#fatws zemo
knucklescum · 2 years
Mind Over Matter ch.2 - Helmut Zemo x reader
Pairing: Helmut Zemo x mutant!fem!reader
Word Count: 1170
Warnings: swearing, not much else lol
You never were a fan of airports. They’re always horrendously busy, no matter when or where you were going and everyone was always in such a rush.
Your journey had been beyond stressful already: your flight was delayed, there were luggage complications at one of the changes and there had been children screaming for the entire duration of your trip. 
So, when your plane eventually landed in New York, you had no shame in dragging yourself to the bathroom, planting yourself onto the cool ceramic seat before holding your head in your hands in both relief and stress. Anything to get away from the sheer amount of people, to bring yourself back to reality.
A sharp voice pulls you from your thoughts, repeating your name several times until you finally look up from the floor.
“Miss, I’m here on behalf of Mr. Stark.” he states. “Are you ready to leave?”
Quickly, you collect yourself, pulling yourself up from the toilet seat and adjusting your backpack before opening the door, pulling your suitcase along as you step out of the stall.
A meek smile forms on your face as the man takes your suitcase, although you can’t help but notice that he’s dressed exactly like your stereotypical agent-super-spy macho guy: dark, black shades, black suit and gloves and ever so slightly grown out soldier haircut.
“How did you find me?” you ask as he makes his way towards the exit of the bathroom, gesturing for you to follow.
“You’re here to work for Mr. Stark, are you not?” he says, his voice wavering as though he was unsure. “I was sent to collect you.”
“No, no,” you laugh. “I know that! I meant, you know, how did you know I was in the bathroom?”
“You’ll come to learn that we have eyes everywhere, Miss. Including here.” he says, pulling the door open and holding it in place for you to leave.
The journey from the airport to the compound was quick, much quicker than you’d expected. Although, in fairness, you hadn’t expected to be picked up in a helicopter.
You had attempted to make small talk in the chopper, but the agent had very quickly turned his headset off after your third question. 
With only the sound of the vehicle whirring, you were left to your thoughts - or rather, the agent’s thoughts.
Why am I always put on fucking taxi service? I wish they’d give me a real job.
Of course, you hadn’t meant to read his mind. You had never been able to fully control this power, this mutation. Sure, you can intentionally read someone’s thoughts, send thoughts to people, have in depth conversations solely through your mind, but it would sometimes take on its own power. It would frequently decide to enter someone’s mind on its own accord, steal thoughts from people with whom you had no interest in stealing from. You guessed that that was something you needed to work on.
Your mutation had one upside, though - it was extremely convenient for your line of work. At this point, you’d been every kind of therapist under the sun. You had always wanted to choose this career path, although part of you does occasionally wonder if you would have chosen to study and specialise in psychology if you couldn’t literally read minds.
Not only could you read minds; you could also control them. You could change someone’s mood with one thought, force them to do things when you catch their eye. You hadn’t delved too deep into this side of your powers, scared to take advantage of people for your own benefit. You had always expressed a distinct lack of interest in ever utilising these powers, though you had a feeling that Tony Stark didn’t hire you just for your psychology skills.
I hope I get to do something actually worthwhile after this.
The agent’s thoughts ring through your head as the helicopter begins to slowly descend onto the large platform.
You hear a quick, quiet buzz through your headset before the agent begins to speak.
“We’re here, Miss.” he says, pressing a million and one various buttons on the dashboard before the helicopter is finally silent. “I’ll escort you to the lobby, Stark will meet with you there.”
“Sounds good to me,” you nod, unclipping your seatbelt as the man quickly opens the door for you. 
He hurries you out, taking hold of your luggage before heading towards the building.
You’ve barely even made it through the entrance when you hear a booming voice beckoning your name. Looking up, you see the man who had hired you in the first place. His demeanour, his facial expression - hell, his facial hair - this was undoubtedly Tony Stark himself.
“Mr Stark! It’s a pleasure,” you exclaim, shaking his hand with a smile.
“Trust me,” he starts, nodding his head. “The pleasure is all mine.”
It doesn’t take Tony long to get lost in conversation (mostly with himself - you could hardly get a word in) as he gives you the grand tour of the compound.
“I know you’ve only just got here, but I really do need to discuss something with you,” he says, coming to a stop and turning to face you. “Urgently.”
You nod before following him into one of the countless offices in the building, watching as he settles himself into one of the large chairs before promptly doing the same.
“So,” he starts. “I’m sure you’ve heard about the whole Avengers breaking up thing.”
“Yeah, I mean,” you stutter, rubbing the back of your hand with your thumb. “It was kind of world wide news.”
He nods, looking around the room as though he was unsure whether he should be telling you any of this.
“Right, right. Well, we’ve managed to get a couple of the guys back, as well as one extra special guest in particular.” A breathy laugh escapes his lips as he pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket, unfolding it before sliding it across the table to you.
Unsure, you pull the paper closer, shocked only to find a single, familiar name written on it. 
“He’s going to be your patient while you’re here. Well,” he pauses. “One of your patients. He’s your primary focus, I’m sure you can understand why.”
Slowly, you shake your head in confusion. What is he doing here? 
“Cut the bullshit, (y/n). We know about your time in Sokovia.” 
He leans forward, a small, uneasy smile on his face. “I know that you know Helmut Zemo.”
“I- I’m sorry,” you breathe. “This isn’t what I expected at all. Not that it’s an issue!” you stop yourself.
“Good,” Tony leans back again in relief. “You’re going to fix him.”
“Fix him?” you repeat. “Like a dog?”
Tony lets out a bitter laugh before getting up from his chair, gesturing for you to do the same.
“Come on, you must be exhausted,” he says, pulling open the door. “Let me show you to your room.”
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evilwinterfruit · 8 months
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Have some FATWS text posts inspired by Texts From Last Night
437 notes · View notes
eggbreadboi · 1 year
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bonus sketch >:3
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yourdailymarvelmemes · 4 months
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drasin · 2 years
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Zemo makes sure they leave arrest with class ✨🥂
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mariaxxxxx · 4 months
The love you offer me (Zemo x Female Reader One-Shot)
Summary: Short stories of how Helmut J. Zemo destroyed his heart.
Warnings: 18+ sex, anal sex, vaginal sex, pussy eating, anguish, depression, separation, unprotected sex, cream pie, pregnancy, loss of a child, manipulation, abusive relationship.
A/N: English is not my mother tongue. I apologize for any errors.
Work count: 9.352
🟣 🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣 🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣 🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣
Helmut J. Zemo was like no one You had ever met before. Although he is a very vindictive man, he is actually the ultimate embodiment of manipulation, as he is able to carefully plan and execute every step necessary to accomplish his goals. Despite his intense behavior and capacity for extreme violence and destruction, Helmut possessed a more pleasant side to his personality. He was a family man, a loving companion, with a passion for collecting art and high-value cars, and even dancing in a nightclub.
Maybe it was his pleasant personality that led you to him in the first place. The charismatic, respectful and passionate Helmut Zemo who would never hurt You. Helmut is good, but not in the way everyone thinks. He's good at wooing you with expensive trips and gifts, good at making you scream his name on his private plane. He's good at taking you out of reality, destroying your mind when you're under him. He's good at making You beg to be ruined. He is good at adorning your neck and wrists with precious jewelry; he is good at kissing you and telling you how much he loves you. Zemo is everything.
Unfortunately, he was also good at breaking your heart into tiny pieces without any chance of concert. He was good, excellent and perfect in reducing You to nothing more than a broken doll.
You still remember the first time you saw him. You were a simple, new waitress at a nightclub in Madripoor. On your first day on the job, you were already cleaning tables, serving drinks and keeping the cash register full, even if it meant losing precious nights of sleep. You were more than grateful for that. Staying in Madripoor, in the upper city, was really expensive and after his father's death things really got difficult for his side. Unfortunately for him, his damned father had wiped out his bank accounts with gambling and drinking, leaving nothing but negative accounts. After burying them the bills arrived; rent electricity, food, and hospital and burial bills. You wouldn't be able to maintain everything with a simple part-time job and, to your delight, your colleague Nathan offered you the chance at employment.
It was a dangerous place indeed. With rude men, women of dubious reputation and corrupt foreigners, but the money at the end of the night made it all worth it. There was also protection exercised over site workers; it wasn't uncommon for a funny guy to try his luck by touching you under your skirt. You were a pretty and delicate little thing for the place and that attracted curious people as to why a pretty girl like You stopped in a place like that. Countless times Mark, the security guard, had to chase away mean men and jealous women to keep you alive.
One night, like any other, the most bizarre version of Charles' little angels you've ever seen appeared; the damned winter soldier, the smiling tiger and a man in a big fur coat. You thought it was fun. But confusion soon ensued at the scene when the Winter Soldier attacked some men, causing a general fight. You were hiding behind the counter when his gaze met yours. Maybe, if You weren't so enchanted by those damn eyes, you would have noticed the pain behind it. In an almost supernatural way, You struggled to keep your balance as he continued to stare in your direction.
The moment was interrupted with the departure of the three men and the news that the club would be closed for the rest of the night. The way home was strange, not to mention funny. His gaze never left your idle mind, sending shivers down your spine and contractions in your stomach. You remember finding him handsome and old, older than you, but that didn't matter after all he was beautiful. You slept that night with him in your head like a teenager discovering her first love.
A week later You found him while walking through the streets of the upper city carrying bags; You had received payment and decided to stock up on supplies at home by going to the market. You were distracted watching the ships parked at the pier that you didn't notice someone going in the same direction, they collided quickly and you didn't have time to stop it. You struggled to keep your balance, failing to fall to the floor with your bags. You opened your eyes, fighting the embarrassment, and saw some of your purchases scattered across the floor.
"Are you well?" A voice with a thick accent. You moved your head quickly ready to trash talk the man, but something stopped you.
There he was, the man from the nightclub, the one who would rip your heart out of your chest, at that time You didn't know. For some reason, you bit your tongue to avoid the curses and opened your mouth to show the most beautiful smile.
“I’m fine” You said as you stood up.
"He is sure? I am really sorry." He apologized again. You thought the attempt to alleviate all the embarrassment was cute.
With his help, you gathered up the fallen products on the floor, trying to ignore how his touch made your heart flutter as he handed you a can of peas. After making sure everything was collected, You turned on your heel about to leave. His hand held your forearm keeping you in place. The heat that came from his touch took you to heaven for a few brief minutes only to be replaced by a slight disappointment when he took it away.
You looked at him, trying to say something funny about the situation, anything that would make you seem less clumsy, but you couldn't. The brown eyes were looking at You. No, they were marking You. You couldn't move or speak.
"Everything is fine." You said after a long minute of silence. "Thank you for helping me."
“Let me do something to make up for this misfortune.” He said. “I can take her home. My car is parked right there.”
His cheeks heated at the tempting but dangerous proposition. Madripoor was a den of outlaws and fugitives. You wouldn't risk your safety with a stranger no matter how handsome he was.
“I prefer to walk.” You were definitely being petulant and he seemed amused by it.
“Stop being stubborn.” You didn't miss the authoritative tone in his voice. “You’re full of bags and you just got hurt. I just want to take care of You.”
“My parents taught me not to trust strangers.” You said amusingly. “But if it pleases you You can walk home with me.”
It wouldn't hurt to flirt a little; after all, you were young and single in front of a handsome man. Sometimes, you blamed your naivety for allowing yourself to be carried away so easily by him, being at the height of your youth and ready to experience all the good things in the world. You allowed yourself to be swept away with a simple bump into the curb. As you sunk into his smile, his hand brought you back to reality. A comforting touch on your arm and a friendly expression on your face.
"Let's go."
He walked you home and offered to even carry your bags. The path was filled with conversations.
“Are you from Madripoor?” You questioned.
"No." He said. “I'm here on business.”
“I saw you at the club the night the Winter Soldier showed up, but you looked different. You wore a funny coat.”
He let out a little laugh. Cute.
"Oh yeah." You rounded a corner. “I was helping an old friend.”
“You guys made a mess. We had to clean everything up the next morning.”
“Do you work at that place?” There was a hint of mockery in his voice and it bothered you briefly. It wasn't one of the best jobs in the world, but it was still a job and it paid all the bills.
"Yes." You said with a firm voice. “I work waiting tables, sometimes making drinks, sometimes cleaning and sometimes taking care of the cash register. I do everything."
“Do your parents allow you to work there?”
You looked at him, in disbelief to hear something so silly. You were young, but not too young to ask your parents for permission – if You still had them.
“My mother left when I was little and my father died.” You said. “But that doesn’t matter since I wouldn’t need their permission to work.”
"Of course not. You’re a big girl now and you can take care of yourself.”
If you were a little smarter at that time you would have been able to capture the tone of eroticism in his voice when he said those words, but at that moment you thought it was funny. The conversation was interrupted when you arrived at your residence. You stopped in front of your building and looked at it.
“Thanks for following along.”
“I must be grateful for allowing me to accompany you. It’s been so long since I’ve had a pretty girl by my side.” He winked and you smiled, feeling your cheeks heat up once again.
"You are very kind." His words came out as a whisper, even though it wasn't his intention.
He reached into his back pocket, took out a black cell phone and handed it to You.
“Write down your number.” He instructed. “I would like to talk to you more.”
You put your number on his cell phone, convincing yourself that this was all just a quick flirt with an older man. How wrong you were.
You underestimated how flirtatious and charming Helmut would be. You thought he would just take you to bed and disappear before dawn, but that wasn't what happened. You spent hours sharing text messages that would evolve into phone calls and, later, romantic dates. Days with him turned into weeks and, without warning, into months. He wasn't at all interested in fucking you and leaving, no, Helmut was different; he spoiled her with expensive dates and exorbitant gifts. Before you knew it, you were falling for him.
You had been dating for four months when he took you to bed for the first time. It was good, but clumsy and quick. Helmut made her cum that night, but he himself had finished quickly with just a few thrusts. You didn't mind finishing quickly since the man had brought a beautiful orgasm out of you with his fingers and tongue. In the eighth month, you and he made your relationship official. Helmut took you to a restaurant in the upper city. The food was good, the waiters were polite and the atmosphere was pleasant. He gave her a simple and delicate necklace; with a gold chain and a pendant with a design that resembled an H. You thought the H symbolized the initial of his name. He placed the necklace around your neck and stood in front of you to admire it. At that moment, you noticed emotions passing through your face, love, longing and sadness. He covered it up with a smile.
“Wear it always, my dear.” He said as he played with the pendant. “It would break my heart if You took it away.”
You wore that necklace without ever taking it off your neck. You were in love and would do anything to make him happy. What you didn't expect was to be fired from your job. When You demanded an explanation, your former boss just gave a disinterested shrug.
“Orders from above.”
Of course, the bastard wouldn't say anything more than that. In Madripoor, loudmouths didn't have happy endings. You returned home frustrated that night, wondering how you were going to support yourself now. You had no family or studies to guarantee you a good job, all that was left were part-time jobs and bars with a dubious reputation. Still, you needed to find something quickly, as the month would soon end and new bills would arrive.
When he got home, his cell phone beeped in his pocket with a new message from Helmut; the man who won a place in your heart in just a few weeks. The message only said that he would pick her up that night for a date. So authoritative You thought. Your current state didn't allow you to have fun, but you swallowed all your anguish to be with him. You might not have fallen in love so quickly if he was just attractive; a pretty European faces to look at on a sunny afternoon. Something superficial, like the designer handbags in the window that you wanted but would never have. Deep down, deep down, You knew there was something wrong with falling in love so quickly, but who could blame You? The man was simply perfect.
After reflecting for a moment, you walked to the bedroom to improve your swollen face from crying and look pretty for him. He showed up in his luxury car at the appointed time, Helmut was always so punctual. You sat down next to him and gave him a small peck.
"Where are we going?" You asked as you fastened your seatbelt.
"A surprise." He whispered with a false air of mystery.
Helmut took you to the pier that night where a huge white yacht was waiting for you.
“My god” You sighed as you came across the grandeur of the yacht. Helmut stood beside you, his hand on your waist guiding you inside.
“Come, I want to show you everything.”
He introduced you to the deck, the captain's cabin, the crew, the room you would share for the night. After the short tour You sat at a table set on the deck with exquisite dishes under the starlight.
“What a great surprise.” You said with a big smile. “I’ve never been on a boat before.”
“It saddens my heart. A girl like you deserves everything the world has to offer.”
When he tells you this your heart jumps out of your chest. After all, no one had ever loved you like this to the point of spoiling you with such beautiful things. The moment of joy was replaced with sudden distress as You, for the first time, realized the vast difference in social class between You. Helmut was a fit, cultured and rich man. You were just a young thing without a family, education or job.
“Helmut.” You started talking. “What will happen to us?”
“What do you mean, darling?” He asked with a slight tilt of his head.
“It’s just…” You took a deep breath. “...we've been dating for a few months and I...it's just...We're so different.”
“Oh, my dear I know I'm too old for You.”
You scolded yourself for not being good with words and causing that misunderstanding. You didn't want to hurt him, so you recanted as quickly as you could.
"It's not that." You said it too loudly. “It’s just that you’re so rich and I’m me. I don’t even have my job anymore.”
"I know." He raised the glass of white wine to his lips. “I asked them to fire you, I didn’t want you working in that dangerous place with men of ill repute.”
“Helmut!” You exclaimed indignantly. “I needed that job. How will I support myself?”
"I will take care of you." There was a wild gleam in his eyes as he said this.
Maybe it was passion speaking too loudly, but you didn't question him any further and just allowed yourself to be taken care of by him. You talk that night, there was no room for silence at that table. He told him his story; about Sokovia, the Avengers, the prison, about Sam and Bucky and how he was now an international fugitive. In normal situations, an abrupt reaction would be expected, but you didn't do it. At that point, You were sure that you loved this man and that he loved you to the point of trusting You so much to tell him all his problems. You comforted him as he told you about his family buried in the rubble of New Gadi after the Avengers battle and the killer robot, Ultron, created by them.
You smiled beside him as he recounted the antics of his son, Carl. You comforted him when he shared a close bond with his father. When he started talking about his late wife with so much love and devotion a spark lit in You because of the way he spoke; Helmut exercised such devotion over the woman that she could be his own private goddess. You saw the sadness, longing and love run through his eyes. You ignored the jealousy and resentment by convincing yourself that she was dead.
“So, you’re telling me to run away alongside you?” You ask in disbelief. You were sitting on the deck floor, your legs spread across his lap, his hands lightly brushing your skin.
"Yes." He says with a mischievous smile. “There is nothing for You here. Come with me and I will give you everything.”
You accepted the invitation as there was nothing for You in Madripoor.
You guys spent a week or two, you're not sure, on the yacht going from place to place across the ocean. You and him talked a lot, drank a lot and fucked a lot. To his surprise, Helmut took her to Germany. You disembarked from the yacht on a Sunday night. On the way to the hotel You tried not to show all your perplexity at being in a completely new place. You had never left Madripoor before. The biggest surprise was the hotel he chose. With a huge reception, golden pillars and employees who guided you to your hotel room.
"Did you like it?" Helmut asked.
You didn't make a point of answering right away, you were too busy, impressed by the large windows with a privileged view of the city.
“I loved it” You shouted while jumping up and down with joy. Helmut laughed behind You at your excitement.
“I’m going to draw a bath. Then let's get some sleep. Tomorrow we need to buy clothes for You.”
“Uhm.” You murmured, still impressed by the grandeur of that room.
With your crazy and sudden impulse to go after one of the most wanted men in the world You didn't have time to grab clothes. Helmut assured You that your belongings in the old apartment would be well taken care of and that the expenses left by You would be paid. Although you were sad to leave some gifts he gave you in his old apartment, he assured you that he would give you others. During the yacht trip, You didn't miss his clothes, preferring to wear his shirts; Helmut had a lot of fun with your lack of underwear and it allowed him to fuck you everywhere on that yacht.
“The bath is ready.” Helmut announced from the bathroom.
With a burst of joy, you went to the bathroom, which turned out to be even more elegant and sophisticated than the large windows. You liked it and quickly got used to that life.
The time with Helmut was funny, everything seemed to move so slowly. You stayed in Germany for a year and six months, settling in the city of Munich in a small village far from the big center surrounded by trees and stone roads. Helmut was kind to you and taught you to speak fluent German, to dance and differentiate between the different forks that were on the table. He instructed you to go back to studying, although it wasn't his wish, he enrolled you in a semester-long fine arts course at the University of Munich. You didn't hate art, but you didn't identify with it enough to study the subject.
In the end, despite yourself, you took the course and finished it with honors and letters of recommendation for internships in galleries. Helmut was proud and to congratulate you he presented you with a new wardrobe of haute couture clothes. Your stay in Germany ended with the authorities discovering your existence in the country. You and Helmut fled in the early hours of the morning, heading straight to the airport where his private jet was waiting for you.
“We’ll be fine, my dear.” He said while hugging You.
Leaving Germany was difficult, as you left behind a few friendships and opportunities for a bright future. But You consoled yourself by remembering that you were with him, by his side, and wherever Helmut took you You would be okay.
The next stop was in Spain, on one of the Balearic Islands, where a small but luxurious house was waiting for you. You settled in quickly and to your surprise Helmut introduced you to the Oeznik family butler, an old man with a great sense of humor and loyalty.
“We can have pizza today, Oeznik.” You said as you walked around the kitchen with bare feet carrying dishes from one place to another.
“You should eat something healthier, my lady. You young people love to eat junk.” Oeznik said, watching You walk from one side to the other. “You won’t like your choice.”
“He will like it.” You guaranteed it. “I’m going to order a pizza.”
Oeznik was right that Helmut wouldn't like the pizza.
“You don’t like that kind of thing.” Said Helmut with clear mockery in his voice as You placed the slice in front of him.
"I love pizza." You said, trying to hide your discomfort. “We eat a lot of that in Madripoor.”
“Well, I took you for pizza in Venice and you hated it.” Helmut said with nostalgia in his voice. “You said mixing tomato sauce and pasta was a crime against nature.”
It was the first time Helmut looked at You with dazed eyes. As if he was not seeing You, but seeing someone else.
“We never went to Italy, Helm.” You mutter.
Helmut blinks rapidly as if trying to get something out of his mind and smiles in your direction.
“Let’s eat the pizza, little dove.”
The nickname was new, You noticed. That night you ate the pizza reluctantly, because with each bite a bitter taste formed in your mouth.
In the following months, Helmut was a very generous man towards You. He gave you a luxury apartment in Ibiza, created a bank account with $3,000,000 so that You could have a good life in case he was arrested again and enrolled you, again, in another semester arts course. You took the course reluctantly, because you didn't identify with it, but it made you happy so you were happy, and you had the advantage of learning a new language; Helmut joked about how smart You were at learning new languages in such a short time. To his delight, the course ended in exactly four months. You and he celebrated with a candlelit dinner by the sea.
"Marry me?" Helmut asked with his knees on the floor and a diamond ring in his hand.
"Yes." You said in one breath.
“Baroness Zemo.” He said as he put the ring on her finger. “I will make you very happy, little dove.”
You hugged him, kissed him and swore your eternal love to him. After dinner he dragged you back home; you walked through the door holding each other without separating your lips from each other. One moment you were on the stairs and the next you were in the bedroom. In bed, with a shirtless Helmut on top of you. His clothes disappeared. His panties and bra were the only things covering his body. His hands were touching you, exploring his skin while his lips devoured yours. Helmut knew what he was doing. He was reducing you to dust.
His hand grabs your panties, his finger trailing down your covered slit. A wet spot made him smile proudly.
“Always so wet for me, my little dove.” He whispered in her ear. You tried not to think about how much that nickname bothered you, but to your delight his fingers began to trace circles around your clit. Erasing everything from your mind. “Do you like this, little dove? Do you like how I make you feel?”
The lack of response made him accelerate his movements. His head spun at the sensation. He was torturing You; The moisture in her panties increased, creating a slight discomfort with the contact between the wet fabric and the hot flesh.
"Answer me. Use the damn words, little dove.” His voice was deep, his accent stronger and more authoritative.
“Yes, Helmut.” You said. He kissed you, his tongue finding its way to his.
He pulled away, kissing his way down to her covered breasts where he nibbled on her right nipple through the lacy fabric. You moaned loudly at the stimulation. He bent down completely, with his head between his legs, freed himself from her completely soaked panties. He brought his face closer to her wet pussy, inhaling her scent. He traced a line between her folds, playing with her pussy. Lick after lick, Helmut placed his lips on her folds and began to suck her clit.
You screamed at the quick action and pleasure. His fingers teased your entrance, slowly massaging your arousal until he finally slipped one of them inside and then another. Helmut had deliciously large fingers, bigger than his own, and he reached the g-spot with flying colors. The way he moved them, with such agility, was breathtaking. The established rhythm was specular. His fingers pumped in and out of You while his tongue stimulated your clit, making You feel better than ever.
Suddenly, he lifted his face away from You, but his fingers kept moving inside. His lips glistened with a mixture of his own saliva and his arousal. That and the damn smile on his face made her belly tighten.
“Enjoy little dove.”
The tightness in his stomach intensified, a tingling started from the tips of his toes, went up his legs, going to his stomach causing an explosion of pure ecstasy. You felt his soul leave his body for a few seconds and return. You were stuck in your little world of satisfaction as Helmut got rid of his pants and underwear. He placed himself on top of you, both hands rested on the sides of his face. The feeling of his dick, dripping with pre-cum, made You look down.
Helmut had a dick that was large in length and thickness, half tilted to the right, white and with a reddish head with a drop of pre-cum leaking out. You reached out to his arm and touched him. His breath hitched as his palm closed around his member to stroke it. His thumb slipped on the tip, making his dick twitch in circles in his hand.
"Little Dove." He groaned,
Her hand trailed up and down, down and up, pumping him as he grew harder and wetter. It was gentle touches, but it was driving him crazy. After some more stimulation, Helmut moved his hand away and positioned himself at her entrance. He spread her legs, with his right hand guided his cock between her slit. A brief lapse of consciousness appeared in his brain as he remembered the lack of protection. You didn't use contraceptives, as Helmut thought they were a poison bomb, always preferring to use condoms.
“Helmut.” You said between moans. “The condom...”
“We don’t need her.” He said come in and cuddles.
You moaned loudly when you felt him inside you. The feeling of having him without the latex was simply sublime. With quick movements, the head of his dick reached her spongy spot. The sensation of it made your eyes roll back, electricity course through your body aware of what his cock was doing. His legs opened wider for him. You felt it everywhere. The deeper he went, the more pleasure you felt. His hands grab his hair, pulling it lightly into fists.
Like the popping of a bottle You have, once again, reached climax. You have never been so satisfied in your life. Helmut fucked you like there was no tomorrow. You felt him go faster, riding out his own release, and when he finally did, releasing all of his semen inside of You a name escaped his lips.
“Heike.” He said between whispers and moans.
Helmut pulled out of You and rolled onto his side, falling asleep. You remain in bed, rubbing your face with your hands, hurt from hearing him cry out for the dead woman as he spilled himself inside you. It was an unraveling feeling, as if strong waves flooded your heart with sadness and disappointment. You even tried to convince yourself that you heard wrong. It wasn't her name, You thought. Maybe, it was something in his mother tongue that resembled his name, maybe he just blurted it out in his frenzy, maybe he didn't love you that much and thought about his wife every time You shared a bed.
At that moment, You found yourself crying yourself to sleep at the possibility of Helmut thinking about his late wife every time he was with You.
Things were great for a while. Helmut spoiled you, your stay in Spain increased, the preparations for the wedding were almost ready and sex became constant. You memorized the things Helmut loved during sex. The way he moaned when You were on your knees with his dick in your mouth, massaging his balls. The way his eyebrows do when You ride him. You even noticed how quickly he finished when You let him eat his anus. So things were great, but there was still growing discomfort.
Helmut still moaned for Heike every time he came. You decide to pretend not to notice his late wife's name slip past his lips every time. You just hid in the bathroom, with the shower running and burst into tears. You never imagined that being by his side would have you competing for affection with a dead woman. After all, she was rotting underground, while You were there in the prime of your youth with all the love and affection to give. You just suppressed all those feelings and pretended everything was fine, pushing all those thoughts away and convincing yourself that he loved you. When you were convinced of this, you would take a long shower to hide your swollen face and leave the bathroom with a big smile.
The wedding took place in mid-July, the seventeenth to be exact. You exchanged your vows in a minimalist ceremony with the presence of Oeznik, a priest and a justice of the peace to establish the prenuptial agreements.
“I promise to love, respect you and make you happy for the rest of our lives.” Helmut recited the vows while placing the ring on her finger.
“I promise to love you, respect you and yours until death do us part.” You recited your vows when you put the ring on his finger.
“You can kiss the night.” Said the priest.
Helmut kissed you with so much passion that you truly believed again that he loved you. The party was held at home, a dinner between the two of you, just to celebrate the union of two souls. Due to his fugitive status, he was not allowed more than that.
Married life was easy. You instructed the servants how to take care of the house, you often went to the beauty salon to look beautiful and you had sex with your husband whenever asked. You could live like this for the rest of your life next to him if it weren't for Heike's growing presence in your lives. After being married for a while, being called Heike didn't just extend to bed, but to everyday life. The first time was during a walk through the streets of Barcelona.
“I love this coat.” You pointed to a window where a mannequin was dressed in a cloth coat with colorful abstract designs.
“It’s so messy.” He said. “I thought you liked more minimalist clothes.”
“Helmy.” You groaned. “I love messy clothes. What would our lives be without neon clothes and red boots?”
He laughed at your words and said something that would break your heart forever.
“You look so different, Heike.”
Your eyes burned into his dark ones, anger welled up inside You, ready to explode like a volcano. You let out a nervous sigh as you feel tears start to well up in your eyes. You try to swallow the solutions that reached your throat.
“I...” He starts to say, taking a step forward to take you in his arms, but you move away, shaking your head.
“No, don’t you dare apologize.”
You leave him standing on the sidewalk and run in the opposite direction, blending into the crowd. You spent the whole day on the streets trying to forget the humiliation and pain caused in your heart. After a long period of walking and reflection, you convince him that everything is fine and that he loved you for who you were. You came home at night and found him in the living room. Helmut walked up to You hoping to apologize.
"Everything is fine." You said.
You took one more look at him before going up to the bathroom and locking yourself in there. You turned on the shower and burst into tears and sobs. Deep down, you knew, you always knew. He didn't love you. He tried to turn You into his dead wife; with the art courses, the language classes, the new clothes, the strange nicknames. You were just a substitute, an object to replace what he had lost.
You took a long shower, got dressed in comfy pajamas, and did your nightly skin care routine. When going down the stairs that led to the room You found Helmut walking with a pizza box in his hand towards the stairs. He stopped and smiled when he saw you.
“I ordered pizza, my favorite.”
Oh! That nickname. It had been so long since he called you that.
"I like pizza." You whispered.
"I know." He responded equally in a whisper. “I want to spoil you tonight. I’ll start with the food.”
You smiled at his gesture. You sat by the fireplace where you ate pizza and wine, talked banal things and laughed at silly things. When they finished, Helmut took you to the bedroom where he mounted you and fucked you hard. When he came it was his name that left your lips, You were happy about that. It was his name he said and not hers, but his happiness was short-lived. For in his sleep Helmut cried out to her. By Heike.
You got up and walked to the bathroom where you cried through the night, returning to bed before sunrise. When the day started, You just went downstairs, smiled and shared breakfast next to him. He didn't bring it up and you pretended everything was fine. He still said her name at inopportune moments where you pretended not to hear. His trips to the bathroom at night were becoming more and more frequent.
You and Helmut migrated to another country. You didn't know the exact location, but according to Oeznik, you were close to what would have once been Sokovia. You have settled into an immense residence, with several bedrooms, bathrooms and living rooms worthy of the title of Baron. The property was large; surrounded by trees and high walls with large silver gates.
"It's so big!" You exclaimed as you got out of the car and came across the mansion. “I’ve never seen a house as big as this one.”
“It’s been in my family for generations.” Helmut said. “I had to rebuild it after the fall of Sokovia, but here we are. You need to see your new home, Baroness.”
Helmut guided you inside where a line of employees waited for you. He introduced you one by one and indicated their services.
“They are here to serve your Baroness.” He whispered in her ear. “I know you will be a great lady for this property.”
“Yes” You mumbled. “I’m going to be a good lady.”
You really were a good lady; The employees tolerated you and things went reasonably well. However, the comparisons with the old lady still echoed between the walls, although Oeznik tried to hold the servants' tongues, it was not uncommon. You heard whispers among them about how Mrs. Heike had more class, how Mrs. Heike knew the Baron's tastes, how Mrs. Heike was beautiful, just as Mrs. Heike had given birth to a healthy boy. You tried to persuade Helmut to fire them, but he disapproved saying how difficult it was to find trustworthy people with his current fugitive status, he said that the former employees were trustworthy and Sokovia's last legacy. You just accepted your situation by hiding in the bathroom every time you heard her name echo.
“What was she like?” You questioned Oeznik one day as you walked through the estate. You felt trapped inside the house and decided to walk a little, Oeznik offered to keep you company.
“Madam...” said the old man with a clear sign of reprimand.
“Everyone loved her.” A bitter taste formed in his mouth. “Please tell me about him.”
“She was pretty.” He started to say. “She had noble blood in her veins and class in her feet. Their marriage was arranged, like all Sokovian royal marriages, but it worked. The young Baron loved her as soon as he saw her.”
You felt your throat close and your stomach tighten with the jealousy that formed.
“Did Helmut love her?”
You felt her eyes burn. You didn't know why she felt this way now, You knew how important she had been, the most important in Helmut's life, and there You were, wallowing in her insecure questions. His body shuddered in the icy breeze.
“Do I look like her?”
You needed to sink even deeper with your damned questions, which you knew the answer to, but you needed to hear it from someone else to torture yourself even more.
“A little, ma’am.” Oeznik seemed hesitant to continue. “You have similar trajectories, I would say. The courses taken in Germany and Spain, the way he dresses and even the necklace around his neck, it was the same necklace that the young Baron of Heike wore when he made their courtship official. He also called her his little dove.”
You let out a nervous sigh, barely holding back the tears. You turn and walk quickly towards the house, leaving the old butler behind. You feel your heart slowly submerge under the waves of pain. Your nimble feet guide you to a familiar place, the bathroom. You pass through the long corridors and the employees who whisper about your deplorable state. Reaching the bathroom door was a relief, because as soon as you reached the door, tears fell from your eyes.
Your mind reflects on how, little by little, Helmut turned you into her. He instructed you to dress like her, to study like her, to be like her. You were just a clay doll in the hands of the skilled sculptor to be sculpted to his whim. You wanted to leave, get as far away from him as possible, but as you stood there, feeling your heart breaking, you realized you couldn't leave. The love you felt for him kept you together, even the mention of leaving him could open a wound in your soul that You were fighting to stop.
After the tears dried, You performed your usual ritual; shower, cleanse and go downstairs as if nothing was happening. As if your soul wasn't broken, your bones aching and your heart stabbed. You found Helmut in his office carrying papers back and forth. He smiled when he saw you and patted your thigh indicating for you to sit there. You sat up and snuggled in, placing your face in his neck, inhaling the scent of his expensive cologne.
“Helmut.” You mumbled. "You love me?"
“Of course I love dove.” He kissed her forehead and turned his attention back to the papers.
Little dove, little dove, little dove, little dove, little dove. That word echoed in your ears and you bit your tongue to avoid crying.
The days passed quickly when You established a routine. You alternated between instructing the employees and paying attention to Helmut. Comparisons with the former lady seemed to have diminished drastically; Helmut no longer cried out to her in his dream, and the servants no longer whispered. You knew that there was a finger of the old butler behind this, but you chose to believe that it wasn't that. You preferred to believe that you had finally achieved your rightful place in Helmut's heart and the full respect of the employees. His trips to the bathroom no longer existed, that is, more or less. You no longer went to the bathroom to cry, but you often went to the bathroom to vomit.
It happened on a Saturday morning. You woke up early and left Helmut sleeping in bed, you walked to the kitchen to eat something since your stomach demanded food. You found a loaf of bread on the counter, when you put it in your mouth a wave of nausea came and you ran to the bathroom. After that morning you vomited for any nonsense.
"Enough." Helmut exclaimed when he saw you kneeling on the toilet putting out all the dinner. “We’re going to the doctor now.”
"It is not necessary." You said. "I am..."
You were interrupted by another wave of nausea where you let it all out again. The next day, the doctor came and diagnosed you with severe food poisoning; He recommended drinking plenty of fluids, avoiding heavy foods and using lactobacilli. You followed all the recommendations, but the nausea continued and with it came other symptoms; her blood pressure plummeted with every movement, her breasts felt like they wanted to explode, her period didn't start, the cramps kicked her ass and the fatigue was constant.
You spent half the day sleeping and the other half vomiting. It wasn't uncommon for Helmut to find you dozing in some corner of the house; You once dozed off while eating dinner. Helmut called the doctor again, this time; he diagnosed you with a virus. You constantly took anti-flu medications, drank lots of water and ate foods rich in fiber and vitamins. But the symptoms didn't go away at all. Helmut was visibly irritated by the doctor's incompetence in curing you.
On a Monday morning, you were in the kitchen devouring bread filled with ketchup and peanut butter; You had woken up that morning with a strange desire and decided to fulfill it, the crazy mixture proved to be delicious. A maid, named Jenna, found you in the kitchen eating your strange food.
"Madam." Greeted Jenna. “Can I help you with something?”
"Don't worry." You said with your mouth full. “I just felt like eating bread with ketchup and peanut butter. I must be going crazy, but this feels so good.”
“Are you having cravings?” The maid asked.
"Yes. Cravings, nausea, sleepiness and sore nipples. The doctor said it has a virus, but nothing is helping.”
You took a generous bite of your bread as Jenna seemed to ponder something.
“Did you take a pregnancy test?”
Her throat closed and you choked on a piece of bread stuck in your throat. Jenna ran to help you. You coughed, watered, and sniffled as you choked on the piece of dough. After the feeling passed, you looked at the maid in disbelief that she would suggest something so absurd.
"Do not say silly things. I can’t be pregnant.”
"Why not? She is a married woman. I'm sure the Baroness has been fulfilling her duties as a wife.”
Sex in your marriage was one thing You couldn't complain about. Helmut fucked you often and always ejaculated inside you; the use of condoms was no longer necessary. It wasn't in her plans to be a mother one day, but the idea of carrying a part of her and Helmut in her womb caused good feelings.
“Jenna.” You started talking. “I could go into town and buy some pregnancy tests.”
“Of course, my lady.”
Jenna brought five pregnancy tests from different brands. You used them all and to her surprise, all five gave a positive signal. You look down, moved by what you see and convinced yourself that you wanted this. With the tests in hand, You want this more than you could ever imagine. Your smile is dulled by the tears that fall silently on your features, You needed to tell him.
He loved you, the life you built together and he loved children. The loss of his son broke a part of him that he could never get over. Now, You had the chance to make him happy again, rebuild a new family. For hours, trapped in the bathroom, you try to gather the courage to tell him. Every time the time approached, you found excuses not to leave. But his plans were thwarted by a knock on the door.
“Little dove, are you there?” It was Helmut's voice behind the door. “Are you sick again? I will call the doctor.”
"No." You screamed, feeling despair flood your senses.
You didn't want him to find out like this, it wasn't fair. You would prepare a space moment where the news would be given and celebrated with kisses. You hide the pregnancy tests in a drawer full of towels and open the door to find him.
"Everything is fine?" He questioned worriedly.
“It’s okay” You reassured him. “Only one got sick quickly.”
“Come on, let’s get something to eat.” You followed him, dinner went well with conversations and jokes between you.
Keeping the secret proved difficult since every time you saw him you wanted to shout from the rooftops about your pregnancy. With Oeznik's help, you prepared a special night for you, complete with typical Sokovian food. It would be simple, Helmut would arrive at home at night where you would have dinner and then you would tell him the news. You took the day to take care of yourself, wanting to look pretty for him, you prepared your hair, did your nails and wore a beautiful purple dress, Helmut's favorite color.
You turned around to admire your appearance in the mirror, it looked beautiful. Her hands caressed her still unchanging stomach, feeling a mix of emotions for generating life in her womb. A silly smile formed on his lips as he imagined how good it would be to have a little boy or girl running down these long corridors with black hair and brown eyes like Helmut's. The feeling was interrupted by knocking on the door.
“Madam, the Baron has already arrived and is in his office.” It was Jenna. “Should I serve dinner?”
"Yes. Serve dinner and release other employees. I want to be alone with my husband today.”
Jenna left leaving You alone in the room. One last look at your reflection, You left the room heading towards the stairs. Your intention was to go to the dining room, but somehow You ended up passing through a door. Behind her were pictures, books and a large Persian rug. Adornments that probably dated back to the medieval age. The house was big and even after so long You hadn't seen all the rooms, it was not uncommon to get lost between the different doors that led to uninhabitable rooms.
Before You have the chance to turn around, voices reach your ears. The nature of the noises was obvious and, from the sounds, they were both having a serious conversation. You recognized Oeznik's soft voice followed by Helmut's Eastern European accented voice. You tried to find the source of the voice and came across a false wall with a vast view of Helmut's office, he and Oeznik seemed immersed in conversation.
"This is not right." Oeznik exclaimed.
You froze in your spot. The old butler never got excited, he always kept a soft and friendly voice. You decided to listen to more of the conversation.
“She is my wife.” Helmut said. “I will do whatever I want.”
“Turn her into the late Mrs. Zemo? For God's sake Helmut. This isn’t doing her any good, the employees comment on her constant trips to the bathroom to cry.”
You wanted to leave, get as far away from them as possible. But as you lay there, holding a piece of your heart, You realized you couldn't move.
“She is not Heike. She never will be.”
Every word that came out of his mouth was meant to hurt you whether intentionally or not. You held firm as you wanted to see where this would lead. You hear Helmut sigh and the echoing words break you forever.
“You have no idea how many times I imagined it was Heike next to me. How many times have I called for her. I almost asked if I could call her that, but instead I did it without permission. I never wanted her, not really. I just thought I would have another chance and I actually did; They are so similar physically and it was easy to compel her to do things that pleased me.”
Helmut was cruel. Helmut never loved You. He played with your heart for his own benefit. Deep down, you always knew, preferring to deceive yourself with small gestures of apology and accepting to play the role of the dead woman. He molded her like a little doll so she wouldn't be alone. He never saw you as a companion, a mind or a human being. You were just a substitute and the child You carried in your womb would soon play the role of the lost son.
A sudden pain hit his chest; his heart was no longer in place. The other times he broke your heart were nothing compared to this. The more his words stuck in her mind, the more intense the pain became. Waves of shock and grief hit his chest as You tried to process what was happening.
His feet retreat, your shaky legs failing as you try to move. One wrong move causes you to fall against a dresser that falls to the floor, causing a loud noise. You hear a surprised gasp from Helmut and, unfortunately for You, he emerges through a false door. With all the strength you have left, you turn to see him.
“Baby” You heard him whisper.
His eyes connect; he knew You had heard every word. His expression reflected the one You had when you heard them. The shock, the surprise and the sadness. He saw the pain on his face, the way you held on to a piece of furniture to keep from collapsing. A flash of regret ran through his eyes when he saw how you grabbed the necklace around his neck. The necklace that belonged to her, the damned Heike. The necklace that, even though he knew what it meant, never left his neck so as not to hurt him.
You lost yourself over the years to make him happy. You allowed yourself to have your heart crushed multiple times just to satisfy you and receive nothing but disappointment in return. He never cared about you and he would never care about the child that was forming in your womb.
“Let’s talk.” You heard him beg. “Let’s order pizza and talk about it.”
You didn't let out a tear when you heard his apology. You also didn't cry when you ripped the necklace from your neck and threw it towards him. You didn't cry when you went upstairs and locked yourself in your room. You didn't cry when Helmut desperately banged on the door clamoring for your attention. You didn't cry, not even when you made the decision to leave, packing all your clothes, shoes and jewelry in your suitcases ready to leave forever; You no longer cried for Helmut J. Zemo. He could go fuck himself for everything he caused you.
Waking up the next day was relatively easy. You got up, brushed your teeth, skin care routine, passport, suitcases and handbag with intimate items. Everything was in its right place. You closed your bags and left them next to the door. A quick look at the clock you had on your dresser indicating that it was not long before you left that place and never came back. You opened the bedroom door and allowed two servants to enter who took your bags.
“Put them in the car, boys.” You instructed.
"Yes ma'am." They said together leaving the room with their bags.
One last look at the room, You walked out the door heading towards the stairs. You found the bastard at the foot of the stairs waiting for you. He had a swollen face, indicative of a bad night's sleep, with messy hair, something so unusual for him. A part of You liked seeing him so broken. Helmut was selfish and evil. You put an end to his selfishness and evil.
"Let me pass." You demanded the moment he stood in front of you, blocking your exit.
“Please let me...”
“Whatever You have to say, I don’t want to hear it. Get out of my way let me go, stop being such an idiot.”
His own words surprised him. You never had the strength to face him, not really, nor to release the anguish you felt for so long. Your words were met with silence, none of You dared to speak. His breathing became heavy, after a few minutes, Helmut finally gave in and broke the silence.
"Sorry." He whispers.
“That doesn’t solve anything.” You snort.
"I know." he says. "Where are you going?"
Maybe it would be better to just turn around and walk away, before the conversation gets worse. That would have been the right thing to do. Unfortunately, the sadness was not motivated by reason.
“You are a patient and persistent man, I know you will figure it out on your own.”
"Do not go, please." He begged. "Please, do not go. Do not leave me alone. Stay. I will improve how I treat myself and I will never hurt you again. I love you dear."
On a normal day you'd go back to him for a lot less. A few days ago, you would have given him everything, without a doubt. But now, the devotion You had for him was buried. A high wall was built around his heart and not even the warmest words could break it down.
"Stay." He begged again. “It will be different.”
Helmut's love was strange. He appeared to be generous, but he was destructive and cruel. He never had anything to give you other than scraps; it was easy to let yourself be fooled with good charisma. A part, deep in his head, begged you to come back to him. But it wasn't fair to You to allow yourself to live all of this once again and it wouldn't be fair to the child You were carrying. Helmut was not worthy of You, he was not worthy of his son, he was not worthy of anything. You had to save yourself, You had to save what little was left of your heart.
With the final word You left without looking back. Carrying with him a son that Zemo wouldn't live with, he didn't deserve this, he didn't deserve anything that came from You. One day, with persistence, he would discover the existence of a child conceived by you, but it wouldn't be You who would tell. As the car drives, you lean your head against the window, caress your stomach and allow yourself to dream of a day that would open your heart again.
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avery-av-raw · 8 months
They ssoooo lovely-
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— Stop staring.
— No.
121 notes · View notes
coupleofguys · 6 months
bucky: *flips a coin*
sam: well?
bucky, disappointed once again: what was your plan again?
zemo, from the couch: called it!
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leizyzet · 10 months
Fan work. Baron Zemo.
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The work was created by me and the neural network.
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violetmuses · 1 year
Help! 😭😩 🖊
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faeriecap · 11 months
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knucklescum · 2 years
Mind Over Matter ch.1 - Helmut Zemo x reader
Pairing: Helmut Zemo x mutant!fem!reader
Word Count: 741
Warnings: None! (other than my attempt to salvage a fic i started when i was 14)
Twelve Years Earlier
Maybe university wasn’t for you. You were two years into your degree, yet you felt as though you’d only been there for a brief amount of time - although perhaps your attendance (or lack thereof) was a good indication of why that may be.
By some miracle, though, you had been accepted onto your course’s year of study abroad. You could have picked anywhere: Japan, Canada, France! 
You chose Sokovia. 
To this day, you weren't entirely sure why you had picked Sokovia specifically - it was a shitty little country with nothing too special about it, but perhaps it was its absolute nothingness that brought you there. You didn't have to be anything special in that sort of place, just simply exist.
The campus was actually quite a pretty place, with beautifully detailed architecture and a wonderfully weird combination of young people all trying to find their footing in society. You couldn't help but get distracted by the constant quiet excitement on the campus, so much so that you were headed in the completely wrong direction of your lecture hall.
In hindsight, perhaps missing your first lecture at a new university, in a new country, just to admire the campus was an incredibly stupid thing to do. But maybe it was fate, too. Life is filled with weird signs from the universe that you never quite realise until the moment has long passed; this was definitely one of those moments, whether you accepted it or not.
As you head mindlessly down one of the many narrow pathways that weaved between the campus buildings, looking up at the delicately detailed archways and hidden little gargoyle figures, you fail to notice an embarrassingly large, loose cobble. Before you could even begin to register what was happening you were on the floor, a stinging graze on your elbow and a bruise already forming on your knee.
“That’s a compensation claim,” you hear a Sokovian, male voice chuckle from a metre away.
You look up to see a dark haired, friendly faced man holding his hand out in an attempt to help you up.
“I was really hoping no-one saw that,” you laugh, your voice laced with embarrassment as you take hold of his hand, pulling yourself back on to your feet.
Letting go of his hand, you finally made eye contact with the man, finding him to be maybe two or three years your senior.
You couldn’t lie - he was gorgeous. Deep, brown eyes with a perfectly round yet defined face and a laughing smile directed at you.
“There’s plenty of guys around here, you know. You didn’t need to throw yourself to the ground to get their attention,” he laughs, nudging your side with his as the two of you begin to walk, only for him to stop when he notices that he’s nearly knocked you onto the ground once again.
“Hey!” you exclaim, turning to face him in feigned offence. “How do I know that you didn’t pull that stone out yourself to get my attention?”
“You got me!” he says, his hands up in surrender. “I just love pulling pathways apart with my bare hands to get girls’ attention.”
“You Sokovians have some weird hobbies.” you laugh, the man narrowing his eyes at you before shaking his head in defeat.
The two of you continue to walk, a comfortable silence between you.
His voice catches you by surprise once again, tilting your head for him to continue.
“I kind of feel like I owe you for, you know, laughing at you,” he says, a faint redness creeping onto his cheeks. “We don’t have to if you don’t want to, natürlich!”
“I would love to!” you exclaim, almost overly excited to actually be spending some time with a real life human. “Lead the way.”
On your way to the cafe, you’d been worried that you’d struggle with keeping the conversation going, that your social skills may had worsened significantly over the summer, but you and this mystery man completely clicked. The two of you were so comfortable together, it felt as though you had known each other for years, as if you were childhood friends.
“I probably should have asked you this before,” you say, your hands wrapped around the warmth of your mug. “But, what’s your name?”
“I’m Helmut Zemo,” he states, nodding his head towards you. “Most people just call me Zemo though.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Helmut.”
You take another sip from your mug, eyes locked with Helmut’s as you do so before you’re suddenly startled - 
She completely missed her lecture.
Part 2
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evilwinterfruit · 19 days
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I’m back on my Zemoposting nonsense.
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magic-glasses · 6 months
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Risky post…..
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yourdailymarvelmemes · 4 months
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locktrich · 8 months
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I made this for a very specific reason and for a very specific audience but I think the masses will enjoy it
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