#Maximoff Twins x Reader
nataliasquote · 6 months
Double the trouble [pt.1] | n romanoff
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Double the trouble au: part 1, part 2
Summary: Natasha and Wanda’s teenage twin daughters are a lot to handle, but despite their differences and arguments, there’s nothing they wouldn’t do for each other
Age: 17
Warnings: none
Pairings: WandaNat
wc: 3.9k
note: my first time putting a one shot on tumblr. Here goes nothing
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"Y/N! Mom told me to come wake you. You're gonna be late." Isla stood at the door, her arms folded with a cocky smirk plastered on her face.
Y/N groaned and turned over in her bed, flinging an arm over her face as she squinted into the light to see who was speaking. The familiar outline of her twin sister came into view and she rolled back over.
"Y/N. Get up. Or don't. It's not my fault if you're late." And with that, the girl was gone, the door swinging shut as a cloud of floral perfume was all that was left in her place.
"Good morning to you too." Y/N muttered under her breath as she pulled her phone off charge and checked the time. Her stomach dropped as 7:19 flashed up on her screen. School started at 8:00. They left at 7:45. She did not have long at all.
"Isla I'm gonna kill you!" The distressed teenager screamed out, running over to her closet to pull out the first half decent outfit she could find. Any feeling of tiredness evaporated from her body as she got dressed, which was probably the only positive to come out of this morning.
A knock sounded on her bedroom door as she pulled her shirt over her head. Wanda's head popped around before she saw it was safe for her to enter. She watched her daughter getting frustrated over her hair for a moment before walking over with a plate of freshly made toast and fruit. There wasn't much time to eat it but Wanda was the kind of mother who made sure all of her girls were fed. Even when Nat was feeling stubborn.
"Good morning sweetheart. I brought breakfast." It was an obvious thing to send but Y/N smiled gratefully at her in the mirror for a split second before a large tangle in her hair caused her to wince.
"Thanks Mom."
"Do you want me to send Mama up to help with your hair?" As a typical mom, Wanda collected a few spare cups from her daughter's desk and stacked them in her hand. Y/N attacked her hair with her hairbrush before setting it down on the table with a thud.
"No! I'm not 4! I can do my own hair!" She exclaimed. She didn't normally talk to Wanda that way, but the stress of being late was taking its toll so Wanda didn't take offence.
"Okay. Well, you've got 15 minutes."
Y/N groaned loudly and started on her make up, having given up on her hair. A ponytail would suffice for today. She did not have the patience.
"Isla, you know you can't leave without your sister. So I don't know what trick you're playing on her, but if she's late then you're late." Wanda went into stern mother mode as she entered the kitchen, where her eldest (by 11 minutes) was sat at the table drinking her breakfast smoothie.
The teenager looked up in offence at her mother, who just shot her a warning look. "I didn-" She was cut off by another glare from Wanda.
The mother tapped the side of her head. "Mind reader. Remember?"
"What's this about mind reading?" Nat questioned as she walked into the kitchen, going straight over to her wife to wrap her in a hug and a kiss. Isla turned back to her phone and the women looked over at their daughter. "And where's Y/N?"
"Well, someone turned her sister's alarm off so she's currently rushing around upstairs."
Nat sent her famous disappointed look to Isla, who cowered slightly. Wanda was easy to get around, often being far too soft with her girls. Natasha was the tough parent, but she still cared. Being a dance teacher and studio owner meant she was an expert in tough love. "Isla... why?"
The teenager shrugged. "I don't know. I just thought it was funny. I was gonna wake her up but I lost track of time." She pulled a lock of perfectly curled hair out of her face and Nat knew what had made her 'lose track of time'.
"You don't do that again, okay?" Isla nodded, not wanting to start an argument before 8am. She wasn't a bad person, but her ideas of teasing her sister and playing jokes weren't exactly the best.
"Hey my love," Wanda hummed as Nat passed her again with a kiss. "Can you go see if Y/N needs any help? She might benefit from your braiding skills today, even though she was okay."
Natasha smiled, nodding. She loved braiding her daughters' hair. Even at 17, when the twins claimed they were too old for it, they secretly loved Nat's braids. Especially Y/N, who found her mom doing her hair at lot during dance show season.
There was just over 5 minutes before they needed to leave so Nat tentatively entered Y/N's room, observing the girl before talking. The teenager was threading her earrings into her ears, the rest of her jewellery already in place. Make up was scattered across the desk and her hairbrush was on the other side of the room. Her hair hung down her back in a dark red curtain, the ends curling naturally slightly. It looked smooth but wasn't styled, and Nat smiled.
"Hey sweet girl. Can I help?" She sat on Y/N's bed slightly, picking up the backpack by the floor and slotting her daughter's laptop and charger into the right compartment. She didn't snoop around, but instead put it back on the floor by her feet.
"I just need to finish my make up. How long do I have?" Y/N took a bite of toast as Nat checked her watch.
"5 minutes. Do you want braids? I can do them in 2 minutes. And I won't be in your way." Y/N was hesitant as she applied her concealer, frantically blending it in. Wasn't her neatest job but she still wanted to be presentable.
"Okay but please make it quick."
Nat sprung into action, gathering up a small section of hair to begin braiding. The two worked in silence, with there being no time to walk. As Nat tied off the first braid, Y/N leaned forwards to curl her lashes before Nat started again on the other side. The braids were only small, taking the front sections of Y/N's hair to keep them out of her face during the day.
Being a dancer, she kept her hair long but there was so much of it that it got in the way a lot. So she rarely had it fully down, either claw clips or braids holding back. Isla rarely wore braids, wanting to differentiate herself from her sister at school. They got mixed up enough as it was.
"Okay. All done." Nat stepped back as Y/N applied her final coat of lipgloss. She smiled as she saw the braids but didn't have time to admire them before a jangle of keys was heard and a voice yelled up the stairs.
"Y/N! Let's go!"
"Always so polite." Nat said sarcastically with a smile to Y/N. She handed her daughter her backpack and gave her a quick hug before the girl rushed out of the room, Nat following behind more calmly.
"Love you Mama! Love you Mom!" Y/N shouted over her shoulder, running out of the house with a slice of her toast in her hand.
"Have a great day girls." The women called out, watching the car pull away from the driveway. Isla got her permit before Y/N so she was the designated taxi girl in the family now. Y/N hated it, but driving wasn't her strongest suit so she stuck out the irritating chatter of her sister until she was finally ready for her own permit.
"Everyday I'm still surprised at how similar yet so different they are." Wanda commented, her hands wrapped round her mug of tea. Nat mirrored her from her side, her mug containing coffee instead.
"They look like a carbon copy of each other and yet sometimes I feel it's like they're from different planets." This made Wanda laugh slightly, her breathy giggle never failing to put a smile on her wife's face.
"I mean, you wouldn't find Isla in a dance studio anymore. But then Y/N practically lives there. And you wouldn't find her on the athletics track either, unlike Isla. We must have done something right... right?"
Nat sidled up to her wife and wrapped her arms around her waist, mug now abandoned on the counter. "You, my dear, are the best mom those girls could ask for." She looked into the green eyes she knew far too well before pressing a kiss to the lips she had memorised and could draw in her sleep. "We've done everything we can do for them. And our girls are the toughest girls in the world."
"And they're ours."
"Our little babies." Nat said with a soft smile, her head leaning down to rest on Wanda's shoulder.
"Don't let Y/N hear you saying that. She was snappy about me thinking she was 4 earlier."
"That girl is a whirlwind. She's as wild as her hair sometimes." Wanda reached up and pushed a lock of Nat's red hair behind her ear, admiring the colour which matched the twins' almost perfectly.
"And I know just where she gets it from." The Sokovian said with a smile before kissing her wife. Nat tried to deepen it now it was just them, but Wanda pulled back. "I have work to do. As much as I'd love to stay here with you all day, those emails won't answer themselves." She left the room with an aura of grace surrounding her and Nat found herself staring at the door way long after she was gone.
— ⧗ —
The day went by quite fast. Wanda worked in her office until 4pm, whilst Nat left for her studio at 1pm to start preparing that evening's classes. Competition season was a stressful time but she handled herself well, staying on top of what she needed and when.
The final bell rang and the corridors were soon filled with hoards of teenagers, everyone racing to get home as quickly as possible. Y/N and Isla stopped by their lockers, chatting with friends as they exchanged the textbooks needed for tonight's homework.
Despite their quarrels and petty arguments, the twins shared the same group of friends at school. They were known by everyone, but Bucky, Maria, Clint, Kate and Steve made up their main group. They were pretty popular, partly due to the fact that there wasn't a single person who disliked their moms. Nat and Wanda were the favourite parents which somehow elevated the girls' social status in school. Maybe it was also because of the parties they were allowed to host.
Natasha and Wanda's main focus was to give their girls as normal of a life as they possible could. Which meant letting them live like teenagers. Going to football games, school dances, hosting house parties, trips to the mall with friends. Anything that normal teenagers did was allowed. Alcohol was monitored and smoking and drugs was a strict no. But the twins followed the rules, knowing they were a lot luckier than most.
"Shit. Mom needs me in the studio." Y/N read aloud as her locker slammed shut. Isla peered down at her sister's phone and sighed.
"Y/N I've got track practice in 15 minutes. I can't get you there and back in time." Her sports bag hung off her shoulder and she watched her sister grab the emergency dance bag from her locker that she kept purely for times like this. "Well, I suppo-"
"I can take you" Bucky spoke. He was leaning with his back against the lockers like he usually did, watching Y/N with a soft smile.
"No I-" Isla started to protest but stopped herself. She knew how much Bucky was crushing on her sister and she was in full support. "Actually, Bucky, that would be amazing." Everyone else was aware of his crush, all except Y/N. She was completely oblivious, which obviously Isla took full advantage of and teased her about it almost on a daily basis.
"Do you know where it is?" Y/N asked casually. She had been crouched down by her bags to swap her stuff over and so had missed the looks and glances that everyone shared as Bucky offered. So as she stood back up everyone was smiling wide which confused her. "What?"
"Yeah my little sister does ballet on saturdays there and I pick her up sometimes." Bucky had already fished his car keys out and was tossing them in his hand.
Y/N noticed her sister's smirk out of the corner of her eye as they all walked to the exit of the school. "Isla, what is it?"
"Nothing. You guys have fun. But not too much fun." And with a wink, she turned towards the track and ran off to join her friends who were already on their way over in the distance. Everyone else said goodbye and went their separate ways for the night, leaving Bucky and Y/N by his car.
Y/N was definitely the kindest out of the twins, so she could easily make conversation with anyone. She didn't think anything special of the car ride to her mom's studio, except maybe that Bucky was really nice to offer her a ride. It was only a 10 minute drive but she was still so grateful.
"Thanks a lot for this, by the way." Y/N said as she stared out of the window. She knew this route like the back of her hand but something about the sun shining through the trees made it extra special today.
Bucky shook his head. "It's no problem. Always happy to help."
Y/N looked over and smiled at him. "You're a really good friend. I'm glad I've got you."
Bucky's smile slipped but he fixed it quickly as they came to a red light. Once again he was pushed back into the friend zone, but it was his fault for not making his feelings known. As he looked over at her, the sun catching her red hair, making it look like fire, her body swaying slightly to the music of "You Make Loving Fun", he realised just how much he liked her. But Y/N was sweet to everyone, so it held him back. Maybe she didn't see him the way he saw her. Or maybe she liked someone else.
His thoughts had distracted him and the lights turned green, earning a soft poke in the arm from Y/N who gestured to the lights.
They both hummed along to the music and chatted the rest of the way, Y/N sending her mom a quick text as they caught the rush hour traffic.
"You really are amazing for doing this. I'll pay you back at some point, I promise!" Y/N gratefully thanked him as she grabbed her bags to climb out of the car. Bucky offered to get out and help but Y/N's stubborn nature refused any help.
"Don't worry about it. Enjoy yourself. You're an amazing dancer!" He leaned out of the window and waved as he drove off, sending a blush creeping across Y/N's face.
Maybe the feelings were reciprocated. Just a little...
"Hey angel," Nat called out as Y/N walked through the main entrance doors.
"Hi Mama."
"Who was that outside?" Nat asked after Y/N said hi to the receptionist. She made her way over to her mother, who was stood by the door to the main studio and cafe.
"Oh, Bucky gave me a lift here. Isla had track so she couldn't get back in time." Nat couldn't help the smirk that crept onto her face, identical to the one Isla wore just before they left school.
"Oh so that's Bucky? Nice." She turned around and walked down the hall, leaving Y/N to chase after her.
"What's that supposed to mean?" The teenager called out, but Nat just shrugged and checked the windows outside studio 1b. "Mama. Please tell me. Isla had the same smirk. I'm not stupid so just tell me what's going on."
Y/N's huff and pout made Nat 'aw' and she pinched her daughter's cheek before her hand was quickly slapped away. "Nothing baby. I just expected to see Isla, that's all. Not Bucky."
Y/N folded her arms over her chest, careful not to let her backpack or sports bag slip off her shoulders. "I don't believe you."
Nat patted her on the head and unlocked the door to the studio. "Okay. Now come on. I want to work on your solo. We have that turns section to sort out so hurry up and get changed."
Y/N groaned and dropped her back off her shoulder, where it landed with a muffled thud ad her feet. "Mom give me a minute. I just got here."
"I have no minutes to give. It's comp season, you know that Y/N/N. No time to waste." Nat was already over in the speaker corner, connecting her laptop up so it was ready. "Why are you still standing there?"
"Can I just have 2 minutes to breathe?"
Natasha turned around and placed her hands on her hips, mirroring her daughter perfectly. "Do you want Yelena to take your private instead? She's free right now actually. I could be teaching junior tap instead."
Y/N's eyes went wide and she quickly grabbed her discarded bag. "No no! I'll hurry. I'll change and be back! Please don't sent Yelena in here!"
"Good. And I won't. She's taking your class for ballet later anyway. So you have that to enjoy."
The teenager was halfway to the changing room before she stopped dead in her tracks. That was her worst nightmare. "Mama! She's gonna be all 'Those feet are horrible. Point them. Why do your hands look like claws. Are you a crab? Are we doing Little Mermaid dance? Your posture is like potato couch. Why are none of you flexible?'" Her Russian accent sounded nothing like her aunt, which made Nat raise an eyebrow. She'd taught her daughters better than that. Or so she thought.
"Potato couch?"
"I think she meant couch potato. But yeah she said that to Becca last week. It helped though. Her posture was better last night."
"Then she's a good teacher." Such a know it all.  "Do you stretch every night?"
Y/N went to answer and Nat gave her a knowing look. "Well, not every night."
"Then everything Yelena says is true. So don't complain. She tells me everything."
"I don't see how you guys are sisters. You're so different. She makes you seem almost angelic." Y/N fiddled with the lock on the changing room door.
"Exactly what your mom and I say about you and Isla. Now stop being cheeky and go get changed. And I want the hi-cut black leotard because we're working on legs today. Oh, and Y/N, bring your half soles because I don't want to completely destroy your feet before the rest of your classes." Natasha was bossy but it's what made her one of the best teachers around. She knew what she wanted and what it took to get there. She could recognise the potential in her dancers but would only work with those who put the work in themselves.
There was something so special about working with your daughter. Nat loved it, even if she didn't get to do privates like this much. Yes, she went into dance teacher mode and Y/N was no exception, but the pride she felt when she watched her daughter dance was something she didn't feel as much with the other dancers. Just like when she watched Isla win her races, seeing Y/N dance made her heart swell so much it felt as though it would burst.
10 minutes later and Y/N emerged from the changing room, a hair tie between her teeth as she pulled her hair up into a ponytail. Nat wasn't strict on hair with privates, only with normal class. So she just put on some calming music and started stretching with her daughter. Yes, it was weird seeing her mom effortlessly do the splits, but Y/N was used to it by now.
They gossiped the whole time, Y/N filling her in on any school drama that was of interest. As Y/N moved to the bar to stretch her leg holds, Nat couldn't hold back her questions anymore.
"What's going on with you and Bucky?" Nat asked and then burst out laughing as she turned to face her daughter. Y/N had her right leg pulled up to her head, but the most confused and shocked expression on her face. It truly was a hilarious sight.
"Uh- nothing? But I feel like you know something I don't? That's the second time you've asked me today."
Nat shrugged. "Well, he gave you a lift. I'm just curious."
"Well there's nothing to be curious about." She switched legs as she was talking. "He's just a friend. You know that. We've literally been friends since middle school!"
"Okay. I'll just ask Isla then." Nat smirked and walked over to her laptop.
"Mama, she will just tell you the same! And if she doesn't then she's just causing drama. Or making my life a living hell."
"She's your sister. That's what she's supposed to do. You do the exact same to her, even if you don't think so." Y/N rolled her eyes, moving to the centre of the room. "Okay, let's run it. You ready?"
"Is that why you and Aunt Yelena can't direct the same dance show? Because you argue?" Y/N smirked as her mom shook her head. "I'm right aren't I?"
"No you're not. And she's Miss Yelena to you. Just like I'm Miss Natasha. Now, dance."
"Yes Mama." Y/N wore a shit eating grin as she moved to her starting position, trying to get into the character of her dance so she didn't burst out laughing.
She was grateful for the relationship she had with both her moms and family meant the most to her. Even Isla had a special place in her heart, despite their quarrels and petty arguments. Those sisters would do anything for each other if it came down to it. Which was surprising to everyone except Wanda and Natasha. They saw the sisterly bond like no one else did. It was unbreakable.
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For the first time.
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Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader.
A/N: I hope you enjoy and I apologize for any mistakes! Also comments, reblogs, shares and likes are super appreciated, thank you! :)
Translations: “Detka.” Baby.
“Amor.” Love.
Word count: 775.
You and Wanda were first time parents and to say you were nervous about it was a complete understatement.
Your wife had just given birth one week ago and in the 10 years that you and Wanda have been together your wife has always displayed qualities that proved she would someday be a great mother, but the same really couldn’t be said for you.
It’s not that you hated children or anything, quite the opposite. In fact, when your wife brought up the idea that she wanted a family you agreed wholeheartedly.
Wanting mini Wanda’s and mini you’s running around your home one day. But you just were never quite as experienced when it came to children like your wife.
So when the time came to bathe your newborn twins you were filled with an irrational fear that you’d hurt them.
Them being the tiniest little humans you’ve ever held, you were afraid of the ways you could accidentally cause them pain.
“Relax detka, you’ll be fine,” your wife says softly from beside you, as she joins you in the bathroom, seeing your internal struggle as you hold a newborn Billy securely in your arms.
“But Max, what if I drop him into the water while bathing him and he chokes, or what if I accidentally get shampoo in his little eyes and blind him or something?” You say aloud, voice shaky with fear.
“My love, you will do no such a thing, it’ll all be okay,” Wanda says, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“Alright, I trust you,” you say softly. “Okay it’ll all be fine Y/N, you can do this,” you say to yourself, talking yourself up to help settle your nerves.
“So the first thing you want to do is make sure the water temperature is fine,” your wife says from beside you, having put Tommy down to sleep after his own bath so all her attention can be on you to help ensure you didn’t get any more nervous than you already were. “If the water is too hot for you, then it is too hot for the babies,” your wife says and you nod. “Okay, now hold his head like this,” Wanda instructs, placing your hand under Billy’s head and the base of his neck as you carefully and gently place your son into the small tub.
“Like this?” You ask, nervous eyes glancing at the red head quickly.
“Yes, baby, you got it,” Wanda assures, her soft tone causing you to feel calm.
“He’s so tiny, babe,” you whisper in awe, eyes twinkling in surprise as you take in how small your son truly is.
“He is,” your wife smiles, taking in your proud features. “Now, slightly wet the top of his head,” Wanda instructs and you do as told, “okay, once his head is damp put a few droplets of shampoo on his head and softly lather it.”
“Am I doing it right?” You question softly as you massage small circles onto Billy’s head.
“Yes detka, you’re doing so good, you’re a natural,” your wife says, as you shoot her a proud beaming smile.
As you continue bathing your son with few instructions from your wife you feel your heart swell with pride once you’re done, having not injured your son during his first bath and feeling much more confident in your abilities as a mother.
“There, all done,” you breathe in relief once you finish dressing Billy and laying him in his crib, “he’s down for some of the night, I hope,” you say smiling at having accomplished what you believed was an impossible task.
“You did amazing, baby,” Wanda beams from beside you, turning to face you, her arms going around your neck.
“All thanks to you Max, I certainly couldn’t have done it without you,” you say, wrapping your arms around her waist.
“You truly are a natural my love, I mean it. We just need to get you out of that pretty little head of yours. Look, Billy is fast asleep and free of harm, you did such a good job bathing him, I’m sure this is the first of many amazing things you will do with our sons and I’m so glad you’re the person I get to share these moments with detka,” your wife says placing a chaste kiss on your lips, turning around in your arms to admire your sleeping sons.
“I’m so glad I get to share these moments with you too Max, and that you’re the mother of our children, thank you for this, amor, for expanding our family,” you say, as you place a soft kiss on her cheek.
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Just What You Wanted
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Pairing(s): onesided!Pietro Maximoff x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: pietro really misses his chance here, oocpietro? (first time writing him), reader being a big adult and moving on, pietro acting like a child, mentions of sexy time (readerxbucky), toxic!pietro, protective!bucky
Words: 4430
Summary: You decided to take your chance and ask Pietro out. There had to be more to his flirting right? Unfortunately he turns you down but you won't waste your time mourning what could have been. You move on and find a perfect partner in the Winter Soldier.
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"Maybe I got the signals mixed up?" You lightheartedly muse to Wanda. Carefully, you push down on the button stopper of the wine box that was situated between the two of you.
Wanda shakes her head. "Don't even give it a second thought. He's my brother and I love him, but you can do WAY better than him." She couldn't fathom why Pietro would reject your proposition of a date. Wanda knew her twin brother liked you. Painfully obvious in the obnoxious manner both of you flirt.
Making a mental note to chew him out later, Wanda tilts the remainder of her own wine glass into her mouth. "He's been acting like a complete ass since we arrived in America. I think now that he has freedom, he's overdosing on it. What was the term Tony used?"
You choke on your wine, a snort burning your nose and throat. "Man-whore."
She nods. "Yes! That is it. He's become quite a man-whore!"
Near dying next to her, you're forced to put down your wine glass or you would ruin your bedspread. Once your hands were free, you use them to clutch your stomach as it aches from your laughter.
Really you weren't that upset about it. You thought you would give it a shot, maybe something was there. No big duh to you.
"Did he really say he didn't want to date you because you're coworkers?" Confusion still plagued Wanda as she slowly blinks her eyes. Trying to understand what her brother was thinking. They didn't have that type twin telepathy. That was mainly based on feelings. "That's complete bull."
"Honestly it's okay. Really." You tell Wanda trying to calm her down. "He's probably right. No harm done."
Wanda placates her own feelings with a smile at how unperturbed you were by the rejection. Pietro was a fool. His loss will be someone else's gain.
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Not long after someone else did stumble upon you.
Never before had you worked with the Winter Soldier. You'd seen him around Avenger's HQ and spotted him in the common areas, but you wouldn't say you were close to Bucky Barnes. Only a handful of friendly words had ever been shared between you.
The assignment that paired you together with him would ultimately turn out to be a blessing in disguise. A simple mission that you confidently thought you could finish in no time. The run of the mill shadow organization that possessed weapons of mass destruction and infiltrating said organization. You and Bucky were picked for this based on your success record and skill set. You found it a compliment as you heard nothing but great things about Bucky. He was a fine soldier and outstanding friend to Steve Rogers.
Fury told you the timeline looked to be a month before this organization known as 'Specter' planned to launch its weapon. A major problem was that their base was hidden so both you and Bucky would have to go deep undercover.
You shared an close space with Bucky and found him pleasurable to be around. He was easy on the eyes too. His smile makes every inch of you flutter delightfully. Similar to how flirting with Pietro made you feel.
Patience was required when gathering intel. An operation like this couldn't be rushed. That meant learning more about Bucky. He even manages to pry some stories from your childhood out of you. Things you hadn't remembered in a long time.
When passing binoculars, fingers linger against one another. Excuses of offering warmth just so that you could press yourself against him. His jacket might as well have belonged to you now due to how often you were wearing it now.
"It looks better on you anyway." Bucky would tell you. A heaviness in his gaze puts all of your functions at a halt.
You started noticing how kissable his lips looked. Or the fine veins that run along his hands. Beautiful as they held a gun. Between your legs start to ache for him when you watch Bucky strangling a man for information. You never found violence. . . attractive until you worked with Bucky. It was just a means to get by. A requirement for the world you lived in.
Throughout the mission, you manage to keep things professional. Even though the burning gazes exchanged were still frequent. You had to focus your efforts on completing your assignment. Bucky respects that type of work ethic.
Identifying the main figures within Specter was easy once missing pieces were filled with the information you received along the way. One would be spared for questioning, the other two were quickly disposed of.
When your prisoner was handed over to the government which held dominion, you and Bucky head back to the room you'd been using to hide out in.
You were excited to go home and tell Wanda all about it. You're giddy, imagining her scandalized reaction that you loved. Her eyes would get so big, hands clutching onto your arm begging for more details.
A knock at the door puts a pause in your packing as you go to check the peephole. You open it once you verify it's just Bucky. "You all done packing? Sorry, I'll just be five more minutes."
He closes the door behind him. "It's not that."
The depth of his voice has you shivering, turning back to him with your full attention. He's cleaned off the dirt from his face and changed his clothes. Appeared Bucky even brushed his dark hair. Disheveled Bucky was sexy but cleaned up Bucky was a god damn smoke show. Your bones become trembling jelly as he stalks up to you.
"I believe, we have some personal business to take care of." The corner of his lips twitch up in a predatory manner to show off his sharp cuspids.
"By all means," You breathe out and internally cheer when it doesn't come out as a squeak "lets commence the business Mr. Barnes."
The delay of your return to headquarters did raise brows.
Especially Pietro's.
You took Wanda by the arm and she knew you had a story to tell. Using her magic-like ability, she conjures a bottle of wine accompanied by two glasses.
Two schoolgirls giggling and kicking their legs as they talk about one's crush.
"And he told me-" your cheeks hurt from your smile "that he wants to take me out on a proper date."
Wanda swoons backwards as she falls against your bed. She says something in her native Sokovian before switching to English "I told you that you could do much better than Pietro."
From then on it was a common occurrence to find you and Bucky together. You visit one another's room frequently day and night. Time spent not on assignment, Bucky would take you out on both fun and romantic dates. He wooed you like no other man had before. A goddamn gentleman who ate and slurped your pussy in a way that sucked the soul right out of you.
There were men before Bucky but sweet mercy they couldn't compare to the beast that was Bucky once he got your legs perched atop his shoulders. You would never had taken him for a sloppy eater, not by the way he used his fork and knife when he took you out to fancy restaurants. When he slides in his cold metal fingers, your back spikes up in a arch off the bed.
However, not everyone in the Avenger's Headquarters was happy for you and Bucky.
When Pietro first walked into the communal kitchen to find Bucky's hand up your shirt, he nearly suffered from an aneurysm on the spot. Thankfully his feet reacted faster than his brain and took off in the opposite direction before either of you noticed his presence. He'd heard the office gossip that you and Bucky were an item now. Pietro arrogantly thought that your relationship with the winter soldier was a fling or some fucked up way for get back at him for turning you down.
Hitting the two month mark had Pietro sweating. Your relationship with Bucky was thriving. The sting of betrayal sears his insides. When he voices his woes to his twin, Wanda held no comforting words for him.
"Oh well. They love each other now. So you have to move on." Uncaringly, her attention goes back to her phone. "You had your chance, Pietro."
He shoots his sister a glare. "Have some empathy."
That makes her laugh but at least Wanda puts her phone down and turns back to Pietro. "Empathy? Refresh my memory, what was the real reason why you didn't date her?" He'd told you it was because you were coworkers. Claimed he didn't want things to be weird around HQ. Conveniently forgetting that Wanda and Vision were in a happy relationship. But she knew the disgusting truth.
His eyes turn pleading, round and lined with those pretty lashes he flaunted. "Wanda-"
"No, I want to hear you say it again and really help me try to understand." Her arms cross in front of her.
Pietro takes his bottom lip between his teeth to give it a worrying chew. "I. . . I wasn't ready to be in a monogamous relationship- Hey, I'm being serious." He adds the last part after he hears Wanda snort. "We spent all of our adolescence and young adult lives under HYDRA control. It's only been two years since we were liberated. I want to live a little bit more before settling down."
"And look what that has cost you."
"I didn't think-"
"No, you didn't." Wanda's exasperated. "That's not a good excuse. Bucky is in the same boat as us and just because he missed out on having a life he didn't let that stop him from making things official with her."
In short, Pietro simply had no choice but to deal with it. And his way of dealing with it was bringing home his current ladies in the hopes of catching your attention. If you see him with another woman, maybe your jealous would remind you of your feelings for him. That tactic didn't work and only gained him disapproving looks from his twin. He stopped when it was clear your heart eyes weren't straying from Bucky.
Evident that he wasn't going to win you back, Pietro's disbelief curdled to jealousy.
Words weren't enough to bring him to his senses; none in English or Sokovian reached his ears. Exhausted from trying to speak reason to him, Wanda stops all together. Perhaps her brother needed to fall on his ass to wake up.
You weren't blind to Pietro's spike in hostile conduct. Lately there were a few close calls between Bucky and Pietro. Bucky refused to stand for Quicksilver's attitude. Fists weren't raised- not yet. But if looks could kill, both would be incinerated.
Unable to ignore Pietro at Headquarters, you and Bucky take the plunge and buy an apartment together and move out of the superhero facility all together. The apartment complex was still relatively close to headquarters; mainly housing other staff that worked out of there.
Just because you removed yourselves, you were still Avengers and required to attend functions for different movie fundraisers or anything else that had you in hair and make-up for two hours. It paid off to watch Bucky's mouth near drop at the sight of you. This once-assassin who has blood on his hands truly did something to you when he wore a sharp suit. Seams that are streamline and highlight his broad shoulders. Even his waist was deliciously framed. You wanted to hop on him and wrap your legs around that sinfully sexy waist.
Alas, neither you or Bucky could just continue to stand there drooling over the other.
"Wipe your chin, Barnes." Natasha teases as she passes by. To you she shoots a lively smile. "Come on you two. Free booze and food await us."
Pietro had already found the said free booze; ignoring the free food part. He was obligated to attend the gala, agreed to it months ago. If he backed out now, everyone else would have his ass over the fire.
Though he felt like maybe it would have been better had he just said fuck it and stayed home. Especially when you and Bucky walk in looking like the perfect couple. Cameras went off yet people kept a respectful distance from the two of you. You basically had your own guard dog in the form of the Winter Soldier. He towers over you in a way that told others to back off; a protective hand holding onto your's. Both of you are quite the sight standing next to Wanda and Vision. Wanda happily hugs you, her words lost to the loud background music.
He can't take his eyes off of you.
Alcohol warming his system, Pietro downed glass after glass. There was a momentary warmth he felt inside of him before he caught sight of you again.
Hating seeing the two of you together, Pietro spirals in his own head. Plenty of pretty girls around him, all he could focus on was you and the fact that you were hanging off the arm of a murderer. Everyone seemed to have so quickly forgotten that this man killed Howard and Maria Stark.
The moment you unlatched yourself from Bucky's side to go to the bar, Pietro descent upon you.
Your heightened senses barely register the high velocity sound that you associated with Quicksilver. Half a step back was all you were able to make before you heard his husky voice "You find killers sexy?"
His question rakes claw marks against your mind. "What?"
A mocking laugh puffs out of him and he rolls his eyes over in Bucky's direction. "The Winter Soldier. You like the fact that he's murdered innocent people?"
On edge, you notice in your periphery how people were starting to turn to look your way. The volume of Pietro's voice was gradually starting to rise and draw onlookers.
Flushing and attempting to retain your composure, you keep your shoulders back confidently. “Looks like you’ve had too much to drink.” Your eyes search the crowd for Wanda so that she could take him home before he said or did anything he’d regret later. You couldn’t see her or her floating man among the many bobbing heads. Even unable to find Bucky despite his stature.
“Deflecting the question, I see.” Pietro smugly smirks at you; a sway in the step that he took forward. “Shall I raise my voice so you can hear better?”
You narrow your eyes into deadly slits as you squint at him. He was clearly not in his right mind. “What do you want, Pietro?” What was this sudden change in him about? The moment your relationship became public knowledge, Pietro had been pissy ever since. He was the one who rejected you. The one who told you that you shouldn't date because you're coworkers. He had no right to be jealous.
Bucky suggested a few weeks ago that Pietro may still be interested in you. Proposed that his peaked interest must have been from seeing you and Bucky together. At the time you laughed it off. A corner of your mind was screaming at you to listen to him.
Not appreciating how closely he leaned into you, Pietro snarls "That guy has taken numerous, innocent lives. How could you fuck someone with that kind of blood on their hands?" Now you were sure more and more people were pulling out their phones and recording to send to whatever social media platform.
Heat rises off of your cheeks as they blare like alarms. You felt your body tremble not because you were afraid, no, you tremble under the weight of your own fury. Your powers rattled the bars of the cage you kept it in. Clenching down hard against your back teeth with the effort to keep them at bay.
"You know why he did those terrible things. It wasn't him." Growling softly you try desperately to keep a semblance of a calm tone. You were never the type to show your anger. The public might turn against you if they see you break from Pietro's cruel words. Even the bits you were letting slip was enough for your audience to know you were beyond furious. "He was under HYDRA mind control. You of all people should understand the ways HYDRA implements their tools of pain." It wasn't working.
You needed Bucky before you really snapped your last strand of patience.
At least Pietro had enough sense to take a step away from you. In his drunken stupor, he hadn't noticed the crowd. Dozens of people holding up their smartphones, a few reporters who were allowed in were snapping bright pictures. That's when he saw Bucky and Wanda toward him.
Wanda uses her power to wrap him up in scarlet bindings and drag him to where she stood at the cusp of the crowd. She spits something out in Sokovian toward him, motioning for Bucky to go to your side and get you out of there. He looked more ready to rip Pietro apart but valued your wellbeing over all else and easily strode to you.
He slings a protective arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to his side in an attempt to keep you out of the sight of cameras.
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Those involved were taken back to Avengers HQ so the situation could be straightened out. That is, after Fury was done yelling at everyone for how they acted at what was supposed to be an extravagant gala. Admonished how you and Pietro were acting like dramatic high schoolers with your stunt and how this would definitely tarnish the reputation of earth's mightiest heroes. Pietro was still as drunk as a skunk, hissing at everyone who tried to get near him. Only being held back by Wanda who was still yelling at him in Sokovian. As everyone argued back and forth, only you and Bucky remained quiet.
A small upside could be found. Though it was quite the public altercation, popularity for you and Bucky as a couple sky rocketed. Within the hours of it happening, many social media websites exploded with praise at how you defended your man.
That news wasn't enough to make anyone happy at the moment.
Seeing that nothing would be resolved with such bickering, Bucky clears his throat to draw everyone's attention to him. "May I get a word with Pietro alone?"
Fury doesn't look like he wants to allow it. He was assured though that if anything were to happen, Bucky would be able to stand on his own and fend off an angry Pietro. His single dark eye roves around the room before conceding to Bucky's request.
Motive unclear, you arch a brow in his direction. He just offers you a smile and leans toward you to say "It'll be alright. Jus' wanna talk to him."
"I've seen you 'just talk' to people before." You remind him trying to keep your voice stern. "Don't make things worse. Okay?"
"Yes ma'am." That smirk of his will be the death of you, you just know it. There's a silent exchange between you and Wanda who finally relinquishes her scarlet restraints on her twin brother. Pietro staggers without the additional support that held him up.
"Fifteen minutes. Cameras are rolling." Fury warns as he escorts the others out.
Comfortably strolling forward, Bucky pulls out one of the conference chairs that had been entirely ignored. "Take a seat, Maximoff." Immediately there's a snarl curling Pietro's lips until Bucky rolls his eyes. "Or stand. Doesn't matter I guess. Just, listen to me for a moment."
Inebriated individuals don't understand reason, too caught up in their own tilted perception. He wants to do anything else but listen to Bucky prattle on about how he needs to back off of you. That you belonged to him now and how he wouldn't tolerate Pietro's pursuit of you.
Luck appeared to be on Bucky's side for the alcohol was wearing off of Pietro as he started to lose his steam and reluctantly slink down into the chair opposite Bucky's. His dark eyes hold steady onto the metal armed man. Remembering all too clear the stories that HYDRA would tell him and Wanda about the best operative they've ever had: the Winter Soldier. Would this legend of a man be able to hold off Pietro's speed attacks if he were to try?
Honestly he was tired of being angry. Emotions both positive and negative were siphoned out of him until there was nothing left.
Bucky could see that.
"Whatever we say here, stays here." Bucky speaks again, each word cruelly clipped. They strike Pietro like small arrows. Nothing could prepare him for the dead eyed glare that now pinned him to his chair. "Your behavior stops here. I've been more than patient. Held my tongue and my fist when I wanted to knock some sense into you. I didn't, for her sake since she didn't want to cause any trouble among the team. But you're spoiled brat act can't be tolerated anymore. You embarrassed all of us at the gala and made the Avengers look like fools."
His metal hand curls its fingers inwards toward his palm before releasing; an attempt to calm himself before his tone became too heated.
Pietro waits for any sign of movement for Bucky as the larger man deeply inhales. Finally, Bucky's eyes flick back up to him. "I get it."
With a heavy tongue, Pietro croaks out "Get what?"
"I know why and what has fueled your actions. Underneath it all you may have possibly loved her. You're upset that you lost your chance with her. It sucks, it has to to lose someone as amazing as her. I couldn't imagine. . ."
There's a flicker of anger at how the Winter Soldier spoke to him. Reminded Pietro of when his father would scold him as a child.
Bucky's voice soften when he detects the subtle twitch of Pietro's nose. He promised you that he wouldn't escalate things. "I'm sorry. I feel for you. But. . . I'm not going to be stupid enough to let her go. As long as she'll have me, she's mine."
He wanted to ignore the sincerity that warmed Bucky's words. Wanted to keep what little resentment remained inside.
Abruptly, Bucky stands from his chair; bottom of the legs scraping against the floor and startling Pietro in the process. In half a second, Pietro is up on his feet, taking a defensive position. Though his movements were sloppy as his perception was still muddled from his quickly consumed drinks.
Whatever camaraderie had been built between them in those short minutes of Bucky talking was gone. Back were those assassin sharp eyes. "If you upset her one more time, it won't be me you'll have to deal with. It will be the Winter Soldier coming after you. And I can guarantee not even your speed will be able to stop that monster."
"I told you."
He didn't want to hear it from Wanda right now. Damn her for always being right. Right now he just wanted to forget how he made such an ass of himself in front of so many people. When he wasn't trying to fend off his massive hangover migraine he was scrolling through social media, coming upon videos of how he spat in your face saying all sorts of cruel and vindictive things to you. So many mean comments slandering Quicksilver and adoring the hero couple.
In an attempt to drown out Wanda, Pietro grabs his pillow and lays it over his head.
That wouldn't stop her as she was on the war path. He'd hurt her best friend.
Red tendrils of her power rip his pillow off of his head. Pietro hisses in response and whips his head to narrow his eyes in her direction. "You're going to apologize to her. Because if you don't and pull this kind of shit again, Bucky is going to kill you and I won't be able to stop him. You're an idiot for not realizing how protective he is of her." She mumbles something about how lucky he was that Bucky hadn't smashed his face in the conference room during their private chat.
Quiet for a moment, Pietro sits up and leans his back against the bed's headboard. "I know. . . I know I've fucked everything up. I just. . ."
Wanda still has her arms crossed in front of her chest, posture vibrating with the need to throttle her twin. The frostiness in her expression slackens though at Pietro finally admitting that he was in the wrong. Not like she got satisfaction out of it. It pained her watching her brother act like a total dick head toward her best friend. It wasn't long ago that she thought you and Pietro would make a nice couple.
He sighs and runs a hand through his ash blonde hair, repeating "I've fucked everything up."
"At least you're owning up to it." quietly points out Wanda.
Time was necessary for all wounds to heal. That applied toward the ones Pietro had caused. He gave you space for two days before he came up to you to ask for a private word; promising he'd behave and that he just wanted to apologize for everything. Even told you about what Bucky had said to him.
You knew he told the truth because his face was the definition of genuine remorse and repentance.
For most of his speech he looked at his hands, but when he dared to glance up at you Pietro would hold your gaze. His earnestness brimming in his blue eyes. For so long they had been darkened by his discontent. Now they remind you of the pretty bright hue they used to be.
After a moment of silence, Pietro hesitantly asks "Are you happy with him? Truly?"
"I am. I've never been this happy in my entire life. He makes me happy." A bright smile flourishes on your face. "I love him."
Pietro nods.
"Hey, even if things didn't work out romantically with us doesn't mean I don't want to be friends with you. I do. We had fun as friends." You bump him with your elbow.
A wisp of a smile beckons at his lips but couldn't quite get all the way there. "I'd like that. Eventually. . ."
"Eventually." You repeat in agreement.
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margotsolsen · 2 years
ive been in my aaron taylor johnson phase for 7 years...
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2K notes · View notes
natashaslittlegirl · 1 year
Surprise - EO
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Summary: you work for the Olsen's twins as model, they liked you so much that they decided to introduce you to her sister, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Olsen x Model ! Reader
Smut, bottom! Elizabeth, top!Reader, teasing, dirty talk, breast sucking (r to e), oral sex (e receiving), vaginal fingering (e receiving), edging, orgasm denial, finger sucking, praise and degrading kink, slight choking
Words count: 3000+ 
Wattpad Masterlist Elizabeth Olsen's Masterlist
Tomorrow night you will modeling for no one else than the Olsen twins, you couldn't be happier than honor the sisters' campaign. You always loved their projects, and her sister's, so this may be your chance to get to meet her.
You were going to practice in the lapse of the last two weeks, getting to know a little more of the famous blondes, who were enchanted by you, by your personality and your beauty.
You had a charming personality, there was no way they wouldn't like you. They praised you a lot since the day they decided to call you, and you were nothing but falling for them at this point.
Today was the last practice, tomorrow was the big day, it was the last hour for you there since the others models already went home, they wanted you alone now, so you put on  one of your dresses and began to walk in the runway from the studio.
You were stunning, walking firmly to the final stop, posing for them as they watched you mesmerized. You turned around to walk back, hearing a whistle, surely was Ashley.
In this time you discovered that she was the teaser one, always teasing you in the practices, you were nervous around her, but it was all like a little game. Both of them were like that with you, but mostly her. MK was a little more reserved, but she had her days.
You came back running on your tiptoes excitedly, that was one of your best walk, giggling as you reached the sisters for her approval.
"You were perfectly beautiful, y/n!" MK said.
"Yes, I have nothing to say but perfect!"
"Oh thank you, I'm still nervous about tomorrow." you sighed.
"You're gonna do good, darling, we know that." Ashley assured you, putting her hand on your shoulder.
"Yeah, we don't have doubts about you, don't overthink it, we'd seen you a lot of times." MK cooed, smiling.
"I know, but I don't want to mess it up,"
"You're gonna be fine, and, we have a surprise for you after the event!" you looked at Ashley with a smile.
"What? please tell me now!" your gaze flicked between the sisters.
"We can't tell you now, darling, it's a surprise," MK tilted her head and smirked as you pouted.
"But-" Ashley moved her hand to press her index finger into your lips cutting you off.
"No buts, precious, you'll see tomorrow," you blushed at the pet name.
"You can go home, take a bath, relax and sleep well, we need your hundred percent for tomorrow, okay darling?" you nodded. "Good girl."
You almost fell on your knees, but you managed to stay stand to go to change your clothes.
As soon as you came home, you filled the tub with hot water, some bubble soap and a bath bomb with vanilla scents.
You stripped your clothes and got into the warm water, humming at the feeling as you sit on the tub. This is was the best way to relax. You spent about and hour in there, after got out, you went to your kitchen to make a coffee, you weren't really hungry, and the nerves were stronger if you wanted to eat something.
You went to sleep with the thought of the surprise the twins have for you.
"Oh my god, y/n you're beautiful!" Ashley praised your final look, with your hair straight loose, with the white long dress, mid-tight slit, gold heels and accessories.
"You're gonna break the runway." MK said.
"Thank you so much, oh god, it's almost my turn!"
The sisters pulled you into a hug, patting your back and giving you a kiss on each cheek before leading you to stage.
"Good luck, darling."
"Break a leg!" you giggled and prepared yourself for the moment, this was your moment.
The twins quickly went to their sits in the crowd, almost in the end of the runway, where they were with her little sister, Elizabeth, waiting for you.
The manager made you the sing for you to come out, you took a deep breath and went for everything.
Serious tight face, you began to walk with firm steps, swinging your hips, all the eyes in the room were on you, stealing the glares on the model who was going back.
Ashley and MK weren't just the ones mesmerized by you, her sister Elizabeth had to take a deep breath the moment she saw you, yeah she knew you from magazines and photos her sister's show to her, but this was totally different.
You reached the end, the applause you got was incredible, you never loose your composure, not even when you saw her.
The three sisters were looking at you with bright eyes, not believing the beautiful you looked.
You made a few poses, the camera loved you, flashes everywhere form every angle and just for you. You made your way back, pair of green eyes following you until you disappeared.
The event follow its curse, and you did your next presentations and every one of them, you stole all the glares.
When it ended, the twins wait for you to go with them to the event party, obviously it was inly for special guests, and you were surprised you were invited.
"This is my surprise? The party? 'Cause I love it!" you asked them when you got in her limousin. They told you go with the white dress, it was the one who suited you perfectly.
"Yeah, but the really surprise waiting for you at the the party." Ashley giggled.
"Mhm, Okay." you rolled your eyes, you were so excited.
They never did that with another of her models, take them to parties or even talk so sweetly to them, but they saw something in you, something unique, that would fit perfectly with no one else but her little sis.
"You did so good, y/n, I couldn't imagine better!" MK says as she pours champagne in a glass to handle it to you.
"Yes, you were the most beautiful model out there!" Ashley added, taking a sip of her glass.
"For our night." the three of you cheered.
The twins lead you to the party, Ashley was holding your hand to not loose you while MK was behind you. Walking through the crowd of famous people the blonde finally found who she was looking for.
"Here you are," she lean to give a kiss on the cheek of the person in front of her and when she moved to the side, your eyes met her.
"Hey, you must be y/n, it's lovely to finally meet you, dear." your jaw almost dropped to the floor when she lean to let a kiss on your cheek.
"Hi, Miss Olsen, nice to meet you too" you thanked god it was all dark, because you could feel the heat on your cheeks by just that little touch.
"Hey, sis," MK passed by your side to greet Elizabeth when you felt a hot breath against your ear.
"Surprise," Ashley whispered to you.
Elizabeth was your surprise. Elizabeth fucking Olsen.
and you couldn't be more grateful to them in that moment.
The three sisters started to talk about something related to them, so it wasn't your business to hear.
The music echoing in your ears, burn feeling going down your throat as you took your fourth shot, deep breath before biting the slice of lemon to squeeze your eyes right after.
The twins were somewhere in the dance floor, letting you alone in the big party, but that didn't stopped you from having fun, no, you were placidly drinking tekila, sat on a stool in the counter bar.
You were about to ask for the fifth shot when a presence to your right caught your attention.
"Going hard tonight, sweetheart?" one of the sisters asked, but that wasn't one of your boss.
"Just want to get in the moment," you smirked and call the bartender "two shots here!" he grabbed your empty glasses to put two freshly full of liquor.
You passed one to her, to then hold her hand, she looked at you confused and more now that you just licked her thumb, but quickly understood when you pushed her finger into the cup of salt.
You did the same for you and let the slices of lemon in the middle, took your shot glass and cheer with her. The way Elizabeth licked the salt of her thumb turned you on, more that it should.
"Fuck," she cursed to herself, but you hear it anyway. Her raspy voice sent an uncomfortable feeling between your legs.
"Yeah, it's a good one," you locked eyes with her, your gaze falling to her lips faster than you would want it. "So, you're my surprise?"
"Disappointed?" Elizabeth smirked at you, oh the things that were running in your mind.
"Not at all, Olsen." She bited her lip at the way you said her name.
She leaned over you, putting one of her hands on your bare thigh, her hot breath sober you up as you hear her sigh on your ear.
"Let's go dance." she whispered to you, holding your hand and leading you to the dance floor.
You closed your eyes, head spinning as you sway your hips to the beat of the music, nothing matter right now, just the beautiful blonde in front of you.
The way she moved aroused you more, how a person can be that sensual?
Elizabeth took your hand to spin you around, but she pressed her warm body behind you, getting lost in the feeling, humming when you feel her hands on your hips pressing harder.
You let your body fall back, pushing to her as she guides your movements, her fingers dig into your hips making your thighs clench together.
She didn't wast time, moving your hair to the side to inhale the sweet perfume behind your ear, letting out a hum that sent shivers through your body, unconsciously you lean your head back to expose more skin.
"You feel so good against me," husky voice echoing in your mind. Your hand went to the back of her neck, pulling her closer to you.
"I could feel even better if we weren't here." You turn around to face her, lust-filled eyes meeting as you both smirk.
"Let's get out of here," she didn't have to told you twice.
You grabbed her hand and guide you two through the people to the exit, feeling a pair of eyes looking at me, you dart into the crowd to find the twins smirking at you.
Elizabeth squeeze your hand harder until you reach the exit, taking you to her car that was parked just a few steps from the entrance. She couldn't resist herself, pushing you to the passenger door, stamping her body to yours as her hands go to your waist, starting a passionate kiss.
God, she feels so fucking good.
She break the kiss before you can even think about it, opening the door for you to get in as she round the car to drive you both somewhere.
"Yours or mine?" You turn your head to look at her.
"Wherever you want, Olsen," she smirks and starts your way to her home, you guess.
She pushes you through the door, slamming it shut without breaking the kiss, you hum against her lips as your hands roam her body.
"You're driving me insane, y/n" she groans into your mouth.
"I can't help myself," You gasp as you took her lips again, your tongue deliciously entering her mouth.
Elizabeth starts to walk to her room without breaking your kiss, you turned her around the second you entered her room, pressing her body against the door.
Your hands go to her back, finding the zipper of her dress to pull it down. The expensive fabric falling to the floor but she doesn't even care. You take a few steps back, her lips parted gasping for air
Her emerald eyes growing dark as she sees you taking off your dress, smirking to her. Your gaze scans her body.
"You're beautiful, Elizabeth." she bites her lips at your words.
You couldn't resist anymore, grabbing her hips to push her onto the bed, crawling on top of her, straddling her lap. Her hands squeeze your hips, encouraging you to move them, creating a delicious friction between the two of you. You were dripping, no doubt at this point.
You pushed her back onto the mattress, kissing her jaw, her neck, sucking hardly to then pass your tongue, soothing the sore feeling, but leaving red marks on it.
"Fuck," she moans as you reach her breasts, your hand going to her back to unclap the white lace bra, taking it off as fast as you could. You wrap her already hardened nipple into your warm lips, sucking it slightly, your hand squeezing her other breast to give it the same attention.
You felt her rubbing her thighs, trying to relieve some of the tension she was having since the moment she saw you in the runway.
You switched breasts, sucking and biting the other one, hearing the little whimpers that were leaving her mouth. Her hands pushed you down and you didn't want to make her wait.
Kissing her stomach, her lower abdomen until you reached the hem of her lace panties, seeing clearly the wet patch on them, you smirked to yourself, you did this to Elizabeth Olsen.
Your tongue pushed her clit, a moan scaping from the back of her throat as you pushed again.
"Please, y/n,"
"What do you want, Elizabeth?" Your fingers hooked on the sides of her panties slowly taking them down her legs.
"Just fuck me," she moaned as she spread her legs for you, revealing her dripping pussy.
"You're dripping and I didn't even touch yet." you were mesmerized by the sight of her open for you, waiting for you to do something.
"I've waiting so long to this," your looked up at her face, lips parted sighing.
You didn't want to make her wait one more second, lowering yourself to shove your tongue into her cunt. You licked the entire lenght of her, gathering her wetness, humming at the taste.
"You taste so good, Miss Olsen." Elizabeth threw her head back to the pillows as you began to swirl your tongue on her clit, altering between sucking and licking.
Her hands went to your hair, tugging it as she rocked her hips to your face. "Fuck, y/n, you're so good," you smirked against her cunt.
You lifted your hand, squeezing her inner thigh noticing how she shivered at the simple touch. You thrust a finger into her without warning, stealing a loud deep moan from her throat, causing her to bring her own hand to her mouth to muffle the sounds coming from her.
You started slow, making her moan in desperation, bucking her hips against your face, another finger entered her, now two were working on her entrance while your tongue was on her clit, licking and sucking it.
Elizabeth's legs began to shake, squeezing your head, curling your fingers inside her, touching her g-spot.
You looked up, seeing how she had her head thrown back, one of her hands still covering her mouth, her brows knitted together and her chest heaving sharply for air.
"I want to hear you, Elizabeth," you lift your body to take her hand off her mouth, leaning over to whisper in her ear "I want to hear how good I'm making you feel."
Her eyes closed shut, eyebrows knitted together as you fastened your pace, curling your fingers inside as she rock at each one of your thrusts. Her walls began to clench around your fingers.
"I'm I- gonna c-cum!"
"No, hold it," she looked at you, blow dark pupils seeing right into you.
"I can't" your free hand went to her neck, grabbing and squeezing it softly. You didn't know if she would like that, but one of her hands covered yours, making you apply more pressure.
"You can, look how of a slut you turned out to be,"
"Please, I'll be good." she begged but that only made you smirk.
"Oh, you're good," you tilt your head, hoovering her lips but not kissing them "such a good little slut."
Her breathe hitch on her throat, her thighs clenching around your hand making you go slowly.
"Open your legs for me," she didn't think about it, she just spread her legs wide. "Good girl,"
Tears began to form in the corner of her eyes, that's what you wanted, edge her all the night.
"Good girls get reward, you knew that, Elizabeth?" she nodded. "use your words,"
"Yes," she breath out.
"Cum for me." she explode under you, soaking your fingers with her wetness.
Her body trembling because of the force of her orgasm, chest rising and falling brutally, red cheeks and eyes closed. You took your fingers out of her, licking them clean, moaning at her taste again. You leaned over to kiss her, making her taste herself.
This kiss was softly, a little more relieved from the sexual tension allowed that.
"Fuck, that was so good."
"That was just the beginning." you assured her while going down on her again.
This is gonna be a long night.
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cissa-calls · 7 days
Countdown to Agatha All Along
: Day 813
Agatha: *limping*
Wanda: “Are you ready to surrender Harkness?”
Agatha: “You wish Maximoff! I will never succumb to your whimsical fancies, not whilst I still have my ambitions and integrity in tact!
Wanda: “Have it your way you spiteful prune!”
Y/N: “Hey, what’s going on?”
Wanda: “Oh hi! Agatha’s boots are just giving her blisters-“
Agatha: “-WOUNDING ME!-“
Wanda: “-and she refuses to change shoes-”
Y/N, sarcastically: “How could you not tell me of such strife in conflict? I would have come sooner.”
Wanda: “She makes battling Thanos seem like a tantrum”
Agatha: “Aww really?!”
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bitchyglitterfox · 1 year
Angel - Pietro Maximoff x F!Powered!Reader
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Warnings: fix it fic where Pietro doesn't die at the end of Age of Ultron! Medical jargon is probably incorrect.
A/n: Anyway this is for a friend of mine who asked where Wanda's brother's fics were and why I haven't written any. Heres to you 🫡
All grammatical errors are my own bc I don't have beta readers.
“Male, Caucasian, approximately 22-24 years of age, multiple gunshot wounds to the chest, abdomen and arms. His breathing is labored and blood pressure low.” One of my nurses says as we wheel this unknown man into the O.R.
“Alright! We need gauze, bowls and scalpels and blood! GO! GO! GO!” I yell at my team trying to save this young man’s life. I may be only 20 and one of the youngest surgeons in the world but my team knows I care about them and only yell when it’s something crucial.
“Here ma’am, everything you need.” Maria, my head nurse tells me while I walk into the room gloved and masked.
“Alright ladies and gentlemen, we are going to save this man’s life.” I say looking around the sterile room.
*6 hours later*
“Alright we did it, great job guys. Move him over to an empty recovery room and let them know their friend is fine.” I say walking out. I go and stand near the coffee machine and buy myself a cup.
“So Doc, how's the kid?” I look up and see an old friend.
“Well, Stark, how many times have I told you not to call me Doc? Reminds me of Bugs Bunny, and he’s doing fine. We managed to save him, just barely. He lost a lot of blood, had multiple breaks, what the hell were you guys fighting?!”
“Uh robots, and besides if you had come along with us like I keep suggesting and using those wonderful powers you have-“ I cut him off before he can even finish his thought.
“Stark I’ve told you before, I’m not properly trained for combat, I’m just a doctor, and I’ll tell you what I’ll go and heal all his wounds right now, that way you’ll have him back.” I say sipping the black hot liquid.
“And I told you (y/n) there’s more out there than just shitty coffee and white walls. Listen I'll pitch the idea to Fury to have you move to the compound and become an avenger, you could help a whole lot more people if you agreed” He says as he walks back down the hallway and out the door.
I threw the cup of coffee away and walked into Pietro’s room. I learned of his name after the operation. He honestly looks very peaceful just lying there sleeping. I go and close the blinds and shut and lock the door. I don't need anyone not authorized to know about my powers to come stumbling in the room.
I take off my glove and remove his blanket from his chest; I take a deep breath and lay my hands on his chest. A white light filling up the room along with the slight hum of the machines connected to him.
When I finish he begins to slowly open his eyes. “Is that an Angel I see? A beautiful angel?”
I blush slightly “No Mr. Maximoff, I can assure you that I am no Angel. I am your Doctor; my name is (y/n) (l/n).”
“So I do have an angel in front of me because only an angel would have such a beautiful name as that.” He said smiling.
“Well it’s good to see you are getting back to normal brother” a female voice came from the door.
“Well that is my que to go, I’ll be checking back on you tomorrow and if everything looks good, you should be free to go within the next few days” I say sliding out of the door.
“She seems nice” I hear his sister say as I walk back to my office. Wait, how’d she unlock the door? Did she see me use my powers? All these questions went on swimming through my head.
“Good morning Mr. Maximoff, how are you feeling?” I asked while walking into his hospital room, looking at his medical charts “are you eating alright?”
“Good, I've gotten my strength back and maybe that means my speed came back?” he says, getting up in his bed. 
“Wow there mr maximoff you've only just started healing and you only recently had surgery. It might take some time for your speed to get back.” I say while gently lying him back down on the bed.
“Alright but promise me once we're out of here and I'm no longer your patient we will hang out and be friends yes?” he says while smiling the dorkiest of smiles I've ever seen.
“Yes, we are already friends but when you get released we can hang out” I say while grabbing my clipboard and walking back out of the room and closing the door. I lean against the wall outside and take a deep breath, wow i can't be falling for my patient but he wont be my patient next week, no next week he’ll be my teammate. 
Just before walking into his room this morning I had gotten a call from Stark informing me I would become an official member of the team, healing them whenever necessary as well as healing those injured during missions. 
This will surely be a fun experience especially when I have a handsome man like Pietro on my team. 
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tommiruewrites · 2 years
⌜↳ lumea mea ˖⁺⌟
✩ pairing: pietro x reader ✩ requested: yes | no ✩ prompts: none ✩ cw: shitty google translate romanian sokovian, no pronouns or gender descriptors for reader (please correct me if i missed anything), not proofread 
✩ word count: 0.45k ✩ a/n: just in a pietro kinda mood since i just finished my mcu script for him. this idea popped into my head so i figured i'd write it down. hope you like it as much as i did :))
summary: pietro always makes you feel like the luckiest person alive, even if he won't tell you exactly what he's saying
you can also read this on ao3
₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚· You lay on the couch, head against his chest and knees curled up against your own. You can hear his heartbeat in one ear, and the screams from the movie you're watching in the other, although you aren't paying much attention to the film anymore. His hand absent mindedly caresses your arm to comfort you, pulling you in tighter when you flinch at the screen. You hide your face in his shirt at one particularly scary part. Pietro laughs a little, holding you close to him. "It's just a movie, remember? I'm right here, iubirea mea. Right here" He emphasizes, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "Nothing to be afraid of." You pull your head away to look up at him, face still flushed from the jump scare, "What does that mean?" "Nothing to be afraid-" "No not that," you roll your eyes and try to hold back a smile, seeing a smirk already on your boyfriend's face. "What you said before that. What does it mean?" His smirk widens, "What? Iubirea mea?" his hand moving to the small of your back to support you as you shift your position closer to him, "Where's the fun in it if I tell you, dragă?" Your eyebrows furrow in confusion and feigned frustration, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you feel heat rush to your cheeks "That one too! I want to know what it means." "So many questions!" he teases with a shit-eating grin, leaning forward to press his forehead against yours. He thinks his heart might burst when you place your hands on his chest to balance your weight. His cocky grin slowly softens into a loving smile, which you gladly reciprocate.  You feel his lips slightly brush against yours as he leans closer to nudge your nose with his, softly rubbing your back with his thumb, "Vrei să spui lumea pentru mine, dragă. Tu ești totul pentru mine. My everything."  You can't help but smile and feel your stomach swarm with butterflies, cheeks warming at his softness. You lean in that little bit more to softly press your lips against his, both of you hazily smiling into it as the late hour finally catches up to you. You've decided you don't need a direct translation of what it means; he always shows you all that you need to know. You pull away, burying your face in his shoulder and wrapping your arms around his torso. You mumble out a quiet, "I love you." "I love you more, dragă." "Not possible." Neither of you have the energy to continue your banter as the both of you give in and let sleep consume you. ₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚·˚ ♡₊˚· TRANSLATIONS: (again, im so sorry if these translations are horrible, but this is the intended meaning lmao) "Iubirea mea" - my love "Dragă" - dear; darling "Vrei să spui lumea pentru mine, dragă. Tu ești totul pentru mine." - You mean the world to me, darling. You are everything to me.
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I Slept With Your Sister On Your Bed (One Shot)
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Summary: Wanda flies home with her brother to accompany him to his high school reunion in place of his wife who fell sick. One night at a bar, Wanda has a chance encounter with a stranger who charms and seduces her. After spending the night together in Wanda's childhood home, Pietro runs into the stranger and finds out her meeting with his sister wasn't much of a chance encounter at all.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Tags: 18+ Minors DNI, top!reader, bottom!wanda, oral sex (Wanda receiving), fingering (Wanda receiving), spanking, choking, barely there anal play, hair pulling, manhandling, rough sex, mentions of bullying, social anxiety, implied cheating
A/n: Inspired by this
Wanda let out a sigh and waved her hand at the bartender who didn’t even need to ask as he took a bottle of whiskey and refilled Wanda’s glass. 
She was back in Westview for a stupid high school reunion at a school she didn’t even go to. Pietro forced her to come after his wife got sick and was unable to attend. Wanda worked so hard to get out of Westview, and even being back here for just three days was already bringing up a bunch of unwanted memories.
Her brother’s high school was having their reunion in two days, while her school was having its reunion three days after. She wasn’t supposed to be here. Even being in Westview was putting her at risk of running into her old classmates. She thought she was doing amazing now, but that didn’t mean she wanted to run into anyone from her old school. 
Her anxiety was at an all time high. The best day of her life was when she graduated high school because she was finally able to leave and have a new start. What in the world made her brother think she’d want to go back when all her old classmates would be going back as well?
At first she thought it wasn’t going to be all bad. All she had to do was stay home the entire time they were there. She didn’t have to risk going out and accidentally running into someone from her old school; that part was completely avoidable.
Then her brother decided, that night, that he was going to meet up with all his old friends earlier than they planned. What was the point of the reunion then? Now, Wanda should have just stayed back home with her parents, but they were having their friends over for a weekly game night, and she wasn’t really interested in having them force her to join them just because she was an adult now.
So here she was, sitting alone at a bar and praying to god that none of her old classmates walked in, even though Wanda wasn’t even religious.
“You look like you’re having a great night.” Wanda furrowed her eyebrows and turned to her right where the voice came from.
Her eyes widened when she saw an incredibly beautiful woman leaning against the bar with a smile that almost made Wanda melt in her seat. She didn’t think it was possible for someone as gorgeous as her to exist in Westview, because she certainly doesn’t remember ever seeing someone this beautiful when she lived here.
“Would you mind if I joined you? I heard misery loves company.” The woman asked in a sweet tone with a tilt of her head. Wanda found that she didn’t quite have the proper words to say to this woman, so she dumbly nodded her head instead of risking saying something stupid.
Though that seemed to be enough, because the woman’s smile widened at her wordless response. Her eyes looked down to the bar and she nodded at Wanda as sort of a sign of respect.
“Whiskey, huh? To be honest, at first glance, you seemed like the fruity cocktail type of person to me. Which isn’t bad, but I’m pleasantly surprised.” The woman said as she pushed herself off the bar and went to take a seat.
It was normal bar etiquette to leave at least one seat in between each person sitting at the bar unless it was completely full, but this woman disregarded that rule completely and went to sit on the stool right next to Wanda on her left.
“I’ll have the same.” She said to the bartender once she got his attention, gesturing over to Wanda which made the bartender nod and hand her a glass, filling it up with Whiskey.
The woman thanked the man and took a sip before turning to Wanda, that same charming and heart-melting smile gracing her lips. Wanda was far too taken by her beauty, which was making her stand out from the rest of the dark patrons in that dingy bar, to realize that she’s been staring dumbfounded this entire time.
“Am I distracting you?” The way her smile turned into a teasing one made Wanda finally snap out of her daze. 
She could feel her face begin to heat up in embarrassment once she realized that the woman was aware that she was staring because of her features, and she wanted to melt once more, this time six feet into the ground.
“N-No! You’re not distracting at all.” Wanda stammered in embarrassment, making the woman laugh through her nose in amusement.
“Well, I’m glad to have your attention now.” Her voice was smooth and her tone was confident, but not in a smug way. Everything from her posture, to her smile, and down to her tone; Wanda could tell that this woman knew of the effect she had on people, and she didn’t mind one bit. 
Something about that made Wanda very nervous, whether it be from intimidation or from something else entirely. The alcohol in her system and the weirdly gorgeous woman in front of her was preventing her from thinking straight, so she didn’t know what that something else was quite yet.
“Or not. It seems I distracted you again.” The woman said with a laugh that made Wanda’s heart flutter, and she had to take a sharp intake of breath to stop herself from making more of a fool of herself than she already has.
“I am so sorry, I’m being so rude right now just staring at you like you’re some object to gawk at.” Wanda rambled on embarrassedly with a nervous laugh as she reached for her drink and took a large sip. She was bad enough with regular people alone, but it’s like Wanda has completely forgotten how to interact with people now that she’s faced with someone so attractive.
“Well, I happen to find your eyes very pretty, so I don’t exactly mind having you gawk at me.” She said, making Wanda laugh because she didn’t know how else to respond.
She then froze when the woman leaned forward, their noses were practically touching from the lack of space. Wanda found herself completely clueless on what to do. She was completely still because the woman’s sparkling eyes were staring right into the depths of her soul.
“It’s a very beautiful shade of green.” The woman said before leaning back and sending Wanda a polite smile. Wanda took another sip of her drink. Though gulp was probably the more appropriate word.
“Y/n. Y/n L/n.” She said with a bat of her eyelashes as she held her hand out to Wanda. She didn’t know why she was so surprised at how soft Y/n’s hands were, because why wouldn’t they be?
“Wanda Maximoff.” A slow smile made its way onto Y/n’s face and she tilted her head at Wanda, squeezing her hand before slipping it out of her grasp, her fingers lingering on hers for a moment before they pulled away, lightly brushing against Wanda’s hand and making goosebumps appear on her arms.
“Maximoff.” She said slowly, as if to test the name on her tongue, then resting her elbow against the bar before leaning her cheek against her fist.
“I haven’t heard that name in so long.” Wanda may have been near drunk and completely allured by how slow and sultry Y/n’s voice was when she said those words, but her last functioning half brain cell still had the capability of making her confused by the statement.
“You must be Pietro’s wife then?” Y/n said, with a tilt at the end of her sentence, making it into a question instead of a statement as if she wasn’t quite sure. The comment made Wanda scrunch her face up in disgust.
“No, he’s my brother. Twin brother actually.” Wanda said and Y/n’s eyebrows raised in surprise at her response.
“Oh? I didn’t know he had a sister, let alone a twin. That explains the uncanniness in appearance though.” Y/n said, looking like she was connecting the dots in her head to make sure. Wanda could see the exact moment she was as another smile appeared on her face.
“I’m guessing you’re the prettier twin, then?” Y/n asked, sending Wanda a playful look with a slight pout sitting on her lips. The comment made Wanda momentarily forget about the fact that this stranger knew her brother as another nervous laugh left her mouth. She needs to stop doing that.
“People usually call him that.” Wanda said and a small “huh” left Y/n’s lips as the hand she was resting her cheek on went to grab her whiskey.
“Well,�� Y/n said as she looked down to slightly swirl her whiskey before looking up at Wanda through her eyelashes, “People are usually wrong.” She said as she took a long sip of her wine without breaking eye contact with Wanda.
Wanda had never made anyone look so intensely at her like that before, and it made her gulp down nervously. When she finished drinking, Y/n smiled at Wanda and raised her eyebrows at her, before returning to her position from earlier with her cheek resting against her fist. Everything she was doing was so casual, but it made Wanda’s heart race and her brain malfunction.
But Wanda needed to get it together. There was still the matter of this woman knowing who her brother was even though Wanda has never seen her before in her life.
“How do you know my brother?” Wanda asked the other woman and a small smile appeared on her face.
“We were… “Acquaintances” in high school.” She talked slowly every time she spoke. It made Y/n seem sophisticated and like she was sure of everything she was saying, adding to the confident air that completely surrounded her.
“Oh, are you attending the reunion?” It would make sense why Wanda didn’t know her then. 
“Yes, actually. I thought it would be a good way to catch up with some classmates I lost touch with after graduating.” Y/n said and Wanda was about to speak again when Y/n’s hand dropped and laid itself on the bar top.
Her hand was dangerously close to Wanda’s hand; so close that Wanda was sure that if she stretched her fingers, it would touch hers. Y/n lifted her other hand and rested it on her wrist before adjusting herself in her seat so her side was leaning against the bar.
“It’s weird that I don’t know about you though. Your brother was quite the heartthrob in high school. Since you’re his twin, it’s only natural that you’d be the talk of the school. But I never heard of a Wanda Maximoff until tonight.” Y/n said, her finger tracing the wood patterns of the bar, causing Wanda’s eyes to be glued to it, her breath catching in her throat every time it came close to grazing against her.
When Y/n’s finger stopped, Wanda realized that she hadn't said anything in response to what Y/n said. She stammered for a moment and directed her attention back to Y/n. God, she was such a mess tonight. Alcohol and beautiful people didn’t mix well with her social anxiety and generally bad social skills.
“M-My brother got the scholarship to Xavier’s while I went to Midtown.” Wanda explained distractedly and Y/n let out a hum in thought as a response.
“I bet you were the most popular girl in the entire school then.” Another awkward left Wanda’s lips, but this one was weaker than the last ones.
“No, uh… Quite the opposite actually.” Wanda said, and for the first time since she sat down, Y/n looked unsure. She thought to herself for a moment before her eyebrows raised in surprise, a light chuckle of disbelief leaving her mouth while she shook her head. She leaned forward, moving her hand and carefully letting it rest on Wanda’s hand.
“Don’t tell me you were bullied.” Y/n said and Wanda inhaled deeply, moving her hand away and wiping them against her jeans as she turned her eyes to the ground in embarrassment. 
“I’m sorry, I should have phrased that better.” Y/n started with a genuine apologetic tone. “I wasn’t laughing at you.” Her tone was reserved, and when Wanda looked back up at her, the smile and warmth on her face disappeared and was replaced with a more neutral expression.
When their eyes met though, her eyes softened a bit as a soft sigh left her lips. “How could I laugh at someone who shares the same experiences as me?” Y/n asked and Wanda’s eyes widened once she realized what she was saying.
“No.” Wanda said, narrowing her eyes suspiciously at Y/n who laughed once more.
“I’m being honest, I swear.” She said in a flattered tone, but Wanda still wasn’t convinced.
“But you look so…” Wanda said as she looked Y/n up and down. No way someone like her could get bullied in high school. In fact, she looked like someone who would be a part of the group that bullied her.
“Well, I didn’t always look like this. I was a bit of a late bloomer. But if I can get someone like you to look at me like that, then things must have worked out in the end.” Y/n with a wink as a smirk appeared on her face, making Wanda’s face heat up once more.
“I really don’t mean to stare so much.” Wanda admitted in embarrassment, but thankfully, Y/n didn’t laugh or look bothered. If she did, Wanda would have died right there.
“Like I said, I don’t mind. Your staring just makes me feel better about my staring.” Wanda’s jaw slackened a bit in shock at the words, and they lowered even further when Y/n’s eyes began to roam her body, slowly moving up and down; taking her sweet time to take in every curve and dip on Wanda’s figure, not bothering to hide her blatant staring before lifting her eyes to meet Wanda’s.
“You’re exactly the type of person I would’ve had a crush on in high school. I’m starting to doubt that you and Pietro are twins, because he’s not even half as pretty as you are.” Thank god Wanda was already seated, because had she been standing otherwise, her knees would have given out and she would have fallen to the ground.
“I’ve never heard that one before.” Everyone always favored Pietro. It was only natural. Wanda loved her brother, and so did everyone else. He was charming and always knew what to say; it was hard to hate him.
He was the better looking twin, the smarter twin, the more successful twin, the funnier twin; she’s heard it all before. Wanda was used to hearing about how much her brother was better, along with the silent implication of how she was less. That’s just how it’s been this whole time. Wanda was used to living in her brother’s shadow.
But this gorgeous, confident, and charming woman was sitting in front of her, blatantly checking her out, was throwing all these compliments at her, and basically eye fucking her in the middle of this bar. Not to mention the fact that she had just told her that she thought she was better than her brother, when she probably knew him more since they literally just met.
Her brother, the one who had the super fast and expensive car, the supermodel wife, the high paying low effort job, the huge house, who has been deemed the better Maximoff twin their whole lives, was nothing to this beautiful specimen of a woman.
There were very few moments in Wanda’s life where she felt genuinely confident in herself. And it may be due to the alcohol or the anxiousness in her body that made it hard for her to think, but at that moment… She felt good.
“How about I show you instead?” Y/n said as she leaned forward and carefully inched her hand towards Wanda’s leg. She looked up at Wanda with an innocently questioning look, waiting for any sign of resignation, fear, or anything of the sort in Wanda’s features.
But Wanda was still, save for her chest which was moving heavily up and down with her staggering breath. She bit her lip slightly and stared back into Y/n’s eyes, hands twitching and fidgeting in anticipation. 
When there was no sign of protest, Y/n placed her hand on Wanda’s knee before leaning her face forward. The closer she got, the higher her hand traveled up her leg. Y/n stopped when her mouth was right next to Wanda’s ear, hand sliding into Wanda’s inner thigh and giving it a light squeeze, causing Wanda to squirm where she sat.
“...Will you let me?” What happened from that point was a complete blur for Wanda. 
She vaguely remembers nodding in response and Y/n sending her that mind blinding smile of hers before she grabbed her by the hand and dragged her out of the bar. Wanda wasn’t even sure if they had paid for their drinks, but she didn’t have room in her brain to think about that, because the entire drive to her house in Y/n’s car was spent with Wanda struggling to tell Y/n directions due to the hand that was moving up and down her thigh.
When they entered her house, Wanda let out a sigh of relief when she saw that her parents, along with their friends, were nowhere in sight. All the lights were off, but Wanda could vaguely see the empty beer cans spilling out of the trash can in the kitchen.
A gasp left Wanda’s mouth when she felt an arm snake around her waist, roughly pulling her backwards until her back was pressed against Y/n’s front. Y/n lined her face against the side of Wanda’s head and took a deep breath in through her nose. A slow and shaky exhale left her mouth from the scent of Wanda’s hair before she started peppering kisses down her cheek, to her jaw, and up and down the length of her neck.
Wanda leaned her head back, hand reaching up to the back of Y/n’s head to pull her closer while her other hand placed it over the one that was resting over her waist. Her eyes rolled back in pleasure when Y/n started sucking on her skin right where jaw met her neck below her ear, a low and guttural moan leaving her mouth. Y/n pulled away and shushed Wanda teasingly, urging her to be quiet as she pressed her body tighter against hers.
“We wouldn’t want to wake up your parents now, would we, Wanda?” Y/n spoke into Wanda’s ear, her voice low and husky as her free hand started making its way under Wanda’s blouse.
Wanda felt her breath catch in her throat when Y/n’s cold hands met her skin. Her soft hands slowly moved up from her stomach, completely disregarding Wanda’s bra and easily slipping underneath it. Her fingers spread wide before grasping onto Wanda’s breast, rolling her nipple in between her index and middle finger.
“What would your mother and father say if they came down here and saw their daughter letting herself get touched like this under their roof?” Y/n asked as she took Wanda’s nipple in her index finger and thumb, pinching hard and tugging at it while she attached her lips on the space behind her ear.
Wanda pursed her lips and shut her eyes tight, forcing her groan down but ultimately failing. It was then that she felt something pressing up against her ass when Y/n began to slowly grind her front against her back. When she realized it was a bulge, her mind was sent into a flurry, and all attempts of keeping quiet disappeared as a long moan left Wanda’s lips, turning into a gasp when Y/n thrusted into her.
Unable to contain herself, Wanda turned around and placed her hands against the side of Y/n’s face, pulling her into her until their lips met while jumping up and wrapping her legs around her waist. Y/n was quick to catch her, hands holding onto Wanda’s thighs until they moved up. 
Y/n pushed back against Wanda’s lips roughly while her hands squeezed Wanda’s ass, relishing in the way Wanda was groaning into her lips. Wanda then pulled away, hand remaining on Y/n’s cheeks while she stared deeply into those eyes that had her heart stuck in her throat despite how dark it was. 
“My parents basically fall into comas after drinking. They won’t know a thing.” She knew this because Pietro used to always bring girls over, yet her parents were convinced he lost his virginity in college. A wicked grin slowly made its way onto Y/n’s face.
“We better make the most of this then.” Y/n said, hand going to the back of Wanda’s neck and pulling her in for another searing kiss.
Wanda let her legs fall back to the ground, reluctantly pulling away from the kiss and grabbing Y/n’s hand as she started leading her over to the stairs. She barely even made it up the first step when Y/n made her turn around by pulling her back. Before she could even react, Wanda was being pressed against the wall and being pulled into another kiss.
One of Y/n’s hands was placed on the wall above Wanda’s head while the other was holding onto the side of her neck. Meanwhile, Wanda’s hands were busy running themselves up and down Y/n’s torso, taking in the shape of her body before wrapping her arms around Y/n’s neck and pulling her towards her as close as she possibly could.
Their kiss was messy, too desperate to feel each other’s lips and tongues against their skin to care about where they were aiming. With the tiniest bit of focus she could muster, Wanda started walking backwards up the stairs with Y/n following after her. Their mouths never left each other, and their hands never stopped roaming each other’s bodies despite how dangerous it was.
Proving their point, Wanda’s foot slipped on the step she took, causing her to fall backwards. Y/n was quick to place her hand behind Wanda’s head so she wouldn’t hurt herself, but she didn’t give her a chance to recover and process the fall as she leaned over her and started kissing up and down her neck.
A groan left Wanda’s mouth when she felt Y/n’s hips grinding against her, hands reaching behind her and scratching at her clothed back. Y/n’s shirt began to become untucked from Wanda’s tugging and scratching, making her hands grab Wanda’s legs from the back of her knees before pulling her against her.
Wanda gasped, her arms immediately wrapping themselves around Y/n’s neck and holding her close as she felt herself be lifted up from the stairs. She bit her lip, feeling herself grow lightheaded when the bulge in between Y/n’s legs brushed up against her core at just the perfect place, making her desperately grind against it while Y/n brought them up the stairs.
“First door… Left.” Wanda said breathlessly as she pulled back and connected her lips with Y/n. She could feel Y/n’s tongue shoot into her mouth, prodding and fighting against her own and making her moan into the kiss.
When her back pressed against the door, Wanda let her legs drop again while she reached for the doorknob. The moment her hand grabbed ahold of it, she twisted it open and grabbed Y/n by the collar, pulling her into the room with her before pushing her up against the now closed door. 
Y/n grunted as she was pushed back against the door once more when Wanda connected their lips. One hand grabbed her by the waist while the one went up from her neck to the back of her head, letting Wanda’s hair fall between the gaps of her fingers, then closing them into a fist. She pulled Wanda’s head back and attached her lips onto Wanda’s next, mouth roaming messily until she found her pulse point.
Wanda groaned, her fingernails digging into Y/n’s shoulder, only urging Y/n to suck harder. As she did though, Y/n opened her eyes and did a quick scan of the room. 
There were two twin size beds, one next to a window on the left while the other was against the wall on the right. Based on the array of trophies lined up on the shelf above the window, Y/n knew exactly which bed was whose. Her eyes hardened and the hand grabbing Wanda’s hair went down to roughly grip her shoulder.
Wanda yelped when Y/n started pushing her to walk backwards. The back of her legs met the edge of a bed, and the next thing she knew, she was being pushed down onto the soft mattress. Wanda’s eyes widened when she realized which bed she was on, and she sat up in a panic to tell Y/n that they should move.
But Y/n was already gently pushing her down by the shoulder, mouth going back to her neck while her other hand grabbed Wanda’s wrists and led them up to her breast. Her mind went completely blank with the way Y/n was sucking against her neck and Wanda let her head fall back against the pillows while her other hand went up so she could start groping at both of Y/n’s breasts.
Y/n reached down to pull her shoes and socks off before reaching up and pulling Wanda’s blouse off of her. Y/n’s hands instantly went to Wanda’s breasts, squeezing them and pushing them up while her hips thrusted against Wanda’s center. The action caused a loud moan to leave Wanda’s mouth, hands grasping at the pillows beneath her head while her back arched off of the bed.
In one swift motion, Y/n reached behind her and unhooked her bra with one hand. As Wanda’s back fell back onto the mattress, Y/n pulled the bra off of her and threw it to the side. She grabbed Wanda’s upper torso and pulled her up until her breast met her mouth.
Y/n let her nipple graze against her teeth before taking it in her mouth and sucking hard, tongue pressing and flicking the now hardened bud before moving to give attention to Wanda’s other breast. Wanda gasped and moaned, hand moving to Y/n’s hair and tugging her head up so their lips could meet.
She felt hands grab her waist before Y/n’s still clothed crotch started slowly, and painfully, grinding against her clit. Wanda gasped a moan out, trying to move her hips against Y/n’s to add more friction and keep her right where she needed her. But that only made Y/n’s grip on her waist tighten and she forced her to stay still while keeping her own pace.
Wanda’s hands trailed down from Y/n’s neck down to her shoulders, then her arms, only for her to realize that Y/n’s top was still on. Her hands went to the buttons and started attempting to get them undone, but bulge rubbing up against her clit, sending sparks up her spine, and the tongue being shoved down her throat made it hard for Wanda to coordinate her hands.
In frustration, Wanda bunched Y/n’s shirt in her hands and tore them apart, causing her buttons to fly out and her shirt to burst open. Y/n pushed herself off of Wanda and looked down at her now ruined shirt. A quick laugh of disbelief left Y/n’s mouth, her tongue clicking against the roof of her mouth as she tsk’d Wanda while shaking her head.
“I see how it is.” Y/n said in amusement as she pulled her shirt off her body and threw it to the ground, making Wanda’s heart jump in a way that excited her even further.
Y/n’s eyes had grown darker and there was a dangerous glint in her eyes that beautifully accompanied the smirk on her face. It made Wanda’s breathing become more shallow in anticipation. Slowly, Y/n began crawling over Wanda until her face was hovering above hers, hands placed right beside her head.
Y/n took in Wanda’s features in the way a predator would when assessing a potential prey, and for a second, Wanda thought Y/n was going to kiss her. Until her hand suddenly grabbed her by the jaw and pulled her up until she was right up against Y/n’s face without actually making contact with her.
“If you can’t be patient…” Y/n said through gritted teeth and forcefully turned Wanda’s head to the side, making Wanda’s heart beat faster and a pool begin to form in between her legs. 
“I’ll just give you what you want.” She whispered directly into Wanda’s ears, causing a shiver to run down Wanda’s spine.
Y/n carelessly released Wanda’s jaw, causing her to fall back roughly against the bed. Wanda was still in the middle of recovering from all that when she suddenly felt herself be pulled down slightly from Y/n grabbing the hem of her jeans and underwear before tugging them down her legs with her shoes.
When Y/n got her bottoms off, she tossed them aside and grabbed Wanda by the waist. She let out a yelp when she felt herself be flipped over onto her stomach as if she was a ragdoll. Y/n then pulled Wanda’s waist up towards her, leaving Wanda face down and ass up before her with a perfect view of her glistening pussy which was all hers for the taking.
Y/n left a quick yet hard slap onto Wanda’s ass, ignoring the yelp of surprise and pain that left Wanda’s mouth as she knelt down and ran her tongue up from Wanda’s clit up to her opening, all the while squeezing both of Wanda’s ass cheeks. 
A loud moan from Wanda ripped through the air before she buried her face into the pillows, biting down while she desperately held onto the headboard from the sudden sensation of having her sensitive center be met with Y/n’s warm and skillful tongue.
Y/n spat down onto Wanda’s opening before leaning forward and sticking her tongue inside, hand going down and pressing against her clit roughly while rubbing very slow circles against it as her tongue penetrated her insides at the fastest speed she could muster.
Wanda’s moans got caught in her throat as she desperately gasped in pleasure, eyes rolling to the back of her head from the conflicting sensations that rushed through her entire body. Every now and again, Y/n would pull her tongue out and run it through Wanda’s folds, lapping up all her excess wetness that slipped past and dripped down.
Before Wanda could fall over the edge, Y/n pulled back and wiped away Wanda’s juices that had gotten all over her face. A long and desperate gasp left Wanda as her body began to twitch. She was almost there, just a little bit more and she would have gotten what she wanted.
Y/n stood up straight and looked down at the twitching Wanda who was burying her face into the pillow in frustration. She then reached underneath Wanda’s core and pressed two fingers against her clit as hard as she could. 
The pressure against her already sensitive nub made Wanda scream, clenching her eyes shut tightly as she felt that final wave crash over her. It was embarrassing to have her cum so hard from just having Y/n hold her fingers against her clit, and it made her even more frustrated from having cum in such an underwhelming way.
Y/n watched as Wanda came undone in front of her, pressing harder whenever Wanda seemed to start to come down from her high to get her going again. Having Wanda desperately cling onto the headboards, knuckles turning white as she whined out in frustration made Y/n’s breathing become heavy.
She let go, but only so she could take her bra off to breathe better. She was in no way done with her yet. Y/n only gave Wanda the luxury of calming down for two seconds before running her fingers up her folds, taking in all the wetness and covering her fingers in them before shoving them into her hole.
Another scream ripped through Wanda’s mouth as her entire body became alight from its sensitivity being turned up to a hundred. Her upper body was being pushed deeper and deeper into the mattress with every thrust of Y/n’s fingers into her pussy, and the stinging pain from being touched right after she came quickly faded away into a pleasure that left Wanda’s mind completely blank.
Y/n clenched her jaw with each moan, curse, and plea Wanda screamed into the air for her, Her eyes stared down at the puckering hole that was slick from Wanda’s wetness that had dripped down to it. She spread her ass cheek with one hand before circling her thumb around the hole, not quite touching it, but getting close enough to cause it to twitch from the proximity.
Wanda’s back arched from the new sensation, feeling that familiar tightening in her core start to rise again. Y/n pressed her thumb fully against Wanda’s asshole, pushing in ever so slightly so the pad would enter just a bit and beginning to pulse her thumb against it while she curled her fingers from within Wanda’s pussy.
And just like that, a long and throat scratching moan left Wanda’s mouth as she felt her walls tighten and clench around Y/n’s fingers. Her hips began stuttering and her legs began shaking, about to fall from how hard the pleasure was crashing against her.
When Y/n pulled her fingers out, Wanda’s legs collapsed, causing her to fully lie down on her stomach as she caught her breath and recovered from her second climax. Y/n raised her hand up to the window to see it glistening from Wanda’s cum in the moonlight. She rubbed her thumb against it to feel its slickness while a sigh left her mouth.
She looked down at Wanda and positioned her body above her. The hand she used to fuck Wanda’s pussy went to her face, pushing her cheeks together and creating an opening for her mouth. She then shoved the two fingers into Wanda’s mouth, causing Wanda to gag and cough from the forcefulness of it.
“Suck.” All the kindness and charm Wanda was used to hearing from Y/n’s voice was completely gone, and that one word was spoken as if Y/n was speaking to a machine. 
Even then, it only made another gush of wetness to flow through Wanda’s core, and she gladly obeyed and began sucking herself clean off of Y/n’s fingers, taking in her taste and moaning when Y/n pushed her fingers deeper into her mouth. As she was doing this, Y/n was unbuttoning her pants and pulling out her strap with one hand.
She ran her hand up Wanda’s center, making the woman shiver as the heel of her palm grazed against her swollen clit. Y/n used the wetness that she had collected to lube up the dildo by taking it in her hand and slowly jerking it up and down. 
Y/n took her fingers out of Wanda’s mouth before leaning back. Her hand grabbed Wanda’s ass and squeezed it, caressing the soft skin with her thumb as she admired the view beneath her.
“Hands and knees, come on.” Y/n said, giving Wanda’s ass a light slap of encouragement. Instead of questioning her, Wanda simply pushed herself up and propped herself up on her hands and knees.
Y/n lifted one leg up and grabbed her cock in one hand while the other held onto Wanda’s waist to keep her still. She slapped the tip of her strap against Wanda’s entrance before slowly pushing it in until her pussy swallowed her cock’s entire length.
Wanda gasped out as she felt herself be filled to the brim. She’s only had two orgasms so far, and they were the strongest and most tiring orgasms she’s ever had, yet she found her body already ready for more.
She pushed herself back against Y/n and Y/n’s hands went to spread Wanda’s ass cheeks apart so she could get a better view of her cock slipping in and out of Wanda’s pulsing and leaking hole. She began with slow-paced, yet rough and powerful thrusts that sent Wanda pushing forward with each time she pushed back inside her. 
Then, Y/n let one hand slowly move from Wanda’s ass up to her spine until she reached the back of her head. When her hair was in between her fingers again, Y/n closed her fists tightly and pulled Wanda’s hair bag as tight as she could, making a loud gasp ring through the air.
She quickened her pace, the wet and messy sound of her cock slapping against Wanda’s pussy filling her ears. Y/n leaned forward, pressing her bare front against Wanda’s back as she reached below her and took one breast in her hand.
Before she could even start fondling it though, Wanda reached down and grabbed her wrist before slowly lifting it up to her neck. Y/n’s eyes widened in surprise for a quick second, but she pushed that down as her fingers wrapped around the girl’s throat.
Wanda’s moans were coming through quickly and cut up as Y/n’s thrusts became more frantic. She pushed up against her cock, wanting to feel it stuff her more than it already was, meeting all of Y/n’s thrusts half way. She could feel her head becoming light, and the only thing Wanda could feel anymore was the unrelenting pleasure coming from the cock pounding into her cunt.
“You…” Y/n started, her voice shaky and a bit breathless as she buried her face into Wanda’s shoulder while continuing to rut against her. 
“You are nothing… Nothing like your brother.” Y/n panted in Wanda’s ears and a sigh left Wanda’s mouth, eyes shutting tightly as her back began to arch and muscles began to tense.
“You…” Y/n repeated, tightening her hold on Wanda’s hair and neck. Wanda bit her lip tightly, trying to suppress the squeal begging to leave her chest as her legs began to shake and tremor once more.
“Are so much more.” Wanda cried out, her vision beginning to blur as she dissolved into complete and utter pleasure.
Strangled noises and whimpers left her mouth as her arms and legs gave out in exhaustion, and Y/n was quick to wrap her arms around her torso and waist to keep her up, continuing to thrust into her to help her ride out her orgasm as she twitched and spasmed against her.
“Thank you, goodnight.” Pietro mumbled to the Uber driver, giving him a wave before shutting the door and walking up the steps of his childhood home.
It took him a moment to stick the key into the hole and unlock it, only for him to realize that the door was already unlocked. He furrowed his eyebrows and checked the time on his watch. It was past midnight, why was it unlocked?
When he walked in, the sound of dishes being moved around in the kitchen reached his ears, only furthering his confusion.
“Wanda?” He asked, hand going to the light switch and flicking it on, lighting up the living room and reaching the kitchen. The sound of someone letting out a yelp caused Pietro to jump and shout in surprise. His hands flew to grip his chest and he stepped back, eyes wide and staring at the stranger standing in his kitchen with a bowl of cereal in their hands.
“Oh my god, you scared me.” The woman said as she let out a breath of relief. Pietro furrowed his eyebrows and stared at the woman incredulously.
Her hair was messy, her lips were swollen, and she was wearing nothing but a hoodie that was too big on her, and based on the fact that it had his old track team’s logo on it, he was certain it was his.
“Who the hell are you, and what are you doing in my house?” Well, his parents’ house, but it wasn’t time for semantics.
“Wait… You don’t remember me?” The woman asked in amusement, stepping forward into the light as a smirk appeared on her lips.
“Am I supposed to?” Pietro asked while shaking his head, a second away from taking his phone out of his pocket and calling the cops.
“It’s me. Y/n L/n, from high school.” She said slowly, lifting the spoon up to her mouth and eating some of the cereal while keeping her eyes completely trained on the man standing across her.
“Y/n…” Pietro said to himself, trying to figure out why the name was familiar to him. His eyebrows raised and he looked at Y/n in surprise, leaning back as if he didn’t believe it.
“Y/n.” He said in a tone of disbelief once he was certain, and the smirk on Y/n’s face widened as she shook her head.
“Yeah, we spent a lot of time together with your friends in the halls.” Y/n said, then a chuckle left her lips. “Well, you guys were in the halls. I was stuffed in a locker.” She added and Pietro looked down at the comment in shame.
“What are you doing in my house?” He asked to change the subject. Pietro was already planning on apologizing to her at the reunion anyway, he could save it until then. Right now, he needed answers.
“What am I doing in your house?” Y/n repeated, turning around and placing the bowl on the counter before leaning back against it, hands on the counter as she stared Pietro down with a stony glare.
“I just got done fucking your twin sister.” She said with a tilt of her head.
Pietro paused. For a moment, his brain didn’t quite process what she had just said. It was just such an absurd thing to say, so there was no way it could be true. 
“What?” Pietro said with a laugh, unconvinced that Y/n was telling the truth. She was fucking with him. She had to be. But the smirk that was now on Pietro’s face made his heart fill with dread.
“I split your sister in half until she was screaming my name on your childhood bed.” Y/n said more surely, her smirk widening when she saw Pietro’s face fall.
“It is so good to see you.” Y/n said, smiling down to herself as she turned and grabbed her cereal again.
“You know, I never knew you had a twin. When I ran into her though, she did kind of look like you.” Y/n said casually as she continued to eat her cereal.
“But I didn't get a chance to see her face much since I was too busy ramming into her from behind to look at her.” She said with a shrug, looking back up to Pietro who stood there, stunned into utter silence as the mental image filled his head, causing his face to scrunch up in disgust.
“She’s very vocal. Which is weird because she’s such a shy girl. Maybe that’s why she made me choke her. Probably not used to being so loud like that.” Y/n said, then a moan left her mouth, hand going up to cover her mouth as she stared down at the bowl.
“Honey nut cheerios are so good.” She said with a laugh, nodding at Pietro who stared at her, unsure if this entire conversation was actually happening right now.
“You… You—” Pietro said with a shaky voice, hand going up and clenching into a fist which he bit down on.
“Fucked your sister? Yes, I said that already. Keep up, Maximoff.” Y/n said while snapping her fingers impatiently. 
“You’re fucking insane.” Pietro spat out and Y/n hummed boredly in response, butting the bow down once she was finished with her cereal.
“See, I’m used to hearing you calling me a whole bunch of other things, but insane’s a new one.  At least you haven’t lost your touch.” Y/n said as she grabbed the bottom hem of the hoodie she was wearing before pulling it off of her.
Pietro’s eyes widened when Y/n started walking up to her. He stammered, not knowing what to say until Y/n shoved his hoodie into his hands, making him stumble back a bit from the force. Y/n started walking once more, but she stopped when she was right next to Pietro.
“You know, I was really looking forward to meeting your wife. It’s a shame she isn’t here.” Y/n said as she lifted her eyes and met Pietro’s eyes, a devious smile appearing on her face as a dangerous glint shined through her eyes.
“Who knows what would have happened if I ran into her instead of your sister?” Pietro’s jaw clenched tightly and he was about to turn to Y/n and punch her in the face when Y/n pushed him away from her.
He stumbled backwards, almost falling to the ground if he hadn’t caught the side table to steady himself. He watched Y/n confidently saunter over to the door, a sway in her hips and her chin raised up. When she opened the door, she turned back to Pietro and smirked, raising her hand and waving with her fingers.
Pietro glared at her with a burning hatred in his eyes, and Y/n had to stop herself from laughing. She shut the door and made her way back down to her car, relishing in the sound of heavy footsteps rushing up the stairs from within the house.
“Wanda!” She heard Pietro scream from inside just as she entered her car.
Y/n pulled her phone out of her pocket and opened her notes up, going to the latest note and scrolling all the way down, to add the name “Wanda Maximoff”, erasing the one above it, before adding a strikethrough to it.
Above Wanda’s name was an entire list of the names of women with very familiar last names to Y/n.
Pepper Stark
Laura Barton
Gamora Quill
Peggy Rogers
Jane Odinson
Christine Strange
Sylvie Laufeyson
Wanda Maximoff
Y/n shut her phone off and tossed it to the passenger seat, starting her car and driving away to the sound of the Maximoff twins shouting at each other from inside their house.
It was going to be one hell of a reunion.
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nataliasquote · 7 days
Double the trouble | Yelena’s day | n romanoff
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Double the trouble AU
Summary: it’s finally Yelena’s turn to babysit the twins… a big responsibility for a usually messy Russian.
Age: 4
Warnings: none
wc: 4.3k
note: Double the trouble is back! The twins are back, and so is the cuteness. Sorry for making you wait so long!
“Mama’s got to go, Y/n.”
“Mama go, Y/n go!”
Why was she even arguing with a four year old at this point? Natasha was crouched by the front door, her work purse resting against her calf as she held onto a whiny four year who was pouting hard.
“Aunty Yelena is coming today, you’re going to have so much fun!” Despite how animated her voice was, Y/n was not impressed and she pushed herself further into Natasha’s arms, grabbing the collar of her suit jacket in her little fists. “Come on baby, please.”
“No!” Great. She was still in the ‘no’ phase, much to the moms’ disdain. “No Lena, only you!”
Natasha sighed and stood back up, absentmindedly smoothing over her daughter’s curls as she looked over to the kitchen. Yelena was going to be there any minute and Wanda was packing the last few snack items into her purse whilst Isla showed her a drawing she’d done for her favourite aunt. She was a lot more accepting of extended family members and had been babbling about Yelena’s visit for weeks… until Y/n threw a barbie at her head.
With a sigh, Natasha hauled Y/n up to sit on her hip and wandered into the kitchen with a soft smile at her wife who looked so gracious in her red summer dress.
“Any word from Yelena?” She asked, holding Y/n tight. “This one isn’t too happy we’re leaving.”
Wanda approached the pair and kissed her daughter’s head, laughing a little at her scowl. “Should be any minute now, I hope,” she replied. “Do you girls want a snack?”
“Fruit roll ups?” Y/n was now suddenly interested, her head lifting from the comfort of Natasha’s shoulder. Ever food orientated, she was.
“I want fruit roll ups too!” Isla chimed in, finally putting her markers down as she added the finishing touches to her drawing. “Strawberry one?”
“I’m sure I can manage that,” Wanda said as she turned around from the cupboard, two snacks in hand. Y/n wriggled out of Natasha’s grip and ran over, but not before Wanda instructed her to sit at the table like normal. Snacks were never eaten standing up in their house, it was the paranoid mothers’ number one rule.
Natasha checked her watch anxiously, watching her time slip away as she waited for her sister. Punctuality wasn’t Yelena’s strong suit, but as the clock struck ten, there was a loud knock at the door and Natasha was pulling it open before the twins could even react.
“Where are my munchkins?” The loud blonde announced, tossing her bag by the door and completely ignoring Natasha as she stepped inside. But the redhead was used to people bypassing her and Wanda to get to the twins, she knew how gorgeous her daughters were.
“Hello to you too… again,” Natasha muttered, more to herself than her sister who was too busy trying to call the twins as if they were dogs.
Isla was the first to greet her favourite aunt, her arms and legs flailing as she launched her small body at the blonde Russian, giggling as she was caught and spun around. Y/n was still chewing away at her snack but she watched their interaction from her seat, shaking her head at Wanda’s offer to go and see.
Y/n was bubbly until she was around anyone who wasn't her moms. Then she clammed up, often ducking behind her curls to avoid eye contact or hiding behind Natasha’s legs if she was close by. She didn’t trust anywhere near as easily as Isla did and was always the last one to approach.
“Y/n? Doesn’t Aunty Lena get a hug?”
Y/n’s eyes darted between her Mama and her Aunt, debating hard. With some reluctance, she slid off her chair and wandered over to Yelena, but only for Natasha’s benefit. The last thing she wanted was her Mama getting mad at her over not cooperating… again.
“What are you eating?” Yelena asked, gesturing to the small piece of food still clutched in the young girl’s hand.
“We had fruit roll ups!” Isla exclaimed, grinning widely at Yelena’s animated expression.
“No way!” Even Y/n was smiling now, waving her snack up at Yelena. “I loved them as a kid!”
Natasha smiled fondly at the scene in front of her. She knew how much Isla loved Yelena, she babbled on enough as it is, and she also knew of Y/n’s hesitancy. But seeing her now, almost completely out of her shell, talking over the top of her sister in an attempt to hold Yelena’s attention, Natasha felt pride blooming in her chest and she wished to capture this moment forever.
Wanda appeared at her side, her smile mirroring her wife’s as she took her hand. “Ready to go?”
Natasha nodded and squared her shoulders in her fitted suit jacket. “Yelena, we’re going to be late. Do you have everything you need? We’ll be back at 6, there’s lunch in the fridge, all you need to do is heat it up. And don’t let Y/n run too much because she has her heart check up next week- oh and Isla can’t have raspberries because she’s allergic so don’t-“
“Yes yes,” Yelena waved her off, effectively pushing her sister out of the door. “You worry too much, we’ll be fine, won’t we girls?” Isla cheered and Y/n copied, luckily too engrossed with her sister to notice her moms were leaving.
“If anything happens, I mean anything, call me and we’ll be back as soon as we can.” Natasha was a typical worried mother and she hated leaving her girls alone, even if they were in the questionably capable hands of Yelena.
“Nat, honey, they’re going to be okay,” Wanda tried to reassure, rubbing her hand up and down her wife’s arm. “It’s only a few hours and you need this deal to go through. You deserve it baby.”
Natasha bit her lip, watching the twins who were running around chasing each other in the hallway. She so desperately wanted to stay with them as much as she could before they started kindergarten, but her business in the city was for a deal with a bank that would allow her to open up her very own dance studio, as opposed to the small rented rooms she was currently using. It was her dream and she couldn’t give it up now.
“I know, I know,” the redhead muttered, more to convince herself than anyone else. With a final smile from Wanda, the couple disappeared down the driveway and used the twins’ moment of distraction to make a tear-free getaway.
“Right, rascal 1, rascal 2, who wants to go to the park?” Yelena clapped her hands together as the door shut and the girls halted in their steps.
“Me! I got the wiggles!” They chorused.
“Well we need to get those wiggles out, don’t we!”
Yelena inspected their outfits and quickly concluded that their matching dungarees was an appropriate park choice. She would never admit it to Natasha, but she’d been reading books and online articles ever since Natasha asked her to babysit. Making a good impression was the one thing the blonde wanted so desperately, and she was determined to make sure everything went right.
After tying both pairs of converse to two sets of small feet and retying one of the pigtails in Isla’s hair, Yelena checked her backpack for her supplies and they were ready to go. It was an indescribable feeling to have her nieces clutching her hands as they walked down the street and Yelena finally understood how her sister had such a hard time leaving her daughters.
Isla babbled away for the whole ten minute walk, mainly talking about Fanny and how she wished she was here with them. Y/n listened happily, more than content just fiddling with the rings on her aunt’s fingers as they stopped at a crossing. It had been a month since they’d last spent time with their aunt and almost a year since their first meeting, and Y/n had definitely warmed up to her in that time. Which gave Yelena immense pride and huge bragging rights.
The sun really had chosen the right day to shine and Yelena made sure both girls were lathered in sunscreen before she allowed them to run free, laughing as they both made a beeline for the swing. Isla climbed up on the horse shaped seat just beside the swing set easily, her giggles echoing through the park as it began to move.
Y/n didn’t have quite the same luck. She couldn’t quite reach the swing she wanted and turned back to Yelena with a pout, her hands grabbing at the plastic.
“Hold on malyshka, I’m coming.” The blonde ran over and scooped up her youngest niece, tickling her stomach a little before slotting her legs in the holes of the swing. Y/n’s pout disappeared as quickly as it appeared and she chanted ‘higher’ as Yelena gently pushed her.
Yelena didn’t let her go too high, but she watched as Y/n stretched her legs out in front of her and lifted her arms, almost as if she was flying.
“L’Isla look!” She yelled at her sister. “I’m flying! I’m a birdie!”
Isla looked for a moment but was far too invested in her own activities to care too much, so Y/n just kept shouting for Yelena to push her higher, to which her aunt obeyed.
They were content on the swings for a while until Y/n got distracted by the slide. Yelena was grateful to give her arms a break, even though she’d have pushed her nieces for hours if they’d have asked. Taking a seat on the bench beside the slide, she watched as the energetic four year olds ran around and slid down the slide, wriggling the whole way down.
It was adorable the way they played together, often hand in hand as they circled the giant wooden structure. Isla always climbed up first before helping her sister up the last section, taking her ‘big’ sister duties very seriously.
“Aunty Lena, watch!” Y/n yelled, holding onto the red handle by the little slide as she tapped her feet together. “I’m gonna go fast!”
“I’m watching, little bug, go on.”
Y/n let go and slid down, stopping at the bottom with a grin as Yelena clapped. She raced over, breathing hard, and grabbed her little water bottle to take a sip.
“That was very impressive,” Yelena said, taking the bottle from Y/n when she was done. “Look, let’s watch Isla now.” She put her arms around Y/n’s stomach and held her in place as they watched Isla slide down before she too came running over, asking for her water.
“Have you both been practising your slides?” Isla nodded between sips.
“Mommy takes us to the park after pre-k.”
“And she gets us ice cream.” Y/n flashed a cheesy grin, trying to win over Yelena even more than she already had.
“Well, if we see the ice cream truck, then maybe.” A chorus of ‘yay’s sounded and Yelena felt like the coolest aunt on the planet. It didn’t matter that the girls already loved her to pieces, every time they smiled at her it thawed her heart and she was sure that one day she would be charged with kidnapping for stealing them both. If she barely coped with them now, prom night and graduation would hit her like a truck.
“Can we go play again?” Y/n asked, bouncing on her toes like she was eager to run off. Yelena gave them the all clear and she sprinted away with Isla yelling her name as they approached the climbing frame. Y/n scrambled up the smaller side and whizzed down the slide before Isla could stop her.
“Y/n!” Isla yelled, running back over to her sister who was sat at the bottom of the slide. “You can’t run!” She tapped her sister’s chest where her heart was before taking her hand and dragging her back to the steps. “Slowly. Mommy always says slowly.”
“I just want to play,” she huffed, placing her palm on her chest. “I’m fine.”
“I’ll tell Mommy!” Isla didn’t really understand what she was supposed to tell Wanda, but the threat was enough and Y/n walked away scowling to find the sand pit. It was slightly sludgy from the rain a few days ago so she wandered around the park again before going back to Isla and giving her a hug.
“You play on the bridge with me?”
“Only if I get to be the pirate!”
“I’ll be mermaid.”
Yelena watched from her spot on the bench, her phone resting in her hand as she filmed the girls playing. The park was relatively empty, only three other children were playing. But they looked older than the twins and so kept to themselves, which the blonde was grateful for. She wasn’t all that trusting of other people’s kids.
There was something relaxing about watching them play. It took her mind off everything else and every time the girls flashed her a smile she felt herself soften. Her sister really had won the family lottery and she felt so grateful to be an established part of their lives as they grew up. Swearing off having kids forever, this was the only way Yelena would purposefully interact with children and she was totally okay with that. The best thing about her nieces was that she could spoil them as much as she wanted and then let her sister deal with the inevitable sugar rush that followed.
An hour went by before Y/n and Isla trudged over once more, significantly more dishevelled than they were before. Long gone were the pigtails, their curls now wild about their shoulders, the colour almost matching their rosy cheeks.
“Did you have fun?”
“I think I got a rock in my shoe,” Y/n whined, standing on one leg like a flamingo. Isla went to sit on the bench as Yelena sorted out Y/n’s shoe, shaking the pieces of gravel that were stuck to her sock. “Ice cream?”
“I don’t think the ice cream truck is here, malyshka,” Yelena admitted, her heart breaking at their disappointed faces. “But we can get some at home, how does that sound?”
“I don’t want to go home!” Isla pouted, folding her arms in a little tantrum. Y/n copied her, leaning against Yelena as she stood between her legs. “Want to stay here forever!”
“Are you guys not hungry? All that running around, I’m sure your bellies are grumbling at you.” To prove her point, she tickled Y/n’s stomach, mainly to hear more of the adorable giggles she loved so much.
After some reluctance and agreement that cookies will be provided with lunch, they made the slow walk home. Y/n was dragging her feet, begging to be carried despite Yelena saying no. She couldn’t carry both of them, even if it was evident how tired Y/n was.
To brighten their mood, she started singing an old Russian song, making everyone march in time with her singing as they turned down the final street. The twins had no idea what she was singing about but their spirits were lifted and they marched happily, swinging their arms and nodding their heads as best as they could.
A quick clean up was needed as they got back home to wash away the park germs, but with soap bubbles and a mini water fight, Yelena managed to make even the most mundane activities interesting. She distracted the twins with some colouring pages whilst she located and heated up the pasta dish that Wanda had left in the fridge, instructions written on a bright yellow post it note.
The mothers really had thought of everything, which made the Blonde’s job ten times easier as she sectioned the food onto the twin’s trays. Pink and orange, just the way they preferred it.
With two tired out toddlers seated at the table, hands washed and lunch served, a quietness descended on the house as they tucked in and Yelena allowed herself a moment to breathe. Natasha and Wanda must be superpowered, she thought to herself, because doing this everyday must be exhausting. She couldn’t wait for a nap.
But when was Yelena’s life this idyllic for long? It certainly didn’t last and the blonde had just finished her pasta before she heard the sniffles beginning. Isla looked happy enough, but the same couldn’t be said for the red-eyed and teary girl beside her.
“Y/n what’s wrong?” Yelena asked, her brows furrowing in confusion. “Do you not like it?”
“I want Mama,” she spluttered, her bottom lip trembling as tears rolled down her cheeks. She brought her fists up to wipe her eyes but it didn’t stop them much. “I want Mama!”
“Oh malyshka, she’ll be back soon, I promise.” But Yelena’s words did little to comfort the young girl. “Do you want to eat a little bit more?” Her plate was hardly touched, only a few pieces of cucumber and pasta gone from her portion.
Whilst her sister cried, Isla looked at her own empty plate and back at Y/n’s, the little cogs in her head turning. Having such empathetic mothers had rubbed off on her and she looked at the little chocolate chip cookie sitting on the dessert section of her plate for a second.
“Y/n/n, do you want my cookie?” She grabbed it and pushed it towards her sister who stopped sniffling for a second to nod, taking the treat even if she had her own on her plate.
Yelena had to stop herself aweing out loud and she pulled her phone out as quickly as she videoed as much of the interaction as she could for Natasha and Wanda.
“That was kind of you Isla, well done.”
“She’s just noisy,” Isla answered back, her lips curling up in disgust that looked quite comical. Clearly she hadn’t changed and her sister crying was still just as annoying.
Yelena stifled her laugh and stood up to grab another cookie to replace Isla’s lost one. Her attitude at four years old was a clear indicator that Wanda and Natasha were going to have their work cut out as she grew up, especially combined with her ‘older sister complex’.
Y/n had eaten half of the cookie, the distraction working, before she quickly realised why she was crying in the first place. She locked eyes with Yelena and let the tears fall once more, wanting nothing more than a hug as her active morning caught up with her.
“Y/n it’s okay, it’s okay,” she tried to comfort once more, rounding the table to give the young girl a cuddle. “Why don’t we all go and find a movie to watch, hm?
“Mermaids?” Y/n asked between sobs, holding on tight to Yelena’s t shirt as she was lifted into her arms.
“Isla, do you want to watch The Little Mermaid?” The girl nodded, hopping down off her chair and running into the living room.
“Come on, big girl, let’s go get comfy and you can have all the cuddles you need, yeah?” Y/n sobbed into Yelena’s neck and held on tighter, more like a koala than a child. But Yelena never refused hugs from her nieces, not whilst they were still young and small enough to want to spend hours on her lap.
Isla had dug through the dvd shelf, leaving a mess on the floor, to find the most worn case holding their current favourite film. She passed it to Yelena and jumped onto the couch, sitting beside Y/n who was holding the corner of the soft blanket to her chest with a frown.
“Don’t be sad, we can see Sebastian! And Ariel.” Isla suddenly gasped, turning to her aunt crouched by the dvd player. “Aunty Lena!”
“Yes, lenya?” (Sunshine).
“Ariel has hair like me and Y/n/n! Does that mean we’re princesses?”
Yelena smiled to herself and settled on the couch between the two girls, Y/n immediately crawling onto her lap as Isla snuggled into her side.
“Of course you’re both princesses. What does that make me?”
“The evil queen,” Y/n mumbled, giggling as Yelena gasped dramatically. The opening credits of the Disney movie sounded in the background but no one paid attention as the twins erupted into laughter over Yelena’s expression.
“The evil queen? What!”
“Yes!” Isla squealed. “Evil queen!”
“Your mama didn’t tell me you both are little terrors!” She exclaimed, grabbing Isla by the foot so she couldn’t wriggle away. “I can’t believe you!”
“I didn’t say it!” Isla tried to defend herself, but Yelena was having none of it. “Please, Aunty Lena please!”
Yelena let go of her foot and turned Y/n around so she was facing her on her knee. “Okay then, what about Mama? Is she a princess?”
“Mama always a princess!”
“Okay,” Yelena said, wondering how her sister would take anyone but her daughter calling her a princess. “Is Mommy a princess too?”
Isla nodded frantically. “Yeah! We all princesses!”
“But Aunty Yelena isn’t?” She faked an offended expression, sending Y/n into another giggle fit. Which was a lot better than the tears that had dried on her cheeks.
“No you’re the evil queen!”
“Or S’bastian!”
Yelena paused, tapping her fingers on her chin in thought. “So… a singing crab, or a witch? That’s all I get?” The twins both nodded before Y/n stood on the couch and leaned to Yelena’s ear.
“S’bastian is my favourite,” she murmured before flopping back onto Yelena’s lap, her arms leaning on her chest. Yelena felt her heart clench, why were these kids so goddamn cute?
Only thirty minutes into the film, Isla had stretched herself out along the couch so Yelena wrapped both arms around Y/n whose head was flopping to the side as she tried to fight the sleep. But the combination of hearing Disney songs and feeling Yelena stroking her stomach had her falling asleep in a matter of minutes. Isla was watching, but barely. They really had tired themselves out for today, which made Yelena’s job a lot easier.
The jingle of keys in the door woke Yelena from her accidental nap and her heart shot to her stomach momentarily before she realised both twins were still asleep safe and sound. With Y/n’s dead weight sprawled out across her chest, she could do nothing but wait for Natasha to find her, the overplayed soundtrack of the title page luring the attentive mothers towards the living room.
Natasha had her suit jacket hanging over her arm and her white button up shirt was unbuttoned slightly lower than normal, but she still looked professional in her black slacks. Yelena craned her neck over the back of the couch and pressed a finger to her lips, gesturing to the sleeping redheads surrounding her.
“What did you do to them?” Wanda whispered as both women rounded the front of the couch. “They’re flat out.”
Natasha crouched down by Isla and studied her face momentarily before looking at Yelena with a small laugh. “I’ve never seen them so tired. What happened?”
“I let them run out their wiggles in the park,” she began, careful to not disturb Y/n. “And then we had a little meltdown so Isla picked a movie.”
“She got upset?” Wanda asked, concern lacing her tone. It wasn’t like her to get upset at all, which set alarm bells ringing in the mothers’ heads.
But Yelena quickly clarified that Y/n was the one with the tears, to which both mothers looked less concerned about.
“She just kept asking for her Mama, but that’s probably down to tiredness, right?”
Natasha narrowed her eyes at her sister, slightly unnerved at the calmness that she radiated. Yelena was not a calm or collected person, so this was a weird sight.
“Who are you and what have you done to my sister?”
The blonde rolled her eyes. “Shut up. I just did my research, that’s all.”
Natasha went to tease her about it but Y/n shifted on Yelena’s lap, the voices disturbing her sleep. She rubbed her eyes softly before blinking them open and almost launching herself at Wanda with a squeal.
“Home! You’re home!” She squeezed Wanda tight in a hug, the woman melting into her daughter’s embrace as she held her close. There was something so special about welcome home hugs and Natasha didn’t feel left out as Isla woke up only seconds later and attacked her Mama with cuddles.
“Oh my big girls, we missed you!” Natasha peppered Isla’s face in kisses, having missed the way she squirmed in her arms. “Did you have a good day?”
“The best day! I love Aunty Lena!” Isla jumped back onto the couch and hugged Yelena tight, allowing Y/n a moment to shuffle over to Natasha and completely lean against her. Nothing would ever beat her Mama’s hugs. Ever.
“I missed you, babygirl. Are you okay now?”
“Missed you too Mama.”
Natasha stood up and brought Y/n up with her, holding her tightly on her hip as she stretched her legs. She smiled at the familiar feeling of her daughter fiddling with the necklace that lay on her collarbones - she always gravitated towards jewellery.
“You’re staying the night, right Lena?” Natasha clarified, watching Isla’s face light up as her aunt said yes.
“More Aunty Lena time!”
“I think it’s safe to say you’ve won them over,” Wanda added, shaking her head with a smile. She didn't mind what it was, as long as her girls were happy, she was too.
And no one was injured after Yelena’s first babysitting adventure, so there would be many more to follow.
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bitchystxrk3000 · 1 year
Wanda: All in all, a 100 successful trip.
Y/N: But we lost Pietro.
Wanda: All in all, a 100 successful trip!
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wandaspaperings · 2 years
jesus CHRIST ik this isn't wanda/elizabeth but just look at her
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just her
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supercap2319 · 2 years
Best Friend’s Brother
Ikaris x Male Reader
A/N: Song fic. I’ve never done a song fic before so. This is about the reader being in love with his best friend’s brother. Young Bucky and Ikaris. A Victorious song.
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I call you up when I know he's at home
I jump out of my skin when he picks up the phone
Y/N gripped his phone nervously as he dialed Bucky’s number. Why is he so nervous? He’s called Bucky plenty of times before. After all, they were best friends, but there was one person who made Y/N feel queasy to his stomach. The phone rang a couple of times as Y/N put it to his ear. When Bucky finally did pick up, Y/N was expecting to hear his voice, not the voice that made him shiver with excitement and nervousness.
“Hello? Bucky’s phone,” Ikaris’s smooth, deep Scottish sounding voice rang in Y/N’s ears. “Y/N, are you there?” The younger boy blushed hard as he hung up the phone.
Why can't I tell if he's looking at me?
Should I give him a smile?
Should I get up and leave?
Y/N tried not to think about the embarrassing phone conversation he had with Ikaris as he, Bucky, Steve, and Sam were chatting at the food court in the mall as Y/N glanced over at Ikaris and his table of friends. There were Sersi, Kingo, Thena, Sprite, Ajak, Phastos, Druig, Makkari, and Gilgamesh. Ikaris laughed at something Sersi said and gave her a winning smile as Y/N’s face burned with jealousy. Why wouldn't Ikaris look at him the way he looks at Sersi? Oh, that's right, Sersi was a girl and Ikaris was straight, unlike his twin brother, who was bisexual and in love with Steve Rogers.
As if sensing his thoughts, Ikaris turned to look at Y/N from across the room and smiled at him. It was a charming and teasing one. Y/N blushed hard. Should he smile back at him or should he just save himself the embarrassment and get up and leave?
I know it's strange
I don't know what I'm thinking
But is it wrong if I see him this weekend?
Was it strange for Y/N to invite Ikaris to the movies with him this weekend? He called him up and asked him if he’d like to go see the new (insert new movie of your choice) with him and Ikaris surprisingly agreed. Y/N couldn't believe his good luck, but was this wrong of him to do? It's not like they were going out on a date or anything, but the young Maximoff boy was still worried. Especially about one person in particular.
I really hope I can get him alone
I just don't, don't want him to know
Y/N really wanted to be alone with Ikaris. Just the two of them. But at the same time, he didn't want Bucky to find out about this. He didn't want his best friend to hate him for having a crush on his twin brother, so he prayed he didn't find out about them. Sersi too.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Y/N couldn't deny it anymore. He was completely smitten with his best friend's brother. Of all the guys Y/N had to fall for, it was Ikaris Madden Barnes. He was the one for Y/N. Damn it!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
A punk rock drummer and he's six-foot-three
Ikaris wasn't six-foot-three. He was five-foot-ten with dancing blue eyes and soft dark brown hair with a gray streak in it. He was smoking hot and if that wasn’t enough. He was in a band with his friends. They called themselves: The Eternals. He was the punk rock drummer in the band, and he looked so amazing on stage when Bucky took Y/N to see them play. That’s probably when Y/N’s crush started. Seeing him on stage. Sweat glistening down his face underneath the hot lights as he had no sleeves on his shirt as they showed off his bare muscled arms.
I don't want to, but I want to
'Cause I just can't get him out of my mind, and
Y/N didn’t want to fall for Ikaris, but it was very hard not to. He was charming, handsome, funny, and kind. Yeah, Y/N had it bad for Ikaris. Every waking moment, he thought about Ikaris. He couldn't get him out of his mind, no matter how much he tried.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Why did Y/N have to fall for his best friend’s brother? Pietro and Wanda warned him to be careful, but Y/N couldn't help the feelings Ikaris stirred inside of him.
My best friend's brother
My best friend's brother
It echoed inside Y/N’s head like a pop song. Over and over again, nonstop, as his conscience reprimanded him for his impure thoughts about Ikaris. Ikaris was taken and Bucky’s brother. Y/N’s best friend!
I kinda think that I might be his type
'Cause when you're not around, he's not acting too shy
Y/N thinks he could be the type of guy Ikaris could fall for. They had similar interests and tastes, but they were almost very different as well. What did Sersi have that Y/N didn’t? When Ikaris and Bucky are in the same room together, Ikaris is calmer in an almost shy fashion, compared to when he's with Y/N alone. He’s like the most confident and cocky guy there is. Almost like Tony and Loki.
Sometimes I feel like he might make a move
Is this all in my head?
I don't know what to do
They were at the movies together watching the new film, as Ikaris clutched onto Y/N’s arm. Much to the younger boy’s embarrassment and excitement. After that they went for ice cream and just talked and laughed as Ikaris leaned forward towards Y/N as the shorter boy blushed. Was Ikaris making a move on him? Was he going to kiss him? Should Y/N kiss him back if he did? Was he just imagining all this in his head? He didn’t know what to do. Ikaris wiped the whipped cream off Y/N’s nose and giggled at the poor boy’s flustered state.
I know it's strange
I don't know what he's thinking
But is it wrong if I see him this weekend?
Apparently, Ikaris enjoyed their weekend together so much that he invited Y/N to his band play next weekend. Front row too. Y/N accepted immediately, but was a little bit confused. Why was Ikaris so eager to invite Y/N everywhere? What could he be thinking?
I really hope I can get him alone
I just don't, don't want him to know
Maybe this was Y/N’s chance to tell Ikaris how he really feels about him. To get him alone before or after the gig and confess that he’s had a crush on him for a while now. He just hopes Ikaris isn't disgusted by his confession and outs him to Bucky. It could ruin both his friendships with the Barnes twins, but Y/N has to risk it. These feelings are driving him insane.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Y/N smiled as Ikaris waved to him at school. He was leaning against his locker talking to Kingo and Gilgamesh when he caught Y/N’s eyes and flashed him a smile as he waved to him. Y/N waved back shyly as Wanda chuckled beside him and Pietro bumped his shoulders teasingly.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
A punk rock drummer and he's six-foot-three
Y/N was walking down the hallway when he heard the sound of music being played. He walked toward the sound of rock music as he stopped in the doorway of the music room and saw Ikaris with headphones in, playing his drums to the beat of the rock song. Following the song note for note. He looked amazing. Just like on stage. Y/N bit his bottom lip as he looked at Ikaris practicing as Steve came up behind Y/N and tapped him on the shoulders. “Who are you drooling over? Ikaris again?”
Y/N blushed. “Shut up, Rogers!”
Steve chuckled.
I don't want to, but I want to
'Cause I just can't get him out of my mind, and
Y/N laid in bed thinking about his decision. He didn't want to tell Ikaris that he had a crush on him and that he liked him, but at the same time, he did. Ikaris wouldn't stop plaguing his thoughts. So, he was going to do something about it and end this once and for all.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Y/N snuggled into his pillow with a smile as he imagined it was his best friend’s twin brother that he was holding and cuddling against. Ikaris was the one and only one that Y/N wanted. No one else. Not even Ikaris and Bucky’s hunky cousin, Eros.
My best friend's brother
My best friend's brother
Y/N smiled as he wrote Ikaris’s name in his journal as Bucky drove them to the concert. He and Steve were in the front of the car and Y/N and Peggy Carter were sitting in the back as Peggy glanced at Y/N’s drawing of Ikaris’s name circled with hearts all round as she chuckled.
My best friend's brother
My best friend's brother
“I’m in love with my best friend’s brother,” Y/N thought giddy as Bucky parked the car and they all got out as they headed towards the building where Ikaris and the other members of Eternals would be playing.
'Cause he's such a dream, yeah
And you'd know what I mean
If you weren't related
Ikaris was probably everyone’s dream, including Y/N’s. The way he looked onstage as he walked towards his drums to begin playing. He looks at Y/N in the crowd and winks at him as the people go crazy as the Eternals rock out and jam. If only Bucky understood how Y/N felt. It might make things easier for him if they weren’t related. If Ikaris and Bucky weren’t brothers, then Y/N might not be so nervous about doing this.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Y/N danced with Peggy as Steve and Bucky danced together to the beat of the music. Sersi and Thena were up front singing as Kingo played the guitar as Ikaris slammed on the drums as he glanced at Y/N, who looked so peaceful and happy as he and the others enjoyed their music. Y/N looked from Peggy to Ikaris and smiled as he winked at the older boy, who blushed.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
A punk rock drummer and he's six-foot-three
The crowd enjoyed every minute of their music as Y/N watched with amusement and amazement out how much joy the Eternals brought to different people. It was so cool.
I don't want to, but I want to
'Cause I just can't get him out of my mind, and
After the concert was over, Ikaris pulled Y/N to the side in private and smiled at him. His blue eyes were shining. “So, what did you think of the band, Y/N?” Y/N smiled back as he looked up at the taller male. “You guys were amazing. Absolutely, perfect.”
“You’re perfect, Duckling…” Ikaris cupped Y/N’s cheek and stroked it gently as the other male blushed hard at the new nickname.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Ikaris leaned close towards Y/N as he gave him the choice to close the gap between them or just leave things as they were. Y/N closed the space between them as he and Ikaris kissed. It was like fireworks went off as Ikaris grabbed the back of Y/N’s head to deepen their kisses as the younger boy whined against his lips as Ikaris smirked and kissed him sweet and slow.
My best friend's brother
My best friend's brother
They separated as Y/N looked up at Ikaris. “Ikaris, listen. I like you a lot and I’ve had a very big crush on you for a good while, but you're my best friend’s brother and I don’t want things to be weird between us because of that. Also, aren’t you with Sersi?”
Ikaris looked shocked for a moment before he smiled. He kissed Y/N again before pulling back and looking him in the eyes. “I really like you too, Y/N. I alway have, but I was just too scared to admit it. Sersi and I are just friends. Best friends. And I get that you don’t want to ruin your friendship with my brother, but he will understand if you want to do this with me. Be more than friends.”
My best friend's brother
My best friend's brother
Y/N looks at him. “Really? Bucky will be okay with this?” He gestures to both of them.
Y/N turns to see Bucky smiling at him. Steve, Peggy, and the others are behind him. They all look at Y/N and Ikaris with encouraging looks of endearment. “Bucky…. I… I…”
Bucky smiles gently. “I still love you, little shit. Even if you’re dating my ugly and gross twin brother. Nothing about you two liking each other will ever change our friendship. I promise.”
“Hey, I’m not ugly! You are.” Ikaris protests as Y/N chuckles. “Thanks, Buck. I really needed to hear you say that.”
“No problem. But my best friend is in love with my brother? Who would have guessed it?”
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yanderemcu · 21 days
Yandere Wanda Maximoff and Pietro Maximoff Morning and Night Routine
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Morning Routine:
I wake up to Wandas and Pietros arms cuddled around me.
Wanda is normally the first to wake up because she likes to make sure Pietro and I are okay.
Pietro wakes up late most days.
Wanda and I went to the kitchen. Wanda started making dinner and I helped.
Today Wanda made toast and eggs.
Pietro came downstairs once we were done.
Then the three of us ate breakfast together.
"Good morning loves." Wanda said.
"Good morning." I said.
"Morning." Pietro said.
After breakfast we each took turns taking a shower.
Night Routine:
We had an eventful day today with the Avengers.
Wanda made us a salad with meatloaf.
Then we cuddled on the couch with a movie.
After the movie we went up to bed and slept.
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maximilfsimp · 2 years
The way this woman has THE most beautiful legs 😭😭😭
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lovebugspots · 9 months
you can see me?
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Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n
a lost spirit who needs solace.
"i was never supposed to leave him like that."
pietro django maximoff
he just died and needs closure.
"we both have people we lost, don't we?"
two souls who can't move on...what if they find happiness with each other instead of their twins?
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