soberscientistlife · 10 months
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Men like this are not innocent
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whyididntreportit · 11 months
I know there is another blog like this one, but it doesn’t seem to be updated, so excuse me.
Hi, i was sexually assaulted on my birthday when i was very very drunk and very high. I didn’t report it because he was also drunk and high, all though not at all like me. I still can’t remember what happened, and all though i have my boyfriend and family support, i still feel like it was my fault, like i’m dirty. Maybe i flirted with him? maybe i said yes? maybe i never said no? maybe i didn’t fight?
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ptsd-phoenix · 11 months
want ik weet wat jij deed met mij
en toch loop jij nog steeds vrij
in een andere wereld, in een ander universum, in een ander bestaan
werd jij nu opgesloten en gestraft
of liep je misschien al weer vrij
na je straf te hebben uitgezeten
maar in deze wereld, in dit universum, in mijn eigen bestaan
loop jij al jaren vrijuit
jij mag doen en laten wat jij wil
ik heb dat voor jou gedaan
want ik hield mijn mond
ik ben niet naar de politie gegaan
want ik wilde niet
dat jou pijn zou worden gedaan
ik beschermde jou
zoals je mij nooit beschermde
de bescherming die ik aan jou geboden heb
heb je mij zelf nooit gegund
english translation / version:
because I know what you did to me
and yet you still walk free
in another world, in another universe, in another existence
you would be locked up and punished
Or maybe you would already walk free again
after serving your sentence
but in this world, in this universe, in my own existence
you've been walking free for years
you can do whatever you want
I did that for you
because I kept my mouth shut
I didn't go to the police
because I didn't want you getting hurt
I protected you
like you never protected me
the protection I offered you
you never offered me yourself
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report-writing-help · 11 months
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With our excellent Informal Reports services!
You may master the art of effective communication! We create captivating stories by reducing complicated facts into simple statements. Let us work together to improve your communication abilities and create a lasting impact on your audience.
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pinkfeathergurl · 1 year
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Bullying is not Okay!
Bullying should be strongly be discouraged and banned in school, educational institutions, and workplaces. It must not be tolerated in any form;
Verbal • Teasing • Inappropriate sexual comments • Name-calling • Threatening physical harm
Physical • Harassment • Physical confrontation • Degrading another person • Can at times be sexual in nature
Social • Spreading rumors • Purposely leaving someone out of an activity or group • Publicly embarrassing a person • Encouraging others to avoid a certain person or group
More about parenting and guidance: https://bit.ly/3VanHFA
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lexxdaze · 2 years
#WhyIDidntReport He was the brother of my boyfriend at the time. Everyone loved them and I was this random 7th grade girl that started dating this super popular freshman - I knew no one would believe me. My dad said all I did was lie anyway so I knew I wouldnt get help. I came back to school the next week and my (then) boyfriend said he knew I “slept” with his brother and that I was a number of horrendous things bc I wouldn’t sleep with him….little did he know I was body slammed to the ground and couldn’t catch my breath until it was over. This is also the story of how I actually lost my virginity - not the one I usually share
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odinsblog · 4 years
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soberscientistlife · 10 months
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Ryan Mondoley trying to normalise sexual harassment.
We love it when rapists go and show the world what they are.
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#TatvdarshiSant परमात्मा कबीर जी की शक्ति से आत्मा में शक्ति आती है जिससे गलत कार्य करने की प्रेरणा कभी नहीं मिलती। न कोई गलत कदम उठाने को मन करता। क्योंकि परमात्मा के ज्ञान से वह घोर पाप लगता है जैसे विष (poison) खाने के परिणाम से परिचित व्यक्ति विष को छूने से भी डरता है। वर्तमान में कबीर परमात्मा की सतभक्ति केवल पूर्ण संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी ही देने के अधिकारी हैं। अधिक जानकारी हेतु सुने सत्संग ईश्वर टीवी पर शाम 8:30 बजे से #OnlyOneSolutionToStopRape #rapevictim #rapeculture #rapesurvivor #sexualassault #feminism #feminist #law #justice #equality #survivors #whyididntreport #stoprape #india #womensafety #metoo #patriarchy #womenrights #hathras (at Barabanki, U.P.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGC8ix-luvK/?igshid=orsm1h5dpwlw
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He controlled the situation. He took you by surprise. Don't hate yourself for his actions. You couldn't have done or said more. But now it's your time. From this moment you need to be grateful for who you are.
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just-survivee · 4 years
To the highschool football player I worked with when I was 16,
I didn't like it. I left everyday we worked together with bruises on parts of my body there should never be bruises. It hurt, immensely. I didn't have a choice. You held me so tight I couldn't breathe most times.
When we crossed paths in the hall you ignored my existence, yet when you had me to yourself in 'private' you forced yourself onto my entire existence.
But don't worry, being called a whore by my peers took my mind off of the pain you caused me.
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pinkfeathergurl · 1 year
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Stop bullying on the Spot! ✊🏽✊🏻✊🏾✊🏼✊🏿
Bullying occurs everywhere, even in the highest-performing educational institution. Learn to identify bullying and stand up to Condemn it! 🛑
Respond quickly and Consistently to Bullying Behavior. We as a community can help our children and teach them the right way to behave. Parents, Teachers, school staff, administration, and other educational adults can come forward and help kids prevent bullying by talking about it.
Together we can stop it from happening. Teaching your child compassion and respect for others from an early age prevents bullying behavior.
More about parenting and guidance: https://bit.ly/3VanHFA
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indymoonchild · 4 years
1st: I was 13, he 14, he was my first boyfriend. I wasn't ready to tongue kiss or all the other stuff and made this very clear, he still did it and afterwards said "see this isn't so bad". I didn't want to go against it since he said he was depressed and would jump in front of a train. I didn't report because I didn't want to ruin his life anymore since I saw his parents were very hard on him, and I was supposed to like it.
2nd: I was 14 he was 17, he lived in a village next to mine, when I broke up with him for cheating with my best friend at that time he begged me to stay and talk about it, so I did but he stayed quiet. when I wanted to bike away he grabbed my bike so I couldn't get away. He held me tight and grabbed my breast as tight as possible and pinched me really hard I screamed. He kissed me and grabbed my butt whispered dirty things in my ear. I told him I didn't want this but he said that he wouldnt let go of me unless I took him back and got to see him tomorrow. So I agreed to those things for the sake of letting me go. When I got home I deleted and blocked him on everything.
3nd: I was 15 he was 17, our first date was at a local zoo where he unexpectedly put his hand down my pants in the middle of the zoo. I put his hand away, but he put it back and grabbed thighter every time. Later when we wanted to go, he tried pulling me into a bush near the zoo, my dad came right on time because I didn't wanna go with the guy. The relationship lasted 4 months, and I ended it because he became posessive, and he talked behind my back to his frienda and had a lot to say about my appearence. I didn't report because I didn't see this as rape or abuse at that time, I thought is was what I deserved, so he said.
4th: I was 15 he 18, he lived in the same village. Most of the time I didn't want sex because of my exes. He didn't really listen. I most of the time pretended I liked having sex or pretended I was asleep, because he was very intimidating and threatened me a couple times, and also gave me bruises.
5th: same guy, but I was now 16 and he 19. I came back to him because I thought it was the only love I deserved, and the only person who'd ever love me. The threats got worse and when I broke uo with him I got severe anxiety and panic attacks because he threatened me that he would kill me or let somebody else kill me when he saw me again. I didn't report because of fear.
I still haven't reported any of these guys, and I don't kmow if I should. I don't want to bring it all up again in detail.
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