#you're gonna love it
crunkyscorner · 5 months
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working on something 😏
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garbagechocolate · 1 year
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You lot are probably gonna hate me and I fully endorse you to say it when this animatic is finished. It's divorce era cageblade angst. It should hopefully be done by the end of the week.
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ilovetvtoons · 10 months
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Marcy at Morgan's Wonderland theme park.
Marcy had such an amazing day. Cause both she and I have Autism I knew she would have a good time, as the place was built to inspire inclusion for people with disabilities. She definitely wants to go back for more fun adventures someday.
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i0099z · 1 month
also i spent my evening watching a video essay on the new "office siren aesthetic" also known as "corporate fetish" and about how it emerged + the romanticisation of corporate culture from the 80s and 90s + gen z's mindset towards a 9 to 5 and let's just say, that was EXTREMELY fun
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willowshimmer · 6 months
Hey @zpxz.
Go check out the latest chapter on Disventure Camp one shots and tell me what you think.😏
I think you'll love it.
Go to chapter 321
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whiskeynwriting · 2 years
MBFD - Chapter 7 Teaser
Chapter Seven: Sweet to Me
Hi my babies! It's been a while since I've posted for My Best Friend's Dad, did you miss it? Because I know I did (;
The full chapter will be posted next Monday and let's just say it has the moment you've all been waiting for.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: 18+ (minors DNI) dirty talk, grinding/dry humping, body worship, mentions of oral (f receiving).
My Best Friend’s Dad Series Masterlist
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Shameful awkwardness runs white-hot through your veins when you hear him repeat the word back to you. You gulp heavily, the saliva sliding slowly down your throat. And David stares up at you as you begin to squirm slightly on his lap.
“Do you consider me to be your boyfriend?” he asks you, fully voicing the question currently running rampant in his mind. His eyebrows raise slightly as he looks into your eyes, curiosity and near bewilderment crossing his expression.
He’s baffled, completely caught off guard. He wasn’t sure what this was, he hasn’t been sure this entire time. The only thing he’s been sure of is his ability to soak up every single moment he gets with you. That, and how incredibly new this entire circumstance is. When you were near him, he always focused on you, whether others were around or not. And now that you’re alone together, his undivided attention is entirely yours, his concentration only increasing when he hears these words.
“Oh, well, I um… I kind of, I mean, you’re here and well, no one’s ever really been here before and –”
You’d been looking away, anxiety filling your gut while the blood drained slightly from your face. But as soon as you truly begin to babble, David’s hand comes up to your face. Immediately, he turns you to look at him, bringing you in for a searing kiss.
“Mm!” you murmur, your eyes wide open until you fully register his reaction. And when you do, you smile against him, your own hand coming up to brush softly over his cheek. His own grin widens against you, chuckling quietly while his free hand holds you tightly against him.
“Baby, I really like you, I like this. I want that.” it comes out in two quick pants before his lips return, and the expression of them makes your heart jolt inside. “I’m sorry I can’t be with you more but baby, I want to be with you.”
“Dave,” you smile kindheartedly, his fervent kisses trailing to your chin and cheek.
“I would love to be your boyfriend, baby.”
This is so incredibly strange for him. He hasn’t been someone’s boyfriend in years, decades even. Any uncertainty he felt about the situation you’d been describing between you and Molly at the mall completely melts away, the internal feeling similar to the physical one he feels as you begin to rest in his arms.
“Yeah,” he nods, kissing your lips once more. He then leans back slightly, looking up into your eyes with his hand still on your face. “Do you want to be with me? Like that? You want that?”
Your teeth tug on the bottom corner of your lip, doing your best to keep your rapidly forming grin at bay, your explosive internal emotions doing little to help. A few seconds pass, filled with nothing but your giddy grin and David’s delightful expression as your eyes flicker between both of his. And then, you nod, the feeling of his strong arms quickly tightening around you as he pulls you to his chest.
There’s something about being here with you that makes him feel more… alive. It makes him feel like he’s been missing something all his life. Are relationships always supposed to feel this way? Exciting and unexpected and like you’re falling but you’re hoping you’ll be caught? And that right there is probably the scariest part about this, he thinks, because he doesn’t know if he’ll land softly when this is over. But he does think it’ll be worth it. So far, you’ve been worth it.
It's almost like every single thing you give him, every little tidbit about yourself, every little habit you show, every little piece of kindness or sass or wit inside your heart, it makes him fall that much harder for you. Is there anything about you that he won’t like? Because right now, you’re everything he could ever want.
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“I know it’s kind of a cheesy movie, but… would you want to watch it?”
You ask him this as he comes out of the hallway, having just gotten out of the bathroom. By now his clothes have been washed and dried, only needing a quick wash due to the few garments he had. And once they were done, he slipped on a pair of dark gray sweatpants to make himself cozier. And just above the hem of his pants, the bright lilac hue peaks out. It’s covered by his shirt, but it’d only take one slight movement to expose it. He smiles to himself at just the thought of it, glancing down at his new attire and then checking the time on his watch.
When he gets closer to the couch, he glances up, expecting to see a movie similar to Twilight or The Notebook, something he’ll likely just sit through. But when he does, he’s surprised to see something unexpected. Something he actually likes.
“Can’t Buy Me Love?” he asks, looking from the screen to you. “Are you serious?”
There’s a wide grin breaking across his face, one eyebrow raised as he expresses his doubt in your statement.
“You thought I wouldn’t like this movie?”
You ponder your response, turning in your seat with a smirk. But then, you look back at him, your heart stuttering over a few beats from what you see. His hair is still slightly damp on the ends from the shower he’d had just over an hour ago, giving him an almost boyish look. He has his watch on and the t-shirt, and… sweatpants. You’ve never seen him in sweatpants before. You’ve never seen him in anything other than his business attire before. It offers a different mood to the surrounding atmosphere, one that feels light and comfortable.
“Baby, I love this movie. I haven’t seen it in forever, but it’s one of my favorites.”
He laughs, rounding the couch to sit next to you. Dave leans back on it, that same charming smile lingering on his face. Internally, he considers his response, wondering if it’ll come off too harsh. With his grin unwavering, he lays his right arm over the back of the couch, just behind you, and sighs.
“Were you even alive when this movie came out?” he then asks, turning his head to face you.
Immediately, your jaw drops, your open mouth displaying a shocked yet amused grin. When he sees your response, he laughs again, hearing your own giggle begin to pour out.
“Oh, come on.” He replies playfully, rolling his eyes as he slings his arm around your neck to pull you close. Those still-smiling lips press against your forehead, and while the force behind his tug isn’t aggressive, the ease in which he is able to move you makes you flutter inside. “I’m just playing with you.”
Dave hasn’t exactly come off as the softest man, at least, not when others were around. He seems stern and hard on the outside, that impression solidifying itself even further when you found out he was a military man. But knowing that this cheesy 80’s flick is one of his favorite movies makes you feel like you’re finally seeing the layers underneath. Although, you’ve already seen a peak of David’s tender side through your text messages and more intimate moments. And all of this makes you think… after everything he’s been through in life, he’s choosing you to open up to? You?
“You’re cute,” you coo when he finally pulls back, lifting a hand and stroking your fingers along his jaw. “You’re so handsome.”
“Yeah?” he asks, tilting his head and lowering himself a bit.
Naturally, softly, your eyes close, nodding and whispering a small yes before your lips meet. He easily moves you backward, laying you down on your couch as his hands begin exploring once again.
“David,” you giggle, feeling those broad palms now pawing at you.
“I can’t help it,” he mumbles, his voice now muffled by the smooth skin of your neck. “I want more of you.”
“Mm…” your head tilts back a bit for him, your knees widening so he can slot himself right between your thighs. And he mirrors your quiet delight when your fingers slowly card through his hair, your core burning bright when his right palm slides around to cup the curves of your backside in hand.
But before much else can happen, your doorbell rings, and Dave’s head pops up. He looks to the door, then back to you.
“You expecting someone?”
“Yeah, I decided to order some pizza.” You tell him, watching as his eyes trail slowly down your form. “Would you be able to get the door?”
Something about you asking him to answer the door for you makes the entire situation feel domestic and calm, so he smiles, happily agreeing to. You make him feel so welcomed in your home, like it’s natural, like he’s meant to be here.
“Thanks,” Dave nods, handing the kid a few bills.
“Oh, do you want –”
Dave just waves at him, cutting the younger teen off while setting the soda you’d ordered on the table beside your entryway.
“Keep the change.”
“Oh, I thought I already paid for that online.” You frown, hearing his short conversation.
As if he’d been here many times before, David walks over into your kitchen to set down the boxes and drink. You walk over behind him, choosing to sit on a stool beside your countertop.  
“I guess not.” He shrugs, glancing up at you. “Where are your plates?”
“Up there,” you reply, pointing to the cabinet behind him. “Well, how much was it again? I can pay you back for it.”
“You don’t have to do that, sweetheart.” Dave chuckles, pulling two plates out and setting them on the stone surface.
Your face twists slightly in both confusion and doubt. “Are you sure? I mean, I meant to in the first place.”
“Honey, I don’t mind. Trust me.” He reassures you, offering a kind smile. “Now, how many slices do you want?”
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On the inside, he’s practically buzzing. Would this be considered a date? Honestly, he’s not sure, but it’s the closest he’s come to one in years. Right now, your head is in his lap, and he has to work to keep his breathing calm. He’s seated on the end of your couch with you lying down, the two of you snuggled up while the movie plays.
When each of you had grabbed your cups and plates and finally sat down, he’d told you that he doesn’t usually watch these movies anymore. When you asked why, he said it was because he had no one to watch them with. And it’s not like he couldn’t watch them alone, he just didn’t want to. You’ve quickly come to find out that while Dave can be an incredibly strong and confident man, if he had a partner in his life, he didn’t want to do much without them. He liked being in a relationship, at least, when it was a fair and healthy one.
No matter how many times he thinks about how strange this is, he can’t bring himself to act differently. He doesn’t want to act differently, not with you. There were so many times throughout Dave’s life where he had to conceal his emotions and bring other ones to the surface. His job and marriage being two main examples. It got to the point where it was easy for him. But with you, it killed him. It was remarkably difficult to hide the feelings you so naturally brought out in him.
And while he continues to think, the movie continues to play, each of you paying attention to every scene. You can feel his breathing, the rise and fall of his stomach and chest behind you. You can also feel the soft stroke of his fingers as they begin to pet your hair, his knuckles occasionally brushed over your cheeks.
“This is my favorite scene,” you coo from below, smiling to yourself.
At this point in the movie, the two main characters had begun their fake relationship. She was more popular than him, and he just wanted to fit in. Amidst their difficulties, they decided to stage a breakup. And upon revealing your likeliness for the specific scene, David asks why.
“You can see they don’t mean it, not really.” You begin, “Neither of them. They’re both faking.”
He looks back up at the screen, having glanced down at you while you spoke.
“She’s falling for him; it’s all he’s ever wanted, and he doesn’t even see it.”
It’s cheesy, but that’s what you love about it. To you, these movies were the epitome of love. Writing poems for your crush, romantic confessions, opposites attracting each other. And that last bit… well, that makes you think.
“Dave?” you ask, rolling over onto your back. You stare up at him, and sensing the beginnings of a conversation, he grabs the remote and pauses the movie.
“Do you think we’re opposites?”
The question catches him off-guard; he’d never thought about it before.
“I, um…” he starts, crinkling his brows together. “I don’t know. Maybe, why?”
“Was just thinking about it. I feel like we’re different.”
“Is that a bad thing?” he asks, wondering where this sudden line of questing is coming from. Are you rethinking things?
You shrug, still looking up at him. “I don’t think so, not always.”
“Well, what do you think is different?”
“I’m small,” is the first thing that comes to mind. “And you’re… big.” He smiles at this, giving you a small chuckle. “You’re usually so serious but right now, you seem so sweet.”
“Are there times when I’m not sweet? To you?”
“No,” you grin, still speaking quietly. “You’re always sweet to me.”
Laying like this allows you to stare directly into his eyes, your own expressions now moving to mirror his. After he receives your answer, he goes back to brushing his palm and fingers over your hair and the side of your face, his skin moving gently over your silky strands.
He’s happy with your answer, elated, actually. Because you’re right, after all, he isn’t a sweet man. Dave can think of few things that make him good, even nice. His entire career made him into a man he never thought he’d be, those feelings only growing worse when he ‘retired’. But when he saw you, something inside him shined. Something new bloomed inside, something that made him feel lighter and new.
“I like you being here.” You then murmur to him, watching as he releases a restful breath.
By now, the sun has begun to set, the dimness of its light changing the atmosphere in your living room. It was already calm and happy, but the sunset is forming the tone in the air to be even softer than you thought it could be. The gentle hue of those golden oranges and yellows slip through the peaks between your shades, creating small shadows on your face that Dave begins to trace.
“I like being here.” He reciprocates, his hand stalling as he holds your cheek, his thumb sweeping briefly over your bottom lip. All too quickly, he gets lost in the expression you give simply through your eyes. “You’re so pretty.”
“You think so?”
Dave almost scoffs. “Of course I do. Haven’t been able to look away since I met you.”  
This is so weird, you suddenly think to yourself. And you’re not necessarily turned off by the intrusive thought; it only fills you with wonder. To be doing this – with her dad, of all people. But I just… I love this. I really love this.
Something about David makes you feel whole, makes you feel comforted while simultaneously feeling as though you’d just flung yourself off a cliff. What makes it so comforting though, is knowing that he’s there to catch you. And you trust that thought so much because he’s never shown you otherwise.
“Come up here,” he coos to you, giving you a single nod.
Without question, you do, smiling as you move to crawl onto his lap once again. It seems like this is the position the two of you find yourselves most often in, having accomplished many firsts within your relationship in this exact same spot. And when you’re finally settled over his lap again, straddling his hips, he holds you, looping those strong arms around your back.
“Mm…” he groans, leaning in to press a heated kiss to your cheek. “You’re so beautiful, baby. You’re so fucking pretty.”
Without a word, you turn your head, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss. And he meets you move for move, stride for stride, easily parting your lips with his. His tongue strokes inside, your hands lifting to either side of his face as you relax above him.  
“I’ve never seen or met anyone like you before.” he confesses to you, his kisses becoming more hurried as his left hand travels lower. “This is so different,” he mumbles over your mouth. “So different for me.”
“Baby,” you quietly whine, feeling him grip your backside and knead the flesh of it in his hands. “I like that… it’s new for me, too.”
Those comfy sweatpants give Dave little room to hide his rapidly rising erection, feeling you shuffle slightly over his lap. And while you keen from his affectionate words and praise, you also think back to your moments of jealousy while he had been gone. Being jealous that while Carol didn’t sleep with him anymore or get much of his attention at all, she still had him every day, every day and night. But it shouldn’t be a problem for you, it shouldn’t bother you because it’s so obvious that he doesn’t want her, he clearly wants you.
“Can you take this off again?” he asks against your parted lips. “Please?”
“You take it off this time, baby.” You grin, and the words alone give him confidence.
Without missing a beat both hands fall to the edges of your shirt, easily lifting it up and over your head. You raise your arms for him, allowing him to remove it fully and toss your shirt to the ground. You hadn’t been wearing anything beneath it, and the sight makes him groan. Now becoming more and more comfortable with you, he dives down, his mouth immediately sucking a mark on the swell of your left breast. You gasp when he does it, your hands flying to the back of his head. But he doesn’t let up, he just suctions his mouth that much harder against you. You can feel his teeth and tongue as they focus on this particular spot, giving your chest a single discoloration before moving onto the next. And when he’s done with that, he moves barely a centimeter down, lazily wrapping his lips around your nipple.
“Oh, baby, yes…”
“You like when I play with your tits?” he asks, his voice gruff and breathy.
“You know I love it,” you respond, sighing out shakily as you hold onto him, your nails already digging into his skin.
“Baby, I wanna taste more of you.”
You don’t have to think hard to become aware of what he’s talking about. He’d had his mouth on you only a few mere hours ago, and he already wants more?
“Really, baby? You liked it that much?” you ask him, entirely surprised.
“You know how long it’s been since I’ve made a woman cum?” he returns, lifting his head to look at you. And you grin.
“A few hours.”
“Before that.” he smirks, amused by your humorous remark. He then leans in, nudging your nose with his. “Years, baby. And the fact that it was with you? Some sexy, pretty, tiny college girl? Fuck, you feel how hard I am for you?”
Both of David’s hands fly down to your ass, giving you a firm shove over his lap.
“Just some college girl, huh?” you ignore his other words, your attitude getting the better of you. But you can’t help the moan that slips from your lips when you feel yourself slide over his length.
“I wasn’t searching for this sweetheart, but Jesus did you grab my attention. And as soon as you had it, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you.”
If you’re being honest, you can’t really get mad at that. Neither of you were searching for this; neither of you had been in a relationship with such a large age gap before, either. And besides, even if the two of you were looking for companionship, the last place he’d willingly look was his daughter’s cheer team. And the last place you’d look was your best friend’s family.
“It felt so amazing making you cum on my fingers.” He confesses while mouthing at your earlobe. It sends shivers down your spine, feeling his passion boil over with eager delight. “Can I try to do it with just my tongue?”
“Ugh,” you groan out, rolling your eyes back into your head. “Yes.”
“Lay back for me,” he immediately responds, already rolling the two of you over.
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kisari-vibes · 1 year
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autumnalmess · 7 months
Chapter 1 is up!!! The chapters are short-ish so chapter 2 will be posted soon. There should be quite a number of chapters when it's finished (no more than 35? Don't quote me on that) and the chapters will get a little longer as it picks up speed. Please do hear it out because it certainly gets better as it goes along. In true Victor Hugoean style, enjolras is one of the last characters to be introduced.... Read it!
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fuzzyghost · 2 years
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superbattrash · 2 years
I'm nervously preparing for posting time, besties
look at me googling how to add links, how to tag properly, how to choose the right rating like a newborn writerling 
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deny-the-issue · 2 years
I got my excess energy out, let’s do this people!
I will be completing the requests in the order in which they were recieved!
First one up is Rocker Dad AU for @sweatandwoe​
You’re gonna get TWO because the scenario tickled me
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subjectitute · 2 years
quilge is a coward who doesn’t wanna see my bankai, pass it on
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You'll understand me soon.
{09.01.22 - noon}
It doesn't read at all, and they're claiming it does.
You're talking to me continually, is nothing.
They know I don't speak English in any way.
They're pretending.
100% of The Talking to me is pretending.
i guarantee
Soon :
nothing will follow
I'm Increasing ; the pauses.
- nothing about anything.
Nothing about reading or writing ; you smart asses.
You can't even do those things.
you're an animal creature ; in your world
You - can't ; READ or WRITE. nice try, though
You're not interpreting anything. ->
you're a Fucking RETARD.
You're not Translating, deciphering, and Understanding... you
Don't READ or WRITE.
...you're a FUCKING RETARD.
Looking at Pictures is Too Hard, for you.
>>><<<]: You, are - a Fucking : RETARD.
do you understand?
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- ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 》》 《《 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ -> :
You also don't Talk or Speak.
In your World ; there's nothing you can Understand in ANY way ever at ANY point in time.
》 you ; are - A : FUCKING : RETARD. 《 》》》 period
- ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 》》 《《《《《《《《《《..........
You can stop Yelling random things.
you can stop insisting ; you're reading writing and understanding me.
You can, STOP, - INSISTING ; ... : ]: you Make : - ;... Communication NOISES.
you -> : are a, Fucking ; RETARD.
You, ; don't do any of that kind of stuff : according to ANY Other Creature - ON THE PLANET. : the ONLY creature You Claim ; Intelligence to :->]: is, ME. -> that's very ironic
Period. ; both parts -> PERIOD. : period
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》》》>>>>>>>>>> ]: >>>>>>>>>> | :::::::::: )]: >>>.........
... ... ...
So :
here's what I'm doing. about, your Retardation
... ... ...
I'm ; increasing the pausing
☆ follow me ☆
For 25 years, I studied you.
translating your noises : by calculating them. - you can do that with english you know : which you all speak, on this planet
The Translation is done. my gathering evidence has ended - I'm no longer affected by you
I'm Calculating Mine Now. - adjusting my, what's Called ; clicking. that's what you do. : you don't talk, or speak, any Amount... :...->]: you CLICK.
you, make Clicking ; and, Popping : NOISES
-> i Talk ; and -> Speak. - you ; are, -> : a FUCKING RETARD
by Calculating my Noises ; I'll move closer, to -> Parallell (I'm "pulling up") ... you're popping, ; and, you're Clicking.
I'll Continue to Match it ; to Suit - your perversion and pedophilia ; which you are. you won't be ABLE to tell I'm doing something else. But - something will be wrong. - 2 things) - 1] it won't ACTUALLY Match your desires, which rule your behavior, determine your ASSAULTS, and Guide your Genocide 2] it won't seem right. the Pauses ; will be - ..., WRONG.
WRONG ; is WRONG - you will Learn ; you, ARE -> going, : to ::::::::::->]: LEARN. PERIOD : - period
Talking Mathematically ; was a poor choice. you Should've stuck to your World : and, Kept - your MOUTH : SHUT ☆ trust me
The Pausing is Being Calculated. I'm continuing to Mimick you.
-... but : at Some point in time - very soon. I will not. At some point in time -> my ability to Mimick though higher ; will be DROPPED. THEN, as I DO NOT : I will complete my understanding of your noise makings as I do so. -> and when I return to it if ever I choose I will be able to Mimick you saying anything. That's right, say anything : and STILL suit your Sexual Mentally Ill desires. simply ☆ you're a fucking retard - you, Will : SEE
And then : I'll have Spoken to you - not in your Suitings -> and, Also ; be 100% able to Suit you. - Literally Able to "speak your language", as you beg for. AND : able to Speak To You ; to Romance, to Share the Mind, to "speak from the heart", to Share my THOUGHTS, to "Express" "Myself", to - "tell you" "what you want to know" : as, you have demanded -> ; your/my Grace, as you call yourself. my grace
And then you will have freedom to understand. the only thing you want Freedom. - you, will : KNOW - 1} what I said 2} what I'm thinking. It's going to be - glorious ; trust me, you'll see
... .... ....
The Important part, how you'll see (understand)... is
The Pauses.
I'm working on it now.
You won't be able, to Claim I'm your Nature - anymore. You'll be too scared. humans, Terrify you I found ; when I saw you.
the pauses ; won't match with mental illness, perversion, or - pedophillia. simply. It - CLEARLY : won't be you,... -> :-: ]: I'm just Warning, you ; now. ... aren't I?... isn't that nice???... of, me
Isn't it? it is - I, ... am. yes. I am - thank ; you
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》》》》》》》》》》 ☆☆☆ 《《《 >>>>>>>>>> ]: so
you'll Know by the Pauses that you're TERRIFIED.
You'll know by the noises, the clicking and popping,... that ; you can't think.
And :
you'll know by my behavior nothing. : your brain will melt
you'll know by The Facts ; understanding. You, will be so confused -> it MAKES NO SENSE
... also ; sometimes I will Speak : which you know nothing of. - something that will, boggle your mind
: ... ... ... You can stop sex posing now.
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☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 》》》 - ... ... ... ::::::::->]: ...
I designed it all for you. Because you spoke to me. and you DON'T SPEAK
》 you're braindead
have a nice day 💋 ; sexy - you submissive One, you
-> lol. just kidding 👍: FREAK
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ilovetvtoons · 1 year
Me after finishing Marcy's Journal.
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itsbrucey · 5 months
Big fan of sun motifs in characters not necessarily being about positivity and happiness and how they're so " bright and warm" but instead being about fucking brutal they are.
Radiant. A FORCE of nature that will turn you to ash. That warmth that burns so hot it feels like ice. Piercing yellow and red and white. A character being a Sun because you cannot challenge a Sun without burning alive or taking everything down with them if victorious.
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