ( meaning i will only ship with one of a particular character )
EIGHT     •     IF YOU WANNA BE MAINS, ASK ME !     i like having mains, like really like it, so if you want to be mains just let me know ! exclusives are a bit different, as i don’t like to say im exclusive with anyone. it really has to take a strong bond of me to your character portrayal for me to be exclusives. also, if i say you are my main / exclusive, do not feel pressured to add me back ! i do it for my own comfort via the relationships ive built, and it just makes me comfortable. do not feel obligated to do the same in return, you def don’t have to.
NINE     •     I TAG TRIGGERS AS TRIGGER TW.     if you want a trigger tag, tell me so i can tag it ! i try to tag the basics, but sometimes i forget, so if i forget just remind me ! i ask that you tag any vague posts you might post. i have a habit of thinking they are about me no matter what they are about. simply tag anything about it being vague or simply put ’ not about my mutuals ’ if it’s about something else ! spoilers for tv shows / games / etc will be along the same lines tagging wise.
TEN     •     MY ACTIVITY IS SPOTTY AS HELL.     currently, i work a part time job at 30 hours a week, take 18 credit hours of class, and also try to have a social life and sleep on top of all of that. there are some nights where i do not get on tumblr at all. my activity still is all over the place. if this bothers you, please do not follow. i can’t control it, and tumblr doesn’t pay me to rp, so this isn’t my number one item of things i have to keep up with. my drafts are rarely in queue, so if i post a draft, you know i’m on, if even for a moment. i am always on discord & you can reach me in ims at almost any time as well ! if we are mutuals, hmu for my discord !
ELEVEN     •     HI I’M SYD.     i am a white female living in the usa. i am 20. im not entirely sure wtf my sexual orientation is, but if you ask me irl my first answer is usually bi. i have high anxiety, bpd, avpd, and i fluctuate between periods of high empathy and periods of low empathy. i am a sophomore in college, studying marketing and minoring in event management. really though, i’m just a smol child tryin to make it through life in one piece. ask me about my puppo and i will show you the 60 pictures i take each day of him. i also have a youtube channel, but i rarely post videos so if i’m on there i’ll shout it into the void. thanks for reading this long thing, it means a lot. i’m sure i’ll add more as i find more things, but for now, have fun and explore ! remember i love you and you’re amazing !
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qqueenofhades · 6 years
Do you have any advice for someone who is obsessed with a show/actress and wants to distance themselves from it for mental health reasons? Its hard to quit but i know you left the CS fandom.
Well, I have a few things to say to that.
First, I understand the totally pouring yourself into a show/ship/fandom as a mental health coping mechanism, as I definitely did it for OUAT/CS for several years. Maybe it’s not the healthiest thing in the world, but it’s certainly not the worst; it’s not like you’re hitting up drugs/alcohol/skeevy parties etc. But it can end up being draining in many ways, isn’t a substitute for recovery, and as you’ve probably noticed, can spiral around into obsession and feeling like you rely too much on something you can’t control (the progression of the show, the behaviour of your fellow fans, etc) and when it’s crossed the line into codependency, aka it’s the entire medium in which you function, it’s probably time to cut or at least loosen ties.
Next, doing that doesn’t mean you have to stop loving the thing. It just means you are making a conscious decision not to totally order your existence around it anymore. I have had several periods of being totally obsessed with something long-term, and then I have to withdraw from it and go to something else. It starts with just the small things. As I have said, there was a time in the recent past when OUAT was pretty much all I thought about outside work/real life commitments (and I’ve heard of this being the case from other fans). My mood was dictated by whatever spoiler news or thinking how I was going to have to react to it or answer asks about it or whatever else, or how people on my dash were acting, or all the nebulous internet drama that ultimately adds up to no real presence in your life but sucks energy and good feeling out of you anyway. And honestly, it’s just not worth it. Nothing on the internet is. It’s a great tool and it connects people with similar interests and I’ve made some awesome friends here and I still enjoy coming here, but I had to go through the omg this place is awesome -> eh there are problems -> omg get me off this hellsite -> I am chill and give no fucks and am too old for this shit that pretty much every long-term fandom user does. It happens. But again: not worth it. It’s a story. It’s fictional. It’s people you’ve never met and probably never will. Social media gives us the illusion of being really close to it, but we’re not. I love TV and continue to enjoy watching it, but… I don’t let it control me anymore.
So it starts with small things. You have to remind yourself that you will live if you don’t know every bit of spoiler news/fandom drama. If you are obsessive about checking, maybe get a filter installed (these are pretty easy to find browser extensions) that blocks you from tumblr within certain hours. Unfollow toxic people or people who are always engaged with drama or whatever. Or allow yourself to check but no more than for a few seconds at a time: if you have new notes or messages etc. If not, keep on rolling. Find something else you are interested in, or something you have been putting off doing. Etc.
Next, as noted, this does not mean you have to turn in your fandom card and quit enjoying something cold turkey. I still follow lots of CS-related people and see CS content steadily on my dash. I wrote another 400k word fanfic about CS + their extended family that I finished just like six weeks ago. I still reblog CS gifsets occasionally. Their time on the show came to an end (after I’d checked out of being invested in the show anyway) and I wasn’t interested in the reboot, but some people I still follow are, and that’s fine. As I’ve said, the relationship now is like that of friendly exes. I am able to appreciate the time that it was in my life and everything it gave me, but I don’t want to get back to it on an active basis. And that’s as it should be. It’s honestly about being a sane and self-responsible adult and realising that people like different things, no one is ever going to change their mind about liking something because of someone else trying to make them feel bad about it, and shouting at other people on the internet or watching other people shout at each other is like… the least productive thing on the planet. It just is. It’s not worth it. There is so much more to enjoy and look at and do with your time.
After all, if this burning dumpster fire of a year has given us anything, it’s more conversation about the irresponsible use of social media and the pervasive nature of bullying/harassment and how short life is. It may feel at the moment like you can’t live without the show/actress you’ve spent a lot of time and energy devoting yourself to, but you can, and you will be happier with some space. You can still like it and like her, on a more casual basis, and you don’t owe anyone any explanation for your choice or your actions or your own mental health. I think understanding you need that distance is a good first step. I’m not super active on here any more, but I’m around, and I reblog things, and etc. Sometimes I miss the days when I would get like 40+ asks a night after an episode, and the high volume of interactivity and excitement, but I’m an adult with a busy and stressful real life and I need my fandom time to be escapist and fun. If it’s not that, I’ve just reached the place where I put in zero effort if it’s becoming a negative or a drag or anything but something that is an enjoyable way to spend my free time.
You will figure it out. Good luck.
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bluezey · 7 years
How did we go from Rango to Sausage Party to Emoji Movie?
I’m not a fan of review videos right now cause they’re all taking stabs at Emoji Movie.  For one, I haven’t seen it, so I don’t want my view swayed.  And two, well, you don’t need to see it to know that it’s junk, it’s just pandering junk made for a quick buck.  But, today I was finally happy to watch a review, and it was an old review of Caddicarus spoiler-free reviewing Sausage Party.  Last year, we had Sausage Party, so should we not be that surprised we have Emoji Movie?  Well, even without seeing Emoji Movie, I have to say yes it’s surprising because even Sausage Party surprisingly had a point.  Yes, Sausage Party was meant to be raunchy and offensive and wtf, but then you see the film and not only do they own that end of the spectrum, but they make a plot about religion that’s not only another offense but serves a purpose, it made some points and even had a tacked on message about it.  So, should I not judge Emoji Movie because maybe it has a purpose outside of selling a product?  In my opinion, yes, because even with the “don’t judge a book by it’s cover” Emoji Movie does not look like my cup of tea.  I like animated films, I like cheese, but Emoji Movie does not look like my blend of cheese.
Oh, but Sausage Party is, I hear you ask?  Well, yes.  While I like animated films and even cartoons for kids, I also like adult humor, I like something smart for adults and something that’s plain candy mush for adults.  That’s why I like Rick and Morty, that’s why I like American Dad, that’s why I like Family Guy (to an extent), that’s why I like Moral Orel (to an extent), that’s why I like Squidbillies, that’s why I like Aqua Teen, that’s why I like most episodes of South Park, that’s why I like Ugly Americans.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I have a limit, so whenever I recommend Sausage Party to people, I also stressfully warn them by saying “when it comes to it’s raunchiness, you’re not ready, you may THINK you’re ready, but you’re not.”  I’ll even admit that I own a copy of Sausage Party unironically, but I still look away when it comes to THAT moment in the film (but thanks to tumblr gifsets I technically HAVE seen it, so... yeah.)
But I’m done rambling.  My point is while I have levels of adult taste and adult “lack of taste” I do have a fascination for adult animated films.  Partly because I have a fascination for the taboo, because let’s be honest animated films are still considered more for kids and families, and also because they’re few and far between.  When we weed out the sugary eye candy and the bullshit, there is a long and wide collection of good films for kids, but for adults we have... Felix the Cat... Cool World... that one film with that title I’m afraid to say... South Park... that one film Cinema Snob found about a duck... long story short, not many.
But, here’s an interesting trend, many of the adult rated animated films are made by Ralph Bakshi.  How do I explain Ralph Bakshi.  Well, Nostalgia Critic’s review of Cool World has a better description of the man, but in my words, he is a crazy, fascinating genius.  Clearly a big fan of animation and a big animation influence, but while many were making kids films, he was making something bizarre and different with animation.  Yes, he did kids films, but he did a Lord of the Rings film with rotoscoping and a fantasy film with swearing and Nazi imagery.  Yes, I’m not joking.  So, with that bit of insanity, how were his films he successfully made for adults.  He made Fritz the Cat, the first X rated animated film that’s also a porno.  And that film that I’m afraid to say the name of?  It’s about racial tension and stars Brier Rabbit, Brier Fox and Brier Bear in some kind of mafia underground.  Again, I’m not joking.  He was one of the many that knew animation was an art film, not a kids genre, but he was also one of the few that successfully made examples of it.  Despite some questionable choices he made, even in his kids films, all his cartoons had a level of smartness and a purpose, made the audience think and react.  All except Cool World, but see Nostalgia Critic’s review to get a good grasp on that story.
To almost switch tangents again, let’s briefly talk about another well known director, Gore Verbinksi.  He is known famously for the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, but did you know he is also responsible for an animated film?  Yes, 2011′s Rango was his doing.  Not only wanting to do a western and an animated film, but Gore Verbinski was quoted for saying that he missed films by Ralph Bakshi in the media and wanted to make a film much like it.  Woah, I hear you say, what kind of shit is in Rango if he wanted to make a Bakshi-esque film?  Well, overall Rango does sound like a kids film.  It’s about talking animals in the old west setting, and specifically we’re following a chameleon who goes by the name of Rango, who wants to become a hero, so he tries to save the town of Dirt from a drought, as water is not only a living sustenance but a form of currency to the denizens of the town.  Nothing that surprising yet, until you find out this film also has on screen drinking, drunkeness, smoking, gun violence, mild swearing (if you call damn and hell curse words), possibly two females of the town are dress as prostitutes so that may be their occupation.  And Rango, yes, that may not even be his real name.  He made it up because when we met him in the beginning of the film he is literally a blank slate in an existential crisis of finding his purpose in life.  Yes, I’m not joking.  Not only having some things that would make shelter parents flip like guns and tobacco, but this film has a surprisingly deep plot even for adults to grasp, and this film was meant for kids!  Even the world was not animated in a cutesy kids fashion, as the world was dirty and, despite half of the characters having out of proportion faces so they’d look aesthetically okay to look at, the characters look realistic as possible.  No smoothness, no fluff, just matted hair, scales and thorns.  Compared to other films that came out before and after it in the ten year time frame, this film was pretty gritty.
So, should we thank Rango for giving us Sausage Party?  With a big asterisk, I’d have to say, kind of, in a way we have to thank The Simpsons for giving us Family Guy.  These two films could not be any more opposite of each other.  Rango was smart and for kids and Sausage Party, while smart, was just raunchiness for adults.  But, no joking, I believe if we had an alternate reality in which Rango was not made, we would not have Sausage Party.  Let me try to explain why.  Like all evolution, we can’t just take a running leap, we need to take steps or even half-steps to get there.  And without Rango, the last step was the South Park movie back in 1999.  There was a big plateau in adult films between 1999 and 2016, so Rango in 2011 also had a purpose of being the half-step.  Yes, it was for kids and was technically inoffensive, but was also risky and challenging for having smoking, drinking, swearing and gun violence unapologetically in a kids film, like a Ralph Bakshi kids movie.  And, with Rango technically closing the gap even further by winning the Best Animated Feature Oscar in 2012, it closes the gap even further to four years between them and Sausage Party.  So, think of Rango as Ralph Bakshi’s film Wizards and Sausage Party as Ralph Bakshi’s film Fritz the Cat, and you can see some link between the two.  While Sausage Party is the adult film we love, Rango is the film that got us there by showing the audience that it’s okay to have “edgy” things in animated form on the big screen.  Yes, we have this in a way in kids films, but they’re just blips of adult humor in kid friendly fluff.  Rango had edginess and grit throughout, it tried to not only numb us but show us it’s okay.  Sausage Party was the adult version of this by making a full on controversial film for adults.
But now that we gushed about Rango and Sausage Party, how did we go from Rango, to Sausage Party, to Emoji Movie.  The short answer, because while some filmmakers are taking us forward, some are taking us back.  Like a knock off, anyone can find something popular and make a quick buck on it.  When Rugrats movie came out in the late 90s, studios realized that it’s quick and easy to make a film based on a previous source material because people can easily grasp on the source material.  When Shrek came out in the early 2000s, studios saw modernizing tropes as the next cash grab because we are familiar with the tropes and modernizing them made the film look “smart” and “progressive” without even actually trying to be.  And now, with The Lego Movie, we have studios believing that you can make a quick buck by grabbing onto nostalgia and just bullshit the rest of your way through.  The good news, My Little Pony Movie.  The bad news, Emoji Movie.
So, yeah, compared to 2016 that gave us Finding Dory, Kubo, Sausage Party, Sing and a few sprinkles of Minions and Mr. Peabody, 2017 is the flip side.  While we’re getting Coco, we’re also getting Emoji Movie.  Hell, even I wanted to see Power Rangers out of a nostalgic rush (and because Bill Hader was playing Alpha Five) and Cars 3 because it was NOT Cars 2.  Compared to films in 2016 where there was more good films with effort, 2017 has more okay to WTF is this S films with very little effort.  
Basically, I think this is just the trends of the time, and unfortunately the trends of good to bad films and films with effort and films with no effort are both in their downswing this year.  Think about it, 2015 gave us Inside Out, how did we get to Emoji Movie?  Or close the gap even further and you think how did we get from Sausage Party to Emoji Movie?  Yeah, Sausage Party was sophomoric and not for everyone, but even that film had a purpose.  Even Sing, for being nothing but predictable cheese, at least it was an enjoyable blend of cheese.  How do you make a product out of an emoji?  The silver lining we can take out of this is, with Rango, Inside Out, Sausage Party and the upcoming Coco, there’s at least people still giving a crap out there in animation films.  Hell, we can also see that with little shorts like Pixar’s Piper and even the art project In A Heartbeat.  (How messed up is it that In A Heartbeat is now grouped in with Emoji Movie and Sausage Party?  Seriously, I genuinely want to know.)
While animated films will have its ups and down, and clearly 2017 is the downswing, at least there’s some films showing that effort and progression will not die.  And with people as insanely genius as Ralph Bakshi, Gore Verbinski and, yes, Seth Rogen and pals, giving us Fritz the Cat, Rango and Sausage Party, not only will the challenge against the “norms” and the “quick buck” still be there, but we may end up getting another R rated animated film or two in the next few years, maybe even one that’s less raunchy and more challenging than Sausage Party.  I am not kidding when I say In A Heartbeat could be expanded upon into a pre teen romantic comedy “with a PG edge” as they would star a gay couple and even mention other challenges like coming out as trans, or just plain afraid to come out, or just plain bullying.  And the best part is, without it being R rated or full of sex puns like Sausage Party, an In A Heartbeat film can be seen by everyone (except if you have sheltering parents who still don’t get it).  But, I’m rambling on something good again.  In closing, with next few years giving us Incredibles 2, Wreck-It Ralph 2, Lego Movie 2 and even The Loud House Movie, I can see animated films having an upswing in the near future.  But, with upcoming films such as Gnomeo and Juliet 2, Angry Bird 2 and Boss Baby 2, we may still have to sort through the shit to get to them.
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rahirah · 7 years
I was hunting through a bunch of old LJ blog entries for something else, and I happened upon a link to this ancient kerfuffle.  The tl;dr version is that there was a BtVS fan convention called Writercon, held back in 2006, and one guy who went wrote up a con report afterwards bemoaning the fact that gross icky m/m slash was everywhere, making him uncomfortable and ruining his convention experience.  Also his son was with him and he didn't want his impressionable child exposed to such things.  (I believe it turned out that his son was in his twenties or late teens at least.)  This caused a huge argument, as you might expect.  Most people thought that while he had a right to dislike m/m slash, he had no right to demand that the convention provide him with a slash-free experience.  There were, however, a few people who felt he had a right to demand just that.
In this particular case, slash made this person uncomfortable because he was a raging homophobe.  Being a raging homophobe in fandom was borderline then, and is even less acceptable now.  That wasn't always the case.  If he had published a similar con report in, say, 1985, he might well have been cheered on.  But there are many other subjects which could be substituted for m/m slash, and essentially the same argument could have resulted.  RPF.  Noncon.  ABO.  Mpreg.  Slavefic.  BDSM.  Assorted ships deemed abusive, assorted characters deemed problematic.  All of these have been controversial in fandom at one point or another.  They've all gone through cycles of approval and disapproval on various platforms (approval in the sense of "It is not morally wrong to write about these subjects, and you do not have to justify yourself to anyone for doing so" rather than "Everybody loves this!")
In a disapproval cycle, the argument goes that X is innately harmful, and people, especially certain vulnerable classes of people, need to be protected from X.  Ideally, in the minds of anti-X fans,  this would be accomplished by convincing or forcing everyone to stop writing about X altogether.  But alternatively, it can be accomplished by placing barriers between X and those that X putatively harms.  Some antis, at this point, will grudgingly accept warnings and tags and spoiler cuts as a sufficient barrier.   But some feel that these things are not enough.  Warnings, tags, and spoiler cuts are a reminder that somewhere, X exists, and someone is reading and enjoying it.  What the Extreme Antis want is for all mention of X to be eliminated, so they never have to think about it at all.  
In other words, they assert that the burden of curating their internet experience falls on other people.  And if those other people fail to curate to their standards, the Extreme Antis accuse those other people of purposely setting out to harm them.  This conflict takes different forms on different platforms (the warnings debate on LJ is different from the warnings debate on AO3 or Tumblr) but the essentials are the same: it's about whose responsibility it is to ensure that people see only what they want to see.
This is an especially difficult question on a platform like Tumblr.  On LJ or Dreamwidth, I can lock my posts, so no one but the people I've friended or granted access to can see them.  Even my unlocked posts stay in my own journal; to read them, you have to specifically add me to your reading list, or come to my journal.  On Tumblr, however, posts can quickly spiral away into reblog hell.  You can do a little curating, by way of tags or blocking, but tags change or get dropped almost immediately, and people you've blocked, or who've blocked you, can still see reblogs.  Once it's out there, anyone can potentially see it.   And anyone can potentially respond.
(This is not even getting into the question of whether X is truly harmful to broad classes of people or not.) 
One of the things I've always loved about the internet is that it breaks down a lot of the barriers that exist in meatspace – barriers of distance, nationality, class, race, age, gender, you name it.  On the internet, it's what you say and how well you say it that's important, not what you look like.  I have known people in their sixties to act like petulant children, and sixteen-year olds to be witty and mature.  And the reverse.  One of the downsides of Tumblr, I think, is that we only see scraps and pieces of each other.  I have no idea what most of the people I follow are like as human beings, because all we see of each other is gifsets and reblogs of things other people said.  And so it gets very easy to reduce people to their shipping preferences, and make judgements about them by that alone.
It's late, and I have to get to sleep, and I have no idea where I'm going with this.  Good night, Gracie.
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Okay. Having time away from tumblr yesterday really gave me a chance to sort of...be okay about stuff for a bit. I mean, I’m not, but I got some ~clarity about things that I need to talk about.
It was good to be away from Robron and I only came on tumblr to reply to birthday messages (thank you again everyone!) but I didn’t look at my dash or anything. I had a Robron-free day, which was what I needed. 
When I got home last night I did come on tumblr and look at my dash a little, and just like....seeing all the Robron gifsets and stuff, I didn’t really feel anything. Like before all this crap, I’d always feel joy when I looked at them. The past few days I have only felt sadness. Last night I didn’t really feel anything.
In some weird and twisted way, I feel like I have been “cured”. I know I was (am?) in too deep with Robron and I probably was from day one, but over the past year especially I have really relied on them in a way that is unhealthy. I have spoken about this a few times, my reasons for it and what-not, so I won’t go into that again (you can probably find the posts in my #personal tag if you need me to elaborate) but while the good times can leave me with an incredible high, the bad times can really....fuck me up. And that’s not normal. I literally laid awake most of Thursday night, unable to sleep, tossing and turning, and any sleep I did get was plagued with dreams about what happened Thursday (despite the fact I didn’t even watch the episodes) and I was left feeling genuinely sick to my stomach. That isn’t normal. That isn’t healthy. That isn’t fun.
I’m not deluded and I never have been; I know how soaps work and I know couples more or less never get a happy ending unless they leave the show together. I’m not a mug; I’ve watched soaps for more than 20 years, since I was a literal child, so I know the drill. It doesn’t mean I can’t be affected or hurt by what I see, or that I can’t think that the way this has been written, or the timing of this is absolutely awful. Because it is. I’m pretty certain that’s not even a matter of opinion; I think that’s probably a fact. 
I spoke on Friday about how I’m not a positive person and me being positive about Robron isn’t actually like me, yet my faith in ED and my love for Robron somehow carried me through. I had real trust and faith in their storytelling, in their writing (for the most part), and in the words of encouragement they gave us on twitter and in interviews and what not. I believed it all, and I was wrong to, because here we are.
So let’s talk about where we are; it’s shit and lazy. The cheating crap has been done to death, I know it’s a soap but for a soap that has been on form over the past year or so, you’d think it’d try to break the mould and do something a little....different. But nope. I always, deep down, figured something like this would happen one day, but I always hoped it wouldn’t be for at least another year or so. But it has happened, and even though I haven’t watched the episodes, from what I have heard it wasn’t even well written. Which is....a shame. If they’re going to fuck up, at least fuck up right. Although I do sort of like....appreciate that this probably happened in the “best” way. I’d rather it be under the circumstances it was under than have Robert just getting bored and randomly shagging someone one day. I’d rather this than how things went when Paddy randomly started cheating on Rhona even though their marriage was pretty solid at the time. I appreciate that this is probably the “best” way it could’ve happened, even though the timing is crap and it shouldn’t have happened at all. But whatever.
Last night I was almost feeling positive in the sense that “well, at least that’s over and done with now.” - like the worst has happened, it’s happened early, so maybe once it’s happened it won’t ever happen again? Cheating is the one thing I struggle with, the one thing I find hard to forgive, but at the same time I don’t see things as black and white, and regarding the circumstances of Robert’s actions, and the fact he was drunk (no excuse, but he wasn’t of sound mind to give proper consent) it makes it a little more bearable, I guess. I can forgive him, depending on how he deals with it. (Whether I can forgive the writers is another thing.)
But whether I forgive Robert or not, Robron have been tainted. I - and others - can still ship them and love them, but it doesn’t mean it’ll be the same. Their relationship was messed up and unhealthy in many ways, but in another way it was “pure” from cheating. I loved that with Aaron, it was different for Robert. He was meant to be the one that was different from the others. And I still believe that, definitely, but at the end of the day Robert has still been unfaithful, and that can never ever be erased. We can forgive, and maybe sometimes we can forget, but it’ll still be there in their history.
And now we have the fact that Rebecca will probably end up pregnant. Spoilers are saying there’s a pregnancy, and while it hasn’t been confirmed that it’s Bex, I’d literally bet my last quid on it. And when I read those spoilers earlier, I didn’t even feel anything. I didn’t feel sick or want to cry. I just felt...disappointed. I almost laughed. It is the most predictable thing in the world, it has been done approx. 288442848942 times and yet here we are. 
Maybe Emmerdale will surprise us. Maybe there will be a massive twist. I read something on twitter, apparently someone on DS said that a “source” said that Bex and Robert didn’t actually have sex, that Robert can’t remember and Bex is lying or something??? I mean LOL that would be amazing if that was the case, but it’s blatantly....not. At this stage, I don’t have faith in ED to be that clever about it, and even if that was the case, they still put us through all this stress for like......nothing. And after this week, I really don’t believe anything “sources” say. 90% of them clearly don’t know all the facts, all the details, and the rest of them seem to completely make things up. So I wouldn’t believe a single word of that.
Do I think Robron will get through this? Eventually, yeah. But it’ll drag on and on and be boring as fuck, and one thing Robron have never been is boring. We now know that Robert still hasn’t told Aaron by the time he’s released from prison, on the 6th of April. So that’s another few weeks of secrets and shifty behaviour and lies. Awesome. And then who knows when Aaron will find out once he’s home? God forbid ED actually have Robert own up and be honest about it, making a change from all the other cheating crap. So then we have to wait....and then we’ll have the pregnancy stuff (which is no doubt Bex), adding more ~drama and making the eventual reveal even more explosive. YAWN.
So we have - at the very least - another month of crap, it seems. I’d like to think ED will throw in some surprises, will surprise us in a good way, but I can’t see any light at the end of this anymore.
And in a way, I feel like I’ve been cured. I used to try to plan my life around Robron, like I’d try to avoid making plans on nights when I knew they would be on screen (or at least their major eps anyway) and even if I did go out when I knew they were on I’d be thinking about them and feel like I was missing out, even though I’d always watch the episode as soon as I got in.
Not anymore. That’s going to change. I don’t want to be ruled by them. I don’t want my moods to be influenced by them. I don’t want to only feel really ridiculously happy because of them and I don’t want to feel sick and miserable because of them. It’s not right and it’s not healthy and I feel like this whole thing has just, in a way, killed it for me. Not completely, but enough for me to sort of....love them a normal amount, maybe. I mean the spark has gone and I don’t know if or when it’ll come back. 
There are plenty of characters I like/love from Emmerdale, and I enjoy their stories the appropriate amount. I can be affected by stories in good ways and bad ways without it having any major impact on my life. Maybe Robron will get to be like that now too. Maybe I can watch a bad episode for them and not lay awake at night feeling sick and upset about it. Maybe.
I don’t know. I think I’m going to be up and down about this. I’m no longer optimistic about their future but I hope that’ll change. I’ll never be as positive again, that’s for sure. I’m sort of torn between feeling like “okay, the world is shit. there’s bigger things to worry about than a fictional couple.” and “yeah, the world is shit, my life isn’t great, and that’s why I need them to focus on and to be a light in my life.” - I feel like I’ll go back and forth between the two.
I’m still upset and angry and disappointed. I hope that will change, even if a miracle happens and somehow this manages to be okay and Emmerdale somehow manage to fix this. At this point it’s hard to see how it realistically can be fixed, but whereas once upon a time I had faith that they would fix it (like in November), now I’m not so sure they can fix it in a way that is satisfying for me and for everyone else too.
I just hate how things have so dramatically changed not just for me but for everyone. I admire the people still trying to find the light and I understand why even some of the positive people are having to take a step back from the fandom as things are really negative and dark right now. I understand it all and I respect everyone’s views and opinions on this, I honestly do. I just hate that we’re all - not just me, but everyone - having to deal with this in the first place when just three weeks ago we were so so happy and almost excited about the direction we thought things were going in.
This post is a mess but I needed to get my feelings out. I don’t know if anyone will feel the same; I think everyone is feeling a bit confused and messed up at the moment. I just feel like we’re going to have to sort of accept this new era of Robron, accept that things are crap and will be for some time, and we’re either going to have to somehow deal with it and move on, or move on to something else all together, or just learn to live with loving Robron in a different way.
It’s going to be rocky. I think most of us will be very back and forth about it all. But I just want you all to know that I’m still here, and even if I need to take a step back at any time, I’m not planning on leaving the fandom. You guys are the only shining light right now and even if we feel like we might lose Robron (or at least the joy and “purity” of Robron), I don’t even want anyone to feel like we’re going to lose each other.
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