amerikanhervi · 9 months
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Destiny's pretty now, just for you I tried to shy away from you, but still so close to you The silence talking so much 'bout you I do a ritual, make things out of nothing at all (On a big stage, feel so small) Do you believe in love?
FELL - Varg™, Bladee
SkekShear, Servant Keeper of the Accused. A two-spirited Arakkoa of low caste birth, who spoke in the forbidden "We".
A bleeding heart who has served under the council since they were a hatching.
One of two Cursed Arakkoa who walk with their banner.
Despite all of the blunder, and bluster, of SkekTex. She welcomed him with open arms. Despite his winglessness and his lack of flight. Despite his low birth and his low caste.
When the exile came, for SkekTex and her councilors to Azeroth. She would not leave without her servant. Not because he was property--but deep down inside of her she knew the caste meant nothing.
That was her friend.
But she looked upon him, and from her throat croaked: "COME, SLAVE-THING."
She did not have the heart, the power, to reject her birthrights.
They did not move. They did not understand, confusion across their face as they looked at their cast-out master.
"COME, PEACE-SEEKER." She demanded again, slamming her scythe bottom across the stone with its clatter.
The low-caste Arakkoa ran to their master, tears streaming from their angled beak. In this moment, before the Arakkoa that cast her from her people--she showed compassion to the caste they tasted disgust.
Now, as an exile, SkekTex could embrace her friend. As she was no more low in caste than he was. Like trash upon the wayside. She raised her proud beak, before cawing across to the others behind her:
"WE do not need your life. We do not need your blame, or judgment, or forgiveness. We are Wrongly Accused. And in time you will see that Tex has spoke only the truth, councilors of Arakk."
She looked down to her once servant, her proud brow furrowing as she finally uttered the words that broke their composure:
"Come, friend of Tex. Councilor of the Wrongly Accused. We will create a new world together. Forged by trash, for trash."
SkekShear began to bawl into the robe of the Grand Sage, as she led him through the portal.
All they could muster was a babbling, incoherent scrawling of fear and joy equal.
"We thank you, Mistress. Thank you. We love you."
For a lowborn servant to feel companionship was the first forbidden emotion of their eternal "punishment".
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mysadcorner · 2 years
DC Characters x WronglyAccused!Reader Headcanons
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- Credit to the gifs owner - Please be specific about characters wanted in requests -
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Requested: yes @simligul
Damian Wayne
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• Damian wouldn’t want to believe that you actually did whatever you had been accused of, and would have a hard time believing it no matter how terrible it was. But if all the evidence pointed to you then he wouldn’t really have a choice in the matter and would have to take the logical path.
• If Damian did genuinely think that you were guilty then he would try his best to prove otherwise until he could no longer oppose the thing you were blamed of. He’d be very hurt if he couldn’t prove your innocence.
• If you decided to leave because of the accusations and felt that the environment you were in wasn’t exactly the safest or best for you then Damian would agree with your decision. He wants the team to be with people he regarded as trust worth, and if he doesn’t think you fit that category then he won’t oppose your leaving.
• This could possible even cause you to leave your vigilante or crime fighting life for a much more ordinary and mundane one. Word travels fast amongst the vigilante community so if Damian did think you were guilty, many of the other would hear about this pretty quickly too.
• When you turn out to be innocent Damian would be one of the first people to reach out to you and apologise. He finds that admitting when he’s wrong a hard thing to do but after all you’ve been through he needs to put his feelings aside and set things right.
Conner Kent
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• Conner would be very surprised at anything you had been accused for as he has such a positive out look of you. So, he certainly wouldn’t believe someone’s word against yours unless there was a lot of proof or you admitted to it.
• Conner is one of the most understanding and supportive people you could ever meet, so if they genuinely thought you were guilty this would be no small thing. He wants to believe that you’re innocent no matter what, but if he has no basis for it he can’t help but chose what the others believe to be true too.
• He’d be heart broken to see you leave after how close the two of you had become, and especially as Conner doesn’t have many people there for him. Even if he wasn’t the one targeted or affected he would still feel like it was rather personal.
• If you decided to leave vigilante and hero life Conner would still find a way to be with you. Deep down he has an inclination that something wasn’t right, so even if he can’t convince you to continue he’ll still keep an eye out for you from the sidelines.
• When you are finally revealed to be innocent Conner would be overjoyed and the happiest you’d ever seen him. Straight away he would include you in the things you had been missing out on and would treat you as if nothing had ever happened to begin with.
Rachel Roth
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• Raven usually takes her time when reacting to a betrayal or someone doing something she doesn’t agree with, so she isn’t quick to judge you. But when the thing you’re being accused of is serious then she does need to be wary with you.
• When Raven is finally convinced that you’re not as innocent as you’re claiming to be she will try to take charge and have something done about you and what it means for the team. She doesn’t want to make things hard between the two of you but she will always keep the safety and best interest of the team as her top priority.
• Raven would give you at least a final goodbye of you did decide to leave the team because of the accusations. She doesn’t want all of your friendship and meaningful time together to have been a waste and to end things on bad terms when she doesn’t know what could happen in the future or if you ever will come back (and she’s hoping you will).
• Raven would wait a little while before she would get back into contact with the tou if you had left a lifestyle of crime fighting. She wants you to get on your feet again, and still wants to wait until the accusations had settles.
• When you are announced to be innocent she’ll welcome you back with open arms and tries to ease you back into the team the best that she can. Ravens aware that she can’t erase everything you had been through and how the team handled things, so she tries to make up for this gradually.
Jason Todd
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• Jason would firstly try to ignore the accusations and pass them off as simple rumours intended to ruin the team when he first heard the accusations. He doesn’t believe that you’re the type of person to do such things and would stick by you through a lot of it.
• If Jason did genuinely think you were guilty he he would be furious and you’d be met with an explosive response from him. He’s been betrayed and through enough hurt in his life so he has a no tolerance policy for anyone no matter how close he is to them.
• Jason would prefer you to leave more than anything if the accusations hadn’t been proven wrong or you accepted them, mainly because he needs to put himself first. He cares for you deeply but the thought of you being guilty makes him feel personally betrayed and lied to by you.
• You may not hear about how Jason is if you leave the vigilante lifestyle, but he would be raining terror on all the criminals and villains he could get his hands on. As said earlier, he’s pretty angry about it and needs an outlet for all that he’s feeling.
• Jason would get rather emotional and may even cry to you in private if you come back after being proven innocent. He hates the feeling of abandonment and hates himself for thinking that he abandoned you when all along you were innocent.
Garfield Logan
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• Garfield would be in complete shock when he hears about the accusations targeted towards you. His first inclination is to protect you and keep the accusations away for as long as he can so you don’t get hurt as much.
• If Garfield had thought that you were guilty or had no way of proving otherwise then he’d try to get a response on the situation from you directly. He’d talk to you for a while about it and believe the things you say, but he can only support you for so long in a situation like this.
• Garfield would miss you a lot if you ever left, and would almost feel like a state of grieving for him. You’re one of the closest people he is to, so your presence not being there has a detrimental affect on his happiness.
• If the accusations become to harsh and you have no way of calming the situation other than leaving the team then Garfield would mois you dearly. He’d wish to be with you and spend some quality time with you again even though he knows he can’t because he knows that you’ve never done anything bad to him or the team.
• When you’re finally proven innocent the. Garfield will rush to you as fast as possible and would act almost like a lost puppy who has found their owner again. He knew deep down that the things said couldn’t be true and is ready to get justice for what you’ve been put through any time that you’re ready.
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fnwfpodcast · 3 years
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Want to know what happens when the three of us assign movies for each other to watch? You know you do (link in bio)               
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thelonecritic · 5 years
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raaszmelodic · 2 years
'Black Panther' director Ryan Coogler wrongly accused
‘Black Panther’ director Ryan Coogler wrongly accused
Bodycam Video: ‘Black Panther’ director Ryan Coogler wrongly accused of attempting to rob bank at Bank of America. In this unbelievable situation the police attempt to give their point of view of the occasion as they already figured out who he was. There was no attempt to take the cuffs off until he asked.                
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View On WordPress
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taurus5151 · 6 years
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#reform #money #criminaljustice #wronglyaccused https://www.instagram.com/p/Bncgd3lhu0y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1je9bneobu6bn
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yourtoxiczombie · 3 years
You seem to replace all logic with false hope. Your judgement becomes clouded as your facts turn into opinions. You no longer are you able to process the situation and therefore you end up making a mistake which then causes your whole thought process to crash which then over loads your system. After a bit of errors you are then finely able to step back and reboot yourself.
Once you have rebooted your system you will have to redo your final judgements on the poor souls you have mislabeled. While you are in the process of correcting your wrongs you are now confronted by those you have wrongly accused with your false judgements and mislabeled titles.
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siren88 · 4 years
#halloween #thewitch #stevienicks #annebolyn #sleepyhollow #womanpower #womanproblems #wronglyaccused #rightlyaccused #witchyvibes #witchytips #witchythings (at Wheaton, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFOKjszhLb2/?igshid=1pcy65439h5cp
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horrorgoodreads · 5 years
The Odyssey is told through our hero Odysseus. But what about those he wrongly murdered, like his slave girls, because they "betrayed" him? #drama #horror #wronglyaccused #blood #deathbyhanging #death #slave #homer #theodyssey
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via Inkitt
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indalp · 5 years
Reputation Management Company
Welcome to iNDALP Reputation Management Service, It  Create a positive image about your Brand, Products & Services. Our reputation management service will positive image. Build Your Online Reputation Now ! Online Reputation Management is an important part of every business.iNDALP- Reputation is an online reputation management company in Mehsana City, India serving small- and midsize businesses and individuals with a complete range of brand management and internet marketing services.Reputation management is reacting to information. Bring positive results for the business requires a lot of research and planning. No matter how good your product or service you offer negative comment about it still must pass.
When you need INDALP ORM Service- IF: 1) You are being attached or smeared online. 2) You have been wronglyaccused online. 3) You are dogged byoutdated info online.
Online Reputation Management Services – Want to start now?, Company Can Help you as..
Increased reliability with a professional appearance / Right – Look your best online.
Fix your Google results- your top search results, remove unwanted link.
Great content you want to see people with a high rank – boost your visibility.
Multimedia platforms – we video sharing sites are using to ensure increased visibility.
Reputation Management Agency – How it Works?
Reputation & Brand Analysis A team of experts work to examine the reputation of your brand, its positioning in the market, and competition to choose the right campaign strategy. Top Repute protects, analyses and improves brands!
Get a Plan Set! Get a long term plan set for your brand! Our consultants will help design a fool proof strategy and a deadline to help you accomplish the necessary goals for your company. Utilize every existing online asset to enhance brand visibility and reach.
Online Review Clean Up Working on a flood of negative criticism? Get in touch with our reputation management service. Top Repute can erase negative or unflattering reviews to clean up your image online.
Watch, Learn and Evolve We track your brand position, through the campaign planning to its results. Get every minute detail about developments in the campaign strategy. Our professionals are dynamic, proactive and will help evolve strategies that suit the changing nature of the playing field!
Online Reputation Management (ORM) Process:
Analysis: Process analysis at the beginning of the search engine. Interim Strategy and highlighted the positive pages in the search results for competitors to bury.
Campaign goal: customer specific goals, target market and determine the success of the device. Benchmark current search engine position.
Strategy: We have a strong ORM strategy is that micro sites, blogs, social media profiles, and so on through all of the organization’s existing assets as well as assets to create a new perception to create. All these steps will be a clear time limit. In-depth analysis and research: the customer site / s, the major search engine results and in-depth analysis and a strategy.
Implementation Plan: We detailed plan for the implementation of a page, the page is ready, turn off the social media promotion, building materials, etc. We are ready for any promotional link.
Content Strategy: Our copywriters, write, edit and / or targeted keywords and phrases based on the information will be later. To promote the positive pages using social media optimization, and the first pages of search results from sites that competitors will be pushing for the construction.
On Page Optimization: We meta tags, title tags, description tags, anchor and Alt tags with your keywords to target the start of our on page optimization. This page is based on a page.
Test: Test to make sure our strategy is intact and working that is an important step.
Off page optimization and present: we are relevant, high-quality local and international directories and search engines to submit your websites to start with. We want to make sure that your web pages through quality link building techniques to get access to more and more.
Tracking and Monitoring: We start tracking positive results. Continuous monitoring and analysis will be carried out. Sustainable site-level enhancements: Re-engineering content, meta tags, page title, page content, tweaking the results to improve. Page architecture, link structure, and content organization for any other necessary enhancements.
Additional strategies: News magazine, press releases, social media or text creation and implementation of complex use campaign.
We RM powerful online reputation management services and your business with Internet marketing solutions iNDALP. We also design and develop the website for any size company, search engine optimization (SEO), PPC management, social media management and offering services. Contact us today!
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mysadcorner · 1 year
Multiple DC Characters Masterlist
DC Characters x IcePowers!Reader Headcanons
DC Characters x ASMR!Reader Headcanons
DC Characters x FlowerArchitect!Reader Headcanons
DC Characters x Period!Reader Headcanons
DC Characters x Powerless!Reader Headcanons
DC Characters x Cook!Reader Headcanons
DC Characters Pillow Fight Headcanons
DC Characters x Singing!Dancing!Reader Headcanons
DC Characters With A Crush Headcanons
DC Characters x Knitter!Reader Headcanons
DC Characters Tickling Headcanons
DC Characters Being Rescued Headcanons
On A Mission With DC Characters Headcanons
DC Characters x CakeMaker!Reader Headcanons
DC Characters x DragonShifter!Reader Headcanons
DC Characters x Cleaning!Reader Headcanons
DC Characters x IcePowers!Reader Apocalypse Headcanons
DC Characters x Reader Killing A Villain Headcanons
DC Characters Water Balloon Fight Headcanons
DC Characters x WeaponSummoner!Reader Headcanons
DC Characters x TouchStarved!Reader Headcanons
Falling Asleep On DC Characters Headcanons
DC Characters x WronglyAccused!Reader Headcanons
DC Characters x Band!Reader Headcanons
DC Characters x Ignored!Reader Headcanons
DC Characters x CurlyHair!Reader Headcanons
DC Characters x Alt!Reader Headcanons
DC Characters x FashionDesigner!Reader Headcanons
Jason Todd / Wally West x Reader With Piercings Headcanons
Jason Todd/Kid Flash x Reader Stealing Their Clothes Headcanons
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siren88 · 4 years
Something fun for Halloween #stevienicks #annebolyn #thewitch #sleepyhollow #womanpower #womanproblems #wronglyaccused #rightlyaccused (at Wheaton, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFOHWmBBS70/?igshid=1k1wy8h83jpj0
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vapingkhalessi-blog · 8 years
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Apparently I do.
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imaginefan · 6 years
Wronglyaccused Part 3 pretty please?
Yeah I can do that but there are 15 requests in front of you!
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What a worthy cause. With a little luck pizza will be out of the oven in time for Christmas 🍕🍕🍕 #freepizza #wronglyaccused #pizza #pizzameme #terriblepizzamemes #fitnesswholepizzainmymouth
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