tbh-entp · 7 months
xNTxs with a hot take:
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intjsimp · 9 months
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Oodles of doodles
There’s this AMAZING MBTI artist that goes by eko.oek on IG and Twitter who uses this same note/sketching app to draw their art. Pls do not confuse me for them or vice versa, I found this app through them and it’s GREAT OK!?
That out of the way, take some enfp and xNTx sketches!
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bathgardens-sims · 24 days
MBTI Sims (♀) WCIF Compilation Part 2/4, xNTx
Part: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Find on the gallery:
Creator ID: Bathgardens
Title: MBTI xNTx F
Pyxis EA Teeth Begone
Kijiko Remove EA Lashes
Kijiko 3D Lashes Version 2
Miiko Face-Kits NO.1 + NO.2
Praline Cleavage Overlay Collection
For skin blends, lashes, and other skin details, I would recommend downloading ALL forms (e.g. forehead crease, mouth crease, glasses, etc.) because I often layer details!!!
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Skin: Simbience Haute
Hair: CandySims4 Hard Rock Hair (Candy Color Palette)
Eyebrows: Praline N155 Kuta
Eyes: Praline Treasure (default)
Earrings: Christopher067 Brennan
Necklace: Christopher067 Hillside
Bracelet: S-Club WM 201801
Eyeshadow: BreezyTrait Petals
Liner: Crypticsim Kat
Blush: Ridgeport The Ridgeport Set Cloud Paint
Lips: Angissi Lipstick A99
Top: Christopher067 Sanderson
Bottoms: GreenLlamas Greenhouse Jasmin Jeans Duo
Shoes: Serenity Ashley
Skin: Lamatisse Olympia
Hair: Okruee Shiloh w/ Strands (w/ hair tie accessory)
Eyebrows: Praline N153 Engan
Eyes: Praline Treasure (face paint)
Earrings: NataliS Three Nails
Necklace: Aretha Secret Society Raven Choker
Blush: Miiko Shy
Tattoos: Cubersims Bloody Mary
Top: Nucrests Unify Button Up
Bottoms: Sentate x Aretha Alexa Skirt
Skin: Lamatisse Olympia
Hair: Simstrouble Jazz Riff
Eyes: Praline Treasure (face paint)
Earrings: Bobur Sapphire Earrings with Pearls
Glasses: Praline Libellule
Outfit: Sifix Tasha
Shoes: Madlen Bernand Boots
Skin: Lamatisse Mercuria | Miiko mouth corners
Hair: Miiko Denise (w/ bangs and accessory)
Eyebrows: Miiko Softie
Eyes: Northern Siberia Winds Eyes (extra)
Earrings: Christopher067 Bare Hoop Earrings (all)
Glasses: Praline Papillon
Necklace: Christopher067 Panorama
Makeup: Sims3Melancholic Highlighter #3
Top: Serenity Sasha Tucked | Aretha Ana Accessory Top
Bottoms: Caio AF Socialite Skirt
Socks: Serenity Back to the 60s Socks V1
Shoes: CloudCat Duality Shoes
Thank you to all of the creators featured!
@pyxiidis @kijiko-sims @miikocc @pralinesims @lamatisse @christopher067 @arethabee @serenity-cc @simstrouble @natalis-sims @candysims4 @simbience @s-club-tbr @crypticsim @ridgeport @angissi @greenllamas @okruee @cubersims @nucrests @sentate @cloudcat @northernsiberiawinds @caio-cc @bobur-tsr @sims3melancholic @sifirkilometreimpala @madlensims
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mbti-enemies · 1 year
MBTIs are classified in 4 groups, right? how are they divided exactly?
well.... not exactly. IF IVE MANSPLAINED AND LIKE YOU MEAN SOME OTHER 4 GROUPS IDK ABOUT TELL ME. alert for mild cognitive function talk that will hopefully somewhat explain itself. functions are basically ways of processing your experiences. here's a post that leads to a post if you want to learn more by the end of the article. the smaller text is this function talk.
16Personalities divides 'mbti' .... (THEY EXPLICITLY SAY THEYRE NOT DOING MBTI SO ITS ALL FAKE OKAY in the house we do not stan 16P because its they made their strange thing up and stole mbti stuff basically for it but ofc much respect for all the attention its brought to mbti though) .... into four categories yes, but that's not an mbti thing, that's a 16P thing
in 16P they're divided (with X's being unkowns): XNTX, XNFX, XSXJ, XSXP
anyways its an interesting grouping system..... essentially what they've done is divide the N's into stronger thinkers (logic/systems) vs stronger feelers (values) and divide the S's into percievers (who will use their sensing function externally and tend to be more sponatenous and dynamic) and judgers (who will use their sensing function internally and tend to be more organized and reliable). It can be relatively helpful when trying to type people - each of these gorups do have a slight vibe to them that you will get acquainted to.
i think another interesting way to sort the types would be to do so by their first judging junction (thinking/feeling functions) because it tends to equally noticeable in all the types. // read: while percieving functions (sensing/intuition) may be obvious in one type they may not be obvious in another. so, the judging functions at Extroverted Thinking (Te), Introverted thinking (Ti), Extroverted Feeling (Fe), Introverted Feeling (Fi)
This sorting would look like:
Fe: esfj, enfj, infj, isfj
Fi: isfp, infp, enfp, esfp
Te: entj, estj, istj, intj
Ti: intp, istp, estp, entp
Hopefully, this sort of a grouping may also reduce the S vs N gap (??)
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darthwhorecrux · 1 year
if he's an XNTX villain i'm folding immediately
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randomfoggytiger · 7 months
Personality Typing: Bringing Up Baby
Happy early Birthday, @baronessblixen!
I wanted to whip you up a post that had a few of your interests all blended in one; and-- wouldn't you know?-- it has an INTP main lead, too!
Now, let's attempt to type these characters as they run amok with two leopards, a yappy dog, butterfly nets, leashes, and not one braincell shared amongst them.
David Huxley- INTP 
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“Now it isn’t that I don’t like you, Susan; because, after all, in moments of quiet I’m strangely drawn towards you. But… well, there haven’t been any quiet moments.” 
David Huxley is an INTP, which places him neatly as a Background Type and trips him right into the Intellectuals (xNTx) group. Background Communication Types are Informative (discuss a topic while providing all the possible information without taking a decisive stand on anything, allowing the other person to decide their own role in the mutual conversation), Responding (prefer to wait for the other person to initiate a conversation, then stay in the passive role while allowing the conversation to be guided by someone else), and Outcome (value the goal of the journey, carefully planning their steps to a specific endpoint and deliberately taking a measured pace to obtain the right result the first time.) 
David’s 8 cognitive functions dictate how his brain intakes information, processes it, and makes decisions. 
INTPs leads with Ti Hero, which is all about distilled logic, “if this then that”, facts, verification, criticism, and deductive filters: if it doesn’t make sense, it isn’t true (hence his near infuriated frustration with Susan Vance’s illogical nature and decisions.) 
Ne Parent balances the Hero function: it is constantly aware of others’ intentions and the end results of other people’s choices; and that instinct is always right (which is why David is always spot on with assessing how much trouble Susan will get into… and how much she gets him into.) Not only does Ne Parent allow them to become masters of “I told you so”, but it also makes them spot patterns of human behavior easily… and become easily bored with human nature's predictability (which is why he ends up falling for Susan, who he can’t predict and who keeps the thrills coming; because INTPs have a bit of the thrill seeker in them, and this one in particular found he really likes them.) 
Si Child is capable of incredible, unwavering steadfastness, conviction, endurance, discipline, and faith; and to “abuse” the child would be to imply an INTP is, somehow, disloyal-- which sends them into apathy mode, not caring if the accuser sticks around or leaves (hence why David isn’t too fussed about his fiancee leaving after she implied he was a philanderer.) 
Fe Inferior (the last of the four dominant functions) is easily guilted as it fears making other people feel badly; which, in turn, allows them to be easily maneuvered, exploited, and rug matted all in the name of being a good person (hence why David won’t walk away from Susan, despite all her messes-- because he is compelled to help her out of them.) If INTPs are accused of being uncaring, they shift into protective (and havoc-wrecking) Demon mode: their apathy kicks in, and that person becomes effectively dead to them (again, what happens with his fiancée, but also his “who cares what others think of me anymore” attitude by the end of the film.) 
Te Nemesis is in constant battle with the Hero function (serving as its “villain” to war with and become stronger for it): Te is all about outsourcing information or opinions to others around them; and it challenges (and thereby worries) the Ti’s logic to see if it’s “out of date.” If an INTP is wise, this will force them to outsource their current information, ridding themselves of stagnant or outdated facts (which is what David learns to do with Susan: constantly check in with her to see what new story or lie she has concocted so he isn’t caught off-guard.) 
Ni Critic is the cynical parent figure to the Parent function: it takes note of Ne Parent’s observations-- that no one is responsible with what they want-- and chooses not to want anything, which locks the INTP into a paralysis or inaction. This is why INTPs become so solitary or stuck in unproductive (and unhealthy) ruts, professionally and personally (as David does with his first relationship: wanting to marry a partner who railroaded him without apology), and are drawn to (and can fall back into) the familiarity of those cycles-- healthy or toxic-- for comfort’s sake (being drawn to Susan who overrides his concerns like Alice did… but at least Susan reflects and changes whereas Alice never did.) 
Se Trickster, the bane of an INTP’s existence: they have no physical awareness, whether that be how they come off to others, their comfort over aesthetics fashion sense, or the various potholes, ditches, sidewalks, cars, or other places they fall into or flat on. However, they are masters at remembering how to spot and avoid various Se Trickster traps when trained (ex. David never getting caught in the same kerfuffle twice, even though he gets roped into an entirely new faux pas via Susan’s next misadventure.) 
And lastly, Fi Demon pops up when INTPs have been hurt either by their Si Child (calling them disloyal or flaky… or a “butterfly”) or their Fe Inferior (that they aren't caring enough despite the shirt being guilted off their backs): full-on depraved debauchery-- anything that will self-soothe or make INTPs feel good is indulged and indulged and indulged, effectively causing willful self-destruction (David snapping in Susan’s white robe at her aunt and snarkily commenting in the jail cell are moments where his Fi Demon is starting to come out. They end rather quickly because new developments happen so fast that they shake the situation up-- and by proxy his annoyance or aggravation.)
Susan Vance- ESFP  
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"Oh, David, if only I could make you understand-- you see, all that happened happened because I was trying to keep you near me and I just did anything that came into my head."
Susan Vance is an ESFP, flinging her in the Starter category and jamming her into the Artisans (xSxP) group. Starter Communication Types are Informative (communicates all possible information while discussing a topic without taking a decisive stand in the conversation), Initiating (seeking out others in social situations, starting conversations, and keeping others in the information loop), and Progression nee Movement (moving toward any result without a fixed destination, plan, or outcome because they fear inaction and stagnation more than optimizing for the best outcome.)    
Susan’s 8 cognitive functions help her intake, analyze, and process information so she can output them with decisions. 
Se Hero took me by surprise: normally, Se is completely in-tune with the physical world around them (its performance, finesse, observation, and physicality of a person’s body as well as the tangible realm around it.) However, Susan is such a klutz that I thought there was no way she as an ESFP-- but facts don’t lie, and the other assets of Se (short term memory, seeing what others are doing and wanting to participate or involve others in its activities) fit her to a T (not to mention, one of her last lines-- admitting her shenanigans aren't well thought-out because she wanted to keep David around-- clarifies why she is so out of tune with her Se Hero: desperation.)
Fi Parent is there to keep ESFPs responsible with their morality to behave socially or ethically. The problem is that this translates-- to an immature ESFP-- that they must have others think they are good people to feel good about themselves even if they truthfully aren't (which is why Susan collapses in tears when it finally dawns on her that David doesn’t really like her… which prompts his Fe Inferior to comfort her) rather than reflecting or putting any work into themselves to become a good person (although she changes this about herself by the end of the film.) 
Te Child is smart, very very smart, with an incredible field of knowledge (which explains how Susan knows so many odds and ends tricks, i.e. lockpicking, olive throwing, purse snatching, etc.); but is easily wounded by others’ assumptions that an ESFP isn’t smart or believable (which is why she is hurt by some of David's assumptions and also why she creates an elaborate alternate identity that the cops and psychologists would believe while in jail.) 
Ni Inferior is unconquerable in achieving anything they put their mind to… to a point, as ESFPs often hold themselves back from their plans because they fear it won’t work (i.e. Susan losing confidence in her madcap strategies the more the film dragged on, which led to her more active Ni Inferior in the climax and end of the film-- understanding how much trouble she gets David into and wishing to atone for her ways.) 
Si Nemesis worries that it lacks discipline, duty, and honor, which forces ESFPs to evaluate themselves constantly and fear that tomorrow might not be as good as today. To overcome this failure to decide anything, they must exercise maturity by fulfilling the obligations and commitments they’ve made that they can’t seem to, or are afraid to, finish (which is why Susan dragged David with her everywhere: because without him, she wouldn’t have done any of those things-- just floated around and worried.) 
Fe Critic is super selfish and hypocritical, wanting the best for themselves while thinking the other person hasn’t earned it; and ESFPs have to learn not to assume the worst in others because it reflects their own poor character back on themselves (i.e. Susan not meeting Alice but immediately wanting what she has-- David-- for herself; and then learning she doesn’t really "deserve" David, regardless.) 
Ti Trickster believes that there are no absolutes, that anything can be true or false, and overall can’t figure out how to logic a situation. If they learn to take the time to carefully evaluate and assess thoroughly before making a decision (taking in everything before acting first), ESFPs will then become master strategists, angling her solution different ways until everyone wants to take a bite (her first conversation with the constable, her conversations with Aunt Elizabeth and Major Applegate, and her big charade with the police in jail.) 
Ne Demon is activated when they are given no freedom of choice, causing them to strip everyone else of that freedom, too (ex. Aunt Elizabeth holds a million dollars over her head, so Susan holds that million and a leopard and a bone and the dog over David’s; and later, Susan also holds a faux fess-up in-exchange for her freedom over the police's heads.)
Alice Swallow- ESTJ 
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"Stop it! Really, David, there's a time and place for everything."
Alice Swallow (David Huxley’s overbearing fiancée) is an ESTJ, setting her into the Structure category and slotting her in the Guardians (xSxJ) group. Structure Communication Types are Direct (communicate in clear, specific, and concise language so that there is no doubt behind their intent), Initiating (take an active role in conversation or social situations, seeking others out to keep them informed or “in the loop” ), and Outcome (value the carefully planned, focused, and deliberate steps to achieve the right end goal the first time.)  
Her 8 cognitive functions dictate how Alice’s brain intakes, processes, and outputs information to analyze and make decisions.  
Te Hero: metrics, achievements, reputation, societal standards, labels, beliefs, and rules (which is why Alice immediately squashes David’s physical affection while both are in front of a superior, stating “There’s a time and place for everything. What will Professor think?”) 
Si Parent gives ESTJs a drive to experience everything once, but tempers it with vast amounts of self-discipline and duty (i.e. Alice getting married but insisting she and David come right back to the museum, curtailing both their present and future for “his work”) and responsible, tested-and-tried loyalty (which is why she immediately breaks off her engagement after learning about David’s “disloyalty.”) 
Ne Child dabbles in metaphysics, seeing all possibilities and somehow making anything come true by pulling a few strings (hooking David up with an interview to get a donation of a million dollars, for instance.) 
Fi Inferior is afraid they lack the principles to be moral enough; but if they seek meaning and prove their worth, there is no one who can invest more into values or people (declaring "Oh, David, what did you do?!" can be a sign of Fi Inferior; because if David messes everything up, then Alice has cosigned her reputation to his foolery.)
Ti Nemesis is the reverse of David Huxley’s process: Te Hero’s aggregated knowledge is constantly picked at by the nagging voice of “that doesn’t make sense”, causing them to verify the accuracy of their collected beliefs (which is what Alice does not do at the end of the film.) 
Se Critic creates elitist hypocriticism in ESTJs: appearance, to them, represents intelligence; and they heavily criticize others that are a bit off or have a hair out of place (reproving her fiancé for his slang) while not noticing their own inappropriate apparel or behavior (talking down to David next to both their superior.) 
Ni Trickster tricks ESTJs into thinking they know what they want when they don’t-- never let them make big decisions alone, let alone mutual ones (hence why her plans for their future are so unattainable and wouldn’t have lasted long for either Alice or David.)  
And lastly, Fe Demon ruptures if ESTJs are accused of being unfeeling or uncaring: they are very loving and caring but express it differently. If they aren’t given their dues, they strip away their care and vindictively take away that other person’s ability to receive care from others, usually by offering them love on a platter… which turns out to be poisoned (ex. Alice getting fed up with her fiancé’s actions and “lovingly” or "calmly" or "peacefully" giving him sole blame in the end.) 
Alexander Peabody- ESTP 
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"Dr. Huxley, when I play golf I only talk golf. And then only between shots."
Alexander Peabody is an ESTP, putting him in the Structure category and placing him in the Artisans (xSxP) group. Structure Communication Types are Direct (communicate in clear, specific, and concise language so that there is no doubt behind their intent), Initiating (take an active role in conversation or social situations, seeking others out to keep them informed or “in the loop” ), and Outcome (value the carefully planned, focused, and deliberate steps to achieve the right end goal the first time.) 
His 8 cognitive functions dictate how Alexander’s brain perceives and outputs information. 
Se Hero is an observer and master of the physical environment as well as the people in it, as effortlessly good at directing others (David Huxley, the constable, and psychiatrist) as well as his golf balls.
Ti Parent is skeptical over what others state is true or false, requiring tangible proof before they make final judgements or decisions (which is why he came to the jail before stating definitively his client wasn’t there.) 
Fe Child is very loving and giving, willing to hand out prizes and favors to anyone close by (or a million dollars and a dinner to talk it over to David); however, ESTPs are deeply wounded if someone takes the unfiltered truth (and sometimes harsh truth) of their Ti Parent and uses it to label them as uncaring, unfeeling, or even malevolent.  
Ni Inferior makes ESTPs (and ESFPs like Susan Vance) afraid of making the wrong decision, tying them up in indecision (hence why he wants a second conversation with David Huxley to absolutely know for sure before making a final decision.) 
Si Nemesis fears that they are not dutiful enough to carry out the demands of whatever the future holds, again contributing to their indecisive nature (i.e. previous example.) 
Te Critic assumes everyone else is stupid, including massive societal structures, sources, or even religions; and ESTPs must individually test every single thing they’re told, lighting the falsehoods on fire and clutching the tried-and-true to themselves forever (again, dropping into the jail personally with promise of swift punishment if proven correct.) 
Fi Trickster believes anything can be good or bad, leading them to have (basically) no moral principles and to do what they believe is good or bad for them (ex. being hurt that “David” impolitely throws a rock at his head instead of being affrighted that “David” is scrounging around in his yard late at night.) 
And Ne Demon (like Susan Vance the ESFP) will destroy everyone else’s freedom of choice if they aren’t given it (hinging the donation of a million dollars on his terms-- golfing and dinner-- and seriously thinking of revoking it when David Huxley skips out both times.)
Dr. Lehman- ISTJ
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"I have no doubt you will find you made a very important haul."
Dr. Lehman is an ISTJ, stamping him in the Finisher category and check marking his status in the Guardians (xSxJ) group. Finisher Communication Types are Direct (communicating clearly in concise language leaving no doubt as to their intent), Responding (letting the other person initiate and guide a conversation, or waiting for others to keep them “in the loop”), and Progression nee Movement (always progressing forward without a specific goal in mind-- movement is better than stagnation, the journey is more enjoyable than the endpoint.) 
The 8 cognitive functions of Dr. Lehman’s Type help him perceive, process, and output information. 
Si Hero is defined by duty: loyalty, endurance, faith, effort, steadfastness, habit, and sharing; and an immature ISTJ is more willing to boast about what it can endure rather than be humble in what it has endured. ISTJs crave loyalty; and will discipline themselves to give the best “experiences” (how they come across to others) to earn that loyalty, striving to be "above reproach."  
Te Parent is all about names and titles-- metrics, rules, labels, reputation-- desiring those accolades for itself (and thinking it’s earned a VIP status with all the hard work ISTJs put in to polish themselves.) It also seeks a proper routine, system, or algorithm to quickly find, evaluate, and streamline beliefs or reference points. They rely heavily on this framework, using it to figure out why people behave irrationally (hence why he immediately diagnoses David Huxley one nothing more than a simple, one-sided question from Susan Vance.) 
Fi Child has miraculous sympathy, but is often ignored by other people because of an ISTJ’s “soulless” pursuit of trying to understand life with their metrics and tried-and-true rules (i.e. when he distances himself from his and the constable’s mistakes after Mr. Peabody insinuates what terrible people those mistakes would make them-- and it also affected his Si Hero's "above board" reputation.)
Ne Inferior is afraid of the “what ifs” and metaphysics and intangibles of life; but once they use common sense to walk themselves through every possibility, ISTJs no longer fear or catastrophize their future (ex. Dr. Lehman almost losing his cool over the purse mix-up.) 
Se Nemesis feeds into their Si Hero: ISTJs worry they are giving others a bad Se experience, which would smack them right in the face of their Si; so, they work overtime to check and check and check this blind spot constantly (for instance, whenever Dr. Lehman corrects his posture or monocle or carefully seats his wife at the table.) 
Ti Critic assumes ISTJs are the smartest people in the room; and believes the other person is guilty because they perceived that person as guilty (assuming and affirming Susan Vance is insane because he misinterprets her actions, for example.) ISTJs must be made to verify these beliefs, comparing their initial impressions with actual facts. 
Fe Trickster gives ISTJs zero social awareness-- hence why they come off as robotic or disconnected to some people-- and blinds them to the fact that others do not share the same values or goals that they do. Those others can then read an ISTJ's disinterest in the subjectives of societal or social norms as terrible or heartless behavior, which kicks an ISTJ’s Fi Child in the ribs and sets off their demon function. 
Ni Demon becomes a high-chair tyrant if an ISTJ’s needs aren’t met: catapulted by the fear of others’ intent (Ne Inferior) and further goaded by someone accusing their Fi Child, ISTJs will launch into a self-indulgent focus on only themselves and their needs, seeing that their detractors have abused their Si Hero’s willingness to honor the Te Parent rules (and is why Dr. Lehman leaves the constable to bear the brunt of the mistake alone: Lehman thinks he did everything right and the constable did everything wrong-- especially after observing said constable's lack of interrogation techniques; and doesn't think he deserves any blame for the series of misadventures that unfolded.)
Mrs. Lehman- ISTP?
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"Frederick, where is my purse?"
Mrs. Lehman is just a guess, but I'll put her down as an ISTP, sliding into the Finisher category and settling into the Artisans (xSxP) group. Finisher Communication Types are Direct (clear, concise, precise communication leaving no room for misinterpretation), Responding (preferring that the other person to initiate and guide a conversation), and Progression nee Movement (forward movement and a wonky end product is better than some of the stagnation that comes with measured planning for the perfect end goal.) 
Mrs. Lehman’s 8 cognitive functions help her intake and output information and make quick, actionable decisions (and is a near perfect match to her husband’s ISTJ Type.) 
Ti Hero is identical to David Huxley’s Ti Hero; but their differences become very pronounced with her Se Parent, which is a very physical, actionable, “fix things with my own bare hands” function (i.e. grabbing at her purse from David’s hands before bossing her husband to fix the problem… the implication being “before I do.”) 
Se Parent is also responsible with its physical and mechanical prowess, using it to get others out of destructive comfort zones and to team up with their Ti Hero to become excellent hands-on teachers.
Ni Child is the equivalent of literal, definable “lady luck”-- somehow surviving impossible scenarios with very little injuries or long term consequences (in Mrs. Lehman’s case, getting her purse and diamond broach back intact because it wasn't even stolen.) 
ISTPs share Fe Inferior and Te Nemesis with INTPs (David Huxley)-- fear of making others feel bad and worrying if others are factually correct respectively-- but differ with Si Critic: they have a hard time committing to anything or anyone, yet expect others to commit to them. Once ISTPs develop self-discipline, they then also have to admit that they have the memory of a goldfish while erroneously thinking that they, an elephant, never forget. 
Ne Trickster thinks that something isn’t real until they can touch it or see it, which leaves them weak to others’ intentions and open to covert or subtle attacks; and when the bus hits, they scramble to figure out what happened. 
And lastly, Fi Demon self-soothes via the INTP method: depraved debauchery all the way down.
Aunt Elizabeth- ENTJ
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"Heh. Susan, imagine giving a dinner party with your husband stalking like Hamlet's ghost all through the meal."
Aunt Elizabeth Random is an ENTJ, zipping her into the Structure category and firmly squeezing her into the Intellectuals (xNTx) group. Structure Communication Types are Direct (communicate in clear, specific, and concise language so that there is no doubt behind their intent), Initiating (take an active role in conversation or social situations, seeking others out to keep them informed or “in the loop”), and Outcome (value the carefully planned, focused, and deliberate steps to achieve the right end goal the first time.)
Aunt Elizabeth uses 8 cognitive functions to make decisions, perceive the world around her, and process new and startling information. 
Te Hero is focused on the beliefs-- what the collective believes to be true having greater weight than what the meager dissenters prove to be true-- as well as the rules, the metrics, the systems, and the titles of the world around them. They work hard to earn and wear their accolades with pride (ex. Aunt Elizabeth expecting others to respect her requests or demands because of her family name), rising up any successful ladder with diligence, speed, and focus.
Ni Parent wants everything responsibly, letting themselves give in to very little of their temptations-- and only then because of their Se Child. 
Se Child is the epitome of a kid at a birthday party, spoiling themselves and others with quality excess and delighting in both receiving and giving (or, in Aunt Elizabeth’s case, having her nephew ship a leopard so she can keep it as her extravagant pet.) 
ENTJs share Fi Inferior and Ti Nemesis with ESTJs (Alice Swallow)-- afraid they aren’t moral enough and worried they aren’t intelligent enough respectively-- but their Ne Critic separates the path again: ENTJs feel abandonment more than any other Type, and constantly assume others will betray them constantly. This leads them to loyalty check those closest to them constantly (ex. Aunt Elizabeth calling her own niece crazy and second-guessing if she should give her a million dollars.) 
Se Trickster forgets EVERYTHING; and they need constant reminders or notes to refresh their recollection. As a result, their brain latches onto only the most important information… which are their worst memories because of the self-preservation paranoia of the Ne Critic (and causes Aunt Elizabeth to remember most clearly the things that annoy her presently or hurt her in the past.) 
Lastly, Fe Demon ruins everyone else’s opportunities to feel loved or connected if an ENTJ’s Se Child is accused of being unloving or uncaring (which Aunt Elizabeth never had an opportunity to exercise.) 
Major Applegate - ENFJ
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"Gentle as a kitten? Well, I don't know you why didn't mention that before--"
Major Applegate is an ENFJ, hopping him into the Structure category and pinning him soundly in the Idealists (xNFx) group. Structure Communication Types are Direct (naturally communicated clearly, concisely, and precisely so that nothing is misconstrued from their intent), Initiating (chooses an active role in social situations, seeking others out to keep them “in the loop”), and Outcome (deliberately plan their steps to reach a perfect end point or achievement.)
Major Applegate uses his 8 cognitive functions to perceive, inform, judge, and process the world and information around him. 
Fe Hero is tied directly to inclusivity, acceptance, collective ethics, support, and bonds, striving to outreach and care for those around them (ex. Major Applegate trying to help Susan with the correct time, teaching Aunt Elizabeth a leopard’s call, trying to help David and Susan catch the wrong leopard, and correcting Aunt Elizabeth’s error about her niece not being in jail.) 
ENFJs share their Ni Parent and Se Child with ENTJs-- responsible with their wants and extravagant with their sharing-- but their Ti Inferior is their own: ENFJs are afraid they are unintelligent or incorrect, often being portrayed as the stereotypical dumb blonde. In reality, they are quite smart but largely held back by the implication or accusation of being stupid (i.e. Major Applegate stumbling over his words in the police station when the constable and his men start to look at him funny.) 
Fi Nemesis is worried about their own moral self worth, overcoming their doubts by doing good and helping other humans (for instance, “saving” Aunt Elizabeth from the leopard and teaming up with Gogarty to hunt it down.) 
ENFJs also share Ne Critic (assuming others will betray them) and Si Trickster (forgetting everything but the worst moments) with ENTJs; but separate once more with the Demon function. 
Te Demon destroys the voice of others when no one will listen to them, especially if their Inferior has been trampled consistently and labelled as "worthless." They then squash and trample and make themselves be heard; and if they still aren’t, ENFJs rip the structure out from underneath everyone and let them fall to their destruction (Major Applegate never got that far, but the equivalent would be to not correct Aunt Elizabeth’s assumption and let everyone stay in jail and out of his hair.)
Aloysius Gogarty- INFP
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Aloysius Gogarty is an INFP, setting him into the Background category and startling him into the Idealists (xNFx) group.  Background Communication Types are Informative (discuss a topic while providing all the possible information without taking a decisive stand on anything, allowing the other person to decide their own role in the mutual conversation), Responding (wait for the other person to initiate a conversation, then stay in the passive role while allowing the conversation to be guided by someone else), and Outcome (value the goal more than the journey, carefully planning their specific endpoint and taking deliberate steps to obtain the right result the first time.) 
Aloysius uses 8 cognitive functions to perceive, make, and output impressions into decisions. 
Fi Hero is concerned about one’s own personal morals: their principles, their investment, their worth, and their mood. INFPs mature from their initial pride about what they value (ex. Gogarty complaining about the double standards of the house’s raucous meal and his own expected behavior) to tempered humility about said moral values. 
INFPs share Ne Parent (ability to “predict” the outcome and consequences of everyone’s decisions) and Si Child (deeply wounded if they are accused of being disloyal) with INTPs (David Huxley); but differ with their Inferior function. 
Te Inferior is a collector of others’ knowledge and opinions, becoming unrivaled in its scope of information (if it chooses.) However, INFPs are afraid of what others think of them-- their reputation is everything to them; and they need others to think well of them even if those things might not be true (ex. Gogarty lying about petting the leopard to Major Applegate and immediately starting a fight with the police when he is accused of stealing Dr. Lehman’s car.) 
Fe Nemesis worries that it is selfish (because Fi Hero puts its needs above others’); and it moves mature INFPs to empathetically care for and serve others to fight that concern, either personally with their loved ones or publicly with volunteer work (for instance, Gogarty teaming up with Major Applegate’s natural inclination to protect everyone from the leopard.) 
Again, INFPs share Ni Critic (avoiding risk with inaction) and Se Trickster (unaware of their surroundings and others' impressions of them) with INTPs; but they, again, separate at the Demon function. 
Ti Demon rips its way out of their peaceable chest if no one thinks highly of them (Te Inferior) or listens to their input (Ne Parent), or if anyone casts aspersions on their loyalty (Si Child): INFPs will make sure no one else’s opinion matters, either, by building a trap for their tormentors with the truth. They then stand aside casually as their enemies fall into it one by one (Mr. Gogarty was never pushed this far; but there is an inkling of Ti Demon: cheerfully acknowledging his connection to Susan Vance after the police locked him up, expecting them to get in big, big trouble at the mention of her name.)
Constable Slocum- ISFP
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"Young lady, it might interest you to know that you're under arrest."
Constable Slocum is an ISFP, fumbling him into the Background category and dumping him in the Artisans (xSxP) group. Background Communication Types are Informative (provides all the possible information about a topic without taking a decisive stand on it), Responding (prefers the more passive role in conversation or social situations), and Outcome (walks a measured pace so they can carefully plan the perfect plan for their perfect end point.) 
Constable Slocum uses his 8 cognitive functions to perceive and process the world around him. 
ISFPs share Fi Hero with INFPs (Aloysius Gogarty), concerned more with their own personal “good or bad” morals over “true or false” ethics. 
ISFPs also share Se Parent (responsible mastery of the physical environment) and Ni Child (“lady luck” and feeling trapped if they are not given the freedom to make their own choices) with ISTPs (Mrs. Lehman.) 
Again, they share Te Inferior (afraid for their reputation) and Fe Nemesis (worry that they are selfish) with INFPs. 
And, again, they share Si Critic (expect commitment while being unwilling to commit) and Ne Trickster (unaware of others’ machinations) with ISTPs. 
Even though ISFPs share their 8th function with INFPs, they have a different, more personalized “mode.” Ti Demon will let their enemies’ fall by the truth if they aren’t listened to, but while INFPs make the ultimate trap to passively snare their enemies, ISFPs will make the ultimate weapon to hands-on obliterate them (which is why Constable Slocum keeps threatening even more disastrous, personalized punishments the more his prisoners annoy him.)
Thank you for reading~
And, again, Happy (soon to be) Birthday, Anika! :DDD
Disclaimers: This is a self-assessed analysis. This information is not based on the abominable MBTI system (which has been butchered from its original Jungian typology since ~WWII); instead, it’s a combination between the works of Jung’s type psychology, Dr. Linda Berens’ Communication styles, Dr. Dario Nardi’s EEG complied research with brain scans, and others’ data and practices as compiled and simplified by CSJoseph. This system is based only on the Nature side of Nature/Nurture; and each “type” is not a “box” to fit everyone into– simply a tool to help understand the basics of the human mind that science has only begun to fathom in its limited scope.
**Note**: I am definitely not an expert, so these assessments are subject to change with corrections or scrutiny.
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yandere-romanticaa · 8 months
Did anyone else notice that 99% of the MBTI x anime requests are all xNFx and xNTx types?? I regularly go through that masterlist and it's just so funny.
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nyashykyunnie · 9 months
//Sl ragnarok spoilers
He also inherited Jinwoo's scammer side Ineed to know this kid's mbti since his dad is Intj. Heavily guessing he might be xntx
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maaarine · 5 months
What do you think of the groupings for MBTI (ie the "analysts" XNTXs, etc.)? Do you think there's a better way to organize the types? Do you think that grouping the types to communicate shared behaviours is helpful?
I think the MBTI exists as a tool for corporate management and human resources
those four groupings (SJ SP NF NT) are tied to different types of jobs, and there's not much more to them than that
the idea goes back to Plato's Republic, which also organized people into classes that had different functions within the ideal city/state
is there a better way to organize the types and is it useful: I think it entirely depends on what your goal is, different contexts call for different conceptualizations
but since most people are mainly interested in 1) what should my profession be given my personality type and 2) which type is romantically compatible with me, the boring basic bullshit MBTI content is enough for them
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kim-woonhak · 1 year
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sunstranded · 8 months
INTJ: How I see Everyone Else
I have disappeared lol but uhm... I'm back for another MBTI tangent no one asked for.
This is my personal experience with the types I've met in my life and also how I view them as an INTJ
Artisans (xSxP)
ISFP - Truly liberated people in their artistic endeavors. Thoughts of the future don't deter ISFPs I've met from doing something in the present, sometimes I envy that because it really saves more time.
ESFP - In confidence I can say, I do not agree with people saying they are stupid. Meeting one in real life is... intoxicating. I dare not elaborate (I can, but I don't want to). But, let me just say, descriptions of ESFPs are nothing compared to the real deal.
ESTP - Pranksters. They're just master trollers and pranksters. As fun as they can be, I want nothing to do with it. An ESTP bully once tried me but I didn't know what they said was supposed to be bullying. It went like: "You're fat." and I said: "Do you want a prize for pointing out the obvious?"
ISTP - ISFPs to me would be the true liberated artists, these guys are the truly liberated mechanics. They are hands-on and smart about it. I like having them as a mentor or go-to for when I need to fix my hardware.
Guardians (xSxJ)
ISFJ - Kind hearted pushovers. I don't like how they let other people push them around. I hate watching ISFJ friends struggle to say no, so I always tell them it's better if they do than stretch themselves thin. I offered ISFJ friends to practice saying no with me since I'm scary, bland but hard to offend.
ESFJ - We don't talk often because I don't want to. They talk too much and mean too little which, may sound insulting but I think is a superpower. Doing that drains me and it fuels them, so I think it's cool and they're genuinely fun to be around. First BFF was one, she may have been high-maintenance but I find joy in maintaining people I like, even if it is hard.
ESTJ - Most women in my family are like this so I am quite... understanding and soft when I notice someone outside the family is one. They take control of the room and get things done, I like that. I learn so much from them too.
ISTJ - Nerds. Absolute nerds for efficacy. My type of crowd. Just silence and getting the work done. I trust all ISTJs that I can leave them to do NOTHING and they will find something worthwhile to do. They might insult me unknowingly along the way and be mean, but hey, I'm literally just as "bad."
Mediators (xNFx)
INFP - They have an innate ability to slow me down. I tend to speak curtly, fast and brief. But I also don't say anything I don't mean, so it can really sound rude. However, no INFP in my life have gotten this treatment from me. I do not know why; I don't want to know why. I just get this empowering feeling to protect them at all costs and I hate it; most of them keep calling me their dad. I'm a gay woman.
ENFP - Most INTJs are shipped with ENFPs but I say, nay. First of all, personality types do not at all, work with "compatibility." Sure, it can but that does not mean it should. We can all be compatible with whomever, we just use MBTI to get a sense of self and be better. So to ENFPs, no thanks but you guys have cool ideas and can become quite attractive when they do it.
INFJ - Emotional translators. I will go on a long tangent about an event in my life and how I think of it then my INFJ friend would summarize it for me, something like "That's called self-doubt." And they say it nicely too, like: "Dumbass, you have a crush on them."
ENFJ - I have a friend that always gets this in MBTI tests but I'm pretty sure they are ENTJ or ESTJ. This just shows that descriptions and tests are misleading. Actual ENFJ friends of mine are prodding non-therapist therapists it is hilarious. Kind hearted, well mannered but they really need to learn how to be "mean."
Analyst (xNTx)
INTP - I have an INTP friend that just... each conversation we have always turns into me having to transcribe their thoughts into something organized and actually comprehensible. They're truly the nerds of MBTI. It is an honor to transcribe musings of one.
ENTP - I don't like the fact that I'm always attracted to these people. My bestfriend is one and we've made it clear that there is nothing romantic with the attraction and settled with... fascination. I dare not elaborate, lest their egos grow unimaginably (I am saying that in an endearing way).
INTJ - Having met someone like me is... most of the time, we never really recognize the other party is an INTJ. Just proves that no one does. If ever we choose to leave the house and be with people, we either act like ENTPs or ESFPs sometimes... even ISFJs.
ENTJ - They intimidate me in a good way. I told a friend if ever we'd be roommates we'd always fight over who does the chores and we'd keep track on who does it first and better. I know I'd lose but it's a fun time.
I am shocked I have met all 16 types in my life. It was... comfortingly alarming to know. What if I'm not an introvert after all?? Haha, no.
Introversion is not disliking people and Extroversion is not a people person. ENTJs and ENTPs in my life have been mistaken for introverts by themselves and others because of how they want alone time and how they have little to say to people. But that's because ENTPs are extroverted when it comes to ideas, not experiences or people. They'd be up into a new idea every time. ENTJs are very reserved because they are intentional individuals. But they are extroverted because they relish in doing things.
Introversion is just wanting either: left alone in silence or given/respected to be left alone for as long as possible. A lot of people want to identify as introverts because it makes them sound less shameless but I find that misrepresenting both ends of it. Introverts can behave like extroverts, I often do. Sometimes can even get energized by going out with people. The MAIN difference is that extroverts have an impersonal and outward focus with feelings, ideas, experiences, with life. While introverts tend to have something personal and inward focus with them. However, this is a TENDENCY/PREFERENCE not how someone will always be.
MBTI is based on Carl Jung's 8 Cognitive functions. It isn't behavioral, it's how someone thinks.
Maybe to make that disjunction clear, I can write about HOW TO TYPE PEOPLE as an Intuitive thinker that is NOT good at sensory details. If my time allows it, I suppose.
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trolloled · 9 months
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...See, |t's gxxd when celebr|t|es are up frxnt w|th the|r prxblems, fxlks.
M|ster Velxur |s tak|ng care xf h|mself, just as all xf yxu shxuld. | knxw, | knxw, |f yxu're a lxwblxxd yxu dxn't really get the luxury xf dx|ng sx as much. But yxu have tx try.
Yxu get burned xut, l|ke, ah, xur celebr|ty xver there almxst... d|d? Well, |t's a real hard th|ng tx walk back frxm.
Anyway, px|nt |s, gxxd fxr h|m fxr say|ng as much. Makes everyxne feel less self cxnsc|xus abxut tak|ng t|me fxr themselves. | encxurage all xf yxu tx please leave h|m alxne.
...And nx, th|s |s nxt a cue tx latch xntx me as the xbject xf an unhealthy parasxc|al relat|xnsh|p |nstead. We l|m|t th|ngs tx fan ma|l fxr a reasxn.
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counterphobes · 1 year
Lol @ your description. I don't think you can tell when someone is wrong because isfps are idiots. I've never met a smart isfp in my life.
And I bet you type as some Xntx, thinking it feeds your superiority complex but you're still wanking it alone with a cumsock so old that if a woman let you near her the wasted cum would be a 10yo
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mbti-enemies · 1 year
different anon, but I think that by "4 groups" they meant analysts, diplomats, sentinels and explorers, I could be wrong tho so idk
ahhhh yes yes i didn't call them that but that's what i meant in the last post when i talked about 16Personalities' (16P's) four groups
so analysts would be the XNTX types i talked about
diplomats the XNFX types i talked about
sentinels, XSXJ types
and explorers, XSXP
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skeleton-bat · 2 years
Here's something the doesnt quite make sense to me.
There's 4 groupings in mbti. Analysts share intuitive and thinking traits (xntx). Diplomats share intuitive feeling traits (xnfx). Sentinels share observing judging traits (xsxj). And explorers share observant and prospecting traits (xsxp).
But that doesn't make sense. Every single type from each group uses one of those things and doest use one of those things.
This is probably because it was made by 16 personalities which isn't how Myers works at all so that's probably why. After all what we use are cognitive functions and that's not really talked about or shown on 16p. They don't use cognitive functions to type people for some reason.
And when using cognitive functions the diplomats and analysts become even weirder.
All the sentinels use the si cognitive function in their stack. All the explorers use the se cognitive function in their stack. But there isn't a single cognitive function that the other 2 groups all use.
Not ever analyst has just ti, te, ni, ne, fi, or fe in their stack. And not every diplomat has just one of those in their stack either. So what gives?
It would make more sense if the groups all had 1 cognitive function shared amongst them.
Let's just use ti and te as the example. If we were to split it with that cognitive function than we'd have a group made up of infj, intp, enfj, and entp who have ti in their stack and another group made up of intj, infp, entj, and entp who all have te in their stack.
So yeah this is just something that confuses me because we use these 4 groups based on the 16 personalities grouping system which isn't accurate at all vs an accurate group based on cognitive functions.
So maybe that should be changed.
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fandom-oracle · 2 years
enough about xNTx squad. I want xNxJ squad.
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