magicmanias · 3 years
The Story of Creation
Episode 1 of Polaris
[per - uh - jee] (n). Astronomy. the point in the orbit of a heavenly body at which it is nearest to the earth.
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Summary: A fugitive out of time + interdimensional space travel + a love story. Always on the run, and while Loki might be able to escape the TVA, he always gravitates towards you. Not even bending the fabric of space and time itself can cut his heartstrings.  Occurs after the events of Endgame. Replaces Loki mini-series timeline.
Warnings: Blood, Death, Mild Violence
Word Count: 3.0k
A/N: I'M BACK BABY! *cue sit-com cheers* I thought of this mess of a series, and I had to get back into writing, damn it. I hope you enjoy it! Feedback is always welcomed!
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He did not think this through.
The fallen god grasped at the ground beneath him. He’s covered in ash and the air around him burns and freezes. He smelled smoke and fire and then blood and flesh. He pushed himself up off the metal floor. “Where the hell am I?”
A weak moan alerted him, and to his left, he found a man in his final seconds. The dying man lifted his arm weakly; his fingers shook. He rasped out a last cry for help at his prince before his hand fell and his soul was sent to Valhalla. Loki knew that man. He sold Blåveis and wildflowers at the edge of the market when he was a child. Why was he here… dying a warrior’s death?
“Our crew is made up of Asgardian families.” A transmission. “We have very few soldiers here. This is not a warcraft. I repeat this is not a warcraft.” Asgardian? This ship certainly wasn’t Asgardian... Why was this man sending a mayday call?
“Hear me and rejoice…”
The bodies around him were all Asgardians. Soldiers and men laid lifeless in this iron room—on this ship that was not a warcraft. Surely Thor wouldn’t let this happen… Nor Odin. How did this happen?
He was no less confused when he heard his brother speaking on the other side of a large crack in the metal wall. On the level below him stood his brother trapped in steel and strange beings he’d never encountered. One was tall with a gauntlet of gold like the one Odin kept locked away in his vault. He was collecting Infinity Stones… Behind him was a thin and sinister figure. And another was… himself. With the tesseract. Like the one that was… where was it?
“Loki?” A woman watched him from behind a fallen support beam. In her hands was the Tesseract. Her lip curled downward and her brow wrinkled in confusion. “Why do you have this?”
“Who are you?” Alright, so she knew his name, and he clearly didn’t know her. Her clothes were not of Asgard. The dress was revealing and unfitted to her, the straps her too long, making the neckline only slip further. Even as she watched him carefully, she still absentmindedly pulled up the straps.
A scream from below interrupted the woman. She ran to the edge of the room and peered through the wall. Loki could not see what was happening, but the horror in the woman’s eyes said enough.
“Oh Valhalla...” Her hand clamped over her mouth. Loki slowly approached the source of the screams before he heard his own voice.
“ALL RIGHT, STOP!!” The woman gasped and stepped back, turning to face him. Her eyes watered and her bottom lip trembled. She turned back to him.
“Who are you?” she demanded, though her voice wavered. “Are you one of them?”
Loki scoffed. “I haven’t the slightest ide—”
“Why do you look like him?” she cut him off. “You’re not Loki,” she insisted.
Loki chuckled nervously, but he flashed a charming smile and lifted his hands hoping to appear non-threatening. He started to approach her, trying to figure out a way to get the Tesseract back.
“Don’t come any closer! I will—use this!” she warned, holding the cube in between the two of them.
“Do you even know how to use that?”
“Um—well, do you?”
“I got here with that thing, didn’t I? Now give it back.” He stretched his hand out to her, but she didn’t move a muscle.
“No, I—”
Loki had enough. He wanted answers. Now. The woman gasped as he disappeared and reappeared in front of her in a flash of green, the cube now in his hand and her arm in his other. “Tell me where I am.”
She stared at his grip on her. “You’re not my Loki…” she inquired once more.
A daunting whir of hums and struggles came from the crack. The woman peered back at the scene below. Thor’s muffled cry filled the walls of the iron room, but it was the woman’s scream that shook Loki to his core. She fell to the floor and wailed and howled in agony. A weak “no” and soft pleas escaped her tears.
Loki glanced through the hole as the woman started to gulp air between her sobs. His lifeless body was strewn on the floor, and a purple haze shrouded his view of the scene below. Amethyst flames began to surround the ship. Metal and dead men were enveloped in the blaze. Loki never liked the heat…
It appeared that Loki’s time here… wherever he was, was about to come to an end. Blue light encased his fingertips and the cube materialized before him. A sharp choking sound clouded out Loki’s attempts to think of anywhere he could go—the woman.
“Shit…” Using his free arm, Loki pulled the woman up before she could protest. “This better work.” He lifted the Tesseract and prayed the silvery clouds encasing him and his new acquaintance would take him anywhere better than here.
Loki sat up covered in sand. Again, more heat. He was really starting to think this damned cube was more a curse than a blessing.
“Oh… ow…” The woman groaned and rubbed her puffy eyes. Squinting under the desert sun, she glanced around to view her surroundings before her eyes widened in realization. “Oh shit!” Her hands returned to the ground, burying themselves in the sand frantically.
She whipped around in a haze of anger and hysteria. “Take me back!” she screamed to him. “Take me back!”
“What the hell are you talking about!? That ship is gone—and I just saved your life!” Loki argued, but she wasn’t listening and continued to dig through the sand. Loki ignored her as he concealed the cube under his magic. He looked back up to see the woman still clawing at the sand. “Who are you?”
“Take… Take me back,” she begged, slowly giving up on the sand. “I have to go back.”
Loki watched the woman break into sobs once again. His grip on the dagger up his sleeve softened and his gaze relaxed. “Who are you?” he asked once more.
“Is this some cruel trick you played Loki? Because it’s horribly unfunny!”
“I assure you that I don’t have the slightest clue as to what you’re referring. That… Loki. He wasn’t me.” Where did this damn thing take him?
“I don’t believe you. You… Out of all the things you’ve done Loki. Lying, stealing, killing, faking your death. I’m… I can’t take it! You promised you wouldn’t—”
A flash of orange cut off the woman. The light shaped itself into a doorway above the dunes.
“What the hell—” Loki turned on his heel to face the orange portal in time to see four men step out two-by-two. Their tailored coats were labeled with “TVA” and Loki’s stomach immediately dropped. “Shit.”
One of the men in the back handed the forefront man a clipboard from which he read off, “Mister Laufeyson and… friend. The TVA requests your presence at headquarters. You are under arrest for meddling in with the fabric of space-time. Please be compliant and come with us. Your friend can come if she’d like.”
“I’m not going anywhere with you,” Loki insisted. “If you don’t mind, I would hate to have all this trouble I’ve been through go to waste. Thank you. Bye!” Just as he was about to pull out the Tesseract, one of the men suddenly appeared in front of him and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. Loki threw a dagger at the man, hitting him square in the chest. The man merely looked down at the weapon, no change in his expression. He grabbed onto the handle of the dagger and pulled it out. No blood, the wound already healed.
“Please comply, Mister Laufeyson. The TVA expects your arrival,” he said.
“I don’t think so.” Loki revealed the Tesseract with his magic, praying it would take him somewhere good for once. But as soon as he took it out, the handcuffs were tightened on his wrist. The emotionless man repeated his request for compliance.
The other men move then, making their way to the woman. She stands slowly and silently allows them to escort her to the portal. She refuses to meet Loki’s eyes as they both walk defeated to the portal.
“So he’s really not lying then,” she said quietly. Her hands dug into her skirts. Her hair covered half of her face, but anyone could make out the tears that lined her cheeks.
“No, I’m afraid not, Miss,” Mobius answered. “I regret to say your actual husband is gone.”
She pushed the desk and her metal chair screeched on the linoleum floor. Loki didn’t look up from his hands planted on his tan prisoner uniform pants as he listened to her distant footsteps and the sound of a closing door. He tugged at the cuffs on his wrists. He could feel the magic dampened in his veins. The muscles in his forearms felt dull.
“Loki,” Mobius started. “As you can see, the warrant for your arrest specifies that we will have to prosecute you. You’ve broken several laws, violating the guidelines of linear time travel as well as interdimensional voyaging. While our agents are currently fixing the mess you made, including sending that lovely woman back to Earth-200000, you will, of course, have to be sent back to Earth-199999 so that the course of events and play as they were supposed—”
“You’re going to kill her.”
“Excuse me?”
The door kicked open again. Another agent in a clean suit marched in with a glass plate in hand with a sandwich laying on top. He placed the sandwich on the desk and left as quickly as he came in. “The woman. There’s nothing to send her back to. The ship she was on was destroyed before I saved her. You’re not sending her back. You’re going to kill her.”
Mobius leaned forward on his desk, clasping his hands. “We’re simply sending her back straight back to the time and place she left. If that happens to lead to her death, so be it. That’s her fate.” He paused to rest his head on his hands. “What do you care anyway? You don’t know her.
Loki hesitates to answer. No, he didn’t know her, but… he can’t stop thinking about how she reacted when… he died. The he that she married. Devoted herself to. She looked… dead inside. Hollow. Did she feel as he did when he fell from the Rainbow Bridge all those years ago? Was he looking at her the way Thor did when he let go?
“Are you going to eat that by the way?” Mobius pointed to the sandwich. “That’s technically for you, but I skipped lunch.” He didn’t wait for Loki’s answer before bending over the desk and taking the sandwich before taking a large bite out of the corner. Loki leaned back in his seat.
“If she was my wife in another dimension, I can’t help but be curious. Perhaps I’d enjoy her company.” Loki tilted his head. The gears turned in his head. He needed to figure out a way to escape. The TVA took the Tesseract from him, and he wasn’t keen on making an exit in prisoner attire.
“I didn’t know you had a thing for widows.”
“Well, I can’t say it’s never crossed my mind,” Loki smirked.
Mobius chuckled and took another bite of the sandwich. “Sadly, we’ll never know how that would work out. An agent will escort you to your holding cell until further notice.” An agent waited for Loki to stand and directed him towards the exit. “Oh, and thank you for your compliance.”
The TVA looked awfully like Midgard, perhaps from some decades ago. The architecture was garish, and the employees were... disconcerting. Each bred and born for a specific purpose. His… Odin once told him about the Time Variance Authority. Existing in an infinite dominion between worlds, a bureaucracy that rules the operations of time across the multiverse. Workers are cloned to working perfecting. Minimize disputes, increase efficiency.
The agent guided him down another long hall with identical doors lining the walls, opening and closing as countless numbers of agents entered and exited them. Loki glanced to his left. An agent walked through the door… to a jungle on the other side. To his right, a female agent exited a metropolis with flying vehicles. Another escorted a Krylorian to a portal leading to a crashing ocean. The chains between his limbs clinked as he strolled down the hall that never seemed to end.
“Thank you. I… think I’m ready now.” You stood in front of a closed door, holding the hand of an agent. He nodded and you dropped his hand. He opened the door, silently motioning her towards the shipwreck that Loki had rescued you from a mere couple of hours ago.
Loki muttered your name.
“Oh, uh hello.” You shifted uncomfortably. “I have to say. I think you look better in green.”
Loki smiled softly. “I think this attire might be worse than my actual punishment.”
You chuckled in return. “At least I can die in dignity in my own clothing.”
Loki was taken aback. “You’re not serious?” Loki again noticed the state of your appearance. Eyes flushed and puffy and red. Your bottom lip was swollen as you continued to chew on it.
“I am.” He said your name once more, like he was in disbelief that you would be so willing to give up your life like this. He reminded you so much of the man you married. Always the survivalist. It was strange to see the face of the love of your life standing before you even though it wasn’t really him. Some part of you wished your husband was the one standing before you, but there stood a slightly younger version of the god that you would have given your life for... in the flesh. “I hate to end our new friendship on such a bad note, but you do age quite a bit in the next few years. Try to sleep more, my dear Loki.”
The god scoffed and turned his head. “I’m not letting you just… kill yourself.”
“I’m just taking a page from your book.” You swallowed, a frown evident on your lips. “I assume you did the same as my Loki after Thor destroyed the Rainbow Bridge.” You turned and looked at the scene of the broken ship floating in the cosmos. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that… Take care of yourself, Loki.”
Loki grasped your wrist before you could walk through causing the cuffs to pull his other arm up. The agent behind Loki tapped his shoulder, insisting that they needed to move on, but he ignored his probes.
“I’m not letting you walk through that door.”
“My husband is dead.” There was an insistence in your voice that you seldom used, and yet your breath quivered. The tip of your nose was cold. The tears welled up in your eyes once more, but you sighed and wiped your eyes. “It’s okay,” you whispered. “I want to be with him. Let me go, Loki.”
The agent now placed a firm hand on Loki’s shoulder. “Mr. Laufeyson. It’s time to go.”
Loki turned back around, a devilish grin lining his lips. “Yes, I believe it is.”
In a trice, the agent behind Loki was on the floor and the one guiding you was on the other side of the door, floating in the ship debris where you were supposed to be. The raucous alerted the other agents in the hall who turned their heads in the direction of the noise. They began to make their way towards you. Loki acted quickly, lifting his cuffed hands above your head and looping his arm around your waist, pulling you to the other side of the hall.
“Are you ready?” he asked, backing up slightly like he was readying himself for a leap. Loki didn’t wait for your answer and ran straight towards the open door across from him. You saw a small glimpse of a grassy field before hitting solid ground.
“Why did you do that!?” You whipped your head up, your hair strewn about your face in a wild mess. Your ill-fitting clothes were now caked in dirt and grass stains. You stood on a hill overlooking a… rather familiar landscape.
“I saved your life. Again!” He pointed an accusatory finger at you, but the effort was lost with his bound hands. He grunted in frustration.
“I-I wanted to go. I didn’t want to be saved!”
Loki took in a hot breath. “You wouldn’t have seen him anyway. Valhalla is a heaven for warriors and your valiant death wouldn’t have given you an in.”
That you laughed at, if not bitterly. “You always said you’d go to Hel. I intended on seeing you there.”
“I am not your husband,” Loki spat, venom lining his words.
“No! You’re not. Yet you’ve kept me from him,” you said matching the malice in his voice.
Two voices interrupted your argument.
“Goddess, you will ruin me one day.” A young boy with inky hair ran up on the other side of the hill, holding a posy of flowers. He looked down the hill and knelt down, reaching his hand out. An equally tiny hand held onto his hand, letting him pull up. A girl pushed up and sat on the peak of the hill. He awkwardly shoved the flowers in her hands, like he’d been holding them for her when they climbed up the mound of dirt and grass.
“My mother says you’re dangerous, Trickster,” the girl taunted, reorganizing the flowers in a prettier arrangement. “Like the Midgard Serpent. You’ll strike when we least expect it.”
“Perhaps I’ll marry you. Your mother surely wouldn’t expect that,” the boy smirked. The girl pretended to attack her friend, attempting to make him jump. She wasn’t strong enough to knock him down though, and he snickered. He pushed her playfully, but she slipped and rolled down the hill, giggling the entire way down. The boy hopped down, rolling and laughing along with her.
“Oh Valhalla…” You paled.
“What?” Loki prodded. Watching the children at the bottom of the hill.
“We have to hide. Now.”
Loki was about to prompt her for an explanation, but the little girl’s playful wail answered his questions instantly.
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keethus-arts · 3 years
came for the mando comics; stayed for the server (comics are still awesome though)
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Never expected the server to be this active. I thought maybe like 5 people would join and this is going to be a dead server like so many others BUT NO. There are around 60 people!!! About half of them are really active and I'm so so so so grateful for that! It really helped me to get to know you guys and I wanted to create the opportunity to interact more with each other
I'm pleasantly surprised how active you guys still are even though there isn't new Mando content to scream about. And seeing you planning things to do with each other like playing Among Us this weekend really warms my heart
Thank you so you much! Love y'all❤
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xfandomwritingsx · 3 years
Hi! I just wanted to say that I’ve read Sweet of the Night on AO3, and I absolutely love it! I’m excited to see what happens. I’m such a sucker for Loki haha! Thanks for writing this amazing story 😍
<3 Thank you! It’s funny, this is one of those stories that I know exactly where it’s going to end up but I have no idea how I’m getting there yet! I hope to get the new chapter out early to mid next month too.
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hdlynn · 4 years
this is super random but you're an infp!? that's so cool! I've never met one before. Hi, I'm abby. I'm an infj. hahaha! sorry have a good day ❤️
Hi Abby! I am an INFP! One of my bffs is actually an INFJ too! Thanks for the ask and you have a gerat day as well! <3
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omg-imagine · 4 years
Hey, we haven't talked in a bit! I used to be justawriterwithdreams. I don't know if you remember me, but hopefully we can talk more😊
Hi! Of course I remember you and I’d love to talk to you more 💗😊!
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bellesque · 4 years
42, 47, and 52!
42. What is your weakness as a writer?
technical wise, i think the way i write can sometimes come out clunky—specifically dialogue which is kind of sad bc when i was younger i used to be pretty good at it
in terms of general writing stuff i would definitely have to say that it’s my perfectionism. i’m never completely happy with what i write and i always think there’s something wrong i’m just never satisfied [cue the hamilton references]
47. What’s your favorite thing about writing?
being able to craft a story and share it to everyone! there’s something so special about writing apart from the fact that i’ve been doing it for so long. it just takes me out of reality for a bit and if that can have the same effects on others that’s awesome :)
52. Favorite words to use when writing?
idk why this just made me think of crutch words BUT i do have some favorite words such as lull and stutter
don’t ask me why those were the first that came to mind
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Hello! I know this is really freaking stupid, but I love your profile pic and it legit made me laugh out loud. I don't know what it is about that cat but never change it.
Haha thanks! Possessed cat pics are probably one of my fave things; he's not going anywhere for a while
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forever-rogue · 3 years
Hi! Wondering if you’re gonna be taking prompts from the 360 you posted. If you are would you be able to do 36 and 54 with Din? Would love to see those with him!
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Prompts used: 36. "Does he know about the baby?"
54. "H-how long have you been standing there?"
Pairing: Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: pregnant reader
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“Boba?” you reached for the Mandalorian’s arm and stopped him from going any further into his new hold. You wondered, for an amused fraction of a second, if you should attempt to address him as King Boba, just to get a rouse out of him. But the severity, the harsh reality of your current predicament placated any desire to do so. Fett turned to face you, pulling his helmet off so he could see you properly, “might I have a moment of your time?”
“Of course,” he set the helmet down on the aging wooden table as you inhaled and exhaled slowly, “what’s wrong, little one?”
“I was wondering...once you and Fennec are settled and Din plans on leaving,” you found the ground intriguing as you studied the worn soles of your shoes before continuing on, “might I stay on? With the two of you? I-I know I’m not as skilled as either of you, but I swear I’ll pull my weight and do as much as I can - whatever you desire. I would just like to stay here.”
Boba paused for a moment as he looked you over and contemplated what you had asked him. He had no issue with you staying on, absolutely none, knowing you were both capable and a quick learner. It was the reason behind the sudden request that caused him to consider his words. As he watched you, and you grew increasingly nervous, a single tear, one of nerves and worry rolled down her cheek and fell to the sandy ground. 
“Of course you can stay,” his hand went to your shoulder as he delicately squeezed it in a sign of reassurance, “make sure your Mandalorian knows of your plan. It would be a great shock for him to be blindsided.”
“Does he know about the baby?” he chanced his question, although he was sure he wasn’t too far off the mark. While he had no children of his own, he’d been around enough women to know when someone fell pregnant. Maybe the bounty hunter was extra perceptive, maybe it was a trait of the Mandalorians to all be nurturing and familial, but from the look on your face, he knew he was right on money. 
“How did you...I haven’t told anyone,” your eyes were wide with worry as you looked around to make sure no one had heard Boba. If Din were to ever find out, this would be the last way you wanted him to do so, “I-I found out two months ago and I just...I don’t know what to do. I’m scared and nervous and worried. I can’t just tell him - he’s got too much going on to worry about something else. I can’t do that to him.”
“You think it is a better idea to never tell him about his child and take away any decision he has in this?” ever the level headed negotiator, Boba had a point. Your lips pulled into a frown as you shrugged your shoulders, “he deserves to know. Whatever decision he makes after that is up to him. It will tell you his true measure, although I am sure that is already quite apparent.”
“Boba, he’s the Mand’alor now,” you reached for his arm and held it tightly in your grasp, “I-I can’t have him worry about a silly thing like this. Especially not after...Grogu.”
“Tell me then, just what do you plan on doing with the babe?” it was a fair question to ask, and one you really needed to think about. The baby was going to come one way or another, so you would need a plan as quickly as possible, “were you going to have it and hide it? Hand it off to someone else? Raise it on your own and expect that he would never find out? He is your riduur-”
“And he is the Mandalorian and the Mand’alor,” you grew frustrated, not with Boba but with yourself. You knew he was right, you knew that you needed to tell Din but… it wasn’t that simple, “I can’t hold him back with a baby.”
“Suppose you don’t tell him,” Boba held up a hand for a moment as a musing glint entered his eye, “suppose you remain here and have ths child. Do you think he’s never going to come back to see you? Or for business? It would be awfully suspicious if he came in three or four months and found you round with child. It wouldn’t take much to put two and two together. It would be a greater pain, I think, if you were not to say anything and he came back to find the truth. You owe him at least some honesty.”
“You’re right,” you confessed quietly, letting the tears roll down your cheeks, “of course you are. I’m scared, Boba. I don’t want him to be angry and hate me or the baby. I don’t want to hold him back either. I want him to be happy…”
“He’d be a lot happier if you’d come to him with this first,” the voice startled you to your core as you realized exactly who it was. Swallowing the lump in your throat, your eyes widened in worry as Boba offered you an encouraging nod. Turning on your heel, you found Din watching both of you with intent; his expression was almost unreadable as your hands started to tremble.
“How long have you been standing there?” what a stupid question from a stupid girl.
“Long enough,” his voice was pointedly neutral as you nodded in understanding, “I think we need to talk.”
“Yes,” you agreed as you shuffled over to him, preparing yourself for the worst. 
Din was silent as he led you back to the quarters that served as your temporary home while you’d helped Boba and Fennec settle into their new roles. You followed close behind and swallowed the lump in your throat as he sealed the door. 
“It is it true?” he asked softly as his gaze shifted to your belly; there was still no evidence of your pregnancy just yet. But soon enough there would be, “you’re with child?”
“Yes,” you admitted, a hand slowly coming to rest on your belly, “I am. I found out…”
“Two months ago,” he finished for you as you nodded, “and you didn’t think to tell me?”
“I was scared and nervous, Din!”
“Were you ever going to tell me?” he asked softly as you refused to meet his eyes, “Cyare?”
“I wanted to,” you whispered, “I planned on it-”
“Eventually,” you’d seen your husband angry before, but never quite like this...never at you, “I was scared and I panicked and there was so much happening at once.”
“You were scared?” he asked as you nodded. Din stepped closer and stopped in front of you, looking at you curiously as he realized just how hard this was for you as well, “were you scared of me?”
“No,” you grabbed his hand and quickly cut him off, “never of you. It was just everything all at once. With losing...him, everything with the Mandalorians and Boba and Fennec. There could not have been a worse time for this to happen. I-I’m sorry. I didn’t…”
“You’re sorry?” a look of confusion marred his features as his eyes softened and crinkled in the corner, “whatever are you sorry for? In case you forgot, this didn’t happen just because of you. It takes two...nothing in life seems to go to plan, but that doesn’t mean this doesn’t have to work out, Cyare. You are my riduur and that is our child.”
A large hand found your belly as he pulled you into him, wasting no precious time before he wrapped his arms around you. You hugged him back, just as tightly, just as fiercely, clinging onto him like it was the only thing in life that mattered, “I should have told you sooner, please forgive me, Din. I should have come to you first…”
“I’m glad I found out,” he whispered as he pressed gentle kisses to the side of your head before pulling back and cradling your face in his hands, “before something else happened or we were separated. I’m not mad, I’m happy - really happy. It doesn’t matter that the timing isn’t perfect or we’re in a different situation than we thought we might be. I’m happy, Cyare. I love you beyond measure, and that includes our whole family - Grogu, and whatever other children we’ll have.”
“Yeah?” you asked softly, barely above a whisper as he pressed his forehead against yours, “I love you.”
“I love you,” he agreed, “I hold you in my heart forever - you are my home, my heart, my family. We’ll figure this out together, I swear. Just promise me one thing.”
“Anything, Din.”
“Don’t stay here,” he pressed a kiss to your lips, “stay with me.”
“Yes,” your smiled against his lips, “I’m not going anywhere.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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anatanotegami · 3 years
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Very rough and a bit too much black pen, but I hope you'll enjoy this little helmetless Din 💛
The armor is a little weird but I don't have the patience to fix it :'D
Tag list : @javierian @bee-dameron @dindja-rin @findhimfives @alliterative-albatross @frannyzooey @moonlit-djarin @thewayyoutasted @queridopascal @norcula @ramsaybolton0612 @chibsytelford @purrrrfect @moonsoflothal @bumblebee-moreno @mypedrom @trashcora @nemo-my-name-forevermore @manndo @insomniamamma @dearspacepirates @udontadixonlover @icanbeyourjedi @firehart9 @pedro-pastel @pedorkpascal @undercovercheetah (I hope I didn't forget anyone !)
If you wanna be tagged on my next drawings, I'll be happy to add you on my tag list, don't be afraid to ask 💛
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magicmanias · 3 years
Perigee [Masterlist]
[per - uh - jee] (n). Astronomy. the point in the orbit of a heavenly body at which it is nearest to the earth.
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Summary: A fugitive out of time + interdimensional space travel + a love story. Always on the run, and while Loki might be able to escape the TVA, he always gravitates towards you. Not even bending the fabric of space and time itself can cut his heartstrings.
Occurs after the events of Endgame
Warnings: Major angst, hella slow burn, making the tesseract kind of op (just work with me, alright?), doesn’t correlate with the Loki TV mini-series, the TVA in this fic is not canon-compliant (please don’t tell me off. I’m writing this before the series has been released. I did my best to research the TVA, but if it’s not exactly accurate, well, I don’t know man. Sue me.), vague references to comic book canon, use of the multiverse and timey-wimey stuff. Okay legit warning too: this story fucks with actual Norse mythology, so be warned.
Notes: If you would like to be tagged in this series, please fill out this form!
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Episode 1: The Story of Creation
Episode 2: The Wanderer
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kyber-crystal · 3 years
AHHHH i was wondering if you could do hcs for obi reading to you? i just feel like this is the sweetest thing in the world that he would 100% do
YES thank you for requesting this *cracks knuckles*
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alright so i think we’ve made it clear from the beginning that obi has a heavenly voice
with that being said, you could listen to him talk for HOURS
or sing
for example;;; you caught him singing to himself one day and like. melted. 
with a voice like that he HAD to have been in a few musicals, at least 
like ??? i get to spend my day with THIS guy ??? and listen to him TALK ??? how lucky am i 
there was one night where neither of you felt like going straight to bed, so you decide to sneak up to the library together 
(and if you got caught you’d probably get a long lecture from master yoda about how sleep was essential to a jedi’s life and whatnot lol)
you definitely haven’t received that lecture like 5x already
you sat down together on one of the plushy sofas and put your stacks of books on the coffee table
you’re so sleepy but for some reason, sleep never comes so you lean back and stare blankly up at the ceiling (as if you thought that doing so would make you drowsy. but it didn’t)
then obi j asks if you wanted him to read to you so you mumble a ‘yes’
oh my lOrd
his voice sounded like dripping honey and put you at ease right away
??? how ???? how did he  ???? 
(you could’ve sworn your headache was gone within the first few minutes of hearing him speak)
somewhere in between the fourth or fifth chapter you found yourself drifting off 
and by the end of 7 you were fast asleep
so obi stopped and put down the book
and carefully carried you back to your quarters
the two of you often repeated this process—especially on nights after a particularly rough mission—because it helped calm your nerves significantly
obi-wan knows you have trouble sleeping because of your insomnia + nightmares 
so whenever he senses that something’s up he’ll come into your room, sit next to you on the bed, and talk or read to you until you fell asleep
sometimes he’ll talk ab what he did during the day, about his family, his childhood, what he was passionate about, likes and dislikes, etc
(this quickly becomes a very comfortable, natural routine so you start picking out a book before you decide to retire for the night and hand it over to him)
(and then that’d be what he read to you that night) 
ALSO usually you zoned out during council meetings and would ask anakin what they talked about afterward (bc he had an insane sense of hearing) but when it was obi leading discussions you stayed 100% alert LMAO
is it possible to also become attached to someone’s voice, because,,,,
dude srsly i need someone like this in my life
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star wars + other mutuals: @vikstarwoo @dameronology @obirain @rentskenobi @meshlababy @darthkruge @arkofblake @freeshavocadoooo @katelynnwrites @karasong @dearspacepirates @bo-kryze @kelieah
permanent/everything tags: @fl0ating @voguesir @lady-elena-adeline @dindjarinsspouse
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keeper0fthestars · 3 years
recrudescent (i’m right here)
Din Djarin / gn!reader 
1.6k words
warnings: angst / comfort, repressed memories, heartache, nightmares (and the panic that follows), mentions of death / violence
summary: ‘the past beats inside me like a heartbeat’ - John Banville
a/n: please heed the warnings and do not read if you are affected by things like this. 
the prompt for this came from this post
The explosion knocks you back into the dirt. Smoke and ash fills your mouth. Sticks to the back of your throat, stings your eyes. You will yourself to sit up because this time, you tell yourself, it will be different. The ringing in your ears makes you lightheaded, the heat of the billowing smoke gets in the way, but you don’t need to see, you know these winding streets in the dead of night.
You run.
You don’t have to tell your feet which way to go; you know all the shortcuts, avoiding the white helmets with their flamethrowers. You’ll beat them this time. Your heart pounds twice for every stride you take in the packed dirt, the smoke gradually thins the farther away you get, and they don’t even see when you dart across the main path. Climbing the wall, the familiar chase stars and you’re ready for it. Narrowly missing the jump over the ledge, climbing up to the next roof, higher and higher, until your boot catches on a loose edge. You hear rubble fall, knocking the helmet down with a grunt but you can’t look back, there is nothing there for you anymore. There will be nothing ahead of you either if you don’t get there soon. And warn them.
The burn in your muscles doesn’t come as soon as it did before, but you’re older now, stronger. You’re through the trees by the time it hits and like last time, you push even harder. They’ll still be there. They have to be. You will get there in time. You’re older now, faster. You’re getting close, the taste of hot coals once again thick in your mouth and you try to call their names, to warn them, but your voice doesn’t carry. It’s dry as parchment, singed and black.
The house glows orange from inside and no one is here. No no no. Not again. Where are they? There is nothing left of your mother’s curtains in the summer kitchen. The blue enamel flowers on her pottery blister in the heat and no longer match the embroidery on her linens. You smell the scorch of thornwood as the flames lick along the beds and doorframes.
Eyes burning with smoke, the rubble bites into your knees. They’re gone. Everything is gone. Where are they. Clawing at the gravel, every breath scorches against a raw throat, you wish the flames would swallow you too. The grief that comes is like an old friend.
From some hazy distant place, you hear your name; a gloved hand touches your knee.
In a rush of fear, you don’t look to see who it is, your instinct is to kick it away but your feet feel like they’re stuck in mud and it takes an enormous effort to get away from the looming figure beside you. Wiping the sweat and soot from your eyes, you try to focus on the reflective round head beside you. He’s speaking but you can’t understand the words. Something familiar tugs at your memory but you don’t trust your memory because familiar means grief and heartache and misery. And familiar doesn’t matter anymore because you couldn’t save them.
You never will.
The hand won’t let go; no matter how hard you push on it. Please. Where are they?
In your desperation, your foot finally connects with a plank of metal so hard you cry out, sitting up, scrambling away.
“You’re okay,” he says again, his hand still on your knee, “it’s just a dream.”
He’d been startled out of a light sleep; the sound of choked sobs echoed from the other side of the hull, filled his stomach with panic. Detecting your frantic pulse and he’d scrambled over to you. A broken name falls from your mouth, a name he doesn’t recognize, sounding slurred like you were underwater. Under the soft light from the panel over your head, sweat and terror shine on your forehead.
“Hey,” his soft voice blankets your senses with calm. “It’s me. You’re okay… you’re okay.”
The voice tugs at your brain again, the blurry figure is still here and your body reacts to his soothing words. You stop struggling and sit up against the wall, hugging your knees to your chest.
The sharp pierce of your own fingernails digging into your palms brings you back to the Crest.
Just a dream.
Face wet, your lungs are no longer burning from ash and dust, they burn from exertion. In your exhaustion, you make out the beskar helmet through wet eyelashes. It was just like all the other ones. The same explosion, the same suffocating panic, the same fire.
Cool air fills your head as you struggle to catch your breath but your muscles droop like lead, you start shaking.
But that’s ok because he’s holding you up.
With his broad chest and solid arms. You weren’t alone.
No matter how many times you relive it, you would never get home before they were taken away. You’d never get a chance to say goodbye. You turn your face against the fabric of his worn shirt to quell the hurt in your chest but the piercing shock of fresh grief claws at your throat, your mouth starts trembling unable to stop.
“I tried but I couldn’t get there.” They were innocent. “Why couldn’t they take me instead.”
Stomach heaving, the agony of memories spills down your cheeks. It’s the kind of sobbing that leaves your heart ragged and hollow, as if you were a child, bawling on your knees. You cried for all the things you’d never get to tell them, you cried for the years you didn’t dare let yourself grieve, for the years you’d spent fending for yourself.
There are no words in Basic that comfort demons like this. His other language snags inside his mouth and he almost whispers the mantra he knows for protection. Does it still count if he didn’t say it aloud?
Taking your trembling hand, he places it flat on his chest, holds it there. He feels your fingers curl into his shirt over his heart, clinging to the fabric. Your head sags against his shoulder.
“Hear my heartbeat?” the gentle vibration of his voice curls in your chest. “Just… focus on that.”
He knows dreams like this. He wonders what else you’ve kept hidden for so long. You’d not had a nightmare like this the whole time you’d been flying with him, he would have known if you did. Vicious memories can resurface without warning, but he still finds himself wondering what brought this on.
Your day together had been uneventful, nothing out of the ordinary: a stop for supplies and fuel, a quiet couple of hours at one of the markets. The only uncharacteristic thing that stood out in his memory was when something had caught your attention that afternoon and you’d backtracked down the alley, your eyes on one vendor in particular. Like a pinhole, his memory zeroed in on that little cart where it stood behind everyone else on the corner. Two young girls were selling soft-crusted loaves and baked sweets and you’d dropped enough credits on their table to pay a small army. He’d noticed the looks of awe on their dirty faces when they saw the pile of credits, way more than what the Quinn cakes and spiced rolls were worth. He didn’t understand why you’d decided to purchase the contents of the entire cart, but he’d noticed the tender longing beneath your smile when you crouched down and spoke to the smallest one, pulling wrapped candies out of your bag and giving them to her.
When you’d rejoined him, arms full on the way back to the crest, you spoke before he could frame a question. There’s a children’s shelter on the other side of town, and I’m going to bring it all there tomorrow before we leave
Something bites painfully into his heart, swallows his stomach whole. His shirt is tear-stained and soaked and your breathing has evened out but he has no intention of letting go of you anytime soon.
He wonders if you were that young. When you got left behind. He wonders if you were as young as he was, by the time everyone you’d loved was dead and gone.
He pulls you closer to his chest, carefully tucks your forehead against the soft fabric of his cowl under the edge of his helmet. You don’t object to the closeness, exhaustion quickly takes over and you curl yourself into him.
“I’m sorry,” your voice scratches, a lonely sob still hitching in your throat, “didn’t mean to wake you-.”
His chest expands under your head; a deep breath crackles through his helmet. The soft brush of his palm on the back of your head, he murmurs. “Don’t be sorry.”
Maybe you won’t remember this in the morning, he thinks, as he reaches over your head and taps off the light panel. His visor adjusts to the blanket of darkness and the faint glow of emergency lights. Eventually, he breathes a sigh of relief when his newly emitted readings finally tell him you’re in a deep sleep.
You’re oblivious to how he carefully shifts himself and lifts your knees, bringing your limp body down on the cot with him, giving you a soft place to sleep, cocooned inside his arms.
In your sleep, you’re unaware of how you turn towards his touch when the backs of his fingers trace feather-light along your cheekbone. You don’t know that his breath catches in his throat when a soft contented hum slips from your lips. You don’t hear the whisper of his voice from the modulator. ‘I'm right here.’
The soft home-y scent of fresh pastries fills his nose, but that was because the lot of it was currently piled in the Crest’s galley.
He’d go back there tomorrow and buy more.
Thank you for reading! 
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din djarin tags: @tiffdawg @pedropascallion @fangirlingss @lutallicaa @myguiltypleasures21 @nikey-no-likey @tibbietibbs @sherala007 @neekid @lola766 @reader-without-a-story @mothandpidgeon @miceenscene @notabotiswear
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more than you will ever know - oneshot
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Pairing: Din Djarin x F!Reader Rating: M. Like, it’s a definite M. Word count: 2,779 Summary:  When an old contact is recruited to help you and Din hunt down Moff Gideon, he makes remarks neither you nor Din like. Din rectifies the situation. Notes: So as soon as a certain character was confirmed to be returning in episode 2.07 “Chapter 15: The Believer” last week, my mind had fully formed this idea. As such, it has very little to do with the actual episode. All the same, if you don’t want to know a few plot details for this week’s episode, maybe wait until you’ve seen it.  Warnings: Non-descriptive/vaguely described scenes of sex, jealous Din Djarin, ever-so-slightly possessive Din Djarin, self-doubt, minor miscommunication (Din Djarin is shy and not good with words) mild season 2 spoilers (returning character, the child’s name)
Taglist:  @goldafterglow​ @frannyzooey @absurdthirst @catfishingmorales @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa @forever-rogue @f0rever15elf @thewaythisis @marvel-and-mischief @seasonschange-butpeopledont @sin-djarin @ezrasarm @din-damn-djarin @opheliaelysia @pajamasecrets @mandohatesdroids @poenariuniverse @fioccodineveautunnale @fleetwoodmactshirt @auty-ren  @storiesofthefandomlovers​ @ithinkwehitametaphor​ @yespolkadotkitty​ @cinewhore​ @wille-zarr​ @tangledlove27​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​ @cryptkeepersoul​ @hayley-the-comet​ @clydesducktape​ @jaime1110​ @computeringturtle​ @lovinglokiforever​ @justanotherblonde23​ @sesamepancakes​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @giselatropicana​ @buckysalefty​ @fromthedeskoftheraven​ @paintballkid711​ @ghostwiththemostbitch​ @revolution-starter​ @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol​ @lilkermit14​ @luvzoria​ @none-of-your-bullshit​ @sithkrispies @xserenax-13​ @princess-and-pedro​ @dee-rosemary​ @kid-from-new-zealand​ @chibi-liz05​ @dearspacepirates​ @mandolover86​ @kirstiehenderson29​ @dindjareen​ @remmyswritings​ @rzrcrst​ @teaofpeach​ @lv7867​ @corellians-only​ @jedi-nila-rhyn​
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“Well, will ya look at this? Mando’s got himself a little girlfriend.”
It hadn’t even been a full hour that former Imperial sharp-shooter and convicted criminal Migs Mayfeld had been on Boba Fett’s ship and you had already gone from being intimidated by him to being annoyed by him.
You didn’t like the idea, but you couldn’t disagree with Din on this. You knew that someone who was familiar with ships that the Empire used would be your best option in getting Grogu back from the clutches of Moff Gideon. And Mayfeld was the only person that Mando knew that could navigate the Imperial Cruisers.
Mayfeld sat back in the seat he was cuffed to, clearly enjoying the sight in front of him - you flustered and annoyed, Mando silently raging. “I can’t wait for Xi’an to hear about this. And I thought she was heartbroken before this little … development.” Mayfeld smirked smugly.
Din said nothing. Just stared at Mayfeld with a blank expression. You knew him well enough when he had his buttons pushed. And right now Mayfeld was pushing all of them at once.
“You don’t get to talk to her,” said Mando evenly. Quietly.
Mayfeld raised an eyebrow in your direction. “Shouldn’t she be the judge of that? Or are you the type that makes all her decisons for her?”
The two men glanced at you expectantly. “You make me uncomfortable,” you whispered to Mayfeld.
The former Imperial sharp-shooter just clucked his tongue at you. “That doesn’t sound very convincing, sweetheart.”
Beside you, the Mandalorian clenched his fist. “You heard her. You make her uncomfortable. So leave her alone.”
Something fluttered inside you at this display of protection, his assuredness. It was something that you couldn’t quite put a finger on.
You and Din Djarin hadn’t known each other for very long when he invited you to join his crew after his first face-off against Moff Gideon back on Nevarro, having met once or twice before then, a good rapport between the two of you already existing. He had picked you up on Corellia not long afterwards, shortly before his search for other Mandalorians began, claiming that he needed an extra pair of hands on the Razor Crest. If you had to guess, it had been about seven months since then.
It wasn’t too long after the events with the krayt dragon on Tatooine that you had found yourself in his sleeping chamber with him, the room pitch dark. You were blindfolded for good measure, but all the same, it had happened. Mando had been careful, gentle in his movements. Almost like he was afraid of breaking you. But that hadn’t stopped him from being passionate all the same.
Against your better judgement, knowing of his creed, his method of living, you had fallen for him, long before this first night sharing his company, his bed. It became a regular occurence, his bed becoming your shared bed.
Originally, you assumed it naïve to think that he reciprocated your feelings in any capacity; what you had was merely physical, or so you had told yourself. But now? Now, you weren’t so sure of that.
The seed of doubt that this was purely physical had been planted when he had told you his name one night, shortly before Grogu had been taken, when you had departed from Corvus after that fateful meeting with Ahsoka Tano. You didn’t know who knew less about the ways of the Jedi, Din or you.
Until that moment, when you were lying in his arms, you had called him nothing but Mando or nothing at all. “Din,” he had whispered, so quiet you had to strain to hear him.
“What?” you had replied.
The Mandalorian whispered it again in your ear, almost shy as if you would reject his name, reject him. “Din. My name is Din Djarin.”
You had been speechless. Up until now, you were sure that you would never know his name. You were fine not knowing his name. Sure, you had wondered what it was, but it was not your place to ask it if he didn’t want to give it freely.
“Why are you telling me?”
Din hadn’t answered you. Instead he had kissed you softly. Tenderly.
You hadn’t given it much thought at the time, but looking back now, you wondered if you had been wrong in your assumptions of this being just a physical relationship for him.
It wasn’t until recently that you realized that he showed you his true self long before he had shown it to anyone else. The self that was hidden away by layers of beskar, forced to be replaced by a man that was silently stoic.
* * *
“Come on, sweetheart.” Mayfeld’s voice interrupted your reverie. It was so easy to let your mind wander these days, since Grogu had been taken from you and Din.
The small creature had found his way to your heart almost instantly. You loved him, cared for him as a mother would a son. It had been your responsibility to watch over him while he was on the Jedi seeing stone. You had failed, unable to overpower the dark troopers that had been sent in to take him.
Though he had told you otherwise many times, you still wondered if a small part of Din blamed you at all for Grogu’s abduction. You knew that you blamed yourself for it.
You shot a glare at Mayfeld at the same time that Din’s helmet turned to glance in his direction. “What?” You were getting annoyed.
Mayfeld chuckled to himself. “What’s the appeal of Mando? I never got it on our last mission together. You seem like you can do a lot better than hanging around with him.” The implication was not lost on you or Din.
Before you could say anything, Din had moved from his seat into your field of vision. “Can I speak with you in private in the sleeping compartment?” His voice was huskier than usual through the modulator.
Baffled by this, you said, “O-okay.” Fennec and Boba Fett had left you and Din alone to get provisions and find any possible leads on where Moff Gideon’s ship was. Din had insisted that someone keep an eye on Mayfeld at all times.
“Don’t touch anything,” Din warned Mayfeld as he ushered you into the sleeping compartment that the two of you shared. It was slightly less cramped than the one on the Razor Crest had been, but it was less homey than the Crest had been. You missed it.
Don’t be mistaken, you were grateful for Fett’s ship, but you yearned for the domesticity that had accidentally (purposefully?) grown between you, Din, and Grogu on the Crest.
You missed what Mayfeld had to say in response, probably some wise-ass comment or remark. You knew he wasn’t going anywhere, not chained to the seat.
“Din, what’s wrong? What is it -?”
The rest of your words were cut off by the room being plunged into darkness, his helmet being torn off, and his lips crashing to yours all in the manner of fifteen seconds.
A moan slipped out unbidden as he continued to kiss you languidly, his mouth roaming your neck, biting and sucking on your pulse point, crowding you against the wall. You were so used to tentative, soft Din, who was so careful with his movements with you. This was a far cry from that Din. It was something that you found yourself enjoying, though.
You were confused but not complaining in the slightest. Din pulled back from you for a moment, chuckling at your whine for him to continue. Very haphazardly he yanked his chest plate off, followed by his pauldrons, throwing them to the floor with a loud crash. The knee covers were next before he gathered you in his arms again, pressing his lips to your neck, your jaw.
“Din.” The word came out half chiding, half moaning. “We need to be quiet. Mayfeld will hear us.”
Din pressed his lips to yours in a bruising kiss, his voice husky and ragged with want when he pulled back. “Yeah? Good.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, which was swallowed by another one of Din’s consuming kisses that you had come to love. You weren’t sure where this was coming from, but you couldn’t complain. There was nothing to complain about.
He ripped your tunic from you, taking his time with your trousers, pressing kisses down your exposed body, leaving marks in the wake of his lips and teeth. “Don’t hold back cyare,” he said. “I want to hear you.”
* * *
You moaned out his name again and again, your voice breathless, desperate. "I need - I need -"
Din chuckled against your skin, the sensation reverberating against you doing nothing to alleviate your current situation. "Yes? Use your words, pretty thing. What do you need?"
Your back arched, not for the first time, reveling in the sensations that you were feeling. That he was giving you. You wanted him closer - needed him closer. Always.
“I need you,” you groaned, voice hoarse.
You understood at that moment that you meant that in more than just a physical sense. He seemed to understand that, too. Perhaps he was the same and needed you in return.
Din gave you what you wanted, his growls mixing with your own whines as you fell apart around him, Din not far behind you. “You’re so good to me, ner kar’ta,” Din ground out as he caught his breath, collapsing against you on the bed.
“And you’re so good to me,” you replied. You found his lips with yours in the dark, kissing him gently this time.
A moment later, Din spoke hesitantly. “I didn’t hurt you at all, did I? Are you all right?”
Nodding against his chest, affirming that you were great, you rested for a moment in his arms before the question came to you, the one that had been on your mind since he had first ushered you in here.
“What was this all about? Not that I’m complaining, which, I’m not. Not at all. How could I complain after that?”
Din stiffened for a moment, becoming shy and self-conscious. “I-I didn’t - He was bothering you. Implying things that neither you or I liked.” He knew it was immature, but he couldn’t help it. “And I’m not good with words when it comes to things like…”
You stroked his arm reassuringly, not saying anything for a moment. “I didn’t like what he had to say. But you know I’m with you one hundred percent of the way, right?” Your voice was quiet, unsure. “I-I think I’m in love with you.”
Instinctively pulling away from Din after that bombshell, you didn’t have much time to consider your words as he pulled you back closer to him. “Do you know what ner kar’ta means?”
This question threw you for a loop. “N-no. I don’t know what any of the words you say in the languages of Mandalorians means.”
Din sighed, not unhappily. “Then I haven’t been doing what I’ve wanting to do correctly. Like I said, I’m not great with words when it comes to things like this.” He took your hands in his. “Cyar’ika means darling.” He pressed a kiss to the knuckles of your left hand. “Cyare means beloved.” A kiss to the knuckles on your right hand. You felt your face grow warm with realization as Din moved his face to yours, his breath tickling against you. “And ner kar’ta means my heart.” A kiss to your lips.
“Oh.” The word was quiet. His lips met yours tentatively. You responded immediately, bringing your hand up to wind in his impossibly soft, curly hair that you so often wondered the colour of.
The kiss became heated. Din hummed against yours lips. “I’m yours,” he said. “If you’ll have me.”
You rested your forehead against his, kissing his nose. “I’ll have you for as long as you’ll have me.”
Pressing one more kiss to his cheek, you whispered, “Now let’s go get our boy back.”
Mayfeld had the decency to not look you in the eye when you emerged from the sleeping compartment ten minutes later, hand in hand with Din. When he did speak to you, it was to ask if you needed help or when you spoke directly to him. You hadn’t missed the way Din had dragged him into the cockpit, faintly hearing the muffled words of how this was going to work.
* * *
“Did he behave himself?” asked Fennec, referring to Mayfeld, who was snoring in his seat.
You and Din shared a look. “We’ve come to an … understanding, you could say.”
As you settled against Din for the night, Slave I in hyperdrive in the direction that Moff Gideon’s ship was headed, you thought back to your guilt over your part in Grogu’s abduction.
Din was pensive tonight. Likely thinking about his son, worrying about whatever it was that Moff Gideon was doing to him.
You shifted in his arms. Since this afternoon, he had become less stringent about certain things. Though it might be some time before he could fully reveal his face to you, you no longer needed an over abundance of caution. “Din?”
“Yes, cyare?”
Taking a fortifying breath, you spoke. “I’m sorry. That I wasn’t able to stop them. From taking him.”
In the darkness, Din looked at you. “It isn’t your fault. It’s mine. I should have stayed with the two of you. Come back sooner from the firefight.”
You stroked the fabric of his tunic softly. “It’s not your fault, either.”
Din caught your hand in his. “I was meant to protect him. And I didn’t.” His voice sounded ragged.
Squeezing his hand, you said, “You have protected him in so many ways. Loved him. Cared for him. He loves you. And we -” You had to pause for a moment to steady your voice, the threat of tears making their way to the surface causing it to become shaky. “We are going to get him back.”
That made Din pause for a moment. In a movement that stunned you, Din reached over to switch on the light, flooding the chamber in light. Before you could cover your eyes with your hands, he took them in his own hands. “I want you to see, cyare. It’s long overdue.”
He was beautiful. But you already suspected that. You reached up to cup his scruffy jaw in your hand. He closed his eyes, brown as his hair, at the sensation. “I love you,” you whispered. “And we’re going to get him back. I promise.”
Din inhaled sharply, fighting back his own emotion for the moment, returning your sentiment of love before becoming unsure. “How can you be so sure that we will get him back?”
Your response was simple as you reached out again to stroke his cheek. “Because he’s ours. And he means more to us than Moff Gideon will ever know.”
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bellesque · 4 years
Shit (for the game) :)
fanfiction wip guessing game - send me a word and if it’s in my wip document i’ll answer your ask with the sentence it appears in
Oh, shit, just the idea of it makes your mouth water.
the idea of WHAAAATTT hehe he he
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just-the-hiddles · 4 years
Don’t Touch That ! | James Conrad x Reader
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A/N:   So this was a request: Someone said sex pollen and that’s got me thinking of a James Conrad x Reader where they’re on Skull Island and get blasted by some strange pollen and...well...just a thought🥴 Thank you Anon!
Pairing: James Conrad x Reader
Summary: As a botanist for MONARCH, you can spy potentially deadly vegetation a mile away.  Unfortunately, James Conrad cannot.  And the thinly veiled sexual tension between the two of you is about to explode.
Warnings: sex pollen, fingering, oral sex (m and f receiving), sex, smut, cursing, mentions of death
The Whole Enchilada:  @winterisakiller​ @nonsensicalobsessions​ @yespolkadotkitty​ @hopelessromanticspoonie​ @pinkzz123​ @jessiejunebug​ @cherrygeek86​​ @littleredstarfish​ @rjohnson1280​ @the-minus-four​ @wiczer​ @lotus-eyedindiangoddess​ @catsladen​ @coppercorn-and-cauldron​ @gerli49​ @lovesmesomehiddles​ @devilbat​ @he-is-chaotic-she-is-psychotic​ @tinchentitri​ @theheartofpenelope​ @noplacelikehome77​ @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​ @snoopy3000​ @voila-tout​ @wolfsmom1​ @queenoftheunderdark​ @xxloki81xx​ @thewaithfuckingannoyme​ @kcd15​ @amirra88​ @malkaviangirl​ @evanlys19​ @thejemersoninferno​ @sadwaywardkid​ @is-it-madness​ @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​ @peterman-spideyparker​ @caffiend-queen​ @sleepylunarwolf​ @anagrom​ @bradfordbantams​ @ms-cellanies​ @what-just-happened-bro​ @stubby-toe-589331​ @alexakeyloveloki​ @loki-smut-library​ @imnotrevealingmyname​ @trippedmetaldetector​ @tea4sykes​ @noambition-blog​ @sherala007​ @vodka-and-some-sass​ @cursethedarkness​ @jewels2876​ @fixatedfandomhunter​ @myraiswack​ @lokikenway97​ @groovylokifanficpersona​ @ciaodarknessmyheart​ @bitchcraft-at-its-finest @hanyasnape​ @lokislastlove​ @stuckysdaughter​ @theunwantedomega​ @dryyoursaltyoceantears​ @petitefirecracker10​ @thummbelina​ @andreasworlsboring101​ @krazycags01​ @howaboutash​ @thehumanistsdiary​ @daddylouislittle​ @flakyfreak​ @sigyn-njorddottir​ @green-valkyrie​ @usedtobegoodfriend96​ @salempoe​ @traumschiffe​ @letsdisneythings​ @arch-venus25​ @thefuckthesaurus​ @karushinekomiya​ @black-ninja-blade​ @worshipping-skarsgard​ @songbirdonamission @freakishlyadorable​ @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx​ @rorybutnotgilmore​ @give-him-a-banana​  @idontevenknowwbro​ @nikkalia​ @lokilvrr​
Conrad Sex Pollen:  @dearspacepirates​ @angrythingstarlight​ @cateyes315​ @delightfulheartdream
Tag Lists are Open!  Please let me know if you want to added to a  list!!
“It’s a scientific expedition. We need a botanist.” you muttered to yourself. “It’ll be fun. On Skull Island.”
“Are you going to mutter like that the entire time?” Conrad snapped as the two of you waded through knee deep swamp muck.
“Is that going to be a problem?” you snapped back. Conrad’s brusque attitude and demeanor rubbed you the wrong way.
“I would prefer to not attract the attention of every single creature on this god-forsaken place, thank you very much.” The condescending tone set your teeth on edge.
“Could you not speak to me like a fucking child?”
“Could you not act like one?”
There were only two things keeping you from killing James Conrad. One, and you loathed to admit it, he was damn good at keeping the two of you alive on this horror funhouse of an island. And two, the view of his delicious rear end in those tight wet jeans.
“I’m so glad of all the people to get separate from the group with, it was you.” Your voice dripped with sarcasm.
James whipped to face you. He held the machete out and within inches of your face. “You should be glad. My expertise and training is the only thing keeping us alive!”
You bent forward, getting into James’s face. “Well, I would hate for you to get a swell head!” You huffed past him.
James chuckled as you stumbled through the water and onto the shore. His eyes traveled along your body, taking full account of how your shirt clung to your curves. He licked his lips, losing himself in thought for a moment.
“Are you coming or are you just going to stare at my ass all day?”
James blushed and started walking again. He swatted your behind as he strutted by.
“But it is such a nice ass. And a smart one, too.” He winked at you before taking off into the jungle hoping to meet up with the rest of the expedition team.
You stomped in exasperation before readjusting your bag and hurrying to catch up.
Several hours and many curse words later, James leaned against a tree.
“Why are we stopping?” you whined, even though every bone in your body ached and every muscle screamed in agony. “We need to catch up with the rest of the group.”
“It will be dark soon. No sense in carrying on in the dark just to get eaten by some creature.” James smirked at you. “Didn’t they teach that in your fancy science class at Berkeley?”
You rolled your eyes. “At least I am educated. You’re nothing more than a glorified Boy Scout. A man with a compass and an oversized Swiss Army knife!”
Conrad’s nostrils flared, and he threw his sack to the ground and stomped within the inches of your face.
“Men died today! Good men! All thanks to your precious MONARCH organization!”
You took a step backwards and blinked.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.” your voice softened. “It’s just that I’m exhausted and everything hurts. And what was that back there that attacked us? A giant gorilla?! I may have spoken out of turn.”
James’s posture relaxed and his eyes turned concerned. “I don’t know what is going on either.” He grabbed your arm and squeezed. “But if you’re tired and sore, all the more reason to stop for the night.”
You smiled and nodded. “I guess you’re right.”
He slapped your shoulder before turning back to his pack. “I’ll clear a camp and why don’t you see if there is anything burnable around here.”
You unloaded your own pack to fetch a hatchet and headed into the thick leaves.
“Don’t go too far!” Conrad yelled after you.
You found a fell tree not too far away and cut several branches off. Returning to camp, you dropped the branches as you saw Conrad reaching for a deep purple and pink flower. Its petals curled away from bright yellow stamen like a prehistoric lily.
“DON’T TOUCH THAT!” you screamed too late, rushing at Conrad to push his hand away.
The flower released an enormous cloud of a fine yellow green dust. The cloud enveloped both of your heads, causing sneezing and coughing before dissipating into the air.
“You idiot! Never touch a strange plant until you examine it!” You smacked his shoulder. “Or didn’t they teach you that in the SAS?” you sneered.
James mock laughed at you. “Hilarious. Tell me, Miss Fancy Botanist, are we going to die?”
You stuck your tongue out and leaned in closer. Sweat formed on your brow and your body seemed to be heating up from within. You wiped your face and blamed the jungle climate. The flower was already wilting. That cloud of dust was the plant’s last line of defense before dying off.
“Doubtful. Although it would serve you right. Worst case scenario is most likely nausea or a rash.” You glanced up at Conrad. His face flushed red. “Are you all right?” You placed the back of your hand on his forehead. “You are burning up.”
Conrad twisted his head to bring his lips against your wrist. His lips were fire on your skin and all the moisture from your mouth traveled straight to your core. You licked your lips.
“You are as well.” his voice sounded like silk and velvet. All you could think in that moment is why is it so hot and why were you still wearing clothes?
James seemed to have similar thoughts as he tugged on the front of his shirt. The sweat caused the thin shirt to cling to every inch of his muscled torso. And muscled it was. Your fingers itched to pull those jeans down and see if your suspicions were true.
Conrad hunched over, the blue of his eyes almost completely obscured by his pupils. He glared at you like a lion glares at his prey.
“Why are staring at me like that?” you questioned, not wanting him to stop. In fact, you moved closer.
“Like what?” He licked his lips as he gazed down at you, the top buttons undone to give him a delightful view of your decolletage.
“Like a predator… stalking its prey.” The two of you were close enough that you reach out to touch Conrad’s chest. So you did. He exhaled.
“I could just devour you.” He stepped so that his hips pressed against you. His cock making its presence known, straining against those impossible tight jeans. “I bet you are delicious.”
You rose on your toes to kiss his lips when reality hit. You turned away right as James puckered his lips.
“Shit… shit. Shit. SHIT!” you cursed and muttered, pacing back and forth. Conrad reached to grab you, but you turned away just out of his grasp.
“Care to share?” The heat inside of him turning to anger.
“Sex pollen.” you breathed, flopping to the ground where Conrad laid out a tarp.
“I beg your pardon?” Conrad sat down next to you, his leg hot against yours.
“Some plants as a defense mechanism emit strong pheromones into air. They will often lower the inhibitions and stimulate the pleasure centers in the brain.”
You were panting, the heat was unbearable, and you undid as many buttons on your shirt as you dare. Your bra on display. Conrad unbuckled his holster and slipped it off his shoulders, placing it within reach.
“In other words…” Conrad quirked an eyebrow as his gaze traveled to your chest, which threatened to pop loose at any moment.
“The animal is too busy humping whatever it can to bother with the plant.”
Conrad sighed and chuckled. “And that green cloud was this ‘sex pollen’? Classic. The two of us are experiencing the effects.”
“I’m not fucking you if that is the question!” you protested as you flapped the sides of your shirt.
“I’ve seen how you ogled me in the swamp.” Conrad twisted his body to press against you. His fingers ran along the length of your arm. “You can’t tell me you don’t find me physically attractive.”
You squirmed in place. “It is hard to miss your ass. Tell me, can you bounce a quarter off of it?”
“Why don’t you find out for yourself?” Conrad caught your chin between his thumb and index finger to tug you into a passionate kiss.
As his teeth nipped at your lips, the fire in belly only grew. And arousal continued to pool at your core.
“Conrad.” you whispered against his lips as your hands slipped underneath his sweat-soaked shirt. The muscles flexed under your touch. “This is a bad idea.”
“Probably, but since we have we ever been in the business of good ideas?” He pushed your shirt off your shoulders. You pulled at his shirt and Conrad grabbed the shirt at the scruff of his neck, revealing his taut and tan torso.
“Fuck me.” you hissed under your breath a little too loud.
Conrad chuckled as his fingers fumbled with your bra hooks. “My thoughts exactly.”
Your bra fell away, joining the growing pile of clothing on the ground. Conrad latched onto one of your nipples, sucking hard.
“Fuck!” you arched your back to meet his mouth. Your legs wrapped around his thighs, pulling him into you.
Without comment, he moved to your other nipple, repeating. You bucked into him and reached for his jeans but couldn’t undo the buttons.
Conrad released your nipple with a pop and stood up on his knees. He undid his belt before unzipping his pants and shimmying them down along with his underwear. You fumbled with your own pants, yanking and tugging them along with your panties. You needed Conrad and needed him now.
Conrad nudged your legs open with his shoulders. He laved wet, sloppy open mouth kisses along your thigh He ripped your pants off the rest of the way to provide unfettered access to your folds. His nose nudged along you, before licking a fat stripe up your folds and sucking on your clit.
“Shit!” you screamed, flattening your hands against the grounds.
“I was right. You are delicious.” Conrad teased.
“Less talking.” you moaned. Conrad ducked his head back between your legs and returned to licking you with vigor. The coil inside you twisted tighter and tighter. When he plunged two fingers inside of you, you came undone, gushing upon James’s mouth.
“AHHH!” you screamed as he twisted and curled his fingers inside you. He continued to lick and suck against you like a man possessed until you pulled him upward.
Your lips crashed against his, tasting you on his glistening lips. With your hips, you twisted Conrad to lie flat on his back. You straddled his torso.
“My turn.” you smirked.
Conrad’s eyes widened while you kissed a trail down his chest, slithering your body downward. Your tongue dragged along his Adonis belt and your teeth nipped along the bone and curve, earning you moans from Conrad’s mouth.
“More.” he grunted, his fingers lacing through your hair.
You chuckled against his body, kissing along his treasure trail, breath hot on his skin. His cock weeping pre-cum, the tip and shaft all colors of aroused. With the flat of your tongue, you licked the underside. Conrad’s cock jumped.
“Fuck.” he hissed. “Stop teasing, darling.”
“Yes, sir.” You mock saluted before wrapping your lips around him. He had to resist the urge to buck into your warm mouth.
You hollowed cheeks, sliding down as far as you dare along his shaft. Using your hand to make up the difference, you sucked and licked along Conrad. His fingernails dug into your scalp, but you didn’t care. The pleasure was the only thing that mattered. Your own arousal growing as James moaned and squirmed underneath you.
“I’m close.” he whispered.
You swirled your tongue around him and his balls tightened as he came in your mouth. You swallowed every drop as though your life depended on it. When you pulled off of him, a trail of saliva connected your lips to Conrad’s still hard cock.
“I need more, Conrad.” you pleaded. Your pussy ached for his cock.
He pulled you up towards him by the shoulders. “Call me James.”
You lined yourself on him and impaled on his cock.
“Jesus Christ, James!” you yelled, flattening your hands against his chest for balance.
“So wet. So ready. Ride me, love.” James gripped his hips, lifting you up and down.
You bucked your hips against Conrad, riding his cock with a fervor. Your hips twisted so his cock hit all the sweet spots inside. James’s hand moved to swipe his thumb along your clit, while the other groped your breast, pinching the nipple.
“Yes, James. Please…” Your orgasm so close.
“Come for me. I want you to squeeze my cock.” You tipped over and arched your back as you came. As you clenched around Conrad, he bucked into you, coming once again.
You collapsed on his chest before rolling to his side. Although you were exhausted, you still craved more. Conrad felt the same. His muscular arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you onto all fours.
“I need more.” he growled in your ear, before burying himself into you again.
His fingers bruised your hips as he rutted into you. This was not making love or anything sentimental. This was pure animalistic fucking. Nothing more than two people chasing pleasure. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed in the dark jungle.
You fluttered against Conrad and he pulled you up to press against his sweat glistened chest by your hair. He panted against the shell of your ear.
“I am insatiable, darling. You are exquisite.” He cooed as the two of you came together this time. You saw stars.
You leaned back against him for support. He didn’t pull out and his cock twitched inside you. You clenched in response.
“Give me a moment to catch my breath.” You huffed, willing your heartbeat to slow down. “And then I want my hands on that glorious ass of yours.
Conrad chuckled as he lowered you to the tarp.
After hours and many more orgasms, the two of you collapsed in exhaustion. A tangle of naked limbs, sweat, and sex. The next morning, you groaned as you attempted to sit up. James’s body flexed as you failed to push his heavy body off of you.
“James.” you called in a small voice. He groaned in his sleep, his hand gripping your left breast like a vise.
You pushed the heel of your hand into his shoulder. “James!” you hissed, more urgent this time. “I can’t move.”
His long eyelashes fluttered as his eyes opened. He blinked while adjusting the morning jungle light.
“Huh, what?” He winced as he extricated his legs from yours and rolled onto the tarp next to you. “Why do I feel like a tank hit me?”
“Think how I feel.” you moaned, cracking your neck as you sat up. “You fuck like a jackhammer.”
“I have heard no complaints before.” He smiled a killer smile.
You leaned back to take in all of him. “And I thought your head couldn’t get any bigger. Yet here we are.”
Conrad shot to sitting. “Listen here, when we get out of here…” his voice trailed off.
The leaves rustled, and you overheard a branch breaking, Conrad threw your clothes in your face.
“Get dressed now.”
You didn’t stop to make a smartass remark after seeing Conrad’s face. He threw on his pants and shirt before drawing the firearm from the discarded holster. Your eyes widened as the leaves shook several yards away from the clearing.
“Hey, we thought you two were goners.” Cole yelled as him and Mills burst through the vegetation.
Your shoulders relaxed and Conrad holstered his weapons. “Glad it was you. How did you find us?”
Cole shrugged his shoulders. “Just dumb luck, I guess. Let’s head out. You didn’t run into any trouble, did you?”
Conrad’s eyes darted to you and you narrowed your eyes. “No more than to be expected. Help us pack up and we’ll be on our way.”
As Cole rolled up the tarp, Mills wandered to the edge of camp.
“Hey what is this?” His hand reached for a purple and pink flower.
“DON’T TOUCH THAT!” You and Conrad bellowed at the same time.
Mills stumbled backwards as a cloud of green dust emitted from the flower, narrowly missing him.
“What the hell was that?”
Now it was your turn to glare at Conrad.
“Poison.” you deadpanned. “Best to stay away.”
“I should say so.”
Cole tucked the tarp in the rucksack. “That’s the last of it. Come on, Mills.” He nodded at you and Conrad. “Follow us.”
Conrad waited until Mills and Cole stepped back into the jungle before pulling you close against him. “As I saying, when we get off this island, I intend on fucking you properly. Without the help of sex pollen.” He leaned in close and nipped your ear, sending shivers down your back.
“I think I can live with that.” you responded with a smirk.
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loki-ismyaesthetic · 3 years
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omg, Wandavision was way over my expectations! Like the camera work depicting when wanda’s reality is breaking is *chefs kiss*(along with the music). All the references(visions “indestructible head”😬)! This really made me so excited for what comes next. ALSO THE STARK TOASTER(bomb) AND THE STRUCKER/ HYDRA WATCH?!???? AH.
also love the fact that all three of the Olsen sisters have now been in a sitcom 💀
Abby’s reviews/ @dearspacepirates
The 50/60s aesthetic was so cool!
The sitcom scenes were actually really funny!
Elizabeth Olsen did a great job “breaking character”.
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