wandasfifthwife · 2 months
I LOVE chatting with you all 🤍🥳
don’t ever feel bad or scared to send in an ask/chat/idea because they genuinely are my favorite part of being on here. I scramble when I see an ask come in—
I loveeee them (not always though, I’ve had a few anons come in and bullshit some message and waste their own time bc I fucking block them. I don’t engage w/ shitty people)
but getting an ask and discussing it feels like I’m chatting with a friend and fanning over something we both enjoy like kids.
It’s my FAVORITE part of being on tumblr :)
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
thehollowprince said: And I also stand by the opinion that they could have just done a solo run of the O5 X-Men starting a new timeline with the information they got from the future.
thehollowprince said: Its not like Marvel doesn’t constantly do AUs and retcons
OMG Josh you have no idea how bad I wanted this. They could’ve done SO MUCH with that concept. Letting the 05 keep their foreknowledge and the world they could have created with that?
They could’ve averted the initial Krakoan mission and saved Darwin, Gabe, Petra and Sway in the first place. They could have all been X-Men from their Day One, Scott and Alex would have actually gotten to KNOW their brother and Gabe quite possibly would never have gone full Dark Side despite the writers apparently now seeming obsessed with the idea there’s just something innately bad within Gabe that’s always destined to bear fruit at some point, ugh, whatever, like who do you think you are, Kant?
They could’ve recruited the Giant Size X-Men lineup earlier, and saved John Proudstar, who side by side with his brother Jamie, are a force to be reckoned with. 
They could have convinced Pietro and Wanda to join them instead of the Avengers and been like no but seriously that way lies nothing but shitty storylines and bad decisions that will be blamed on you by your teammates despite the fact that any and all of the bad decisions that were ACTUALLY yours could have been averted if any of your teammates were capable of functioning as an actual support system. Come join us. We have actual support systems, except for the times when we don’t, but we recruited Deadpool to break the fourth wall and he and Logan are currently cutting through the ranks of every writer who would write as hating and fighting each other instead of being a loving fucking family goddammit.
Jean could have faced the Phoenix head-on when the time for that came, using her knowledge of the future not to fear an inevitable death, but rather to know she had nothing TO fear, that the power to not control this force, but just be ONE with it, with no NEED to control it or be controlled by it, a symbiotic union, two beings in harmony deciding on courses of action together. The Phoenix’s innate powers and prerogative of rebirth and destruction tempered by Jean’s mercy, aimed and focused by Jean’s reason, the double-edged sword that is fire capable of warming homes or destroying them completely combined with Jean’s conscience guiding it to use its power for the former rather than the latter.
They could have stopped the Legacy Virus from getting out and killing millions as well as spared us from migraines induced by an AIDS metaphor so shitty at being a metaphor most people forget it was literally written to be an AIDS metaphor.
The body swap would never have happened and Kwannon could have joined the X-Men as a full member from the time she was introduced, rather than dragged along in the wake of Betsy’s tangled storylines for a couple decades.
They could have stopped Fitzroy from killing the Hellions. Hell, if they train Illyana early enough and have her mentored by Wanda who is perfectly fucking competent when left to her own devices, then like, maybe they can even take a jaunt to the future to save Fitzroy from dying in the first place and being resurrected with no soul. Not gonna lie, ever since then I’ve kinda been seriously interested in what the hell would a hero version of Trevor freaking Fitzroy even BE like, y’know? Call it morbid fascination, but like. I kinda want it, guys. LOL.
Add to that note, they could have taken another jaunt to the future and rescued Rachel from being made into a Hound by Ahab. Through the power of some convoluted plot tangle I just made up for convenience, Scott still ends up in a relationship with Maddy briefly, in one of those self-fulfilling prophecy type things where he went into it with the full intention of just averting the future and saving Maddy from her fate as the Goblyn Queen, but somehow ended up in a love triangle with a very alive Jean and Maddy who is fully informed of Sinister’s shenanigans and quite displeased with that asshole, and look, I don’t know how all of this goes exactly, but let’s cut to the chase, my only real endgame with this is making sure that Nate’s born properly, saved from Apocalypse and the techno-virus by the combined efforts of Scott, Maddy and Jean as well as Uncles Warren, Bobby and Hank, and Jean calls up the Phoenix through some psychic bond or whatever and is like hey girl, can I hit you up for a loan real quick? Got some losers that need toasting. 
And in this AU the Phoenix totally has her back, and one brief cosmic power-up and gratuitous Sailor Moon transformation later, Jean glows and intones some epic one-liners with appropriate gravitas, and then just punts both Apocalypse and Sinister to the far side of the universe, never to be seen or heard from again. They like, hit a black hole on the way there I guess. It was very sad. Violin strings may commence with the requiem. Okay that’s enough, they can stop now.
So then through the plot contrivances of fuck you, I said so, Scott and Maddy ultimately part amicably and Scott and Jean get back together and the three of them civilly co-parent both baby Nate and Rachel, as Maddy keeps the healing powers she gained as Anodine and stays with the X-Men for her own reasons.
The telepaths are all better trained by the expertise Jean gained in her powers while in the future, so the next time the Shadow King comes bumming around looking to cause chaos, Betsy, Emma and Jean just look at each other and laugh and say nuh-uh before psychically squishing him into a marble.
Warren never becomes Archangel. Onslaught isn’t a thing. They make nice with Magneto and say okay you may have a couple points, let’s discuss. Bishop arrives in the past for reasons totally unrelated to his original story, has no traitor to seek out among the X-Men, and thus he and Gambit end up besties in complete defiance of that stupid fucking story and because I just think they’re neat together. Yes I said neat. Gambit and Bishop are just neat. Deal with it. 
Bishop still hates that Fitzroy guy though, he’s like, I don’t even know what it is about that guy, he just rubs me the wrong way, even though Fitzroy is not evil here and has always done good with his powers, which are channeled through a device Forge made him that lets him just absorb life force from a wide range around him, spread out and diluted enough that its like, the grass feels weird for a second, like whoa what even was that, and then its over. Actually, y’know what, scratch that. Fitzroy’s powers are stupid and unnecessary the way they are now anyway, so fuck it, this Fitzroy doesn’t need life force or whatever, he’s just a dude who makes time portals. He’s like Illyana with green hair and that ugly goatee. Hey I said this Fitzroy was non-evil, not that he was perfect.
Bobby’s out and proud since he was sixteen, and with actual competence and proficiency with his powers, which make him a Literal Unkillable Gay Icon, he’s an inspiration to LGBTQ+ teens everywhere and inspires other gay, bi and trans heroes to come out. He’s a big brother figure to all the baby gays that later join the X-Men, like, Rictor comes to him for advice back during the time equivalent to early X-Factor, when Rictor’s a trying-too-hard sixteen year old who thought college age Bobby was like the coolest, which is valid, because X-Factor Bobby was like A+ Bobby characterization and deserves more reads. 
So Rictor comes out earlier as well, and by the time they even meet Shatterstar, instead of a slow burn friends to roommates to lovers scenario, Rictor takes one look at the love of his life and wastes no time coming out swinging with an absolutely terrible pick up line. Look, I said his big brother figure Bobby was out and proud in this AU, not that he magically had a better sense of humor. Some things just don’t change, y’know? Luckily, Shatterstar is a weirdo, and thus he finds terrible pick-up lines charming. At least when its Rictor saying them. They walk off for a first date, already practically hand in hand, voices fading into the distance as Rictor asks “By the way, have you met Dazzler yet? According to Bobby, apparently she’s your mom. That Longshot dude with the mullet over there is your dad I guess. We should go say hi.”
Hank gets an assistant hand-picked by the rest of the original X-Men, and who has one job and one job only. To follow him around and observe all his experiments, and he has veto power over experiments that People With IQs As High As Yours Should Know Better But I Guess You’ve Got Reed Richards Syndrome.
Hank’s like, “Hmm, if I built a time machine I could go back to the Jurassic Period and observe whether my theory of - “
Hank’s assistant: “Veto.”
“Damn. Okay I was also thinking of making a deep space communicator that can reach into the farthest reaches of space beyond any known civilization and just say hi, y’know? See if anyone’s out there.”
“If I combine these genetically modified antibodies here with this strain of of DNA from - “
“Well Forge built this device that does this to mutant powers but I think I can make it do - “
“These nanobots I - “
“Honestly, at this point I think you’re just saying that just because you like saying it.”
“Dr. McCoy, I promise you, I’m really, really not.”
Logan finds out about his future clan of stabby children, and seeks them out. He rescues Daken from Romulus, somebody stabs that loser with the immortal-killing sword, I don’t even care who, and after a few tense months of Logan trying too hard, he and Daken eventually bond over how hockey just isn’t violent enough. If you’re going to make a sport all about hitting each other, just really go for it or don’t even bother, y’know? Logan claps him on the shoulder and sniffs. That’s my boy. Then they find and rescue Laura and Gabby and take a road trip to Earth 1610 to pick up Jimmy. They have a house on campus, and new students walking by it are used to hearing loud growling and even howls. They were assured during orientation that that’s nothing to worry about, it just means the House of Snikt are watching a game and are rooting for opposing sides. 
Emma’s recruited practically the day they get back. She’s only just started at the Hellfire Club and has only done a tiny bit of Evil when Warren schedules an appointment with her, and then he, Scott and Jean make a better pitch than Shaw and his ilk could ever match. They’ve been to the future. Come join with us and we’ll give you an all access pass to memories detailing exactly what’s going to happen in these particular areas and many more. All you have to do is ask. Oh and also please don’t seduce any married teammates. Its bad form. To be honest, I don’t think it’ll be an issue because Deadpool assures us Morrison has been taken care of, and don’t worry if that makes no sense to you, its a head-scratcher for us to. Just roll with it. 
Nate ages normally here so its not like he ends up besties with forty year old Wade, but the latter having his own plot-contrived knowledge of the future because He’s Just Like That, decides that he won’t be denied at least SOME kind of bond with The Bestie That Wasn’t. He becomes Nate’s official babysitter. Well, not official, seeing as how Scott, Jean and Maddy don’t hire him and are very clear that their son is not to be left alone with this man at any time, he is a terrible influence and he keeps giving our kid guns. But then Wade just shows up anytime they’re out because he just has a sixth sense for Making Trouble, and he terrifies away whatever babysitter’s there and greets the returning and exasperated parents with a cheery wave. 
“I know what you’re going to say, but don’t worry, we didn’t do anything dangerous or against the law. All we did today was I taught him to make bombs, but we were very careful, we wore safety goggles and really, they were very little bombs. Not even anything atomic. I honestly don’t think any of them could have even blown up this whole house, and I’ve been meaning to say, I’m not impressed with the structural integrity of this place. Couldn’t you have picked something with a sturdier foundation? Its like you don’t even expect random space mercenaries to attack your place out of the blue every other month. Have any of you even read a single issue of your own comics?”
Scott’s jaw twitches Ominously. Wade starts gathering up his things. Jean rubs her forehead wearily.
“Wade, what do you even think ‘dangerous’ means?”
Wade pauses and cocks his head. Gives it a solid twenty seconds of thought. Then he shrugs. 
“I don’t know actually. Don’t think I’ve ever really thought about it. I always figured it was just one of those things people just say. Like, ‘oh, it looks like rain today,’ even if they’re not a forecaster and have no real meteorological credentials to speak of. ‘Oh, this mission will be dangerous,’ and I don’t even have to use up all my ammo and I only get shot twice. Y’know?”
“Leave,” Scott says. More like intones. House shakes a little bit but that might just be Wade’s imagination. Its very active.
“Leaving!” He says hastily. He jumps through the closed window and then teleports away amid the falling shower of broken glass. Why didn’t he do that while he was still inside the room? No one knows. Not even Wade knows. Why did the chicken cross the road? Who the fuck cares, now is it Original Recipe or Crispy?
Scott, Jean and Maddy search the house while Nate angelically claims they won’t find anything, Wade doesn’t even bring him cool stuff anymore cuz he knows you’ll just take it.
Maddy finds a high-tech laser space gun under a floorboard in the closet. She holds it up with one eyebrow raised pointedly. Scott and Jean flank her and their own eyebrows raise in solidarity. Well Jean’s does. Scott’s probably does but its hard to tell sometimes. Depends on what glasses or visor he’s wearing.
“That was already there,” Nate tries. Most powerful telepath and telekinetic in the world, but the kid can’t lie for shit. There’s not much point in trying when one of your moms is the freaking Phoenix, and that’s a skill that takes practice he just doesn’t have. 
The three sets of parental eyebrows make a V, judgingly.
“One month of no video games or TV?” Okay, so terrible liar but quick on his feet. At least he knows when he’s beat and jumps straight to trying to shape his own punishment proactively.
“Two months. And no flying lessons either,” Jean says. “And don’t pout at me, young man. You know the rules. No weapons inside the house unless your grandpa Corsair is visitng and we’re too tired to fight him on keeping knives under his pillow. This is a Do As We Say, Not As We Do house. Deal with it. Now, this is going with the others and you can have it back when you’re eighteen.”
It would have been three months, but Jean and Maddy caught a telepathic sniff from Scott. He’s just so proud of his kid thinking so tactically. He’s growing up so fast. Both women mentally roll their eyes. Why is he like this.
“I don’t see what the big deal is anyway,” Nate sulks. “Its just a stupid laser gun. I mean, Uncle Gabe blew up our last house with his brain.” 
“Yes and it was an accident and he feels absolutely terrible about that which is why we’re not going to bring it up when he and Armando come visit this weekend, right?”
“You can have my full compliance for two weeks off my sentence.”
“Or we can have your full compliance or two weeks will be added to your sentence,” Maddy says.
“You guys suck,” declares the ten year old vessel of near unlimited psychic might. He goes to his room, stomping all the way up the stairs so his grievances can be heard even by the House of Snikt next door. Course, they’ve already been listening to the whole thing with their enhanced hearing. There was nothing good on TV. Jimmy made popcorn and chewed with his mouth open just to piss off Daken. 
‘The second Father leaves the room, I am going to stab you in such a slow healing place you’ll still be bleeding at bed time.’ Daken mouths at his little brother from another universe. Jimmy scrunches his face in confusion. 
‘What?’ He mouths back. He’s terrible at reading lips. Or anything that isn’t skateboarding, really. And yet Father’s so happy that ‘at least one of my kids is content with stupid normal stuff and doesn’t go around drawing cover fire just because a mission is going so well its boring and they haven’t even gotten to pop their claws out yet.’
“That’s only because you’ve coddled him. He’s barely ever even been shot at. Just the one time on vacation in Majipoor and he wasn’t even the target, the assassin was aiming for me. If you would just let me take him on a proper outing to gain some real experience - “
“Not gonna happen.” Logan shuts that down real quick.
“Really Father, just look at him. He has zero situational awareness. I’ve been glaring a hole in the back of his head for a full minute now and he has no idea. That could just as easily be an actual laser scope, you know. He’s a disgrace to the whole family.”
“Daken, we’ve been over this,” Logan says firmly. “You have your sisters to bond with over gratuitous violence. Leave your brother alone. I don’t want anyone traumatizing him until trauma finds him all on its own. It’ll happen sooner or later, he’s as much a part of this family as anyone and that means its as good as done already, so there’s no need to hurry it along. If later on he decides he’s got a taste for it, you can take him on all the outings to get shot at that you want. But he’s gotta figure it out for himself first, and he doesn’t need his big brother being the one who introduces him to all that. He idolizes you, you know.”
Daken scoffs. He can’t even get the brat to chew with his mouth closed.
“He cut his hair from that style he liked so much, just because you hated it so much,” Logan says obliviously. Daken nods like he’s conceding the argument and hastens from the room while he can still keep his mouth shut. It won’t benefit anyone at this point to tell their father that Jimmy really only cut his hair because Daken told him he would set it on fire if he didn’t. 
Ugh, families are the worst. Don’t even get him started on Laura stealing some of his clothes to wear without asking. And then has the gall to yell back at him when he yells “Silk! Its the finest cut of silk! Does that mean nothing to you?” at her.
“Oh get over it. Its not like I asked for killer robots to interrupt my date.”
“Of course they were going to interrupt your date with that Julian boy. I keep telling you, he’s a magnet for trouble. I can tell. I’m one too, remember?”
“Fine, whatever, you’re right and I should just expect every date with Julian from now until the end of time to end with fire and disaster.”
“Well now you’re being melodramatic. There’s no way that boy makes it past twenty five. He doesn’t even have a healing factor.”
“Why do you hate him so much anyway? If you’d just give him a chance - “
“What are you talking about? I give him a chance every single time he’s here and I don’t kill him.”
“Ugh, I can’t even talk to you when you’re like this. You always do this, you just decide on something and then you commit to that like the fate of the world depends on you standing firm on what’s usually a completely arbitrary decision in the first place!”
Daken sniffs. “I can assure you, there’s absolutely nothing arbitrary about my disdain for the Keller boy.”
“His name is Julian,” Laura enunciates with a glare.
“I don’t care,” Daken enunciates with an expression of lofty superiority.
“You two are so dumb,” Gabby says from the end of the hallway. They both turn identical glares on her. They’d noticed her arrive several minutes ago but they weren’t about to be distracted from their battle of wills. “Laura, you know Daken isn’t actually going to kill Julian. He doesn’t do that anymore except for really bad people sometimes and he just talks about stabbing people or killing them cuz he thinks he’s funny and then he gets all pissy because nobody ever gets that he doesn’t really mean it. He doesn’t even hate Julian and he used to be fine with him before he started dating you, its just he doesn’t think he’s good enough for you.”
Daken frowns at the petite would-be peacemaker. Meddlesome toddler. “What are you even babbling about? None of that is remotely true.”
Gabby rolls her eyes up at her brother from her much lower height. She taps the side of her nose with emphasis. “You do know we all have the same abilities to smell and analyze scents as you do, right? And you know everything you can tell from peoples’ scent, right? Of course I’m right, I can smell it as clear as anything and so can Jimmy and Dad and we actually all know this and talk about it all the time, and its why Dad never actually gets mad at you for talking about killing people because he can smell you’re saying it just cuz you’re used to saying it but really you’re too marshmallowy on the inside now to do half the stuff you claim you’re gonna do. Hate to break it to you bro, but you’re a closet softie and you’ve been made. The nose doesn’t lie. Only reason Laura doesn’t know it is because you piss her off like its your favorite hobby and its probably impossible for her to smell anything beyond her own scent of Royally Pissed Off.”
Ugh. Meddlesome insightful toddler. Who asked for her intervention anyway? Daken crosses his arms in a way that’s decidedly aloof and not at all sulking.
Laura’s staring at their sister assessingly. “That’s really what you think is going on? And Jimmy and Dad think so too? You’re not just saying all that?”
Gabby bats her eyes up at them. “Would I lie to you?”
“Yes,” Laura says without missing a beat.
“Without a shadow of a doubt,” Daken says dryly, right on her heels.
“For the sake of a candy bar,” Laura adds, because that really did happen.
“Or just boredom, because god forbid you pick up another hobby that isn’t just Chaos.”
“This from the guy who only has fun when there’s blood and bullets flying about,” Gabby fires back from a position of petite petulance.
Daken smirks down at her. “Didn’t you just say I don’t really mean it when I say all of that?”
Gabby narrows her eyes. “Touché. My own words thrown back at me. I am undone.”
“Yes, well - “
Daken’s cut off as Jimmy chooses that moment to walk past them down the hallway to the bathroom. He’s laughing and shaking his head.
“You guys are both so dumb. She plays you like this all the time, and you never see it.”
“Silence, mortal!” Gabby thunders at their brother menacingly. The effect is somewhat diminished by the fact that she can’t hit a baritone note to save her life.
“No, I’m interested in hearing what he has to say,” Daken says coolly. “For once. This is a moment without precedent and one unlikely to occur again, so let’s explore it a bit.”
Jimmy sighs and shakes his head without ever losing that amused smirk. “Had to tack on that last part, didn’t you. Just couldn’t help yourself.”
“I am a faithful student of the Truth,” Daken says, matching his brother smirk for smirk.
“The point, Jimmy?” Laura prods aggressively before that can erupt into a wholly separate thing she wants no part of.
“Oh, right.” He shrugs nonchalantly. “Its kinda her thing with you two when you get like this. You pick a fight with Laura, Laura gets pissed off and succumbs to the family curse of Tunnel Vision at the Worst Possible Time, and you both go back and forth endlessly and like you have all the time in the world for your stupid tete a tete, because on account of you both being practically unkillable and immortal, you kinda do and you know it. And then whenever she gets bored of listening to you two, Gabby swoops in and draws both of your attention until you’re both so focused on being annoyed with her you don’t even realize you’re actually side by side agreeing with each other, and she keeps it up just long enough til she’s sure she can just say she’s bored now and just leave the room, leaving you both annoyed and frustrated by a fight you can’t even claim to have won because she really just kinda...left, in the middle of it, and you’re so focused on that, you’ve totally forgotten to be pissed at each other. And by the time you do remember, like, the moment has passed and peace has been returned to the kingdom. Or at least as peaceful as this place ever gets.”
Daken stares at his mistake of a brother in the hopes that if he stalled long enough, his senses would arrive at a different conclusion. But nope. Scents don’t lie, unlike baby sis, apparently. He’s telling the truth. And Daken really does not....care for that conclusion.
Gabby stamps her foot and glares up at their brother.
“You are such a tattletale. I am providing a service, by keeping this family free of these two constantly at each others throats, and how is that service repaid? With betrayal! I hate you, you’re dead to me. Never speak to me again or at least not until I’ve stopped being mad at you, but that could be like ten years or something, I don’t even know right now.”
She draws up to her full height and squares her shoulders as she thunders this Mighty Mouse style at the still laughing Jimmy. Then, seeing she’d yet to make a dent in his armor of amusement and he was failing to take her pronouncement seriously, she punctuated her declaration by spitting on their brother’s shoe. Daken’s eyebrows shoot up again, this time in amusement of his own. Gabby then spins around on her heel and stalks off down the hallway, muttering more dire threats under her breath as she goes, the sound of them nonetheless carrying clearly to three siblings with enhanced hearing of their own. And apparently, little sis could be quite creative. Who knew she’d been hiding such talent?
Jimmy barely even notices; he’s still staring down at his shoe.
“Dude, you spit on me! That’s so not cool.”
“Some things need to be expressed so strongly, mere words will not suffice,” Daken says loftily, savoring a slightly renewed sense of superiority.
One quickly dashed, of course, because apparently he just can’t have anything.
“Bold words from the seventy year old who needed the sixteen year old to clue him in he’s being regularly manipulated by the twelve year old,” Jimmy fires back. As a return volley, its obnoxiously effective, and Daken’s still grinding his teeth and searching for an adequate rejoinder as Jimmy just grins even wider and then strolls off down the hallway as well. Whistling either an absolutely hideous song or else proof that he’s absolutely hideous at whistling. Tough call. With him it could be either.
Daken and Laura both stare after him in silence as he rounds the corner and disappears, leaving only the lingering scent of smugness in his wake. Daken hates the scent of smugness. It has a particularly....cloying feel to it. Well not his of course. But everyone else’s, especially little brothers? Acrid is the only word adequate for that.
“Sometimes I really do want to stab him. Just a little bit. And I’m not even lying,” Daken says. Laura just nods, her own nose scrunched up in distaste as well.
“Honestly? Me too.”
Brother and sister enjoy the rare moment of solidarity.
“You know what’s really bugging me?” Laura says suddenly, still staring off down the hallway. Daken turns an inquiring eye on her, prompting elucidation. She frowns.
“Where the hell did he learn a phrase like tete a tete? I mean. Its Jimmy.”
Daken does know what she means, and frowns as the nagging awareness of that leaps from his sister to himself like memetic chain lightning.
“And he used it correctly. That’s....unexpected.”
“Sometimes I wonder if maybe he’s not as completely airheaded as he pretends, and the fact that he’s got everyone so convinced of that actually means he’s running circles around the rest of us,” Laura says. She shrugs. “Of course, then I have to question everything and who has that kind of time and also the very idea of genius mastermind Jimmy disturbs me on a deeply visceral level. So then I just. Stop doing that.”
Daken nods and sighs. “Sometimes, that’s all you can do.”
“Okay, this is annoying. I kinda still want to fight, but now fighting with you feels kinda anticlimactic. Ugh, siblings are the worst,” Laura declares with a glower. “They ruin everything.”
“On that, we can agree. With allowances for temporary occasions of some of them being bearable,” Daken says. “Some.”
“That’s the nicest thing you’ve never said to me, big brother,” Laura says lightly. Daken swiftly scowls but she holds up a hand to forestall any rebuttal. “Sorry, don’t mean to ruin the moment. I’m thinking about how else we can put all that frustrated energy to good use. Wanna go pick a fight with the Summers’ kids?”
A slow smile spreads across Daken’s face. “Well now. Finally, a family outing I can get behind. I believe that’s precisely what we need right now. Care to lead the way?”
He still hates her boyfriend, of course, but he supposes he can let that be. 
For now, at least.
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avengers-nextgen · 6 years
Prometheus XVIII
It seemed that all worries had been forgotten. That any lingering fear had faded to the background. The adults watched the children with curiosity, each impressed by the resilience of their own offspring in the wake of conflict.
Wanda and Vision had essentially adopted Orion into their family as his parents continued to establish a new system in space. When they all went to the zoo Orion went along, when they went to the movies he went too, when they visited Wanda’s home once more Orion was there too. He enjoyed every minute of it.
All the while he and Scout grew increasingly more comfortable with one another. Vision noticed small things Scout did that Wanda also did. Sometimes he’d absentmindedly link pinkies with Orion, fix a wrinkle of clothing, settle his chin on Orion’s shoulder when bored, and even walk too close to the other boy so their elbows brushed together.
As for Wanda, she noticed traits of her husband in her son. The way he rambled about things he found interesting, the way his hand gestures while talking often involved some form of contact with Orion, and the way he blushed when he accidentally did something embarrassing.
It was very sweet in her opinion. Especially the way they fed off of each other’s emotions. Orion had become like a second son. The other half of Scout that had been missing for a very long time.
— — —
Chloe was beginning to see the brighter side of things. She wasn’t perfect, she never had been and never would be, but Nathaniel was a source of help she never thought she’d get. He understood everything, all of it, and as much as Chloe loved her brother-he just wasn’t able to help how she needed it.
It wasn’t that he hadn’t tried, but he just didn’t know what she needed. And having taken some of the older boy’s advice Chloe felt some of the weight on her shoulders slowly dissipate. She’d opened up, let him read her journals, and rather than assess the creativity of her writings he’d tried his best to talk through them with her.
He asked questions; how were you feeling when you wrote this? What’s the purpose of this? Did it help after writing it? Etc. They picked through nearly every page and talked until they ran out of time because he was needed elsewhere.
She began to look forward to the little meetings. It felt good to finally be understood. To finally have someone able to help her through her emotions. And-in a way-it was therapeutic for Nathaniel too. He’d come to better terms with things and had even babysat his niece Ellie. The baby was definitely energetic and he couldn’t help but love her.
What’s more, the two had an idea. It took lots of help from Piper and her contacts but it was coming to fruition. Nathaniel had mentioned his trip to the butterfly garden with Ellie years ago and Chloe had held back a few tears. Ethan had always called her his ‘little butterfly.’
Thus, a current building was under construction. It was a butterfly garden designed specifically to help people heal and process grief. They’d decided to call it, “Ellie’s Little Butterlies,” as a tribute to both Ellie and Ethan. People were already talking about it in the papers, and both Chloe and Nathaniel couldn’t help but be excited about it.
— — —
Piper was currently revising an architectural design to build a school solely for potential female STEM graduates. She’d run the designs by Gen and revised the plans as many times as it took to get things right all while Gen managed the finances.
And throughout it all Pepper couldn’t help but be proud of her daughter. She was steadily growing into her own self with ideas, passions, and interests that were far beyond anything she’d have expected.
Not only had Piper begun to design a school she’d also purchased an entire animal shelter eliminating the kill policy. After hearing about Gen’s volunteer time at a shelter and the way they moved through animals like trash-Piper decided that wasn’t going to stand on her watch.
Instead, she opened up the volunteer jobs to local homeless people who received portions of her savings and salary for their participation in taking care of the animals. Adoption rates had gone up, and Piper was certain it was because the homeless workers had finally found someone to love them, and they could now afford to care for an animal.
She was determined to start changing the local community for the better. After overhearing a discussion James and Fox had she’d learned some of the dirtier and often overlooked details politicians liked to pretend didn’t exist.
As for Tony, he couldn’t believe that someone was finally taking over the company and doing far more with it than he ever could have. He’d always tried to balance it with his hero job but-well that didn’t work out. He knew he was leaving it in good hands, and of course he was there should his daughter need any help. As for now he was watching from afar with the look of a proud father.
— — —
Fox had taken Maria’s offer and officially joined Shield. With that came her clean slate, and she was going to do something with it. Though it pained her, the first thing she did was shut down her parent’s business.
It had been passed down through the family but it had become something very different than its original intentions. The criminals inside were arrested and set to have trials, and Fox made sure to leave her parents with something. She arranged a place for them to stay and made sure they moved in comfortably but after that she made it clear: she was done having contact with them.
With James’ help and a few other agents they managed to redo the entire bar. It’s purpose as a bar would remain the same but what went on behind closed doors was no longer allowed. Formerly dirty, slimy, and all around gross, the building was now flashy, clean, and comfortable.
People no longer came in from gangs and other criminal affiliations. Instead it was happy people with friends, those on dates, and nervous college kids trying alcohol for the first time on their 21st birthdays.
James ran numerous background checks until he managed to hire a great group of workers and the place became one of popularity. On occasion he’d go there himself, not for any drink, but for food. And on occasion he’d conveniently be there the same time Fox was working a shift as a way to make money on the off days of work.
— — —
Thalia had taken an interest in Siyanda’s native language and the two were spending hours together teaching one another their native tongues.
Often times they said things wrong but the end result was worth a good laugh. Thalia was beginning to understand Siyanda the more she understood Siyanda’s culture. She even began to learn how to do different hair styles and would help Siyanda with them.
All of which Siyanda found endearing. She couldn’t think of the last time someone had bothered to learn so much about her and her people. It made her heart melt, and it made her consider taking Thalia back home to officially introduce her to everyone. But Siyanda was still hesitant about the idea.
Never the less, she enjoyed Thalia’s company. They were practically joined at the hip and Siyanda found Sif and Valkyrie very interesting. They had different perspectives on things than the ones Thor had, and there were certain traits Thalia had that matched her mother’s.
Siyanda supposed that at the end of the day, if she couldn’t quite bring herself to introduce Thalia yet she could at least bond with the rest of Thalia’s family. And they were happy enough to get to know Siyanda too. They were as curious about her as she was about them.
— — —
Arthur and Penny went on their ‘date’ despite Arthur’s nerves. He didn’t like socializing much let alone going out in public a whole lot. With Penny though it didn’t matter so much. She was full of spunk and energy and Arthur couldn’t bring himself to dwell on the negatives.
When they’d finished lunch Penny dragged him to an arcade nearby and he discovered a very interesting fact: Penny was extremely good at basketball. It turned out she’d played for a long time and had even participated on a few club teams before quitting to pursue her science interests and hero work.
Arthur couldn’t believe it, but Penny insisted she’d made the right choice. Still, he coaxed her into playing the basket shooting game only to lose with a major ass whooping to show for it. All the while though he saw her grinning in his peripheral. She was in her element and missing seemed to be impossible for her.
But Arthur got his revenge at air hockey. Penny, despite the assistance of her medication, was still easily distracted and he scored points like crazy. She took the loss with grace and a playful shove before deciding it was best they spend their tickets on something they could share.
The two purchased a stuffed bear. Penny decided on the name since Arthur picked the color of the bear. It was named Thickey the Bear, because of its butt.
— — —
Bianca was at the mercy of Enzo’s excitement as he tried to show her everything possible. All of his favorite movies, shows, books, conspiracy theories, and more. He’d latched onto her like a new big sister. She didn’t mind of course-he was very sweet.
And listening to him talk about school and his best friend Max was adorable. According to Enzo, they were the best on the hockey team. Bianca asked if Enzo knew anything about hockey at all and he didn’t. All he knew was that Max played it and they were really good.
Bianca took it upon herself to google as much as she could find on the sport and taught Enzo all about it. Then, she accompanied him to one of Max’s games. Having a better understanding of the game Enzo was all grins. Afterwards, Max came to say hello and Enzo dumped all of his highlights of the game on the other kid.
Upon Max’s curiosity Enzo sheepishly explained that Bianca had taught him all about the game. After that, Bianca found herself to be quite the hockey fan, and it was no surprise that it happened to be one of Bucky’s secret indulgences.
— — —
With Sage now integrated into the family life Alex had made her buy a brand new wardrobe which was like getting a kid to eat vegetables. At the end of the day-which was a long and exhausting day-Sage finally had new clothes that didn’t look like they were years old.
She did, however, sneak an extra shirt into the mix that hadn’t gotten Alex’s approval. Then, the next day she’d worn it and the look on the blonde’s face was priceless. Say:Eye, Spell: Map, Say: Ness.
From that moment on it became Sage’s mission to find increasingly ridiculous shirts. Alex pretended to hate it but she actually enjoyed the little sense of humor because it made Sage laugh. Not to mention she was so proud of herself for such a little rebellious gesture.
But the shirts weren’t the only small aspects of Sage’s personality that began to show through. Alex had discovered an old key board and it turned out Sage knew how to play very well. Alex had asked to be taught and Sage was surprisingly patient with it. Everything athletic came easy to her but music wasn’t something she was good at. She would try however, because it was something to bond over.
What surprised Alex the most was the evening Sage came back from a weekend exploring with Thalia (in search of other Asgardians) with a baby kitten. It was solid black with a single bright green eye. The other was missing. Sage had named it Salem, and once something was named it was meant to be kept.
The little guy took a liking to everyone immediately. Except for Enzo and his tarantula Kara. The kitten was as scared of the spider as everyone else was. And rightfully so.
— — —
But despite the new developments, both with new additions of people and pets, the kids were the same. They were kind, caring, loveable, loyal, strong, and most of all-a family.
The End
Stay tuned for more!
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wandasfifthwife · 3 months
(4) bruised ego ✩‧₊˚ competing series
hockey coach!wanda x fem!ex ice skater reader
tw: lots of discussion on dealing with an verbally/physically abusive mother, hurt/comfort, misunderstanding trope, slight argument, Wanda is kind of petty (but she doesn’t fully understand), angst with a happy ending, love confessions, super fluffy ending, there’s kissing at the end
a/n: we already know the drill, it’s not proofread babes. this hurt my soul to write, but the ending is so worth it.
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We have about 6,000 thoughts daily, and a majority of them are the same idea just repeated. Studies show that another majority of those thoughts are negative.
There were days when it felt like the stats were wrong because some days you feel like every thought is negative. The reason for that being your mother. She wasn’t with you physically, but her words still stuck.
If you were in bed too long, you could hear her telling you to get up. If you ate something with too many carbs, you could hear her telling you to put it away. If you spoke back to someone, you could hear her screaming. Some days you think you can still feel the burn of her hand on your cheek.
The triggers for these days are unknown. You do your best to block it out and seem positive as to not bother anyone, but you believe what she’s done is so ingrained in you it’s like your own thoughts.
Your girlfriend has been wonderful. A listener, provider, friend. She’s the first thing that’s felt like home in a long time. So it’s no surprise that you felt like you would scare her away. They made themselves known one weekend when wanda was out of town visiting family. Being back in your apartment with barely any stimulation was like leaving an open seat for the devil to arrive.
It started out simple. Just about yourself and how down you can be. It was somewhat positive as you had tried and successfully held off a few of them. You had to remind yourself of how grateful you should be, of how you’ve got a brother who cares, and a lovely girlfriend.
It started twisting out of control when it went past a day. One popping out of nowhere saying how down you are. It then did the worst by bringing Wanda into it. Why would she want to stay with someone who requires so much work? The emotional load on you felt treacherous; One you cannot handle most days, so how could Wanda?
It’s been two days since she’s been gone and since your triggered spiral. Wanda had called you when you were eating dinner. You hesitated, hand twitching from where it lay on your lap. You could text her to call you back later. It might be better to not drag her into it so soon. You can deal with your own thoughts yourself.
The two days turned into four, and the one missed call turned into six.
Your mind felt heavy. No matter where you went you could feel tears building in your eyes. Why weren’t you good enough for your mother. Why have you failed at a social life. Why did Wanda care for someone like you when she could have another who has their life together.
It was disgusting to talk about yourself like that, but how are you supposed to know after the childhood you had? Any compliment given to you felt like a non-stick band-aid. It’s purpose to cover a wound, but it falls off. It all felt like lies.
After five days your phone went silent. It still lit up, a text from Wanda asking if you were okay. To not worry her, you told her you were fine, just tired.
On Wanda’s end she was confused, concerned, and hurt. Her calls went unanswered and her tests went unread unless they were serious. Her last choice was to give you space and let you come to her.
It was mistake on both ends. A tiny crack changing into a chasm. Silence became common, but extremely uncomfortable between the two of you. No texts, no calls, radio silence.
When Wanda had come back, she had a sliver of hope you’d show up to practice and explain all of what was going on. When you realized practice was tomorrow, you had hope that Wanda would be ecstatic to see you and explain how she does need you.
Neither happened.
You were full of anxiety walking into the building, ears ringing. Tyler had been looking over at you often, but he’s been with you longer and understands. Wanda didn’t understand, watching from afar as you don’t think to come find her like before. It was like two separate people, you before she left and when she came back. She called everyone over and began practice as usual.
You felt an ache start in your chest, one pure as opposed to the others. It begged for you to seek comfort, for her to tell you it was all alright. You were fearful though, scared if you came to her she would react like your mother. The second practice was over you were almost rushing out, heart beating like it was going to fall out. Wanda had skated to the exit, previous emotions highlighted after what just happened.
“You need to talk to her, I haven’t seen you like this in—“
“I really don’t want to talk about this Tyler. I don’t want to hear another thing that I’m messing up alright?”
He nodded and swallows, looking out the window. Another mistake your mother would have represented you for. What kind of aunt talks to their nephew like that?
You drop him off and sit alone in your car for a minute. Wanda’s house was closer. And oh how every part of you aches for her to hold you near. So you give in and type her address in on your phone.
Your chest feels like it’s squeezing as you walk up the stairs to her apartment. With her door in front of you, you knock. Chest filled with hope that she talk with you, let alone be home.
“Oh,” she opens the door and crosses her arms, “why’re you here?“
“Wanted to see you.”
“And why now instead of three days ago? What’s up with this new avoidant attitude?”
Your voice gets caught in your voice, “nothing. Can I just come in, please?”
“It’s not nothing,” she huffs, “why is it so difficult for you to tell me? Busy at work?”
“I didn’t want to bother you.”
“I would have understood if you would have communicated that? Leaving someone in the darkShe steps back so she can place her hand on the door. You feel your eyes water as she begins to close the door.
“I need some time,” is the last thing she says before the door is shut in your face.
Your tears feel like they’re drying up as hurt and shock fills up every bone in your body. It was the last thing you had hoped to happen. You regretted driving here, now you have to deal with blurry highways. You wipe at your face with your sleeve and climb back into your car. You really surprise yourself at how you keep your composure until you’re back in your own apartment complex.
A cry comes from deep within you, one different from the previous days. This one hurt.
Your days felt empty. It was hard most days to get out of bed and concentrate. You were thankful work wasn’t miserable, it ran its usual course for a typical 9-5 job.
Your brother tried his best, but gave you space unless you intentionally seemed him out. He was deeply saddened when you had came to him the night after you had fought with Wanda. His house was opened to you that night. It usually is, but it was especially after that day.
You continued to take Tyler to practice. Each trip there felt like you were chipping away at your heart. Wanda wouldn’t look at you and it felt worse than her glaring at you. Now you regret not answering her first call and being truthful.
Your thoughts shifted. Once being self destructive and now they’re empty. You would avoid looking in Wanda’s direction and now she’s what your eyes are looking for when you walk in the arena.
You were sat on the bleachers, watching Tyler play and occasionally looking over to Wanda. You tried to have hope that she would look over to you, acknowledge that you were there. It was another day of mourning what would never happen.
Your chest heaves and you’re quick to clamber down the steps. A few steps is all it took to carry yourself outside. Nothing on your mind but to leave before your tears would be a show for everyone around you. It was moments like these that made you wonder why anyone would want to seek out drama.
You gasp once you’re outside, trying to breathe in the fresh air but it feels like you can’t fully take a breath. The door behind you shuts, catching you off guard. You twist around and falter when you see Wanda.
“Wanda,” you cry.
Her eyes are sad as she watches you crumble, hands already reaching for you. You sink into her, hands moving around her to pull at the back of her long sleeve. Listening to your cries break her, tears forming in her own eyes as she stands there with you. Once the tears begin to quit, your face grows warm at noticing a family at the playground nearby.
“I’m sorry,” you say, voice cracking.
“No reason to be. You’re not required to wait until the perfect moment to cry, sometimes it just happens,” she runs a hand over your face, wiping her fingers over your puffy, tear-stained eyes.
“Tyler told me to come find you.”
“Oh, practice—“ you started to tear up again and she’s quick to be stern with you.
“Do not feel bad or apologize for anything else. I want you to stop being so hard on yourself. Listen to me. Practice ended. Tyler’s dad is coming to pick him up. Im going to pack up and then we’re going to leave, okay? I want you to quiet that mind, if you need me I’ll be right beside you, alright?”
You nod. Her hand finds yours, pulling you through the arena as she finishes up. She grabs any remaining hockey sticks, setting them back in the closet. You follow her around aimlessly, occasionally helping her.
“I parked out back this time,” she grabs her bag and keys off the stand, eyes looking to you after. She asks how you’re feeling, and this time you’re honey. You shrug.
“Let’s go home.”
You’re not even a step into her apartment before she’s pulling you into a hug. A shaky sigh escaping her like she’s trying not to cry.
Your head hurts miserably from crying everyday, but hearing her hold it back causes another wave. It hurts when they form, but they still make an appearance, showing that your heart still has space to be wounded.
“While I do wish you’d have told me earlier that you’ve been feeling this way, I am not upset or angry at you for it,” she sets her forehead on yours.
“I am so sorry,” she cups your cheek as her own tears fall, “I said things I should have never said. And I pushed you away when I should have held you closer.”
“I don’t care,” you tuck your face under hers, “can we talk about this mess later.”
You feel her head move in a nod. Her hands pull you towards her room, where you both fall onto it.
She smiles, but it doesn’t feel real. You turn around so you can slide back into her. Wanda wraps her arms around you, pulling you close to her and sets her face on your shoulder.
“I’ve missed you.”
“Understatement,” you say and she laughs softly.
She presses a kiss to your cheek, “I want to stay here like this forever.”
“I love you.”
The three words take her back. Before you know it you’ve started another cry session. She flips you onto your back, smiling at the sounds you make when she kisses your face.
“Kiss me properly,” you demand, hands firmly holding her face in place. Wanda closes the gap, pulling your face closer and deepening it.
“I love you too,” she whispers against your lips, pressing a kiss between each word. Her arms wrap around you again, holding you tight. Being around her like this quiets all thoughts.
Resolving and moving past the situation will take open communication, but you’re both willing to take another chance. It was after you talked that you both realized the importance of being open with your partner as to not cause a misunderstanding. You both made an effort to not do anything before again. It took a little to work past the after-conflict. After a week, it was in the past. Every moment spent together was like you were mending what happened, and working towards the next day. Confessions and spending time together became frequent.
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