#aspirational fiction
blue-eyed-author · 7 months
Writing rule:
Every character who speaks gets their own paragraph. If two characters are talking, each time they switch you must create a new paragraph.
Do not add more than one characters’s dialogue into a single paragraph or it will be too confusing for the reader.
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redhoodie1723 · 2 months
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esteban ocon being considered really tall when he's shorter than my dad, brothers, and a lot of my male friends is so funny to me
part 2 part 3
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xisadorapurlowx · 6 months
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novlr · 1 year
I need a word for horny but not in a sexual way more just like wanting kisses and hugs and affection or something
This is a great question! The best way to write about desire in a way that makes readers feel invested is to write around it.
Instead of using just a single word, use language that hints at something simmering below the surface. That way, you build tension for your readers, making them invested in the outcome of your characters' relationships. Here are some tips for how to write romantic desire in various ways (including some handy synonyms at the end as well).
Unconscious movements
Covert glances
Licking and biting lips
Mirroring the other's movements
Parting or crossing of legs
Touching one's own skin
Swallowing more than usual
Blinking rapidly
Short breaths
Playing with one's hair
Leaning closer than usual
Internal feelings
A fluttering heartbeat
Comfort in the other's presence
Knots in your stomach
The sensation of other sounds being muffled
Nervous tingling
Short of breath
Sudden weakness
Thumping pulse
Emotional overwhelm
Surrounding oneself with reminders of the object of desire (like things that smell of them, or an object they hold dear)
Creating reasons to spend more time with the other person
Loss of inhibition
Impatience and irritability
Setting active goals to attain the object of desire
Conscious and subconscious fixation
Changing oneself to better suit the other's wants
Feigning other interests to promote jealousy
Showing resolved desire
Finally feeling personally fulfilled
A sense of calm and peace
A shift in focus from pursuit to personal happiness
Feelings of contentment
A change of life priorities
Feeling like an obstacle has been overcome
A more relaxed manner or expression
Personal and romantic growth
Showing unrequited desire
Pining for lost love
Frustration and anger
Bottling one's feelings
Living in denial
Feeling rejected
Falling into a personally damaging pattern of pining for the wrong people
Strained friendships
A sense of disconnection and isolation
Some handy synonyms
Amorous (thank you, @quotidias, for the contribution!)
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notasapleasure · 2 months
If a character of mine, comparing two medieval ideas, produces a third, more modern, idea, he is doing exactly what culture did; and if nobody has ever written what he says, someone, however confusedly, should surely have begun to think it (perhaps without saying it, blocked by countless fears and by shame).
Umberto Eco, The Historical Novel, from his Postscript to The Name of the Rose, trans. by William Weaver
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manygoldenrings · 4 months
I'm new, here's a little intro.
Hi!!! My name is Isabella (Bella) and I am an aspiring author. I figured I should share some things about myself, ya know, to be relatable.
~ I'm 24, turning 25 in April. I am an April Taurus and I am not graceful. (Stubborn? Me? No way...)
~ I have been a writer most of my life but my relationship with education turned me away from it. It is my true passion and now I am finally accepting it. (Always have been, always will be.)
~ I have been doing some heavy work on myself and I finally am seeing the benefit of it. (keep going! you can do it!)
~ I've been working on the same story idea for nearly three years I am finally seeing the pieces that fit together. I have read and listened and watched nearly everything you can on how to write a novel and now I am finally doing it! (congrats! I'm terrified.)
~ I am fascinated with the Occult and with the religious aspects that join that. For a few years now I have spent a lot of time reading and researching on my own the mysteries and secrets of the Occult. (I love it! It makes me so excited to get into!)
~ Since my relationship with education has been difficult and unpleasant my entire life I decided that this year I was going to fix that. I have signed up to take a few college classes at the local community college in my home town and I start those at the end of the month. (Wish me luck!)
~ Finally, ask me about my work in progress! I'd love to share!
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katenewmanwrites · 11 days
I haven't introduced myself yet.
I'm Kate.
🌟 Aspiring Romance Author 🌟 | Autistic Pan Woman 🌈 | Cat Mom 🐾 | Coffee Addict ☕ | She/Her
📚 I'm a tired graduate student by day, passionate romance writer by night. I'm a 27-year-old autistic pan woman hopefully weaving love stories with a twist. My keyboard dances between genres, infusing romance with adventure, fantasy, and the shadows of dark romance.
🌈 In my world, love knows no bounds, reflecting my own diverse identity and experiences. But even I'm still learning how to break away from the hetero-normative lense I've grown up with.
🐾 As a proud cat mom, I find solace in my little companion, Barbara aka Babs. who offer warmth amidst late-night writing sessions fueled by my unyielding love for coffee.
✍️ Currently immersed in my main work-in-progress, I'm delving deep into the realms of dark romance, driven by a quest to redefine the genre. Frustrated by the lack of mafia romances that retain the gripping darkness while nurturing a healthy relationship dynamic, I'm setting out to write a narrative where the love interest isn't toxic.
📝 So if that sounds like your thing you're welcome to follow along on my journey as I try to craft narratives that resonate long after the final page is turned. Join me as I try to embrace my unique voice, and celebrate the beauty of love in all its forms, one tale at a time.
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abugsjournal · 1 month
A Cowboy's Cup of Coffee ☕
Arthur Morgan x male reader
Summary: After a sweet apology from Arthur your budding friendship grows! You have plans to meet Arthur outside of work for the first time, but must deal with some drama in your café first.
Content Warning: Mention of drinking, men being creepy, threats of violence.
Chapter 2: Headaches
Arthur's POV
It's been about a week since your social blunder at the café. You've been offering to go on hunting trips to avoid going into town. You would rather come face to face with a bear than make a fool of yourself in front of Y/N again. You kick yourself for being worried about his opinion of you in the first place. That shouldn't matter, why are you even thinking about it?
Luckily, you don't encounter any bears, but today's hunting trip with Charles was the most successful one you've had since you settled down in this spot. Everyone back at camp was elated. So elated that as the hearty deer stew was being served, bottles of whiskey and rum were opened and passed around the campfire with equal enthusiasm. You remember the women's tipsy giggles, and the men getting a little loud and rowdy, but not much else.
As you open your eyes you feel your head screaming in pain. You roll out of your cot, swallowing and forcing the rising bile back into your stomach. The morning light is blinding, you squint and shield your eyes as you exit your text. As your vision adjusts you can see everyone else feels just as miserable. There's a collective groan as the gang members each start working on their tasks for the day. You know you'll be absolutely useless until you nurse this headache, but the smell of the coffee over the fire almost makes you gag. The only thing you think you could stomach is the coffee from the café in town. You sigh, weighing your options, and decide you would do anything to make your head stop pounding, even if it means risking an awkward conversation. As you ride into town, you rehearse a long overdue apology in your mind.
A few slow, monotonous days pass by you. You find yourself watching the door to your café, silently willing it to open. Every time you hear that bell ring you get a small rush of excitement, but it's crushed every time you look up and see a regular's face.
Did I somehow scare him off? You replay your last interaction with Arthur over and over again in your mind. It wasn't the first time you had caught a customer staring at you, but it was one of those rare instances where you weren't mad about it. Small towns feel smaller the longer you stay in them, so new faces excite you. Maybe you got too excited. You begin to convince yourself that you were too forward, or he was just traveling through town, or is flat out avoiding you when you hear the bell above the door ring once again.
Expecting disappointment at this point, you can't keep your eyes from widening in surprise when you see Arthur in the doorway. He is fidgeting with his hat in his hands as he approaches the counter. He has dark circles under his eyes and squints slightly as he looks in your direction. Working in a coffee shop for so long has taught you to instantly recognize a hangover. You intentionally keep your voice at a lower tone and quieter than usual as you greet him, "Hey friend, welcome back. Rough night?"
"Very fun night from what little I can remember, just a rough morning," He closes his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Listen, I just wanted to apologize for the other day."
"There's no need, really, you didn't do anything wrong-"
Before you can finish your sentence, Arthur interrupts you, "I was rude to you after you were kind to me and you didn't deserve that." He stares directly into your eyes, and you can see they're filled with sincerity, "I'm truly sorry if I made you uncomfortable at all, and for rushing out the way I did."
You feel paralyzed by the weight of his stare, and you can see the guilt in his eyes. Even though you don't think he did anything warranting such a genuine gesture, you can tell he won't let it go until you accept his apology.
"Alright," You sigh, "All is forgiven."
The beginnings of a smile quickly shift into a wince of pain on Arthur's face. "I'd love to accurately express my gratitude but I think I might die if I don't get some coffee in me soon," He slides some change across the counter towards you, "And whatever you have on the menu today smells amazing, I'll have one of those too."
"Thank you! It's mini strawberry shortcakes today, now go sit down before you pass out or puke on my floors." You smirk, trying to ease some of the remaining tension.
Arthur lets out a small chuckle, "Good idea." He slowly walks over to his usual corner table.
As you prepare his order you think about how to handle Arthur. Based on how he's acted the past few times you've seen him, you come to the conclusion that you'll have to let him come to you, like a stray dog. Being too friendly too fast might scare him off again. You're also thankful that instead of letting one awkward conversation snuff out the sparks of a new friendship, you were both able to move past it.
Small talk comes easy to the two of you now. Arthur comes in nearly every day. You ask him questions about work and he gives you vague answers. He asks you about baking and why the décor in the café is so "unique" as he politely put it. About a month of these pleasantries go by. One day he asks you what you do when you're not working.
"I sometimes try to come up with new recipes for the menu! Or I go to estate sales for cups and furniture."
"That doesn't count, that's just more work!" A laugh escapes you as you realize he's right, "Come on, you've gotta have other things you like doing."
You shyly mention that you like to draw and document the insects and plants in the area.
His eyes widen and the corners of his mouth curl up in excitement, "No way! I have a journal that I draw in."
"Really? I'm surprised, hands like yours usually aren't holding pencils." You smirk at him, narrowing your eyes and hoping your snide comment might pry more information about his unspecified line of work out of him.
He simply laughs, "Ha! Explains why I'm not very good at it."
You roll your eyes at another failed attempt to learn more about his job. Is he avoiding the subject on purpose or just being dense? "Well if you ever want to share of see some of my art, my house is just a ten minute walk down the road. It's the little one with the wooden wind chimes."
Arthur seems taken aback by your invitation and takes a moment to respond, "I'd like that. When should I head over?"
"I close up shop at two and if I get through my cleaning fast enough I can probably be home by four. Does that sound good?"
"I'll have to run a quick errand but it shouldn't take too long." Arthur drains the last of his coffee and stands up, "I'll see you later, Y/N."
"See ya, Arthur!" You wave goodbye as he leaves. You can't help but smile to yourself as you clean off his table. You check your pocket watch and sigh, it's only ten.
The minutes sluggishly pass by you as your giddiness grows. You try your best to avoid checking the time in between each task, knowing that will only make the day go by even slower. You're washing plates behind the counter when two unfamiliar men stumble through your doors. Before you can greet them they walk right past your register and over towards one of your customer's tables. You follow their gaze and see they have their eyes locked on Eva, the eldest daughter of one of the local farmers. She comes here in the afternoons to read without having to worry about her rambunctious little brothers bothering her.
She's so engrossed in her book that she doesn't notice the men saunter over, about two steps closer than they should be. The hair on the back of your neck stands up as one of the men clumsily places a hand on the table, knocking over her cup and spilling coffee into her lap.
"Hey! Watch it-" Eva looks up from her book and sees just how close these men are. Her eyes widen as they lean over her.
"What's a pretty thing like you doing sitting here all alone?" The shorter man's words practically slosh out of his mouth. He tries to put a finger under her chin, but Eva slaps his hand away.
The taller man grabs her wrist. "That's no way to treat someone who's just being nice to you, missy." He hisses through gritted teeth.
You clear your throat and stand with your arms crossed over your chest, hiding your shaking hands, "Excuse me gentlemen, I don't take kindly to folks that harass my customers. I'll give you to the count of three to back away from her and get out."
The men glare menacingly at you, "Or what?"
"Or this pot of boiling coffee is gonna make it real easy for the law to identify your ugly mugs." The thugs glance at each other, and then back at you, "One. Two-"
"Fine." The taller man drops Eva's wrist and drags his companion out the door behind him without another word. The scent of whiskey lingers in the air behind them.
You let out a long exhale. You knew you wouldn't have been able to win that fight if things had escalated, but they didn't need to know that. "Eva, are you alright? Do you need me to walk you home"
"Oh I'll be alright," She stands up and tries to wring the coffee out of her dress, "Thanks for scarin' them off!" She gives you a big smile as she collects her things. You wrap up the remaining shortcakes and send her off with a treat for her troubles.
You check your pocket watch again and you're grateful to see it's finally two. You flip the sign on the door to "Closed" and rush through your closing tasks, quickly forgetting about the incident as your planned meeting with Arthur grows closer. You can't remember the last time you were this anxious to get home. You finish your chores in record time, lock your café doors, and begin walking home. You're so caught up in your excitement that you don't look around for insects to draw like you usually would, but you do notice the squirrels and rabbits in the surrounding forest are skittish. They seem to make much more noise than usual as you follow the trail through the woods.
As you unlock your front door and turn the handle, you hear a voice behind you.
"Look who's all alone now."
Thank you so much for reading! Forgive me for the long absence, April is a terribly busy month for me and I was also getting extremely burnt out from work. To be super real the only reason I was able to get this typed out and posted is because I got sick and couldn't get out of bed all day (lol). Tumblr is also being super weird and not letting me indent no matter how I type this out or where I copy and it paste from. Anyone else have this issue?
Chapter 1 / Chapter 3 coming soon!
Let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist!
Taglist: @photo1030
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amicus-noctis · 9 months
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francineiswriting · 5 months
before starting to write in a more serious and committed way i used to think "why are authors often so evil towards the best characters???" and now i turned into the evil puppet master myself
"oh, you wanted to live??? too bad, you're gonna die in the most atrocious way possible and everyone who reads this is going to cry forever."
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blue-eyed-author · 8 months
Dear fellow writers,
‘Said’ is beautiful. Please use it more. It isn’t anything to be feared of hated. It’s not boring or overused. It makes all the other dialogue tags more special when they’re used on occasion.
‘Said’ makes your writing less cluttered. It can be a simple way of reminding the reader who is talking without bombarding them with synonyms.
“Use it along with action to make it more interesting,” she said, picking up her pencil.
He smirked, and said, “Or with expressions and body language.”
“Or,” she said, “just as a quick reminder of who is talking.”
“And if you know who is talking, a dialogue isn’t always necessary.”
Of course you can use other dialogue tags, but please don’t exclude ‘said’. It’s heartbroken from being ignored.
‘Said’ is beautiful.
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2ndprinceofdarkness · 3 months
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Alastor!! (Click for Quality!!) vvv
ACT 3, SCENE 3--"Holier-Than-Thou" [The Hotel. CHARLIE is spiraling. She and VAGGIE have just found out of URIEL’s ‘disappearance’ LUCIFER sits, looking ill.] CHARLIE: I mean can you just believe that he would just disappear after all that talk yesterday about wanting to stay here? Like, come on! [To LUCIFER:] Where’s Mom? LUCIFER: She wanted to sleep in.  VAGGIE: ‘Either of you have any clue where he went?   [LUCIFER and CHARLIE shake their heads.] CHARLIE: Maybe Mom knows. I’m going to go ask her.  LUCIFER: [To himself:] I doubt she’ll tell you.  CHARLIE: [She overheard.] -What?  VAGGIE: Err- LUCIFER: Nothing! It’s nothing, Char-Char. CHARLIE: Dad… What aren’t you telling us?  LUCIFER: [Sigh.] Your Mother, she- she made a deal. With Adam.  CHARLIE: What are talking about? VAGGIE: Adam? [Beat.] Oh, shit. CHARLIE: What??  LUCIFER: Lilith helped Adam. She sent the exterminations to Hell. [ALASTOR enters. Humming again.] VAGGIE: Alastor! Have you seen Uriel? ALASTOR: Hm? Oh, no. Buuutt, I may have something that you’d be interested in seeing. LUCIFER: What?  ALASTOR: Well, I was woken up by the strangest sound during the night. So, I came downstairs, and eventually, I stumbled upon a little note from our holier-than-thou-friend. LUCIFER: Excuse me? VAGGIE: What did you–? CHARLIE: [Taking the note from ALASTOR:] Heaven? VAGGIE: Heaven? LUCIFER: Heaven? ALASTOR: Heaven! [VAGGIE goes to read the note.] VAGGIE: He went with LUTE!? CHARLIE: He’s got to have a good reason, Vaggie. VAGGIE: Well, he better have a good reason for not writing it down too. [Blackout. End of Act 3.] 
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xanyiaz · 2 months
ok so this is random but i wrote a screenplay (basically a script) for a short film for my coursework a while ago and whilst i unfortunately lost it 😭 i really liked the idea/concept of it as like a short story and at the time when i wrote it, i wanted to make it even longer but i didn't bc my film teacher said it was too complicated 💀💀
but ANYWAYS i'm thinking of rewriting it and posting it for people to read 🤭 i tried writing a blurb for it below lol‼️
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it wouldn't be a book or anything, just a veryvery short story- like maybe a few chapters.
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becoming-a-fox · 1 month
Talking to bestie about writing my novel like
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all my love to @taste-thewaste for being as enthusiastic as I am—you keep me going 🫧
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depressopax · 10 days
Bon Appetit, baby
Nacho Varga x AFAB reader
Fandom - Better call Saul
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Pairing: Nacho Varga x AFAB reader Genre: SMUT/PWP.  Warning(s): Sexual content. MDNI. Reader is gender neutral but has a pussy. Oral sex, overstimulation, teasing, cuss words. Written in 1st person POV and based on an OC. Words: 0.9K Summary: Nacho going downtown on reader ;) English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 || AO3 link || Masterlist || Request ||
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The room is warm despite the open window and cold night air blowing through the thin curtains. Or maybe it’s just my body feeling overheated. Sweat drips down my forehead and my whole body feels sticky as I gasp for air. No more. I think but unable to express myself apart from low mumbles and moans. I try squirming away. My body screams for mercy but through the fog of pleasure, I want more. He’s like a drug and I can’t get enough. 
Still, my movements get more desperate, and his grip gets stronger and more dominant. He growls against my skin, clearly frustrated with how much I’m moving. His strong hands hold my thighs apart. I’m exposed and completely at his mercy.
Just how he likes it. 
“Nacho..” I murmur
“A bit more, baby.” he mutters and looks up at me through heavy lidded eyes. The dark eyelashes almost cover his brown eyes and my blurred sight makes it hard to read his expression.
“Please.” I whisper and I feel his smirk against my sensitive skin. His lips are swollen and wet as he places a gentle kiss against my wetness. Although he is gentle, my overstimulated body hurts from his movements. He brings me closer to a third climax and I know he won’t be satisfied until I’m crying and begging for him to stop. The tip of his nose brushes against my clit and a chill goes through my warm body. 
He’s the devil, my boyfriend. 
At least when it comes to sex. 
Always teasing, always wanting more. 
He looks perfect like this. His strong body pinning me down into the sweaty king-sized bed, his knees resting against the soft mattress, the throbbing bulge in his boxers… The fabric is wet from his arousal, showing how much he enjoys pleasuring me. So much that he could cum undone. I can’t take my eyes off the boner.
How I wish I could help him with that. 
But he keeps pushing away my hands whenever I try to touch him. 
I’m doing this because I want to. - He keeps saying. His muscular chest and abs look stiff, and his biceps are flexing as he grips me tightly. He won’t let me go that easily… All I can do is try to enjoy the pleasure, and breathe through the intense stimulation. 
When he plunges two fingers inside of me, I throw my head back. He stops his movements momentarily, only to grab my chin and gently tilt my head so I look down at him, where he half-lays between my bruised thighs. He has left hickeys everywhere, and the pressure from his palms has left marks too.
“Eyes on me.” he says. Nacho looks at me with love, but his voice is firm and almost annoyed. 
“Sorry…” I hiss and look at him with squinted eyes. 
“Are you gonna cum for me?” he whispers and almost slams the tip of his tongue against my clit. I nod my head. “I can’t hear you, mi vida.”
He chuckles at how desperate my voice sounds. Oh, how he loves this… 
“I want to taste you again.” he murmurs and licks his lips, before going back to work. He sinks down deeper and his face is practically buried between my legs. My eyes are glued at the top of his head and the short, dark hairs of his buzzcut. His stubble tickles my thighs and he moans against my pussy. He went from being careful and passionate, to fucking me with his mouth. He is sloppy and messy, tasting me like a starving man. 
I whimper as the third orgasm washes over me, and by pure reflex, I try closing my legs. He spreads them wider than I thought was possible. 
“Mine.” he growls and holds onto me whilst I ride out my high. My hips buckling upwards as he eagerly tastes my release. 
My body relaxes and I sink back into the mattress. I don’t know if it’s tears or sweat that’s soaking my face - maybe both. He finally gives me a break and I sob loudly and try calming myself and relax my sore, trembling body. I feel numb after the intensity of my boyfriend's actions, but I can finally exhale and close my eyes for a bit. When I open them, he hovers over me. His face swells with pride as he strokes my cheek. 
“You did so well for me.” Nacho whispers and kisses my neck. I mumble something in response and I can feel his smile against my neck as he nuzzles it. 
He lets my body rest for a couple of minutes before he pulls his boxers down and frees his cock, which is twitching from arousal. He grins at me whilst rolling a condom over it.
“Just a few more minutes, hmm?”
“...Dickhead.” I reply, but I don’t complain as he slides into my wetness with ease. He looks amused at my words and leans down over me to deepen the penetration. He grunts at the warmth engulfing his length.
“You feel so fucking good. So perfect… Fuck, I love you.”
I let out a moan in reply, embarrassed from the thought that I won't last long. Not now. And oh, he’ll enjoy that. It’ll feed his ego. But still, I let him slide in and out of me and I enjoy the feeling of being one with him. He thrusts into me gently and whispers praise in my ear. I can’t complain tho. 
I’ll get my revenge, eventually…
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I'm back with writing YAYY! Enjoy this VERY smutty and... No plot story lol!
Want more Nacho stories? Check out my Nacho AU/Better call Saul x La casa de papel crossover!
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