#will graham deserves better
phoenixwitch13 · 4 months
I'm getting a little tired of people who think Will Graham would be down with the murder of innocents and cannibalism just because they want Hannigram. I feel like they lack an understanding of Will's character that they would probably be able to achieve if they could just take off their shipper goggles. Yes, Will loves Hannibal. Yes, he wants to be with him. Guess what? He also despises him and took them both off a cliff in a murder-suicide attempt. I believe Will talked with Alana about how he can't live with Hannibal, but can't live without him either. But the love he has for Hannibal doesn't suddenly make him want to kill innocent people, or kill people who Hannibal deems "rude." Will only ever kills serial killers, and yes, a part of him enjoys killing them and finds it "beautiful" but that's only because of how horrible they are. If they were the type of victims Hannibal chooses, Will wouldn't be finding it so beautiful. Will's also not down with cannibalism. The one time he ate human meat willingly - Randall Tier's when he was trying to trick Hannibal into thinking he killed Freddie - Will had a nightmare about bursting out of the raven stag and turning into a wendigo, and he did not look happy about it. It wasn't his "becoming"; he looked freaked out. I believe Bryan Fuller also said that Will wouldn't be in his right mind in season four (that he'd be out of his mind enough that even Hannibal wouldn't feel comfortable being sexually intimate with him, and that man shoved an ear down Will's throat while he was having black outs), so he can't really be held accountable for anything he would have done after the fall with Hannibal. He'd get the insanity plea so easily. Just because Will has a place at the table to eat Bedelia in the after credits scene doesn't mean Will was there in his right mind. It also doesn't necessarily mean Will was there willingly. After all, Jack had a place at the table to eat Will in the first half of season three, but he wasn't there willingly. I just don't think Will is this cannibal monster people want him to be in order for Hannigram to be a thing long-term and for them to live "happily ever after". Will wouldn't kill innocents. He'd kill serial killers, but not someone who was merely "rude" or in the wrong place at the wrong time. Will wouldn't happily become a cannibal either. Ultimately, Hannibal and Will will never be happy together because they are so fundamentally different. They were trying to ignore the worst in each other in order to enjoy the best, but how long can they truly do that? How long can Will do that? Again "can't live with him, can't live without him." Will's in love with Hannibal, but he hates what he does. If you think differently, you probably don't really understand Will Graham's character. I think of Will and Hannibal similar to how I think of the Joker and Harley Quinn. Harley never liked the things she and the Joker did. She only did them because she loved him and she had Stockholm Syndrome from the Joker having driven her crazy. Ultimately, she ends up leaving him and despising him in the end, because he is a kind of monster she can never be. Hannibal and Will are no different. Hannibal delights, whereas Will tolerates.
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will-graham-coded · 1 month
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Get it- because bev is cut-
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Say what you will about my boy Franklyn but he was always shooting his obsessive, desperate, cheesy shot.
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hannibalspubes · 4 months
Nothing dooms a daughter more than a fathers love
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I think of her often
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rocktheholygrail · 2 years
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3x06 || 3x09
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cemetery14 · 2 months
rewatching s3 ep 2 knowing that Abigal is all in Wills head is so interesting
like hes talking to himself Abigal isnt questioning him on why he kept lying, Wills questioning himself on why he kept lying why he didnt just go with hannnibal like he wanted than "nobody had to die"
Abigal isnt the one who still wants to find hannibal, Wills the one who still wants to be with hannibal after everything hes done "after everything hes done youd still go to him?" sir your saying that to yourself 💀youre the messy bitch here not Abigal
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cancerian-woman · 4 months
Unpopular opinion: Tyler should’ve killed Hayley and he wasn’t wrong for trying to.
Another unpopular opinion: I think Michael Trevino (along with Kat Graham) was done wrong by Plec due to him being a non white hispanic man. Tyler Lockwood could’ve been SO MUCH BETTER and could’ve had such an interesting storyline and character development along with Bonnie if Plec wasn’t a racist bum.
Facts. Not trying to make this super long. Hayley would’ve deserved whatever Tyler decided to do. She betrayed him first.
People seem to only see “innocent Hayley who’s pregnant by Klaus” but forgets that Tyler’s intentions were rooted in protecting the werewolves as a species. The irritating part in this is that it was all done on TO. Which means they weren’t going to actually let Tyler do anything to Hayley. Depending on how a fan watches the franchise Tyler looks like the villain here. Hayley even calls him a “backstabbing half breed”. I do find it funny she became a “half breed” and never shut up about being one after that lol.
I talked about how Hayley’s death is a karma moment here.
You aren’t wrong. Tyler is white, but it’s clear he doesn’t look white. He looks NOTHING like his family members. Klaus/Caroline exist as a ship to constantly sideline him. When Tyler was the introduction to the werewolves.
Michael Trevino and Kat Graham deserved better more than words can say. Their characters were used as plot devices and never given the same push as their white counterparts.
Isn’t ironic that two characters Tyler and Bonnie were introduced with these unique bloodlines yet we’re done the worst. I’m so pissed that we learn in TO, Tyler’s would’ve been protecting the hallow bones. It would’ve been pleasing as fuck to see Hayley BEG Tyler for help after she betrayed him.
Julie and the other writers were so racist they couldn’t even at least let Tonnie happen as a ship. Instead, Tyler ends up dating one of the many white Bonnie’s of TVDU lol. (i meant Liv Parker).
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hyperactivewhore · 3 months
Another crazy thing is Julie Plec saying Bonnie is too good for Kol and that he's too evil for her, then pairing him with a white witch.... (no hate to Davina, but if he's irredeemable for Bonnie, then he’d irredeemable for Davina, too)
It's crazy because she also paired Bonnie with Enzo, a vampire who if I'm not wrong did abuse/kinda terrorize her friends, maybe not to the extent Klaus or Damon did but regardless (only if my memory serves me right; I don't remember much from Enzo, hence why I'm currently rewatching season five.)
Kol literally killed Davina and we're supposed to buy he's the better choice for her? Whether you're mind controlled or not, having your blood sucked out of your body by your boyfriend would leave a scarr for sure and the fact that Davina never got any trauma from it is insane. Bonnie went through worse stuff every season, of course, but she was never allowed to show any emotion onscreen, especially if it was against her white friends.
Saying Bonnie is "too pure" or has "too strong morals" to be with any Mikaelson or Salvatore is just stupid and clearly wrong. Elena and Caroline hated Damon and Klaus, until they didn't, it's easy to see women are being constantly retconned to fit into this shows storylines yet no one ever bats an eye until it comes to the main black woman from The Vampire Diaries.
And this isn't just with romances either. Fans believe Bonnie would hate Rebekah, when there isn't literally any proof to corroborate this and they haven't even interacted, they think she would hate Hope for being a Mikaelson when Bonnie has never been that kind of person. They're desperate to prove she's an anti vampires or generally a prude simply because she's traumatized and rightfully so. She decides to not be nice to the Salvatore brothers in season one after they got her grandmother killed and she's turned into some sort of supervillain because of it.
If Bonnie's actress had been white, I'm pretty sure her character and bloodline would have been in Mikaelson level by the show and fandom.
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xplore-the-unknwn · 1 year
Graham Hamilton as Luke Skywalker
It's the gentleness of his act and the compassion in his eyes. Isn't that the spirit of who Luke Skywalker is?
Let him act or let Disney train him if they're not confident enough. IDC. He's a good fit. I said what I said. 🤷‍♀️
But I don't really expect if he'll get the role(esp with Disney), I'm just living in the moment and here to appreciate that face of his!!
Look at the glint of his eyes here. He's so passionate about it. He must have had a blast playing Luke and he did it respectfully. 👏👏
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So I was inspired to make more content about him because of @tabrisshiki and @lex-the-flex's post. I posted those edits on Tiktok yesterday and it got 1million+ views.✨The people have spoken✨This other edit was a personal fave and I want to share a cleaner version here. JUST LOOK AT HIM and tell me he doesn't embody Luke's spirit! ✨ I found out he wasn't even credited for his role like Disney???💀 I'm ALL for sharing and appreciating his performance even more.
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ssaseaprince · 10 months
As much as I do genuinely understand why Hannibal did the things he did and why the events of the show unfolded the way they did, my hearts breaks at the knowledge that Will never got a loving partner to gently coax him out of the closet and teach him to embrace his nature. Hannibal took his morals and goals and dreams and stomped on them, greedily reaching into Will's chest and forcing out his darkness and violently initiating his becoming. I imagine Will with a partner who isn't as selfish, who kisses him softly and reassures him, who validates his fears and runs their hands through his hair and supports him. Who teaches him to embrace his nature with loving hands and sharp teeth and the good kind of pain. Who puts Will first. Hannibal wasn't capable of giving him that, so he loved Will the only way he knew how. But I like to think that when Hannibal wrote down his equations and fantasized about turning back time, he imagined giving Will that.
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will-graham-coded · 1 month
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tethered-heartstrings · 11 months
okay but we never see molly again after will learns hannibal is in love with him. we see her the episode prior in hospital, and as a hallucination being dead right before the realization hannibal loves him. he doesn't go to see her again (on screen at least), he doesn't even tell her a final goodbye before getting into a getaway car, committing murder, and dragging his true love (not her) off a cliff.
he even sees reba before leaving, but not molly. it's like he left the hospital knowing she was in safe hands and he didn't need to worry anymore. and he saw her dead as if their relationship was dead, because it was. he could never see her the same way again and he didn't want to, which is why he didn't go and see her.
instead he hones his entire focus on hannibal, getting him out, and running away with him, even if it was just for a short while. because those few hours with him, even stabbed and bleeding and falling and drowning and dying were more important, more impactful than one last goodbye to someone he was married to for three years.
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@muggle-born-princess @immaturityofthomasastruc @anxresi
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pesky--dust · 15 days
Have you ever thought about the fact that Molly, after her husband eloped with Hannibal the Cannibal, had to face very similar press attack on herself as Will did after Hannibal's arrest?
You are welcome. :)
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viranellee · 1 year
the hate show eddie gets when he's completely justified in his anger towards billy will always be something i will never understand. his opinions, ideas, comments, views being treated as irrelevant & unimportant for years, being forced to move to bass (dare i mention that the only reason he agreed in the first place was out of his genuine desire to appease billy), having his parts literally re-recorded by billy without his knowledge or consent, not even being allowed to write said parts, his only moment to shine during the pittsburgh concert and make his grandmother proud being stolen by billy are all very understandable reasons for his deep-rooted resentment. in a cruel twist of fate watching the love of his life, who happens to be billy's wife and mother of his children, choose her marriage with billy, who eddie deems an unworthy husband and father, over him, reiterates and confirms his deepest fear - that compared to billy, he will always be the second choice. never seen, never heard, never appreciated.
the worst part is that i really don't think eddie truly hates billy the way we're led to believe. all he's ever wanted is the approval and praise of a man who couldn't care less about giving it. when billy does give him that approval at the chicago concert, albeit forced and wholly ungenuine, eddie is quick to tell him "i love you, brother", and while we inwardly cringe at his inability to read the room, it's completely logical that he can't. eddie reacts instinctively, rushing to thank billy for the praise he's been craving all his life. the fact that he has a black eye due to billy himself, who had punched him just an hour or two ago, the fact that any shred of true camaraderie and friendship that might have existed between them is completely and utterly ruined because of eddie's one-night affair with camilla doesn't occur to eddie. in that brief moment before billy brings him back to reality with a few hard-hitting words whispered in his ear, his biggest dream has come true.
of course, this isn't meant to excuse some of the things eddie has said or done. he's very flawed, as the writing is very quick to point out, and the magnitide of his flaws and wrongdoings is amplified through his bitterness and jealousy, which ultimately influences his decision to leave the band. but as a final nail in the coffin, as if eddie hasn't gone through enough already, the show, led by its surprising pro-daisybilly agenda, decides to punish eddie in a move that can only be described as "every tongue that rises against billy dunne shall fall" and strips him of his original book ending, in which he becomes a successful record producer. instead, he is given by far the most unsatisfying and saddest ending of all the band members. graham, while no longer working in the music field, gets what he wants most - a happy family. daisy and warren continue their careers and collaborate together, even having children of their own. karen becomes the frontwoman of a punk band. billy gets to enjoy a long, happy marriage with camilla, and goes on to pursue a renewed relationship with his second love daisy, aided by his late wife's blessing. eddie, on the other hand, hopelessly tries to replicate, or at least re-live, the six's success through mediocre bands, but to no avail. locked in his bubble of shame, he doesn't attend the funeral of the only woman he has ever loved, in fear that his presence there is unwanted. it's as pathetic as it is tragic.
he looks at julia dunne, a carbon copy of her mother, and talks, talks, talks to the camera, hoping that it will give him closure. it doesn't. nothing ever will.
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As a kid I didn’t know how deep the hatred for/racism against Bonnie Bennett/Kat Graham went. But I knew they hated Bonnie when her boyfriend cheated on her WITH A GHOST!!!
I love her and Enzo together so much. Not only were they literally the cutest thing ever, but they loved each other in a way that neither had experienced before. And both of them, Bonnie especially, deserved to be loved like that. She set a cabin on fire with them inside it, and refused to leave him even though his humanity was off and she had no guarantee he would save her. She created an entirely new dimension solely from the pain she experienced when he was killed. They’re soulmates your honor
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