#every once in a while on instagram or somewhere i see a hot take like 'oh this whole thing is THIS girl's fault'
novelconcepts · 6 months
In watching more interviews with Liv about Van and the escalation of Van's pragmatism to such dark degrees, I find myself genuinely baffled that anyone could ever think Van the bad guy. I mean, I'm perplexed at finding ANY of these girls The Bad Guy. The bad guy is the situation. It's being lost. It's freezing. It's starving. It's being scraped down to the barest bone of being alive. They make choices that might be snippy, or cruel, or hard-headed, sure--Shauna refusing to just hash it out with Jackie; Jackie being too stubborn to come inside; Taissa refusing to discuss her situation plainly; etc--but by the time we reach the end of season 2, it doesn't even matter. Petty bullshit doesn't matter. Jealousy doesn't matter. Those things are still going to be present and complicated, because--for all their choices, for all the distancing they're trying to do--these kids ARE still human beings. But it isn't the point.
The point is survival. Plain, simple, straightforward. Van's pragmatism is survival. It is the difference between living another day with blood on your teeth or dying pretty. It is the difference between fighting forward through the fire and the snow and the hell of it all, and laying down to die. Van knowing, in watching the ritual violence of Shauna beating Lottie nearly the death, that they will be killing and eating one another soon. Van coming up with the cards for the hunt. Van not blinking when the moment comes, Van choosing a weapon that doubles as a tool to bring the body back, Van refusing to apologize for staying alive--it's not evil. It's not Bad Guy behavior. It's purely about survival, because there is nothing else left to her--or to any of them. They can play the pretty little Sweet Angel Girl game and die, or they can get dirty, bloody, horrific and fight. Van chooses the fight. Van chooses to fight for herself, for her lover, for her team, even knowing not everyone is going to make it out...because the alternate path there is that no one makes it out. Van knew the baby wouldn't live. Van knows the rest of them won't, either. Not unless they start making the hard choices.
And, honestly, the fact that Van sees this narrative coming. Comes up with this plan. Brings out the cards. To me, that is the opposite of Bad Behavior. That is as close to justice as anyone can find in the wilderness. If someone else came up with an idea, maybe it would have come down to voting--but that would have had such a human element to it, with bitterness or hostility or whatever ultimately petty shit always comes of humans selecting who to Other. The cards don't leave room for that. It isn't fair, because the situation isn't fair, because Man vs. Nature isn't fair, but it's as close to a just system as they could possibly find. It's the kindest solution to an unwinnable game. Not to bring it back to American Gods again, but all I can think is "it's easy, there's a trick to it: you do it, or you die." Van gave them that.
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soraviie · 1 year
them as boyfriends.txt
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━ type: bts x gn! reader  ━  masterlist
━ about: fluff  ━  pictures taken from Pinterest
━ previously posted on soraviii
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Conversations! I am extremely chill about it but still insistent
Conversations about stuff!
Doesn't even have to be like here's the top 10 reasons why Auguste Comte was a cunt but like overall
Why do you enjoy doing some things and why are these things his hobbies you know
Why he knows that some of his habits are bad but he can't seem to stop them and so on
I always think that Namjoon is very concerned about doing the Right Thing, you know, being an objectively good person within a subjectively impossible world he probably worries a lot about "oh, was this thing I said perhaps going to rub you off the long way", "is what I'm doing with my influence enough, is it right?" "oh, you said it was okay but could it be that when I did this you wish I didn't and so on"
Wants to do right by the people he loves so open, frequent communication he views as an opportunity to improve and be assured that he's not an ignorant tool
A multifaceted individual so you get to see all sides - cute and cuddly, shy and embarrassed, the hoe side
Does absolutely wake you up in the mornings like "get up, sucker, we're going somewhere, get up"
Often says he's bringing you to a little something and it could be anywhere between a specific tree in a park and a booked-out art gallery during the night
Tries to echolocate you if he's out and forgot to take his glasses
He's insecure that he can't cook so he probably cleans a lot
Probably has read an article about weaponized incompetency and therefore tries to split chores evenly and keep them regularly done
He's actually torn up he can't do most things he would want like - wait for you after work or walk along the river freely
So he puts the extra effort in all he gets - lazy mornings, eating brunch abroad etc.
I can for some reason imagine him slow driving a bike at night and you're walking beside
Why is he not giving you a lift? He's scared he'll crash and you'll be hurt
If you can drive and own a car he will indicate that he wants to be driven not by asking but by sitting in the seat and putting a seat belt on in front of your eyes
When on tour or working late nights sends you short videos of the animals he finds along the way (think of that Instagram video of him harassing a crab on the way home from work)
Deep morning voice! Lord!
Absolutely the one on the list to have sex to relieve pent-up anger
Sleeps shirtless
Just get like ear plugs or straight-up knock yourself out because I just know he snores like a whole ass truck
If he's in love, really, I mean truly in love you're straight up becoming immortalized in the songs
Like he assigns a symbol that he associated to you whether a specific flower or a word or a concept but it's a little thing that keeps mentioned throughout
If it's a private track will ask you to moan for it to be used in a track
On like one day in a year when you convince him to be lazy, for sure, sits and watches TV with like a passive-aggressive frown and munches on chips really loudly
It's not even a bad show it's just how his face looks then
When meeting your friends, has an awkward "smile and wave, boy, smile and wave" stance
Definitely plays up his hotness once in a while - sleazy smiles, and those bedroom eyes, there are two wolves within him, a romantic and a player
If you're walking through an art gallery, for sure talks about every single thing he sees
The way you're on his Instagram is by sharing the photos you take, through them he can see the man you fell in love with and he becomes giddy over it
So hear me out but when Yoongi is crushing he's like a boyfriend, when he's in a relationship he's like a married man with two kids and a mortgage
It's not that the spark is missing (guy can get you hot and bothered in a matter of seconds, you know what I'm saying) but it's literal comfort
Everything about him is comfort
He's like what men think men should be but so much better
E.g. fixes stuff - lamps, chairs, bulbs
Has plans on doing renovation
He never does it but he insists that when he gets the free time-!
"Next weekend."
"Yoon, you said it last weekend."
"Yeah, and eventually I'll do it. Consistency is key."
If he's home and you're there cooks meals 100%
For some reason, I always think he's really into cooking breakfast
It's more likely for him to cook breakfast than dinner because he would oftentimes order it in
Soft lighting in the apartment, no overhead lights
His type of touching is subtle
When you're watching say a movie, he doesn't lean into you wholly but like sits and keeps a hand slumped on your knee
Listen to this - fleeting hand holding
If you're keeping your hand on the table and he's near, he'll stroke your hand for 3 seconds take it away and repeat
Touches your pinky with his - it's like saying "hey"
Now hear me out, gossip
Jimin is for sure the no.1 gossiper but Yoongi is not too far behind himself
You're getting the freshest hottest brew about every single idol and producer he finds repulsive
Not too big of an outdoors guy but he'll do literally anything for you so if you want to go on like a few-day retreat, you sit him down and ask him:
"Is this something you want?"
"Yes -ㅅ-"
"Be honest! Are you really okay with going away this weekend and doing absolutely no work?"
"You'll be happy -ㅅ- yes -ㅅ-"
Hates it but you're happy so he's happy
I think he gets a little bit insecure about his partner not being to be able to do a lot of things so he spoils them a lot - trips and rest days and such
Is a hypocrite though
If you drink a lot of coffee nags the shit out of you only to drink seven cups himself
And here's the hill I'm going to die on - really strict when it comes to eating sweets before proper meals
He might be chill when you say you're not hungry, it sometimes happens you know, but will not! have it! for you to eat candy before dinner!
"What are you - my mom?" you sneer as he shOVES a pack of gummy worms into a deep, dark corner of a pantry where it most likely will never see the light of the sun ever again
"I'll call her," he warns, stirring whatever he was cooking that evening. "Don't test me."
Fights with him are rare and very diplomatic
He treasures you a lot so he takes a logical stance and flat out states "we both could say something hurtful, let's take a breather"
If you're in a foul mood and anNOYED at everything and itching for a fight, he'll cock an eyebrow and just say: "Is that really something you want to be spoken out there?"
Sometimes gets you cute plushies
You once walked in on him reading omegaverse fanfic and no, there is no backstory, nor an explanation given
Holds an incredibly harsh critique of snacks
Tastes a chip, hates it, discARDS the packet with a "d i s g u s t i n g"
You will absolutely hear a fuck ton of "back in my day" and "these are not Korean nuts, these are x nuts, they're no good"
Somehow I think he shits himself more before meeting your friends than parents???
Because he knows how to get along with older people but your friends who are convinced he's going to cheat on you, he's nothing but another over-inflated popstar stroking his ego? not a clue, he's a lost boy
He's so humble and helpful that, of course, he wins them over
Probably has driven your friends somewhere where they need to be, like a reception, probably offered his car for moving purposes (does anyone else help their friends move in and out of places?)
When on long car rides absolutely tries to gaslight you by saying the most impossible shit like:
"Of course, there is."
"There are no rivers in the Gobi desert!"
"But there are! Ancient people, how do you think they managed to travel all that distance? It's because they got to the river and that replenished them halfway."
Actually just wants to talk to you and this is an easy way to do so
dRUNK Yoongi just think about it and enjoy, he's so giggly and smiley and probably calls out for you with annoying frequency
Your nickname is an inside joke, many don't think it's cute at all but you know better and that's what's important
Gets irrationally shy even after dating you after a while, say, you're changing and he walks in, for some reason puts a hand in front of his eyes??
Definitely covers his body if you're checking him out
"Can we please have some respect? Some decorum?" he whines, neck flushing at an alarming speed
Annoys you a lot, he's the annoying boyfriend
Tells the most ridiculous things, like:
"______________, I was in the bathroom and I did this," flicks hair. "And wow, I'm just so handsome. You must be a very strong person indeed to be able to bear it every day."
His confidence is a Schrodinger's cat - half true, half - farce
Somedays he wakes up and doesn't feel it at all and hides away from you saying he's ugly right now
Please assure him a lot during that time
If you work too much he's the best remedy for that
Jin is wise and helps you see how your time is the most important thing, that you don't have to prove your existence to anyone and can occupy space without proving your worth over and over again
Conversations with him don't often delve into deep waters but at the same time you don't feel unheard because he listens very attentively even if he doesn't share these anxieties and concerns
Does, unfortunately, give you secondhand embarrassment quite often
Has and will wear ridiculous outfits that have people turning their heads around
You're trailing with him, hand in hand, head low and Jin's ears too are flaming like gasoline on fire but who is he to prohibit himself from indulging things
Most likely to want morning sex, I will not elaborate
He has a special soft smile for when he feels properly cared for and babied
Appreciates being given flowers, hair tugged behind the ear
He doesn't give a fuck what's a norm, it makes him feel nice, fuck you, he'll continue doing it
If you find fishing boring, sorry you'll have to put up with it
"I guess this will be our thorn, honey, you'll just have to endure this for love"
He takes no shit, not even from you but in return never, ever prohibits you from enjoying things
For example, diving into ice-cold water in a lake is not his idea of a fun time but if you enjoy it, he'll be by the side shivering with a towel and a thermos
Definitely, 100% rehearses meeting your parents and quizzes you on his
It is no surprise at all when you meet that both of you know just the right words, the right gestures
Jin loves his family and to be put in a conflict between you and them is a walking nightmare
So he does his best to avoid that
You often eat at very random places scattered throughout the town and sometimes out of it
One day it's a luxury five-star restaurant in a penthouse, the next you're sitting on a wobbly chair at a marketplace, eating a small vegetable or meat skewer from a plastic cup
But Jin always knows how to bring a good time, so both times are just perfect
Okay so if this makes sense but Hoseok is the type of boyfriend who wants you to improve
So he wouldn't be super clingy or overly protective or madly jealous but he shows his care by reminding you to do self-care
Like skincare routine, morning and night he's there to ask you if you did it
Or whether you ate well, why not, why are you neglecting care in your life
I don't see him as overly romantic like big-ass gestures but really consistent care from the start
Now hear me out and don't tussle, he partially views you as a responsibility and a project
He works hard, correct?
He's a strict teacher and absolutely works himself 100% for maximum improvement
And it's not like he's hovering over you like a helicopter parent, moulding you into a version of his liking I just think he wants you to be the person you really like
So obviously it depends on what your goals are but he's really quietly motivating you to do better for yourself
It may not sound most romantic but at its core he wants you to be happy and I think he realises that it doesn't always just means being loved by a close person
So he wants you to improve, feel better about yourself and feel better about the world in such a way
Because the world is a very dark place, it can't handle even more negativity
Kinky, 0 explanation iykyk
A hype man for sure
If you're ever feeling like you can't do something he'll convince you that at the very least there's not so much loss involved as you think
Handmade jewellery especially if he's been away for a long time
I imagine him sitting at a studio, taking like a 15-minute break and he's tinkering with beads, arranging them and stringing them into a bracelet tailored to your interests
Buys you clothes more than anything else say like a car or a house
He splurges reasonably
Though them triangle bags he had back in the day cost like 300 that's my whole rent homie
It's hard to read what he'd be like as a boyfriend but out of all most likely to feel like a friend with added stuff
Which isn't bad at all
I think he struggles between the view of love in the traditional sense he's been taught and interpreting it his own, more peculiar way
Buys subtly matching clothes
Has a private Instagram and definitely hypes you up there
If he's upset but not overtly mad, he'll lie in the bed and Complain using full VFX of Hobi sound effects
Somehow managed to friendzone you once
As an act of revenge, you did that as well and now has learnt his lesson
100% has inner demons but out of all is the most likely to not share it, above Yoongi, above all
He doesn't struggle with communication per se but struggles with understanding that he himself can have faults and he doesn't have to do everything alone
He holds people he loves in high standard hence why he's so insistent on self-care; on being the best you can be within your own eyes, so it makes complete sense that he holds himself up to the highest standard, cutting himself the least amount of slack
Makes you feel like you're the most hilarious person in the world but doesn't talk much at home
If you feel awkward at an event and pressured will leave immediately, I just have a sense about this
Has a knack for jealousy but the type to end with you being railed the entire night with his jaw clenched
I know we all like his cute side but he can be scary
He can be standoffish and sharp he just mostly chooses to not be
He chooses the high ground though that doesn't always mean he wants to take one
So if you have an ex he particularly loathes he will be near poisonous to that person
But lets it go because it's not about them, it's about you and you deserve his undivided attention
He needs assurance a lot because I think he's convinced himself you'll leave because honestly, it's a hard lifestyle to tolerate in a partner
Touchy but listen to this his favourite is not hugging you but leaning into you
Because it can be so variable
Like cutely leaning onto you whining at you at a full volume or pressing his nose in your cheek with a smirk
I have a feeling he'd enjoy it if you have some temper
He hates fights, absolutely abhors them, and probably has fights because he didn't voice something in the first place because he didn't want to fight
But if you're mad at someone else? If you're angry and getting heated and being bossy?
He just ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
But he often has ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) he's in tune with his sensual side
Speaking of sensual, reads the most toe-curling, filthy romance books in his free time
I'm talking like casually sipping coffee and calmly listing through like a BDSM orgy
He's the type to try everything once, within reasons
Often when talking has a soft, whiny voice and holds a part of your body rubbing circles there
I can't imagine his flirty nature not getting him in trouble at some point
But he makes his commitment known in very intense ways
Like gripping your jaw, making eye contact and saying something along that he can't even sleep without you, you're in his bloodstream
Kind of corny but manages to make it sexy because it's Park Jimin
He wants to know everything about you - what you're thinking, why you're thinking it, what made you to be who you are now and who you want to be tomorrow
Desires to make eye contact
Steals more of your clothes than you do his
Drunk, kind of out of it dancing to slow, sexy songs is a MUST for him
In a way there are two parts to being loved by him which are very representative of his sides - one is cute and cuddly, wanting you to be happy, like an idealized version of kids being in love and the other one is hungry
He wants you in and out, if you're not his in the understanding that he knows you best, that he can please you physically and please you mentally by giving you comfort, he's not happy
Sentimental, probably secretly keeps tokens of yours from the beginning of the relationship
Has a copy of all your childhood pics, argue with a wall
The one true no. 1 gossiper, he knows everything about everyone like your workplace for example
He knows why exactly that co-worker of yours left for a two-week vacation and the reason is salacious as all hell while you could be sitting there - "I have a coworker by that name?"
If you're out and he sees someone being rude, will viOLATE them
His sense of humour could make a person suicidal fr
But unlike some, he uses his inside voice
Has things that annoy him in your relationship but I don't think he says it unless it's really bad
He lets small grudges pass hoping to preserve the balance
Because only the mere thought of you leaving terrifies him
Once Jimin ties himself to someone, genuinely, he doesn't want to let them go for nothing
If you're away for a long time, let's say going abroad or really busy with work, his emotions get the best of him and he gets quite upset
But he hides it and frankly somewhat succeeds
But you can also tell when you return home that he was missing you like crazy
He needs to be pampered then, reassured that everything's fine
Does everything you want even if it's not what he would usually do
If you feel like driving for a while to stare at the moon, he absolutely would
Seduces you over and over again
Partially I think the reason he changes up his behaviour so much is to make sure he's keeping you on your toes and you wouldn't leave
It's lowkey a phobia of his
It's so obvious he's dating you
You can just see the Love
Also if he would just stop glARING at strangers for bREATHING your direction, that would be great
Reminds you to do a lot of things but also needs those reminders as well
Often so tired he forgets to do basic things so you have to wrangle him to take a shower or brush his teeth before bed because he really works himself very hard :(
If you're on your phone when it's time to sleep will yANK it away like a mOTHER
Love to him means sticking together - always
Oh, you're expecting an explanation?
You're not getting any :)
Very soft
Also very weird
Being his partner means being his interpreter at times
You two have probably developed a language of your consisting chiefly of sounds
Sends you a shit ton of selfies
Mostly stupid and often blurry
He's a blurry sort of guy
Has sent a selfie taken from underneath his nostril
You could be sitting at work and he sends you a wet, shirtless selfie
Cause he's a menace
Big enthusiast of having soft lights as well
It makes the atmosphere feel more intimate
Everything is about intimacy when he's with you
Emotional, spiritual, physical
Where Jimin is in love with love, Taehyung loves romance
So big, classic, romantic gestures are a part of the Kim course
Date nights are unavoidable even let's say you're in two different countries he'll find a way
Sometimes by spontaneously flying out, sometimes by arranging the most ridiculous zoom call known to man
Like the camera placed where you would sit across the table with a restaurant dinner in front
Buys you lingerie, jewellery and fancy clothes
Teases you about loving him
"Ah, ______________ your passion for me makes a guy shy."
Cue to you sitting like -_-
Cause by now you're tiRED
I imagine he does get on your nerves a lot but by weaponizing all of that infamous charm at this point you're convinced he could get away with breaching the Geneva conventions
Always looks at you like he's done absolutely NO WRONG
Even if it happened like 3 seconds ago
Gatekeeps you in a way
He wants you all to himself and he's afraid if you don't like his friends, you might end up not liking him as well
Really values your opinion of him
Has gone to a fortune teller to ask how your future would look like
When you're going through a tough time, he "lends" you his angel
Misses you like crazy when you're apart
And sometimes even when you're here
If he's miraculously drunk, you're not getting him off you
Fucking Clingatron 3000 over here practically treats you as a plushie when you go to sleep
If you're the more reserved type, he's simply over the moon trying to make you flustered
And if you're really cuddly, he invites it eagerly and joyously
Jump atop of him and he'll laugh head thrown back onto the bed
Absolutely the type to find you being angry quite cute, with the exception that you're not so mad you're breaking up with him
This is of course really annoying because what if you want to establish dOMINANCE
Well good luck with that
He'll just smooch you to pacifism
Is lowkey always horny
Has kinks but I do not have the strength to think about them
Every week attempts to cook a fancy meal which ends up being an inedible concoction tasting like an armpit sweat
Promises to not do it again but lo and behold next week!
Watches a lot of movies with you
Watches you if you're out
Really zones out when you're ordering or simply waiting for something
If you're both at home plays soft music in the background so he could pull you into dance at any time
Fresh flowers whenever the old ones wilt down :(
Brings you to a lot of hipster cafes late in the evening
Quite often says the most inappropriate shit at absolutely the wrong place and time
For example, you're about to throw the bins out and he casually lets it slide -
"What if we tried for a baby right now?"
Smiles at his phone when texting you
Recalling back to the finding you cute when angry, definitely smiles and chuckles to himself if you're being huffy and complaining about work or what some dumbass did today
Begs you to share food
The type to bump into you playfully when walking
If he's going to bed, you're going to bed (can't sleep without his plushie)
Increasingly ridiculous nicknames - honey, babe, dearest, flower, sweet bean, rice cake, jujubii (warps it to sound more cuter version of jujube)
Eats up every capitalized love celebration ever invented - white day, rose day, his own made - "our first kiss day"
Really sentimental in that way
I think he wants love to feel more like a movie than it necessarily is so tries his hardest to make that dream a reality
It is often and with an honestly worrying frequency that you think there is nothing but mii music behind those eyes
Zones out a lot
Stops mid-sentences
Sometimes forgets to listen when you're ranting
It's because he feels safe with you
He feels that he doesn't have to make perfect sense so his mind wanders a lot because he's very relaxed when with you
The type of guy who holds your legs crossed in his lap, one hand caressing your calf when watching a movie
Speaking of movies, yes, you probably have a whole list of tv shows to watch together
(which he absolutely cheats by squeezing in extra screen time)
But you know what he absolutely does
Plays the most horrible otome games known to man
I'm talking about the horse dating simulator, every and all butler romances in the app store
At first, it's just to make fun of it
But then naturally gets really competitive and complains quite hard if the butler he's supposed to be romancing doesn't like him
"Why are men so hard to please?" he growls, fingers gripping the phone so hard the knuckles are white. "I spent 45 diamonds on this dress and "okay" is all YOU CAN SAY?!"
Though you started the game together, he's the one to finish them because it's just slightly hard to develop a romantic interest in an anime pigeon for you but not for Jungkook
Does as he's told when it comes to chores - washing dishes, cleaning, laundry, does it all eagerly
If you're messy, nags you but doesn't go as hard as, for example, Hoseok
Before you stop by his apartment, 100% tried to make it more "palatable" for you
Meaning, shOVES those 7 mattresses of his lying around into a closet or something
Whilst he's pouring a glass of wine you hear a crash come from somewhere
"What's that??" you ask and he sweats, absolutely shits himself
"Nothing," he replies, voice squeaky
"Didn't sound like nothing..."
"...dON't even worry about it."
If he has to take out the bins and your high-heeled shoes are the only thing available, he'll be strutting down to the garbage like a Victoria's Secret model
Has switched those LED lights to red to try and dance sexily in front of you only to bump his crotch into the corner of a closet
You're 90% of his impulse control so if you're gone, expect to see him with one eyebrow upon returning
Has cried at least once about thinking how much he loves you
Turns up his hotness just to see what happens
Is HIGHKEY ready to go at any given point
Even if he's dead tired, he's like "just a quick, lazy sesh, okay 🥺🥺🥺"
If you're scolding him also does this 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Finds it absolutely hilarious and endearing if you're bossy
Obeys whilst giggling all throughout
Your ass is a source of comfort for him, it's not your ass it's OUR ass once you're with him
If you're close with your family, probably the one most likely to spend a lot of time with them (of course, only with you there cause he cannot handle that tension A L O N E)
When you first brought him to meet the fam, anytime you tried to leave he would look at you with a smile on his lips but wide panicked eyes, hissing:
"do nOT leAVE me"
"I need to go to the bathroom..."
"Hold it! for the love of gOD hOLD iT."
After a while, he's a bit more chill, the type to be brought along to every camping trip and cookout
Is probably used for labour by your relatives
No, does not send you memes, he's breaking the Gen Z stereotype as he's not attached to the hip with his phone
Makes a conscious effort to spend enough time with you
He can be weaponized to kill bugs, shoo away birds, glare threateningly at strangers
Gently wrestles you for fun
Really enjoys it if you take care of him, like put hair oil in his hair, massage his shoulders, cream his hands etc.
Doesn't like spending a lot of time hanging around somewhere so he whines in your ear
"Are you going to be done soon?"
"We just got here. I need to buy a new shirt."
"You have plenty at home and they all look great on you. Let's just go eat. There's online shopping for a reason."
Gets jealous a lot but never gets angry at you and quickly lets it go
Mostly pouts and fusses if he thinks you're being too friendly with someone
Sometimes utilizes you as weights whilst working out
Like makes you lay on top of him when he's doing push-ups
Adores if you try to manhandle him only to then show you how it's really done by taking a hold of your legs and hoisting you around his waist
You have had a talk about whether he'd choose Namjoon over you and the results of that debate were relayed to Namjoon himself who just looks at you both with a frown that says "what the hell are both of you on"
Gets lowkey combative if you have bad habits that impact your health like smoking, too much drinking, or not eating regularly
Health to him is very important in spite of you pointing out the hypocrisy of it
As he often fails to take proper care of himself
But he tries so he wants you to try your best as well
Makes a secret tattoo about you
Like your favourite flower, or a favourite thing
Similar to how Namjoon immortalizes you in a way, but on his flesh
Sings around the house but is too shy to give you concerts
Sneaks you into the studio, however, for you to express your opinion
Sneaks you into a lot of places
Like an afterparty or a press conference
A member will see you and wonder out loud:
"I think I saw _____ walking by."
"You're just getting old, seeing things," Jungkook replies trying not to seem too guilty
You can absolutely tell if he has a surprise planned for you
"Jungkook, are you planning to bring me on a secret date?"
"0.0 no 0.0"
If you're mercilessly destroying him at a game, he threatens to cry
Would get upset at you for something he dreamt
Glares at you over coffee cup:
"You said you liked Yoongi better than me."
"In a dream you Dumbo," you roll your eyes. "I'm literally making you breakfast."
He answers with a vague hum, then turns up his nose, all offended:
"Said you liked his hip thrust more."
Wants to adopt more dogs, so you'll have someone to keep you company when he's on tour :( and so that they could protect you in case of home invasion or stalkers
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© soraviii/soraviie 2022-2023
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sjsmith56 · 7 months
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The Feast - Chapter 3, Lord Buchanan
Summary: Ileana attends a feast at the palace where she makes the acquaintance of Baron Zemo. Disturbed at the Baron’s intentions, Buchanan pretends to get drunk so that they can retire early. In the privacy of their room they consummate their relationship. Morning brings word of Zemo overstepping his boundaries, leading Buchanan to take care of matters once and for all.
Length: 5K
Characters: Lord Buchanan, Ileana, King Steven, Queen Peg, Baron Zemo, Alice (maidservants), Sir Samuel.
Warnings: Minors DNI, this chapter contains sexual content meant for mature readers over the age of 18. Description of sexual assault on a servant. Remember, this takes place in a medieval world where women were mostly seen as chattel. There is talk of the Queen trying to instil rights for women servants so it’s not all dark.
Author’s notes: In case some of you are wondering if things are happening quickly, the answer is yes, they are. This is a world that is also affected by magic and in later chapters there will be speculation that the magic is trying to push change in the kingdom. It will take several more chapters and some discoveries to uncover why. Photo edit of Baron Zemo by Instagram artist nixakimbo.
<<Chapter 2
🏰 🍗 🍷 ❤️‍🔥
When the call came to dress for the feast Lord Buchanan escorted Ileana up to their room. A male servant and a female servant waited to attend to them. The young woman escorted Ileana into a separate room where the gowns hung. There was also a steaming hot bath ready for her. Helping her undress the woman piled Ileana's hair up and wrapped it in a hair covering then helped her into the bath.
"Lord Buchanan loves the smell of wildflowers," she stated. "I have poured the essence of it into the water. Please bathe at your leisure while I prepare your clothes for you. Which gown will you be wearing M'Lady?"
"The blue one, please," replied Ileana, leaning back in the luxurious bath.
Two days on the road had been hard on her personal hygiene and it felt wonderful to soak in the fragrant water. Thinking about what she knew about baths she remembered reading somewhere that the medieval times were dirty and baths were not common.
"May I ask you a question?" she said to young servant. "First, what is your name? Second, I thought baths were not common in this time."
"My name is Alice, M'Lady," said the woman. "It is true, we didn't know about baths but the number of modern world people reaching our lands brought the knowledge of their benefits to us. Even the poorest peasant will have a weekly bath now. May I ask what your world is like?"
"It could be better," replied Ileana. "I work and have my own place. Sometimes I go home to see my mother. We watch television and go to movies, or out to a club and dance. I'm sorry, none of that probably made any sense to you. We don't work every day or all day, just enough to pay the bills."
"I've heard of television but it doesn't make sense to me," said Alice. "Still I would like to see a movie and not think of my problems for a few hours."
"What problems?" asked Ileana.
"Certain men are always pressing me to bed with them," replied the young servant. "The Queen has decreed we have control over who we bed and when but some men won't take no for an answer. I've tried to deal with it on my own but .... I'm saving myself for a man in my village. We loved each other from childhood. He almost has enough saved to marry me but if I am taken before we wed he will not want me."
"Are the men here, in the palace?" asked Ileana, expecting to hear at least one name.
"The Baron is one, his servant is the other," whispered Alice. "Both of them are wicked men. They watch me with lust in their eyes and it frightens me."
"Have you told the Queen?"
"Yes, but even her hands are tied when it comes to the Baron," said Alice. "No more talk of that villain, please. Let me help you out and dry you."
She dried Ileana, then pulled a clean chemise over her head. The gown was heavy and needed both of them to get it over her head. Alice helped Ileana put soft stockings on and embroidered shoes. Then she sat her down on a chair in front of a mirror and unpinned the hair covering. Expertly braiding sections and twisting others she fashioned Ileana's hair and fastened it with thin silver coloured ribbon-type cords. When she stood up and looked in the mirror Ileana saw a medieval princess staring back at her. Alice smiled.
"After the feast, when you and Lord Buchanan return I will be here to help you disrobe," she said. "Then I will leave you until morning."
"Thank you, Alice," said Ileana.
Alice opened the door and she stepped out to Lord Buchanan being helped into his jacket. She gasped when she saw him in his formal clothes. He wore black leather pants and boots with an embroidered black tunic, covered by a black and grey vest. The jacket was a rich brocade of a gold, black and grey pattern. He had trimmed his beard and his hair was freshly washed. His eyes lit up when he saw her and he offered her his hand. Taking hers he bent over it and kissed it.
"You look beautiful, Ileana," he said. "The Sorceress outdid herself with this gown."
"Thank you," she replied. "I feel beautiful."
Offering her his arm he escorted her out of the room and towards the great hall. The closer they came the louder the hall sounded. When they entered they were greeted by a multitude of musicians, acrobats and dancers weaving their way around the guests. There were performers hanging from the ceiling, wrapped in silks. It reminded Ileana of a Cirque de Soleil performance but she was seeing it in its oldest form. Theatre designed to impress a person with the power of the throne, and the man who sat on it. The King and Queen saw them come in and waved the couple over. Lord Buchanan bowed deeply while Ileana curtsied.
"Your Majesty," said Buchanan loudly. "This is new. Wherever did you find these performers?"
"It's from a modern world company called Cirque de Soleil," said the King just as loudly. "The Sorceress saw it in one of her visions and placed the moving images into my mind. Fantastic isn't it? She found performers in our world and showed them what we wanted. They said they could do it and this is what they came up with."
Ileana smiled and noticed the Queen stifling her smile. She turned slightly and noticed a man watching her. His hair was shorter than Lord Buchanan's but his clothes were just as rich. He sat partially reclined on his chair and gave the impression of being bored with everything. His eyes didn't turn away when they made eye contact but he did smirk. Buchanan looked down at her and saw where she looked. Turning in the same direction he saw the man and his face hardened. The man raised his goblet to Buchanan and drank from it then looked elsewhere.
"The Baron," he said with disgust, turning them both away. "He's aware of you."
"The servant who helped me with my dress said both he and his man servant have been pressing her to bed with them," she said into his ear.
"I'm not surprised," he said. "I told you he doesn't respect boundaries."
"Lord Buchanan," said a voice near them. "I understand congratulations are soon to be given you on your engagement to this enchanting creature."
They both turned and saw the Baron standing near them.
"Baron Zemo, this is the Lady Ileana," said Lord Buchanan, observing polite convention.
"A modern woman, I hear," said the Baron. "Are you sure you won't miss the conveniences of your time to live in the past?"
"I'm very adaptable," said Ileana, gripping Buchanan's arm.
"How long are you staying at the castle, James?" asked the Baron innocently.
Buchanan glared at him. "We are not on a first name basis, Baron," said Buchanan. "I am here for several days then will take my leave and continue the tour of my lands."
"No doubt stopping in to see the Knight Commander and his pets," said the Baron with barely disguised contempt. "Well, my apologies for overstepping the boundaries of our acquaintance. Enjoy the feast My Lady. Buchanan."
He bowed and walked away. "He makes me feel dirty," said Ileana with a shudder.
Buchanan curled his lip. "Pay him no mind," he said, pulling her closer. "As long as you are with me he won't dare touch you."
They continued walking around looking at the various circus performers and musicians. The call came to take their seats and they sat to the right of the King and Queen. After the Bishop said a prayer the food was served. Ileana had never seen such a spread and couldn't begin to remember the names of many of the dishes. She reached a point where she couldn't eat anymore and begged off the remaining dishes. She leaned towards the Queen and asked what the medieval equivalent of an antacid was. Although the Queen laughed she had no answer. Eventually Ileana felt better and could enjoy the entertainment. After an hour the tables were pushed back and the floor cleared for dancing. The Queen leaned to her.
"As the companion of Lord Buchanan you will be expected to dance," she said. "It's pretty simple, really. Slow and graceful. Watch me for the steps."
The King put his hand out to the Queen while Lord Buchanan gave her his hand. Two other couples stood up and they gathered together in two lines of four facing each other, men on one side and women on the other. As the Queen gave her instructions in a low voice she followed her lead and did what she did. It was as the Queen said, slow and graceful. At the end the women curtsied to their man, who then bowed to them. Buchanan took her hand and leaned close.
"You picked that up well," he said. "You are adaptable."
They sat and wine was poured. Ileana sipped hers while Buchanan drank his down and asked for more. His face was a little flushed and she suspected he was a little drunk. He leaned in close and put his hand on her knee as he put his mouth next to her ear.
"I wish for this feast to be over," he said. "I want to touch you tonight."
He kissed her neck, sending goosebumps down her neck and arm, then pulled away and drank more wine. His drinking increased until he reached a point where he was definitely drunk. The King signalled a man servant and suggested to Ileana that the couple retire. The man servant helped Buchanan up, supporting him to their room where the two servants waited to help them disrobe. Ileana wasn't too happy about it which Alice noticed.
"It is his prerogative to drink to the point of drunkenness," she said, sounding defensive to Ileana’s ears. "All powerful men have the right to do what they want, really. He is a good man but he is a powerful one as well."
She left the small room and came back to say Lord Buchanan awaited his Lady, then she left. Dressed only in her chemise and with her hair undone, Ileana opened the door to the bedroom. It was lit only by the fire in the fireplace and its golden light flickered onto the bed where Buchanan lay waiting, already in his nightshirt and propped up on one elbow to watch as she approached.
"Before you get on the bed please know the drunkenness was a sham," he said, clearly no longer under the influence. "I am unable to get drunk but only the King and a few trusted friends know. It has served us well as I am able to infiltrate and spy easily on those who would betray us. For tonight I wished only to hasten our time alone together. Come my love, join me."
Ileana climbed onto the huge bed, facing him as she sat on the bedding. He traced the outline of her face with his fingers, then touched her collarbone.
"Are you nervous, my love?" he asked in a low sultry voice. "You shouldn't be. I will be gentle with you. You've been with a man before so you know what is going to happen between us. I have wanted this from the moment I saw your face."
"I shouldn't be nervous M'lord," she replied. "But I hope I please you."
"Say my given name," he said softly. "Please, say my name."
"James," she whispered, and he kissed her, holding her in his arms.
His hands went under her chemise touching her legs, then up the curve of her bottom to her back as his kisses became more forceful. Just like he had imagined her skin was soft and smelled of wildflowers. Pulling away, his breathing was heavy and he looked deeply at her face and eyes. She pulled her chemise off over her head while he did the same with his nightshirt. Then she took his face in her hands and began kissing him. Her hands moved to his shoulders and down his back pulling him closer to her. He eased her onto her back and looked at her again in a way that she hadn’t experienced in a long time. Gently he took her hand, placing it on his cock, as if it was the most natural thing in the world to do.
"Touch me," he said. "I will touch you at the same time."
Reaching between her legs he eased his hand up into her, searching out her entry with his fingers. Using the heel of his hand to massage where her sensitive spot was he inserted one then two fingers inside, curling them to rub her inside spot, instantly bringing a response from her as she gasped. At the same time she stroked him, running her hand up and down his cock. They both experienced a rush of arousal until he pulled his hand out of her and switched to laying on top of her. She was wet with anticipation as he guided himself into her. At first he was almost too large and hard for her but he gently came out then in again and this time her body accepted him fully.
"James," she whispered. "My god..."
"Ileana," he whispered back. "My goddess..."
Moving together as if they were always meant to be with each other, his mouth found every spot it could reach, from her neck to her breasts and then back to her mouth, probing and tasting. Ileana had been with several men in her life but none brought her to the edge of bliss like James did. She thought she had experienced an orgasm before but when she came with James she knew this was her first real one and she cried out in pleasure as her whole body went taut with the ecstasy of release. He followed soon after and called out her name then buried his head into her neck. For several minutes he didn't move except for his hot breath on her neck. Then he lifted himself from her and switched to lay on his side. She rolled to face him and was surprised to see his eyes were wet.
"James, what's wrong?" she whispered.
"Nothing," he said. "It's been so long and I'm overwhelmed with the emotion my coming has released in me. After Elena... I didn't know if I could love again. But I do love you, Ileana. More than I thought I did. It is early in our acquaintance, I know, but I feel like I understand you well."
He gathered her into his arms, cradling her next to his chest. She could hear his heart beating loudly and feel the heat his body had generated during sex. Above all else she felt loved and protected by James, her Lord, surprising herself with the thought. The second time they made love he entered her from behind. It was a rougher encounter and he pushed into her deeply. Uncomfortable at first due to his enthusiasm, when it ended it was exhilarating for her, and mutually enjoyable. In her mind what they did that evening was the best love making she had ever experienced, making her wish she could stay with him forever. In the morning, before the servants arrived he touched her face and asked if she was pleased.
"James," she said softly as she leaned into his touch, "never has any man pleased me so much. Did I please you?"
"Yes, my love," he replied just as softly. "If we were married I would never want a mistress."
His eyes darkened for a moment. "James, what is wrong?" asked Ileana.
"When you awaken in your world you will be gone from mine," he said sadly. "Perhaps it was a mistake to have this night of passion when I know you cannot stay."
"A light that burns twice as bright burns half as long *," whispered Ileana. "Perhaps that is us, our love will burn twice as bright."
[* A line from the movie Blade Runner, if you're wondering.  It has also been attributed to Lao Tzu.]
"My dearest love," he exclaimed, kissing her deeply. "If that is true then we will burn out like a meteor streaking across the sky. I will love you enough for a thousand lifetimes."
They made love again, loudly and with abandon while she rode him from above. He took her hand, directing her to touch herself as he watched. As she came so did he in a loud outcry. When Alice and Gerard, the male servant, came to dress them they had to leave and wait outside the door, fearful of interrupting the couple in the midst of their tryst. When they heard no sound for a period of time the pair knocked on the door and entered. Lord Buchanan nodded at them from the bed where he and Ileana were holding each other.
"Prepare us a bath in Lady Ileana's dressing room," he ordered. "We are going riding today with the King and Queen so we will need our riding clothes. Alice, I wish you to accompany us to attend to my lady. You can ride?"
"Yes M'lord," she curtsied and hurried to the dressing room to begin preparing the bath. Gerard went down to the kitchen to begin loading the buckets of hot water that he would draw up a secret passageway up to the dressing room.
"I'm going to try and protect Alice as much as possible from the Baron while we are here," he said. "It disgusts me that he and his man servant would try to interfere with her. She will stay close to us as much possible."
They continued to hold each other and talk quietly while the two servants prepared the bath, until Gerard came out announcing the bath was ready. He came close to the bed and picked up James nightshirt, helping his lord put it on before he left. Alice came out then and did the same with Ileana's chemise, leaving the couple alone once more.
"We could have just put them on ourselves," said Ileana with amusement in her voice as they got out of bed and walked to the dressing room.
"I know," James replied. "But the more they can do the more they justify their position. If the King ever ran into financial trouble it would be people like them who would lose their livelihoods first."
"How does the King make a living?" asked Ileana, curious.
"Taxes from lords like me, rent from the tenants on his land, selling grain and other foodstuffs from his lands," he replied. "Any of which could be disrupted by a war, or bandits, or those who conspire against him."
They pulled off their nightshirts and entered the wooden tub, barely big enough for the two of them. Buchanan spread his legs and invited her to sit between them then lean back on his chest. Using the sponge he spread water over her shoulders and chest. Caressing her breasts he started kissing her neck.
"Are you wanting me?" Ileana asked. "I thought we were cleaning up after the night we had."
"We are," he smiled. "But I have a beautiful naked woman on my body right now. I would be a fool if I didn't take advantage of it."
Ileana rolled over and faced him, kneeling between his legs. She could see he was already aroused. Taking the sponge she filled it with water and ran it over his shoulders and chest, leaning close enough to him to kiss him. Pulling her close to him he continued to kiss her and pulled her up enough to mount his now hard cock.
"Show me how you ride again," he smirked.
Smiling she began moving on him slowly, drawing it out sensuously. As she pleasured him he laid his head back, biting his lip. He fondled her breasts, then ran his hands back to her bottom gripping it and forcing it harder on him and her.
"Go faster and harder," he said. "I'm getting close."
She did as he asked and pushed her pelvis down into his, increasing her pleasure. Shifting so that more of him was in her, he got a devilish grin on his face and took her fingers, sucking them one at a time, before offered his fingers for her to do the same. Grabbing her hips again he began thrusting up into her making her gasp at how deep he was. Water was splashing out of the tub with the force of their actions and he twisted her body on his cock trying to force that last little bit that would send her over her edge. Grabbing her face he kissed her deeply, forcing his tongue deep into her mouth. Finally she came and she opened her mouth to cry out. He felt her tighten just as he felt himself bulge with his climax as he yelled with her. While they both came down from their apex he pulled her close to him, kissing her head, face, and mouth.
"My Ileana," he whispered. "Oh my lady, I love you."
They kissed again passionately and laid in the water until it became cold. Feeling her start to shiver he told her to stand up. He dried her then wrapped a drying cloth around her. He wrapped one around his waist and pulled another one from a hook to dry his chest and arms.
"Tell Alice I'm sorry for the mess," he said and left the dressing room for his.
Alice entered moments later, her face red and her eyes swollen. Ileana noticed right away.
"What's happened?" she asked. "Alice, tell me."
"Nothing, M'Lady," she sniffed. "Stubbed my toe."
"Alice, I know what stubbing my toe looks like and this isn't it," she said emphatically. "Now, what happened?"
"The Baron's manservant cornered me as I passed by the Baron's room on my way here," she said. "He dragged me in and they both...."
She broke down crying and Ileana experienced a surge of rage. Walking to the door of her dressing room she looked out and saw Buchanan being dressed.
"M'lord, may I see you for a moment?" she said. "It's urgent."
He came in and saw Alice weeping and immediately anger sprang to his face as he deduced what had happened. Kneeling down to Alice he looked at her gently.
"Tell me, Alice," he said. "Tell me everything and I will deal with it.”
She told him how the servant had cornered her, dragging her into the Baron's room. He was partially dressed and thanked his servant for bringing him a tasty morsel to eat. While the servant held her the Baron had reached under her dress and touched her privates with his tongue and fingers. She had screamed and struggled at their actions while they laughed before letting her go.
"Why would he do that to me?" she asked. "I'm a virgin and I don't know these things but I know it was wicked."
"You were violated and it was wrong," said James, barely keeping control. "Ileana, please counsel Alice here while I take care of the Baron once and for all."
Buchanan left, his face full of grim determination. It was only later that Ileana learned what happened after he left their room. After quickly dressing he went to the King, telling him how the Baron had abused the King's hospitality and insulted the Queen by his assault on a servant. He then announced his intentions. With the King's backing he went to the Baron's room and threw his glove at him, challenging him to a duel. The Baron tried to talk his way out of it but in the process insulted Lord Buchanan, and a second glove was thrown at the villain. There was no backing down and the Baron had to accept the challenge. As the challenged man, the Baron set the terms, choosing a duel to the death, set for dawn the following morning. In the meantime the Baron and his manservant were evicted from the palace.
A messenger hawk was sent to the Knight Commander to act as second for Lord Buchanan. Arriving shortly before noon, he spent the day with Buchanan and the King. Ileana learned part of the day was spent practicing sword work as the Baron was known as a master swordsman. There was no feast but the King did host a dinner for a small group which Ileana was expected to attend. Not expecting to see Alice again, she was surprised when the young woman appeared to assist her.
"Alice," she said. "You didn't have to come."
"I did M'Lady," she said. "You and Lord Buchanan have been so good to me. You both believed me right away."
Ileana wore the green gown for the dinner and entered the King's private dining hall to see Buchanan at the side of the room with the King and a handsome dark skinned man, who Ileana assumed was the Knight Commander, Sir Samuel. Buchanan came to her immediately, taking her hand and kissing it.
"Lady Ileana, please come and meet a good friend," he said, drawing her to Sir Samuel. The Knight Commander turned to her, his eyes lighting up in appreciation.
"My Lady," he bowed deeply. "Buck has told me of your beauty but he was too reserved in his descriptions. You are second only to our Queen in fairness."
"Thank you, Sir Samuel," she replied. "You are too kind."
The friends ate dinner where both the King and Queen attempted to keep things light but everyone knew that the following day could produce the death of Lord Buchanan.
"Sam has agreed to be my second," said Buchanan to Ileana. "Tonight I must be in seclusion and pray for my soul. I'm sorry my love, but you must sleep alone tonight.”
The King asked Lord Buchanan to speak privately with him and both men left the table. Sir Samuel leaned to Ileana and spoke quietly.
"This duel has been a long time coming," he said. "Has Buck ever told you the real reason he despises the Baron?"
"No, would you tell me?" she replied.
"Many years ago before we went to war with the Mad Titan to reclaim the King's realm Buck was prepared to live life as a farmer as his father had done," he said. "His father had done very well and the family was highly regarded. Buck was in love with the daughter of another farming family who had done well and a marriage was arranged but the banns not read. Then the war started and he felt honour bound to become a soldier for our King. That is where I met him where we became fast friends. The war lasted six years and another man came between Buck and his love."
"The Baron?" asked Ileana.
"Yes, he wasn't the Baron then," said Sam. "Zemo was handsome, charming and he wanted Hannah as his wife. He offered a large dowry to her father to cancel the previous arrangement, and it was accepted. When Buck came home his love was married off to Zemo. The villain wasn't a good husband to her, keeping several mistresses. Buck offered his fortune to Zemo to divorce her but he refused out of spite. She took her own life in despair and Buck left for the Holy Land to be a monk. While he was gone, Zemo's father died under mysterious circumstances and Zemo became the Baron. He began harassing Buck's father, claiming he had missed his taxes and other such nonsense. Before he could evict the old man the King sent for Buck, naming him a Baron as well, awarding him his own estate lands. He refused to be known as Baron due to his dislike of Baron Zemo and has gone by Lord Buchanan ever since, which was his middle name after his mother's family. She passed away in his youth. The hate between the two men is deep."
“Is it true the Baron is a master swordsman?” she asked.
“The Baron is a very capable swordsman and he could kill Buck during the duel,” admitted Sir Samuel. “He is also devious and not a man to be trusted.”
For the first time Ileana felt fear for James. She wanted to have faith in him but the Baron was a good swordsman and was willing to do whatever it took to kill Buchanan.
"You don't look well, Lady Ileana," said Sam. "Let me get Buck to tend to you."
Buchanan came back with Sam, suggesting that she retire early. Offering her his arm, she had barely taken a few steps when she felt sick to her stomach. Easily lifting her into his arms, Buchanan took her to their room, laying her on the bed. Alice came to assist in Ileana’s disrobing to prepare her for sleep, leading her to the dressing room. When the two women returned, Buchanan still sat on the edge of the bed, fully clothed.
"Alice, I must spend the night in seclusion and prayer to prepare for the duel," he said. "Can you sleep with Lady Ileana tonight so she isn't alone?"
"Yes, M'lord," she said, bowing her head.
Tucking the covers in around Ileana himself, he kissed her on the forehead, touched her cheek, stood up and left. Ileana broke down in tears, curling in on herself. Later when Alice had finished her other household duties she came, undressed down to her chemise and climbed into bed with Ileana, promising she wouldn't leave her alone during the night. The two women talked quietly for some time then eventually fell asleep.
Chapter 4>>
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castletown-cafe · 1 year
Been a month, hasn’t it? How’s the new year treating everybody so far?
I have plans to return to Castletown Café again. The reason things slowed was because weekly was overwhelming, which I learned over the summer, and even biweekly was a lot to keep up with, especially with food or drinks I never made before and needed time to experiment with. Once fall came I had to put it on the backburner, especially as I focus heavily on my main work, art, for spooky season all through the holiday season.
Those times of the year are out of the way, so it’s time to focus again on re-creating food from or inspired by Deltarune, and experimenting with ideas, and practicing things like bread or candy. (Candy is REALLY hard to make at home by the way - I swear I need a laboratory, professional equipment, and a well-experienced candy-maker to teach me the ways).
That’s not all though. I want to try another new thing this year: live gaming. Our current era of the internet is video-dominated - mainly by Tiktok. So much so that Instagram is favoring and pushing reels over images in order to compete, forcing artists like myself to have to make art posts into Tiktok-style reels (Thanks Tiktok, you ruined Instagram).
The reason I want to try live gaming is so that way I can use new mediums to create content and to engage with people in a new way. It can be fun watching people play a game, and I’ll enjoy the company as I search for that shiny Pokémon or build new islands and create another form of art in the virtual world.
I’m gonna be real, I’m pretty nervous about trying this new venture because I know technology has never been all that fond of me. Even after following the instructions to a T and doing everything right, something will still go wrong (either because the instructions/help overlook or don’t account for the tiny details that get in the way and I need every last little detail considered, or because the instructions are outdated). My frustration tolerance will be put to the test. Also, I’m not sure how my laptop will handle live gaming - having OBS and my Elgato capture card software gets it really hot, and in the past, doing live art streams also really heated it up! I got a brand new desk with cooling fans for it, so I’ll see if it can handle going live while streaming gameplay footage from my Switch. It’s all I have right now, unfortunately. I know a lot of streamers use two monitors, so I may need a dual-monitor PC. But we all have to start somewhere!
I know these announcements/updates are almost a month late. I’m just kinda worried I won’t ever actually act on or start these things. I’m tired of wanting to do something or getting an idea for something and then never actually getting to it because of anxiety or other interests/other things taking my attention. I seriously don’t understand what “apply yourself” even means….I don’t speak neurotypical I guess 😅 but I know that ADHD brain and anxiety brain are a big obstacle. I want to finally deliver on the ideas I want to do. And the things I mention or talk about making. Starting, or going back to it, is the hardest part.
If you have read all this, thanks! This was a really long post. I know there’s not a lot of people who’ll see this, but if you’re one of them, thank you for finding this. Any support, even if it’s just from one person, is greatly appreciated.
I hope to continue making content for this blog as well as venturing to new mediums this coming year.
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gallusrostromegalus · 3 years
If you ever want to do a "Top 10 home gardening tomato cultivars" segment, I'm here for it. (My folks mostly plant Early Girls, but they have a ridiculously short growing season up there. I grow Sweet 100s, because they taste good enough and I gave up on growing anything other than cherries due to bastard squirrels who like to take exactly one bite out of larger tomatoes.)
Ok so the actual thing with tomatoes is there are- checks google- about 10,000 tomato cultivars out there and every single one of them is different, so you should tailor your tomato breeds to what you actually want to do with them.  10K is a lot a breeds to break down, but fortunately, there are ways to Do That:
1. Determinate vs. Indeterminate 
Determinate tomatoes grow to a genetically predetermined size and start fruiting.  Pros: Tends to have a short time between planting and fruiting, don’t get bigger than a certain size if you only have so much space. Cons: Once they’re done fruiting, that’s it. you really only get the one crop out of them.  Also tend to have sad, watered-down flavor.
Indeterminate tomatoes grow as big as the space will let them, and start fruting when they get around to it. Pros: Maximum Plant for minimum investment, which can be like 10x as big as a determinate plant. Will KEEP fruiting until it gets too cold, so if you can get it in a pot you can move inside you could potentially still be harvesting tomatoes after thanksgiving like my MIL was this year.  If you live somewhere warm like SoCal or AZ, you could keep it alive all year. Cons: MUCH longer time between planting and fruiting.  Indeterminate tomates Get there when they get there. Also may be more prone to disease and pests than the more-modified determinate plants.
There are determinate and indeterminate tomatoes in all 5 of the Greater Tomato Archetypes.  Speaking of:
2. The 5 Tomato Archetypes
I’m so good at segues! 
So tomatoes come in 5 basic types, each which is generally better for something culinary than the others.  You CAN substitute different types of tomato but your food generally doesn’t come out as good.
1. Cherry: Cherry tomatoes produce fruits that are about the size of cherries.  Some people put Grape and Saladette tomatoes in here but they are WRONG, both of those belong in the “Round/All-Purpose” group because Cherry tomatoes specifically have thinner skins, more soluable pectin, and more dissolved glutemates, which means they cook VERY differently.  Cherry tomatoes also produce a shitload of fruits at a time and might be some of the heaviest producers.  Tend to be more heat-tolerant. Good For:  Fresh tomato sauces (i.e. takes less than 20 minutes to make), salads, snacking on directly off the vine like you are a small tarsier discovering a hidden bounty of fruit.
Top reccomendations are: -Indigo Cherry or Dwarf Black Krim if you can find it. I always reccomend dark-pigmented tomatoes as I find they have better flavor, pest resistence and UV tolerance. Taste fruity but not over-sweet and Very Tomato-y.  -Sweet 100/Super-Sweet 100/Sweet Millions: All varietals of the same mass-producing Cherry Tomato. Makes absolute buckets of Tomatoes, sweeter and more fruity than the Indigo cherry, good disease resistence and long growing season.
2. Paste: Paste tomatoes are thin-skinned, meaty and soft tomatoes that... well, they make good tomato paste, the basis for all long-cooking tomato sauces and recipies. They tend to be kind of Oblong and sometimes grow in fun extras like lil tomato “dicks” or weird cthulian shapes, but this doesn’t effect the flavor or nutrition There’s a shitload of great varietals in this category, I’ve yet to hear of a Bad Paste Tomato, just Less Excellent ones.   Good For: Long-cooking Tomato-based dishes like: Bolognese, chili, ketchup, BBQ etc.  Also can and freeze well.
Top Reccomendations are: -Amish Paste: MEATY, and well-suited for growing in a variety of conditions.  Paste is smooth and velvety.  Good for Chili, BBQ and Bolognese. -Opalka tomato: Russian Tomato, little more on the acidic side, grows well in places prone to surprise late frosts.  Paste isn’t as smooth but very thick. makes great ketchup. -San Marzano: THE tomato for making Marinara Sauce (also does good bolognese). Sweeter and lighter, with a slightly runnier paste that clings well to pasta. cans and freezes excellently, does well in places with HOT summers.
3. Beef: Beef tomatoes are BIG motherfuckers that kind of take a long time to grow but are very rewarding.  Beef tomatoes are firm, have a very solid meat and are best eaten raw, typically sliced onto a sandwich or seared under a broiler for a NZ Mousetrap. Not only are the fruits big but so are the Plants, so they take a long time to reach maturity and the fruit takes FOREVER to ripen but if you like a sandwich, they can’t be beat.  Also they look hella impressive on instagram. They also tend to be more prone to Blossom End Rot (which is just a calcium deficiency- just make sure to fertilize with some eggshells and don’t over-water them), and despite the size, don’t tolerate cold well. Good for: Slicing on sandwiches, eating raw like you’re biting into the still-beating heart of your nemesis and enjoying that sweet, sweet revenge, searing quickly under a broiler or putting on a Kabob.
Top Reccomendations Are: -Brandywine: Hefty, great fresh tomato flavor, and PINK.  -Big Zac: Goddamn Massive Tomato. A Real Heckin’ Chonker. meatier flavor and lots of firm flesh with few seeds. -Beefmaster: One problem with Beef tomatoes is that a lot of them are heirloom varietals that aren’t as widely available. Of the ones that are easy to get your hands on, Beefmaster is the best, but it lacks the flavor punch of Brandywine or Big Zac, but it’s not a BAD tomato.
4. Round/Early/All-Purpose: The Workhorse of Tomatoes, the Round Tomato does it all- sauces, salsa, sandwiches, salads, and snacks.  But it doesn’t do them quite as well as the other, more specialized tomatoes.  Also, some of these tomatoes have been Over-Worked and bred to fruit early and transport well, at the expense of it’s Flavor.  I’M TALKING ABOUT YOU, EARLY GIRL AND BETTER BOY, YOU FLAVORLESS TENNIS BALLS, YOU INSULTS TO THE MIGHTY HOUSE OF NIGHTSHADES. Love yourself, don’t get Early Girl or Better Boy. If your season is too short for anything but the earliest of tomatoes, it may be better to grow Something Else than put all that effort in for Disappointment. That said, there are many types of Round/All-Purpose tomatoes that haven’t been overbred into corporate blandness, and I can reccomend them in good concisence if you’re not totally sure what you want to do with your tomatoes: Good For: Indecisive people, people just learning how to grow plants, using one plant for a variety of purposes, people who are not yet prepared to enter the world of Tomato Opinions. Top reccomendations are: -If you really must have an early-fruiting tomato, the Wayahead is an heirloom that people swear comes in early with good size, flavor and firm structure.  I have not personally tied this varietal but people I trust like it. -Black Krim: GOD-TIER TOMATO. It’s got it all- flavor, high yields, firm structure, pest and disease resistence, fucking purple stripes. Cans Well, Freezes well, seeds well and breeds true. Fuck yes. Other tomatoes fucking WISH they had what this Hot Bitch has. -Invincible is a damn-hard-to-kill tomato that isn’t very large but fruits reliably and preforms well all around.  it also ripens 3 fruits at a time so you’re not constantly overburdened with Tomato.  Probably my top pick for beginners that need an Emotional Support Crop.
5. Fun: This is not, strictly speaking, a traditional type of tomato, but I feel like it’s an important category for people who want to do something different or really enjoy all Tomatoes have to offer. Good For: Trying new things, taunting the garden gods with my hubris, showing off at the garden FB group, discovering new flavors of plant.
Top Reccomendations: -Mr. Stripey:  it has a goofy name, it’s yellow-and-pink striped, and it smells and tastes almost exactly like pineapple, but it doesn’t try to digest you back.  I love it. -Japanese Truffle: Dark Brown tomato that looks like someone tried to make ferro rochers at home and bungled it, and has a LONG maturation time, BUT it’s got a chocolately flavor and even at maturity has green insides which give it this. Lightness?  it’s hard to describe but it’s a fascinating flavor. The plant also is more branched and elegant than most tomatoes. Very different, very cool. -I have not personally tried Cherokee Purple but I have heard good things about it. We’ll see how it does in the garden this year. -Tomatillos and Ground Cherries:  Not actually tomatoes, but closely related. Neat herbaceous sort of flavor, like thyme but to the left.  Also comes in a fun Organic wrapping paper. -Ketchup ‘n’ Fries: a Sweet 100 tomato top grafted onto Kennebec Potato rootstock, so it grows both tomato AND potato!  Grafting was invented prbably about a week after the concept of agriculture was, and consists of taking two or more closely related plants and taping a cutting of oone into a hole in the other until the plants heal together.  Like that one gorilla-dude from Umbrella academy, but without the angst.  You can get them pre-made or attempt to make them at home if you’re feeling adventurous and are OK with potentially killing a bunch of starts while you learn.
Good Luck and Happy Gardening!
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newronantic · 3 years
so this is mostly gonna be for myself to keep track of my favorite fics i’ve read, but hey if anyone else wants to check some of these out then thats great
MHA one is up!!
ill keep updating this as i read more, feel free to send me suggestions!
plain as day - emleewrites
In which Hinata has spent the better part of the last twenty years putting his heart and soul into volleyball, hoping to be recognised, to be noticed. And yet he spends all these years also thinking of himself as rather plain, beyond his lack of height and bright hair, and not really noticeable at all.
In Transit - Mysecretfanmoments
Hinata finds that he likes standing close to Kageyama on buses and trains. It doesn't mean anything--probably. Maybe.
I like the way your clothes smell - Mysecretfanmoments
Power outages, ghost stories, and the presence of a certain orange-haired boy lead to bad decision-making on Tobio's part. He'd planned to keep his crush a secret; the universe has other plans.
Chaotic Neutral - akaraka
Who's this Kageyama person on twitter and is he gay?
1: Anonymous: see title
2: Anonymous: curry king
3: Anonymous >> 1: It's the curry king, obviously. Have you been using his memes this whole time without knowing who he was?
4: Anonymous: 1) Hinata Shouyou's boyfriend 2) See above
jellyfish - mysterytwin
At the beginning of his last year at Karasuno High School, Hinata Shouyou starts a list and calls it THINGS TO DO BEFORE GRADUATION, all with high hopes that he’ll be able to complete it before his time runs out.
Try This On For Size - CloudMonsta
A lot changed for Yamaguchi Tadashi over the course of high school. He started trying on dresses, for one.
The Great Yamaguchi-Tsukishima Split (Capitalization Necessary) - WyYeuw
"But no, the current situation isn’t normal. This situation requires the full attention of the team.
No, what’s really concerning this time around, is that Yamaguchi is the one ignoring Tsukishima.”
Yamaguchi confesses. Tsukishima fucks up—like, really fucks up. The volleyball club notices and loses a week’s worth of practice.
Terrarium - sausaged
He's practically a professional at being proactive (lies, lies, and lies when it comes to Iwaizumi).
At this point, is he really happy with just staying best friends forever? Will he be writing journals and collecting rocks forever (he will, he knows, but that is aside from the point)?
Can he really tag his Instagram photos with #YOLO if he doesn't actually put that phrase into practice?
A story about Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime, plants, and rocks.
They Say it Rain Diamonds on Jupiter - exsao
"You're in love with him."
Hajime considers denying it. He considers deliberately choking on his drink to express surprise, to create a distraction by spitting onto the man in front of him's pristine white shirt and causing a commotion. Instead, he swallows his mouthful of soda and heaves a small sigh once his mouth is free.
"Yeah," he says instead.
He's never been good at lying, anyway.
bait and switch - Stylographic_Blue_Rhapsody
Oikawa's university volleyball team knows he's in a long-distance relationship with someone from high school. They imagine a sweet-faced girl that matches his sarcasm with patience. They are so incredibly wrong.
my heart is where it’s always been - foreverautumn
Iwaizumi places his phone down carefully.
Oikawa. Pining after someone. There’s no way.
(Iwaizumi knows he shouldn’t care who Oikawa might have feelings for, but within the span of three days, it’s somehow the only thing he can think about.)
Beautiful People Will Ruin Your Life - todxrxki
Kuroo Tetsurou runs a private Twitter account where he's constantly tweeting about how desperately in love he is with Kozume Kenma. Little does he know that Kenma sees all the tweets and keeps referencing the account in an attempt to get Kuroo to confess to him. / Or, five times Kuroo didn't notice Kenma hinting about his private Twitter account, and one time he finally did.
the things that get caught in the valves of his heart - ghostpot
Emotional competency is not exactly Kuroo's strong suit. Kenma finds it quite amusing.
Accidentally In Love - todxrxki
Kuroo frowns, but then slowly, the corners of his mouth lift up into a smirk. "Well, if it's so unbelievable, why don't we give it a try?"
Kenma glances up at him curiously. "What do you mean?"
"Let's do the 36 questions to fall in love," Kuroo says, still smirking stupidly. "If we don't fall in love, then you're right, it's bullshit. But if we do somehow..." Kuroo waggles his eyebrows. "Then I win." / Kuroo decides he and Kenma should do the 36 questions to fall in love as a joke, but they both start to realize they might actually be in love already.
the galaxy is endless (i thought we were, too) - cosmogony
TW: major character death
Kuroken AU where the last words your soulmate will say to you appear on your skin when you turn 16, and how Kenma and Kuroo learn what this means over the course of their lives
even if you’re ahead for a bit, i will catch up - ghostpot
Kuroo first confesses when they're sticky-fingered, wide-eyed kids, and subsequently every day after that. Kenma takes a while to come around.
you’re the brake lines failing (as my car swerves off the freeway) - ghostpot
Kenma thinks that Kuroo looks ugly with his head bent against the arm of the couch like that. Then Kenma thinks that he wants to marry him, and is promptly thrown into the 5 stages of grief.
teach me the way home - icespyders
“Don’t go far off, not even for a day, because —
because — I don’t know how to say it: a day is long
and I will be waiting for you, as in an empty station
when the trains are parked off somewhere else, asleep.”
Kuroo and Kenma grow up in transit.
in this universe - crossbelladonna
Living with Kuroo is sometimes, just like this. It always feels surreal like he's living half a world and a lot of things rush by too quickly. Kenma feels like he'd watched him come and go in a blink, eyes wide and wordless as the shared space went snug in an instant and far larger in the next.
All this, and a glass of water.
Beginning’s End - todxrxki
Somehow over the course of Kenma's lifetime, he’s never really had an opportunity to miss Kuroo. He’s always been there. Even when they went to different schools, Kuroo would meet him afterwards so they could walk home together, shoulders brushing, Kuroo occasionally taking the opportunity to guide him when his nose was buried in the newest video game. The thought of Kuroo not being there anymore is uncomfortable, to say the least. / Kozume Kenma's third year and the changes the year brings in himself and his relationship with Kuroo Tetsurou.
All I Want for Christmas is You - todxrxki
“Kuro,” he says. “You’re a single guy.”
“Yeah, great, thanks for pointing that out.”
“And my parents already know you, plus they already know you like guys or whatever so… what if you pretended to be my date for Christmas dinner?” / In which Kenma recruits his housemate and best friend Kuroo to be his fake date for Christmas.
just to miss the sun - rosevtea
Everything begins to implode when MSBY Jackals outside hitter Bokuto Koutarou crashes Akaashi's livestream.
Operation BokuAka - kazzydolyn
After spending two whole years watching Bokuto and Akaashi pine for one another, the rest of the Fukuroudani Volleyball Club has had enough. When everyone meets up for a reunion dinner, the team decides to play matchmaker and finally get the two of them together. Unfortunately, their plan starts to fall apart when they discover that Akaashi is already dating someone. And apparently so is Bokuto. What a strange coincidence.
bitter - silvercistern
He accepted his classmate's chocolates gracefully, then declared his lack of interest with as much dignity as he could muster. She deserved the courtesy. At least she'd acknowledged that Valentine's Day was all about her, and not about him in the slightest.
Because if any of these girls had taken the time to actually get to know him, they’d quickly realize something even more important than his lack of interest in girls.
And that was that Akaashi hated sweets.
In Another Life - LittleLuxray
TW: major character death
Sleeping didn't come as easy as it used to. Bokuto knew this, and now Akaashi did, too.
The hospital AU that no body asked for, but that I took upon myself to write.
120% yes - pissedofsandwich
in reply to @bokkun_official 
Congratulations! In celebration of your historic engagement, please DM us so we can send you a free membership code with a 25% discount on every fourth purchase!
Kissing Ace - karasunovolleygays
It happens right after training camp.
Akaashi Keiji has a secret he has guarded since he was a child. He won’t go so far as to call it a fear, but more of an aspect of himself of which he is horribly mortified. No one on the team knows about it, and Akaashi does his best to keep it that way.
But years of dodging hugs and casual contact come to naught in the blink of an eye and the swipe of a hand.
daisy rings and frivolous things (i am deliriously in love with you) - gabstar
Akaashi Keiji is in love. Bokuto Koutarou is a star. Everyone on Fukurodani has a gambling problem.
The MSBY Black Jackals Read Thirst Tweets - isaksara (syailendra)
Sakusa’s eyes are very dark naturally, sucking in all surrounding rays of light and crushing them in his pupils. For an athlete, he is rather pale. His lips look very pink in comparison. Atsumu is suddenly catastrophically aware that in this instance, ‘accent’ is a euphemism. “Good enough for your Olympic-size ego, Miya?”
(In which Atsumu realizes that he is attracted to Sakusa Kiyoomi in the most inconvenient way possible.)
A Liar’s Truth - internetpistol
In which Sakusa Kiyoomi is raised to believe that gay people go to hell but then takes one look at Miya Atsumu and thinks, then why the hell did God make them so fucking hot?
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mamavanheat · 3 years
Pullout Couch
Tumblr media
Hey guys, this is my first writing project that I've ever finished. I got inspired by fellow writers on here and decided to try to make my own. I hope you enjoy. I'm sorry if there's any grammar mistakes.
Josh X Female!Reader
Backstory: You're a photographer and just returned from a trip taking photos for prints. You realize you lost your keys and it's so late you don't want to bother your friend to come back to your apartment. But you remember there is someone a couple floors away you think might let you stay until you can call for another key.
You feel like you had been on the plane forever and your legs are finally starting to feel normal again walking from your friend's car back towards your apartment building. It was somewhere 2 AM and all you could think about was having a nice hot bath and finally being able to relax. Your 2-week trip had been filled with travel and photoshoots all over the country. You had a good feeling a lot of your shots would sell well this time.
Turning with a smile at your friends exhausted face both of you say your goodbyes and thank her for picking you up and dropping you off so late. Slowly you make your way down the hall from the elevator dragging your suitcase and bags. As you approach your door, you blow the strand of hair from your eyes with a huge sigh and start to dig in your bag for your keys.
After a couple minutes you start to panic a little. Oh fuck. A little annoyed, you toss your bags on the ground and slouch your back against the wall covering your face with your hands.  You slide your back down the wall and scroll through your phone contacts trying to remember if anyone would be up this late to let you crash at their place. Another sigh, and you check your phone for the time. Damn, it’s already 2. I guess it’s too late to call anyone.
Tired and helpless you pull up Instagram and scroll for a while not sure exactly what to do. You scroll past a post of a friend’s friend. It was a picture of him and his band of brothers. You double tap the pic and kept scrolling. Then the thought hit you like a bag of bricks. Wait, doesn’t he live a couple floors above me? You only met a couple times hanging out with your friends but he did mention living in the same building as you. You sit for a moment trying to rack your brain of the number apartment he lived in. Shutting your eyes for a moment you trace through every conversation about it you remember. Was it 614- no I think it started with 5. Hmmm.... 524?
Feeling once again helpless you grunt a little and scroll back through the texts between you and him. Then finally you come across that time he saw your prints and asked if he could buy a few. He texted you his apartment number but you never got around to replying to him about it. Okay he said he’s staying in roooooooom...AHA! It is 524! Finally, you had an escape from just sleeping in the hallway, which would have been your next plan.
Grabbing your bags from the floor, you hastily make your way to the elevator and hit the number 5. Staring at the floor numbers making your way up, you thought maybe you should try to send him a warning text or something in case he had someone over. You didn’t know him well, but you knew him well enough to know him and his brothers love company. You make the maze down the hallway until you reach his door. Taking a deep breath and hoping to not receive rejection, you lightly knock on the door. After a second with no response, you knock again a little harder this time.
Turning your back and thinking to yourself how uncomfortable the floor in front of your apartment was going to be, you hear the door knob turn and click open. Turning back around, you see Josh with his messy hair and almost closed eyes looking at you.  His collar bones contoured around his frame. His chest was bare and he had a pair of sweatpants on resting below his hips. You were taken back by how sexy you thought he was in that exact moment. I don’t think he recognizes me.
“Uh, hello?” he mumbled. Then he let out a big yawn covering his mouth with his fist.
“Hey, um, I’m sorry to wake you up. I know it’s super late, but I lost my keys and I was kinda hopin-”
“Oh, shit Y/N. I didn’t realize it was you. Yeah, come on in,” he waved his hand letting you know it was okay to enter.
Stumbling over your words once again trying to apologize for waking him so late you start sputtering out, “I just got back from my trip and like I said I can’t find my keys. I thought it was too late to call anyon-”
“Y/N, it’s all good,” he stated with a lazy smile. He was being geniune. His eyes were filled with kindness and understanding.
Shuffling inside still holding your bags and looking for a place to put them, you take in his apartment. It was a studio like yours, but his had this amazing brick accent wall in the living room. He only had a lamp in the living area and by his bed lit. You can tell he lit them making his way to the door. You see a small area behind the couch separating the kitchen and living space so you lay your bags there. Looking around to take in his little apartment was nice. It was clean and minimal but had a nice rustic charm to it. You notice he all the instruments in the corner across from the couch. Along the other wall was a huge record collection. Some of the covers you recognized and some you’d never heard of before.
“So um, I’m gonna try to go back to sleep. There’s a couple pillows on the couch, but let me grab you a blanket.” He said retrieving a small throw from the closet. Handing you the blanket your fingers brush past each other and it felt like slow motion. You think he realized it also because he paused for a second and looked at you with a small smirk. He ran his fingers through his hair and let out a small sigh.
“Thank you. I really appreciate it.” Shrugging your shoulders and giving a shy smile. “I didn’t have anywhere else I could think of going.”
“No, don’t worry yourself. It’s fine. I promise.” He comforted you with a smile and nod. “Just don’t wake me up again or you’ll be in trouble.” His smile turned into sexy little grin with a wink. Your face became flushed with red immidiately.
He reached to scratch his bare chest as turned to go back towards his bed. He shows you the bathroom and you see the light flicker off by his bed after him climbing under the covers. “Goodnight, Y/N. If you get lonely I’ve got room for you in here.” Sensing the smugness in his voice you couldn’t help but once again feel your face turning hot.
You go to your bag to grab a hoodie and shorts to change. Then your toothbrush and paste, making your way quietly to the bathroom hoping to have the hot bath you intended. His bathroom is a little smaller than yours. The only layout difference you noticed was, sadly, no tub. Sighing and realized you won’t get to relax after the night you already had, you turn on the shower and scrounge for a towel. The water was nice even though it’s not as relaxing. You stood under the shower head for a couple minutes letting the hot water drape over you. It was relieving to wash the day off.
Suddenly your mind snapped to Josh. He’d been so nice to accept you so late without warning. His sleepy eyes and messy hair let you know he hadn’t been asleep for a while. Realizing now his bare chest revealed his soft skin and happy trial. His collar bones poking out connecting to his small but toned shoulders. His hips barely hugging the pants he had on. Wait. What am I doing? I barely know him. You shake your head snapping yourself back to reality. Finishing your routine, you turn the water off and grab the towel you managed to find in the cabinet. Exhausted and wanting to just lay down, you slip into the sweatshirt and shorts, then comb your hair and brush your teeth. Before retreating from the bathroom, you hang the towel and grab your clothes off the floor.
You make your way through the living room and throw your things on your bag, too tired to bother actually putting them away. You sit on the couch and spread out the blanket over your legs as you turn off the last light in the room. Before you lay down and get settled you look over to his bed and realize the curtains were open letting the moon light up the room. You couldn’t see his face. Just his silhouette laying below his comforter. You slide down the couch placing your head on one of the pillows and using the other one to cuddle. Laying with a pillow on your chest always made you feel safe. Especially since you can’t remember the last time you had any affection.
Laying there in just the moon light you thought you would pass out in no time. That turned out to not be the case. You lay there switching positions over and over trying to get the sweet spot. You let out a small grunt out of frustration. You hear shuffling coming from Josh’s bed so you prop yourself up for a second peak his direction. He was turning over as well but he seemed to not have the same issue with falling back to sleep. After a couple seconds, it grew quiet again and the room was starting to feel lonely. Your mind started getting restless and soon enough you were flashing back to your thoughts from earlier. You wondered what his skin felt like. His curly hair. His soft lips. His hands gripping at your body.
It started turning you on and you could feel the heat going towards your pussy. The urge to touch yourself grew the more you thought of him. The thought of him touching you. You wanted to feel his body pressed on top of yours. The wetness coming from your pants was prompting you to touch yourself. You reach your hand down your shorts and with the other hand grip the pillow tighter to your core. You touch your clit rubbing in circles making sure every breath you took was muted. If he ever found out you’d be embarrassed beyond belief.
The thoughts of him just wouldn’t leave your head. You start getting closer to climax so you swiftly throw the blanket off yourself and roll onto your stomach. Pushing the pillow you were holding between your thighs, you start grinding your hips deep into it. Biting your lips and holding your face into the pillow that was below your head. Squeezing your eyes shut the only images you could see are flashes of Josh on top of you. Feeling the pleasure your mind gave you from what you’d allow him to do to you. Your breathing got heavier and deeper as your visions started to turn to white with pleasure overload.
Nearly startled to death, you flew off the couch with hands and legs flailing in the air to grab anything on the way down. Your heart was pounding through your chest. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh, no. Already embarassed out of your mind, you peak your head over the couch to find Josh in the kitchen staring directly at you. When did he wake up? Did he see anything? Oh, shit. His breathing was heavy and his eyes were pupil filled darkness. The lights were still off but you could see the shape of his body from the light outside.
“I- um. I’m sorry if I woke you. I just- uh couldn’t sleep.” you mutter staring directly at him. He didn’t move for a couple minutes.
“You know, Y/N, I would have helped if you had asked.” A smirk emerged from his face.  “I was just grabbing a glass of water. Would you like one?”
He walks around the corner counter and your gaze follows down his body as you notice he was relived of the sweatpants he was wearing earlier and is now in his briefs. Something was bulging from them. The pulsating from your clit grew and was now getting unbarable to ignore. You realize your still sitting on the floor hiding yourself behind the couch. What was I thinking? I just wanted to relax. Letting out a small breath you gather yourself to stand up. He’s still gazing at you but you can’t really read his face anymore.
Feeling the tingling in your groin as your legs rub together as you stood up. Nervously rubbing your arm with the oposite hand you try to gather what had happened. Okay, he just woke up to me touching myself on his couch. What’s going to happen next? Your heart was practically in your throat at this point. Slowly he walked walked toward you until he was close enough you could feel his body heat. His curls were outlined with the back light. You could smell a mixture of old cologne and his natural musk. This made your heart flutter even harder.
Almost instinctly his hand rose to stroke your cheek to your chin. With the other hand meeting at your neck, he sank closer to you. His soft lips pecking yours at first. You grabbed his hips pulling him in closer. At this point it seemed both of your hearts were racing with enticement. His little kisses turned to sloppy open mouth kisses filled with tounge. The passion was radiating from him driving you crazy. He suddenly pulled his mouth away still. His hands still gripped around your jaw.
“Did you finish yourself?” He wondered, making intense deep eye contact.
The heat was rising through your face once again. “I was about to... and then I heard you.” A nervous laugh was released and you had to break eye contact.
He moved in close again but this time aiming towards your neck with his lips instead. His hands starting running down the arms of your sweatshirt and to your sides. Softly he pecked at your neck which made your head throw back in desire. “I was thinking. Maybe I could help you finish. And you can say we’re even for letting you stay tonight?” He whispered in between kisses.
How can I say no? You go back to gazing into his eyes and biting your lip you nod lightly. A strand of hair fell from behind your ear into your face. Josh was quick to slide it back behind your ear being sure to not break the stare. He grabbed you by the hips pushing you onto the couch. He leaned over and kissed you one more time on the lips before moving back down to your neck. His hands made their way under your sweatshirt as he worked a hickey on your delicate skin. Realized you had no bra on, he smiles into you and continues to knead at your breasts. Stopping slightly to pinch your hardened nipple leaving you to moan into the air. Startling you, he grabbed the bottom of your top and pulled it over your head with intention. He gazed at you in the soft light. Speechless he caressed your curves admiring every inch. Moving towards your breasts he’s sure to softly leave his mark with a trail. Goosebumps fill your skin with every touch of his mouth.
He stayed on your breast for a couple minutes but you could feel yourself wanting to reach your hand to your clit. Now pulsating so hard and begging for attention. He notices your hand sliding down and he stops you.
“No, let me.” he states making eye contact again. Still feeling your skin with his curious hands, he kissed his way down to your thighs.
He lightly kisses back and forth between thighs and drags his hands up to the top of your shorts. Grabbing at them, he slides them down your legs and tosses them onto the floor. His lips glide across your skin to your legs. Throwing them over his shoulder, he grabs your hips and swiftly pulls you down towards him. He continues running his hands down your legs softly making sure he does’t miss out a single spot as he gazes at your pussy. You’re insanely throbbing and thoughts race through your head of how the release will feel. Wrapping his arm around your leg, his thumb lands on your slit. He rubs down and then up dragging your juices from earlier onto your clit. He slowly starts rubbing in circles then back and forth. All the while, staring intensely observing what makes you go crazy.
“Fuck, Y/N. Do you realize how insanely sexy you are?” he growls at you. “I’ve had my eye on you for a while. You’re amazing. I can’t believe this is happening.”
The only reply you could muster up was, “Fu-” with a whimper shoving your head back deeper into the pillow.
His thumb was replaced with a warm, wet, strong swipe of his tounge. You gasp like you forgot how to breathe. It had been so long since you had been touched with such passion. His tounge flat, he swipes side to side in a fast motion burrying his face deep into you. Your legs become hard to control and every flick of his tounge leads to twitches. He holds you down by your hips as your back arches. Your hands are thrown instantly to grab him by his curly locks as he moans into you. A finger slides into you and you can’t help but let out another moan this time throwing your torso forward making eye contact with him. He uses his tounge to make circles around your clit and sucking while glancing at your expressions.
“Josh- I need you. I need to feel you inside me.” You whisper at him.
He quickly stands up and slides off his briefs. His penis sprug out solid at you. Oh, my god. It’s so much prettier than I thought. He climbs back on top of you and starts reaching his mouth for yours. Your hands grab onto his back making your way up his shoulders and wrapping your legs tight around him. You can feel him pulsating on you and twitching begging for your wetness. One of your hands stays gripped with your nails digging. The other slides up the back of his neck. I can’t believe this is happening. And he’s so damn hot. Grabbing a handful of his hair, he sighs deep at you. He reaches down and grabs himself to slid himself up and down your slit. His head throws back as he starts to slide into you. Both of you gasp in unison and pull each other tighter. His head became burried into your neck. He lets out a grunt.
Slowly at first and picking up pace with every stroke. The deeper he got the higher you felt. The harder he hit the closer you were to peaking. He reaches behind you grabbing a handful of hair and pulling lightly. Your head falls back again. Taking the opportunity, he slides his hand back down to your clit rubbing it in circles. You can’t hold back anymore. You let out a cry of passion and pleasure.
“That’s it, Y/N. Show me what your face looks like when you cum. I want to see you finish first.” He whispered into your ear. Grabbing your ankles, he throws your legs into a new position over his shoulders.
The new friction was driving you insane. Your touch starved body couldn’t take it anymore. You allow yourself to release onto him. “Fuck! Fuck! Oh god! Josh, fuck me!” Your hands grab your breasts and your back arches with each thrust.
This causes him to go almost balistic. His movements and thrusts became more erratic and you can feel him twitching inside you with each stroke. He props himself up with his hands on the couch around your head. Sure to make eye contact once again he leans in to kiss you long and passionate. Deeper and faster he moves until he throws his head back and final time. He pulls out of you and his cum covers your entire stomach and breasts with force.
Both of you lay there twitching with ecstacy and bliss. He looks at your face with a smile and lets out a couple deep breaths. “Whew. That was intense!” he states with a smile and shaking his head as he stood up. He disappears into the bathroom retreving a towel. Returning to help you clean up, the smile never left his face.
This was definetly not how you expected your night to go. Still laying in total shock and bliss, you lay in silence. “Are you okay, Y/N?” he asks you.
You smile and nod at him with your flushed cheeks still beaming. “It’s been a long time. You’re incredible.”
“I knew you’d enjoy it.” He replies with a laugh. He leans in to kiss you another time. This time it was so gentle and soft. Almost as if he didn’t want to let you go.
He grabs your hand and helps you off the couch. Handing you pieces of your clothing he says, “You know you don’t have to sleep on the couch if you don’t want to. My bed is open.” He glances at you as if he wants you to take his offer as he pulls his sweatpants back on.
A giggle was let out from you and you smile huge while replying, “I’d hope so after that.”
He takes your hand once again and pulls you with him to the bed. You climb in first and bury yourself under the comforter. He climbs in after you and pulls you close to him again. You lay there with his arms wrapped around you. It feels safe. It feels nice. Stroking your hair, he lays with you. He kisses your forehead and embraces you tighter.
“Y/N, before you fall asleep. I want you to know how beautiful you are. I’ve wanted to talk to you more but we have never been alone long enough,” he sweetly whispers to you.
This causes a smile to form on your face and you reply, “I hope I can spend more time with you.”
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ceruleanchillin · 3 years
Honeymoon Headcanons: Mayans Edition
Characters: Angel, Coco, EZ x F!Reader
Miami (Angel)
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It wasn’t difficult at all to decide where the two of you would take your honeymoon. When you weren’t gonna be naked, Angel wanted you in sundresses and bikinis. You wanted him in linen shirts, and to feel him up in a club. Couple that with you both wanting a tropical environment, and Miami it is.
Angel letting you handle the accommodations, because you seem to know more about what you wanna see/where you wanna go than he does. He only cares about a bed and shower for when he’s not taking you in the inappropriate places. He just hands over the cash, though he complains about his hurt wallet.
Angel hard as a rock when he sees your new name on your plane ticket.
The two of you nearly missing your flight because your husband needs to “show his wife he loves her”.
You babying him on the flight, because Angel has never flown anywhere before.
“Mami, it’s perfectly valid to feel like a flying toaster can’t safely get you anywhere but a casket. Which they can’t even put you in, because you’ll be everywhere!”
Cue you distracting him with kisses and dirty words in his ear, which gets you initiated into the Mile High Club
Barely making it into the cute little condo before the two of you are at it again, collapsing in the late hours to jet lag and mutual satisfaction.
Your first official day is spent dragging Angel around the humid streets. Knowing he stresses easily if you plan things too tightly, and wanting to wing it yourself. It’s surprising how well you to fit in, it almost feels like home.
Angel switching from being jealous, because your tiny cotton sundress is attracting more than just his attention, to him kissing all over your dewy skin because so much of it is visible.
You getting as jealous as Angel, because it seems like each place you drag him to has openly interested ladies. It’s the white linen shirt that he won’t fully button no matter how many times you try to make him.
Angel basking in the attention, and even playing it up to force you to be the one to initiate inappropriate public sex.
Smirking when you break after a woman pays for his (and unintentionally yours) order at a small cafe you stepped into and you snap and drag him to a hidden place.
“I only love you querida, mi alma.” he whispers in your ear when he bottoms out inside you.
You two are a beautiful couple. Photogenic as all hell. Alone, neither of you have a problem attracting interest, but together, you make people want to be seen around you. That’s why you have no problem club hopping to all the exclusive places.
Angel taking photos and videos of you dancing because he’s so enthralled. He can’t wait to show your kids one day when they ask why he fell for you, and he explains how full of life you are.
Getting enough liquor in Angel to get him dance somewhere away from the club, especially since he (lies) and says he can’t.
You and Angel competing to see who can get the most people to buy your drinks + the two of you losing track because you both get drunk.
A quickie in the coatroom is the prize, Angel fucking you to the hypnotic beat.
Spending a few hours apart the following day, only to still keep texting and FaceTiming each other until you met up, touch starved, at a small restaurant.
Deciding to spend the rest of the day at your Airbnb laid up under each other after Angel scores weed. Teasing Angel about his monetary complaints when you spend all night enjoying the small backyard pool.
Angel thanking God for getting an adventure loving woman as his soulmate when you wake him up the next afternoon to inform him you rented jet skis for the day.
You being impressed when, while jet skiing, Angel silver tongues your way into an invitation to a nearby yacht party out of the host.
FaceTiming Gilly to make him jealous that you two are doing Hookah and drinking Casamigos in a hot tub.
Angel ramping up the mockery when EZ and Coco appear on screen, attracted by Gilly’s whining. Everyone looking overworked and salty, while you and Angel are living your best non-sober lives.
Slipping away from the party to one of the rooms on the boat, because once again, you and Angel never know when to stop teasing each other before it ends up in sex.
Feeling bold enough to suggest that since Angel’s been documenting so much of the trip, that maybe he should film this too.
The aftermath being a surprisingly sweet series of kisses and confessions where the two of you express how thankful you are to have found each other. How you can’t wait to build a forever together.
Marfa + Roswell (Coco)
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No one knew how you got Coco to agree to travel for your honeymoon until you finally revealed where you were going. Splitting a week between Marfa and Roswell.
You and Coco are that “weird” conspiracy, incense, and weed couple, so it makes sense.
Giving Coco an edible before you leave, because like Angel, he doesn’t fuck with air travel like that.
“They got me with that bullshit in the military, but that was out of my control. You askin’ a lot right now, you’re lucky you’re cute mujer.”
Coco getting progressively handsy during the flight as the edible hits. Eventually, you stop fake-fighting his neck kisses and forward touches.
Also like Angel in that he’s unafraid to become a member of the Mile High Club.
The ride from the El Paso airport, to the car rental place, to Marfa takes far longer than Coco would like.
He’s used to long stretches of trip on his bike, and when you notice him becoming antsy, you distract him with interesting facts about Marfa.
The entire time, Coco can’t help but think that you’re the perfect road trip co-pilot, only to realize he actually meant his life in general now.
Coco proud as hell when you fall in love with his accommodations choice like he did. The colorful airstream trailers of the El Cosmico hotel are the two of you through and through.
You both trying to be responsible adults and refresh after travel, but continuing to get lost in each other during the whole process.
Shower sex -> Making out while drying off -> Touching while searching through your bags for something to wear -> bed sex -> repeat
Looking thoroughly mauled when you finally manage to get Coco off of you and into the car in search of food the next afternoon.
Coco being happy you can’t cover up due to the heat, while you wonder what superpower he and his boys have that let them wear flannel and long sleeves in the heat.
Dragging Coco to a cute cafe you saw on instagram, and him knowing, by the hipster design of it, that his wallet is about to cry.
Stealing food from his plate, and laughing at him sucking his teeth and whining when he catches you.
“You’re stuck with me forever now Johnny sooo….get used to this.”
“Small price to pay for that I guess.”
Finding small shops to go to and being Siamese twins in every one. Coco showing he has good taste in a lot of things one might think he wouldn’t. Him opening up his wallet at everything you 'ooh' and 'aww' at. He can’t help it, he likes you happy, and your kisses and adoring looks are addicting.
For almost everything you get, Letty gets something too. Neither of you wants that tantrum when you get back.
You fighting yourself to avoid the art supply store, and Coco not having it.
“I have so many supplies already, it’s an addiction at this point.”
“So? Get some more. It’s our week, we shouldn’t stress about shit.”
Coco bragging on your talents and successes to the art shop cashier when you checkout.
“Cocoooo.” you murmur hiding your face in his shoulder, arms around his waist.
“Don’t be shy ma, you’re fucking amazing. I love your skills.”
Cue the cashier swooning at the two of you.
Finding unique liquor stores and getting tipsy on samples. It becomes twice as fun when locals, and other tourists alike, start discussing the Marfa lights with you, and you and Coco impress everyone with your ideas.
Being invited to a bonfire smoke session with the other El Cosmico guests when you get back.
Sketching Coco by the firelight, because he’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen in that moment, and now he’s officially yours.
The sex being on another level of intimate that night, because all day you and Coco have been engaging in your respective love languages, and it culminates in mutual need for each other.
The drive to Roswell being more tolerable for Coco, but he still misses his bike. Your excitement about AlienFest is so palpable however, he quickly forgets.
Your hotel being more conventional, but the people you meet making up for it. Finally, you and Coco aren’t the weirdest ones in the room.
Taking the time before the festival starts to check in with friends and family and accumulate odd souvenirs for them. You believe Coco is intentionally getting them stuff they’ll hate.
“Taza won’t wear that baby, he has better taste in jewelry than UFO earrings.”
“Ok, but can he bitch about us not getting him anything? Plus, you can guilt anyone into anything.”
Doing cute edible pastries at the festival.
“You know Aliens are demons right? Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard were doing summoning rituals in the Mojave in 1946, and Roswell was the following year.”
“Word?…Shit. Tell me that again when we’re not rolling. I wanna read about it………you’re so smart mami.”
Coco realizing between every snack stop, every dance he shares with you, every trinket you pick up, and every little conspiracy tidbit you share, that you’re his wife now. That the peace he’s been feeling all week, that he thought he’d never have, is going to be his new normal.
New Orleans (EZ)
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You and EZ both enjoy engaging with history and culture, and felt that your honeymoon should be built off of your shared interests. During your meticulous wedding planning, it was decided New Orleans would be the honeymoon destination. It didn’t hurt that you missed your southern roots too, even if you weren’t from New Orleans.
Traveling with EZ is a dream considering you’re both pretty organized, together people. He’s not afraid of flying, but you’re always a little nervous.
EZ being Best Husband™️ and soothing even the most minor of your stresses by turning your attention to the excitement of your trip and your new relationship status.
Teasing EZ in-flight won’t get you Mile High Club initiated, because he finds it much more entertaining to punish you by letting you work the both of you up, and making you stay that way for the duration of the flight. He’s got enough will power to suffer through it, because your soft whines make it worth it.
The airbnb is everything it was promised to be, and you’d appreciate that later, but all you can think of is your husband when you step through the door. That’s the other half of why EZ likes to leave you waiting. Your aggression and exclusive desire for him gets, and keeps, him hard.
It rains the following day, which is just as well, because neither of you are quite ready to stop physically expressing your love for each other. The day consists of ordering food, falling out of your clothes and onto each other, separating to read, falling back on each other, and quick naps.
Angel sending mocking texts in your Reyes group about how you’re trying to turn his brother bamma like you, only to stop when you threaten him with no souvenirs.
EZ and you taking responsibility for your own tour because let’s face it, you both know exactly what you want to see, and can plan a more satisfying tour for the both of you. You take turns deciding where to go next.
When it’s his turn, EZ picks an art museum, and can’t quit smiling about it. You think it’s because he picked a place he really wanted to go to.
“Babe, I have a surprise for you.”
“What?” your excitement always makes EZ’s heart race with his own.
He hands you the guide brochure he picked up at the door, folded to the section he wants you to look at.
“Faith Ringgold exhibit?!”
He hums and nods, grunting when you knock into him with a hug.
“Thank you for thinking of me. I love you.” you look up at him, eyes shining with unshed tears and he just kisses you, afraid he’ll cry if he says anything.
The two of you avoid the tourist trap spots for lunch and find a cute family owned cafe. You order for the both of you based on what you know about southern cuisine and both of your tastes.
You love watching EZ fall in love with the food as he keeps asking “Can you make this?” about everything he eats.
The two of you walking through the Garden District in the evening. Hands swinging between you with no plans but to admire the beautiful homes and foliage.
EZ noting how awestruck you are, and you describing what you love about the historic, towering homes.
He catches that when you describe what your dream home in the area would be, he and your future children are mentioned frequently, and it makes butterflies dance in his stomach. He can picture your family in the yards around him.
The two of you almost make it back to your Airbnb, but give into your baser urges after all the domestic conversation. EZ pulls you into an alley for a quickie, the two of you fighting to silence the other’s vocal expression.
You teasing EZ after that he’s more like his brother than he thinks. Him teasing back the two of you would’ve been caught and arrested if he was like Angel.
The following day is relaxed and less planned. The both of you getting thoughtful gifts for each member of your family, blood and otherwise. EZ scores major points for the gifts he suggests for your mom and dad, and you kind of want to jump him again.
EZ is glad you’re impressed, but it’s nothing to him. It all comes naturally because he loves you so much, and refuses to be anything other than the husband he knows you deserve.
I didn’t want to add this, cuz I wanted to end on a sweet note, but you just know Angel would accidentally send that vid to one of his boys.
Personally, I lose it for shit like this. Anything domestic in writings is my jam, so I decided to make these headcanons.
- Fun fact: Jet Ski is kind of like Bandaid in that it’s become the generic term for “personal water vehicles”, but it’s actually a specific brand’s name for their PWVs. I learned this while writing this enjoy💀.
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5sosdrfluke · 2 years
Can you do a dating Ashton would include please? I really liked the others for Cal and Luke you did!!!!!
Hi Anon! Yes I can make one for Ash!! I had a few asks for this!
Dating Ashton Would Include:
-Coming up with your own secret handshake because of another excuse to touch his hands.
-Constantly hearing him drum on objects, surfaces, and people with his fingers.
-Making time for date nights where he either goes all out, or makes a sweet home date.
-"Someone always brings up the lemon tree. Now it's my personality apparently."
-Soft PDA with his hand in yours or around your waist, and gentle kisses to let you know he's thinking of you.
-Having the ritual of walking to a coffee shop every morning to get your daily caffeine fix.
-Going to museums of all kinds. Art, history, music, you name it.
-Coming up with new cocktails at home that usually taste disgusting.
-Hearing his adorable giggle in person.
-Him constantly trying to make you smile and laugh because he loves the sound.
-Taking his aesthetic pictures for Instagram and coming up with new ideas for poses.
-Going shopping for candles a lot and always having one burning somewhere in the house.
-Trying to learn the drumstick trick and him being so patient with you.
-Coming home to random parties that he's started and joining in the fun.
-"Y/N, have you seen my glasses?"
-"What do you mean they're on my head?" "Oh. My bad."
-Marveling at the talent he has. The drums, guitar, bass, vocals.
-Cooking together and taking turns choosing the ingredients.
-Him giving you sweaty hugs after shows because he's so happy you're there night after night.
-"C'mere. I'm sleepy."
-Sassy Ashton making appearances.
-Playing his drums and getting chased out of the room before he catches you and kisses you.
-"Calum is not my girlfriend. He's my boyfriend."
-Hearing him sing in the shower.
-Going to festivals and concerts all the time.
-Sitting outside with a guitar and hearing him sing new lyrics he's written.
-Laughing at his drumming faces.
-Exploring the different cities he tours together.
-Giving you the most thoughtful gifts.
-Meeting his siblings and becoming close with them.
-High Ashton cuddling you as much as he can.
-Meditating together in the mornings before you both go your separate ways for the day.
-"I had a dream that Luke was a Koala and Michael kicked him out of a tree and there was so much blood."
-"Too much?"
-Watching nature documentaries and talking about your favorite animals.
-Throwing you surprise birthday parties and making you feel special.
-Offering to dog sit any of the other boys' dogs.
-Going on intimate vacations once in a while to get away and to have sexy fun times.
-"Should we get a dog?"
-So many lemons.
-Going to look at Christmas lights with hot chocolate to be festive.
-Him writing you handwritten letters when you can't go on tour with him.
-Sweet cuddles that turn into slow lovemaking.
-"I love you so much. Please stay with me."
-Taking you to Ikea to shop for weird furniture and seeing who can get the strangest item.
-Watching him take his ice baths and always saying no if he asked you to join.
-The warmest hugs.
-"I'm so lucky to have you, Y/N. I hope I get to be with you forever."
(Daww Ash. These are so fun to make! I hope you like it! -Kenzie xx)
Come Talk About 5SOS
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nerdy-simp-7120 · 3 years
hi! if you're comfortable writing this, could i ask for a scenario? this has been in the back of my head for a while.
what would be the reaction of the brothers + dateables of watching mc play resident evil in the dimitrescu castle? who would be down bad the most
thank you! feel free to ignore this if you don't want to write this ofc
I love this ask (stan tall vampire lady). The only thing is that I accidentally turned it into a “how they feel about the game.” I managed to add in some parts with MC playing as well to make up for it
Update: I literally finished the request yesterday but my wifi went down and I lost everything  😩 😩
I also wrote this in the middle of the night so sorry if there are any errors! Enjoy!
Warnings: cursing.
How the OM! characters would react to you playing Resident Evil (Dimitrescu Castle edition)
Will not care at first
"I hold no interest in such trivial simulations."
His weakness? Being a simp for you.
He decides to look into the game a bit more in private later on.
Will lowkey practice the game
If you ever catch him playing it, do not say anything because he will stop immediately, deny everything, and might not ever do it again
With time, however, Lucifer will come to master the game.
Here comes the showing off.
When you're rambling about the game with Levi, Lucifer will join the conversation and you two will be like "wow, boomer knows something for once--"
Or when you're struggling on a part of the game he will be like, "hand it over"
Before expertly getting through that part.
Can defeat Lady Dimitrescu if you ask him to but be careful cause he might make you beg
sadistic bastard
or you can be a badass and show him your skills
Will be a tad shocked at how easily you handled it but won't let it show (okay Elsa)
Also proud though
Lucifer's internal monologue: “That’s right- show them how it’s done, Y/n.”
Will watch you play and cover his eyes during every battle
"wHAT IS THAT?!" at everything you come across
I hope you're good at playing one-handed because you'll have to use the other hand to hold his throughout the entire thing
Admires you're bravery but would never admit it
"You were horrible! ...N-nice job beating the game, not that I c-care or anything. You sucked anyways!"
Not even 10 seconds later...
"Can I watch you play again?"
Comes to find that the faces you make are adorable: when you're concentrating on a battle, when you win, find a valuable item, etc
He loves being able to see how you're feeling up close.
If you catch him staring when you take a break or something he'll blush and either ask you if you have a staring problem or that you have something on your face
He may or may not buy cheap merch (a tiny key chain of Lady Dimitrescu or your favorite character) for you, all the while spewing lame excuses
Please bear with him- he's trying.
Congrats, you just found yourself someone to discuss the game with
Is open to cosplay the characters with you
You two will have competitions to see who can beat the game faster.
You both also share theories with each other all the time
Or simply discuss the characters together
He purposefully stays quiet to hear you ramble on and on- dude finds it adorable
You two also sometimes argue debate over a character name or event in the game
Because while you have Resident Evil
He only knows Resident Devil
This is the equivalent of Devilgram and Instagram
I mean
They’re the same,
But a couple things were altered, y’know, to prevent copyright
So yes, there are definitely a few quarrels here and there
But all in all, it’s a fun gamer bud experience
Don’t tell him I told you but he thinks it’s hot when you show off your badass skills in a boss fight
He plays it on the lowkey.
Not because he’s embarrassed
But because he partially takes his anger out on the characters
During gory scenes, he imagines it’s him torturing Lucifer, fueling his determination to win
A calculated person, Satan is a smart player
But there are times when he’s particularly angry and he becomes a reckless one, jumping into fights impetuously
This is where you come in and beat the enemy for him
He may get angrier, thinking you are underestimating him
But, for the sake of the person he loves, he calms down knowing you didn’t mean to offend him
A small part in the back of his head also admires you for being able to handle the fight a ton better than he did
Congratulations, you just earned yourself the great Satan’s respect (resident evil-wise).
“Oh my, I never knew you were into such gory games! Does this mean you’re into blood play, because I know many things about--”
He may look carefree on the outside
But on the inside?
Let’s take a look, shall we?
Holy shit
What the fu--
Jesus christ, can you pull a move like that in real life?
He needs to be careful to not piss you off.
If you can handle this, who knows what you could be capable of?
Hold on.
Wait, you look so concentrated
Eeep! How cute!
Anyways, it ends with him snapping a bunch of pictures 
Keeps them for himself and may brag to his brothers about how he got some “special” shots of you
Obviously never elaborates on what the special part means to keep his dear siblings on edge because, what the hell, they want to know what these special shots are
Would not play the game because there’s “tOo MuCh BlOoDsHeD”
We all know he’s most likely seen his fair share of bloodshed
“What if the adrenaline gives me acne?”
He’s probably just bad at the game--
Verdict: Asmo is a simp and not afraid to flaunt it.
...Are you okay?
Do you think about homicide--?
Oh, that lady looks nice.
Huh, she’s 9′6″??
What’s her name? Lady Dimitrescu?
Not scared, just a tad bit concerned 
Poor Beel, concerned for Lady D :’)
Also, seeing the death’s of Bela, Daniela, and Cassandra hit different
Because he know what it’s like to lose a sibling.
Safe to say he understands Alcina’s pain when she raged about her children being dead.
Also concerned about how the gore could affect you
Because isn’t stuff like this supposed to traumatize humans?
Would support you regardless though
And thinks that you’re really brave for playing the game and still being able to stand strong
On another note, Beel decided to make small flower graves for the three sisters and Alcina because he’s adorable and kind like that
Likes the game but is too lazy to play himself
Regularly watches Satan play (or at least as much as he can before deciding it’s nap time)
I hope you enjoy Belphie using you as a body pillow and watching you play from now on 
Makes small comments here and there to help you out
“To your left... Oh, and open the window- yeah, that one.”
Will smirk, impressed, when you deal with the fights and win yourself without his comments.
“That’s my Y/n”
(Sorry I don’t know what else to put for him :’))
“Is this a human trend?” meme
Will watch excitedly and “oooo” whenever you do something cool
Be careful though, because the questions will not stop as you play
“What’s that? I see. What’s it for? How do you win the game? Who’s that character? Why can’t you do this? What about--?”
Diavolo, you’re awesome and all, but please
On the inside, is also one that might be a tad concerned about your mental health because doesn’t that gore traumatize humans?
Wait, you do this for entertainment?
Another warning: he will shower you in merchandise from the game
I am not above the fact that this man has a game room 
And he will try to master the game
Casually pushes all his paperwork over to Lucifer so he can play Resident Evil
RIP Luci
Unfortunately, Diavolo will have trouble grasping the game and how it works
You will have to explain many things to him
Good luck- he’s a bit of a boomer (but willing to learn) and may or may not get distracted staring at you
But anyways, he enjoys engaging in the competitions you and Levi have
Whether it be playing as well or simply watching
He just loves to see you happy
Oh my, what’s this?
Will watch you play
and constantly criticize how filthy the Dimitrescu castle is
“Do they have any idea how many rats this can attract?”
Barbatos, your weakness is showing.
Seeing you so happy while playing the game helps him relax from his daily troubles tasks
He rewards you with a pat on the head any time you beat a foe
When Diavolo goes over to the HoL or when you come over to play in he silently cheers you on in the background.
Is educated on the game and knows his shit as the only other human 
Maybe knows a bit too much of the game
You will later come to find out that, somewhere in his mass tangle of shady connections, he knows a developer
Might give you tips and tricks to get on higher levels
But never, and I mean never, challenge him like you would with Levi to see who can beat the game faster
Because he will beat you by a seconds on purpose, just to piss you of
all the while doing that dark, shady chuckle
But anyways, if you manage to finesse and beat him, he will be 
So confused
“I thought I did it all right, what went wrong...?” he thinks to himself.
On the outside, however, he’s smiling
Will hand over some praise to his little apprentice, but if you look carefully you will see a spark of annoyance
We get it Solomon, you’re a sore loser.
In the end, he will still leave somewhat impressed at your skillz
w h a t
Is a little scared
“Is this one of them video games you kids play nowadays...? Just kidding. What are you playing-- oh my”
Might try to figure out how to play
But alas, 
Simeon is yet another boomer
So he will have quite some trouble even figuring out how to move
And why does he hold the controller like that what
If you’ve seen that one picture of him holding his phone sideways you know what I mean
On another note, if you look through his poem book, then you may or may not find a few poems describing how amazing and badass you looked hustling the entire game
about to bomb this master hill
No literally is considering bombing the computer or whatever you’re playing on because wHAT IS THAT
He is just
This will give him nightmares for weeks
Apparently Alcina reminds him of Lucifer so he kinda
Hates her
Says he will protect you
--as he runs out of the room in fear
Irrelevant but the one he hates the most is fetus baby
Michael have mercy on this poor boy--
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jin-in-faerun · 2 years
MHA Coffee House AU
Izuku is definitely that barista who is early for every shift, like even opening he’s early. And so fucking chipper like despite he’s not awake yet he is still greeting everyone like a cheerleader. His smile is infectious so even a grumpy until I get my coffee person is smiling before their coffee. He’s is dedicated to spelling the name correctly on your cup and making the drink exactly to recipe.
Katsuki does not do morning shift or the late night shifts, the boy hates mornings and goes to bed early. He is the mid shift barista that shows up exactly on time. He makes the drinks the way he wants to, interpreting the recipes his way making them taste better that the original but id you want a modifier you’ll hear about it as he’s not subtle about it, “why do you want it anyway but the way I’m making it dumbass?”
Shoto prefers the late night shifts they tend to me more chill. They are often trying to promote him as he works so well with the customers and makes beautiful drinks and roast beans perfectly. His drinks are the perfect temperature each time either just the right chill temp or hot but it burn the tongue. He uses his Quirk a lot specially when roasting the beans to a perfect temp.
Ochaco makes all the drinks Instagram worthy. Got tik tok drinks she will make them happily it doesn’t matter at all to her. She just likes to see people happy but she won’t let them get away cheap. If it calls for an item she will make sure it’s charged as it’s only fair and right for inventory reasons. She loves working on latte art she is working hard on it and loves including her customer in on the drink making process. When she’s working there is generally laughter behind the lines as her general aura makes people happy to work with her. She is sometimes late but no one every gives her a hassle.
Eijirou he may not be the best at making drinks but he tries his best and the winning smile he gives customers makes them forget their complaints. Need to lift something heavy? He’s got you, lifting heavy kegs or trash bags Kirishima is here to help. He loves trying new drinks and new combinations he will try the random prank drinks on tik tok just because why not. He always sneaks into work unnoticed he will be pulling on his apron and people will be unsure when he came in.
Denki shows up somewhere in the first hour of his shift, half awake and not in dress code. It takes him a few cups of coffee and a jolt from the faulty outlet to get moving for the morning shifts. But he won’t switch tonight shifts says he’s just fine that way despite what his coworkers say. He talks to everyone a lot sometimes he forgets he’s making a drink while talking and slowing down the whole line of drinks. So he’s often put on taking orders and handing out orders. He once tried food station but burnt too many things.
Momo always comes in wearing the best outfits like model worthy work clothes. Making drinks or prep she never gets dirty no matter what her apron and clothes stay clean. And it’s not like she’s dainty and won’t clean or move fast it’s just how graceful she is. She’s all for modifying drinks and always lets customers know they can do it as most don’t know. She is the mom of the store and helps the others out in need, need lunch she will cover you, a bandage she is ready a break she will cover you.
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hes-writer · 3 years
deja vu
Summary: part two of drivers license!
Warning: angst
Word Count: 1643 words
let me know if you liked it!
If this was a movie, Y/N would’ve collapsed on the floor, knees hitting the ground as her legs lost the ability to keep her weight up. The corners of her lips would tilt downwards as a fusion of sadness and nostalgia bombarded her at every corner. Tears would collect at her waterline, waiting for the remarkable blink that would send each drop of salty liquid down the apples of her cheeks. Y/N imagined she would call Harry on her phone and scream at him as soon as the click sounded, signalling that he had picked up the call.
Yet as seconds passed by, none of those theatrical episodes happened.  Unlike in the movies, Y/N’s physical reactions were minuscule. Her heart ached in her chest. Her throat scrunched like a wad of tissue papers in her hand, drying up with shock and the shallow inhales she let out.  The swirling of her stomach increased tenfold as she teetered between feelings of anger and indifference.  This should not affect her anymore--or should it? It had barely been a few months since she last saw him and a little bit after when the first photos of Harry and his girlfriend went viral on the internet.
Everyone, especially him, seemed to move on from the relationship that they had shared.  Y/N felt like she needed to catch up to him, racing to throw away the feelings she still held for him and to pretend as though nothing happened.  But it was easier said than done.  There were still endless memories that replayed through her head every time she passed by an ice cream shop.  It was a hidden gem, past the popular hot spots.  Not a lot of people knew about it because of its distanced location.  And as much as Harry was a certified health nut; his guilty pleasure was a scoop of strawberry ice cream--in a cup instead of a waffle cone, of course.
Y/N still remembered those drives-turned-beach-trips.  It was mostly during his days off.  She and Harry would spend the whole day together, sharing one spoon amongst each other while they passed the cup of ice cream back and forth. The sound of the ocean encompassed them as they lay hidden around an alcove of rocks. It was a secluded area of the beach that Y/N had found way before.  The sand was grainy beneath the layer of a checkered picnic blanket that Harry kept at the trunk of his car, their bodies laying on top of it.  Eventually, Harry would proceed to just spoon-feed her, ‘accidentally’ nudging her nose with the cold treat.
Y/N could feel her shoulders slump at the flashback, body sagging as she sighed at what her phone screen was reflecting back to her.  It was her Instagram feed showcasing Harry’s profile. A picture of a haunting landscape was captured by his phone lens; it was the very same beach spot that she had taken him to.  Deja vu.
She bit her lip, wanting to smile about how he still visited it even without her.  It showed that Harry still kept a memory of her at the back of his mind.  Y/N’s heart fluttered at the thought, a sliver of hope shining through the dimness of her days. But it was impossible to keep an optimistic stance when she saw the caption.  A simple tag of his new girlfriend’s Instagram handle puckered her lips into a sour expression, brows pinching together in curiosity as Y/N continuously denied the obvious constituent of events.
“There’s no way,” She muttered, breath hitching as Y/N’s thumb hesitated on tapping the bolded font.
There was absolutely no way that Harry would bring someone else in such a coveted spot.  It was hers; she found it first and now he was acting as though it did not hold any meaning to her.  Not like Y/N didn’t spend the last few days laying on his lap, watching the sunset over the horizon. Harry’s fingers would comb through her tendrils, tucking his jacket tighter around her chin to ensure that she was warm despite him being covered in goosebumps himself. Y/N would look up to see the beginning stubbles of his facial hair as Harry looked ahead, his green eyes mirroring the artistic hues of orange, pink and purple.
“What’s up, Y/N?” Jenny asked, returning from her short trek to Y/N’s small kitchen. One hand was carrying a large bowl of chips while the other held two cans of soda.
Y/N stared at her friend with hesitance.  Was it worth bringing it up? She must be sick of her talking about him all the time.
“He brought her to our place,”
It was harder to hear it out loud.  She didn’t even recognize her own voice; void of emotion except for a strained sound of pain.
Jenny tilted her head to the side, “Who did?”
“Harry. . .” Y/N cleared her throat before continuing, “There was this place I found in Malibu. At a beach.  It’s pretty hidden and I used to go there by myself whenever I needed to think. I took him there.  It was our place, you know? Somewhere only the two of us knew and I don’t know,” She trailed off.
“You thought he would keep it between you guys,” Jenny finished off, nodding her head in empathic comprehension.
“Yeah, it just sucks,” Y/N furrowed her brows, staring at the space in front of her as she took in the gravity of the situation. “He even took her to D’Campos,”
“The ice-cream shop?”
She nodded, “It was on her Instagram story today,”
“Forget about him, Y/N. He doesn’t deserve your tears,”
“I’m not even crying,” She chuckled, slapping Jenny’s arm jokingly.
“You look like you’re about to,”
Y/N sighed, “It hurts.  Feels like he’s everywhere.  Just when I thought I was moving on, he pulls shit like this and I’m forced to remember how good it was between us, you know? I haven’t driven past D’Campos or anywhere else that I might see him because it hurts too much to reminisce what I don’t have anymore.”
It was ridiculous how much Y/N has had to change her routine in order not to feel any more pain.  She actively avoided places where Harry frequented in fear of confrontation and also because he might be with his girlfriend.  She didn’t know how she could stay stoic seeing their hands clasped together, gazing at each other lovingly when Y/N wanted that from him for herself.
“You’re doing just fine, honey.  Do you know who can’t move on? Him.”
“I’m pretty sure he’s doing fine,” Y/N said sarcastically, resting her back on the couch. “Better, even.”
“Uh, I don’t think so,” Jenny argued, “Out of the two of you, who’s the one always going to the places you shared?”
Y/N opened her mouth to answer but a swift hand in the air caused her to halt.
“It’s him, right?” Jenny answered rhetorically.  “I do not care what you say; that man misses you and it shows.  Harry’s going to where he expects you to be, probably in hopes of running into you. Maybe even because he wants to relive the moments you shared together with her in hopes of him feeling the same way he felt like when he did with you,”
“T-that’s insane. He’s fine without me,” Y/N stuttered out, crossing her arms over her chest in defiance.
“First of all, you are in denial. Secondly, you cannot tell me that he doesn’t. He’s practically doing everything you guys used to do with this new girl.  Why? Because he fucking misses you, Y/N.  Hell, you’ve even got the same name.”
“It’s just a coincidence,”
“My ass,” Jenny scoffs, “Answer me something, do you still remember how it felt being there with him?”
Y/N nodded, “Always,”
“Describe it to me,”
Y/N squinted her eyes in suspicion. Where was Jenny going with this?
“Uh, as cheesy as it sounds, I felt happy and free. I could talk about anything without being judged.  He had a way of making me feel comfortable without even saying anything.  When we were together--wherever we were--I could be vulnerable about myself in front of him,”
“Would you do whatever it takes to feel that same way again?”
In a heartbeat, Y/N stated, “Without a doubt.”
“Tell me, if Harry asked you to meet him there right now, would you go?”
Y/N’s breath hitched as she took a moment to process the question. She had just said that she would do whatever it takes to feel the same unconfined emotion again.  So why was she saying ‘no’?
“I-I wouldn’t,”
“Exactly,” Jenny concluded with a quirk of her brow.
“You’re gonna have to explain,”
“Gladly,” Her friend quipped. “You want to feel liberated, vulnerable, and honest again but not necessarily with Harry.  That place meant a lot to you--sure.  But it doesn’t matter.  What counts is who you are with.  Who’s giving you that type of comfortability that you’re able to be just yourself around them. Do you understand?”
Y/N leaned forward in interest.
“You are well aware of that but you won’t accept it. You won’t go with him because you know that it won’t be the same anymore. That’s the first step of moving on.  Once you acknowledge that as much as you miss him, as much as you think you want him to be around, you know better than that. He’s changed and so have you.  He’s searching for that same feeling by going back to the places that you used to go to.  Thinks he will find it there but--,”
“He won’t.” Y/N finished off. “Because she is not me,”
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dropsofletters · 3 years
real or unreal? [pcy]
—summary: her newest romance novel needs a main male character, but no brainstorming is enough to give her the perfect role for the man that swoops the other protagonist off her feet.
finding inspiration in a man she hears of from an old colonel from the army, his existence bleeds onto every page she writes, and yet, she has to get to know him—to see the face behind such gorgeous memories.
lieutenant park, they call him, and he’ll never know he’s the muse behind the one book that will probably make her reach stardom.
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—title: real or unreal? —pairing: park chanyeol x reader —genre: military!au ; writer!au ; muse!au  —type: fluff ; angst ; longing —word count: 8,000 —note: this is a kofi request. if you wanna support me, you can always ask me to write something over there!
Excellent liars make even better writers. They wrap words in the most gorgeous of ways, make the bad guy turn good in the middle of the plot just in the sake of love, and they make every reader eat it up. Chosen ones, real love, spaceships and more—writers have filled their banks with more than one hundred thousand words full of bullshit.
Head thumping, she lets the dinging line in the paragraph she must be writing in eat her alive. The point of writing is so paradoxical that she doesn’t understand it at times. She misses it like a madwoman when her fingers can’t lay on the keyboard, but once she needs to, every ounce of inspiration or will dissipates into the thin air. Not only that, but then there comes the perfectionist in her that reads over that first draft, that first chapter of another book that will probably get denied by agents and publishing houses alike and she hates it.
Because, how many times have people read about the bad boy with shredded abs, a crooked smile, pushed back hair and too much bite, with enough sex and alcohol to last him three lifetimes, and they still love it. She doesn’t, however.
She has fallen for the bad boy. Been with the bad boy. Kissed the bad boy to bits and pieces hoping that he saw her and only her, but then you realize much like love, eyes have peripherals and he can see much more. There is a world out there, why settle for her?
This house had been covered in his scent once. His tall height, his incredible strength, his beaming smile and the typicality of his features. Handsome with a swipe of his hair, a hooded jacket and his hands on his pockets when he neared her, pressed a chaste kiss to her neck while she wrote and begged her to give her inspiration. A month ago, she would’ve melted at the sound of his voice, right now, she is not so sure she can stand the idea of Jaejin coming over.
But she knows he’s about to. In this tidy home, with faux dark green plants and tall ceilings, crafted by his own immaculate job while she chased after a dream that could happen just as it couldn’t, she knows he is one step away from coming over from one of his spectacular, elongated trips to God-knows-where with who-knows-what-kind-of-bitch.
The laptop turns off, her reflection staring back at her. It’s a sight to laugh at, really, much like the nervousness and ache she felt to go through his e-mail, his Twitter, his Instagram, even his Facebook. Look through every friend on the list, every following she could find until she saw it. What she had been looking for all those times Jaejin insisted she could never come to his business trips.
A woman with a profile picture that included him. Hugging him. Head resting on his shoulder as his handsome features came into full view. And she’s gorgeous.
She’s so gorgeous that she almost feels like crying—for the umpteenth time—when she realizes the laptop’s screen is black, and her reflection is staring back at her. Horns of hair stand up on each side of her face, eyes puffy from so much crying, his shirt on her body, covered in some of the sauce that she had with some fried cuisine just a while earlier.
And it’s not her. It has never been about her. These five months have not included her at all—and the bad boy never falls for anyone; they put a ceiling over your head, they make you feel loved, they say you’re the only woman in their eyesight, that they have changed so much you never have to worry or be insecure again. You don’t have to check for other women who flirt with him, because he can only think of you.
So, what did she do when she was told all those lies? She wrote romance books. Erotica. Sweeter than ever. Dramas. Whatever it was—it came to life. All those men with gorgeous features, much like Jaejin, and amazing personalities that switched just for her. Who kissed every insecurity away and fell in love with the dip of the main character’s hips, or the strength of her heart Those who swore they’d never hurt her quite like the people in her past did?
Tell that to the tears that try to stream down her face when she hears the entrance door opening.
Her nostrils make out the scent of him, but before he could arrive and leave that lingering within her, she stands up, placing her hands on her back when she goes over to the main hallway, deep gray walls contrasting with his dark hair, gorgeous smile and the twinkle behind his eyes when he opens his eyes and with his melted-chocolate voice says:
“Come here, gorgeous.” She doesn’t move, but he doesn’t give her the option to doubt. His hands are resting on the back of her thighs in a second, bringing her up until he can rest a full kiss on her lips, his thin ones cold to the couch but warm to the heart when she pulls away. She hates him so much, but this is the man she met in high school; that one impossible guy who reconnected with her years later and changed.
Changed so much he still preferred to have the most gorgeous, hot and spectacular woman in the world but only decided to do it behind her back, because she is one thing…and that’s why she is his girlfriend, she is safe and sound, she is the one that will wait for him at home and that will give him the benefit of thinking he is moving forward, that he’s an adult.
She’s the one he says he loves as someone else jerks it for him.
“Jin…” She trails her voice, looking over to the side when he leans forward to steal another kiss from her lips. “You smell like alcohol.”
That’s what tumbles the house of cards apart. He had gone out to drink before even coming home, and she can’t even start to think who he had gone with—
“Had some drinks with the folks. Nothing special.” Jaejin traces her hair with the tips of his fingers to put the baby hairs down. “It’s been a while since I’ve had a drink since my little dominatrix keeps me on check and tied up.”
With that, her feet fall on the floor with a soft thud because of his lack of hold. Jaejin goes to settle his coat on the hanger, but those words can only be repeated inside her head over and over again.
Tied up.
She keeps him so tied up she had gone insane—green with jealousy as she checked through his social media because he wouldn’t answer to her texts for days.
Tied up.
Tied up enough for him to think he had the power to destroy her, and not even give her a warning.
The one thing tied up is her tongue when she expects him to get closer, to wrap his arms around her waist, grab the skin there and place a kiss on her neck. Make her think that, perhaps, he isn’t as sedated as she knows he is and that he wants her. Desires her like he promised he did that one time they reconnected a year ago; when he said he didn’t even know what he was thinking about when they were younger when she always was there.
He doesn’t.
“What did you make for dinner?” He questions, taking his phone in between his fingers and going to plop himself down on the couch when she calls out for him.
That catches his attention, but he doesn’t look up from the device. “You never call me Jaejin.”
“I need a break.”
That does it. His phone falls on his lap just as he leans his head back on the burgundy couch, expensive and chosen by him, and the first thing she wants to destroy in this fucking place. “A break?” He asks, voice sturdy. “A break from what?”
Crossing her arms over her chest, she tries to gain strength to say this, but her voice wavers when she closes her eyes and breathes out: “A break from you.”
Jaejin is silent, and she doesn’t dare see the mess that is about to ensue. Instead, she waits for the clash of emotions. Her boyfriend stands up at that moment, steady steps reaching out to her when he scoffs.
“A break from me? What are you even talking about?”
“I can’t stand being in this relationship anymore. I’m sorry. I don’t want to let go of you,” With that, she opens her eyes, because that man who likes to pretend that he is broken had been the last person on her list when she was younger. He always sounded like trouble, and she had been the nice, good girl that kept away from it all. The night it changed was the night that she should’ve ran away. “But I have to.”
“Have to?” With his questions, he continues. “You’re taking me for a fool here. I’ve given you all. A house. A life. A fucking ring to promise you that this is going somewhere and this is what you pay me with?”
He doesn’t raise his voice, but swords go through her with everything he adds. “You didn’t give me a life, Jaejin. I was given that the moment I was born—”
“You were that one fucking nerd in the bleachers that no one wanted to talk to because you are complicated and insecure and…” He tugs at his hair at that moment, turning around when a groan leaves his lips. “You are too fucking pretty for the trouble that you are and now, you’re running away again. Like you did back then, always hiding, always trying to look at people over your shoulder because you’re so conceited and—”
There comes the explosion, the kind that appears in a book and ends in an apology, but the acids in her stomach churn at what he says. Maybe, first opinions do matter. What would anyone think if they heard from the person that they feel like they love that they are complicated and insecure, much like they were in the past? It burns, too badly.
“Fuck you.” She says, tugging at the edge of his shirt to have him turning around. “You don’t get to say that because you didn’t even give two shits about me back then. How could you even know me?”
“Because I thought you were cute. Of course, I was going to notice you.”
“Don’t try to make yourself sound nice—”
“Well, fuck, sorry for reacting to my girlfriend wanting to take a break from me.” Sarcastically, Jaejin conquers.
“You have other bitches to fuck while you wait for me, don’t you?” She questions, hating the way she sounds, the words she spits out, but the anger can’t stop her from saying what she feels. Jaejin raises his eyebrows at that, a small smile taking over his features.
“Is this what this drama is all about? Honey, I truly have no one—”
“Stop lying.” Her voice cuts through the air when she feels his hands stopping at her arms, clutching softly. “Stop lying because it hurts.”
“I’m not trying to hurt you.”
“Then, why did you go with her?” She opens her eyes then, tears blurring her vision and making him seem too far away. “You said you had changed,” With that, she pushes herself away from him, anger bubbling within her like a volcano ready to explode. “You said you’d wanted me and only me. You said we’d have a future, that you were a better man now and I wouldn’t have to worry ever again. I wouldn’t have to be that fucking insecure little girl I once was with what you had promised me, but here I am, being her again, because you have brought her back.”
Grief takes over his features, pushing his hair away from his face as he follows after her, her steps taking her towards the door. “Who is this her you’re talking about? I don’t—”
The name scalds her tongue when she holds onto the doorknob and breathes out: “Kim Juna.” His breath stops at the mention of such name. “Kim Juna and whoever the fuck she is, but she sure as hell has you displayed over her social media.”
“Shit.” For the first time since he had gotten there, Jaejin did what he did whenever he got home. Sheltered her, kissed her neck and made her…melt—or, not really. She felt repulsed, actually. “She doesn’t mean anything. I—I was just…shit, I have a lot of issues, baby. I think I can have it all and I didn’t realize I can have it all with one woman and that’s—”
“No.” She shakes her head, opening the door to let the freezing breeze bite at her arms and thighs. “You get to have it all, Jin. You deserve it. You just don’t get to have me.”
If she had to describe how an autopsy feels like, she’d compare it to the moment she steps out of the house she shared with Jaejin. Her heart taken out, she takes a few steps forward, part of her wishing for him to go after her, but he doesn’t. He stays in place, paralyzed, locking the door as the swish of the wind bites at her and reminds her where she is.
She’s running away.
Tears cradle her vision, making a child out of her as her shoulders shake unconsciously. Her bare feet patter against damp grass, walking away from the house until she sees it. The lights of a car turned on, directly pointed at her, until she hears a horn and a call of her name.
Whoever pops their head out of their car, parked right in front of her neighbors’ house, seems to be worried about her. Though, when the lights are dimmed down and her eyes can finally concentrate on the figure, she realizes who it is immediately.
Colonel Song has a face that cannot be forgotten. Somewhere in 1983, he must have been the most handsome man of his team, but now, he’s bathed in wrinkles and shy smiles. His wife opens the entrance door, waiting for him, but he’s already getting out of the car and walking towards her, small hands extended out to hold her shoulders.
Small, hooded eyes and thin lips, a bit of a stubble rests on his pale skin, with his hair reaching his earlobes, tall and sturdy to protect his family and his nation once in a lifetime. Salt and pepper hair drapes over his forehead when he looks down at her, questioning.
“Oh no, darlin’, don’t cry.” His thick accent says, reminiscent of the times the Song’s had asked them to tag along for dinner. Their youngest daughter had gotten married somewhere during the latest summer, and they wanted nothing more than to have someone else to take care of. Parents through and through. “What just happened to you? The night’s too cold to be out and about like this.”
She rubs at her eyes, unaware of the ache in her throat and the amount of shame she feels at that moment. “It’s nothing to worry about, Colonel Song.”
“It is!” The old man conquers, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and bringing her along to his front yard. “I’ve had enough daughters to know that seeing a woman with little to no clothing walking away from her boyfriend’s house with tears running down her face is never a good sign.”
Read like a book—like the ones she will never get to write properly, a shudder rakes up her spine, lips trembling when more tears gather in her vision. “You’re wicked observative, Colonel.”
“Something life brings you. Just knowledge.” With that, he reaches his wife, a smile on his face. “I’m guessing we have some extra food for our guest tonight, don’t we?”
“We always have extra food as long as you don’t get your hands on the pan, Hyunsoo.” With dyed brown hair and a small figure, Mrs. Song places one hand on her head and rubs the skin there with a single thumb. “What’s the crying for?”
“I asked her the same thing.” Mrs. Song’s husband adds, pulling her through the door once his wife widens the space to enter and though every portion of her soul begs to be an adult, to find a motel to stay in and simply shut her mouth and not put this old couple through the hassle of understanding her pain, she can’t stop herself from saying the truth.
Because a thing she doesn’t have is many friends. She had locked herself up in the idea of a romance book and Jaejin, loving him like the one man that would last her a lifetime, and the lifetime is over by now.
She tugs at the edge of her—his—t-shirt as embarrassment takes over her. Truth be told, she doesn’t want to leave, for the house is too warm, small yet gorgeous, not modern at all, with wooden counters and creaking stairs. Pictures scattered across the walls, holding memories along with Colonel Song’s medals and recognitions.
“J—Jaejin was cheating on me.” She whispers, voice awfully low when she turns around to look at the couple, whose eyes soften at the sight of her. “And I just asked him for a break.”
“So…” Colonel Song mumbles. “You have nowhere to stay?”
She shakes her head. “Not for the night. I left everything I own at his place and he’s there. B—But, I can find something. I will—”
Mrs. Song shakes her head. “You’ll stay here for as long as you need, honey.” She conquers. “We had four daughters and we won’t care about having a fifth if we need to. We’re not leaving you alone tonight.”
Maybe, fear is what petrifies her and makes her nod, lonesome in a home that exudes everything and romance. Happy endings work for some people, and she happens to be one of those who don’t follow after the rule.
For the three weeks she spends at the Song’s house, locked up in fear of coming face to face with Jaejin, she learns a few things. How to avoid writing is one; that Colonel Song likes his eggs in the morning with thinly sliced onions and squared tomatoes, and, how to forget? That Mrs. Song likes to sing to her plants, the ones that she has been watering instead as she searches for freelanced jobs to help around the house.
She had tried to leave the day after her break up with Jaejin, but the Song’s didn’t relent—said something along the lines of needing some fun in their lives and for them to forget their loneliness for a while. In light of this, she finds herself on a Monday morning, whisking eggs to place them on a pan—with onions and tomatoes—at five in the morning just before the Colonel has to go train the newest additions to the army.
The walls send love her way, the cramped kitchen basking her in a warm embrace when she bumps her hips with the counter accidentally, trying to make some space for herself as she waters the plants by the windows. Silent as ever, she takes this time to breathe in the scent of being the only one awake for a while—when she doesn’t see the looks of sorrow and worry in the two old persons’ faces.
Old scars will heal, but for now, she feels like a clown walking around with a warning sign that says ‘on the brink of crying with a smile on her face’.
Just as the water runs down on flowery and thorn-filled plants, the wind passes through the opened windows in the kitchen, flowing and whistling until it knocks something over. What follows is noise, enough to make her close her eyes and turn around to see what had broken or fallen.
Kneeling on the flooring, a crooked picture welcomes her eyesight. A single man stands in the blurry picture, though his smile is memorable. Cheekbones protrude in a welcoming smile, his long fingers cradling his forehead to keep the sun away from his brown, almost caramel-like eyes, rounded and big, ready to unwind all the secrets in the world, with his dark walnut-colored hair swept by the wind, a few strands standing in the air, curling like veins and matching the golden tone of his skin.
What surprises her is the strength of his body, slim yet carved, a white tank top covering his upper body, cladded to his every curve thanks to the thin layer of sweat on his chest, his shirt tied around his tiny waist.
“You okay?” She hears a voice call out for her, worried like a dad, and when she looks to the side, the closest thing she has to that concept comes in full view. Colonel Song rids the sleep away from his eyes with a rub of his fingertips, a yawn interrupting his sentence. “Haerin heard something fall. I was knocked out like a log.”
A smile spreads across her features, turning off the stove just when she puts the picture down on the counter. “Sorry, I was preparing breakfast and the wind knocked this over.” Colonel Song is already going over to the heated coffee machine, pouring some of the black liquid on his preferred cup. It reads ‘In Love With My Five Girls’ and she can’t help but chuckle every time she sees it.
“Oh,” Clicking his tongue after taking his first sip of coffee, he rests one finger on top of the picture. “I never hold up pictures of my men in my house. I like to separate my duty with my life, but Lieutenant Park deserved a spot.”
Though that’s an indicative of his position in the army, it doesn’t give her much to hold onto, and that face is enough to transcend every portion of her brain and bathe her in curiousness.
“A good pal of yours?”
“Saved my life a bunch of times, indeed.” She can’t quite understand how someone so young is over his position, or how he had managed to earn such respect from Colonel Song. “A brave one—competitive as all hell, but it fits him. Park Chanyeol, one sick motherfucker…would always look at the brighter side, in some way or another.”
She doesn’t realize that the Colonel is already pouring his food onto a plate, slicing it in half to leave some for his wife until her hand falls from her cheek and onto the counter.
Watching, she licks her lips before saying: “He looks like a heartbreaker.”
“Oh, he was.” Chuckling, Colonel Song nods at her words. “But I can’t blame women for falling for him. There was something about him…some form of wild, thoughtful yet reckless nature to him. He was the both worlds that people want and need.”
“How did you meet him?” When becoming a writer, or trying to be one, she had learned to grow interested in people just by hearing their stories, and by the way Colonel Song smiles at her, he’s glad to tell her the answer.
“Maybe, you’d like to grab a cup of coffee, too.”
And she does.
Park Chanyeol. A name to remember. She recalls perfectly well the moment that she saw him enter the front yard of the Song family, but his features are more of a memory that she’d have to recall before her last breath is given.
Muddy boots and striking hair, accompanied by a perfectly put-together uniform, grasping his wide shoulders and leaving his tiny waist for a memory that she blushes on and on about. He kneels down to do one of his shoelaces, boots spanking against the pavement with expertise.
This is the man Colonel Song had spoken about in his stories, going off until his tongue was dry, she feels like she sees every portion of him when she leans in that kitchen window, with her notebook pressed to the counter and her figure unaware and unseen for him. He’s there, so benevolent, so unreachable and perfectly put-together.
Today, he sports a frown on his features, as if troubled, and she can’t help but wonder if the stories Colonel Song had told her were true—she likes to think of people as walking paradoxes, as plotlines and character sheets that she needs to fill.
Lieutenant Park had been married, as far as Colonel Song had told her. Married to his job, first and foremost, but also married to the woman he had once loved. It lasted a year; a year and a few tries to get their family started, only to fail. His wife felt like less of a woman, succumbing to self-hatred until he couldn’t reach her.
While jotting down his description, her mind wandered, thought of stories behind that frown, each hair contracting to his will, to what he had seen in this world and she hadn’t. Only when she hears a knock on the door, she rushes to the bedroom, starting on a first chapter of a new book.
For five years, she has tried being a writer. Think about that—she doesn’t know how many days five years, but if someone can die from one day to the other, then someone can definitely lose a lot of time of their lives just by reaching for a dream that is impossible.
Now, she’s seated in Colonel Song’s office, as his little secretary, sorting papers into folders, giving calls over to him and making sure he eats his eggs in the morning. It’s a job after a month of living with him, and she’s goddamned thankful of how much support she has gotten from that family, but even in this place, with tidy desks in light yellows and too many badges in the walls for her not to feel pressured, she can’t stop writing.
Can’t stop thinking about the story that Colonel Song had told her that morning he got late to work, just because he was so lost in his thoughts, in the way he smiled and cried for him. She did, too, and sometimes, she can’t tell if she sees him or he’s gone, if he’s part of her imagination or he visits Colonel Song each Thursday without avail.
Someone in the office gives her an answer that Friday afternoon, just as she’s arranging the last few folders and giving them over to Colonel Song for him to sign when she sees it, perched in Soldier Byun’s hands as he stares down at his phone, a smile plastered on his face when he speaks to the rest of his team.
“Chanyeol’s finally sent something!” He adds, enchanting in the way he speaks when he waves his phone in the air. She manages to steal a look over his shoulder, of Chanyeol seated on the floor with a smile on his face, his hair longer, in front of some tourism spot that she can’t quite pinpoint. “Having the time of his life while we’re out here suffering.” Though, she knows Soldier Byun doesn’t mean it, much less for the way he seems to be over the moon just by seeing his friend.
One of the smallest of the team gives a step back, chuckling at Baekhyun’s words. “Tell him to get us some women over th—oops, sorry.” He knocks her over, making her folders fall on the flooring just as he kneels down to pick them up. “Shit, sorry. Colonel Song will kill me—”
Instead of looking at said soldier, she looks at Baekhyun, eyes trained on the phone on his hands. “Don’t sweat it. I won’t tell him. It was nothing. I’ll arrange them again…” But her voice drags, distracted, heated ears reminding her of the imagery she has written in the most profound romance book she has written yet. A complicated soul who had spent his life not trying to find love in fear of what could happen, of what he could lose.
Baekhyun seems to understand her, running a hand over his short and dark hair before quirking an eyebrow. “You saw him?”
She hums, but she stands up before he could further question anything. Colonel Song told her Baekhyun can be a bit of an ass. “I did.” She replies.
“Pretty handsome, isn’t he?” Soldier Byun questions just as she’s about to get out of the small offices and into the field. Her feet stop against her will, listening to his voice when he says: “He would’ve taken a liking of you if only he was here, y’know?”
Nostalgia fills his tone without noticing, and she takes this moment to swallow thickly. “What a bummer we didn’t meet at the right time, then.” Remembering what Colonel Song had told her, she turns around, resting one hand on the doorframe. “Have a nice day, Soldier Byun.”
Colonel Song had started speaking that one morning when she had taken the first sip of her drink, soft in his approach, pensive in the way his eyes squinted at the food on his plate. “I wasn’t unfamiliar to the Park family. His uncle was my best friend once, the soldier by my side through every event that happened in my life.” He told. “And I lost him. I was the one who couldn’t protect him and from then on, I promised myself I wouldn’t deal with someone from the Park family ever again.”
The man has a way of telling things—straight-on, as if they don’t hurt him, and anyone who would look at him would think that Colonel Song is the imagery of temperance, balance and guarding. What they don’t know is that even the strongest of cards in the deck can lose from time to time.
The coffee is lukewarm by the time he swallows his food and speaks again at the weight of her question. “So, how did Lieutenant Park start working with you?”
“He was crazily stupid. Stubborn, couldn’t get through his head even if you wanted to.” Colonel Song explained at the time. “So, he was in lower rankings of the army and I didn’t see him until he became a Lieutenant. Chosen by someone of higher caliber than I am. I wasn’t excited to see him, and I am sure he wasn’t very pleased to see me either.” With that, he shakes his head, a small smile taking over his face. “The boy was respectful; I’ll give him that. On his first day, he grabbed my hand, shook it like a man and said: ‘You may have not protected my uncle, but I’ll protect you.’ I was angry, as you can tell.”
“Of course,” She said. “He wasn’t the most adoring of subordinates.”
“I knew that.” Colonel Song agreed. “Reason as to why I made every practice he had impossible. I’d scold him, make him work harder than others, he’d break in sweat and sport this deep frown on his face and I think…I think I did it just to feel better. To feel like pushing him away would take the memory of his uncle away.” Shadows bathed over his features at that moment, diving in the rest of his drink before smacking his lips together. “It didn’t, and it definitely made him hate me more.”
“Can see it.”
“Hey, I’m a nice man, you know this!”
“I’m certain.”
“Either way,” He patted a napkin to his lips before sighing. “One day, we were on a mission. It was…well, complicated. Fire raked around me, bubbling, scalding me, I could feel my poor old lungs just dying on me, and guess who came for me?”
She knew the name, could figure out the hero in him when her lips wrap around the syllables: “Park Chanyeol.”
“The devil took over that boy, I tell you. He walked through fire just to get to me, the one motherfucker who made his life miserable while serving…” Colonel Song swallowed thickly, and her heart rose to her throat.
“And what happened to him?”
Never had some bled out of the pages quite like the Chanyeol-inspired character did.
It was horrible, terrible, pathetic in every way that the only form she could write was by imagining his story, rewriting the stars as one would think, but it’s what she gets, the only form she can feel ready to face the world. In most occasions, she likes to imagine him to be there, just arriving to the Colonel’s place, once again saving his life. That way, she can take that strength from him and pour it into more mundane tasks.
Eighty thousand words in two months and she feels her fingers draining their softness to more of a harsher skin when she puts that last dot, that wishful end that leaves her throat dry…because, in all honesty, she doesn’t know the end. This alluring, gorgeous, dark yet bright character is not the man that everyone knows in the quarter. If anything, it’s a part of her imagination; it’s the man that has visited her dreams, that leaves the tingle of nonexistent perfume on her skin and on her bed…
He’s part of her imagination, but so real at the same time.
Because Colonel Song talks about him as if he’s the best person he has ever met, and she can’t help but think so as well. Trusting people is a task she’s not ready to go through, but meeting her muse shouldn’t be so difficult…it shouldn’t feel like a sin.
Her name is called just as she opens the door late at night, vision blurry and aching because of her computer’s light.
“Yes, Mrs. Song?”
“I can’t find my daughter’s e-mail, could you help me? It’s in my agenda but I’m doing the laundry!” The words are distant, followed by the rhythmic drum of the washing machine.
Well, it’s one of the few things she can do for living in this place.
“On it!”
Mrs. Song agenda rests on her small coffee table, years old and cladded in brown leather, holding the address, numbers, e-mails of her closest friends and what she sees just as she’s looking for Chaerin’s number—her youngest daughter—, is an address for lettering that she wouldn’t have ever expected.
Park Chanyeol –Vienna.
Vienna, sounds fitting for him. Expensive, recondite, even a bit surprising. It’s the curiousness of having him palpable, within the reach of her hold that has her grasping her phone in between her hands and taking a picture of the complete address underneath that.
Maybe, one day she’ll have the courage to say how much his story inspired her.
“A few burns in his arms, inhaled a little too much smoke as he dragged my ass away from that disaster.” Colonel Song’s eyes closed tightly, a small breath shuddering through his nose before he opened them again. The air was dense, her heart contracting against the necessity to know more about the man in the picture. “It lives with me, darlin’. Each time I wake up, I realize that one of the main reasons why Lieutenant Park’s life changed was because of me. His skin was tainted, never the same, but that wasn’t the end. His marriage ended not long after, he left the army, and he told me the day he was leaving…”
The way his face basked in shadows let her know that it hurt him. Not only had he lost Chanyeol’s uncle, but he had to see the younger man lose his will along the way. Maybe, that is what life builds us for—to fall, to lose, to escape.
Her hand extended to hold his own, as if convincing him that this was a nightmare that wanted to twist him from reality, but every portion of what passed his brain was real. There was a hero out there, much like Colonel Song’s best friend, who lost it all to save someone else.
“I’d save you again if I had to, Colonel.” He whispered, eyes twinkling when he looked up at the ceiling. “His voice was so deep…he continued by telling me: ‘I should’ve let you die, you sick bastard, but I’d do it again…because I’d be a changed man if I didn’t.’”
“Shit.” She cursed, pulling away from him to take in the words that Chanyeol had said. He feared becoming someone he could not recognize, but he did along the way.
“But I burned him. In some way or another, I destroyed that will and innocence he had within him. I…I brought a hero to life, but I wanted him to be a guy. I wanted him to just be…carefree for once, just like his uncle.” He covered his face with his hands, pursing his lips to stop anything unnecessary to fly through. “So, I pleaded for him to live. He had saved me, so I needed him to live. Travel. Enjoy the world. I don’t know—just, fuck, he had done so much that I needed to feel like I could do something for him.”
After a few minutes of silence, her throat croaked out a small: “Where did he go?”
“Somewhere in Europe. Playing some gigs. Living his life.” He said, chuckling, rubbing the small tears that had appeared in his eyes. “I sure hope that he fell in love or, I don’t know, managed to heal his wounds…because I haven’t been able to write to him since the last time that I saw him. I’m too chicken.”
Riding on a bicycle is, quite possibly, the most childish thing she has done in a while, but with the harsh sun beaming down her face, her hair moving with the wind and some folders resting in her backpack as she prepares to get to work, she knows she has something else to do before she gets to the office.
Three months is a long while to live with someone, and even at this point, just as she’s rummaging through websites to find a place to live in, she can’t give a shit about how destiny had put her in the worst position. Sure, a messy break-up had brought her here, but at what cause? To meet amazing people? To learn a new task? To finish a book that she has now edited and printed to send it to a certain someone in Vienna?
Yeah, that last sentence is the one that makes her fear the most.
For the last few months, she has looked out of the goddamned kitchen window and imagined Chanyeol to come over, meet ends with Colonel Song and for him to get to know her. Part of her wants to hear his voice, understand how deep it was, perhaps dip a toe in getting to know him, in comparing if the character that she based on him—in what she could feel of his presence—was anything like him, but there is something that united Colonel Song and herself…
They were both too scared.
It took her a whole month to write the letter that accompanies the printed, edited version of her last try at romance, until she decided it was perfect. Her thighs ache by the time she gets off the bicycle, lifting her hand to greet one of the workers at the mailing company.
Isn’t his name…Yixing, or something? With adorable dimples and a thoughtful, somewhat lost face, the man grabs the small box in between his fingers, dangling it in the air as if to weight it.
“Not as heavy as your usual packages.” He points out, intelligent in his approach when she leans her weight forward and speaks to him in a quickened manner.
“Shipping is already expensive when sending it to Vienna, so I had to make it light.” Giving enough information, she pats her hand against the counter.
“Should I ask why you’re sending something to Vienna?” Though, he’s already preparing everything, putting a sticker on the package and doing his job to utmost perfection.
Heat fills her face when she stammers out an answer: “J—Just…something for a friend.”
“Sounds nice of you.” Not quite as malicious as anyone else—for example, Soldier Byun—could be, he hums at her answer. “Anything else I can help you with?”
“Not really.” She opens the door then, waving at him before adding: “Have a nice day, Xing.”
“Thanks! You, too!”
She doesn’t know if it’s the sun that makes her feel heated when she gets on the bicycle once again or if she’s overthinking what she just did.
I know you don’t know me, but I’ve heard wonders about you.
That’s a weird way to start this letter, but I didn’t want to do the typical ‘Dear Chanyeol, you don’t know who the fuck I am and before you stop reading this letter: Nope, not a creep, not at all’, so I went for this instead. My name is at the end of the letter, just in case you want to learn it…or if you’re calling the police on me, I’ll let you.
Jokes aside…hi. I’m living with Colonel Song since two months ago, or three, almost. You know, the typical trope—boyfriend cheats on girlfriend, girlfriend goes a bit crazy, feels like she loses her heart and she breaks up with him, but he never follows after her but you know who does? Yep, his neighbor. His, quite frankly, old neighbor that rubs your tears and tells you, along with his wife, that you’re so much better than him. For a while, I didn’t believe it…and now, I really think I might.
The wind happened to knock one of your pictures over at Colonel Song’s place. I don’t know if you know this, but the man looks up to you as if you were his own personal hero. Cried as if he was a kid over again when he told me your story. It’s none of my business, but I was curious. One, because I thought you were really handsome and two, because I believe in destiny, and I know just how well Colonel Song hangs his pictures. They don’t move…so why did yours happen to fall?
You may roll your eyes at what I think of you. You, Lieutenant Park or Park Chanyeol or just Chanyeol by now, may think that I’m just some crazy woman who romanticizes the burns, as little or as big, that rest on your arms, or the way you saved Colonel Park…but actually, I couldn’t stop myself.
So, a name, a little bit of a dumb, nerdy introduction and something else you should know about me—I’m a writer and a shitty one at that. Romance, erotica, yeah, that’s what I wrote most of the time…but I happened to listen to your story and make one based on it. Forgetting all the stupid tropes and plots that I had ever created and making something that I am proud of.
So, Park Chanyeol living in Vienna, here’s my book and I hope you like it. It sucks, but it’s my last try before I give up on my dream.
With you, I didn’t know if you were real or unreal…and it’s been a pleasure to just figure that blurring line out.
It was nice to write about you.
A new place means a new start.
But the spark of love she ignited four months ago still exists within her. After all, the Song’s had done everything in order to change her life and introduced her to a new portion of herself she didn’t know existed. More mature, given to life and to destiny, breathing in and out in contentedness once she slips inside her almost empty apartment.
The box that Mrs. Song had left on her counter still stands after long hours of working. Her navy coat rests on the floor as she goes towards the kitchen, hoping to find some takeout through the contacts in her phone—or, maybe, Mrs. Song had packed one of those granola bars that she knew she loved to bits and pieces. Her hand rummages through the contents of her little piece of memories until it lands on a piece of paper.
Sure, there are granola bars, but what is the paper for?
A romanticist at heart, Mrs. Song may have tearfully written a letter for her midway adopted daughter these past four months. At the thought, she leans against the counter, breathing out harshly through her nose as she gets ready for the train of feels. The good old kind.
What she didn’t expect was the mess handwriting and the PCY at the beginning of the letter.
He responded.
Park Chanyeol responded a month after.
Fuck no!
Or rather, fuck yes?
“You already know my name, but let me introduce myself again.
I’m the fucking main character of a book. What part of that isn’t awesome?
I read each and every page and laughed my ass out but also thought to myself about how much justice you did to my shitty story. Not only that…but the main character? That dude? Even more awesome than I am. I’m glad my dumb self could serve as inspiration.
I didn’t know what else to tell you this past month…but each and every time, I stopped and thought for a moment: ‘I can’t let this writer stop, well, writing’.
So, keep going. Please, next time I’m over there, I want to go to Colonel Song’s house and ask to meet you and hear him say ‘well, she’s busy, but she’ll definitely catch up with you once she gets out of her book-signing world tour’.
Or, something like that.
I need me a printed copy with your signature, please.
Felt like sending a postal as a thank you while I solve some things here. I’m not quite ready to go there yet, but I hope to meet you one day.”
With shaking fingertips, she takes the postal in between her hands. He’s standing in front of the Eiffel Tower, dated a year ago, with his elbows bent and a small smile to the camera portrayed, sunsets cladding every portion of him, but his body covered in thick Sharpie to emulate abs.
“I’ll have to get as shredded as in the book next time I see you.”
That’s the time she learns she can’t wait to meet Park Chanyeol and feel him as a reality.
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v-hope · 4 years
New camera, 9:03PM — Tiger Flower
“Yah, don’t” Jeongguk whined as soon as he was done taking a particular picture and caught your phone’s camera pointing his way.
Giggling to yourself, you brought your phone closer to your face to inspect the picture you had just taken of him, deciding right then you were posting it and mindlessly crossing your legs as you made yourself more comfortable on your spot on the floor, where you had been lying down on for a while as you watched your boyfriend take picture after picture.
“You look so cute!” you fought him back with that simple compliment, enjoying the way he visibly grew shy in front of you. “Although I don’t get to see much of your face with that hat of yours”.
He smiled sweetly, admiring the cute pout that had just taken over your mouth. “Such a shame” his sarcastic tone earned a roll of eyes from you. “There’s a reason I’m always behind the camera, petal”.
“Maybe in your camera, but in mine you’re the star”.
You couldn’t help but tilt your head back and let out a loud laugh at the way he had just snorted at your cheesy words. Although he would always get shy as hell and call you out because of it whenever you ever so bluntly complimented him, you knew he loved it — the huge smile that would part his lips every single time, was all the confirmation you needed.
You were not lying though, as you both knew well enough your camera roll was now taken up mostly by pictures of him. And spontaneous ones at that, for those were your favourite kind when it came to him. Not like his camera roll was any different when it came to you, though.
Going back to your phone, you finished posting his picture on Instagram while you let him do his thing, missing the way his eyes softened at the sight of you after he was done examining the last picture he had taken. And then also missing the light “click” that had came out of his camera as he took a picture of you.
He just couldn’t help himself, and he most definitely could not help but stare right after, smiling at the way you pulled your dress lower down your legs as you tried to cover them after a particular night breeze had reached them, and then chuckling at how you unconsciously hugged the cozy black jacket closer to your body — the one of his he had forced you to take with you earlier that day when you had dropped by to his place before heading out to buy the camera, knowing well enough —although you kept denying it— that the dress you had decided to wear would do little to nothing for you when the night and its low temperature came.
“What’s so funny?” you wondered when the sound of his laugh had reached your ears, head snapping up to fix your eyes on his smiling mouth.
Jeongguk shook his head, walking over to you and offering his hand for you to grab. “Let’s go home?”
“You’re done?” you wondered with pouty lips, nevertheless, holding onto his hand to let him help you up to your feet.
“Mhm…” he nodded, taking the backpack you had been watching for him and carefully placing the camera inside. “It’s late and I can’t have my stubborn baby freeze to death, so…”
“Yah!” you playfully slapped his arm, earning another laugh from him as he threw his backpack over his shoulder and held your hand in his once more. “I’m not freezing to death. It’s just a little cold”.
“So you admit you’re stubborn” he taunted you with a smile.
This time, you lightly shoved him with your shoulder, having him tighten his hold on your hand for a second before he let go of it, instead throwing his arm over your shoulder as the two of you started walking.
“You were literally telling me to bring a jacket whilst changing into a lighter t-shirt, you hypocrite”.
He shook his head in amusement. “Yes, but you always get cold. I don’t”.
You chuckled, wrapping your arm tighter around his waist and letting a cheeky smile curve up your mouth. “We’ve been knew you’re hot as hell”.
“Oh my God, you are insufferable”.
Letting out another laugh, you stared up to him, not having to think twice before planting a kiss to his jaw. “It was worth the wait then?”
“Your camera” you clarified, chuckling at how lost he had looked for a second. “Is it as great as you expected?”
He smiled, nodding his head in a heartbeat. “I think you’ve had enough of my nerd talking for today though”.
“Aw, but I love it when you nerd talk” you pouted.
However, you could not help but replace your said pout with a sweet smile in a heartbeat, at the mental images of the way he had been smiling that entire evening, from the moment you were at the store looking for the camera as he excitedly —and rather impatiently— waited for it to be handed to him, to the way he later focused on getting the right angles and explained technical things you didn’t fully understand, yet found yourself being really interested in.
You truly did love the way he would talk about the things he was most passionate about — that you had learned ever since the first time you got together and his nervous ass would only open his mouth to drop random facts about cameras and photography, well, for that and to help with the project, of course.
“There will be a lot of it for the next few days, so don’t worry”.
Although he knew your words were genuine, for that was one of the reasons it was so easy for him to talk to you about just anything to begin with, he couldn’t help his words from coming out rather sheepishly as he admitted that.
“I’m ready for it” your dramatic words got a roll of eyes from him. “So where are we going now?”
“Home” he mindlessly repeated what he had said before, turning right in a corner as you made it to the street the closest subway station was at.
“I know,” you laughed lightly. “I mean yours or mine”.
“Oh,” he simply let out at the realisation.
Truth is, at this point, when you would not only stay over at each other’s on a daily basis but also had left a few clothes over, both your and his place could qualify as such. So he didn’t have an actual place in mind, he just meant going back somewhere, anywhere, with you.
“Joon-ie hyung is staying at Areum noona’s tonight, so we could go to mine”.
“Your place is it then” you nodded. Just like him, not really minding which place to crash at. “Should we go get some food to make dinner?”
“I’m lazy” he pouted. “There should be enough back at mine”.
“Did you get more ramen after we ran out the other day?”
He shut his eyes closed, and that was all you needed to know he didn’t. Now, he had intended to, since ramen was pretty much all there ever was to eat for dinner at his and Joon’s place, along with a few vegetables to season them with, but you had invited him over for dinner the very next day after running out of them, and the one after that, and so he just naturally forgot.
“It’s okay, we can just make a short run to the store near your place”.
Jeongguk whined, pulling you closer to him and resting his head on yours for a second as you reached the subways’ entrance. “Baby, I’m tired”.
Snorting, you got slightly away from him so you could properly walk down the stairs. “Then we’ll just go to sleep straight away once we get there, I guess”.
“By sleeping you mean…”
“Sleeping” you remarked, with a taunting smile letting him know that was all there was to it. “I mean, since you’re so tired…”
“You know…” he cut you off, already getting a smirk out of you as you knew well enough what he would say. You had been the one to tell him he could get his way with you that night after all. “Suddenly I’m not that tired anymore…”
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migilini · 3 years
Hi!! Can you do another request for Charlie Gillespie? Can it be the 5 times he tries to propose and the one time he actually does? Thank you!!
Fifth Time Works A Charm - Charlie Gillespie
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a/n: I loved writing this, especially because I’m procastinating to write the next Chapter for my Luke ff. I hope you like it as much as I do.
Requests are open!
Words: 3k
He knew from the moment he kissed you goodnight on your second date that you were the one he was gonna marry one day. He loved the way you always complained about back pain, yet you never sat normally in any chair and the way you still paid attention to him when he talked about a topic you had no clue on. The spark in your eyes and the curve of your lips when you laughed at one of his awful jokes. Every Morning he woke up next to you was a good one and he loved you more and more everyday. He was totally and completely whipped for you that wasn't the hard part, finding the right moment to propose was. 
The two of you were on vacation in Hawaii at the same resort the two of you accidentally met a couple years ago and learned that you actually only lived 30 minutes away from each other. You were laying on the beach, the soft towel brushing your skin slightly, a big sun hat shielding your eyes and face from the hot sun. 
Cold drops of water hit your exposed stomach “Baby look, the water is so nice!” more water hit your warm skin. Screeching you sat up and saw your boyfriend standing over you, with a big smile while he wrenched out his hair, letting all the cold water hit you. 
“It's cold.” you giggled. “And you're warm!” He dropped on top of you, instantly cooling you down with his cold skin. You tried to protest but he was faster and stronger than you are. Putting his elbows around your face, he lifted some weight off of your chest then he stared at you. 
“Hmm? What are you staring at me for?” you asked, amusement evident in your voice. “You just look very beautiful right now. You look relaxed.” 
Blushing, you cupped one of his cheeks and responded “Thank you handsome. I am relaxed, really needed this getaway.” He smiled and leaned down a bit to kiss your forehead, your nose and then your lips. You savoured the saltines that lingered on your lips for a second longer before he pulled away. He got off of you and rested on his own towel. 
Sitting up a bit more, you pulled out your book and read for a bit, when suddenly something made your toe wiggle. Looking over the border of the book, you noticed that Charlie wanted your attention. You looked at him for a moment, taking in his small smile. 
“I have something planned for tonight.” He said and buried your foot in the sand. “Yeah? Care to tell me what it is?” 
“Nope that's gonna be a surprise! Let's get back to the room and get ready.” 
He told you to get dressed casually yet fancy so you wore your hair up in a bun, light makeup with a bold red lip and a flowy maxi dress. You were sitting on the hotel bed when you heard someone vomiting.
“Babe? You okay?” you questioned and walked to the bathroom door. “Did you eat something weird?” the door opened and you were faced with a pale Charlie. “Oh baby.” a small frown sat on your face when you saw him. “Let's stay in. We can do your surprise tomorrow when you feel better, okay?” Pouting, he shook his head “No. I feel fine, let's go.” he went to grab your hand but you took a small step back.
“Charlie, you're sick. There's no harm in staying in today. Health first, adventures second okay?” His shoulders dropped in defeat, there was no way he could convince you to still go out, so he nodded and followed you back to the bed. But before, in a second that you went to grab a water bottle, he pulled a small black box from his pockets and stuffed it back into his suitcase.
Unfortunately he was sick for the rest of your trip.
You and your boyfriend Charlie were chilling on the couch in the living room. Charlie was responding to some emails while you scrolled through instagram. The radio was on in the background, filling the room with soft music. It was late evening and you put some candles on and turned up your little lights that were scattered all over the place to make it cozy.
Your ears picked up the familiar tune of ‘It's been a long long time by Harry James’ and a big smile spread on your lips. You jumped up, throwing your phone somewhere on the couch and started pulling on Charlie's arm. “Dance with me.” 
“Baby I’m working.” he said with a grin, already closing his laptop.
“Please just dance to this song. It's our song babe! Then I won't annoy you the whole day.” you pleaded, jumping from one foot to the other, while still pulling on his arm.
“Okay. Just this song. I know how much you love it.” He stood up, his arms finding your waist as you interlaced your hands behind his back. Your manicured fingers immediately start playing with his longer hair. The two of you swayed to the music, he was humming along to the music, while you closed your eyes. He dipped you, waking you laugh. Then you twirled him around your arm. The song came to your favorite part and you wholeheartedly sang along, beaming up at your boyfriend.
‘Kiss me once’ You gave him a kiss on the shoulder and he kissed the top of your head, pulling you closer into his chest.
‘Then, kiss me twice’ You stood on your tiptoes and kissed his forehead and the tip of his nose.
‘Then, kiss me once again’ finally you kissed his lips. Charlie hummed in approval, tightening his grip on your waist.
Slowly the song came to an end when your phone started to ring. Charlie looked at your expectantly, waiting for you to pick it up.
“If it's important they'll call again.” you muttered with your face pressed against his shoulder. Sadly for you both a second later it began to ring again. Groaning the two of you left your little bubble as you picked up your phone.
“Oh hi grandma. How have you been?” You excused yourself with a swift kiss on his cheek and left the living room, leaving behind a lonely boyfriend.
“We got a special request to play this song today.” The radio host announced “I hope she said yes man!”
You just finished your last exam of the last semester of college. You were done. Finished. Now you only have to wait and see if you're actually gonna graduate or if you have to repeat the semester. Still, you felt like celebrating. Charlie had interview after interview scheduled for today so you didn't tell him right of the bat. You spent the day doing some mundane household tasks and grocery shopping. The moment your boyfriend was finished for the day, he ran out of your office to search for you.
You laid on the couch, watching a new netflix series when you heard footsteps approach. “You’ve done it baby!” he pulled you off the couch and twirled you around. Giggling you answered “I haven't graduated yet.” 
“And? You will, I'm sure of it because I have the smartest girlfriend in the world and she just finished her last test. This needs celebration!” he left small kisses all over your face. 
Due to the pandemic, you had to stay in the appartement to party. You didn't care though. Charlie ordered something from your favourite italian place and you pulled out the wine from your kitchen cabinet. Somehow the food took ages to arrive and to pass the time you decided to open the bottle.
Wine always had an interesting effect on the two of you, especially on an empty stomach. Charlie got very needy and you always blacked out during the night (He does too but he won't admit it). But the one thing both of you had in common was the touchyness. It wasn't like you two were not always touching when you were sober, it was just that wine drunk Charlie and you took it to a whole other level. By the time you were on your third glass, you wondered if Charlie even ordered the food.
“Could I have this dance with you ma lady?” Charlie held out his hand and bowled a little. You put down your now fifth glass of wine and stood up, taking his hand in yours.
“Oh, yes of course.” This dance was different from the dance you had a couple of nights ago. It was more of a makeout session than a dance. At some point he picked you up, so your legs were wrapped around his torso, yet he still swayed to the non existing music. 
“I love you.” You murmured against his lips. 
“I love you more.” he said and pulled away slightly.
“No way that's possible.” 
“Oh really?” he raised his eyebrow. 
“Marry me then.” he whispered looking you in the eyes with a spark in his.
“Yes! I do!” You slurred and kissed him harshly. A smile spreading on both of your lips.
You woke up the next morning with an aching headache and practically no memory of the evening before. You turned over to see Charlie sleeping next to you. You slowly traced the outline of his face. He opened his eyes and smiled at you.
“Hi” he croaked out in his morning voice that still made butterflies rise in your stomach. “Hey. How much do you remember?” You asked him sheepishly. He pulled you in with his arms, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. 
“Not much to be honest and i'm guessing you don’t either?” You only shook your head. 
“I remember that our food somehow didn't arrive.” 
Next time Charlie should really read the text of the restaurant he orders from, because there was a perfectly cooked meal waiting in front of your door.
Charlie missed his best friend and you knew this. So you arranged a little get together with Owen and Jeremy at Owen’s new apartment. Your plan was to drive down from Canada, make a quick weekend stop at Owens and then make your way to your apartment in LA.
Currently it was a monday morning and you were still at Owens. His guest bed was just so comfortable it was harder than normal to get out of bed. On this particular morning, you woke up to an empty side of the bed and some talking from the living room.
Lazily, you put on one of Charlie's hoodies, some cozy socks and a beany. You shuffled to the living room where you assumed the boys would be sitting, not realising that you interrupted a conversation. 
“I don't know man. Everytime I have something planned it goes wrong.” 
“Look Char, In my experience the chance will… morning y/n.” Jeremy was quick to notice your figure shuffling towards them, your eyes scanning your phone. The boys tensed up and quickly tried to do a normal activity. 
“Morning everybody.” You smiled at them. “Am I the last to be up?” you asked and only got noods in return. Still too sleepy to notice the atmosphere, you made your way over to your boyfriend, who was standing at the kitchen aisle, wrapping your arms around him from behind and nuzzling your head into his back. Your hands instantly go under his hoodie and on his bare skin to warm your hands. 
“Kofe…” you mumbled into his back, barely audible.
“What?” Owen asked, confused while he sat on the kitchen counter, eating a toast.
“She wants some coffee.” Your boyfriend translated with a smile. 
“Oh.. I just used the last capsule... I’m so sorry” Jeremy apologized and offered you the last sip of his cup of coffee. 
“I’m fine, I'll survive thank you though Jer.” You yawned, releasing yourself from cuddling Charlie, knowing you're not gonna be fully awake without a cup of coffee. Your boyfriend also knew this and eyed you closely, then he leaned over to whisper in your ear that he's gonna get you a coffee after his workout. He looked at you lovingly and pressed a kiss to your temple.
“Jesus Christ man, you're whipped. Just ask her.” Owen said while rolling his eyes. The second the last words left his lips all the boys looked at eachother with wide eyes. Owen went to cover his mouth with his hands. 
“Ask me what?” You asked in a soft tone and turned to your boyfriend who had a really panicked look on his face. 
“I- I-uhm…” he stuttered, fiddling with his fingers.
“Charlie here wanted to ask you if you would mind staying one more day.” Jeremy came to the rescue and sent Owen a mad look, while he pulled one of his arms over Charlie's shoulder, who gave him a thankful nudge.
Your face softened “Of course bubby! If it's okay with Owen it's okay with me, we have no hurry to head to LA. I love spending time here. Gotta teach Owen a few tips and tricks of living alone.” you sent a wink in the blonde boys direction.
At this point Charlie nearly gave up on asking you to marry him, maybe it was a sign from the universe that the two of you weren’t ready for that commitment yet. You were both still so young and just started with your careers. 
He looked over at your mess of curls that spread all over the pillow case. The peaceful up and down from your chest and the small smile on your slightly opened lips as you slept. He had to ask you to marry him, there was no way he wouldn't. 
The sunlight peeked through the curtains and illuminated the bedroom on this sunday morning in a pretty yellow. You opened your eyes as you heard something shift beside you.
“Where are you going?” You asked, squinting your eyes that still needed to get used to the light. 
“Just for a walk baby. Go back to sleep.” He pushed some hairs back that touched your face. Pouting, you put your much smaller hand on his hand that laid on your face. 
“Noo. Don't go. Come back to bed.” you whined, leaving kisses on his hand. He sat there for a while, contemplating if he could say no to your face. In the end he sighed and you felt the mattress next to you go down. 
“Thank you for staying.” you whispered and pulled him closer, letting your head rest on his chest. His arms wrapped around you and he shifted in a comfortable position, so that you were basically laying on top of him. With the tip of your fingers you drew little constellations on his chest and he played with the strands of your hair. 
“Charlie?” You broke the silence and went to look at his face, propping your chin on your hand.
“What's on your pretty mind?”
“When will you ask me to marry you? Or should I ask you?” You finally asked the questions that have been running through your mind for months now.
He stopped breathing for a second, stunned at your declaration. A wide smile broke out on his lips and he started laughing. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. 
“Is that such a funny concept?” You asked, slightly hurt. “I thought you wanted to do it in Hawaii but then you were sick and I also heard you and the boys talking about something. Plus I found the ring.” you admitted. 
Charlie shifted again so you were both sitting up and facing each other. “You found the ring?” he asked quietly. 
“Yeah I put some of your stuff into the drawer and it fell out. I didn't look at it though! I still wanted that part to be a surprise. But you never asked, so im gonna do it, fuck the gender norms. Charlie Jeffrey Gillespie will you...”
“Oh my god. Baby no.” he chuckled and cupped your face, making you stop in the middle of the sentence. “I had so many different ideas planned but something always came in between me actually asking you. So let me do it right.”
He got up from the bed and pulled out the little black box from one of the drawers in your bedroom. 
“Uhm… could you maybe stand up?”
You obliged eagerly, your hands shaking like crazy.
And then it was finally happening. Your boyfriend got down on one knee and looked up at you with tears in his eyes.
“This wasn't at all how I originally wanted to do it but now thinking about it, it's just perfect. I knew pretty early on that you were gonna be the girl I marry one day. I know we’re both still very young but I couldn't imagine myself spending my life with anybody else other than you. You're the person I want to wake up next to every morning and the person I miss the most when I’m away. So would you do me the honours and make me the happiest man alive by marrying me?” he took out the ring with shaking hands, while you tried to stop the sobbing. You got on your knees as well and cupped his face, whipping away some tears.
“Yes! One million times yes!” You kissed him softly, afraid that this was all a dream. Charlie pushed the ring on your finger and lifted you up, kissing you again and again with a tear soaked face and a smile that hurt his cheeks.
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hansolmates · 4 years
jjk; off-league
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summary; you decide to do a little boudoir photoshoot for yourself—a little sexy lingerie, some bunny ears, maybe even a little nudity to make you feel more body positive about yourself. that little photoshoot doesn’t end up being for yourself anymore when you accidentally send those sexy pictures to your stupidly hot, stupidly talented childhood friend who you haven’t spoken to since middle school graduation.  pairing; photographer!jk x fem!reader genre/warnings; childhood friends to lovers!au, flangst, mutual pining, feelings of insecurity and body image, suggestive language, nudity  w.c; 6.2k a/n: i was feeling a lil meh about this fic after finishing it but a month later it finally makes its debut! for @btsghostiewritersnet​ BGW Bingo Bash! today’s trope is “childhood friends to lovers” which surprisingly isn’t a favorite of mine so it was definitely a challenge to write! 
“C’mon, I need your opinion. Deadass. Don’t just say shit to make me feel better.” 
“Gimmie those nudes, baby girl,” Johnny makes an impeccable fuckboy impersonation, making you feel a little squirmy to your stomach. 
It’s an hour away from being the ass-crack’o-dawn and your impromptu pin-up photoshoot just needs the sexy-star-of-approval from your best friend. Johnny Suh is also up for reasons unmentioned, but you had a feeling his pretty boyfriend is fifty percent of the reason. 
You look at yourself in the mirror, smoothing your frame against the black bodice of the sheer teddy. The only parts that are fully concealed are the parts that don’t matter. The sheer bodice reveals your pert nipples concealed by a thin black mesh, coupled with the deep V in the sweetheart neckline, accented by a little black bow in the dive of your highlighted cleavage. The silky a-line raceways to a set of black garters hugging your thighs, barely hanging onto a pair of lace thigh-highs. 
It doesn’t leave you butt naked, but enough to make you feel confident about yourself. These pictures are for you, and Johnny. And Johnny’s boyfriend if he’s being nosy. 
You tug off the silk bunny ears from your head, flinging it somewhere in your room. The wire started to dig in your brain, giving you a major headache. 
“Sending them now,” you hang up and start compiling the pictures in a folder on Google Drive. Once that’s done you copy the shareable link, sending it to Johnny’s number. It happens all so fast, and you feel kind of giddy. As you were posing for the camera, taking your time to find all the right angles, you felt good, you felt sexy in your little get up. Channeling your inner Ariana Grande was one of your childhood dreams, your fifteen year old self would be proud. 
Five minutes pass, fifteen, and by the twenty-five minute mark you’re pissed. What’s taking Johnny so long? 
Makeup scrubbed clean and face bare, you shuffle in your duvet, far too tired to be waiting up this long. Punching in his number once more, you cry, “Hey! Why haven’t you looked at them yet?” 
“What?” your friend’s voice sounds pebbly through the line. Was Johnny sleeping? “You never sent them!” he whines tiredly. 
“No, I definitely sent them!” you pull the phone away and keep Johnny on call, ready to prove him wrong. 
But to your surprise, the last message you sent to Johnny was this afternoon. 
The most recent message is to a person named John Kook. 
You scream. 
Johnny screams back at you with an equal amount of force, “What the fuck? Did someone break in? Are you being mobbed? See, this is why I wanted to put the baby monitor in your room—” 
“Worse!” you’re well prepared for any break in, but not for this. “I sent my pics to the wrong John!” 
“Well… is he at least cute?” 
“I mean, in the fourth grade he looked pretty cute with that front tooth missing,” you find your output of frustration, your bunny plush, pulling it by the ear and hitting it against the bed. “His name isn’t even John! It was just his English name for a silly project we did in middle school. This is so embarrassing, all I can picture is a twelve-year-old Jungkook mortified from sexual harassment. I basically sent him nudes!” 
“Tasteful nudes.” 
“I’m gonna die.” 
“He’s gonna die, of happiness.” 
Jeon Jungkook was a classmate from elementary through middle school. Time and time again was he the object of your affections, from the first grade at the roller rink to the speech he made at graduation. But really, who cares? You’re old and have a job, and it’s not like you’ve communicated with any of your former classmates. 
Your horror amplifies when the Delivered receipt is changed to Read 3:41AM. 
“Fuck! Fuck me with a fuckin’ fuck nugget he saw it!” you cry, “does he still have my number? What if he deleted my contact, would that be even weirder?” 
“Girl, stop.” Johnny sighs, and you can already picture him running his thumb between his brows. “This doesn’t change anything, alright? You two don’t know each other anymore. Block his number and go to sleep.” 
Johnny leaves you alone after that, and you’re left alone to mull over the implications of sending Jeon Jungkook your nude photoshoot. 
You do block his number, knowing that waiting for a reply would drive you nuts. The one thing that you do which is possibly worse, is look him up on Instagram. 
Of course, he’s stupid hot. 
He doesn’t seem to like being on the receiving end of the camera however, in favor of his timeline being filled with romantic shots of the beach and city. In between the picturesque views and watercolor sunsets do you see glimpses of him and his current life. You can’t help but smile when you see him with his brother and parents during his college graduation, easily towering over all of them. He looks tall with fluffy cocoa hair, big pearly whites gleaming proudly at the camera. He grew up well. 
To torture yourself even more, you even look through his story. Twelve hours ago, he was at the gym lifting weights. Normally, you’d be disgusted by people trying to show off their grunt faces drenched in sweat, but of course Jungkook has to have on a silly smile and pump his fist up after he deadlifts. The sweat clinging to his shirt is also a high plus. His gorgeous display of abs has your hands fluttering over your own belly. Maybe you need to exercise more. 
Four hours ago, you see him and a pretty woman with their cheeks squished together, using the puppy filter. Of course he has a girlfriend. 
Reluctant, you open up your Google Drive and scroll through your photoshoot. Deflated, you frown at the pictures that once made you beam with pride, picking at every little detail that bothered you. You really can’t believe you sent these to Jeon Jungkook, no longer a fourth grader with one front tooth, but a man way out of your league. 
By the time you will yourself to sleep, the sun peeks from the horizon, telling you to move on. 
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“Hey Gyu,” you tiptoe over to the table much too small for Mingyu’s frame. The string bean is slumped over his iPad pro, drawing intently at some chibi OCs. “Got a plot for that one?” you ask, pointing at the little pink and blue creature decorating the screen. 
Mingyu grunts in reply, obviously engrossed. It isn’t until you slide him a matcha frappe from Starbucks that he becomes intelligible, muttering a “thank you” as he blends with his pen. 
Sensing that it’s going to be awhile before you get through to him, you take your usual rounds around the front desk and lobby of the cosy photo studio. There’s pretty pictures of Mingyu’s work, along with the other employees Minghao and Hoseok. Each section of the wall features a different taste of each person’s interest. Mingyu is a divine lover of soft bed sheets and hot tea, many of his photographs and paintings featuring cafes or perfectly messy beds you’ve seen on hotel advertisements. Minghao is a tasteful artisan, splotches of color retaliating against neutral backgrounds. Finally, Hoseok manages to find balance in the people, large cityscapes telling both large and small stories.
“Alright,” Mingyu’s deep voice forces you to curl your head, where he’s sipping at his drink with haste. “What’cha here for?” 
You frown, “Don’t you remember? I told you last week I’d be stopping by to get my photos developed,” you gesture to the Pentax in your hands, an heirloom from your great-aunt. While you did take digital photos for sending them to Johnny, the ones you wanted developed were taken side-by-side with the film camera. You figured that film would give a little more authenticity to your photoshoot. 
“Shit, that’s today?” the camera falls like deadweight, slapping against your sweater as you watch Mingyu frantically look through his digital calendar. He looks at you, dejected. “How many prints?” 
“I don’t know, maybe like six. Or eight?” 
“That’s gonna take too long, I’m heading down to Hidden Grounds for a vision meeting at two.” 
“Alright, I’m free all day. What about after?”
“Nah, you came all this way. I can just let the new guy help you.” and Mingyu makes a show of cupping his hands in the direction of the open hallway, “Yah, Jeon Jungkook! Get your cute ass out here!” 
The Pentax around your neck suddenly feels like weight akin to a two-ton boulder, and you surge forward, not caring that the corner of the table is digging into your belly. “Mingyu,” you garble, and Mingyu is shell-shocked by the desperation in your eyes. “Isn’t Minghao around or something? Or I can come back another time? These photos are really personal and I don’t feel comfortable having a stranger see them.”
“What? We’re professionals, don’t belittle us.” 
“No, seriously,” you whine, you tug at the collar of his denim jacket, noses practically touching. “These pictures are different. My tits are out and my legs are spread—”
“—interrupting something?” 
You hear some shuffling, and you turn around to see Jeon Jungkook’s back, comically turned to face the entrance. 
And damn, he did have a cute ass. Nothing is going to hide the glory in those jeans, absolutely nothing. 
“Hilarious,” Mingyu drawls, and you push him away. “Forget it, Kook. She doesn’t feel comfortable letting a stranger develop her photos.” 
Sensing that it’s safe to turn around, you watch as his black bangs flutter as he faces you. You hope your body language doesn’t betray how you’re really feeling, because you are a mere mortal and you’re weak in the presence of god-like figures. 
“Oh, what a relief then,” he smiles at you, and his voice sounds like honey. If there was malice or surprise in his tone, his good-natured expression betrays it. “Because I’ve known this friend since elementary school. We go way back.” 
You ignore the burn in the back of your head, as you are positive Mingyu knows you’re hiding something. 
“Really, what a coincidence.” Mingyu replies carefully, and you feel utterly stuck between these men and their banter, locked up like cream in an Oreo cookie. 
Nothing argues against Jungkook as he easily weaves through the thick wave of awkwardness, hands reaching out to touch your camera. “Wow,” he marvels, holding the object in his hands, “my dad has one of these.” 
“A-ha,” you take a step back, only to bump into the corner of the table, again. Ouch. “It’s okay, Jungkook. I’m actually busy today so I can come when Mingyu’s free–”
“Oh, I thought you were free all day,” Mingyu drawls, looking up through his lashes as he sips languidly at his drink. 
“Don’t worry about it,” Jungkook says good-naturedly, as if Mingyu just didn’t out you. “We got a lot of catching up to do anyway, c’mon.” 
Jungkook moves to place a hand in the small of your back and that’s enough to get you to rev up. Refusing to let any contact get between the two of you, you zip ahead down the familiar hallway, turning your head to catch Mingyu grinning with all canines, shooing you with his fingers like a puppy. 
You send Mingyu a stream of “fuck yous” into his inbox for later, unwilling to settle with this curse. Busying yourself with your phone, you avoid eye contact with Jungkook until you reach the dark room. The red light turned off at the top of the doorhenge signals that the room is not in use. Jungkook makes a move to open the door and that’s when you pounce, blocking the doorway with your small body. It’s comical, really. 
Jungkook raises a brow at you, but says nothing. 
“I really can wait, Jungkook,” you steel yourself, forcing a sympathetic smile. “I’m sure your girlfriend wouldn’t like you developing my pictures—”
It’s then that his pretty cupid’s bow unfurls into a full-fledged grin. “Girlfriend... you’ve been keeping tabs on me?” 
“Fuck, well I had to!” your face is as red as the dark room’s alert light, now on because Jungkook flicked the switch and he’s between your arm to unlock the door. Your hand brushes his as you both reach the knob. “I’m really really sorry I sent those pictures. They were for Johnny—you remember Johnny Suh from English class? And I saved you in my contacts as “John Kook” so it was an honest mess up.” 
Jungkook hums, so light that the breathiness in his chords flutters your grip on the knob. He forces the door ajar, and you’re left to follow him in the dark room, cluttered with solutions and fancy equipment. 
“Thought so,” Jungkook shrugged, giving a one-over at the materials in the room, mulling over his next steps in developing your film. 
You’re still petrified at the doorway, holding your Pentax between both hands like a lifeline. Jungkook’s head lols to you, and you get a pretty view of the way his bangs brush over his forehead, Adam’s Apple bobbing. His expression is a little tired, but overall unreadable. He sighs your name, lethargic. 
“We’re already here, so might as well get this done,” he gestures to the camera in your vice grip. “Do you wanna pick the shots or do you want me to?” 
He’s already seen the digitals, what’s so different about getting a couple prints? With a slight pout you drag your feet over to him, relinquishing your camera. “I’m thinking you have a better eye for this than I do.” 
“You think right.” 
You fight the urge to roll your eyes. Cocky, but what you’ve seen on Instagram definitely justifies his sentiment. Jungkook pays no mind to you, busying his hands with the various containers in front of him, measuring the solutions for the developer, stopper, and fixer. You were always entranced by the process of developing film, especially in highschool where their photography club holed themselves in the darkroom like a secret lair. 
“Alright,” he pops open the canister, carefully laying out sections of the film in groups of four. “Want me to pick a random one for a tester?” 
You frown, “At least put some thought into it.” 
“Always,” it looks like he already decided way before he popped the question, immediately taking a negative and placing it in the carrier. 
His fingers are nimble as he takes the time to clean off the dust and any debris that could potentially ruin the image. Then he turns off the lights and begins the process. You dive around him, trying to keep your distance but still too curious to leave his side. If he’s annoyed he fails to show it, in favor of humming whatever song comes from his Echo Dot. 
You always got the solos in choir. You wanted to reminisce, but you’re too nervous to say it out loud. 
Even though it’s his job and he’s being a professional, you romanticize the experience, watching as he carefully puts the print in each liquid process. Your image blooms to life, and you feel your stomach churn as the photo develops before your eyes. 
After a final dip in the solution stopper, he places the first product in a bath of water. Even though you are mere centimeters away, you can clearly see the image of you swimming around the container. 
“Alright!” Jungkook hangs the finished picture on a pastel pink clothespin, tacking it in place. “Whaddya think?” 
Your breath catches in your throat, feeling heavy as you look at the image of you reflected in the glossy paper. You’re perched on your bed, a hand splaying between your legs as the other hand toys with the silk bunny ears. You’re leaned slightly, giving an ample view of your cleavage. However, the image of you is definitely different from being blown up in comparison to the negatives, and you squirm uncomfortably at your full display. 
“I look,” you bite your tongue, internally debating whether you like it or not. Not to spare Jungkook the theatrics you shrug, “It’s good.”  
The lack of enthusiasm seems to dissatisfy Jungkook however, as he has to take a double take and look back and forth between the image and the real thing. “What’s wrong with it, do you think Johnny’ll not like it?” 
“What?” you furrow your brows, breaking into a nervous laugh. “Johnny has a boyfriend. I just wanted his opinion. This photoshoot is for me, y’know? Just something to make me feel good about myself.” 
Jungkook’s lips morph into a little ‘o’, and you see a little bit of the child you once knew in the way he’s mulling over the situation. 
“Then can I give you my honest opinion?” Jungkook clips off the half-dried photo, holding it between you two. “Stop thinking so hard about every little thing you don’t like about yourself. If I was your boyfriend and you gifted this to me, I’d be creaming my pants. You look fucking sexy, all grown up since you cried in the fourth grade.” 
You’ve just been flung a litany of words you have no brain capacity to digest. Along with that, the immense heat you didn’t know you’ve been suppressing surges to your belly, low and simmering. Jungkook stares at you in earnest, despite his sudden gush of honesty, you don’t know what to say. There’s a dash of pink staining his cheeks, betraying the confidence he previously displayed. He stiffens when you don’t reply immediately and moves to clean his materials, his sudden bout of bold honesty quickly shrinking. 
“Y-you know,” you look down at your feet, “the only reason why I cried in the fourth grade was because you told me Santa wasn’t real.” 
Jungkook softens, tilting his head. “Sorry about that.” 
“Thanks though,” you gently reach for the photo in Jungkook’s grasp, looking at it without contempt. “But won’t your girlfriend be upset if she knew you were saying things like this about someone else?” 
He chuckles, shaking his head. “Well, if you looked through the rest of my Instagram story,” Jungkooks cards a hand through his already mussed hair, splitting the ends. “You would see that she’s not my girlfriend, but my tattoo artist.” 
For added measure, he wiggles his fingers in front of you, revealing pretty ink and silver bands across his knuckles.
“Oh,” your voice is feather light, and you’re sure you’re drooling as you stare far too long at the letters that mark his hands, curious as to what they symbolize. 
“So, as a singleton telling another singleton,” he continues, “I know it’s meaningless if you don’t believe it yourself, but I’m telling you, you’re attractive.” 
“Thanks,” you hold the picture tightly in your grasp, eyes flickering to the negatives in the room ready to be galvanized into a full-fledged picture. “Why don’t we wrap this up, huh? We can continue another time.” 
If he notices how much the paper wilts in your grasp, he doesn’t comment on it. “Are you sure? I know it takes a lot of time, but I don’t mind.” 
“I’m sure,” you force a smile, one hand on the lightswitch. “I’ll let you know when I’m ready, okay?” 
Jungkook swallows, nodding mechanically. “Okay.” 
“It was really nice seeing you, Kook.” you blurt before you could chicken out, letting the room bask in darkness a little longer so he can’t see your flustered state. “I’m not even going to downplay it, you look great.” 
You half-expect a cocky remark, or a little chest pumping from the compliment. At the sound of his nickname however, 4th grade Jeon Jungkook resurfaces and he shoves his hands in his pockets. “Like I said, so do you,” he replies easily, sending you a soft smile and opening the door for you. 
The door closes shut behind you and you exhale, patting your cheeks and willing for the chilly air to calm you down. 
When you get home that day, you shuck off all your clothes and crawl into bed. You cry out when the metal framing of your bunny ears stabs you in the back, and you fling it to some unmentionable part of the room. You reach for a bag of half-opened sour gummy worms, flipping open your MacBook to continue streaming the soft magical girl anime you’ve been hooked on these past few weeks. 
Not even Sailor Uranus can distract you; however, by the time it’s dark and you’ve run out of distractions, you finally pull the plug and unblock Jungkook from your list of contacts. 
Your phone buzzes, the incessant vibration relaying all the messages you’ve missed. 
[March 12th, 3:53AM]
You: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/0343…
John Kook: ??? 
John Kook: you probably sent this to me by accident… sorry i clicked on it
John Kook: is it weird if i said you’ve done a massive glow up since the middle school dance?
[March 12th, 12:02 PM]
John Kook: are u mad
John Kook: you’re mad
John Kook: am i makin this weird by continuing to text you
John Kook: im making it weird. 
[March 31st, 6:24 PM]
John Kook: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/049…
You tilt your head at the folder link, it was sent only a few hours ago. With a click, you’re enlightened to a set of digital photos. Your photos from your photoshoot, but not quite. They’ve been expertly edited, not too much to distort your looks, but only to enhance your features. A small, barely there smile creeps from your subconscious, ultimately touched by the gesture. 
John Kook: sorry if i pushed too hard today. 
Guilt overrides your nerves, prompting you to immediately press the call button on his contact. Not to your surprise, Jungkook’s light voice calls your name through the line after the second ring. 
“Don’t be sorry,” you blurt, forgoing the hellos. “It was the right amount of push, I feel better, really. If anything, I’m sorry. I blocked your number because I was scared to read your reaction.” 
You hear him sigh along the line, and you feel that breath ripple through your nerves, as if he’s right next to you. “It’s fine, I would’ve done the same thing.” 
“The pictures you just sent, they’re really beautiful. You did a good job.” 
“Thanks, I had a bit of help. I didn’t have to do much.” 
“Oh, did Mingyu come back from his meeting?” 
"No, I uh," Jungkook chuckles, and while you don't really know why, the sound is nonetheless pleasant. “It was mostly the lighting and coloring I fixed up. Didn’t need to do much since you already looked so pretty as it is.” 
You choke on your saliva. 
“You okay?”
“Y-yeah,” you cough, “just choked on a snack I was eating.” he hums in reply, and you pray he doesn’t hear your stomach fervently retort that you haven’t eaten since lunch. “So, I think I’m up for developing more of the film. When can I drop by?” 
“I’m free Saturday,” Jungkook chirps, “I have a shoot until noon but you can come anytime after that.” 
“Sounds good, I’ll be there,” you clutch the phone with both hands. “I can bring lunch. What do you like to eat?” 
“Oh, you don’t have to do that.”
“I’m already buying for Minghao,” you lie, “do you like burgers?” 
“I can’t say no to a good burger,” Jungkook’s smile feels almost palpable against the line, “do you remember our field trip to the national museum of history? We had burgers on the street!” 
“Oh, those were so good,” you moan, fuzzy memories of a middle grade field trip resurfacing to clarity, “but you ate like, ten of them!”
“I still get nightmares,” he warns, “don’t let me go to bed like this.” 
You giggle, letting your body meld further into your warm mattress. “Maybe I’ll just show up with ten burgers for you tomorrow.” 
“I’ll throw up on you, try me.” 
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Minghao’s adjusting the frames on their display wall by the centimeter, and it’s pissing him off. 
“Ah, it’s off,” he mutters to himself when you walk in, indicated by the electronic bell. He turns to you briefly, pulling a leveler out of his overall pocket. “Doesn’t this look off?” 
“Uh,” you look towards Mingyu at the front desk, who is paying no mind as he continues scribbling on his iPad. You tilt your head towards your former college classmate. “It doesn’t look off from over here?” 
Tacking the leveler on one of the frames, he whines, “It’s five degrees off.” 
Mingyu puts his pen down to reach over the counter and grab the paper from your hands, steaming with the scent of fast food, “He’s been like this for hours, don’t mind him.” 
He doesn’t even ask whether the food is his, Mingyu sees grease and he claims. Reaching for an oil-wrapped parchment, he unfolds the paper to reveal a handsome burger with all the fix-ens. 
Barely satisfied, Minghao steps away from the art display. There is a sizable gap in the display, now divided between four artists instead of three. You wonder how Jungkook’s work will look amongst the other artists. 
“Cute ‘fit.” Minghao mumbles, nodding approvingly at your clothes as he digs into the bag for his own burger. 
You send a half-smile his way. If an outfit is Minghao-approved, that means you’ve gone above and beyond. At least, you tried to play it off like you didn’t try to look cute. It’s not like you’re intimidated by Jungkook, living with a major fifteen-year glow up. After all, he’s already seen more than you can imagine. 
Mingyu takes notice, eyes going south to where your white blouse meets your cleavage. You hurl a fry at his face, “Eyes up here, perv.” 
He scrunches his nose, lifting a greasy thumb to slide a manila envelope over to you. “Here’s the developed pictures. Intercepted Kook and I finished them this morning.” 
You frown, “Jungkook’s not done with his photoshoot yet?” 
“Oh, he’s been done.” Mingyu’s eyes roll back to one of the studios. “But I’m saying is, you got what you needed. So you can leave if you want,” but he grins at you, canines so sharp you feel his stare jabbing you in the proverbial neck. “Unlesssss you want to go in and say hi.” 
If he has any inkling of what’s going on in your head, it’s definitely confirmed when your face turns hot. Damn body, you’re betraying me! With a flourish you grab the fries from under Mingyu’s nose, along with whatever’s left in the fast food bag. 
Minghao’s smiling through his burger, knowing if he pulls any type of savagery his lunch would certainly be pulled from under his chin. 
“Whatever you’re thinking, drop it or the burger will be going in your ass instead of out.” You mean to sound menacing, but the Min-squared and their boisterous laughter follow you down the hallway and into the occupied studio. 
“Hey Jungkoo—wow.”
You’re sure you look like Alice, enthralled by the little wonderland she just stepped into. The set is beautiful, right out of a fairytale. It has a very old-romance vibe, like Morticia and Gomez Addams. There lay a couch made of the darkest, richest wood, with velvet red cushions covering the body. Across the floor laid hundreds of black rose petals, blanketing the floor in a sea of ebony. 
“It’s for a wedding, gothic themed.” Jungkook supplies helpfully, still fiddling with whatever he was looking on his digital camera. He’s looking utterly soft in a matching grey sweat combination, something that would easily disgust you during high school, but unfairly works with him. 
“The shoot must’ve been beautiful.” 
“It was.” 
“I uh, got this for you.” Your fingers start to sweat from clutching the bag so hard, and you place it on his work table. 
He finally looks up from his camera, giving you a wan smile. “I thought you got those for Minghao.” 
You mentally slap your cheeks, trying to ignore the way his smile made your stomach do somersaults. “He got his own. Your portion has a cookie in it, so.” 
His cute teeth unveil themselves at the mention of sweets, and you can’t help but smile back at the familiarity. 
The two of you take your time in enjoying your lunch, not meaning to stay but the very back of your mind hoping he’d like to share a meal with you. After all, Mingyu and Minghao are probably at the front relishing in your very obvious attraction. What can you say, first crushes never die. 
Between sips of your milkshake, you’ve taken to flipping through Jungkook’s portfolio. There’s a myriad of different subjects: beaches, people, the occasional squirrel. Each section of the portfolio feels like you’re being transported to a new side of Jungkook and his artistry, and you ached to know more. 
“Wow,” you point at an action shot of two girls in a dance studio, “this duo looks like Chungha and Hyoyeon.” 
He swallows his (second) burger, having the audacity to sink sheepishly in his sweater. “It is Chungha and Hyoyeon.” 
You nearly choke on your cookie. “That’s amazing.” you say breathlessly, looking closer at the image. In fact, the beautiful women photographed are famed hip-hop choreographers Chungha and Hyoyeon. You can’t imagine how good Jungkook must be to manage a photoshoot with them. 
As proud as you are of Jungkook, it reminds you that since middle school you two have lived completely different lives. You wonder if Jungkook gets these kinds of gigs all the time, hanging around with gorgeous, talented people like himself.
Jungkook says your name once, twice. He looks at you concerned, and you’re melting in his large carmine eyes. If he notices your usual overthinking, he doesn’t say anything, and gestures to the section at the end of his portfolio. “This isn’t my best work, but it’s one of my favorites.” 
There’s something familiar about this set. A playground with a busted swing set. Children riding on bikes and colorful class shirts. Ice cream melting on fists. 
Thirteen-year-old you hanging on top of your middle school’s leafless tree, clutching your baseball cap as you shade yourself from the sunset. 
“Was this the first time you took pictures?” you ask, thumbing the picture of yourself. 
“Yeah. It’s when I decided it’s what I wanted to do the rest of my life.” 
“I know we didn’t know each other that well and we’ve only recently connected but,” you give him a shy smile, “I’m really proud of what you’ve grown up to be, Jungkook.” 
He looks like you’ve hung him the moon and stars, his half-eaten burger loosening in his grasp. His lips are parted cutely, like a kitten who’s just been offered a fresh glass of milk. You cough at the sudden pause in conversation, feeling self-conscious of your impulse confession. You don’t even have it in you to be disgusted when Jungkook hastily shoves the second half of his burger down his throat, tips of his ears pink. 
Leaving him be, you press a palm to your cheek, looking at the wedding set. 
Jungkook downs half a water bottle before he speaks again. “Y’know, it would be a shame to clean up this set already. It was kind of expensive.” 
“Yeah,” you echo, standing up and kicking off your slippers. You kick your feet in the air, watching the black petals kiss across your ankles.
“I have an idea,” he wipes his hands on his sweats, “why don’t you go back home and get an outfit you really like. Lingerie, a cute outfit, whatever. Let me give you a photoshoot you’d love.” 
You look up from your petal dance, balking. “Jungkook! That’s not necessary, I told you the photos I took were okay.” 
“Yeah but, you didn’t seem entirely happy. C’mon, I got a camera and a beautiful set. Why waste it?” his hands naturally gravitate towards his charging camera, already turning it on. “I can do lighting, I know all your good angles. What’s stopping us?” 
Really, what’s stopping you? Your hands fiddle with your open flannel, the soft material comforting you as you look across the set. You try to imagine yourself, your body draped across the velvet pillows and black petals. Would it look good? Would you feel good? You think back to how you felt the first time, how scared you were when someone other than Johnny would be looking at your photos. You remember how something weird and sour contorted in your stomach when you scrolled through Jeon Jungkook’s Instagram, no longer the little boy you knew but a man who could have everything he wanted—
“Stop thinking about it.” Jungkook suddenly snaps, and you break from your reverie to catch him looking upset. It’s been awhile since you’ve seen him like that. 
“Thinking about what?”
“Thinking that you’re out of my league.”
“Excuse me?” 
“You were like this the other day too,” and he looks sad, and puts his camera down to come closer to you. “Why are you feeling this way. Is it me?” 
“Not necessarily,” you huff, hugging yourself.
“Do you not feel beautiful? Do you not like your body?” 
“No, I do.” you say to yourself, and you mean it. Even though there will inevitably be days where you may not feel one-hundred percent positive about yourself, you know at the end of the day, you love you and all its parts. “I don’t know, Jungkook. I had no problem letting Mingyu develop the photos originally, because he knew me in college and I was already sure of myself back then. But I guess when I sent them to you, I felt like I did when I was a little girl, y’know? Going through puberty, and worrying about what other people think.” 
And it’s not like Jungkook teased you or made you feel lesser of yourself. In fact, Jungkook was the student you wanted to be when you were younger. Someone sweet and caring, and unabashedly confident about himself. 
“I guess seeing you so successful and the fact that my stupid childhood crush came back from a time where I always felt low, made me feel a little insecure again.” 
Something sinks in and you feel hyper aware of how crushed Jungkook looks at your declaration. “There’s no leagues, you got that?” he says quietly, walking so close that he’s hovering over you, sneakers brushing. “I get it. I get unsure and insecure just like you. Hell, I was nervous this morning, wondering if you’d really come. We may not feel insecure over the same things, but middle school wasn’t that great for me either.” He makes a funny face, and you feel a smile twitch across your lips. “But it’s okay. Because we’re human and we grow. But now, you are successful. You’ve grown from your time growing up and you’re a wonderful, powerful person. I’m proud of you too.” 
“I know,” you mumble, leaning your forehead against his chest. His arms wrap around you in response, holding you snug.
“And for the record, I thought you were the most beautiful person in the world in fourth grade. Even though my world was pretty small back then, I can say now that what I thought back then still stands true.” 
You look up from his embrace, where he’s leaning down to press a slow, cotton soft kiss to your forehead. He backs up a little to read your face, and you give a tiny nod in response to signal it’s okay. Jungkook exhales in contentment, relaxing against your frame. 
“Thanks, Kook,” you crack a smile, feeling your insecurities slowly evaporate. You feel better, light, knowing that these negative feelings are only temporary, and you’re not alone. Being in Jungkook’s arms, an honest boy turned man you’ve known all your life, it feels almost like home. 
You two stay like this for a while. Exchanging feather-like kisses, feeling irrevocably young and hopeful. Suddenly feeling emboldened, you tug him by the strings of his hoodie to press a long, hot kiss to his lips. There’s a stutter, and you’re pretty sure Jungkook choked on his saliva at the sudden change of pace but you continue, letting Jungkook catch up and follow your lead. 
“Wow,” Jungkook pulls away and his lips are shiny and flushed. Adorable. You think 7th grade Jungkook would be rolling in his Naruto sheets if he knew you two would inevitably end up together. Conversely, 7th grade you would be squealing in your kitten plushie, proud that you managed to nab your childhood crush to live out all the fantasies you’ve imagined since the 4th grade. 
“Jungkook,” you let your flannel fall to the floor in a heap, only leaving your baby blue top in a thin ruched camisole. “I think I want to do the photoshoot. Can’t pass up these pretty petals, y’know?” 
He runs a hand through his hair, gaping. “Really?” 
“Yeah,” you press a wet kiss to his neck, “anyway you want me, baby. Full creative control. I want you to like this as much as I do, okay?” 
With the permission to hold the wheel, Jungkook’s lightheaded and spinning. His eyes rake up and down your gorgeous form, wondering how many good deeds he’s done in his past life to earn a right just as this. 
“In that case,” he presses a palm to your shoulder, pushing you to sit along the velvet cushion, “strip for me.” 
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