#yeah idk! it JUST might be more than that by the time im done going over everything 😭
bunnihearted · 2 months
#it went!!! idk lately my pain treshhold has been so low bc im in pain all the time#so i just dont wnna be in pain anymore... he said that now it'll still hurt for a few days T-T#but he wasnt exactly sure what it was but i had.. a cavity??#im not rlly sure abt the english terms for all of this but the tooth is dying lol#but instead of immediately killing it nd getting a root fill he said that we should give the tooth a chance#so he fixed what he could fix#i hate dentist treatments bc of all the air nd water nd my anxiety i need to swallow constantly#but this time i actually told them abt it nd he was very helpful sksks#he even said 'ok now take a break nd swallow' so i didnt need to be so anxious#nd it was a relief bc he wasnt bad at all. he was actually rlly nice nd easy to talk to phewww#it cost abt $80 so i can manage to be without that until next week!!!!#so yeah it went much better than i had anticipated so im happy abt that#but yeah the problem still isnt 100% fixed yet so im still not relieved#he said i had a cavity in my other tooth as well but that we needed to check that at another time#im so frustrated bc i brush my teeth 2/day i use mouthwash i floss....#and for the last 7 months i havent even had any sugar!!!!! like why did this still happen.. o.o#oh nd he also said that i probably clench my teeth nd yeah i do that a lot more than i've realized#your teeth arent supposed to be touching!! never!! only when u eat#my teeth.... are touching pretty much all day omg. bc im so tense nd anxious#he said that he couldnt be sure bc he didnt have enough info to go on but that could have contributed to this#well well... i did it nd went even if i didnt want to#hopefully my tooth will be better now. nd i have another appt in may to see what i could get done further#if financial aid for it gets approved tho it might not#but yeah.. god dental pain nd issues is my no. 1 fear bc im poor nd i cant afford it
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clowningaroundmars · 25 days
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some snippets of miles42... and VENOM!! :)
yes, this is a "what if our little g found himself a reluctant host to a symbiote?" fic
it's... not exactly the best-paced story in the world but i had fun exploring a few concepts of symbiosis with the earth-42 variant of everyone's favorite spiderman :) and for this being the first full, multi-chapter fic i've ever written, i dont think i did too badly?
plus, once i'm done editing this fic (only.... 4 more chapters to go....) i'm posting it straight to ao3 and then i am DONE DONE DONE, goddamn. i've been workin on this thing for like. a month now. i'm just content to be done and over with it rn lol
hope yall like it when it eventually drops!
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arolesbianism · 2 months
Tiphereth suppression finally complete babeyyyy
#rat rambles#lisa my beloved <3#her brother also exists ig.#I did it first try too which honestly is a relief it took forever idk how many times I could handle doing all that#which also means that the other two are now ready for their core suppressions which is both exiting and scary#exciting because it means that I can tell alruine to fuck off#scary because red mist boss fight 😔#I have no idea what to expect but tbh I rly cant be any more prepared than I already am#I have all the aleph gear not counting apocalypse bird and white night gear#and I have all the waw gear except for the one waw I havent gotten yet#in fact there's only 4 abnos I havent gotten yet I think and two of those are toold#I might stall a bit by memory repositing until I get those out of the way but I also might not idk#what I am starting to have to think abt tho is the two side bosses I previously mentioned#I do think apocalypse bird might be doable for me rn but white knight is a more tricky story#mostly because quite frankly I dont have 12 employees available to sacrifice to start the fight#I can obviously just make some new throaway guys but still#now setting up apocalypse bird would also be annoying since I currently only have judgement bird in my facility#rly Im just not sure which of my guys can or cant handle either boss#cause I do need the manpower but I also just am not confident that most of the gear my guys have will do them much good#now one thing that may be kind of pointless but I still wanna do is get silent orchestras ego gift on one of my guys#because god damn is that a powerful buff even if white damage isnt that common outside of anbno breaches#it would be fun in the sense that thatd make my girl able to solo any abnos that deal white damage#again its good dont get me wrong its just definitely smth that isnt as widly applicable as youd think#but yeah ideally I dont wanna do another day one reset and I rly do think this could be the run#the only reason I reset my first one rly was because I had gotten bored grinding for gear and also just wanted to finish my abno info#collection easier since there was a shit load of low level abnos I was missing#now the only ''''low level'''' abno Im missing is plague doctor for well. obvious reasons.#so yeah I should be pretty good and done with my info gathering within a session or two#tbh I dont even know what the wellfare meltdown looks like but Im much less scared of it than the boss fights I have up ahead#stinky b is also going to be tricky but Im hoping it wont be too bad
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juceynightmare · 11 months
give me your forever (18+) - hook x reader songfic oneshot
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my masterlist
hook masterlist
pairing(s): hook x fem!reader
warning(s): swearing, time skipping, underage drug and alcohol use, use of pet names, unprotected sex, creampie, daddy kink, breeding kink, praise kink, degradation kink, hints of jealous!hook at one part
genre(s): fluff, smut, established relationship, multi-media fic.
word count: 11,454
summary: the day has finally come where y/n graduates college. however, y/n is more nervous about the fact that today is also the day when she gets to introduce tyler as her boyfriend of 8 years rather than her “good friend since elementary” to her parents. she's so nervous, in fact, that she texts tyler during the ceremony and the two go down memory lane.
song: give me your forever by zack tabudlo
[y/n] AHHHH
[tyler] woah there missy. don’t you have a ceremony you should be paying attention to?
[y/n] you’re not even paying attention
[tyler] actually, i am. as soon as they pan the camera over to your family and me, i’m lifting up this giant photo of you they gave to me
[tyler] it’s literally your head on a stick
[tyler] but what’s wrong? i can feel your distress all the way out here
[y/n] i’m nervous
[tyler] all you have to do is walk across a stage, grab your diploma, shake some hands, and you’re done
[tyler] you’ve done it before
[y/n] not that
[y/n] i’m nervous about telling my parents
[y/n] i’m shocked they’re not even questioning that you’re here
[tyler] we’ll be fine
[y/n] you know how they are
[y/n] they’re gonna freak out when they find out you’re my BOYFRIEND of EIGHT YEARS
[tyler] you remember the rule, don’t you?
[y/n] blah blah, no dating until i get my degree because boys will distract me and i’ll fail school and become a drug addict
[tyler] and what are you about to do
[y/n] ??? idk ??? die ?????
[tyler] im the one who dropped out of college to make a living out of beating people up but here you are not even able to connect the dots. i’ll answer for you.
[tyler] you’re about to get your degree.
[tyler] you proved them wrong. you’re not a drug addict and you’re graduating college with a degree in computer science.
[tyler] might i add that you’re also at the very top of your program :) my smart girl
[y/n] still doesn’t mean they won’t flip out
[y/n] yeah i proved them wrong but what if they don’t accept us? accept you?
[tyler] we’re going to be okay, mamas. i’m not going anywhere. nothing is going to happen to us.
[tyler] i promise you.
[tyler] i’ll take care of you.
[tyler] i’ve always taken care of you, mamas. haven’t i?
do you remember? when we were young you were always with your friends wanted to grab your hand and run away from them
“that’s a stupid fucking rule.” tyler muttered, a joint hanging between his lips as he cupped his hand around the end so he could light it.
“you tell me! like, do they really have that little faith in me that they think i’ll fail school all because of a boy? how idiotic is that!” y/n huffed angrily, kicking tanbark up into the air.
tyler was sitting alone at the end of the stairs of the play structure when y/n walked up to him and sat beside him, already beginning to ramble her little head off. it truly bewildered tyler how a girl could have so much trouble with her parents when they were both only eighth graders. then again, tyler was certain his dad would beat his ass until he was bruised and bloodied if he found out the type of crowd that tyler's been involved with, and the shit he was currently doing.
“i think they’re just protective of you and that’s why they have that rule in place.” he answered, inhaling and holding the smoke in his mouth before pulling the joint away from his lips. he held it out for y/n to take, although he knew that she wouldn’t take it. as the girl shook her head politely, tyler inhaled the smoke into his lungs and held it there before blowing out into the air.
“yeah? well i think they’re irrational. god, i wish i could just prove them wrong so that when the day comes that i graduate college, i can laugh in their faces like, ‘jokes on you! i had a boyfriend the whole time!’” she groaned frustratedly, pulling out her phone when she felt it start to buzz. y/n answered the call and held it up to her ear. “yeah, mom. i’m at the same park i always wait at for you to pick me up… yes the club’s good… no i’m not alone, i’m with tyler… you know, my friend from elementary? … mom, he’s not my boyfriend! … no, he’s not a bad influence he’s -“ she took a second to glance over at tyler, watching the boy take another puff from his joint and covering her nose as the wind blew the puff of smoke towards her direction. “he’s just a normal middle school boy, mom. … no, i already told you he’s not my boyfriend! … what do you mean stay away from him? i’ve been waiting at this park every day since i’ve started middle school and he’s been here every day making sure no creep talks to me. he’s a good guy, mom! mom?” she huffed as she shoved her phone back in her pocket, realizing her mom had hung up on her.
“you know, i like the idea of you proving them wrong and laughing in their faces.” tyler pitched in after he blew out the smoke into the air. he looked over at the girl, catching her gaze. “what better way to prove your parents wrong than by dating the ‘baddest boy’ in school, as everyone calls me. your mom seems to think that i’m a bad guy too.” he mused, watching the way y/n seemed to think over tyler’s words.
“are you asking me out?” y/n asked, her eyes suddenly widening at the implication of tyler’s agreement.
he shrugged his shoulders, flicking off the ash at the end of his joint into the tanbark below them. “you’re my friend. you’re cute. i think i’ll be more than okay with dating you. besides,” he began, reaching out to sling his arm over y/n’s shoulders to pull her into his side. “you’ve said it yourself. i’ve been here every day since we’ve started middle school because i know you have your little after-school clubs and would most likely be waiting alone. i’d hate it if some creep came and took away my friend.”
“what’s in it for me?” she asked, feeling her face warm up from being so close next to tyler. she could smell the cheap cologne that clung to his skin, and y/n tried not to lean against him.
but tyler had his own plans, as he leaned in and pressed a kiss to the girl’s forehead. “you get to experience life outside of textbooks and strict parents barring you from parties. i’ll help you sneak out and take the blame for everything.”
she blinked up at him once he pulled away, and y/n wondered how she never noticed tyler’s dimpled smile before.
“you’ve got a deal, senerchia. but i get to make the rules.”
“that’s fine. but don’t think that i won’t take care of you, y/n. you’re my girlfriend now, and my mom taught me how to treat my woman.”
i knew it that it was time to tell you how i feel so i made a move, i took your hand my heart was beating loud like i've never felt before
[y/n] yeah you have
[y/n] even before we started dating LOL
[tyler] can't believe you had no idea i had a massive crush on you
[tyler] what fucking loser just sits around a park and waits for a girl who has after school clubs
[y/n] you. you're the loser.
[tyler] there was another dude
[y/n] jackson??? i remember him being there in the beginning of seventh grade
[tyler] he had a crush on you, that's why he was also waiting
[y/n] you're lying. why am i just now hearing about this?
[tyler] yeah, i told him i was your boyfriend and he backed off and never waited for you again
[y/n] well, at least you didn't punch him like that dude at lisa's party
[tyler] you said it was fair game
[y/n] i didn't think he'd have to go to the hospital because he got concussed!
[tyler] he touched what's mine.
[tyler] you told me i could punch him once, and i made sure it counted.
[tyler] besides, i got pussy afterwards so it's a win
[y/n] oh calm your ego.
[y/n] i can literally SMELL the testosterone radiating from the crowd and it smells like YOU.
[y/n] HONEY??
[y/n] oh my fucking GOD I SEE MY GIANT ASS HEADS
[tyler] i got that dawg in me
[tyler] woof. (with rizz)
you were smiling at me like you wanted more i think you're the one i've never seen before
"i want to go home." she whispered, her voice almost getting lost amongst the sounds of the bustling party if it wasn't for the way tyler focused on only her. he was so attentive that he'd be hyper fixated on her whenever she'd take a breath.
"everything okay, baby?" tyler asked quietly, taking her cup away from her and setting both of their cups down on the windowsill beside them. he guided her to wrap her arms around his neck before pulling her in by her waist and ducking his head so that she could speak directly into his ear.
the two of them had come far from being eighth graders waiting by a playground for their parents to pick them up. they were now sophomores juniors in high school, if we consider the fact that sophomore year just ended and they were now at a grad party for a friend of tyler's that had just graduated high school. tyler had gotten significantly taller, and his voice had deepened in a delicious manner that sent y/n's head reeling whenever he'd talk to her. y/n for the most part had stayed the same, but the baby fat on her face had started to slim down and tyler tried his best not to let his gaze trail down further to where she had began to look more... womanly... for lack of better words.
they hadn't ever talked about the way their relationship started. from what was once something that y/n had entered to spite her parents had now blossomed into a full blown relationship with tyler that she cherished above everything else in the world. and for tyler? well, the boy had always had a little crush on y/n whether he wanted to acknowledge it or not, and now that she is his, tyler couldn't be any happier.
and the best part? no one knew but them. well, people had speculations and they'd whisper, but y/n and tyler would only ever be so touchy at parties. at school, they didn't even talk to each other because of their different social circles and classes. and when they were asked what they were to each other...
"oh, yeah. she's/he's been my friend since elementary school." followed by either a "my parents told him to make sure i stay safe at parties, that's why he's always with me." or a "we all know she's too innocent for the party life. i gotta make sure no one taints her, you know?" depending on who was answering.
"you know how you stepped away to get us drinks?" she asked softly, feeling him nod his head. y/n took a deep breath, stepping closer to tyler and feeling his arms wrap around her waist. "that dude to the right of us in the flannel walked by me and full on grabbed my ass."
tyler didn't know if it was the disco lighting, but he suddenly saw red at y/n's words and he felt as though he sobered up in a second. his head snapped in the other boy's direction, his jaw clenching and his eyebrows furrowing in concentration as he made out the stranger's frame. tyler pulled her closer to him until she was completely pressed against his front, dipping his head back down to ask her, "what else did he do?"
tyler noted how the other boy had glanced over at where he and y/n stood once he returned, and now tyler knew why. it was taking everything in him to not walk over there right now and plant his fist square in his- "well, he didn’t do anything else besides that. i guess i should be more specific about how he did it though. he like... you know the thing you do? where you put your hand in my back pocket and spin me into a kiss? yeah he tried that and tried smooth talking his way with me. i don't think he was gonna back off until he got pulled away by those two girls he's talking to right now."
if looks could kill, tyler was certain that he'd have burned a hole through the boy's chest and killed him without even needing the other boy to notice the murderous look in his gaze. "can i punch him?"
"i'm not joking. he fucking touched you, y/n." tyler rested his hands firmly on her hips so he could pull her back from him. he held her gaze, and it as then that y/n could feel her heart get caught in her throat.
tyler looked more than ready to kill for her. she had never seen him this angry before, and if she was being honest, her body seemed to have quite the reaction. "just one." she breathed out before she could even think about the consequences of unleashing tyler on the poor, unsuspecting boy who had made the mistake of trying to hit on the wrong girl.
she had already felt slow because of the alcohol in her system, but y/n was certain that even if she was sober, she still wouldn't have been able to process the next minute. "don't fucking touch girls without their consent, asshole!" tyler's voice rang throughout the house, so loud that it could be heard over the blaring music. the next sound that followed was a loud smack as tyler's fist collided with the boy's jaw and laid him out flat on the floor. before she knew it, tyler was already dragging her out of the house while people around them were whispering: "do we call an ambulance?" "he's out cold..." "man, it's a good thing i didn't shoot my shot with her. i would have been in that position." "he's sorta hot for doing that, isn't he?" "that's tyler? no wonder why he's popular with the ladies."
"let's get you home, baby." tyler muttered into the air as he walked down the street to where his car was parked, his hand still tightly holding hers as he practically dragged her along with him.
"wait, slow down." she begged.
he grunted out in frustration, turning on his heel and sweeping the girl off of her feet. tyler carried her bridal style the rest of the way to his car. "i'm fucking pissed. little boy thinks he can touch up on my girl? god, i'm sorry for leaving you alone, baby. never again, i promise." he angrily huffed as he set her down on her feet once they reached his car.
"you're sorta hot when you're angry." she admitted softly as tyler unlocked his car. he was about to open the passenger side door for y/n when she suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck to stop him. she stared up at him, her eyes wide and her lips pulled into a soft smile. “it’s like i have scary dog privileges.” she giggled, crinkles forming by her eyes as her smile grew wider.
his hands were quick to find her waist, feeling his breath get caught in his throat as the moonlight hit her just right to give her a slight sparkle in her eyes. and suddenly, his anger had faded away just as quickly as it arose, replaced with the need to have her in that moment. “we’re not in a rush to go home, right?” he asked softly. he tapped his finger against her side, a sign for her to hop up and wrap her legs around his waist. he hooked his arms under her knees to support her once she did so, and he pinned her to the side of his car.
a blush rose to her cheeks, craning her head to the side as tyler’s lips pressed against the side of her neck. “you know the rules. as long as you get me back before my parents wake up.” she whispered into the air, her eyes fluttering shut as he suckled against her skin.
“that’s more than enough time.” he mumbled against her as he pulled away from her neck so that he could crash his lips against hers.
i want you to know, i love you the most i'll always be there right by your side ‘cause baby, you’re always in my mind just give me your forever (give me your forever)
[y/n] IM SORRY??
[tyler] i accept your apology
[y/n] ugh, weirdo
[tyler] helping with your nerves, mamas?
[y/n] a little
[y/n] do you remember when you first called me mamas
[tyler] of course
[tyler] on your 18th birthday
[tyler] and i got to fuck you raw for the first time because we were both like "AH FUCK IT WE'RE 18, IF WE HAVE A BABY THEN OH WELLL"
[tyler] but then we bought the plan b beforehand just to make sure we wouldn't make a baby
[tyler] s tier sex by the way
[tyler] no, i called you mamas while fucking you
[tyler] and you nearly came from me just calling you mamas even though i just put it in
[y/n] i do not recall
[y/n] this is fake news
[tyler] ok if we're talking nonsexual
[tyler] then yes it was after
[tyler] after you came back to your senses once i filled you to the brim
[tyler] they're about to find out that i've been fucking their daughter for years and raw dogging her too.
[tyler] also, i'm already sporting a semi out here
[tyler] thinking about how shy you got after i called you mamas when you came down from your high
[tyler] how giggly you got
[tyler] so happy and fucked out
[tyler] never stopped calling you mamas after that, and no matter how many times i call you mamas, you still have the same reaction
[tyler] you're blushing and smiling right now, aren't you?
[y/n] SHUT UP
[tyler] if i remember correctly, i think i told you "you feel amazing, mamas.” the very first time i called you mamas
[tyler] but then after i got you cleaned up and dressed, i told you “i love you, mamas” and you literally melted in my arms it was so cute
[y/n] you remember all this but god forbid you remember where you parked your car in a packed parking garage
[tyler] that's not important
[tyler] i worship you
[tyler] i commit everything that is about you or involves you to my memory
[y/n] there aren't enough words in the universe to explain how much i love you
[tyler] just give me your forever. that’ll be enough.
[tyler] i love you mamas
[y/n] i love you too, honey
[y/n] i can’t wait to spend forever with you
i want you to know that you’ll be the one and i’ll be the guy who’ll be on his knees to say i love you and i need you and say i’d die for you (just give me your forever)
he was kneeling between her spread legs, one of his hands rested on her hip and the other wrapped around his length as he pumped himself slowly. their chests rose and fell in time as breathy sighs filled the room. tyler lined himself up with her entrance, keeping his gaze locked with hers as he spread her arousal over his tip. he pushed in slightly, just so that his tip was nestled in her warmth. the slight intrusion making y/n’s eyebrows furrow together.
he leaned over her body, his hands reaching for hers so he could lace their fingers together as he kept her hands pinned to the pillow besides her head. he held her gaze as he pressed his hips flush against hers slowly, his jaw dropping open at the feeling of her walls clinging around him without a thin layer of latex separating them. once he bottomed out, he stayed there for a moment, his eyes threatening to shut as he felt her walls pulse around his length.
“you feel amazing, mamas.” he whispered, the new pet name falling from his lips so effortlessly. and suddenly, y/n was bucking her hips up against his and squeezing his hands tightly, her mouth dropping with a drawled out whine that tyler knew all too well. he grunted, feeling the familiar feeling of her walls convulsing around him, but the experience had been heightened with the lack of protection separating them. “fuck, you like that, don’t you? you like being called mamas.” he mumbled, pressing a quick gentle kiss to her cheek. tyler pulled out until just his tip was left in her before snapping his hips back into hers.
“feels so good, daddy. give me more.” she moaned out softly, her legs wrapping around his waist as if to pull him in deeper into her.
tyler repeatedly thrusted himself into her, picking up speed as he felt her legs begin to quiver at his sides. he glanced down between their bodies, catching a glimpse of the slick wetness that coated his length whenever he’d pull out of her. his gaze snapped back up to hers as he felt her legs squeeze at his sides in warning. “already close, mamas? daddy’s just getting started.” he grunted over her breathy moans, adjusting his position slightly so he could directly hit her g-spot. when a particularly load moan was pulled from her throat, tyler covered her mouth with his own to swallow her moans.
she knew that fucking without a condom would feel different, but she didn’t expect it to feel like this. y/n could feel the drag of his length inside of her with every thrust, and she struggled to kiss him back. instead, she was focused on the way she could actually feel his length pulsing inside her, and the way the head of his cock kissed her cervix with every thrust.
it wasn’t long before she was shaking her him, her hands squeezing his hands tightly as she moaned loudly against his mouth. her walls clenched down on his length tightly, and the feeling was so intense that tyler had moaned against her mouth. he pulled away from her mouth, focusing on chasing his own high as he let go of one of her hands to guide her to rest her legs up on his shoulders. tyler folded her in half with his body weight, his hand finding hers again as he jackhammered into her.
“you’re such a good bitch for daddy. cumming all over my fucking cock. fuck, i’m so close.” he gasped out, his hands squeezing hers tightly as the familiar knot in his stomach began to tighten. “beg for me, mamas. beg for daddy to fill you up.”
“please daddy. please cum in me. i can’t take it anymore, it’s too much. i just want your cum in me. please daddy.” y/n cried out as she begged for tyler, her back arching off the mattress as he continuously rammed himself into her. tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as her body continued to shake under him with every thrust sending waves of pleasure through her body. “breed me, daddy.”
with a few more thrusts, tyler was burying his face in the crook of her neck, spilling his seed into her with a whimper as his hips sporadically continued to buck into her with each rope of cum that painted her walls.
eventually, he stilled and the two of them were left breathing heavily in time as he fell limp against her body, letting go of her hands so he could hook his arms under her body and wrap them completely around her mid-section.
she wasn’t given a moment to catch her breath before tyler was already pulling out of her and flipping her around. “face down, ass up, mamas. you didn’t think i was just gonna fill you once and be done, did you?” he asked from behind her, helping her lift her hips up and get on her knees. his hand trailed along her spine, watching the way she instinctively arched her back and pushed her hips back against him. “you asked daddy to breed you, so that’s exactly what daddy’s going to do.”
“i feel it dripping.” she whined out in complaint, biting down on her bottom lip to bite back a scream as tyler’s hand came down roughly on her ass.
“don’t worry, mamas. i’ll fuck it back into you.” he grunted, reaching for her hands and pinning them behind her back. tyler watched as his cum continued to drip out of her and onto the mattress, the sight instantly making his head foggy with lust. he rubbed his fingers over her clit, watching as the girl’s pulled away from him from overstimulation. he laughed as he pressed his other hand on the small of her back to keep her in place as he continued to rub circles over her clit, collecting more of his dripping cum on to his fingers.
“oh god.” she cried out as tyler pushed two of his fingers into her, curling them right up into her g-spot.
tyler thrusted his fingers in and out of her, his other hand smacking her ass roughly as she tried to crawl further up along the bed away from him. “god’s not here.” he grunted, grabbing at her thigh to keep her from crawling away from him as he scissored his fingers inside of her and making her cry out in pleasure. “cry all you want, bitch. he can’t save you now.” he huffed as he pushed his cum deeper into her, eventually pulling his fingers out of her and lining his cock with her entrance before ramming himself into her once again.
she didn’t know how many times she came that night, or how many times tyler had filled her up. all she knew was that this is the closest to ascending to the heavens that she’d feel in this lifetime. her whole body felt light and tingly, and a fuzzy feeling fogged up her head in the best way possible. a light smile was permanently etched on her face and tyler would tell her that she’d have the most beautiful after-sex glow that he’s seen on her.
he dressed her up after he cleaned her with a towel and gave her the plan b to take. afterwards, tyler peppered kisses over her every inch of her still exposed skin, whispering praises as he did so. and when he made it back up her body and hovered over her, tyler caught her lips in a gentle kiss and kissed her languish manner.
he pulled away and laid down beside her, pulling her into his chest and pulling her blanket over their bodies before wrapping his arms around her frame. “i love you, mamas. happy birthday.” he whispered into her hair before pressing a kiss to the top of her head. tyler smiled as he felt her melt in his arms, her body falling limp against his as her arm draped across his midsection.
she lifted her head, pushing herself up to peck his lips before falling flat against him and closing her eyes. “i love you, honey.” she whispered, her voice hoarse from screaming and moaning into her pillow because she couldn’t hold back her moans by the time tyler was fucking her through her third orgasm.
the next day, after tyler would pick her up just a few hours after sneaking out of her room once she had fallen asleep, he’d laugh in her face as she’d pull out her phone to read the message she typed out for him. “i lost my voice so i can’t talk.” she‘d slap his arm playfully in response, but she’d still smile as he greeted her with a kiss when he was at a stop sign away from her house.
“you should call me mamas more.” was the next message she typed out for him as they were waiting to be seated at a restaurant with her friend group that tyler didn’t know all too well.
“i wasn’t planning on stopping.” he typed back his response before sneakily handing her phone back to her so that her friends wouldn’t see the exchange between them.
as far as her friends were concerned, tyler was tagging along because he’d known y/n the longest out of them and she wanted him to be there. they didn’t mind, because tyler never seemed to talk much during these birthday breakfasts for y/n, and because of that, it made it easy for them to continue on with their antics.
they did, however, find it odd that whenever y/n wanted to speak but couldn’t because she somehow lost her voice - it was tyler who she’d have read out her typed messages.
i never knew it would be possible for you to be with me ‘cause you loved someone else back in ‘73 i was so jealous seeing you with him
[tyler] i can’t wait to put a giant rock on your finger
[tyler] so that when you go to your next 5sos concert, luke hemmings will know you’re taken
[y/n] you’re still on this ??
[y/n] it was like first year of college when i had a massive 5sos phase
[y/n] that’s already so long ago
[tyler] ok and
[tyler] every time you talked to me about how hot luke was, i thought you meant an actual dude you knew named luke that you met here in college that i just didn’t know about.
[y/n] i literally told you it was 5sos luke
[tyler] no you didn’t
[y/n] YES I DID
[y/n] i do think it’s funny that
[y/n] you snapped at me while pacing in a parking lot at the arena
[tyler] it is very funny, i’ll admit that
[tyler] it’s still on sight if i see him too, btw. you better hope i don’t see him when i’m out in la
[y/n] honey
[y/n] i only need you
[tyler] that’s right, mamas
[tyler] you only need me.
oh, baby, i know that i can treat you better back in those nights oh, you wouldn’t cry from his stupid lies oh, baby, i was there watching wishing you to be mine
“luke this. luke that. who the fuck is luke?” tyler finally snapped as he ran his fingers through his hair, frustration laced in his voice as he paced back and forth outside of the arena where all of the aew talent’s rental cars were parked. he was dressed in only a pair of sweats, having been previously getting warmed up and pumped up for his appearance tonight when y/n suddenly called him and he excused himself to answer her.
he’d always answer her. unless he was working, then tyler would simply call her back as soon as he could. even though her calls would range from “serious” reasons to call him (such as, what he’d like for a holiday gift, when he was coming home and if he needed a ride, letting him know she was flying out for a show etc.) to simply telling him about her day or complaining about something that troubled her or just random thoughts she wanted to tell him, tyler would always answer.
between training to wrestle and shadowing his dad and following him on the road with aew, tyler wasn’t home often and he suddenly went from seeing y/n everyday to seeing her once or twice a week. this was the main reason why tyler would always make it a point to answer her calls.
however, for the past week, tyler has been hearing nothing else besides stuff about this luke person and “how hot he sounds” and “ugh i miss when he had his lip piercing.”
he wouldn’t ever think y/n was cheating on him. after all, she was speaking so openly about this luke person that tyler knew that it couldn’t have been someone she was seeing behind his back. but for the life of him, tyler couldn’t remember who the fuck luke was in her friend circle and he thought he knew all of their names.
when the line fell silent on the other end, tyler let out a huff, “hello? love, you still there?”
it was then that he heard her chuckle on the other end of the phone, and she asked him, “woah there angry man. you don’t remember?”
she knew tyler would only ever call her “love” if he was irritated. it was his way of letting her know that although he was most definitely irritated, he still loves her and that she shouldn’t question his feelings for her during their argument.
“clearly i don’t, and for the past week you won’t fucking shut up about this luke guy. do i need to remind you that the only man you need in your life is me?” tyler paused for a moment, even taking a second to stop in his tracks as he ran his own words over in his head. “well, and the other men in your family… and your close friends… but that’s besides the point.” he grunted before continuing to pace back and forth, his hand repeatedly smoothing and ruffling his hair out of habit.
“honey, what do i want for christmas?” she asked him, trying to help him jog his memory.
“ugh. those concert tickets for that one band you’ve liked since middle school.” he answered quickly, reminding himself to make sure he got the time off for when the concert date rolled around so he could tag along with her.
“smart boy. now, what’s the band called?” she asked again, and tyler could practically hear the wide smile that adorned her face.
“fuck if i remember. something with time and a season.” he grunted, stopping in his tracks and pinching the bridge of his nose. tyler squeezed his eyes shut as if it’d assist him in thinking harder.
“5 seconds of summer.” she answered for him with a hum, “i’m going to assume you don’t remember the names of the members even though i’ve pointed at them individually and told you there names and forced you to listen to all their songs with me.”
“why the fuck would i remember shit like that? i remember stuff about you like how these 5 seconds of summer guys are your favorite band. that doesn’t mean i have to remember who they are.” tyler groaned out, feeling his irritation start to bubble over. “where are you even going with this?”
“luke’s the lead singer. remember? the blonde one with the hair like you but he actually knows what a comb is.”
tyler fell silent at her words, and he felt his irritation shift into something else unrecognizable that made his entire body run cold. he opened his eyes and let his hand drop from his nose as he resumed his pacing. “i know what a fucking comb is, mamas.” he grunted, and it was then that y/n blessed his ears with a whole-hearted laugh that had tyler grinning.
y/n apologized softly, “sorry for talking your ear off about him, honey. they released a new-”
“released a new album and you’re very excited about it and judging by how much you’ve been talking about him, you’ve probably gone on your little fangirl spree and watched a bunch of videos, yeah i know.” he finished for her, and he heard her gasp out a soft “ok, maybe you know me a little too well” that had him chuckling. “sorry about getting all snappy with you, mamas. i thought you were talking about some dude you met.”
“what was the thing you said earlier? the only man i need is you?” y/n asked, although she already knew the answer.
“yeah.” he answered.
“you’re right, honey. when it comes to my partner for life, the only man that i need is you. i love you. i’m sorry if i made you feel insecure.” y/n’s tone changed. her voice grew soft as if to let tyler know that she truly was sorry for making tyler feel irritated and potentially insecure with her rambling about another man to him without clarifying that the man she was talking about was simply a celebrity.
“i love you, mamas. and for the record, i’m not insecure. i’m sure i can take that luke guy on anyway. i beat people up for a living.” tyler defended himself as he made his way back inside the arena.
her laugh coming through the speakers was enough for a wide dimpled smile to stretch across his face.
i want you to know, i love you the most i’ll always be there right by your side ‘cause baby, you’re always in my mind just give me your forever (give me your forever)
[y/n] the period at the end of the sentence scares me
[y/n] in like a
[y/n] “i can hear you say it in my head all possessively and i’d really like to kiss you right now” way
[tyler] good
[tyler] i’d love that
[tyler] too bad you’re about to get your diploma and i finally get to post you
[y/n] post me?
[tyler] it’s sitting in my drafts right now
[tyler] on all my social medias
[y/n] lies you only use instagram and tiktok but your tiktok is private and you’ve already posted me on there since i’m your only follower
[tyler] as i said, all my social medias
[y/n] wait i wanna see before you post
[tyler] respectfully, no.
[tyler] i can’t wait to tell the world about you
[tyler] the girls in my dms are about to have a field day
[y/n] LMAO
[y/n] you literally posting an average looking woman on your insta while you have literal models in your dms
[tyler] tf you mean average
[tyler] you’re beautiful mamas
[y/n] you tell me everyday, honey
[y/n] do yk the adam sandler speech?
[tyler] jog my memory for me
[y/n] “i’d like to give a shoutout to my fellow nominees, who will now be known as the guys who lost to adam fucking sandler”
[tyler] classic
[y/n] that’s how i’m going to feel once you post me and all the girls and guys who were tryna shoot their shot at you realize you have a girlfriend
[tyler] LMAO
[tyler] didn’t you also feel that way that one time
[tyler] see, i don’t even remember her name
[y/n] i do
[y/n] her face when she realized that you weren’t lying about having a girlfriend
[y/n] and then the double take after seeing my average ass
[tyler] not average
[tyler] you’re the most stunning woman in the world
[tyler] that’s why she did a double take
[y/n] ok yeah let’s ignore her snobby ass “you’re dating her” with the disgusting tone when she referred to me
[tyler] she can’t see properly with all the cum in her eyes from all the dudes she blows just to feel wanted
[y/n] TYLER
[tyler] what
[y/n] you’re so mean
[tyler] you love it when i’m mean
[y/n] yeah to ME in BED not to OTHER PEOPLE
[tyler] damn
[tyler] that sucks
[tyler] i hate humans
i want you to know that you’ll be the one and i’ll be the guy who’ll be on his knees to say i love you and i need you and say i’d die for you (just give me your forever)
senior ditch day happened to fall on the week before graduation. their class had decided to all go to a beach that was about an hour out from town. y/n and tyler had planned to hang out with their respective friend groups, but made it a plan to come back to the beach during the summer for their own date - preferably when their entire senior class wasn’t there.
their groups ended up next to each others on the beach, which tyler and y/n clearly didn’t mind because they could admire each other from afar. while tyler’s large friend group set up the large canopy they brought as well as laying out various towels and setting up tables, y/n’s small friend group was putting together their cozy beach pop-up tent complete with fairy lights and multiple towels for them to lay on.
later on, while her friends were all off towards the ocean, y/n had stayed behind to watch their stuff and just lay on her beach towel and rest. tyler’s friends all seemed to have the same idea, all of them already running off to the water with various water guns and other toys. y/n had let them know that she could watch their stuff for them and they were all game.
it had only been about 5 minutes since everyone left when tyler would return - still damp and covered in sand from having jumped into the ocean. “hey pretty lady, this seat taken?” he asked, gesturing to the spot beside y/n as she pushed herself up on her forearms slightly.
she smiled, laying back down and patting the spot beside her for tyler to join her. “it isn’t, but i’ll have you know: my boyfriend kills people.” she warned.
tyler laughed, laying down beside her and scooting in further so that he’d be under the shade. he lifted her head, sliding his arm under her head before setting it back down. “damn really?” he asked, watching her nod her head.
“why aren’t you out with your friends? i offered to watch your guys’ stuff, you know.” she said, turning her head towards tyler to find the man already looking at her.
“hailey got annoying.” he admitted with a sigh. “she ‘slipped’ and ‘lost her footing’ or whatever and fell on me and we both fell to the ground. which, you know, would have been fine if it was actually an accident, but when i tried to get up, she was practically trying to push me down and then i noticed she was trying to kiss me. so, i pushed her off, said i had a girlfriend and came back here.” tyler grunted.
y/n had known of her, but she had yet to put a face to the name. with hailey’s advances towards tyler, she had heard a lot about the girl. “which one is she?” she asked as she looked out at the area where hers and tyler’s friends mingled.
“uh.” tyler followed her gaze. “the one that is angrily walking over right now.”
“tyler! what do you mean you have a girlfriend? i asked the boys and they all said that you don’t have one!” hailey screamed while tyler and y/n sat up. tyler sighed, feeling y/n tense up beside him. he glanced over at y/n before looking up at hailey. “do you mind? i’m trying to have a talk with tyler here.” hailey suddenly turned her attention to y/n, who seemed like she wanted to be anywhere but here.
before tyler could speak, y/n rolled her eyes and said, “whatever you want to talk to him about, you can say it in front of me.”
“what does it matter to you? it’s a private serious conversation between tyler and i. tyty, let’s go somewhere else to talk.” hailey spat, taking a step towards tyler and reaching for his hand before y/n quite literally smacked her hand away.
“it matters what you want to talk to my boyfriend about without me being there.” y/n fired back, her eyebrows furrowing in anger as she stared up at hailey.
tyler knew better than to get between a cat fight, so he simply kept his mouth shut and slung his arm over y/n’s shoulders to pull her into his side in silent support.
hailey looked between the two of them, switching between staring at y/n’s fiery gaze to where tyler wasn’t even meeting her eyes because he had buried his face into the side of y/n’s neck to hide his amusement. “you’re dating her?” she gasped out, something like disgust dripping down her chin as she addressed y/n. “tyler are you blind? she’s a fucking nerd who doesn’t even know the first difference between lip oil and lip tint. tyler, you’re far too good looking to be with someone like her!”
y/n looked over hailey, acknowledging that the girl was near model status and could easily make it big if she got scouted out. “it’s sad that you got so angry over finding out your crush is dating me that you had to go after my looks because you know you lose in every other category.” she sighed, offering hailey a sad apologetic smile. “look, sorry or whatever it is you want to hear from me. but tyler’s been my boyfriend since the eighth grade and i don’t have any plans on breaking up with him at all. what about you, honey?” she suddenly asked tyler.
he shook his head, pulling his face away from her neck so he could smile at her. “hell no, the fuck? i’d be a fucking idiot to let the most stunning girl in the world go.” he hummed, knowing that it’d piss off hailey more.
y/n rested her head on tyler’s shoulder, watching as hailey seemed to lull over her thoughts in her own head. “fine. what can i do then to prove that i’m better than her?” hailey asked, seemingly determined to get with tyler.
“nothing.” tyler answered quickly. “there’s no one better than y/n for me. but i know people have their opinions and that’s why no one knows yet that it’s her i’m dating. she doesn’t deserve this shit that you’re giving her right now just because you think she doesn’t fit me based off of looks alone. although, i do suppose it‘s a good way of weeding out the fake bitches that i call my ‘friends’.” he paused once he saw a flicker of guilt seem to wash over hailey, before it was quickly replaced by the anger that was once there. “look, hailey, if you truly are my friend then you’d walk away right now and leave us be. i’m happy with y/n and in every universe, even if i were to meet someone first or if there was someone else in the picture, i know that i’d choose y/n every time.”
hailey looked between the two of them again, and this time it was y/n who had her face buried in tyler’s neck to hide the blush that had crept up on her face. “whatever.” she huffed, rolling her eyes and flipping off tyler. “your fucking loss. i hope the two of you last for another two weeks.” she swore before she stormed off, heading back towards the group so that she could get her mind off of being so wholeheartedly rejected by tyler.
“you know that one adam sandler speech?” y/n broke the silence that fell over them once hailey left. she pulled her face away from tyler’s neck, cupping his cheek and turning his head so that he could look at her.
“which one?” tyler asked, leaning in so that he could peck her lips quickly.
“the one after he won that award” she answered, smiling as tyler repeatedly pecked her lips.
“oh yeah, you show it to me all the time.” he hummed, his arm dropping to wrap around her waist as he hauled her into his lap.
“that’s how i feel right now, knowing that you’d choose me even though you have drop dead gorgeous girls willing to take my spot.” she admitted, straddling him and wrapping her arms around his neck as his free hand cupped her breast over the fabric of the bikini she wore.
“they’re pretty and all, but they’re nothing compared to you, mamas.” he whispered. “you look so fucking good in this bikini. the guys won’t stop staring over at you whenever you walk by. they keep asking me why i’m gatekeeping my ‘hot nerd friend’ and all of your other hot nerd friends when they ask me to introduce them to you guys and i say no.” he mumbled before pressing his lips against hers and kneading her breast to make her gasp against his lips. he glided his tongue across hers, swallowing her soft moans as he let his hand reach under her bikini top.
she giggled, pulling away from his lips and opening her eyes to look at him. “we’re in public, honey.” she scolded him, watching a pout form on his lips as his hand dropped from her breast to circle both of his arms around her waist. he dipped his head, pressing a kiss between her breasts and pulling his head away after. “also, i don’t get it. the girls in your group are way prettier.”
tyler shook his head. “different aesthetics. the girls in my group are your average mainstream hot girls in those teen movies.” he muttered. “but you? hot sexy nerdy girl with an ass and tits that’s finally being shown off because all you usually wear are sweats and a baggy ass hoodie. you’ve just got a different aesthetic. the guys and i have a type, and we all agree that hot nerdy girls are the best.” he mumbled, leaning up to kiss her cheek. “too bad i’ve got the baddest bitch of them all, though. isn’t that right, mamas?”
she leaned down to peck his lips before shuffling off of his lap and standing up. “all yours, daddy.” she muttered just loud enough for tyler to hear. the cocky dimpled grin that tugged at his lips had let her know that he did hear it. y/n held her hand out for him to take, helping him stand up before letting their hands drop. “i’m not driving and my friends don’t drink. think you can pour me a shot before everyone comes back?”
tyler laughed, wrapping his arm around her waist to pull her in for another kiss while his hand fell down further to grab her ass. “anything for you, mamas. want me to mix you something up, too? i just learned how to make a lychee drink just for you since i know you love lychee.”
do you remember? i was on the aisle waiting for you, babe
[y/n] oh shit they’re gonna hand out the diplomas
[y/n] fucking finally
[y/n] 4 years and thousands of dollars to walk across a stage, get a piece of paper and shake some hands!!!
[tyler] i’ll make sure to scream so loud i lose my voice tomorrow
[y/n] don’t you have work
[tyler] mamas
[tyler] i don’t even talk for tv most of the time
[y/n] true
[tyler] thank god you’re near the beginning, i ain’t sitting through all these other fuckers
[tyler] i just want to kiss you already
[tyler] my pretty mamas
[y/n] SHUT UP
[y/n] putting my phone away now!
[y/n] take lots of pictures and videos for me
[y/n] thank you for being my number one supporter
[y/n] i love you so much, tyler
[tyler] i love you the most, y/n
[tyler] and for the record
[tyler] i’m your number one supporter for more reasons than just being your boyfriend
[tyler] if it wasn’t for you
[tyler] god knows where i’d be right now
[tyler] thank you for supporting me even though i’m a college dropout who’s trying to make it big in wrestling
[tyler] congratulations, my forever lover
[tyler] i’ll see you soon
saw you in your gown i was crying all my tears i told myself that you are the one (you are the one)
tyler didn’t know why he suddenly felt emotional, but seeing her hug her parents with her diploma grasped tightly in her hands while she still had her cap, gown, and stole on was doing something to him. he wiped away a tear that had suddenly fell from his eyes and shifted awkwardly on his feet as he waited for her to greet him.
“are you crying, tyler?” she asked as soon as she let go of her parents and turned her attention to tyler.
“just a little.” he admitted with a laugh, spreading his arms out wide for her as she jumped into his arms. he wrapped his arms around her midsection as she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. he spun her in a circle, burying his face in the crook of her neck. “i’m so fucking proud of you, mamas. congratulations.” he mumbled into her neck before setting her back down on her feet gently.
“thank you, honey.” she whispered, unwrapping her arms from around his neck and taking a step back from him. she turned to face her parents who were already looking at them questioning what they just saw. “mom, dad. do you want to take photos? my boyfriend can take them for us.”
before she could give them time to react, y/n was already shoving her phone into tyler’s hands and taking her spot back between her parents. she threw her arms over their shoulders and pulled them closer to her, smiling widely with a loud “cheese” while her parents simply stared at her and screamed “boyfriend?”
the flash of her phone camera caught their attention, and soon they were all smiling and going through a variety of different poses while tyler took their picture.
“how long have you and tyler been dating? i thought he is just your best friend?” her dad asked beside her while they posed.
“since eighth grade.” y/n answered sheepishly.
her parents echoed her words loudly, both of their heads snapping to look towards her while tyler held back a laugh as he captured the moment.
“i got my degree in the end, didn’t i? he wasn’t a distraction at all.” y/n pointed out, reminding her parents of the rule they set. she grinned widely as tyler continued counting down “3, 2, 1” as if it were a mantra between each photo he took.
a moment of silence fell over them that left y/n feeling uneasy while her parents seemed to think over her words. it was her mom that’d cut through the silence. “she’s right, darling. we can’t say anything now. our baby’s all grown up, has her degree, and now we don’t have to worry about taking care of her anymore, she has her own man.” her mom laughed, hooking her arm with y/n’s and resting her head on her shoulder.
y/n’s dad sighed in defeat, standing behind them and wrapping his arms around the both of them. he rested his head on top of theirs and said, “at least it’s tyler. the kid isn’t too bad, and he’s already making money and doing his own thing. you just come to me if he starts any trouble.”
y/n giggled, turning around in her parents arms after tyler snapped the photo so that she could hug them. it certainly went better than she pictured, as she expected her parents to put up a little more of a fight rather than give up so easily. she felt them hug her back and she sighed in relief. “i’m going to be honest. i thought you guys would kill me for keeping him from you for so long.”
“if you told us this at your high school graduation, then we would have definitely sent you far away for college even if you didn’t want to go.” her dad admitted with a laugh. “but your mother’s right. we don’t have a say in who you date now. the rule was that you couldn’t date until you got your degree from college because you’d get distracted and fail school. but you managed to graduate all while having a boyfriend and proved us wrong, so who are we to suddenly break you two apart?” he continued, pulling away from the hug and taking his wife’s hand in his.
her mom looked over at tyler who had stopped taking photos to pull off the hoodie he wore and was in the process of shoving the hoodie into his backpack he always had. she laughed, covering her mouth with her hand and nudging her husband with her elbow. “darling, look at tyler.”
y/n and her dad both looked at tyler’s direction just as he slung his backpack back over his shoulders, a wide smile on his face as he proudly wore his “i love my girlfriend” shirt with a photo of y/n on the front. “honey, what is that?” y/n screamed, her face burning red with embarrassment.
“my new favorite shirt.” he answered without missing a beat. he took a step forward, holding out y/n’s phone for her dad to take and his own phone for her mom to take. “can you take our photos, please?” he asked, already reaching for the signs of y/n’s heads so that they could pose with them. he thrusted one of the signs into y/n’s hands before wrapping his arm around her shoulders and guiding her to step back with him.
y/n’s mom happily got into the rhythm of taking photos for the two as they posed, clearly having been silently hoping for years that tyler wasn’t just her daughter’s “best friend”. mother knows best, after all, and y/n’s mom wasn’t a stranger to the way tyler has been treating her daughter. she’ll admit she did find it odd when her daughter was in middle school that tyler would always be with her when she came to pick her up, and had once caught a whiff of weed in the air that she knew just had to come from the strange boy. but as tyler seemed to become a permanent fixture in y/n’s friends that she’d hang out with in high school, she chose not to bring it up again simply because she knew her daughter was still at the top of her class. she also chose not to make it known that she had once peeked out the window when she knew tyler was dropping y/n home after asking to take her out with him for his birthday dinner and just so happened to see them kiss in his car.
y/n’s dad on the other hand hesitated for a moment, simply taking the time to observe the way the two interacted. he had never wanted to assume anything was going on between them in the years he had known tyler, and y/n was still excelling in her academics in a way that he thought she wouldn’t be able to if she had a boyfriend. clearly, he was wrong. and as he watched tyler carefully handle her as they posed for each photo, he knew he didn’t need to worry. after all, if y/n’s been dating him since eighth grade, he was sure he didn’t have too much to worry about. he taught y/n to never settle for less, after all. “let’s get a photo of you two kissing so i can post it on facebook and give everyone in the family a heart attack.” he called out as he stood beside his wife, pulling up y/n’s phone to snap a photo as the younger couple stared at each other with red faces.
y/n’s mom cheered loudly as tyler and y/n kissed for the photo, tyler’s arm circling around her waist and dipping her as y/n’s hand came up to cup his cheek.
i want you to know, i love you the most i’ll always be there right by your side ‘cause baby, you’re always in my mind just give me your forever (give me your forever)
“straight to my house, tyler. no funny business. do i make myself clear?” y/n’s dad asked, his hand still firmly gripping tyler’s hand. although tyler was taller than him, tyler couldn’t help but feel as though he were six feet shorter just from the way he knew that if he fucked up now, the older man would certainly have his head on a stick… literally.
“yes, sir. no funny business.” tyler reassured him, ignoring the giggles from the two women that were standing behind him.
the four of them were all in the parking garage, already ready to head home so that they could continue the celebration with family that was already waiting at y/n’s house. y/n had asked if she could have tyler drive her to their house, and after a little hesitation, her dad agreed.
y/n was already showing her mom all the photos she and tyler had taken together throughout the years, and her mom wouldn’t stop gushing over the fact that her daughter had such a handsome boyfriend who was making a name for himself in the wrestling business. tyler eventually walked over to them, his hand finding its place on y/n’s hip.
“drive safely, tyler.” y/n’s mom told him, pulling him in for a hug. “see you later, baby! don’t do anything in the car that should be saved for the bedroom.” she teased before going off to join her husband in making their way to their own car.
“fucking finally.” tyler breathed out, turning his full attention to y/n as he planted both of his hands on her hips to pull her against him. he dipped his head down as y/n’s arms came up to wrap around his neck, pulling him down further and meeting him in the middle for a heated kiss. “one pair of parents down, one more to go.” he mumbled against her lips as he backed her up to press her against the side of his car.
she parted her lips, allowing tyler’s tongue to slide against hers and whimpering against him. y/n pulled away, not wanting to let themselves get too carried away. “wanna call them now?” she asked, unwrapping her arms from around his neck so that she could cup his face in her hands instead. she reached up further, running her fingers through tyler’s hair in an attempt to calm the mess, although in all the years she’s been with tyler - she already knew that was nearly impossible.
“no need. already sent them the photos while we were walking here. just waiting for them to reply.” he laughed, leaning in quickly to peck her lips once more before taking a step back. “i’ll post on my instagram tonight. i’m afraid that the longer we stand here kissing and not driving, your dad will actually kill me. i’m certain he was just being nice because there’s so many people here.” tyler said, taking a step back and letting his hands fall from her hips. he waited for her to step out before pulling the door open for her, waiting for her to slide into her seat before shutting the door and jogging around to the other side.
“let’s get you home and celebrate with your family, mamas.” he said as he slid into the drivers seat, quickly starting the car and pulling on his seatbelt.
“at least this time, when my aunts and uncles all ask me if i have a boyfriend, i get to pull you around and be like ‘here he is!’” y/n laughed as tyler leaned over the center console to give her one more kiss before pulling out of the parking spot and driving off. of course, they kissed at every red light and stop sign as they were unable to contain their excitement of being finally able to freely and openly love each other.
i want you to know that you’ll be the one and i’ll be the guy who’ll be on his knees to say i love you and i need you and say i’d die for you (just give me your forever)
tyler had retreated to y/n’s room two hours into the party. after being bombarded with loads of questions from y/n’s relatives, he needed some time for himself. but he also needed to answer his mom and dad’s facetime call, so he used that as an excuse to be up in her room.
“hey mom! hey dad!” tyler greeted as soon as he picked up the call, laying back in y/n’s bed and kicking off his shoes.
“since eighth grade?” taz asked, clearly in disbelief at the fact that tyler had managed to successfully hide his relationship from them for so long. especially since tyler had just started working with him and was on the road with taz.
“yeah. been going strong for years and years. not one break up or nothing. mom taught me how to treat my girl right.” tyler laughed, as he opened up his instagram app, already heading to his drafts so that he could add a few more photos and videos to the post he had already typed up.
“where is she? i miss y/n, i haven’t seen her in so long ever since you started working with your dad. now it makes so much sense why you’d always have her over when we haven’t even met your other friends!” tyler’s mom asked, seemingly happy that her son had a girlfriend that she had already met and thought of highly.
“i feel so dumb. she’d sometimes fly out to our shows and tyler would just be like ‘oh i just miss my best friend, you know. been around her my whole life and now i can’t walk down the street to see her.’ i can’t believe i took that ‘best friend’ story and believed it.” taz gasped out in disbelief.
“she’s downstairs with the rest of her family. i think she’s drinking with her cousins right now. i’m up in her room because her aunts and uncles have been asking me questions nonstop. some of her uncles are apparently fans of you, dad. they went real crazy over it.” tyler hummed. he switched apps to his messaging app and opened up the group chat he had with his parents. “i’m about to post her on my instagram since we can date openly now. i’ve been waiting years to show her off. do you think she’ll be mad if i post this one?” he asked them as he sent a photo of y/n in a sports bra and tyler’s ring gear, with her hands taped and everything. she even had the ftw championship slung over her shoulder, and for effect, her hair was tousled and messy. y/n was pulling off her best “mean mug” face although she was failing horribly.
his parents laughed as soon as they saw the image, and taz joked, “she makes the championship look better than you do.”
“i don’t think she’ll mind, baby. but your dad and i are going to go have dinner now. behave yourself and for the love of god, don’t have a kid. we just found out you have a girlfriend of eight years, we don’t need to be sent to the hospital because we had a heart attack over news of you getting her pregnant.” his mom said.
tyler said his goodbyes to his parents. once the call dropped, he went back to his instagram app to continue editing his post.
“honey? you in here?” y/n’s voice rang throughout the room as she peeked her head in.
“hey mamas. just about to post you. is it cool if i include this photo of you cuddled up against my chest even though there’s a big ass hickey on my collarbone?” he asked, holding up his phone for her to see although she was still in the doorway.
she felt her face heat up as she walked further into the room, shutting the door behind her and sitting at the edge of the bed. “sure, why not? let’s give your die hard fans even more reason to be angry at me.” y/n laughed.
“god, i’m so happy i get to hear that laugh forever. hold these hands forever. kiss these lips forever. love you forever.” tyler admitted softly, his gaze locked with hers as her hand came up to cup his cheek. she leaned in and tyler met her in the middle, capturing her lips in a sweet kiss and tasting the alcohol that lingered on her lips.
he grimaced once she pulled away, his tongue peeking out to swipe at his bottom lip. “what the fuck are you drinking down there? is that jd?” he asked after tasting the alcohol, pushing himself up so that he was sitting up on the bed.
“there’s henny if you want that instead. but come down soon, they’re already asking about you again.” she hummed as tyler’s arm came around her from to wrap around her waist. she leaned into his chest as he kissed her, moaning against him as his tongue wrapped around hers. y/n placed her hands firmly against his chest, pushing him slightly as she pulled away. “later, daddy. if you convince my parents to let you stay the night.”
“even if they didn’t let me, i’ll just sneak back in, mamas.”
just give me your forever
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gyu-effect · 5 months
Actually in line with my request for advice on relationships, if your requests are open, may I please request something sweet involving getting back together after a breakup, with a plan to make things work - so that I can cry and enjoy the fictional delusion instead? Dealers choice on which member
PAIRING || Minghao x Female Reader
GENRES || Angst
WARNINGS || none
WORD COUNT || 0.6k
A/N || i'm genuinely so sorry this took me so much time TT i really thought i would be able to do it quickly but i really wanted to answer your other ask as nicely as i could and publish this at the same time so thats why it took me so much time TT im so so sorry but i hope you enjoy this. i chose minghao cus idk...he seemed to resemble your ex and i hope this is to your liking
TAGLIST || ​@romeosbreastmilk @y00nzin0 @cecedrake2217 @candidupped @ashkuuuu @hanicore @alyssng @weebotakuboy @angelfeverdream @aaniag @sea-moon-star @thepoopdokyeomtouched @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @hrts4hanniehae @amethyistheart @mirxzii [if you want to be added to my taglist, fill in this form!]
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“you came.”
that was the first words that came out of your boyfriend, no ex boyfriend’s lips. no hi, no hello, no how are you doing. just…’you came’, straight to the point.
but you were used to that. you were used to xu minghao being straightforward and clear cut about what he wanted and what he was doing. and surprisingly, that was exactly what you loved about him.
or at least, had loved about him.
but now as you stared back at him resolutely, balling your hands into a fist as it snowed around the two of you, you could feel your entire will power crumbling as he looked at you with regret. 
no, no, y/n! you promised yourself-
“i- i thought you might not-”
“yeah i wasn’t going to.” you cut him off before he could complete his sentence. it was a lie, a very blatant lie but it was better to say that than for him to see the tears that were now beginning to sting your eyes.
“right.” he muttered, looking crestfallen. for the first time since you had met him, you noticed that he looked thinner than he used to be, with dark circles underneath his eyes. he almost looked like he had been going through a rough time himself. and somehow that made your heart clench more painfully. “i deserve that. i’m sorry.”
“i wasn’t-”
“y/n.” he cut you off, taking a step closer to you. “i’m sorry. i’m so sorry.”
you gulped. “why are you sorry?”
tentatively, minghao reached out for your hands and you let him take them, letting the wall you had managed to build crumble away. “i’m sorry because- because it’s my fault that we broke up. i acted so nonchalantly in the relationship-”
“what do you want?” you asked, your voice now trembling very obviously. you were tired of pretending around him, tired of pretending that you were fine about the break up when in reality it had torn you apart. 
minghao’s eyes widened slightly at the sight of your glossy eyes and he moved in even more closer. “when i was away from you, i realised that-” he gulped, “i realised that i- i really missed you. and i missed how much you always took care of me and how you were always beside me. i missed you so much, y/n.”
“why now?” you whispered, causing minghao to shake his head, as he gently brushed away the tear that had fallen down your cheek. “why now, hao? it- it hurt me so much, you know.”
“i- i know, love. i’m so, so sorry. i just didn’t have the courage after that…i’m sorry i’m such a coward.” saying that he took a step back, dropping your hands. “and i’ll understand and respect your decision if you want me to stay away from you. but y/n, i just wanted to tell you that…i love you. i really, really love you. i’ve hurt you and i’ve broken your heart and i’ll- i’ll try my level best to make up for everything i’ve done and i really love you so much y/n. but i understand if you don’t want to get back with me-”
even before he could complete his sentence, you flung your arms around his neck, engulfing him in a hug. minghao immediately wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in even more closer as you buried your face into the crook of his neck, tears flowing down freely now.
“you idiot. you idiot.” you sobbed. “i hate you, hate you, hate you so much! i loved you so much hao, i love you so much.”
“i’m sorry.” he muttered, gently rubbing circles on your back. “i’m so sorry love.” then gently pulling you back slightly so that you could see each other, he said, “i’ll never let you go now. i promise.” he looked at you with such sincere eyes that you found yourself believing all his words. “you better.”
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ijhyo · 1 year
NEWS FLASH! — teaser
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in the months he’s been running through seoul stopping crime as the masked superhero sonic, beomgyu’s managed to keep his identity hidden. that is, until, you ask him to secure an interview with the speedster for the school newspaper. what is meant to be a once off deal results in beomgyu having to spend more time around you, both in the suit and out, as a new threat emerges threatening your safety and the city’s.
PAIRING. superhero choi beomgyu x fem reader
GENRE. superhero au ; college au ; secret identity ; fluff ; slight angst ; reluctant friends to lovers
WARNINGS. swearing ; kidnapping ; injuries ; nsfw jokes reader hates sunghoon so be warned ; action scenes ; mention of panic attacks but no one has one
WORD COUNT. est <20k
FEATURING. yeonjun (txt), sunghoon (enhypen), yeji + yuna (itzy), sumin (stayc)
A/N. what's up my people! i told you i would have another beomgyu fic for yall didn’t i? this is wayyy overdue (was supposed to be for a collab event but um. anyways! the fic is more than half finished rn so let's all cross our fingers that i'll be donw before may. speaking of!! ty ty mayjay @tyunni for the header 🫶🏾 check this out too idk lol. okay, okay im done byeeee
TAGLIST. @pr0dbeomgyu @xiaoting999 @yyx2 @soobin-choi @4junmain @tsupuffs @yjwfav @mykalon @junityy @iyeonjuni @fairybinie @fallingforhoon @hanlvkes @soobisms (send an ask to be added)
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In case it wasn’t clear, Universe, when Beomgyu said morning he meant eleven o’clock. Earliest. Not ass-crack o’clock and getting woken up by incessant knocking on his door.
He gets up and feels a crick in his neck from falling asleep on the couch. Expecting to see Yuna ready to collect his form that he has not yet filled out, Beomgyu straightens out his shirt, trying to make it look like he didn’t just roll off his couch. He has a total case of bed hair, but that’s hot, right? If he doesn’t draw attention to it, he can pretend it’s on purpose. Girls like messy hair.
With that in mind, Beomgyu opens the door with all the confidence in the world, his winning smile ready on his face, only to fall the moment he sees who is standing outside his room.
“I have a proposition for you.”
You wave a dismissive hand in his face and he swats at it petulantly like it’s a fly. “Please, save the pleasantries. Let me in, yeah?”
“What the fuck, Y/N?”
You, decidedly, were not Yuna. Where Yuna was all soft and shy smiles, here you are, deadpan expression and scowl all over your face.
“What part of that was pleasant to you?” Beomgyu bites out but steps away from the door anyway.
“You fill out that form yet?” you ask, looking around his room. If you were any other person, he might feel a little self conscious about how messy it is, but, as it stands, he’s just annoyed. What are you even doing here?
“No,” he responds curtly, eyeing said form precariously. He doesn’t understand why you even care, honestly. It’s like your sole purpose in life is to annoy him. “What do you want?”
If you can hear the clear irritation in his voice, you ignore it. “Imagine my surprise when my sweet, innocent little freshman—who I graciously took under my wing, mind you—texts me at ten PM asking about extra yearbook club forms because a ‘super cute guy just dropped by’...only to find out that it’s you.”
Beomgyu’s brain flits between a smug Yuna thinks I’m cute and— “You’re Yuna’s Junior Head?” The last bit was meant for his head but judging from the look you’re giving him, he said it out loud.
You just stare at him blankly, clearly unimpressed. “You should count yourself lucky that I didn’t just throw all the extras away once I found it was for you—” Beomgyu scowls— “but I guess I was feeling charitable. I came over to drop it off last night but you weren’t here.”
Shit. Yuna being in his room while he wasn’t here was manageable. She seemed too nice, too kind, too had basic human decency and wouldn’t go through his shit. You, however? Beomgyu wouldn’t put it past you to leave a dead rat or something under his pillow. He doesn’t say any of this though, in case you didn’t plant a dead rodent somewhere so as to not give you any ideas. He just shrugs noncommittally. “Went out.”
You hum. “Figured. Which is why I was so surprised to see this.” You pull out your phone and turn the screen to him, the gallery app opened up and there on the screen is—
“What the fuck, is that a dick pic?”
“What?” You turn the phone to stare at it, mouth hanging open slightly.
“Oh my god, did you take an unsolicited dick picture of me? What the fuck, Y/N? That’s, like, so uncool, what the fuck?”
“Oh, relax, it’s not yours. You should be so lucky.” Beomgyu has half a mind to strangle you right then and there. You swipe at the screen a few times before huffing out a breath and showing him the screen again. “This is what I was talking about, my god.”
And it’s him. Sonic. In his famous and easily identifiable blue and white suit, the grey embroidered lightning bolt running down his entire spine, body halfway out of his bedroom window, about to start his patrol. Holy shit.
Beomgyu can feel his eyes bulging out of his head. No, no, no, this can’t be happening. He’s been so careful! Sure, sneaking out of his window almost every night wasn’t the smartest idea but he had limited options! And he always made sure that there was no one around on the streets and he was literally as fast as light. He never had to worry about anyone seeing him because he moved faster than the brain could compute. This was never supposed to happen!
You hum, either oblivious to his internal panic or simply not caring, it’s not clear. “Interesting, right?”
“Uh…” Beomgyu says smartly.
Pocketing your phone, you clasp your hands together in front of you. “Now, this is where my proposition comes in.”
He groans dramatically, already preparing himself for the worst. “What do you want?”
“Get me an interview with him. With Sonic.”
“What?” Okay. He did not prepare for that.
“You heard me,” you say, shrugging, as if what you said was a completely normal request. “Otherwise this photo gets posted and the whole school finds out that you are Sonic’s secret bootycall.”
“I’m his what?”
This is insane—You are insane. Beomgyu would have laughed out loud at the absurdity of the situation if you weren’t standing here in front of him, arms crossed across your chest, clearly serious.
He baulks. “No, I am not getting you an interview with Sonic, are you insane?” It isn’t even a serious question because Beomgyu knows the answer to that. You are a citizen of Crazy Town, Population of One.
“Well, why not?”
“Aside from the fact that there is literally nothing I would rather do less, I don’t like you.”
You scoff, rolling your eyes. “I’m not crazy about you either, believe me. But you clearly know him.”
“That’s inconsequential and can’t be proven.”
“I have literal photographic evidence of him leaving your room.”
“Gah!” Beomgyu feels like he’s nine years old again, arguing about one thing or the other with you in class to the annoyance of your teachers. You always had a knack for getting on his nerves and it doesn’t help that the two of you were put in the same class every year for school. Even when his family moved from Daegu to Seoul and he thought that finally he was free from you, you had transferred to the same school as him.
He genuinely thinks that the two of you aren’t able to have a normal conversation without arguing. (It was actually suggested by one of your high school teachers that it might be best if you just join the debate team together. Bad idea. Him and you on the same team? Yeah, right.)
Going to college has been a sort of safe haven from being around you all the time, even if you did, once again, follow him to the same exact school. He’s just glad that the two of you are doing completely different courses and that the campus is big enough so it is almost virtually impossible to run into you. That is, of course, when you are not tracking him down to his room. “What do you even want an interview with him for?”
You look like you want to fight him. He can see your jaw clenching and your eye is twitching a little, a telltale sign that you are reaching your patience with him, and he is prepared to get into it with you when you uncharacteristically let out a frustrated groan and proceed to throw yourself onto his couch.
“Ugh!” you whine, pressing the heel of your hands to your forehead. “The newspaper committee has this stupid, dumb as fuck, running competition for all the junior editors to decide who will be Editor in Chief next year and stupid, dumb as fuck, Park Sunghoon’s stuff keeps getting chosen over mine because ‘No one wants to read about how there is no hope to stop global warming, Y/N. People want to believe they can make a difference. Why don’t you write about plastic straws instead, like Sunghoon?’ and—Ugh!
“Up until now my plan was to just, like, kill Sunghoon so the spot would go to me by default, but now I can interview an actual superhero and no matter how many stupid fucking turtles Sunghoon writes about saving, there is no way he can get a front page over that. So. Get me that interview.”
Beomgyu blinks dumbly, physically recoiling. “Uh. Okay…”
“Okay?” Your eyebrows furrow.
“Not okay okay, just…okay. Like, woah, okay, that’s. A lot.” Beomgyu thinks that this might be the most you’ve ever said to him in one go that did not include you cursing him out or complaining about how annoying he was. It was weird and a little disconcerting. He didn’t like it.
“I know.”
“It’s the most you’ve ever spoken to me in one go.”
Your face twists up at that. “Gross. Don’t make it weird.”
“You’re the one asking for my help, remember.”
“No, no, this is blackmail,” you correct, wagging a finger in his face and he slaps it away.
“You can’t even prove it’s my room.” He knows it’s futile, that he really has no choice but to give in, but just like the sun can’t help shining, he can’t help fighting with you.
“Oh, please, the people at this school are stupid and will believe anything. Plus, now that I’ve seen what the inside of your room looks like, I can just work a little photoshop magic and add things that are recognisable, have your friends comment on how the room looks a little familiar, and boom. My work is done.”
Beomgyu studies your face carefully, looking for any cracks that prove your bluffing, but he knows you and if there was one thing about you, you never bluffed. Everything you said, you meant. Fuck, he can’t let that photo get out. You might believe that he’s not Sonic and that he just knows him, but others might not and it would only be a matter of time before someone makes the connection between him and his superhero persona.
You raise a single eyebrow. Beomgyu sighs loudly, defeated. This, he tries to rationalise, is the lesser of two evils. “God, fine. I’ll get you that interview.”
“Great!” You jump to your feet with a flourish, very clearly satisfied with yourself and Beomgyu’s scowl deepens. You hold a hand out for him to shake and he pointedly ignores it, not that you care. “I’ll text you where he should meet me. Pleasure doing business with you. Also, get that form handed in. And stop seducing my freshman!”
He watches as you leave his dorm and feels like he’s just ran three laps around Seoul (and yes, he’s done that before). Throwing himself onto his couch, he covers his face with a cushion and lets out the most frustrated scream of his life, then abruptly stands up. Walks over to his door. And locks it.
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cheesit-notes · 10 months
After i read about mean caption prices ( abuse power) i just have an idea for Alejandro being mean too,
just want to request that
Love your work so much!
no title, just fucking alejandro
tags: drunk decisions, dub-con, possibly incorrect spanish, fem reader, oral (fem receiving), inappropriate touches from alejandro, kinda forcing himself on reader
a/n: asked a friend for the phrase at the end and idk if she really gave me an accurate translation l but um, i really wish i just googled it now. anywho enjoy! i tried my best to make alejandro be like his words are sweet but his actions are mean but i cant think of him as a power abuser TT im so sorry if I didn’t do what you wanted
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alejandro doesn’t sound mean, no, his words are so, so sweet. in fact, every word has you hanging onto his next. god, and his praises are to live for. a successful mission and his hands gripping your shoulder while he exclaims how you did so well, making you feel oh so special.
so special, in fact, you excuse the little actions your colonel makes. the way he sneakily pinches your ass, and how his eyes are most definitely not on yours. his arm hung over your shoulder linger for far longer than appropriate, rubbing on your shoulder occasionally. how he asks you for little favors at the late hours of the night; to go to his office, and sit there silently while he looked at you. and 5 minutes later, you’re dismissed to go back to your barracks while he finished up some… unfinished business. what that is, you don’t ask; alejandro told you not to worry about it and you trust your colonel, don’t you?
there’s little things he does that you don’t know about. going through your records, checking your marital status, just the little details. on occasion, he’ll let it slip, but please, don’t mind him! he’s just checking for safety measures, or something like that.
one day, he’s a little too bothered with his unfinished business and he needs help, specifically your help! of course you feel honored, he’s your colonel, and he’s asking for your help, specifically. so you'll dismiss the fact he barged into your baracks, yeah?
leaning against the door with an arm over his head, hair disheveled, a thin layer of sweat like he just had a workout and hazy eyes like of someone drunk. and you're sitting in bed with nothing more than a thin layer of cloth covering you.
the next few seconds are a blur; he walks over and now you're trapped in between his arms as he's breathing into the crook of your neck. he smells faintly like alcohol and you can't stop squirming around, it just feels soo ticklish when his breath hits your skin. holding your hands down with his to keep you still, he whispers a quick, barely audible "por favor, let me do this..." before slamming your lips with his.
he's all over your lips, only really letting go for a bit to let you catch your breath. his body pressed against yours; you can feel his chest moving as he breathes, a few strands of hair fall on your face, and the growing bulge in his pants. he'll take a good look of you, soaking in every little detail of your pretty little face before going down on you. and he's so, so good with his tongue, you're practically seeing stars. when he's done with that, he'll shove two fingers and spread you open as wide as possible, to test you, prep you.
your clothes are ripped off you and he's fumbling trying to unzip his pants with one hand. the seconds it takes to free his cock feels like forever to him, so forgive your colonel if he's a little impatient, ok? oh he really should do more prep with you, i mean, just look at your tight little pussy. he really should, but god, he doesn' have the time; he might as well die if he doesn't shove his throbbing cock in you right now. and that's what he does.
rams his cock straight into your pretty plush cunt. and it's so thick. he might not have the longest cock, but god, he's a contender for one of the thickest. you're being stretched so wide, so far, no one has ever stretched you this far and it hurts. but it feels so good, and tears flow down your face, and you're too cockdrunk to form words. eye rolled back, you subconsciously grind on him, even after he's made you cum, even when the overtsimulation is getting painful. he's picking up the speed, chasing after his own pleasure, and you can feel his cock throbbing inside. and he's singing you honeyd praises between grunts. praises that keep you staying, keep you wanting more.
it takes him so, so much self control to pop him cock out and cum on your stomach. he's still riding his high, a little drunk when he collapses onto your chest.
"quiero follarte en la posición de perra nalgona.."
you look at him confused. god, you need some spanish lessons don't you? he chuckles.
"guess you need to improve your spanish. so i'll meet you here tomorrow night for some personal spanish lessons, aye?"
how can you decline your colonel?
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sakasakiii · 3 months
hi!!! how long does an average panel of one of your comics take??
i love your work so much!! it got me into silmblr hehe
HI NONNIE!!! thank u sooooso much for checking in and for ur lovely ask! it means a lot to hear that my silly ol scribbles were what introduced u to the glorious landscape that is the tolkien fandom! on tumblr no less!! i hope you stay a real long time, and have a blast while you're at it 💖💖
now onto your question! that's some good food for thought uhhhh i can try to estimate?? its been a while but i shld have some rough ideas abt each that i can share! the time frame each comic/panel takes is highly dependent on WHAT kind of comic it is. i hv two kinds of comics I usually do: 1) full-length, and 2) goofy/4koma.
i have a few full-length comics laying about in my archive, but my most recent one/best example is Ghosts which was around uh.... 7 pages excluding the bonus panels! in terms of the process, i usually divide it into 5 stages:
Drafting: this is either the fastest stage OR the slowest depending entirely whether i know what im doing LMAO,, if i have a set idea for what i want to happen, i might get drafts done in a few hours, but if i flounder, it can take a few days 🤔
Lineart: relatively simple enough once i hv the draft down, so id say anything ranging from an hour to half a day if theres nothing else going on irl
Block colouring (main actors): there are DEFINITELY easier and more professional ways to do this with mass-selection and the lasso fill/bucket tool, but idk how to do that on SAI (my art program) so i colour everything by hand HAHA which makes the process longer.... half a day to a day?
Shading: THE WORST!!! definintely my least favourite bc i find it tedious due to all the details/prettification of elves that i am legally obliged to pour into this stage 😭😭 as a result, it can take days!!!
Background + Lighting + Final Rendering: similar to the previous stage haha it just depends on how much effort i wanna put into the final product looking nice. roughly a few days? it kind of meshes with stage 4 anyways haha
just for fun, i hope this process gif for page 6 can illustrate that 👇
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these are just rough estimates, bc all in all, the time it takes so finish a page is really dependent on how free I am hahaha. Also, I usually work on full-length comics like Ghost which have more than one page all at once, which means I drafted all 7 pages at once, then did the lineart for all 7 pages at once, coloured at once, shaded rendered bla bla bla 😚 iirc, i think it took me 11 days in total to finish Ghosts before the end of June last year!
For goofy/4-koma, its usually just one page with less detailed/more cartoonish/chibi character styles so it takes a day or two days at most! again, it all boils down to how free i am hehe
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YEAH SORRY THIS ENDED UP BEING AN INFO DUMP but thank you so much again for asking and letting me ramble! <3 i ended up having a lot of fun looking back on my drafts n thinking back on my processes.... theres defininitely room for improvement, but thats another worry for another day heheh 😎
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
28 Asks! Wahoo! :DDD
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(Post in question)
XD I'm glad you like him! This makes me want to make some lore for the little critter. Some of the other imps and cats have lore, so Armpit should too!.... Starting with giving him a proper name <XDD
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(Video in ask)
Oooo pretty song! Though I'm not sure what they'd think.. :0 They might just enjoy it in general and not have much thought afterwards <XD
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Google seems to say that that's a scary game, I'm sure they'd be too scared to play <XD
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I feel like what it would take for Bonnie to yell at someone is if they were yelling at him. But even so.. I just don't know if that's how Bonnie is..
Like if say, Monty was really barking at Bonnie for how he's behaving and just shoving everything in his face. I'd like to think that Bonnie would eventually blow and yell back something like "I DON'T CARE" or "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM GOING THROUGH".. Buuuutt at the same time.. Bonnie is mellow and kind by nature.
Seeing Monty yelling.. he might just shut down even more. He's so tired. He's tired of everything. And now Monty's yelling about something and its all just.. so exhausting. It might be easier for Bonnie to just stand there and not say anything and wait for Monty to get it all out of his system and then leave. Fighting back is just gonna make Monty yell more and cause more drama. Bonnie would give up in an argument pretty quickly and just stand there until the other person is done yelling.
And what's Monty gonna do? Push Bonnie around? Bonnie is way heavier and stronger than him. Pushing him/encouraging Bonnie to get physical is just gonna result in Monty flailing about and Bonnie standing stiff as brick.
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I've never seen that movie(..?) before so I cant really say.. But judging by Google images, it looks really cool! And it has a lot of cats in it XD
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I remember them! What a whacky cast of characters :00 My favorite is probably the Monkey XDD
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I've never watched any of the Ghibli movies although I really should 💔
Now considering all the stuff I've heard/seen about those movies.. the food looks delicious, and the lands seem peaceful..?? They all might camp out for a while in one of those worlds and just bask in the peace and quiet.. 😌
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XDD Hey I see that digital circus reference!
Although they didn't have any rides like that fortunately, and STAFF bots didn't exist when Foxy was still in service. If a kid had an accident of some kind, whether it be an injury or a uh. "Spill".. It was probably Foxy's job to alert an employee and they'd come in and clean up the mess and/or whisk the injured child away so Foxy could go back to work.
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If you go to my blogs post search and type in "super mario bros", you should find 99% of all my Mario artwork!
If you have any trouble finding it don't be afraid to send another ask- idk if ur on mobile or PC it might be different <XD
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Seam could have known how to do that perhaps..? But his powers were never meant to hurt people. Seam was the court Magician. He would just use his powers to put on these beautiful displays and show off these bizarre tricks and shows. (Usually along side Jevil to add extra flare and humor to his performances)
Although... technically you could say that he did use his magic to harm once. I don't know if it counts as a hex.? But he did lock Jevil away in a magical cell made of his own magic... does that count? :0
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Yeah that was the intention. Seam, that Older imp and the two cat ladies worked under the King directly. So they wore these beautiful robes and headdress things to show their status. Jevil was the court jester so he just wore a jester outfit.
If Jevil had any other role he'd probably be dressed all fancy just like them. :0
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Yeah <:( for a lot of reasons.
For many years talking has hurt Seams mouth and face, obviously- So he's resorted to mumbling and talking very quietly. After years and years of doing that his voice cant be great. When the stiches were removed I can imagine him raising his voice and it just sends him into a horrible coughing fit. Plus those holes in his mouth are still there, and they cant feel great to be stretched around..
I can see him struggling to make certain sounds. Like the word "cheese". He'd probably cut off half way cuz the holes were stretched and it felt like a punch to the lip. :'(
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That's a good question... I think at least for now, Seam just wants to cover it up.
Underneath that wrap.. his face is pretty messed up. Its not just his eye.. I imagine that the eye hole also didn't heal great so I don't know if they could even put in an artificial eye. It might hurt Seam or make his face really sore.. Plus after the eye was in, he'd just want to cover it up with a bandage anyways..
So for now, he just covers his face and doesn't touch the wound. And I don't think he'll have the courage to mess with it anytime soon... :((
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I have not :/ But I have seen ads for it EVERYWHERE. So I am aware of its existence. XDD
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I've never heard of that game no.. but Googling it, I can say that I love the art style! :D
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Awe,, Thank you so much!! :DD
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Possibly! :000
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Aww.... nah that would destroy anybody.
I mean if they absolutely had to for some reason, like they could never return to the surface because if they did they would die.. They would survive underwater for a while. But then eventually they'd run out of supplies and they'd starve or the octopod would stop functioning after a while..
Also MAN they would all be ruined mentally. Never being able to see their families again. Never being able to feel the sun on your skin or breathe in fresh air. Being stuck underwater for the rest of their lives would destroy all of the Octonauts. Save for possibly Inkling, but even then being trapped down there and all your friends are miserable would wear on Inkling too..
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Maybe not the whole playground. But I can easily see Christmas/holiday themed decorations being hung up around the Daycare :)
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Hmm.. I hadn't planned/thought about something like that... But that's a really cool idea! Perhaps at one point they were pursued through dimensions :0 Terrifying!
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Which "Wapeach" are you referring to? If you're talking about the ship of them, Mmmm nahh,, I don't think they'll ever be a thing..
Are you referring to "Wapeach" as in the peach wearing that purple outfit with the long purple boots? If so I don't know what to make of that <XD
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Judging by Google images.. they'd see the desert wasteland, turn right around and jump through another mirror. <XD They need to find food man!
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(Post in question)
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Bad Endogeny! No! Don't stab people's legs! >:(
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Never heard the song before, but I'm sure Jangles would be up for it! XD
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XDD 1 Jangles is powerful enough, the world cant handle 2-
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Jangles would be in awe of his idols. Sans and Papyrus would probably be wondering why this 3ft(??) tall plastic Halloween skeleton decoration is alive and talking XDD
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@octonauts16 (Post in question)
Oh! No no, Cici is Bibi's little sister. I don't think I'll be making him a girlfriend any time soon <XD
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I'm cautiously excited. I always love to see more FNAF but I'm worried that they might twist the lore even further and make things even more confusing... <XDD
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zandlikething · 4 months
I have so many thoughts on Bad's last stream the fact like OMG my heart QSMP needs to pay for all of our therapy
I'll probably do another post because holy crap there is a lot that happened today
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I thought it was sweet Dapper and Pomme went to qPhil first because Dapper said they know he has concretions to some kind of goddess of death obviously referring to Kristin but I still am not sure if she is actually canons but it was a cute reference and it's nice to know that Phil has lots of tickets if they need cookies this week.
But also like Damn Phil cannot get a break first Tubbo now Bad I swear soon all the eggs will be ophans /j
Also apparently Taulluah is seeing the ghost of the eggs that died and one more. Idk if it's also an egg or something/someone else but if it's an egg I think it's either: 1. A-1 the egg that evil quackity was testing and died or Hope.
For those who don't remember Hope was an egg in a different orphanage than the original eggs that Cellbit found a while ago. The egg left a diary of their time in the orphanage. No one came for the egg and died but told that whoever is reading their book should not be sad for them. That's all I remember I'd have to go back and look to see what else I can find.
ANYWAYS Yeah so Taulluah sees ghosts now that are sad for some reason and she doesn't know why and Bad is missing and also presumably dead or a ghost? Because as we were following Dapper and Pomme on Bad's stream the thing would have reactions a lot of like what Bad would have. Like nodding and shaking his head or rolling his head for rolling his eyes. It all just felt very Bad like.
Also he was very against using any spells of stuff to block spirits so I think it might be Bad somehow looking out for them but not able to talk or interact with them for some reason.
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I know these are a lot of signs at once but I find it very sweet that Dapper despite everything is trying to keep a positive view of everything and trying to cheer Pomme up.
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I love how this is the plan they come up with to get Bad back lol 😆 I'm sure they'll come up with a real plan but who knows this could maybe work
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Dapper and Pomme did this a lot and I love it. Them just leaning their heads together silently telling the other it's ok we are together aggghhh it is so sweet. And the fact that they did it multiple times I imagine just reassuring the other and themselves that they are there.
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This was so pretty and nice just Dapper and Pomme watching the sunset (07 Bobby) together going over memories
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Talking about their dead siblings and Max saying they should build a new place for them to remember them and wish them a Happy birthday every month
I didn't get screenshots of it but Dapper telling Pomme that all of their past siblings would have loved her with how sweet Tiln was and how good it was to be around Flippa, how Trump would have loved picking flowers with her and how Bobby would have loved doing pvp with Pomme :,) like bro I am literally tearing up
I am going to make a part two because tumbler is at its limit of how many screenshots I can show because guess what there is more heartwarming and heartbreaking stuff I need to talk and show
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remyfire · 27 days
remy help, im writing my first mash fic and idk anyone who watches the show so idk who else to ask. do u know how the hell post op shifts work?? like is there a surgeon in there all the time? how long are shifts/how often do they trade off? i figure if anyone would know, itd be you (ps i love ur work and thank u <3)
This is so sweet omg and I'm excited to read your fic!! If you're comfortable when it's done, lemme know that it's posted so I can come read it :D
Honestly I do a lot of my own writing about it based on context clues rather than any firm, clear knowledge!! In my fics, I usually make the shifts around like 8 hours long, one surgeon on the midnight post-op shift because it's usually quieter, one relieves them in the morning, one relieves them in the afternoon, etc. After big pushes, I usually put two in there at a time because there's so much to monitor, but also that's what their very well-trained nurses are for. We know that there are two surgical shifts—they'll say over the loudspeaker for both surgical shifts to report to the helipad when there's a push—and also that there is a surgeon 'on call,' so I'm not sure if the surgical shift relates to post-op, relates to a surgeon being on call for those 12 hours to come scrub up if they get like just three or four casualties who come in, or what. I play pretty fast and loose with it and also smudge the edges of the scene rather than getting very specific with the details fhkdfsd
We see several scenes where during mealtimes, all of the surgeons are eating together, so I often assume that if it's slow during mealtime, they can go grab a bite as long as they're listening to be called back in if there's an emergency. But we also know that in Merchant of Korea, Charles asks BJ to close his last patient for him so Charles can go get a bite to eat before his post-op shift, which BJ points out isn't protocol, so I might be wrong about mealtimes. They get at least one day completely off medical duties because I vaguely remember someone complaining once that they had to go do something I think in post-op or surgery on their day off.
But yeah, for simplicity's sake (and often the convenience of having the Swamp occupied only by two of them oop), I usually have one in there at all times except for meals, and if there's two—say, after a really big push—then usually I have one focusing on paperwork while the other is more actively rotating among the beds. But they have so many really amazing nurses that monitor the patients much closer and just generally keep the doctors updated, then take orders based on that, so I feel like they pull a lot of weight when a doctor needs to step out for one reason or another too.
This has probably not been helpful at all. Anyone with more concrete information is welcome to weigh in because it's probably better assistance than my "I go by vibes based on what best assists my plot at the time."
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eahmybeloved · 1 month
idk if this makes sense but d/rrabella, especially with how it was done in epic winter, feels very forced,,,both with the ship and darings character as a whole
like, in dragon games, when daring realized he wasnt apples prince, he was genuienly distressed bc he didnt know what to do w his life afterwards, everyone was telling him he was her prince, so thats what he dedicated his life to
So, in epic winter, when the writers turn around and are like "whoops! nvm, ur rossabellas prince :)" which just,,,really? It couldve been SUCH an intresting world building opportunity if they kept darings destiny secret/ambigous, both to let people make their own theories and to give him room to grow
Like, we have characters who know what their destinies are and dislike/hate them (Raven and Briar to give an example), characters who know and actively want them (like apple and maddie), so having daring as a character who thought he knew and wanted it, only to be told otherwise? that wouldve been awesome !!! Darings self worth hinges on it, it wouldve been so intresting to see darings journey to figuring out who he is beyond that yk
and !! he still couldve gotten a destiny after that, after he acknowledged that hes more than his destiny and it isnt life or death to not have one (does that make sense ?? hopefully it does), like this may be bc ive been seein more dizzie content, but it wouldve been neat if daring was the future king of hearts
even if he wasnt, it could still go both ways, daring could learn that the destiny he thpught he had wasnt his at all and learn to grow and heal from that (bc it for sure wouldve affected him mentally) and then AFTER he gets his arc about that then he could learn what his destiny really is, or he doesnt, and both outcomes are ok
but now that thats out of the way, daring was also just very ooc during epic winter? like,,,sure, he can be arrogant at times, but he isnt that selfish? he dances with farrah so she can feel like the princesses she helps, keeps lizzies soft side a secret bc she wanted to protect her reputation, even at the cost of being publically humilated by sparrow, thats not something a selfidh person would do
but yeah, i might rb this later with more thoughts, but these are what i have rn
im open to discussion tho so feel free to add on n all that stuff :)) i made this account to better interact w eah tumblr after all
but yeah !!
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Caine and kinger x reader with ADHD
Caine and Kinger x reader w/ ADHD
yahoo!! gonna knock out some requests today !! this is gonna be based off of my own experiences btw !! not much else i can think to put in this authors note so! ill just get on with it note from the future, little longer than i intended but thats mostly because admin started relating TOO much wuh-oh
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caine is honestly really good about keeping you on track when theres a task at hand. i dont know about you, but i tend to wander about when im working on something; to check on something else repeatedly then coming back to what needs to be done and just go back and forth.(shit im even doing it now, the getting up and checking on things thing even though i know the thing is fine/complete) i like to think that caine would be pretty okay at making sure you get the thing you need/want to do done! i dont think theres meds in the digital world, i mean yeah sure you can ask for them but since theyre digital theyre not going to actually. do anything. but lets say in a hypothetical au where this all takes place in the real world and caine is a real person, he would make sure you take them consistently and on time. honestly this hc isnt really part of the ask but; i generally like to think that caine likes to follow routines and schedules as closely as he can... maybe its the ringmaster thing since hes tasked with keeping everything running but... shrugs
very supportive when you make a small mistake in something (like this is just a general thing, though) and isnt too obnoxious with trying to hold or regain your attention is something happens to the side and steals it away. very patient and polite with it, i think
last minute addition because it hit me like a sack of bricks. time blindness. fucking time blindness. you know how i mentioned that caine is good at keeping you on track? i think he would be good with helping you out with that, at least some of it. mostly logging your activities and him keeping an eye on the time (which he already does so its not like an extra habit he needs to pick up.. though if it werent he would pick it up in a heartbeat. literally anything for you, he loves you a lot)
honestly he might start to mimic your stims and fidgets! he doesnt mean to mock you, no i just think he would start to reflect your actions after spending most of his time around you to make sure you're okay! while caine keeps you on track, kinger is likely to go with you when you wander off to check/do something else. really unless its something time sensitive or really important is when hes going to start outwardly reassuring you that the other thing is fine. honestly, in an au with the real world i was originally going to say he would have a chance of forgetting to help remind you/ask if you took your meds (if you take them) but i think he would take stuff like that way too seriously to even DARE forget. like yeah sure you're not going to d1e if you forget to take them for a single day but still. he'd probably be like this with any meds tbh, so if you're prone to forgetting youll be fine as long as you have kinger around! gibes you pillows for fidget stuff, if you are feeling restless. or perhaps even goes on a walk with you around the circus grounds. like idk about yall, or if this is something completely unrelated, but my legs HURT when i sit too still. like down to the bone, if i dont get up every now and then its agony; sleeping is hell and on days its worse than others (like im talking sometimes i need to be in near constant movement) (also jerky arms and legs) (anyways)
also very polite with returning your attention to where it needs to be but honestly given that kinger himself is shown to space out at least twice in the pilot i think sometimes you guys both get side tracked and struggle to remember and/or get back into the flow of what you were originally doing
tldr; caine keeps you more on track with schedules whereas kinger embraces your flow a little more but both are respectful of things and dont really make you feel less than + remind you to take care of yourself
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berriblossom · 10 months
( Barely proof red im half awake ^^" )
I've been seeing some very good responces to the other ask i had done, and i've just had so many ideas! But i really didnt want to stress you out, do im leaving you with this mini ask ( please dont push yourself to start it, i dont want this to become a chore instead of a little side hobby)
This is another papa zhongli ask, with the beast swan little baby reader (i love them so much platonically ♡♡♡)
Are you able to do a uncle put down for me? (Its like putting a kid to bed) with xiao ? Or... mayhaps a auntie put down with like.. ninnguane or something!! (Idk how to spell her name off the top of my head, i also just see her as the rich aunt typa person)
Once again, please take your time and make sure to have fun! (Btw if its alright with you, i might start leaving little incouragemental askes every once in a while ^^)
Im so eepy TT
- (v)
Ahh, more ask! Im totally fine with all the encouragements! These ask make my day! Headcanon time!
When evening comes, who will tuck you in and kiss you goodnight?
Featuring: Childe, Beidou, Ganyu, Ningguang, Shenhe, Xiao, and Papa Zhongli.
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Say what you will about the Fatui harbinger. He may have tried to bring the fall of Liyue, destroy its economy, and somewhat helped in the brutal slaying of its archon before the people's own eyes.
Childe [Uncle TarTag]
But he will be the best uncle no matter what. No matter what.
So when it is time for you to go to bed, he will sometimes procrastinate when you plead with him. "One more game, Uncle Tartag! One more movie, Uncle Tartag! One more!" You bet any money he will watch your favorite movie or read your favorite stories with you before putting you down for a nap or for bedtime.
When he is tucking you in, he is a little rough, to say the least. When you're tucked in. You are tucked in. Like you can't move too much, his strength gets the better of him.
Your bedtime story will have some sort of fighting or violence, which Zhongli has lectured him about. You might be an illuminated beast, but you are still a child. He even got in trouble for telling you to say, "The Tsarita is better than Morax" in a story he told you, and Zhongli wanted to murder him.
Rating: 7/10, he is trying but needs some work in the story department.
You will never be sleeping on her ship. Nit at night, at least. Zhongli has a fear thar if you sleep on her ship, you'll be in another nation by dawn. So yeah, no sleeping on Aunty Beidou's ship. But you can take naps!
Beidou [Captain Aunty Beidou]
Beidou will tell you her stories at sea, how she defeated Haishan, and the stories of her crew. She will never sing any sea shanty's...for reasons. But she'll let Kazuha tell you haikuu's. You can run around the ship until. You're tired out and come lay on her lap for a little nap.
The ship and crew will try to be quiet under Beidou's watch and orders for your nap. She'll let you use her coat as a blankie and kiss your forehead to let you have a few minutes of nap time.
Rating: 7.5 out of 10, only because you can't spend the night but she is good!
Ganyu [Big sister Ganyu]
Now, Ganyu is the queen of naptime with you. Putting you to bed, a little different.
When she puts you down for sleep, she slowly falls asleep, too. She makes your bed extra confy when you're at Jueyun Karst, too comfy. When its bed time, shell read you a bedtime story about Rex Lapis, the Adepti like Aunty Cloudy [cloud retainer].
But slowly and quickly, she will fall asleep with you. She has a small Qilin night light for you, similar to her Cryo globe she makes. She'll have some cool warer near your little setup and some snacks.
By the time she is done reading, she'll be laying beside you, drifting off into sleep with you. She'll let you cuddle her and hold her is you get scared like a good big sister.
Rating: 8/10, she is just a little sleepy, but you're not complaining.
Ningguang [Aunty Ning-Ning]
The times Ganyu has accidently had late nights with you, Ningguang is more than honored to let you hang out with her. Your day is filled with shopping, museums, arts trips, and all the natural beauty of Liyue presented to you on a platter. All for her little swan. Zhongli was fine for you to stay in the Jade Chamber as long as you are respectful and polite.
Ningguang would set you up in a room not far from her desk area or place you on a couch near her office area. She'll get you blankets of the finest cotton, silk, or any fabric. She'll give you some nice cushions for comfort and a nice cup of tea to help you settle down for naps.
She will kiss your head, give you some delicate cuddles, and place you down on her lap if you asked her politely.
If she is in a meeting? Oh, put it on hold real quick, her little swan needs their nightly cuddles and she needs to get it done. Want some tea before bed? Oh, she has it done and will have you in some beautiful silk pajamas while she is at it.
Want to sleep in her expensive bed with her and your plushie, oh she will make some room and let your plushie have its own pillow too.
Ningguang can be really serious at times but if you need her to tuck you in before bed and ask her to tell a story, she will buy the best children's literature book ever written just to read it to you and kiss you goodnight. Yes, she will.
Rating: 7.5/10, your rich Aunty has you covered.
Shenhe [Big sister Shenhe]
She would be lost at first, she knows you aren't human so why sleep like one? But once Ganyu and Cloud Retainer gets it through to her that you are raised in the human world despite being an Adeptus, you act the way you do. Similar to your sleep.
So in some ways, your situation is the opposite but similar to hers.
In comes protective Shenhe mode.
Whatever you want for your nightly routine, she is going to find it, get it, or make Ganyu buy it. She'll learn from Zhongli and Cloud Retainer how to brew and make tea, just for you.
If you ever call her "big sister Shenhe" in your sleep, her yearning to keep you safe even in your dreams grows. Do you want her to kiss your duckie goodnight? She will and tuck it in too beside you. Similarly, with Childe, she can be a little harsh on tucking you in, but over time she learns how to reel it back in.
Do you like her cryo spirits that swirl around you? She'll use them to keep your room cool at night during warm nights.
Want her to tell you stories? She will spend time with the traveler just to come back and tell you about it.
Rating: 8/10, she's a little confused but goodness she has the spirit.
Need him to hold your hand when you get scared of the dark? He will ask Verr Godlet to borrow a night light for you. Or better yet, he will find or make one. He will also still hold your hand.
Xiao [Big Brother Xiao]
Now, this big brother, the conquerer of demons, is the only surviving Yakasha.
He will spoon-feed you almond tofu if you need it before bed. Hell, he will learn the recipe and make it for you. Want to sit on the terrace of the Wangshuu Inn and say hello to the moon? He will have you in his lap while you do it.
Need a little cool air because the room is stuffy or warm? he'll use his anemo vision to bring in a gentle breeze. He will have everything you like and don't like down on a list.
Too much noise? He will find the source and silence it.
Want a bath before bedtime? He will test the temperature himself, and make sure to get your rubber duckies in too.
Need some tea? What's the brew? What type? Hell, where is the leaf so he can pick it himself and make it?
Xiao would sleep beside you too even if he is tense and still as stone. But he will mellow out once hearing you have your big brother here to protect you. Yeah, he will be there to protect you.
Rating: 8.5/10, he will do it only for you. Only for his little sibling.
Zhongli is the standard setter of what bedtime should be like.
Zhongli [He needs no introduction]
Zhongli will not only have your bath ready for when bedtime comes, but also your favorite night-time tea is on the stove ready too. He will pull out your little dragon onesie, with the horns on the hood too. And a little tail, and will put your little yellow socks on too.
You can run around while he folds up your towel and clothes for the next day saying you're a dragon and he will play along, even teaching you about how real dragons act and fly. Zhongli will give you the tea in your special teacup with two pinches of sugar just for you.
Want a little snack? He will be making you little biscuits to enjoy with your tea like little cookies.
When it's really time to settle you in, he will have your nightlight on while reading you a bedtime story. He is the king of bedtime stories he can tell you a story you've heard 100 times like it's never been told before. Want a story about Rex Lapis and the Adepti? He has one, and wants one about the Stove God? he will tell it all.
He will tuck you in gently, making sure you are fully covered and secure. The window will be cracked slightly for some fresh air, and also the coolness.
Have a nightmare and need your Papa?
He will hold you close to his chest and will console you while you cry and talk about it. Assuring you, that your Papa will always come and save you, even from the dark.
He will kiss your forehead and cheeks goodnight, even your plushies too. Repeating how much he loves you, how happy he is to be your papa, and how lucky he is to have you, his little swan with him.
Got scared and want to sleep in his bed?
He will pull you beside him and let you talk to him until you go to sleep finally. He may be exhausted but he will listen to your rambles before bed like it is his morning news.
Rating: ∞/10. No questions, comments, or concerns here.
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This is for everyone who seems to be "struggling" with states + what I can suggest + My success story.
-Have you ever been one of those people to reach "that moment" in manifestation where you wanted to be, even if you have never either it doesn't matter. You know how much of an outsider and annoyed/obsessive over loa when seeing other people succeed and couldnt really find what would work for me. Sounds like you, huh? You are not the only one, I'll tell you exactly how to get out of there + master your manifesting skills and a bit of self-concept.
The. answer. is. staring. right. at your face.............................................Yes.
"But anon, wdym by that??" What I mean is that notice how all of these people who post their success stories are in the state of easy/effortless manifestation. Like they mention how easy it is and how effective it is. Thats because of their state, they chose to occupy the state of someone who does the bare minimum in loa and still gets wtf they want. It doesnt matter how many times you repeat your affs, persist, mental diet, you wanna know why you waste energy doing that? Is because your occupying the state of "difficult manifesting", meaning you obsess over it, you try so hard but "nothing" comes, you feel you need to do the most to get it. Notice how all of these points I made fall under the state of "difficult manifestation"?? if you were in that state, those things I just mentioned would've been what you experience. Why?? BECAUSE YOU OCCUPIED THE STATE OF SOMEONE WHO ISNT SUCCESSFUL IN MANFESTING!!!
A thing I def reccomend when using states to manifest is to understand the 4D IS THE TRUE REALITY AND NOT THE 3D. Yes I know you're tired of hearing the same thing but now that you have a shifted paradigm on states, it should be easier. What I did was know that the 4d is the blueprint, kind of put it on the pedestal but not in the negative way. It was a way where I didn't ignore the 3d and affirm against it, but focused on my 4d and stuck with it. Because "ignoring the 3d and affirming agains it" simply implies that your 3d is filled with undesirable things and you affirm against it.
Cause trust me I've been there when I say living in my 4d was making me crazy, but you know why it did? Was because I looked at the 3d for validation/ didnt trust what my 4d is saying. It's kind of like y'know when you like a guy/girl and your friend warns you to stay away from that person but you get annoyed at them because you think what they're saying is bullshit?? Same thing applies. If you dont trust your 4d and realise it creates the 3d and is so much more powerful than what you experience, when will living in the end ever be a fullfilling thing to do? Get it? "Fullfilled" LMFAOO I'm so hilarious, but enough of my corny jokes. Heres a summary
-Be in the state of someone who is a master at manifesting/self concept etc.
-Know that your 4d creates everything, when its done in your 4d, its done in 3d, a simple way to put this is just live in your mind because when you realise that, you change your imagination, you change your reality and there is so much power in knowing that.
-ANNDDD THENNN you can apply everything else like persisting, repeating affs etc.
I got perfect self-concept doing this, like I got compliments today and I felt so confident, I love the way I'm so pretty, like why am I so perfect and gorgeous?
I manifested many straight niggas to like me at my school (im black and gay) let me tell you!!! a nigga stopped and walked back and stared at me to see "Damn who is that??" I was laughing so hard.
Overall my life has improved, I get things to go my way and yeah. thats about my successes. I might start a blog but because of how disrespectful anons are Idk if I should.
-tysm lovies, stay hot nd mysterious, and know how powerful you are!!!! stop wavering!!!!!
omg, thank you so much for sharing this ! i hope this helps some people ! ♡
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