#The Ervin Family
libartz · 11 months
NOOO THIS CHAR HAS DIED (there was so much potential)
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kidflashimpulse · 2 months
Just posted chapter 12 of “An Anomaly In Time” (after a decade oops)
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Chapter Summary:
Even as famed Outsiders’ Stargirl and Kid Flash, Court and Bart can’t escape a trip to the dentists.
Pat and Jay make sure of that.
Either Raquel, Pat and Jay start a Parents Association, or Jay is found at a bar drinking his sorrows away.
Also Zeek meets the Flash.
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xiapxls · 2 years
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And then Ervin called to ask Valerie on a date. A little too late for that, Ervin.
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darthfruitbasket · 2 years
Genealogy is the worst hobby.
My mum's maternal grandfather was the youngest/last child of a couple, Eldridge and Rebecca, who married relatively late for the 1880s in the middle of nowhere (they were both like mid-30s).
Eldridge and Rebecca had four children between 1885 and 1896: Rodger, Abbie, Jehu, and Ervin.
Eldridge died in 1899, but I couldn't find anything more about his death than a date on a headstone and what family legend says happened to him (struck over the head during a mutiny).
Rebecca remarried pretty much ASAP, then:
Abbie died c. 1904, aged 12.
Rodger died in Maine, leaving a wife and baby daughter, in 1916.
Ervin and Jehu both signed up to serve in WWI (both assigned to the Canadian Forestry Corps, which I didn't know was a thing) in 1917.
Rebecca died in 1918, before her two sons made it back from Europe (it's one thing to know what year she died, it's another thing to see "payments stopped, payee deceased" in her sons' military service records).
With some assistance, I found a probate file for Eldridge, that went through the courts in *1922*, some 23 years after he died.
And it appears the only reason it even went through the courts at all was because of a piece of land Eldridge's parents had deeded to him. No reason for it to go through the courts unless someone wanted to sell/split that little piece of upland and marsh, which it appears Jehu and Ervin did.
My great-grand-uncle Jehu's mild annoyance with the process as the executor is public record, via a letter to an officer of the court, lol.
The first lines are
"Dear sir,
I would like to know just how to sign that deed."
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herpsandbirds · 2 months
Hiya, thank you for the well-sourced critter pics. I saw you have a few lovely hawkmoths but I couldnt quite find my favorite - the hummingbird hawk moth! Is that in your collection anywhere? They're the cutest
I may not have done that one yet. i assume you mean this species...
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Hummingbird Hawk-Moth (Macroglossum stellatarum), family Sphingidae, found across much of Eurasia
photographs by Ervin Szombathelyi & Andrew Fusek Peters
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thatthirdtriplet · 3 months
Justice League & The Team (Young Justice) Batfamily Members & Other(s) Bruce Wayne & Everyone Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne Pamela Isley & Selina Kyle & Harleen Quinzel Stephanie Brown/Waffles Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain & Harper Row Jean-Paul Valley & Luke Fox Dick Grayson & Jason Todd Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Duke Thomas & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne Kate Kane & Selina Kyle Pamela Isley & Damian Wayne Jonathan Samuel Kent & Damian Wayne
Clark Kent Diana (Wonder Woman) Bruce Wayne Selina Kyle Dick Grayson Jason Todd Tim Drake Duke Thomas Damian Wayne Cassandra Cain Stephanie Brown Harper Row Bette Kane Kate Kane (DCU) Luke Fox Jean-Paul Valley Harleen Quinzel Pamela Isley Jonathan Kent Raven (DCU) Roy Harper Koriand’r (DCU) Barbara Gordon Terry McGinnis Garfield Logan M'gann M'orzz La'gaan (DCU) Jaime Reyes Cassie SandsmarkcVirgil "Static" Hawkins Kon-El | Conner Kent Bart Allen Barry Allen Wally West Artemis Crock Zatanna Zatara Karen Beecher Raquel Ervin
Additional Tags:
Meet the Batfamily (DCU) Meet the Family Rated T for language Jason's so what do you expect Batfamily Dynamics (DCU) Batfamily-centric (DCU) Batfamily is a Mess (DCU) Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent Bruce Wayne is So Done Chaos Crack Crack Treated Seriously Humor Banter Flirting Hijinks & Shenanigans Chaotic Good Batfamily (DCU) Batbrothers (DCU)
It's all hands on deck when a new species of alien threatens earth, and The Team combine forces with the Justice league. But it's not enough. Everyone is ordered to call in any favors they have, any solo heroes they know.
Batman is suspiciously quiet.
AKA: the bats keep showing up in an ever-flowing stream, and the Team begins to think Batman has an adoption problem.
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minteaspoon · 1 year
The Tides’ Captain
sad implied lucemond:(
a/n: Luke has a son out of wedlock (it’s definitely Aemond’s), and is thus shamed and exiled by his family (with great hesitation and protest from Rhaenyra and Corlys’ side of the family, but is celebrated by the Greens)
Also, how Luke got pregnant will be up to interpretation (I personally say there’s no explanation for it, it just happened and is a complete surprise to everyone involved, which would bring potentially unhinged shenanigans and that thought is hilarious to me)
It had been six months.
Six months since Luke was found to be with child.
Six months since Luke was found out to have been bedded before marriage.
Six months since Luke had been put in front of the court and shamed.
Six months since Luke had been exiled from Westeros.
It had been six months since he’s bedded him.
The damn bastard didn’t even own up to it! But what should he have expected, with his reputation as a mutilator of kin and a bastard spawn. Tis only fair a bastard birth a bastard - at least, in the eyes of the court, and to the one he gave his maidenhood to.
The brunette even had to abandon Arrax, and was given no dragon egg to gift to his child. Something he knows the Hightowers and their allies celebrated.
Luke had sailed across the sea after hitching a ride with sailors who took pity on the poor lad. They did whatever they could to help accommodate him; fed him, sheltered him, told him stories and taught him song and dance and fishing. And in return, the exiled prince helped in whatever chores he was able.
He grew to care and love his sailor family, and they saw him as one of their own. They had even given him a new name - Prim Carlisle of the Tidefall Ship, Pearl of its crew. Luke’s little one was even given options for names by his found family; Pitt, Ervin, Arwen, Mittie, Eula, Matildah… He was leaning into naming the child either Tidus for a boy, or Joanna for a girl.
The crew had even given him his own weapon, in case he ever needed to fight alongside them - though they promise he needn’t have to, as they’d never let a pregnant fellow do heavy work, and they’ll do whatever it takes to make sure he never has to see, hear or commit any violent act. When Prim saw the dagger, he knew immediately what to name the silver blade melded into a dark hilt with small gems molded onto it - Tidal. His family laughed and teased him for such a corny name, but he stuck by it.
Before he knew it, six months had passed by, then seven, then eight and finally, he was in his last month of pregnancy. And before he knew it, he met his son; Tidus. His hair was of his mother, brown curls that framed his chubby and red face, but his eyes - they were purple.
Got something from his father, hm?
The bitter thought flew in his mind, as he smiled bitterly at his sleeping son. His birth wasn’t easy - it took Prim two days to get him out, and he had to be moved from the ship to land for proper care and assistance, as the sea is no place for anyone to give birth in. The trek to land helped in positioning Tidus correctly, so the last few moments of his birth was a success. And most importantly, Luke…Prim didn’t have to be cut open.
For a solid three months, Prim and his crew stayed on the island to rest from the chaos of birth, and the celebration of a new member of their family. After their rest, they set out yet again, this time, with even more cherished cargo with them - a child and a few girls of the island willing to come aboard and travel with Prim’s family, to help with medicine, organizing and with basic household - shiphold- chores.
Once again, Prim’s family was expanding. A few years evidently pass by, and Tidus was now three, while Prim was now eighteen. It has been three years since he last step foot on Westerosi grounds, since he had last sailed Westerosi waters, since he had last flown on Arrax in Westerosi skies. Prim was a far better sailor than he was three years prior - he was no longer seasick on deck, he knew the ropes, knew how to navigate the seas, knew how to chart and read the weather, knew how to use the stars in his predictions, and he knew how to sail and fish and hunt and lead.
When the captain of the Tidefall Ship fell to a sickness one day while they anchored on a small island, he named Prim the next captain once he hit the bucket. And when he did, his last will and command was effective immediately.
At first, Prim didn’t know if he had the ability to become captain, but with his crew’s help and his son’s encouragement, he became a feared and respected leader of a band of skilled, resourceful and “no-good” sailors under the moniker Prim Carlisle, “The Mermaid”.
It was only another three years later, when Prim and Tidus freshly turned twenty one and six respectively, did Prim decide to finally settle down somewhere cozy and quiet, where it would only be Prim and Little Tidus. When he dropped the news to his crew, they immediately went into hysterics, and immediately said they’ll settle down with him as well - though, with some prodding from Prim, they continued on their voyages, with Prim’s second in command as the new captain.
After a few weeks at sea, mapping out potential places of note good for a single parent and their child, Prim settled on a valley surrounded by wildlife and mountains and cliffs, with a meadow in the middle full of flowers with space large enough for a farm, cabin and animals.
The crew promised to come visit with gifts and trinkets and anything the father-son duo could need, and Prim held them to the promise.
Prim and Tidus lived in relative peace together in their little corner of personalized heaven. They had a cabin full of comfortable crafts by Prim and Tidus, alongside being decorated with presents from their family. They had a farm with two cows, five chickens and three sheep. They had growing crops of all kinds, as they were given many seeds by their crew to start out with. Not only that, but the girls had even given and taught him how to make the most of what little one might have during the weeks leading up to his and Tidus’ settlement.
Life was perfect for the father-son duo.
Until it wasn’t.
It wasn’t long until they hear rumors from travelers about a war brewing in Westeros, a war between family - a dance of dragons. Each side had been looking for dragon seeds to hatch and claim dragons for their side, and their reach had far extended past even the Free Cities. Prim knew better than to get involved - especially with his former family, so he made precautions to barricade both the obvious and inobvious entrances to his valley, and hid him and his child away from the skies. Only his crew knew their whereabouts, and how to get in and out.
However, these measures weren’t enough to keep him safe from someone who was desperate to get him back despite the years, and despite the fact that he never owned up to his part as Tidus’ father.
Above Prim, during a night of chill and snow, as a white and thick blanket of white coats the lands, he hears a roar that brings shivers down his spine. Clutching his crying son to his chest, who was scared for him and his mother in front of the green beast above them, in one hand while on the other, he holds his dagger - Tidal, Prim looks up and gazed past the hulking mass of flesh and scales -
And makes eye contact with a desperate, relieved and grieving violet eye.
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blogforfauna · 2 years
Canis lupus
Grey wolves are the largest canine species, usually weighing between 75 and 125 pounds (34 and 56.7 kg). The largest wolf ever recorded weighed 175 pounds (79 kg). This was a Mackenzie Valley wolf, and they are generally a lot larger than other grey wolf subspecies.
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Although wolves in captivity have been observed with rigid roles in their packs like alpha, beta, “mid-rank”, and omega, this is not how it works in wild wolf packs. There are vague positions wolves have in a pack, but these are exaggerated in captivity when wolves are kept in close proximity to each other. Dispersal wolves, which are wolves who have left the pack they were born in, do sometimes join the packs of unrelated wolves, but wolf packs are usually just families. And in a family, of course the parents are going to be the most dominant. They are the “alpha” wolves. What people consider to be beta wolves would generally be older siblings- obviously less dominant than their parents but more dominant than siblings from newer litters. “Omega” wolves are believed to be extremely submissive, rejected, outcast wolves. It might appear to be like this in some cases, especially in captivity, but this role along with alpha and beta are clichés and rarely influence wild packs.
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There is probably only one “true” wolf species in the world, and that’s the grey wolf. Many people believe that the Arctic wolf, timber wolf, or Eastern (Algonquin) wolf are different species, but they´re all subspecies of the grey wolf. Critically endangered red wolves are currently considered to be their own species, Canis rufus, but recent studies show that these wolves are likely the result of interbreeding between grey wolves and coyotes.
Domestic dogs are wolves too. They are considered to be a subspecies of the grey wolf just like Arctic and Eastern wolves are.
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Just like red foxes aren't always red, grey wolves aren’t always grey. While the most common coat is agouti, which is a banded fur pattern consisting of grey, tan, black, and white, their coats can also have distinctive patterns or be solid colors. Wolves with mostly black fur are considered melanistic, which is sort of the opposite of albinism. They got this trait from domestic dogs that interbred with them centuries ago. Grey wolves very rarely come even close to being solid white, with the Arctic subspecies as an exception. Except for when they are young, since all wolves are born with brown fur, these Arctic wolves are almost always a solid white or cream color.
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Found throughout much of North America, Europe, and Asia, grey wolves are second only to the red fox when it comes to distribution size among canines. In North America they generally hunt large prey like elk, moose, bison, and musk ox. In Europe and Asia they target musk deer, roe deer, and wild boar. Wolves in different regions or even individual packs specialize in hunting different prey. All wolves tend to hunt in a similar manner, running prey down using incredible stamina and sometimes chasing prey 30-40 miles (48.3-64.4 km) in a single day.
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Many people believe that wolves howl at the moon. This is a cool idea, but it's a myth. Wolves do tend to howl with their faces pointed up towards the sky, but they only do that to help the sound carry farther. This way their howls can be heard up to 10 miles away. These howls are used to communicate with other wolves, sometimes to find members of their pack and other times to scare strange wolves away.
I rate the grey wolf 20/10. This is the animal ever
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Photo credits:
(1) livingwithwolves.org (2) William Ervin (3) Jim Brandenburg (4) William Ervin (5) Michigan Technological University (6) Ross Forsyth (7) National Geographic
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princetonarchives · 11 months
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Princeton University alum Lisa Bryant '93, 21, had just graduated when she headed off for an Army training program. Having completed the Army's R.O.T.C. program at Princeton, Bryant was a lieutenant. She was only intending to spend the summer there before a more permanent assignment, but she never got to leave Fort Bragg.
On July 10, 1993, Sergeant 1st Class Ervin Graves, 33, asked Bryant to dance multiple times, and each time, she turned him down. In response, he followed her and attacked her. The events ultimately resulted in Graves's conviction for murder and attempted rape in a court martial trial. Graves had reportedly shot Bryant because she resisted him.
At Princeton, Bryant was captain of the cheerleading squad (shown here in her cheerleading uniform). She wrote a senior thesis on Army families.
Undergraduate Alumni Records (AC199)
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threshergm · 4 days
Halo: The Series - Talia Perez Headcanons
The local bakery's Dutch letters kept her cheeks chubby with baby fat until Marine boot camp burned it off.
Whenever her Navy reservist father went on a deployment; he always left his Saint Christopher medallion, rosary, and leather pilot's jacket. Talia is supremely grateful she has these keepsakes.
Talia will sheepishly admit that she's got an utterly worthless BA in 20th Century Film. Her mother aspired to be an actress, and as Talia cared for her in the last year of her life, they watched old movies together. She got the degree in memory of her mother.
Talia especially loves black and white film. Her favorites are Arsenic & Old Lace and Casablanca.
She's a tea-drinker rather than a coffee-drinker; much to the chagrin of her retired MCPO grandfather (senior Navy NCOs are fueled by caffeine).
Raul Perez runs Perez Trucking and Repair - the family business that propelled the Perez family to being comfortably middle class.
Talia grew up helping at the shop from age ten onwards; first at the front desk and on the phones, then on the shop floor.
She can now rebuild a hydrogen fuel cell, car radio/sat-link, or micro-turbine engine with her eyes closed.
Between experience in the family shop and her training as a Communications Marine, Talia has tested through an AA program in both electrical and mechanical engineering.
She wears the engagement ring Alex gave her on her dog tag chain, alongside her father's Saint Christopher medallion.
Her father's leather jacket hangs on the chair at her work desk in her bedroom.
She's never been terribly girly; largely eschewing makeup and usually dressing down, but she can be rather vain about her natural curls, and wears her hair down whenever she can get away with it.
Her Aunt Lucia does her hair whenever she returns home from a deployment.
She's kissed exactly one man since her fiancé Alex died; her childhood best friend Ervin. She immediately knew it was a mistake.
Talia is incredibly strong-willed. While normally soft-spoken and mild-mannered, once she decides something is the right thing to do or course of action, she will back it up with some serious fire.
Prior to deploying to Sanctuary, she'd seen the Master Chief John-117 exactly once, on a "morale mission" demonstrating the capabilities of the Mjolnir Powered Assault Armor.
She'd always wondered about the man underneath the armor, but never expected the opportunity to find out.
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yoihoshi-maki · 1 month
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Stage name: Emma
Birth name: Kim Dal
Birthday: December 17, 1999
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Group: Eclipse
position: Leader, lead rapper, sub-dancer, main vocalist
Nationality: British-Korean
Voice: Wendy Red Velvet 10/10
Rap: Lisa Blackpink 9/10
Dance: Yoojung, weki meki 9/10
Net worth: 70 million from solo productions
But group wise 3.8 billion
Brand ambassador: Gucci, Calvin Klein
Who she is friends with
TWICE, txt,bts itzy, IU, Stray kids, Big Bang, Jessi, blackpink, PSY, EXO, Hyuna, Everglow, Red Velvet, (G)I-DLE, Somi, Aespa, New Jeans, nmixx, Zerobaseone, Rizze, Le sserafim, Seventeen, Western artists and Fashion industry
-Food, her family, her dogs, her daughter (future), shopping, , the originals, and the vampire dairies, Ariana Grande and Anime, STARS, Cake
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Stage name: Aella
Birth name: Min Aera
Birthday: 2000 15, March
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Group: Eclipse
position: sub-vocalist, main rapper, lead dancer
Nationality: Korean
Voice: Hyolyn Sistar 9/10
Rap: Soyeon g-idle 10/10
Dance: Jiwoo, Nmixx 9/10
Visual: 9/10
Net worth: 70 million from solo productions
But group wise 3.8 billion
Brand ambassador: Versace, Saint Lauren
Who is she close with
TWICE, txt,bts itzy, IU, Stray kids, Big Bang, Jessi, blackpink, PSY, EXO, Hyuna, Everglow, Red Velvet, (G)I-DLE, Somi, Aespa, New Jeans, nmixx, Zerobaseone, Rizze, Le sserafim, Seventeen, Western artists and Fashion industry
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Stage name: Aurora
Birth name: Jeon Byeol
Birthday: 2002 13, October
Zodiac sign: Libra
Group: Eclipse
position: Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist, Center
Nationality: French-Korean
Dance: Gooseul, Girls alert 10/10
Voice: Lee Suhyun, Akmu 9/10
Rap:Yeeun, CLC 9/10
Visual: 9/10
Net worth: 70 million from solo productions
But group wise 3.8 billion
Brand ambassador: Dior, Channel
Who is she close with
TWICE, txt,bts itzy, IU, Stray kids, Big Bang, Jessi, blackpink, PSY, EXO, Hyuna, Everglow, Red Velvet, (G)I-DLE, Somi, Aespa, New Jeans, nmixx, Zerobaseone, Rizze, Le sserafim, Seventeen, Western artists and Fashion industry
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Stage name: Chaire
Birth name: Park Myeong
Birthday: 2003 12, April
Zodiac sign: Aries
Group: Eclipse
position: Lead dancer, Main vocalist, Visual
Nationality: Korean
Voice:TaeYeon, SNSD 10/10
Rap:Exy, WJSN 8/10
dance: Yeji, Itzy 10/10
Visual: 10/10
Net worth: 70 million from solo productions
But group wise 3.8 billion
Brand ambassador: Balenciaga, Fendi
Who is she close with
-TWICE, txt,bts itzy, IU, Stray kids, Big Bang, Jessi, blackpink, PSY, EXO, Hyuna, Everglow, Red Velvet, (G)I-DLE, Somi, Aespa, New Jeans, nmixx, Zerobaseone, Rizze, Le sserafim, Seventeen, Western artists and Fashion industry
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Stage name: Ayla
Birth name: Park Eun-Jeong
English name: Ayla Kaiser Asteria Harmonia Ervin Loera Asterin
Birthday: August 20, 2005
Zodiac sign:Leo
Group: Eclipse
position: Maknae, Visual, sub-rapper, Main Vocalist, lead dancer
Nationality: Japanese-Korean
Voice: Jung Eun Ji, Apink 10/10
Rap: Le, Exid 9/10
Dance:Jihyo TWICE 9/10
Visual: 10/10
Net worth: 70 million from solo productions
But group wise 3.8 billion
Brand ambassador: Prada, Louis Vuitton, Alexander McQueen
Who is she close with
-TWICE, txt,bts itzy, IU, Stray kids, Big Bang, Jessi, blackpink, PSY, EXO, Hyuna, Everglow, Red Velvet, (G)I-DLE, Somi, Aespa, New Jeans, nmixx, Zerobaseone, Rizze, Le sserafim, Seventeen, Western artists and Fashion industry
Eclipse was made in 2019, yes at first everyone was judging the company of Eclipse for debuting a very young girl that was 14 when she debut but it soon got over with as they saw her talent shining through the 14.The group grew popular throughout their careers as they gained many fans around the world and in Korea. The girl group became one of the most successful groups in the kpop history with sold out concerts and sold out albums, carrying many world records on their backs. Now with the youngest member of the group hitting her 18th year of living their decided and finding many more things about her, she got invited to a racing competition in Japan and in turn she invited all of them back. 
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jiubilant · 11 months
the ervines are a middlingly-wealthy family of country squires with an estate in betony. mirabelle was a stony silent child who spent her days hawking on the heath and her nights reading whatever she could reach on the family library's shelves. after she vanished to study at winterhold she never wrote home again; her mannerisms are crisply academic to a fault and few people peg her as a former member of the landed gentry (or as someone who has ever gone outside)
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unpretty · 2 years
whats infuriating about phyllis schlafly?? im curious
here's some bits from chapter four of reaganland
This introduced what would become Schlafly’s trademark:  her insistence that the biblically ordained role of wifely subservience could be perfectly harmonious with a life of accomplishment. Later, she would begin her anti–Equal Rights  Amendment speeches, “First of all, I want to thank my husband Fred, for letting me come—I always like to say that, because it makes the libs so mad!”
That September, Schlafly gathered a hundred such supporters from thirty states and founded STOP ERA. The acronym stood for “Stop Taking Our Privileges.” The logo was the familiar octagonal street sign. William F. Buckley, an old friend, put her on his PBS program, Firing Line, to make her case. In January, “Equal Rights Amendment Slows Down” in the Washington Post quoted her: “The laws of all 50 states make it the primary obligation of the husband to support his  family and his wife with a home. These would be invalidated by the ERA.” 
Rich underwriters funded training with  organizers like Paul Weyrich. Debate drills were recorded  with video cameras, attendees studying their progress mastering Schlaflyite rhetorical tactics—the most powerful being  weaponizing liberals’ arrogance against them: remain cool, calm, and reasonable-sounding, avoid arguments that were received as extremist—until invariably, the exasperated  adversary lost her sangfroid in response. Like the time Betty Friedan bellowed at Schlafly, “I’d like to burn you at the stake!” Schlafly coolly responded, “I’m glad you said that because it just shows the intemperate nature of proponents of  ERA.”
And, just maybe, ERA would even let men marry men and  women marry women—a strange notion first raised in the 1972 Senate hearing by Senator Sam Ervin, who so despised the ERA that he lent Phyllis Schlafly his senatorial franking privileges. Schlafly amplified that concern with cheerful aplomb. “Why do homosexuals and lesbians support ERA?” one of her pamphlets asked, answering, “Because it will probably put their entire ‘gay rights’ agenda into the U.S. Constitution.”
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griddys-doughnuts · 2 years
☂ Umbrella Academy 3 Soundtrack ☂
Meet the Family Gerry Cinnamon - Sometimes Kenny Loggins - Footloose The Stranglers - No More Heroes Sherman Myers - Say You Love Me
World’s Biggest Ball of Twine Iggy Pop - The Passenger Brenton Wood - The Oogum Boogum Song Engelbert Humperdink - Quando Quando Quando APM Music - It’s A Crying Shame Lilly Winwood - Higher Love
Pocket Full of Lightning The Lovin’ Spoonful - Do You Believe in Magic Chris de Burgh - The Lady in Red
Kugelblitz The Animals - The House of the Rising Sun Jeremy Renner - The House of the Rising Sun
Kindest Cut The xx - Crystallised First Aid Kit - My Silver Lining
Marigold Gabin - Into My Soul
Auf Wiedersehen Andrea Litkei and Ervin Litkei - Little Girl Geier Sturzflug - Bruttosozialprodukt Lucern Raze ft. Cherry Pickles - Let’s Be Badder Nelly ft. City Spud - Ride Wit Me Ugly Kid Joe - Cats in the Cradle Queen - Another One Bites the Dust
Wedding at the End of the World Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes - (I’ve Had) The Time Of My Life The Rescues - Teenage Dream Sebastijan Duh - Take Me to the Moon This Is Big Band - We Could Be Falling In Love Jerry Dyke - Come In Mr. Lonely
Seven Bells The Cure - Friday I’m In Love Billy Idol - Bitter Taste
Oblivion The Heavy - Short Change Hero
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hardcore-lonewolf · 10 months
🐈‍⬛BLACK CAT🐈‍⬛: A DC's T.T. (2003) & Y.J. (2010) X-Over Imagine
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PLOT: The Team finds out the biggest fears and most shocking truths ever kept from the Black Cat by accidentally reading her secret diary about how she feels about herself. This bad little kitty got some lucky charms and some diamond claws to sharpen out once she comes back from her mission in Tokyo, Japan. How will they react to her changes? Will they uncover her lies about her past? Can they win back her trust?
MAIN CHARACTERS: Felicia Drusher | Evelina "Eva" Gwendolyn Nelson, Freddie Dinardo | Richard "Dickie" John Grayson, Kaldur'ahm | Jackson "Jack" David Hyde, Wallace "Wally" Rudolph West, Kon-El | Conner "Con" Jonathan Kent, M'gann M'orzz | Megan "Meg" Marie Morse, Xena | Ophelia "Helia" Shauni Trevor, and Artemis "Artie" Lian Crock.
Mentioned Characters: Phoebe Starr | Zatanna "Zee" Zorina Zatara, Raquel "Rocky" Sandra Ervin, Matthew "Matt" Noah Jordan, Lorenzo "Enzo" Kevin Carter, Cyberion Technis | Victor "Vic" Anthony Stone, Craig Wyld | Garfield "Gar" Mark Logan, Abigail Constantine | Rachel "Raven" Angela Roth, and Koriand'r | Korra "Kory" Scarlette Anderson.
Catgirl was sitting in front of her godfather Batman and spoke to him in sign language. He was listening to her explanation of why she won't talk about her grandmother's powers, the Lucky Girl was half alien and was a magic user. The Dark Knight held his hand up, which made the young girl stop immediately and nodded with an understanding look.
Batman knew her mother and father so well. His friends were loyal and nice to him that they let him hold their daughter, who's sitting on a chair in front of him at a conference room. The billionaire playboy was the first person who saw the symptoms and kept a sharp eye on his godchild, because Catgirl was staying silent about her pain.
"Eva, it's not good for you to hide your powers away and contain them against your will. That inhibitor collar has to come off your neck or they'll be no missions for you anymore, you're hurting yourself and not trusting what you can do. They saw how you can use magic, but this is what made you special and unique like your mother. Let me see your left arm," the Lucky Girl was hesitant and complies, rolling her long sleeve to reveal that the transformation has begun due to negative feelings and emotions. "I do truly appreciate your decisions of getting therapy from Dinah, yet you're still hiding yourself from the Team and not letting them have their pain back Eva. Your mother and her family was excellent help to you...just trust me on this and stop doubting yourself. Your insecurities will haunt you for the rest of your life if you don't tell the Team why you haven't been doing missions with them since wearing the Mask of Destiny and Helmet of Fate...please for the sake of your loved ones. We'll always love you for how caring, kind, loyal, and supportive you've been with all of us...including me."
Catgirl hugs him after pulling her sleeve down and covering the proof. Batman pats her back as she begins silently crying and sobbing. The Dark Knight let her break down into tears and hide her face from the view of Justice League members, who were part of the meeting about the Lucky Girl.
Once the meeting was over, Batman held her hand in his and ruffles her hair. Catgirl smiles sadly up at her godfather and nods. He lets her go back to Mount Justice and hears her designation number being called out.
"Bruce, I know you're worried about her like I am, that's why she got us and the rest." The Dark Knight sighs and hugs his best friend Astro Woman. "We gotta hope for the best and pray nothing bad happens over in the mountain, especially when Wally tends to surprise her the most."
Catgirl walks through the Boom Tube with her bag on her back and tired eyes. Her platinum white wig was miraculously stuck in a high ponytail and her matte black lipstick wasn't stained around her soft lips. The Team heard their teammate walking and saw the Lucky Girl still exhausted from last mission, which almost cost her life.
"Hey Cat, how's your meeting at the Hall of Justice?" Catgirl grumbled softly underneath her breath and tiredly plops onto Wonder Girl, who caught the Lucky Girl on time.
"You want me to carry you to your room Kitty?" The Lucky Girl nodded quietly and clung onto the female demigod's front.
Wonder Girl carries her back into her bedroom and gently set the younger girl onto her bed. Catgirl hums in appreciation and purrs softly as the Amazon warrior pets her head, coaxing her to fall asleep hard. As soon as Wonder Girl heard soft snores and deep breathing from the Lucky Girl, she smiles and puts a blanket over the young girl.
The female demigod carefully left the room and closed the door. Wonder Girl heads back to the lounge, raising an eyebrow at her boyfriend Aqualad and shaking her head no with a deep frown. The Atlantean soldier understood that look and knew it meant there's something wrong with their youngest member.
Ever since the Team was formed...Catgirl was the first heroine to be part of it, she lived in the mountain and was always doing her work at her bedroom due to personal spacing. The Lucky Girl got used to the Boy of Steel and would be his support system whenever he's having problems with Superman, which shocked the Justice League cause the young mute girl rarely let people rather than them and Red Arrow be close to her. The rest of the original members in the Team will treat her like a baby and always adore Catgirl for being independent.
For example...the Team came back wounded and hurt, she sprung from her chair in front of the Super Computer and took them to med bay. Wonder Girl managed to heal herself and helped the Lucky Girl with treating their comrades, though an appreciative comment from the Boy Wonder threw Catgirl's brain off so quick that she went redder than a strawberry. The three teenage girls never stopped pinching her rosy cheeks since that incident, what got the Lucky Girl on her feet and running away into her hiding places from the trio will be the words "DRESS-UP", and all four boys will chuckle from how the mute girl showed fear for the first time.
"Is Cat okay?" Superboy asked the female demigod, worrying about the mute girl who became a baby sister to him.
"The League took her to an important conference meeting this morning, based on her reaction...they wore her out." Robin answered for the Boy of Steel.
"Roy did claim to me that Cat's been keeping a secret from us, he thinks she's the mole...but seriously? If she was the traitor, how come she'll always return back in the mountain stressed out and exhausted? That's the most dumbest thing I'd ever heard," the Amazon warrior explained to them.
"Unless...we could...you know," the teenage speedster suggested, earning raised eyebrows and confused looks until they realize what Kid Flash was trying to suggest.
"Baywatch, Cat will never forgive us if we do that. That's her private diary, it has her personal life in it." Artemis told him, smacking him upside his head.
"First off...Ow! Secondly, don't act like you wanna know what she writes in it." Robin nodded in agreement and the rest was hesitant, but they finally agreed to their plan. "Now who's getting it and the key?"
The Team said "NOT IT" at different times, Robin groans in defeat s the rest gave him pointed looks and the Boy Wonder does the deed. He slowly hacks into the room and slides the door open, seeing the Lucky Girl curled up asleep in a tiny ball. Robin smiles and quietly awes at his crush's cuteness.
'Alright Robin, it's just a book. My crush's book of secrets, it can't be that bad.' The Boy Wonder thought as he sneakily took her book case with the key and leaves the dark bedroom without being noticed. 'Cat must be dead asleep from that meeting with our mentors, poor little kitten must be tired from all those mission reports as well to stack that much stress on her body.'
Robin silently closes the door and resets the password to her grandma's name. Kid Flash immediately takes his best friend to the living room and they high-five with proud grins on their faces. The Team sat down on their chosen spots as Miss Martian takes the book and opens the case with the key.
"This is so wrong in so many levels guys," the female archer said while seeing the front cover has a picture of her with the Team on it. "She got us on the front and the back...let's hurry and agree not to do this anymore."
The female Martian takes the personal book out from the case and sets the diamond box down. Catgirl's private diary was themed with black words, gray covers, white paper, and silver lining. Miss Martian gulps nervously and passes the book to Wonder Girl, who gave her best friend a wide-eyed look of disbelief.
"M'gann," the female demigod said with an offended look. "How could you? I'm not dying in the hands of a twelve year old girl...here Rob, you read it."
The Boy Wonder pouts at Wonder Girl and opens the book. Robin begins reading it out loud to his comrades, blushing when he finds out Catgirl got a crush on him and saw many insecure thoughts she has about herself. Red Arrow was wrong about the Lucky Girl, but they were beginning to feel concern on the mute girl's issues and problems.
"Ever since the League found out what was happening to me within the Helmet of Fate, I've been contacting my grandfather Kent through Nabu with my grandma's help and assistance with the Mask of Destiny. All the stress, fear, and pain was causing negative reactions to my powers and humanity. My father fixed one of those problems...that golden collar on my neck, it was containing my alien side from losing control and it sorta helped me. After twelve years of it on my neck, it's not working and was making it worse. The Team are starting to see signs of it, I've lost my appetite with food last week, I couldn't get sleep since a few months ago, and becoming much sensitive with my emotions on a daily basis that Batman forced me into therapy sessions with Black Canary. I'm afraid of the rejection and betrayal the people I cared the most think of me. There's five stages of it, I went through four of them, the fifth one will be most painful one cause this will damage me inside out and turn me into a monstrous freak. I got many anxiety attacks and went into panic mode during the meeting. I'm not relieved from it, not because my grandmother injected me with my painkillers and antidepressants...I had almost hurt the League. I know they're scared of me...who won't? After all, I'm nothing but a burden and a monster. Nobody can change that, not even the Team...I should probably run away and never return to Earth after tomorrow night when everyone's asleep. They won't be hurt anymore...especially when I'm gone far away from my grandmother's home planet." Robin read, closing it and putting it inside the black box.
The Boy Wonder locked the box shut and hung the key back onto its hook behind the case. Robin got up from his spot and walks to his crush's room. The Team watches their youngest male teammate slowly opens the door and sees that Catgirl was still resting.
Kid Flash ushers Robin out of the room and freezes when the Lucky Girl moves in her sleep. The rest drags the two boys out from her room before letting Superboy close the door shut and hearing it lock itself automatically. The Team frowns sadly as they stared at Catgirl's bedroom door and felt guilty for how they assumed that she's the mole.
The next day inside the mountain, Catgirl wakes up and does her daily routine before taking her prescribed medication. The Lucky Girl rolls up her long sleeves and gasps silently when she sees it got worse than ever from the nightmarish thoughts echoing her head. The mute girl takes a deep breath and hides the proof from view.
"Kitty, are you up yet?" Wonder Girl asked the Lucky Girl.
The young child quickly grabs her baggy jacket and a pair of black sweatpants to conceal how her casual clothes she loves wearing the most have vanished. Catgirl puts on her wig and applied her makeup before putting on her shades. The Lucky Girl heads out of her room with her bag strapped on her back with her diary case hidden inside it and walks to the kitchen for some fruit.
Once she found a green apple, the Black Cat vigilante took a bite from it and passes her teammates with a greeting wave. Catgirl pets Wolf and rubs Sphere gently with a softened look while going outside to the beach. The Lucky Girl begins absorbing some solar energy and feeling it generate some pure cosmic mana for her to devour by consuming the life-force phoenix within her inner self.
Inside the mountain, Robin begun hacking into the cameras and managed to get full access to the beach's ones. The Team watched Catgirl meditate by herself on a large rock and levitating, which made them shocked cause they thought it was all something she wrote behind their backs. The Lucky Girl used her mana to grab a bottle of nectar and drank the liquid, humming in content while she takes pure magic energy from the Sun and use the life-force from the Moon to try fixing her issues.
"Everything in that book was true, she does have powers." Kid Flash said.
The seven heroes noticed something glowing from her left side, the Team gasps in disbelied when Catgirl rolls up her long sleeves to reveal that her right arm was scarred and her left arm was encased with some kind of cosmic ice mana. They continued seeing the Lucky Girl getting distressed and on high alert. The mute girl begun taking deep breaths and slowly tries to calm down.
"That was her secret," their leader told them after understanding why she wore long sleeves and anything baggy.
"Recognize: Catgirl; B-0-0."
The Team froze to hear their beloved comrade's designation number called out by the Super Computer and knew she's behind them now. Wonder Girl slowly turns and sees Catgirl, who was looking scared and was actually frightened. The rest followed and knew by her scared expression that the Lucky Girl was caught red-handed.
"Cat, it's not what it looks like. We're worried about you," the Lucky Girl immediately flinches when Superboy takes a step forward and tries not to lose her composure.
"What was that on your arm?" Catgirl shook her head no while backing away and panting with a horrified look on her face.
"We're not gonna hurt you Kitty, we wanna help you get through this...just trust us okay?" Wonder Girl told her, following the mute girl and walking closer to the young child's personal space.
'Get away Opal, stay away from me.' Catgirl thought while shaking like crazy and trying not to lose control of her powers. 'Stay away from me, stay away from me, stay away from me...'
The Team could see that Catgirl was sweating from the fear and discomfort while she cuffs her hands together to keep her powers in check. The Lucky Girl's inner self was trying their best with her host and attempting to comfort the mute girl from the tension. As soon as Wonder Girl got closer, their six comrades grew concerned and wait for the next move.
"I said...STAY...AWAY...FROM ME!!!" An energy wave of mana was shot through her hands and hit Wonder Girl hard along with their loved ones, who groaned in pain from the magic blast.
'I hurt them,' the Lucky Girl thought with fear and guilt. 'I really am a monster...'
Robin watches Catgirl rushes into the Boom Tube through blurry eyes, hearing her call number and passing out with his six best friends. The Lucky Girl made it to her stop at the nearest subway station and luckily got herself a ticket. She sat down on the bench and wait for her subway train to come.
"Excuse me miss," the Lucky Girl turned to see some little kids and gave them a wave. "Do you got some food and water for us?"
Catgirl nodded, she begun taking out some sandwiches and bottles of water from her duffle bag. The kids thanked the mute girl and hugged her, which she responded with a pat on their backs and ruffling the hair on their heads. The Lucky Girl got her violin and thought about something to do for the children.
The selectively mute girl put her duffle bag to the side with a protective mana shield around it and stood on the bench. Catgirl thought about the hard times and good memories she have with the Team. The Lucky Girl takes a deep breath and begins playing her song.
Once the song ended, the people surrounding her applauded for her performance and put some money into her backpack. Catgirl bows for the crowd and hands some candy to the children, who cheered for her generous gifts to them. The Lucky Girl put her violin back in its case and heard her train number.
'Great, Raven and the rest are going after me too.' Catgirl thought as she heard her crow cawing ring tone for Raven, hanging up and setting her phone on silent mode.
Meanwhile near New York City, the Team couldn't find their Black Cat and won't give up searching for the mute girl. Catgirl's icy aura left some trails that leads to her and the seven sidekicks followed them to reach the fixed subway station underground at Manhattan. The Lucky Girl must've gotten down there for a train ticket and go somewhere else.
Around Broadway, Catgirl stepped onto her destination and gave a sincere smile to the people who helped her with her things. The Lucky Girl walked upstairs and saw the lights in amazement. The mute girl was relieved that her clothes she wore was back in her bag, but her gym clothes was affected by the transformation and was worrying her a lot.
The transformation was almost done, Catgirl got until midnight and the pain will fade from her body by replacing it with euphoria. Her inner alien side was keeping her stable from the toxicity of every environment and person she walks into by accident. The Lucky Girl tightens her cloak and vanishes into the shadows of night.
"Cat? Cat, where are you? Please come back home, we miss you." The Lucky Girl froze to hear the worry and saw the concerns of the Team's faces.
Catgirl gulps while looking at the mirror, seeing that it was getting darker and the metamorphosis was getting close to completion. She checks her watch and went scared...it was around eleven fifty-five at night, which meant her travel through New York City and its famous place must've been lasting longer than a hour. Catgirl kept her breaths silent and her heart couldn't stop beating like crazy.
The Lucky Girl suddenly shivers from the cold air and tries not to sneeze, which will trigger Superboy into finding her first. She held back the noise while sneaking away and going between a billboard. Catgirl sighs in relief until she lets out a sneeze, which sounds soft and cute like a kitten.
The Cadmus clone heard Catgirl's adorable sneeze, freezing and snapping his head at the billlboard. His six teammates followed his glance to the billboard where they were having a music award show and realized that she was in Broadway. Catgirl begun panicking with distress while her ice mana went into waves of energy and kept glowing bright like the stars in the sky.
"Kitty, please...for everyone's sake, just show yourself and we'll take you home...safe and sound." Catgirl scoffed from Wonder Girl's words in response, she sees a clear opening and takes a deep breath. "Cat...I don't wanna chase you all through morning, it's Saturday now and all I wanna do now...is sleep."
Catgirl's black pupils turned into slits and she let her transformation consume her completely after hearing her watch beep, signaling that it has struck midnight. The Lucky Girl starts flying in the air and the Team begun chasing her. Catgirl dodged the signs and construct some cold mana to block her loved ones from grabbing her.
The mute girl found herself flying to Central Park and hiding inside one of the cherry blossom trees, shifting into a white cat with blue eyes and black collar that has a silver bell on it. The Team reached there, they didn't see her use her witch arts to turn into a cat and climb up the blooming tree. Robin and Artemis saw ice footprints of a cat leading up to the tree they saw in front of them.
"Cat, please come down." Robin said, desperately begging for his crush to come down the tree.
"No! Go away!" Catgirl replied, refusing to come down and face her fifteen loved ones. "Y'all went through my book and spied on me to see my secret! I just wanna be left alone...like I'm always been."
The Boy Wonder begun climbing up the tree, seeing Catgirl as a domestic white feline heal herself with her mana to close the scars and burns away. Robin sees the burns on the cloak and knew they accidentally hurt her during their chase, which led to her using her magic for a portal as a transportation route to Central Park. Not only that, Catgirl took off the cloak and left it behind after it made her feel uncomfortable.
He kept his eyes alert while she shifts out of that form and reveals something...beautiful. The Lucky Girl was looking extraordinary within her final alien form and was trying not to have another anxiety attack. Catgirl felt a familiar presence close to her space, which meant her crush and destined mate have found her.
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The younger vigilante slowly turns and grew scared to see Robin staring at her form. She saw his hand reaching out for her and flinches out of fear. The Boy Wonder shushes her soft whimpers as he pulls her in a hug and she breaks down into tears.
"Shhh, it's okay Cat, we're not hurt, you're not alone." Robin said, comforting the Lucky Girl as she hiccups and sobs in his chest. "We're sorry for what we've done...please, just come home with us."
Catgirl closes her eyes and lets the Boy Wonder carry her out of the cherry blossom tree. The rest of the Team freezes to see the Lucky Girl went through her final transformation and became her true form. Robin cradles her close while she cries softly in his chest and clung onto him tight.
Catgirl slowly relaxes and turns to face the Team with her head down. When she raises her head up, Miss Martian was shocked to see an Anodite for the very first time and realized that bedtime stories about that alien species from her uncle were true...the Lucky Girl was one of them. The female Martian walks over to the shy girl and hugs her tight, causing Catgirl to freeze with shock and accidentally release a wave of mana from her body that made the rest of the Team relaxed.
'Oh you poor little thing,' the female Martian said to Catgirl in a telepathic link while holding Catgirl.
'Why M'gann,' the Lucky Girl whined while blushing and hugging her back. 'Conner, help me...she won't let me go now.'
Superboy joins the hug with the rest of their friends, Catgirl pouts at the alien couple in betrayal for their friendly affections on her and how it spread towards them. The Lucky Girl's inner felt the trust and safety within all fifteen sidekicks, leading for the shy girl to close her eyes in content. As soon as the Team pulled away, Catgirl opens her eyes and felt somebody holding her hand in theirs.
Robin squeezes it in reassurance before kissing her forehead and she squeaks, flustering madly while the rest smiles at the two vigilantes. Catgirl crosses her arms and grew a bit confident. The Boy Wonder sees the mischievous smile written on her lips and was suddenly floating around her cyan mana hair, staring at his crush in amazement for pulling that trick while their loved ones watched the two from above.
"You're beautiful Cat, I wish I could've help you with your pain." Robin told her softly while she hugs him and hums with a bright grin on his face.
"You and the Team did that, I can actually sense the genuine worry and concern y'all have for me. I finally realized that I wasn't alone anymore, I have all of you...especially you pretty bird." Catgirl replied before kissing him passionately and smiling when Robin kisses her back.
The two pulled away as the Lucky Girl helped them both safely on lower ground and smiled at each other, chuckling at the romantic scenario with amusement. Robin was about to kiss her again when Kid Flash cheekily takes Catgirl and zooms away from his best friend. The Boy Wonder gawks at the speedster in shock as he storms after him and tries to grab his Black Cat back.
"Did you get your picture now Artie?" Artemis nodded with a victorious smirk and sends it to Roy with the money signs on it.
"Told that jerk Robin will be her first kiss, he lost big time." Her four comrades chuckled before heading into the Bio-Ship with their female archer.
Robin came back with Catgirl over his shoulder and back in her human form at last, setting her down by his side. Kid Flash sped up and went in the ship next. The two vigilantes smile before stepping into there and holding hands together...as a young couple.
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onlylonelylatino · 5 months
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Fax from Sarajevo by Joe Kubert
From Wikipedia:
Fax from Sarajevo: A Story of Survival is a nonfiction graphic novel by veteran American comic book artist Joe Kubert, published in 1996 by Dark Horse Comics.
The book originated as a series of faxes from European comics agent Ervin Rustemagić during the Serbian siege of Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Rustemagić and his family, whose home and possessions in the suburb of Dobrinja were destroyed, spent one-and-a-half years trapped in Sarajevo, communicating with the outside world via fax when they could.
Friend and client Kubert, the highly regarded artist of DC Comics' Sgt. Rock, Hawkman, and many other titles, was one recipient. Collaborating long-distance, they collected Rustemagić's account of life during wartime, with Kubert turning the raw faxes into a somber comics tale that won both of the comics industry's two major accolades, the Eisner Award and the Harvey Award.
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