#work life balance tips
abundancecoaching · 12 days
Abundance Coaching - Tips To Achieve Work Life Balance
What is Work Life Balance and what does it look like? Abundance Coaching helps you find the best tips to achieve work life balance, With a good life coach. Manage your life in a better way with the help of a good life coach.
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Revolutionize Your Office: How to Bring Fun into the Workplace!
Welcome to a workplace revolution! In this video, we unravel the secrets of injecting fun into your office routine. Discover innovative strategies, team-building activities, and practical tips that will not only boost morale but also skyrocket productivity. 🚀✨
Get ready to transform your daily grind into a fun-filled adventure! 🎉
Explore now : 🌐 www.makespacedesign.in 📧 [email protected]
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lvarte · 7 months
How to Travel When You Work Full Time?
🌍✈️ Dreaming of exploring the world but tied down by a 9-to-5 job? 🕒 Don't worry, you CAN have both! Check out our latest blog post on "How to Travel When You Work Full Time" and discover the secrets to balancing work and wanderlust. 🧳💼
From strategic vacation planning to remote work tips, we've got you covered! 🌐 Learn how to turn those limited vacation days into unforgettable adventures.
Read more ➡️ https://www.lvarte.com/blog/how-to-travel-when-you-work-full-time
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healthyboom · 10 months
Balance Work Life and Nurturing: A Guide to Optimal Productivity
Balancing work and life is crucial for overall well-being. Achieving a harmonious blend of professional commitments and personal pursuits leads to enhanced productivity and satisfaction. Finding equilibrium empowers individuals to excel in their careers while nurturing relationships and self-care. Prioritizing time management, setting boundaries, and embracing effective strategies can pave the way for a fulfilling and balanced life. Striving for this equilibrium promotes a healthier lifestyle, reduced stress, and a greater sense of fulfillment, ensuring that both work and personal life coexist in harmony.
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monicascot · 11 months
Means to Achieve My Life Goals
To achieve life goals, individuals often engage in a process of self-reflection, planning, and taking deliberate actions. This can involve setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals that align with their values and priorities. It may also include overcoming obstacles, staying motivated, seeking support from others, and continuously learning and adapting along the journey.
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csuitebitches · 5 months
Do you think you speak too fast/ too slow?
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Here is what I learned from a speech coach.
warm up:
start this exercise by taking a deep breath and saying “aaaaah” - try to extend this to 30 seconds. Now if it doesn’t go till 30, that’s fine. Aim to work your way to that. If you can work it up to 30, go for 45/60 seconds. Do this 5 times.
next. Download an app called Metronome beats. It’s basically what singers/ musicians use for beats.
Settings: keep beats/bar as 1,
clicks/beats as 1
start at 90. It will start with a click sound and continue “beeping.”
Match your words to the beep. One beep = one word. Now slowly, increase the beat by 5 till you reach 110. Increase it at your own pace but try to spend at least 20 seconds on each number (90 for 20 seconds; 95 for 20; 100 for 20….) That’s when you stop.
either start by reading something out loud and matching the beat, or select a topic and speak freely.
do this every single day. This will help with your breath, if you’re speaking on a topic it will help you think better and improve over time. The best way to further complement this exercise is to improve your vocabulary. Try to learn 1-3 new words a day and incorporate it in your vocabulary.
This is a great tool to use when learning new languages too. You can practice your speaking skills and see how fast you can remember/ read words.
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moolahmorecashflow · 2 years
Tips for Balancing Work and Personal Time - MoolahMore
Balancing work and personal time to achieve the ideal work-life balance! Balancing work and personal life can be difficult, but it is necessary. Work can frequently take precedence over all other aspects of our lives. Our desire to succeed professionally can push us to put our health first. Having a harmonious work-life balance or integrating work and life is critical to improving our physical health, psychological well-being, and emotional strength.
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A healthy work-life balance has numerous advantages, including less stress, less burnout, and a greater sense of well-being. This benefits both employees and employers. Consider the best way to achieve balance in your work and personal life when creating a schedule that works for you. Work-life balance is more about having the flexibility to balance your career with the other activities you want to pursue than it is about how much time you divide between your professional and personal lives.
Everyone has different preferences when it comes to balancing work and personal life, which is why work-life balance is so unique. In any case, everyone must choose the lifestyle that best suits them. MoolahMore is the best financial management software for your company! It takes care of everything, so you don't have to worry about anything else. Request a demo today to learn more about MoolahMore!
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businessmemes · 8 months
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Sylvia was wrong to even suggest abandoning business. as a result she was terminated and banned from all Transistor Towns (a subsidiary of business).
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satans-knitwear · 2 years
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Hot, sticky and leggy af 🔥🦵
Treat me ~ Tip me
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july-19th-club · 16 days
honestly the whole blood donation hundred and forty eight slash potential thousands balancing the books of life and death thing is not that crazy. average catholic salvation-math logic
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femmefatalevibe · 10 months
hi love
School starts in almost two weeks. I need new clothes, but I can't ask my parents so I don't know how.unfortunately this summer I didn't do anything and I didn't look for a job and now I regret it a lot, because I don't know how to do it, I can't afford anything I want. what can i do in your opinion? (if that's a way) Maybe I was also thinking of a job to do during school too, but I don't know what and, if there was, I don't know if I'd make it over time .
Hi love! Well, if you've grown out of your clothes or they're too worn in to wear to school, your parents are essentially obligated to properly clothe you. However, if you want new clothes as a way to update your closet for the new school year (still me to this day at 25, lol), I would suggest asking your parents if you can do a few odd jobs around the house/make some calls to schedule appointments, etc. for a little extra cash. You can also walk dogs, babysit, tutor, etc. if you want to incorporate a small side hustle into your schedule. If you're seeking a wardrobe refresh, also consider donating or reselling some of your old clothes, shoes, accessories, etc. on sites like Poshmark or eBay.
If you're purely seeking new clothes over the next couple of weeks, consider swapping some pieces with your friends to style them differently if they're around your size, have a similar sense of style, and will be diligent about properly washing/giving back your clothes after wearing them (had this issue so many times in high school, I know it's not always a great option for this reason).
Getting a job to earn a little extra money or learn the responsibilities of working in the "real world" is a great opportunity. However, it can be overwhelming when completing your studies. I would see if you could potentially work in a clothing store on the weekends or something similar, so you can earn a bit of cash and likely get a discount on some of the items you want.
Hope this helps xx
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
do you have a writing routine? how do you reconcile it with other stuff (working, studying, etc? do you have any tips? (asking this as a writer who does not have the bloody time/energy)
not really! if i was writing to make a living i'd probably need one, but as it is since i'm just writing for fun i tend to go with the flow. for the past 2-ish years i've been working a 9-5 with like weekends to myself and vacation time etc, and honestly that has left me a lot more time to pursue hobbies than i had as a university student (wayyy harder to find time + energy 2 write when i was already writing papers all the time + working part time jobs + participating in extracurriculars + hanging w friends etc...honestly i've found working fulltime to be a lighter workload than university lmao).
i know for some people a writing routine or like trying to sit down and write x amount of words every day can be helpful, but for myself it usually is more discouraging than anything because it makes me feel like there's like...a certain amount of writing i'm supposed to be churning out. and honestly i think this is a mentality that's very accepted amongst writers--the idea that you need to write a lot to somehow be worthwhile as a writer or call yourself a writer, the idea that writing slowly or not writing much is inferior, etc. and i think a lot of that mindset is like. capitalist brain tbh. the idea that you need to be constantly producing and producing a lot or ur somehow failing.
again it's different for different people in terms of helpfulness and it may be more or less necessary depending on why ur writing/what ur writing for--but i started writing fic purely for fun, and then i started to notice that i was feeling pressure to churn out as much writing as i could as fast as possible, and it got to the point where it was making writing not fun anymore. so now i'm trying to completely expunge the mindset that i have to write for any reason if i don't feel like it--because i don't! and i genuinely enjoy writing and want to write, so if i give myself time and space to do other things then for me it's pretty natural to sit down and write for a few hours for fun eventually.
so i guess as far as tips go my main one would be like. spend some time reflecting on why u want to write + what sort of pressure ur putting on urself + where that pressure's coming from. for me approaching writing as something that is first and foremost about the joy of just making up a story and less about producing a finished product has been the most helpful mindset shift in helping me write more consistently
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healthyselflovetips · 9 months
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🤗 Taking care of yourself, even during those busy workdays, is an absolute must. Here are some quick and effective self-care ideas that'll recharge your spirit while you're on the grind. Remember, you deserve a moment of care! ⏰🌼 #WorkplaceWellness #SelfCareHacks #BusyDayRelaxation #QuickMeTime #OfficeZen #10MinuteSelfCare #WellnessAtWork #CaringForYourself #WorkdayRevive #InstantCalmness #WorkLifeBalance #SelfCareTips #SelfCareIdeas #HealthySelfLoveTips #HealthySelfLove #SelfLoveTips
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eliteprepsat · 10 months
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The expectations placed on high school and college students are perhaps greater today than they ever have been before. Top-notch colleges expect high school students to have amazing grades, standardized test scores, and extracurriculars. It’s no wonder why so many teenagers today feel overwhelmed. In fact, seventy percent of teens identify anxiety and depression as “major problems” among their peers, according to a February 2018 Pew survey.
In the face of increasing academic and social pressures, it’s typical for teenagers to make more time for school at the expense of their social lives. So, how can you maintain a social life with such high academic expectations?
First, let’s discuss why you should cultivate a work-life balance. Even if you’re singularly focused on academic excellence, cutting out your social life isn’t a good solution. In fact, for most, socializing is a necessary ingredient for optimal brain function.
A 2008 study out of the University of Michigan found that socializing makes us smarter. According to the authors of the study, "social interaction helps to exercise people's minds … as people engage socially and mentally with others, they receive relatively immediate cognitive boosts." A key component of increasing cognitive function is to get the brain reacting to various stimuli, interpreting the needs and meaning of others, and responding in real time.
Long story short: if you want to get smarter, you can’t just spend all your free time staring at a screen.
Socializing needs to be factored into an overall time-management plan. The key to studying and eating better, to exercising, socializing, and sleeping more is coming up with a schedule and following through on it.
In order to do your best on the tasks that really matter to you, you need to carve out time for the tasks that will help you fire on all cylinders. Plan your sleep time, your exercise time, and your socializing time with as much care as you plan your class schedule.
To get started, begin with this 4-step process, adapted from The Spruce:
1. In a planner or notes app, list out all the short-term, medium-term, and long-term tasks you need to complete. Don’t differentiate between school, work, and daily life.
An example of a short-term task would be something like “write AP Lit paper.” A medium-term task might be to study for the SAT, if you’ll it in the fall. A long-term task could be your college application materials, or more abstract goals, like socializing more, playing more basketball, or forming better study habits.
2. Structure your time.
In your daily to-do list, list out each short-term task and plan when (by the hours and minute) you’ll complete it.
If you’re a procrastinator (read this, maybe later?), you might wonder about your ability to follow through on a schedule, but don’t worry about that. The first step is to quantify your time to see how much—and how little—you actually have. That way, you can make decisions about how much of your life should be devoted to different tasks.
If you have time in a given day, chip away at your medium and long-term tasks. These can’t be completed overnight, and you don’t want to leave them for the last minute (cramming doesn’t work).
And make sure to schedule social time. Your brain needs it.
3. Make sure to leave spaces for the unexpected.
When scheduling your day, make sure to leave gaps between tasks. Sometimes, a task might take longer than you think, or you might be so engrossed in it that you don’t want to stop, or your sister might put gum in your hair, or your dad might ask you to walk the dog, or you might just need a break.
You’re not a machine, and your life won’t always obey what the clock demands. You want to plan your time ahead of time, but you can’t be rigid. That’s only a recipe for frustration.
But, if all is going smoothly and you’re feeling ambitious, fit in some medium and long-term tasks in the gaps. Meet a friend somewhere for an hour or go for a quick run.
4. Trial and error.
Work on following your schedule one day at a time. Don’t beat yourself up for failing one day—you can’t expect to succeed at anything right away. The key is to keep making yourself a schedule, keep checking in on your medium and long-term tasks, and make adjustments to suit your needs.
This can be difficult to realize, especially when you’re young, but your present and future selves aren’t actually different people. To succeed academically and avoid burnout, you need to take care of both your present and future selves every single day. Neither of those selves benefit from cutting yourself off from friends and family.
Scheduling your time—even social time—will help you take back control in the face of so many pressures and expectations.
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digitalnomadpro · 1 year
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The world of work has undergone a profound transformation in recent years with the rise of remote work and the advent of the digital nomad lifestyle. What was once considered a niche arrangement has now become a global phenomenon, accelerated even further by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a seasoned remote worker with years of experience, I have witnessed firsthand the remarkable growth and impact of this shift. In this blog post, we will delve into the realm of remote work and digital nomadism, exploring the myriad benefits, inevitable challenges, and strategies that can help individuals thrive in this dynamic work environment.
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monicascot · 11 months
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Means to Achieve My Life Goals
To achieve life goals, individuals often engage in a process of self-reflection, planning, and taking deliberate actions. This can involve setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals that align with their values and priorities. It may also include overcoming obstacles, staying motivated, seeking support from others, and continuously learning and adapting along the journey.
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