#whereas your address tho....
vadersaber · 1 year
i'm sorry, what the fuck do you mean you feel uncomfortable sharing your age, a number, in your bio but you can put your full name/address/social security number there?? are you insane or just dumb??
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kresnikcest · 6 months
I recognise I am fully rehashing my thoughts I had in [redacted] fandom but there is just something really delightful about Ludger and Julius overthinking marrying the other because like. Even without being the Textbook Incest Definition™ I could see it still being important to them that they can affirm to each other that they’re not “just” normal brothers who will eventually move apart and get married to other people. The marriage not at all being rooted in expectations of romance but rather a sign of “You’re the most important person in the world to me” and marriage being the easiest way everyone understands that.
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'Kris being an outcast who likes freaking people out means they must be a Bad Person™️ and thus taking their free will and piloting them like a puppet is actually Good™️ morally speaking'
How about I eat your skin how bout that
#the lack of nuance people address Kris with makes me want to bite things every day#also they are LITERALLY A TEENAGER who as far as we know is JUST A BIT WEIRD#tho I think part of it may be a purposeful commentary on how we treat characters vs real people even in a story we buy in2 very genuinely#bc certain traits both behavioral and physical- when observed in the context of a story- set Villain Flags mentally#whereas irl the same actions or things would be considered (fairly) innocuous#or at least not judged on such a concious unabashed definite level#I think its similar with Berdly how every1 is like 'this bitch annoying can we please kill him'#and then in Snowgrave you fucking DO- wish granted#but in-universe all you've done is fucking murder a teenager whose biggest crime is being kind of obnoxious#even with a universe you're invested in and where you care a lot about the characters#your role as a player/observer taking on the identity of someone in that world- no matter how immersed you get-#is still fundamentally different from how things are viewed in-universe#because you are still reacting to things as you would a story while characters are applying the standards of what to them is real life#EVEN WHEN you buy into the fiction that the characters are meant to be concious beings who you the player r interacting with thru the game#not that this is necessarily a 'bad thing' but ut and it seems dr are works abt exploring our relationship to fiction and its characters#and about how much we think we empathize with them but also treat them in a way we'd never treat people#but yea the amount of ppl I see saying Kris is EEEEEEVIL bc they have red eyes and like knives and steal pie#and because they don't seem to want to stick to the script the story has laid out for them#and how them being EEEEEVIL or even just Not Vewy Nice :( makes taking over their body not AT LEAST morally questionable#is infuriating#maybe bc they don't want to deal w the fact that we as a player are participating directly in their suffering#if not the entire cause of it/the person its for in the first place#and like I get it that sucks and I feel bad thinking abt it too but I think thats kinda the point#the victim doesn't have to be perfect or likeable or even a good person for their suffering to matter and be fucked up#but that rationale is very commonly used in stories to dismiss/diminish/justify morally troubling actions#and tbh I think that one is used for how people treat real-life narratives as well to some degree#ok bye#Deltarune#kris dreemurr
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 24 days
Honestly, Im a little disappointed that it wasn't messier. Im disappointed that there wasnt more shouting. That Lauda was providing most of the pushing and everyone else was just kinda... rolling over? I wanted an argument that would have brought the roof down on them 🙄
the reason theres so much constant tension in this party is that they all havent tried hard enough to punch each other in the face - like really smash.
to be totally serious tho, remember when Chetney told Ashton to gtfo and thats what broke the tension? someone finally getting the guts to be mean and to push hard on someone else's reckless bullshit?
the fact that theres no such equivalent here? the fact that chetney hasnt intervened on that level? thats whats keeping this tension.
on one hand, the way some of the party treat laudna is so fucking patronizing, its actively painful - Ashton whispering to Laudna for an apology? wtf? the way they acted like she was a misbehaving toddler set my teeth on edge. Then Imogen... Buddy, pal, you just watched your mother regurgitate Ludinus's lies like they were stone cold facts and youre out here accepting the same thing from Laudna without a second glance. You know she has a problem! You know she's not the most reliable narrator! You know she fails insight checks against herself all the time!!!
Ashton and Imogen both needed to treat Laudna like a threat in that moment bc she attacked someone without provocation during a rest when they were trusting her to not do that and it was clearly premeditated because she covered herself in darkness. The fact that they dont demonstrates that neither are taking her capabilities seriously enough. The fact that they arent addressing the threat she presents - to others and herself - is allowing her to continue hurting herself and others.
Whereas, Fearne is complicit in it all because shes so conflict averse. She was never gonna be the one to hold Laudna over the fire.
Chetney and Orym would have. Orym was trying to but literally only Dorian backed him up. And Dorian doesnt know fuck about all. He joined them two days ago. Hes got no fucking clue whats happening!! Oryms the only one really pointing out the fact that he was attacked unprovoked
and sure laudna was aiming for the sheathe, but thats splitting hairs... i believe we removed targeting each armor piece somewhere in dnd 3.5 or something lol - if youre targeting a piece on someone, the usual call Matt makes is to give this a higher DC. Matt making Marisha roll arcana makes sense bc yes you can control wither and blooms "chosen target", but when the target is attached to something else, and moreover the target is a thing - not a creature like the spell says RAW... it makes sense that a failed arcana check would lead to that failure
for all intents and purposes, laudna was aiming for orym. she didnt mean to hurt him but again, shes operating under the influence (and yes I do mean that connotation). a lot of people do shit they dont mean under the influence. but they still gotta do the repairs when they come back to their senses. harm was still done. Orym attacking laudna bc he was hurt and blinded is also fucking reasonable. he didnt fucking know it was her in the first place.
for laudna to say that orym hurt her when she attacked him - that was grade A manipulation
and heres the thing too, when someone is acting under the influence, people usually call it out. they say stuff like "youre drunk" or "youre high" to acknowledge that hey, this isnt you but also this isnt acceptable either. no one breathed a fucking word about delilah until the very very end. they all treated laudna like she was in a reasonable state of mind, and she wasnt. they werent meeting her where she was at and so they failed to reach her
now to orym... did they all agree that the sword was oryms? bc that was a discussion they did not have... chetney made a one off comment about how theyll need permission for it (possibly implying orym but never explicitly stated)... was the idea that orym gets it because he got hurt first? that wouldve been stupid for sure
to dorian's point, hey its just a sword. swords hurt people. what youre gonna look at every sword with magic geometry and expect to see it cuddling puppies? swords are made to hurt. even when its defending. it can parry but if you need a shield get a shield. sure, this was otohan's sword but the sword is not sentient (laudna girl you need to insight check your patron pls). otohan hurt her not the sword. and to allow her to consume it was more leaning into her trauma - its not setting a good precedent for future healthy coping mechanisms basically
that said, dorian cant just say that without acknowledging the depth of laudnas trauma. the sword actively triggered her. this does reek of a PTSD episode where she went running to a soothing influence. to simply say its just a sword without paying respect to laudna's hurt is also incredibly dismissive - well aimed as it was.
chetney is sus. thats it. thats the take. i dont believe this old man when he said he trusts laudna. i think hes plotting
tl;dr - everyone tried to help laudna, no one tried to stop her which might be the only way to help her now. she needs someone to hold her back and call out when shes under the influence again.
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infinitelycynical · 10 days
What are you deepest darkest headcannons about Aizawa X Ide? Tell the world of your crimes. Show us the blood on your hands. The blood.. of old .. man.. yaoi..
this is a VERY GOOD question because I have a lot of them...
were each other's first loves (aizawa didn't realise it until over 20 years later that those feelings were not just platonic but romantic as well...)
ide and eriko have a complicated relationship... they're like strained siblings really.
ide likes to insist that love at first sight is absolute bullshit and completely fictional but he fell for aizawa the moment he saw him so he doesn't get to talk. it's actually pathetic.
they take their smoke breaks together, ocassionally will share a cigarette but often light one another's cigarettes
codependent bitches, have never gone longer than a few days without seeing one another until the kira case. live in the same apartment complex but different floors in their thirties, so they often go over to one another's places and ide will babysit yumi as needed. ide runs out of beer? he just takes a beer from Aizawa's fridge. yumi decides that her mum and dad are being unfair? she goes to uncle hideki's house and chills with him for a while.
when ide wasn't on the Kira case but aizawa was they were undeniably extremely unpleasant people. surprisingly, despite both of them having short tempers, they are more chill around one another because if one of them stays calm, the other will as well. aizawa would occasionally talk to ide by complete accident still thinking he was there even tho he wasn't. like aizawa will say "hideki, get the printing" and he'll be answered with silence and look up only to see his best friend isn't there
romantic feelings are definitely there, but neither of them like addressing it or calling it as it is. a friendship reeking of romantic tension. they have like romantic and platonic feelings towards one another, they're complicated and neither can explain it. on the scale with platonic and romantic at opposing ends, ide's are more romantic and aizawa's are more platonic, but both are truly towards the middle.
ide was best man at aizawa's wedding
ide is bad with all kids except aizawa's. literally all children but his. aizawa thinks it's because the kids have the "fond of hideki" gene whereas ide thinks it's because aizawa is their parent
met at 18 when training for the NPA and became friends immediately, right on the spot. did quite a lot of stupid shit together
I hc a lot simultaneously in different universes for them but I won't go into it now
we don't talk about the fact that I've had this post in my drafts for around eight months...
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yonemurishiroku · 10 months
What r some of ur hcs about this ship?
Ok. I usually don’t spill the beans about what I plan to write (mainly bc I need to keep up the motivation), but this would be an exception bc I always make exception for rarepairs.
Anw. About Clovis and Nico.
I have many jumbling thoughts about them but Ig it all comes down to two things:
1/ Their stories
2/ Their powers, down to their very core.
When I say the stories, here’s the thing
Nico has a lot of history, whereas Clovis does not. Obviously. Nico has been around as the deuteragonist since book 3, whereas Clovis barely makes an appearance. The difference in their screen time is abyssal.
But look at it in the normal way. If Nico was to play a character, what does that make Clovis?
An observer.
Why? Because Clovis, as it turns out, has the potential to be the one who knows the most, seeing as the Hypnos’ cabin is literally the central station of the highway through which all dreams must pass through.
And dreams, essentially, are just fragments of one’s life stories.
So look at it this way. Nico is a character. Clovis is the observer, and from that, a story teller.
- He is frankly a stranger but he may know a lot more about Nico than a mere stranger would. Isn’t that romantic? (A little creepy but let’s not delve on that)
- Nico wouldn’t be alone. He might think he’s alone, but if we take in the assumption that Clovis knows about his struggles, he might offer silent help without prying too much.
Think of it this way. You’re struggling and you’re just so tired but every way you look at is a dead-end. And then suddenly someone comes and takes your hand and opens a new door and you just collapse in their arms crying as they tell you “It’s gonna by okay”
- Clovis is a son of the Underworld too. What does it mean? It means the “ppl don’t like children of hades” doesn’t mean shit. Clovis would be the exception to whatever Nico has had to deal with from CHB.
- Rick makes Nico an insomnia and I’m monopolizing it for Clovico bc not letting Clovis in this is obviously Clovis-erasure. The potential is hitting me in the face. I’m sending Nico off to Hynpos’ cabin at every chance I get.
- Sleep dates every night bc I SAID SO. Nico getting over his touch-fright thanks to piling up in pillows and blankets with the Hypnos children so much.
- Clovis falling asleep during meetings bc he has Nico relaying everything to him later. Bonus point if he is actually laying on Nico’s shoulders and everyone’s like “shouldn’t we address that” but Nico’s like “Shhh” 😭😭😭
- Brewing tea and warming milk for each other!
- Morning routine: opening eyes - “Do u feel like up and shining?” - “Nah” - proceeds to return to sleep until Austin comes rapping on the door
- “We have a date” and all ppl see them doing is just sleeping. JOKE’S ON THEM tho bc they’re having the best dates ever in the dreamland
Which brings us to the second point vvvv
Their powers overlap in one thing, and that is the dreams.
Throughout the series, we have been shown: Olympus, Erebus, Tartarus, Atlantis (idk ab that tho). You know what we haven’t touched?
The dreamscape.
No, not the misleading nightmares/ illusions of Epiales in TSATS. I mean the dreamscape. The land of one’s living mind.
It’s literally a new world right there.
And oh would you look at that. Who could enter this realm? Oh right! Children of Hades and Hypnos.
Nico and Clovis (and other children of Hypnos Morpheus ofc) have a whole world to themselves, no shit.
- Here’s a thing I like ab what Rick did in HOO: Through the dreams, Nico could connect with the Hypnos cabin in general and Clovis in specifics, thousands of miles away from them.
So what does this mean? It means that, no matter where Nico is, he can always find his way to Clovis.
Just fall asleep and then let his dream lead him.
Isn’t that romantic - that the one you love would always be there, behind your eyelids? 🫶🥰 And you can always see them just by closing your eyes?
Nico could be at the other side of the globe and they’d still be seeing, touching each other every day/night. Look me in the eyes and tell me another couple who could do it.
- The whole thing about death being a big, undisturbed sleep. But it’s 1:30 am i don’t have th willpower
- I have a whole thing which is Alice in Wonderland AU but again i have nothing
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merakiui · 1 month
how do you manage to write for scaramouche so well?? ❤😭 it may be because i havent played genshin before. but. you srsly have me simping HARDCORE for this man, to the point that i wanna get in on the action too and write something of him for myself!!!- but as someone whose barely wrote before and struggles with dialogue sm, it feels impossibly difficult.. may i ask for some tips or advice abt this, if youre up for it ofc? and this is off topic but i also want to say that i enjoy reading every single writing of yours, and im very very thankful to you for even choosing to post them in the first place. reading something that you write will always make my day sm better and i appreciate you so much. im so sry this became so long rn, but i wish you a day as hardcorely wonderful as youve made me simp so hardcorely for scaramouche!!! (it was sounding better in myhead NOO. in all seriousness tho i wish you the best day ever possible, THANK YOU!!! you should be super duper proud of yourself for making these masterpieces and i srsly hope you are, even tho i know its hard to feel this way abt your own work!!!)
AAAAA this is so sweet... 🥺 thank you for enjoying my writings and the way I portray Scara!!!! (੭´͈ ᐜ `͈)੭♡ I'm glad you can love and simp for him!!!!!! He deserves many fans!!!! >3< and I'm grateful to know my works can make you happy!!! I wish you the most amazing, hardcorely wonderful day as well!!!!!! 💖💖
As for advice I'm not sure if it's advice for writing dialogue or Scara, but I can share my thoughts for both!!! :D dialogue is fun because, while it's still conversational, it can come in many forms depending on the context and dynamic/relationship between the characters. For example, dialogue between a boss and their secretary will be different from that of dialogue between close friends. Real-life conversations aren't perfect; we stutter, repeat words, trail off in what we're saying, ramble, interrupt, use fillers like "um" or "ah," and so on. Adding these elements into dialogue between characters can help it feel more natural.
With Scara, he has so many layers and can be written in many different ways depending on what era of him you're writing for. What I like most of all, though, is his ability to act so friendly. I feel as if this ability of his is somewhat forgotten, but in the Unreconciled Stars event he approached Traveler and company with such a friendly façade. Even his intonation was bright and kind (as opposed to how he later addresses the Fatui soldiers)!!!!! orz orz I adore this aspect of his character,, how he's able to be both a brilliant actor and an intimidating Harbinger all in one. His sharp, sarcastic tongue... the threatening aura he has despite being so short hehe. <3 there's so much to love!!
I like to imagine him as the stray cat they tell you not to feed often otherwise he'll continue to come around even when there isn't any food to give. Although it also helps that he's portrayed as a cat in Nahida's fairy tale. ;;; I love Scarameow with all of my heart!!!! It's also important to note that, as evil as he was during his era as a villain, there were also facets to him that showed some gap moe. How he cares for the elderly and children. How we know that he has a tendency to get attached to things, to seek a purpose, to know what it's like to be human and feel human, to be accepted and loved.
His misunderstanding with Ei also plays a role in how he views the world (and how he'd probably be wary in falling in love because he fears abandonment). Whereas Ei was hoping he could live his own life by setting him free rather than destroying him as Miko had wanted her to do, Scara mistook the gesture as abandonment and betrayal. And from his perspective it's hard to see the goodwill in what Ei did because she,,,, didn't exactly go about it in the best way. ^^;;;;
Aaaa there are just so many parts to consider from the timeline of his existence. As Wanderer, it's really heartwarming to see him gradually healing and accepting himself as well as letting go of past grievances (but also taking accountability for and acknowledging all that he did as well as all that he is). He still has that same sharp-tongued sarcasm and there are still rough edges, but he's not so harsh or vindictive. 🥺 I just adore him so much...
I rambled a lot and I'm sorry. T^T I hope it's helpful advice and not just my adoration for Scara shining through. ;;;;;
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cleoselene · 10 months
my food stamps dropped a full.. *checks* 9 days early? I am sure this is Tropical Storm Idalia-related but no idea if this is a supplemental month to deal with a possible crisis, or just an early disbursement to meet any last minute needs
I really hope it's the free month lol, that has actually happened in previous hurricanes whereas I cannot recall it simply coming "early?" not ever?
a free month of food stamps would be 'dibly fresh, and yeah, maybe they just saw that I have an address on the Gulf Coast of Florida and put me in with the emergency funding. even tho like. we're not really getting anything here. outer bands, which means 2 inches of rain, which means your basic afternoon summer storm
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milkbreadtoast · 2 years
I don’t know if you’ve played ovenbreak as well so for now I’d love to hear your thoughts on Financier and Caramel Arrow Cookie….. they both seem incredibly loyal but with very different personalities
hi ty for the ask!! someone already asked abt them and unfortunately i dont really have any detailed thoughts/strong opinions bc i hadnt considered them before... tbh i'd like to hear ur(/u guys') thoughts abt them! u prob have more thoughts than me, what do u like abt them/why makes their dynamic interesting to u? ^^
let me think abt it tho...🤔i do think theyre compatible! ur right in that they r similar yet r v diff... They're both incredibly loyal, they have serious and earnest/honest/upright and humble personalities... I think one major diff tho is that CA is much more assertive, as she's the leader of the watchers, and is the one who makes decisions and gives orders during battle; whereas financier is a knight and usually takes orders, and she's more passive and non-confrontational. I think they're both v strong and capable, but in terms of actual battle experience I think it can be safely assumed that CA has (much) more... we know for a fact that she has seen many battles firsthand + even witnessed many comrades falling in battle...Whereas the Republic is known as a "peaceful"(/peacetime?) country (as in not having seen war w other countries), to the extent that their knight commander, Madeleine, had 0 prior (real)battle experience before being promoted and leaving w Espresso LMAO.. We also know that Financier is a recent graduate of the Paladin academy(making her younger than Madeleine), so it can be safely assumed that she, while rigorously trained and having fought many duels, hasn't had the same "battle" experience as CA.
I think another difference personality-wise is CA seems likely to be a bit more laid back and personable and more expressive(which u can see in her sprites)... We know that altho she is a hardworking, earnest, and highly disciplined leader, she's also very kind and warm-hearted, adored by all her fellow soldiers, who r fiercely loyal to her not out of fear but out of trust and love, sharing her own rations with hungry villagers, v quick to protect and defend other cookies... I think Financier cookie is also kind hearted and earnest, but her outside demeanor def seems more "cool and collected", more of a rigid/uptight honor student vibe... CA seems more warm/friendly/more of a people person(cookie) than Financier lol, like she'd be more likely to make small talk, crack light jokes, smile more, etc... Financier is def one of those charas whose slight smile is a rare sight 🫢(and her laugh even rarer...), doesn't talk much unless needed, doesnt joke around, etc djfjsn it's fun to compare/contrast her to Madeleine, because they're both paladins but their personalities could not be more diff... they're foils to each other in a way (it was rly fun to see this addressed in the story too lmaoo their interactions are so funny😭)
ANYWAY I def think if they got an opportunity to interact in canon, theyd get along rly well and would prob become good friends... and given crunchy is canonically friendly w financier(despite being so diff), I def think caramel would get along w her too!! Although they come from v diff cultures, they have similar values and I could see them clicking well and enjoying each others company~
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enbiart · 1 year
ok i sent this b4 but you cleared out your inbox but that's okay! im glad you take steps to rid yourself of stress /gen
but you really are one of THE people that completely GET Kel, so i want to ask... what if he was in Aubrey's place. No Hero, all alone, no friends to be there when he was mourning, disastrous family, father leaving, the whole gig...
Basically, what if someone like Kel, with his character and personality, was put in Aubrey's position during those 4 years? What would he have gone through and how would he cope?
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ok so like. i LOVE delinquent kel with a passion. let him GO OFF. realistically tho?? it would probably take someone antagonizing him first (and really hard) for him to take his frustrations off on other ppl. whereas aubrey, even as a kid, was really headstrong and pushy with a strong sense of justice (which, yknow, turns her to lash out at the world at the injustice of Everything Thats Ever Happened To Her) kel is a lot more..laid back. he'll whine and complain, but at the end of the day, whatevers happened happened. hes p gullible too. his sense of justice is moreso towards other ppl than himself, so if hes got NO support and some Bad Stuff Happens, he just kinda.... scoots around it. mentally. if that makes sense. its all over with and he cant change it, and no one else is bothered, so why address it?
the thing with kel is that he is really good at keeping distracted and occupied. hes good at covering stuff up. he likes to focus on other people to distract them from himself. u know that one kid in class that everyone likes but, like, no one even knows their favorite color? thatd be him. he lends u pencils if u ask and doesnt remind u to give it back. he shows u how to dribble a ball if he sees u struggling. if he says hi to anyone they will always say hi back. he fits into all the social circles!!!
...he just doesnt stay with any. not in a bad way i wouldnt think, hes not, like, flaking on anyone. but u wouldnt rly be suprised if he decided not to come to ur bday party, yknow, and ur not THAT torn up abt it either. its p well known that he prefers basketball to people, but also that hes too nice to straight up ask you to leave.
a well-liked misfit. doesnt rly talk abt himself and no one knows him too well, but ppl talk to him casually. a LOT of ppl. the gas station regular of everyones hearts.
i dont really think he'd hold much of a grudge against ppl for abandoning him, he's just...not a grudge person. if he gets angry its a one and done kinda thing. he would have a LOT of trouble letting them support him again. nothing against them, but like, he's got it handled, okay? (spoiler alert: he does NOT have it handled)
these arent well organized thoughts bc its ummmmm actually been awhile since i had omori brainrot 😔 but i did my best
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Heyo! How about sharing some Bloodborne ships opinions/ideas? It's been a while since you talked about those!
To be honest, 'Bloodborne ships' is a concept so boundless and infinite that 'bottomless Sea' compared to it is just a pathetic shallow puddle, because in my monkey brain a BB ship is any character + any character out of consenting adults who are not blood related (and even in THAT case you'll probably have ghosts of people who ship Maria with Annalise trashing your pots at night at least once *eyesroll*). So I think, for the sake of this post having a start AND an end, I'll only touch upon "acknowledged" ships.
THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS, time to recall what is POPULAR! OOOooooOOOOoooooOOOHHHH-
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Mariadeline - I am always back and forth on this ship. It is shifting between 'it doesn't seem to have came to fruition in canon since Adeline addresses Maria as her superior, and also the ship is better in Adeline's Blood Saint stage since the horror of the Research Hall doesn't fit for some uwu fluff, and Adeline seems to be too carried by Arcane to care for simple human happiness anymore' and 'since WHEN canon "evidence" and timeline could stand in the way of imagination and simply enjoying the ideas?'. A struggle between my brain and my pp..... I think I like pretty much any way to go about this ship, but in my heart it will always be superior as attraction that not only never been resolved, but also has been a breaking point for Maria, with Adeline dying in her arms no less.
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I do think they'd make a cute dynamic, it is absolutely the case where one does full autistic ramblings about their special interest (Adeline) and another just listens (Maria). I also do think they both suck at being direct about their feelings and every AU where they DID date needs the third party as a wingman xD
Laudwig (or Holyvicar, as I see often) - I do not have strong feelings on this ship? My engagement with this ship is passive (ie I just see fanart of it on my dashboard/timeline and might like it). It has a huge depth and drama potential, though! Which one became the beast first and how another reacted? How much Ludwig really knew about the Healing Church's nasty secrets; how much Laurence was hiding from him about their impending doom in the name of potential progress? I can say whereas Logarius is arguably a more useful 'pawn' in the grand plans, Ludwig's more knightly, 'naive' honor could more likely win Laurence over. I actually wrote my interpretation of the ship once! Observe:
Not a flawless ship, as Laurence has to keep many skeletons in his closet and Ludwig would have been sick if he learned HALF of the shit Laurence has to hide… Besides, there is no saying if Ludwig would spare Laurence should his precious moon sword call for hurting him. This relationship is more of a game with neigher side being allowed into depths of another's soul. However, despite his higher status, Laurence would be the one feeling more shy, helpless and red in the face because Ludwig is so big and strong and radiates hope and joy, whereas Ludwig would be more of passionate no-insecurity caring lover that had already organized a pretty date before Laurence even as much as had a THOUGHT about one. Alas with canon context in mind, this "ship" works better as a plot device to show messed up things about Church and things people gotten themselves into, to the point of no longer being allowed deep, genuine bonds.
Gehrmaurence (???) - This is canon because Gehrman basically moans his name in his sleep lol
Ok ok or OK seriously tho! I am kind of rooting for this ship and am always happy to see it recognised, I just, yet again, am passive about it and just 'like it when I see it'. It is undeniable that Laurence and Gehrman were close. Gehrman trusted Laurence enough to give himself to the "insidious Moon" in faith that Laurence WILL succeed at his designs while he sustains the Hunt for him, and WILL free him then. I do think that realising he has been failing Gehrman miserably was one of Laurence's most horrible, devastating fears when beasthood was taking him over, maybe even the last cry of his humanity. But it is that situation where character can share very deep and intimate bond without romantic involvement and it is still good; I'll certainly take them as 'friends doomed by the narrative' JUST as willingly as 'lovers doomed by the narrative'.
Gehrmaria - I do not even know whether I want to share my honest feelings about this one... lol OF COURSE I DO because nobody read the post to this point except for you anyway! xD Alright, but upon my arrival in the fandom, when I was digging up my own lore and sometimes comparing it to the fandom popular one, I was content with the idea that Doll creation was Kinda Sus and Gehrman was a bit creepy. Then I found Bellringermal's blog and was like 'OMG CURSED but you go girl!!!!!!'. Then I started to slowly develop the enjoyment of the ship that I desperately tried to deny and suppress because, again, back then I saw Gehrman as a creep, so I just blamed Mal
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Yo but do you remember what actually triggered my researcher streak? OH LAURENCE OF COURSE YOU REMEMBER-
Right, I've had that dream about a snow/ice Great One attacking altered Yharnam, several characters gathering in a castle built-in the mountain, Rom being pregnant from Simon (wtf!!!!!!!) and… Maria was there too. There was that brief moment where Gehrman was awkwardly trying to see her from the shadows and someone asked Maria like 'hey who is that guy following you everywhere :т', from which Gehrman got scared and chickened away, and Maria was like '…nobody important'.
So after that time I woke up with the strange +15 Insight effect, because something about her intonation, her face and the context made me perceive the depth to which that bond went, and the complexity of her resentment. You know how in the dreams you sometimes can just... 'perceive' feelings and information that wasn't directly said? Telepathy. Makes sense, because dreams happen in the brain... or... DO THEY? So, I knew I NEEDED to grasp that exact sentiment and find out WHAT Maria was feeling in my dream. It felt significant. So that day I dived EXTRA deep into research and wrote the 'Let's analyze Gehrman, Maria and the Doll' ( x ) that not only is my real, genuine take on the relationship, but also the girls liked it and some changed previously harshly negative opinion on Gehrman.
I still wish I never poked my nose deeper on the matter and things just stayed that way, because this is the only controversial ship in the fandom and it constantly brings out the worst in fans. Letting people enjoy their ship and have their takes on the old man is far too much to ask from a western community, so for every toxic, mean-spirited, disrespectful hiss towards Gehrmaria shippers, I kept discovering new counter-evidence, new ways to see Maria and new redeeming qualities about Gehrman! Until I've lost the sight of whether I myself actually SHIP it, started to root for this ship to pick-up and prosper as a matter of 'cool people keep winning', lost the creepy but so needed 'darkness' of this ship as a concept... And although PLENTY of people thanked me for "saving" Gehrman's ass and the ship as a concept (not exaggerating), sometimes I wonder: would not it have been better to just leave things as they were and enjoy my own thing in secluded, individualist way?
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Pfffft LMAO mfw you came to listen about ship dramas, but ended up listening about my PERSONAL dramas XD But yeah, my interpretation here is pretty darn simple. Maria might have had a crush but by now is greatly disappointed - based on Gehrman's curiosity that WAS digging through corpses to seek eyes for Willem, but she is disappointed in herself more than in him, he taught her a great deal but she also got her gentler, sweeter side practically ruined by the hunt, he liked her but never dared to approach her because of age gap and he just felt undeserving, he could not even dream of her because of his own regrets and crashing realisation of how much he failed her - including not being there for her to prevent her Minecraft… Another case of ship that never came to fruition in canon. But in an AU where it did happen, I think it would be bittersweet; Gehrman is older and beaten up by hard life, and is a callous brick in emotional situations at times, so their relationship would know some conflicts; not a bad thing, arguments are normal! They're both tough outside and gentle inside, both are capable of great self-sacrifice but also of great war crimes, lol. But Gehrman is just… a bit dead inside? They have enough in common to get along, but not enough to get bored by each other.
Valmura/Valtmura/whatever - Funny enough, they do somewhat remind me of how Gehrmaria is in my head! The 'dead inside', somewhat cruel and callous murderous mentor figure that Seen Some Shit before and might be intimidating with how far he goes and his sensitive, emotional, slightly naive, passionate student with great knightly chivalry that is effectively broken by walking this mentor's path, LOL.
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So the same sort of relationship that is not ideal and almost certainly is canonically SCREWED, only Valtr pulls his big boy pants and sucks the grief up instead of succumbing to despair to the point of madness. I think this is a nice ship, the dynamic is great! Just the perfect balance of 'similar enough to get along but enough differences to have productive conflicts and not be bored' I do not find very often! (Also yes I keep completely disregarding power imbalance of mentor/student for both this ship and previous one, I hope ya'll are still hooked </3 )
Gasgoryk - I used to dislike this ship, actually! No shit, outright going 'grrrrrrr' seeing it because it reminded me too much of my internet childhood during my 12-13 years where the girls would always neglect the male character's canon crush/lover/wife to not "stand in the way" for their gay ship! It just felt like Viola was pushed aside despite being mother of Gasc's children...? And I thought the two ships could not coexist because Henryk MUST be Viola's father (source: younger daughter mentioning 'grandpa'). But I've since seen plenty of good interpretations, justifications for 'grandpa' commentary, and all in all, setting events in the past and AUs still exist! I just don't mind by now, I simply prefer Gascola more! But I think I enjoy the thought that Henryk might have had silent crush on Gascoigne that he never delivered and it was too late when he got engaged with his daughter; but the pain was forgotten when the first child was born!
Gascola - A lot to explore, a lot to speculate (wholesome and not much), doomed by narrative, IS CANON! Everything I love. Will always prefer this ship to Gascoryk or Violeen because... canon... guys this is SUPER canon... and they also have children, guys you don't understand, it is ACTUAL family... (too bad they all fucking die lol)
Micorom/Romicolash/whatever - This, my fellas, was my very first ship when I poked my nose in Bloodborne! I clicked with Rom so much almost instantly, and Mal was my first exposure to the ship, as well! I thought absolutely nothing could be more fun. Back then, my Rom had a different personality (simply she was sassy, bitter and a bit tired from being overworked by Micolash and Willem). I was fully prepared to become a Micorom type of fan and give this ship soooooooooo. muuuuuuuuch. CONTENT. ...but at some point I saw this:
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And EVERYTHING clicked into place.
So yes, Rom being his sister is my official idea now. But- honestly, this is still such a great ship as a concept! It feels like no matter how Rom's personality is written, the two could have a great dynamic! And what is the outcome? Does Micolash end up being jealous and resentful because he hates to see the girlboss win- I mean, that Rom ascended and he didn't? Or he simply misses her and hopes to JOIN her when he ascends? I just don't know what a mf would have to do to not make a ship like this work imo, because these characters are just cursed to have The Dynamic TM no matter what. I definitely cheer people who ship it... Do what I can't! *sobs*
Hunter x Doll -
Ok ok ok listen dfhhdshdf With Bloodborne, everything depends on the interpretation, so it is not excluded there are ways to make this work! But this is just certainly not my thing.
Doll is an interesting case though, because like I said before, I think soul of Maria DOES live in her - without memories and sedated by the Moon, and Gehrman probably doesn't even know that himself. But when Doll is asleep - she is awake somewhere else and vice-versa, yadda yadda. However, before a hunter as much as looks at her the attracted way, she still needs to find a decent connection with her humanity. And there is her perception of her role as a servant for those hunters that will just stand and take it if they hit her. This is just... it is such a delicate matter that I can't even begin to cover it. It is not even the same level of delicate as complexities of mentor/student!
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Rombrietas and Romurie/Yurrom - Perfect ships, nuff said. Though I feel like they are no longer 'popular' and are the thing of the begone era of the fandom (forgotten like Julie x Imposter). But from what I gathered, fandom of 2016-17 enjoyed them. I think that both of these are so likely that I can declare them canon-plaucible. As in, they could actually happen IN canon, not even in alternative/happier timeline. Ebrietas weeps the petrified corpse that looks like Rom when lyrics of her theme refer to Mensis ritual that Rom is covering; meanwhile, Yurie/Julie irrationally fights you on the way to Rom that even Willem encourages you to hunt... That's just two whole women to care about Rom deeply!
Of course not tryna push anything; Ebrietas could lament something else (maybe fate of humanity in general), and Julie could just be winning time for imposter Iosefka to do her experiments. But... why? x) I am very on board with the idea that Ebrietas worries about Rom all the way, seeing Rom becoming a 'spider' (association with Amygdalae and forbidden knowledge). She, who used to be a pawn of the Moon behind her, got in contact with her human side (as an adult celestial larvae), to the point of crying red blood when 'celestial' Kin have it drained of color normally.
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AYYYYY that's why it is called 'Paleblood sky'!
Also an oldie:
She loved listening to Rom's 'epiphanies' and took her 100% seriously before it became mainstream x) Though Yurie was eager - getting angry at anyone that dared to criticize Rom even IF criticism was right! Meanwhile Rom always shared personal info with Yurie before anyone else. Plus they always had many shared interests - singing, nature, stars, bothering teachers long after classes are over with silly questions… Yurie having always been by Rom's side physically and mentally made her by effect keep Willem's teachings at heart even if other former Byrgenwerth students who joined Choir ditched those mostly. When Yurie ends up losing her sanity too, one thing she still holds onto is refusing to agree to harm Rom, completely ignoring Damian's pleading that not only it must be done, but also Rom will come out alright as a Great One.. really sad downfall.
Alfred x Crow - I am not very comfortable with the fact that Alfred... well... listen, it is a rather sensitive topic, so I will try to address it as discreet, subtly and maturely as possible. Alfred, as we can conclude... IS A GODDAMN RELIGIOUS FANATIC THAT THINKS VILEBLOODS SHOULD BE EXTERMINATED AS A KIND BECAUSE OF THE BLOOD HIS RELIGION DEEMS "IMPURE"!!! This ship is just certainly not my thing. I know Crow messed up a little by causing Eileen's death, but I am sure not even he is bad enough to deserve any advances by the guy that dehumanizes (devampirizes????) him by proxy. Sure, ship can fit into hatef4cking territory, but we talk about ship... like, relationship... relationshipies...
Ariadella - Fun fact! Despite this ship being basically the same problem as Alfred x Crow (except worse because Adella DOES kill Arianna), I used to like it initially! These two show the personalities that I can see as type of opposites that can mutually improve and complete one another! ...in a happier AU somewhere. But more often than not I am unhappy with the idea of "erasing" the fact that Adella considers Arianna worthy of being murdered in the scenario where she "dirties" the Hunter with her blood just for some shippy fluff. It is a back and forth for me, depending on how the ship is portrayed, and in what context!
Alfhunter - No strong feelings, it got nice art but I just shrug it off. Like, valid, but that's it. However, I do lay awake at nights and think:
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"Man, but what could possibly make people see that psychotic religious fanatic beat a defenceless vampire queen into a bloody pulp and decide this is the most desirable man ever that they want to hook up their self-insert or mindchild with?" And you might ask: "Wait, doesn't line up, THIS is where you draw the line? But then how do you explain your crush on Micolash who's done much, MUCH worse things?". Well, I actually have an answer to that that will clarify your confusion and prove that I am not being a hypocrite! You see,
*gradually becomes transparent upon spinning around and teleports away like Rom*
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nahalism · 7 months
What do you thnkk would be the healthy and mature way of dealing with those emotions when it comes to us, humans?
Theres another thing i wanna ask. Do you believe there are ppl who feel those negative emotions or maybe all ❔ emotions more intensely which results in them handling it worse or could it b that the fundamental emotion is similar in all of us but it’s the ways we conduct ourselves while the feeling arises that matters and shows more? As an example we have two people who get extremely angry but one has less self control/insert other quality which makes them lash out in rage while the other doesn’t? The one is explodes/implodes might argue that they feel things more intensely but it’s so hard to measure isnt it? Who is to say they feel more intensely rather than… act more intensely when they feel said emotion
rambleramble i hope dis makes sense
i think the healthy way to deal with things is to learn about emotional regulation and to gauge the way you find best helps you regulate. some people can address issues immediately whereas others need time to process. some people need to workout or expel excess energy, some people need to meditate, some need to journal or write it out to gain perspective, others (despite the work they do to regulate themselves) are trying to find resolution with unregulated individuals which itself can be a huge trigger so in that case maybe doing some work on staying detachment and learning in your own orbit rather than getting sucked into other peoples realities and perceptions of reality is beneficial. idk. it really is subjective and situational so i cant sit here and give a prescriptive answers cause life is more nuanced than good v bad/right v wrong
i think that there are people who are more sensitive to others but that doesn't necessarily mean they feel more than others. heightened awareness, preexposure to trauma and life experience all shape a person, their perception and their reaction to things. (im sure u know this). so its fair to say no two people are the same, and as such peoples tolerance for pain or discomfort is also not the same. some people are always in pain and so are so numb to it they seem high functioning. just because theyre not as reactive doesnt mean they dont suffer. on top of that one person may find the prospect of abandonment petrifying whilst another wouldnt even recognise the interaction as abandonment, theyd see it as simply separating paths. all of that is based on conditioning, preexposure, and the families/societies/countries were born into
idk these questions require a essay to answer lol theres too much to weigh up. im curious tho, what makes u ask these qs
sending love hope ur well
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ezralva · 10 months
In your personal HCs, what are Takayuki & Hayate's love language(s) for each other?
First in how they address each other. Mima dropped the honorific with Hayate as soon as they started going out, though he still speaks in keigo to Hayate. Hayate asked him cz Mima seemed subconsciously omitting the "-kun" while texting anw. And Hayate secretly liked it cz it showed his different status now to Mima compared to Shun-kun and Souma-kun. Hayate also asked him to start talking casually with him btw.
Hayate only began calling him "Takayuki-san" after they moved in together. But ofc he won't ever drop the honorifics.
Next, for sure cooking for each other, cz what else is the more romantic love language other than cooking wholeheartedly for your loved ones? not just what they like but also taking into accounts the health benefits they cud offer.
So Mima started learning how to cook healthy bento for Hayate ever since he heard that Hayate mostly ate konbini-bought meals every day, which happened long before they even began dating. Hayate likes fried food and any other fast food youngsters like nowadays so at the very least by making his bento, Mima cud make sure he uses less oil, healthier fat, and adds more veggies to his diet.
Hayate who couldn't cook at all, started learning how to make sushi bcz it's Mima's favorite food. But ofc he can only manage barazushi for now and he puts lots of healthy, stamina-and-immune-boosting ingredients to it cz Mima rarely works out. He's keeping chirashizushi recipe for Mima's birthday with all of Mima's favorite seafood. He also learned from Asami-san how to brew coffee the way Mima likes it cz Mima drinks coffee more than tea. He's now saving to buy an espresso machine for their home, the one with grinders cz the old one Mima has is the standard coffee maker.
When they move in together, they still rent a place w/ 2 bedrooms cz private space is very important for both of them, tho they usually sleep in Mima's bed. When they fight, however, Hayate could lock himself up in his room for a whole day and night and won't read text or pick up his calls, making them unable to talk it out soon. When that happens, Mima knows to just leave him be. When he calms down enough then he will either: comes to Mima's bedroom and joins him on the bed, or offers to make him a cup of coffee...that's when Mima knows he's ready to talk. If Hayate offers to give Mima a body massage then it means Hayate feels very guilty about their quarrel.
Hayate can tell when Mima wants to make love whenever the guy starts sniffing down his neck at random times, whereas in Hayate's case, Mima can tell when the younger gives him a backhug out of the blue.
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minalblood · 1 year
Ep 3 p2
Mary's hunting trauma mentioned a bit more in depth but not yet addressed and her immediately sacrificing herself to Buri Baba to get Carrie and Ford are sooo very ... The Dean of it all vibes. As is Ford's words about Carrie and how it was on his watch. Mary and Ford talking was just chef's kiss tbh. As well as the fact that Mary struggles with her sense of self aka not knowing who she is if she's not of service aka hunting. And of course the Indiana Jones of it all is pure Dean too.
In other news, the "my folks made sure the house was super monster-proof" line from Mary has me losing my shit. How many times have we had this issue in SPN of there not being a possibility for hunters to have a main base (bunker doesn't count here, its clearly a special case) but here we have a well known hunting family able to have a well protected house so they don't disrupt every part of their childs life. And while I agree that post hell gate open(s2 fin) more threats were present, thay still does not excuse SPN!John from his bullshit.
I do love the hexbag mention tho, since we see that constantlt used in spn as both harmful and helpful, hell i think the 1st uses on spn are actually protection aka Missouri using it in Home to get rid of the poltergeist and Bella wanting a very old one from Gordon to keep herself safe from hell hounds in Fresh Blood. The use of it here is much closer resembling to its use in Home tho.
Carlos and Ada are the chaos twins in spnwin I've decided, but they are actually competent as opposed to Cas and Sam who tend to break shit (mostly themselves, sometimes the world). Carlos constantly being creeped out by Ada or Lana's darker vibes only to then absolutely admire and praise them is one of my fav things! The fact that Carlos' fighting style is capable but always as flashy as possible is a great bit of characterization. Ada constantly being just this side off of really fucking dark is also absolutely a great piece of character work. I still wish we'd have used the demons in plants thing in spn, but Crowley in rat was close.
Then we have the mention of Lata's father in the context of having told her the story of Buri Baba which... foreshadowing tbh. *special note* john just needs to learn to shut tf up sometimes, he has a bad habit of saying the stupidest thing possible *brought to you here by "contact your folks" hours*
Betty is hereeee!! In professional capacity mostly, but goddamn, John proposed when they were fucking 16 ish?? What was he thinking?! And what happened then, cuz it's heavily implied there was a fight between them. I've questions ok?? I will say John just jumping in no thoughts to the consequences of his decisions is perfectly in character tho.
Lata having to call home hurtttttsss. Hurts sooo bad knowing what actually happened, what her trauma is and how it affected her. God she's so strong to have done that. John doesn't even know how much he asked of her there, he can't. I will say tho, I very much love Lata and John's friendship, they balance each other out really well, he pushes just enough to get her past her freeze response but not so far it breaks her boundaries. And lata calms him down enough for him to actually stop and think before doing things. Love it! But I also love how John has almost that same effect on Mary that Lata has for him? Whereas Mary allows him the freedom to act and the tools to make the right choice before acting or at least give him the information he needs for that. All these characters interact so wonderfully and affect each other with every second of every scene and it's so clear.
In other news, I loooove the monster design, once more, because it's seriously fucked! And i love that!! Aaaaand we get Roxyyy properly for the 1st time!!!
Also really love seeing the actual effects of the day on the group, Ada taking out her trauma on the demon by plucking the leaves for having possessed her and Lata trying to shake herself out of her thoughts about her family and the shit thay comes with that while staring at the phone, John burning the sack, likely thinking about having almost lost Mary and Mary going to see a movie and trying to slowly start doing things for herself. Carlos sadly doesn't really have any lesson learnt here, but they are very much keeping a eye out on Ada, having noticed she's going through shit.
God, finally, these kids are just absolutely fantastic. Carrie ripping Bernice up and Ford just snapping the hair clip are such absolutely based decisions and just instant, no thoughts, just do it vibes. They're the best.
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i can’t believe we’re living in a world where mgk has actually publicly addressed his inappropriate comments (billboard interview on youtube) and atl have not.
ig there’s a more complicated question in there about if apologies are even necessary if you change your behavior with the times, but idk, a statement like that would make me feel better even if it doesn’t reduce the hate.
I’m mad you got me to play a 9 minute MGK interview where at one point he says something about the world being sad the last few years and then says it’s time to have fun again, as if the world is not constantly getting worse. Stupid, annoying motherfucker. And yeah he did acknowledge something more than ATL has but he was given a relaxed, softball space to do so whereas ATL went straight in the bin for most. Lemme know when he specifically apologizes for getting a blowjob onstage.
I have an incredibly hard time with the second part of this because people see true accountability as changing + acknowledging the change but personally, I don’t need that second part! Actions speak louder than words for me and not doing the thing is top tier?? Now if you get called on it, I do expect you to know why the thing wasn’t good but I don’t necessarily need that acknowledgment. Internet spaces keep telling me I’m wrong tho.
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bngrc · 2 years
kind of an old post to respond to lmao sorry but re ur 拿到/取得 post - i feel like “get” is such an amorphous verb that it’s not reeeaaally useful to use it to define stuff in translations except idiomatically? especially in this case like . ok i honestly haven’t spoken french in 10 years so im having trouble coming up w vocabulary for discussing abstract concepts off the top of my head but to me 取得 has more connotations of like … réaliser maybe? gagner? even tho the closest translation would be obtenir. whereas 拿 is much closer to prendre or like , grab (icr how to say that in french). however often u 把什么拿出来,or 拿到了,THEE thing w 拿 for me is 拿走。 钱包被人拿走了。老师把手机拿走了。这个可以拿走吗?i was gonna make a joke abt the liam neeson movie taken but the title for the chinese release isn’t a literal translation rip . u know what i mean.
tbh looking at the post again i’d be much more likely to translate 拿到文凭 as “pick up your diploma?” so like “毕业生会在前台拿到文凭” (graduates can pick up their diplomas at the front desk). if you want to talk about getting ur diploma as in graduating im p sure that would also be 取得?because it’s an achievement?so like 考试都遇到了,取得了好成绩 - 你不久才能取得文凭了。 (you passed all your exams, got good grades - soon you’re gonna get your diploma) if you were going to use both verbs in the same sentence, it would be much more likely to say st like “通过拿到对手的旗子你才会取得胜利” (by taking the opponents flag you can achieve victory.)
hopefully this made sense? and i’m not wrong? 好好学习吧!
I stand my decision to use the word "get" for my translation, and I will tell you why.
The post that the ask shown above is referring to is [this one]:
So Duolingo translates "tu auras une bonne note" (you'll get a good grade) as 你将会取得好成绩, and it translates "tu auras ton diplôme" (you'll get your diploma) as 你将会拿到你的文凭. I remember from the Duolingo Chinese for English speaker's course, we learned 拿 in the context of a sentence like 把地图拿出来 (get out the map) in a module with sentences about navigating in a car, finding an address, getting lost, etc. What I'm gleaning from this is that while both 取得 and 拿到 mean "get," 拿到 is more for physical objects. Sidenote: 到 is often added to verbs to emphasize that the action was successful. 看=look / 看到=see. 找=look for / 找到 = find.
The original French sentences being translated in this Duolingo lesson use the verb "auras." The is the simple future tense, 2nd person singular conjugation of the French verb "avoir."
This is the verb I'm translating.
"Avoir" is amorphous, much like the English verb, "to get." In fact, it's usually translated into English as "to have," and it encompasses an even broader range of possible meanings than the English verb "to get."
The purpose of this French lesson is to teach Chinese speakers that "avoir," which they were taught in previous lessons to translate as 有, can also be translated as 取得 or 拿到 depending on context.
In other words, the purpose of this French lesson is to teach Chinese speakers how a verb with a very broad range of definitions can take on a more specific connotation in a specific context.
You'll note I did make an effort to clarify that the words 拿到 and 取得 have more specific meanings than the word "get" when I made this comment in my post:
[...] while both 取得 and 拿到 mean "get," 拿到 is more for physical objects.
The point is,
I'm translating between three languages here, not two.
Although "you will pick up your diploma" might be a more accurate English translation of 你将会拿到你的文凭, Duolingo's Chinese translation of the original French statement, it is not a more accurate English translation of the original French statement, "tu auras ton diplôme."
"Tu auras ton diplôme," unlike 你将会拿到你的文凭, can refer to either the concrete physical act of receiving up a diploma, or the general concept of attaining a degree. The English statement, "you will get your diploma," is similarly flexible.
I fundamentally do not believe there is such a thing as a word whose meaning is "too amorphous" to be "useful" in translation.
Accuracy is not the same as precision. An accurate translation of an imprecise statement should (ideally) convey the imprecision of the original statement, by using equally imprecise language.
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