#watch Wicked they said
secretmellowblog · 2 years
I feel like for Goncharov to be a REAL tumblr fandom you’d have to read all these meta posts about how incredibly Gay it is and thEN watch the movie only to discover that the homoerotic couples each have just one scene together, and most of the plot ACTUALLY centers on a boring bland cliche suffocatingly heterosexual love triangle involving characters who are so dull the fandom never mentions them. You’d have to read all this in depth meta about the agonized lesbian relationship between Katya and Sofia, then watch the movie and learn most of Katya’s screentime is actually devoted to her love triangle with Fred and Bert
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wikitpowers · 22 days
ty is rewatching bbc sherlock with kit as we speak mark my words
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theotherrichardpapen · 5 months
there being next to no established canon backstory for basically anyone in this film is tonnes of fun cause you can say stuff like 'i think nigel had a brother he accidentally killed when they were both children' and there's nothing to dispute it
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as-i-watch · 2 months
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So yeah
That happened
So who wants to watch Sonic the Hedgehog 3 with me?
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she wiz on my zard till i oz
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thebirdandhersong · 7 months
on the good news train today: I have finally finished the last chapter(!!!) of my Inklings challenge story, which marks the FIRST ever Inklings challenge story I've ever completed properly :'D coming in at 30,810 words (yikes) (it did get out of hand, I must admit), it is definitely not a short story, but it IS a piece that I think articulates a lot of what I've been thinking about lately re: love and death, and, considering everything, is probably something I needed to write. I am very happy!! It has been a wild ride, but a deeply clarifying one.
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lenore-spirit-808 · 1 year
Just me talking like a weirdo about how much I loved The Marchese as a character how it made me felt during the movie and my personal thoughts, nothing interesting to talk about the movie itself, so yeah, keep scrolling if u were searching for that!
(sorry the caps im just too happy and excited because today was such a great day) btw long writting
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Today I watched JW 4 because YES, MARCHESE AND MY PERSONAL WANT TO WATCH ANY MOVIE HE CASTED FOR THEN, ME, TO MAKE MEMES ON MY HEAD ABOUT HIM WITH ANOTHER CHARACTER HE STARED IM HYPERFIXATED TO DEATH ON (you know who.) (Tho he wasn't the only reason because Keanu is always a massive W and I liked the trailer too)
And when I tell you:
That this man artistically slayed on every fucking scene
He was just so iconic at some point
Almost completely feelling like he was that character but with another charisma and attitude on obviously another universe, but aware and still having the little vibe
Im being extremely serious, no jokes there.
Everytime he spoke I couldn't help but love him as a character and the nostalgia he could bring me from that other character was just magical (not only with him, but with other of his characters as well)
(Very weird example) Its like- when you listen to a vocaloid song that isn't from Miku but if you close your eyes and remember her, you get happy because she's your hyperfixation and what you are listening is technically really related to your hyperfixation and you get hyped because of it
I also watched the movie on the spanish dub because there wasn't any English function available at the theatre, sounds irrelevant, right? Well what if I told you. That the dub actor for the Marchese.. was THE SAME VOICE ACTOR WHO DUBBED THAT OTHER CHARACTER???
I know he is not even a bit of related with Stephen's king universe and he's just a character from another franchise, but I still will get hyped for this and my dramatically mysterious AU scenarios
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snowangeldotmp3 · 2 years
the way that i could make a whole long ass post about the parallels between enid and wednesday from wednesday (2022) and elphaba and glinda from wicked (2003) …. there’s… surprisingly a lot.
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tabslabs · 6 months
Almost done with my Wakfu rewatch so I went to pull up Dofus since I plan on watching it next… they took down all the eps with subs and put them all back up without any subs… not English not French just no subs. AUGH
They have autogenerated captions but with all their little fantasy names that’s clearly not going to work well.
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chemicalarospec · 6 months
while I am a big romance shipper, I gotta say the best relationship dynamic is definitely "best friends who kill each other" (although usually only one can kill the other due to physical constraints).
Although I'm aro, I really enjoy adding romance to a lot of dynamics, but this is the one where I think romance doesn't actually add anything to & it's better without. Like "love" is supposed to be emotional and big -- choosing something else over it is a common trope, the "sacrifice", and it kinda makes the relationship seem just romantic -- superficial. Killing your best friend is more fresh & original.
went looking for this post in my drafts (I did add to the above text) b/c of the last one I reblogged-- after some consideration I think the Deep, Subtextually Queer Yet Platonic Bond is the pinnacle of this trope. Zero romance but a little eroticism is OK. When I wrote the post above I was considering 'killing your lover' in an any gender relationship, including straight, and tbh it is a little cooler when it's gay (this is a biased impression btw, b/c of stereotypes regarding m/f versus same-gender relationships, as well as Man Kills Wife But Doesn't Want To, So Sad being an existing trope). Still not as good as best friends tho. They don't love each other in a gay way, but boy, are they committed to each other, known each other for so long and loved each other and they're going to kill each other, and one could headcanon gay if they want but for me they would never be attracted to each other like that; they're attached.
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my local cinema is showing twilight and i went to see it with my mum (it was awesome) and there were a bunch of 14ish year olds that were constantly making fun of the movie and laughing and it pissed me off so much :(
like, if you only want to watch it because of the memes and to make fun of it, why do you spend money on it and ruin the experience for actual fans :(
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neonacidtrip · 1 year
I’m developing a new chart system
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#movie chart#chart meme#jock nerd/prep goth test#comedy movies#action movies#so we got into a debate because i said i wanted to watch the barbie movie#and my boy got all ehhhhhh about watching it with me because its Girl Power and girls have cooties or whatever#so i tried to explain the magnificence of birds of prey and he tried saying how unrealistic it is#and then tried to say how great batman the edgelord is so this chart came to fruition#you have your hyper serious dark tone movies like john wick and sin city#but whereas john wick is really dedicated to realism sin city is well... sin city#and then we have the action comedies like birds of prey and red and the a team#where red had mostly realistic fight scenes. and birds of prey...... did not#please dont judge me too hard on these i havent seen morbius or rush hour or the a team#i originally had rush hour higher on the realism side but then i watched a few clips and um no no sir not realistic#my boy was the one who called it realistic with his defense being that there was no cgi. he missed the mark#the fact that jackie chan had to do the ladder scene like 50 times to get it right proves its not very realistic or feasible#in making this we also came to the conclusion that the more melee is involved the less realistic movies tend to become#anyone can shoot a gun but watching a man punch someone is only entertaining for so long before you have to spice it up with the impossible#red 2 is not on here but the convenience store fight scene lives rent free in my brain#batman is also not on here because ive only seen one movie and did not trust my boy enough to let him rate the rest#i asked him for a serious overpowered movie and his first choice was antman. he cant be trusted with this task#realistic comedy was the hardest one to do because low and behold the sillier the movie usually the sillier the action#its occurring to me that the opposite of realistic is unrealistic but here we are with me unwilling to fix it now#realistic overpowered/serious comedy test#realistic unrealistic/serious comedy test#if i just turned the a team onto its side this would be lost.jpeg i have missed a great opportunity here#neo rambles#neo just wants to watch the barbie movie in peace why do boys have to hate girl power movies#i blame marvel for this
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not interested in stranger things (the first season is perfect as a stand alone story imo), but SBS on Demand has this show called ‘Paraíso’ which has a very strong Stranger Things vibe but it’s set in the late 1980s-early 1990s (at least I think it’s that time period) in SPAIN. I’ve only seen one episode but the ending to that episode is a real cliff hanger and I’m interested to see where it goes.
also the end credits song is a banger, literally once i heard it I had to go looking for it.
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fuzzyunicorn · 20 hours
Got a little secret for this karmic female: long story short I won’t beat around the bush I’ll give it to u straight— this man you won’t let go of it WAS in his soul map (the events in ur life u plan w god) later in life in his career to unfortunately lose both of his legs in a career related accident… are you listening?? For the purpose of being an example for people in that career community; he was to be an advocate & voice, but since u won’t stop harming him (god commanded u to unhand him since u have an unhealthy obsession w hurting n traumatizing him (u know what I’m talking about bitch…) & trying to kill him when he really pisses u off not just bc ur cockblocking our union) god has decreed YOU are the one to lose your limbs since you couldn’t & wouldn’t stop urself so god himself is going to put an end to your Reign of Terror n Abuse. I know u have abused all ur “friends” as pawns in your vicious game & u keep recruiting more people to fill those pawn roles (you really are just like a literal demon) so you’ll pay the price for all this fuckery. It’s hilarious u think u can do spell work to transfer ur punishments 4 ur crimes onto others u will pay big time w interest for all that bullshit. So girlie look where defying god & slapping him across his face & abusing as many people as you can gets u I told u n told u keep fucking around & c where it gets u & u think god really can’t smite u lol test 2 c if this is a bluff girl c what happens
God doesn’t speak to hear himself yap n yap unlike u & u made him speak more than once. And you’ll be finding out ur toothless in comparison to your Creator. You’ll find out where slapping him across his face gets u. He’s gonna scruff ur abusing bitch ass like the helpless kitten u r & there will be nothing u or any1 can do about that he’s the Boss Man & you’ve continuously pissed him off to the point he’s transferring bad events & bad karma that were supposed to happen to others onto u since u keep doing that to ur pawns. U transfer ur bad n crippling karma onto others so he told me to tell u he’s gonna follow suit by transferring their bad karma and bad life events onto u & c how u like it. Remember it’s all fun n games being on the dealing end of bullshit but ur about to forever be on the receiving end of shit n c if u like being dished out what u cooked up lolcats u know what I wanna say 😭😂
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weedsandwishes · 2 months
Not me getting really annoyed at a video essayist spouting poorly researched myths in their video
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forbidden-sunlight · 1 month
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yandere!duke with wicked stepmother!reader imagine
warnings: mentioned child abuse, fem!reader, arranged marriage, implied obsessive behavior.
Imagine being reincarnated not as the heroine of the dark romance novel that you fell asleep reading, but the male lead’s villainous stepmother. Although it would be many years before you would marry his father, and your family would get out their mountain of debt from this arranged marriage. You swore to not take out your anger on the poor child as you laid in your crib.
Just because the duke still held a candle for his first wife and the mother of the male lead, his son did not deserve such cruel treatment from a woman who would never receive any affection from her husband. Arranged marriages rarely result in mutual happiness, but there is always the possibility of creating a respectful partnership between each other. 
So that is what you will do. 
You became ambitious in your studies and etiquette lessons, making connections with other young ladies of high society as your own reputation grew. Instead of becoming known for being a spiteful and superficial noblewoman,  invitations to soirees, tea parties, and banquets arrived at your household every other day.
The Mad Dog of Macaluso became The Blossoming Flower of High Society. Despite the marriage proposals your household had received, none of the gentlemen in the Umbra Empire were as rich as Giovanni Lombardo, the grand duke and the male lead’s father. 
So, the marriage still happened; but you were not bothered by your new husband’s declaration on your wedding night that he would never have a child with you, citing that he found you unpleasant and nothing at all like his deceased wife as his tall frame towering over yours, his gray orbs glaring down at you with icy disdain. You stared at him for a moment before you smiled.
“No one can ever replace a loved one, and it is a relief to know that you do not care for me romantically, Your Grace. This is a situation that is beneficial only to my house, and the Emperor had forced you to select me because he was tired of hearing everyone talking about how his most trusted aide has refused to remarry since his wife’s passing six years ago during childbirth. Your son is your heir, so there is no need to have another child. If you would permit me, I would like to get to know him more. If you do not believe me, you can assign a servant to watch me interact with him and the rest of the staff. Is that acceptable?”
The baffled expression on the duke’s face at your words had been worth all the hard work you have placed into being a better side character that wouldn’t be killed in the novel’s third chapter. You would not disappoint him. 
You would prove to be a valuable partner and protect the male lead until it was time for you to leave the stage. 
Three years passed. You performed your duties as the duchess, overseeing the household and organizing any functions that were to be hosted in the duchy. When you weren’t doing paperwork in your private office or speaking to the head butler on how to improve the workplace and other matters, you spent time with the male lead. 
Alessandro was a sweet little darling, possessing his father’s shiny platinum silver tresses and his mother’s bright blue eyes that sparkled in delight when you praised him for doing so well in his studies with a big hug or a kiss on the cheek. He was precocious for a six-year-old, though he still could not understand why his Papa didn’t like Mama. Mama being you, even when you have had to gently correct him more than once that you are his stepmother, not his birth mother. 
“Some day when you are older, you will understand.” You said, resting your chin on top of his head as you carefully adjusted your grip around his middle. He liked to sit in your lap under the garden’s pagoda during tea time, and you saw no issue with it.  “Papa may not like me, but we love you. That will never change, and we only want the best for you.” You ran a hand through his hair, tucking a stray strand behind his ear. 
In the original work, he became obsessed with the female lead because he did not receive any love from his father and was abused by his stepmother. Her gentle demeanor, her kindness and loveliness triggered his desire to have her all to himself. He had even commissioned the construction of a human-sized golden cage so that he could keep the female lead by his side forever. 
Alessandro pouted. “But I don’t want to wait that long! Can’t you tell me now?”
You chuckled. “Good things come to those who wait, my dear. Believe it or not, being a grown-up can be hard in this big, scary world.”
“That’s impossible! Papa is super cool and can do so many things!”
“Yes, he is quite something, isn’t he? Now drink some tea or it will get cold.” 
What you did not realize at the time was that the duke had returned home early from work and went to search for you. The head maid had told him where you were, though the duke had not expected Alessandro to be with you in the garden. He heard what you said about him, and how you have come to accept that you will never be loved by him and it was not his son’s fault.  How affectionate you were with him, smiling and ruffling his hair while reminding him to pay attention to his arithmetic tutor because it was important for him to understand numbers because they were just as important as knowing all colors in a rainbow or which fork to use for salads. 
You had kept your promise to him. 
You did not demand his affections, prioritizing the duchy and his son’s wellbeing. You did not take any paramours nor spent more than the allowance you were given to shop for dresses and other accessories in the capital. You attended tea parties, and did not bring shame to his family name. You were a perfect wife. You were worthy.
Would you object to him spending time with his son as you do? Would you allow him to get close, to spoil you with gifts? Would you even consider the idea of giving Alessandro a younger sibling? It’s been too long, and he does have needs. 
Happy Mother's Day, guys~! :)
Taglist: @nunezs-stuff @imperfectbloodmoon @yandere-dark-cupid @aiimee9 @cassanderasblog @facelessfionna @ixchelhernandez4 @yourdoorisunlocked @faux-ecrivain @julietdelamare @reiivven @ghostdoodlen @persephone-kore-law @dreamlessnight @obsessedwithromance @f4turemom @pinkgoldweebgirl @yandere-writer-momo
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