#what a pure man
doberbutts · 4 months
Recently Youtube's algorithm really wants me to watch Schindler's List and I never had so the other night I sat down and actually watched it.
Having a lot of thoughts about it but a major one I keep coming back to is how even an immensely and deeply flawed human being can go against "just following orders" and instead put in the work to actually help.
It may never be fully enough. It may never save as many as you'd hoped. But when you have a choice to either follow orders or save your fellow humans in front of you, I hope you choose the latter.
Schindler died in poverty. He was not a renown war hero nor was he at all famous or widely beloved. But he saw that he could help, even in some small way, and so he helped.
He was a Nazi who saw what the Nazis were doing to Jews and said no more. Enough. If I can even spare those under my charge, maybe a few extras, then at least I will have tried to do something about this.
I think a lot of people do not fancy this type of activism. It is messy, dangerous, and often completely thankless. Schindler survived as long as he did after the war due to those he saved helping him with donations. He was not popular in his hometown due to his association with Nazis, he was not popular in Germany, he was not popular in Argentina. His businesses all failed. His wife left him. A movie about his deeds was released several years after his death, where he would receive none of the benefits. He went to prison multiple times for simply refusing to hate Jews.
I think a lot of people like to think they're activists, but are sorely unprepared for doing this type of work, and then in truth become activists in name only. This is hard work. But without him, another thousand or so people would be on that death toll.
He took his position of extreme power- a Nazi owning a factory almost entirely operated by Jews, making oodles of money off that cheap slave labor- and said you know what? No. I'm not doing that. I can't save everyone, but as long as they are within my factory, you will not kill my workers. As long as I'm here you aren't harming one hair on the head of any Jew under my care. You're not sending or keeping them in Auschwitz. You're not randomly executing them for entertainment. They're people. You're not murdering them.
"Just following orders" they say. But they didn't have to. They could have helped. They could have did what he did, look around and say "what the fuck am I doing here", and stop. He did. They could have. They didn't.
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rusquared · 9 months
maybe none of u relate to this goal of mine but i truly wish upon you bedtimes at 11pm, where you're wrapping yourself in warm sheets and it feels okay. hey, the day was alright, you're happy with however it went. there is nothing that will demand this rest from you, close your eyes. or scroll, even. you're toasty and warm on a chilly autumn night and tomorrow doesn't sound too bad. you have time. enjoy the gentle intoxication of sleepiness as your eyes grow heavy. the cicadas outside continue to sing to you. i hope you look forward to the turning of the calendar pages as they bring you closer to a special day, or a special someone, or just a special something you have planned for yourself.
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yawnderu · 2 days
CW: mentions of kidnapping and stolen body autonomy.
Find a way in, kill the enemy, retrieve the hostages, leave. A routine of sorts that gave his life some sense of purpose to avoid going insane for the past two decades. Simon liked to believe he got over what happened in his past... truly, he did; and yet Manuel Roba’s horrors seem to haunt him no matter where how many years pass.
“C’mere.” Simon’s voice held no hostility, he made sure of it, yet your stiff position never changed. Legs angled to the right, hands folded on your lap, and eyes looking forward, refusing to meet anyone’s gaze even if it’s been hours since your rescue. Garrick, Price and Johnny have already tried to get you to talk multiple times, all of them with different approaches. 
Garrick was friendly, trying his best to seem approachable, a bright smile on his lips that you didn’t seem to notice, too busy staring at a wall no matter how much he tried to hold a conversation.
Price seemed fatherly, never once laying a hand on you even if it was itching to comfort you, and so he settled with telling you you’re safe now, how no one will ever get you again now that they're here. His words didn’t seem to do much, either. 
Johnny was… something else. His first attempt was a shitty pick up line, getting a reaction out of you for the first time— a nose scrunched up in disgust, but a reaction nonetheless.  
And Simon… Simon’s approach was different. The man was used to barking out orders and obeying them himself, not to deal with an unresponsive hostage. His behemoth frame was nestled next to you, putting a tray on the table and observing your reactions. From the way you swallowed thickly the moment the meal was presented to you, to the sound of your stomach growling. 
“Go on, then.” Your gaze follows his movements for the first time, the feeling of your stomach rumbling makes you more aware of your hunger, so many years being fed nothing but what was necessary to keep you alive by Manuel and his associates, so many years of being trained like a dog to obey to their very order. 
Simon can see the hesitation in your body language, too tense to allow yourself to dig in the way you wanted, yet no longer as stiff as before. There was a sense of relief at the fact that they didn’t seem to want to hurt you —unlike Roba—, yet years of non-stop brutal training can’t be erased within hours.
Roba’s training was engraved into your brain, and while the sense of security the SAS blokes gave you is something you’re thankful for, nothing guarantees they’re not working for him. You’ve seen other military men come and go throughout the years, always Roba’s friends, and always sharing the same disgusting, sadistic desires.
“Eat up.” The rest of the men watch the way you move, curiosity and amusement mixing at how strange your movements seem, almost robotic. Your forearms rest on the table, elbows away from the cheap wood as you attempt to hold your own cutlery— attempt, because it looks fully foreign to you, trying out different angles to make it work, and yet it's the first time in years you've been allowed to try and feed yourself.
Simon is the first one to catch on, having lived under Roba’s rules for long enough to know he enjoys taking people’s autonomy, to reduce them to nothing but a pathetic mess that depends on him. His gloved fingers are gentle as he takes the spoon from your hand, scooping up some food before holding it up to your lips. His full attention is on you, relief starting to make its way into his body as sees your rather soft lips wrap around the spoon, eating whatever he was feeding you. Lucky for you, this time it wasn’t an MRE… or beans on toast.
His gloved thumb wipes the corners of your lips every time you’re done chewing, and he’s quick to pick up more food from the plate, nothing but patience and kindness shown in his actions, so unlike the brooding soldier he's known to be.
“... two goldfish are in a tank…?” Johnny’s loud groan gets your attention for a second, yet you quickly glance back at Simon, curious eyes looking up at him, almost as if asking him to go on. 
“One turns to the other and says… ‘you know how to drive this thing?’” You can see the corners of his eyes crinkle before he even finishes his joke, clearly trying his best not to laugh at just how awful it was. A small smile hides in the corners of your lips, and Simon takes that as a victory, ignoring the questioning looks he’s getting from his team, for now.
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panrao · 8 months
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After already appearing out of no where for no good reason at all, he also needs to bully everyone who even looks at Luffy the wrong way
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altho-arto · 8 months
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ADVISORS! plural !! Oooh Kabru is definitely staying in the kingdom with the toudens and marcille im 99.9999% sure of it now that chapter 97 is out
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I want a hundred chapters of the post-canon silly Kabru&Marcille sitcom "we are trying to rule this kingdom but SOMEONE is not helping" Kingdom shenanigans 💚 (the someone is usually Laios. the older races' diplomats and ex-shadow governors are not helping tho)
(ID in alt text)
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firelise · 30 days
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Stop feeding that dog. It's just going to keep back, expecting more. It just gives her hope. // [News: Baba Shakti today held a public prayer for victims of the ongoing land disputes, advocating that violence is never the answer.]
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smutnug · 8 months
Took me so long to make the connection between "handsome younger man" in the Chosen vision and fucking GORTASH
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 6 months
does half of the people that interacted with this post know this is from a running comic
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lonelyzarquon · 11 months
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Deep in our souls there lurks an instinct which welcomes death. It makes it easier when it comes. It is not very strong, it's only needed once. That's what we saw in the darkness, that is the sleeping phantom that we roused and formed and clothed in black. A phantom feeding on death, creating death, exalting in death!
Madhouse (1974) dir. Jim Clark
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demigod-of-the-agni · 5 months
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kurunthokai, 168 — “what the hero said to his heart”
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scramblescrew · 3 months
Yandere Hollyberry, Cacao, Golden Cheese, and Pure Vanilla Cookies when Y/N tries to escape them by swimming through dangerous waters
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Dark Cacao Cookie would be PISSED, how can you be SO FOOLISH that you’d jump into the Licorice Sea. Didn’t you know that you could die!? Drowning, being eaten by a monster, stolen away by Mer-Cookies, anything bad could happen to you and this ancient king wouldn’t let that happen. Dark Cacao Cookie would take off the heavy pieces of his armor as well as his cape and dived in to get you. Unfortunately for you this king, being a bigger & taller cookie, quickly caught up to you and dragged a struggling you back to shore and then- back to your isolated room. When you were chained back into place, Dark Cacao would then let out a long berating session about why you ever would have thought to run away from him, and especially trying to swim in the Licorice Sea. But after the tangent, Dark Cacao Cookie kissed your forehead and cuddled you for the rest of the night.
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Now HollyBerry Cookie understands why you were trying to leave. It really wasn’t right to keep another cookie locked in a place without access to the outside world, but it was for your own good. Other Cookies would have taken you away from her, and she could never handle that. So seeing you try to swim away from her was heartbreaking. But same as DCC, she would put her shield down and jump in to get you back. Once she got you and dragged you back to shore, she would have Wildberry Cookie take you back to her room, have you dry off (within the privacy of being alone in your room, Wildberry isn’t gonna watch you!-), and redressed into warm clothes. After which she would come in, locking the door behind her, and tuck you into your bed, then lightly scolding you for trying to run away, noting that you would’ve gotten seriously injured by doing that. But after she was done, she’d cuddle up to you and let drowsiness take over the two of you.
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“Y/N COOKIE! WHERE ARE YOU!” The guards shouted as they searched the floating kingdom, but it was no use, you had gotten out of the kingdom disguised as a Cacaoian merchant and were riding a horse away from the area. you had made it to a coastal gummy bear village and had sold the horse for a decent amount of coins before a few guards and Pure Vanilla found you, you quickly took the money and ran, thinking of how you could escape now. you then looked into the water while running and remembered and it would take awhile for the sogginess to harm you, so you secured the gold to you and jumped into the water and swam as fast as you could away from the guards. Pure Vanilla Cookie’s guards quickly ran in and swam after you, they quickly gained up on you, capturing you and dragging a thrashing Y/N Cookie back to the sickeningly sweet Ancient.
The same ancient who wrapped his robed arms around you so softly and took you back to the floating kingdom then to the shimmering white and light yellow castle. locking the both of you into a warm, SAFE room where you belong, warm…safe…alive….happy….and in his arms……
“Why must I be imprisoned by the cookies who love me so” Rang through Y/N cookie’s mind
((Hello EveryCookie! The author here, I just wanted to say that I don’t own any of these characters, the Ancient cookies belong to DevSisters and even Y/N Cookie belongs to you all! I
also wanted to thank you all for reading this first attempt at posting on Tumblr! I hope y’all enjoy it and I would love to write your guys’ requests if you have any! Have a great day/night!))
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starry-bi-sky · 1 month
realizing i have. a lot of untapped trauma potential for clone^2 danny because i just Fully Processed Four Months Late the fact that his parents were capturing and torturing ghosts in the basement before he became Phantom. and the fact that he was on house rest for 2 weeks. during that time period. and he wasn't really leaving the house. he could hear their screaming through the floorboards
*points at clone danny* i can give you suuuuuuch a bad time babe ahaha. i've got two untouched years before you meet damian what fucks you up before then
#dpxdc#dp x dc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dp x dc crossover#dpxdc crossover#dpdc#clone^2#danny fenton is a clone#like i dont even need to traumatize you worse the pure explorative options from this aLONE is enough to feed me for a week.#like. tucks hair behind ear let me shatter you into glass pieces then glue you back together babe. i can put you back together so good.#i'm missing a few shards because some parts of you broke into such small pieces i couldn't pick them back up again so you'll be missing a#few chunks of yourself that you'll never get back but that's okay. you'll still be a resemblance of your old self :]#don't let anakin (me) listen to late night sad songs he makes angst.#hhh imagine being stuck in a house for two weeks where you can hear your parents torturing ghosts in the basement and not only that but#you're the only person who can undERSTAND the ghosts. how many times did he see his parents drag in a ghost with whatever capturing device#they made recently? iirc the thermos was like. brand new in episode one right? but gOD the trauma this alone would cause#nobody touch me im cooking rn i need to think about how this would impact danny. like obvs it would fuel into a developing obsession to#keep his parents away from ghosts and to help the dead but what *else.* i need to refine my becoming phantom ficlet i wrote back in winter#raaa#and like even after two weeks they were *still capturing ghosts* danny just wasn't in the house 24/7 at the time.#*but those two fucking weeks man*#i need to sleep on this first before i make any major moves bc i know im tired but i am having thOUGHTs
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fromtheseventhhell · 3 months
Very funny to me how Stansas present her character as being so interesting and complex because of her vulnerabilities, while simultaneously ignoring those same vulnerabilities in other characters. Dany is sold as a bridal slave and lacks agency throughout AGOT and after. Her dragons are either too young/small to utilize effectively or locked away for the majority of the story. They aren't some all-powerful trump card that protects her from harm. Arya is captured as a prisoner of war, forced to watch countless people tortured and murdered, and then essentially enslaved in Harrenhal with no way to fight back. She has an entire arc of feeling powerless, of being a "mouse", during ACOK. She doesn't have "kung-fu" or the ability to magically fight her way out of every situation, she's a young child lacking physical strength with only the most basic sword training.
Sansa isn't the only female character, she isn't the only young character, she isn't the only character who suffered, and no one is obligated to prioritize her. I'm so tired of Dany and Arya being mischaracterized and having their stories erased to prop Sansa up. "Sansa has kept her dignity" In other words, let's praise her for having a level of security that Dany and Arya don't have access to. She hasn't ever been forced to make a hard decision which of course means that she's morally superior to them. They can't even admit to themselves that her lack of action is due to her own passivity. If it doesn't fit their delusion, they erase it from the story and expect the rest of us to play along. Ask one of them what they like about her character without bringing up her being the ultimate victim, and I genuinely don't believe they'd be able to give you an answer. They belittle other characters more than they talk about her and these takes just scream insecurity/jealousy at the content and development other characters have in their POVs.
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xuxudio · 5 months
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successfully choosing the most doomed ship in any media since 1999
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qkmlh · 5 months
Still ducking hilarious to me that Zoro & Sanji began their beef because they thought the other was misogynistic and it came to a head of no return when Zoro felt his title of ‘Luffy’s specialest boi’ threatened by Sanji’s comment
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rosepompadour · 5 months
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The most in love woman in all Hollywood—Carole Lombard. Watch pictures of Clark and Carole together. Carole either clings lovingly to her husband’s arm or gazes adoringly into his eyes. She openly tell the world with her eyes, “I love this man. He is mine.” For the most in love [girl] we dare you to find any that surpasses Carole Lombard with her Clark. - Movie Mirror, May 1941
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